FAQ\Walkthrough for Super Robot Wars Impact for the Sony PS2 by Zhou Tai An (kain@pacific.net.sg) Version 0.05 ****** This is a PRELIMINARY version - as you can see, it has a LOT of unformatted text and is generally very messy. Basically, I'm only writing down what I can recall and what information I can readily obtain from Japanese sites - this is NOT, I repeat NOT the full walkthrough! I plan to go through the game at least once before starting on that (it shouldn't take long, a week at most at the rate I play) Please be patient. ****** Disclaimer : This document may not be used for anything besides non-profit and I must be notified if it's used anywhere. Thanks. Other notes : I reuse a lot of my material from my SRWA FAQ, as it's more or less applicable to every SRW game created. Whole paragraphs and sections will be repeated in both FAQs. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just letting you know. ^_^ As regards translations, I'm leaving out most of the extraneous dialogue but including the main points and some jokes for humor. Occasionally, there will be short scenes I deem unimportant (just some light dialogue, not much plot going on) which will not be translated. I'd like to do everything, but since this IS a fan-based production, there are some limitations. Japanese encoding in this FAQ is best read with : 1) The Japanese language Regional Settings inside windows 2) Internet Explorer Version 5 and up 3) NJWIN. http://www.njstar.com Finally, this FAQ is best read using WordPad. And that's about it for now. Enjoy! Contents : 1. Version data, Disclaimers and general info. 2. Contents 3. FAQs and Game Basics (long section, contains translations as well) 4. Battle Hints and Tips 5. General Hints, Tips and Explanations 6. How to Win or Lose Experience Points 7. Convincing Enemy Characters 8. Secret Mecha 9. Walkthrough 10. Battle Quote Translations 11. Gameshark Codes 12. Credits Game Basics : (most of this information is taken from Edmund Chiu's Super Robot Wars F Final Guide, but it's been reformatted, looked over and basically given an overhaul to eliminate spelling\grammatical errors and make it clearer. Still, he's the guy who originally wrote it, so some thanks is in order. ^_^) (yes, there ARE explanations as well as translations...read carefully!) 1) Start-up Menu translations - When you first start up the game, you will be presented with four options: スタート - Start - start the game from the very beginning. ロード - load - load the game from a saved file from intermission between episodes. Each file takes up one memory block. コンティニュー - continue - to load the game from the in-game save during the battle part of an episode. You only get one of these saves. オプション - option - go to the option screen. In the option screen, you will be presented with these options: サウンド - sound - set the game to either: ステレオ - stereo モノラル - mono サウンドセレクト - sound select - play various musics from the game. Works just like a regular CD player, so you should not have any trouble using this. カラオケモード - karaoke mode - listen to the music themes from the various animes in the game, with the subtitles (in Japanese) being shown below. Unfortunately, they seem to have removed thje obligatory fighting scenes that play during karaoke mode...:( デモセリクト - demo select - watch the anime cut scenes that you have already seen in the game. キャラクター大事典 - character guide - brief background information of the characters that appear in the game. You will only see those characters that have already appeared (meaning he/she has had an actual conversation, not just been mentioned by your characters) that you have a save with. (either continue or save will be fine). You can listen to some of his/her spoken lines, if he/she has a seiyuu. Just press a button and you will here one or more of that character's spoken line. There will be a percentage figure on the top that indicates the total percentage of the characters you have seen. ロボット大図鑑 - robot encyclopedia - background information for the robots that appear in the game. You will only see those robots that have already appeared on the map and that you have a save with (either continue or save will be fine). The percentage figure on the top indicates the total percentage of the robots you have seen. If you choose start, you will be presented with the character creation screen: これでいい - choose this option if you like the present configuration for your character. 登録キャラクター中から選択する - choose among the eight preset characters. If you choose that character, just press the Circle button, but if you wish to change something, press the Cross button to go back to the previous screen. 主人公設定の変更 - change the six variable of your character. 顔 - face portrait - choose among the eight face portraits. Only the first four faces of each sex will have different emotional face portraits. 名前の入力 - Input your character's name. Only six characters are allowed for each part of the name. 名前 - the first name of your character. 名字 - the last name of your character. 愛称 - what you would like your character to be commonly referred to as. 誕生日 - birthday. 血液型 - bloodtype. 性 - personality. The personality will affect what will he/she say in the game. It might also effect the what weapons, etc., you are going to get. じめでやさしい熱血漢 - Hot Blooded with a strong sense of Justice 理論家 ど異性好き - Logical but has an Affinity for the opposite sex ちょっとヘンな性 - A little Weird ールでニヒル - Cool and Nihilistic タイプ - type. What type of robots are you going to pilot and what type of pilot your character is. This will effect what storyline (Super Robot or Realistic Robot side) you are going to enter. It will also effect what "magics" you have, your stats, and your robot. 2) Battle Menu translations - Command menu: After you start a map, and when you select one of your robots, a menu will appear, with at least one of the following options : 移動 - move - move your robots. Your robot can attack afterwards only if the robot has a weapon capable of attack after movement. (any of the weapons marked with a (P) sign) It can also, repair, wait, combine, convince, or dock after a move. 精神 - magic - use any of your character's magic. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 能力 - ability - look at the ability of your robot and pilot. You can always use this command, even after the pilot has already moved, attacked, etc. 待機 - wait - only appears after a move. Stay at the current square without doing anything. 攻撃 - attack - attack using one of your robot's weapons. 変形 - transform - transform into another form if your robot has that ability. You can choose among the choices if your robot has more than two forms, otherwise your robot will immediate transform. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 発進 - launch - launch a robot from your battleship. You can use this command even after the battleship has already moved. 説得 - convince - convince an enemy right next to you to join your team or surrender. You will use up your robot's turn after using this command, and it won't always be successful, since some enemies require that a certain condition be met before you can convince him or her. In other cases, some enemies require more than one try at convincing. 地上 - ground - stop flying and stay on the ground. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 空中 - fly in the air - move your robot to the air. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 水中 - underwater - stop your robot from flying and stay in the water. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 分離 - separate - separate your robot into several robots (if your robots have the combine/separate ability). Some robots, like Re-GZ, can only separate but cannot change back to their previous form. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 合体 - combine - combine several robots into one (if your robots have the combination ability), as long as they can be combine with the robots close (about one or two squares) by. This won't use up the pilot's turn as long as you don't use the main pilot to initiate the command. パーツ - parts - use your equipped items to recover HP or EN. This won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. 修理 - repair - repair a nearby team robot. 補給 - resupply - resupply a nearby robot. The morale of the robot you resupply will decrease by 10. 切断 - cut cable - Only can be used by EVAs. Cut the umbilical cable of EVA so the Unit won't have to stay within ten squares of an electric outlet or battleship. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 搭載 - dock - put the robot in the battleship. The robot will recover HP, EN and ammo while in the battleship (ammo will be immediately recovered, while HP and EN are restored gradually). The robot's morale will decrease by 10. Map command menu - when you press the Circle button when you are over an empty square, you will be presented with the following: フィイズ終了 - phase end - end your turn and begin the enemy's turn. 部隊表 - team list - lists your team members so you can easily locate them. (will be pretty much useless unless you can read the Japanese names) 反撃命令 - counterattack command - bring up the screen where you can choose to let the computer choose whether to counterattack or let you decide yourself. マニュアル - manual - lets you choose whether to counterattack or not, and the weapon to counterattack with. The following choices all let the computer to decide whether to counterattack (except for the last choice, which is always block or dodge). The computer will always pick a weapon that can normally (without being blocked, hit an AT Field, etc.) kill off the enemy or do maximum damage. The computer will block if the robot has very little agility, otherwise it will dodge. 積極的に - will always counterattack, as long as the enemy is within your attack range. 効率良く - will dodge or block if the enemy's level is lower than yours, but otherwise will counterattack. 反撃するな - will always dodge or block. 