------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARTROPICS A Full FAQ/Walkthrough, ver .99; November 12, 2006 (c) copyright 2006 Jared Haslip - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =+=-----------------=+= { S T A T B O X } - ASCII by a Generator - (=+=-----------------=+=) | Start Date: 09/02/06 | If you want to get an ASCII art like this, | Last Update: 09/04/06 | just check out www.network-science.de/ascii | Finished Date: ? | and make sure to give credit to the site. | # of Updates: 0 | | Current Size: 70KB | I ONLY WRITE FOR GAMEFAQS! '=+=-----------------=+=' -+- If I'm Missing Something E-Mail ME! -+- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= C O N T E N T S : -+- Band That Consumed My Guide; mewithoutYou -+- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= -+- Search Navagation To quickly find a section you are looking for, hold the CTRL key and press the F key to bring up a search string and type in any key words in the Table of Contents (listed below). For Mac users, use the command key instead of the control key. It should help you navigate your way through this guide a lot quicker. I. Introduction Ctrl + F (SECTONE) a. Needed Information b. Version History II. Story Ctrl + F (SECTTWO) III. Basics Ctrl + F (SECTTHREE) a. Controls b. Basics c. Characters IV. Walkthrough Ctrl + F (SECTFOUR) a. Prelude b. Dolphin c. Storm and Calm V. Item List Ctrl + F (SECTFIVE) a. Weapons b. Items VI. Bestiary Ctrl + F (SECTSIX) VII. Legal Disclamer Ctrl + F (SECTSEVEN) + What's new?! This is the first initial version of the guide and everything that needs to be covered has been. I was really bored so I decided to make a guide for this game... though it's also my first time playing it! I hope it's helpful, only took me two days so I could have skipped over some things. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= I N T R O D U C T I O N ---------------------------- Ctrl+f (SECTONE) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Hi there and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough on the ever so covered game for the Nintendo Entertainment System--Star Tropics! The real reason I'm writing for this game is because it's a fun, solid and stellar RPG, but mainly just because I'm crazily bored. So have fun and enjoy yourself with the rest of the guide! - JHaslip (PirateoftheFAQs) =============================================================================== 1.2) Needed Information =============================================================================== -+- Just some stuff you'll need to read BEFORE using the guide! Thanks. -+- This document is best viewed in a fixed-width font such as Courier New and looks like crap in any other font. I suggest you click on reload every time you view this document, as your browser may have saved an earlier version to it (Especially for you Internet Explorer Users) Note: The latest version of this faq can and always will be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com Hopefully this makes it easier on you the reader. Before we begin I would like to quickly go over some guide rules: 1. This FAQ is copyrighted! It may not be reproduced in any way, shape, or form. Unless the author has given his written consent. You may only use this document for personal/private use. If you would like to host this guide, that is fine by me, just be sure to get my permission first! 2. The latest version of this faq can and always will be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com. Because, well--this is the only site I write for! 3. If you would like to get in touch with me, do so--just don't send me emails containing anything about the game that is already within the confines of this document. One last note: Only email me about the game at PirateoftheFAQs[at]hotmail[dot] com, all emails about StarTropics sent to my other e-mail address will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks! 1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while before you get a response. 2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails. 3. Please read my guide before asking questions, that's why I have a FAQ. 4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not been answered in this guide. After the above has been read, enjoy yourself with the rest of the guide. =============================================================================== 1.3} Version History =============================================================================== I figured I might as well start using one of these sections, some people enjoy reading them. I guess... or maybe I'm just weird. + September 2, 2006 The guide has been started out of pure boredom. The outline is finished. + September 3, 2006 All of the lists and basics have been finished, only the walkthrough is left. That is what is currently in the works. + September 4, 2006 Two chapters have been finished out of the walkthrough, I hope to finish the rest today or tomorrow, it's 2:36 A.M. here so I'm off to bed for now. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= S T O R Y ------------------------------------------ Ctrl+f (SECTTWO) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= -+- Taken From the Manual -+- Hi. My name is Michael Jones, but my friends call me Mike. I'm fifteen years old and I live in Seattle Washington. Have you heard of my Uncle Steve? Well, most people don't call him that, they call him Dr. Jones. He is a very famous archeologist who is looking for some lost ruins in the Coral Seas. I've never actually met him, but last week I recieved a letter from him inviting me to stay with him at his laboratory on C-Island. I leave tomorrow on a helicopter! I bet I won't be able to sleep at all tonight. Well, goodnight. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= C O N T R O L S ----------------------------------- Ctrl+f (SECTHREE) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Uh... it's the controls... if you need other information I suggest you read the Instruction Manual, otherwise use another guide. =============================================================================== 3.1} Controls =============================================================================== -+- Regular Controls -+- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= | Button | Effect | =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= | A Button |Talk to Villagers/Inspect things | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | B Button | Submerge the Sub-C Submarine | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | SELECT |Checks Weapon, Health and Chapter| +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | START | Absolutely nothing | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | D-PAD | Move Mike Around | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ -+- Dungeon Controls -+- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= | Button | Effect | =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= | A Button | Jump | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | B Button | Attack with Selected Weapon | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | SELECT | Changes your Current Weapon | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | START | Pauses Game | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | D-PAD | Move Mike Around | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ -+- Sub-C Submarine Controls -+- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= | Button | Effect | =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= | A Button | Talk | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | B Button | Submerge | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | SELECT | Character Display Screen | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | START | Absolutely Nothing | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ | D-PAD | Move the Sub-C Submarine | +-----------------+---------------------------------+ =============================================================================== 3.2} Basics =============================================================================== Well there isn't anything too complicated about this game, but there are a few things I'd like to go over. FIGHTING -------- When you're in the Dungeon, you'll need to know how to fight and be safe at the same time. + Turning The game is somewhat bad about this, when you press any direction on the D-Pad, it'll take about half a second to react. So keep this in mind while in dire situations. Luckily they fixed this error in Star Tropics II. Also, remember that if you press any direction Mike will turn to face that way... not move in that direction. + Fighting Refer to my Bestiary to know how to defeat certain enemies, but there is always a rule of thumb. Try to hide behind corners or stay a good distance back and either surprise attack your enemy or deal with him from a distance. This way you won't lose any health. BLOCKS ------ There are a few blocks in the game that do different things, if you want to be safe then follow what I have to say here. + Regular Blocks Most of the time, these blocks are either green or orange and they are completely safe to travel on. + Sink Blocks They look like regular blocks, but upon inspection you'll find that they sink (usually in water). That means an instant death for Mike, so travel on them as soon as they come out of the water and hurry. + Button Blocks These also look just like regular blocks, except when you step on them they sink in and a footprint becomes visible. They'll unlock a button on another block somewhere in the room after stepped on. They hold the key to opening chests, doors and secret passage ways. + Special-Button Blocks Once you've activated a button block, these act as regular button block except for the fact that you'll need to jump on them more than once or will need to say a "magic word." + Light Switch Blocks When you find yourself in blacked-out rooms, instead of using your precious Lantern find one of these and step on it. The room will then be lighted. They aren't easy to find. + Breaking Blocks They look like regular blocks, but if you step on them the room will begin to violently shake. Get Mike off of the block quickly because he's about to fall a long way to the bottom below. + Other Sink Blocks These sit above water, and are always white. You only have enough time to jump on one and then jump to another before Mike goes into the depths below. + Space Blocks These are "Regular Blocks" except you can only find them in the Spaceship. + Space Sink Blocks Garbage Shoots to be real, but they act like Sink Blocks. Though there is a catch, one will lead you to a secret room. =============================================================================== 3.3} Characters =============================================================================== I've taken the time to write down and give a description of every character that is at least partially somewhat important in the game here. Enjoy. -- MICHAEL JONES -------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Main Character of the story, he is a fifteen year old "Ace Pitcher" from Seattle. He goes on a mission to find his missong uncle and ends up defeating Space Invaders with a Yo-Yo. Oh and he's a rapper... "Who? Mike Jones... Jones." -- BABOO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Baboo is Dr. Jones' assistant, he helps you out in the first chapter before you leave him. No worries though, you'll see him again. -- CHIEF CORACOLA ------------------------------------------------------------- The Chief of C-Island. He breaks the news to you about your Uncle's kidnapping as well as sending you on the mission to find him. Oh and giving you an ultra- cool Yo-Yo. -- ISLAND SHARMEN ------------------------------------------------------------- I guess the game creator created her to inspire you to keep trying when you die. Becuase she appears on the Game Over screen. -- MOTHER DOLPHIN ------------------------------------------------------------- This poor Dolphin loses her youngling and asks Mike to find the child. He accepts, and you'll see her again later in the game. -- DOLPHIN CHILD -------------------------------------------------------------- The child of the Mother Dolphin. Not much else to be said. -- CHIEF MIRACOLA ------------------------------------------------------------- He is one of the more important characters you'll find in Chapter 3. He sends you on a quest to find the Obob Scroll to awake his sleeping daughter Banette and in return he repairs your Sub-C Submarine. -- BANETTE -------------------------------------------------------------------- The daughter of Chief Miracola, after you've found the Magic Scroll she'll awaken from her spell-bound deep sleep. You can find the scroll from the Mountain Hermit. -- FORTUNE TELLER ------------------------------------------------------------- You need to find her Crystal Ball in Ghost Village in order for her to help you enter Shecola Castle. -- QUEEN SHECOLA -------------------------------------------------------------- She is rumored to be beautiful... right. She helps you get to the Mountain and gives you the Shooting Star weapon. -- MOUNTAIN HERMIT ------------------------------------------------------------ After you battle your way to the top of the Mountain, you'll meet the Mountain Hermit. He gives you the Magic Scroll to wake Banette, which you'll need to then run back and give it to King Miracola. -- CHIEF BELLCOLA ------------------------------------------------------------- Chief Bellcola is the leader of the village on the Bellcola Strait. He tells you where you can find information on re-opening the strait so you can pass through. -- PETER ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This guys is the key to gaining access to the Straight. You'll need to feed him a Fresh Worm in order for him to sing his song though. -- DR. STEVE JONES ------------------------------------------------------------ This is your Uncle. You'll need to find him in order to beat the game. His lab is where you find the Sub-C Submarine and they say he went missing around the same time he found a mysterious metal in a cave. -- PRIME INVADER ZODA --------------------------------------------------------- Reminds me of the Yuuzhan Vong. This guy is the Head Honcho of everything. He will stop at nothing to find the Three Magic Cubes, so you'll need to spoil his plans. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= W A L K T H R O U G H ----------------------------- Ctrl+f (SECTFOUR) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Finally! The reason I made this guide. The Walkthrough. I've tried to leave out most cut-scenes and spoilers but they are still in there so be aware! Oh and enjoy! =============================================================================== 4.1} -+- Prelude -+- =============================================================================== - One day in summer, you land at C-Island where Dr. Jones has his laboratory. -- CORACOLA ------------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Yo-Yo Monsters -> None Well, as soon as you've entered a name for your Save File on the Main Menu. You'll find yourself engulfed into a fantastic world with colorful landscapes, a large, lucious ocean and well an island. Once you're in control, lead Mike South West. You'll see some steps leading to the beach to your south. Pass by them and instead head north. Find your way around the trees between you and the only place you can enter thus far... Coracola! As you enter you can see that there are many shirtless men in thongs and well... natives. Make your way to the top left part of the area and you'll find a large hut. Enter it to find Chief Coracola awaiting you. Talk to him to find that your Uncle has been abducted and it's up to you to save him. Woot! Afterward, you'll recieve your main weapon (the yoyo) and then you'll be told to find a way to your Uncle's lab through a tunnel located somewhere within the village. After leaving the hut, make sure you talk to all the people in the village (even the pig) and then you can go to the top right of the are and talk to the guard at the hut. He'll let you through. As you enter, you'll find a passage leading down to a Dungeon. So once you're ready head on down. Your screen will darken and the Chief's sister comes into view, wishing you luck on finding your Uncle. -- DUNGEON TIME BABY! --------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> None Monsters -> Jelly, Nocto, Rattus, (BOSS: C-Serpant) The game saves your data (not many NES games do that) and then you'll find yourself large and in a Dungeon! w00t! Get use to the controls especially the bad reaction time on turning different directions and then head on through the door ahead. In this room, you'll find some water and blocks. The blocks you can jump on (though I highly suggest you read my Basics on blocks) and the water will kill you instantly if you jump in (and if you die you have to restart the Dungeon with one less life). Start off by destroying the three Jellies and then head on through the door into the next room. Destroy the jellies in here and then once again be on your way through the opposite door. This next room is your first key room. You'll need to kill the Jelly to your right and then make your way to the right wing with the two other Jellies. Destroy them and step on the block the Jelly was on. It'll reveal itself as a Button Block and another block in the room will portray a button (It'll be red). So go step on it and kill the Rattus before leaving. This next area, you'll need to dispose of the five Rattus' and then hop across the blocks until you reach the door. You'll find that it is locked, so step on the block to your South and it'll reveal a Button Block to your left which you'll need to step on in order to unlock the door. Do so and then head on through. Destroy the various Jellies and Rattus' in here to unlock the door to the next area. Which is where you'll find a lot of blocks and two doorways. This area is tricky, there are two Button Blocks in the middle touching each other and both correspond to one of the two doorways. Though those two doorways only lead to numerous Noctos, so instead we should trudge to the top of this room and activate the hidden Button Block to the left of the walkway. A button will then appear near the hidden door and upon pressing it will be reaveled. Go on through soldier. In this next hallway, there is a chest and since they can only be opened by Button Blocks, hop on the block to the top right and then the button will be reaveled to the top left. Go then and retrieve your Dynamite. Afterward, find the Button Block to open the door and carry on. Now you're surrounded by Noctos and Rattus' so defeat them and continue on through the door. Scary music (that means we're near a boss)! You're first tough enemy encounter is here, so approach the thin walkway to the right and you'll find that a Looper will charge. When it does, jump out of the way and give it a good thump on the head with your Yo-Yo. Repeat until it is no longer living, and do the same with the next in the hallway that connects to the one you're in. Afterward, go to the top area (skip the hallway for now) and hop on the blocks until you unlock the door and pop up a Button Block. Continue hitting the blocks until finally the chest will open revealing more Dynamite (you should now be at 50). Now go back and hit the Button Block and you'll hear an odd noise. Go down the hallway you skipped earlier and go on through the door. In here, you'll find a platform surrounded by water holding a Potion! Retrieve it easily and then backtrack to the door we opened but didn't go in (be aware when you leave an area and come back the enemies are there again). Anyway, now yoou'll need to dispose of three Noctos and two Loopers. Afterward, ready yourself for your first boss! ____________________________________ / BOSS BATTLE \_________________,---------------------. | Boss: C-Serpant ( TYPE: Snake | |------------------------------------.-----------------`---------------------| | DIFFICULTY | ATTACKS | | | ø Fire Projectiles | | EASY | | >-----------------------------------'--------------------------------------< | STRATEGY | | | | Nothing too hard here. You'll see that this guy can do some hefty damage | | though, so be alive and make sure to dodge his fire as best you can. Now, | | you have blocks to your right and left that you'll need to use. Whenever | | the serpent opens his mouth, you'll need to quickly throw one if not two | | dynamite into his mouth. Sometimes he'll shoot back, other times you'll be | | given a shut mouth. If he fires, jump to the block beside you and wait | | until he finishes. Repeat until he dies. | | | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Now, after he goes all orange and nuclear, jump to the block ahead and then onto the path he was slithering on. Walk forward and Mike will jump to the next area. You'll be happy to see the snake's remains (you can't jump onto or over them). So jump on the Button Block and it'll be revealed to the left of the locked door. Step on it to unlock the door and then be on your merry good way (Oh and be sure to re-equip your Yo-Yo). In this next area, climb the stairs and then be on your way back onto the World Map. You'll be congratulated and you'll be given points (Why?). Now head North and follow the path as it winds around the beach and you'll find some steps that lead to Baboo, Dr. J's assistant. he'll tell you about the Sub-C Sumbarine and then give you teh code to start the engine (1492). Though he's afraid of something... Anyway, travel south and then enter... the Sub-C Submarine! Enjoy the horribly made cut-scene into part... =============================================================================== 4.2} -+- Dolphins -+- =============================================================================== - After a few hours voyage, Sub-C is still cruising on the ocean.... -- I CALL DRIVING ------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Bottle, Code 1492, Code 1776, Heart Container Monsters -> None As you gain control, you'll notice you're driving or maneuvering the Sub-C Submarine! Awesomeness. Anyway, head North until you reach a light blue area. You can't enter or drive into it, so stay along it's border and head right. Eventually a Dolphin will approach. It asks you to find her son, which you'll need to accept to. Afterward, keep going right until you see land, head south and go into the tunnel built into the side of the cliff. After your Sub-C makes it through, you need to dock it (It's pretty well marked) and then enter the lighthouse by taking the path to your left. You'll find a man who doesn't know where the Dolphin is, but wants you to visit his wife at their house to the South (Who would want a good looking lad to see their wife alone? An Ace pitcher lad by the way!). Backtrack to your ship and then you'll need to look for the current flowing into the land. See them? Landing on them will throw you through tunnels. Keep doing this until you reach