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Y88b d88P 888 888 d88P Y88b 888 d88P" "Y88b Y88b d88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y88o88P 888 8888888 888 888 888 888 Y888P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b d88P 888 Y88b. .d88P 888 888 8888888888 "Y8888P" 888 "Y88888P" 888 EXCLUSIVE BRAZILIAN GAMES AND PERIPHERALS FOR SEGA CONSOLES + BONUS GUIDE INCLUDING KOREAN, AUSTRALIAN AND EUROPEAN-ONLY RELEASES AND PERIPHERALS FOR SEGA CONSOLES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TecToy Games FAQ - Version 8.0 by Simon (thiagosimoes84@hotmail.com) - May/2004 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Contents -------- 1.0 - Updates 2.0 - What is TecToy? 3.0 - About this FAQ 4.0 - Master System 4.1 - Brazilian Games (TecToy) 4.2 - Brazilian Hardware Models (TecToy) 4.3 - Brazilian Peripherals (TecToy) 4.4 - Estra: Australian Games 4.5 - Estra: Korean Games 4.6 - Estra: European Games 4.7 - Estra: European Peripherals 5.0 - Mega Drive/Genesis 5.1 - Brazilian Games (TecToy) 5.2 - Brazilian Hardware Models (TecToy) 5.3 - Brazilian Peripherals (TecToy) 5.4 - MegaNet (TecToy) 5.5 - MegaNet 2 (TecToy) 5.6 - Bradesco NetBank Service (TecToy) 5.7 - Estra: Australian Games 6.0 - FAQs 7.0 - Thanks to... 8.0 - Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.0 - Updates =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= + Version 8.0 (May/2004 - 91,3 KB) - I did not believe I would update this FAQ again, but here it is. Here's what's new in this version: - Info about new Korean Games for the Sega Master System (from SMSPower.org). - Information about the new Super Mega Drive III Hardware Model added to the new section 5.2 - "Brazilian Hardware Models (TecToy)". - Information about the five new releass for the Sega Genesis/Mega Driver (the games are bundled inside the new Super Mega Drive III): Pense Bem 10 Jogos, Junte 4, Fica 1, Wrestle War and Força Alienígena. - Removed the section 5.7 - "Misc: Master-to-Mega Games". It was not in the original purposes of this FAQ, and it doesn't have much in common with my goal with this FAQ (which is mainly TecToy's works). - Removed sections 6.0 - "Sega Saturn" and 6.1 - "Brazilian Games (TecToy)" because no matter how hard I can search, nothing comes to a subject about Brazilian Sega Saturn games, so I believe that the information I received stating that Riven was official]ly translated to Portuguese was wrong. + Version 7.5 (January/2003 - 91,0 KB) - I decided I should rewrite the FAQs section, since it was a bit outdated. + Version 7.2 (December/2002 - 89,2 KB) - TecToy just released a new hardware model for the Master System called "Master System 3 Collection". The news? It is half coloured in white (looks great, by the way!) and have 74 (SEVENTY-FOUR) built-in games! Yay!!! Grab yours now! I mean, if you can import it from Brazil. More info about this new hardware model in the section 4.2 - Brazilian Hardware Models. - Also, there is a new site which is able to post this FAQ. Check it, because it is pretty good. The URL is [ http://www.litespeedcomputers.com ]. + Version 7.1 (August/2002 - 87,6 KB) - Erased some few type mistakes. - Added one more game to section 5.7 - Misc: Master-to-Mega Games. + Version 7.0 (August/2002 - 86,7 KB) - Man, this is the SIXTEENTH update I do to this FAQ! And this is the biggest update I ever did, so I will call it "The Rebirth" ^_^ Let's see the updates: - Thanks to a VERY BIG help from Omar Cornut -- creator of the fabulous Meka Emulator -- SEVERAL unanswered questions were put to rest (includding some I thought that were answered!) There are too much things to list here, so you will constantly see his name around this FAQ :) Obrigado, Omar! (Just in case you could not figure out, Obrigado means Thank You in portuguese!) - I was reading Genesis Game List FAQ by the Scribe, also posted at GameFAQs, and I decided to follow its footsteps: I decided to redo this whole FAQ, adding a lot more of information about each game, as well as my personal impressions. - Well, there are a lot more Genesis Unlicensed titles than I thought! There are around 50 known unlicensed carts, so I just gave up from listing every one of them. Nevertheless, Genesis Unlicensed Games section was put to rest. - Instead of the Genesis Unlicensed Games section, now there is a new section called Master-to-Mega games. The games listed in this section are a lot more interesting to Master System fans than ordinary unlicensed releases. See section 5.6 for further information. - According to Omar Cornut, Nintendo of Europe never released games for Master System, so this talk about is dead -- for a while. - Also, according to Omar Cornut, Férias Frustradas do Picapau WAS released for Master System. He assures he OWNS this cartridge. Ok, ok, I guess it is now clear once and for all -- it WAS released. - Retired "World Cup '94", since there are several sports games featuring multi languages. Thanks to Omar Cornut for this info. Also retired "Mortal Kombat", "Mortal Kombat 2" and "Road Rash", due to the fact these games were released in Europe and USA too. - Once again, a huge help from Omar Cornut -- the situation about the games released only in Australia became clear -- there was just ONE game released in Australia for Master System!!! The others are either nonexistent, or were also released in Europe. Bellow is listed the new information about the games previously mentioned, which were now retired from this FAQ: F-16 Fighter Cartridge Format: Was also released in Europe. Master Chess: This was the prototype name of Sega Chess. Never released. WWF Steel Cage Challenge: Was released in Europe and Brazil. WWF Wrestlemania: Does not exist. So, the only game released ONLY in Australia was 4 Pak All Action. Anyways, thanks to M.Buchan, who gave me the previous information about Australian games, includding Sega 6 Pack Australian Version, for Genesis. Once again, thanks to Omar Cornut for the corrections. You can see his complete SMS Release list at: http://www.smspower.org/museum/lists/ - Deleted "Sega 7 in 1" and "Sega Old Classics" since they were really "Sega Top 5". Now, thankfully this mess is over. - Several sections renamed, FAQ reformated, games added... indeed, this looks like a new FAQ. I believe the overall quality increased by one mile. Well, that's it folks. As soon as I have new infos, I will update this FAQ again. + Version 6.6 (July/2002 - 51,7 KB) - Instead of Rarity List, it should be written Bonus Guide in the title (right after the ASCII art). Now it's corrected. Sorry folks! + Version 6.5 (July/2002 - 51,5 KB) - Do you remember that in a few weeks ago I was wondering about a Master System version of 'Ferias Frustradas do Picapau'? Well, just forget about it - as I expected, it was never (and will likely never be) released for Master System, ONLY for Mega Drive/Genesis. At least, the doubt is over. - Corrected information about Bradesco NetBanking Service in Brazil (just see section 5.2 for more details). - Changed the title of the FAQ quite a bit ^_^ + Version 6.0 (May/2002 - 50,5 KB) - Deleted some trash stuff. - Added new questions to the FAQ section. - Added a new game in the section 4.0 (World Cup '94). - I messed up with Muneaki Fukushima :) It was just the japanese (and not the Korean) version of Wonderboy 3: Dragon's Trap (though where I've got the box shot it was listed as Muneaki Fukushima)!!! Since it is a japanese title, the very few and wrong info about this game was deleted from the section 4.2, but you should know this game very well ;) + Version 5.5 (April/2002 - 48,2 KB) - Added more to the section 5.1 - Internet for Genesis in Brazil. - Listed all the games present in 10 em 1, for Genesis. + Version 5.0 (April/2002 - 45,9 KB) - Added some brand new info about SG-Commander 1000 (Thanks to M.Buchan). - Recently I've got the info that 'Ferias Frustradas do Picapau' was released for Master System instead of Mega Drive. I am almost sure this game was not released for Sega Master System. Maybe there should be some kind of proto of this game, but in fact I can not remember about this title on the shelves... I hope I will find the right answer soon... + Version 4.5 (March/2002 - 45,4 KB) - Redone the layout of this FAQ to fit in 80 columns. - Added a new game for Genesis in the section 5.0 (Sega Old Classics). - Added section 4.5 - Special: Peripherals released by TecToy for Sega Master System. - Several sections received small updates and some had their title/numbers changed. - Added the section 4.3 - Special: Games released only in Europe, for Sega Master System. - As people keep asking me if Master System games are easy to find in Brazil, I decided to write a FAQ section specially based on Master System's nowadays situation in Brazil. See section 7.0 for more details. - As M.Buchan released a FAQ about HES Corporation, I decided that from now on, every game added