ØRPHEN Scion of Sorcery --------------------- Version: 1.0 - 3 June 2001 By: Mizura (nazari_mizura@yahoo.com) Content: -Disclaimer -Notes about the Walkthrough -Walkthroughs *The Beginning *Sephy's Quest *Zeus' Quest *Mar's Quest *The Ending -Thanks Disclaimer: Orphen is copyrighted by its founders and original owners, not by me. (Specifically ActiVision, etc.) Oh yeah, while I'm at it, this walkthrough is copyrighted by me :P so don't take it without my permission. (Well, of course you can read it, but...) A few notes about the Walkthrough: * Okay, so this is my first walkthrough so it might be a little out of format...^.- * The information about the Picture Book may be a little different depending on each time you replay it, so this is just what I got. * I might have missed some of the treasure chests in the game, so if anyone notices one I missed, send me an e-mail...please? :) * If a part of the walkthrough is a unclear, feel free to ask me about it. * I won't be going into much detail for the "scenes" 'cause they're mostly self-explanatory. WALKTHROUGHS: * The Beginning * It all starts out with an anime sequence and then a pretty long ship scene which introduces most of the characters. When you're finally able to move Orphen, Cleo, and Magnus, the only thing you can do is go outside the door. When you do that, you'll see a short scene that has Zeus being attacked by little flying insect-monsters. Cleo says for you to help but the hallway gets blocked...nothing else to do but turn around. When you face the opposite direction of where you saw Zeus, there should be 3 doors: one to the right, one to the left, and one in front. The right door should already be open. If you go there (Orphen's room), you'll get a short talking scene and nothing else. If you go to the room on the left, (Cleo/Magnus' room), you'll get another scene and there's a treasure box you can open that has "Emerald Incense." If you go to the door straight forward, you'll see three treasure chests (change the view, or walk towards the left). The left one holds "Emerald Incense," the right one has "Blue Incense," and the middle one will get you another cut scene with the whole place filling up with water. You will be asked to SAVE. Do so, unless you wanna hear that whole beginning thing all over again. By the way, it doesn't matter if you accidentally open the middle ones before the other two, you will still be able to get the other treasure. Okay, now when you leave the room, the once blocked hall is open. Yipee! Now after the broken opening, there's 2 doors to the right and 2 to the left. If you go to the first door on the right, you'll see a scene with Sephy climbing out of the window; she has nothing in her room. In the first door to the left, Cleo will say something about the guy from before (Zeus). There you will find "Sleeping Chimes." If you keep going, before you can enter either of the 2 last doors, Cleo will say that the hall is blocked ahead (AGAIN!?). If you go to the second door to the left, they'll say that whoever was here (Mar) is gone now. There's nothing in the room. Finally, the second door to the right is Dortin and Volcan's room. You'll see another cut scene and they'll close the door in your face. Soon after that, you'll get your first boss fight...a giant crab?! This guy is pretty easy, just block when it starts coming towards you and when it starts a bubble (?) attack. You'll see when its coming. The boss is incredibly slow, so you shouldn't have many problems. Just attack with the elemental attack (Bite of Lightning) and it'll be short- lived. But after you've disposed of this monster, its little bug-like friends will come after you. Again, not much of a challenge, just block when you see the bugs about to jump for you. Remember that the shield WILL take a tiny bit more time than it should when you press it and you can't use it when you're in the middle of an attack. If you have any problems with your health, turn and aim for the glowing green thingy next to you (the healing elemental) and you should be fine. Use the elemental attack to waste more than one of those stupid little bugs at a time or you'll be sitting there pressing the same button for an endless amount of time. (The things only take one blow to die, but there's a lot of them.) After this (hopefully) short battle, Orphen will learn the "Shield of Immunity," which will reflect poison attacks. Don't worry about equipping that too early in the game though. After the boss is gone, you'll see another scene and be in a slightly darkened room. Look for the stairs leading up and then go up them. Now you should be in a screen with a staircase on the left and a window towards the bottom. Go to the door on the right to get the "Blue Incense" and "Emerald Incense." When you go to the left, you'll get another scene. Magnus and Cleo will argue which way to go, Magnus goes right and Cleo goes left. It doesn't matter which way you choose because they both end up in the same place. ^.^; (It'll just affect the conversation you have with them later..) As soon as you choose which way to go, you will be asked to SAVE. Do so, unless you wanna waste that five minutes on the boss all over again. ^.- There's another scene and then you'll have to face a few (4) insect- monsters (they look like the ones that Zeus was fighting) in story mode. Just stay where you are and let them come to you, then use your sword to wipe them out quickly. Then keep going forward until you can see Sephy talking to Magnus and Cleo with Zeus. Now you can choose which quest you want to start with. I'll be starting with Sephy's because I think it may be the longest but easier out of the two..and she's the closest to you in the start anyway. * Sephy's Quest * When you go over to Sephy and Magnus (talk to them) you'll get another scene. You'll also fight a boss soon after recruiting her. (Get used to this boss, you'll get to fight him 2 more times after this...) The first time it may seem a little confusing, but after you get the pattern, it's an easy boss. Hit it once with the elemental attack when it comes up, guard as soon as you do (it'll start glowing and then try to electrocute you), then hit it when it goes back down. Be ready to guard when it comes up as well, though, because sometimes you will see a small scene that will show the monster starting off with the electrocuting attack. You probably won't be able to attack it at all after that, because it will disappear in the water quickly. Also, there will be some times when it will shoot up into the air, don't bother blocking because it won't hit you. It'll break the mast under your feet though, which is impossible to avoid...you only have 3 masts and when it breaks all 3, well...you die. Not to worry though, it's an easy boss so there shouldn't be much trouble beating it before it breaks two. (Though I've never been able to beat it without it breaking at least one of those masts..) Anyway, after you beat the boss, you'll see the scene where it falls and dies or whatever and then Orphen'll learn the "Bolt of Thunder." You'll see a scene where the ship sinks, a short anime scene that may be a little confusing unless you understand the storyline and then another scene (URGH). You will be asked to SAVE. And you want to now, don't you? ^.