作戦目的 - combat goal - list the requirements for advancement to the next episode. The upper part is the goal for your victory, while the bottom part is the goal for the enemies' victory. 精神検索 - "magic" check - check the "magic" of your current team members (those that aren't on the map won't show up) to see what the "magic" does. If you choose any of them, you will then be presented with the list of members that has that "magic", with a number on top of the window that displays the SP cost of that "magic". The members who have that "magic" that have already moved or don't have enough SP will be shown in red. システ - system - change the configuration for the following: クイア - square - decide whether you want the squares to appear on the map or not. It's a lot easier to count squares with it turned on, but I feel it gives the screen a "chunky" feel. サウンド - sound - you can pick ステリオ, stereo, or モノラル, mono. 主人公ボイス - main character voice - you can turn your own character's voice on or off. 戦闘BGMの設定 - fighting BGM configuration: 切り替え - will change the BGM back to the original BGM of that particular episode after every attack. 固定 - the BGM will remain the same until you attack using an unit from another series or when you switch to enemy's turn. ボタン設定 - change the button configuration. Since it's pretty standard and easy to learn the current button configuration, I suggest you leave it alone. セーブ - save - save in the continue slot. You can only save in this slot once. Anytime you use this save, you will erase the last continue save. 3) Inter-Episode Menu Translations - (after you beat an episode and watch the conversations, you will be brought to the following menu) データセーブ - data save - save the game. You can save as many games as you want, as long as you have enough space. ユニット改 - unit enhancement - enhance any of your units. They are sorted according to HP. 器改 - weapon enhancement - enhance any weapon of your units. The units are sorted according to HP, and the weapons are sorted according to the damage. Some weapons, when powered up fully, will yield a new weapon for you to use, but there's no telling (outside of knowing the series the robot is from) which weapons will produce another one. ニット能力 - unit ability - look at the ability of your units. Looks just like the ability screen when you are on the map. パイロット能力 - pilot ability - looks at the ability of your pilots. They are sorted according to their levels. Looks just like the pilot ability screen when you are on the map. のりかえ - change pilot - change what unit your pilot will pilot. You can also change what unit will your fairy be in. パイロット - pilot - change what unit your pilot will pilot. You can only choose among the pilots that can pilot other robots. 妖精 - fairy - change what unit your fairy will be in. (these commands are slightly different in Alpha, but you should be able to figure out what does what) 強化パーツ - enhancement items - put various enhancement items on your units. These items are found by either defeating current enemies or after a certain episode. 次のマップへ - go on to the next episode. 4) Ability screen Explanation - When you choose the ability option for an unit or pick a robot under unit ability in an Intermission, you will then go on to the ability screen for a robot. The screen will display of a picture of the unit, along some information about the unit : サイズ - size - the size of your unit. It can be SS (for people), S, M, L, and LL. S and SS size units get a 20 and 40 percent bonus for dodging while L and LL get 20% and 40% deduction for dodging respectively. 特殊能力 - special ability - this section, will list any special abilities of the unit: ビー ート - beam coating - will absorb 1000 worth of beam damage. If a beam attack causes over 1000 damage, only 1000 points worth of damage will be absorbed. Any use of this costs 5 EN. Iフィールド - I-Field - will totally block any beam attack that does less than 2000 damage. Any use of this cost 5 EN. オーラバリア - Aura Barrier - will totally block any beam attack that does less than 3000 damage. Any use of this costs 5 EN. If the pilot has the Aura Senshi skill, the effectiveness will also increase (see section under skill.) 分身 - after-image - will only be activated when the pilot's morale is at or over 130. The unit will have a 50% chance of using after-image, which makes the unit take no damage, even if the attack connects (or so we thought). It is common anime knowledge that humans can only see things moving below a certain speed, so when something move faster than what we can see, we see multiple images of the same thing in motion. That's after-image for you. ^_^ HP回復(小) - recover 10% of total HP after every turn. HP回復(大) - recover 30% of total HP after every turn. 変形 - transform - the unit can transform. 合体 - combine - the unit can combine with other units to form another unit. 分離 - separate - the unit can separate. All combined units can separate. タイプ - type - describes what type of terrain the unit is designed for. (refer to terrain explanation for different kind of terrain). 移動力 - mobility - the number of squares an unit can move. 運動性 - agility - this effect how well an unit can dodge or aim. 装甲 - armor - this affects how much damage an attack causes - the higher, the better. 限界 - limit - it is little hard to explain, but this is basically the limit of how well can the unit dodge or aim. How well you dodge depends on dodging ability and the agility of the unit. The sum of these two numbers is limited by the limit statistic of the unit. If the limit is 400 but the sum of the dodging ability and agility of the unit is 420, only 400 is used for calculating your chance of dodging an attack. Dodging, aiming, and reflex are limited by limit (as for how limit works for reflex, please refer to the pilot ability screen explanation.) 地形 - terrain - this shows how well the unit does in each terrain. An "A" means that the unit actually gets a bonus for being in that terrain. A "B" doesn't get any bonus, a "C" gets a little deduction, while a "D" gets a lot of deduction. A "F" means the unit cannot enter or be in that terrain. 空 - air. 陸 - land. 海 - sea. 宇 - space. シールド - shield. 有 - means the unit has a shield. 無 - means the unit doesn't have a shield. Weapon screen explanation. When you choose the third option in the ability screen, or when you choose the attack option, you will go to the weapon screen. 武器名 - the name of the weapon. [+] - when this comes before a weapon's name, it means the weapon will use the pilot's long range attack stats when the pilot use this weapon. If a hand appears before a weapon's name, it means the weapon will use the pilot's close range attack stats when the pilot use this weapon. If a "P" appears after a weapon's name, it means that the weapon can be used after a move. If a "B" appears after a weapon's name, it means that the weapon is a beam weapon. 攻撃力 - the attacking power of the weapon. 射程 - range. The range of that weapon. 命中 - hit rate. It's the number that will be added to the aiming statistic during an attack. The higher the number, the more likely the attack will connect. 弾数 - ammo. The number on the left indicates the current amount of ammo, while the number on the right indicates the maximum number of ammo the unit can have for that particular weapon. A -- means it doesn't use ammo. 必要気力 - required morale. Some weapons require the pilot to have reached a certain morale before the pilot can use that weapon. The number on the left indicates the requirement ( a -- means there's no requirement), while the number in () indicates the current morale. 消費EN - EN spent - the amount of EN spent to use that weapon. The number on the left indicates the amount of EN that will be used while the number in () indicates the current EN for the unit. A -- means that the weapon doesn't use EN. 地形 - how well a weapon does in certain terrain. Refer to terrain in the unit ability screen for details. A -- means that the weapon cannot be used in that terrain. 必要技能 - required ability - some weapons can only be used when the pilot has a certain ability. For example, funnels can only be used by Newtypes. クリティカル補正 - critial adjustment - the adjustment made to the rate of scoring a critical hit on an enemy. A critical hit is a hit that causes 50% more damage. 5) Pilot Ability screen explantations - When you choose to look at the pilot ability screen, it will show: サブパイロット - side pilot - if the robot is piloted or has two or more pilots (or has a fairy), this option will appear to tell you that if you press the Circle button, you will then switch to the next pilot ability screen. It will switch back to the main pilot after cycling through the pilots. シンクロ率 - synchronization rate - for EVA pilots only. The synchronization rate reflects how well the pilot is piloting the EVA. It ranges from 0% to 100%. An increase in levels or certain events will increase synchronization rate. - close range combat - the pilot's close range combat skill. The higher the number, the more damage the pilot can do when the pilot is using a close range weapon. The basic value is 100, and the highest is 255. 射撃 - long range combat - the pilot's long range combat skill. The higher the number, the more damage the pilot can do when the pilot is using a long range weapon. The basic value is 100, and the highest is 255. 命中 - aiming - how good the pilot is at scoring a hit on enemy. This number, combined with agility of the robot, is limited to the limit of the robot. When it's over the limit of the robot, the stat number will appear in red. 回避 - dodging - how good the pilot is at dodging. this number, combined with agility of the robot, is limited to the limit of the robot. When it's over the limit of the robot, the stat number will appear in red. レベル - level - the current level of the pilot. An increase in level will increase every stat, unless it goes over the limit (like attacking stats). The level can range from 1 to 99. 