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Its a small white plastic bag. What does cash do with it? Use your imagination. If you cant figure out what he does with it you should not be playing this game. ---- Wire ---- Nothing but a small piece of wire. Cash tends to choke people with this and he even pulls their head off! Wow, never though this would be so useful, but it is, that’s disgusting........... 0-------------0 |SMALL WEAPONS| 0-------------0 ---------- Black Jack --------- Small little bat that’s the first none disposable weapon. For being so small it packs a hard punch, but then again it is a bat. This weapons is aluminum with a black handle. ------- Crowbar ------- A crowbar is a crowbar. This weapon is a long steel stick with 2 different types of blades at the end. This weapon can be used to pry locks off of gates. The executions with this weapon are brutal and bloody, and kind of hard to watch. ----- Knife ----- Very silent and quick weapon. Since it hardly makes any noise, this weapon can be a must have. Its basically just a steel knife with a black hilt. This weapon first becomes available around chapter 10. Unlike the other some weapons this one's executions are not extremely gory. ------- Machete ------- This is your stander 2 machete. Pretty silent and packs a huge amount of damage in fighting. This weapons executions are extremely gory, since all three of them involve cutting off the hunters head. --- Axe --- The axe is well, and axe. Its not the woodcutting style axe people are use to. This weapon looks like it was tore off the wall in a medieval castle. Its executions are pretty brutal and crude, and sometimes made me want to puke. One particular disgusting one is when he shoves it in the hunter ribcage and digs around. ------ Sickle ------ This is quick, curved piece of metal normally used to hang meat. Cash, however uses it to hang people. This weapon is pretty useful due to the fact its silent and will not attract many hunters. ------------ Meat Cleaver ------------ While normally used to butcher cows and other poultry, the meat cleaver is used to butcher hunters in this game. How does cash use it? Well use you’re imagination. ------ Hammer ------ Small blunt weapon capable of delivering quick hard blows. This weapons executions are pretty nasty, but they get the job done. This weapon is first found in a cell block. ---------- Nightstick ---------- Almost completely identical to the black jack except in appearance. ------------------- Six Shooter Revolver ------------------- This weapons is extremely useful in both stealth and firefights. Its accuracy is great, but its pretty loud. When you first get this weapons you will feel like a total badass. The targeting system used for this weapon is almost identical to that in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. -------- Lightgun -------- Similar to the revolver except silent and weak. This is a good weapon to get stealth kills with (even though you don’t actually kill them by stealth). Just wait for the hunter to turn around, get close and pop one in his head. Holds 15 shots. --------- Heavy Gun --------- Same as the Lightgun except stronger and holds less ammo, only 5 shots. 0-------------0 |LARGE WEAPONS| 0-------------0 ------------ Baseball Bat ------------ This is a large wooden bat that packs some serious punch but is also slow. The Baseball Bat is the first large weapon that you are introduced to. This is also pretty loud so watch it. This is the best melee weapon as far as fighting goes. ------------------ Tranquilizer Rifle ------------------ This weapon is basically a sniper rifle loaded with Tranquilizer darts. 1 shot will leave a hunter numb for a while, but they will eventually wake up. GO up and finish the job with another weapon once they are sleeping. ------- Shotgun ------- This is a great weapon for close-med range combat. One shot to the head with this will blow the hunters brains all over. The shotgun comes in two variations, the sawn-off and the normal. The sawn-off only holds 2 shots, while the normal one can hold 8. ------------ Sniper Rifle ------------ Exact same as the Tranquilizer Rifle except it has bullets instead of darts. One shot of this to the head will send guts flying everywhere and leave a massive hole the hunters head. This weapon comes with a scope for zoom. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |2.07 Shooting | [207SH] | | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Even though the main part of the gameplay is stealth, Rockstar decided to add in some good old ranged combat to freshen things up a bit. First off lets talk about the targeting system. This is the exact same targeting system featured in the highly successful "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas". Its one of the best, if not the best targeting systems ever made. Its pretty simple. Just hit the Left Trigger when an enemy is close enough, though they can still be a decent distance away. Cash will auto target them. You can use this for stealth killing as well. As long as Cash can target the enemy, his aim is perfect. If you get close enough and press down on the left Thumbstick Cash will aim at the hunters head. If you get too close Cash will automatically do this. One shot to the head with any gun (except the nail gun) is assured to cause instant death. Ranged combat is a simple but difficult process. First of all, you MUST find some cover. Even on Fetish difficulty the hunters will cause allot of damage to you. Once you find your cover you must examine your enemies closely. Wait for them to reload then pop and drop a few rounds on them. If you are only facing one enemy you can most likely just keep shooting at him till he is dead. Firefights in this game can be extremely difficult, especially when you get to using automatic weapons. To tell you the truth, I recommend avoiding firefights as much as possible. Don’t forget that you can still use the shadows to hide. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |2.08 Stealth | [208ST] | | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This is the core of the gameplay. Without stealth this game would be nothing but a boring run of the mill action game. For the first half of the game the gameplay is focused mainly on this aspect. While you do shift back and forth from stealth to firefights in the second half, the core of the gameplay still remains. The good thing about stealth is that its always there. No matter what level (well, except one) you can always use stealth. In order to kill a hunter using stealth, you must perform an "execution" on him. First of all targeting the hunter will make things a bit easier. Quietly sneak up behind the hunter while still keeping your target crosshairs on him. When Cash raises his current weapon and the targeting hairs turn white, it means he is ready to execute. Once it turns white you can press X and you will perform a level 1, or rushed execution. This will give you least amount of style points. If you hold down the X button for a while the curser will start flashing yellow. This means that if you let go Cash perform a level 2 execution. As you have most likely figured out a level 2 execution is better than a level 1. If you hold down the X button until it turns red, Cash will perform a level 3 execution. A level 3 execution is the most stylish and brutal of the three. All weapons except guns can be used to execute people, including the chainsaw. Some weapons can only be used once, but most can be used an infinite amount of times. The execution will differ between each weapon. Whether that means it is more or less bloody was up to Rockstar. You will find out that they didn’t hold back... /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |2.09 General Tips | [209GT] | | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ I apologize for the inconvenience, this section is coming soon. /============================================================================\ 0==============================================================================0 |3. Walkthrough | [3WALK] | | 0==============================================================================0 \============================================================================/ /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.01- Born Again | [301BA] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ The game starts off with a bad quality clip of a reporter talking about the main character, James Earl Cash. The camera will then shift view to a small room where cash is being dragged up onto a chair. The game will now shift to a security camera, and the screen will be covered in green lines. Cash will wake up and stand up. The room is now deserted. A harsh and groggy voice (Brian Cox) will start talking through him via speaker. This man, which you will know by voice for most of the game, is Starkweather, or the director. He suggests that you pick up the earpiece on the ground and put it on your earlobe. After you insert the earpiece, Cash will start to freak out. The Director explains that the only way out of this hell is to do exactly what he says. A cutscene will play in which you see a couple of hoods walking around with pantyhose on their heads. The director then explains that the sole purpose of these gang members is to hunt you down and cut you up. Once your in control look around. Right away you should notice that the screen is grainy like your looking through a cheap digital video camera. Don't worry, your TV is fine, the grainy screen is supposed to further throw you into the experience. When your ready start heading down the street. You will come to two cars that are flipped over. In between them is a bag, which is surrounded by a green circle. Go over and cash will automatically pick it up. On the right side of the street is a gang member, which will now be referred to as a hunter, with his back turned to you. Target him and start moving slowly towards his back. When cash raises his weapon it will signal that you are in position for an execution. Instead of tapping X to finish the job, hold the button down until the crosshair is red. Lift up your finger and Cash will perform a violent execution. When you come to the hood turned around go up and go execute him. The Director tells you that they set him up as an audition. Go down the stairs and grab the plastic bag. Walk around the cage until you come to a large gate. Quickly go into the shadows on the right. When the hood walks through the gate and past you, execute him. s Follow the pathway and you will come to a hole in the fence. Drop down into the basketball court and a cutscene will play. A hood will come out of no where and jump into the court. Kill him in a melee fight. Look at the fences. One of them has a large gate with a barbed wire top. Go through that then go down the path and you will come to a save point. Keep going and you will find a glass shard, which is a disposable weapon. Go down the path and then into the shadows quickly. Press X to hit the wall. A hood will run down the stairs. When he turns around execute him. Go up the stairs and down the path. A cutscene will be displayed in which a few hoods are walking around the next area. The director will explain why they call themselves "hoods". When your back in control, silently go in and pick up the shard. Go into the shadows and bang something. A hood will coming running to investigate, but when he turns around execute him. Repeat this until the other two hoods are dead. When all three are dead, go directly across from where you came then into the gate. Go into the savepoint and then go left. Go up the stairs and take the shard. The director tells you that in order to continue, you must kill the next batch of hunters. Hide in the shadows and do the bang technique for both of them. When your done you will get a mission telling you that the door is now open. Go in the chute to end the chapter. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.02- Doorway Into Hell | [302DH] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Cash will now drop in from the chute and the director will tell him to continue. Follow his advice and continue down the alley. Grab the plastic bag and continue. Kill the hood and take is blackjack bat, which doesn’t disappear after you use it. Go in the building and through this room. Go into the shadows near the stairs and bang on the wall. Execute the hood that comes down then go back up the stairs. Go into the hole in the wall and hide in the shadows. Bang on the wall to lure the hood. Execute him then continue through the building. Jump out the big hole in the wall. Go through the building and down the hallway. Hit the window with your bat to break it. Go out and walk into the savepoint. Go down the path and a cutscene will show in which the director tells you to bust off the lock your going to need a special tool, which is in this case a crowbar. Go down the path and you will come to a large street with several ruined buildings on the other side. Walk into the street and find some shadows then bang on the wall. When the hood comes execute him and take his large bat. Go the right of huge building and go around into the alleyway. There are some hoods back here, so go into the shadows. Bang on the wall to attract them, then once they turn around execute him. Look around for some writing on the wall that says "Hide you S***". Follow the big arrow that is next to it and go in the building. Go up the stairs and you will hit a save point. Go through this room and a hood with a crowbar will jump out. Kill him and take his crowbar. Now go back to the beginning of the level and smash the padlock. You are going to come across some hoods, so just use the strategy you have been. Once the padlock is smashed run ahead to the savepoint. Go right into the building and follow the hallway. You will come to a huge room with a large flesh stain on the floor. A hood with a crowbar will come in, waste him in melee fighting. Go in the door with light to complete the chapter. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.03- Road to Ruin | [303RR] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ When your back in control head into the small hallway on the left right past the trashcans. Sneak down the hallway and execute the hood. Go down the hallway and jump out of the large hole. Go around the counter and hide in the shadows of the bathroom stall. Hit the wall and a hood will come running in. Execute him then go in the doorway he came out of. Go up the stairs in the next room. Go around the truck outside and down the path. A hood will pop out and chase you. Run back into some shadows then execute him. Go down the path once again. Go around the corner and bust off the padlock with your crowbar. Go through the next few rooms and you will come to a hallway. Hide in the shadows and bang on something. I hood will come running and screaming down a hallway. Execute him and continue up the stairs. Hit the save point and continue down the small alleyway. Find some shadows and bang the wall. When the hood comes up execute him. Go across the street carefully and hide in some shadows. Execute the hoods that come by. When all three of them are dead head over to the cellar. Go inside and walk into the save point. Go into the next room and hide in the shadows. Bang on the wall to attract the attention of the hunter in the next room. Execute him once he turns his back. Go through the next room and you will come across some bodies hanging. Next to them is a hole, go inside it. Hide in some shadows and hit the wall. Kill the hood that comes out and then go up the stairs. Hide in the shadows near the corner and kill the hood nearby. Keep going down the alley and bust off the padlock. You will now see a cutscene in which an elite team beats up cash and throws him in a van. This will happen a few more times before the game ends. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.04- White Trash | [304WT] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ The guards drop you off in a junkyard type area. In order to continue you must kill the one guard with the bat, but you have no weapons. Once your in control, silently go down the alley. Go right and be quick. Go into the garage opening and you will find a wire. Hide in the shadows and bang on the wall. When the hunter comes running, execute him. Take his bat and go out front. The gate will now be open, and you have free passage. The game will show a cutscene of the gate, and a bigot guarding it. Once your in control go left and hide in a shadow. Hit the tires or whatever and a hunter with a bat will come looking for you. Once he turns his back execute him then go around the tire wall. Go into the shadows right away and hit the large junk wall. Execute the hunter that comes out and continue down the long path. You will eventually come to the bigot. Its hard to execute him since he runs every time he turns around. What you do is lead him into a large shadowed area then sneak behind him. Once he’s dead another hunter will come looking for you, execute him when he turns his back on you. In order to get past the gate, your going to need a blade. Go around the rest of the huge junk pile and you will come to a hanger. Inside is a hunter with a knife. Hide in the shadows of the hanger and hit the wall. When the hunter runs up, execution him once he turns his back. Now go back to the gate and cut off the rope. Walk forward into the save point. Go over the huge trash pile and go left. Inside that trailer is the first gun, the nail gun. Make some noise and the bigot will come out. Execute him then go inside and get the nailgun. Here is where the REAL FUN BEGINS! Too bad the nail gun has such little ammo. Two hunters will walk around the outside of the building, not a problem. Go outside and shoot them in the head a couple times each and they will die. When they are dead go where they came from. Follow the junk pathway until you come to the electric gate. Go under the huge pile and waste the skins that come running at you. Go right and you will come to a small building with an electrical switch. Kill the hunter with the nail gun and use the switch to shut off the electrical power. Go back to the electrical gate and nail the three enemies. Go into the alleyway to complete this stage. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.05- Fuelled by Hate | [305FH] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ First off I will have to say that I hate this chapter, and I have a feeling you will to by the time its over. When your in control you will see cash walking. The director is yelling in his ear that he’s pissed off at the skins. When your in control go forward and then right. Ahead of you are a series of empty storage crates and trailers. In this area they’re are three hunters. Inside each trailer/crate is shadows. Get in a crate and bang on the wall. All three of the hunters should come running. When they start to spread out, pick them off one by one. Remember to always stay in shadows and only come out if the other hunters aren’t looking at you. When all three of them are dead the director will open a gate for you. Go opposite of were you came in and you will find it. TO your left is a truck with a couple of boxes stacked near a fence. There is a huge whole in the fence, go in it. Follow the arrow and you will see a cutscene. A bigot in a large tower is watching some porn (you can tell from the screams). You need to shut off the power so he will come looking for you. When your back in control run into the next area and hit the switch. Hide in the shadows real quick and wait for the hunter to come. Execute him when he turns his back. Go up the stairs then across the walkway. Follow the walk and you will come to a large crain. The director seems to have an idea about the crain, but first your going to need some gas. Run into the savepoint next to the crain then go across to the road. Take the first left and find some shadows. Bang your bat on something to attract the attention of a hunter. When he comes by execute him. Repeat this strategy again to take out the other hunter. Do this one more time to and execute the third hunter. Now, go to the opposite side of this area than the where you entered. You will see a huge hanger, but its blocked by a gate. Facing the gate head on, go to the right and you will find a pathway that leads around it. Go inside the hanger and grab the gas tank with the Y button. Walk out of the hanger and you will see a cutscene in which three hunters come charging in the area looking for you. Drop the tank and run out to the path. Go forward a bit then hide in the shadows. Bang on something to make the skin run looking for you. When he turns his back, execute him. Repeat this strategy on the other two. When they are all dead, grab the gas tank and lug it all the way back to the crane. Walk up the crane steps and refill the crane with gas then hop in. In order to pick of the refrigerator on the left, just press A when the magnate is in front of it. 4 skins will come in 2 pairs. Just use the refrigerator and throw it on them. It sounds easy but it can be very frustrating after you miss a lot. When your done hop out and collect all the ammo they left behind. Follow the path on the right and you will come to another hanger. Inside is a small ramp. When you head towards it some skins will come out. Shoot them up with the nail gun. Go down the little ramp and down the underground hallway. When you come up from the underground hallway you will be in a small area with a fence separating you from going across to the hunters. On the other side of the fence is a huge structure with a lift that leads down. On your side of the fence are some stairs leading up to the top of the structure. Quietly go up the stairs and then execute the guard in the control room. On the other side of the structure is a huge ramp. Quickly go down the ramp and hide in shadows. Use up any of the ammo you got left with the nail gun to kill the hunters. When you run out hide in shadows and hit something. Execute the hunter that comes up. Repeat this strategy to kill all the hunters. When they are all dead the Director will open a gate near the large ramp. Go in the small area and hop in the crane. Do the same thing you did last time and you should be fine. Get out of the crane if you need to get some health or if you would prefer to shoot them with the nail gun. Once they are dead grab their ammo and run up the stairs. Do down the next set of stairs and go through the gap you came in earlier. Kill the enemy ahead of you with the nail gun and the chapter will end. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.06- Grounds for Assault | [306GS] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ You will see a rather disturbing cutscene of Piggsy when you start the chapter. When that’s over the Cerebus (SWAT looking guys) will throw you out of a truck. The angle will then switch over tot he Wardogs and their leader, Ramirez, who gives them a small but inspiring speech on how to kill you. After that the Director will show you a little scene of a Wardog walking down a path. He comments that they are "Dickless Gung-Ho Losers". Once your in control you will notice that you have no weapons! Go up the small staircase and you will see a large building ahead of you. Inside are a couple of Wardogs, but you don’t have a weapon. Silently walk into the building ahead of you and go left at the end of the hallway. Go through the small corridor and into the large room. On the left side of the room is a large fireplace, and some wire. Go pick up the wire then go into the shadows. Bang on the wall to attract the hunter in the corridor next to you attention. He will come snooping around; Execute him. Take the Machete that the hunter dropped then go back in shadows. Hit the wall to attract the attention of the second and final hunter in the building. Once he come by and turns his back, execute his ass. Now look at your radar, their should be a large blue blip. Go to that position on your radar and you will find a door with some rope holding closed. Use your machete to hack the rope off then go inside. Immediately hide in the shadows to the left. A hunter will have heard you by now, and is snooping around. Once he turns his back on you, execute him. Go through the hallway then out the door. Go up the stairs and left into the shadows near the bench. Hit the wall to make a hunter come looking for you. Execute him then go back in the shadows. Repeat this strategy for the other hunter. Follow the path and you will come to a save point. Ahead of you is a large courtyard type area. Their are several hunters here, so watch out. You will also see a cutscene of a gate with a padlock on it. That’s on the other side of the level, so don’t worry about it now. Find some shadows and bang on something. When the hunter turns his back, execute him. This will attract the attention of a couple hunters, or at least it did for me. The best way to deal with this situation is to pick them off silently one at a time. Just repeat the strategy listed here and you will be fine. Once they are all dead head for the blue blip on your radar. The director tells you that he has hidden it, but where? Facing the gate head on, go left down the path and you will come to a small sign with a grizzly bear on it. Near the sign is large hole in the fence; go in it. Hide in some nearby shadows and bang on something. Execute the hunter that comes and go back into the grizzly exhibit. Go down into the cave and you will find the crowbar. Now, this may sound weird, but go back to area where you killed the hunter in the bathroom. In the hallway next to it is a door with a padlock. Open it up with your crowbar and you will find a sawed off shotgun with 3 shots. Now go back up the other door with the padlock and bust it open. Walk into the savepoint and you wills see a cutscene in which a warthog with a tranquilizer Sniper Rifle comes running down a balcony. You need to find a way to the restaurant on top of the zoo, but that sniper is guarding it. Walk out into the open and a hunter will see you. Aim at him and wait till he gets close. Once the aimer is on his blow his head off with your shotgun. 2 other hunter will come, repeat the strategy. Now go on the far right side of the area and go up the steps. Go through the tunnel and into the small court. Go up the curved staircase to your left and DONT make any noise. Go left down the path and around the corner. There is a little path leading to a balcony in which the sniper is located. Silently sneak up the balcony and execute the sniper. Take is gun and jump down and open the padlock door with your crowbar. Go through the restaurant and hide in the shadows. Hit the wall and two hunters will come running. Memorize their paths and then execute them accordingly. Once they are dead follow the blip and you will come to a gate. Open it with your crowbar and then go up the stairs. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.07- Strapped for Cash | [307SC] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ You wills see a cut scene which will show your family members tide up. Whenever the Wardogs spot you, they will execute your beloved family. Actually you can still be seen by most of the hunters, but a select few will run back and blow a family members head off. This will decrease your rating, so I recommend not letting them die. This is the first level where you get access to some decent firearms, even though you have little ammo. You should still have the Tranq Gun from the previous level. Only use it on the select few hunters that are guarding your family members. *Note, at least ONE family member has to survive* Anyway, once your in control head in the building to your left. Go through this room and into the hallway. Hide in the shadows at the end of the hallway and take your crowbar out. Bang on the wall and a hunter will come looking for you. Execute him when he turns around then go into the next room. Go in the small door in the left corner and down the hallway. Go out the door near the wire and go left. Walk down the path and past the gate. Silently go left and hide in the shadows. Bang on the wall and a hunter with a revolver will come snooping around. Execute him the take his revolver. Inside the building next to you is the first family member. Now that’s what I’m talking about, oh wait, it only has three bullets. In order to shoot people, just target them like you normally would. When you are close enough to them, the aimer will push up to they’re head. Shooting someone in the head is an instant kill, so keep that in mind. Okay, now go down the path and you will come to an exhibit. There is an opening in the fence, but before you go in hide in the shadows. Bang on the wall and hunter will come. Aim at him with your revolver and then fire when its on his head. This will kill him automatically, so you don’t have to worry. When you shot the gun, naturally it made allot of noise. This means that 3 angry hunters are now coming to investigate. Since you only have two bullets, you must be conservative. Back into the shadows and wait for them to come. One of the hunters has a Tranq gun, so don’t shoot him. When the other two hunters get in range, shoot'em. If the Tranq guy shoots you, run away until the effect wares off. When its gone, go back and execute him. Once everyone is dead, go into the exhibit. Run past the playground and go past the large fence. Go around the walkway. You are now in small area with a tunnel. In the tunnel is a hunter with a revolver, and on the other side is another with a machete. Go forward and hide in the shadows. Bang on the wall to attract the attention of the revolver hunter. Once he turns his back execute him and take his revolver. Now go out and seek the other hunter. Kill him when you find him. Facing the shadows in the corner head right down the stairs. They’re you will find the second family member, half naked. Go in the tunnel to the right. Follow the path until you come to a small building. Walk into the door and hit the savepoint. Go around the corner to your right. Run down the hallway and into the restroom area. Go left and put your self up against the wall. Peek into the room and you will see a hunter guarding the third family member. He also has a revolver, so watch it. Peek around slowly and wait for him to get close. When he gets close enough so your aiming at his head, blast him. Go through the room and break open the window. Go right and a cut scene will be displayed. The director wants you to rescue your family, but you don’t have anything to do it with. Go right and you will find some wooden crates. Go left a couple of steps and then hide in the shadows. Beat against something to attract a hunter, then execute him when he turns around. You will have attracted the attention of some hunters, so hide in the shadows again. When the hunter with the Tranq gun comes by, shoot them. Another hunter will come near, but actually figures out that its a trap *gasp*. He wont move close enough. Luckily all he has is a machete, so just walk out and shoot him in the head. From where you are now go forward then right. Follow the trail and you will come to a large blue building. Inside is the fourth family member, and a hunter. Once the hunter turns his back on you, kill him. Take his ammo then head back to where you killed the last group of hunters (one with a Tranq gun). Once he is dead go inside the building then go left. Go outside and use the shard to cut your family member loose. Now, go back to the previous family member in the small building. Cut him loose as well. Now go back and free the other two family members you left behind. Once they are all freed, go back to the very end of the level where you killed the group of three hunters. Go left (follow the sign) and you will find a fake sharks mouth. Shoot the hunters guarding it then go in. Walk into the save point then go right. Go up the small ramp and over the wall. On the other side of the counter are two hunters, one with a machete and the other with a Tranq gun. If you have any ammo left, use it on them. If you ran out, just hide in some shadows and repeat the same strategy as always. When they are both dead, run all the way around the balcony and you will come to a dark hallway. Go though this and into the next room. Use the switch marked "fire escape" and a door near the counter will open. Go back around the counter halfway until you come to a door with some graffiti saying "<- this way to hell". That is the fire exit door. When you walk toward it two hunters will come out. Quickly hide into the shadows to lose them. You should have about 10 rounds with the Tranq gun. Snipe each one of them, then go up and execute them. When they are both dead, head through the fire exit door to end the chapter. You will then see a cut scene showing the Cerberus hauling Cash into another SWAT Van. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.08- View of Innocence | [308VI] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ You will see a cut scene in which several odd looking hunters are hanging out in a graveyard. The cut scene will them shift to an old church, were Ramirez is giving out orders to some of the hunters. You will not be meeting up with these hunters in particular, because you are going to the mall. When you are back in control head straight in front of you and collect the brick. Go right and throw the brick straight into the door. Go inside and collect the revolver and the glass shard. Now go back out of this store and head past the entrance. Around the corner is a long path, with two hunters at the end. In front of them are several large plant holders. Run up to the plant holders and press Y to use them as cover. The hunters ill have noticed you, so they will be firing at you. When they reload pop up and shoot their sorry hides. Go forward and a hunter will pop out of the door ahead of you. Shoot him then take all the ammo everywhere. To your right are two hunters gathered, ready to kill you. Repeat the same strategy as before and you should have no problems. When they are dead another hunter will pop out. Find some cover and pick him off. Now go up the escalator in this area. A fat hunter will pop out of nowhere. Shoot him to death then kill the other one on your right. Follow the balcony and then walk into the savepoint. Keep walking and you will come to a large area with several refrigerators lying on the ground. A trio of enemies will come running by. Quickly find some cover. The best way to deal with this situation is take on one enemy at a time. Once they start to reload, shoot the same enemy until he dies. Repeat this strategy on all three. When they are dead grab their ammo. Continue down around the walkway and stop when you reach a red colored bar. Get behind some cover because a hunter will come looking for you. Kill him in a fire fight then continue down the walkway. Go up the stairs and kill the hunter firing at you. Go around the corner and continue down the walkway. You will come to a situation similar to the previous one, except with two enemies instead of three. Just repeat the same strategy. Once they are dead go inside the room they were guarding. Go left and behind the bar is the video tape you need. Now all you need is the camera. Go back outside and deal with the hunters that show up. Now go back around the walkway and go down one floor. Kill the hunter on the escalator. Keep following the walkway until you come to the red bar. Shoot the hunter that’s guarding the entrance, then shoot the hunter inside it. Continue down the walkway and you will come to a toy store. Inside is a hunter hiding behind a counter. Go inside and blow his head off then grab the camera. Guess what? The screen is cracked. Remember that red bar you passed twice? A Television is in their. Once you pick up the camera two hunters will come to guard the entrance to the store. Near each post is a large opening in the window. Walk up to both openings and shoot the hunters in the head. Now go back around the walkway. A hunter will shoot at you from the middle of the mall, just shoot right back. When you reach the bar a hunter will come out. Shoot him to death then enter the bar. Well, the TV is inside, but the power is off. In order to restore it, your going to have to go in the basement. Go in the hallway near the pool table. Go around the corner and down the stairs. Use the switch to restore power. Go back up the stairs and down the hallway. Kill the hunter that pops out of the room then go over to the TV. Guess what? the VCR is broking. Just kidding. Insert the tape by pressing Y. What does the tape show? The Director insists that he couldn’t let your family go, so he had the hunters murder them. You don’t see the whole tape, since cash picks up the TV and throws it. The chapter ends here. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.09- Drunk Driving | [309DD] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ The Director thought that you were a little bit lonely, so he decided to give you a friend. Too bad that the hunters decided to lock him up. You have to rescue him. Now, you might be thinking "Alright, another dude to control/help me". You are dead wrong. Your "friend" is nothing but a lonely hobo that needs you to protect him. Once you are in control of Cash run forward into the shadows. Bang on the wall with your knife and the hunter will come running ready to find you. Once he gets near you execute him. Run up the stairs from where he came then go left. Go inside the building and you will meet your new friend. In order to progress through this level, your going to need to have the Director Buzz you through the gate. However, you need your hobo buddy with you. You can order your friend to stay still or follow you. When you tell him to stay still he will look for some shadows to hide in. If the hobo dies, you fail, so don’t let a hunter find him. By the way, this entire stage is mostly stealth, so don’t expect to get in any firefights. Anyway, once you are in control head right down the alley. When your reach the intersection with another alley your left and a fence to your right, tell your friend to stay put. Go around the corner and hide in the shadows of one of the pillars. Bang on the wall and a hunter will come down the steps looking for you. When he turns his back on you, waste him. Once he’s dead go collect your friend and tell him to follow you. Walk him up the stairs near the pillow and go right. The Director will open the gate for you. Walk into the savepoint and tell the hobo to stand still. Go out into the street and look for some shadows. Down the street are three hunters. Attract their attention by hitting something. Once they come looking around, lure one away from the group. When the time is right, execute him. Repeat this strategy on the other hunters and then go back and find your friend. When you find him tell him to follow you. Go down to where the hunters were gathered and look for a window on the right side of the street. Bust it open then window and use the painkiller if you need them. Go down the hallway and through the gate. Walk into the savepoint. Tell your buddy to stay here and go out the opening. You are now in another large street, with three angry hunters on the right end. Hide in the shadows ahead of you and bang on the car to attract the attention of two of the hunters. When they are in the right area for execution, do it. This will most likely alert the other hunters of your presence. If they see you run around until you lose them. Repeat the same strategy as before to kill the other hunters. When they are all dead go back to your buddy and tell him to follow you. Now look for a large bus on the other side of street. Behind the bus is a small tunnel with two fire barrels on the side. Escort your friend over there but don’t go inside. Tell him to stay put and then walk into the tunnel. A hunter will pop out. Run away into the shadows to lose him then bang on the wall. Once he has his back turned, execute him. Collect your friend and bring him into the tunnel. GO right and the up the stairs. Walk into the savepoint. Across the street from your current location are the ruins of a few large buildings. At the base of those ruins are three hunters. Tell the bum to stay put and go across the street. Hide behind the large wooden fence and quietly sneak to the right. A fence is blocking the direct path into the ruins, so you will have to go around it. Go left and you will see a small path going through some winding fences. Go up the gravel and collect the brick if you need it. Go out into the ruins and find some shadows. Don’t mind the director, who will be telling you to go back and get your hobo friend. Since these hunters are all grouped together, your going to have to pick them off one at a time. Bang on the wall and you will attract them. One will most likely be close to you, so when the time is right execute him. The other hunters will have noticed you, so run and hide to throw them off. Once they are unaware of your presence bang on something. This will attract them once again. Once one of them is in the proper spot, ice him. Repeat this on the last hunter then go back and collect your hobo buddy. The ruins that you just came from are all located inside a square. There is a gate in one of the corners, I’ve drawn this map to help you. _________________ | | | | ()<-Fire | | | | | |____----_____|#|<- Gate |_____ <- Entrance Bring your buddy to the gate and the director will buzz you through. Go across the street and into the small building with the barred door. Walk into the save point then tell the tramp to stand still. Continue down the hallway and out the door. Go around the corner and down the path. Keep following it and a hunter will jump out and ambush you. Find some shadows to lose him then lure him to you. When he turns his back on you kill him. Go down the trail then go right. You now have a large building on your right and a wall on your left. On the other side of that wall is a hunter with a shotgun. The hunter will not notice you unless you give him a clear view, so walk up the stairs and let him see you. He will pump off a shot or two, so just run back down the stairs. For some reason he will not come looking. Just shimmy up against the wall and peek around the corner. Once he turns his back go up and execute him. Take his shotgun and go collect the tramp. Once you have the tramp take him to the spot where you got the shotgun. Take him near the gate and the director will buzz him through. Immediately tell him to stay put, then venture out into the graveyard. The guys in this area are packing, so I recommend you not try stealth. Find some cover and pick one of them off. This will attract the attention of other hunters. In order to kill them easily, just wait behind cover for them to get close then blow their heads off. Once they are all dead go back and get the tramp. Take him into the cemetery. Facing the gate go left and up the hill. Go to the tomb and the director will buzz you through. Walk out the back of the tomb to finish the mission. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.10- Graveyard Shift | [310GS] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Once your in control go forward. Quietly sneak up the stairs and shoot the hunter in the head. Two other hunters will hear the gunshot, and come to investigate. Hide behind the boxes that are located in front of the stairs. Wait until one of them is close enough then pop out and shoot him in the head. The other one will most likely be close enough too, so shoot him as well. Take their ammo and go down the street. Some painkillers will be in some shadows on the right. DO NOT use them, trust me. The next area is a cramped dead end with several rows of boxes and a large group of hunters. Walk towards the corner and you will see a cut scene. Several hunters are taking positions behind cover ahead of you. You need to get into the guards hut in order to continue (well actually your going back, but more on that later). Anyway, immediately take cover behind the closest box. Cash will naturally aim at the closest enemy, so keep that in mind. The hunters will have noticed you by now. They will take strategic positions and fire at you accordingly. When the closest one goes to reload, pop up and shoot him to death. Once he is dead, quickly move forward and take cover behind another box. Use the same strategy on this guard and the next. When they are all dead go to the right side of the area and enter the guard hut. Go inside and press the lever to lower the gate. What gate? Go back around the street corner and on the left side of the street is a large opening with a savepoint. Go up the stairs and hug the wall. A hunter with a pistol will come looking for you. Pop out and blow his head off then wait for a sec. Two more hunters with bats will come. Kill them both then go inside the factory. To the left of you are some large stacks of crates and boxes. On the other side are two hunters. Peek out the right side and shoot the one in the head. Go around the boxes and do the same thing on the next one. Continue through the door next to you and you will see a cut scene. Just like in Manhunts style, the lift is out and you will need to go into the basement to fix it. The basement is not what you think it is, rather its a small series of passages with tons of electronic equipment and some hunters. Look on the floor and you will find the entrance. Go down quietly. Bang on something and a couple hunters will run down the hallway. Hug the wall and wait for them to come. When the time is right, shoot them all in the head. Kill any stragglers. Once all the hunters are dead head to the back of the basement and turn on the fail safe. This will reactivate the lift so you may go up. Exit the basement and return to the surface level. From the entrance which you came in go left and head into the corner. The lift is located next to the large red barrels. On the wall next to it is a switch; push it. Quickly go back onto the lift and wait for it to go up. On your way up you will meet with a hunter. Right when you have the chance pop his head because he has a shotgun and your pretty close. When the lift stops go forward onto the catwalk and walk into the savepoint. Follow the balcony and you will come to some hunters. Run as fast as you can across the balcony and shoot the hunter in the head. Follow the catwalk until you come to roof of the control tower. Use the walls as cover and shoot all the hunters who come. Don’t pay any attention to the hunters in the glass tunnel, they cant shoot through the glass. Go back on top of the control tower and jump in the large hole. Use the doorway as cover and peek out. This will get the attention of the hunters, who will come closer in order to get a better shot. Once they are in your range shoot them to death. When both of them are dead head into the tunnel and go left. Use the switch on the wall then quickly go onto the lift. When you get to the top shoot the hunter in the head then walk into the savepoint. Shoot the ventilation cover and go inside. Follow the short path and go right. Jump out of the vent here. You will drop in a small room with some painkillers. Take note of these in case you need them now or later. Go outside the door and find some cover. I found this little set of enemies hard to beat, but maybe its just me. In order to beat them I suggest waiting for them to reload then poping up and killing them. If you end up having one enemy left run up and shoot him instead of picking him off slowly. Go inside the door at the top of the stairs and kill the hunter in here. Press the switch then hug the wall near the door. Wait for the hunters to come in then shoot to death. Go back outside and go right down the stairs. Using the stairs as cover sneak down and kill all the enemies at the base. Go through the door on the left to end this stage. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.11- Mouth of Madness | [311MM] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ After that rather disturbing cut scene you will be dropped of in a room by the cerebrus. The cut scene will show a hunter in the next room, and the director will only open the next set of doors if you kill him. Immediately grab the wire laying around and look at the cellblock. In one of the cells is a man on an electric chair. Next to his cell is a large switch. Even though this is cruel as hell, go over and flip the switch. This will electrocute the man. Right away shut it off and hide in the shadows. A hunter called "Fug" will come. When he has his back turned to you go up and execute him. Take his meat cleaver then go in the door from where he came. Go straight across this room and outside. The director tells you that the hunters in this area have the green house under control, and that you will have to be quiet if you don’t wont them to lock the entrance to them. Go right and then around the corner. Hide in the shadows of one of the pillars then bang on something. A hunter will come looking for you. When he turns around execute him. Bang on the wall again to attract another hunter. Repeat the same strategy then run out into the courtyard. Facing the large tower go left and hide in some shadows. Bang on the wall to once again to attract another hunter. Once he gets near you wait for him to turn around. Execute him once he has his back to you then head out into the courtyard. Run up to the guard tower. The hunter will see you most likely but don’t worry. He will run down to the base of the stairs but stop. Run under the stairs and wait for him to lose interest. He will begin to walk up the stairs. Go up the stairs and execute him. Take his revolver then go back down the stairs. Facing the tower go left and you will see a door. Go through it and hit the save point. In this area there are five hunters, each with guns. Hide in the shadows and lure one of them to you. Bang on the wall to attract him then wait for him to get close. Shoot him in the head and take his ammo. This will attract some other hunters. Find some cover and shoot them each in the head when they get close enough. You should have had to shoot 3 total so far. Take all the ammo and seek out the other hunters. Kill them in a firefight. You need to get to a door on the other side of the yard. I made a map to help you Door you need to get to _| |___________ | | | ========= | ) | | | | ========= | \ | \_________| |_| Entrance you came from Guarding the door is a hunter. This guy is kind of off his guard, so just walk up and start shooting him. When everyone is dead go to the green blip on your radar. You will find a gas tank inside one of the ruined greenhouses. Collect this then go through the door that the hunter was guarding. Go around the corner and go outside. Drop the gas tank and hide in some shadows. Tap the wall to attract the hunter. When the hunter comes looking for you pop him in the head. The tower you need to get into has been bricked up by the hunters. Place the gas tank next to the brick wall and back up. Fire away and watch the brick wall explode. Go inside Quietly go inside and make your way up the steps to your left. Kill the hunter that you encounter on the second floor then keep going up. You will eventually come to a room with a large table and some radio equipment. Next to the door (which cant be opened) is a gate switch. Flip to make the gate at the bottom of the tower open up. Go down to the base of the tower and go out the gate. Ahead of you are some large double doors. Go through them and shoot the hunter in the face. Do the same with the other three guards in here and then head left. Take out the shotgun and pop the other enemies in the face. Go in the door to the right. Use the painkillers if you need them then go up the stairs. Kill the hunter at the top of the stairs and then go in the hallway (not the door) to your left. A hunter will come from around the corner. Kill him then continue through this room. Run through the double doors ahead of you and kill the two hunters. Go in the door on your right and go down the hallway. Go left and then up the stairs. Go through the door at the top and you will be in the outside courtyard. Go past the wall and turn left. Go right up to the two hunters that are walking away and shoot them in the head. A tower should be on your right. Use the stairs next to it to get on the walkway. Kill the hunter in the pink dress then pick his body up. Drag it down the set of stairs and into the large set of double doors marked "Guard Room". /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.12- Doing Time | [312DT] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Run left when you get to the fork. Turn right when you get to the brick and then go left down the hallway. Run down the hallway and pick up the hammer. A cut scene will show a couple of hunters coming into the cell block. In order to continue you need to perform a level 2 and a level 3 execution. If you do not they will just keep repining. In order to these just hold down the X or A button until it turns yellow (level 2) then red (level 3). Once they are dead kill the remaining hunters to activate another cutscene. A hunter with a bat has spawned at the beginning of the level. Run back there and find some shadows. Tap the wall and the hunter will come snooping. Once he has his back turned execute him and take his bat. You now have to kill two more enemies with the bat, and they have to be a level 2 and a level 3 execution. If you don’t do those the hunters will respawn infinitely. Once you have performed the executions kill the remaining hunters. You will now see another cut scene. Go back to where you found the hammer and run past the gate at the of the cell block. Walk into the savepoint and then hide in some shadows. A hunter with a revolver will be patrolling here. Bang on the wall with your bat to attract him to you. When he has his back turned go up and execute him (level 1 is fine, you don’t have to anymore of that stuff). Take his revolver than bang on the wall to make the hunters above you come looking. Kill about 4 enemies this away then go up the stairs. Use the mattresses and other items in here for cover. Pop up and kill the hunters when they have to reload. Once they are all dead look in the cells for some painkillers or go back downstairs and find some. When your ready go around the corner and shoot the hunter near you in the head. Use the mattress as cover. The two enemies here have shotguns, so wait until they reload and pop up. Once they are dead run across the cellblock to the stairs. Go down the stairs and go through the gate. Go into the showers to end the cutscene. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 | 3.13- Kill the Rabbit | [313KR] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Your objective in this stage is to follow a man dressed in a rabbit suit. You will be dropped off inside of a small room. Do as the director tells you and follow the rabbit into the cell block ahead of you. Take a few steps down the cell block to view a cut scene. A hunter will run into the small room you were previously in. He flips the switch on the wall, closing the gate at the end of the cell block. Quickly run behind a pillar on the right and hide in the shadows. Four hunters will come out of the cells looking for you. You should have a shotgun with at least 12 rounds. Pop out from the shadows to make them notice you. The hunters will come charging at you with nothing but knives. When they are close enough shoot them all in the head. Once they are all dead head back to the small room you started at. Go through this room and into the door. Kill the hunter on your right and wait for a second. Shoot the other hunters when they show up. Now walk around this area and look for any ammo or painkillers in case you need them. When you are ready head back to the small room and flip the switch inside. The camera will switch its position and view the now opened gate at the end of the cell block. Run down the Cell Block and go into the hallway previously blocked by the gate. Go through the doorway on your right. Walk towards the door at the end of the hallway to view a cut scene. It will show the white rabbit running behind some gates. Around the gates are several hunters. Hug the wall near the doorway and press A. Cash will bang the current weapon you have selected against the wall. This will also attract the two hunters in the next hallway. When one of them gets close enough pop out of the doorway and shoot him in the head. Repeat for the second hunter. By now you will have attracted the attention of some more hunters. Repeat the same strategy you just used for the two hunters. At the end of the hallway is the gate that the rabbit ran through. Silently walk out and stroll down the hallway. Behind the gate is a hunter with a revolver. Take out your shotgun and shoot him until he dies. From here go left. Go right again then continue down the hallway. When you reach the room with several desks you will view a cutscene. In the Cell Block to the left is a hunter dressed in a pink dress. You must kill him to continue up to the watch room were the rabbit has left you a little gift. When your back in control head through the opening in the top left corner. Hug the pillars on the right until you are close to the pink dressed hunter. Put your back up against the pillar closest to the hunter. Pop out and shoot him in the head. The Director will open the gate at the end of the block. Go collect the shotgun shells from the hunter then go into the hallway past the gate. Go left up the stairs and you will come to the watch room. Walk into the save point then go inside the cell to collect your gift. You must now defend the room against the waves of hunters. I found that hugging the wall near the stairs then poping out and blasting the hunters was the easiest way. In all there’s about 12 hunters that come. When they are all dead head down the stairs. Go through the door ahead of you and walk into the savepoint. Continue down the hallway ahead of you. You will most likely come under fire some hunters in the next room. Aim at them through the door and press down on the left Thumbstick. This will make cash aim at the hunters head. When he is dead go through the door and take out the other hunter. Once your ready head up the stairs. Go left around the corner then right. Go past the wall then continue down the hallway. When you come to the two hunters immediately hug the wall near them. Pop out and blast them, you might even kill them both in one hit. Go down the hallway and through the two gates. On your right is short hallway with a hunter on patrol. Use the wall as cover then pop out and kill the hunter. Go inside the double doors on your left. Go up the ramp on the left side of the room then go inside the next room. Go through this room and pick up the painkillers. (My brother screamed like a little girl when the corpse rose up. Laughed my ass off). Use the two painkillers in here if you need them then head back to the previous hallway. Go down the hallway then turn right. Go through the doorway and into the workshop. Walk around for a sec and you will be treated to a rather predictable cutscene. You finally have caught up with the white Rabbit, and some hunters. That’s really not the bad news here. Like you have probably predicting, the Director turns on you. Out of the door at the end of the workshop will come several hunters. When your in control immediately get behind the work tables and use them as cover. Like you, the hunters will also take up positions behind the tables. They will also fire on your position even if they cant see you. Wait for them to reload and then pop up. If you are facing two or more (which is unlikely since they are spread out) get behind cover after every shot. If you are only facing one just shoot him till he dies. Now make your way to the security gate where the Rabbit fled. Use the strategy that you use on the first hunter to take out anyone that gets in your path. When you finally reach the security gate head left. You will see a large grading with a green sign saying "Security Zone" hanging above. Pick up the body of a dead hunter and drag it over to the metal sensor. Drop it on top of the plate and the gate will open. Go through the gate and head left. Hit the savepoint then continue down the hallway. Go left then through the next