^ Okay, now for the fun part...yeah right. Be careful of falling into the water, it'll chip off your health (very slowly, but it will). Keep going straight on the pathway, avoiding any places to turn. You'll see a big tree and Magnus will talk about it blocking the way. Burn it down with your projectile and wait for it to extinguish. Then go to the right to get the "Ball of Shadow." Now turn around and go to the first place you can turn left from where you're facing now. Keep walking until you see two statues on either side of you and you'll get another scene. After the scene, you'll be able to control Sephy. Jump on the crates like she says to and then go on the vine. Once on the vine go up until you can go to the left. When you can go left, keep going left until you can go up. Go up until you can go right, go up and then right again to the end. If you see a ledge on the bottom of the screen, jump down. You'll get another scene and then Sephy will have to fight three Lizardmen. They're easy, so just shoot them down with the projectile, since it's faster than everything else. You will get a picture of Lizardmen in your picturebook (like you want them?) and you'll see a scene with a drawbridge and them talking for a while. Now you can control Orphen again. After that, you'll enter the Tower of Mercy. You will be asked if you want to SAVE. When you go forward, you'll get a short scene where Orphen says he'll go on ahead. (You'll see a lot of similar scenes as the game progresses...It usually means that there's traps around.) You'll see a few traps ahead of you. Beware of the axe heads. Just run as soon as you see the axeheads go toward and up away from you. It'll be easy as long as you don't stall. Make sure to change your view so that you don't go into the traps by mistake. There'll be three of them and then a broken elevator...past the elevator you can get an "Emerald Lantern." Then go to the forth one and get the other "Emerald Lantern" next to the working elevator. You'll see your group catch up now and you can get on the elevator. After the elevator scene, you'll see a trap with spines and the places that are safe to step on are spinning. Make sure to note which direction they're going and time your movements accordingly. The spines don't hurt too much so don't worry if you get hit one or two times. Before getting on the elevator, grab the "Emerald Incense." Get on the elevator and when you get off, grab the "Emerald Lantern" next to you. There's also a "Summoning Bell" somewhere around you. Here you have to get on these slow moving areas in order to get to the elevator above you. It doesn't matter if you fall, so don't worry about this place, since you won't die. (Well, you might die of boredom if you choose the slowest places..) Get on the next elevator when you reach it and then when you get off, you will be asked to SAVE. The next area you'll be in has a few gears and another spinning area. Nothing will kill you here but if you fall off, you'll go back down to the "slow moving cog" floor. It's easy as long as you don't rush. Don't forget to grab the "Perfume Scented Bag." As soon as you get up the elevator, you'll have a short scene and then a fight. There will be three Lizardmen, but when you start attacking them, there'll be another scene with a Beholder coming out of the elevator as well. You'll have to fight all four of them. Take out the Beholder first, because it is quicker, with the projectile and then use the elemental attack to get rid of the three Lizardmen. They might block for a while so choose one that isn't blocking. After that, there'll be another scene. Get the "Emerald Lantern" which is to the right. Across from the elevator (go around to get there), there's a lever. Push it in order to stop the moving things in the middle and you'll get another scene and an explanation on the "Crystal Egg." Now you re-enter the Abandoned Pathways. You'll get another scene and SAVE. If you want to, get the treasure scattered around: "Emerald Lantern," "Sleeping Chimes," and "Emerald Lantern" (another one), then go back to the drawbridge. Turn around so you're facing the way you started off and just go straight until you get another scene. There'll be more treasure here: "Blue Lantern," "Summoning Bell," and "Emerald Lantern." If you just want to continue forward, go straight and then to the right. You'll get a battle with a few Maneaters and Knifefish on the way. (And then you get them in your picturebook...yay.) Just shoot them down and you'll be fine. (There should be a healing elemental nearby, too.) Keep going and you'll step on a piece of the egg and get another scene. You'll then be transported to a wintery-like Abandoned Pathway. You'll have to split up again (uh-oh), and then you can SAVE. Open the map with the left directional button. If you move the map enough, you should be able to see a big tree in one of the corners of the map. There's a pathway underneath it, which is your next destination. There's a lot of icicles around here that will hurt if you ram into them and the floor of the area can be slippery. Try to avoid the icicles (hit them whenever possible using the sword or projectile or just jump) and get the treasure around there. There's a "Blue Lantern" hidden behind a bunch of icicles. As soon as you get to the pathway under the tree, there's a ledge. Jump down and your group will join you. You'll see a scene and then you'll get a battle. It's not a boss fight so there's no real worrying. Watch for the Hugger, because it will do more damage than the other monsters. After you beat them, the Hugger will be added into the picture book. Now just keep going straight until you see another scene and are back to the other Abandoned Pathway (without snow). Now you can SAVE. Go in the direction that you're facing and you'll come across two monsters very far away. Shoot them with your projectile attack and then get the "Sleeping Chimes." Then go back to where you started until you see a scene. You'll have to control Sephy now. Pull the lever to raise the steps. Beware that the steps will rise or fall when you land on them. If you go to the left, you'll be able to get the "Dance of Darkness" before going to the tree. Pull the lever next to the tree after she comments on it. You'll see a short scene. Now you're Orphen again. Go straight and they'll point out which path is the newly made one. Follow that new path to the Entrance of the Aerial Pathway. Go straight once more and grab the "Perfume Scented Bag" along with the "Emerald Lantern" before going to the first bridge. Go on three more bridges and you'll get another scene. Go up one more bridge, grab the "Summoning Bell" and then go up three more. Finally, you can enter the Aerial Pathway and SAVE. Go straight and get the "Emerald Lantern," then keep going until you see a discolored wall. You'll get a scene if you examine it and the door will open. Go in it and you'll have to jump off of the ledge. Now onto one of my least favorite places up until this area. (The first time I played it, I died here a few times...