Dragon Ball Z II: Gekigami Freeza: FAQ/Walkthrough by Kain Stryder MMMMMMMMMMMMS MMMMMMMMMh MMM8 MMMM .BKKKKKKKKKK0.MMM 0MMME MM 0522222222CC MMMM MMMM MMMMt M. ;M SC600622220: MMM :MMMB MBMM MMMM j tt M8E 605h 2C220C 0MMB MMMMj MMMMMCMMMKMMM 08 C00;0#P BKv hCh h6t 82250 MMM MMMM MMM0M M22MtSM MMMMMM MM MMt5665620 55.6552 jP8SSP8626h MtMM MMMM MM EMCSSjM M2MMj MP BMEPM vC2vC226C6 22ht MC :6222v6 0M MMMM jM5KMjMt0MBMBj j vBSPvMMM 22vv22v22CC62h j t622C0SK65 MM KMMM0 MMMM2MBjMjMM6 Mt#t ..MMM jC22vvvvCvv2200M: thC226 22 2MP MMMM MMM.MtMMM CMMSME6MM0StMM j52vC6C2C66Cv2CS thC2226006t MM #MMMB MM#M MB P8 MMMM. MMtMM ESSPjCP#2Ch88P8 hCv22vvvvv CMh MMMM CMKSSSSSSSC MM 6MMM8 MMMP MMMM MMS. MMMM MMMMMMMMMMM 66 88 C0. 2; 85 hMM v2v. SK5 tMM8M M;tM: #0806 SKEM0 jE hK MMMM P2 M EM M :MP660 Mh2tM MMM2M E0.CM :S S: M :# hMM; 0MME MMM S8M MMMt PMMP vMMM M8 M# MM hM MB MMMMMMMMjMM MM MM MSPMM MKME M PKM8MMMM2M0M2MhMMMMMSMM MM MM MMMMSPMMM5M MMM MM MM M M M hM M M M2 MM MM MM SMMMMMMMM MM. MMM MMBMMM MjM 0M MEMEME MM:MM MM MMMMM MM MM MMM MMM : SM #MM MEM M M ME MM2 . MM MMMMM hM5 ;MM MM2 MM MM MBMM MM 2M # MMCB C:MMMj .5MMM PMMM MMK .MM M#6M MMM #M 5M Mh MMMM #MMP KMM2 :MMM MMM *************************************************************************** Dragon Ball Z 2: Gekigami Freeza - FAQ/Walkthrough. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: ssj4kain@aol.com. Walkthrough Version: Final. Last Updated: 5/14/05. System(s): Famicom. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP4 ]| | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME4.1 ] | | B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR4.2 ]| | C. Card System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CARSYS4.3 ] | | D. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.4 ]| | | | [ V. The Playable Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ]| | A. Gohan (Son Gohan.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOSGO5.1 ] | | B. Krillin (Kurirun.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KRKU5.2 ]| | C. Yamcha (Yamucha.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ YAYAM5.3 ]| | D. Tien (Tenshinhan.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TIETEN5.4 ]| | E. Chaou Zu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHAO5.5 ]| | F. Goku (Son Goku.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOSG5.6 ]| | G. Piccolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PICC5.7 ] | | H. Vegeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VEGE5.8 ]| | I. Nail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NAI5.9 ] | | | | [ VI. Various Training Games/Minigames ] . . . . . . . . . . [ VATGM6 ] | | A. Card Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CATR6.1 ] | | B. Gravity Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GRATR6.2 ] | | C. Split Form Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPFOT6.3 ]| | D. Rock Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROTR6.4 ] | | E. Tenkaichi Boudouki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TENBOU6.5 ]| | | | [ VII. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA7 ] | | A. The Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEBE7.1 ]| | B. The Long Journey To Planet Namek . . . . . . . . . . . [ TLJT7.2 ]| | C. An Invisible Space Ship?! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AISS7.3 ] | | D. Two Paths To Travel... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPTT7.4 ]| | E. The Fake Planet Namek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TFPN7.5 ] | | F. Arrival On Planet Namek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AOPN7.6 ] | | G. The First Race To A Namekian Village . . . . . . . . [ TFRTA7.7 ] | | H. The Beginning Of Son Goku's Training . . . . . . . . [ TBOSG7.8 ] | | I. The Second Race To A Namekian Village . . . . . . . . [ TSRTA7.9 ]| | J. Son Goku's Training Continues . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SGTC7.10 ]| | K. The Final Race To A Namekian Village . . . . . . . . [ TFRTA7.11 ]| | L. Detour To Planet Kanassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DTPK7.12 ] | | M. Son Goku's Final Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SGFT7.13 ]| | N. Kurirun's Journey To Meet Guru . . . . . . . . . . . [ KJTMG7.14 ]| | O. The Beginning Of Piccolo's Training . . . . . . . . [ TBOPT7.15 ] | | P. Preparing For The Final Battles . . . . . . . . . . [ PFTFB7.16 ] | | Q. Guru's Power Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GPU7.17 ] | | R. The Arrival Of The Ginyu Force . . . . . . . . . . [ TAOTGF7.18 ] | | S. Hunt Down And Destroy The Ginyu Force! . . . . . . . [ HDADT7.19 ]| | T. Nail's Difficult Battle...Dende Must Hurry! . . . . [ NDBDM7.20 ] | | U. The Battle With Frieza...Piccolo Must Hurry! . . . . [ TBWF7.21 ] | | V. A Race To Gain Power...Challenging Frieza . . . . . . [ ARTG7.22 ]| | W. Frieza's Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRTR7.23 ]| | X. Frieza Transforms Again?! . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRTRA7.24 ] | | Y. The Final And Ultimate Transformation . . . . . . . [ TFAUT7.25 ] | | Z. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI7.26 ] | | | | [ VIII. Analyzing The Enemy ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ANTEN8 ]| | | | [ IX. Card List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CALI9 ] | | A. Menu Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MECA9.1 ]| | B. Field Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FICA9.2 ] | | | | [ X. Technique Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TECGU10 ]| | A. Character Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHATT10.1 ] | | B. Enemy Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENEAT10.2 ] | | | | [ XI. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE11 ] | | | | [ XII. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED12 ] | | | | [ XIII. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR13 ]| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, welcome back again to another one of my walkthroughs. If you've just beaten Dragon Ball Z: Kyoushuu! Saiyajin, then this is the next walkthrough in the series that you should follow. This walkthrough will cover Dragon Ball Z 2: Gekigami Freeza, so if you need help/advice on this game, continue reading. Anyway, this guide is not to be used elsewhere and is meant ONLY for GameFAQs. With that said, read on and enjoy the walkthrough. Update: This Walkthrough is now available at IGN, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 1/21/04 - I added up a "Suggested Battle Power" to the top part of each section of The Walkthrough, as well as I moved the Enemy list at the bottom of each part up to the top, making it easier to see. Other than that, nothing much else. Well, until next time I update... 12/16/03 - I added the new layout to this walkthrough. How's it look? 9/1/03 - Wow, I can't believe I forgot this, but thanks to the guy who E-Mailed me about this. I updated the Battle System section, under section IV. How To Play. I added in a tip on what determines who goes first, second, third, etc in Battle and how you set this up. Anyway, it's there now, so thanks to the guy who E-Mailed me about that and, well, enjoy the walkthrough if you already haven't. 8/6/03 - Added a ASCII art banner. How's it look? 5/10/03 - Just revised the walkthrough a bit. Not a whole lot, you won't notice much of a difference, except for a few things here and there. 4/12/03 - Added information regarding the defense symbols on the Cards, as well as numerous information updates in the walkthrough, some corrections with what some of the Cards did, random tidbits and other things. 7/4/02 - The walkthrough is completed. Revisions will be made overtime. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Currently, there are none. Bummer. If I get E-Mails, I'll add some up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP4 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME4.