------------------------ A U T O R A C I N G ------------------------ A FAQ FOR: Auto Racing (Intellivision) Copyright 2002 Alxs (alxsthemighty@yahoo.com) Final Version, September 14, 2002 NOTE: Please read the Email Policy (below) before contacting me. =-=-=-=-=-=- Email Policy =-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Put the name of this game in the subject title. 2) Please only send me game-related questions that are not already answered in this FAQ. 3) Don't be rude. It will get you nowhere with me. 4) It's okay if you use a bit of "internet lingo" (e.g. "u" instead of "you"), but if I have no idea what you are saying, I have to delete the email. 5) Don't send me downloadable files, because I absolutely will not download them. Everything you would like me to see must be located in the actual body of the email. That's all. Now that you have read these rules and agree to abide by them, feel free to email me at alxsthemighty@yahoo.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective Controls Starting the Game Car Listing Scoring (2 player) Steering Information Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- One Player Objective =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Complete 5 laps the fastest you can. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Two Players Objective =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Get 50 points before your opponent does. See the Scoring section part of this FAQ for information on how to earn points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T R O L S ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5: Select cars (color of number = your car) Top Side Buttons: Brake (you press ONE of them) [Bottom Side Buttons: NONE] Enter: Confirm Control Disc: Steer your car ----------------------------------------------------------------------- S T A R T I N G A G A M E ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Select a course: one to five Press Enter. 2) Select a car. Use 1-5: the COLOR of the number on the control paper is how your car is identified (white, black, blue; not 1, 2, 3) (as found in controls section). Press Enter 3) You're ready to race! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C A R L I S T I N G ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Format: # - COLOR - TOP SPEED - ACCELERATION - CORNERING 1 - White - 55 - Poor - Excellent 2 - Green - 65 - Excellent - Good 3 - Red - 75 - Good - Good 4 - Tan - 90 - Poor - Fair 5 - Blue - 90 - Poor - Fair ----------------------------------------------------------------------- S C O R I N G ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent Crashes - 2 points Go to the Edge of Picture - 1 point (The game ends when somebody gets 50 points.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- S T E E R I N G I N F O ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What direction you press on the disc commands the game how to TURN the car; if you don't touch it at all your car will simply go straight from where it is. \ | / -- -- / | \ A rather rough ASCII drawing of the disc... or, actually, the directions you can press on it. The lines made with: | and -- ARE "A" LINES The lines made with: / and \ ARE "B" LINES They aren't really called "A" and "B" of course; this is just an example to show how this works :P. Okay, the A lines (N, S, W, E) tell the game to make a sharp turn in the direction you command. The B lines (NE, SE, SW, NW) tell the game to do a slight turn in the direction you command. That's actually common sense if you think about it, but it's easier to see this somewhere at first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N C L U S I O N ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright Info =-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document is Copyright (c) 2002 the author, Alxs, all rights reserved. Unless otherwise mentioned, the content within this file was written and is sole property of the author. This FAQ may only be posted on www.gamefaqs.com, not on any other website, magazine, book, CD, etc. There's no point in asking for permission to post this FAQ, because the answer is no. The only place this document is legally posted is www.gamefaqs.com, so please notify me if you see any other site using this FAQ. However, if you'd like to use a (somewhat small) portion of this file in your own online FAQ, ask me first, and I'll probably give you the thumbs-up. Thanks everyone. =-=-=-= Credits =-=-=-= Contribute and your name will go here! =-=-=-=- File End =-=-=-=-