>.< And had to hear that long conversation...) Your group will split up again here. The traps this time don't look too scary, but if you get hit twice, you're dead. There's two ways you can pass the first part of this trap. You can jump from where you are (a little past where you are now, actually) and hope you make it across the bottom one, without triggering the top one to come up (very hard..I only did this once..) or you can jump on top of the bottom one and hope you land without hitting the top one (also very hard...). Well, whichever way, once you get across there, the rest of it is easy. The last spiked log thing will fall, but all you have to do is jump over it, no catch there. After that, get the "Emerald Lantern" and jump down (or you can use the vine). Get on the other vine and get up on the small ledge and go straight until your group rejoins you. Go straight again (since there's nowhere else to go) and climb up a long vine. After this, keep going again until you find a ledge (towards the right) and jump down. You'll get a scene and then when you walk forward you can SAVE. Under one of the three statues, you'll see something that resembles a demon's head. Examine it to get another scene. The head will give you a riddle. Go back, since the group can't solve it. You'll get another scene with Volcan and Dortin. Now you have to get back up while Volcan throws some bombs at you. They don't hurt much, but they can throw you off if you're not careful. Also, you can't change the view, so it might not be as easy as it looks. Once you get up and they run off, go to the left to find them. After getting the answer to the riddle from them, go back to the statues to get another scene. Now there's a path beneath you, and they'll automatically go there for you. Turn around to get the "Bug Attractor" and then go forward. You can get a "Purple Incense" here and then once you're going in the right direction, you'll get a battle with a few Airus' and two Groks. (You'll get the Groks in your picture book after it.) Keep going until you enter someplace where you can hear a few clanging type of noises. Yay, there seems to be more traps...they'll separate. But before you go on, SAVE. Before doing anything else, grab the "Sleeping Chimes" in front of you, then stay next to the wall to get to the door. Go up a-ways until you get to another room. Stay towards the left wall and go forward. An iron ball will be there. Go into the corner to heal if need be, cause it can't fit there. Go up once more. Lookie, there's a trap that has one thing going up and down that can't crush you cause it's far away...so this place is a cinch, right? Wrong. Stay near the walls because there are hidden ones around there that will only trigger if you're underneath them. One word of advise: hurry. Go up again. More axes and a "Purple Incense." Your group will rejoin you. Go straight and up the path. Jump when the ledge comes and head towards the middle waterfall. You'll have to jump to get there. When you go down, you'll get a scene and then you'll have to fight another boss.. This boss is probably the hardest in Sephy's quest, the Minotaur. You can only use sword attacks on this guy and he loves to push you...you can't avoid it unless you can hit him before he gets to you. Timing is crucial. Also, he'll do his scorching attack first thing, so guard when you first see Orphen appear on the screen. If you fall off of the area, it's game over, so you'll have to kill the monster as quickly as possible. Make sure to guard when it does its scorch attack, especially when it's almost dead. It'll do it a few times and then attack, scorch, attack, etc. After you're done with that (long and horrid) battle, Orphen will learn the "Pinnacle of the Sun" and you'll see a scene and then an anime sequence. You'll enter Gaia's Tomb...and get another scene. Go straight, then to the right, then go across the bridge. You can now SAVE. After the scene in the Rest House, go up the stairs. There, talk to Cleo, Sephy, Zeus, and Mar. They should all leave. (If you don't talk to Sephy before the others, they will NOT leave.) Talk to Magnus until he keeps repeating the same thing. Then go back outside. You'll see a scene, then go down to talk to Sephy. Recruit her once again and then go to the door that Sephy pointed out. Open it and you'll see some possessed treasure boxes. Just shoot them with your projectile and use your sword when they come close or if you're lazy, run through without bothering with them. Either way, you'll get another scene after you keep going. After it, you can SAVE. Now you have to control Magnus. The floor is crumbling near Orphen, so jump on it until you fall through. There'll be some flying insects around here, but since you're Magnus, you can't do anything about it. Jump to avoid them if need be, but they're usually too high up to hurt. Hit the switch nearby and go on. Go right, then left until you see the switch. Go over there and hit it. Now go back and grab the treasure chest holding an "Emerald Lantern." Go back to where you started, then turn around (so you're facing the direction you were facing when you fell in) and go left, left, and then right until you see another switch. Hit that one. Go back to where you started again, turn to face the other direction. Now go to the right again, left, left, and to the final switch. Go to the middle of the circular area and jump through again. There's another scene. As you go on, look toward the right to find a wall that looks a little different from the others (there's a mark on the floor as well) and push it to get a short conversation. You now control Orphen again. Grab the "Summoning Bell" and "Emerald Incense" on the left and then go down, jump on the broken piece once more. Keep going and you'll get yet another scene. After that, you can SAVE. When you go down, you'll see some traps that look like hands. Of course, you'll have to leave the group behind. The traps aren't too dangerous, but they're just a _little_ bit freaky. In one area you can get the "Sleeping Chimes" and in another, "Blue Incense." If you need to heal, go ahead, but you shouldn't have to, unless you've been hit by the same trap more than once. Jump and hope that you don't land on the traps, just to be safe. After a while of these traps and going down, you'll get a battle with a few Huggers and Maneaters. (You'll get Maneater in your picture book as well.) Your group will join you for this battle and then leave. After this, keep going down and there'll be another battle. (This time with Huggers and Lizardmen). Again, your group will join and