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, let's start on how to actually move around and stuff, shall we? D-Pad - Used to move your characters, cursors and stuff around. Simple, right? Select - Does nothing. Start - Brings up the Menu when you are on the World Map. In Battle, it does nothing. B Button - Used to exit out of Menus and cancel an option. A Button - Used to confirm an option. The Menu System in this game is fairly easy to understand. Here are the parts of the Menu. Start Menu - Hitting the Start Button on the World Map will bring up a Menu. The options are as follows. Move - Choosing this allows you to move your fighters around on the World Map. Card - Allows you to view your current Cards you own. You may use them if you need them or you can just view them. Status - View your current party's HP, BE, BP, BP to next level, list of attacks, etc. Save - Just as the name implies, use this feature to save your game. Only one game can be saved though... Plot - A extra hand if you will call it. If you are stuck or you forgot your mission, this gives you a slight insight on what's going on currently. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR4.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically, this isn't really hard to understand. At all times, you will see one character/Space Ship on a map. You are then given 5 cards to choose. Now, each card will have a certain number of dots on it. (Or a Z.) Ignore the symbols at the bottom, for they do nothing for moving around. Focus on the dots at the top. There are 8 different ones you will see. They are dots ranging from 1-7 and then there is a Z one. The dots represent how many spaces you can move. Such as 1 dot means one space, 2 dots means two spaces, etc. The Z Card is the best, allowing to move 8 spaces at once. The good thing about this system that's an improvement from the last game is that you can move as many spaces as you want and land on any space, but only in the amount allowed. The previous game only allowed you to move to a certain space if you used up ALL the moving spaces the Card allowed. Other than that, it's basically the same system as its prequel. With that said, that explains the movement system. Simple, huh? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Card System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CARSYS4.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Card System in this game is basically used as a Item System in most RPGs. You win the Cards from battles only in this game. (The only other way you get cards is if you get a Porunga Card on the World Map. If you get him, he'll give you 1 free Card.) Each Card does a certain command, such as healing you or freezing an opponent in place for a turn. Some Cards can only be used on the World Map, other only in battle, but some can be used during both. There is a limit to how many Cards you can have, so make sure you only keep the Cards you really need. Choose wisely... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another simple thing about this game is the Battle System. It's more fun to watch the battle than to choose things to do actually. Why? Because they fight just like they do in the show. Now, the main thing here is to know how to fight. Well, you choose Cards and depending on which Card you choose for each fighter, something will happen. There are only really 3 different Cards here. Note: Depending on what Card you pick, it determines who goes first in Battle. So if you have one fighter pick a Card with 5 Dots and the opponent has one with 3 Dots, you'll attack first. If you both have the same amount, you'll go first. So when choosing Cards in Battle, pick who you wish to go first, second, third, etc. Regular Cards - Basically allows for your fighter to attack with kicks and punches. This is any Card that doesn't match their symbol. Example: Piccolo uses a Master Roshi Symbol and not his symbol to fight with. Master Cards - If your Card's Symbol matches the symbol on your fighter, you get to choose either to attack with a Energy Beam or to hit all the enemies. Very useful, so use it for each character whenever you can. Ki Cards - These Cards look like a X and giving one to your fighters allows you to perform one of their Ki attacks. These are by far the best ones to use, if you have Ki that is. Well, now you know what Cards you can choose from. Next comes those dots again. The higher the dots, the better your damage will be. 1 of course is the lowest and Z is the highest. Now, the symbols at the bottom of the Cards are your defense. Such as how well you defend against an attack. Update: A very generous reader to my walkthroughs has given me some information on what the symbols on the bottom mean, which are your defense. Here's the info: __ = Ichi which means: One. __ ____ = Ni which means: Two. __ __ ____ = San which means: Three. ____ | |L | |____| = Shi which means: Four. ___ _|_ __|_|_ = Go which means: Five. \ ----- / \ = Roku which means: Six. __|__ |__ = Nana which means: Seven. So, there you have what each defense symbol means. Just be sure that you know that Z comes after seven in this game and that Z is the highest. (It counts as 8.) Again, remember, 1 is the lowest and Z is the highest. Thanks to TarKel for the information! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. The Playable Characters Of The Story . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Gohan (Son Gohan.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOSGO5.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first son of Son Goku, Son Gohan takes on the role of the leader for most of this game. As he travels to Planet Namek to revive Piccolo, he also wishes to train and become stronger, since unknown dangers await him and his friends that will forever change their lives. Gohan's Starting Stats Level: 11 HP: 60/60 BE: 55/55 BP: 1,700 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Energy Beam 20 Masenko 100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Krillin (Kurirun.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KRKU5.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of Earth's best fighters and Son Goku's best friend, Kurirun travels with Son Gohan to Planet Namek to also help wish back Piccolo back to life. As he travels with Son Gohan, he also wishes to train and become stronger, as he'll need to be if he wishes to stop Frieza and his men. Kurirun's Starting Stats Level: 11 HP: 70/70 BE: 60/60 BP: 1,500 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Kamehameha 20 Energy Disc 60 Spread Beam 40 Sun Flare 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Yamcha (Yamucha.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ YAYAM5.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A former bandit and now a master of Martial Arts, Yamucha travels with Son Gohan to Planet Namek to also help revive Piccolo. Though, Yamucha never survived the Saiyajin battle, he is in this game and very much alive. He also wishes to train, as he'll need it for when he encounters the dangers of Space and Planet Namek. Yamucha's Starting Stats Level: 11 HP: 65/65 BE: 50/50 BP: 1,300 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Kamehameha 20 Spirit Bomb 70 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Tien (Tenshinhan.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TIETEN5.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A former rival of Son Goku's and a master of Martial Arts, Tenshinhan also joins Son Gohan in his quest to revive Piccolo with the Namek Dragon Balls. As they travel, he wants to train as well and he will need to, if he ever hopes to survive the unknown danger that awaits him and the others. Tenshinhan's Starting Stats Level: 11 HP: 75/75 BE: 60/60 BP: 1,800 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Energy Beam 10 Kikoho 100 Split Form 80 Split Kikoho 180 Sun Flare 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Chaou Zu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHAO5.