気力 - morale - morale will affect how much damage can caused and received. The starting morale is normally 100 (There is one exception - when the pilot appears in two consecutive episodes during attacks on bases) Morale can range from 50 to 150. Morale will go back to 100, with the exception on attacks on bases, after every episode. When the pilot takes a hit or if another team member kills off an enemy, morale will increase by 1. The pilot's morale will increase by 4 if the pilot kills an enemy. (without using MAP weapon.) The change in morale after one of your team member dies depends on the "mental strength" of the pilot killed. Mentally weak pilots' morales will decrease by 1 if any member of their team dies, while normal pilots' morales will stay the same. Mentally strong characters' morales will increase by 1 when one of their team members is dead. Some pilots, whose mental strength is extremely strong, will increase their morales by 2 when any of their team members die. You have to know the storyline from the series the pilot is from in order to determine the pilot's mental strength, but it's a safe bet that most bosses are extremely strong mentally, so that's why their morales are usually so high when you fight them. NEXT - the number of experience points requireed to advance to the next level. Normally, you need 500 experience points to advance to the next level. 反応 - reflex - the reacting speed of the pilot. This stat is limited by the robot's limit (just the reflex number, not including the agility of the robot). It also helps dodging and aiming, since this number is part of the equation in calculating the percentage for scoring or dodging a hit. 技量 - skill level - the stat for calculating the percentage of scoring or receiving a critical hit. The higher the number, the more likely the pilot is going to score a critical hit, and the less likely the pilot is to receive a critical hit. It is also used with "mercy", since you can only successfully use "mercy" when the pilot's skill level is HIGHER than the enemy's skill level. (which makes it a bitch to use on bosses, of course ^_^) 地形 - terrain - how well the pilot will perform at a particular terrain. The grades range from A to D. 精神ポイント - "magic" points - the amount of "magic" points, or SP, the pilot has. The number on the left, before the /, indicates the current SP, while the number on the right indicates the maximum SP. 精神コマンド - "magic" command - the list of "magic" the pilot has. A pilot can have a maximum of six "magics". 特殊技能 - special ability - lists the special ability, if any, of the pilot. ニュータイプ - Newtype - Amuro, Char, and other pilots from the Gundam Series fit in this catgory. Their piloting skills are exceptional and they have the ability to use Newtype weapons such as ファンネル (Funnels) and フィンファンネル (Fin Funnels). They are also able to move twice quicker than normal human pilots (most of them anyway). Funnels have a basic range of 7. Newtype level will increase dodging, aiming and the range of funnels based on the following chart: Level Range bonus Dodging bonus Aiming bonus 1 +0 +10 +10 2 +0 +15 +15 3 +1 +20 +20 4 +1 +25 +25 5 +2 +30 +30 6 +2 +35 +35 7 +3 +40 +40 8 +3 +45 +45 9 +4 +50 +50 強化人間 - Enhanced Human - like Four Murasame. An Artificial Newtype which has the exact same abilities as Newtypes. Enhanced Humans are normal human beings that have been genetically altered so the human will have Newtype abilities even though that human is not naturally a Newtype. In the Gundam anime, all Enhanced Humans are somewhat emotionally unstable. 聖戦士 - Aura Senshi - great pilots in Aura Battler Dunbine, since aura battlers are "powered" by aura of the pilot. Level 1 is required for オーラ斬リ, aura cut, while level 3 is required for ハイパーオーラ斬リ, hyper aura cut. In the anime, an extremely powerful Aura Senshi can go Hyper, which will expand the robot from a size S to size LL when the pilot's emotion reaches a certain state. Each Aura Senshi level will increase dodging ability, effectiveness of aura barrier and damage of hyper aura cut based on the following chart: level Damage bonus Dodging bonus aura barrier bonus 1 +200 +5 +200 2 +400 +10 +400 3 +600 +15 +600 4 +800 +20 +800 5 +1000 +25 +1000 6 +1200 +30 +1200 7 +1400 +35 +1400 8 +1600 +40 +1600 9 +1800 +45 +1800 シールド防御 - shield defense - the ability to use a shield (if the robot has one) to reduce the damage by half. The level indicates the percentage of using the ability. 切り払い - sword blocking - the ability to use a sword, beam saber or any sword-like weapon to cut down solid projectiles like missiles or funnels and block sword, saber, and any dashing like attacka like shining finger and progressive knife. The pilot will receive no damage after the attack. The level indicates the percentage of using the ability. 底力 - potential - when the unit's HP is at 1/8 of his\her maximum or below, the chance of scoring a critical hit increasea by 50%. A skill found in all Super Robot pilots. O - psychic power - a bit like Newtype ability; increases the pilot's evasion and accuracy as his\her level goes up. ?ro - SP regeneration - regenerates 6 SP per turn. ??W - concentration power - all magic costs 3/4 of it's original cost. ?V - genius - levelling up costs less EXP. ?В - company president - each enemy killed gives 1.2 of it's normal money. ? - bestiality - attack power goes up when over 130 morale. G[XpCbg - ace pilot - Gotten at 50 kills or above. Let's you launch at +5 morale. VN - synch-rate - attack, agility and accuracy increase with the stat. E - hero - has Hamesakieficial effects on surrounding teammates. 6) Complete "magic" list and explanations - 察 - Detect - 1 SP - be able to take a look at the enemy's ability screen, even when you didn't fight it before in the map (since the only way you can look at an enemy's ability screen on the map is to either 1) have attack it before or 2) use Detect on the enemy). みがわり - Substitute - 35 SP - when you use it on one of your units, when an enemy is attacking the unit you casted the "magic" on, the caster of the "magic" will take the damage instead of the casted unit. Note that even you cast Flash, the caster of the "magic" will still take damage. 努力 - Great Effort - 20 SP - for one attack, you get double the experience than you would normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). Use this when killing bosses! 集中 - Concentrate - 10 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your dodging and hit rate (the final percentage) will increase by 30%. ひらめき - Flash - 10 SP - can 100% dodge one enemy attack, even over 100% Hit. The kanji is 閃. One of the most useful spells. 自爆 - Self Destruct - 1 SP - kills your own unit, but will cause damage equivalent to the unit's current HP to four surrounding units (your own or enemy's), regardless of enemy's armor, morale, etc. 必中 - 100% Hit - 20 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), you will always hit your enemy or your own unit (if using a MAP weapon) unless that unit uses Flash. - Perserverance - 20 SP - recover 1/3 of maximum HP. 脱力 - Exhaust - 50 SP - decrease the morale of any enemy unit on the map by 10. 信 - Trust - 30 SP - recover any team members' HP by 1/3. 血 - Hot Blood - 40 SP - do double damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Spirit at the same time. 身 - Invisible - 60 SP - the enemy will not see you and will not attack you for one turn (even if you attack them and they are supposed to counterattack). 鉄壁 - Iron Wall - 30 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your armor stat will be doubled. 幸運 - Lucky - 40 SP - for one attack, you will get double the money than you normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). Of course, this only works if you kill the enemy. ド - Great Perseverance - 40 SP - fully recover the caster's HP. 気合 - Motivate - 40 SP - increase the caster's morale by 10. 魂 - Spirit - 60 SP - do triple damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Hot Blood at the same time. 激励 - Rally - 60 SP - increase the morale of any team member by 10. かく乱 - Confuse - 70 SP - decrease the hit rate of all enemies (final percentage) by half. てかげん - Mercy - 10 SP - when your skill level is higher than your enemy's, and when your attack is supposed to kill off an enemy, an attack powered with this "magic" with leave the enemy unit with 10 HP. 再動 - Move Again - 90 SP - make any team unit on the map that has already moved (cannot move anymore) be able to move again. The unit will still be in greyed out, but it can move once only. 友情 - Friendship - 70 SP - recover all team units' HP by half. 愛 - Love - 90 SP - recover all team units' HP fully. - Speed Up - 10 SP - increase mobility by 3 (will be used up when you move that unit). 挑発 - Provoke - 35 SP - when cast on enemy unit, that unit will always attack the caster's unit as long as the unit is in the attack range of at least one weapon of the enemy unit. 覚醒 - Awaken - 60 SP - makes the unit able to move one more time. There can be only one active Awaken on any unit, but you can cast it again after the unit has moved once. 補給 - Resupply - 65 SP - fully recover any team unit's ammo and EN. Will decrease that unit's morale by 10. 復活 - Resurrect - 120 SP - bring back one dead team member. Everything (morale, ammo, HP, EN) will back to normal. You can pick which unit to resurrect, but the unit will always appear in one of the four squares surrounding the caster. 夢 - Dream - ???? SP - the caster can cast any "magic" of a team member on the map (just pick the magic as if you are using other member's magic), but the amount of SP used will be doubled (the number shown when you cast Dream is the final amount of SP used). 奇跡 - Miracle - 100 SP - this "magic" will cast Motivate 3 time, Great Perseverance, Speed Up, 100% Hit, Lucky, Flash and Spirit all with just one "magic". ??g - Sacrificial Attack - 60 SP - Damage X 3, and one free critical attack, but your evade rate goes to 0% for one turn. P - Raid - 60 SP - Uses 100% Hit, Hot Blood, Speed Up, and Flash. ? - Patience - 50 SP - Gives a team member 50 SP. _ - Sniping - 20 SP - Increases the range of non-MAP weapons by 2 for one turn. - Weariness - 120 SP - Decreases the morale of all enemies by 10. ? - Great Rally - 120 SP - Casts Rally on all party members. 