leave. Keep going down until you finally get them to join you in story mode. You can now enter the Underground Labyrinth. There's a scene, you separate from your party again and then SAVE. Stay on the side to avoid the axes, like usual, and enter the hallway. Continue on until more you see more traps. These will try to pin you down with spikes. Hurry through these and grab the "Emerald Incense." Now keep going until you get to a room with lava. Here, you can get a "Perfume Scented Bag." Step on the switch to activate it. Now the door's open so you can go through it. Go past the spikes again and get the "Blue Lantern." You'll see another axe ahead, so hurry past that too. Keep on going until you end up having to activate a switch to go on. When you hear a loud noise, be careful because a ball with spikes is coming up. Stay close to the wall to avoid it. After all of that stuff, you'll get into a battle with a Killer Bee and a few Maneaters as well. (You'll get the Killer Bee in the picture book.) Go on until you see a square pit. Jump in and SAVE. You should now be in a room with a cage. There's two ways you can go. One way will lead you to Magnus and Sephy and the other to a room with two treasure chests. You want to get to the room with the treasure chests (2 "Emerald Incenses"). If you go the wrong way, you'll see somewhere to go on the left.. When you get to the place with the treasure, push the statue out of the cage. Go back to the room you started in and go to the other door. There should be a room to the left. Ignore it, you'll be back later, and go straight. You'll find the others and have a conversation with them. Walk into the cage like they say. Now go back to the room you ignored before. You should see many cages. Jump on the last three and you should get a video that will show an area uncovering stairs. Now go back to Magnus and Sephy. There should be another way out of there, go that way and get the treasure ("Dance of Wind"). You can then go down the stairs and SAVE. You'll see some statues shooting arrows at you and each other. You can't do anything about them so don't bother. If you want to, you can jump to avoid them...but they don't hurt much and they don't hit much either, as long as you keep moving. In the first room you come to, get the "Emerald Lantern." In the second room you can get "Smelly Bag," the third room "Blue Lantern." You'll get a scene soon afterwards and will have to fight a Hellfire and Killer Bees with Sephy. (Hellfire will be added to your picture book.) After this simple fight, you will get another scene. Go down the stairs and enter the Underground Temple. There, you'll get another scene. Go down and walk around until Magnus points out a statue that has a head. Push this statue into the corner and a staircase should form. When it does, go down and find another statue and try the same thing. (Not all of them work, there will be some duds on the next two floors.) Keep trying and you'll eventually get the right one. You can also get "Sleeping Chimes" on one of the floors. When you're finally on the bottom floor, walk around until you see a picture of a sun on the left wall (there should be no dent on the ground nearby). You'll now control Sephy. Push the wall in and there will be a "Purple Incense" inside. The object of this room is to get to the other side, push the opposite "sun-wall" through until it falls, and then get back to your starting place without getting stuck. If you mess up, press one of the switches to restart. When you're back with the others, go around to the other side of the temple. Use the sun-wall to jump onto the second floor. There should be a small hole somewhere. Enter it and SAVE. As soon as you walk in, go forward until you get on a section of ground that moves up. (Hopefully it is not too large, because if it is, you went on the wrong one..) Change the view so you can see the sun-block above you. Jump over to it and push it off of the ledge, onto the higher ground, then push it again until it is on ground level. There, when you face the way you were facing when you first got in, push the block forward and to the right until the ground raises again. Push the block so you can reach the space above you. Go inside of there and jump up to get to the third floor. Now run around until the others catch up and you'll see another scene. Sephy will open the wall for you. Now for the next boss fight. You'll have to fight a few skeletons and a statue. Aim for the statue, because as soon as it dies, the skeletons will as well. Don't bother with the skeletons themselves, they'll just come back to life. There's no real other strategy for this fight, is there? After this short fight, Orphen will learn the "Hail of Heavens." Of course, there'll be another scene, then an anime sequence. Back to Gaia's Tomb. You'll get to see another scene. Whoo-hoo. Go into the Rest House and talk to Cleo, Sephy, Zeus, and Mar, so they all leave again. Don't forget to talk to Sephy before Zeus and Mar or they won't leave...unless you want to hear what else they have to say for themselves. Then talk to Magnus. He won't leave...but you will. Go back across the bridge, etc., and go down to recruit Sephy a third time. You'll get another one of those talking scenes. Go to the new purple door and SAVE. You have exactly three minutes to get out of this place. Push the wall block things to create a path for yourself. There's a "Herb" to the left and an "Emerald Lantern" towards the direction you should take. If you have any problems, look at the map. After you get out of there, you'll enter the Tower of Mercy again. Sephy will take her sweet time transporting you all back again... Now you can SAVE. In the next area, you will be controlling Magnus. Make him go to the elevator. In the first area, there's nothing but weird looking statues. Go to the next elevator. This time, if you fall, you'll still be on the same level, so don't bother. ^.^ Get the "Emerald Lantern" and "Blue Incense" and continue to the next elevator. Here, you can get the "Sleeping Chimes" and if you fall to the bottom, "Purple Lantern." Go to the elevator and get the "Smelly Bag." Now the spikes with spinning stepping areas have axeheads above them. Time it so that you don't get hit by them...stay toward the side to make it easier. The axeheads usually hurt more than the spikes, so be careful of them (not only that, but they'll make you fall into the dumb spikes..) There's a "Blue Lantern" next to the elevator. Go down that elevator and now you're back to the place with spinning axeheads. This should be easier now that it's going in the opposite direction. Just follow the axeheads after they pass you by. Get the "Emerald Lantern" after the first. Now you can either get on the elevator or keep going in order to get the "Purple Lantern." Whichever way, you'll eventually have to get on that same elevator. (Is a "Purple Lantern" really worth it?) After the elevator, Magnus will say that he found the switches. Hit