on the section 4.1 AND PREVIOUSLY LISTED ON M.Buchan's FAQ will not receive further information but only his official title. I did this because I respect the author of the FAQ and I want that people also read his FAQ. The games previously listed here will remain with their respective info and comments. If you want more info about all the Master System and Genesis games released in Australia, see M.Buchan's HES Corporation FAQ also posted at GameFAQs.com (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/sms/file/hes_games.txt). - Added section 5.3 - Special: Genesis Unlicensed Titles, with the games Action 52-in-1 (probably it's an European title) and Spiritual Warfare. - Well, it is not an update, just a comment: thanks to the several people who keep helping me with this FAQ, nowadays it is not convering -only- Master System games, but also Genesis, Game Gear and Sega Saturn games released in Australia, Korea, Europe and surely Brazil. This FAQ would never be complete without the help I've got, so thank you very very much! - I've got a big headache after I finished this update (and I am not kidding, indeed...). + Version 4.1 (February/2002 - 32,1 KB) - Updated info about Fire and Ice (thanks to Yukio and M.Buchan). + Version 4.0 (February/2002 - 31,8 KB) - Added a Game Gear Korean game (Muneaki Fukushima). - Little update in Australian Sega 6 Pack. Thanks to M.Buchan. - Sorry, I know this a long time ago but I could only remember some days ago: TecToy also released exclusive models of Master System Hardware. Learn about them in the section 4.3. + Version 3.5 (January/2002 - 29,4 KB) - Added another Australian game, and renamed this section from Special: an Australian Game, to Special: Australian Games. Thanks to M.Buchan. + Version 3.1 (January/2002 - 28,7 KB) - Erased some type mismatches. + Version 3.0 (January/2002 - 28,6 KB) - Slight changes in the layout. - Improved MegaNet information. - Added "Special: Korean Games". - Added more games for Master System. - Added info about NetBanking for Genesis in Brazil. - Added Sega Saturn Section with Riven (thanks to Yukio). + Version 2.5 (January/2002 - 23,0 KB) - Updated and added some games (thanks to Yukio). - Updated the "Australian Game" (thanks to M.Buchan). - Updated information about Show do Milhao 2 (Genesis). + Version 2.0 (November/2001 - 21,5 KB) - Added Thundercats game for Sega Master System (thanks to Genki). + Version 1.5 (November/2001 - 21,0 KB) - Slight changes in the layout. - Additional information about some SMS and Genesis games. - Added some other Genesis and SMS games (thanks to Yukio). - Fire and Ice confirmed, but I have any additional information about it. - I found that Daytona USA for Sega Master System WAS NOT released, not even in Brazil. + Version 1.0 (October/2001 - 13,2 KB) - First release of the FAQ, everything is new. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.0 - What is TecToy? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TecToy is the brazilian company behind all Sega consoles in Brazil. The company is known by some Master System and Mega Drive/Genesis releases (some are just officially hacked releases, such as 'Mônica no Castelo do Dragão', but most are brand new titles, such as 'Duke Nukem 3D', totally developed in Brazil), plus several Game Gear to Master System ports, only found in Brazil. TecToy also publish all the releases for Sega consoles in Brazil, from Master System to Dreamcast. The most successful systems released by Sega in Brazil were Master System (maybe the most), and Mega Drive/Genesis. TecToy also released a game for Sega Saturn, which was not a very successful console in Brazil. Currently, there are not new releases announced, nor exclusive Dreamcast games released. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.0 - About this FAQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The goal of this FAQ, originally, was to show to the people the games released only in Brazil by TecToy, but as time goes by, some kind people keep sending me info about all sort of games released for Master System, Genesis and Sega Saturn outside US and Japan. Includding my own discoveries and previous infos, this FAQ now covers games only released in Brazil, Australia, Korea and Europe for almost all Sega consoles (with the exception of Sega Dreamcast, Game Gear and Sega computers). As I am brazilian, this FAQ is still directed to Master System brazilian games but now it covers almost everything about games released for Sega consoles outside US and Japan. Now, enjoy reading. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.0 - Master System =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ __ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ___ ____ ____ __ __ ( \/ ) /__\ / __)(_ _)( ___)( _ \ / __)( \/ )/ __)(_ _)( ___)( \/ ) ) ( /(__)\ \__ \ )( )__) ) / \__ \ \ / \__ \ )( )__) ) ( (_/\/\_)(__)(__)(___/ (__) (____)(_)\_) (___/ (__) (___/ (__) (____)(_/\/\_) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the start to the middle of the 80s, video games industry was not in its better days. After 1984, everybody thought that video games were failed, but Nintendo came with a "revolutionary" and "powerful" console that made the video games hype grow up again all around the world. With the paths opened again, new companies decided to jump into the world wide video game market, and so the Master System was released by Sega. Though USA and Japan were so into Nintendo craze that left behind the newcomer system, European and Brazilian gamers were intelligent enough to realize how Nintendo's system was weak. Master System's legacy started has begun. The clash against NES was not hard for Master System here in Brazil. Through a massive marketing campaign, everything that was not Sonic was just obsolete. By the beginning of the 90s, the company behind Sega in Brazil, TecToy, started a pioneer job not only in Brazil, but also in South America -- TecToy decided to develop games for a video game console. The only previous tentative was from a Brazilian company called Dynacom, which released the game "Mega Boy" for Atari 2600. Motivated with the huge success of Master System, TecToy decided to sink their teeth more and more into Master System market, and by the end of the 90s, there were around 50 brazilian-only games released for Master System. And here they are... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.1 - Brazilian Games (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ ####2222 ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: 20 em 1 TRANSLATION: 20 in 1 RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Miscellaneous TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: There is not a story here. You have twenty mini-games, and that is all. If you get sick of one, just pick up another, and so on... COMMENTS: The idea is not bad -- the execution is. Though you have a 20 games cart, all games are blatant and usually not fun at all. Indeed, 20 em 1 seems like a collection of "Game and Watch" titles, especially considering that there are obvious clones of Nintendo's infamous series. This game was sold with Master System 3 console in a special edition, and as far as I know, there is no other way you can get this game but buying this special package. Useless to say this is a VERY rare cart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ AAAAaaa ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Action Pack see "Game Box Série Luta". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Ariel - The Little Mermaid TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Based on Walt Disney's classic. Ariel, the auburn hair mermaid stars this game. COMMENTS: Actually, I never played this game, so I can not give you my sincere opinion. This is a port from the Game Gear version, so maybe it is not different at all from the portable title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: As Aventuras da TV Colosso TRANSLATION: The Adventures of TV Colossus* RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You play as a dog from TV Colosso, once a successful show in Brazil. COMMENTS: Never played this game, though. Since this is a hacked version of "Asterix", which was a pretty good game, you should have a high quality title here. EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Asterix". * NOTE: The title is indeed untranslatable, since it is a pun with the words Colosso (Colossus) and Osso (Bone). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ BBBBbbbb ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Baku Baku TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1996 GENRE: Puzzle TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Pointless and mindless story. You are walking around a forest, and you must defeat different animals through solving puzzles. COMMENTS: This is a pretty good game, if you ask me. It is like a blend of Puyo Puyo and Pac Attack, you have to set animals according to their foods -- Monkeys will only eat bananas, Rabbits will only eat carrots, and so on. Excellent Tetris variant. EXTRAS: The box case shows the name as "Baku Baku", but the title screen into the game shows the name "Baku Baku Animals". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Beat 'em up TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You are a TOAD and you must defeat foes in a Streets of Rage clone. COMMENTS: Though the premise seems very silly, this game is very good. Indeed, I believe this is even better than Streets of Rage. The graphics are smooth and the gameplay very accurate. It is not a Game Gear port at all, the actual GG version being different in various points. The game was developped in 93/94 by Rare (developer of Donkey Kong Country series, for SNES), but never released to the market, until TecToy released it much later (Thanks to Omar Cornut for this info). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Bonkers Wax Up! TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1994 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Based on Disney series. You take the role of the crazy cop cat Bonkers. COMMENTS: Good game. The grahics are really nice and Bonkers' animation is quite good. The downside are the musics and sound effects, which are bellow-average, and the far too easy gameplay. But it is still a nice game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ CCCCcccc ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Carmen World TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Misc TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: As an ACME detective, your task is to capture the infamous Carmen Sandiego gang. COMMENTS: Well, there is nothing here to say "Wow, what a game!", but it achieves the greatness somewhat. The puzzles are sometimes quite easy if you have a handy Encyclopaedia, but if you have not, you will likely be in trouble. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum TRANSLATION: Ha-Teem-Boom Castle RELEASE DATE: 1997 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Based on the popular brazilian TV series, that later become a movie. In this game, Zequinha was turned into a baby. You play as either Pedro or Biba, and need to revert this situation. COMMENTS: Average graphics, sound and gameplay. If you are Brazilian, you will even like this game, but else just forget about it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Chapolim x Dracula: Um Duelo Assustador TRANSLATION: Chapolim x Dracula: A Scary Duel RELEASE DATE: 1993 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: You play as Chapolim Colorado (Chapulin Colorado, in the original Mexican TV series) against Dracula. Based in one early episode of the TV series, which is very successful in Brazil. COMMENTS: Though the premise is very smart, since Chapolim is really a huge success here in Brazil, the game is too simple to keep players interested. EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Ghost House". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ DDDDdddd ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Dragon Maze Alternative name for "Bubble Bobble". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Driving Pack see "Game Box Série Corridas". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Dynamite Headdy TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You play as a weirdo character, which actually seems like the memberless hero Rayman. One more game from awesome Treasure. COMMENTS: Actually, I never played this game, but it seems so weird that I immediately thought it was a bad game. Indeed, Omar Cornut says it is a good game, so I have to play before I can say anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ EEEEeeee ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Earthworm Jim TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: What is the only character that is crazier than Bonkers and Dynamite Headdy? Yes, Jim! Earthworm Jim! COMMENTS: This is one of the best games released for Master System, nevertheless it is a Game Gear Port. The animation is very good, and the sound is not as boring as usual. The gameplay is also fantastic. Wacky and bizzare, but VERY fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Ecco 2 - The Tides of Time TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Action TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: World's favorite dolphin, Ecco, is back to the Master System. COMMENTS: If you enjoyed the first game, you will surely like this one. Excellent graphics and gameplay makes this game unique and someway fantastic. A must-have if you are a collector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ FFFFffff ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Férias Frustradas do Picapau TRANSLATION: Woody Woodpecker Frustrated Vacations RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Genesis Port (Original Game) LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Walter Lantz's feathered mischief-maker stars one more game. COMMENTS: I never really played this game, but it seems like a port from the Genesis version, which was also entirely developed by TecToy. People say that the Genesis version has a loose gameplay, but I believe it is actually a good title. And so should be the Master System version. Thanks to Omar Cornut for assuring this game really exist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: FIFA International Soccer TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Sports (Soccer) TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: World's most famous soccer series is finally on Master System! COMMENTS: This game is just awesome! Finally there is decent soccer game on Master System. Due to the high quality of this title, it quickly ran out of the shelves, and became one of the best and rarest games for Master System. Sorry, Nintendo -- you do not have one of these for NES. It's a living... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Fire and Ice TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Original Game? LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: One more platform game for Master System. COMMENTS: Info about this game is very scarce. All I could find about it were some screenshots (which shows average graphics), and that this game was really developed by the european company Virgin. The problem is that this game was never released in Europe. So how could this game be released in Brazil instead? My bet is that TecToy bought the rights to release this game, which was in a beta version. Anyway, help would be appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Fórmula 1 Alternative name for "F1". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Futebol Americano Alternative name for "American Football". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ GGGGgggg ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Game Box Série Corridas TRANSLATION: Game Box Racing Series RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Racing TYPE: Compilation LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This is a compilation of three great racing games: Super Cross (Enduro Racer), Super Monaco GP and World Grand Prix. EXTRAS: This game is also called "Driving Pack". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Game Box Série Esportes TRANSLATION: Game Box Sports Series RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Sports (Various) TYPE: Compilation LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This is a compilation of three different sports games: Super Futebol 2 (World Cup Italia '90), Wimbledon and Great Volley (Great Volleyball). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Game Box Série Esportes Radicais TRANSLATION: Game Box Extreme Sports Series RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Sports (Various) TYPE: Compilation LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This is a "California Games" re-release... but featuring only TWO events (Surf and BMX)! Avoid! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Game Box Série Luta TRANSLATION: Game Box Fighting Series RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Action TYPE: Compilation LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This is a compilation of three great action games: Kung-Fu Kid, Shinobi and The Ninja. EXTRAS: This game is also called "Action Pack". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Gang's Fighter Alternative name for "My Hero". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Geraldinho TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: You play as Geraldinho, and old and painful infamous brazilian cartoon. COMMENTS: Just one advice: avoid. Unless you are really a huge fan of the original Teddy Bear, there is nothing here to entertain you. EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Teddy Bear". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Great Basket Alternative name for "Great Basketball". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Great Volley Alternative name for "Great Volleyball". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Gunstar Heroes TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: Unreleased? GENRE: Action TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Shoot everything that moves and just stay alive. Plain simple. And also plain hard. COMMENTS: People usually talk about this game, but as it seems it was never ported to Master System. Quite few time ago, a version of Gunstar Heroes for Master System appeared on E-Bay, posted by someone who was also selling Thundercats and Primal Rage for Master System. According to Omar Cornut, this person is very doubtful, since there are enough reasons to believe that the pictures were simply faked (it's not difficult to do). Besides, the auction ended to a strange buyer whose account was created just in-time for the auction and then disappeared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ HHHHhhhh ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ IIIIiiii ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ JJJJjjjj ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Jogos de Verão Alternative name for "California Games". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Jogos de Verão 2 Alternative name for "California Games 2". Actually, both are the same game, released in 1993, but the brazilian version does not has the title screen glitch on NTSC/PAL-M machines. Thanks to Omar Cornut for this info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ KKKKkkkk ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ LLLLllll ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Legend of Illusion TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1998 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Walt Disney's mouse stars a brazilian-only release. COMMENTS: I never played this, though. Anyway, if you ever played the Game Gear version, it is just about the same game. As far as I know, this was the last game released for Master System, in December 1998, together with Mickey's Ultimate Challenge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ MMMMmmmm ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Mickey's Ultimate Challenge TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1998 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Walt Disney's mouse stars one more brazilian-only release. COMMENTS: I also never played this game. Again, this should be just the same game of the Game Gear original. This was the last Master System release in Brazil, in december 1998, together with Legend of Illusion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Mônica no Castelo do Dragão TRANSLATION: Monica in the Dragon's Castle RELEASE DATE: 1991 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Mônica, a character from Maurício de Souza's most successful cartoon series, A Turma da Mônica (Monica and Friends), stars this great platform game. COMMENTS: If you are brazilian, and if you like platform games, than this game is everything you will ask for. Instead of a sword, Mônica uses his trusty rabbit toy, Sansão, against the evil Capitão Feio (Ugly Captain). Thustworthy to the cartoon series, this game has a lot of fun! EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Wonder Boy in Monster Land". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Mortal Kombat 3 TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Fighting TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Destroy the warrior of the Outworld, Shao Khan, and become the ruler of the realm. COMMENTS: It is ironical -- how can a console be the best if it does not have the best fighting games? This is exactly what happens to NES, which Nintendo claims to be better than Master System, but indeed does not has any good fighting game (with the sole exception of Dragon Ball Z Fighting Tournament, which actually is a great game). Well, but we have better games with Master System: the full Mortal Kombat Trilogy, plus the superb Street Fighter 2' and the magnific Virtua Fighter Animation. Mortal Kombat 3 features 8 characters (plus 1 secret) and a lot of stages faithful to the arcade version. The game is very fast. A must-have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ NNNNnnnn ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Nuclear Creature Alternative name for "Transbot". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ OOOOoooo ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ PPPPpppp ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Phantasy Star TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1988 GENRE: RPG TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: You play as Alis, and as you progress you will find new partners in a futuristic world. COMMENTS: Now this is what I call FUN! Phantasy Star was the very first RPG released in portuguese, and when it was released, it got the highest scores from several specialized magazines. The outstanding graphics, 3D view on dungeons, nice songs, strong gameplay and an extensive length made this title the best RPG available for Master System. And fully in portuguese! EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Phantasy Star". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Primal Rage TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: Unreleased? GENRE: Fighting TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Fight against Pre-Historical creatures. COMMENTS: People usually talk about this game, but as it seems it was never ported to Master System. Quite few time ago, a version of Primal Rage for Master System appeared on E-Bay, posted by someone who was also selling Thundercats and Gunstar Heroes for Master System. According to Omar Cornut, this person is very doubtful, since there are enough reasons to believe that the pictures were simply faked (it's not difficult to do). Besides, the auction ended to a strange buyer whose account was created just in-time for the auction and then disappeared. But, different from Gunstar Heroes and Thundercats, there may be a bigger chance that Primal Rage was released. Thanks again to Omar Cornut for this info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ QQQQqqqq ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ RRRRrrrr ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Ren & Stimpy: Quest for the Shaven Yak TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1993 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You play as either Ren or Stimpy through different side-scroll stages. COMMENTS: The gameplay is too slow and plain simple to keep you hooked. Also, the graphics are not special and the sound is just passable. The speed is also very slow. If you are a fan of the TV series, though, you can still enjoy this game. As far as I know, this is a Game Gear Port from "Ren & Stimpy Show". Why TecToy never released Game Gear Ports to Panzer Dragoon Mini, Lunar Sanposuru Gakuen and Tempo Jr. is still beyond me... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ SSSSssss ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sapo Xulé - O Mestre do Kung Fu TRANSLATION: Stinky Toad - The Kung Fu Master RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Action TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You play as Sapo Xulé, originally a toy that really stinks. COMMENTS: A Kung-Fu fighter toad is the weirdest thing I ever see, not to mention a walking TOMATO in a weird Famicom Disk System game... EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Kung-Fu Kid". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sapo Xulé S.O.S. Lagoa Poluída TRANSLATION: Stinky Toad S.O.S. Dirty Pond RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Shooter TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You play as Sapo Xulé, originally a toy that really stinks. COMMENTS: Hilarious! You are a toad, which shoot... uh sorry, SPIT against items like scissors and boots! Can you imagine what the power up item is? Yeah, it is a fly! Pfwahahahahaha... EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Astro Warrior". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sapo Xulé vs. Os Invasores do Brejo TRANSLATION: Stinky Toad vs. The Swamp Invaders RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: You play as Sapo Xulé, originally a toy that really stinks. COMMENTS: By far, this is the best game on Sapo Xulé series. Now, you play not just as Sapo Xulé, but also as one of its friends: a fat pig, a nasty mouse and an ugly turtle. EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Psycho Fox" (thanks to Omar Cornut for this info). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Secret of Shinobi Alternative name for "Shadow Dancer". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Shapes and Columns Alternative name for "Columns". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Shooting G. Alternative name for "Shooting Gallery". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sítio do Picapau Amarelo TRANSLATION: Site of the Yellow Woodpecker RELEASE DATE: 1997 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Based on a very successful book series by Monteiro Lobato. Tells the story of Narizinho, her cousin Pedrinho, her speaker doll Emília, her granny Benta, the female cook Anastácia, the speaker rhino Quindim, the speaker corn Visconde de Sabugosa, the speaker pig Rabicó, the speaker fish-prince Escamado, the speaker snail-doctor Caramujo and a old black mister called Barnabé. However, other characters appear later in the game, such was an one-leg creature called Saci-Pererê and a female alligator witch called Cuca. Also, some mithological creatures in Brazil, such as Iara (a mermaid) and Curupira (a kid who lives in the jungle and has his feet turned backwards) are also mentioned in this game. COMMENTS: If you do not live in Brazil, you will believe that this game is a big crap. However the ones who ever read the book series, like me, will believe that this game is somewhat magical. The graphics are trusty to the descriptions in the book series, but the gameplay is awkward. The challenge is plain simple, and just a few hardcore fans will really enjoy this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sonic Blast TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1996 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You know the plot: choose either Sonic or Knuckles, and make your way to the evil Dr. Eggman/Robotnik. COMMENTS: The digitalized voice intro "SEEEEGAAAA" is awesome. This game is Sega's attemp to compete against Rare's Donkey Kong Country series. And I have to admit that they did a very good job. The graphics are fantastic for Master System's capabilities, but some effects like the water and the loops are just awful. The sound is good, and the gameplay is way too slow for a Sonic title. The Special Stages are a Blast, literally! The 3D view is amazing, and the speed is satisfactory. Overall, it is a very good game, with top-notch graphics, but slow gameplay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Street Fighter 2' TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1997 GENRE: Fighting TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Ken, Ryu and Co. battle against evil Mike Bison. COMMENTS: When I first saw this game on the shelves, it was like if a dream came true. Street Fighter 2' was the talk of the town when it was released, and finally we can play it on Master System! The graphics are amazing. The overall animation is quite acceptable. The backgrounds are rather simple, but it is not a bad thing at all, especially considering the sprites' big size. The sound is just fantastic -- a lot of digitalized voices and original background musics! The lack of diversity in the sound effects is the only downside. Now, the gameplay. It is very weak, to say the least. Ok, the gameplay stinks. The hit detection is loose and very slow. This is the only thing that prevents this game from achieving the greatness, though. This game was a huge success when it was released for Master System, and it is quite possibly the most famous game for Master System in Brazil, together with Sonic the Hedgehog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Super Cross Alternative name for "Enduro Racer". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Super Futebol Alternative name for "World Soccer". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Super Futebol 2 Alternative name for "World Cup italia '90" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Super Tênis Alternative name for "Super Tennis". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ TTTTtttt ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Taz in Escape from Mars TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Platform TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Warner Bros.' famous tazmanian devil stars one more platform game. COMMENTS: This is a very successful game in Brazil. It is an above average platform game, which is really worth playing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Thundercats TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: Unreleased? GENRE: Action TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Take the role of Lion, from the good and old Thundercats series. COMMENTS: People usually talk about this game, but as it seems it was never ported to Master System. Quite few time ago, a version of Thundercats for Master System appeared on E-Bay, posted by someone who was also selling Gunstar Heroes and Primal Rage for Master System. According to Omar Cornut, this person is very doubtful, since there are enough reasons to believe that the pictures were simply faked (it's not difficult to do). Besides, the auction ended to a strange buyer whose account was created just in-time for the auction and then disappeared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Turma da Mônica em O Resgate TRANSLATION: Monica and Friends in The Rescue RELEASE DATE: 1993 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Mônica, a character from Maurício de Souza's most successful cartoon series, A Turma da Mônica (Monica and Friends), stars this great platform game. COMMENTS: One more great platform game starring Monica. Though this is a rather good game, I still believe that Mônica no Castelo do Dragão is sdlightly better. EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Wonderboy 3: Dragon's Trap". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ UUUUuuuu ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ VVVVvvvv ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Virtua Fighter Animation TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1996 GENRE: Fighting TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Japan's favorite 3D fighting game, now in 2D format. COMMENTS: This is also another game that caused me the impact of a dream coming true. Based on the anime series, which was first based on the arcade game, this game features excellent graphics (with some breathtaking cutscenes), nice musics and sound effects and a surprisingly effective gameplay. Though a 2 player mode is missing, the 1 player mode is good enough to keep players interested. A must-have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ WWWWwwww ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Warrior Quest Alternative name for "Spell Caster". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ XXXXxxxx ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: X-Men Mojo World TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1998 GENRE: Action TYPE: Game Gear Port LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You play as one of the fabulous X-Men, includding world's favorite Wolverine. COMMENTS: In my opinion, this is one of the five best (if not the best) games released for Master System. This game is so well done that was reviewed by specialized magazines and got some high scores. The graphics are excellent, and the gameplay is just fantastic. Grab your copy before it is too late... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ YYYYyyyy ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ ZZZZzzzz ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.2 - Brazilian Hardware Models (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: Master System 3 (Master System Compact) RELEASE DATE: 199X COMMENTS: This exclusive version of Master System has a modern design, and IMHO, is one of the best designs of a console I've ever seen. It is very small (around PSOne size), and has the cartridge slot protected by a reversible black-transparent covering, where the "Master System III" logo is drawn. The design is exaclty the same as the European Master System 2, but still looks pretty cool, at least for me :) Thanks to Omar Cornut for this info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Master System Super Compact RELEASE DATE: 199X COMMENTS: I had this one. This is a portable version of Master System 3, with NO cables. It works with 4 AA Batteries (allows around 10 hours of gameplay), and came with an antenna, to be plugged at the top of the console, and a built-in joystick. You just need to direct the console to a TV and play. But after 2 or 3 hours the games will starting to get black-and-white. This is a big problem... Later, TecToy released a special edition of Master System Super Compact fully coloured in... PINK!!!!! An obvious attemp to keep females playing. The TV commercial even showed a happy girl playing. Buy it to your sister :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Master System 3 Collection RELEASE DATE: December/2002 COMMENTS: This is pretty much the Master System 3, but with a slightly different design. The horizontal base is still coloured in black, but the upper horizontal half of the console is now coloured in white. The black reversible transparent cover is now light grey, and not transparent anymore. Instead of the "Master System III" logo, it has written "TecToy" in the upper left and "Sega" in the lower right. The console also comes with two six-button controllers. Plus, it comes with 74 built-in games. Under the "Master System 3 Collection" logo, it is written in the box "The most successful videogame in Brazil". They are nothing short of right! :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.3 - Brazilian Peripherals (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: 6-Button Controller (SJ-6000) RELEASE DATE: 1997 COMMENTS: I do not know why Master System would need a 6-Button Controller, but TecToy decided to develop one, anyway. According to Omar Cornut, the exceeding buttons in this controller may work as auto fire. But, since this was released around the same time when TecToy released Street Fighter 2', maybe there is some kind of connection between the game and this peripheral, other than auto fire buttons. If you have any information about the correct usage of this controller, please e-mail me... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.4 - Estra: Australian Games =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: 4 Pak All Action RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Various TYPE: Original Game (Unlicensed by Sega) LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This is an unlicensed HES release. There are four interesting games in this very rare cartridge. They are: ADVENTURE KID: This is like Wonderboy with fruit, milk and eggs. Quite fun. POWER BLOCK: A very addictive block game where you hit the blocks and turn break then turn into items. 27 levels. TWIN MOUSE: The best game out of the floor. In RPG which you are a mouse and are collecting things. You can turn from male and female mouse and it's really fun. CAVE DUDE: You are a caveman and you beat other animals with your club and you colect stars on the way. Descriptions about this game were provided by M.Buchan (thank you very much). Corrections in this section were provided by Omar Cornut (also, thank you very much). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.5 - Estra: Korean Games =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: Dodgeball King RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Sports (Dodgeball) TYPE: Original Game (Unlicensed by Sega) LANGUAGE: Korean PREMISE: Funny infantile game, which nearest cousin is the Volleyball. COMMENTS: As far as I could see (only through pictures), Dodgeball King is a rather good game. It seems like their counterparts on NES and SNES, so if you ever played one of those before, there should be no problems here. This is a very rare game, copyrighted by Game Line Co. LTD., though it seems to be an unlicensed release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Phantasy Star RELEASE DATE: 1988 GENRE: RPG TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Korean PREMISE: You play as Alis, and as you progress you will find new partners in a futuristic world. COMMENTS: Again, one more translated release, but now in Korean. As it seems, there are not changes into the game. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Phantasy Star". Texts are all in korean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sangokushi 3 RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: Fighting TYPE: Original Game (Unlicensed by Sega) LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Fighting game in feudal Asia. Inspired by the popular Dynasty Warriors franchise, though not officially licensed. COMMENTS: What can I say? Only that this is the best fighting game on the platform. Excellent graphics and the gameplay is way better that Street Fighter 2'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Super Tetris RELEASE DATE: 1988 GENRE: Puzzle TYPE: Original Game (Unlicensed by Sega) LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: You know the premise: set correctly the falling blocks, and create lines. The more lines you create, the more points you earn. COMMENTS: Based on the original game by Alexei Pajitnov. You know how to play, so there is no need to explain it again. The graphics are better than I expected, but the gameplay is a bit slow. Anyway, this is your only option for Master System -- and thankfully it is not a bad one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Toto World 3 RELEASE DATE: 19XX GENRE: Platform TYPE: Original Game (Unlicensed by Sega) LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Make your way through the end. Enough said. COMMENTS: Excellent graphics and too-loose-to-my-taste gameplay. It does not prevent the game from being the runner-up to the best platform game on the system, along with Sonic, Wonderboy Alex Kidd. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.6 - Estra: European Games =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Card Games: - Bank Panic - F-16 Fighting Falcon - F-16 Fighter - Ghost House - Great Soccer - Hang On - My Hero - Spy vs Spy - Super Tennis - Teddy Boy - Transbot Cart Games: - Ace of Aces - Addams Family - American Pro Football - Arcade Smash Hits - Asterix and the Secret Mission - Astro Warrior / Pit Pot - Back to the Future 3 - Bart vs the World - Bram Stoker's Dracula - Championship Hockey - Champions of Europe - Cool Spot - Cosmic Spacehead - Crash Dummies - Desert Strike - Double Hawk - Dragon: the Bruce Lee Story - Fantastic Dizzy - Fire and Forget 2 - Home Alone - Klax - Laser Ghost - Les Schtroumpfs (Smurfs) - Les Schtroumpfs autour du monde - Marble Madness - Marksman Shooting / Trap Shooting / Safari Hunt - Master Games 1 (contains Columns, Super Monaco GP and World Soccer) - Micro Machines - Ninja Gaiden - Ottifants, The (Germany) - Pacmania - Putt & Putter - Robocop 3 - Scramble Spirits (also released in Canada) - Secret Command - Sensible Soccer - Space Gun - Special Criminal Investigation - Speedball - Speedball 2 - Streets of Rage - Summer Games - Super Off Road - Super Smash TV - Super Space Invaders - Taito Chase H.Q. - Tecmo World Cup '93 - Tennis Ace - Terminator 2: Arcade Game - Terminator 2: Judgement Day - The Newzealand Story - Transbot - Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition - Wimbledon 2 - Wolf Child - World Class Leader Board - World Tournament Golf - Xenon 2 - Zool [ The games listed in this section were extracted from Omar Cornut's SMS ] [ Release List at - http://www.smspower.org/museum/lists/ ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.7 - Estra: European Peripherals =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: SG Commander RELEASE DATE: 199X COMMENTS: This is just a remodelled controller that rather looks like Nintendo's NES controller with red and silver colors (thanks to M.Buchan for this info). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.0 - Mega Drive/Genesis =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ __ ____ ___ __ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ( \/ )( ___) / __) /__\ ( _ \ ( _ \(_ _)( \/ )( ___) ) ( )__) ( (_-. /(__)\ )(_) ) ) / _)(_ \ / )__) (_/\/\_)(____) \___/(__)(__) (____/ (_)\_)(____) \/ (____) ------------------------------------------------------------- ___ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ ___ / __)( ___)( \( )( ___)/ __)(_ _)/ __) ( (_-. )__) ) ( )__) \__ \ _)(_ \__ \ \___/(____)(_)\_)(____)(___/(____)(___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next chapter on the war Sega vs. Nintendo was the Ganesis/Mega Drive clash against Super Nintendo/Super Famicom. Many people say both consoles reached a tie, since most of the games released for these magical consoles are considered the best games ever created. TecToy also released some games for Mega Drive. And here they are... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1 - Brazilian Games (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: Duke Nukem 3D TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1999 GENRE: First Person Shooter TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: The most famous and hilarious character from IBM PC games finally made his way to the Mega Drive. COMMENTS: It's time to kick some @$$&$! This version was made entirely in Brazil and features exclusive stages. An excellent variant to Zero Tolerance. Surely, a must-have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Férias Frustradas do Picapau TRANSLATION: Woody Woodpecker Frustrated Vacations RELEASE DATE: 1996 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Walter Lantz's feathered mischief-maker stars one more game. COMMENTS: I really like this game. The graphics are nice, and the musics are truthful to the cartoon. Though there are technically better games around (Sparkster and Sonic 3), this game is somewhat fascinating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Fica 1 TRANSLATION: Remains 1 RELEASE DATE: 2003 GENRE: Puzzle TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: This is one of the five original releases built-in into Super Mega Drive III. COMMENTS: Interesting puzzle game that plays like a one-person checkers. The board is composed by 32 tokens and your objective is to remove 31 tokens from the board (therefore remaining just one left, hence the name of the game). Don't expect the fun to last more than 10 minutes, though... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Força Alienígena TRANSLATION: Alien Force RELEASE DATE: 2003 GENRE: Shooter (2D) TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: This is one of the five original releases built-in into Super Mega Drive III. COMMENTS: It looks like a simple 2D shooter game, but since I haven't played this game, I can't tell you more than this... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Junte 4 TRANSLATION: Join 4 RELEASE DATE: 2003 GENRE: Puzzle TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: This is one of the five original releases built-in into Super Mega Drive III. COMMENTS: It looks like the objective is to line up four pegs of the same color. I can't tell you more than this... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Mega Games 10 em 1 TRANSLATION: Mega Games 10 in 1 RELEASE DATE: Re-released several times GENRE: Compilation TYPE: Various Third-Party Games LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: Ten of the BEST games from Sega were put together in just one cartridge -- Super Hang-On, Golden Axe, Columns, Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, The Revenge of Shinobi, California Games, Sega Soccer, Super Monaco GP and Flicky. A must-have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Pense Bem 10 Jogos TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 2003 GENRE: Educational TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: This is one of the five original releases built-in into Super Mega Drive III. COMMENTS: Pense Bem is a very popular toy produced by TecToy in Brazil. Basically, it's a quiz game -- you have a question and four options to choose from. Choosing the correct answer your score raises, while a wrong answer would make your score decrease. The game has 10 different activities, each one approaching to a different subject. Looks fun, but it's all in Portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Phantasy Star 2 TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: RPG TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Sequel to Master System's hit. COMMENTS: I never played this game, so I can not give you my opinion. The software should be the same, just the text was translated to portuguese. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Phantasy Star 2". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Phantasy Star 3 TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1998 GENRE: RPG TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: A Side Story in the Phantasy Star series. COMMENTS: I never played this game, so I can not give you my opinion. The software should be the same, just the text was translated to portuguese. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Phantasy Star 3". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sega 6 Pack TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: Re-released several times GENRE: Compilation TYPE: Various Third-Party Games LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This cartridge features six of the best games released by Sega: Sonic, Super Hang-on, Golden Axe, Columns, Streets of Rage and Revenge of Shinobi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sega Top 5 TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: Re-released several times GENRE: Compilation TYPE: Various Third-Party Games LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: This pack includes Shadow Dancer, Sega Soccer, Super Monaco GP, Super Thunder Blade and Flicky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Shining in the Darkness TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1997 GENRE: RPG TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: The first game in Shining series. COMMENTS: Actually, this is a very good game, with a first person view in the dungeons similar to Phantasy Star. The only problem is that the game really looks dated... EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Shining in the Darkness". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Shining Force 2 TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 199X GENRE: RPG TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: The sequel to the hugely popular Shining Force. COMMENTS: I never played this game, so I can not give you my opinion. The software should be the same, just the text was translated to portuguese. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Shining Force 2". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Show do Milhão TRANSLATION: Million Show RELEASE DATE: (Early) 2001 GENRE: Game Show TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: You are a contestant in Show do Milhão TV show. Face Brazil's most famous host, Silvio Santos, and earn as much (virtual) money as possible. COMMENTS: If you ever played "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", you will get the meaning here. The problem is that texts are entirely in portuguese, making this game not import-friendly at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Show do Milhão 2 TRANSLATION: Million Show 2 RELEASE DATE: (Late) 2001 GENRE: Game Show TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Once again, you have to answer dynamic questions in the TV show. New questions were added. COMMENTS: Just about the same game, but now with new and different questions. This was the last game released for Mega Drive/ Genesis, and most of people only could play it in 2002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sports Games TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: Re-released several times GENRE: Compilation TYPE: Various Third-Party Games LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: The games in this pack are Super Volleyball, World Championship Soccer II and Super Real Basketball. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Turma da Mônica na Terra dos Monstros TRANSLATION: Monica and Friends in the Monster Land RELEASE DATE: 1991 GENRE: Platform TYPE: Hacked Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Mônica, a character from Maurício de Souza's most successful cartoon series, A Turma da Mônica (Monica and Friends), stars this great platform game. COMMENTS: Yeah, yeah, Monica also made her way to the Genesis. Though I never played this game, this should be one high quality game, in the same way its Master System counterparts are. EXTRAS: This is an officially hacked version of "Wonderboy 5: Monster World 3". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1995 GENRE: Misc TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: As an ACME detective, your task is to capture the infamous Carmen Sandiego gang. COMMENTS: Well, there is nothing here to say "Wow, what a game!", but it achieves the greatness somewhat. The game came with a curiosity book in portuguese, which is actually very helpful, but greatly reduces the difficult to a ridiculous degree. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?". Texts are all in portuguese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Wrestle War TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 2003 GENRE: Sports (Wrestling) TYPE: Original Game LANGUAGE: English? PREMISE: This is one of the five original releases built-in into Super Mega Drive III. COMMENTS: All I can say is that it's a wrestling game. I would like to tell you more, but I haven't played the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Yu Yu Hakusho Sunset Fighters TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1999 GENRE: Fighting TYPE: Translated Game LANGUAGE: Portuguese PREMISE: Based on successful japanese anime series, which also became a very successful series in Brazil. COMMENTS: This game was originally released only in Japan, but TecToy decided to translate it from Japanese! And I guess it was a worthy job, since when this game was released in Brazil, specialized magazines claimed it was a great game, and some even said it is the best fighting game available for Mega Drive/Genesis! A must-have. EXTRAS: This is an officially translated version of "Yu Yu Hakusho Battle". Texts are all in portuguese. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2 - Brazilian Hardware Models (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: Super Mega Drive III RELEASE DATE: September/2003 COMMENTS: This is pretty much the Mega Drive 3, but with a slightly different design. The horizontal base is still coloured in black, but the upper horizontal half of the console is now coloured in silver. Under the "Mega Drive" logo, it is written "43 Super Jogos" (43 Super Games). The console comes with 43 built-in games, includding five new releases (Pense Bem 10 Jogos, Junte 4, Fica 1, Wrestle War and Força Alienígena). Indeed, there are "only" 33 games, because they count Pense Bem as 10 different games, while it is in fact a single game with 10 different educational activities. Needless to say, this is THE collector's piece. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3 - Brazilian Peripherals (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: Mega Keyboard RELEASE DATE: 1996 COMMENTS: Using the joystick to input sentences was a painful job with both MegaNet systems. On top of that, TecToy released a keyboard for Genesis, that worked out with both MegaNet systems, and simplified the Internet access and Chat systems. Though Sega also released a Mouse for Genesis, it seems to work only with Art Alive and Wacky Worlds... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4 - MegaNet (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FEATURES: Dial-Up Modem + Browser in Portuguese RELEASE DATE: 1995 COMMENTS: With MegaNet cartridge, users could: send and receive e-mails, send and receive fax, communicate with TecToy through an exclusive BBS service, access and communicate with listed users (such as ICQ), access the Internet (!!!!!), read an special eletronic magazine (mainly based in Comics) and also buy games and souvenirs from an Online Store (such as E-bay). For using MegaNet service users needed to pay a monthly fee. MegaNet cartridge came with a built-in cable to connect in the phone line, and access Internet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.5 - MegaNet 2 (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FEATURES: Dial-Up Modem + Browser in Portuguese RELEASE DATE: 1996 COMMENTS: Through MegaNet 2 cartridge, users could: send and receive e-mails, chat, access TecToy Cheat Data Base and even play games Online. The games that were working when MegaNet 2 was released were: Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, Super Street Fighter 2, Fifa Soccer 95 and NBA Jam. For using MegaNet 2 service users also needed to pay a monthly fee. MegaNet 2 cartridge also came with a built-in cable to connect in the phone line. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.6 - Bradesco NetBank Service (TecToy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FEATURES: Dial-Up Modem + BBS in Portuguese RELEASE DATE: 1997 COMMENTS: With Bradesco NetBanking cartridge, users are allowed to manage bank drafts, balances and some other operations on their bank account. This service was only accessible for Bradesco Bank clients. Bradesco NetBanking Cart was just the same cart of MegaNet, since it came with a plug, in order to connect in the phone line, so you were automatically directed to Bradesco BBS, especially created to Genesis users. This service was only accessible in Brazil, and it is not available anymore =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.7 - Estra: Australian Games =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NAME: Sega 6 Pack (Australian Version) TRANSLATION: - RELEASE DATE: 1994 GENRE: Compilation (Unlicensed by Sega) TYPE: Various Third-Party Games LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: Multi in one cart. COMMENTS: Well, well, the compilations are also a success in Australia. The games in this compilation are Super Hang-on, Golden Axe, Columns, Streets of Rage, Revenge of Shinobi and World Cup Italy 1990. This is one more unlicensed HES release. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.0 - FAQs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q1 - Is Master System still selling in Brazil? A1 - Yeah! Master System is one of the most successful consoles ever released in Brazil (if not the most), so it is still selling in Brazil nowadays. Indeed, we have a retro feeling in Brazil that keep consoles such as the Mega Drive/Genesis and SNES selling. There is an Unofficial version of Nintendo's NES called Magic Computer that I really should mention. It has a built-in keyboard, and when plugged on a TV, it turns into a simple computer! There is a cartridge slot where you can plug the NES's games, and play them through a joystick that is packed with the Magic Computer. Magic Computer was released by Dynavision. Brazil is really a country full of rarities! Q2 - How much I have to pay for a console? A2 - The price is around 150-200 reais (or 60-80 US Dollars). Q3 - Are there games still selling for the Master System? A3 - Surely! The newest model of the Master System called Master System 3 Collection comes with 74 built-in games, but you can always buy new games around. There is not a wide variety in stores anymore, since TecToy's last release for the Master System was in 1998, but there are some games such as Street Fighter 2' and Sítio do Picapau Amarelo selling. Q4 - How much I have to pay for a game? A4 - Around 50 reais (or 20 US Dollars), each game. Q5 - What was the latest game developed by TecToy for a Sega console? A5 - Show do Milhão 2, released for Genesis in December/2001. Q6 - What were the latest games released for Master System developed by TecToy? A6 - Legend of Illusion and Mickey's Ultimate Challenge, released in 1998. Q7 - So, will not they release games for Master System anymore? A7 - It is very sad, but they will not. Q6 - I will send you the money and I want that you ship a console and a game... A6 - No, please understand that this is not my kind of job. This FAQ is not intended to have commercial purposes. It has informational purposes ONLY, so please do not send me money, cheques or whatever else because I will not shop to ANYBODY. Try your luck at [ebay.com] or [amazon.com]. Q7 - Are Genesis, Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast also selling in Brazil? A7 - Yes, the only systems released by Sega and not currently selling in Brazil are Game Gear and Sega's Computers (indeed, these computers were never released in Brazil). Q8 - Will TecToy still release games for Genesis? A8 - I thought so, but it seems kind of impossible nowadays. Q9 - What were the most successful titles released for each system by Sega in Brazil? A9 - Sonic, obviously! Street Fighter 2' and Virtua Fighter Animation (for Master System), and Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition (Mega Drive) were also very successful. Capcom vs. SNK and Capcom vs. SNK 2 were the headlines for Dreamcast, as well as Shenmue I/II and Sonic Adventure I/II. Sega Saturn made its way with Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, The House of the Dead, Tomb Raider and X-Men vs. Street Fighter. The King of Fighters 97, though a japanese release, was also very successful. As for Game Gear, I just know about Sonic. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.0 - Thanks to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -GOD, for sure! -Mom, for listening all my stuff about video games! -You, for reading this FAQ! -Yukio (ps_x1@geocities.com) -Genki (genki@tds.net) -M.Buchan (segacollector@hotmail.com) -Omar Cornut (omar@cornut.fr) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8.0 - Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is a Copyright of Simon (Thiago Simões), and you are NOT allowed to translate it, post at your site or any other media-vehicle without my consent, as well as rewrite this FAQ and sell this to ANYBODY. The only sites allowed to post this FAQ are: - GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) - LiteSpeedComputers (http://www.litespeedcomputers.com) Contact me through my E-mail - thiagosimoes84@hotmail.com I'm NOT receiving not even 1 cent from TecToy or any other Sega affiliated company :) I hope it cleared all your questions about Brazilian-only releases, and have improved you Master System knowledge. I hope you enjoyed! TecToy Home Page - http://www.tectoy.com.br (In Portuguese) See you! (c) TecToy is a Trade Mark and all its products are copyrighted. (c) Dynavision is a Trade Mark and all its products are copyrighted. (c) NES is a copyright of Nintendo. All the rights reserved. (c) Master System is a copyright of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All the rights reserved. (c) All the games, consoles and products listed here are copyright of their creators/developers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------------------- The End? ---------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=