====================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++ DEAD OR ALIVE 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== ------------------ -Ryu Hayabusa FAQ- ------------------ By GheddoLN - full name: Jose F. Vargas(jotazo9@hotmail.com). For the XBoX. Started : November 27, 2001 Last updated : November 27, 2001. Version : 0.1 File size : 166KB -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo TABLE OF CONTENTS ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I. Versions II. Credits III. Copyright IV. Introduction V. Char. Profile VI. Basics VII. Controls VIII. Movelist IX. E-Mailing rules X. Conclusion. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Versions ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Version # - 0.1 Date - 11/27/01 Information - Every section done. File size - 166KB -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ooo Credits ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- CjayC(www.gamefaqs.com) - For posting all of my guides and maintaining such a wonderul site. Neoseeker.com - For posting nearly every FAQ I've made. Tecmo - For making this game IGN - most of the info of this guide I got from theirs. Ryu Hayabusa - For bein the them of the FAQ ^___^ To me - For typing this FAQ. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Copyright ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This FAQ may only be used by the next wepages: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com Why?. Because I said so. Therefore, you are NOT allowed to use this FAQ without my permission. This includes copying whole or part of it, and using it for any purpose, or posting it in your web. This only may be possible is you ask to the author. Not asking to the author and doing any of the two things listed above IS going to be penalized severely, as this is protected by law. However, this are not the only rules. You cannot use this FAQ for ANY monetary purpose, and that includes printing it and selling it, or including it on a promotional CD of any class. You can't make it public, as this FAQ purpose has been created only for the www public PLUS you CAN'T say you made this FAQ, as it is copyrighted. Any violation of any rule listed above IS going to be penalized. Oh, if you're going to use this FAQ for ANYTHING, please, send an e-mail to jotazo9@hotmail.com and inform about it. Thanks. -This FAQ is (c) of Jose F. Vargas. 2001. All rights reserved- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Introduction ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Welcome to my fifth FAQ for gamefaqs.com. My neighbor and friend, Jonas, got his XboX yesterday(11/26/01). Amongst the game he had, there was one called "Dead or Alive 3". I knew it was multiplayer, and I played it with him. I totally loved the game!. So, I started to investigate about the character I liked the most, Ryu Hayabusa. The game is pretty good, specially if you've friends to play with. I like the most the team battles, but that's me. It has impressive graphics and a responsive control(even though X's control feels like cheap plastic). The sound its not the best, in my opinion. Anyway, its a pretty cool game you should try(if you have an X). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Charactern profile ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Nationality: Japanese Gender: Male Birthday: June 15 Age: 23 Blood Type: A Height/Weight: 5'10", 154 lbs Body size: B41" W33" H36" Fighting style: Hayabusa Style Ninjutsu Occupation: Owns curio shop Likes: Sushi Hobbies: Mountain climbing, fishing Ryu Hayabusa is a ninja, friend of Hayame, who in the last tournament brought down Bakotsu(the Tengu of destruction) who brought chaos to the world. After doing so, he thinks about taking a time to rest. However, he can't now that the world is being menaced by Genra, a being created by DOATEC. Hyabusa is a great fighter. He's a jack-of-all-trades, as he has good speed, huge power, speed and several moves and throws that are amongst the more powerful and fast-health-draining moves in the game. Basically, Ryu's most powerful combo attacks are those that make use of his deadly punches and kicks. He has very strong moves that can be combined with an environment item or a fall. He can also use Ninja Gaiden moves( cough neckthrow cough). I personally like to use "leaping" combos on stages with falls. I love to see the opponent slaughtered and then falling down into next year. My friend and I agree that he's the best(or in my case, "versatile") character in the game, as he's fast, powerful and cool. ------------------------------------- <--+--> Hayabusa in a TagTeam <--+--> ------------------------------------- Hayabusa can be tagged with Ayame and Kazumi, even though I prefer tagging him with Bass. I heard that Tina is a good partner due to the throws they can make. I select Bass because... yes. I have no real reason to do so. You can also tem him with Gen Fu, Bayman and Leon. Jan lee is another option, but I go for Bass, really. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Basic tips ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ <---+---> Throwing <---+---> To throw an opponent, get near him and tap the A button. If the enemy is crouching, press down in the D-Pad and then the A button to throw him. Throwing is very useful, specially in levels with falls. However, they, alone, can deal some good damage. Every time you can, use this movement on your opponent. <---+---> Blocking <---+---> To block, press and hold the X button. That way, you'll stop enemy moves or at least decrease its power. Remember, when you are standing and blocking, only upper-body moves, such as those directed to the chest and head, may be blocked. Any lower-body move will be received. To block low-body moves, press down in the D-Pad and press and hold the X button to negate/less the movement power. There are certain moves that cannot be blocked, while others will stun you if you're in the blocking position. <---+---> Countering <---+---> Moves can be blocked. However, to block them, you must press certain combination of buttons before the move is executed, you'll be able to block them. The combinations depend on what kind of move the enemy is executing, either low, middle or upper body moves. Let's see the buttons combinations: High attacks: Diagonal Up+back+X Middle attacks: Back+X Low attacks : Diagonal down+back+X Jumping attacks: back+X -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Controls ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ D-Pad.................................................Moves character X(free).........................Used to hold and block(press and hold) Y...............................................................Punch A...............................................................Throw B................................................................kick Black button..................................Simultaneous kick/punch Black button................................Simultaneous X/kick/punch L button.....................................................Not used R button..........................................Simultaneous X/kick -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Ryu's movelist ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo Legend ooo F : Forwards B : Back U : Up D : Down Diag : Diagonal(Diag U/D - Diagonal up/down) QC : Quarter circle motion HC : Half circle motion 360 : Complete circle on the pad [] : Hold button WS~ : Any move followed by this should be performed after standing from the crounch possition(example, WS~k, press k after rasing from a crouch) WC~ : While crouching f : X button p : Y button k : B button t : A button ooo ooo ====================================================================== Name - Combinations - Damage - Additional notes ----------------------------------------------------------- Ren-Jaki-Baraii ooo p,p,p,p ooo 20-37 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Kuzen-Sangeki ooo p,p B+p, p,p ooo 20-28 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Ren-Yami-Bara ooo p,p B+p, D+p ooo 20-22 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Meki-Tatsumaki ooo p,p B+p, k ooo 20-18-36 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Ren-Kikoku-Shentei ooo p,p, k,k,k ooo 20-33 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Jinpu-Ren-Kyauku ooo p,p, D+k ooo 20-25 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Hato-Gori ooo p,k,k ooo 10-40 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Hatotsu-Rensho ooo F+p, k,k ooo 18-37 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Raishin-Geki ooo F,F+p ooo 28 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Amatsuki ooo U+p ooo 18 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Kushin-Geki ooo B+p, p ooo 18-28 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Hayo-Nagi-Gori ooo B+p, k ooo 18-30 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Yami-Barai ooo B+p, D+p ooo 18-22 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Akki-Barai ooo Daig+U/B+p, p ooo 38 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Shinzu Zuki ooo Diag. D/F p,p,p o 20-30 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Chiken Kyaku ooo [Daig D/B]+p,k oo 18-25 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Garyo-Sen ooo QCF+p ooo 28 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Jaki Barai ooo k,p ooo 43 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Harumi-Guruma ooo k,k ooo 48 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Nichirin Kyaku ooo Daig U/F+k ooo 35 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Hagen-Koryu-Kyaku ooo U+k,k ooo 37 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Tenrin-Kyaku ooo Diag. U/B+k ooo 40 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Onisbishi ooo WS~K ooo 27 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Ura-Chiso-Kyaku ooo Daig. D/F+k,k ooo 22-24 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Haja-Rensho ooo F+k,k ooo 37 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Isuberi ooo F,F+k ooo 28 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Chsio-Shoryu-Kyaku ooo Diag. D/B+k,k ooo 50 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Jinpu-Geki ooo [Daig. D/B]+k,k o 22-25 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Jinpu-Ren-Geki ooo Diag D/B+k ooo 24, 49 ooo None [Daig D/B]+k,k oo ----------------------------------------------------------- Riei-Shusen-Kyaku ooo F,B+k ooo 27 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Korin-Kyaku ooo B+k ooo 33 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Kai-Miri ooo QCF+k ooo 29 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Shoryu-Kyaku ooo WS~B+k ooo 26 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Soku Rento ooo P+k, p ooo 34 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Tenma-Medio-Ha ooo F+p+k ooo 26 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Gao-Sho ooo B+p+k ooo 63 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Rekku-Rakkushi-Ga ooo Diag D/F+p+k,k oo 34 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Kikoku-Shintei-Kyaku o F+k,k,k ooo 42 