them all like he says to, but before that, get the "Perfume Scented Bag." After activating all four switches, you'll see a scene. Orphen will end up leaving Sephy behind. You can now SAVE. Now that you control Orphen, go down the elevator and you'll have to fight a few monsters (Hellfires, a Beholder, and Lizardmen). Sephy will come to assist you. Just continue in the same path as Magnus and grab any treasure you may have missed. Once you get down, you'll get a battle without Sephy's help (Landoss and Killer Bees). Sephy will join you in story mode when you walk towards the door. After the scene, you'll get another battle, this time with only Sephy (Killer Bees and Sandworms). If you do well enough, you may get Sephy in your picture book. After this, you can SAVE. You control Orphen once again. Go straight and then down a ladder. Down in the sand, there will be pesky critters, so try to avoid them. Away from Magnus, there are three treasure chests: "Summoning Bells" and two "Blue Incenses." After getting that, approach Magnus. You'll automatically get a scene. As soon as the scene ends, you'll be put into a battle with Killer Bees, Sandworms, and a Beholder. There is a healing element nearby if you really need it. (Remember that elements will recharge and return if you wait long enough.) When it is over, go up the ladder and to the right. When you go into the hallway, you'll get another scene. After it, you'll get the last boss fight in this quest. This boss is similar to the first boss, but it will protect itself with bubbles. In order to get the bubbles to leave it, you will have to hit one of the floating pieces near it. If it hits the monster, the bubbles will leave for a few seconds. Take care to aim towards its head or body because it won't do so automatically. You only have a small moment to hit it when it's uncovered, so hurry. It usually will not hit you, it goes after floating debris most of the time. Don't forget to guard when its glowing though, just in case, unless you know that it's not going for you. If you can't seem to hit the pieces when the monster passes by, just wait and the bubbles will disappear on its own for a while. This method will take longer, though, and you don't have much time... Yep, you have footholds on this one too. And the monster will break them. (Grr!) If you run out, you'll fall. After you beat the boss, Orphen will learn the "Shield of Inferno," which can reflect ice attacks. Don't bother equipping this one yet, either. You'll be able to see a pretty long scene now. (Heart-breaking, eh? Wah. No, really.) No time for crying though. After that scene, you'll see Orphen approached by a mysterious girl (who looks like Rani...) who will say something about Orphen being the only person who can help her. What does she mean? Hopefully we'll find out soon....oh yeah, you can SAVE now. ***End of Sephy's Quest*** You will be asked if you want to "Play again to fulfill your destiny." If you choose no, you'll get a really dumb ending. If you choose yes, you'll get back onto the ship. Orphen'll say something about remembering that this happened already, blah blah. Before you leave the area, grab the "Sword of Justice." If you'd like to, you can talk to Magnus, who is crouching below the area you started off in. It's not mandatory though, so I suggest going to Cleo and Zeus, just to avoid any unnecessary conversation. Of course, if you like listening to everyone, go ahead and speak to him though. He'll tell you about flute playing...wonder who that is? * Zeus' Quest* Anyway, when you talk to Zeus, you can recruit him. After you do so, there'll be a scene that looks similar to the one you saw before. You'll have to fight the same boss as you did in the very beginning in Sephy's story, so use the same technique and he'll be finished quickly. Once it's over, you'll see it die (?) again and the ship will sink. There's a long scene and then you can SAVE. Jump over the pile of rubble and grab the "Bow of Ice" and two "Bug Attracters." Now go to the teleporter that Cleo pointed out. As you walk around here, there will be some annoying bugs so if you get sick of them, chop them down with your sword. After you get into the teleporting device, you can SAVE...again. Now you should be in a place with a ton of bookshelves. (A library?) Get the "Smelly Bag" and "Emerald Lantern" and then go on. You'll end up in a dead end. Once you're there, examine a bookcase with book on the bottom. You'll get a scene. Go on a little ways and you'll get another scene. Zeus will automatically go into the next teleporter. You'll get a random battle with him alone, so you can test out his skills now (two Lizardmen and a Maneater). After this battle, you can SAVE. Okay, simply put, this area can be a little confusing. If you go to the right, you'll keep getting Cleo warning you about moving walls with eyes. If you keep going to the right, you'll run into a dead end where the walls will stop you from going further. After a while of that, you'll get sent back to the beginning of this section. If you do the same thing over and over again, Cleo will give you a clue on what to do now... But if you want to avoid that huge fuss, just follow the left wall and you'll be out. When you get to the teleporter, go inside. There'll be a scene and a battle with a few Lizardmen and Groks. There'll be a healing element nearby when needed... After Cleo speaks, go over to the middle of the room. Push the "x" button when you want the places to stop spinning. You'll hear a ringing sound if you get it right. The treasure chest on the left has "Sleeping Chimes" and the one on the right has "Blue Incense." Go to the teleporter and you'll get a scene. After it, you can SAVE. Now you control Cleo. Jump on the brown "step-stones" and don't fall unless you want to start over... Push the lever and now you can get out of this place. You'll be able to enter the ship graveyard and SAVE. You're back as Orphen. Be wary of this place because it has a lot of loose floorboards that you can fall through. Climb up the first ladder, walk down the next one and go to the right to jump onto the second boat. Here, you can get an "Emerald Lantern." Climb up the ladder near the treasure chest and walk across the next. Fall off of the next ladder that you can walk across (there should only be one). Enter the cabin to get the "Smelly Bag." Now go back to the deck and climb up the ladder next to the cabin you just exited (change the view). Climb up another two ladders, now go forward until you see a long ladder below you. Jump down and go to the right. Make sure to jump over the spaces. When you walk far enough, you'll get into a battle with some Knifefish and Sea Pigs. Beware the Knifefish, they will hurt, and they are hard to hit with projectiles or elements. After a while, Zeus will leave the battle. Keep fighting until he says that you can leave (before he does that, he'll say something like, "A little more.."). When you automatically leave, you'll get a