--- Silent Scope FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0 --- For Dreamcast, Arcade, and PlayStation2 versions By Olly Dean, nekofever@hotmail.com This document (c) 2000 Oliver Dean Silent Scope (c) 1999, 2000 Konami THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE USED ON THE INTERNET FOR FREE AS LONG AS IT IS NOT USED FOR PROFIT AND THE USER HAS WRITTEN (EMAILED) PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHOR AT nekofever@hotmail.com. IF YOU ARE FOUND TO BE VIOLATING THESE GUIDELINES LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN. =-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.1 CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.1 CONTENTS 1.2 INTRODUCTION 1.3 FAQ 1.4 REVIEW 1.5 ARCADE SPECS 1.6 CONTROLS 2.1 WALKTHROUGH 2.2 SECRET ARCADE MODES 2.3 GENERAL TIPS 3.1 CONTACT INFORMATION 3.2 OTHER FAQS BY ME =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.2 INTRODUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Silent Scope was released in arcades throughout the world in mid-1999 to a good critical reception, but it became a huge smash-hit with video gamers everywhere. It involves using a small LCD screen inside a large sniper rifle with shows a magnification of a large screen in front of you. Obviously you must use this rifle to pop a cap in the asses of terrorists who have kidnapped the First Family. Naturally there couldn't be a sniper rifle peripheral for PS2 and DC so in the home console versions of games involve moving the zoomed-in crosshairs into the bad guys and shooting them. Either way, it's great fun! =-=-=-=-= 1.3 FAQ =-=-=-=-= Email me questions at nekofever@hotmail.com. Q. What's better, Silent Scope or Silent Scope 2: Final Judgement? A. I would have to say I prefer the original (which this guide is on) because it is more subtle and not so unfairly hard in places. Q. Does the console version have any lightgun support? A. No. This is due mostly to the American ban on all lightguns. This is despite the fact that lightguns can do no bodily harm whatsoever (unless you smack someone on the head with it) and the real problem is with real guns. Q. What age rating does the game have? A. I don't know if the Japanese games have a ratings system but due to the content of it it has an M for Mature rating in the States and in Europe I wouldn't be surprised if it gains a 15 or 18 rating. =-=-=-=-=-= 1.4 REVIEW =-=-=-=-=-= Graphics: The arcade version never had incredibly impressive graphics, as the game could probably have been done reasonably well on the original PlayStation, but it is a fairly nice looking game. 7/10 Sound: Nothing special. Voice samples are deliberately crackly as they're coming over a radio, and there isn't much in the way of music. The unsilenced gun sounds are impressively meaty though. 6/10 Gameplay: I LOVE THIS GAME! Before I bought the Dreamcast version I must have put about £100 into the arcade machine and I still love it and play it whenever I'm in the arcade. This will keep you coming back for the odd blast every so often after you've finished it. It has something that many games today lack - fun! 10/10 Lifespan: The games major downfall. There are a few high-score-based training missions but the main game, although you'll came back to it for quick blasts, can be beaten on the normal difficulty after a few hours play. 6/10 Overall: 9/10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.5 ARCADE SPECS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DEVELOPER: Konami Japan PUBLISHER: Konami Arcade DISPLAY: 27-inch monitor, custom LCD screen CONTROL: Light Rifle with simulated scope 1 CREDIT: 75 cents (US), £1 (UK) PLAYERS: 1 CLASSIFICATION: Strong, Life-like violence =-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.6 CONTROLS =-=-=-=-=-=-= Arcade: If you need me to tell you the arcade controls then you don't need an FAQ, you need a reading lesson. LOOK AT THE CABINET. Dreamcast: Analogue Stick/D-Pad - Move crosshairs A Button - Fire/Confirm menu selections B Button - Cancel menu commands Start - Pause/Confirm options L Trigger - Zoom Out (Hold) R Trigger - Fire PlayStation2: -- Haven't got a PS2 and don't plan to. Someone email me the controls please. Credit will be given. -------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.1 WALKTHROUGH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PART 1: Downtown Chicago ENEMIES: Terrorists and Snipers CIVILIANS: Police WOMEN: 2 by the pool You will start in one of a few locations, all in windows or on roofs. Nothing here should cause you any great problems. Just take out the enemy snipers and terrorists as the game points them out to you. Don't waste time by going for headshots just get those chain combos going by hitting the enemies anywhere. Look at the women by the rooftop swimming pool to get extra lives. Nothing here should cause you any great problems, although you may be caught off guard on one route where two terrorists will jump out in front of you as they will only wait about a second before shooting you. When you finish you will have three choices of boss fight. 