7) Item List explanation - ースター - booster - increase mobility by 1. メガブースター - mega booster - increase mobility by 2. Iフィールド発生機 - I-Field Generator - make the equipped unit able to generate I-Field. 高性能レーダー - high performance radar - increase all weapons that are not MAP or that have a range of 1 range by 1. You can equip multiple high performance radars to increase weapon range by more than 1. 対ビー ーティオグ - anti-beam coating - make the equipped unit have beam coating. リペアキット - repair kit - recover HP by 2000. Can only be used once. プロペラントタンク - Propellant Tank - recover EN by 50. Can only be used once. プロペラントタンクS - Propellant Tank S - recover EN by 200. Can only be used once. マグネットコーティング - magnetic coating - increase agility by 5, limit by 20. バイオセンサー - bio sensor - increase agility by 10, limit by 15. サイコフレー - psycho-frame - increase agility by 15, limit by 30. ョバ ーマー- chobam armor - increase HP by 500, armor by 150. ハイブリッドアーマ- hybrid armor - increase HP by 800, armor by 200. ヒy - super alloy Z - increase HP by 1000, armor by 300. 'jA[y - new super alloy Z - increase HP by 1500, armor by 400. ミノフスキークラフト - Minovski craft - makes the equipped unit able to fly, and have a grade A in air. ~mXL[hCu - Minovski drive - same as Minovski craft, but increases mobility by 2 as well. アポジモーター - apogee motor - increases mobility by 1, agility by 5. \? - high performance targeter - increases accuracy of all weapons by 30%. e?C?H - Tem Rei circuits - mobility down by 10 and agility by 15, but reduces repair cost to 10. (Use with EVA Unit-01!) s??|CgoA - Pin-point barrier - negates all damage below 1800. Needs 110 morale. ~Cl` - Minmei doll - go into battle with +5 morale. Ah_? - fried Andromeda - recovers all SP. Can only be used once. Ci[VLZ[ - inertial canceller - negates all damage below 2500. Needs 130 morale. ****** Battle Hints and Tips : (some of these will be taken off my Super Robot Wars F Final Battle Guide; the ones that are applicable, at least.) 1. The all-important damage algorithm. This is STILL the F Final algorithim, since I cannot find th Impact one...yet. This should be corrected soon. Attack Power = Weapon rating (the number in the weapons screen) X morale% (i.e, 136 morale would be the first rating times 136%) X pilot's attack rating% (same as above, changes for short and long range attacks) X terrain adjustment. Terrain adjustment is the average of the pilot's grade in the terrain you're on (Land, Sea, Air or Space) and the terrain value of the weapon (again, viewable through the weapons screen). A = 100%, B = 80%, C = 60% and D = 40%. That was a bit messy...I'll write it again below without the explanations this time. Attack Power - Weapon Rating X Morale% X Pilot's Attack Rating X Terrain Adjustment. Damage is, of course, Attack Power - Defense Power. Now you need to know Defense Power, which is quite simply Armor X Morale% X Terrain Adjustment (average of pilot and mecha) Chance of Sword Cut and Shield Defense being used is 16 divided by Skill Level : therefore, someone with a Shield Defense of 4 has a 16 divided by 4 = 1/4 chance of his\her ability being used. 2) Who to pick for battle? There are basically two kinds of pilots in SRWI : Realistic and Super. Realistic pilots are fast, don't rely on Morale heavily but lack super weapons. Super Robot pilots have lots of life and armor, can't hit a target to save their lives (without 100% Hit, that is) and need high Morale to unleash their most powerful attacks. Your party should consist of a mix of both of these, with a bunch of other pilots thrown in for good measure. Basically, Realistic pilots take out the normal enemy troops (considering that most of them, like Amuro and Char, can't even be hit normally) and Super ones do the boss in. Generally speaking, that is. Of course, the WHOLE point of the entire sRW series is for you to bring in the mecha you like, so don't let the classifications stop you. ^_^ 3) What to upgrade? For Gundams and the like, energy (to fire the big weapons) mobility (to avoid attacks, all of them in most cases) and limit (for when your pilot becomes too damn good for his\her mecha) are essentials. Don't bother with HP at all; though a bit of armor might be useful for those rare times when an attack actually hits a Gundam pilot. Super Robots need armor; lots of it. (A substitute for this is using Hybrid, Super Z and New Super Z Armor, though) HP doesn't hurt either (it's not required) and energy for the big guns. You won't even need to touch mobility for the most part - a base size of L for a Super Robot makes dodging laughable, and you'll be using 100% Hit to attack anyway. 4) More about upgrading. Use your money well - it doesn't come in easily. Upgrade the weapons you use most frequently; don't be afraid to blow over 100000 simply powering-up Beam Rifles, 'cause you use those a lot; conversely don't upgrade cheap stuff you won't use simply because it costs less. Be careful about upgrading mecha that will be outmoded by more powerful ones later. 5) Gundams Are Good. Why? As I've said before, their ability to avoid almost any normal attack is essential to winning battles. Give key units High Performance Radars (more on this below) to push their attack range higher than the bosses so they can nail them from afar. Place them into crossfires to weaken enemies who can't fire back. 6) Distance is an important factor in many battles - always, ALWAYS try to attack from a position which is uncounter-attackable. The basic range for a normal enemy is 6 (the magic number of distance - take note!) and for bosses, usually 6 to 7. Some enemies like Aura Battlers, for instance, have horrible ranges (2 to 3 for their Aura Vulcans and worse for the Swords) Basically, a weapon range of 8 is safe as far as things go. However, watch out later in the game; several mighty bosses have ranges of up to 8 or 9 (though the last is a rare) especially the Guest ones. Normal enemies also will also increase their basic ranges as the game progresses, so your ultimate safe haven is probably having Amuro in Nu Gundam at a high enough level - pushing his Fin Funnels range to 10. 7) Use repair robots. Yes, I know they suck in battle, have lousy armor and HP and don't have half a decent weapon between all of them - but they can repair, but outside of wasting precious SP casting spells is the only way you can regain HP. Besides, repairing is an EXCELLENT way to level up. 8) Understand the use of Concentrate. When used on a powerful Newtype (Char comes to mind) or agile pilot, it will allow the pilot to stand directly in the range of incoming boss enemy fire and counterattack perfectly, Why? Do the math - bosses rarely have more than a 30% chance to hit an ace and the ace in question usually has a hit rate of 70% or more. What's more, since the "magic" lasts for another turn you're getting more free whacks in. This also works with normal enemies, though you'll rarely even need to use the skill in question - simply place the chosen Gundam in the midst of the opposing forces. 9) The Super Robot equivalent to the above strategy is equipping a heavily armored mecha (usually with two New Super Alloy Zs) sticking it in the middle of the enemies and plunking on a 100% Hit. Tada - instant massive damage. This can be used even early on in battle to rack up truly huge amounts of damage and Morale. 10) Use terrain than can recover energy to your advantage. Many powerful weapons (F91's VSBR, Shining Gundam's Shining Finger etc) use up tons of it, so place key units in those squares. Upgrade energy as well, of course. The same rule applies to map squares that can recover HP. 12) BTW, just a small mention - 100% Hit bypasses the protection that Sword Cut and any other attack-negating skill offers; something to remember. However, Shield Defense still applies and Flash will render the "magic" useless for one attack. 13) On the same note, remember that as powerful as Funnels are, they can be Sword Cut away. Save the game before firing a Spirit-powered one. 14) With a mere 15 point cost, Flash is one of the best "magics" in the game, especially to draw the fire of bosses who become insanely strong after a comrade\loved one is killed (they gain like, 100% Hit, Flash AND Spirit, to name but one) It's also powerful enough early on, when not every boss can move twice. 15) I've mentioned this one or twice in the above paragraphs, but it bears repeating clearly now - Spirit, Lucky, 100% Hit and all attack-related skills also work with MAP weapons. In fact, all normal skills (Shield Defense, for example) and applicable magics (Iron Wall, Flash) still work as per normal. The main differences MAP weapons have, actually (despite the obvious one of being able to attack more than one unit at a time) are 1) you can't choose to block or dodge them and 2) you don't receive morale from either killing units with or being hit by one. 16) More uses of Flash - it can be used to let a weak unit survive the two consecutive attacks a powerful boss usually levels at it (you can block the second shot and repair the unit later) as well as escaping enemy counterattacks easily. 17) With some especially powerful enemies, it's actually worth sitting there and absorbing as much enemy fire as possible from them to whittle down their ammo reserves - especially on, you guessed it - Guest bosses. This usually takes 15 turns at least but with enough patience (and a book nearby) it can turn the tide of battle in your favor by robbing the enemy of it's most powerful weapon/s. This technique is really useful on MAP weapons, but note that you need to have 3-5 units within the blast radius in order to have the boss attack you with it as opposed to a conventional weapon. How to decoy? Simple. Place ONE (and only one) unit JUST within the range of the weapon you want to exhaust. 18) Let your morale-dependent units (Super Robots) kill the enemy small fry in order to gain the prerequisite amount of it to use their superweapons - Motivate is rarely enough. 