scene and SAVE. Go straight and then through the left door. Go into the next door, go up and then through another door. Go into the next door and up again, another door and go straight to get a scene. You'll fall through the boards and get another battle, this time with Votorus, Killer Bees, and a Beholder. There's a healing element nearby. You'll get the same thing with Zeus as before. After you finish this battle, you have to control Zeus. There'll be a "Bug Attractor," so get that and chop down the pole in the middle with his sword. (The second swing is the only one that'll hit it.) Now you're Orphen, follow the path that Zeus opened up for you and go up. When you jump off, Zeus'll join and you can get two "Emerald Incenses." Go up the stairs and you'll get a scene. Now you have to go up and enter the Aerial Pathway--Graveyard. You'll get another scene and then SAVE. Go left and through the hallway and you'll get another scene. Get the "Hammer of Rending." Go into the door where you can go up, move the statue out of the way to the "Emerald Lantern." Go out and to the right of where you're facing now. Go down, move statue to get another "Emerald Lantern." Cleo will make comments about the place at times. Move any statues that you can and eventually you'll go underneath the place. (It's in the right room from the direction you start off from facing...) Go straight and you'll see a scene. SAVE. Go up the stairs until you're on the second floor and enter the next room. The floor isn't steady so be ready to jump. You'll get to a really long flight of stairs. Go up and straight until you reach a place with brown fence-like things. Use your sword to chop those down. While you're at it, get the "Perfume Scented Bag" and the "Emerald Lantern" while you're at it. When you go up some short stairs, there will be some traps. Run through, since they don't do much damage anyway. Try to avoid the spikes underneath you by jumping over them. (Duh!) Once you get far enough, you'll get a battle with Groks and Votorus. There's a healing element someplace near there, as well. (You get the Votoru in the picture book.) Go up some more stairs and you'll get a scene. Go up and into the tunnel for another scene. Now you get a FUN boss battle...really. First of all, you'll see two tube-like monsters which will drop smaller monsters. Ignore the small bug-like monsters that they drop and focus on the two. After they're done, use your elemental attack to wipe them all out at once. Don't forget to guard when the little bugs try to attack you because you'll need as much health as possible. After you're done with this short fight, you'll encounter the real boss. A giant spider. @.@; Of course, you can't hit it when it has its web up so use your projectile to rip up the web. When the web breaks apart, use the elemental attack to hit the spider. You'll only get a few seconds to hit it, so hurry. Don't bother with the sword. Its attacks will hurt a lot, not separately, but it may hit you six times in a row... And its attack can make you defense-less for a while...not good. When you see its eyes pop out (you'll be able to tell) GUARD! It may either hit once or six times. If it starts hitting more than once, recharge your shield after the third attack or you'll run out. The spider also has a scorching attack that will be obvious...it will turn around to do it and you'll see a gun like thing facing you. Guard then as well... It may also do it after its shooting attacks so be wary of that. The more you chip off the spider's health, the more it will do its scorch attack. This may be one of the most longest fights, but don't get frustrated. If you restart the battle, you'll have to restart the first tube-monsters as well. After you're done with that battle, congratulate yourself. Orphen'll learn the "Armor of Purity" which you will need later and you'll see an anime sequence. Enter Gaia's Hidden Room and go to the side to see a scene. When you enter the Rest House once more, you can SAVE. Again, talk to everyone, this time speaking to Zeus first. Zeus, Mar, and Sephy will all leave. Magnus and Cleo will just say the same thing over and over. After talking to them, leave the Rest House and go down to recruit Zeus once more. You'll see a scene and then enter the Boat to Pathway. You'll get another scene and then get to SAVE. Now you have to get to the lever. Jump up and over the spinning wheels when there's an opening. Push the lever and you'll get a scene. Next, you have to use Zeus. Follow Orphen's advice to progress...but before you do, you will get a battle with Sea Pigs and Knifefish with him alone. After you do that, you'll go on and have to flip another lever using Orphen. This time the places to step on are spinning... You'll get another battle (this time with Orphen, Magnus, and Zeus) with Knifefish and Airus. Follow Rani into the Tower of Mercy. You'll get another scene. After that, go and get the "Emerald Lantern" and "Sleeping Chimes." You can also get a "Great Sword" from the higher treasure chest. Keep going after that one and you'll enter the Maze. You can SAVE again. Go straight until you see another scene. You'll get another battle with Zeus alone (Groks and Killer Bees). Keep going straight into the Tower of Wisdom. Run around for a while and you'll get a scene. After it, walk near the bed and look at the inner wall to get in. Fall into the pit and go straight to enter the Underground Labyrinth. You'll get a scene, split up, and SAVE. The traps here are self-explanatory. Just avoid the iron balls. You will NOT be able to use the wall strategy, so don't try. ^.^;; In the next room you'll see some spikes moving up and down and a moving wall next to them. Hurry past them so you don't get pushed into the lava. While you're at it, get the "Blue Incense." After those traps, you'll see swinging axes again. Stay close to the wall to avoid them. You can get a "Purple Lantern" and a "Smelly Bag" as well. Soon you'll get to a place where there's a large hole in the center of the room. An spiked iron ball will roll down and fall in it every couple of seconds. Just run as soon as you see it pass you. When you're done with that bunch of traps, your group will return. Now's the harder part. You'll have to control Zeus, who is considerably slower than Orphen. Grab the two "Emerald Lanterns" while avoiding the ball. (They're in the small places that the ball can't reach.) Jump on the switch to trigger it. It's the same thing in the next section, without the treasure. In the third part there will be a "Blue Lantern." After it, your group will catch up. Finally, you'll be Orphen. Take a few steps forward and you'll split up again, though, and you'll be stuck as Zeus. @.