1a Tower Battle - 1b Air Battle - 1c Stadium Easy Medium Hard 1a There are a few enemies providing backup for Scorpion who has the First Lady hostage and is armed with a nasty rocket launcher. Just focus in on him and shoot him repeatedly. 5 body shots or 1 head shot will get him. 1b This is also Scorpion but he's in a jet fighter with a gatling gun and missile launcher. It will take 30 shots to the plane (which is slow but will give you a HUGE chain combo) or 1 head shot to bring him down to earth (pun intended). 1c This is against Cobra, the Iron Man in the football stadium. He's running around a football stadium armed with an assault rifle. The thing that makes this incredibly hard is that he has the President's daughter over his shoulder and the football players are swarming around him to try and tackle him. Hitting anything except him and a few terrorists will cost you a life. If you need health focus on the cheerleaders. 1 head shot or 5 body shots will take him out. If you manage to do it you will go straight to the Imperial Hotel. If you can't take him out quickly enough it will go straight to Cobra as the boss of the highway battle after he runs out of the stadium. PART 2: Highway Battle ENEMIES: Terrorists, Grenadiers, Drivers, Helicopter CIVILIANS: Drivers, President's Daughter WOMEN: In the back of the Pink Cadillac This is a lot of fun except for the swerving of the cars. If possible, save ammo and time by taking out the drivers of the enemy cars. If a grenade is thrown, keep looking in the same direction and shoot as soon as it appears in your sights. When the helicopter miniboss appears, aim for the weakpoint to take it down in one shot. Otherwise, 5 normal hits will do it. Keep up the previous strategy until you come up against the Cobra with the President's daughter in the back of the car. He will fire his assault rifle and occasionally lob a grenade. As always, it's 1 head shot or 5 normal shots. When he's defeated, he will suddenly come back in a hijacked juggernaut truck. You can get chain combos by hitting the truck but will do a lot of damage by hitting him and will kill in 1 shot with the old reliable head shot. If you came here via the stadium you will go to the Imperial Hotel, if not you will go to the Enemy Base. PART 3: Imperial Hotel ENEMIES: Suits, Thugs, Terrorists CIVILIANS: Maids and Guests WOMEN: In some hotel windows This is my favourite level. In the first section you will have to locate and kill 2 terrorists in hotel windows. If you wait long enough your commander will show you the locations but it's not worth waiting if you are doing Time Attack mode. In section 2 there are more windows and 3 terrorists to find. When you nail them you will have to kill Hornet, the expert sniper boss. He can be hard if you panic but if you just get a fix on him, you should be able to hit him 5 times before he recovers from the first hit. He tends to bob and weave though and can hit you about 90% of the time so he can be deadly as he also has a lot of terrorist support. PART 4: Enemy Base ENEMIES: Terrorists, Suits, Thugs, Night Vision Troopers, Tom and Jerry CIVILIANS: Maids WOMEN: 2 by the pool, 1 in upstairs room, 1 in elevator At the beginning you can choose one of two routes: 4a Through the Woods - 4b By Parachuting In Easy/Medium Hard 4a Aim at the source of the searchlights to take out a few enemies. Act quickly if a laser sight is getting close to you by shooting the source. Shoot the infra-red sensor when you come to it to continue on to the main road. When you reach the road quickly shoot the 2 guards near to you as they have their backs to you, and use the scope to pick off the guards further along the road. Continue on through the wood until you reach the mansion. You'll have to get along without the scope occasionally when a flare goes off as it will render the night vision useless. 4b First priority is to shoot out the searchlights ASAP otherwise you'll have every enemy in the area after you. Only take out enemies if you're very good as the strong crosswinds will blow bullets to the left. When you land you'll be in the same place as 4a ended. Take out the power box on the side of the building and look at the 2 women by the pool to refill some of your life. Shoot the people on the roof first as they have grenades, then pick off the others. 