another dock, and then make your way to that man's house further South. After entering, talk to his wife to find that she saw a bottle on the beach earlier this morning. Good. Go back out and go onto the beach. What you say? No worries, go on around to the mountains and once you reach the end of the beach, press left and you'll enter a secret passage way. Go on through it and then you'll be on the beach. Walk on over to the bottle and pick it up. You'll find a note inside that is important and a code (1776). Backtrack to the Sub-C and you'll enter the code into the Nav Computer. It turns out to be an option for you to submerge underwater! To do this all you need to do is press B! Now you see those dark blue lines in the water? Those are submerge points. Follow along them while pressing B when needed and you'll reach a tunnel. Go through it and then dock. Find your way over to the cave entrance, but before going in make your way to those mounting in front of the Heart Container. Press right to find a secret path, so grab the item and then head into that cave. Here we go again. -- DUNGEON AGAIN? OH YEAH ----------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Baseball Bat, Snowman Monsters -> Looper, Mud-O-Fish, Nocto, Octot, (Boss: Octo the Huge) Enter through the doorway ahead and you'll find yourself standing before a long walkway. Upon stepping on it and going right, you'll find that a Mud-O-Fish will skip across it. So do this, but step off and when it comes by beat it. Afterward, jump onto the next platform and walk a little ways before another Mud-O-Fish comes flying at you. Jump back to the other platform and beat it as it tries to dive back into the water. Now go on over to the final platform and grab the Baseball Bat! This weapon is much stronger and can take out most enemies in one hit. So now enter the next area. Here, you're on a wider space, so dispose of the Noctos and then jump and go near the Sink Block. You'll find that more Noctos come, so deal with them and when it's safe, equip your bat and jump from the Sink Block to the thin walkway. When the Looper charges at you, swing your bat and deal with him. Continue on and you'll find yourself on another screen. Here, jump across the block and you'll find that a Mud-O-Fish has your name written all over his teeth >_> Jump back and slaughter him before continuing onward! Note though, that once you reach the other side of the walkway, another Mud-O- Fish will jump out from the opposite end (putting you in a bind). So either use the bat or have a quick trigger erhh... button tapper finger =p Continue onto the next screen and we'll see three Noctos, so kill them and be on your way through the now unlocked door. Here you'll encounter your first Spinstar, so keep moving and dodge while it randomly flies at you. Once it stops for a breather give it a good whack or two with the Yo-Yo and hopefully you'll get a heart for any damages done. Anyway, next you'll need to deal with a group of Octots. They are hopping on the blocks ahead, after you've dealed with them find the Button Block and unlock the door. Go on through. Upon entering, be sure to have your bat equipped and quickly run on over to the Looper you can see. Stand to the "square" diagonal to it and wait for the charging Looper to come very close... and then let fly killing both at the same time. Afterward, take that path all the way to the left side of the room killing two more Loopers in your wake and then go on through the hidden passage marked only by a dark shadow near the farthest wall. In that room, take two hearts and restock on your bats as well as killing yourself another Nocto. Step on the bottom-right block and you'll activate a Button Block elsewhere in the room. Now, do you see the shadow to the top-right of this room? Go up to it and press right, you'll go through a hidden passage to where that lone Nocto is and that button. Kill the enemy and jump on the switch to leave this room. Oh my gosh! In here are four Spinstars... and they aren't happy about there lost brother you took care of earlier. Preferably equip your bat and avoid them as best you can until they stop, hack away and then leave this area (I wasted like 12 bats doing this). Boss music! Go on ahead and jump onto the blocks in the water. However, as soon as you do so a Puff will reveal itself. So be like the Flash and run on to the left until you reach another group of Octots. Kill them while dodging the Puff's attacks and then run on through the door. Which will take you to the hallway close to your next boss fight. Take the two hearts and then activate the hidden Button Block before going into the next room. In here kill three Noctos, actually I think there are certain ones you're supposed to kill and the door will open permitting you through. Be aware though the next area has in store for Mike four Spinstars. As soon as you enter, run straight-forward and the Spinstars cannot hit you. However, remember the dark shadow on the wall to your right, we'll need to come back to it in a little bit. In this next room, head to the left and enter the small hallway. Now you're in another room. Defeat the charging Looper and a secret passage will reveal itself to your South. Defeat the other enemies if you wish and then enter. In here gather the Potion from the middle platform and then step on the lower-left side block to reveal another Button Block it'll uncover a secret wasy back to those four Spinstars. Once in here, hurridley make your way over to the shadow and push, you'll go right through and into a small hallway. Grab the Snowman in the chest and then make your way through the door ahead. In here destroy the four Octots and then proceed into the final room before the boss. You'll see the Mother's Dolphin crying for help and a lone Octot. Destroy him and then proceed through the doorway ahead. ____________________________________ / BOSS BATTLE \_________________,---------------------. | Boss: Octo the Huge ( TYPE: Octopus | |------------------------------------.-----------------`---------------------| | DIFFICULTY | ATTACKS | | | ø Ink Balls | | MODERATE | | >-----------------------------------'--------------------------------------< | STRATEGY | | | | A lot tougher than the Serpant, Octo is large and well in charge. Firstly | | you'll need to use those two Snowmen you recieved before the fight... in | | the fight. When the battle begins, jump and dodge his ink balls until he | | comes in close. immedietaly pause the game and use one of your Snowman | | (Press down and A). The place will freeze giving you a good sum of time to | | get a few good licks in with your bat. Do this twice and you should win, | | but if you don't no worries just be more cautious and try to get a hit in | | here or there when he comes in again. Eventually you'll win. | | | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' After the battle, the Dolphin will come into view and then swim on by. Good job! Now that you're back on the World Map, trudge on over to your Sub-C Submarine and a cut-scene will begin. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 4.3} -+- Storm and Calm -+- =============================================================================== - Suddenly it gets dark and stormy on the ocean. the sea tosses Sub-C.... -- SHIPWRECKED ---------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> None Monsters -> None Now you are ship-wrecked on another island. So after Mike wakes up, make your way around to that lone hut and enter. Talk to the old man and he'll let you drink some coconut milk (what?) and you'll have full health! Afterward, he'll tell you to go fix your Sub-C by visiting Miracola. Leave the hut and then continue further until the path takes you to another cave. Enter. -- CAVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Bolas, Monsters -> Bone Head, Dodo, Ninja Monkey, Nocto When you enter, you'll find a you're in a room with three Dodos. They are quick, but don't seem to notice you. Just stay out of their way and deal a couple of hits to them to clear the room and be on your way. In the next room, kill both Dodos and then find the Button Block (top right corner) to get the chest opened. In it you'll find a Bola. This is probably one of the weaker weapons in the game, but its effective because of it's range. After you've left the room, you'll find four Ninja Monkeys awaiting you in the next area. This can be your first chance to try out the Bolas. Otherwise use your Yo-Yo and clonk each of them twice before leaving. In the next room, you'll find six of them so I suggest you run to the other door where they can't jump on you and slowly take them out as one hit by them will take out a heart. Next, you'll find three Loopers and a chest. Activate the Button Block and then jump out into the hallway and then back onto the block before the charging Looper can get you. Take it out and then trick the other two into the same fate before grabbing more ammo for your Bolas and then leaved the area as no other blocks do anything else. Here you'll find three Sink Blocks in a row. You'll have to jump on the first one, second and then off to the left side. This will make two hearts appear on the final Sink Block allowing you to grab them on the way through the door. Now we're confronted by two Dodos and two Bone Heads. The Bone Heads take around five hits to deal with, and all of the enemies will follow you around so be smart and don't get yourself cornered. After you've defeated them leave through the next door. In here you'll find the lights go out, but luckily you can't fall off the walkway. Anyway, before the lights go out pay attention to the block nearest you, but North. Jump on it and the lights will turn on as well as the block ahead of you is a Button Block. Destroy the Noctos and unlock thr door to the North. Go on through (note if you go left and then ascend those stairs you'll have to re-do this dungeon as it's a secret passage out through the mountains!). Exit by taking the stairs. The game congratulates you on beating the dungeon and then gives you points, yada yada. Continue onward to... -- MIRACOLA ------------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> None Monsters -> None Okay, so as you enter you'll need to make your way around the town and big hut to your right. It's like a giant arc and be sure to talk to EVERYONE. Even the two guys hidden off through the jungle maze area. Oh and heal yourself by drinking some coconut milk from the small hut (you can enter through a hidden entrance, it's not hard to find). Alas, once you reach the big hut talk to the guard and he'll let you in. Go on over to the main sitting in the center of the tree stumps and he'll make you a deal. Awake his daughter and he'll fix your Sub-C. Sweet. She's upstairs and if you want you can see her by going back around the hut and enter through the secret door aligned with the other door to the North. Anyway, that guard you talked to and he didn't reply earlier (the one in the jungle maze) go on over to him and he'll let you be on your way. Back on the World Map, venture over to your second cave today. -- CAVE 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Bat, Bolas, Slingshot Monsters -> Glad Fly, Looper, Madd Muddy, Octot, Volcanos, (Boss: Magma the Fierce) Your data is saved and then you'll be in the cave so venture through the door ahead. Oh my gosh! There are three rows of Loopers and each are positioned closely. Firstly, be sure you can tap the D-Pad quickly and go foward and then immediately back, hence killing the two Loopers. Now go back another space and walk in front of each remainign Looper groups path, easily killin them. Be gone. This next area has two Bone Heads and a penetrating body of water. Try to kill the enemies without getting too hurt and then exit through the new opening in the wall. This next room is somewhat hard. You'll need to kill a charging Looper, but in the dark. Next, the platform spans out, but you'll have four seperate charging Loopers. Refer to the ASCII below to beat them. ## @ #### # # # # # @ @ #### # |# # ##########| # ##### # # # # ## #### # Kill the third Looper from the top down and then jump on his platform. Walk close and then set off the other remaining Loopers before jumping back and killing them as they charge past. Now, use my map or just watch the lone Octot jump occasionaly across three blocks. Remember those blocks and then kill him when you're aligned with the block closest the platform. Afterward jump across the blocks and the last one will light up the room. Grab the Bat and the slingshot before leaving. Kill the three Glad Flies in here and then activate the Button Block to the south. Exit through the unlocked doorway. In this next area, you'll notice three Sink Blocks. Jump on the three and then to the left Regular Block. Two hearts will appear and you can grab them on the way out, savvy? In the next series of rooms, you'll need to go down steps getting closer to magma as you go (though it's not possible). Once you reach the final floor, go right and jump to the next room. You'll encounter a new enemy, Volcanos. They stay in groups of four, but shoot slowly and not very effectively. So grab the Sign above you and then activate the Button Block within the room before exiting. In here, you'll find a ton of blocks, ignore them though and kill the three Glad Flies in here before moving on. In this area you'll need to be very quick, run along hopping across blocks and platforms until you reach the door. You'll be pelted by a Madd Muddy along the way so try to either avoid his attacks or jump over them. The door itself is locked, so jump on the block to the right and you'll activate another Button Block. Open the door and leave. However, you're not done with this guy yet. There are two ways to go, the path to the left is a dead end in the magma. However, if you take it and turn back when you get the two hearts then you'll be fine. Afterward, take the path of blocks to the right and do your best to avoid projectiles while keeping the Glad Flies at bay. Once you first step foot on the second block, Bolas will appear on the platform so jump back and grab them and if you do kill the lone Glad Fly in this area a path will open up in the wall. It's pointless to take. Otherwise continue along until you come across the three Sink Blocks. Take them quickly and proceed through the door. You're now in a hallway, so ready yourself for the third boss of the game! ____________________________________ / BOSS BATTLE \_________________,---------------------. | Boss: Magma the Fierce ( TYPE: Fire Being | |------------------------------------.