19) Always, if possible, wait for the enemy to come to you. (Retreat to recovery areas - towns etc too.) After all, as Sun Tzu said, if you can choose the battlefield war becomes a lot easier. The enemy will usually dispatch it's forces against you in waves, so hunkering down and taking them out one by one is better than venturing forth and getting plastered since the next wave will take longer to get to your position. You can also check the enemy movement ability by pressing the Circle button while on them - the green area is where they can move next turn. 20) Use terrain to your advantage - towns, forest and the like give you a 20% boost to both defense AND evade; not something to be taken lightly. Conversely, try to lure enemy units out of any cover they might be using. Note that flying units don't gain any defense\evade bonuses (though they do recover EN and HP) unless they've landed in the chosen terrain. ****** Series Information : Here is where I include story and character summaries for the series featured in the game. Because they are intended to be read by people who haven't seen the series so they can understand what's going on, the information will necessarily be rife with spoilers. I reason that if you you've already watched the series and formulated your own opinions of it, you don't need to re-read another version of the events. ^_^ Mazinger Z : Here we are, one of the true classics of mecha anime. Mazinger Z is widely considered the very first Super Robot of all time (the other contender being Tetsujin-28) and has been shown all around the world, from Japan to America, Greece, Puerto Rico and beyond. But you all already knew that. Kouji Kabuto : The pilot of Mazinger Z and the son of Professor Kabuto. Recognizable anywhere because of his signature squeaky voice and spiky hair, he is probably along with his robot one of the most popular anime heroes of all time. Hot-tempered to the point of rashness and not terribly good at communicating, he is nevertheless intelligent and a skilled combatant. His tendency to go overboard often leads him into situations only his friends can get him out of, but his determination to protect the Earth is unequalled. Sayaka : Kouji's girlfriend and comrade-in-arms. Again, she also has a squeaky voice. ^_^ Depsite at times irritating and bitchy, she is a great help to Kouji, curbing his impulsive tendencies and assisting in battle. Boss : Kouji's...rival? Considering Boss Robo is built out of scrap material, I don't really think it stands a chance. The rotund Boss is one of Kouji's most stalwart allies (even if he might not look it) and helps him fight most of his foes. Boss (like the rest of the Mazinger cast) also has a squeaky voice, and speaks in a strange accent...who can forget the Super Deluxe Boss Robot punch? Great Mazinger : This series begins at the very end of Mazinger Z when it's about to be destroyed...in the very last episode, Great Mazinger appears and destroys Mazinger Z's foes when the latter is hard-pressed to survive, let alone emerge victorious. The saga continues as Great Mazinger continues to fight against those who would threaten the Earth's peace. Testuya Tsurugi : Boy, is this guy's name self-explanatory or what..."Iron Sword". Tetsuya is the other half of the Mazinger duo...he is also one of the few characters who doesn't have a squeaky voice. ^_^ Mobile Battleship Nadesico : A bizzare mix of EVA parody, high drama, comedy and general anime parody, Nadesico manages to move and induce laughter in equal proportions...a good thing in my book. Seiya Uritabake : The engineer of the ship. Escaping from his prosaic existence as a henpecked husband and mad inventor, Seiya is quite at home aboard the Nadesico, where he can tinker to his heart's content. His dislike for authority often gets him into scrapes with the military, but they need his inventing genius and mechanical aptitude for their Aestivalises. Seiya also resembles a grown-up version of Boss from Mazinger. He had a brief relationship with Hikaru Amano (see below) but they broke it off later in the series. Irascible and short-tempered, Seiya is actually genuienly concerned for the welfare of the crew, their mecha, and humanity in general, and can be relied upon in combat. Ruri Hoshino : Daigouji Gai : "No, no! It says Yamada Jiro, but the name of my soul is DAIGOUJI GAI!" Who can forget those immortal words? Part comic relief, part Super Robot fan, part Aestivalis pilot...and all hero, Gai is definitely someone to remember. Despite his tragic death in Episode 2 (and subsequent "return" later) SRW gives you a chance to save the spirit of Gekiganger from his untimely demise - what more could you ask for in a game? But back to the point...Gai is a BIG fan of the old anime series Gekiganger, and constantly shouts it's attacks in combat irregardless of whatever he's actually doing - in fact, he joined the military so he could pilot a giant robot. He is also filled with burning passion, fighting skill and friendship; all qualities of a great Super robot pilot. He never gives up, and is quick to move the crew to action with exhortations to watch Gekiganger and quotes from his favorite show. ****** New Stuff in Impact (to be sorted later) --- Command Attacks : This is the Simultaneous Attack that you all have seen in the intro. Its quite a powerful manuever, but is tricky to pull off...anyway, the immediate effect of executing a Command Attack is that both attacks will AUTOMATICALLY critical and strike at the same time. Needless to say, that's quite a potent offensive weapon, but the catch is that firstly, all the conditions of a Support Attack must first be fulfilled. In addition, both the mecha initiating the attack must have the Command Attack skill, and the mecha reinforcing it must have the Support Attack skill (in order to fire). If a mecha will Support Attack fires and in reinforced by another mecha with Command and Support attack, the Simultanaeous Attack will NOT initiate, since the one with Command did not execute the attack. Last point to note : skills like Hot Blood and such will only work on the one using the Command Attack; they do not attack the secondary attack in any way. Support Attack and Support Defense : These function much in the same way they did in Gaiden. When attacking, a comrade with Support Attack may add their firepower to yours, and in may take fire for you in the case of Support Defense. The conditions that must be met in order to trigger the Support are as follows : 1. The units must be right next to each other. 2. The units must be on the same terrain (both flying, both on sea, or both on ground) 3. In the case of attack, the units must both be able to hit the enemy. 4. In the case of defense, the defending unit must be able to withstand the damage - if it cannot, it will not defend. All these rules apply to the enemy units as well. Combination Attacks : First introduced in SRW 64 and making a return in Super Robot Wars Advance and Alpha DC, it looks like they're here to stay. Combination attacks are just that - attacks in which one or more mecha merge their attacks into a powerful whole. Of course, some rules govern these moves, and they are as follows : 1. The mecha which are combining their attacks must not be more than 2 squares away from each other. 2. All the attacks which the mecha use to hit their enemy must be able to connect. For example, in the case of Double Burning Fire, both Mazingers would have to be really close to the enemy, since both Breast Fire and Burn are 1-range moves. However, for Ninja Killing Art, only Joe's Kuroshishi has to be close to the enemy, since he uses his Beam Katana as his attacks - Reni and Mark use long-range fire. 3. Morale requirements and energy costs must be paid. Skills : ??? Concentration : All SP costs are reduced by 20%. Easily one of the best skills in the game. ???? Prediction : At Morale 110, the pilot will have Flash automatically cast on him/her at the beginning of a turn. Strong Luck : All units killed by a pilot with this skill will yield 1.5 the money. ????? Hard Worker : At the beginning of the turn, if the pilot has more than 120 Morale, Great Effort is automatically cast upon him/her. ??? Rebel Spirit - At 50% health or lower, the pilot gains +30 Accuracy, +200 Armor and Reverse Slash. ???? Perseverance - At 50% health or lower, the pilot gains +300 Armor and Reverse Slash. ?? Ninja - Gain Mobility/Accuracy/+Critical per level of the skill. ??? Reverse Slash - Gain +2 Morale instead of 1 when struck. ???? First Strike : At 120 Morale, the pilot will counter ANY attack. Nanba Kyousuke has this. Open Gate : At 120 Morale, any Getta unit has a 50% chance to evade an attack, even if the attack has a 100% success rate. ??? Fighting Spirit : Starting morale+5 ????? Counter : Counterattack as many times per turn as the skill level indicates 2??? Move Twice : Like it says. ??? Resentment : Attack power increases by 1.5 if the specified pilot is present. The known list : Gil Barg - Mia Alice Ginias Saharin - Shiro Amada ???? - Revival : If current HP, EN or SP falls below 20% of the maximum, all of them will be restored to their maximum values next turn. ???? - Heart And Mind Are One : If current SP falls below 20% of the maximum, 10% will be restored next turn. Combination Attacks : Double Attack - Just Kidding! : Hikari (Rapid Rifle) + Izumi (Rapid Rifle) + Ryoko (Distortion Punch) Learnt and Acquired Skills : In Impact, depending on how fast you clear a stage, you will gain either an Acquired skill. These differ from Learnt skills in a number of respects, which are shown in this table here : Learnt : 1. Cannot be Acquired through any means (things like Newtype, Ninja, etc) Some Learnt skills are Acquired skills, though (like Potential) and vice versa. 2. Increase in level, there is no other way to increase them. 3. Once overwritten by an Acquired skill, you CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT regain the skill, so be careful when assigning skills. Acquired : 1. Obtained at the end of a level - the speed at which you clear the level determines what skills you may choose from. You may only pick one. If not used, say good-bye to the skill. 