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Chiiso-Kyaku ooo B+f+k ooo 32 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Jinpu-Kyaku ooo D+f+k ooo 25 ooo None ----------------------------------------------------------- Zanma-Geri ooo Diag D/F+f+k ooo 40 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Furetsu ooo B+p+k ooo 38 ooo against wall ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rakushin-Ga ooo B+k ooo 24 ooo back foe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Koten-Sieken-Suki ooo p ooo 10 ooo during tenshi- Gaishi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Koten-Sokuto-Ger ooo D+k ooo 25 ooo during tenshi- Gaeshi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Senjin-Kyaku ooo k,k ooo 30 ooo during tenshi- Gaeshi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenjo-Kyaku ooo p+k ooo 52 ooo during tenshi- Gaeshi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Muso-Gari ooo f+k ooo 31 ooo during tenshi- Gaeshi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Naraku-Zuki ooo U+p+k ooo 18 ooo on downed foe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Toraga-Sodan ooo D+p ooo 10 ooo on downed foe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <---+---> Throws <---+---> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Juji-Garami ooo t ooo 40 ooo none ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kubiriki Nage ooo U+t ooo 45 ooo None .--------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoro-Uchi ooo U+t ooo 55 ooo facing wall ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shiho Nage ooo Diag D/F+t ooo 48 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yama-Arashi ooo B+t ooo 56 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hayabusa-Geri ooo F,F+t ooo 50 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hen-Ei ooo F+t ooo 0 ooo flips over foe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rakruai-Sho ooo QCF+t ooo 60 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Izuna-Otoshi ooo HCF+t, HCU+T, 360+t ooo 80 ooo Throwing attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ura-Nage ooo t ooo 52 ooo foe's back ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kandashi-Otoshi ooo B+t ooo 55 ooo foe's back ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rakuruky-Sho ooo F+t ooo 58 ooo foe's back ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Zansu-Zen ooo D+t ooo 55 ooo foe's crouching ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hene-Karakuri ooo Diag. D/B+t ooo 62 ooo foe's crouching ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Takitsubo-Watari ooo D+t ooo 57 ooo cruching foe Back ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <---+---> Holds <---+---> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Zenko-Izuna ooo Diag U/B+f,HCU ooo 75 ooo None +f, 360+f ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kage-Toro ooo Diag U/B+f ooo 45 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rekko-Izuna ooo B+f,HCU+f, 360 ooo 75 ooo None +f ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Orochi-Gari ooo B+f ooo 45 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoko-Izuna ooo Diag D/B+f,HCU ooo 75 ooo None +f. 360+f ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Koken Giri ooo Diag D/B +f ooo 45 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gasai ooo B+f ooo 67 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <---+---> Special moves <---+---> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenchi Gaeshi ooo D+p+k ooo 0 ooo Handstand spec. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Urazake ooo Diag U/F+p ooo 0 ooo None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nin ooo B,F,B+f+p+k ooo 0 ooo appeal taunt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Zetsu ooo F,B,F+t+p+k ooo 0 ooo appeal taunt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rei ooo D,D+t+p+k ooo 0 ooo appeal taunt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ooo E-maling rules ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Do's - Things you can do. ------------------------- * Ask a question. BUT. Be sure the question is not contained in the FAQ, or you'll be ignored. * Send contributions. Stick CONTR as the subject an I'll read your e- mail ASAP. * Send me constructive criticism. * Ask questions about the game. * Social mail is also accepted. Don'ts - Things to avoid. ------------------------- * Chain letters. Send one of those and you'll be blocked. * Stick CONTR as the subject and the letter has nothing to do with it. I'll block you if you do so. * Hate mail. Send of those and you'll be blocked. * Send nonsense things such as "I want to marry you", "Buy me that", "Send this mail to him/her" etc. * Bad works. F***k you and the likes. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ooo Conclusion ooo -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hope you enjoyed the guide. This is the end. Other FAQs by me ---------------- Skies of Arcadia walkthrough Elcian enemy strategy-Skies of arcadia MGS2 - Coming soon? This file can be hosted by: --------------------------- www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com GheddonLN, owner of the present... past... and future. "I'm waiting for ya in my tower of Gheddon..." ###### ## ## ## #### ### ### # # #### ### ### # #### ### ## ## # ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # # # #### # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # ## ## ## # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # # # ## #### ### ### #### ### ## ##### ### ### ### ########## # # -=EOF=-