-----------------`---------------------| | DIFFICULTY | ATTACKS | | | ø Fire balls | | HARD | | >-----------------------------------'--------------------------------------< | STRATEGY | | | | This battle is fun, but very tough as it requires a lot of mobility and | | manuevering over flaming projectiles. Firstly, you don't need to use any | | weapons, so begin by watching him shoot his fireballs. they usually go all | | off in diagonal directions, but one will come straight for you. Either | | jump away or over it. Anyway, jump to the square on his platform (the | | bottom right one) and a Button Block will appear. Try to keep avoiding the | | projectiles while jumping on it and then go to the top left of the room. | | Jump on the block to reveal another Button Block and after stepping on it | | Magma the Fierce will plummet down into the freazing cold well water. Good | | Job! | | | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Afterward, exit through the door to the right. In here just run head up to the stairs and eventually you'll find your way back to the surface. -- CASTLE OF SHECOLA ---------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Big Heart Monsters -> Now that you're back on the map, head North-East until you reach... Castle of Shecola! Upon entering you'll find that you cannot enter due to the simple fact that Mike is not a women. Leave and then head up the path into the mountains. Go down those stairs and you'll find a Big Heart! Sweetness, so now exit and take the path north. Follow the winding road until you find a hut, enter young padawan. You'll find yourself in a graveyard. So head west until you find a bunch of tombstones. Continue walking over them until you find the one that leads Mike into yet another Dungeon. -- MAXIE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Items ----> Monsters -> Bone Dog Head on forward and into your first room. You'll encounter some Bone Dogs, so deal with them by of course smacking them with your Yo-Yo and then head on through the path in the wall. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= L I S T S ----------------------------------------- Ctrl+f (SECTFIVE) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= So this will help shed some light on the ever so vibrant trinquets of an NES game that you'll find along the way to the space invaders... O_o =============================================================================== 5.1} Weapons =============================================================================== Pretty basic, the weapons that you'll find throughout the game are listed in alphebetical order below. -- BASEBALL BAT --------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Secondary Description: Much like the Yo-Yo, the baseball bat can attack within the range of your trusty weapon. However, it is only as strong as the Shooting Star. -- BASEBALLS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Secondary Description: You'll only use them once throughout the entire game and it turns out to be on a boss. They can be thrown across the screen. -- BOLAS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Secondary Description: They are the weakest weapon in the game, but have the best range. They can be thrown across the screen and are best for agile enemies and for the boss they are used on. -- LASER GUN ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Secondary Description: Much like the Shooting Star, except it has awesome range. One of the most favored weapons in the game. -- MAGIC MIRROR --------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Secondary Description: Weird, but acts like the Mirror Shield in Zelda. Use it to reflect your enemies projectiles back at them. -- SHOOTING STARS ------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Secondary Description: They are stronger than your Yo-Yo and have better range. After you've thrown them and they are airborne, press B to split them apart and they can attack two enemies. They are best used in boss fights, especially the Twin Robots one. -- SLINGSHOT ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Secondary Description: Crazily strong, but only have the range of your trusty Yo-Yo. Some can make it work however. -- SPIKED SHOES --------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Secondary Description: Easily the most powerful weapons in the game. They can be used to attack every enemy on the screen for descent damage. However, you can only use them ten times... so be wise! -- SUPER LASER GUN ------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Secondary Description: Less range, but stronger and can be moved while airborne. It is possible to attack two enemies at once with this cliche' weapon. -- SUPER NOVA ----------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Main Description: This weapon is strong and has great range, but can only be used when you have eleven or more heart contianers filled. You'll recieve it toward the end of the game. -- TORCH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Secondary Description: A copy of the Yo-Yo, but with better range than its predecessor. -- YO-YO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Main Description: This is your first weapon of the game. It's weak and has bad range, but it does keep you alive eh'? =============================================================================== 5.3} Items =============================================================================== These are the items in alphebetical order, like the weapons. There are also three types of items in the game as follows; Automatic, Storage, Story. -- BIG APPLE ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Story Description: Not to sure what this is used for, if anything at all. -- BIG HEART CONTAINER -------------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: This will give Mike an extra container of health, thereby increasing your overall health. -- BLUE CUBE ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Story Description: This item is needed for the Last Chapter of the game. -- CODE 1492------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Story Description: Used to start the Sub-C U-Boat. -- CODE 1776 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Story Description: This will unlock the submerge feature aboard the Sub-C U-Boat. -- CRYSTAL BALL --------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Story Description: This must be given to the shaman of SheCola (urgh) in order to enter the town. -- GREEN CUBE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Story Description: This item is needed for the Last Chapter of the game. -- LANTERN -------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Lantern Description: Like the lantern in the Zelda games, though this can only be used five times and lights up an entire room. -- LIGHTER -------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Story Description: This starts the fire inside the whale. -- MAGIC BRACELET ------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: This will allow you to hop two spaces instead of the generic one, across water until you reach a new screen. -- MAGIC WATCH ---------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: Stops enemies, sometimes just heeds them, defending on how they are affected. -- ORANGE CUBE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Story Description: This item is needed for the Last Chapter of the game. -- PILLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: Like the pills in Die Hard with a Vengeance... except these replenish your health entirely. -- POTION --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Storage Description: Restores several lost heart containers. Only one use for each picked up. -- ROD OF SIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Storage Description: Let's you see ghosts that you can't normally see with your naked eye (by the way ghosts don't exist only demons). -- SCROLL OF OBOB ------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Story Description: Used to wake Princess Bananette. -- SIGN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: A very fun, but odd item in the game. It will randomly either take away, or give lives to Mike. -- SMALL HEART CONTAINER ----------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: Rarely if ever dropped by your enemies. They'll restore one heart container. -- SNOWMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Storage Description: This freezes all of the enemies in the room, giving you the time and easy precision to hit your targets. However, it can only be used twice with each one aquired. -- STARS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Automatic Description: Not usually found by the more common enemies, however, if you find five of them you'll have one heart container restored entirely. -- WORM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Story Description: This can be given to Peter the Parrot to be given a hint about a certain puzzle. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= B E S T I A R Y ------------------------------------ Ctrl+f (SECTSIX) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= This section is a reference for you readers who need to know how to beat certain enemies, or are just curious as to what monsters you'll actually encounter in the game. They are in order as they appear throughout the game, in Chapter sequence. -- JELLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: They are small, pinkish slugs. Threat Level: Low They move very slow and the only way they can hurt you is if they touch you. So they are a breeze to deal with. Two hits with your Yo-Yo. I've gathered many stars from this enemy for some reason. -- NOCTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A purple and black bat/Pink bat. Threat Level: Low These guys are sort of tough, they will fly and at angles so they are hard to hit. However, they will occasionly stop and rest, allowing you to attack. There pink brothers that you'll meet further on in the game are the same, but faster and take longer to kill. -- RATTUS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Blue rat. Threat Level: Low These guys are quick and they'll constantly run around. When they stop, they'll spin and then take off again. Thay also take more than one hit to kill, as well as they have been known to commonly drop hearts. -- LOOPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: An orange snake/Green snake/Purple snake. Threat Level: Medium-Low Orange Loopers will stay in one spot until you walk past their vision, thereupon they'll strike. Green Loopers slither around until they see you head- on. Purple Loopers are the same as the green ones, except that if you cross their path fom any direction they'll charge. -- MUD-O-FISH ----------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Tiger-Striped fish. Threat Level: Medium-Low Much like the Mud Skipper, these guys will run very fast and will take more than one hit to kill. So exercise caution. -- SPINSTAR ------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Yellow Diamond. Threat Level: Medium-High Replicas of the Nocto, except that move on land and faster. -- OCTOT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Redish Octopus Threat Level: Low Familiar? These guys hop around from platforms to platforms. -- PUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Orange puff fish type thing. Threat Level: Medium-Low Puff fish are fast and will pop out of the water to shoot dangerous projectiles at you. The bad thing is that you'll never know where they'll pop up next! -- DODO BIRD ------------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Blue and purple bird. Threat Level: Low Weird, sums these guys up well. They will walk around and the take more than one hit to kill. Go figure. -- NINJA MONKEY --------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A regular looking Monkey. Threat Level: Low Ninja Monkeys hop around and never stay stationary for long periods of time. So good luck. -- BONE HEAD ------------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Body of a bird... skull of a Human. Threat Level: Medium They'll jump over bodies of water to attack and take a hefty sum of hits to kill. Your best bet is to stay back from the water until the threat is dealed with. -- GLAD FLY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A fly with white wings. Threat Level: Low Don't let these guys fool you, they'll fly slowly and then suddenly take a bullet dive at you. They also take a few hits to kill. -- MADD MUDDY ----------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Kind of look like Clayface from Batman. Threat Level: Medium Out of nowhere they'll pop out of either magma or water and throw their element projectiles at you. Stay on your feet and be ready, for they take a few hits to defeat as well. -- VOLCANOS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Well... they're volcanos. Threat Level: Medium They stay in groups of four and attack at the same time. They take a load of hits to kill so be prepared. They shoot fire-balls at Mike. -- BONE DOG ------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A dog with only no skin or muscular tissue. Threat Level: Low Like any dog, they'll run around and take a few hits to kill. -- VOLCANO VER. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Greenish. Threat Level: High They can come by themselves or in groups of four, but they can't be killed. So run. -- MUMMU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Bluish mummies. Threat Level: Low They walk slowly and are easy to kill, but if they do attack you they'll do some hefty damage. -- MINI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Invisible ghosts. Threat Level: Medium-High Use your Rod of Sight to see them, but be aware they can still attack you in their invisible state. -- DIMHAG --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Red Wizards. Threat Level: Medium They'll appear randomly and transport throughout the room. You'll need to use your mirror to reflect their magic they shoot back at them. Zelda anyone? -- MR. ARMSTRONG -------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A large yellow hand. Threat Level: Low This guy will pop out of the ground and chuck rocks at you. Just dodge them and wack him with your Yo-Yo a few times to kill him. -- GOGGLIN -------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A floating, green ball. Threat Level: Low Floating slowly, they'll be easy to hit. Once they are however, they are hard to deal with as they'll charge back and forth for a bit. -- BIG BULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: A large blue, demon-like well... bully. Threat Level: Medium He's big and mean. Though he's slow, he'll corner you and take a healthy chunk out of your Health. He also has quite a bit of health, so have fun. -- GIANT WHALE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A large Whale. Threat Level: None Though not really an enemy, he does swallow you and is the antagonist of Chapter 4. He also takes your Sub-C Submarine. -- SPEAR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A long spear. Threat Level: Low Found in Chapter 5, this booby trap will come flyign out of the wall. The best way to deal with it, is to keep walking and jump as it comes near. Nothing too hard. -- PINBALL -------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A pinball... you know... "tick, tick." Threat Level: Low They are stationay until you hit them and then they go back and forth. You can't kill them, but you can jump over them as they near Mike. -- PIRATE GHOUL --------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A skeleton pirate. Threat Level: Low A copy of Dimhags, except they are in pirate form. You'll need the mirror to dispose of them. -- STEAK AND DAGGER ----------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A steak and a large knife. Threat Level: Medium The Steaks are found in Chapter 5 and the Daggers in a later chapter. You can't kill them, but you can jump as they pop out of the ground to stab at you. -- MEGATON -------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Three