2. Acquired skills ALWAYS override any skill you place them on, but they cannot be placed on the ??? slots (those denote a Learnt skill which the pilot will get later) In this manner, you can override the older Acquired skills you want in case you've made a bad decision. A special thing to note is that if a skill is both Learnt and Acquired (Potential and you override the Potential, then later restore it, the skill will return at it's former value. Warship Support : This allows a warship, when firing, to release a unit from it's docking bay to add to it's total attack power. (UC) Defense : This comes in multiple levels, and is sort of a catch-all category for Sword Blocking and well as other defensive manuevers (shields etc) The amount of times the pilot will is directly proportional to the level of the skill. Shields : All Shields now have 2 stats, Usage and Damage Threshold. Damage Threshold is the amount of damage the shield will absorb when struck, Usage is the amount of times you can use the shield per battle. Note that if the damage inflicted on the unit does NOT exceed it's Damage Threshold, the Usage will NOT decrease. Usage can be upgraded via the Shield option in the upgrade screen, but I have no idea how to upgrade or even check Damage Threshold - I believe it's fixed for each shield. 6) Complete "magic" list and explanations - 偵察 - Detect - 1 SP - be able to take a look at the enemy's ability screen, even when you didn't fight it before in the map (since the only way you can look at an enemy's ability screen on the map is to either 1) have attack it before or 2) use Detect on the enemy). みがわり - Substitute - 35 SP - when you use it on one of your units, when an enemy is attacking the unit you casted the "magic" on, the caster of the "magic" will take the damage instead of the casted unit. Note that even you cast Flash, the caster of the "magic" will still take damage. 努力 - Great Effort - 30 SP - for one attack, you get double the experience than you would normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). Use this when killing bosses! 集中 - Concentrate - 15 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your dodging and hit rate (the final percentage) will increase by 30%. ひらめき - Flash - 15 SP - can 100% dodge one enemy attack, even over 100% Hit. The kanji is 閃. One of the most useful spells. 自爆 - Self Destruct - 1 SP - kills your own unit, but will cause damage equivalent to the unit's current HP to four surrounding units (your own or enemy's), regardless of enemy's armor, morale, etc. 必中 - 100% Hit - 25 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), you will always hit your enemy or your own unit (if using a MAP weapon) unless that unit uses Flash. - Perserverance - 15 SP - recover 1/3 of maximum HP. 脱力 - Exhaust - 50 SP - decrease the morale of any enemy unit on the map by 10. 信 - Trust - 20 SP - recover any team members' HP by 1/3. 血 - Hot Blood - 40 SP - do 1.5 damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Spirit at the same time. 身 - Invisible - 60 SP - the enemy will not see you and will not attack you for one turn (even if you attack them and they are supposed to counterattack). 鉄壁 - Iron Wall - 30 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your armor stat will be doubled. 幸運 - Lucky - 40 SP - for one attack, you will get double the money than you normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). Of course, this only works if you kill the enemy. ド - Great Perseverance - 40 SP - fully recover the caster's HP. 気合 - Motivate - 50 SP - increase the caster's morale by 10. 魂 - Spirit - 60 SP - do double damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Hot Blood at the same time. 激励 - Rally - 60 SP - increase the morale of any team member by 10. + かく乱 - Confuse - 70 SP - decrease the hit rate of all enemies (final percentage) by half. てかげん - Mercy - 10 SP - when your skill level is higher than your enemy's, and when your attack is supposed to kill off an enemy, an attack powered with this "magic" with leave the enemy unit with 10 HP. 再動 - Move Again - 90 SP - make any team unit on the map that has already moved (cannot move anymore) be able to move again. The unit will still be in greyed out, but it can move once only. 友情 - Friendship - 70 SP - recover all team units' HP by half. 愛 - Love - 90 SP - recover all team units' HP fully. - Speed Up - 10 SP - increase mobility by 3 (will be used up when you move that unit). 挑発 - Provoke - 35 SP - when cast on enemy unit, that unit will always attack the caster's unit as long as the unit is in the attack range of at least one weapon of the enemy unit. 覚醒 - Awaken - 60 SP - makes the unit able to move one more time. There can be only one active Awaken on any unit, but you can cast it again after the unit has moved once. ?? - Devotion - 40SP - recovers 10 SP for all the members in a particular unit 補給 - Resupply - 65 SP - fully recover any team unit's ammo and EN. Will decrease that unit's morale by 10. 復活 - Resurrect - 120 SP - bring back one dead team member. Everything (morale, ammo, HP, EN) will back to normal. You can pick which unit to resurrect, but the unit will always appear in one of the four squares surrounding the caster. 奇跡 - Miracle - 100 SP - this "magic" will cast Motivate 3 time, Great Perseverance, Speed Up, 100% Hit, Lucky, Flash and Spirit all with just one "magic". P - Raid - 60 SP - Uses 100% Hit, Hot Blood, Speed Up, and Flash. ?_ - Sniping - 20 SP - Increases the range of non-MAP weapons by 2 for one turn. ?? - Cheer - 45P - Casts Great Effort on another pilot ?? - Fortune - 60SP - Casts Lucky on another pilot ?? - Assault - 25SP - For one turn, all non-MAP weapons become P ?? - Inspiration - 70SP - All pilots gain +5 morale ?? - Coercion - 30SP - Reduces a chosen pilot's Support Attacks and Defenses to zero ?? - Explosion - 25SP - Does damage to all units around targeted unit if targeted unit is destroyed 7) Item List explanation - ブースター - booster - increase mobility by 1. メガブースター - mega booster - increase mobility by 2. Iフィールド発生機 - I-Field Generator - make the equipped unit able to generate I-Field. (reduces beam attack damage by 850) 高性能レーダー - high performance radar - increase all weapons that are not MAP or that have a range of 1 range by 1. You can equip multiple high performance radars to increase weapon range by more than 1. ?????? - high performance targeting system - increase Accuracy by 15 対ビー ーティオグ - anti-beam coating - make the equipped unit have beam coating. (reduces beam attack damage by 700) リペアキット - repair kit S - recover HP fully. Can only be used once. ??????? - Needless Ampule - Pilot recovers 50 SP. Can only be used once. ??? - Mercury Don (like gyudon, but from Mercury ^_^) - Pilot gains 10 morale. Can only be used once. ?????? - Space Abacus - Restore all uses of Support Attack. Can only be used once. プロペラントタンクS - Propellant Tank S - recover EN by 200. Can only be used once. マグネットコーティング - magnetic coating - increase agility by 5, limit by 20. バイオセンサー - bio sensor - increase agility by 10, limit by 15. サイコフレー - psycho-frame - increase agility by 15, limit by 30. ?? - Haro - increase agility by 30, movement by 2 and limit by 30 ョバ ーマー- chobam armor - increase HP by 500, armor by 150. ハイブリッドアーマ- hybrid armor - increase HP by 800, armor by 200. ヒy - super alloy Z - increase HP by 500, armor by 200. 'jA[y - new super alloy Z - increase HP by 1000, armor by 300, decreases mobility by 5 ??????? - Space Alloy Glen - increase HP by 1500, armor by 400, decreases mobility by 10 ミノフスキークラフト - Minovski craft - makes the equipped unit able to fly, and have a grade A in air. アポジモーター - apogee motor - increases mobility by 1, agility by 5. \? - high performance targeter - increases accuracy of all weapons by 30%. ????????? - Aura Converter - increases movement by 2 and mobility by 10 ???????? - Shuffle Alliance Badge - increases starting morale by 5 ????? - Book of Ninjitsu - increases all weapons critical rates by 15% ???????? - Spiritual Energy Device - increases pilot's SP by 10 ??????? - Solar Sail - regenerate 10% of total EN per turn ????????? - Ultimate Cells - regenerate 10% of total HP per turn ???????? - Crest of Rilis Royalty - regenerate 10% of total SP per turn ???????????? - Distortion Block - reduce all damage taken by 300 (generate Distortion Field) ???????? - Shuffle Crest - Starting morale +5 ???? - Wolf Sword Crest - Starting morale+10 ????????? - Large-scale Generator - Increase EN by 100 ???????? - Large-scale Cartridge - Restore all EN and ammunition. Can only be used once. V-UP????(W) - V-UP Unit (W) - increases weapon power of the mecha in accordance with the number of equipable spaces V-UP????