room. You will see a cut scene in which the Rabbit realizes that you need his key to continue. Go through the doorway ahead of you and you will come to the parking lot. Now quietly creep down the stairs. Use the boxes at the base of the stairs as cover. Press A to hit the boxes. A lone Hunter will come strolling in front of the boxes. Pop up and shoot him. This will alert the other hunters of your presence. Quickly duck back down and wait for the other hunters to get closer. Shoot them in the head once they are in range. When the trio of hunters are dead go collect the ammo they dropped. Go inside the large guard tower on the other side of the area. Go up the five staircases and you will meet up with the Rabbit and a Hunter. Take out the hunter first then shoot the Rabbit in the head. Take the prison gate key from the Rabbit. Go over to the dead hunter and switch your shotgun for his sniper rifle. You will see a cut scene in which the small gate on the other side of the parking lot opens. Several hunters come running out of it. When your back in control head outside of the door and onto the balcony. Run around the balcony and collect all the sniper ammo then return to your original point. In order to aim with the sniper rifle hold the Left Trigger and press up/down on the right Thumbstick to zoom. If you look below at the assortment of boxes you will see some hunters trying to fire on you. They made the decision to shoot at you from long range with shotguns. Anyway, zoom in with your sniper rifle and fire at their heads. This will make an instant kill, and might make you puke if you have a weak stomach. Do this to about 5 hunters then head back down to the base of the tower. After the short cut scene exit and kill off all the remaining enemies. When your ready go inside the gate that the hunters were spawning from to end the chapter. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.14- Divided they Fall | [314DF] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ I realize using Roman Numerals to mark the chapters was a bad Idea, but I’m to lazy to change it >_> This stage will start off with a cut scene. Cash runs through a gap in the fence, only to be met by Ramirez. Cash is thrown up against the fence and smacked around a bit. He is then thrown onto the ground and stripped of his weapons. Some Wardogs come snooping around and start taunting him. According to them, its their turn now. When you are finally in control you will notice that you have no weapons. The hunters have left you inside a large courtyard, and are ready to hunt you down. Strait ahead of you is some wire; go grab it. You will find some shadows in a corner on the ledge you started on. Go over to the shadows and bang on the wall. This will attract the attention on of the three hunters in the area. Hearing the noise he will come looking for you. When he turns his back go up and execute him. Take his machete and go back to the shadows. Bang on the wall again to attract the second hunter. Do the same thing you did with the previous one. After is executed go back into the shadows. Tap the wall yet again to attract the final hunter. When he turns his back on you go up and execute him. When they are all dead you will view a cut scene. Ramirez is royally pissed, and yells at some more hunters to kill you. The camera will zoom in to reveal that they have shotguns. Once again hide in shadows and tap the wall. They may come in a pack, so be patient. Wait until you get one of them alone. Go up and execute him once he has his back turned then take his shotgun. Now seek out the other two hunters and blow them away. Take the ammo they drop then head for the apartment building. FIRST FLOOR Hug the wall on the right and shimmy to the corner. Tap the wall with your shotgun to attract the hunter in the hallway. When he gets close enough pop out and blow his head off. The hunter at the end of the hallway will notice you. Fire off a few rounds and he should die. Make your away down the hall then turn left. Go around the hallway then up the stairs. Hit this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT savepoint then go up the hall. SECOND FLOOR Go left down the hallway then hug the wall. Pop out and shoot the hunter on patrol. Once again the hunter at the end of the hallway will notice you. Shoot him to death then continue down the hallway. At the top of the stairs is a guard, but he will not come looking for you. Quickly run up the stairs and shoot him before he notices you. THIRD FLOOR Go around the hallway and you will come to a hunter in shadows. Quickly blast his head off then go back down the hallway (yes back). Hug the wall near a corner then wait for two hunters with machetes to come snooping for you. When they are in range blast them then keep going around the hall. Go up the stairs to the next floor. FOURTH FLOOR Go around the corner and hug the wall on the left. Tap the wall to attract the hunter on the other side of the area. When he is in radius pop out and shoot him in the head. Two other hunters will come looking for you. Repeat the same strategy as before. When they are both dead head around the hallway and up the stairs. Your objective now is to kill Ramirez, who is running through the apartment building. FOURTH FLOOR PART 2 Don’t bother trying to kill Ramirez, the time will come. Run down the set of stairs and quickly take out the two hunters before they can shoot you. Go around the hallway and stop at the top of the stairs. Tap the wall to attract another hunter. Shoot him in the head once he gets close enough. Repeat this strategy on the hunter that follows him then go down the steps. THIRD FLOOR PART 2 Go to the base of the stairs then head right. Go down the hallway and hug the wall. Tap the wall with your gun to attract the hunter with a machete. Pop out and kill him then wait for another one. Kill him too then continue down the hallway. Go down the steps to the second level. SECOND LEVEL PART 2 Go around the hallway and take out the hunter with the machete. Keep going around the hallway until you come to another hunter. Take him out quickly then head down the stairs. FIRST LEVEL PART 2 Simply run through the first floor and exit the apartment. Considering how badass he acts, you think this guy would be hard. He’s not, in fact he is the easiest boss in the game. Ramirez is located on top of the ledge you started this stage on. On his sides are two hunters. The hunters will spread out and take cover. The will fire on your position. Believe it or not the hunters are harder then Ramirez. Immediately take some cover behind the cars ahead of you. Now pop up and quickly take out the two hunters. Reload then pop up and start shooting Ramirez. Do not stop and get behind cover until you have to reload. Repeat this and he will die fairly quickly. Once he is dead a lone hunter will come looking for you. Find some cover then pop up and kill him. Now head to blip on your radar to end the stage. You will see a cut scene here. Cash runs through the gate and is met by a car. The girl inside yells at him to get in. Cash follows here orders and jumps inside the car. The girl reveals that she is a reporter, and has enough evidence to expose the Director, or Starkweather. He is on to her how ever, and she needs to get out of town. The Reporter needs to get here info at her apartment and needs you to be her body guard. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.15- Press Coverage | [315PC] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ When you start this stage you will view a cut scene, well sort of. Starkweather and the police chief are talking about Cash. The Director wants Cash to be brought to him alive. The camera will shift view to you and the reporter in the car. Cash tells her to stop and follow him. This is similar to the chapter "drunk driving", except the reporter will come looking for you if you go to far away. Really a pain in the ass. Once you ready head down the street until you come to the large hole. Tell the reporter to stay put then go into the hole. Pick up the crowbar and find some shadows. Tap something near you and to attract one of the cops. When he turns his back on you go up and execute him. Go back into the shadows and tap the wall once more. When the other cop comes he will see the dead body (technically if you don’t let cops see the dead bodies they wont pull out their guns, but I recommend just getting it over with). Once he puts his back to you go up and execute him. Once they are both dead go back and collect the reporter. Take her down the street and stop when you get past the construction area. Tell her to stay there then go down the street. Stay on the right side and you will come to a pillar with shadows. Hide in the shadows and tap the wall with your crowbar. Another cop will show up looking for you. When he has his back turned go up and execute him. If he has a gun take it then go back into the shadows. If he doesn’t, chances are the next one will. Go back into the shadows and tap on the wall. Repeat the same strategy as before then take his gun if you don’t already have one. Now tap the wall once more to attract the third of five hunters. This time just wait until he is in range then blow his head off. Now head down the street a bit and you will come to some cop cars. Use one of them as cover then pop up and look for some cops. When you find one start firing. Some more cops will come, but don’t sweat it. Concentrate on taking them out one at a time. When they are all dead head back and collect the journalist. On your way switch your revolver for the crowbar. When she’s back to following you head all the way back to the second set of cop cars then go on the right side of the street. In this area is a SWAT van. Go to the back and use the crowbar to rip open the doors. Inside is a heavy hand gun and some painkillers. When you are ready go to the exact opposite side of the street and you will find an opened door. Walk up to it and the reporter will unlock the door for you. Go inside and hit the save point. Tell the reporter to stay here then head up the stairs. When you reach the top you will be greeted by a shotgun wielding cop. Quickly take him out and grab his shotgun. On the right is a hallway. On the left side of the hallway is a room with two cops. On the right side of the hallway is the reporter’s apartment, with 4 cops. You have to be quick about this. Run into the room with two cops and take them out with the shotgun. Grab their ammo then head into the hallway and hug the wall near the apartment. Now peek in and shoot all the cops one at a time. When they are all dead go back and collect the reporter. Bring her up to the apartment and you will view a small cut scene. Once your back in control you will be on top of a balcony. Head left and Cash will automatically climb down the ladder. Go down the alley and run into the savepoint. Head right and go down the alley a bit. Stay to the left and you will come to a dumpster. Hug the wall near it then tap it with your shotgun. Two cops will come walking down the alley. Wait until they are both in range then pop out and kill them both. Take their ammo then head out into the street. Go down the street and into the building marked "CHIPS Casino". Quietly stick to the left and trail the cop on patrol. Shoot him in the head then find some cover. Some more cops will show up. Wait until they are in range then blow their heads off. When the two cops are dead head down the hallway with the slot machines. Go right past the double doors then up the stairs. Keep going strait ahead of you and you will come to a balcony. On your right is a cop with a sniper rifle. Kill him then take his gun. Four cops will take positions in front of the casino. Snipe the close ones first then take care of the other ones. More cops will come, but you have most likely used most of your ammo. Go back down the stairs and find some cover. Wait until the cops are in range then blow their heads off. When they are all dead exit the casino and head down the street. Your objective is to get into the subway, but several cops are blocking your way. Go past the two SWAT vans then go left. Look down the street at the entrance to the subway. You should still have two shots left with the sniper rifle. Snipe two of the three cops there then keep heading down the street. Stay to the left side and you will come to some stairs. Go up the stairs and head across the roof of the building. Shoot the cop on the other side of the dounut sign then take his sniper ammo. Snipe the last cop guarding the entrance to the subway. Head down the stairs then across the street. Go into the subway to end the chapter. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 | 3.16- Wrong Side of the Tracks | [316WT] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This chapter will begin with a cut scene. A SWAT team member will run up to the power box and shut it off. This means that you need to turn the power back on by opening the switch. This will restore power to the rails and the last train will be able to leave. When you are in control head down the stairs and take out the closest cop. The other cop in the station will flee inside a door on the far left. Go through the door on the left side and shoot the cop in the head. Go in the hallway and kill the guard with the machine gun. Switch whatever weapon you have for the machine gun then head for the door on the right side of the hallway. Use your shotgun to blast off the lock then continue into the subway tracks. Run down the tracks a bit and you will see a cut scene. Three SWAT members are coming from the direction ahead of you. Another three are behind you inside the station. Head back to the station and kick open the door. Kill the cop here and take his ammo. Run down the hallway and turn left. The cops will know where you are, so don’t expect to sneak up on any of them. By now the other three cops will have caught up, making you face a total of five cops. Wait for them to get in a group then hug the wall near the door. Tap it with your gun and one of the cops will rush inside the hallway. Quickly take him out then wait for the other cops to make the same mistake. When they are all dead go and collect their ammo then head back to the tracks where saw the second cut scene. Head down the tracks until you come to the junction. Stay on the left until you come to a hole in the wall (on the right side of this tunnel and it leads to the other track). Hide in here and tap the wall. Wait for the cop to get close then blow his head off. By shooting that one cop you will attract several more. Wait until they are in range then pop out and shred them to pieces with your shotgun. When they are all dead go over and collect their ammo. Now stick to the far LEFT of the tracks and you will come to a savepoint. To the right is a door leading into a hallway. On each side of the hallway are two cops. Run in and take out the one on the right first. Quickly find some cover then take out the one on the left. Take the ammo laying around then head into the left branch of this hallway. Follow this branch and you will come to a door marked "Control Room". Go inside and take out the cop. Go up the stairs and look for the control panel. To the left of the panel is the power switch. Flip on the power and you will see a cut scene. The doors on the subway are now open. Now start heading back to the station and you will meet up with some more cops. Use your Machine Gun to waste them then continue back to the station. Go into the subway to continue. The train will start to move really fast then will suddenly stop at the next station. Run forward and use the painkillers if you need then go left into the savepoint. Quietly sneak out of the door at the end of the hallway. Two cops are waiting you. Use your shotgun/machine gun to kill them then switch your weapon for the light handgun. Hug the wall next to set of stairs then wait for the two cops to come snooping. When they are in range peek out and blow their heads off. Now head up the stairs and take out the cop behind the minibar. Wait here for a second and some cops will come out of the gate to the right. When they are in range shoot them to death then go into left gate. Go in the hallway ahead of you then go up the stairs. Quickly take out the cop behind the food stand then go around the corner. Go up the stairs to end the stage. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.17- Trained to Kill | [317TK] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This stage begins with cut scene. Piggsy, after tearing at his chains forever has finally escaped. He grabs his chainsaw and heads out the door. When you are in control head down the hallway and you will come to some stairs. At the top of the stairs is a cop on patrol. Sneak up the stairs and shoot him in the head. Two more cops will come looking for you. Run back into the subway and hug the wall near the doorway. Wait until the cops are close enough then pop out. Blast their heads off then go back up the stairs and outside. To your left is a door with a large sign marked "Welcome to CARCER POINT STATION". Hug the wall on the left or right side then peek inside. A cop will be patrolling around a bench. Wait until he has his back turned then go up and shoot him in the head. Go down the hallway to the right then head down the stairs. Kill the cop on patrol here then head down the hallway. Go in the first opening on the right and you will meet up with a SWAT team member. Quickly kill him then take his submachine gun. Now go back in the main hallway and go in the second opening to your left (act as if it was your first time down the hallway). Go strait and you will come to a cop walking around the base of some steps. Shoot him then head down the steps. Go in the first door to the right and you will find a box of 30 machine gun bullets. Now go back to where you shot the guard who had the machine gun. Head left in this hallway and you will come out on the other side of the station. Keep going left and you will find an alley with a crowbar in it. Switch your Machine Gun only for a second for the crowbar. Now facing the alley make a 180 degree turn then go forward. Quickly use the crowbar on the gate then head back and get your machine gun. Go back to the gate and head into the save point. Quietly walk into the shadows behind the train on your right. A cop will slowly walk in front of you. Blow his head off (conserve the machine gun ammo, its hard to find). This will attract some more cops. Facing the now dead cop turn to the left and a lone cop will be standing around. Wait until all the cops are unaltered then sneak up and shoot him in the head. You should still have about 43 bullets left with the submachine gun. Wait until they ALL are close then target one. Hold down the A button and watch the bullets rip them apart (kind of nasty, but oh well). You will most likely have burned all your ammo, so switch your machine gun for one of the revolvers then go collect all the ammo. Now head down the trainyard and you will come to two cops taking cover behind several boxes. In the middle of the trainyard is an open train. Go inside then head all the way down to the end of train car. You will find a window here with a perfect view of the area where the cops are taking cover. Fire on one of them until dead, then repeat for the next two. When they are all dead advance towards the boxes, but DONT go through the hole in the wall. Use boxes as cover then tap the wall. Four cops with shotguns will come snooping around for you. Wait until they are all in range then pop out and kill them. This is harder then it looks, and you may have to double back and get some painkillers. Once you are ready head into the next section of the train yard. Directly in front of your location is a train with a savepoint on top of it. Go up to the back of the train and lean against the wall. Wait until the cop nearby come patrolling then pop out and kill him. Three more cops will come snooping down both ends of the train. Whenever they get close enough pop out and blow them away. When all four cops are dead go to the right side of the train and head up the ladder. Run into the savepoint then head down the train. Cash will automatically jump whenever you reach the gap, so don’t worry about falling. Jump over the two gaps to reach the final train car. Below you on the other side of the fence is a cop patrolling the area. Use your shotgun to kill him then wait a sec. A group of enemies will come running towards you. Shoot one then back up down the train until they are unaware of your presence again. Go back up and kill another one. Repeat this until they all are dead then jump down into the next section. Run to the end of this area and switch your machine gun for the crowbar. Head to the left then use the crowbar on the gate to advance. You will be treated to a cut scene here. Cash starts to run out of the train yard only to be met by a group of SWAT members. They surround you and start trash talking. Just as you are about to be executed, the Cerberus unit (The Directors personal guard) show up. They murder the entire group of SWAT members then grab you. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.18- Boarder Patrol | [318BP] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This stage starts out with a helicopter hovering around a large mansion. This is where Lionel Starkweather is located, but you will not be able to face him for another three chapters. The camera will switch view to you being pulled out of the Van. It shifts again to Piggsy, who begins his murderous rampage. When your in control head right and grab the bottles. Now go left to find the wire lying around. Now facing the back of the Van go right and use the switch tucked inside the corner. Quickly hug the wall as this will attract a hunter. When he has his back turned go up and execute him. Take his heavy handgun then head outside. Your are now in one small section of the manor grounds. Now head left into the corner of the area with the pots lying around. Now fire off your gun then use the pots of cover. Three hunters will come looking around for you. Wait until they are all in decent range then pop up and shoot one of them in the head. The other hunters might be too far back. If that be the case get back behind cover. Pop up and shoot one of the two hunters to death then have a one-on-one with the other one. Go collect the trio of enemies ammo then head in the direction they came from. You will come to a opening in the hedges with a path leading up a hill. Quietly creep up the hill then stick to the right when you reach the circular hedge formation. Go around it and you will meet up with a guard. Once you are in range blow his head off. Now go to the back of the building where you first started this stage. Between some garbage you will find a crowbar. Switch your handgun for it then run back to the area where you killed the last guard. Use the crowbar to open the gate. Now go back behind the first building and switch your crowbar for the handgun. Continue back to the gate then creep through. The next area has a formation of hedges like this. * = - Hedge * * - Tree * == ====== == == == ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== Hug one of the hedges in a position so you can pop out and shoot someone in the head without them being able to see you. Tap the wall and you will attract one hunter. When he is in short distance pop out and blast him. Now quickly hide in the shadows of one of the trees. A hunter with a shotgun will come snooping around. Wait until he is close enough then shoot him in the head. Now continue through the courtyard. Right before you reach the savepoint between the two hedges you will view a cutscene. Starkweather wants you and Piggsy dead, so he’s sent out snipers to guard the entrance of his mansion. Alot of people have trouble with this part, as it is very difficult if you just stage a frontal assault. I found it much easier to use the method listed here. Right after you walk into the savepoint run back to the nearby hedge and hug the wall. Tap the hedge to make a hunter come running down the pathway. When he is close enough pop out and blast him. Don’t take his