ORIGINAL FAQ DATE: Wednesday, March 18th, 2004 _____ _ __ __ / ____| | \ \ / / | (___ | |_ __ _ _ __ \ \ /\ / /_ _ _ __ ___ \___ \| __/ _` | '__| \ \/ \/ / _` | '__/ __| ____) | || (_| | | \ /\ / (_| | | \__ \ |_____/ \__\__,_|_| \/ \/ \__,_|_| |___/ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ | |/ / (_) | | | | / _| | | | | | ' / _ __ _ __ _| |__ | |_ ___ ___ | |_ | |_| |__ ___ | < | '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \| __/ __| / _ \| _| | __| '_ \ / _ \ | . \| | | | | (_| | | | | |_\__ \ | (_) | | | |_| | | | __/ |_|\_\_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|\__|___/ \___/|_| \__|_| |_|\___| __/ | |___/ ____ _ _ _____ _ _ _ / __ \| | | | | __ \ | | | (_) | | | | | __| | | |__) |___ _ __ _ _| |__ | |_ ___ | | | | |/ _` | | _ // _ \ '_ \| | | | '_ \| | |/ __| | |__| | | (_| | | | \ \ __/ |_) | |_| | |_) | | | (__ \____/|_|\__,_| |_| \_\___| .__/ \__,_|_.__/|_|_|\___| | | |_| [-----------------] [ FAQ/Walkthrough ] [-----------------] Author : JPaterson Platform : Microsoft Xbox Last Updated : September 7th, 2004 Version : Final E-Mail : == See "[A] Contact Information" == Website : http://www.jpatworld.com/ GameFAQS CRP : http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8939.html For more of my FAQs, as well as full HTML strategy guides with screenshots, check out CHEAT HAPPENS at: http://www.cheathappens.com/ =============================================================================== UPDATE & REVISION HISTORY Sep. 7th, 2004 - Finally updated my copyright information. Websites are now free to use this, and other guides of mine, without asking for permission beforehand, just as long as the content isn't changed and it's not passed off as your own work. Jul. 5th, 2004 (Final) - Registered a new domain name, so I wanted to change my FAQs so people know where to find them (outside of GameFAQs, of course). Added new section to "Other FAQs Written". Jun. 8th, 2004 (Final version) - This FAQ is officially dead. I hope the Light Side walkthrough helped out some of you. If you really need help with the Dark Side of the game, just do this: do whatever the opposite of good is. If you have the choice of giving the woman money for her shell, or keeping the money, keep the money. Apr. 8th, 2004 (v0.9) - I had a few minutes of free time today, so I did some very minor work to this FAQ, probably not more than 2KB worth, as well as submitted an entirely new FAQ. I hope to actually start working on this one again sometime next week. Apr. 5th, 2004 (v0.8) - Nothing major; finished the dark side walkthrough up to the beginning of the Lower City on Taris. A whole pile of games arrived the other day, so I won't be updating this guide for a while, unfortunately. If you have any questions about the game, though, or need help with something that I haven't already covered, then go ahead and e-mail me; e-mail can be found in the "Contact" section. Apr. 1st, 2004 (v0.7) - Ah, finally; the Light Side Walkthrough is complete. In a day or two, I will start work on the Dark Side, and I also plan to finish off the reaming areas that I haven't touched lately. I also updated my Item Guide. Mar. 31st, 2004 (v0.6) - Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been preoccupied with the multiplayer game of Pandora Tomorrow. I got most of Manaan done; the walkthrough is complete up to the beginning of "Hrakert Station". Also sent in an updated version of my Item Guide. Mar. 26th, 2004 (v0.5) - Quite a large update, over 150KB worth. Completed the walkthrough up to the beginning of the Levithan; added some puzzle solutions to the separate puzzle section, but some are still missing because I haven't been focusing on that part. More will come tomorrow or the day after. I'm going to try to get it finished by the end of next week. I also sent in an update to my Item Guide, which I've been writing as I've been writing this one. Mar. 23rd, 2004 (v0.4) - Completed more of the walkthrough up to the very beginning of Korriban; added a couple of new sections; added a bit of info to "Journal Entries"; changed some of the sections around. That's all for today. Next update probably won't be for a few days. Mar. 22nd, 2004 (v0.3) - Completed walkthrough up to the beginning of Korriban; added a couple new sections; removed the journal entries, as I'm going to save them for a completely separate section. Mar. 19th, 2004 (v0.2) - Over 150KB done today. Walkthrough complete up to the Black Vulkar base. Hands are sore, will do more later. Mar. 18th, 2004 (v0.1) - Just started. Not yet submitted. =============================================================================== Table of Contents [1] Introduction [2] Controls [3] Beginning a New Game [3.1] Portrait [3.2] Attributes [3.3] Skills [3.4] Feats [3.5] Name [3.6] Play [4] Character Classes [4.1] Scoundrel [4.2] Scout [4.3] Soldier [5] Attributes [5.1] Strength [5.2] Dexterity [5.3] Constitution [5.4] Intelligence [5.5] Wisdom [5.6] Charisma [6] Skills [6.1] Computer Use [6.2] Demolitions [6.3] Stealth [6.4] Awareness [6.5] Pursuade [6.6] Repair [6.7] Security [6.8] Treat Injury [7] Feats [7.1] Two-Weapon Fighting [7.2] Armor Proficiency [7.3] Caution [7.4] Critical Strike [7.5] Empathy [7.6] Flurry [7.7] Gear Head [7.8] Conditioning [7.9] Implant Level [7.10] Power Attack [7.11] Power Blast [7.12] Rapid Shot [7.13] Sniper Shot [7.14] Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol [7.15] Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle [7.16] Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons [7.17] Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons [7.18] Uncanny Dodge [7.19] Sneak Attack [7.20] Toughness [7.21] Scoundrel's Luck [7.22] Dueling [7.23] Droid Upgrade Class [7.24] Blaster Integration [7.25] Combat Logic Upgrade [8] Jedi-Related Feats [8.1] Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber [8.2] Jedi Defense [8.3] Force Immunity: Fear [8.4] Jedi Sense [8.5] Force Sensitive [8.6] Force Jump [8.7] Force Focus [9] Force Powers [9.1] Dark Powers [9.1.1] Wound [9.1.2] Slow [9.1.3] Fear [9.1.4] Shock [9.1.5] Drain Life [9.2] Light Powers [9.2.1] Cure [9.2.2] Force Aura [9.2.3] Force Valor [9.2.4] Stun [9.2.5] Stun Droid [9.3] Universal Powers [9.3.1] Burst of Speed [9.3.2] Force Resistance [9.3.3] Energy Resistance [9.3.4] Affect Mind [9.3.5] Force Push [9.3.6] Force Suppression [9.3.7] Throw Lightsaber [10] Jedi Classes [9.1] Guardian [9.2] Consular [9.3] Sentinel [11] Your Party [12] Gaining Experience [13] Walkthrough, Light Side [13.1] Endar Spire [13.2] Taris [13.3] Dantooine [13.4] Tatooine [13.5] Kashyyyk [13.6] Korriban [13.7] Levithan [13.8] Manaan [13.9] Unknown World [13.10] Star Forge [14] Walkthrough, Dark Side [14.1] Endar Spire [14.2] Taris [14.3] Dantooine [14.4] Tatooine [14.5] Kashyyyk [14.6] Korriban [14.7] Levithan [14.8] Manaan [14.9] Unknown World [14.10] Star Forge [15] Puzzle Solutions [16] Journal Entries [17] Pazaak [18] Character States [19] Complete NPC Listing [19.1] Endar Spire [19.2] Taris [19.3] Dantooine [19.4] Tatooine [19.5] Kashyyyk [19.6] Korriban [19.7] Levithan [19.8] Manaan [19.9] Unknown World [19.10] Star Forge [20] Downloadable Content [20.1] Yavin Space Station [21] Item Listing [22] Complete Dialogue List [23] Loading Screen Messages [A] Contact Information [B] Webmaster Information [C] Where This FAQ May be Found [D] Other FAQs Written [E] Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Copyright Information =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1] Introduction | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Welcome to my FAQ/walkthrough for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. As some of you may recall, I had a walkthrough for this game posted at GameFAQs a long time ago. Unfortunately, I lost my guide when my harddrive died, and because my file was a little over the CPL limit, it was rejected, and the version that was here was relatively old. I didn't feel like doing the entire guide again, so I had it removed from the website. Well, here it is again. I've decided to re-do it, and this time, I'm going to make it the "ultimate" strategy guide. The guide will begin with a walkthrough of the Light side, followed by the Dark side, and then I will have a section which shows other possible outcomes associated with neither the light or the dark. Thanks for reading this guide, and as always, I enjoy any e-mails you send. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2] Controls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is the default control scheme. |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Control | Action | |-------------------|--------------------------------------------| | Left Thumbstick | Move character | | Right Thumbstick | Control camera (click for 1st person view) | | D-Pad | Cycle action menu | | A | Default action (select, etc.) | | B | Cancel | | Y | Delete from action queue | | X | Add to action queue | | Black | Cycle characters | | White | Pause/unpause game | | Start | Access menus | | Back | Turn Solo mode on/off | | Left Trigger | Cycle targets/cycle menu options left | | Right Trigger | Cycle targets/cycle menu options right | |----------------------------------------------------------------| =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3] Beginning a New Game | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| So you're ready to start the game. Before you're thrown into the mix, you have to set up a character, and here is where I help you. When choosing a character, you must decide between one is female and male. Depending on your choice, some actions may be different. Instead of "man", you are referred to as a "woman". Carth speaks differently to you at times by calling you "beautiful" and things like that. One man in the Upper City Cantina will only talk to you if you're a female. So on and so forth. Choose whichever you want, though, because it has no major effect on the game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.1] Portrait | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| The portrait is purely a cosmetic choice. Whatever you pick is what you'll be staring at for the duration of the game. No matter what your choice is, your portrait will change depending on your actions. A light side character will see his or her portrait change into a nice, white-ish, angelic background, while a dark side character's portait will transform into an evil, red/orange, fires of hell background. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.2] Attributes | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| You have six attributes to choose from when starting a character; Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Check the "Attributes" section for details on these. Throughout the game, when you reach certain levels, you can increase these attributes. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.3] Skills | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| You have eight skills to choose from when starting a character; Computer Use, Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Repair, Security and Treat Injury. Check the "Skills" section for details on these. Throughout the game, when you reach certain levels, you can increase these attributes. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.4] Feats | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| There are over twenty feats to choose from. Some will make you more adept with two-handed weapons, some will increase your ability to absorb damage, some will increase your ability to spot cloaked items, and some will allow you to fire weapons more effectively. Check the "Feats" section for details on all of them. Throughout the game, when you reach certain levels, you can increase these attributes. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.5] Name | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| The name is purely a cosmetic choice, as well. It will not be spoken (even the pre-loaded names), and it will only be used to identify yourself (Hi, I'm ___), or when characters talk to you (Are you _____, the big swoop winner?). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.6] Play | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| It does just as it is. Choose Play to confirm your character and start the opening cinematic. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4] Character Classes | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| At the beginning of the game, you have a choice of what type of character you want to play as. Your decision is permanent, and cannot be changed. Each type of character has his or her own advantages and weaknesses, and each class gets different types of feats and skills. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.1] Scoundrel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description: A skillful rogue that gets by on stealth and guile. The Scoundrel is the character for those who favor a mix of combat and powers. While not adept at either, they're not slouches, either. As the Scoundrel, you can hold your own in combat, and when you become a Jedi, you'll be an average Force user. Starting Skill Points 24 Starting Feats Armor Proficiency: Light Critical Strike Sniper Shot Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Sneak Attack 1 Scoundrel's Luck |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.2] Scout | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description: An explorer most at home on the fringes of space. The Scout, like the Scoundrel, is not a fighting class. You'll probably need plenty of medpacs. Your best bets are standard blaster rifles, but you'd be better off with melee weapons. You benefit greatly from adrenal items. As a Scout, you get the first Implant Level free, as well as Implant Levels two and three (when you reach levels four and eight, respectively), free. Starting Skill Points 20 Starting Feats Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency: Medium Flurry Implant Level 1 Rapid Shot Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.3] Soldier | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description: A battle-ready fighter with no equal in combat. The Soldier is like the warrior of most RPGs. You're dangerous with any kind of weapon. Unfortunately, you're slow, you gain the least skill points for every level, and your Force Points are minimal (when you become a Jedi). Starting Skill Points 4 Starting Feats Armor Proficiency: Heavy Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency: Medium Power Attack Power Blast Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5] Attributes | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Attributes are what make your character. Soldiers want to focus on the ones that are most beneficial, such as Strength, while the Scoundrel and Scout would find Dexterity and Intelligence a better choice. All descriptions are taken from in-game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1] Strength | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Strength measures physical power. A high Strength adds modifiers to melee damage and chance to hit, which is important for characters that use close-combat weapons (vibroblades, lightsabers). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.2] Dexterity | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Dexterity measures agility and reflexes. A high Dexterity adds modifiers to ranged attack rolls (blasters, grenades) and increases a character's Defense rating, making them harder to hit. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.3] Constitution | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Constitution represents health and resiliency. A high Constitution adds modifiers to the vitality points gained at each level-up. This is important for everyone, but essential for soldiers and Jedi guardians. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.4] Intelligence | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Intelligence represents knowledge and resoning. A high Intelligence adds modifiers to the number of points a character has to spend on essential skills. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.5] Wisdom | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Wisdom represents willpower and perception. A high Wisdow adds modifiers to Jedi Force Points and Force Power saving throws. The Force Powers of a Jedi with high Wisdom are also much harder to resist. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.6] Charisma | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Charisma represents personality and the ability to lead. A high Charisma adds modifiers to Force-related feats and powers that are very important to all the Jedi classes. It is also central to any persuasive talker. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6] Skills | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Skills make certain actions throughout the world easier. If you have a high skill in Computer Use, for example, you can hack into computers for much less spikes than a normal person would. Treat Injury allows you to heal more health points, and Persuade gives you a better chance of making people see your point of view. For descriptions on all of them, read further. All descriptions are taken from in-game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.1] Computer Use | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Intelligence Computer Use allows a character to slice computer programs using disposable logic rams called computer spikes. A character might disable gun turrets or flood a patrol area, with more complicated tasks requiring more spikes. A high rank in this skill reduces the number of spikes required by 1 (to a minimum of 1 for every 4 points total, including attribute score modifiers. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.2] Demolitions | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Intelligence Demolitions can be used to set, recover or disarm mines. Such devices are either of low (DC15 to set), medium (DC20 to set), or high difficulty (DC25 to set). Attempting to disarm the mine adds +5 to the DC. Attempting to recover the mine adds +10 to the DC. This skill cannot be used untrained. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.3] Stealth | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Dexterity Stealth governs the use of camouflage devices to enter Stealth Mode. If a character equips such a device and activates Stealth Mode, opponents must make an Awareness check versus the character's Stealth skill or be unable to detect them, even if the character is in a direct line of sight. A character in Stealth Mode can set, disable, and recover mines, use computers and repair droids, and open doors or containers. Party members will not automatically enter combat while in this mode. Combat cancels Stealth Mode. Stealth Mode will not work without a camouflage unit. Units of higher quality grant a bonus to the skill. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.4] Awareness | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Wisdom Awareness governs the ability of a character to spot objects or enemies hidden by Stealth. If a successful check of this skill is made against the Stealth skill of the enemy or the DC of a mine, the enemy or object is noticed and becomes visible. Awareness is always active, but results are best while a character is moving slowly. Running imparts a -5 penalty to any checks of the skill. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.5] Pursuade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Charisma Only the main player character can select this skill during level-up. Persuade options appear in dialogue when interesting or sensitive information is available that a character might otherwise be reluctant to reveal. When selected, rank in this skill is compared with how extreme the request is (Difficulty Class low, medium, or high, relative to player level). A guard might easily agree to increase a bounty, but convincing him to leave his post would be much harder. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.6] Repair | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Intelligence Repair allows a character to fix disabled mechanical devices like droids using disposable packages of parts. The number of part kits required increases with the difficulty of the repair. This skill reduces the number of parts required by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for every 4 points total, including attribute score modifiers. This skill also modifies the amount of vitality points recovered when party members droids use repair kits, advanced repair kits, and construction kits on themselves to repair combat damage. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.7] Security | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Wisdom Security is used to access electronic locking devices. Once a character invests points in this skill, it becomes one of the default options on targeted doors and containers. Security spikes can grant a bonus to the skill, and any in inventory will also appear as a default option on targeted doors and containers. Characters with no points invested cannot attempt to use this skill. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.8] Treat Injury | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Related Attribute: Wisdom Treat Injury improves the amount of damage healed when a medpac is used, adding the modified rank to the number of vitality points healed. Advanced medpacs and life support packs apply multipliers to the user's skill, increasing the amount healed again. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7] Feats | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Feats are the major components of the game. From a feat that gives you a better hit chance at dueling, to those that increase your ability to use computers, to those that make you more resilient against enemies, there are a ton to choose from. Read on for further details. All descriptions are taken from in-game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.1] Two-Weapon Fighting | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Two-Weapon Fighting Prerequisites: None This feat reduces the attack penalty of a character wielding a double-bladed weapon or two weapons (one in each hand). The normal penalties of -6 (main hand)/-10 (off hand) are reduced by 0/4, to a total of -6/-6. Use of a "balanced" weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2/0, to a total of -4/-6. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat further reduces the attack penalty of a character wielding a double-bladed weapon or two weapons (one in each hand). This feat reduces the attack penalty by an additional 2/2, to a total of -4 (main hand)/-4 (off hand). Use of a "balanced" weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2/0, to a total of -2/-4. Master Two-Weapon Fighting Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat again reduces the attack penalty for characters using double-bladed weapons or two weapons (one in each hand) by 2/2, for a total of -2 (main hand) /-2 (off hand). Use of a balanced weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2/0 to a final total of 0/-2, negating it almost entirely. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.2] Armor Proficiency | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Armor Proficiency: Light Prerequisites: None This feat allows a character to wear Light armor. Characters without this feat CANNOT wear Light or heavier armor. Soldiers receive this feat for free. Wookiees and droids cannot wear armor suits. Armor Proficiency: Medium Prequisites: None This feat allows a character to wear Medium armor. Characters without this feat CANNOT wear Medium or heavier armor. Soldiers receive this feat for free. Wookiees and droids cannot wear armor suits. Armor Proficiency: Heavy Prerequisites: None This feat allows a character to wear Heavy armor. Characters without this feat CANNOT wear Heavy armor. Soldiers receive this feat for free. Wookiees and droids cannot wear armor suits. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.3] Caution | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Caution Prerequisites: None This feat gives a +1 skill point bonus to both Demolitions and Stealth. Improved Caution Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat gives a +2 skill point bonus to both Demolitions and Stealth. This replaces the +1 bonus given by caution. Master Caution Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat gives a +3 skill point bonus to both Demolitions and Stealth. This replaces the +2 bonus given by Improved Caution. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.4] Critical Strike | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Critical Strike Prerequisites: None This feat doubles the critical threat range of melee attacks (e.g. if a weapon need a roll of 20, a critical hit will result on 19 or 20). If the attack hits the target is also stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Strength modifier. This feat lowers Defense by -5 when used. Critical Strike works with melee weapons only. Improved Critial Strike Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat triples the critical threat range of melee attacks (e.g. if a weapon needs a roll of 20, a critical hit will result on 19-20). If the attack hits, the target is also stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Strength modifier. This feat lowers Defense by -5 when used. Improved Critical Strike works with melee weapons only. Master Critical Strike Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat quadruples the critical threat range of a melee attack (e.g. if a weapon needs a roll of 20, a critical hit will result on 17-20). If the attack hits, the target is also stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Strength modifier. This feat lowers Defense by -5 when used. Master Critical Strike works with melee weapons only. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.5] Empathy | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Empathy Prerequisites: None This feat gives a +1 skill point bonus to Persuade, Awareness and Treat Injury. Improved Empathy Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat gives a +2 skill point bonus to Persuade, Awareness and Treat Injury. This feat replaces the +1 bonus given by Empathy. Master Empathy Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat gives a +3 skill point bonus to Persuade, Awareness and Treat Injury. This feat replaces the +2 bonus given by Improved Empathy. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.6] Flurry | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Flurry Prerequisites: None This feat allows a character to make an extra melee attack during the round. Characters suffer -4 to Defense while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterward (i.e. the enemy's attack). They also suffer a -4 penalty to all attacks that round. Improved Flurry Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat allows a character to make an extra melee attack during the round. Characters suffer -2 to Defense while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterward (i.e. the enemy's attack). They also suffer a -2 penalty to all attacks that round. Master Flurry Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat allows a character to make an extra melee attack during the round. Characters suffer -1 to Defense while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterward (i.e. the enemy's attack). They also suffer a -1 penalty to all attacks that round. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.7] Gear Head | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Gear Head Prerequisites: None This feat gives a +1 skill point bonus to Repair, Security and Computer Use. Improved Gear Head Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat gives a +2 skill point bonus to Repair, Security and Computer Use. This feat replaces the +1 bonus given by Gear Head. Master Gear Head Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat gives a +3 skill point bonus to Repair, Security and Computer Use. This feat replaces the +2 bonus given by Improved Gear Head. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.8] Conditioning | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Conditioning Prerequisites: None This feat provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws, reflecting the character's excellent physical conditioning. Improved Conditioning Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws, reflecting the character's extraordinary physical conditioning. Master Conditioning Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws, reflecting the character's near-perfect physical conditioning. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.9] Implant Level | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Implant Level 1 Prerequisites: None This feat allows use of level one cybernetic implants. They can be purchased throughout the galaxyand have a variety of effects (modifying attack rolls, attribute scores, etc.). Only one implant may be used at a time. Scouts get this feat for free at first level. Implant Level 2 Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat allows use of level two cybernetic implants. They can be purchased throughout the galaxyand have a variety of effects (modifying attack rolls, attribute scores, etc.). Level two implants are more powerful than level one implants. Only one implant may be used at a time. Scouts get this feat for free at fourth level. Implant Level 3 Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat allows use of level three cybernetic implants. They can be purchased throughout the galaxyand have a variety of effects (modifying attack rolls, attribute scores, etc.). Level three implants are significantly more powerful than level one or two implants. Only one implant may be used at a time. Scouts get this feat for free at eighth level. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.10] Power Attack | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Power Attack Prerequisites: None Power Attack adds +5 damage to the next attack, but also a -3 to hit. Used to quickly dispatch groups of easy-to-hit opponents. Only applies to melee weapons. Improved Power Attack Prerequisites: Level 4 A character using improved Power Attack receives +8 to damage on the next melee attack, but the attack is made with a penalty of -3 to hit. Used to quickly dispatch groups of easy-to-hit opponents. Master Power Attack Prerequisites: Level 8 When activated, Master Power Attack adds +10 to damage on the next melee attack, but imparts a -3 penalty to hit. Used to quickly dispatch groups of easy-to-hit opponents. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.11] Power Blast | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Power Blast Prerequisites: None Power Blast adds +5 damage to the next attack, but also a -3 to hit. Used to quickly dispatch groups of easy-to-hit opponents. Only applies to ranged weapons. Improved Power Blast Prerequisites: Level 4 A character using improved Power Blasy receives +8 to damage on the next blaster or missile attack, but the attack is made with a penalty of -3 to hit. Used to quickly dispatch groups of easy-to-hit opponents. Master Power Blast Prerequisites: Level 8 When activated, Master Power Blast adds +10 to damage on the next blaster or missile attack, but imparts a -3 penalty to hit. Used to quickly dispatch groups of easy-to-hit opponents. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.12] Rapid Shot | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Rapid Shot Prerequisites: None This feat allows a character to make an extra ranged weapon attack during the round. Characters suffer -4 to Defense while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterwards (i.e. an enemy's attack). They also suffer a -4 penalty to all attacks that round. Improved Rapid Shot Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat allows a character to make an extra ranged weapon attack during the round. Characters suffer -2 to Defense while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterwards (i.e. an enemy's attack). They also suffer a -2 penalty to all attacks that round. Master Rapid Shot Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat allows a character to make an extra ranged weapon attack during the round. Characters suffer -1 to Defense while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterwards (i.e. an enemy's attack). They also suffer a -1 penalty to all attacks that round. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.13] Sniper Shot | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Sniper Shot Prerequisites: None This feat doubles the critical threat range of ranged attacks (e.g. if a weapon need a roll of 20, a critical hit will result on 19 or 20). If the attack hits the target is also stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Strength modifier. This feat lowers Defense by -5 when used. Sniper Shot works with ranged weapons only. Improved Sniper Shot Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat triples the critical threat range of rangged attacks (e.g. if a weapon needs a roll of 20, a critical hit will result on 19-20). If the attack hits, the target is also stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Strength modifier. This feat lowers Defense by -5 when used. Improved Sniper Shot works with ranged weapons only. Master Sniper Shot Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat quadruples the critical threat range of a melee attack (e.g. if a weapon needs a roll of 20, a critical hit will result on 17-20). If the attack hits, the target is also stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Strength modifier. This feat lowers Defense by -5 when used. Master Sniper Shot works with ranged weapons only. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.14] Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Weapon Profiency: Blaster Pistol Prerequisites: None This feat gives a character basic training in the use of standard Blaster Pistol weapon types. Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol Prerequisites: None Adds a +1 attack bonus with Blaster Pistols. Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Prerequisites: Level 4 Soldier Adds a +2 damage bonus with Blaster Pistols. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.15] Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Weapon Profiency: Blaster Rifle Prerequisites: None This feat gives a character basic training in the use of Blaster Rifle weapon types. Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle Prerequisites: None Adds a +1 attack bonus with Blaster Rifles. Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle Prerequisites: Level 4 Soldier Adds a +2 damage bonus with Blaster Rifles. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.16] Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Weapon Profiency: Heavy Weapons Prerequisites: None This feat gives a character basic training in the use of Heavy Weapons, such as repeating blasters. Weapon Focus: Heavy Weapons Prerequisites: None Adds a +1 attack bonus with Heavy Weapons. Weapon Specialization: Heavy Weapons Prerequisites: Level 4 Soldier Adds a +2 damage bonus with Heavy Weapons. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.17] Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Weapon Profiency: Melee Weapons Prerequisites: None This feat gives a character basic training in the use of hand-to-hand melee weapon types, such as vibroblades and other powered or unpowered items. Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Prerequisites: None Adds a +1 attack bonus with Melee Weapons. Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Prerequisites: Level 4 Soldier Adds a +2 damage bonus with Melee Weapons. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.18] Uncanny Dodge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Uncanny Dodge 1 Prerequisites: Level 4 Scout A character with Uncanny Dodge retains the dexterity bonus to Defense even when surprised by camouflaged opponents, and also gains +2 on saves versus grenades. Uncanny Dodge 2 Prerequisites: Level 7 Scout A character with Uncanny Dodge Two retains the dexterity bonus to Defense even when surprised by camouflaged opponents, and also gains +4 on saves versus grenades. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.19] Sneak Attack | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Sneak Attack I Prerequisites: Level 1 Scoundrel Sneak Attack I adds 1-6 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. Sneak Attack II Prerequisites: Level 3 Scoundrel Sneak Attack II adds 2-12 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. Sneak Attack III Prerequisites: Level 5 Scoundrel Sneak Attack III adds 3-18 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. Sneak Attack IV Prerequisites: Level 7 Scoundrel Sneak Attack IV adds 4-24 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. Sneak Attack V Prerequisites: Level 9 Scoundrel Sneak Attack IV adds 5-30 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. Sneak Attack VI Prerequisites: Level 11 Scoundrel Sneak Attack IV adds 6-36 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. Sneak Attack VII Prerequisites: Level 13 Scoundrel Sneak Attack IV adds 7-42 points of extra damage to attacks when the target can't respond to the attacker. The extra damage is applied to attacks made from behind the target, attacks against stunned or otherwise immobilized targets, and any attacks made while in Stealth Mode (combat cancels Stealth Mode, but the first attack receives the bonus). Sneak Attack only works if the target is within 10 meters. The extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.20] Toughness | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Toughness Prerequisites: None This feat gives the character 1 extra vitality point every time they level up. This bonus is retroactive for levels previously gained. Improved Toughness Prerequisites: Level 4 The character is very resilient. This feat subtracts 2 points from any damage suffered. The character retains the +1 vitality point per level granted by Toughness Master Toughness Prerequisites: Level 8 The character is further fortified against damage. The character gains an additional +1 vitality point at each level up, retroactive for levels previously gained. This is in addition to the +1 vitality point per level granted by Toughness, and the 2-point physical damage resistance granted by Improved Toughness. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.21] Scoundrel's Luck | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Scoundrel's Luck Prerequisites: Scoundrel Scoundrels have a knack for getting in trouble, but to compensate, they also possess an incredible instinct for survival. This manifests as a truly useful +2 to defense. This feat is always active. Improved Scoundrel's Luck Prerequisites: Level 6 Scoundrel As their skills increase, Scoundrels learn to make the most of their infamous luck, turning the whims of chance into a certain +4 to defense. This feat is always active. This feat replaces Scoundrel's Luck. Master Scoundrel's Luck Prerequesities: Level 12 Scoundrel At the heights of their abilities, Scoundrels can seem to regularly defy the odds to survive any situation. Their skills and luck combine to grant a remarkable +6 to defense. This feat is always active. This feat replaces Improved Scoundrel's Luck. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.22] Dueling | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Dueling Prerequisites: None Characters that focus on using single one-handed weapons in battle gain +1 to attack and +1 to defense due to the efficiency of this form of combat. This applies to both ranged and melee weapons. Improved Dueling Prerequisites: Level 4 Continued focus on the use of single one-handed weapons grants a character +2 to attack and +2 to defense. This applies to both ranged and melee weapons. Master Dueling Prerequisites: Level 8 Characters that have mastered the use of single one-handed weapons gain +3 to attack and +3 to defense. This applies to both ranged and melee weapons. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.23] Droid Upgrade Class | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Droid Upgrade Class 1 Prerequisites: Level 1 Droid As a droid gains experience, its programming becomes more adaptable to new situations. This allows it to accommodate more sophisticated upgrades. Droid Upgrade Class 1 allows the use of level 1 upgrade items. Droid Upgrade Class 2 Prerequisites: Level 7 Droid As a droid gains experience, its programming becomes more adaptable to new situations. This allows it to accommodate more sophisticated upgrades. Droid Upgrade Class 2 allows the use of level 1 and level 2 upgrades. Droid Upgrade Class 3 Prerequisites: Level 13 Droid As a droid gains experience, its programming becomes more adaptable to new situations. This allows it to accommodate more sophisticated upgrades. Droid Upgrade Class 3 allows the use of level 1, level 2 and level 3 upgrade. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.24] Blaster Integration | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Blaster Integration Prerequisites: Utility Droid This feat gives the adapatable T3-M4 unit the ability to integrate blasters into its weapon systems. Special universal ports allow internal placement of most models of blaster pistol, tapping the energy pack and emitters as though factory installed. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.25] Combat Logic Upgrade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Combat Logic Upgrade Prerequisites: Droid The droid is fitted with the most basic combat programming, allowing for simple but effective defense maneuvers. This feat grants +2 to defense and is always active. Tactician Logic Upgrade Prerequisites: Level 6 Droid Having witnessed the effects and actions of combat first hand, the droid is able to self-upgrade their defensive algorithms. This feat grants +4 to defense and is always active. This feat replaces the Combat Logic upgrade. Battle Droid Logic Upgrade Prerequisites: Level 12 Droid Fully experienced with the rigors of combat, the droid is able to self-upgrade its tactical reasoning and maximize its defensive potential. This feat grants +6 to defense and is always active. This feat replaces the Tactician Logic upgrade. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8] Jedi-Related Feats | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jedi feats are those that only have effect if you're a Jedi, and therefore will not be available until you have completed your Jedi Training on Dantooine. For more information on all these feats, keep reading. All descriptions taken from in-game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.1] Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Prerequisites: Jedi classes only This feat gives a character basic training in the use of Lightsaber weapon types. Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Prerequisites: Jedi classes only Adds a +1 attack bonus with lightsabers. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.2] Jedi Defense | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jedi Defense Prerequisites: Jedi classes only This feat allows a character with an equipped lightsaber to deflect blaster bolts at any time. When a character is fired upon, an opposed roll is made against the attack. If the result is greater than the attack roll, the blaster bolt is deflected. If the attack is beaten by 10 or more, the bolt is deflected back at the enemy. Jedi classes receive this feat at 1st level. Advanced Jedi Defense Prerequisites: Level 4 This feat gives a character a +3 bonus to all blaster bolt deflection rolls. Certain items may apply a bonus or penalty to this ability. This feat replaces the bonus given by Jedi Defense. Master Jedi Defense Prerequisites: Level 8 This feat gives a character a +6 bonus to all blaster bolt deflection rolls. Certain items may apply a bonus or penalty to this ability. This feat replaces the bonus given by Advanced Jedi Defense. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.3] Force Immunity: Fear | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Immunity: Fear Prerequisites: Jedi Sentinel The Jedi possesses an inner calm that cannot be shaken by mere threats to mind or body. The Force grants understanding, which is a shield that fear cannot breach. This feat is always active. Force Immunity: Stun Prerequisites: Level 6 Jedi Sentinel The Jedi has an unshakable connection to the Force and, through it, to the galaxy as well. No amount of damage or distraction will cause fear or a loss of alertness. This feat is always active. This feat replaces Force Immunity: Fear. Force Immunity: Paralysis Prerequisites: Level 12 Jedi Sentinel The Jedi is one with the Force, moving within it as it moves within all things. This connection prevents fear or loss of senses, and blocks any attempt at paralyzation. This feat is always active. This feat replaces Force Immunity: Stun. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.4] Jedi Sense | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jedi Sense Prerequisites: Jedi The Jedi develops a connection to the Force that allows them to better sense incoming attacks. This feat grants +2 defense and is always active. Knight Sense Prerequisites: Level 6 Jedi Furthering their connection to the Force, the Jedi gains an additional sensitivity to the actions of others in combat. This feat grants +4 defense and is always active. This feat replaces Jedi Sense. Master Sense Prerequisites: Level 12 Jedi As their connection to the Force continues to strengthen, the Jedi gains a supreme sense of self and the actions of others in combat. This feat grants +6 defense and is always active. This feat replaces Knight Sense. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.5] Force Sensitive | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Sensitive Unique Ability: Main character Jedi Jedi training affects each Padawan uniquely, allowing them to grow in ability while addressing personal flaws. On rare occasions, however, exceptional individuals open doors to strengths they did not know they had. This feats represents a heightened connection to the Force previously unseen in a newly trained Jedi. This feat grants 40 additional Force Points to the character's base total. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.6] Force Jump | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Jump Prerequisites: Jedi Guardian Requires Lightsaber The Jedi knows that if diplomacy fails, combat must be swift and decisive. When an opponent at range is targeted with a standard lightsaber melee attack, this feat allows Guardians to make a quick series of jumps and rolls to close the distance almost instantly. This feat is automatic when wielding a lightsaber and targeting opponents with a standard melee attack from more than 10 meters away. The Jedi must have a clear line of sight to the opponent. NOTE: Using a feat or special attack negates this ability. Improved Force Jump Prerequisites: Level 6 Jedi Guardian Requires Lightsaber The Jedi knows that if combat is inevitable it must be swift and decisive. When an opponent at range is targeted with a standard lightsaber melee attack, the Guardian closes the distance almost instantly and automatically receives +2 to hit and damage on the first strike. This feat is automatic when wielding a lightsaber and targeting opponents with a standard melee attack from more than 10 meters away. The Jedi must have a clear line of sight to the opponent. This feat replaces Force Jump. NOTE: Using a feat or special attack negates this ability. Master Force Jump Prerequisites: Level 12 Jedi Guardian Requires Lightsaber The Jedi knows that if combat is inevitable it must be swift and decisive. When an opponent at range is targeted with a standard lightsaber melee attack, the Guardian closes the distance almost instantly and automatically receives +4 to hit and damage on the first strike. This feat is automatic when wielding a lightsaber and targeting opponents with a standard melee attack from more than 10 meters away. The Jedi must have a clear line of sight to the opponent. This feat replaces Improved Force Jump. NOTE: Using a feat or special attack negates this ability. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.7] Force Focus | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Focus Prerequisites: Jedi Consular This feat adds +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against the character's Force powers. This feat is always active. Improved Force Focus Prerequisites: Level 6 Jedi Consular This feat adds +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against the character's Force powers. This feat is always active. This feat replaces Force Focus. Master Force Focus Prerequisites: Level 12 Jedi Consular This feat adds +4 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against the character's Force powers. This feat is always active. This feat replaces Improved Force Focus. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9] Force Powers | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| What would this Star Wars game be without the Force? Probably the same thing, without any powers or the Star Wars name. Here I've listed all the Force Powers available to you, their requirements, and their game description. All descriptions taken from in-game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1] Dark Powers | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Dark Powers are for those who lean to the dark side, and of course, these are the coolest. You can wound people, drain their life, or make them cower in fear. If you are a dark character, using these consumes less Force Points. If you are a light side character, one of these will require more points than normal. A neutral character pays the standard. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1.1] Wound | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Wound Prerequisites: Jedi This power triggers spasms in the victim's lungs, causing great pain and inflicting 2/3rds of the attacking character's level in damage every 2 seconds for the duration (6 seconds). A successful Fortitude save at DC 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers results in no effect. This power does not affect droids. Choke Prerequisites: Character Level 9 This power constricts the throat of a target at range, stunning and inflicting 2/3rds of the attacking character's level in damage every 2 seconds for the duration (6) seconds. The target also suffers a temporary (24) second -4 penalty to Constitution, Dexterity and Strength. A successful Fortitude save at DC 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers results in no effect. This power does not affect droids. Kill Prerequisites: Character Level 12 This power allows the Jedi to exterminate an enemy at range with a single thought, causing the target to choke for 6 seconds and inflicting damage equal to half the target's maximum Vitality points. If the target makes a Fortitude save at DC 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers they are not chocked, but instead suffer damage equal to the attacking character's level. This power does not affect droids. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1.2] Slow | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Slow Prerequisites: Jedi This power clouds the mind, making a target's actions unusually sluggish. The victim suffers a -2 penalty to Defense, Reflex saves, and attack rolls. The effect lasts for 30 seconds unless a successful Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers is made. This power does not affect droids. Affliction Prerequisites: Character Level 6 Affliction causes a target to suffer as though poisoned, unless a Fortitude saving throw is made at a DC of 20. Failure causes the loss of seven points from each physical attribute (1 point every 3 seconds over 21 seconds), and the target is slowed for the duration. A successful save negates this effect. This power does not affect droids. Plague Prerequisites: Character Level 12 Restricted By Armor Plauge causes a target to suffer as though deathly ill from poison, losing 12 points from each physical attribute (1 point ever second over 12 seconds). The target is also slowed for the duration. Plague has a DC of 100, making it impossible to save against its effects. This power does not affect droids. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1.3] Fear | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Fear Prerequisites: Jedi This power causes fear in a single creature, such that they cower in fear of the attacking Jedi for 6 seconds. A successful Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers negates this effect. This power does not affect droids. Horror Prerequisites: Character Level 6 This power causes all hostile creatures within a 5-meter radius of a target enemy to cower in catatonic fear of the attacking Jedi for 12 seconds. A successful Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers negates this effect. This power does not affect droids. Insanity Prerequisites: Character Level 12 This power can greatly confuse an enemy force, inflaming paranoia and doubt. All enemies within a 10-meter radius of the target must make a Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers or cower in catatonic terror for 12 seconds. This power does not affect droids. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1.4] Shock | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Shock Prerequisites: Jedi Restricted By Armor This power unleashes an energy attack on a single target enemy. The enemy suffers 1-6 points of damage per each of the attacking character's levels to a maximum of 10 levels (10-60 points). A successful Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers reduces damage by half. Force Lightning Prerequisites: Character Level 9 Restricted By Armor This power unleashes an energy attack on all hostile creatures up to 16 meters in front of the Jedi. Victims suffer 1-6 points of damage per each of the attacking character's levels, to a maximum of 10 levels (10-60) points. A successful Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers reduces damage by half. Force Storm Prerequisites: Character Level 18 Restricted By Armor This power unleashes a direct energy attack on all hostile creatures within 10 meters of a target enemy. Victims suffer 1-6 points of damage to both Vitality and Force Point totals per each of the attacking character's levels, to a maximum of 10 levels (10-60) points. A successful Will save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers reduces damage by half. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1.5] Drain Life | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Drain Life Prerequisites: Character Level 9 Restricted By Armor This power allows the Jedi to drain the life of others to heal himself. 1-4 points are drained for every level of the character, to a maximum of 10 levels (10-40) points. A successful Fortitude save at a DC 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers reduces damage by half. This power does not affect droids. Death Field Prerequisites: Character Level 18 Restricted By Armor Death Field targets all enemies within a 10-meter radius, draining life to heal the attacking Jedi. The damage is 1-4 per level of the character, to a maximum of 10 levels (10-40 points). A Fortitude save made at a DC 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers reduces the damage by half. The character is healed the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. This power does not affect droids. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2] Light Powers | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| If you are a light character, using these consumes less Force Points. If you are a dark side character, one of these will require more points than normal. A neutral character pays the standard. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2.1] Cure | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Cure Prerequisites: Character Level 6 This power heals all party members within a 15 meter radius. It heals 5 vitality points + 1 point for every Charisa modifier, Wisdom modifier, and level of the Force user. This power does not affect droids. Heal Prerequisites: Character Level 12 This power heals all party members within a 15 meter radius. Each party member gains 10 vitality points + 1 point for every Charisa modifier, Wisdom modifier, and level of the Force user. Poisons are neutralized by this effect. This power does not affect droids. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2.2] Force Aura | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Aura Prerequisites: Jedi Restricted By Armor When this power is activated, the Jedi is temporarily granted a +2 bonus to Defense and all saving throws. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Force Force Shield Prerequisites: Character Level 6 Restricted By Armor When this power is activated, the Jedi is temporarily granted a +4 bonus to Defense and all saving throws. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Force Armor Prerequisites: Character Level 12 Restricted By Armor When this power is activated, the Jedi is temporarily granted a +6 bonus to Defense and all saving throws. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2.3] Force Valor | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Valor Prerequisites: Jedi Restricted By Armor This power increases the physical attributes and saving throws of the Jedi and all party members by 2 points. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Knight Valor Prerequisites: Character Level 9 Restricted By Armor This power increases the physical attributes and saving throws of the Jedi and all party members by 3 points, and also grants immunity to poison. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Knight Valor replaces the bonus granted by Force Valor. Master Master Valor Prerequisites: Character Level 15 Restricted By Armor This power increases the physical attributes and saving throws of the Jedi and all party members by 5 points, and also grants immunity to poison. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Master Valor replaces the bonus granted by Knight Valor. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2.4] Stun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Stun Prerequisites: Jedi This power allows the Jedi to assault the mind of an opponent, effectively stunning them for 9 seconds. A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers means the target is slowed for the duration instead of stunned. This power does not affect droids. Stasis Prerequisites: Character Level 9 An opponent targeted by this power is held in stasis, unable to move or take any action for 12 seconds. A successful Fortitude save at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers means the target is slowed for the duration instead of stunned. This power does not affect droids. Stasis Field Prerequisites: Character Level 15 Restricted By Armor This power can lull the senses of a group, placing all hostile creatures within a 10-meter radius of a target enemy in a catatonic stasis. The victims remain in this state for 12 seconds, but a successful Fortitude save versus a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers means the target is slowed for the duration instead of stunned. This power does not affect droids. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2.5] Stun Droid | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Stun Droid Prerequisites: Jedi This power can send a surge of energy through the processor of a droid, rendering them immobile for 12 seconds. The droid also takes damage equivalent to the attacking character's level. A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers negates the stun and reduces damage by half. Disable Droid Prerequisites: Character Level 6 Disable Droid temporarily shuts down all droids within 5 meters of a target droid, inflicting damage equivalent to the attacking character's level. Affected droids remain disabled for 12 seconds. A Fortitude at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will negate the stun and reduce damage by half. Destroy Droid Prerequisites: Character Level 12 Destroy Droid affects all droids within 7 meters of a target droid, disabling them for 12 seconds and inflicting 1-6 damage per level of the attacking character. A successful Fortitude at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers results in half damage. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3] Universal Powers | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| These powers are available to both light and dark characters, and each pays the same amount of Force Points. If you're gravitating toward the neutral side, too bad, because you don't get a discount. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.1] Burst of Speed | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Burst of Speed Prerequisites: Jedi Restricted By Armor This power allows a Jedi to move very swiftly, pressing his or her body to its physical limits. For the duration of this effect (36 seconds), movement speed is doubled and 2 Defense is granted. Knight Speed Prerequisites: Character Level 9 Restricted By Armor This power allows a Jedi to move more swiftly than the physical limitations of his body should allow. For the duration of this effect (36 seconds), movement speed is doubled, Defense is increased by 4, and 1 attack per round is gained. Master Speed Prerequisites: Character Level 15 Restricted By Armor This power allows a Jedi to move with such speed that, for the duration of the effect (36 seconds), movement speed is doubled, Defense is increased by 4, and 2 attacks per round are granted. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.2] Force Resistance | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Resistance Prerequisites: Character Level 9 Restricted By Armor This power offers some protection from direct Force Power attacks by Jedi opponents, possibly negating their effects. The attacking Jedi makes an opposed roll using d20 + his level versus a DC of 10 + the defending character's level. If the attacker's result is greater, the attack succeeds. If the defender's total is greater, the attack has no effect. Force Resistance lasts for 60 seconds. Force Immunity Prerequisites: Character Level 15 Restricted By Armor This power offers good protection from direct Force Power attacks by Jedi opponents, possibly negating their effects. The attacking Jedi makes an opposed roll using d20 + his level versus a DC of 15 + the defending character's level. If the attacker's result is greater, the attack succeeds. If the defender's total is greater, the attack has no effect. Force Resistance lasts for 60 seconds. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.3] Energy Resistance | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Energy Resistance Prerequisites: Jedi This power shields the Jedi in the Force, absorbing the first 15 points of damage from sonic, fire, cold and electrical attacks. Damage over and above the first 15 points is suffered as normal. This effect lasts for 120 seconds. Improved Energy Resistance Prerequisites: Character Level 9 This power allows the Jedi to shield the entire party in the Force, granting immunity to poisons and disease and absorbing the first 15 points of damage from sonic, fire, cold and electrical attacks directed at them. Damage over and above the first 15 points is suffered as normal. This effect lasts for 120 seconds. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.4] Affect Mind | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Affect Mind Prerequisites: Jedi Affect Mind enables persuasive use of the Force. Once a Jedi has this power, extra options will appear in conversations as appropriate. Success is not guaranteed for extreme commands or if the target is strong willed. This power does not even droids. Only the main player character can select this power during level-up. Dominate Mind Prerequisites: Character Level 6 Dominate Mind enables persuasive use of the Force. Once a Jedi has this power, extra options appear in conversations as appropriate. Dominate Mind is more powerful than Affect Mind, and very few beings can resist its effects. This power does not affect droids.Only the main player character can select this power during level-up. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.5] Force Push | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Push Prerequisites: Character Level Jedi An opponent targeted by this power is pushed back 5 meters, thrown to the ground stunned for 3 seconds, and suffers damage equal to the attacking character's level. A successful Reflex save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers means the target is not stunned, but still suffers damage equal to half the Jedi's level. Force Whirlwind Prerequisites: Character Level 9 This power encircles the target victim in a small maelstrom of air and dust, inflicting one third of the attacking character's level in damage every 2 seconds, and rendering them unable to take any action (12 seconds total). A successful Reflex save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers negates the damage and immobilizing effects altogether. This power does not affect droids equipped with energy shield hardware. Force Wave Prerequisites: Character Level 15 This power creates a telekinetic explosion around the Jedi. All enemies within 15 emters are thrown 5 meters, fall to the ground and are incapacitated for 6 seconds, and take damage equal to one and a half times the attacking character's level. A successful Reflex save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers means an enemy is not stunned, but still suffers half damage. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.6] Force Suppression | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Force Suppression Prerequisites: Character Level Restricted By Armor This ability will ancel first and second tier Force powers active on the target. The affected Force Powers are Force Aura, Force Shield, Force Valor, Knight Valor, Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Energy Resistance, and Force Resistance. These powers are instantly cancelled, but the target can reactivate them if Force Points are available. Force Breach Prerequisites: Character Level 15 Restricted By Armor This ability will ancel first and second tier Force powers active on the target. The affected Force Powers are Force Aura, Force Shield, Force Armor, Force Valor, Knight Valor, Master Valor, Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master Speed, Energy Resistance, Improved Energy Resistance, Force Resistance and Force Immunity. These powers are immediately shut down, but the target can reactivate them if Force Points are available. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3.7] Throw Lightsaber | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Throw Lightsaber Prerequisites: Jedi Requires Lightsaber Throw Lightsaber allows the character to attack a target at range by throwing a lightsaber, guiding it with the Force. The target must be at least 5 meters away. This attack always hits. Damage is 1-6 for every two levels of the attacking character. NOTE: Once the lightsaber is thrown, it will automatically return to the Jedi's hand at the end of the round. Adv. Throw Lightsaber Prerequisites: Character Level 9 Requires Lightsaber This power allows the character to attack up to three separate targets with a single lightsaber throw. The first target must be at least 5 meters away, and each additional target must be within 5 meters of the previous. This attack always hits. Damage is 1-6 for every two levels of the attacking character. NOTE: Once the lightsaber is thrown, it will automatically return to the Jedi's hand at the end of the round. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [10] Jedi Classes | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| There are three different classes of Jedi you can become. Descriptions are taken from the training computer in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [10.1] Guardian | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber. Basic Class Attributes: 10 vitality per level 4 Force Points per level Slow skill progression Fast feat progression Jedi Guardians gain the Force Jump feat automatically. This feat allows them to instantly close the distance and attack an opponent within 10 meters. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [10.2] Consular | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jedi Consulars seek to bring balance to the universe. They focus less on physical combat and more on mental discliplines in order to augment their mastery of the force. Basic Class Attributes: 6 vitality per level 8 Force Points per level Slow skill progression Slow feat progression Jedi Consulars gain the Force Focus feat automatically. This feat makes it harder for opponents to resist their Force Powers. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [10.3] Sentinel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, brining them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order. Basic Class Attributes: 8 vitality per level 6 Force Points per level Average skill progression Slow feat progression Jedi Sentinels gain the Jedi Immunity feat automatically. This makes them immune to fear. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [11] Your Party | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| By the end of the game, you will have almost ten characters to choose from to accompany you in your battle. Here is a listing of them, sorted by name. You will see where you first get the person, what their class is, and their dark or light alignment. At the party screen, you have the choice between two additional people to take. The party screen is divided into nine squares, each representing someone you can take or someone who will eventually join you, and they are as follows: |===============================| | Bastila | Canderous | Carth | |=========|===========|=========| | HK-47 | Jolee | Juhani | |=========|===========|=========| | Mission | T3-M4 | Zaalbar | |===============================| Bastila Shan Location: Available after winning the Taris swoop race. Alignment: Light Starting Stats Jedi Class Sentinel Jedi Level 3 Vitality 27/27 Force 27/27 Defense 16 Strength 12 Dexterity 18 Constitution 12 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 12 Charisma 15 Fortitude 4 Reflex 7 Will 3 Starting Inventory Body Clothing ******************** Canderous Ordo Location: Available after you arrive at Davik's Estate Alignment: Dark Starting Stats Class Soldier Level 5 Vitality 65/65 Defense 11 Strength 15 Dexterity 12 Constitution 14 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 14 Charisma 10 Fortitude 6 Reflex 2 Will 3 Starting Inventory Body Clothing Both Hands Ordo's Repeating Blaster ******************** Carth Ornasi Location: Available immediately, once you arrive on Taris. Alignment: Light Starting Stats Class Soldier Level 4 Vitality 44/44 Defense 13 Strength 13 Dexterity 16 Constitution 12 Intelligence 13 Wisdom 10 Charisma 12 Fortitude 5 Reflex 4 Will 1 Starting Inventory Body Clothing Left Hand Blaster Pistol Right Hand Carth's Blaster ******************** HK-47 Location: You must buy him from Yuka Laka on Tatooine. Alignment: Dark Starting Stats Class Combat Droid Level 6 Vitality 66/66 Defense 16 Strength 16 Dexterity 14 Constitution 10 Intelligence 14 Wisdom 12 Charisma 10 Fortitude 5 Reflex 4 Will 3 Starting Inventory Right Weapon Blaster Rifle ******************** Jolee Bindo Location: Kashyyyk, once you enter the Shadowlands. Must do a task for him. Alignment: Light Starting Stats Jedi Class Consular Jedi Level 6 Vitality 42/42 Force 72/72 Defense 21 Strength 12 Dexterity 16 Constitution 12 Intelligence 12 Wisdom 15 Charisma 15 Fortitude 7 Reflex 7 Will 8 Starting Inventory Body Jedi Knight Robe Right Hand Lightsaber (green) ******************** Juhani Location: Dantooine, if you don't kill her and convince her to change Alignment: Light Starting Stats Jedi Class Guardian Jedi Level 6 Vitality 78/78 Force 36/36 Defense 19 Strength 13 Dexterity 16 Constitution 14 Intelligence 14 Wisdom 12 Charisma 13 Fortitude 8 Reflex 9 Will 5 Starting Inventory Body Jedi Knight Robe Right Hand Lightsaber, Blue ******************** Mission Vao Location: Taris, in Undercity before you enter sewers Alignment: Light Starting Stats Class Scoundrel Level 3 Vitality 21/21 Defense 16 Strength 10 Dexterity 16 Constitution 12 Intelligence 14 Wisdom 11 Charisma 10 Fortitude 2 Reflex 6 Will 1 Starting Inventory Body Clothing Belt Stealth Field Generator Right Hand Blaster Pistol (also has Mission's Vibroblade, but she does not have it equipped, for some reason) ******************** T3-M4 Location: Taris, bought from Janice Nall's Droid Shop as part of quest. Alignment: Neutral Starting Stats Class Expert Droid Level 3 Vitality 30/30 Defense 17 Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Constitution 14 Intelligence 20 Wisdom 10 Charisma 10 Fortitude 3 Reflex 5 Will 1 Starting Inventory Body Droid Light Plating Type 1 Left Hand Shield Disruptor Right Hand Stun Ray Shield Energy Shield Level 1 Right Weapon Blaster Pistol ******************** Zaalbar Location: Taris, after freeing him from the Gamorreans in the Undercity. Alignment: Neutral Starting Stats Class Scout Level 4 Vitality 60/60 Defense 11 Strength 20 Dexterity 13 Constitution 20 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 12 Charisma 8 Fortitude 9 Reflex 5 Will 5 Starting Inventory None. Doesn't have anything equipped. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [12] Gaining Experience | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| For every level gained, you are awarded with points to put into skills, attributes, and feats. |-----------------------------| | Level | Experience Required | |-------|---------------------| | 1 | 0 | | 2 | 1,000 | | 3 | 3,000 | | 4 | 6,000 | | 5 | 10,000 | | 6 | 15,000 | | 7 | 21,000 | | 8 | 28,000 | | 9 | 36,000 | | 10 | 45,000 | | 11 | 55,000 | | 12 | 66,000 | | 13 | 78,000 | | 14 | 91,000 | | 15 | 105,000 | | 16 | 120,000 | | 17 | 136,000 | | 18 | 153,000 | | 19 | 171,000 | | 20 | 190,000 | |-----------------------------| =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [12] Walkthrough | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| For this walkthrough, I am using a male soldier who will stay on the light side of the Force. In order to follow this walkthrough completely, you should choose the same dialogue options I have. A lot of dialogue is useless and only serves to piss a character off or gather background information without risking Light or Dark points. I will not tell you to gather more information about the planet, or to ask questions unless it is required to advance the plot. Certain actions or persuasion options may not work for you, depending on how you've leveled up your character. You may also not be able to break the locks on doors or containers if your security isn't high enough. Lastly, if you want more information about the background of the planet, or any additional info, feel free to talk more to the characters. When you speak to your party members, to gather more info on them and to start the sub-sub-sub quest (like finding out about Carth or Canderous' war stories), I will tell you what options to choose. When I tell you, you may not yet have the ability to get more info out of them. When you do, just skip back to the section to see. When it comes time to visit planets, you're given the option of going anywhere you want first. Again, follow the guide exactly to cause the same turn of events to appear. If you go to one world and do something, an event might not happen on a different world because of your actions. You can choose to go to the worlds in whichever order you wish, and if you don't follow this guide, then just jump to the world you've visited. If you do this, though, please remember the guide won't be 100% accurate for you. If you want a listing of all the items available in the game, please go to the following URL. Once I finished that FAQ, I will add it to this one, but I don't want to have to update both when I'm really updating just the one. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/star_wars_kotor_item_a.txt. Any text that is surrounded in asterisks (*) are the dialogue options presented in the order you should ask them in the game. It will be listed like this: ******************************************************************************* * 1: (the first answer you should choose) * * 2: (the second answer you should choose) * * 3: (etc., etc., etc.) * ******************************************************************************* If there is only one or two dialogue choices, I'll just tell you to pick it without putting it in the above way. I'll only tell you what dialogue to pick if it's important, or if it can yield light/dark side points. If it serves just to make you act like a jerk, I didn't even bother adding it. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [13.1] Endar Spire | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Endar Spire @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ After the following cinematic, you'll be jarred awake by the sound of multiple explosions. Soon, Trask runs into your room and speak with you. After the conversation, look behind you and to your left to find a footlocker. Open it. Equip anything you want, then speak with Trask, and he'll instruct you to have him join the party. Afterwards, press Black to switch to him, and have him unlock the door. Now, control will be given to you again. Run down this hall, and you'll get a message from Carth. Trask will talk to you after, so just choose "Let's move out". Keep going down, past the droid to your left, and stop at the next door. It's locked, and Trask will tell you so. Use your Security skill to open it and go through. You'll come across a single Republic soldier fighting two Sith, who eventually kill him. This is your first battle. Target either of the Sith, and press A to let combat take over. Heal as necessary. When they're dead, search them any equipment, then continue into the next door. There will be two more Sith in here; kill them, then search them. Don't forget to search the Republic soldier's corpse by the door you came through, as well as the footlocker and metal box. When everything is yours, go through the door, and walk forward to trigger a small cutscene, showing the Republic soldiers being killed. After the cutscene, walk forward. Round the corner, and you'll see three Sith there. If you have a frag grenade, whip it at the Sith in the middle, and the damage should take out all three. Walk toward their corpses, and three more Sith will come from around the bend. Kill them, then search all the corpses. Walk toward the area the new Sith came from. Ignore the droid, who soon blows up, but search the "parts pile" next to it. Head back the way you came, turn left, and go through the door at the end of the hall. You'll witness a battle between two Jedi's; she wins the fight, but is later killed by an explosion. Kill the two Sith that show up, then search all the corpses; don't forget to search the Jedi's corpse! When you've done everything, head into the door to enter the Bridge. Once inside, you'll be attacked by two Sith. Kill them, then search their remains, and forget to check the backpack next to the door. Around this point, you should be able to level up your character, so do as you wish. Run toward the front of the bridge, and two explosions will occur. After, search one of the bodies to get an item, then head to the left side of the room. Take the one and only door. Walk forward, and step into the next room. Another scene will take over, showing a Dark Jedi. Trask will keep him occupied, giving you time to get away. After the scene, head through the door on the left. After the load, you'll get a message from Carth. He tells you to use your Stealth Field Generator to sneak by the Sith patrol. You could do this, but let's kill him instead, so that we can get experience and his goodies. Once he drops, continue down to the left of the hall he was guarding, and go through the door. Two Sith are here, so kill them and you'll get another message from Carth. After his advice, search the corpse and the footlocker. You now have one of two choices to make; hack the computer to blow the terminal in the next room, killing all the Sith, or repair the combat droid and program him to kill the Sith. I chose to program the droid, but really, it's up to you. Stand to the side of the door while the droid goes in, firing. Once the droid stops firing, you're free to move in, as all the Sith have been killed. Don't forget to search the corpse of the Sith in red, then go through the door to finally meet up with Carth. When he talks, say "How do I know I can trust you?", then go to where he moves to, and activate the escape pod. A cutscene will take over, showing you crash landing on Taris. That's a planet, and therefore, a new part of the guide. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [13.2] Taris | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| @@@@@@@@@@@ @ Hideout @ @@@@@@@@@@@ After the cutscene, you'll be shown a vision, one of many to come. When you wake up, Carth will be there, ready and willing to talk to you. After the fairly long conversation, you'll have a new journal entry. Open the footlocker to your right, next to the workbench, then use the bench. If you are going to be focusing on melee weapons, upgrade the Prototype Vibroblade you got off the red Sith from the Endar Spire with the Vibration Cell you got off the dead Jedi. After all the work (heh, right), speak to Carth to find out more about him and to start a subquest. After talking, walk toward the one and only door. As you open the door, you are told to take a party member, and for now, you're required to take Carth. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ South Apartments @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once the game loads the new area, you'll see a Sith patrol harassing a couple aliens, one of which the leader kills. Afterwards, they'll spot you. Kill the three of them, then speak to the alien clutching his chest. When prompted to talk, choose "I'm just glad I could help.". Search the leaders body, then continue through the apartment, going behind the alien. Go through the first door on the right. Inside, you'll find a woman named Dia. Talk to her. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I'm sorry. I was just investigating the area. * * 2: Holdan? Who's that? * * 3: What do you mean? * * 4: [Persuade] You can trust me. Maybe I can help. * * 5: Is there anything I can do to help? * * 6: Maybe I could speak to Holdan for you. * * 7: I'll be going now. * ******************************************************************************* Before leaving Dia's room, search the bag to the left of the door, by the table. Upon leaving, continue down right. When you get close to the alien, he'll stop you and introduce himself as Larrim. You can buy items if you want, but DON'T buy the Energy Shield, because you'll get one soon, and for free. Once finished, keep walking, and go through the next door on your right. The Twi'lek in here isn't important, so ignore her and search the bag at the back left corner of the room. Leave, turn right, and continue down the apartments. Don't go through the next door; it leads to the Upper City, but we're not done here yet. The next door on your right is your destinating. Pick the lock, then search the bag to your right. Just like the Twi'lek, the Ithorian here is useless, so ignore him, leave, and turn right. Ignore the open space to your right, because there's nothing in here. Keep going, and enter the next door on your right. There is no one in here, but feel free to search the footlocker at the back right for some goodies. Leave the apartment. You've now explored all the rooms, so head either way and go to the door you ignored, the one that will take you to the Upper City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City South @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As soon as you get to the Upper City, you're given a journal entry. From the load, run forward, past the fountain, and into the next area. The door directly to your left leads to Kebla's Shop, which sells equipment. You don't need anything here yet, so walk past, into the next outdoors area. You will see a large door ahead; this is the Cantina. Run forward, but don't worry about the Sith; he won't bother you. Go into the Cantina. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City Cantina @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside, talk to the old man on the right by the door, and choose to buy his Pazaak deck. After the conversation, you'll have a new journal entry. After buying deck, walk into the main Cantina and turn right. Speak with the woman named Sarna to potentially start a subquest of a main quest. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You're from the military base? You don't look like one of the Sith. * * 2: Nice to meet you, Sarna. I'm _____. * * 3: [Persuade] You're just doing your job, right? I don't hold that against * * you. * * 4: You've got a positive attitude. * * 5: You need to blow off steam once in a while. * * 6: Sounds good. I'll be there. * ******************************************************************************* Now that you've got your invitation, continue around, past Sarna. The first room holds nothing of interest unless you're a female, in which case the man in here will offer you the chance to meet a band backstage if you give him some credits, but he doesn't, and you just lost some money. The second room holds a real bitch of a woman named Gena. Walk up to her to talk to her. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Who are you and why are you bossing me around? * * 2: I don't even work here! * ******************************************************************************* It may seem like you've done nothing, but you'll find out shortly. Leave the room, turn right, and go into the next room. This is the duel room. Watch the match between Deadeye Duncan and Gerlon Two-Fingers, then walk up and speak to the Hutt, Ajuur ,at the back center of the room. You're going to be registered as a duelist so you can win some credits. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I might be interested - what's in this for me? * * 2: [Persuade] I'll do it, but I want more than ten percent. * * 3: Okay, I'll do it. * * 4: The Mysterious Stranger. I like it. * * 5: I'm ready for a duel. * * 6: Let's do it. * ******************************************************************************* At this point, you should be able to get by the first two duelists, Deadeye Duncan and Gerlon Two-Fingers, so go ahead and fight them both. To start a duel, speak to Ajuur, and tell him "I'm ready to duel". Deadeye has less than ten points of health, and I managed to beat him with a kick. After the match, you'll be back in the duel room. Run to Ajuur to claim your prize, which turns out to be 100 credits. You should also be able to level up at this point. After leveling up, speak to Ajuur to start the second match, this time against Gerlon. Gerlon has roughly thirty points of health, so he's also fairly easy. He uses a blaster, but if you use a melee weapon, like the upgraded vibroblade we made at the beginning, he should go down in three or four whacks. When the match is over, speak to Ajuur to claim your ten percent, 200 credits. If you want, you can attempt Ice, but it's best left until you're a few levels more powerful. When you've collected your share, leave the dueling room, and head right. Go through the next doorway, as we're going to leave the cantina. If you want to, you can play a game of Pazaak with the man in red, Niklos. If you win, the woman next to him, Christya, will come on to you and want you to buy you and her some drinks. Don't pay, however, as it's just a way of getting money out of you, because you'll see her with a nobleman and she'll completely ignore you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City South @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once you're back in the South end of the Upper City, run forward, as if you were going back to the fountain. When you get to the middle of the indoor area, next to Kebla's Shop, you'll run into Gena, the woman you pissed off. She has two alien lackeys, and they will attack her. Why did we piss her off, you ask? The aliens are easy, you get 100 xp points each, and you can collect their items. After the battle, continue back into the main outdoors area of the Upper City. Before doing anything after the battle, speak to Carth. You should be able to get more information out of him. If not, wait a few more minutes. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Is this a good time to ask you some more questions? * * 2: Not if you have a problem with it. * * 3: This isn't an interrogation. I never said that! * * 4: I wasn't in a position to know what was going on, really. * * 5: I'm just a soldier. I'm sure there isn't anything unusual about that, is* * there? * * 6: What's so odd about me being added to the crew at the last minute? * * 7: I have no idea what you're talking about! * * 8: Shouldn't we be working together? * * 9: Are you always this suspicious? * * 10: I consider this important. * ******************************************************************************* After speaking with Carth, head out, and turn right, going down the long walkway. At the end, when the path forks to the left and right, go right, and enter the door to go inside Zelka Forn's Medical Facility. Speak with the man near the back left. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Rakghoul disease? * * 2: Is there no cure? * * 3: Maybe I could find a way to get my hands on that serum for you. * * 4: I want to ask you some questions. * * 5: Do you know anything about the Republic escape pods that crashed in the * * Undercity? * * 6: You seem awfully defensive about this. * * 7: [Persuade] Don't worry, I'm not with the Sith. I won't betray your * * secret if you tell me. ******************************************************************************* If your persuasion doesn't work, just walk to the door behind Zelka and use your security skill on it. Turns out that Zelka has been harboring a few of the Republic soldiers, trying to make their last days comfortable. Now, we could extort him for some money, but we're a good guy, so we're not going to do that. Tell him "Is there anything I can do to help?". After speaking with Zelka and learning about the Republic soldiers, buy stuff from him if you like (most of it is health and health related items, naturally) then attempt to the leave the facility. You'll be stopped by Gurney, Zelka's assistant, who informs you that the crimelord Davik is willing to buy the serum for 1000 credits. Unfortunately, because we're good, we won't be doing that, so just tell him "I'm not interested" followed by "I think I'd rather give the serum to Zelka. He'll use it to help people". Once outside of the medical facility, run straight, past the hovering thing, and you'll encounter two thugs shaking down an old man. Aw, we can't let this happen, can we? After they spot you, tell them "Leave this man alone or you'll have to deal with me!" Both men are easy; no, beyond easy. One slash should kill them. After, the man thanks you. Since we're nice, we're going to give him some credits, so tell him "Maybe I can help you", followed by "Here's 100 credits. Take them." The man runs off ecstatic, and you've earned some light points. Search the corpses of the thugs for 100 credits total (50 credits on each). Enter the door the man went into to wind up on the north side of the Upper City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City North @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the North section loads, run straight, past the hovering thing, and enter the door. Inside, run into the small elevator, and you'll be taken to the North apartments. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ North Apartments @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From the loading points, turn left, and go through the first door. There is a family in here, but they do nothing and are useless, so just search the footlocker on the left side of the room. Leave, and enter the next apartment. This is the party you were invited to. Sarna greets you. The entire party drinks some Tarisian ale, and they all collapse, unconscious. Sort of reminds me of a cult mass suicide thing. Anyway, after they're collapsed on the floor, search the backpack at the back left of the room for some items, including the Sith Armor, which will grant you access to the Lower City. Be sure to check the footlocker before leaving, and don't bother investigating any of the bodies; they contain nothing, and you can't even search them. Leave the apartment, and continue your trek left and into the next room. It's devoid of everything but a footlocker, so search it. Leave, continue left, and go in the next room. It's just as empty, aside from a single footlocker. Search it, leave, and continue left into the next room (quite a pattern, huh?). In the next room, speak to the man, Largo. Apparently, there's a bounty on his head, too. Damn being nice, because we're going to give him credits. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Don't worry - I'm not going to hurt you. * * 2: Maybe I could help you with your problem with Davik. * * 3: Here - I've got 200 credits you can have. * ******************************************************************************* After giving Largo the credits, leave the apartment, turn left, and go through the door on your left, which will take you back to the Upper City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper Sity North @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back in the Upper City, head right down the long walkway. Around the middle, you'll come to three drunks in grey-ish suits. As you approach them, they insult you. Unfortunately, we can't fight them because we're nice, so choose the option "[Persuade] Hey, guys, we can all be friends here. Let me buy you a drink." They accept the offer, but since they're late, they can't have the drinks. You've just avoided a fight, earned some light points, and saved some credits. When the path forks, turn left and go through the door to enter Janice Nall's Droid Shop. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What do they have against Twi'leks? * * 2: Utility droids? What do they do? * * 3: Let me see your droids. * * 4: I'll take the T3-H8 unit. Here's 50 credits. * ******************************************************************************* Talk to her once more to get a journal entry, and part of a quest. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Let me see what you've got for sale. * * 2: Utility droids? What do they do? * * 3: Let me see your droids. * ******************************************************************************* With your new droid in tow, leave the shop. Halfway down the path, a small cutscene takes over, and your newly purchased droid explodes! That bitch! Return to the shop, and talk to Janice, by telling her "It blew up. I came to get my money back", followed by "No hard feelings.". Leave the shop, and walk across. Just past the fork, you'll see an old man named Gordon Colu. Talk to him. He's one of those doomsday people, claiming aliens on Taris are a plague on society. Say "Vermin and scum? What are you talking about?", then follow that up by saying "I don't know which is worse - your hate mongering or your ignorance.". With that, he insults you, claims you'll suffer, yada yada. Go into the small enclosed area, and put the Sith Armor on your main character. Walk up to the Sith guarding the elevator, and he'll talk to you. When he finishes with his warning, enter the elevator, and you're on your way to the Undercity. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the Lower City loads, walk forward, and you'll see a battle take place between some members of the Hidden Beks and Black Vulkars. After the fight, you'll be spotted, and you'll have to wipe out the survivors. They're fairly easy to kill, so don't worry much. When they are dead, search their corpses, then run straight ahead, opposite the elevator, to the door which will lead you to the apartments. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City Apartments @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Inside, run to your left. If you have the parts, activate and repair the droid here so that it'll patrol and kill any Vulkar's around. It probably won't get too far, but you get the xp for those that it did kill, and you'll have saved your health. Enter the first door on the, kill the Vulkr, then search his body and the footlocker. Leave, turn left, and enter the next apartment. Search the footlocker in the back left of this room, then search the corpse just outside the apartment, whom the droid killed. Keep running, and enter the next door, killing any and all Vulkars you come across. In this room, you'll have to kill the Vulkar Gang Boss. He's slightly more powerful, but still shouldn't pose a problem. At this point, you will probably be able to level up, so do that, and then search the footlocker, the supplies crate, and the gang boss' corpse. Run left, go in the next door, and you'll see a footlocker surrounded by six holograms. They aren't activated yet, and this is your first puzzle. Search the desk to the right to pick up The Twisted Rancor Trio, the story of a band. Read it, and you'll find out the correct order of activating the holograms. But wait! You're reading a strategy guide! So, activate them in this order: Elinda Ujaa Ujii Loopa Fodo Ashana Upon doing this, the shield of the footlocker will disable, giving you access to it. Leave the room, then turn left, and pick your way into the next apartment. There is an alien in here named Matrik. He's also hiding from Davik, and you're also going to help him. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What are you doing here? This place looks abandoned. * * 2: [Persuade] Are you in some sort of trouble? Do you want to talk about * * it? * * 3: Maybe there's some way I could help you out of this mess. * * 4: Maybe you could fake your own death? * * 5: Tell me your plan and I might help you out. * * 6: I could get you a permacrete detonator. * ******************************************************************************* To get the permacrete detonator, you need to buy it from Kebla's shop back in the Upper City, but that's far away, so we'll do it later. Search the locker in Matrik's room, then speak to Carth to, hopefully, get more out of him. If not, just do it soon, maybe when you leave the complex. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to discuss something with you. * * 2: I'd like to know now if we have a problem. * * 3: Not built that way? That sounds like an excuse. * * 4: Of course it won't happen if you never trust anyone! * * 5: I'm beginning to wonder if you're even capable of trusting anyone. * * 6: You sure you don't want to talk about it? ******************************************************************************* Leave Matrik's, go left, and enter the next door, which will take you back to the Lower City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once the game's loaded, take a right at the fork. Follow the hall around, and go through the door on the left guarded by a Radorian. This is Jayvar's Cantina, and you've got a few things to do here. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Javyar's Cantina @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the cantina loads, talk to the alien immediately to your right. His name is Uriah, and he sells Pazaak cards. Buy as many, as few or none, then head into the main room of the cantina. As you get inside, a cutscene shows a man, who turns out to be Calo Nord, being harassed by three aliens. Calo counts from one to three, but the aliens don't learn. He launches a grenade, and kills them before the blast dissipates. Don't talk to Nord, because there is no way you can get talking without being killed. You can ask two questions, otherwise he'll say "three" and, well, you saw what happened to the aliens. Go into the first room on the right, and speak with the man named Holdan. Ah, so this is the guy who put the bounty on Dia. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You're the guy who put the bounty on Dia's head, right? * * 2: I want the bounty on Dia's head removed. * * 3: [Persuade] If you hire someone to kill Dia it will look like you weren't * * man enough to do it yourself. ******************************************************************************* Since Dia is back in the apartment where you started from, now would be a good idea to teleport there, so we'll do it soon. Leave the dancing room, and turn right. Soon, a cutscene will take over, with some Rodorians harassing a young Twi'let named Mission Vao, who becomes important later. She has a bodyguard named Zaalbar, who is a Wookiee, and even the Radorians are smart enough to know now to screw around with a Wookiee. After the cutscene, walk up to and speak with Mission. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Hey - we speak the same language! * * 2: How do a Wookiee and a Twi'lek street urchine wind up as best friends? * * 3: I'll be going now. * ******************************************************************************* Mission and Zaalbar leave, but don't worry, you'll see them soon enough. The room slightly to the right of Mission doesn't have anything important, so don't bother with it. Instead, go into the room next to it, turn left, and speak with the lady, Lyn. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Maybe I could be your partner. * * 2: [Persuade] What other choice do you have? * ******************************************************************************* To help Lyn, choose the correct dance sequence by choosing these options in order: Join Lyn by dancing very close and face to face Join Lyn by dancing close beside her Join Lyn by dancing very close and face to face When you've helped Lyn, speak to Zax, the Hutt. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Tell me about the bounties. * * 2: I want more details on the bounties you're offering. * ******************************************************************************* Now that you've got the details, press Start, bring up the map, and teleport to your hideout. We've finally moved the "Rapid Transit System" quest to the list of completed quests. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ South Apartments @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Before we finish up here, speak to Carth to further interrogate him. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I just want to talk with you. * * 2: No, I don't want to argue with you. * * 3: What reasons? I want to know. * * 4: I suppose you can't. That must have been hard to take. * * 5: You say that with such... hatred. * ******************************************************************************* Don't bother going into your hideout, it's pointless. Instead, return to Dia's apartment, the first one before Larrim, the alien at the kiosk. Speak to her and inform her of the good news by saying "I spoke with Holdan. I convinced him to remove the bounty on your head.", followed with "Keep your reward, Dia. Helping you was thanks enough.". Now that Dia's bounty has been finished, exit the apartment complex altogether and head back to the Upper City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once back in the Upper City, return to the equipment emporium and speak to Kebla Yurt. Check her inventory, and scroll to the very bottom, where you'll see the Permacrete Detonator. Its fifty credits, so buy it, then return to the cantina, which is just to the right of Kebla's Shop. If you've played exactly, you'll be in good shape to take on Ice, Marl and Twitch. Unfortunately, we can't fight Bendak, because doing so is a dark side event. Defeating Ice, Marl and Twitch nets you 300, 400, and 500 credits, respectively, as well as finishing up four journal entries. Leave the cantina. As you make your way to the exit, you'll notice Bendak standing on the left, just past the old who sold you his Pazaak deck. He's not that hard to miss, considering he's decked out in full, yellow armor. You can talk to him if you want, but don't agree to the death match; we'll have to save that for the dark side walkthrough. We're done up here for a little while longer, so make your way to the North side of the Upper City, then back to the elevator that takes you to the Lower City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you get off the elevator, you'll have to contend with three to six Black Vulkars, but they're all easy. When they're dead, run straight ahead through the door into the apartments. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City Apartments @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the game has loaded, return to Matrik's apartment, the first one that's immediately to your right. Talk to him, and say "I have a permacreate detonator right here. Go on... take it." Don't collect the bounty yet, because we have to get rid of Selven first. Leave Matrik's, then leave the apartments. Back on the sidewalk (if you can call it that), make your way to the right, as if you were going to the cantina, but continue past it. The door on the right, guarded by a woman just past the cantina, is the Hidden Bek base. Don't go in yet; we'll go there shortly. Continue forward, and kill the Vulkars. Soon, you'll see one of Davik's men demanding payment from some of the Vulkars, and calls out the big guns, Canderous Ordo. Yes, you do get to use him and his wonderful gun eventually. Walk into the doorway that everybody went through to enter the second apartment complex, and the home of Selven. When you enter the complex, you see Calo Nord killing two more Rodians. Wow, he sure does get around. Go left, and enter the first room. Just like the first apartment down here, there are Vulkars spread throughout the complex, so kill them as you see them. In this first room, get the goodies of the Gang Boss' corpse, and check the supply crate. Disable the mine, if you can, or walk into it; it doesn't cause much damage, and then search the crate. Leave the room, head left, go into the next room. Kill the Vulkars, search the footlocker, then leave. Continue left, into the next room. There is a footlocker here guarded by a mine. First, search the desk next to the mine to read a story. It gives you the answers to the lock of the footlocker. Here are the questions you are asked, followed by the answer: What is the name of your pet? HYPERDRIVE Who taught you to fire a blaster? MY UNCLE Where did your family come from originally? ALDERAAN You can now collect the goodies. Leave, turn left, and pick the lock into the next apartment. This woman is Selven. Talk to her, tell her you're there to claim the bounty, and kill her. When she's down, search her body, and search the footlocker at the back. Around this time, you should be able to level up as well. Leave Selven's, continue left, and enter the next room. Kill the single Vulkar here, then search his corpse and the footlocker. Leave, go left, and go into the final door, which is the elevator back to the Lower City. When the area loads, go right, and head back to Jayvar's Cantina. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Javyar's Cantina@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside, return to the Hutt and talk to him. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I've got a bounty I want to collect on. * 2: [Lie: Tell him Matrik is dead.] * 3: [Persuade] I want 400 credits for this job. * 4: I've got a bounty I want to collect on. * 5: [Tell him about Selvin.] * 6: [Persuade] I want 400 credits for this job. ******************************************************************************* If you're lucky and the persuade options work, you'll walk away with 800 credits. If not, you'll get 600, which still isn't bad. Now that you've got the bounties, we're going to embark on the second last part of the Taris quests. But before we do that, speak to Carth. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to continue our discussion from before. * * 2: Don't you think you'd feel better if you discussed it? * * 3: That name sounds familiar. * * 4: You didn't think he would betray the Republic? * * 5: Do you really believe that? * * 6: That's terrible. I feel awful for you. * ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Leave the cantina, take two steps to the left, and speak to the woman guarding the Hidden Bek base. Just tell her that "I need Gadon's help. I was told to speak to him." followed by "Maybe I could be an ally against all those enemies.", and she'll let you in. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Hidden Bek Base @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside, open the door immediately ahead of you, and run to the desk to the back of the room, to the left of the door. Zaerdra will stop you, but Gadon will let you speak. So, do that. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I need information on those Republic escape pods that crashed into the * * Undercity. * * 2: Don't worry... I'm not working for the Sith. * * 3: I have to get in there and rescue there! * * 4: There has to be some way I can help her! * * 5: Gadon - can you help me with this? * * 6: What are you proposing? * * 7: How am I supposed to get inside the Vulkar base? * * 8: Where can I find Mission? * * 9: I've got some Sith uniforms to disguise myself. * * 10: Okay - I'll trade the uniforms for the papers. * * 11: I'll be back when I get the prototype accelerator. * ******************************************************************************* Not that you've got your objective from the Hidden Beks, leave the base, and turn right. Go past the apartments, and continue to the door at the very far end. You'll have to kill a few Vulkars. Approach the Sith guard at the door, and he'll talk to you. Tell him "I've got my security papers right here.", and he'll let you through. Enter the elevator. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Undercity @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you arrive, you'll be "greeted" by two Outcasts, who say there's a five credit toll for using the elevator. Being the nice guy that we are, say "Who are you? What are you doing here in the Undercity?", then say "You poor wretches. Here's 20 credits to buy some food and clothing." Afterwards, a woman named Shaleena runs up to you. Tell her what your name is, then follow up by "The surface is a beautiful place.", "Rukil? Who's that?", "The Promised Land? What's that?", "Where can I find Rukil?", and finally, "I'll be going now.". Head left, making your way around, and a man named Igear will talk to you. Ask him "How do you manage to run a store here in the Undercity?". Check his store if you want, buy what you want, then run forward, behind Igear, to the large metal gate. A man named Hendar wants to be let in to the village, but the gatekeeper won't open it because the rakghouls are too close. Choose "Open the gate... I will kill the rakghouls", then you'll automatically go in. Kill the rakghoul, then follow the man back out. Talk to Hester, and the man will thank you. Now, turn around and head back towards Igear. Go down the ramps, follow the paths, and speak to the two men; Rukil and Gendar. Let's do Rukil first. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What are you talking about, old man? * * 2: I'm _____. What do you want from me, Rukil? * * 3: What happened to your apprentice? * * 4: I will help you with this, Rukil. * * 5: I'll be back when I find anything out. * ******************************************************************************* Turn around, and speak with Gendar. Ask him whatever you like. When you're through, turn to the left, and return back to the man guarding the gate. Go through the gate. You are now outside, away from the protection of the village. There are a lot of rakghouls here, and they may poison you. From the gate, run straight ahead toward the large pile of rubble, and Mission will come running to you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Woah, slow down, Mission. What's wrong? * * 2: Calm down, Mission. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened. * * 3: Do you know where they took him? * * 4: If I help you get Zaalbar back you have to get me inside the Vulkar base.* ******************************************************************************* From Mission's spot, take a right, and head towards the building. You'll see a Sith soldier, who will approach you. Tell him "Look... I've got all the proper security papers.", and he won't start anything. While he's talking, ask him "You said you lost one patrol already?", and finally, "You just follow your orders and keep looking!". Go to the area past the Sith, and kill the group of rakghouls. Search the corpse by the sewer door, then turn around and keep going down, until you come to another group of rakghouls. Kill them, then talk to Mission. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to know a little bit more about you, Mission. * * 2: How did you and Zaalbar hook up? * * 3: Who'd want to pick a fight with a Wookiee? * * 4: Smacking a kid? Those Vulkars have no class! * * 5: What did the other two Vulkars do? * * 6: How did Zaalbar end up on Taris? * * 7: How did you survive before you met Zaalbar? * * 8: We should get back to the task at end. * * 9: I didn't know you had a brother. * ******************************************************************************* After she cuts you off, speak with her again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to talk to you about your brother. * * 2: You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. * * 3: You were stowaways? * * 4: He's family. You have to stick by your family. * * 5: Pretty handy skills to have, Mission. * * 6: Why did he leave? * * 7: Who's Lena? * ******************************************************************************* Once she's shut up, head to the right to a group of five rakghouls. Kill them all, then search the nearby skeletal corpse. Don't go into the sewers just yet. Search the Sith corpse as well, because it contains, among other items, a vile of the rakghoul serum, resulting in a journal update. We're done over here, so return to the gate and head back into the village. Now, run to the direct opposite side, to the other gate, which is left of the elevator. Open the gate, and the woman will warn you. Tell her "I have brought you a serum to cure the rakghoul disease.", then "I'm going through the gates to try and help the infected ones!". The first group of people, the ones who talk automatically, turn into rakghouls as soon as you enter. Kill them, then run to the man and the woman at the opposite end, and give them the serum by talking to them and choosing "I have brought you a serum to cure the rakghoul disease.", followed by "Here, take this rakghoul serum. I have enough for both of you.". When they've been cured, choose "I was happy to help." Now, return to the first gate (the guy), and go through. Run forward, all the way to the escape pod, and the Republic officer at the back of it will talk to you. Reply with "Here, take this serum. It will cure you.", and then "You're okay now. But I need information. I'm looking for Bastila." When he asks you if you heard something, say "I didn't hear anything." He runs off, and promptly gets killed by a rakghoul. Three, actually. Kill them, including a fourth who has shown up, then run to the right. Check the pile of rubble for some items, then keep going forward, towards the men. When you get close, they will approach you. It's Canderous and a party. When he talks to you, say "Are you threatening me?" After, the party will be attacked. You can stand by and watch, and still receive xp, but fight them anyway. When they're dead, Canderous will talk to you. Your first response should be "What do you mean by that?", followed by "What can you tell me about Davik?", followed by "What do you know about the Lower City gangs?", and finally, "I better get going now". Run past where Canderous was, and kill the rakghouls to the left of you. In total, there should be seven or eight. When all are dead, search the rubble pile and the outcast corpse. The corpse will yield the Promised Land Apprentice Journal, which is one piece of the puzzle; you need two more. Run back to the village and speak to Rukil. When you talk with Rukil, talk to him. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Your apprentice is dead. I have her journal. * * 2: Guide you? But I don't even know where the Promised Land is! * * 3: Very well - tell me the history of your people. * * 4: What does this have to do with me? * * 5: How can I lead you to the Promised Land when I don't even know what it * * is? * * 6: And you want me to find these missing journals? * * 7: Don't worry, Rukil. I'll find those journals. * ******************************************************************************* Now it's off to the sewers. Return to the gate, making sure to pass by Igear. He will ask you to give him the journals, so he can keep his business. If you do, he'll give you a reward, but unfortunately, it's evil. Choose "I don't have time for this.", followed by "That's horrible! How can you be so self- centered?", then "Forget it! I won't betray Rukil and the village for you." When back in the "field", run to the left, and go to the end of the circular part of the structure, then enter the sewers. There is another entrance, but for the sake of the walkthrough, take this one. @@@@@@@@@@ @ Sewers @ @@@@@@@@@@ You'll begin in a medium sized hall. Disable the mine, then enter the door. Kill the rakghouls inside, and search the skeletal corpse. You should now be able to level up your player, or will be able to soon. Enter the first door on the right, and kill the Gamorrean Patrol. Run up the ramp, open the door on the left, and go through. Disable the mine, then search the outcast corpse for the first Promised Land journal. Turn around, leave, and continue left down the corridor, entering the first door on the right. Kill the Gamorreans in here, which includes an Elite and a Chief. Search their corpses, then walk forward. A custcene will take over, in which Mission unlocks a door, releasing Zaalbar. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Good to meet you, Zaalbar. I'm _____. * * 2: It's some kind of loyalty vow, isn't it? * * 3: I'm honored to accept his vow. * * 4: I'm glad to have you aboard, Mission. * * 5: Good. The sooner we get there the better. * * 6: Rancor? Are you serious! * * 7: That's not really an option. Let's go. * ******************************************************************************* You can now choose to have Zaalbar join your party, but I stuck with Carth and Mission. Go through the door that is beside the cell door to open a locked cache full of stuff, including Zaalbar's Bowcaster. Leave the way you came, turn right, go through the door, and you'll be in a circular room. Kill the rakghouls, then go into the door to the furthest side to the left. Search the corpse, then leave, turn left, and go through the door immediately to your left. Kill the rakghouls, then go through the door you came in from. Soon, Mission and Carth will start talking -- no, make that arguing -- and when they do, choose "Settle down right now - both of you!". Go back the way you came, and this time, go through the other door. Kill the single Gamorrean here, then follow the path, down two ramps, to the door at the bottom. Kill the Gamorrean inside, go through the door on your right, follow the path, and at the bottom, take the right door. Kill the rakghouls in here, then search the corpse for the second Promised Land journal. With the final journal in hand, it's time to make your way to the Black Vulkar base. We'll take the journals to Rukil later. From the room with the outcast corpse, leave, turn left, follow the path to the large circular room, turn right, take the closed door to your right, disable the two mines, and activate the computer console. Mission will use the codes she has, and you'll head to the Upper Sewers. When the game loads, kill the rakghouls and Gamorreans (who seem to be in the middle of a fight), then take the door on the right. Search the two corpses, return to the circular room, and take the door to your right. Follow this new corridor, kill the two Gamorreans, then enter the door at the end. There is a malfunctioning droid you have to kill, so do it, and go through the door on your left. Kill the three Gamorreans, search the corpses, leave, go to the left, and enter the door. Mission and Carth should start up again, so, again, be the babysitter and say "It's about time you two made up.". After their argument, run down the ramp and search the severed arm for the synthesized odor and a datapad. Open the door, turn on solo mode, and approach the large pile of bones. Take the two items, then search the pile again. This time, press X to switch to "give mode", and put in a frag grenade. Search it again, press X again, and put in a synthesized odor. This will cause the rancor to come to the pile, eat the grenad,e thereby blowing a hole in his mouth. With the rancor dead, disable solo mode, and run to the door the rancor was guarding. Kill the two Vulkar guards here, then enter the now un-guarded door, and you'll be inside the Black Vulkar base. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Black Vulkar Base @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You're now in the final stretch of Gadon's quest. Open the next door, and turn right. Run down the hall until you encounter a patrol droid; kill it. Return to the door you came in from, but this time, turn right and go through the door. Run down the hall, and kill the droid that rounds the corner. Enter the door on your right, and kill the aliens and droid in here. Search the remains and then enter the door on the side. Kill the droid, then talk to the woman. Ask her "How did you end up here in the Vulkar base?", then "If I let you go can you find your way out of here?", and finally, "Hurry, then - get out of here." After freeing the waitress, follow her through the door, turn right, and kill all the Vulkars in this wide space. The middle building here has two droids guarding it, but kill them and go inside, because it's the armory. Search the metal box and the two footlockers, then run to the other side of the room. Enter the security door on the left, and attack the Black Vulkar. As he is about to die, he explains something to you, and bests you not to kill him, so don't. Choose "What are you talking about? You're a Vulkar, aren't you?", then "I'm going to let you live. Go on, get out of here!". Rummage through the footlocker, then leave, turn left, and go through the next door. There are eight Vulkars in here, including two lieutenants. Kill them all, collect the goodies from their corpses, and don't forget about the footlocker and supply crate. Go out the other door in this room, then run straight across to the next room. In here, activate the droid, repair it, and program it to go into the pool and self destruct. This clears the gas mine for you. Go into the pool to find a footlocker. Turn around, leave, head left, and make your way back to the armor. Directly across from the armory you will find a console standing up near some crates. Use it. Access the security cameras, and view the Garage Elevator. Use the option "[Computer] Shut down garage elevator security system (#spikes))". Those turrets are now disabled, giving you access to the garage section of the base. Facing the computer terminal, turn right, and go through the closed door you see. Kill the single cook, and go through the door to your left to wind up in the starting hallway. Turn left, follow it to the right, and go through the door here. Since you deactivated the turrets, you're safe. Run to the end and go into the elevator to head to the garage. When the area loads, go straight, and run down the ramp to the right. Kill the Vulkar's here, including Garage Head, and you should be able to level up, or at least be close. Do so, and search the corpses. Go down the hall, entering the first door on your right. Kill the two guards in here, then search the footlocker. Head into the adjacent room, and search the desk to find Garage Head's key card. Go to the computer in this room, slice it, and view the camera for the garage. Choose to "overload swoop bike in garage bay.". This will cause the bike to start smoking, and four Vulkar's to come investigate. The bike blows up, taking the Vulkars with it. Leave the room, and return to the garage bay. Search the remains of the Vulkars, then destroy the droid by the large door. Return to where you came into the garage (by the elevator), and use the junkpile droid. Program it so that it will ram the loading dock doors, and save your game. Now, run through the now open door and you'll have to fight a patrol droid. He's powerful, and he has the ability to freeze you, but killing him will get you 2000 credits in one of the strong boxes. Leave the docking area, turn left, head down the small ramp, and turn left into the hallway in the middle. Kill the two Vulkars here, then continue down. Disable the two mines, turn right, and enter the first door. Search the black locker near the door, then leave and go into the next room. Kill the gang member, search his corpse, then use the workbence if you have any work that needs to be done. Leave the room, turn left, go past the spot where the mines were, and enter the first door on your left. Now, enter the adjacent room. You'll find the Vulkars who stole the accelerator, and they'll talk to you. They'll give you a counter-offer; kill Gadon, and race for the Vulkars. Being a nice guy, we can't do that, so choose "Enough yapping! Hand over that accelerator!", then "Forget it! I know all about you Black Vulkars!", and finally, "Forget it - I'm not going to betray Gadon!". Now, you have to kill them. Kandon and the woman are fairly tough, but the rest aren't. When they are all dead, search the remains, then get the prototype accelerator from the back left of the room; disable or recover the mine first. Now we have to return the accelerator to Gadon, but before we do, let's finish up our business in the Undercity. Leave the Vulkar Base, but not the exit into the sewers; instead, go to the Lower City. The exit to the Lower City is across from the armory in the upper section of the base. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once the elevator drops you off, you'll have to kill two Vulkars. Do so, then run down the walkway, all the way to the other end, back to the Undercity elevator. Take it down. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Undercity @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back in the Undercity, turn right, and return to the old man, Rukil. Speak with him, and tell him "I have all three journals. Here - take them.". After he chats with Gendar, say "Maybe I should come with you. I could help you on the journey.". After this, the entire Undercity, including the bastard Igear, leaves for the Promised Land. Return to the elevator, and ride it back up to the Lower City. Return to the elevator, and ride it back up to the Lower City. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Return to the Hidden Bek base and speak with Gadon Thek. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Hidden Bek Base @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ******************************************************************************* * 1: I have the accelerator right here. * * 2: Okay, I lived up to my end of the deal. Now you better come through! * * 3: Zaerdra's right, Gadon. One of your own riders should get that swoop * * bike. * * 4: Suddenly I'm not so sure about this. * * 5: Sounds like you've got all your bases covered. * * 6: Okay, I'm ready for the race. * ******************************************************************************* You speed the night at the base, and arrive at the swoop track the next day, where a mechanic will explain things to you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Swoop Track @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ******************************************************************************* * 1: Sure, tell me how it's done. * * 2: Okay, let's start the race! * * 3: I won't let you down. * ******************************************************************************* There really isn't much to do here, so go to the race announcer. Speak with him, and say "What's the time to beat?", followed by "I want to race one of my heats.". You'll now be in the swoop bike, and you have to beat a time of 0:38:43. It's simple. Change gears as soon as you see the symbol light up, and try to hit all the speed pads. Do not hit anything, because they will slow you down. It's not that important here, but it will be later on. If you beat the time, you'll be the leader... for a whole twenty seconds. Redros, of the Vulkars, has beat your time. Return to the race announcer for your next heat. The time now is 28 seconds. Again, it's fairly simple. When you win this race, you are claimed the champion. However, Brejik won't award you the prize, because you cheated. Tell him "You're a damn liar, Brejik!". A battle ensues, but not before Bastila breaks free from her neural disruptor. Kill Brejik and his men. Focus on him first, as he's the toughest. When all is said and done, search all the corpses, then speak to Bastila. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Winning the swoop race was the only way I could save you. * * 2: I didn't need your wih those Vulkars. I can handle myself! * * 3: We aren't the only survivors. Carth Onasi is alive as well. * ******************************************************************************* You are now automatically sent back to your hideout. Everyone is here; Carth, Bastila, Mission and Zaalbar. @@@@@@@@@@@ @ Hideout @ @@@@@@@@@@@ ******************************************************************************* * 1: We were trying to find you, remember? * * 2: He's right. You aren't showing much leadership ability right now, * * Bastila. * * 3: Let's go find a way off this planet. * ******************************************************************************* * After the conversation, Bastila will automatically begin speaking to you, in * the same vein as Carth does. * * ******************************************************************************* * 1: Something weird happenend when we first met. Like a vision. * * 2: Of you. Fighting a dark Jedi. Revan, I guess. * * 3: Are you saying I can use the Force? * * 4: So does this mean I could be a Jedi? * ******************************************************************************* You may be getting sick of Bastila (God knows I was), but talk to her again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You want to talk to me about something? * * 2: Before we rescued you, you mean. * * 3: You didn't escape the Bluck Vulkars until we arrived, as I recall. * * 4: I had a lot of help: Carth, Mission, Zaalbar. * * 5: I think you're underestimating us non-Jedi. * * 6: Be glad I'm Force sensitive, or I couldn't have rescued you. * * * ******************************************************************************* Before we leave, let's finish up one tree of dialogue with Zaalbar. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to know a little more about you, Zaalbar. * * 2: You don't trust me? * * 3: You'll have to tell me eventually. * ******************************************************************************* Now, we can leave. Use the workbench to upgrade anything, then leave the room, taking Carth and Bastila with you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ South Apartments @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you leave the apartment, an alien will approach you. Seems your swoop race win has gotten you some attention. Tell him "That's right.", followed by "Thanks for the message. I'll go meet him in the cantina." Before we go to the cantina, let's deliver the serum to Zelka. From the apartment, turn right, and go through the third door that leads outside. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City South @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Walk forward, turn left, and begin down the walkway. Carth and Bastila will soon start to argue, so say "Leave her alone, Carth." Continue down the path, and at the fork, turn right to the medical facility. Run up and speak to Zelka. While speaking, say "I have the serum to cure the rakghoul disease.", followed by "Here you go.", and finally, "Keep your reward, Zelka. You need it more than I do.". Leave Zelka's facility, be insulted by Gurney, run straight across, and go through the door to the North side of town. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City North @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the area loads, run forward a little, and Carth and Bastila will start up again. Say "What did they see, exactly?" to get the conversation to a close. Keep running forward, and you'll see two kids and an Ithorian. Run up to start some dialogue. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Hey - you kids! Leave that Ithorian alone! * * 2: Just because he's different doesn't give you the right to attack him! * * 3: You look hurt. Here, I've got a medpac. Let me help you. * ******************************************************************************* The Ithorian thanks you, then leaves. You've gained some light points. Turn around, and go right down the walkway. At the end, where the doomsday man is, turn right, enter the enclosed area, and go to the elevator that leads to the Lower City. If the guard stops you, just say "I've got my authorization papers right here." Enter the elevator. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Walk forward, turn left, run down the hall and enter the first door on the left, the cantina. Walk into the main room of the cantina, turn left, and Canderous will speak to you automatically. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Who are you? * * 2: How do you plan to do that? * * 3: Why should I help you? * * 4: How am I supposed to get inside the military base? * * 5: Won't Davik be mad if I take his droid? * * 6: Okay, Canderous - I'll bring you those codes. * ******************************************************************************* After the conversation Canderous, leave the cantina, and return to the Upper City by going right, following the path, turning right at the fork, and going into the elevator. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Upper City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back in the Upper City, take the left doorway, and run straight across to get to Janice Nall's Droid Shop. Speak to her. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Canderous said you'd sell the T3-M4 droid to me. * 2: [Persuade] That price is outrageous! I'll give you half. * 3: It's a deal. ******************************************************************************* If the persuade option doesn't work, just pay the 2000 credits. You should be able to more than afford it. With T3-M4 in tow, leave the shop, and head back to the elevator. Don't go down into the Lower City, though. Instead, run through the door on the other side, and you'll be back outside. We're going to the Sith base, which is the large door up ahead. Switch to the droid (bring him into your party if you have to), take control of him, and walk to the door to get him to break in. Go inside. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sith Military Base @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside, you'll be "greeted" by a receptionist. Say "[Persuade] Look, here's 50 credits - just don't hit that alarm." If it worked, she'll run off. If not, well, you'll be dealing with some Sith. If you've followed the guide, you should have plenty of repair parts and computer spikes (over fifty of each), so let's use them. Walk forward, behind the reception desk, and use the terminal. Slice in. Now, we're going to make the base a little easier to handle. Go through all the security cameras, and kill all the Sith you can from the terminal. One you MUST do is the "CAM-S05 Elevator". From this camera, be sure to disable the shield and open the elevator. After this, access the system commands, and choose the first two options; "Take turrets offline" and "Take sentry droids offline". This should make your trip a little easier. Exit the computer, and go through the door to your right. Kill the men in here, search them, then return to the reception area and go through the door behind the desk. Enter the first door on your left. Kill the medical droid, then search the first aid container at the back of the room. Leave, turn left, and go through the door on the right. Search the supply crate at the far end of the room, but don't disable the mine (unless you want it, so recover it), or hack the system. Leave, turn right, and go through the door at the end of the hall. Look to your right, and you'll see four "tubes". One of them holds an alien, Duros. He is the same one you saved when you first arrived on Taris. Speak to him, say "Right. I remember you." and finish with "How do I get you out?". The panels behind you are in a row of five, and by default, they are lit up as green, red, green, red, green. To rescue Duros, hit the buttons in this order (1 is the first): |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| With Duros freed, enter the door in the middle of this room to find a locker you can search. After that, enter the door on the left side of the room, follow the hall, and enter the door on the right to wind up inside the control center. Kill the Sith in here, search their corpses, then leave. Back in the hall, enter the door almost directly across; this is the barracks. Kill the men in here, including the Sith captain. Search the corpse, as well as the footlocker at the back. Leave, turn left, and pick the lock on the door at the end of the hall. Mmmm, the armory! There are four footlockers here; search them all for goodies, then leave, and run all the way back to the room where you saved Duros. Enter the door that is to the right of where Duros was, and run down the hall. Enter the door on the right, search the footlocker, then return to the hall. Run to the right, and go through this door. The assault droid, whose shield you disabled earlier, will attack you, and the door will shut, sealing you in. Switch to the Ion Rifle you picked up in the armor and kill the droid. After the fight, you should be able to level up, or be close. Enter the elevator it was guarding. When you arrive, you'll be facing a door. Save your game, if you want, then go through the door. A Sith governor will talk to you. Say "Turn away from the dark side. It won't lead you to anything but destruction.", and the fight is on. He's fairly tough, and has the ability to put you (or any party member) into stasis. When he's dead, search his body for a bevy of items, including the Taris Launch codes, then search the two footlockers. Go back to the elevator and ride it to the main part of the base. Once back at the base, leave. Just make your way to the exit, where the receptionist was. Back in the Upper City, head to the Lower City elevator (a few feet from the base). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Lower City @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once in the Lower City, return to Javyar's cantina and talk to Canderous, who is standing in the exact same spot (wouldn't he get tired?). Say to him "Okay, let's join up. But how are we going to get me inside Davik's estate?". You're forced to take Canderous with you, and for my second member, I chose Bastila. Whomever you choose, you're off to Davik's estate. But first, a cutscene! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Davik's Estate @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you arrive, Davik and Calo will greet you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Good to finally meet you, Davik. My name's _____. * * 2: Your offer intrigues me, Davik. * * 3: I'm looking forward to working with you, Davik. * ******************************************************************************* Before we begin this area, let's talk to Canderous to start another party member side quest. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I was wondering if you had any interesting stories. * * 2: Is that why you work as a mercenary? * ******************************************************************************* Before leaving the room, search the footlocker behind you. Head outside, and go into the door directly across from you by picking the lock. Tell him "[Persuade] No need to call the guards - I just got lost.". If it works, he'll let you be; if not, kill him. Either way, search the footlocker that's behind him and to the left. Leave, turn right, and enter the door on your right by breaking in. Search the two footlockers in here, then turn around and pick the lock of the door across from you. Say to the alien "Sorry, wrong room.", then search the footlocker behind him. Leave, turn left, and follow the hall into the slave quarters. Search the footlocker, get a message (if you wish), then leave. Run down the hall, then go into the door at the far end to enter the Throne Room. Turn right immediately, and run to the door directly ahead of you. Inside, kill the three Rodians, then access the security computer. You should still have around forty or so computer spikes, so choose the system commands, and select "Disable hangar security.". You should also go through all the cameras and gas all the rooms you can. Be sure to disable the hangar security first, though, in case you run out of spikes. When you've gone through the system, back out of it. Enter the door to the right of the terminal and kill the Rodians. Enter the next door, disable the mine, and search the supply crate. Return to the throne room. When you arrive at the throne room, turn right, and enter the door directly in front of you. Kill the bounty hunter, seach his corpse, and follow the hall to the right. Enter the door, destroy the two torture droids, and activate the "Cage Release" control to release the man, Hudrow. Say to him "I couldn't sit by and just let you suffer.", then "Okay, you're free to go now.". Yes, we already disabled the security, but we did a nice thing. Leave the "guest" room and go into the first door on the right. Search the two strong boxes, then leave and enter the next right-hand door. Search the remains of one of the groups of Rodians you gassed, then enter the next right-hand door. Kill all the technicians, then search the first aid crate and enter the door at the far end side on the left. In this hallway, run to the end. Enter the door after it curves, then enter the door on the right. This is the hangar. Walk in, and a scene will take over. Davik and Calo will see you, and guess what? You have to fight them! Focus on Calo Nord first, because, surprisingly, he's tougher. As he is about to die, he pulls out a detonator, but the roof collapses on him first. When he's a goner, Davik seems to have died too. Cool, huh? Two for the price of one! Before leaving, DON'T FORGET TO SEARCH DAVIK'S CORPSE! When you have his stuff, run to the open ramp of the Ebon Hawk, and board it. You're leaving Taris, finally. A cutscene will take over. After the cutscene, you'll be in control of the turret on the ship. Destroy the incoming fighters. When they are all dead, the turret will stop responding, and another cutscene will show you making the hyperspace jump. Afterwards, you'll be speaking with Bastila on the bridge. Choose whatever dialogue option you want. Afterwards, the Ebon Hawk will land on Dantooine. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [13.3] Dantooine | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Climate Temperate Grassland Native Species None native, now settled Docking Jedi Academy NOTE: When you become a Jedi and first get your Force Powers, make sure that both of your starting points go into "Affect Mind" and "Dominate Mind", as this walkthrough is written with them as part of the character. If you don't have these options, then you'll have to use normal Persuade techniques, which may or may not work properly. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Jedi Enclave @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Take Mission with you, and if you don't like her, you can switch her soon. Leave the Ebon Hawk, and Lena, Mission's brother's girlfriend, will approach and talk to you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You took her brother away and left her all alone on Taris! * * 2: Why should we believe you, Lena? * * 3: I'd like to hear Griff's side of things before I judge him. * ******************************************************************************* With all that information, let's talk to Mission. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to talk to you about your brother. * * 2: We'll find your brother, Mission. * * 3: Griff may not be perfect, but he is your brother, Mission. * * 4: Kind of like how you came to Taris in the first place. * * 5: When the time comes you'll know what to say, Mission. * ******************************************************************************* Bastila will inform you that the Jedi Council wants to speak with you. Carth doesn't like being left out of the loop, but the little baby will have to wait. Follow Bastila, and keep following her until you are interrupted by a Jedi. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I believe you are mistaken. I am not a Padawan. I am _____. I came * * here with Bastila. * * 2: I am telling you the truth. * ******************************************************************************* Walk past the Jedi, known as Belaya, and go left. Go through the first open doorway. When the path splits, head left. You'll see Carth here. Walk into the room, and approach the Jedi council. ******************************************************************************* * 1: So you've drawn me into your little trap, Bastila. What now? * * 2: What do you want from me? * * 3: Strong in the Force? * * 4: I am willing to try my best. * ******************************************************************************* You automatically return to the Ebon Hawk, where you have another vision, this time of Revan and Malak walking back and forth, before finally going inside to see what the "StarForge" is. When you awake, you find yourself outside, and Carth greets you. Ask him "Did she say anything else?", and then "I had a rough night... Let's go." You have to take two members, but Bastila is not available to you. Pick whoever you want; I took Carth and Mission. If you chose Mission, talk to her. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Malak will pay for what he did, Mission. * 2: I want to talk to you about your brother. * 3: Why do you hate her so much? * 4: Did Lena dump him? * 5: So what happened? * 6: Maybe something happened to him. ******************************************************************************* Facing the doorway to the Jedi enclave, turn right. The brown door here leads to a shop where you can buy the basics, as well as droid supplies. Buy what you want or need, then leave, and walk straight across to the green alien named Lur Arka Sulas. He wants to ask you a question, so say "Go ahead.", "Sorry, I have no idea who you're talking about.", and finally, "I'll keep my eye out for your girl." Return to the garden area of the enclave, but instead of going left to the council chambers, go straight, to the other side of the large tree. This is the "guest" area. The first door on the left has an alien who will sell you some Pazaak cards, and will also play games with you. The maximum you can wage is 120 credits. The second room holds a footlocker, free for you to search, and the third room holds a man named Ahlan Matale, who will come into play very soon. For now, return to the council. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Yes... they seemed to be searching for something. * * 2: I trust in your greater wisdom. * * 3: What are you talking about? * * 4: Yes. I'm ready for whatever awaits me. * * 5: Jedi are turning to the dark side? * * 6: I'm ready now. I accept this mission. * * 7: As you wish, Master Vandar. * ******************************************************************************* The game will take over for a bit, showing your training. You will battle Bastila, read, and learn how to control the Force. After your training (which would've been much cooler had you been able to do it), you will chatting with Master Zhar. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What must I do to prove myself? * * 2: I am ready for the tests, Master Zhar. * ******************************************************************************* Your first task is to learn the Jedi Code. To do so, you can talk to Master Vrook, but why bother when you're reading a strategy guide? Speak with Master Zhar again, and tell him "I am ready to continue my training.", then "I am ready for the tests, Master Zhar.". Below is the portion he asks you, and beside that is what you should answer: There is no emotion... *There is peace*. There is no ignorance... *There is knowledge*. There is no passion... *There is serenity*. There is no chaos... *There is harmony*. There is no death... *There is the Force*. After reciting the Jedi Code, turn around and return to the council, and speak with Master Dorak. Ask him "What colors are there?", and then tell him what you want to be; it doesn't matter just yet. He will ask you four questions. Your answers determine what kind of Jedi you will be, but you don't have to agree with Master Dorak's recommendation. Choose whichever you like, either the Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. I chose the path of the Jedi Guardian. He will give a colored crystal (blue for Guardians, yellow for Sentinels, green for Consular). I chose the Jedi Guardian, and got my blue crystal. Now, go to Master Zhar to construct your lightsaber. You will do it automatically. Afterwards, Master Zhar will send you on your first trial. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I can find crystals on Dantooine? * * 2: I am ready to face the third trial. * * 3: What would you have me do, Master Zhar? * * 4: Do you have no other guidance? * ******************************************************************************* With your newly constructed lightsaber in hand, leave the Jedi Council, and return to the big tree. Facing the tree, go straight, to the door on the other side. Speak to the Jedi Droid to get it to open the doors, and enter the courtyard. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Courtyard @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you get in the courtyard, follow the path around to the left. Speak to Nemo and Gar, if you want, then continue. When you come to the fork, the man Jon will speak to you automatically. Tell him "What are you talking about?", then "They killed her?", and finally, "Revenge is never a good reason.". From where Jon is, turn right and cross the bridge, and speak to Elise in front of the speeder to the left. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Your companion? * * 2: It is possible... * * 3: Did someone break it down? * * 4: Could it have been opened from the inside? * * 5: Your missing companion is a droid? * * 6: You live alone with this... droid? * * 7: I will help you find your droid. * ******************************************************************************* Across from Elise is a Rodian in front of a speeder, named Adum Larp. If you talk to him, you can buy or sell equipment, and buy maps of some of the surrounding areas. Don't bother buying maps, because I tell you where to go. Look at his inventory if you like. When you're done with him, walk into the field, and a small cutscene will take over, showing the kath hounds. Kill the ones who approach you, then keep walking. Turn left at the path, and kill all the kath hounds here. Head into the large collection of rocks and make your way to the other side, killing the kath hounds as you go. When you emerge from the rocks, ignore the metal looking stones for now; this leads to the ruins, but you can't go there yet. Instead, take a right and walk between the two posts to ente the Matale Grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Matale Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When Matale Grounds has loaded, run straight ahead. Kill the kath hounds, then go between the posts to enter the Grove. @@@@@@@@@ @ Grove @ @@@@@@@@@ Once in the grove, kill the kath hounds to the left, and make your way to the broken white pillars. You'll run into a Jedi named Juhani who has gone into hiding, and you'll have to fight her. She'll freeze both of your party, so it will be a one on one fight. Once you've widdled down her health, she'll stop and talk to you. Since we're light, we have to convince her to return to the Order. By doing so, you earn light points, and will be able to use Juhani as a party member once you leave Dantooine. Once she's talking, follow this branch of dialogue: ******************************************************************************* * 1: Who are you? * * 2: You embraced the dark side? Why? * * 3: The dark side is never powerful enough. * * 4: I was sent by the Council to cleanse the taint from this grove. * * 5: [Persuade] I have no desire to kill you, Juhani. * * 6: [Persuade] Come now, Juhani. You are a beautiful young woman who has * * much talent. * * 7: [Persuade] It is not your fault, Juhani. * * 8: [Persuade] Do not worry, Juhani. They will surely take you back. * * 9: [Persuade] Of course it would. They would always accept you back. * ******************************************************************************* Once Juhani runs off, search the corpses of the people she killed, then run in between the small rock formation. Up ahead, kill all the kath hounds, then run to the left and kill the Mandalorians and Duros here. Focus on the Mandalorian fighters first, because unlike the Duros, they can hurt you. When they're finished, you'll get a journal entry, and you'll have to seek out two more groups of them before Jon will further your quest. From the Mandalorians, head toward the rocks and trees, and kill any remaining kath hounds. Make your way to the bridge, and the alien Bolook will speak with you. Ask him "Who are you?", and "What do you want me to do?" This is a side quest, where you have to determine who is the murderer. When Bolook is finished explaining what happened, say "Is there anything else I should know?". This whole quest is dialogue based, and to come to the correct conclusion, follow this. ******************** First, speak to Handon Guld, and say, in this order: 1: No. 2: Did you see the kilelr? Now, talk to Rickard. 1: Tell me what happened. Talk to Rickard again. 1: What did you see happen? 2: I want to ask you something else. 3: Why were you out here? 4: I want to ask you something else. 5: Bolook said you were limping. Are you hurt? 6: That's all for now. Talk to Handon. 