(U) - V-UP Unit (U) - increases statistics of the mecha in accordance with the number of equipable spaces Table for V-UP Units : Number of spaces Weapon Power Stats 4 +400 HP+500 EN+100 Mobility+15 Armor+200 Limit+20 3 +300 HP+400 EN+70 Mobility+10 Armor+150 Limit+15 2 +200 HP+300 EN+50 Mobility+5 Armor+100 Limit+10 1 +100 Unknown Skill Coordinate System Information : Turns Skill Gained 5 Concentration 6 SP+15 7 Evade+15 8 Accuracy+20 9 Skills+1 10 Fighting Spirit 11 Critical+25 12 Potential 13 SP+5 14 Accuracy+10 15 Evade+10 16 Critical+15 Experience Points And How to Get Them : In the early game, killing the boss units before they retreat is quite a tough thing to do, so if you're really going for a lot of Experience Points, you'll need to upgrade your Super Robots. Good ones to pick are Combattler V (strongest weapon) Daitarn 3 (has Command Attack) and Great Mazinger (has Great Booster, excellent support weapon) Note : There is only one Experience Point per stage Scene 1 : Flying Dragon Takes to the Clouds : Defeat Noris (runs at 30%) Three Spirits : Defeat Hydra (runs at 30%) Castle of Black Iron : Defeat Ashura (runs at 30%) Fire On : Clear the stage in 5 turns or less Stage 5 Let's Get Masculine : Defeat the enemy Bandock reinforcement (runs at 30%) Stage 6 Wings That Rise and Fall : Make the enemy Bandock run away in 5 turns (runs at 30%) Scene 2 : Cross Fight! : Destroy Bloody-II after it appears from Bloody-I (runs at 30%) (at Mutron Research Facility) : Destroy Bloody-II after it appears from Bloody-I (runs at 30%) (at Iga Village) : Destroy Ihabora's Skeleton (runs at 30%) A Visitor, From Afar : Clear the stage WITHOUT defeating Galaria Stage 11 Two Newtypes : Defeat the Apsellas (runs at 50%, this is tough) Scene 3 : Launch, Ultimate Electric Robo - Defeat Garuda (runs at 30%) Hometown of the Soul - Defeat Master Asia in two turns (this is almost impossible, I'd advise missing this one) Assault - (if 1 and 2 are picked) Defeat Gundam-02 I am Me, You Are Mileen - Destroy the pyramid without destroying all the enemies before Daitarn 3 appears. Disaster - Defeat Master Asia in two turns (this is almost impossible, I'd advise missing this one) Scene 4 : Stage 17 Zero Degree Trap : Defeat the Great General of Darkness (runs at 30%) Last Gamble of the Prince : Defeat Shakin with Raideen Within the Winds of Battle : Defeat Garuda (runs at 50%) One Drop of water : Defeat Master Gundam Stage 21 Shining in the Midst of the Storm : Let the Elshank launch Scene 5 : Stage 22 : (A Promise) That If You're Aware of : Defeat Crossbine after the Nanabushi's destruction and before Rom appears Commander's Legacy : Defeat Ihabora's Skeleton (runs at 30%) Roar of G : Defeat Brai when he appears (runs at 30%) The Tragedy of Great Shogun Garuda : Defeat Garuda with Combattler V Traitorous Collector : Defeat Benmel (runs at 30%) The Battlefield, Towards the Skies : Secret Units and Characters : Galaria - In Scene 2, A Visitor, From Afar, clear the stage without defeating Galaria and she will join. Rozamia - In Stage 11, the last scene of Scene 2 (Two Newtypes) convince Rozamia with Camille and she will join. Todd and Todd's Dunbine : In Scene 3, Hometown of the Soul, convince Todd with Sho, then destroy him. He will join after the stage. Kempfer (unit) : In Scene 3, I am Me, You are Mileen, you will get it after the stage if Shiro is in it. Aina Saharin, Norris Packard, Gouf Custom, Apsellas - All of the following can be obtained in the last stage of Scene 4, Shining in the Midst of the Storm. Aina - Convince her with Shiro when she appears. Norris - Convince him with Aina, the Bernie. He will join and gain Strong Luck. Both pilots come with their units. ****** Walkthrough : Plot Translations : Something has happened to Jaburo, and no communications can be established with it. As you lack forces to repulse both the alien invasion and Jion at the same time, you go around to find all of Earth's Super Robots to aid your efforts. During the second battle, someone will comment that the way the enemies appear seems very similar to each other. When enemy forces appear to threaten the Nadesico, Gai will immediately launch and rush right into the mass of enemies...where he will promptly be unable to fight due to the energy supply from the Nadesico being interrupted due to range. Akito will them appear to save him The Lond Bell forces are rather taken aback at the image of a young and...overly cheerful captain who greets them with an ebullient "V!" Admiral Misumaru, despite being near tears at the "loss" of his daughter (though apparently Bright and do not share his sorrow) orders the Lond Bell forces to advance on Jaburo to discover exactly what happened there. Since there is still not enough military power to accomplish all three objectives (pursue the Nadesico, go to Jaburo and fight The Boom invasion) will decide to split the team into 2 - one will go to space and the other remain on Earth. Hayato ask whether all Latesians have split personalities, leading to Roll's confusion and Pai saying that everyone thinks so too. The Dangaioh Team go back to space for a while because Doctor Tarsan needs to upgrade their mecha and fight the Bunker (Lambda is none too happy about this idea because Spiral Knuckle means SHE'LL be the one flying at the enemy ^_^) Meanwhile, the Apsellas has been completed, and Ginias launches it at Nambara Connection is under attack by the Campbell aliens, and the doctor contacts the Gandol forces who arrive in the nick of time to aid Combattler (which cannot launch just yet) in repulsing them. during the battle, Alphimi will appear, calling Kyousuke's name Episode 20 : A Single Drop of Water (G Gundam plot) You get an Experience Point for killing Master Gundam Episode 21 : If the Elshank takes off successfully, you gain an Experience Point. Noris dies, saying that he has no regrets, having served the Saharin family to the very end. At the end of the stage, Shiro will rescue Aina, who will join the party. Ihabora and Hazard talk about their operations proceeding apace as they request the help of the shadowed figure (actually Don Zauser) Meanwhile, the Gandol team is directed to destroy the Nanabushi, an enemy ship with the capability of threatening the Nadesico with it's long-range weaponry. The Nadesico attempts to take on the ship by itself, but is hit with the gravity-impulse railgun; because the railgun is a solid projectile, the Nadesico's Distortion Field does not affect it. (Episode 14 of Nadesico BTW) If you want to take out Crossbine, be sure to position some units where he appears (at the building in the middle-left side of the map) because he will disappear in 3 turns upon the arrival of the Machine Robo units. Rom's apperance causes him to retreat, and if you haven't killed him, you can mop up the rest of the units however you wish. (Rom's appearance also causes Gai to go into paroxysms of envy, where he wishes he could appear like him. ^_^) At the end of the stage, Yurika will vouch for Rom's integrity, having met him on Mars, and various people will ask him to join the Gandol forces - he declines however, saying there is evil in many different places to be fought. Yurika is finally reunited with her father, and is given orders to head back into space to repulse the Jion forces there - this means no Nadesico for you. :( Episode 29 : Jerid will run at about 30% HP, so kill him if you want the Experience Point. Yazan will not. (North Jaburo) The Head of the Devil Zabine (26200) runs at 30% Ginias (35000) Zabine will appear near to the end of the stage, heralding the arrival of the Crossbone Vanguard. Defeating him also yields an Experience Point. After the battle, Ginias will still be alive...but barely. Zabine takes, sensing his further usefulness, takes him to see Iron Mask. (South Jaburo) He Who Guides, And He Who Is Guided Alfimi, 33000 HP, runs at 30%. (East Jaburo) Messenger of Axis If you have defeated Jerid at West Jaburo, Gremi will retreat and you will be treated to one of the easiest stages in the game. Just kill everything in sight, you shouldn't need more than 5 turns (thus enabling you to get Concentration for a character) Before the final battle at Jaburo, the team members all talk amongnst themselves, the topic of conversation being how that even though they are from different planets and possess different abilities, they are all humans. Gekidou no Chijou ni Shisei (?) Suru Mono Scenario 33 : None of the bosses will run. Destroy the barrier at the right hand side of the stage for quick entry back to your original location. Scenario 34 : Attack Kill Mashmar for the Experience Point (runs at 50%) If you are really quick, you can end this scenario in 5 turns and grab Concentration for Excellens, which I heartily recommend as the reduced SP cost will mean more Exhausts and hence, easier stages. (Seas Close to Earth) Hakaisha no Kyoi Boocha will run at 50% (16000 HP) so taking him down is tough if your Grendizer is insufficiently upgraded. To end the stage quickly, just rush him with Weibritter trailing - he will move towards you, allowing you to get into place and Double Harken/Orcstan Launcher him into submission. You might also want to come here later when Duke is at Level 9 so he can get Hot Blood - with that, Boocha should be considerably easier. Clear the stage in less than 4 turns to get an Experience Point. Elle will then appear, and you'll have to defend her Gabel mn a Tetra to win. Again, this stage can be cleared with a minimum of fuss and bother, so you might as well grab another chance to get Concentration. ^_^ (Colony Area) Raising the Winds : The Fist of Justice The Experience Point here is with Godan, not Devil Satan, though BOTH will run at about 30%. It's tricky if you want to get both...Rom and Co will only appear later on, and even Vaikungfu isn't strong enough to take out Devil Satan without Hot Blood. So you'll probably need to move Grendizer ALL the way to the left of the map to kill Godan (again, with Weibritter) and then move him ALL the way back to the right. This will increase your turn count, so you'll have to pick speed or the item. (I've tried - even with Rom's combination with Rod, it's highly unlikely they can deal enough damage to kill Devil Satan, especially since Rom doesn't have Command Attack) Aside from dealing with the bosses, the rest of the stage is easy enough, though once again, you'll have to make sure your Gundams don't bite the dust with their weak armor. Emma and Quattro work well here at killing off the normal enemies because of their Concentrate, while Elle and Kou can bring up the rear. Bringer of Azure Spirit Fend off the ninja forces attacking the Elshank - it really shouldn't be a big problem. Gil Barg will run irregardless of what you do, so just finish off the enemies and watch Machine Robo's cool attacks. ^_^ The Spell Called Hope Devil Gundam units will appear to the upper right hand side, so be careful when you go there to take out the Jovian Lizards there. It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY you will be able to defeat Devil Gundam before it runs...the only way I can think of you possibly succeeding is to fully upgrade Grendizer and spend ALL the money you've earned so far on Weibritter's