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A gifted fighter who has the power to use his pyschic powers at will, Chaou Zu is Tenshinhan's close friend and training partner. As with the rest of the gang, he is also traveling with them to Planet Namek to help revive Piccolo, as well as train while he can. He'll definately need it, as he lacks strength already and will have to overcome the dangers that are about to come to him and his friends. Chaou Zu's Starting Stats Level: 11 HP: 60/60 BE: 45/45 BP: 1,100 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Dodonpa 50 Super Skill 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Goku (Son Goku.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOSG5.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main character of the Dragon Ball Series, Son Goku doesn't take on the main role in this game until much later on, as he's currently recovering in a hospital. After he does get out of the hospital and manages to fly off into Space and travel to Planet Namek, he must train if he ever wishes to defeat Vegeta again, let alone the unknown dangers that await him just around the corner... Son Goku's Starting Stats Level: 11 HP: 100/100 BE: 70/70 BP: 10,000 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Energy Beam 10 Kamehameha 15 Kaioken 40 Kaioken Kamehameha 50 Kaioken X3 80 Kaioken X3 Kamehameha 100 Kaioken X10 140 Kaioken X10 Kamehameha 160 Kaioken X20 Kamehameha 180 Genki Dama 250 Super Genki Dama 500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Piccolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PICC5.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A former rival of Son Goku's and The Great Demon King himself, Piccolo was killed during the battle against Vegeta and Nappa. As he waits to be revived, he travels to King Kai's in order to become stronger himself, as he has nothing better to do and he also wishes to out do Son Goku. As he trains himself, he is unaware of what waits for him on Planet Namek, as he will soon be fighting the battle of his life... Piccolo's Starting Stats Level: 25 HP: 300/300 BE: 310/310 BP: 50,000 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Makoho 7 Multi Beam 10 Blast Makoho 50 Mouth Kaikosen 30 Demon Ray 120 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Vegeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VEGE5.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the remaining Saiyajin, as well as being the Prince of them, Vegeta was recently defeated on Earth by Son Goku. Now fully healed, he's heading to Planet Namek to now gain the Dragon Balls for Immortality. Though, he hasn't done much training, he has gained a great deal of power from his battle on Earth and with a little more battling, he'll be ready for all of the dangers that await him on Planet Namek. Little does he know, he'll soon be teaming up with Son Goku and the others to challenge Frieza himself. Vegeta's Starting Stats Level: -- (Varies Depending On Your Level.) HP: ---/--- (Varies Depending On Your Level.) BE: ---/--- BP: ---/--- (Varies Depending On Your Level.) Ki Abilities Ki Cost Energy Beam --- Multi Beam --- Explosion --- Galic Gun --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Nail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NAI5.9 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the strongest fighters on Planet Namek, Nail is Guru's loyal guardian. He has gone through intense training and without a doubt is the strongest Namek of them all. (Until Piccolo arrives.) As Frieza closes in on Guru's House, Nail leads him away to battle him, which would buy time for Dende to make it to the Z Fighters and give them the password for the Dragon Balls. You only play as him once and will he be able to stall Frieza long enough? We'll have to see... Nail's Starting Stats Level: ?? HP: 500/500 BE: ---/--- BP: 42,000 Ki Abilities Ki Cost Energy Beam --- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. Various Training Games/Minigames . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VATGM6 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Throughout Dragon Ball Z: Gekigami Freeza, there are many minigames, involving either training or gaining Cards. Each game is different and presents a fairly good challenge in order to gain the BP or the Card(s). Here is a complete list of the minigames in Dragon Ball Z: Gekigami Freeza. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Card Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CATR6.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another great way to train, but I suggest you wait until you're a higher level. Don't misunderstand or anything, it doesn't hurt you if you loose, but the higher your level, the more BP you'll get. The game works like a type of War game. (The Card version, not literally war.) The good thing about this way of training is that you can quit anytime, except if you choose a Card and are trying to defeat the computer's current Card. Only then can you not quit, as you must finish that selection. A nice way to train, but it only adds up at higher levels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Gravity Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GRATR6.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Probably the best way in the game to train, Goku is the one who first starts to use this way of training. The game works by you choosing if you want 1-3 Cards in order to beat the computer's hand of Cards. The way to win is that you can't go over the number 10 total with your Cards. (Just look at how many dots are at the top of your current cards to see how far along you are.) If you win, you'll win a MASSIVE amount of BP. Though, if you win by using all 3 Cards, you'll gain double the BP and if you win using a Z Card and 2 1 Star Cards, you'll gain triple the BP. Simply put, the best way to train, as it becomes available to ALL your party members at the end of the game, right before you challenge Frieza. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Split Form Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPFOT6.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A nice way to train and pretty fun. You get to fight yourself. Remember in the series, where Piccolo split himself into two and fought for 3 hours with himself? Well, this is what you do here. Downside is, your HP, BE and BP are all cut in half. If you win, you gain a fair share of BP. You loose, you're horrible weak and need to heal FAST. After a while, you must heal yourself in order to continue doing this game. Over all, a great way to train. Unfortunately, this game can only be played by Piccolo, while he trains at King Kai's. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Rock Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROTR6.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this game makes its return for a short period, only to be used by Piccolo. Basically, the fighter holds this massive rock over their head and move them across 5 pits. If you make it, you will gain a decent amount of BP, based on your current level. The game basically plays much like War does. Your Card must beat their Card in order to move on. If you fail, the rock crushes you and you loose the minigame. Remember, the higher number wins in this. Though, if it's a 7 or Z Card, try using a 1 dot Card. That should beat it. Be warned, you will get NO BP if you don't cross ALL 5 pits. Play this game if you are playing the ROM version of it. It's fairly easy to win this game, since you can use save state alot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Tenkaichi Boudouki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TENBOU6.