1: What did you see happen? 2: I want to ask you something else. 3: Why were you out here? 4: Do you often run around these plains? 5: You're holding your side. Are you injured? 6: Nothing more right now. Talk to the droid. 1: What did you find out about the body? 2: Tell me about these plains. 3: I will have more questions later. Talk to Bolook. 1: I want to discuss the murder. 2: Rickard is lying. 3: It was cloudy; there was no sun glare! Talk to Handon. 1: Did you know the victim? 2: No one says you killed him... yet. 3: I want to ask you something else. 4: Why would someone want to kill him? 5: That's all for now. Talk to Rickard. 1: Did you know the victim? 2: I want to ask you something else. 3: Why would someone want to kill him? 4: That's all for now. Talk to the droid. 1: What can you tell me about Calder and Handon? 2: What can you tell me about Calder and Rickard? 3: I will have more questions later. Talk to Handon. 1: You knew Calder better than you admit. You rented a speeder with him! 2: Punch his face in? Why? 3: That's all for now. Talk to Rickard. 1: You thought Calder was cheating you! 2: You can deny it, but there was bad blood between you! Talk to Bolook. 1: I want to discuss the murder. 2: Handon is lying. 3: He knew his wife was cheating on him. Talk to Handon. 1: What do you know about the weapon found by the body? 2: Nothing more right now. Talk to Rickard. 1: What about the weapon found by the body? 2: That's all for now. Talk to the droid. 1: Tell me about the weapon found at the scene. 2: Is there a report of Handon's blaster being stolen? 3: I will have more questions later. Talk to Bolook. 1: I want to discuss the murder. 2: The blaster is Handon's. He lied about it being stolen. Talk to the droid. 1: Tell me about the blood sample? 2: I will have more questions later. Talk to Bolook. 1: I want to discuss the murder. 2: It didn't belong to the victim. 3: It's Handon's blood. 4: He is clutching his side. 5: No, they are both guilty. 6: Rickard thought Calder was cheating him in business. ******************** You've solved the murder mystery, and gained a cool 1310 experience points! Continue the way you were going, and kill the kath hounds. Head left between the pillars to enter the Sandral grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sandral Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You'll be in front of a building. This is the home of the Sandrals, and you'll be visiting here soon. For now, walk down the left side of the building, and continue around the end of the rockface to find a bridge. Go across it. Kill the kath hounds, then keep following the fields to the left. Turn right when the field splits, and run to the end to face the second group of Mandalorians. Again, kill them first, and kill the Duros second. Be sure to search all the things you can, including the corpses, footlocker, equipment packs, metal box and metal case. Leave the camp and continue right, through the narrow pass. When you get on the other side, kill the kath hounds to the right, by the stone pillars. Now, run all the way to the left to kill the kath hounds that are attaking a helpless droid. This is C8-42, the droid Elise wanted you to find. Speak to it. ******************************************************************************* * 1: That was quite a beating you took. * * 2: They abused you? * * 3: But she wants you back. * * 4: You sought them out? * * 5: No. You should go back to her. * * 6: She is lonely and needs your support. * ******************************************************************************* C8-42 runs off to find his owner. To the right of where the robot is, you'll see a big hole in the side of the rockface. Go through this to find a crystal cave. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Dantooine Crystal Cave @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The cave is guarded by a swarm of kinrath. They are fairly easy to kill, but they can poison you. Follow the cave to the end (there is only one way to go), and kill the remaining kinrath. When you're safe, search all the crystal formations. You should be able to find six crystals. When you've got them, search the remains, and then exit the cave, back to the Sandral Grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sandral Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once back outside, kill any remaining kath hounds in the immediate area, then take a right and go through the pillars back to the grove. @@@@@@@@@ @ Grove @ @@@@@@@@@ Kill the kath hound as the area loads, then make your way up, ignoring the path on the right (which leads to Juhani's spot). When the path splits left and right, go left, and cross the bridge. Stick to the right, and go through the pillars when you get to them, and you'll be back in the Matale Grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Matale Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You're on the opposite side of where you were earlier. Run forward, up the hill, and you'll spot the third and final (for now) group of Mandalorians. You won't be able to save the old man, so destroy them all, starting with the Mandalorians. As always, search the remains and the equipment pack, then go through the pillars across from where you entered to be back in the courtyard. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Courtyard @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Make your way back to Elise, the woman by the speeder. Speak to her, and pick whatever dialogue option you want. Follow them, and talk to Jon. Tell him "I killed some of them on the plains.", and finish with the only choice you have. Return inside to the Jedi Enclave. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Jedi Enclave @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside, run back to the Jedi Council. Near the big tree, speak to Juhani. Ask her "Have you spoken to the Council?", then "That's pretty harsh...". Well it looks as though she's been welcomed back. Continue around her and go to the Council. Return to the training room and speak with Master Zhar. You have no dialogue, so just listen to what he has to say, apprentice. Oh wait, make that Padawan. He has also given you a Jedi Robe, which you can choose to wear if you want; you're not required to, now or ever. He walks over to the council, and so should you. Approach them and speak to Master Vandar, and tell him "I will investigate the ruins right away." You are required to take Bastila. In addition to her, I chose Carth. After choosing your party, Ahlan Matale storms into the room and demands justice. Choose the option "I shall look into it at once.", and then leave the Council. Make your way back to the courtyard. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Courtyard @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once in the courtyard, run to the fields, and go past the Rodian near the speeder. Make your way to the left, kill any kath hounds, and walk through the large rock collection. On the other side, go through the pillars on your right to enter Matale Grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Matale Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In this new area, kill any kath hounds, then run directly across to the next set of pillars, which leads you to the Grove. @@@@@@@@@ @ Grove @ @@@@@@@@@ When you're in the grove, kill the kath hounds that are waiting for you, then run forward past the three large trees, and approach the speeder. You will see the final Mandalorian group. Focus on the one in red, Sherruk, because he's the leader. When he's dead, focus on the two other Mandalorians, and finish up with the Duros. Search their corpses, and the leader will give up two colored lightsabers. Return the way you came, back through the pillars, to the Matale Grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Matale Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Head left from your starting point, and go through the valley. Eventually, you will come to a building; this is Ahlan Matale's house. Approach and speak to the droid and tell him "I come on behalf of the Jedi Council. I wish to speak to Ahlan Matale.". He will come out, guarded by droids (paranoid, isn't he?). Talk to him: ******************************************************************************* * 1: Why are you so certain the Sandrals are to blame? * * 2: What were they doing here? * * 3: I shall go and speak to Nurik Sandral. * * 4: The Jedi cannot be bought! I will remain nuetral despite your attempted * * bribe! * ******************************************************************************* We're now off to the Sandral Estate, but before we get there, head east from Matale's house. Go through the valley, and run to the tree in the middle, between the two paths leading north and south. Just beside the tree is a body; search it, and you'll receive some items, including Casus' diary. Turns out, this is Nurik's boy. Now, return to the Sandral Estate by going through the Grove, and into the Sandral Grounds. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sandral Grounds @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you get there, run to Sandral's Estate, and speak to the droid standing guard. Tell it "I come on behalf of the Jedi Council.", then "I am not in league with the Matales, but I must speak to Nurik." The droid will let you in so open the door and go inside. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sandral Estate @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As soon as the house loads, Nurik Sandral will come to greet you. Speak to him: ******************************************************************************* * 1: Your son Casus is dead. I have seen his body. * * 2: He was killed by kath hounds while exploring the Dantooine ruins. * * 3: Here is the diary, Nurik, but you may keep your money. I need no reward * * for this task. * ******************************************************************************* After the conversation, Nurik leaves, but his daughter, Rahasia, comes. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Who are you? * * 2: Does this have anything to do with what happened to Shen? * * 3: I only want to find Shen Matale. * * 4: Please, tell me what has happened. * * 5: I must tell the Jedi Council at once! * * 6: I will go now. * ******************************************************************************* Rahasia will give you a key to the side door. Leave the house, turn right, and make your way to the side door. The door will be unlocked when you open it. Inside, a flash mine is directly in front of you. Kill the droid to your left, then disable or recover the mine. Enter the door to the left of the mine, search the footlocker, and use the terminal. Go through the different cameras, killing the droids without actually fighting, or if you want, just make your way through the house, killing them as you go. Either way, enter the door to the left of the computer terminal. Kill the droid, and enter the first door on your right. Use your security on the footlocker, gather the items, then leave, and continue down the hall. Don't go in any of the other doors; instead, keep following the hall as it weaves to the right. The middle door here leads to Rahasia, but ignore her for now. Go through the next door, into the security room, and kill the droids. Search the two footlockers, then enter the left door. Outside, you'll see a mine. Disable or recover it, then use your security on the door it was protecting. Inside, speak with Shen. Say "I am here to rescue you, Shen.", "I'll protect you, Shen. Let's go.", "What if we take Rahasia with us?", and finish with "I will go speak to Rahasia.". Why not do that? Return to Rahasia's room and talk to her. Tell her "I'm trying to rescue Shen, but he won't leave without you, Rahasia." She'll agree to meet you outside. Search her footlocker, then return to Shen. Choose the only dialogue option available, and you'll be outside. Shen and Rahasia will reunite. Ahlan and Nurik will show up, including combat droids from both sides. If you're lucky, you'll be able to go all the way, ensuring that everyone is happy. If your Persuade skill isn't high enough, the most you can hope for is a neutral outcome. You can, of course, go for the dark side, but we have to save that for the dark side walkthrough. When given the chance to speak, say: ******************************************************************************* * 1: It was no problem. * * 2: No reward is necessary. * * 3: You two just need to calm down. * * 4: Both of you calm down now! * * 5: [Persuade] Shen is capable of making decisions on his own. * * 6: [Persuade] Children grow up and leave eventually. * * 7: You'll let them stay together? * * 8: Why don't you compromise? * ******************************************************************************* Awww, we managed to keep the family together. Let's take this opportunity to talk with Bastila. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to talk about that dream. * * 2: I still don't understand why we shared this 'vision'. * * 3: But how did our fates become linked? * * 4: Believe me, the feeling is mutual. * * 5: I have another question. * * 6: Why did we dream of Malak and Raven? * * 7: Well, I certainly didn't want to dream about them. * * 8: What do you think Malak and Revan were doing? * * 9: I'm not sure I like the idea of you being in my dreams. * * 10: Pretty certain, yes. * * 11: Do you think we will receive more of these visions? * * 12: That's all I wanted to know. * ******************************************************************************* We're almost done here on Dantooine, so return to the courtyard. When you get there, run to the ancient ruins; it is where those weird metal-looking pillars are, at the far north end of the courtyard. Approach the large door and enter the ruins. @@@@@@@@@ @ Ruins @ @@@@@@@@@ You are now in the ancient ruins. Run forward, through the large door, and approach the droid. It will begin "talking" to you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What language is that? What are you trying to say? * * 2: I still don't understand you. * * 3: Hey! I understood that! * * 4: Who are you? Why are you here? * * 5: How long have you been here? * * 6: Who are these Builders you keep talking about? * * 7: The droid speaks Selkath. Maybe they were the Builders. * * 8: Have you seen a Builder recently? * * 9: What is the 'Star Forge'? * * 10: But what is it? What does it do? * * 11: Could it have been a factory or weapons plant? * * 12: Where can we find the Star Forge? * * 13: How can I prove myself worthy? * ******************************************************************************* Search Nemo's corpse, then enter the door to the left of the droid. In this room, destroy the guardian droid. It has a lot of health, but isn't too powerful. When it's destroyed, search the wreckage pile, then approach and use the terminal. Choose "Talk to the computer.", then "Insert your datapad into the receptacle." Choose "Talk to the computer." again, and it asks you the following question: IDENTIFY THE THREE PRIMARY LIFE-GIVING SEED WORLD TYPES Choose, in any order: Oceanic Grassland Arboreal Leave, and enter the door directly opposite you. Destroy the droid in here. It is a little more powerful, and has the ability to freeze you. When it's destroyed, use the terminal. Like before, "Talk to the computer.", "Insert your datapad into the receptacle.", and then "Talk to the computer.". This time it asks you the following question: IDENTIFY THE THREE PRIMARY DEATH-GIVING SEED WORLD TYPES Choose, in any order: Desert Volcanic Barren Leave the room, and enter the now-opened door to the right of the droid. Open the second door at the end of the hall, then approach the thing. The game will take over. This is the Star Forge. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What is it? * * 2: So what is the Star Forge, exactly? * * 3: Perhaps those worlds have more clues. * ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Courtyard / Jedi Enclave @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Leave the ancient ruins, then head back toward the enclave. Before going to the council, speak with Jon, and tell him you've killed the Mandalorians by telling him "I fought and killer their leader.", followed by "There is no need for a reward." He gives it to you anyway, though, in the form of 1000 credits. Return to the enclave. Once the game loads, speak to Carth, and he should reveal more. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You've been very quiet, lately, you know that? * * 2: I'm not the one leaving you out of the loop, Carth. * * 3: They thought it was more important that I help find the Star Maps than * * stay. * * 4: They said there's a bond between Bastila and myself. * * 5: Are you saying I'm not needed? * * 6: I am *not* going to betray you! I am *not* Saul! * ******************************************************************************* After being insulted, yet again, return to the Council and they will talk to you automatically. ******************************************************************************* * 1: We found an incomplete Star Map and mention of something called a Star * * Forge. * * --After return to the council after the ship automatically... * * 2: I am ready to do the council's will. * * 3: Am I to undertake this task alone? * * 4: There are others I want to join me. * * 5: You can count on me. I will not fail. * ******************************************************************************* After getting your new orders, leave the council. When you get to the big tree, turn right, and make your way back to the Ebon Hawk. The alien at the door will stop you and talk to you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I don't think the Council would want me to speak openly of this mission. * * 2: What are you talking about? * * 3: Why are you telling me this? * * 4: Sounds like they're extinct. * * 5: The Great Hunt? What's that? * * 6: Cost? What cost? * * 7: What? What was so special about those three? * * 8: Thanks for the warning. I'll be careful. * ******************************************************************************* Before leaving, let's finish up some dialogue with Bastila. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You look like there's something bothering you. * * 2: Doesn't the bond mean my prescense is necessary? * * 3: Okay, I'll answer a few questions. * * 4: Nothing extravagant. I'm a soldier. * * 5: Deralia. It's in a remote system. Why? * * 6: Wasn't all this in my service records? * * 7: And what did you find out? * ******************************************************************************* Speak to her once more. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You have something you want to ask me? * * 2: What do you mean? * * 3: What do you think I should do? * * 4: I will try. * * 5: I won't do anything to hurt you. * * 6: I would appreciate any help you could offer. * ******************************************************************************* Once you're done with her, buy any supplies you need or want at the shop, then board the ramp to the Ebon Hawk. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Ebon Hawk @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Before we take off, let's do some work. Speak to Mission, and you can play Pazaak with her. No credits are wagered, it's just for fun. Speak to Canderous to learn more about him and his past. Whenever you need adrenal stimulants, go to Canderous, because he will make them for you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I was wondering if you had any more war stories? * * 2: What was your story? * * 3: What happened next? * * 4: You dropped from orbit riding a droid?! * * 5: That was some fight. * ******************************************************************************* Talk to him again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I was wondering if you had any more war stories? * * 2: What do you mean? * * 3: Why? What happened? * * 4: An asteroid? * * 5: A ship! * ******************************************************************************* He just doesn't want to shut up, does he? Talk to him yet again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I was wondering if you had any more war stories? * * 2: Tell me the story. * * 3: Ah. Did it work? * * 4: You were a great warrior Canderous. * ******************************************************************************* Ah, finally, he's done. While you're here with Canderous, use the workbench if you need to upgrade anything. Go to the main room. You can't really talk with T3-M4, but he can make you any computer spikes, if you need them. Talking with Zaalbar won't get you far (not yet at least), and he can make you any grenades, should you need them. Talk to Juhani, who is off to the side, for a lot more information about her. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You thought the dark side had consumed you. It is nothing. * * 2: Do not worry, Juhani. I forgive you. * ******************************************************************************* Chat with her again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I was wondering if we could talk. * * 2: How did you come to be a Jedi? * * 3: Yes. Please continue. * * 4: Where did you live? * * 5: Did you meet a Jedi? * * 6: Enamored? * ******************************************************************************* And again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I was wondering if we could talk. * * 2: Are you doing alright? * * 3: Why? What is wrong? * * 4: Perhaps you just need more time. * * 5: I cannot afford to look after you all the time, Juhani. * ******************************************************************************* Okay, we're almost done here. Run up to the cockpit, and you'll be introduced to the galaxy map. Before heading anywhere, speak to Bastila. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You wanted to speak to me? * * 2: Is it true you killed Darth Revan? * * 3: That's not what I heard. * * 4: So Malak did your job for you? * ******************************************************************************* And again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I'd like to know more about you, Bastila. * * 2: Tell me how you joined the Jedi, then. * * 3: Discouraged? Why? * * 4: You aren't allowed to love? * * 5: You don't sound very convinced. * * 6: Who weren't you on good terms with? * * 7: You never tried to get in touch with your father again? * * 8: You sound very sad when you say that. * ******************************************************************************* Alright, now we're ready to go. Use tha galaxy map, and choose Tatooine as the next destination. You may or may not be attacked, but if you are, just use the turret and kill all the fighters. Remember, once the turret stops responding, the fighters have retreated. During your flight, you will be treated to a cutscene of Malak and Saul. Looks like Calo is still alive and has a new boss. After the cutscene, we're shown another vision. You awake, and are talking with Bastila. Say "It looked like it was inside some kind of cave.". When she is finished explaining things, talk to her again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You wish to talk to me? * * 2: My progress? * * 3: What are you trying to tell me? * * 4: You seem to know that temptation very well. * * 5: I couldn't see myself ever doing such things. * * 6: Do whatever is required? Such as? * ******************************************************************************* After talking with Bastila, run to the main room, and Zaalbar will approach you. Tell him "Not right? What do you mean?". Don't talk to anyone else, as nobody has anything to add just yet. Leave the Ebon Hawk. You can choose to take whomever you like, but if you want to take part in two additional quests, choose Bastila and Mission. Leave the Ebon Hawk. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [13.4] Tatooine | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Climate Desert, Canyons Native Species Jawas, Sand People Docking Anchorhead Settlement @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Docking Bay @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When you get on the ground, you'll be approached by a Czerka representative. You must pay 100 credits as a docking fee. To try to get out of it, say "What do I get for my 100 credits?", then "Is there any way you could reconsider the fee?", finishing with "[Persuade] The money I save I'll spend in your stores." If it doesn't work, then just pay the fee. If you have Affect or Dominate Mind, you can choose "[Force Persuade] I don't need to pay the fee." He will then offer to help you with some information. Ask him "I'll need good paying work. What is there to do?". If you want some more information on the planet, choose whatever dialogue you want, otherwise choose "Actually, I really need to get going." When the man walks away, head to the left toward a pile of boxes. There is a footlocker here that you can search. Run forward, toward the door, and a woman will approach you, who turns out to be a friend of Bastila's mother, Helena. After the first two dialogue choices, talk to Bastila, and that's where number three picks up from. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Don't be rude, Bastila. * * 2: I guess we should go see your mother, Bastila. * * 3: Do you want to talk? * ******************************************************************************* Continue forward, to the alien named Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu. Say that five times fast. This... 'thing' runs a little shop here. Look around and see if there's anything you want. Be sure to buy some bantha fodder, because it'll come in handy near the end of Tatooine and will save you some backtracking. When you're done, run to the door, and an alien will stop you. When he talks, reply with "What shipment? What are you talking about?", followed by "Excuse me, did you say "gizka"?". You'll find out about these annoying little bastards later. Now, go through the door. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Run forward, turn left, and speak with the woman in front of the hunting lodge, Sharina Fizark. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What do you need? I'm _____, I'll help if I can. * * 2: I wouldn't be able to sell it. I'm no hunter. * * 3: Where would I get a license? What's the cost? * * 4: Let's talk about what to do with this plae. * * 5: I can't buy it, but I could take it and sell it for you. * * 6: [Persuade] It's the only choice you have. Trust me. * ******************************************************************************* No, we're not going to steal it, but we'll sell it, and give the money back to Sharina (and then some). Turn to the left and enter the hunting lodge. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Hunting Lodge @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Rodian at the back, named Kudos, will play Pazaak with you. Ignore the Gamorreans, unless you want some dark side points, but we're not doing that right now. Ignore the two hunters standing by the Gamorreans. They can give you some info if you want, but unless you're looking for dark side points, ignore them. Talk to the alien, Fazza Utral. He'll refuse to even look at the plate, but now we know what to do. Leave the hunting lodge. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The lady will talk to you, but tell her you haven't sold it yet. Walk forward, and an alien will stop you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I'm sorry? What are you talking about? * * 2: Helena? Bastila, isn't that your mother's name? * * 3: Is she still there? * ******************************************************************************* Keep walking, and search the footlocker next to the mechanic. He can give you some background info, but he's not important. Enter the Czerka Office next to the mechanic. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Czerka Office @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Inside the office, an alien will be arguing with a Czerka woman. Ask "What's going on here? Who are you?". When he leaves, talk with the protocol officer. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I want to ask about hunting licenses. * * 2: Why would I need a license anyway? * * 3: There is no way to get a license? * * 4: I will agree to do this for you. * * 5: I'll go get to it, then. * ******************************************************************************* The Rodian behind the counter offers goods for sale, so check and see if there is anything you want. If you have Mission in your party, ask the woman about her brother. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I'm looking for a miner named Griff. * * 2: [Force Persuasion] You want to tell me about Griff. * * 3: So you fired him? * * 4: The Sand People? * * 5: So your workers are all expendable? * * 6: Is there some type of reward for saving him? * * 7: I have to go. Goodbye. * ******************************************************************************* After learning about Griff, talk with Mission, and tell her "Don't worry Mission - we'll get him back.". Leave the Czerka office, and the alien who was causing the commotion will speak to you. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What do you mean? What are you talking about? * * 2: The Czerka said that the Sand People attacked first. * * 3: What would you suggest, then? * * 4: Who would have a capable droid? * * 5: Where would that enclave you mentioned be? * * 6: Where would you get robes to match theirs? * * 7: Maybe I'll look into it. * ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ After finishing with the outraged alien, take a right, and go back to the Hunting Lodge. You now have your license, so let's sell that wraid plate. Talk to Fazza. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Hunting Lodge @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ******************************************************************************* * 1: I have something to sell you. * * 2: Yes, that will do nicely. * ******************************************************************************* If you want, you can check out his inventory. Otherwise, leave the lodge. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Talk to Sharina. Tell her "Yes, I have sold the plate.", and then, being the nice man we are, say "He paid 200 more than you thought. Here.". Awww, everyone loves you now. Run down Anchorhead, enjoying the scenary, and enter the next interactive door, which leads you to the Swoop Registration. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Swoop Registration @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Inside, talk with the green alien, Nico Senvi. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Anything I could help you with? What's bugging you? * * 2: I raced on Taris. * ******************************************************************************* He tells you to talk to the Hutt, and he won't reveal what's wrong until you prove to be a good racer, so talk to Motta. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You will show me respect, worm! * * 2: I have my own bike stored on my ship. * * 3: [Force Persuade] I don't need to pay the fee. * * 4: What sort of business do you help with? * * 5: Why won't he sign? * * 6: I think you should give him a better deal. * * 7: [Force Persuade] You want to give Nico a better deal! * * 8: I'll be back later. * ******************************************************************************* Now, return to Nico. He still won't talk to you, but you'll get your quest updated. Just say "I talked to Motta about you.", "Back to my other questions now.", and finally, "Goodbye.". With all that done, speak with Motta again to get a race going. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Let's talk about swoop racing. * * 2: Just set me up with a race. * * 3: I already paid a maintenance fee. * * 4: Will you negotiate on the price? * * 5: [Force Persuade] You want to let me race for free. * ******************************************************************************* The first time to beat is 0:23:90, which is easy. As always, shift gears as soon as the light comes on, avoid obstacles, and go for all the boosters. With the first race under your belt, talk with Motta again. You can't persuade your way out of the fee, so just pay it. You have to beat 0:23:29. Again, it's easy, and so is the next race. When you get back to the office, collect your reward, then talk to Motta for the third and final race. Pay the 100 credit fee again, then go for the third race. Your new time is 0:22:51. After the race, collect your reward. Nico should now talk to you, seeing as how you're the Tatooine swoop champion. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I talked to Motta about you. * * 2: I convinced Motta to give you a better contract. * * 3: When do you think you'll be leaving? * * 4: Goodbye then. Good luck. * ******************************************************************************* Leave the swoop office. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Outside, an alien will greet you. He wants your autoprint, or autograp. Tell him "What? My autoprint? Are you serious?", then "Sure, why not? Scan away." Take a right, and keep making your way around Anchorhead. Three Dark Jedi's will attack you, sent by Malak. They can be tough, depending on your loadout, but just stick to it, healing as necessary. When they die, search them. Continue past your would-be murderers, and enter the cantina, which is the door to the right of the Ronto. @@@@@@@@@@@ @ Cantina @ @@@@@@@@@@@ Inside the Cantina, walk to the end, and speak with the woman, Helena, who is, as you should know, Bastila's mother. ******************************************************************************* * 1: My mother is long dead, if you must know. * * 2: Don't you want to find your father's remains, Bastila? * * 3: What about your mother's sickness? * ******************************************************************************* After getting a new quest, you can play Pazaak with the man, Furko Nellis. The bartender, Junix Nard, will sell you stuff if you need anything. Leave the cantina. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once back in Anchorhead, head almost directly straight to the far end. We have one last shop to visit before entering the Dune. Mission and Bastila may start talking. It's quite funny what Bastila does. Before entering the droid shop, talk to Bastila. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Do you want to talk? * * 2: You don't think we should look for the holocron? * * 3: Why do you think she wants it so badly? * * 4: You'd keep it for yourself? * ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Droid Shop @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside the droid shop, walk up to the red droid at the right to talk to him. Or it. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You mentioned battle and protocol? Outline your functions. * * 2: Why are you keeping information to yourself? * * 3: Access to your memory is restricted? * * 4: How do I know you'll be loyal once the restraining bolt is removed? * * 5: Why would you assume that? * * 6: All right, I'll see about purchasing you. * * 7: Does Yuka Laka know you talk about him like this? * ******************************************************************************* Talk to Yuka Laka. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What do you have available in your shop? * * 2: Let me ask a few questions about HK-47. * * 3: You don't seem to know much about it. * * 4: I'm interested. Let's talk price. * * 5: Could I convince you to lower the price a bit? * * 6: That was quick. Desperate to sell? * * 7: Perhaps I can convince you to go lower? * * 8: [Force Persuade] You will lower your price. I deserve it. * * 9: 2500 credits then. I'll pay it. * * 10: Thanks. Goodbye. * ******************************************************************************* If the Force Persuade option doesn't work, or if you don't have it, try the normal Persuade. If you're still unsuccessful, just pay the 5000 credits; it's well worth it. You can also check out his inventory, if you want. Return to HK-47 and take him. Replace Mission, and take HK-47, for the time being. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In Anchorhead, turn left and head to the large gates. Speak with the Jawa, named Iziz, by the corner. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Could you be clearer? I'm having trouble understanding you. * * 2: Why wouldn't I understand your true language? * * 3: What is it that you want, Jawa? * * 4: HK-47, can you help me out here? * * 5: What about the other 2%. * * 6: So, Iziz, what do you want me to do? * * 7: Tell me about where your people are. Maybe I'll help. * * 8: I'll check it out when I leave the city. Goodbye. * ******************************************************************************* Speak with the gate guard, and tell him "I have proper authorization.", and "Here is my hunting license.". @@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Dune Sea @ @@@@@@@@@@@@ Once in the dune, get rid of HK-47 and replace him with Mission. Talk with the woman in front of you, Marlena. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What do you mean by "you old boys"? * * 2: You sound like you're planning to kill him. * * 3: I have to go. * ******************************************************************************* You're in the Dune Sea, and Sand People may attack you from anywhere, as a lot of them are camofluged and will appear to come out of nowhere. In front of you is a large sandcrawler. Make your way toward it, killing any Sand People who may ambush you. When you get there, talk to the mining team captain, and say "I would assume this was done by the Sand People?". You'll have to fend off three waves of them, but they are all pretty easy. It's basically free XP. Once the third wave is down, talk to the captain again, and say "I've agreed to try and stop the Sand People attacks.". Face the sandcrawler, and head to the left and behind you. You'll come to a man surrounded by four droids. This is Tanis, the man who Marlena told you about. ******************************************************************************* * 1: You're Tanis, right? Your wife says hello. * * 2: What do you want me to do? * * 3: All right, I'll try and help out. Hold on. * ******************************************************************************* Now, face Tanis, and face him so that you and him are face to face. Access the droid behind him and to the right. The question is: Node 1 reports Node 2 failed. Node 2 reports Node 3 failed. Node 3 reports Node 2 failed. Error: Two of the above are definitely false. Compare logic to identify the only memory node that can be correct. The correct answer is... "Node 2 is reporting accurately." Access the droid directly across from and to the left of this one. The question is: 4 * 14 * 11-14 * 31-14 * 13-21-14 * ..?.. * ..?.. Error: Descriptive number progression corrupted. To recalibrate, determine the correct progression by describing the previous entry. The correct answer is... "31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14." Make your way left and access the next droid. The question is: Power Cell drain must not exceed total. Different Motivators measure the same total energy pool as either 300 small pulses or 180 large pulses. Error: Upper Motivator has used 100 small pulses. How many large pulses are left in the remaining fraction? The correct answer is... "Allocate 120 large pulses." Now, access the final droid. The question is: Data missing from prime values. Listing data: 2 * 3 * 5 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19. Recalibrate this system by determining which value is missing from the above list. The correct answer is... "The missing value is 7". Congratulations, you've said Tanis. Talk to him. When he offers you a reward, say "That will be fine. Good luck.". Make your way down to the other end of the map, searching corpses and wreckage piles, and killing Sand People as they ambush you. Eventually, you'll see a speeder, and you'll hear a woman scream for help. Search the refuse pile, and it turns out to be a trick played on you by those Gamorreans from earlier. They demand 500 credits. Choose "Perhaps I can persuade you not to do this?", then "[Force Persuade] You want to let me go. You got what you came for.". If it doesn't work, either pay them, or fight them. At the end of the area, there will be two paths you can take. Go to the one that's guarded by Sand People, because the other one is not yet accessible. There will be five Sand People to kill, but another six or seven will come from the corner. When everyone is dead, search all the Sand People remains, and you should have no fewer than thirteen pieces of Sand People clothing, and eight Gaffi Sticks. Enter the Sand People Territory. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sand People Territory @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Press start, and equip all your party members with the Sand People Clothing. Run up to the large wooden fenced area you see ahead of you. Enter the party screen first, though, and bring HK-47 in to replace Bastila. He can't wear the Sand People Clothing, but he'll have no problem getting by. When you get to the entrance, don't kill any Sand People. You won't automatically lock onto them, and they won't attack you, because you're wearing the clothing. Walk up to the door and go through; don't worry, the turrets won't fire at you either. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sand People Enclave @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the area loads, speak to the Sand People (or person?) in front of you. He knows you're not really one of his species, but HK-47 interprets what he says. Tell him "Quickly, tell him we are not a threat!", then " Apologize for being here. Say we want peace.". The Sand Person takes you to the chieftain. When you arrive, you're naked (your clothing has disappeared). ******************************************************************************* * 1: Tell him we want a peaceful solution. * * 2: Ask what it is that he wants. * * 3: The attacks must stop altogether! * * 4: Tell him we will get his vaporators. * ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sand People Territory @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You'll be escorted out of the enclave, and you'll once again be in the Sand People Territory. You have no Sand People clothing on, so re-equip all your armor. As you work to get the vaporators, the Sand People in the Territory won't attack you. Make your way to the Dune Sea, all the way back to the safety of Anchorhead. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back within in safe grounds, we'll head to the Czerka Office, but let's talk to HK-47 first. ******************************************************************************* * 1: I would like to know more about your functionality. * * 2: I thought you said that removing your restraining bolt would restore your* * memory? * * 3: So you lied to me. * * 4: How can you not know parts of your functionality? * * 5: Is there any way to repair you? * * 6: So I can restore your memory? * * 7: So you're saying that your memory might just... come back? * * 8: So how do I go about restoring part of your memory? * * 9: Okay, that will be all. * ******************************************************************************* You can try to restore his memory if you like, but you'll need a high repair skill, and maybe even an item that adds to repair. If you succeed in the first repair, he'll be given a permanent +2 to his dexterity, and you'll learn a great deal of his history (you can choose whatever dialogue you like). Return to the Czerka Office, and speak with the protocol officer again. You can sell her all those gaffi sticks. Now, speak with the Rodian behind the counter. ******************************************************************************* * 1: What do you have available for purchase? * * 2: Do you have any moisture vaporators? * * 3: To exchange with Sand People to stop their attacks. * * 4: Could you be persuaded to lower the price? * * 5: [Force Persuade] You want to lower the price. * * 6: Could you be persuaded to lower the price? * * 7: 200 for the moisture vaporators sounds fine to me. * ******************************************************************************* Now that you have the moisture vaporators, leave the Czerka Office, return to the Dune Sea, head all the way back to the Sand People Territory, and finally, back to the Sand People enclave. Be sure to have HK-47 in your party. You still won't be attacked, which is always a good thing. In front of the enclave, where all the blaster turrets are, you'll see guard. Talk to him, and tell him "Tell him we have the moisture converters.". He will take you to the chieftain. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sand People Enclave @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the area loads, you'll be in front of the chieftain, again. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Tell him that we have his vaporators. * * 2: I have a few questions for him. * * 3: Ask about captives. * * 4: Ask if he knows about Mission's brother Griff. * * 5: Ask if he knows about the Jawas Iziz told us about. * * 6: Tell him farewell for now. * ******************************************************************************* That was easy, wasn't it? Now, talk to him again. Tell HK-47 to ask the chieftain "Ask about the Star Map.", then "A krayt dragon? What is that? How do I pass it?", then "Tell him farewell for now.". If you feel like killing him and the rest, choose to ask questions about the Sand People culture, and you'll soon come to a choice where you can tell him that you "unwrapped" (read: killed) some of his people, and he'll attack. Otherwise, leave the chieftain's room. Do not search through anything, as they are one of the few people who will attack you for looking at their belongings. Leave the room, leave the next room, and head left. When you come to two doors, one to the left and right, take the left one. Talk to one of the Jawas in here, and say "The Sand People said you can go. Run to Anchorhead.". Turn around and open the door on the other side of the captured Jawas to find Griff, and talk to him. After Mission is heartbroken, say "The Sand People said you can go. Run to Anchorhead.", then "Now what, Griff?". Be nice, and say "Sure - here's 100 credits.". Make your way to the exit and leave the enclave. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Sand People Territory @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back in the Sand People Territory, run to the Eastern Dune Sea entrance; you can see it sticking up from the right when you leave the enclave. It's also to the right of the Dune Sea entrance, if you get lost. With the map in hand, you will have no problem getting through there now. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Eastern Dune Sea @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ When the Eastern Dune Sea loads, run toward the large cave; it's hard to miss. When you get near the entrance, you'll see a man run in, but not run out. Talk to the Twi'lek, Komad. ******************************************************************************* * 1: If it's such an honor, why do you want help? * * 2: Why should we kill this great beast? * * 3: I'll help. Give me more information about how. * * 4: How will we lead the banthas here? * * 5: That seems very easy. What aren't you telling me? * * 6: They posed no real threat to me before. * * 7: Why am I doing most of the legwork? * * 8: Look, I have your fodder. * * 9: I'll see what I can do. * ******************************************************************************* Turn around, and head to one of the banthas. Press A to "use" him, and they'll begin following you. Just like Komad said, you'll have to fight some Elite Warriors. Once the Elite's are dead, return to a bantha and "use" him again. They will follow you, and Komad tells you to talk to him. Say "Don't worry, I'm ready.", and the dragon will come out of his cave. As he does so, he will walk over some mines, which kill him. When he falls, say to Komad "I don't want it. Your skill made it possible.". You now have access to the caves. Run inside. Search all the corpses and the rubble, then activate the Star Map. Say "Possibly. The Star Map is a powerful dark side artifact." Don't forget to check the tattered equipment pack for the Holocron. As you leave the cave, you are attacked by Calo Nord and four thugs. Say "Hold on, Calo... maybe we can work out a deal here.". As with most boss battles, focus on Calo Nord, and unlike Taris, he's now strong. When he's dead, search his corpse to get over 2000 credits and his personal body armor, then return to Anchorhead. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Anchorhead @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Once inside Anchorhead, put HK-47 away, and bring Bastila in his place. Talk to her. ******************************************************************************* * 1: Do you want to talk? * * 2: Are you going to give the holocron to her? * * 3: Do you need it more than she does? * ******************************************************************************* Before going to far, talk to Iziz and say "That will be fine. Good luck.". Make your way to the Cantina. @@@@@@@@@@@ @ Cantina @ @@@@@@@@@@@ Inside, return to Bastila's mother (Helena, remember). When you have a choice, say: ******************************************************************************* * 1: Maybe you should listen to what she has to say * * 2: Maybe one of you should be the first to give the other a break? * * 3: Treasure hunting is a dangerous occupation. * * 4: I'll do my best. * ******************************************************************************* Now, let's chat with Bastila. ******************************************************************************* * 1: So, do you feel better now? * * 2: Why did the Council send me with you on this mission? * * 3: It just seems odd they would send me off without a Master to guide me. * * 4: I get the feeling that there's more going on than I know. * * 5: I guess that makes sense. * * 6: Me? You're the one who thought this was her big audition for * * 'Masterhood'! * * 7: Hey, you started this. * * 8: Careful. Remember your self-control. * * 9: I'm not so bad. You just have to learn to accept me for what I am. * ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Czerka Office @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Leave the cantina, and return to the Czerka Office. When you get close, an alien will approach you. Say "I didn't drop anything.", then "I don't want it.", finally "No. It's not mine. I won't take it." If you want it, take it, but it only gives you information on a person who offers bounties, all of which are dark side bounties, which is why I told you not to take it. When you get inside the Czerka Office, speak with the protocol officer. Say "I have gaffi sticks to redeem for bounties.", then "Yes, here it is.", and then "That amount will suffice.". Now, speak to Griff, who is standing next to the Rodian (the guy who sold you the moisture vaporators). ******************************************************************************* * 1: What's the job? * * 2: So you want to open a bar? * * 3: Don't worry, Griff, we'll get those tech glands for you. * ******************************************************************************* Poor Griff, always getting himself into trouble. Talk to