ORIGINAL FAQ DATE: Sunday, December 4th, 2005 _____ _ _ / ____| | | | | | | ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ __| | | | / _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | |___| (_) | | | | (_| | __/ | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | \_____\___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|_| |_|\___|\__,_| _____ _ _ _ / ____| (_) (_) | | | | _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ __ _| | | | | '__| | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _` | | | |____| | | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | \_____|_| |_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|_| ____ _ _ / __ \ (_) (_) | | | |_ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ | | | | '__| |/ _` | | '_ \/ __| | |__| | | | | (_| | | | | \__ \ \____/|_| |_|\__, |_|_| |_|___/ __/ | |___/ [-----------------] [ Backstory Guide ] [-----------------] Author : JPaterson Platform : Microsoft Xbox 360 Last Updated : Sunday, September 24th, 2006 Version : Final E-Mail : == See "[A] Contact Information" == Website : http://jpat000.stormloader.com GameFAQS CRP : http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8939.html For more of my FAQs, as well as full HTML strategy guides with screenshots, check out CHEAT HAPPENS at: http://www.cheathappens.com/ Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain =============================================================================== UPDATE & REVISION HISTORY Sep. 24th, 2006 (Final.1) - Added a more accurate translation of the German text from the Fourth Propaganda Report. Thanks to Roger GE. Changed website address. Changed e-mail address. Dec. 4th, 2005 (Final) - Guide is finished. Until people submit theories regarding Condemned's story, I hope this guide has further served to help you understand what's running beneath Condemned's surface. =============================================================================== Table of Contents [1] Introduction [2] Prologue [2.1] Prequel [3] Backstories [3.1] Chapter 1 - Weisman Office Building [3.2] Chapter 2 - Central Metro Station [3.3] Chapter 3 - Metro Station Platforms [3.4] Chapter 4 - Grid 4 Subway Tunnels [3.5] Chapter 5 - Bart's Department Store [3.6] Chapter 6 - Burnback Alley [3.7] Chapter 7 - Metro City Library [3.8] Chapter 8 - St. Joseph's Secondary School [3.9] Chapter 9 - Apple Seed Orchard [3.10] Chapter 10 - Apple Seed Orchard Processing Center [4] Reports [4.1] First Propaganda Report [4.2] Second Propaganda Report [4.3] Internal Affairs Report [4.4] Third Propaganda Report [4.5] DUO Report [4.6] Fourth Propaganda Report [A] Contact Information [B] Webmaster Information [C] Where This FAQ May be Found [D] Other FAQs Written [E] Condemned: Criminal Origins Copyright Information =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1] Introduction | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Welcome to my first guide for Microsoft's new console, the Xbox 360. The purpose of this guide is to give you the backstory of Condemned: Criminal Origins, all of which you read while each chapter loads. Why make this guide? Depending on how good of a reader you are, you may not be able to finish reading the backstory before the level loads, as the game immediately begins after loading, without requiring you to press A or start or something. So, to make sure that no one misses out on anything regarding the game's story (which is awesome, I might add, even though they don't flesh out everything), I decided to throw this guide together. As I progress further in the game again and get the loading screens, I will update this guide. Eventually, once the guide is finished, I'll try to piece together the main story with the whole backstory involving the dead birds and how the two tie together. Condemned may jump around at points, but when you understand both sides of the story and finally realize how the two correlate, you'll be amazed at how deep it actually is. So, for now, try to piece things together on your own, as a game like this is much, much better experienced when you figure it out for yourself; none of the surprise, suspense, shock is taken from you. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2] Prologue | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Taken from the manual. What twists the mind of an ordinary human into a serial killer? Assigned to the Serial Crimes Unit, Agent Ethan Thomas must answer this question, and bring the worst of society to justice. His solve rate is the best in the bureau... perhaps too good. While investigating the growing list of serial killers, Agent Thomas concludes that something is twisting the bodies and souls of those that society has left behind. The homeless, addicted and deranged are rising from the city's underbelly and committing mindless acts of violence. Could there be an unseen connection between the increasing brutality of the latest serial killings and the increasing crime rate? This question is pushed to the forefront after Agent Thomas is framed for the murder of two police officers. Now he must solve the murders to stop the killings, and exonerate himself from the crimes of which he is accused. As FBI agent Ethan Thomas, you rely on sharp instincts and sophisticated forensic tools to investigate crime scenes, collect evidence, and find clues that will lead you to the killers. With danger lurking in every shadow, you need whatever weapons you can find to stay alive. If you run out of bullets, you'll have to fight with a fire ax, shovel, pipe, two-by-four, or whatever you can pry from the environment around you. You'll need to make sure nothing stops you as you try to uncover exactly who...or what is behind the grisly killings plaguing the city. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.1] Prequel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| To get even more info on Condemned's story, you can check out the following website: http://www.condemnedthegame.com/en/prequel/flash.html It was created by the game developers, and it's an official prequel of the events leading up to Condemned's story. There are six chapters available, all in an interactive Flash format. It is great if you want to delve further into Condemned's world. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3] Backstories | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Warning: Depending on your view, the following could be a spoiler, so I will give you fair warning right now. The following text details part of the story surrounding Condemned, so be warned. All text is taken directly from the loading screens. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.1] Chapter 1 - Weisman Office Building | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #898: Unexplained Surge in Crime Rate SUMMARY: The city's crime rate has increased to record-breaking levels. The most significant increase is assaults with deadly intent, which is up 28 percent. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.2] Chapter 2 - Central Metro Station | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #230: Strange Bird Deaths Throughout City SUMMARY: Bodies of dead birds now litter city streets and public parks. Hard hit areas have reported literally thousands of bodies, while other areas of the city have seen very few birds at all. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.3] Chapter 3 - Metro Station Platforms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #117: Crime Spree and Bird Deaths Connected? SUMMARY: According to Dr. Feldman Brutan, University Sociologist, city locations with the greatest number of bird deaths match exactly to those experiencing high criminal activity. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.4] Chapter 4 - Grid 4 Subway Tunnels | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #452: Birds Dying from Brain Hemorrhage SUMMARY: Initial reports indicate that the birds are perishing from sudden massive brain hemorrhaging. As one scientist has said, 'For some reason-their brains are simply dissolving.' |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.5] Chapter 5 - Bart's Department Store | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #802: Outside Influence Killing Birds? SUMMARY: It has been determined that birds are drawn to specific locales throughout the city by strange sonic disturbances of unknown origin. Once in close proximity of a disturbance, the bird's brain suffers immediate and extensive brain damage that quickly leads to death. It is not known at this time whether humans and other life forms are affected, although there is clearly a connection between crime-ridden areas and where birds swarm and die. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.6] Chapter 6 - Burnback Alley | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #991: Single Source of Our Woes SUMMARY: It has been discovered that humans are being affected in the same way birds are, providing an explanation for the unusual rise in severe brain disorders reported by local hospitals. Those inherently predisposed to violent tendencies slip rapidly towards a host of mental psychoses and being to exhibit signs of hallucinations, homicidal behavior and paranoia. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.7] Chapter 7 - Metro City Library | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #403: Local Police Crime Wave SUMMARY: Confidential statistics show a significant increase in crime rates involving law enforcement officials. Petty crime among officers is up 64% while domestic violence is up 114%. Although the full report has not yet been delivered, the increase appears to be linked to officers fighting in areas dealing with the city's recent crime wave. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.8] Chapter 8 - St. Joseph's Secondary School | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #283: Warrant Issued For FBI Agent SUMMARY: An APB has been issued by local PD for FBI Agent Ethan Thomas who mysteriously disappeared after his gun was used to kill two local detectives. Even though the agent's name has yet to be released to the press, local PD is taking the situation very seriously and reportedly will use force if necessary to bring the 'alleged' cop-killer into custody. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.9] Chapter 9 - Apple Seed Orchard | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #015 City Crime War SUMMARY: Yesterday the police commissioner announced his plan to 'take back' the destabilized zones of the city through the efforts of highly trained police riot squads. Not satisfied with this plan, Councilman Simmons, has counter proposed the so-called 'Citizens Self-Protection Act' which is now generating massive controversy within city hall. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.10] Chapter 10 - Apple Seed Orchard Processing Center | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Internal Report #779: City Crime War SUMMARY: Federal Agencies Intervene The governor, citing outside direction, has given command of the city's escalating crime problems to federal agencies. When questioned about the specific agencies involved by local press, no department names were forthcoming. This has left many to wonder if these phenomena are contained locally or are actually posing a national threat. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4] Reports | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Reports are unlocked once you collect enough Metal Pieces throughout the game. Each report gives you more information on Condemned's story, and delves further into the darkness of the Condemned universe. Read at your own risk. If you want to unlock the reports and read them yourself, feel free to do so. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.1] First Propaganda Report | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| TOP SECRET: BLACK CLEARANCE ONLY FEDERAL BUREAU Washington, DC ABSTRACT: #BR314-ZRET EVIDENCE: #314-23 LOCATION: File Box #B-314 ITEM: Photograph of unidentified markings made at crime scene (see #CR46X-Special Reference-Serial Deaths Unit) LINGUISTICS LAB REPORT (Summary, see full at #B-314, LR/BR314-2, 3, 4): CLUE ONE The map to leads to the center Internalized in the of the soul One path in, one path out, a that spans both Center and frontier SUMMARY: Mix of ancient and contemporaneous languages, both alphabetic and ideographic with a series of Arabic numerals. Significant portions of text are illegible, due to either: a) poor orthography b) intellectual diminishment of writer or c) lack of skill in writing the "language". Odd features include presence of quite clear words in Mycenaean, Japanese characters, and the aforementioned Arabic numerals, matched with seemingly meaningless hieroglyphics. Largest group of recognizable characters are representations of what seems to be Minoan Linear A or Linear B script, otherwise known as Mycenaean. Ventris has deciphered Linear B and Lab's best efforts at transliteration and analysis appear below. Though innumerable attempts have been made to decipher Linear A, success has been minimal. Since these images are imperfectly inscribed, Lab's confidence level in translation approaches only 60%. More samples need to be acquired for further study. Linguistics database inquiries have uncovered previous similar linguistic variation symbols. Upon further inquiries through Command for access, FBI Black Ops Command has interceded and stopped all further translation work by Linguistics. Gag directive is currently in place. All further inquiries have been denied. ANALYSIS: Based on handwriting analysis, and use of multiple and obscure languages, writer has pretensions and delusions of grandeur. While great effort is made to conceal the meaning, it has been determined by Cryptography that the piece is most likely double-coded and is not meaningless. Location of find of piece is significant due to crime's severity. Evidence exists that writer of piece may be severely mentally disturbed and extremely dangerous. Further samples are needed to understand meaning of the translated components. Further inquiries into Cryptography for support have been denied - FBI Black Ops Command has terminated their further involvement in this project. Inquiries require Double Black Clearance. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.2] Second Propaganda Report | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Federal Bureau Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT: #BR329-ZRET EVIDENCE: #314-46, 47, 48 LOCATION: File Box #B-314 Audio tape of incident at Linguistic Lab (#BRIA-339) Medical Brain Scan of Dr. Edgar Strevor (employee #136548) LINGUISTICS LAB REPORT (Summary, see full at #B-329, LR/BR329-3,4,5): New samples of cryptic writing have been used to further translate initial piece of evidence (#314-23). Additional samples have been either unintelligible or so fragmentary as to be meaningless. Below are all translated fragments so far found: The revised translation of original piece now reads: The map to righteousness leads to the center Internalized in the hole of the soul One path in, one path out, a thread that spans both Center and frontier CLUE TWO The become the force of darkness And contain the force of light ANALYSIS: Dr. Edgar Strevor, before his unfortunate demise, had this to say about the creed: "It seems to be some kind of religious statement. The map is a path to somewhere. There are two separate paths and these paths are a thread that spans both the frontier and something else. In this language system, frontier is an amorphous word. It means other, outer, but from the original pictograph, it also seems to mean human. Very odd. The two completely translated lines are of especial interest. Note that the recently discovered fragments work well within this interpretation." NOTE: Linguistics Department will be understaffed until quarterly personnel review. Incident involving the death of two researchers is being investigated (see Internal Affairs #BIA-339). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.3] Internal Affairs Report | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| INTERNAL AFFAIRS REPORT Agent Frank Szymanski (#241014) Report: I was called to the scene of the Linguistics Lab building at approximately 8:30pm Saturday, June 18. I witnessed the body of Edgar Strevor (#136548) on the ground by the front door. He had obviously fallen from a great height. A broken window on the seventh floor indicated his path. Strevor seemed to have died upon impact (confirmed by FB Coroner Report BRC-74X). Upon gaining access to the seventh floor, I determined that the broken window was in the Linguistics Conference Rooms. I was met by Dr. Teodor Feldorski who reported the incident. Dr. Feldorski has been cleared in the matter. Lying within the Conference Room was the body of Doctor Joshua Hillman. He had been struck repeatedly on the head and neck with a blunt object, later determined to be a metal stool. BRIA-339, Item 14, Security Audiotape Transcript (Ling.Lab., F7, Rm 14, timecode: 8:05-8:20p) * Hillman: Dr. Strevor, I need the whiteboard. Can I erase this stuff? * Strevor: Mmmbbid [unintelligible] * Hillman: I said, can I erase the whiteboard? * Strevor: Mmmbkdkdl [unintelligible]. Muffled sound determined to be Dr. Strevor dropping to his knees. * Hillman: Good Lord man, pay attention. I need the whiteboard. * Strevor: Sure, sure, whatever... What? What are you doing??!! * Hillman: I'm erasing the whiteboard. You said I could. I need it for... * Strevor: Idiot! No! NO!! Noooooooooo..... * Hillman: Doctor Strevor, I'm sorry, but I did ask... Are you ok? * Strevor: Weeks, weeks of work. I was so close to deciphering the directional words, their pattern had indicated... um... Whyyyy?? Why did you erase the board??!! * Hillman: Because...ungh. [The tape deteriorates into a series of blunt thumps followed by anguished screams and interspersed with howls of rage. Eventually, the beating stops, there are sudden running footsteps and we hear the crash of glass.] Dr. Strevor evidently used a metal stool to beat Dr. Hillman to death. Upon Dr. Hillman's death, Dr. Strevor ran and jumped through the closest window and fell to his death. Doctor Edgar Strevor had had no previous incidence of aberrant behavior. Colleagues indicated he was under normal stress due to his caseload. Upon review of the audiotape, we have detected an odd unidentified sound heard in the background. I also requested an autopsy of Dr. Strevor. Its results and the tape have been classified by Black Ops Command. The penetration of central headquarters by an outside force is clearly a serious issue. Black Ops Command has deemed all further inquiries as classified. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.4] Third Propaganda Report | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Federal Bureau Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT: #BR381-ZRET EVIDENCE: #314-81 LOCATION: File Box #B-315 ITEM(s): Analysis of metal piece unidentified markings made at crime scene LINGUISTICS LAB REPORT (Summary, see full at #B-381, LR/BR381) Further developments have occurred in the linguistic analysis of the Creed previously referred to as (#BR314-23). Spectrographic analysis of Dr. Edgar von Strevor erased whiteboard enabled reconstruction of his linguistic worksheet. The severely understaffed Linguistics Lab has managed to decipher directional words in the original piece. The revised translation of original piece now reads: Section One The map to righteousness leads to the center Internalized in the hole of the soul One path in, one path out, a thread that spans both Center and frontier Section Two The righteous become the force of darkness And contain the force of weakened light Section Three The of truth brings the truth to dark The of truth will win the conflict though may the tool ANALYSIS: The first four lines are now complete, except for one word which is repeated in a different form in lines 1 and 5. There is a map that connects the center and the frontier (which could still mean the habitat of humanity). There is one path in, one path out, but a thread that spans both, which sounds like it's really one path but you can go back and forth on that path between the two states. Becoming and containing is still difficult to ascertain, but this group use the power of sound as their strongest tool. Their goal is to drive out the humans (internal arguments state this could also mean they attack the frontier). The axe of the bull shall do something, separating one group from another but also enabling the groups to join. This acknowledgement may imply that only the darkened have learned the audio capability to 'influence' humans. This analysis equates with no known religious technocratic or socialistic cult in Bureau files. Further inquiries through the Black Ops database regarding the linguistic elements discovered thus far have uncovered the following DUO report. Only the deemed relevant lines were cleared by Black Ops. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.5] DUO Report | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| FBI - Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT: #BL451-ZEET EVIDENCE: #398-81 LOCATION: File Box #B-752 Recent series of unsolved grisly killings in the South Central Downtown sections was the catalyst for DCU involvement. Deep Undercover Operative Code Name Harp was assigned. ADDENDUM: DUO 76RE Operative Report Conclusions DUO 76 Restricted Extended Code-Name Harp was assigned to the Deep Crimes Task Force in January. His operational report began to deteriorate approximately 9 months later. Last operational report submitted was April 2nd. Harp was killed on July 14th in a gun battle with local police. Cultist evidence was found near the scene. Linguistics, Psychological and Black Ops reviewed all DCU Reports for information that may pertain to the cultists. February 13th - "The local PD have begun to pull back from direct conflict with the local 'sickened' along 16h Ave and Crosstown St. There appears to be no organized leadership within the sickened. They seem to get crazier and crazier with each passing day but there also seems to be growing purpose to their actions. They are watching closely...I'm watching...something else is watching?..." 25 Marz: "3 Kranke griffen heute eine 4. an. Die 4. lachte, wahrend sie an der Verletzung starb. Dem heute eingelieferten Zivilion konnte ich nicht helfen. Ich bekomme regelmabig Kopfschmerzen. Die Kranken verspotten mich, greifen an und ziehen sich wieder zuruck. Beim Angriff schreien sie, als wurde ihnen das Schmerzen bereiten. Sagt ihnen jemand, dass sie das nicht tun sollen?" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ German to English translation of the above entry @ @ @ @ March, 25th: 3 sick people attacked a 4th today. The 4th laughed while @ @ of her injury. @ @ @ @ I couldn't help the civilian, taken in today. I get headaches regularly. @ @ The sick make fun of me, attack and pull back again. During the attack they @ @ cry, as if it caused them pain. Does someone tell them, not to do that?" @ @ @ @*Thanks to Roger GE for the translation.* @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ June 27th: "The sickened have broken down into groups - their structure is based upon psychosis rather than ethnic or crime preference. The ones who shout incessantly have fought off the scavengers. Neither group quiets down until the headache wave comes through or when fresh meat shows up. I blacked out watching them - at least I think I blacked out. When I awoke, 3 dead birds were in my pockets, one of them missing their head. I am asking for recall asap." September 3rd - "We fought off another scavenger push. Rebar is my friend. Rebar helps me keep my place, my head takes in the music, my headaches are gone, my head takes in the music - and I keep the beat with my Rebar. The Pounders are family." December 12th - "It was there and then it wasn't. It was chattering, chittering, gleaming and was enveloped in nothing. I want to pound, it wants to pound with me." April 2nd - "It isn't my fault, it isn't my reason, it isn't my blame, they drive to what they want, what you want, what I want. The buzzing soothes, the buzzing stays as I stay, I stay, I stay... The bird knows best when roosting in its nest - the bird knows best when roosting in its nest - the bird knows best when roosting in its nest - the bird knows best when rossting in its nest..." Conclusion: Upon inventory of DCU Harp's belongings, he was found to have the skulls of over 60 birds in his pockets. Autospy showed brain degradation of pre-frontal lobe as detected in Cases BR-329 and BRD-231R. Cultists apparently show strong sonic control techniques that potentially influence any human being. Black Ops and R&D are doing archival research for any previous contacts. NOTE: Remainder of this report has been deemed classified Double Black. All further inquiries into this report need to be made through Black Ops Command. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.6] Fourth Propaganda Report | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Federal Bureau Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT: #BR402-ZRET EVIDENCE: #315 03 LOCATION: File Box #B-315 ITEM(s): Final Report on Creed Photo of Cincinnati Torso Cutter Photo of Providence Prowler LINGUISTICS LAB REPORT: Final analysis has been completed on the Creed previously referred to as (#BR314-23) CLUE ONE The map to righteousness leads to the center Internalized in the hole of the soul One path in, one path out, a thread that spans both Center and frontier CLUE TWO The righteous become the force of darkness And contain the force of weakened light CLUE THREE The sound of truth is brings the truth to dark The sound of truth will win the unending conflict though the others may wield the tool CLUE FOUR It is only the darkened righteous that experience its worth Showing the human fodder, As those of true dark center, Those of our being, of unbeing and undark, will fallow in loss of