assault rifle just yet, as several more hunters come looking for trouble. Wait until they get the nerve to come looking then pop out and blast them. Repeat this strategy until all of the hunters are dead. Go out and switch your shotgun for the assault rifle (Now your talking....). Now head to your left and go through the arch hedge. Go right and head all the way down the courtyard. Go down the small stair set next to the weird statue. Aim down the stairs and Cash should target a lone hunter. Kill him then hug the wall on the right side of the stairs. Two more hunters stroll along looking for you. Wait until they are in range then pop out and blow their heads off. You could also just wait then rip them to pieces with your assault rifle. Either way just kill them. Once they are dead head left and you will be greeted by a trio of enemies. Just flat out shoot them to death then make your way to the middle of the maze. Here you will find an important savepoint, as the next part of this stage is very difficult. Once your ready head out of the maze and go to the exact opposite area you started the maze from. Here is another set of stairs leading to the front of Starkweather manor. Hide in the shadows on the right next to the hedge. Tap the wall to attract a group of hunters. When ONE of them is close to you shoot him in the head. If you try to shoot a group you will end up dying since they are packing guns that can kill you in about 10 hits, and they are automatic. Once he is dead the other hunters will notice you. Run back down the stairs and hug the fence on the right. Wait until the hunters have lost interest in you then tap the hedge. Wait until they are close enough then pop out and waste them with your Assault Rifle. Collect the group of hunters ammo then head back up the stairs. Go in the door in front of the mansion. Go right through the hallway then up the stairs. When you reach the top go in the dark hallway then sneak out and kill the sniper. Don’t take his sniper rifle, instead use your assault rifle to kill the enemies coming at you at the base of the manor. When all of them are dead head back down the stairs and you will most likely meet three hunters. Kill them all then go back in front of the manor. Facing the door you just came from go right and follow the path all the way to the side of the manor. Follow this path until you reach the steps. Go down then into the door to end the chapter. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 | 3.19- Key Personal | [319KP] | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Walk through the door ahead of you and stop right when you reach the hallway. Look to your right and shoot the camera overlooking the hall. Quickly run back into the previous room and go down the stairs. ----- POWER ----- Stay there and wait until the hunters come looking for you. Keep your manual aim on the door and wait until Cash targets someone. When they do finally make it through the door kill them all. When the group is dead go up and collect the ammo then go back into the hallway. From here go right until you come to a large circular room. Take out any enemies on the ground level then kill the ones on the balcony. Go in the next hallway and shoot the camera. Now go back into the previous room and hug the wall near the hallway. Wait until the hunters come running down the hallway then pop out and shoot them to death. When the small group is dead go collect all the ammo they left around. Continue down the hallway until you come to a fork. Destroy the camera on the left then wait for any enemies. If they do show kill them then go in the room to your right. Use the painkillers in here if you need to then go through the double doors at the end of the hallway. Kill all the enemies in here then run through the next door to reach a savepoint. Run through the door to the left of the stairs then through the two more doors. Go down into the stairs and into the basement. Immediately shoot a hunter in front of the door then go right down the hallway. Shoot the pair of enemies coming at you then continue down the hallway. Run left and take out the pair off enemies that show up. Follow this hallway until you reach a wooden door. Go inside and kill the hunter then use the switch to turn the power back on. --- KEY --- Now quietly head back into the previous passage. Take out the hunter patrolling just outside the door. Now continue back down the passage and go up the stairs. Kill the pair of enemies that spawn at the top of the steps then go into the hallway. Aim at the floor above you and Cash will lock on to another hunter patrolling the upper balcony. Shoot him to death then get behind cover. A hunter will come up from behind your former position. Shoot him to death and you will attract some more hunters located on the upper balcony. Shoot them the same way you did the other one that was patrolling up there. When all of them are dead head up the stairs and up to the third floor. Quickly shoot the security camera up here then go into the hall. Lean up against the wall on the right. Three hunters will come snooping around in the large room ahead of you. When they are in close range pop out and waste them all. Collect the trio’s ammo then head down the stairs. Go right then start running towards the doorway. Two enemies will pop out. Kill them both then collect their ammo. Go up the stairs and head into the hallway on your right. Quickly shoot the camera here to save you allot of trouble then head into the small room. Ahead of you are some dome double doors with a small sign marked "Head of Security". Inside the next room is the head of security and a couple of hunters. Depending on the difficulty the next part can be rather hard. Use the painkillers if you need them then go in and storm the place. Hold down the left trigger and just keep holding the A button. Once they are all dead go up and collect the card that the head of security dropped. Collect all the ammo and painkillers that the hunters dropped then go back outside of the room. Go down the hallway to your left. Go down this hallway and immediately take out the security camera. Run to the elevator and use the switch on the left to open it up. You will see a rather awesome cut scene of Piggsy grinding into the elevator with his chainsaw. Just before he breaks through Cash jumps into the grading on the elevator ceiling. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |3.20- Deliverance | [320DE] | | 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This map is going to extremely helpful, just as it is in the other faqs. |--| 0================0 =======| ^|======== |> - Wooden Spike| ATTIC |||| | |^ - Glass Shard | STAIRS| | | ===| ====| |P - Painkillers | |= ====| | RM1 >| |RM1- Room 1 | | |====| ====| 0================0 | | | |= ====| |=| | = ==== |===|==| | | | | | P| |======| | | | ==| | ========| | | | | |START |=========== | ============ | | | | | ^ | |======| Welcome to the official face off with Piggsy. In order to continue from this area you must sneak attack Piggsy three times. The only problem is that he has a chainsaw that can kill you with for thrusts and he can appear at random anywhere. For now down pay any attention to "RM1". That will become important later on in this stage. Once you start this stage you are faced with an immediate problem. Piggsy will spawn in front of you eventually, no matter where you go. I have figured out where Piggsy will spawn, so I made up this little strategy to help you beat him without having to retry a million times. Right when you are in control go down the hallway then head left. Run all the way down this long hallway towards the glass shard. Right before you reach it Piggsy will pop out of the corner. Now your going to have to be quick about this. Grab the glass shard at the end of the hallway and run to the right. Go around the corner and hide inside the room with the wooden stake. Hopefully Piggsy will have lost you by now. Even if you did lose him right away he will still be snooping around your location. Wait until he is close enough then go up and sneak attack him (Don’t bother holding down the X button it wont make a difference). Piggsy will run away for second. Quickly run back and pick up the wooden stake then hide inside the shadows. Tap the wall a few times and Piggsy will come searching for you. Wait until he has his back turned then go up and sneak attack him. When he runs away immediately head for the second shard. Piggsy might catch up to you, so you might have to lose him and come back. Once you get the shard hide in the shadows and tap the wall to make Piggsy come snooping around. Once his back is turned to you go up and sneak attack him for the third time. Instead of just running around again Piggsy will head for the area on the map marked "Attic Stairs". Go up the first set off attic stairs and take the brick on your right. Now go up the ramp made of trash and you will reach the attic. Piggsy is standing still on the left. Quietly sneak to along the right side of the attic until you reach the end of the pillar. Now run out past the pillar and down the stairs. Go up the staircase to your right. On the top of this area is a glass sheet in the floor. Run over it and wait for Piggsy to follow. When he walks on it you will see a short cut scene. Piggsy runs down the stairs and back into he attack. Go down the set of stairs and throw the brick into the attic. This will attract Piggsy. Quickly run back up the steps and lead Piggsy over the glass sheet in the floor. The glass will shatter, and Piggsy will hold on to the edges of where the glass once stood. Cash picks up the chainsaw and proceeds to Cut off Piggsy's hands so he falls to the bottom of the staircase. You are now the proud owner of the chainsaw. Use X to turn it on and off and A to squeeze the trigger. Now walk into the save point then use the chainsaw on the door. The Director will send the last of his personal guards to kill you. The hunters rush through the door only to find Cash running down the steps. Once you are in control head through the attic and back into the area which you started the stage. Go into "RM1" and wait for the hunters to come. They will stop just before the room and start to split up. Once of them will walk into the room. When he has his back turned go up and press X (you don’t even have to lock on). When he is dead switch your chainsaw for his assault rifle then hide in the shadows. The other two hunters will come snooping around. Wait until BOTH of them are in headshot range then blast their heads off. Now go back up the stairs and you will find two more hunters guarding the door. Aim at them through the hole in the floor. Shoot both of them to death then head back down into "RM1" and get your chainsaw. Run back to the door where the previous savepoint was located then use the chainsaw on it. You will now meet up with the sick fatass sadist that has been guiding you through game of death. Hold down the X button and charge forward. One hit with the chainsaw should do it. You will now be treated to a rather pleasing cut scene. Cash rips open Stark weathers belly, then throws him on the floor. The Directors last words are "I MADE YOU CASH!". With this final statement Cash puts the chainsaw above his head then swings down chopping the director’s brain in two. Well done. You’ve beaten the game. If this is your first time through I recommend playing through again on hardcore difficulty. I hope this guide helped you in anyway it could and that you had a great experience with Manhunt. /============================================================================\ 0==============================================================================0 |4. Credits | [4CRED] | | 0==============================================================================0 \============================================================================/ -Thanks to Microsoft for making such a great gaming system -Thanks to Kao Megura for inspiring me to make a faq -I really need to thank Jonathan Mathew’s software for creating the ASCII generator, helped allot. Copyright 2004-2005 David Donaldson