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected on the Main Menu, once you've beaten the game once and gotten the passwords for your characters, you can enter them in and play this game. Unlike Dragon Ball Z: Kyoushuu! Saiyajin, there's actually 8 places now for your choices instead of 4. Also, instead of entering your own fighters, you can choose to have the computer do it for you, but you'll watch the matches instead of playing them. I guess this is cool and useful, if you wish to see what this minigame is like. Now, there's another little minigame here besides the traditional Tenkaichi Boudouki, which is called a Battle Royal. Basically, you pick 4 fighters using your passwords or you watch the computer play. All 4 fighters go at it and the winner is the last one standing. Rather fun, I must say. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VII. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA7 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: I won't mention this in The Walkthrough, but do try and heal if you ever get weak. The Bulma/Dende Card is VITAL and any Senzu Beans you have are as well. So if you need to heal, use the Bulma/Dende Card after every Battle, just to make sure you never become weak or worse, dead, since if you die, you have to fully heal a person before they can fight again and that could mean life or death for your party, so play it safe. Also, I will not be making a seperate section for Boss Strategies, as, well, there isn't need for one. Basically, as long as you're strong enough and able to use common sense, you'll be fine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. The Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEBE7.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 1,700. Just days after the fateful battle with Nappa and Vegeta, Son Gohan and his friends head to Planet Namek in hopes of reviving Piccolo, who fell in the battle. Unknown to them, Vegeta is also in a race to get to Planet Namek and collect the Dragon Balls before Frieza, a strong landowner who wishes to collect planets and to also gain Immotality. If that wasn't enough, Kuwi, a warrior as strong as Vegeta is also on his way to Planet Namek to stop Vegeta himself. With Son Goku in the hospital still recovering, the Z Fighters will have to make it to Planet Namek in record time and last long enough until Son Goku can arrive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. The Long Journey To Planet Namek . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TLJT7.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Lonme, Nabana And Rawberry. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 3,000-28,000. Well, here's where the journey begins. Your only objective is to mainly get to Planet Namek, but there's a few things here you'll meet along the way. Your first "pitstop" as I'll call it is the Invisible Space Ship piloted by the Ritojins, a race thats planet was destroyed by Frieza. Until you reach them, you have two options really. Either to move as quickly as you can along the spaces or go one space at a time, in hopes of getting training each round, so you can power up your guys. I recommend doing the latter, since you'll REALLY need ALL the power you can gain, since Kuwi, Dodoria and Zarbon won't be any pushovers when you encounter them. It's up to you, so do as you wish. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. An Invisible Space Ship?! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AISS7.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 3,000-28,000. As you're continuing along with the path, you'll come across a object in the way and you'll enter it. (There's no way to get around it.) Once you enter, you'll be asked if you are a follower of Frieza. Answer no and they'll let you in, but shortly after, a problem occurs with a falling piece of debre about to crush some kids. Choose to help them and you'll be told about a shortcut to Planet Namek. After this, you'll leave the ship and you'll now have two paths you can choose to travel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Two Paths To Travel... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPTT7.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Lonme, Nabana And Rawberry. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 3,000-28,000. Well, you have two choices now. You can either take the shortcut to Planet Namek or you can take the long way around. Here's my opinion. The shortcut has the fake Planet Namek along the way, but after visiting it, you can continue on with the shortcut. (Only after fighting a somewhat difficult battle, depending on your current Power Level.) so if you're strong enough, you can fight them and then continue onto the short way to Planet Namek. The only plus side to the long way is if you wish to train every step, so your guys become power houses. Whichever path you choose is up to you, so, make one and move on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. The Fake Planet Namek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TFPN7.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Carbos, Nabana And Rawberry. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 3,000-28,000. If you decided to take the shortcut and head to the fake Planet Namek, then continue reading. Otherwise, skip this part and read the next part. Anyway, once you land on the planet, you'll be greated by a "Namek." After being tricked, you'll find out it was actually an alien in disguise and if you refuse to let him take your Space Ship, you'll fight a battle against some enemies to win it back. After the battle, you'll leave the fake Planet Namek and continue on with your journey. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Arrival On Planet Namek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AOPN7.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 3,000-28,000. Well, after traveling whichever path you traveld, you'll arrive on Planet Namek. If you managed to train every step or just about every step, you should be around 8,000-28,000 at highest, which if you are, good job, because Kuwi and Dodoria are going to be much easier to beat. If you aren't in this range or let alone near 15,000, DO NOT challenge Kuwi or Dodoria, unless you have a whole load of Senzu Beans and a lot of confedence on you. Anyway, as you arrive, your group notices two Space Pods land nearby. After checking the Dragon Radar, you decide to start hunting for the Dragon Balls. After a small talk scene, you'll be brought to a new World Map. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. The First Race To A Namekian Village . . . . . . . . . . [ TFRTA7.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Apul, Carbos, Gupley, Kuwi, (Boss.) Monley, Napple, Robi. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 10,000-28,000. Well, now that you're in a new area, there's going to be new enemies, but you don't have time to fly around and battle them for experience, as you must get to the Namekian Village as fast as possible. Why? Became you have Kuwi and Vegeta also trying to get there before you. If you're strong enough and have the time, challenge Kuwi and take the Dragon Ball he has. Be warned, he has 3 guards with him and they all have fairly high Power Levels. If you aren't ready, don't worry, you can challenge him later. To end this race, head southwest to the Namekian Village and just land on any of the houses. After doing so, you'll talk to a Namek and get a Dragon Ball. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. The Beginning Of Son Goku's Training . . . . . . . . . . [ TBOSG7.8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Lonme, Nabana And Rawberry. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 10,000-25,000. Well, after the race to the Namekian Village, you'll be in control of Son Goku now, who's finally recovered from his wounds in the hospital. As he starts out with a Power Level of only 10,000, you'll want to increase that as fast as you can. Unlike before, I don't recommend you traveling every space to gain experience, since that's pretty much useless once you see what each round of the Gravity Training gives you. Simply move along the spaces until you see a orange square with a black symbol on it. Land on it and you'll enter the Gravity Machine. Simple travel to the bottom space, which also is a orange square with a black symbol and land on it. Now you'll start the training. After doing this, Son Goku will decide that he needs to rest and that you'll now be in control of Son Gohan again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. The Second Race To A Namekian Village . . . . . . . . . [ TSRTA7.