ending war CLUE FIVE We are the strongest The axe of the bull Shall cleave Cleave the unholy from those that are righteous, and yet Cleave them again back to the one true way, the center In death they give, in death they take Satori. ANALYSIS: With the Creed now translated, our understaffed linguists have managed to cobble together a potential analysis. The Creed definitely seems to be the centerpiece of the cult, and we have fund additional versions of it in different languages and even coding systems. The text indicates that the Cult believes there is an outer edge, or frontier, which is inhabited by normal humans (hence the confusion between frontier/human in previous Linguistic Lab reports). The center is occupied by the Cult. Section 1 - A thread spans these two areas with one path in, one path out of the center. The righteous are identified with the Cult members. They identify with darkness and identify others with the light. SECTION 2 - The righteous become the force of darkness And contain the force of weakened light The 'righteous' refer to those humans who are 'influenced' to commit the acts of savagery and seemingly go insane. The 'becomes the force of darkness' tells us that those who are influenced become part of the force. The description of darkness to seems to have a triple meaning. 1. These cult members will use the darkened areas to hide. 2. The darkness is also a state of mind for the cultists and a state of mind they influence those around them to achieve 3. The darkness implies a section of a greater whole. 'And contain the weakened light' is also a double-meaning passage. The weakened light is reference to both a sub-culture within the cult that opposes the philosophy of the DCB as well as the weakened state of the humans themselves. Section 3 - The sound of truth is brings the truth to dark The soun dof truth will win the unending conflict though the others may wield the tool The righteous (Cult) use their audio capability as their greatest force, their singular tool. Again, the double-meaning exists. The 'truth' is a reference to proving themselves to the 'undark, the light'. The 'truth' is also reference ot the influence of the humans themselves. The audio 'influence' of the DCB has strong brainwashing capabilities upon human s- therefore - the sound of truth will help win the 'ending conflict' against the 'undark'. This implies that from the ancient linguistic make-up of the Creed that this 'war' between the light and darkened has been going on for probably thousands of years. From examination, this audio utilization is both humanoid and mechanization in organization. They acknowledge that others, the undark, may possess this power, but only the darkened may experience the truth. This acknowledgement may imply that only the darkened have learned the audio capability to 'influence' humans. Section 4 - It is only the darkened righteous that experience its worth Showing the human fodder, As those of true dark center, 'Those of our being, of unbeing and undark, will fallow in loss of ending war.' The first line shows that this audio 'influence' is what shows humanity's true nature; that humanity is as dark as those who seemingly want to prove this to the 'undark'. Section 5 - The axe of the bull will cleave the unholy from the righteous. Interestingly, cleave is the one English word that has two very distinct opposite meanings. It can mean 1) to cut apart to to separate; and 2) to join together. The use here is indicative. The axe of the bull shall cleave the unholy (humans) from the righteous (cultists) but shall also 'cleave them again back to the one true way' or that is, bring them back into the fold. The fold is here identified as the center, which we have seen, is where the cultists identify as their habitat. This again identifies that those who are 'undark' are most likely of the same cult of the DCB. At some previous point in their timeline, these two factions split for an ideological reason based upon humanity itself. But the final two lines indicate how this bringing back into the fold is to be accomplished: through death. And through death, one achieves satori or enlightenment or peace. A search of all other extant Serial Deaths cases with similar elements to what has been found in the Creed has revealed several additional cases with strong similarities. We found traces to grisly cases that went as far back as 1908, the year that the Federal Bureau of Investigations was founded. Black Ops Central Command has intervened and deemed information as Coded Double Black. Futher inquiries through the Evidence did uncover 2 photographs. ADDENDUM: RE: BR-117R BRR-87R - January 18th, 1934 Cincinnati Torse Cleaver - Serial Killer. Never found. Targeted derelicts and homeless people in inner cities. Final count was 24 victims. Decapitated the bodies, removed the limbs and dropped off the torsos in public dumps. Crime Scene photo near phosphorus plant captured strange symbols etched in the cement wall. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [A] Contact Information | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Before contacting me, please, make sure you have: - Gone over the entire document looking for what you needed Note that I cannot and will not help with any problem related to technical support. If you can't get the game to run, or if you have problems, direct any questions to the developer or publisher. E-mail one of them yourself directly; don't expect me to forward your e-mail along or compose an e-mail for you. Do not ask for CD keys, or where you can find CD keys, or anything else related to piracy. Last, but not least, ensure whatever question you want to ask is asked in the e-mail. Don't give me any nonsense such as "Hey, I've got a question, can you email me at blah@blah.com?" They will be promptly deleted. Now, if you have a question, comment, correction, addition or suggestion, please send e-mail to: jpguides [at] rogers [dot] com All e-mails will be put into a "Guides" folder, so your message will be guaranteed to have a response, but I can't tell you when. I do try to check every few hours, though. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [B] Webmaster Information | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Attention webmasters: You are allowed to host this document and display it without asking for prior permission. All you have to do is the following: - Do not charge people to see it or otherwise make a profit from it. - Do not alter it. - Give proper credit to the author. - You may not sell, rent or lease the document. If you want to use one of my guides _IN_ a guide of yours, like an item guide of mine in a general guide you're writing, feel free to do so, as long as you still follow the above. All I ask in addition to that is that you let me know when your guide is online so I can check it out. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [C] Where This FAQ May be Found | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Cheat Happens http://www.cheathappens.com/ All other websites have permission to use this document, but they may be out of date or incorrect versions. The latest, newest versions can always be found at the above websites. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [D] Other FAQs Written | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This section may not always be up-to-date, as I'm not going to update every single one of my FAQs after making a new one. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8939.html ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== GAME GUIDE TYPE ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Clock Tower 3 || File List Condemned: Criminal Origins || Backstory Guide Dead Rising || Strategy Guide/FAQ Deus Ex: Invisible War || Walkthrough/FAQ ESPN NFL 2K5 || Milestones/Crib Unlockables ESPN NFL 2K5 || Strategy Guide/FAQ ESPN NHL 2K5 || Challenges & Unlockables Grand Theft Auto III || Walkthrough/FAQ Grand Theft Auto III || Song Guide James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing || Walkthrough/FAQ Madden NFL 2004 || Challenge Checklist MVP Baseball 2004 || Strategy Guide/FAQ MVP Baseball 2004 || Unlockables Guide Nocturne || Walkthrough/FAQ Red Faction || Walkthrough/FAQ RoadKill || Walkthrough/FAQ RoadKill || Song Guide Serious Sam || Walkthrough/FAQ SimCity 4: Rush Hour || Object Guide Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow || Demo Walkthrough Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic || Walkthrough/FAQ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic || Item List The Movies: Stunts & Effects || Strategy Guide/FAQ The Sims 2 || Strategy Guide/FAQ The Sims (PC) || Item List The Sims (CONSOLE) || Item List The Sims: House Party || Strategy Guide/FAQ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X || Song Guide Tropico || Walkthrough/FAQ Unreal Tournament || Walkthrough/FAQ WWE RAW 2 || Move List/FAQ ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Total FAQs: 31 I have also written several strategy guides, in HTML format with screenshots, for the website Cheat Happens (www.cheathappens.com). ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Hitman: Contracts Mortal Kombat: Deception Spider-Man 2 The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Unreal Tournament 2004 ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Total Guides: 5 =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [E] Condemned: Criminal Origins Copyright Information | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Condemned: Criminal Origins copyright 2005 Monolith Productions Inc. All rights reserved. =============================================================================== This document is copyright by US and Canadian copyright laws. This FAQ is for personal use only. This FAQ may not be altered or used for commercial use. Websites may use this document without permission, but they must give proper credit to the author and musn't alter it any way, shape or form. All websites, excluding GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com), are prohibited from renting, selling or leasing this document, whether it's for personal or commercial gain. Thank you. =============================================================================== End of Condemned: Criminal Origins Backstory List. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Sega, Monolith Productions, or any member of the development team.