large, rolling balls. Threat Level: High One hit and you're deaad/squashed. Indiana Jones baby, you'll have to make your way across the room with these things rolling at you. You can hit them to stop them, but you can't kill them. -- ARMET ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A snail. Threat Level: Low They move slowly, but have a thick shell so they're hard to kill. Just be sure to whack them a few good times and you should probably use your Yo-Yo. -- URCHIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A small, purple and spiked ball. Threat Level: High. Replicas of Pinballs. -- FROPPA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A tall, yellow-green enemy. Threat Level: Low He'll jump out of the water/lava and hop around before jumping back in from whence he came. -- FUZZ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A white, fuzzy ball. Threat Level: Low It can't hurt you, but will paralyze you from using your weapons for either a short period or until you leave the room. -- MUNCHER -------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Purple, and with teeth. Threat Level: Low they walk around and are constantly biting. They'll take a few hits to bring down. -- ROCKY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A large, invisible and rock-like figure. Threat Level: High They are dangerous! When they charge at you they are invisible until you dodge them and they hit the wall. When they do this, they'll appear allowing you time to attack. When they go invisible again, they'll fire stones at you. They take several hits to kill. Cool enemy though! -- ROCKY VER. 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Just like Rocky, but purple. Threat Level: Low They only look like Rocky, they walk slowly and take only a few hits to kill. Thumbs down... blah. -- SQUIDO --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A orange colored squid. Threat Level: Low They move around anywhere in the room and well... do nothing at all. I found that using Spikes in the room filled with them is neat. From the Star Tropics website in the Credits section. -- PODSHOOTER ----------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A green shooter. Threat Level: Medium Like a boss, you can only hurt them when they open up to shoot at you. They are found in space. -- SPACE TROOPER -------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Like the Elites in Halo. There are two forms, Yellow and Blue. Threat Level: High They can do basically everything, walk, jump shoot and they take several hits to kill. The blue versions shoot further. Fun stuff. -- SPACE BIKER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A pink colored Alien on a Space Bike. Threat Level: Low They take one shot to dispose of, but they can do immense damage to you if your not careful. They'll randomly come onto the screen and shoot at you. So keep your guard up. -- TRACK PODSHOOTER ----------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A green shooter. Threat Level: Medium Regular Podshooters except on a track =p -- GRAY SATELITE -------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A grey satelite. Threat Level: Low Super duty Noctos. -- RED SATELITES -------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A red satelite. Threat Level: Low Like the grey satelites, except they can shoot at you. -- SPACE STARS -------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A hole that shoots stars out. Threat Level: High There are holes that if you pass in front of them, they'll spit stars out. You can defeat the stars, but you can't kill their source (the hole). If you jump into the hole you'll instantly die. -- WINDOW TROOPER ------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A red trooper. Threat Level: Medium This guy leans out of windows and shoot at you. You can kill him with a few hits. -- HEAT TILES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Heated tiles. Threat Level: High They range from hot to cold in a pattern, so find the pattern and try not to land on the hot ones. They'll take a lot out of your health. I think there is only one hallway in the game with these things. -- SHIPS CORE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A core... of a ship. Threat Level: Low This is classified by some as a Boss. When it's shield is down attack it's core. It can quickly be destroyed, but be aware that when it's shield recharges so does it's health at least partially. -- ZODA SPAWN ----------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: A spawn from Zoda's stomach. Threat Level: Low They come from Zoda's stomach in the Final Boss fight. They always drop hearts and stars, you'll need them when fighting Zoda. They are also pinkish. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= L E G A L D I S C L A M E R ---------------------- Ctrl+f (SECTSEVEN) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= And So I Say... this guide must come to an end. I really hope you enjoyed it as it was fun to write. Any last words will be listed below. =============================================================================== 7.1} Legal Disclaimer / Copyright Notice =============================================================================== This document is copyright (c) 2006 Jared Haslip (PirateoftheFAQs & JHaslip). It is not to be reproduced in any way, shape, or form. However, feel free to download it, print it out for personal use, or send it to your buddies, as long as you leave it unaltered and do not make a profit off of it. Doing so would be illegal, so I suggest that you don't do any such thing. One final note: This document should absolutely NOT be found on any websites with the exception of . I will NOT allow any other website to host this document! I'm sorry but because of recent websites stealing guides I just don't want to mess with it. Cheers! =============================================================================== 7.2} Credits =============================================================================== I hereby mention anyone that helped me with the creation of the guide below. + Jesus Christ --- My Lord and Savior, for I do all things through him. + GameFAQs ------- This is honestly the GREATEST game site ever created and CjayC has done an amazing job keeping it up-to-date. + DarkTyranitar18 When we were working on a Co-Author project for FFI&II he was using the Boss formats that you've seen in this guide. There are awesome and I thank him a lot for the idea. + GhostofLegault - For being an inspiration to me as a writer. His guides are great and I hope I can turn out to be just as good a writer. Oh, and he has a good taste for music. + Psycho Penguin - A good friend and fellow writer. He quite possibly could have been my biggest inspiration and got me into the faqing game. Keep it up bro. + Nintendo ------- The game was made for THEIR console.. even though I never used the NES myself... erhh... O_o + Merca ---------- I've always liked his layout, so mine was influenced by his. A great writer. Easy. + Website -------- http://www.classicgaming.com/startropics, this site is great and I used the official enemy names from here. Check them out! They are also the center of comunications for any hard core StarTropics I or II fan. They have some sweet message boards. + ASCII Art ------ http://www.network-science.de/ascii, this site has helped Faq authors for years providing great looking ASCII art. I decided to use them this time around. You should try them out. -+- There comes a time when All things must end -+- http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/51064.html _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 2006 Jared A. Haslip