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Apul, Carbos, Dodoria, (Boss.) Gupley, Monley, Napple, Robi. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 28,000-55,000. Back on Planet Namek, you'll once again be racing to gain another Dragon Ball, but this time, Dodoria is here. With Vegetalurking close by as well, you'll have to move fast. Now, if you feel you're strong enough, defeat Dodoria if you can, but be warned, he also has 3 guys with him. Anyway, just be sure to get to the Namekian Village before both Dodoria or Vegeta do. The Namekian Village is located to the southeast. Once there, you'll gain yet another Dragon Ball. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Son Goku's Training Continues . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SGTC7.10 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Lonme, Nabana And Rawberry. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 10,000-25,000. After collecting another Dragon Ball, you'll once again be in control of Son Goku, as he continues his journey to Planet Namek. This time, King Kai will contact you and inform you on Piccolo arriving at his planet for training. After a quick scene, you'll regain control. Same stratgey is applied here. Just skip every space you can, since you don't need the training from the weak enemies here. Once you see the orange space with the black symbol on it, land on it and enter the Gravity Machine. Locate the orange space with the black symbol again and you'll continue the training. After gaining a good amount of power, Son Goku will rest again and you'll regain control of Son Gohan once again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. The Final Race To A Namekian Village . . . . . . . . . [ TFRTA7.11 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Apul, Carbos, Gupley, Monley, Napple, Robi, Zarbon Form 1 (Boss.) And Zarbon Form 2. (Boss.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 28,000-55,000. Well, you'll once again be in a new area, as you are now Son Gohan once again and you once more must get to the Namekian Village before Vegeta can. The new enemy here besides Vegeta is Zarbon, so if you feel you can take him on, do so. Though, if you aren't near 55,000 or above, don't fight him. His first form is a pushover, but his second form is amazing. Anyway, either challenge him and/or get to the Namekian Village, which is located in the southeast. After doing so, you'll gain another Dragon Ball. After collecting the Dragon Balls, you should have 3, (6 if you killed Kuwi, Dodoria and Zarbon.) so Dende suggests they go to Guru's to get the final Dragon Ball. Kurirun states he'll go, but before you do, you'll regain control of Son Goku one last time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Detour To Planet Kanassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DTPK7.12 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Carbos, Gupley, Kabu, Monley, Robi And Yuz. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 28,000-55,000. Well, it's time for Son Goku to complete his training. For the final path, you'll encounter stronger enemies, but even though they give good experience, don't really fight them, as the final Gravity Machine will give you more than enough. Anyway, continue on a bit and you'll run into a planet, which ends up to be Planet Kanassa. Once you land there, you'll meet some guys who challenge Son Goku to a fight. They're pretty strong, like around 17,000 or so, but hopefully, you're stronger than them. After beating them, a Kanassajin tells you of how Bardock, a Saiyajin came here long ago and stuff. Son Goku then leaves the planet and continues his journey. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Son Goku's Final Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SGFT7.13 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Carbos, Monley And Robi. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 28,000-55,000. After leaving the planet, continue on the path until you reach the final training spot. Land on the orange space with the black symbol on it and you'll enter the Gravity Machine. Once inside, once again, head to the bottom orange space with the black symbol on it and enter it. This is the final Gravity Training for this area, but you'll have another chance to use this training method again very soon. After the training, Son Goku will rest once again and you'll gain control of Kurirun now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Kurirun's Journey To Meet Guru . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KJTMG7.14 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Apul, Carbos, Gupley, Monley, Napple And Robi. (Dodoria, (Boss.) Kuwi, (Boss.) Zarbon Form 1 (Boss.) And Zarbon Form 2 (Boss.) If Not Previously Killed.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 28,000-55,000. Now that you have control of Kurirun, who is alone and only with Dende, you must head to Guru's House in the southwest. Anyway, I don't recommend fighting any battles unless necessary, so just get to Guru's as fast as possible. Once there, Guru will give you his Dragon Ball, as well as power up Kurirun ten fold. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - O. The Beginning Of Piccolo's Training . . . . . . . . . . [ TBOPT7.15 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 28,000-55,000. Now that Kurirun has gotten the final Dragon Ball, as well as a massive power up, it's time for Piccolo to complete his training. Your task is to train him until he's at Level 30, by making him go around King Kai's Planet and training with the various training games. I suggest the Split Form Training, since that's the fastest and easiest way to gain experience. (You can locate this game towards the south end of the Planet, with the Rock Training to the west and the Card Training to the east. If at anytime you need to be healed, talk to King Kai and he'll heal you. Complete your training and you'll once again be in control of Son Gohan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - P. Preparing For The Final Battles . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PFTFB7.16 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Apul, Carbos, Gupley, Monley, Napple And Robi. (Dodoria, (Boss.) Kuwi, (Boss.) Zarbon Form 1 (Boss.) And Zarbon Form 2 (Boss.) If Not Previously Killed.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 55,000-150,000. Well, it's time now to head to Guru's House so all your fighters can gain a massive power up. But first, if you haven't defeated Kuwi, Dodoria or Zarbon yet, they'll now be lurking in this area. So, challenge them ONLY after you've trained in this area a bit. You'll want to, if your guys are at low levels. Each battle gives around 1,000 or higher experience, so take your time and build your guys up. When you feel you're ready, kill Kuwi, Dodoria and Zarbon if you haven't already and then move onto Guru's House, which is once again in the southwest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Q. Guru's Power Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GPU7.17 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 55,000-150,000. Once arriving at Guru's House, you'll go into a quick scene of Vegeta arriving and offering to team up with you to get the Dragon Balls to summon Porunga before The Ginyu Force can arrive. After getting all your characters except Kurirun and Vegeta a power up, you'll start to go up against The Ginyu Force. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - R. The Arrival Of The Ginyu Force . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TAOTGF7.18 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: (Only If Dodoria, Kuwi And Zarbon Are Alive: Apul, Carbos, Dodoria, (Boss.) Goman, Gupley, Kuwi, (Boss.) Monley, Napple, Robi, Zarbon Form 1 (Boss.) And Zarbon Form 2. (Boss.)) None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 55,000-150,000. After Guru powers you up, you'll see a cut scene of The Ginyu Force arriving and getting orders from Frieza. Before you can do anything, they steal your Dragon Balls, but just then, Son Goku arrives, which will provide much help to you for these battles. With him with you now, you can start to hunt down The Ginyu Force. Though, if Dodoria, Kuwi And Zaron are still left alive, you'll deal with them right before The Ginyu Force arrives. Note: It seems you get an option here. You can either fight them all at once or just give them your Dragon Balls, which makes them run off and you hunt them down one by one with Goku helping. If you fight them then and there, Goku will arrive and you have to get him to where Gohan is. If you beat The Ginyu Force before Goku gets to Gohan, you just keep controlling Goku until you can get to Gohan. Since it doesn't matter which option you choose, because the outcome will virtually be the same, just go with whichever you want. Skip the next section if you fought them all at once, otherwise, read on if you're hunting them down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S. Hunt Down And Destroy The Ginyu Force! . . . . . . . . [ HDADT7.19 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Apul, Burta, (Boss.) Carbos, Ginyu, (Boss.) Goman, Guldo, (Boss.) Gupley, Jace, (Boss.) Kabu, Monley, Napple, Paiyer, Rikum, (Boss.) Robi And Yuz. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 55,000-150,000. Now with Son Goku on your team, you can start to hunt down The Ginyu Force and reclaim your Dragon Balls. It doesn't matter what order you start in, so just start hunting each member down and killing them. Be prepared though, about each member besides Ginyu has a Power Level a little higher than Zarbon Form 2. Ginyu has a Power Level of 160,000, so if you need to, train some more before fighting him. Whenever you're ready, kill The Ginyu Force. After this is done, Frieza arrives at Guru's House, wanting the password for the Dragon Balls. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - T. Nail's Difficult Battle...Dende Must Hurry! . . . . . . [ NDBDM7.20 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Frieza Form 1. (Boss.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 55,000-150,000. With Frieza now arriving at Guru's House, Dende flies off to tell the Z Fighters the password to the Dragon Balls, so they can revive Piccolo. To buy time, Nail has challenged Frieza to a fight. Here's the objective. Each round of combat, if you survive, Dende gets to move over the World Map to try and get to the Z Fighters. The object is to buy as much time for Dende to get as close to the Z Fighters as possible, because you won't last more than 2 rounds at most unless you get really lucky. After Nail goes down, just rush to the Z Fighters as fast as possible. If Frieza makes it there first, it's game over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - U. The Battle With Frieza...Piccolo Must Hurry! . . . . . . [ TBWF7.21 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: None. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 55,000-150,000. Well, after Dende makes it to your team, he'll summon Porunga and Piccolo will be brought back to life. Shortly after, Frieza will enter and you'll have to battle him. Don't worry, this isn't the real battle with him. It's just a warm up really. You can't defeat him, so just stay alive. Each round you'll control Piccolo, who must 1. Fuse with Nail. 2. Get to your party as fast as possible. After doing so, run away from the battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - V. A Race To Gain Power...Challenging Frieza . . . . . . . [ ARTG7.22 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Apul, Carbos, Frieza Form 1, (Boss.) Goman, Gupley, Monley, Napple And Robi. Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 800,000+. Well, it's up to you now. If you want to, go back and challenge Frieza to the final battle, but be warned, he is NOT easy. You'll only stand a chance with maxing all your character's Power Levels out. To do this, locate Son Goku's Space Ship and go in it and train each character in the Gravity Machine. Be warned, each round you train, Frieza moves towards your party, so make sure you can get out of the Space Ship and run away before he can get to you. After doing this, just drag him away from the ship, then rush back to it to train some more. Once everyone's Power Level has been maxed out, heal up, save and challenge Frieza. Once you challenge Frieza, I suggest you mainly nail him with either the Kaioken X20 Kamehameha or the Super Genki Dama, as both do a great deal of damage to him. His first form is a joke, if your characters are all at their maximum strength. After he falls, don't expect to win, as he's just getting warmed up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - W. Frieza's Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRTR7.23 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In This Area: Frieza Form 2. (Boss.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 800,000+. After Frieza falls the first time, he'll get right back up and transform into his next stage, which makes him now twice as strong now. Same thing goes for this form, just attack him with the Kaioken X20 Kamehameha and the Super Genki Dama, while your other characters attack with the strongest moves they can pull off. If you need to, heal up. Once he falls, the battle is only going to get tougher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - X. Frieza Transforms Again?! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRTRA7.24 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Frieza Form 3. (Boss.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 800,000+. Once he falls again, Frieza transforms himself into his next stage, which is not as easy as the rest. Same thing goes for this form, just barrage him with the Kaioken X20 Kamehameha and the Super Genki Dama, while everyone else just attacks him with their best attacks. I suggest if your characters need it, use Dende to heal now, because he'll be dead the next time Frieza transforms. After Frieza falls again, he'll transform into his ultimate form. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Y. The Final And Ultimate Transformation . . . . . . . . . [ TFAUT7.25 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies In The Area: Frieza Form 4. (Boss.) Suggested Battle Power To Train To: 800,000+. Now that Frieza is in his ultimate form and Dende is no more, you'll have to heal yourself with Senzu Beans when you get low on HP. The strategy here is to just nail him with the Super Genki Dama and then attack with your strongest Ki attacks from everyone else, if they can. Use up ALL your cards, as this is the final battle and nothing matters now. Be sure to keep your HP high and to just be able to survive. If your guys aren't at their maximum Power Level, then you'll find this battle to be really difficult. Though, once Frieza falls, it'll all be over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Z. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI7.26 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good job, you've beaten Dragon Ball Z 2: Gekigami Freeza. Though, Frieza isn't defeated yet. You'll see a small cutscene at the end of the game where Son Goku becomes a Super Saiyajin and begins to battle Frieza to the death. Enjoy the credits and if you want, you can now move onto the next game in the series, which is Dragon Ball Z 3: Ressen Jinzouningen. The game will start you right off with battling Frieza as SSJ Son Goku, so be prepared. Also, depending on who's alive at the end, you'll gain passwords for each character for Tenkaichi Boudouki Mode, so, enjoy playing that. Well, with that, that ends the walkthrough. I hope you enjoyed it and it helped you while playing the game. So, until next time, this is Kain Stryder saying see ya later... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VIII. Analyzing The Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ANTEN8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy Name|HP |BP |Ki Attack(s) |BP Won --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apul |200 |6,000 |Energy Beam |500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burta |480 |68,000 |Energy Beam |4,100 | | |Split Attack | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carbos |140 |3,200 |Energy Beam |200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodoria |425 |22,000 |Energy Beam |3,500 | | |Explosion | | | |Mouth Kaikosen| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frieza |600 |530,000 |Energy Beam |20,000 Form 1 | | |Explosion | | | |Super Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frieza |890 |999,999+|Energy Beam |30,000 Form 2 | | |Explosion | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frieza |1,000|999,999+|Energy Beam |40,000 Form 3 | | |Explosion | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frieza |1,500|999,999+|Energy Beam |50,000 Form 4 | | |Explosion | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginyu |730 |160,000 |Body Switch |8,000 | | |Energy Beam | | | |Explosion | | | |Super Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goman |200 |8,000 |Energy Beam |600 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guldo |410 |19,000 |Energy Beam |3,300 | | |Time Stop | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gupley |200 |6,200 |Beam Gun |500 | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jace |460 |64,000 |Energy Beam |3,900 | | |Explosion | | | |Multi Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kabu |230 |17,000 |Energy Beam |1,000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kuwi |350 |19,000 |Energy Beam |2,000 | | |Explosion | | | |Multi Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lonme |80 |1,100 |Energy Beam |50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monley |160 |3,700 |Beam Gun |200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nabana |90 |1,100 |Beam Gun |50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Napple |180 |5,800 |Energy Beam |500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paiyer |215 |10,000 |Energy Beam |600 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rawberry |100 |1,200 |Energy Beam |50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rikum |540 |71,000 |Energy Beam |4,200 | | |Eraser Gun | | | |Multi Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robi |150 |3,500 |Energy Beam |200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuz |250 |15,000 |Energy Beam |800 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zarbon |350 |23,000 |Energy Beam |5,000 Form 1 | | |Explosion | | | |Super Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zarbon |350 |55,000 |Energy Beam |5,000 Form 2 | | |Super Beam | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - IX. Card List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CALI9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Menu Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MECA9.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card Name |Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 1 star. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 2 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 3 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 4 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 5 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 6 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Star DB |A Dragon Ball with 7 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baba |Makes the defense of one Card a Z. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulma |Restores one fighter's HP and BE. (Amount Varies Over Time.) |(You may use this Card again and again once during every |battle.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi Chi |Transforms one Card into a Ki Card. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dende |Restores one fighter's HP and BE. (Amount Varies Over Time.) |(You may use this Card again and again once during every |battle.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Radar |Locates the Dragon Balls. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grandpa Gohan|Stuns one enemy for one turn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Kai |Raises one fighter's attack for the battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Korin |Restores all fighter's BP. (Max.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Popo |Restores one fighter's BE. (Max.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oolong |Gives you 5 new Cards. (Battle Cards.) (In Space, only |gives you 1 new Card.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Porunga |Allows you to choose 3 out of 5 Cards. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puar |Switches your Card with the enemy's Card. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scouter |Scans enemy party. (Gives out HP, BP and their Card.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senzu Bean |Rstores one fighter's HP and BE. (Max.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soldier |A Namekian Soldier helps out for one battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegeta |A meteor is summoned. Simply destroy it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yajirobe |Attacks one enemy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yemma |Makes the attack/defense of one Card a Z. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Field Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FICA9.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card Name |Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulma |Restores one fighter's BE. (Amount varies over time.) |(You may use this Card again and again once after every |battle.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burta |Decreases whatever Card you use to move's cost by 1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dende |Restores one fighter's BE. (Amount varies over time.) |(You may use this Card again and again once after every |battle.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frieza |Enters fighters into a battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginyu |Steals one of your Cards. (Does not include main Cards.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grandpa Gohan|Stuns one enemy's movement for one turn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guldo |Stuns your movement for one turn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joker |Does nothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Korin |Restores one fighter's HP. (Amount varies over time.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kuwi |Changes one Card's Offense and Defense to 1. (Always |targets the highest Card you have.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Roshi |Allows you to play the Card Training with one fighter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Porunga |Gives you 1 Menu Card. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oolong |Gives you 5 new Cards. (Battle Cards.) (In Space, only |gives you 1 new Card.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegeta |An Asteriod appears. Destroy it or dodge it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yemma |Makes the attack/defense of one Card a Z. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = X. Technique Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TECGU10 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Character Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHATT10.