@; At least you can SAVE. There's falling spiky balls again! Get the "Emerald Incense" and "Purple Incense." Jump onto the two switches opposite from each other and go into the newly opened door. You'll get a scene. Now for the next boss fight. It's a Doppleganger! Make sure not to hit it when it's Orphen or you'll die. If you're lazy, just shoot the guy when it's Magnus or Zeus or in its original form, guarding when it's Orphen. None of the other members of the group will attack. (Thank goodness...) An easier way is to equip the "Armor of Purity" that you got a few battles ago (put it in place of your sword) and reflect the darkness attack back to the boss. It will change back to its normal form (Lizardman?) and you can hit it...just make sure you watch out for it changing back to Orphen. If you do it right, it'll be one of the easiest boss battles in the game. After it, Orphen will learn the "Smoke of Pain" which is like what the Doppleganger tried to use on you. (And you reflected it, right?) Don't forget to re-equip your sword after the fight. You'll return to Gaia's Tomb and get a scene, then an anime sequence. Talk to Zeus, Sephy, Mar (so they leave), Cleo and Magnus (they won't...). Go back outside and talk to Zeus so you can recruit him again. After the next scene, you can SAVE. Before going into the quicksand, get the "Emerald Incense," "Bug Attractor," and the "Sleeping Chimes." Then go ahead and enter to get a battle with Killer Bees and Sandworms. The next area has those annoying bugs in the sand again. Ignore them and go to the next sandpit (look at the map for help). Then you can SAVE. Next is a place that looks empty with the exception of a monster-that- looks-like-a-tree in the middle of the place. Use the sword to quickly break all four sides of it to get to the next area. You'll get a battle with Killer Bees. Open the map in the next area to see where you need to go. The circles of sand will start rising and falling. When they start falling, get onto them and jump to the higher area you need to reach. Be careful because when the sand begins to rise, it will drop sand on you to give some damage. Go down the sand to get another scene and SAVE. Run straight and you'll get into a battle with Votorus and Dexs. Keep going until you get a scene and you'll be separated from your group. You'll have to go around to get to them. Be careful of the falling molten lava. Grab the "Summoning Bell" on your way. If you need to heal, go ahead. You'll soon get a scene, go down and get the "Blue Lantern" and then go back up and around the other way. Now you'll be able to enter the Mountain Summit and get a scene. You'll then get a battle with Hellfire, Beholder, and Dex. There'll be a healing element this time so this one won't be as hard as the last one. (Dex will be added in the picture book.) You can now SAVE. Now you're Zeus. Chop down the loose pillars to make a pathway for yourself to the stairs. You can get an "Emerald Lantern" on the way there. As soon as you reach the stairs, you'll get a scene. This is the last boss battle for this quest. It's a...seamonster? When the floor starts shaking, one of its tentacles (?) will hit you. Just guard in the start because you can't hurt the monster. After a while, Zeus will slice open the shell so you can hit it. Sometimes the tentacles will charge up to hit you even more, and since there's a lot of them, this might be a confusing fight. Also, when the claw is blocking the core, it won't take damage unless you use elemental attacks. (Be wary of the time it takes to do one when you're getting hit by all of the tentacles as well...) When it's almost dead, you'll get another scene with Zeus. Orphen'll learn the "Falcon of Death" when the fight's over. You'll see another heart-warming scene soon after...and then you're back at the ship. The mystery girl will repeat what she said last time (you'd think she'd think of something better to say by now) and then you can SAVE. ***End of Zeus' Quest*** Yay, it will ask you if you want to "Fulfill your destiny" once more. Same as before, choose no and you'll get a dumb ending, yes and you'll continue. This time you'll have to talk to Cleo and Magnus and then you'll see that lovely beginning boss all over again. Use the same technique to finish it off for the last time. After you beat it, you'll see it die again and then an anime sequence. After yet another scene, you can SAVE. * Mar's Quest * Go to the door and see the scene. Now you control Cleo, so go up the stairs and up the vine. Get the "Cymbals of Fire" nearby, then go up some more vines. You'll see a short scene, then you can go up more vines. You'll see another short scene. Now go left and up more vines. Go down the steps to find Mar. You'll get a scene here. After it, open the door behind him and go down until you see another door. Open it and you'll get a scene. You can now control Orphen. Go back into the door and up, out of the second door and up the stairs. As soon as you reach the waterfall, you'll get a scene. You'll be able to enter the Watercourse Labyrinth and SAVE. Go to the right and up some stairs. Pull the lever. Keep going and you'll get a scene. Mar will leave...follow him. After a while you'll have to fight Sea Pigs and Knifefish using him. Be forewarned that his attacks can be a bit slow compared to others. After the fight, continue following him. There'll be an "Emerald Lantern" the opposite way he's going. You'll have to pull another lever to go on. Soon you'll get another scene and another battle with Landoss and Knifefish. Go back and open the last closed door with a lever and get the "Sleeping Chimes" and "Blue Lantern." After this, go and pull the lever to the right. Follow the top path and continue pressing levers until you get to a bright light. Walk into it and SAVE. Walk down and to the left. You'll get a battle with Votorus and Huggers. After you walk further in, you'll get a scene. Go even further and battle with a Dex and more Huggers. (There's a healing element in this fight.) Go down for another scene. Now you control Mar. Wait for the logs and jump onto them to reach first the brown area in the middle, three green step looking things to the right, one big green step left and then another big green step right (use the green log to get there). Do NOT overestimate his jumping abilities... Go up and examine the plant under the boulder to get a scene. After this you'll go back to being Orphen. You will enter the Endless Stairs and get a scene. Finally, SAVE. Get the "Flute of the Wind" and go down to examine the egg. You'll get a scene. Go down the stairs, straight, then up the steps to find the next piece. You know you're on the right track when you hear Cleo say that you're close to it. Grab the "Bug Attractor" and go to the steps to get a scene. Go straight through and then down and up some steps (ignore the stairs). Go across the bridge, then enter the Chapel Hill. Go straight and across the bridge to get another scene and SAVE. You now control Mar once again. Go towards the left and get the two "Emerald Lanterns." You know you're on the right path when you find one. The group will rejoin you there and go up the stairs. Now you'll be Orphen. You'll get a scene, and then a battle. This boss battle