2 more enemies will come out from by the fire. Introduce them to some lead. Next are the minibosses: Tom and Jerry. One will fire darts and the other throws knives in this game of cat and mouse (pun intended). They hide behind things for up to 7 seconds which is a huge time waster, but if you keep your sights trained on them they won't be a problem as they don't run especially fast which should give you time to line up a head shot on each. At the start of the fight try and shoot the explosive boxes behind them as this will cause them to pause. When they stop, if your quick enough you may be able to get a head shot on one of them right away. In the next section it's you against everyone inside the building in the pitch darkness. Don't rely on lights to show you enemies as there are a few maids and women to watch out for. The 2 maids are in the main room where you start and at the top of the stairs so watch out. On the stairs watch out for the enemies in the small pigeon hole above you. Once all the rooms are cleared out you come to a choice of three elevators. They are random, but one contains a surprise attack, one contains a woman, and the third will take you to part 5: the Big Boss area. PART 5: Big Boss Area ENEMIES: Terrorists, Thugs, Suits, Monica, Terrorist Leader (Big Boss) CIVILIANS: US President WOMEN: None The first area can be quite hard as some enemies have a nasty habit of hiding in hard to reach places. Use the unmaginfied view to spot them and zoom in when you see one. Once you've done this part, be prepared to fight Monica, probably the hardest boss in the game. She is armoured and carres metal claws and an assault rifle. Don't fire wildly because you may hit the President. First she will hide before jumping from crate- to-crate and then into you to slash at you twice. Take any shot you can at her unless you're a brilliant player as you won't have time to ain for the head. Next she keeps hiding behind the President and shooting you which is incredibly annoying. The best way to kill her is to get 3 head shots - 2 to knock off the helmet and 1 to kill her, but this can take a long time as she jumps around and tries to shoot or slash you. If you have time, take pot shots until she is taken out. When she kicks it, the Terrorist Leader will take the President and run. You'll have to destroy some bullet proof glass by continually shooting in one place until it shatters. No matter what happens you will always have one bullet left. To get the good ending you MUST get a head shot on the terrorist leader. If you miss or hit any other part of his body you'll get the bad ending. Fire that last bullet and that's it! THE END... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.2 SECRET ARCADE MODES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= These will work on the arcade machine of Silent Scope. I'm not sure if they work on Dark Silhouette machines. They do work on the Dreamcast and, I'd assume, the PS2 versions. - PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGE: No aiming ring or enemy markers: Insert coins, hold trigger, press start, continue holding the trigger, highlight mode, press start x4. - NIGHT VISION CHALLENGE: All levels in the dark: Insert coins, hold trigger, press start, continue holding the trigger, highlight mode, press start x5. - PROFESSIONAL NIGHT VISION CHALLENGE: All levels in dark with no aiming ring and no enemy markers: Insert coins, hold trigger, press start, continue holding the trigger, highlight mode, press start x6. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.3 GENERAL TIPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - Don't rely totally on your scope. Try to eliminate enemies with the wide view particularily inside the enemy base. - Take your time. The rifle's loading time and the enemy reactions will be the death of you if you panic. - Spot the enemy without the scope and kill them with it if you need to. The enemy markers will show you the enemies; the scope won't. - Stay calm. If you can't keep the rifle still you won't hit anything. -------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.1 CONTACT INFORMATION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Email me at nekofever@hotmail.com with questions, comments, corrections or contributions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.2 OTHER FAQS BY ME =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= All of my FAQs can be found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4283.html Fin.