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Name |Description |Who Uses It --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blast Makoho |A bigger version of the Makoho. |Piccolo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Ray |Drill blast shot from two |Piccolo |fingers. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodonpa |Shot of Ki from the finger. |Chaou Zu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Disc |Razor sharp circle of Ki. |Kurirun --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Beam |A blast of Ki. |Nail | |Son Gohan | |Son Goku | |Tenshinhan | |Vegeta --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explosion |A strong wave of Ki that hits |Vegeta |all opponents. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galic Gun |Blast of Ki focused and fired |Vegeta |with both hands. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genki Dama |Ball of energy from everything |Son Goku |on Earth. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken |User gains more power to their |Son Goku |attack and rams the enemy. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken X3 |User gains more power to their |Son Goku |attack and rams the enemy. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken X10 |User gains more power to their |Son Goku |attack and rams the enemy. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken Kamehameha |Stronger version of the |Son Goku |Kamehameha. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken Kamehameha X3 |Stronger version of the |Son Goku |Kamehameha. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken Kamehameha X10|Stronger version of the |Son Goku |Kamehameha. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaioken Kamehameha X20|Stronger version of the |Son Goku |Kamehameha. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamehameha |Focused blast of Ki, charged and|Kurirun |released with both hands. |Son Goku | |Yamucha --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kikoho |Blast of Ki using fighter's own |Tenshinhan |life force. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makoho |Small blast of Ki from the hand.|Piccolo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masenko |Focused blast of Ki, charged |Son Gohan |above the head. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouth Kaikosen |Beam of Ki shot from the mouth. |Piccolo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi Beam |3 Ki beams that hit all |Piccolo |opponents. |Vegeta --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Bomb |Guided ball of Ki. |Yamucha --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Split Form |Fighter splits himself into 4 |Tenshinhan |beings and fires a Ki blast. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Split Kikoho |Fighter splits himself into 4 |Tenshinhan |beings and fires a Kikoho. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spread Beam |3 Ki Beams that hit all |Kurirun |opponents. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Flare |Blinds one enemy for one turn. |Kurirun | |Tenshinhan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Genki Dama |A stronger version of the Genki |Son Goku |Dama. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Skill |Stuns one enemy for one turn. |Chaou Zu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Enemy Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENEAT10.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Name |Description |Who Uses It --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beam Gun |A blast of Ki from an arm gun. |Gupley | |Monley | |Nabana --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Body Switch |Fighter switches bodies with their |Ginyu |opponent. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Beam |A blast of Ki. |Apul | |Burta | |Carbos | |Dodoria | |Frieza Form 1 | |Frieza Form 2 | |Frieza Form 3 | |Frieza Form 4 | |Ginyu | |Goman | |Guldo | |Jace | |Kabu | |Kuwi | |Lonme | |Napple | |Paiyer | |Rawberry | |Rikum | |Robi | |Yuz | |Zarbon Form 1 | |Zarbon Form 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eraser Gun |A blast of Ki from the mouth. |Rikum --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explosion |A strong wave of Ki that hits all |Dodoria |opponents. |Frieza Form 1 | |Frieza Form 2 | |Frieza Form 3 | |Frieza Form 4 | |Ginyu | |Jace | |Kuwi | |Zarbon Form 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouth Kaikosen|A huge blast of Ki from the mouth. |Dodoria --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi Beam |3 Ki beams that hit all opponents. |Jace | |Kuwi | |Rikum --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Split Attack |Fighter splits themselves and fires Ki|Burta |blasts at the opponent. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Stop |Stuns one enemy for one turn. |Guldo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XI. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE11 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Get Your Fighters Extremely Strong - Choice #1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start of the game, as well as when you're traveling to Planet Namek with Goku, if you wish to become really strong before you encounter Frieza's Men on Planet Namek, simply fight on ever space. If you travel the path one space at a time and manage to get into a battle each time, by the time you reach Planet Namek, your party members should be fairly strong and may even be able to handle Kuwi, Dodoria and Zarbon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Get Your Fighters Extremely Strong - Choice #2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd rather not do it the boring, long way, you could try and get the Master Roshi Card when traveling one space at a time, so that you could do Card Training and gain ALOT of experience from it. If you do it right, you can actually max out everyone to their limit before they even reach Planet Namek. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Max Son Goku's Power Level Out Before Arriving At Planet Namek - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the Gravity Training, if at anytime the Gravuty Machine still has HP, simply cancel out and you'll leave the Gravity Machine, putting you back on onto the small area of your Space Ship. Simply move off the orange space with the black symbol and then step back on it. When you do, the Gravity Machine will have fully recovered and you can now easily repeat this process until Son Goku has maxed himself out. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XII. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED12 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this walkthrough possible. Here's the following people I'd like to thank: Akira Toriyama - For creating Dragon Ball of course and also having this game made. If it weren't for him, this walkthrough wouldn't be here right now. So be thankful. Myself - For actually sitting down and doing this walkthrough. It was hell, but it was worth it. TarKel - For the information regarding the defense symbols on the Cards. kotetsu213 - Numerous bits of information regarding a few abilities of what some Cards do, corrections and various information on the walkthrough for things I missed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIII. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR13 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to ssj4kain@aol.com and label the subject as "Submit-Freeza" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Freeza" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides GameFAQs and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Dragon Ball Z. I am not affiliated with Dragon Ball Z, nor the people who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. This includes ALL Dragon Ball/Z/GT material. I am a fan simply giving out information to other fans of Dragon Ball Z. Copyright © 2002 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.