Ninja Gaiden: BLACK HE'S THE ONE THEY CALL DR. FEELGOOD - Full FAQ/Walkthrough Authored by VampireHorde _ _______ __ _____ _________ ________ _______ __ / | / / _/ | / / / / | / ____/ | / _/ __ \/ ____/ | / / / |/ // // |/ /_ / / /| | / / __/ /| | / // / / / __/ / |/ / / /| // // /| / /_/ / ___ | / /_/ / ___ |_/ // /_/ / /___/ /| / /_/ |_/___/_/ |_/\____/_/ |_| \____/_/ |_/___/_____/_____/_/ |_/ .______ __ ___ ______ __ ___ | _ \ | | / \ / || |/ / | |_) | | | / ^ \ | ,----'| ' / | _ < | | / /_\ \ | | | < | |_) | | `----./ _____ \ | `----.| . \ |______/ |_______/__/ \__\ \______||__|\__\ ++UPDATE: A couple more updates for some more Missions in Mission Mode have been made, so check it out! If you have anything you'd like to contribute here (with credit, of course), e-mail me at the address below. More good stuff on the way! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Thanks for clicking on the FAQ. Welcome back, Master Ninja! Unlike the original XBOX iteration of NG, BLACK is a completely different game (in a way) and I will chronicle everything you need to know about NGB. How is NG: BLACK different from the original NG? Oh, you won't believe the changes made! If you've played the original version to death, you'll be quite surprised at the new face-lift given to this beast. My goal with this FAQ is to help you finish BLACK (or at least convince you to purchase it), so read on! ++AUTHOR'S NOTE: All strategies and tips I mention here are all based on skills learned from the original NG. If you've never played (or attempted to finish) the original game, then I suggest renting or purchasing the original XBOX NG before attempting anything in BLACK. Doing so will prepare you for BLACK and anything I mention here. Understand? Cool! Enough banter, LET'S START THE HARDCORE PARTY! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= _____ _______________ ________ ______ / __/ |/ /_ __/ __/ _ \ /_ __/ // / __/ / _// / / / / _// , _/ / / / _ / _/ /___/_/|_/ /_/ /___/_/|_| /_/ /_//_/___/ ___ ___ ___ _________ _ __ / _ \/ _ \/ _ |/ ___/ __ \/ |/ / / // / , _/ __ / (_ / /_/ / / /____/_/|_/_/ |_\___/\____/_/|_/ This section of the FAQ will be where I will discuss and point out EVERY single change made from the original NG to NG: BLACK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _______ __ | \_ _| __| __|_ _/ __| | | | ||_ _\ \ / / | |) | || _|| _| | | (__| |_| | |__| | \ V / |___/___|_| |_| |___\___|\___/|____|_| |_| Let's start off with the difficulty on both versions. ORIGINAL NINJA GAIDEN: The original version had three difficulties (NORMAL, HARD, and VERY HARD). Each difficulty brought more enemies and even greater challenges. Unlike other action games (*COUGH god of war COUGH*) that use the same enemy placement for all difficulties but gives them a higher threshold of damage, NG raised the bar by increasing the number of enemies per situation and giving the bosses newer and more powerful attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA GAIDEN BLACK: This version now introduces FIVE brand new difficulties! #1: EASY AUTOMATIC MODE AKA NINJA DOG Similar to the Devil May Cry series, after three sequential deaths during a level, Ryu will be given the option to try Ninja Dog Mode (are you really THAT bad?). If ND Mode is chosen, Ryu is relinquished of his "Master Ninja" title and is placed one rank below Ayane. When playing through ND Mode, Ryu is given a purple ribbon (from Ayane) to wear on his wrist to show for his shame for relinquishing the "Master" rank. I'll talk more about this mode later. #2: NORMAL MODE #3: HARD MODE #4: VERY HARD MODE These three difficulties are exactly the same from the original version (with a couple of Hurricane Pack enhancements thrown in). #5: VERY DIFFICULT MASTER NINJA MODE YEAH!! Now THIS is what I'm talking about!!! If you've played the Hurricane Pack #2, then you are semi-prepared for the MASSIVELY frustrating challenge of VDMN Mode. Just like the HP2, this difficulty introduces more difficult situations with even more enemies (some from the HP2). If you had a hard time on Normal Mode, STAY AWAY!! You will be BITCH- SLAPPED and you WILL NOT like it!! I'll discuss more about this mode later. _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ _ ___ _ ___ ___ | | | | \| | | / _ \ / __| |/ / /_\ | _ ) | | __/ __| | |_| | .` | |_| (_) | (__| ' < / _ \| _ \ |__| _|\__ \ \___/|_|\_|____\___/ \___|_|\_\/_/ \_\___/____|___|___/ The original game had its fair share of unlockables. Some were easy to obtain and some weren't. ORIGINAL NINJA GAIDEN SECRETS: COSTUMES: Three costumes were unlocked (technically five) in the original version. The other two were found in the Hurricane Packs only. #1: Chapter 1 Blue outfit (L-Trigger + R-Trigger) #2: Ninja of the Future (L-Trigger; finish any difficulty first) #3: Evil Ryu (R-Trigger; must finish Very Hard Mode) #4: Dragon Skin (HP1 & HP2 only, Black Button) #5: White Ninja (HP1 & HP2 only, White Button) NES GAMES: All three versions of the NES Ninja Gaiden games could be unlocked and played in the Main Menu. DARK DRAGON BLADE/FREE ARMLETS: On a Successive Play file, the DDB and three Armlets were made available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJA GAIDEN BLACK SECRETS: COSTUMES: Two costumes were omitted from the original game with enhanced versions in BLACK: #1 COSTUME OMITTAL: The blue ninja outfit has been replaced with the blue outfit from the arcade Ninja Gaiden (without sleeves). #2 COSTUME OMITTAL: The Ninja of the Future costume has been fully replaced with a black outfit, mask, and red scarf (just like Hotsuma's garb in Shinobi). PLASMA SABER MK II: The Plasma Saber is now an unlockable item. ARCADE GAMES: The arcade beat-em-up version of Ninja Gaiden from 1988 finally makes an appearance on a console after 17 freakin' years! Go to the GOLDEN SCARABS section of the FAQ to find out how to unlock this cool secret. _ _ ___ ___ _____ _ _ ___ _ __ | \| |_ _| _ \__|_ _| | | |/ __| |/ / | .` || || _/___|| | | |_| | (__| ' < |_|\_|___|_| |_| \___/ \___|_|\_\ A couple of gameplay changes have been made in BLACK. With the addition of Hurricane Pack features in the regular game (Lunar, etc.), a couple of items were omitted and newer, better items have replaced them. Please note that these changes are for NG BLACK only! ARMLETS --ARMLET OF CELERITY --ARMLET OF POTENCY Two new Armlets are introduced in BLACK. One decreases the time for charging for a UT and the other increases damage for throws/kicks. --SMOKE BOMBS These items are similar to the ones used by the Black Spider Clan. Use it to blind and confuse your nearby enemies so that Ryu can escape. --AYANE ITEMS In Ninja Dog Mode, a couple of new items are made available by Ayane. For more info on Ninja Dog Mode, scroll down to the Ninja Dog section. --BAND OF STRENGTH (similar to the Armlet of the Sun) --BAND OF POWER --AYANE'S RATIONS --AYANE'S RATION BUNDLE --ORAL KUNAI SCROLLS Ayane reads every scroll that is thrown in the game. Pick one up to hear her ramble on about a bunch of stuff. --INCREASED BOSS LACKEYS I'll discuss more about this feature below. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ LICENSE TO ILL +++ In this section, I will give specific strategies for defeating enemies (but NOT the bosses) in the harder difficulties (but you can still use them in the easier ones, too). These strategies are BULLETPROOF and work wonders! With these strategies, you can get away unscathed (most of the time). If you find yourself having difficulty doing what I mention here, then you MUST keep practicing because there's no other way. TIP: Be evasive but defensive at the same time! Don't think that standing around the area while holding the BLOCK button is a good strategic idea. Keep moving but be aggressive! REGULAR ENEMIES: --BROWN/WHITE NINJAS The best combo to hurt them badly is the XYXY combo (there's no name for that combo in the Techniques list). It will usually kill them instantly if you're fast enough. --BLACK/RED/PURPLE NINJAS These suckers are much harder to defeat and require precise rolls for evasion. Use the same XYXY combo (if your sword is at Lvl. 1) or use the Blade of Nirrti to get the drop on them. --SAMURAIS/WARLOCKS These guys are not that hard to figure out. When fighting them, stay defensive and roll around until the Warlock appears. Roll under his fireball and then attack with an XYXY combo. And then use the essence on the Samurais to instantly decimate them. Do this for all of Chapter 2. --MSAT/ROBOTIC SOLDIERS and COMMANDERS Employ the same strategy as with the Black Ninjas. Stay defensive but evasive and use the Blade Of Nirrti or an XYXY combo. Use the essence on the commander to kill him. --CATWOMEN The best weapon against the felines is the Lunar. Simple Twilight combos and some fast evasive moves will own them! --BROWN/PINK FIENDS By this part of the game, you should have the Izuna Drop in your list, so abuse it to your advantage. Block and roll when they attack, and then counter with an Izuna Drop or Blade Of Nirrti. --SCYTHE-WIELDING FIENDS On harder difficulties, use the Helmet Splitter attack (NOT the Flying Swallow) to put them down. And then jump straight up and press XXX. Trust me, you'll be amazed at how effective this strategy really is. --ZOMBIES/ZOMBIE ARCHERS Use any of your hardest combos on the Archer to kill it. From there, use the essence on the other Zombies to get the drop on them. You can also try and do a Lvl 2 UT without essence but beware, Maces and axes can distract you! --GHOST FISH In the original NG, the Dragon Sword worked wonders on these whores. In NGB, your best bet is the Vigoorian Flails. Jump and attack and then do a continuous combo for all the fish. --ARMORED/RPG SOLDIERS These guys have a hard defense so you'll need to break their guard. Perform a Flying Swallow to break their guard and then do an Izuna Drop to make them feel the pain. --LASER COPTERS I hope you have good aiming skills with the Strongbow because you'll need it for these guys. --WASP FIENDS/LARGE DUNG BEETLES (these are MY made-up enemy names) The tactic is this: use the Flying Swallow on the Wasp Fiends to avoid being stung. A simple BLOCK is all you need to avoid being hurt. As for the LDB, use the Dabilahro and its UT to decimate these suckers into oblivion. --LARGE FISH (CHAPTER 11 and on) If Ryu is on dry land, use APFSDS Cores to finish them off. If Ryu is underwater, use the Spear Gun. --MACE-WIELDING OGRES When facing off against a trio of these fools, your best weapon is a fully upgraded Dabilahro. Ryu can evade every mace attack by simply using a forward Reverse Wind and then he can quickly counter with a hard combo. --ZOMBIE SOLDIERS It's unfair fighting an enemy that runs faster than you. So be smart and use the walls to your advantage. Run up against the wall and do a strong attack. If you're lucky, you can do an Izuna Drop without too much hassle, too. --CRAB FIENDS I hate these things. --PINCER FIENDS Use the same strategy from the pink and brown fiends. --HELL KNIGHTS These guys have powerful attacks and each one is easy to evade. When they do a forward attacks, block it and roll away, and then counter with a hard combo. They don't dodge the counterattack until after they transform (but it'll be too late for their stupid asses). All it takes is simple evasive rolls to avoid being damaged cheaply. After each evasive roll, be sure to counter quickly or you'll miss the opportunity to damage them. After they transform, stick with the same tactic to kill them off. WHO'S THE SMART ONE NOW, BITCH! These are the strategies for NGB. Now all you have to do is utilize them to your best ability. If there is a better way than what I've mentioned here for a specific enemy, e-mail me at the address below and let me know what it is. Credit to originality, of course! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ WALKTHROUGH +++ ____ __ __ __ _ ______ _/ / /__/ /_/ /_ _________ __ ______ _/ /_ | | /| / / __ `/ / //_/ __/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __ `/ __ \ | |/ |/ / /_/ / / ,< / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/|_|\__/_/ /_/_/ \____/\__,_/\__, /_/ /_/ /____/ I will give a quick speed run through the game. NG BLACK utilizes the HP1 enemy placement (plus a few extras) in place of the original NG version. So get used to playing a harder version than the original. I'll point out all the important parts to make sure that you don't come surprised out of the gate. Understand? Cool, LET'S ROCK! ++NOTE 1: In Mission Mode, the game reveals the real names of the bosses. From here on, I will be using the real boss name to replace the supposed names that have been made up. ++NOTE 2: The enemy placement for lackeys is based on the harder difficulties. ++NOTE 3: I will have bulletproof strategies for the all boss fights and their lackeys soon! If you have a boss tactic you'd like placed here (from Hard Mode and on), e-mail me at the address below. Credit to originality, of course! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1: WAY OF THE NINJA Start your morning with a fresh kill. --OBJECTIVE: Enter the Ninja Fortress and find the Fangs of the Samurai --Scripted fight: Yellow-walled room. Kill the ninjas and run for the Fangs. --Objective: Get the Key of Courage and head to the Inner Sanctum Insert the Fangs on the display and dash over to Murai. Scripted fight: Inner Sanctum Kill all the ninjas as fast as you can (be sure to SAVE!). --BOSS BATTLE: MURAI W/ WHITE NINJAS The only distraction here is the Shurikens that ninjas toss at you. Also, try NOT to stay too close to Murai. Other than that, maintain the tactic of waiting for Murai to either do a Rush Attack or a somersault and then counter with an XYY combo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 2: THE HAYABUSA VILLAGE This Chapter is essentially unchanged (except for the Black Spider ambush) from its original version. -Objective: Head for the Village Entrance As you dash for the village, utilize the strategies I mentioned above for maximum Karma points. -Objective: Obtain the Bow and find Doku! Obtain the Bow from Ayane (but don't kill her with it, ya sicko!) and dash outside. --SUB-BOSS BATTLE: HORSEMEN Use the Lunar for this battle. Keep using the Twilight combo on any horseman to unseat them off the horse. Use a UT to finish them off quickly. --BOSS BATTLE: MASAKADO W/ WARLOCKS The tactic is simple: evade the Warlock fireballs and kill them. Use the essence they leave behind and unleash a UT on Masakado. Repeat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 3: SKIES OF VENGEANCE Just like Chapter 2, this Chapter is essentially unchanged. You can beat this Chapter in under 15 minutes and get Master Ninja rank easily. -Objective: Get the Map and the Wing Key. Grab the map in the third room first. You can ignore the fight in this small room but I suggest you kill the two soldiers just in case. --Scripted fight: Kill the soldiers and get the Wing Key. --Scripted fight: Cabin Room Kill the soldiers in the cabin to unlock the door. --Objective: Find the ID card. Make a mad dash to the Control Room! --Scripted fights: Control Room Kill the soldiers and grab the ID card. --Objective: Destroy the Engine Room Make a mad dash to the room with the crank. --Scripted fight: Aft Cabin Kill the soldiers that come rappelling in and continue the objective. Kill the other two soldiers with the bow and cross the zipline to the Aft Cabin. Kill the lone soldier and finish the objective. --Objective: Head for the roof of the zeppelin Dash for the roof! Decimate the enemies in the way and then unlock the hatch. Be sure to use the well-hidden Save Point across from the ladder to the roof. --BOSS BATTLE: DYNAMO W/ MSAT SOLDIERS Unlike the Murai fight, your best strategy is to stay as close to Dynamo as possible. Block his melee attacks and evade his grab and then quickly counter with an XYY combo. When you stay close to Dynamo, his backhand attacks will usually always kill the MSAT soldiers (relieving you of that duty) so STAY CLOSE TO HIM! This fight should take no less than a minute to finish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 4: IMPERIAL CITY INFILTRATION This Chapter introduces robotic soldiers and the catwomen into the fold. Have those reflexes ready and the Intercept ready! --Objective: Head to Muramasa's Shop Decimate all soldiers and head up to the Military Base Entrance. --Scripted fight: Military Base Entrance Kill all the soldiers and then continue past the unlocked single- jeweled door. --Objective: Get the Spirit of the Devils Across the multi-jeweled door is a set of stairs going up the building. Fight off the soldiers and kill the catwomen. Once that's done grab the SOTD in the chest and jump down. --Objective: Unlock the multi-colored door and head to Han's Bar. --Scripted fight: Muramasa's Shop Before unlocking the green-jeweled door, fight off a bunch of soldiers. Complete the objective and run to Han's Bar. If the catwomen are giving you problems then kill them. --Objective: Grab the Windmill Shuriken and go back to Muramasa. Make a mad dash to Muramasa's shop and buy something and run back to Han's Bar! --BOSS BATTLES: NONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 5: CITY OF FIENDS Same as Chapter 4. --Objective: Release the Drawbridge Make a mad dash to the Pegasus Key (you can jump down from the roof if you don't want to fight soldiers in the club). After getting the key on your way back to unlock the door, kill the three catwomen (if you need to) and then open the door and release the Drawbridge. Make a mad dash for the Monastery Area Clearing. --Objective: Head for the Monastery --Scripted fight: Monastery Plaza The gates will slam shut at the Monastery Plaza. Fight off all the soldiers and continue the objective. Fight the black ninjas and head for the Monastery Area Clearing. --Scripted fight: Monastery Area Clearing Fight off the soldiers before the red-dino fiends show up. --SUB-BOSS BATTLE: RED-DINO FIENDS --BOSS BATTLE: HYDRACUBUS W/ BROWN FIENDS Try not to focus on killing the lackeys. Even if they leave essence when killed, a UT will not damage the boss when both of its tentacles are still attached. Instead, stay close to Hydracubus and use rolls to avoid being slapped (it'll slap the lackeys for you). Just keep doing the Flying Swallow attack on its tentacles and using the UT when it's vulnerable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 6: THE MONASTERY There is a brand new boss in this Chapter and it'll kill you to know who it is. Hopefully, you know how to overcome yourself. --Objective: Obtain the Book of Eons Make a mad dash for the Monk's Room on the second floor as soon as the chapter starts. --BOSS BATTLE #1: RYU + TRUE DRAGON SWORD Go to the MIRROR MATCH section further down the FAQ for a breakdown of this tough battle. **DO NOT go back to the Archive after obtaining the Book Of Eons --Scripted fight: Monk's Room Once you obtain the Book of Eons (and the statue) kill all the fiends to unlock the door. Jump down to the Altar Room and place the book on the altar and jump down to the Corridor of Doom. --Objective: Obtain the Holy Grail Run down the Corridor Of Doom and make a mad dash to the Ritual Room. DON'T JUMP from the top of Econtra Babel Specus or else! ++NOTE: Don't forget the Vigoorian Flails --Scripted fight: Ritual Room Kill all the Wasp fiends and zombies and grab the Holy Grail. Run out to the rotating platform while killing the zombies outside the Ritual Room. Make a mad dash back to Econtra Babel Specus with Incendiary Shuriken equipped. Use it on the three archers on the way up and complete the objective. --BOSS BATTLE #2: BONE DRAGON W/ WASP FIENDS Use evasive rolls and keep an eye on the dragon's attacks instead of trying to waste the Wasp Fiends. Use the Flying Swallow on the Wasp Fiends to quickly kill them (and release Blue Essence) if they get in your way. Run up to the dragon's limbs and use the Fang of the Wolf attack (XXYY) and an XYY combo to hurt it. Also, DO NOT waste time charging for a UT because it WON'T work! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 7: THE HIDDEN UNDERGROUND No new features or surprises here. ++After the fight from Chapter 6, DO NOT jump down! Head for the save point AND THEN jump down! --Objective: Head to the Chamber of Everlasting Sleep Scurry past the four archers and head for Muramasa's statue to upgrade your sword. Don't cross the bridge in the Suspension Bridge Room! Jump down instead. Kill the zombies and the pink fiends and head to the red or blue door. --Scripted fights: Red and Blue Room Technically, none of the zombie archer fights in the blue or red room are scripted but use your bow and take them all out as fast as you can anyway. Continue the objective. --BOSS BATTLE #1: HYDRACUBUS Aren't you tired of this "boss" already? --Objective: Go back to the Monastery Continue the objective and make a mad dash past the archers and zombies to the chamber. After the flooding occurs, save your game. Take the underwater elevator; and head back to the Altar Room. --BOSS BATTLE #2: ALMA W/ BROWN FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 8: TAIRON UNDER ALERT No new features or surprises here. --Objective: Obtain the Strongbow Make a mad dash for the Drawbridge. --Scripted fight: The gates slam shut near Monastery Plaza again. Kill all the armored soldiers and scurry along for the Strongbow. ++Alternate route: After crossing the Drawbridge to the blue-jeweled door, run to the chest where you found the Pegasus Key and jump down from there and head back to the Lily Door. This way you don't deal with RPG-soldiers shooting rockets at you. Dash over to the door with skull and complete the objective. --Scripted fight: Military Base Entrance #1 After obtaining the bow, head for the Military Base Entrance with Incendiary Shuriken equipped. Kill the two gunmen and wait for the helicopter. --Scripted fight: Military Base Entrance #2 Just block the helicopter gunfire. When it leaves, stand next to the dead body with arrows and have your bow ready. Shoot the RPG-soldier in the blue-colored window. --Objective: Open the Military Base door Ignore the three soldiers (or kill them) near the skull door and complete the objective. Exit and head for the Military Base entrance. --BOSS BATTLE: NONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 9: MILITARY STRENGTH No new features or surprises here. --Objective: Obtain the Warehouse Key and enter the Warehouse Fight off the soldiers in your way. Aim the Strongbow from around the corner to the first tower gunner then move forward to the next gunner. After both perish, dash and grab the Warehouse key while ignoring everyone else and head for the Warehouse! ++Don't forget to load up on Explosive Arrows before entering the Warehouse --Objective: Find the Shutter Key and exit the Warehouse You can ignore the mini-copters or waste precious time shooting them down with APFSDS Cores. DO NOT use Explosive Arrows here! You need them for the Tank fight. If you choose to ignore these copters, then remember that when you press the block button their lasers won't fling Ryu a dozen feet away (but he'll still take damage)! Complete the objective and exit the Warehouse. --Scripted fight: Locomotive Turntable You'll fight wave after wave of armored soldiers (remember, ultimate attacks are your friend here). Kill them all then save your game. Now head for the unlocked door. --BOSS BATTLE #1: TANKS X2 BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! --Objective: Destroy the Communication Tower --BOSS BATTLE #2: TOMAHAWK HELICOPTER BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! --Objective: Escape the base Destroy the radio tower and then activate the locomotive. Complete the objective to end the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 10: THE AQUADUCT You encounter yourself in this Chapter (again) so be ready! --Objective: Enter the Aquaducts Wait for the fiends to arrive and then kill them all! Run for the manhole to start the mission. --Objective: Obtain the Red Tablet of the Stream Ignore all fiend encounters and head for the Hall of Balance. Grab the Insect Key and dash to the first electric worm boss. --BOSS BATTLE #1: THUNDERBOLT WORM BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! --Objective: Grab the Water Statue and open the door Use the Red Tablet and head for the other side of the Aquaducts. Ignore all fiends and make a mad dash for the Water Statue! Dash to the door and insert the statue. --Objective: Obtain the Blue Tablet of the Stream Jump down to the Underground Waterway. --BOSS BATTLE #2: THUNDERBOLT WORM X2 BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! -Objective: Escape the Aquaducts --BOSS BATTLE #3: RYU + DABILAHRO BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! NOTE: This battle takes place once you open the door to Peristyle Passage. After defeating yourself, re-enter Peristyle Passage to trigger the Fiend Challenge. Use the Blue Tablet and head for Peristyle Passage. Open the door and head for the Underground Sanctuary. Ignore the fiends here and get the Brand Of Valor and insert it on the ground near the exit. --BOSS BATTLE #4: PAZ ZUU BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 11: THE PATH TO ZARKHAN No new features or surprises here. --Objective: Get the Silver/Gold Medallions and the Breathing Tank You're going to have to deal with Ryu's slow swimming animations. Complete the objectives and insert the medallions at the altar. --Objective: Head for Zarkhan Stadium Save your game and take the elevator to the stadium. --BOSS BATTLE: DOKU BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 12: THE CAVERNS The Flame Dragon boss now has lackeys! How irrepressible does that sound! --Objective: Solve the stadium puzzle and head for the caverns. Refer elsewhere for a walkthrough on solving the puzzle. Ignore all enemies to the caverns and complete the objective. --Objective: Find the Shield Of Vigoor and insert it in the door Kill all enemies in the Ice Caverns and complete the objective. --Objective: Find 4 Iron Ore to make the Cog of Vigoor Kill all the Ogres in the Magma Caverns and complete the objective. (And be sure to kill the ones that sit in the lava!) --Objective: Get the Eye of Ice After obtaining the Cog of Vigoor, head for the save point to save your game. Smash the block of ice near the save point. --BOSS BATTLE #1: YOTUNFRAU W/ CATWOMEN BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! --Objective: Insert Cog Of Vigoor at the door and find the Eye of Flame Avoid the flames and quickly head to the boss. --BOSS BATTLE #2: FLAME WORM Killer tip: Use the Dabilahro for quicker results. Complete the objective. --Objective: Insert the Eye of Ice/Flame at the door and obtain the statue in the Hall of the Flame Dragon --BOSS BATTLE #3: SMAUGAN W/ ZOMBIES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 13: THE AWAKENING This is the last Chapter where you fight yourself. You should be glad that you've made it this far. --Objective: Activate portal and obtain True Dragon Sword Kill all enemies and rush to the Plaza. Complete the objective and head for the portal at the end of the Graveyard until you reach the Pyramid. --BOSS BATTLE #1: RYU + VIGOORIAN FLAILS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! NOTE: This battle takes place in the Portal area just outside the Monastery. Be prepared for this battle! --BOSS BATTLE #2: ALMA AWAKENED W/ PINK FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! --Objective: Find the statue and exit the Pyramid Refer elsewhere for guidance on how to solve the tablet puzzle. --Scripted fights: After placing the tablets in their correct place in the left room, you'll fight a swarm of Large Dung beetles. This takes place twice so be ready with the Dabilahro. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 14: VENGEFUL SPIRIT If you hated the Ghost Fish in this Chapter, you now have more reasons to hate then even more. --Objective: Find the Griffon Key There's a portal near the only save point here. Enter the portal. --Scripted fight: Fiendish Depths Kill all the enemies to complete the objective. --Objective: Find the Key of The Lion When finding this item, you have no choice but to kill the enemies in this area to obtain it. Complete the objective and open the door. --Objective: Find the Key of the Lioness You can try and run past all the fish to complete the objective, but if not then take the time to slay them all. Head for the door. --BOSS BATTLE: EVIL SPIRIT DOKU W/ GHOST FISH BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 15: THE CORE Well, you've made it this far. What's stopping you now? --Objective: Find the Key of the Decayed Soul Make a mad dash past all the fiends and fish and head for the key. Grab the key and dash back to the Palace entrance. -Objective: Find the Demon, Deity of Destruction statue Make it to the top of the Palace in one piece. --Scripted fights: You'll encounter fiends in each of the four floors of the palace. Have the Armlet of Tranquility and some skills ready. Head for the top. --BOSS BATTLE #1: HYDRACUBUS W/ PINCER FIENDS --BOSS BATTLE #2: YOTUNFRAU W/ PINCER FIENDS --BOSS BATTLE #3: MARBUS W/ CATWOMEN --BOSS BATTLE #4: EMPEROR - FORM #1 --BOSS BATTLE #5: EMPEROR - FORM #2 BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 16: THE DARK DRAGON BLADE This is it! Go and beat that overgrown purple, hopped-on-roids, muscle- headed brute into submission to finish the game. -Objective: Get the Dark Dragon Blade and escape from there! --BOSS BATTLE: EVIL MURAI BULLETPROOF STRATEGY COMING SOON! That's the entire game in a nutshell for ya! If you've played the HP1, then everything here should be familiar to you. If you HAVEN'T played the HP1, I suggest that you do so before attempting BLACK. Now on to MISSION MODE!!! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION MODE +++ __ _________________ ________ _ __ __ _______ ____ ______ / |/ / _/ ___/ ___// _/ __ \/ | / / / |/ / __ \/ __ \/ ____/ / /|_/ // / \__ \\__ \ / // / / / |/ / / /|_/ / / / / / / / __/ / / / // / ___/ /__/ // // /_/ / /| / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /___ /_/ /_/___//____/____/___/\____/_/ |_/ /_/ /_/\____/_____/_____/ Welcome to Mission Mode, Master Ninja! Mission Mode is the newest feature on BLACK. In this mode, you have 50 Missions (5 Missions each, 10 Phases total) that have certain conditions to be met in order to complete the mission. After MM is unlocked in the Main Menu, Ryu begins with only 2 Phases and 10 missions. To unlock the next Phase, simply complete 5 missions (the Missions can be completed in any order). Also note that for each Mission, Ryu can select a brand new costume and select a difficulty for the next Mission (if the difficulty has been unlocked). ++UNLOCKABLE: Previous cheat reports stated that you needed a completed save from the original NG in your XBOX hard drive to automatically unlock Mission Mode, but it is NOT true. To unlock Mission Mode, simply finish the game on any difficulty. Are you ready to start the Missions? LET'S ROCK!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ TIPS AND TACTICS +++ HOLD ON! Don't foolishly enter Mission Mode thinking that it'll be a breeze, Mister Ninja Dog! Let me reveal a couple of things that you must know before entering the Mission Mode Arena (advanced players need not apply): --On-Land Charge Used solely by advanced players, you must learn to utilize the On-Land Charge. When Ryu jumps, he can land on the ground and immediately charge for a UT. In Missions where you are constantly surrounded by hordes of enemies, it's best to roll out of the corner and then charge (if there is essence to absorb). The more you utilize this tactic, the faster the fight becomes and the less health you lose. --Know your boss If you still don't know how to defeat a specific boss properly, I suggest reading the strategies in the Walkthrough above. Once you remember each boss's pattern and learn how to evade all their attacks, you can defeat them just as easily. --Know your enemy In boss fights, its best to know how to defeat the lackeys they spawn. If you know how to evade the lackeys, then its best to just ignore them and stick to fighting the boss. (And besides, the boss can easily kill the lackeys faster.) --Learn how to utilize your weapons If you've never learned how to use any of the weapons other than the Dragon Sword, then you are in a serious heap of trouble. Certain Missions don't even have the Dragon Sword which means that the lighter or heavier weapons are your only choice. If you can't use the Dabilahro or War Hammer (or anything else), go back and play the main game and learn how to use it there. Learning the intricacies per weapon in Mission Mode is NOT recommended! --Know when to use Ninpo I personally HATE Ninpo. In fact, I find Ninpo to be a cheap way to beat your enemies. A TRUE ninja would find a way to defeat their opposition WITHOUT using Ninpo. Anyway, Ryu has a specific Ninpo attack per Mission. It's completely up to you to utilize it. But remember, once Ninpo is gone, it's GONE! ++NOTE: All Missions are on Normal difficulty by default. After you complete a Mission, a newer difficulty is unlocked. You unlock Hard, Very Hard, and then Master Ninja. GOOD LUCK! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ++NOTE 1: All tactics I describe here work for ALL difficulties! Use them to your advantage. ++NOTE 2: In harder difficulties, the enemies and bosses have a higher threshold for damage, which means it'll take a couple more combos than usual to get the drop on them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ PHASE 1: PATH OF THE MASTER NINJA +++ MISSION 1: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES (24 TOTAL) LOCATION: NINJA FORTRESS ENEMIES: RED/BROWN/WHITE NINJAS, WARLOCKS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Stick with the Flails and use lots of evasion here. The best strategy here is to wait until a Warlock appears. Dodge his fireball and then quickly counter with a Fire Pit combo (XXY) to instantly kill him. Jump away and unleash a UT on the other ninjas to shorten the battle. If you can't get close to the Warlock, then use the Fire Pit combo on the other ninjas (it's the strongest attack on the Flails). If the Flails still can't do you justice for this Mission, switch to Kitetsu and just finish this Mission already! Stay evasive so that you don't get burnt or stuck with an Incendiary Shuriken. Once everyone is SMOKED, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 2: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES (25 TOTAL) LOCATION: FLAME CAVERNS ENEMIES: RED & BLUE DINOS, RED NINJAS, WASP FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: In this REALLY small area, you have to use the walls to your advantage. Equip the Dabilahro and use wall attacks to instantly decapitate those red ninjas (stay evasive to avoid being struck by the dinos). Unleash a UT on any dino and then QUICKLY attack it with a Flaming Whirlwind (-->, Y). Wait for it to attack, roll away, and then use the FW again. Repeat the process until all dinos and ninjas are dead. But don't absorb that remaining essence just YET! For a few seconds the room will be empty, so absorb all the essence for a UT and then unleash it when the Wasp Fiends arrive. Repeat again 3-4 more times and the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 3: DEFEAT MASAKADO LOCATION: HAYABUSA VILLAGE ENEMIES: SPEARMEN, ARCHERS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: First, equip the Lunar and position Ryu near the rocky wall. Stay in a blocking position while waiting for Masakado to ride near you. Allow the archer and spearman to ride by and then when Masakado comes close, strike him with the Twilight combo. Every time you perform the Twilight combo, the horse will lean back allowing for another Twilight combo. Strike him with about 4-5 Twilight combos and that should knock him off the horse (watch out for the other horsemen!). Once he's down, strike him with more Twilight combos and a UT (if you can charge). Once he perishes, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 4: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES (100 TOTAL) LOCATION: HP2 REALM ENEMIES: RED/BLACK/WHITE/PURPLE NINJAS, WARLOCKS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: This Mission may seem too tense for an intermediate player but not really hard for advanced players. Stick with the True Dragon Sword. Use the Izuna Drop on the first enemy you see and the splash damage done should clear the arena for you (this will only work a couple of times). Use the essence they leave behind to unleash a UT. Abuse the On-Land Charge tactic for the entire Mission and it is VERY possible to finish the Mission WITHOUT using any Ninpo or consuming ANY Elixirs. Once all the enemies are decimated, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 5: DEFEAT MURAI LOCATION: MURAI'S LAIR ENEMIES: BROWN/WHITE/BLACK/PURPLE/RED NINJAS, WARLOCKS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Murai still maintains his weaknesses, so it's best to exploit them as much as possible. Equip whichever weapon you want and use wall jump attacks to kill the lackeys. When Murai does a Charge attack, roll away once and then quickly counter with a hard combo. If he somersaults in front of you, quickly pound a hard combo. Those are your best opportunities to strike, so take advantage of them. You can try using wall attacks on Murai, but he is much quicker at grabbing you if he blocks, so I absolutely DO NOT recommend doing this tactic on him. Instead, wait for Murai to attack and then counter against him for faster results. What do you think of that, you white-haired, steroid poppin' BITCH! MISSION COMPLETED! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ PHASE 2: DESCENT OF THE FIENDS +++ MISSION 6: DEFEAT THE BONE DRAGON LOCATION: ECONTRA BABEL SPECUS ENEMIES: WASP FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: This battle is exactly the same as it was in Hard Mode of the regular game. Focus on attacking the limbs with any combo that you see fit while keeping the BLOCK button handy. If you need to, use the Flying Swallow on the Wasp Fiends to unleash some Blue Essence. Evade all the bone dragon's attacks and keep attacking the limbs. I don't know how else to say it. Once you've skinned that dragon, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 7: DEFEAT HYDRACUBUS LOCATION: MONASTERY ANNEX ENEMIES: BROWN FIENDS, PINCER FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: If you defeated Hydracubus easily in the regular game, then this fight should be no problem. But unlike the regular game, Ryu has more a powerful arsenal up his sleeve. With that in mind, equip the War Hammer for faster results. Avoid Hydra's tentacle attacks (use evasive rolls) and abuse the Counterattack on the lackeys. Once they leave essence behind, get in close to Hydra and unleash a Level 2 UT (with the War Hammer) to lop off both tentacles. Unleash ANOTHER Level 2 UT on Hydra's vulnerable state and then keep attacking until its tentacles regenerate. With this tactic, you will easily shave off 35-45% of Hydra's health with each successful UT. Once Hydra's smoked, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 8: DEFEAT YOTUNFRAU LOCATION: ICE CAVERN ENEMIES: CATWOMEN BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Your absolute best bet for Yotunfrau is to IGNORE the Catwomen. The more that you try to slay these felines, the more time you waste. Use the Dragon Sword and stick to using hard combos on Yotunfrau. But be DEFENSIVE! Even though the felines can distract and hurt you, ALWAYS keep your eye on Yotunfrau and attack him when he's vulnerable. Once Yotunfrau is iced, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 9: DEFEAT DOKU LOCATION: ZARKHAN STADIUM ENEMIES: SAMURAIS, WARLOCKS, HELL KNIGHTS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Without the Intercept technique, this battle becomes much harder as the bigger enemies begin to pile on. Anyway, the decision is entirely yours if you feel that you need to eliminate the enemies that surround Doku. But the best technique is to try and let Doku do the work for you. Get as close to Doku and evade all his attacks by using simple Reverse Wind rolls. When Doku begins his charge attack, simply roll away once (at the right time) and then quickly counter with any combo you want. This is pretty much the most effective strategy that has worked on my part for the entire battle. Another great way to decrease Doku's health dramatically is to use Level 1 UT's on him. Kill a nearby samurai or Warlock and then do a well-timed Level 1 UT to get the drop on him. As his health decreases to about 25%, the Hell Knight appears. Again, use the up-close tactic and Doku will end up killing the Hell Knight for you (if you stay evasive). Keep up the same tactic through the rest of the battle and Doku should fall in a hard way. Once he's dead, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 10: DEFEAT SMAUGAN LOCATION: HALL OF THE FLAME DRAGON ENEMIES: ZOMBIE ARCHERS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: If you haven't figured out how to defeat Smaugan properly, go to this website ( and look for my Chapter 12C boss video. Watch and see how I was able to defeat Smaugan under 2 minutes without losing a single ounce of health (I consider it a glitch that was never fixed). My advice for this Mission is to kill the Zombie archer on the top platform first and then follow the tactic you see on the boss video. Once you SMOKE Smaugan, the Mission is Complete! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ PHASE 3: ABYSMAL LAIR +++ MISSION 11: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES (87 TOTAL; bats don't count) LOCATION: AQUADUCTS 3 ENEMIES: WASP FIENDS, LARGE DUNG BEETLES, BATS, GHOST FISH BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: The tactic here is to use the On-Land Charge. Equip the Dabilahro, do a Bird Flip, and then immediately do a downward strike. From there, immediately roll to the other end of the room and do an On- Land Charge and unleash a Level 2 UT as quickly as possible. Roll to other end of the room and repeat the UT. Do this tactic and you can kill the first 40 enemies within seconds. After kill #27, equip the Vigoorian Flails and wait for the ghost fish to appear. Once they materialize, jump STRAIGHT UP and attack and keep attacking after you land. Do NOT use a complete combo! Simply press the X Button four times after landing and Ryu will have enough time to repeat the process WITHOUT getting bitten! Once all enemies are toast, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 12: DEFEAT THE THUNDERBOLT WORM LOCATION: INSECT LAIR ENEMIES: WASP FIENDS, LARGE DUNG BEETLES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: You have two ways to rid the lackeys: --Use Ninpo like a noobie OR --Let the Worm kill them for you If you plan on manually eliminating the lackeys, you'll need to kill 6 of them at a time in order to empty the room (if you let the Worm kill them, it won't count and they'll keep reappearing). The Worm's main attack is the sweeping attack (where it lunges its body across the room). Simply do a well-timed Reverse Wind when it lunges and then immediately attack it with whatever weapon you want (use the War Hammer for faster results). Avoid staying in the middle, roll away when it hurls electric balls, and repeat the tactic. Repeat the process above and the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 13: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES (27) LOCATION: AQUADUCTS 1 ENEMIES: BROWN/PINK/PINCER FIENDS, OGRES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: I suggest equipping the War Hammer (it's more powerful than Kitetsu). Use evasive rolls and ignore the Ogres. Use the Counterattack on all the small guys (be careful on those Pincer fiends) and then get in close to an Ogre and unleash a big UT. That's pretty much the strategy for the first few Ogres. Once all the smaller guys are gone, all you'll be left with is Ogres. Use a well- timed Reverse Wind for each of the Ogre's attacks and then quickly counter with a Flaming Whirlwind. With the exception of the Ogre jump attack, Ryu can simply roll forward during each mace attack and then counter with the Flaming Whirlwind without taking damage. Believe me, this tactic works WONDERS! Once all the Ogres are dissipated, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 14: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES (2) LOCATION: UNDERGROUND ENEMIES: WASP FIENDS, LARGE DUNG BEETLES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Just like the first TB Worm fight, you need to kill around 12 lackeys to empty the room. When the Worm sweeps the area, roll to avoid damage and then you can fight each worm separately without any interference. My suggestion is to fight the Flame Worm first. Roll all the way to right side and then just wail on it with the Dabilahro (don't forget to throw the Windmill Shuriken too!). If it hurls Flame rings, simply jump STRAIGHT UP and it'll go through (sorta like a circus act). Once the Flame Worm falls, roll to the left side and do the same thing to the TB Worm. But beware, once its HP reaches 25%, the lackeys reappear so keep your feet steady! Once both Worms are smoked, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 15: DESTROY ALL ENEMIES (3) LOCATION: UNDERGROUND ENEMIES: WASP FIENDS, LARGE DUNG BEETLES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: This time you're facing off against two TB Worms and the Flame Worm (the lackeys appear later). Believe it or not, this battle is MUCH easier to finish than it was in Mission 14. Simply roll all the way to the RIGHT side of the screen. Why? When you stay on the right side, the TB Worm or Flame Worm on the right side will be the only one constantly attacking you. The other two will just come in and out of their lairs (but won't attack; sometimes), leaving you the freedom to finish off the TB Worm or Flame Worm on the right side. Once that Worm is toast, your best strategy is to equally damage both Worms (that way the lackeys don't appear). Stick with the Dabilahro and you should be fine. Once this menage a trois is done, the Mission is Complete! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ PHASE 4: MILITARY DESTRUCTION +++ MISSION 16: DEFEAT DYNAMO LOCATION: Top of the Blimp ENEMIES: MSAT SOLDIERS, MSAT COMMANDERS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Again, this battle is just the same as it is on Hard Mode in the regular game. Stick with the Plasma Saber MK II and use up-close combat on Dynamo. Get in close to him and block his melee attack, roll to avoid his grab, and then use an XYY combo. Repeat that tactic as much as you can. If he blasts you, immediately roll forward and do a Flying Swallow to get near him again (remember to block because he can still hit you in mid- Flying Swallow). Don't worry about the lackeys (since you're up-close, Dynamo's melee attacks will kill the lackeys). Once Dynamo is smoked, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 17: DESTROY THE TANKS LOCATION: TANKYARD ENEMIES: ARMORED SOLDEIRS, ARMORED MECHA-SOLDIERS SEMI-BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: So far, I haven't found a totally effective way to defeat both Tanks without taking too much damage (like you could do in the original NG) but this is what I did. When the battle starts, roll to both crates and stock up on APFSDS Cores and Explosive Arrows. Use constant Reverse Wind Jumps to avoid non-stop gunfire and missile attacks. Take out the infantry soldiers (use Explosive Arrows or up-close combat) to make the battle easier for a little while. After the Tank shoots a missile at you (and misses), shoot an Explosive Arrow to make it stop moving. Immediately equip the Cores and then start blasting as much Cores until you see the turret move. If the turret moves, immediately roll away or a missile will hit you. If you can keep up this tactic for the whole battle, you can destroy both tanks without using Ninpo or consuming all the Elixirs. Once the Tanks are scrap metal, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 18: DESTROY THE RADIO CONTROL TOWER! LOCATION: ACROSS THE CONTROL TOWER ENEMIES: OGRES, CATWOMEN, HELL KNIGHTS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Stick with the Dabilahro and use lots of quick evasive counters to slay the Ogres. Stay mobile so that you don't get bombarded with missiles. Use UT's to quicken the fight. Once the platform is clear, take aim at the Control Tower and shoot as many of the circular satellites as you can. When the Catwomen appear, escape towards the corner (where the Explosive Arrows are) and do a Bird Flip and a downward attack (this should decap all three of them in one go). Again, once the platform is clear, shoot more satellites. You should be able to destroy the entire tower before the Hell Knights appear. If not, follow the Hell Knight tactic to kill them and then continue shooting the satellites once the platform is clear. Once the entire tower is destroyed, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 19: DESTROY THE HELICOPTER LOCATION: STEEL BRIDGE ENEMIES: ARMORED SOLDIERS, ARMORED MECHA-SOLDIERS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: I hope you know how to aim the Strongbow properly. Killing the lackeys on the bridge is easy but if you can't aim that Strongbow, then this battle ain't gonna be easy. EVASION TACTICS: Use the BLOCK button to avoid gunfire and use constant well-timed Reverse Wind Jumps to avoid Missile fire. Anytime the helicopter is immobile for a few seconds, start blasting Cores at it to deplete its HP (don't forget to refill!). Once the Chopper is down, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 20: DESTROY ALL ENEMIES (100) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ PHASE 5: NIGHTMARISH PHANTASMS +++ MISSION 21: DESTROY ALL ENEMIES (14) LOCATION: UNDERGROUND SANCTUARY ENEMIES: CATWOMEN, OGRES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Use the Dabilahro for this Mission. First, dispatch the Catwomen (use Bird Flips and a downward strike to decap them) and use the Essence to unleash a UT on the Ogres. That's pretty much the whole tactic. Stay away from the corners and keep moving from one end of the arena to the other to avoid cheap hits. You'll be left with Ogres for the last half of the fight, so use evasive rolls and the Flaming Whirlwind attack to get the drop on them. Once all Ogres are smoked, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 22: DESTROY ALL ENEMIES (14) LOCATION: DRAWBRIDGE SQUARE ENEMIES: RED/BLUE DINOS, OGRES, HELL KNIGHTS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: It may seem tempting to use the True Dragon Sword but with huge enemies constantly bombarding you, you'll need heavier firepower. Equip the Dabilahro and abuse the Flaming Whirlwind attack on either enemy. Whether it's the Hell Knight, Ogre, or Dino, just use lots of evasive rolls and the Flaming Whirlwind. If you find yourself dying too much in this Mission, it's because you're not properly damaging the enemy or you're not evasive enough. Unleash a UT on any enemy to get the drop on them. Once everyone is smoked, the Mission is Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 23: DESTROY THE TANK LOCATION: OUTSIDE MUARAMASA'S SHOP ENEMIES: ZOMBIE SOLDIERS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: To quickly dispatch the zombie soldiers, equip the Unlabored Flawlessness. Use a Bird Flip and downward strike to quickly decap both of them. You'll need to stock up on APFSDS Cores, so grab some from the box across the multi-jeweled door and then equip them. The Tank has non- stop gunfire and shoots a missile. After it shoots a missile, aim the Strongbow and start blasting Cores at it (use first person). When the turret starts to move, quickly move out of the way and then escape the other end of the area. ++DO NOT try to shoot Cores from up-close or you will be bombarded with mines! When the zombie soldiers reappear, eliminate them with the UF and then continue the tactic above to finish off the tank. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 24: DEFEAT PAZ ZUU LOCATION: UNDERGROUND SANCTUARY ENEMIES: BROWN FIENDS, OGRES BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: The secret still remains the same with Paz Zuu: you can run behind it when it runs towards the entrance door and it'll just jump up and down like an idiot. If you don't know what I mean, go to and look for my Chapter 10C boss video. Download and watch how this boss glitch occurs (and how Team Ninja never fixed this glitch). My suggestion is to watch the video and copy the tactic that you see in the videoclip (its super simple). But instead of killing the lackeys that it spawns, ignore them and just focus on slashing at Paz Zuu's ass. This Mission should be as simple as fighting off three Worms. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 25: MASTER NINJA TOURNAMENT FINAL ROUND LOCATION: HP2 REALM ENEMIES: PURPLE NINJAS, CATWOMEN, PINCER FIENDS, HELL KNIGHTS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: If you've played Phase 4 & 5 of the Hurricane Pack #2 in the original NG, then you should already be familiar with this Mission. The Mission starts off with Doku and then Marbus (the last half of Phase 4 from the HP2). After Marbus, you encounter the Hell Knights and then Nicchae (the first half of Phase 5 from the HP2). BOSS #1: DOKU W/ PURPLE NINJAS Either use the True Dragon Sword or the Dabilahro for this battle. Use Bird Flips and downward strikes to decap the ninjas then try unleashing a UT on Doku (time it carefully!). If you're using the Dabilahro, its UT should make shorter change on Doku. Stay evasive and use heavy combos to finish him off. After the battle ends, grab the Izuna Drop scroll and strike the skull to enter the next battle BOSS #2: MARBUS W/ CATWOMEN Same tactic applies from the Doku battle for this battle. Decap all the catwomen and unleash a UT (from any weapon) on Marbus when it's convenient. After you kill all the catwomen he summons, Marbus will be left by his lonesome self. Equip the Dabilahro and use jumping attacks on him for the rest of the battle. It's a cheap tactic but fun anyway! After the battle is done, grab the Dark Dragon Blade and strike the skull. SUB-BOSSES: HELL KNIGHTS For faster and harder damage on these guys, use the DDB. Block, roll away, and then quickly counter with the Flaming Whirlwind. Without the Intercept technique, this battle can seem quite strenuous but all it takes is well-timed evasion and hard combos to get the drop on these guys. BOSS #3: NICCHAE W/ PINCER FIENDS The Nicchae battle is an exact replica of the Chapter 7 Alma battle. Your best bet is to eliminate the lackeys first so that Nicchae is left by herself. The two attacks that Nicchae tends to abuse is the Levitation Attack and her Flyby Attack. Jump away from the Levitation to avoid a cheap death. Always stay a good distance away so that she initiates the Flyby Attack. When she does the Flyby, roll away and then immediately use an XYY attack or a Gleaming Blade to reduce her HP. This battle is not as though as the Alma battle but you do need to keep your guard up. Trick her into using the Flyby attack and you should get the drop on her. BOSS BATTLE #4: ISHTAROS I am having a SUPER difficult time defeating Ishtaros without the Intercept Technique. If anyone has a bulletproof strategy to defeating her cheap ass, email me at the address and I will include it here (with credit)! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ PHASE 6: CAPTIVATING GODDESSES +++ MISSION 26: DEFEAT AWAKENED ALMA LOCATION: PYRAMID AREA ENEMIES: PINK/PINCER FIENDS, CATWOMEN, CRAB FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Just like the original NG, the most powerful attack to use on Alma is the Gleaming Blade (on the True Dragon Sword). Alma seems to throw stuff around more which makes the Mission all about jumping away from pillars and fireballs. But once Alma is on the ground, make sure Ryu is a good distance away from her. When she starts running towards you, quickly rotate the analog stick and press the Y Button to do the Gleaming Blade attack. When done correctly, the attack will strip off about 30-40% of her health in one go. Dispatch all her lackeys (use the Inazuma Ninpo, it's less of a hassle than fighting off each wave) and then keep using the Gleaming Blade tactic to make the fight less stressful. Alma Awakened? Nah, put back to sleep is more like it, BITCH! MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 27: DEFEAT ALMA LOCATION: MONASTERY ENEMIES: BROWN/PINK FIENDS, CATWOMEN BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Did you have a difficult time defeating Alma in the regular game? Did you have a difficult time defeating Alma in the original NG? Of course you did! Defeating Alma is simple: evade her fireballs and pillars, evade her cheap throws, do a Flying Swallow (and hope it hits her), and then do a Blade of Nirrti or Gleaming Blade Attack when she's recovering. Sounds simple, right? HELL NO!!! Your best bet is to watch an expert defeat Alma in her prime. Go to and click on the link to Shinobier's page. Download his Chapter 7B (Alma) video and watch how Shinobier decimates Alma without breaking a sweat in Very Hard Mode of the original NG. Describing how to defeat Alma in words is easy but it won't help you unless you have visual aid, so D/L that Alma videoclip and NEVER be shamed by her pink ass ever again. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 28: SAVE RACHEL LOCATION: PYRAMID AREA ENEMIES: GHOST FISH, ZOMBIE ARCHERS, OGRES, RPG SOLDIERS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Ryu's only threat in this battle is the Ghost Fish and Ogres. Stick with the Vigoorian Flails to make mince meat of the fish and use the Essence they leave to unleash a UT on each Zombie Archer. Ignore the Ogres and keep using UT's on the Zombie Archers. When the RPG soldiers arrive, use the same UT tactic on all of them (they won't shoot at you). Keep evasive from the Ogres and you should be able to kill all the shooters in no time (using only the Flails!). After all the shooters are dead, go ahead and dispatch the two annoying Ogres in any fashion you want (Rachel is safe from that point on). Rachel better "thank" Ryu for saving her ass! MISSION COMPLETED, BITCH! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 29: DEFEAT NICCHAE LOCATION: HP2 REALM ENEMIES: PINCER FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Use the same strategy you used on Nicchae in Mission 25 or the strategy on Alma from Mission 27. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 30: DEFEAT ISHTAROS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: AAAHHHH!!!!!! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Welcome to the Mirror Match Phase! In this Chapter Ryu will face-off against an equally powered Clone to the death. But who's smarter, you or the Clone? We'll see soon enough... ++NOTE: By default, the Mission equips Ryu with the same weapon that the Clone has; but you don't have to use it. In all 5 Missions, Ryu has the True Dragon Sword in his inventory, so switch to that weapon if you want and show that bitch who's the man! +++ PHASE 7: GIANTS OF THE UNDERWORLD +++ MISSION 31: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: PORTAL GATES NEAR MONASTERY ENEMIES: NONE BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: The Clone uses the Vigoorian Flails so match him up and use the Flails also. Ryu's strongest attack is the Fire Pit Combo (XXY). Use a lot of good evasion and blocks, and then use the Fire Pit Combo to smack that mofo (it knocks the Clone down)! You can try mixing other attacks but the FP Combo is probably the most effective attack I used against it. When the Clone fires up the Inferno Ninpo, use a well-timed Reverse Wind to escape (yes, that does work). Switch to the True Dragon Sword to end this battle. SMACKDOWN, MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 32: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: DRAWBRIDGE SQUARE ENEMIES: NONE BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Use whatever weapon you like but I'd suggest to using the same weapon the Clone is using (Kitetsu). Just like the Mirror Match battle in Hard Mode, Ryu's most powerful move against the Clone is the Izuna Drop. When the Clone breaks your guard, roll back and try to quickly counter with an Izuna Drop combo. 60% of the time, you WILL catch him and get the "drop" on him. Stick to guard breaking combos and the Izuna Drop to finish this fight. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 33: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: HALL OF THE FLAME DRAGON ENEMIES: NONE BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Have you mastered your strategy against the Hell Knights yet? You have? Oh wonderful! The Clone is equipped with the Dabilahro and wields it just like the Hell Knights. As for you, your Dabilahro tricks are much better than his. The strategy is simple as can be: block his attack, roll away, and then quickly counter with the Flaming Whirlwind attack. 70% of the time, this tactic will ALWAYS catch the Clone off-guard and he'll get smacked like the bitch that he is. Since the Clone is always trying to pull of a Flaming Hell Slash combo, you can counter him by rolling away and then smacking him back with an FW attack. Maintain this super simple strategy and that bitch will fall hard on his ass. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 34: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: ARCHIVE ROOM ENEMIES: NONE BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: This is an EXACT battle of the Mirror Match in Chapter 6. Follow the same tactics I gave in the Walkthrough to win this battle. Use the True Dragon Sword for maximum damage. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 35: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: MURAI'S LAIR ENEMIES: NONE BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: The Clone is equipped with the Lunar (and so are you) but be a cheater and equip the heavier firepower. Follow the strategy in Mission 34 and this Phase is finished, BITCH! MISSION COMPLETED! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ PHASE 8: FATEFUL CONFRONTATION +++ MISSION 36: DEFEAT FIEND MURAI LOCATION: IMPERIAL PALACE GATES ENEMIES: PINK/PINCER FIENDS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: In the original NG, Murai was a sucker for the Flying Swallow attack. You could literally do the FS on him for the whole fight and beat him that way. When the Hurricane Pack #1 was released, Murai's tactic was changed a bit. Ryu could no longer use the FS attack on him, which meant up-close combat and super-fast evasion was the key to not getting hurt too badly. For this Mission, you can use the FS attack occasionally and it'll stun Murai for a few seconds. Your quickest and best attack on him is the XYY combo. Roll away from all his hard combos and then quickly counter with an XYY combo to inflict lots of damage on him. With the lackeys in the way, you'll need to ignore them as much as possible and only focus on Murai. When he casts the dark dragon, stand fast against the nearby pillar and it will miss (but watch out for lackeys!). Get as much hard combos in and you'll defeat his purple ass. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 37: DEFEAT EVIL SPIRIT DOKU LOCATION: THE LABYRINTH ENEMIES: GHOST FISH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 38: DEFEAT MARBUS LOCATION: FIEND REALM ENEMIES: PINK/BROWN FIENDS, CATWOMEN, HELL KNIGHTS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Unlike the Youtunfrau battle, I recommend that you kill EVERY lackey in sight. Ignore Marbus and dodge his attacks and focus first on eliminating the opposition. Abuse the Izuna Drop on everyone (and use a UT on Marbus if possible). When the Hell Knights appear, eliminate them (there are two that appear) and then Marbus will be left all alone. Eliminate Marbus the same you did in the regular game and this Mission is Completed! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 39: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: HP2 REALM ENEMIES: BLACK/WHITE/PURPLE/RED NINJAS BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: Another Mirror Match, only this time it's UF versus UF. The Clone abuses the UF and so should you. Use Bird Flips and downward strikes to decapitate the ninjas and then use an On-Land Charge on that bitch to get the drop on him. What makes this battle difficult is that the Clone tends to use the Incendiary Shurikens like crazy. If he throws one (and it connects), he does a Flaming Hell Slash and reduces your HP to about 10%. This battle should be too hard to finish. Utilize the Essence properly and that bitch is SMOKED! MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 40: OVERCOME YOURSELF! LOCATION: PERISTYLE PASSAGE ENEMIES: NONE BULLETPROOF STRATEGY: In this battle, you face-off against dual Clones and you won't believe how easy they are. Utilize the same strategies from Mission 31 on the Vigoorian Flail Clone to finish him off and then use whatever strategy you feel comfortable with for the Lunar Clone. Do you feel intimidated? No? Neither am I. MISSION COMPLETED! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= The next five battles are all dual boss battles and each one has NO lackeys at all! It's a, actually it's not. +++ PHASE 9: BATTLEFIELD OF THE ABYSS +++ MISSION 41: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 42: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 43: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 44: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION 45: DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, ON TO THE LAST FIVE MISSIONS!! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= For those of you that don't know, the "Eternal Legend" Missions (Missions 45-50) are known as the Hurricane Pack #2 to us veteran Master Ninja Tournament players. If you've played the HP2 (and beat it); then this Phase should be nothing to you. But if you haven't played it...then read below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ PHASE 10: ETERNAL LEGEND +++ For all Phases, I will list each timed encounter in parts. I will also breakdown the number of enemies (and who they are) per part. Trust me, everything I say here will make more sense to you once you get to these Missions. 3 THINGS TO REMEMBER: --Utilize the On-Land Charge --Use the Essence wisely --ALL Projectiles are infinite READY? LET'S ROCK!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSIONS 46-50 LOCATION: THE CORE; HP2 REALM Ryu begins on the first floor of the Core. ++ PHASE 1: THE CORE ++ --FIRST FLOOR TIME LIMIT: 40 SECONDS ENEMIES: (8) WHITE NINJAS --SECOND FLOOR TIME LIMIT: 35 SECONDS ENEMIES: (3) PURPLE NINJAS PRIZE: WINDMILL SHURIKEN --THIRD FLOOR TIME LIMIT: NONE ENEMIES: (10) BATS DON'T FORGET THE ART OF THE FIRE WHEELS AND TALISMAN OF REBIRTH!!! --FOURTH FLOOR TIME LIMIT: 40 SECONDS ENEMIES: (3) PURPLE NINJAS (2) BLACK SPIDER NINJAS (2) WARLOCKS DON'T FORGET THE STRONGBOW!!! Get if from the Chest before you enter the HP2 Realm! --HP2 REALM TIME LIMIT: 60 SECONDS ENEMIES: SPEARMAN, MASAKADO PRIZE: LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS DON'T FORGET THE WARHAMMER!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ PHASE 2: MILITARY DESTRUCTION ++ Get ready for a non-stop menagerie of Military goodness!! --PART 1 TIME LIMIT: 45 SECONDS ENEMIES: (4) MSAT SOLDIERS (4) MSAT COMMANDERS --PART 2 TIME LIMIT: 35 SECONDS ENEMIES: (2) ARMORED GUNNER SOLDIERS (4) ARMORED RPG SOLDIERS --PART 3 TIME LIMIT: 15 SECONDS ENEMIES: (4) ARMORED RPG SOLDIERS --PART 4 TIME LIMIT: 40 SECONDS ENEMIES: (2) MECHA MSAT SOLDIERS (4) MECHA RPG SOLDIERS (4) MECHA GUNNER SOLDIERS --PART 5 TIME LIMIT: 20 SECONDS ENEMIES: (4) MECHA RPG SOLDIERS ++BOSS BATTLE: DYNAMO LACKEYS: (8) MSAT SOLDIERS TIME LIMIT: 60 SECONDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ PHASE 3: ABYMAL LAIR ++ --PART 1 TIME LIMIT: 50 SECONDS ENEMIES: (3) RED DINOS --PART 2 TIME LIMIT: 70 SECONDS ENEMIES: (1) RED DINO (2) SCYTHE-WIELDING FIENDS (10) BROWN FIENDS --PART 3 TIME LIMIT: 40 SECONDS ENEMIES: (30) LARGE DUNG BEETLES ++BOSS BATTLE #1: HYDRACUBUS LACKEYS: (10) BROWN FIENDS TIME LIMIT: 75 SECONDS PRIZE #1: LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS PRIZE #2: KITETSU --PART 4 TIME LIMIT: 45 SECONDS ENEMIES: (2) ZOMBIE ARCHERS (4) ZOMBIES --PART 5 TIME LIMIT: 50 SECONDS ENEMIES: (2) ZOMBIES (14) WASP FIENDS (4) PINK FIENDS ++BOSS BATTLE #2: YOTUNFRAU LACKEYS: (10) PINK FIENDS TIME LIMIT: 90 SECONDS PRIZE: TRUE DRAGON SWORD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ PHASE 4: GIANTS OF THE UNDERWORLD ++ --PART 1 TIME LIMIT: 65 SECONDS ENEMIES: (9) ZOMBIE SOLDIERS (1) PURPLE ZOMBIE --PART 2 TIME LIMIT: 60 SECONDS ENEMIES: (6) CATWOMEN (6) PINCER FIENDS --PART 3 TIME LIMIT: 60 SECONDS ENEMIES: (2) CRAB FIENDS (6) PINCER FIENDS --PART 4 TIME LIMIT: 90 SECONDS ENEMIES: (4) OGRES (12) LARGE DUNG BEETLES ++BOSS BATTLE #1: DOKU LACKEYS: (8) PURPLE NINJAS TIME LIMIT: 100 SECONDS PRIZE: DARK DRAGON BLADE ++BOSS BATTLE #2: MARBUS LACKEYS: (11) CATWOMEN TIME LIMIT: 180 SECONDS PRIZE: LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ PHASE 5: CAPTIVATING GODDESSES +++ This is it! The Final Phase aka Mission 50! Remember the strategy used against the Hell Knights? USE IT! SUB-BOSSES: (4) HELL KNIGHTS TIME LIMIT: 110 SECONDS ++BOSS BATTLE: NICCHAE LACKEYS: (8) PINCER FIENDS TIME LIMIT: 120 SECONDS --PART 1 ENEMIES: (15) BATS TIME LIMIT: NONE ++FINAL BATTLE: ISHTAROS LACKEYS: NONE TIME LIMIT: 90 SECONDS HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, BITCH! MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to and click on the page for Saryah. His Hurricane Pack #2 videos are the BEST way to prepare you for "Eternal Legend". Holler at your boy, Saryah! ALL MISSIONS COMPLETED! YEEEHAAWWW!!! Yes, you just finished all 50 of the toughest Missions ever! Devil May Cry BE DAMNED! Give yourself a pat on the back and then upload those scores to XBOX Live! Big thanks: --SARYAH --TRANQUIL_CHAOS --WEIBULL760 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ GOLDEN SCARABS +++ As with the original game, there are rewards that come with finding all 50 of those delicious Scarabs. Here are the lists for all difficulties: NINJA DOG/NORMAL: 01 SCARABS - LIFE OF THE GODS 05 SCARABS - SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS 10 SCARABS - LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS 15 SCARABS - 20 SCARABS - DABILAHRO 25 SCARABS - ARMLET OF CELERITY 30 SCARABS - ARMLET OF FORTUNE 35 SCARABS - ARMLET OF BENEDICTION 40 SCARABS - GREAT SPIRIT ELIXIR 45 SCARABS - JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL 50 SCARABS - NINJA GAIDEN++ HARD/VERY HARD/MASTER NINJA: 01 SCARABS - COUNTER-ATTACKS SCROLL 05 SCARABS - IZUNA DROP SCROLL 10 SCARABS - GUILLOTINE THROW SCROLL 15 SCARABS - WINDMILL SHURIKEN 20 SCARABS - WOODEN SWORD 25 SCARABS - DABILAHRO 30 SCARABS - ARMLET OF BENEDICTION 35 SCARABS - ARMLET OF CELERITY 40 SCARABS - ARMLET OF FORTUNE 45 SCARABS - PLASMA SABER MK II 50 SCARABS - NINJA GAIDEN++ ++NOTE 1: As long as you have the Ninja Gaiden disc in your inventory after Chapter 16, you will unlock Arcade Ninja Gaiden in the Main Menu. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MIRROR MATCH +++ If the first difficulty you tried was Hard Mode, then you've already encountered the Mirror Match in Chapters 6, 10, and 13. The Mirror Match is Ryu versus an overpowered Clone. When you face off against it, the Clone is equipped with more powerful weapons and is quite handy with them than you. But even though it's fully powered, it isn't too smart. In this section, I will point out specific weaknesses and provide bulletproof strategies when facing off against the Clone. CHAPTER 6: ARCHIVE The Clone is equipped with the following items: --TRUE DRAGON SWORD --WINDMILL SHURIKEN --SHURIKEN --INCENDIARY SHURIKEN --IZUNA DROP --GUILLOTINE THROW --ART OF INFERNO --ART OF THE FIRE WHEELS CLONE PATTERN SPECIALTY ATTACKS: --JUMP AND TOSS: The Clone does a shadow jump on your head and then tosses an Incendiary Shuriken. --JUMP AND STRIKE: The Clone does a shadow jump, tosses a Projectile, and then strikes down hard (or does a landing charge). --GLEAMING SWALLOW: The Clone does a Flying Swallow attack followed by a Gleaming Blade attack. This is a VERY dangerous move, SO BLOCK! ONE-HIT DEATH: There are two moves that guarantee a GAME OVER screen: --#1 - IZUNA DROP: if the Clone does this, there is a 100% chance that you will instantly die or be left with 1% health. Either way, quickly refill HP or else! --#2 - INFERNO: if the Clone activates the Inferno, do a well-timed Reverse Wind to evade the fireball. If you miss, you are INSTANTLY dead! So, do you think you can outrun and outgun an enemy this powerful? YOU BET YOUR ASS YOU CAN!!! First, observe the fighting style of your Clone. The Clone rolls around frequently and performs mostly guard break attacks. Since he can't technically do a grab move (besides the GT), you can simply roll away when does a guard break. --STRATEGY 1: Always have the BLOCK button ready like it meant your life. If the Clone breaks your guard and you don't block, consider yourself DEAD! When you block its attacks, roll away and quickly counter with an XYY combo to break HIS guard. Keep doing the move and you will eventually catch him off-guard and hurt his ass. This tactic is more of a slower way to beat it but it works so try it! --STRATEGY 2: Another way to shorten the fight is to break its guard and counter with an Izuna Drop. The Izuna Drop is your most powerful attack against the Clone (it does 25% damage), so try to do it as frequently as you get the chance. --EVASION TACTICS: Although you can block all its attacks, there are some things you can't avoid. One of them is the Shurikens. It seems the Clone's shurikens can penetrate your defense even if you're blocking. It can also toss projectiles at you while rolling (and that cheapens the fight). As for Ninpo, the Clone can catch you off-guard and activate Ninpo at anytime. When he starts his Inferno attack, do a WELL-TIMED Reverse Wind to evade the fireball. If he activates the Fire Wheels, run away as fast as possible until it dissipates. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ LIFE ENHANCEMENTS +++ This section will give you the breakdown of where to find all Life of the Gods, Lives of the Thousand Gods, Spirit of the Devils, Jewel of the Demon Seal, and Talisman of Rebirth. NINJA DOG/NORMAL MODE: All info on the next update! HARD/VERY HARD: == LIFE OF THE GODS == Chapter 2: The Hayabusa Village #1: In chest in the Mountain Path (before sliding down the hill) #2: In the shack beneath the broken bridge (use water run) #3: Place the Jizo head on the statue #4: Defeat the Chapter 2 boss Chapter 3: Skies of Vengeance #5: In the room on the left side of the Main Deck #6: Next to the Control Room (where you find the ID Card) Chapter 4: Imperial City Infiltration #7: In hidden alcove near Kunai scroll about using Blue Lines Chapter 5: City of Fiends #8: On the stairs past the Lily Door (use continuous wall run) #9: On the right side of Drawbridge Hill past the Save Point Chapter 6: The Monastery #10: Beginning of Chapter 6 #11: Above the Altar Hall on the right balcony area #12: Econtra Babel Specus (where you encounter Wasp Fiends) Chapter 7: Hidden Underground #13: Near the Save Point in the Suspension Bridge Room #14: In the Blue Chamber Room #15: In the Monk's safe (second time) Chapter 8: Tairon Under Alert #16: Next to the Skull Door near the Military Gate Chapter 9: Military Supply Base #17: In a crate in the middle of the Supply Warehouse #18: First chest on stairs (before the lasers-copters arrive) #19: In a chest in the room with three RPG soldiers #20: Next to the Control Room (before escaping the base) Chapter 10: The Aquaducts #21: Next to the Train crash site #22: In the chest in the Red Water Reservoir #23: After defeating the Flame Worm bosses (on right alcove) #24: Upper area before the cave with the Blue Tablet chest #25: In the walkway after placing the Blue Tablet of the Stream #26: On a hidden balcony just before the Underground Sanctuary Chapter 11: The Path to Zarkhan #27: In the other chest in the second hidden alcove in the Moats #28: In underwater maze (where you find the Silver Medallion) Chapter 12: The Caverns #29: At the top of Zarkhan Stadium #30: Near the Stairway to the Imperial Palace #31: Destroy one of the stone-heads near the Zarkhan Waterfall #32: Inside building with the cracked door near Great Bridge #33: In the chest underwater at Zarkhan Falls #34: In the chest after the Ice Fiend fight #35: In the chest before the Electric Worm fight #36: In the chest after defeating the Electric Worm Chapter 13: A Fiendish Awakening #37: Outside the Hall of the Flame Dragon (Cavern Passageway) #38: In gated area after teleporting from Hayabusa Graveyard #39: Same as above #40: In a chest inside the Pyramid Chapter 14: Vengeful Spirit #41: In the alcove near the first gang of fish #42: In the chest below the Lion Key Chapter 15: The Core #43: Outside Labyrinth (past the Save Point outside the Palace) #44: The Core stairway Second Floor #45: The Core stairway Fourth Floor Chapter 16: The Dark Dragon Blade -Zero LOTG for this chapter Congratulations, you found them all! ++BTW, for full bragging rights, I give myself full credit for finding all LOTG locations and listing them all in text format. If any FAQ or guide lists all the locations (and descriptions) in the same order as my list, it was taken directly from here. == JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL == --JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL #1: Hidden Underground; on the throne across the bridge from the Save Point --JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL #2: In the Monk's Room inside the safe (third time) --JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL #3: In the chest in Aquaducts 3 --JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL #4: Give Muramasa 40 Golden Scarabs --JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL #5: Hayabusa Village; break open the stone in the upper part of the village with a blunt object --JEWEL OF THE DEMON SEAL #6: In the bottom of the Pyramid; light the torches with an Inferno Ninpo == LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS == --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Inside the Ninja Fortress --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the Chapter 6 boss --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the Chapter 7 sub-boss --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the Flame Dragon in Chapter 12 --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge in the Ritual Room in the Tomb of Eons --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge at the Stairway to the Imperial Palace in Zarkhan --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge in Peristyle Passage in the Aquaducts --LIVES OF THE THOUSAND GODS: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge in the Fiendish Depths near Great Bridge Square == SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS == --SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS: At the Altar near the Ninja Fortress --SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS: At the base of the Clock Tower in Tairon --SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge in the Archives --SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS: Inside the Hall of Balance in the Aquaducts --SPIRIT OF THE DEVILS: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge in Zarkhan Stadium == TALISMAN OF REBIRTH == --TALISMAN OF REBIRTH: Back of the Airship in Chapter 3 --TALISMAN OF REBIRTH: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge in Aquaducts 3 --TALISMAN OF REBIRTH: Defeat the 60 Fiend Challenge outside the Hall of the Flame Dragon --TALISMAN OF REBIRTH: Defeat the 3 Fiend Challenge at Drawbridge Square That's all folks! Good luck finding them all! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ THE HURRICANE PACKS +++ __ ____ ______ ____ _____________ _ ________ / / / / / / / __ \/ __ \/ _/ ____/ | / | / / ____/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ // // / / /| | / |/ / __/ / __ / /_/ / _, _/ _, _// // /___/ ___ |/ /| / /___ /_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/___/\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ ____ ___ ________ _______ / __ \/ | / ____/ //_/ ___/ / /_/ / /| |/ / / ,< \__ \ / ____/ ___ / /___/ /| |___/ / /_/ /_/ |_\____/_/ |_/____/ Both Hurricane Packs from the original game have now been integrated into regular gameplay in BLACK. They are no longer separate features (as they originally were) for the Master Ninja Tournament. A LITTLE PIECE OF TRIVIA FOR THE UNKNOWING NINJA: For the original NG, there were two special pieces of DLC made available for free from XBOX Live and Team Ninja. Those two were known as the Hurricane Packs. Each version was used during the Master Ninja Tournament #2 & #3 in July and August of 2004. And what it did was make the game even harder and added a new experience to advanced players. --HURRICANE PACK #1: This version of the game introduced a flurry of new features like a 360 camera, newer enemies, and a brand new weapon. --HURRICANE PACK #2: This DLC introduced a sort of Survival Arena into the game. More enemies and a new stage were introduced into the mix. The objective was simple: Defeat 5 different Phases and an endless wave of enemies to win. --TECHNIQUE SCROLL: INTERCEPT This feature is NOT in BLACK. The Intercept was a gameplay device that enabled Ryu to BLOCK an attack at the right moment and then quickly counter with an attack of his own. This feature was made specifically for the Master Ninja Tournament and helped increase your karma score in the game. But with no more tournaments in the horizon, the Intercept has now become a relic. So what does this all have to do with BLACK? It's hard to explain but I'll try to simplify it. In the original NG, the HP1 and HP2 were two separate features that had to be accessed through XBOX Live. In addition to the regular game itself, the HP1 and HP2 were just special features to an already amazing game. But now, NG BLACK now utilizes the Hurricane Pack engine for all difficulties which means that the HP1 is no longer a special feature but IS the feature. And in Mission Mode, the last 5 Missions are basically the HP2 in a nutshell. I'm still not being overtly clear but just know this: both Ninja Gaiden and NG BLACK are two completely separate beasts. With the exclusion of the Intercept in NGB, the gameplay becomes less about defense and more on offense. Don't think that they are one in the same. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ NINJA DOG MODE +++ _ _______ __ _____ ____ ____ ______ / | / / _/ | / / / / | / __ \/ __ \/ ____/ / |/ // // |/ /_ / / /| | / / / / / / / / __ / /| // // /| / /_/ / ___ | / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ |_/___/_/ |_/\____/_/ |_| /_____/\____/\____/ An immortal quote from Stewie Griffin: YOU SUCK!!! This mode is basically Team Ninja's way of pitying the people that couldn't finish the original game (or are they mocking you?). Either way, only two kinds of NG players would want to try this mode: the ones who sucked on Normal Mode and ones who have beaten Very Hard Mode and deserve some peace and quiet (I'm the latter). ND Mode is basically just Normal settings but with a few headaches. For example, there are LESS enemies per encounter and the damage they inflict is NOT as bad (but they can still grab you, break guard, etc.) As for bosses, they inflict LESS damage but still can kill you if you're not defensive. As you play through this un-hectic difficulty, Ryu is given specific items from Ayane at certain points in the game (through her Kunai scrolls). Ryu receives the following items in ND Mode only: --BAND OF STRENGTH --BAND OF POWER --BAND OF LIGHT --AYANE'S RATIONS --AYANE'S RATION BUNDLE Also, whenever Ryu stops by Muramasa'a shop in Tairon, Muramasa gives him a couple of free items from Ayane ("Ah, I have something for you!"). VERY DIFFICULT MASTER NINJA MODE FULL INFO COMING SOON! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= __ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ \ \ / /_ _| \| __/ _ \/ __| \ V / | || |) | _| (_) \__ \ \_/ |___|___/|___\___/|___/ Head on over to to find exclusive Ninja Gaiden and NG: BLACK videos (made by me) for D/L! Go there now! Be sure to tell your friends and have them tell their friends and so on and so on. Got it? Good luck! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= __ .__ __. .___________. ______ | | | \ | | | | / __ \ | | | \| | `---| |----`| | | | | | | . ` | | | | | | | | | | |\ | | | | `--' | |__| |__| \__| |__| \______/ .___________. __ __ _______ | || | | | | ____| `---| |----`| |__| | | |__ | | | __ | | __| | | | | | | | |____ |__| |__| |__| |_______| .______ __ __ __ _______ | _ \ | | | | | | | ____| | |_) | | | | | | | | |__ | _ < | | | | | | | __| | |_) | | `----.| `--' | | |____ |______/ |_______| \______/ |_______| If you've had enough ninja action, I recommend going to a movie to relax your mind. May I suggest the sexy flick "Into The Blue" with the lovely Jessica Alba on September 30th! And since we're talking about Jessica Alba, visit my personal website: Go there and you'll find over 1000+ hi-quality photos of the lovely actress! Consider it a freebie from me for finishing VDMN Mode! ENJOY! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= This FAQ is only for use on GameFAQs. You may not copy, reproduce, or link to this FAQ without permission. If you want to use this FAQ, please e-mail me at I have no problems with anyone who asks. September 2005.