weapons. The password is the first one (The Earth Is Blue) The Blue Earth in Danger Scenario 41 : Buucha (19000) runs at 30% but he has a W-Unit, so I STRONGLY suggest killing him. Once again, Duke Freed with Hot Blood and Mazinger supporting is your strongest attack. Gil holds the Experience Point, and will not release Bloody-2, so use Dangaioh to pound on him and finish with Grendizer. Devil Satan can be taken out normally, but watch out - he's strong and will disrupt your attack of the bosses if not killed before you engage them. Seas Near Earth 1 Seas Near Earth 2 The Pulse of Zeta, Once Again If you want to clear the stage ASAP, use Ru's Concentrate to kill off the enemies that pursue her (more will appear to the right) In Turn 3, Rod and Co will show off, but they don't stick around for long, so just kill what you can. When the Lond Bell forces do arrive on the scene, it's the same drill with Grendizer/Mazinger/Godan again. Stone Circle Take out as many of the Einst as you can before Alfimi appears so she doesn't gain morale bonuses from their deaths. After that, Exhaust her and the Grendizer/Mazinger combo should work wonders. The Song You Will One Day Sing Daitarn appears on Turn 3, so just have Akito retreat to the north until then. It's extremely difficult to kill Coros - again, the only way you will probably manage it is with a fully upgraded Daitarn 3. Seas Near Dirad (Lone Warrior) Easy stage, no bosses. Just clean up fast. You should be able to do it in 6-7 turns. Lond Bell shows up on the 3 turn. Seas Near Earth - Tulip Glowbine will run if he fights Jet, so don't let him. (Unless of course you want to see the speech) Above Destroyed Colonies - Two Projects Enemy reinforcements will appear in the exact same areas the units first appeared. You should be able to grab another Concentration on this stage. Colony Area - Spiral Knuckle of Tears Notes (to be sorted) Shining upgrades DO NOT carry over to God Getta upgrades carry over to G Leave Great on Earth because most of your other Super Robots will leave at different intervals Upgrade Grendizer as much as you can before it leaves your party since it will be the only good unit you have for the first few scenarios in the space route When Rom becomes Vaikungfu, he recovers all HP and EN, but not SP Destroying a unit combined with Tobikage will ressurect Tobikage, but the unit will still be dead and you will still have to pay repair costs Using Devotion on a unit will recover 10 SP for ALL the members of the unit (for example, if used on Dangaioh, Roll, Mia, Lambda AND Pai will recover 10 HP) This makes the Dangaioh, Dancougar, Combattler V and the Nadeisco deadly when used in concert, since they all have support magic and multiple pilots : Dangaioh - Lambda has Cheer, Pai has Motivate, Roll has Explosion, and Mia has Heart and Mind As One, letting her use multiple Devotions. Combattler V - Chizuru has Encourage, Devotion AND Resupply, Daisaku has Motivate, and the rest have battle magic. Dancougar - Shinobu has Raid (great for attacking) Ryo has Fortune and Coercion, Hayato has Resupply and Sara has Encourage. Nadesico - Yurika has both Exhaust AND Inspiration, Ruri has Confusion and Trust, Jun has Explosion and Trust, Megumi has Cheer and Encourage and Minato has Cheer, Encourage AND Devotion. Tell me, is this battleship good or what? Only Dancougar does not have a pilot with Devotion, so it can't "bounce back" Devotions. Use this strategy with a Crest of Rilis Royalty (and Concentration, if you can get it) for devastating results. Speaking of which, before I forget, items which regenerate SP will regenerate SP for all pilots in a unit. ****** Battle Quote Translations : (First, some notes) 1. I'm only going to be doing translations of the pilots whom you'll use a lot - I can't be bothered doing, for example, Apollie and Robert's voices. Too tiring, and I'm not being paid for this. ^_^ 2. Notations : (l) indicates when light damage is done (m) for medium and (h) for heavy (c) is when the pilot is counterattacking (s) quotes for special situations, like when series rivals are fighting ------ Amuro Ray "Ike! Fin Funnel!" - ("Go, Fin Funnels!") ------ Tetsuya (Great Mazinger) "Kurae! Drill Pressure Punch!" ("Take this!") --- Kou Uraki "Kiichainai!" ("That didn't hurt!") "Moratta!" "Kore de, daun da!" ("You're going down with this one!") "Amai!" Akira (Raideen) "Neriai wa, amai ze!" ("Your aim is off!") "Huu, abunakatta ze." ("Whew, that was dangerous.") "Makeru na, Raideen!" ("Raideen, you can't lose!") --- Combattler V Team - *getting hit* "Sonna kougeki ga Kon Batoru "Nante, sonna mon ka? ("What was that? A scratch?") "Kondo wa kocchi kara ikuze!" (c) ("This time it's coming from over here!") "Kore demo kurae!" ("Chew on this!") "Yokumo yatte kureta na!" ("Not bad at all!") "Mitami! Kono "Nanda? Kasukatta dake sa!" ("What? That was it?") --- Kouji (Mazinger Z) - "Sonna mon de, kono Mazinger wo taosu ki ka yo!" ("You wanna beat Mazinger with something like that?") "Koitsu wo okaeshi da ze!" (c) ("Here's something in return!") --- Ryouma (Getta) - *attacking* "Ikuzo!" "Kurae!" "Kore de dou da!" ("How's this?") *getting hit* "Nan no koreshiki?" (l) ("What's this?") *avoiding* "Otto!" ("Whoa!") "Joto da!" ("Too high!") "Mikitta zo!" ("I caught that!") --- Bright Noah (Agahma) - *attacking* "Shinro, kuria! (Course clear - Tress) Yosh, mega ryushihou, ute!" ("Alright, mega-particle cannons, fire!") "Taiku houka, teki wo chikazukeru na!" ("AA fire, don't let the enemies near!") --- Emma Sheen - "Shizume!" ("Prepare to die!") "Ahh, sasuga ni..." ("Just as good as I thought...") --- Sleggar Row *attacking* "Itadaki!" ("A present!") *avoiding* "Huuu, abunee, abunee!" ("Whew, dangerous, dangerous!") --- Camille Vidan (Zeta Gundam) - *attacking* "Soko wo doke!" ("Get out of my way!") "Asobi de yatten ja nai da yo!" ("I'm not playing around!") "Kisama no you na ga iru kara, tatakai wa owaranain da! Kiero!" (s) ("Because of people like you, the war won't end! Die!") "Kore nara!" ("If this...") "Atareee!" "Ukatsu na!" ("Don't be careless!") "Ikeru ka?" ("Can I do this?") "Saseru ka!" ("I won't let you get any further!") "Jiriido ka?" (s) ("Jerid?") "Omae wa ikiteiru ikenain da!" ("You won't be alive for long!") *avoiding* "Mieru!" ("Saw that!") "Ataru ka yo?" ("Think that'll hit?") "Sou kantan ni!" ("Not so easy!") "Hidan? Iya, kasumete daka da." "Kono kougeki, *getting hit* "Atatta? Yatte kureru!" ("Got me? Not bad!") Quatro Bajina (Char Aznable) *attack* "Osoi!" "Soko da!" ("Over there!") "Yaraseru ka!" ("Think I'll let you?") "Kore ijou wa yarasen!" ("This stops here!") "Atare yo!" ("This will get you.") *avoiding* "Sou sou ataru mono dewa nai!" ("That's not something that will hit.") "Amai na!" "Atarimasen yo!" ("Missed!") *getting hit* "Nanto!" --- Jerid Mesa - *attacking* "Sonna ni otoseretai ka?" ("Do you really want to lose that badly?") "Kisamaaa!" ("Youuuuuuuu!") "Shizume!" ("Go to hell!") "Camille, kisama!" (s) ("Camille, you bastard!") *getting hit* "Mada mada!" "Ii ki ni naru na!" ("Don't get any ideas...") "Nameta mane shita kure ze!" ("Looks like I've underestimated you a bit...") *upon death* "Naze da...naze kattenai?" ("Why...why can't I win?") --- Kakricon - "Shizume!" *getting hit* "Sono teido no dameeji nado..." (l) "Nakanaka yaru..." (m) *upon death* "Nani?" "Chi, jikujitta." Yazan Gable : "Nezumi ga...shini na!" ("Rats...are meant to die!") *upon death* "Bakana...kono ore ga ochiru da to?" ("Dammit...you mean to say that *I've* lost?") Basque Ohm *attacking* "Uteee!" ("Fireeee!") "Kechirase!" ("Destroy them!") "Zenhoumon hirake! Issei shageki!" ("All cannons, salvo!") *getting hit* "Hun, katonbo ka..." Mashma Zero - *attacking* "Moratta!" "Ochiroooo!" *getting hit* "Kisama...watashi wo okoresetai rashii na!" ("You seem to want to make me angry...") No-name Pilots : *getting hit* "Yaru, sasuga wa!" ("Just as good as I thought!") "Mada da, mada korekara yo!" ("Not yet, it's not over yet!") "Chi, mada mada!" "Kono!" *attacking* "Ochiro!" "Ikuzo!" "Koitsu de kimete yaru!" ("I'll decide the fight with this!") "Jauma nanda yo!" ("Out of my way!") *upon death* "Shimatta, shokugeki ka?" ("Damn, a frontal attack?") "Na...bakana!" Zanscale Pilots : *attacking* "Kozokashii!" *avoiding* "Yosh, kawashita!" ("Alright, avoided!") *getting hit* *upon death* "Kuu...shimatta!" "Ba...bakana!" Jion Soldiers : *attacking* "Ochiro-tten da yo!" "Tsuyoi, tsuyo-sugiru!" ("To...too strong!") "Yatte yaru!" ("Here I come!") "Kakugo!" ("En guard!") "Ko, kono!" "Uggh! Koitsu, tsuyoi zo!" ("Guugh, this one's strong!") *getting hit* "Uwwaaa, yararechimau!" (h) "Uwaaaa, pawaa ga chigaisugiru!" ("Aaah, the power difference is too great!") *upon death* "Meu...shimatta!" Zentraedi Pilots *attacking* "Kougeki wo kaishi suru!" "Zentran no chikara wo omoi "Tekikai wo hakai suru!" "Uchi-otoshite yaru!" *avoiding* "Hun...nasakenai!" "Kaihi!" *getting hit* "Nanda kono chikara wa?" "Atatta da to? Nante koto da?" "Kono mama dewa mazui!" *upon death* "Shimatta! Nan to iu koto ka?" "Yarareta...daishutsu suru!" Shining Finger : "Ore no kono te ga hikkate naru! Omae to taose to kagayake sakebu! HISSATSU! SHINNNNNNNNNNIGU! FINGAAAAAAAAA! ("This hand of mine shines forth! It's radiant cry shall defeat you! Special Attack! SHINNNNNNNNNNING! FINGEEEEEEER!) Shining Finger Sword : "Ore wa kono te de hikkate naru! Shouri wo tsukae to todoroki sakebu! Ai to ikari to kanashimi no! SHIIIIIIIIINGU FINGAAAAAAAA SOOOOOOOOOODO!Men! Men! MEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNN!" ("This hand of mine shines forth! It's radiant cry shall defeat you! Special Attack! The blade of love, rage and sorrow! SHINNNNNNNNNNING FINGEEEEEEER SWOOOOOOOOOOOORD! Forwards! Forwards! FORWARDS!) God Finger : "Ore no migite ga makka ni moeru! Shouri wo tsukamae to todoroki sakebu! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKURETSU! GOODO! FINGAAAAAAAAAA! (This right hand of mine burns a true red! It's thunderous cry calls out to grasp victory! EXXXXXXXXXXPLOSIVE! GOD! FINGEEEEEEEER!