isn't very hard as long as you get used to his pattern. (Then again, no boss battle is hard when you understand what's going on.) It's a flying monster...hit it when it lands, but be careful of its breath attack and throwing attack. Sometimes, you'll have an option of aiming either right or left, with nothing on either side. Guess where it will land and hopefully you'll get in a shot or two. Don't bother with projectiles unless its on the ground, since they'll often miss. Use elemental. It will also doing a attack while it's flying around above you. Even though you can aim at it, don't try to hit it, since it will repeatedly attack you. Orphen's not quick enough to recover from his attack and guard before it hits. Just guard when it does that. After this boss, Orphen will learn "Feathers of the Hurricane" and you'll see an anime sequence. You'll get to enter Gaia's Tomb. Go to the Rest House to SAVE. This time talk to Mar first thing to get everyone except for Cleo and Magnus to leave. Cleo is NOT at the staircase this time. Change the view to see her. Go outside and down to recruit Mar. You'll get a scene, enter the purple door and SAVE. Use Mar to jump on the gears to get across and snag the "Blue Incense" while you're there. Enter the Frozen Wasteland. You'll go back to being Orphen. (Now that was hard.) And you can SAVE. (Wonder why there's so much saving so close together here...not complaining though. ^.-) You can get "Summoning Bells" here. Go forward and you'll get a battle with Huggers, a Beholder, and Aegists. Get the "Blue Incense" and "Emerald Incense" as well. Keep going (follow the map) and get to a place with a completely blue floor. Slide on it and sometime soon, you'll get to a place that has a rumbling sound. Walk around and you'll get a scene and be able to SAVE. Now you control Mar (AGAIN?!). Jump from place to place to get to a smaller walkway. You can get a "Emerald Incense" and "Smelly Bag" here. (Most of the water around here is shallow, but beware the deeper/darker areas.) Follow the map and you'll end up getting a battle with Groks and an Aegist. (You'll get the Aegist in the picture book.) After it, keep going up and hop down to get a "Blue Lantern." Continue on to see a scene. You'll be back as Orphen. Go up the stairs to get another scene and SAVE. Now go up to the frog in the middle of the room and press the notes in the order the tune went. In other words: Dark Green, Dark Purple (or Blue), Orange, Light Green, and White. Go up the stairs and you'll get a battle with Airus and Maneater. Keep going up and you can SAVE. In the next room, follow the frog. You can see it in the map. Also, WALK, don't run. (>.< Unlike what I did.) After you get to the frog, a new pathway should open up. Go up the stairs and you'll see a scene. Again, SAVE. Now follow the frog's pattern. If you fall, you'll go back to the last floor... Just go on the gold, silver, gold, second silver away, silver, silver, gold, gold, and gold, and you should make it to the area next to the treasure chest. (It has the "Harp of Darkness.") Get that and go up the stairs. You'll get a battle with Hellfire and Maneaters. Go up some more and get "Blue Lantern," "Perfume Scented Bag," and "Summoning Bells." Then you get a scene. When you go out, SAVE. You can now get a "Smelly Bag" and then you'll get a scene. Now for the next boss battle! It's a giant...snake-lady? (Brisgar) and icicles (Aegists). Ignore the icicles even though they might hurt a lot, since they'll keep coming back. The fight is self-explanatory, just hit it when you can aim at it. Hopefully it won't be hard, and it's the only boss battle where you won't have to do much over again if you die and restart. (Just have to listen to a scene..urgh. Not too bad compared to the parts before Minotaur and the spider, though.) After this battle, Orphen will learn the "Coldness of Destruction." Get the "Purple Lantern" afterward. Enter the Tower of Mercy, and go upstairs to see a scene. You'll get an anime sequence as well. Now you'll enter Gaia's Tomb. Like always, you'll see a scene, go to the Rest House, and SAVE. Talk to everyone until they say the same thing over and over. (Mar and Cleo are not there.) Go outside and down to recruit Mar once more. Go into the golden door that Jado went into and SAVE. You'll control Mar soon. Be careful not to fall off of the moving boards and get the "Blue Lantern." Once you get across, you'll get to go to the Watercourse Labyrinth. You'll get a scene. You can either walk slowly here and blow a few notes out with Mar's flute every two steps or so and hope you can get through, or you can use all of those "Bug Attracters" you got before. (Mar's flute notes take FOREVER to get out...) Hurry by while the bugs are distracted...though you'll have to make sure that Jado doesn't get killed by the bugs. If she gets hit too many times, you'll have to start over (>.<) Also, Jado is REALLY slow. Run on ahead and place a few bug attracters right before she gets there so the bugs won't attack her. After a long long long continuation of this, you'll get a battle against Votorus, and then a scene. You'll get another battle with Landoss and Votorus, and another scene. Control Orphen and go down the pit into the Underground Labyrinth and SAVE. Yay, there's a trap that will try and squash you again! Get past that and go straight forward (and not to the right), and you should be at an area with yellowish arrows flying around the room. (Yep, it's the statues going at it again.) Activate the switch here and now you can go back to the hallway you skipped before. Go back to that place and this time go to the right. The switch will activate that ball waiting in front of you, so step into that convenient spot in the wall to the left. In the next area, you can get "Sleeping Chimes." In order to reach the switch here, you have to jump in the little areas between the lava. Be careful of the swinging axes. You shouldn't have too much problem here because if you're standing close enough to the edge (unlike me...@.@), you would be able to jump over the axes without too much trouble. After you get back, stay to the side to avoid the other axe (again). In the next area, go far enough as to activate the switch and then go into the left (not the way the ball came from). Keep going straight to get the "Blue Lantern," then return to go to the area you skipped. There'll be an axe blocking your way in, so be careful of it. Heal if you need to because you need to get past an axe in order to continue on. After you get through this room, you'll get a scene and a battle. (Votoru, Dex, and Maneater; there's a healing element.) Go to the next area and you'll fight Hellfire, Beholders, and Lizardmen. (Again, there's a healing element. Don't you wish you could have one of those in the boss fights instead?) Jump down the pit and you will get another scene. Then you can SAVE. (Finally!) This new place is all dark, so be careful not to fall. Use the map to find the exit, it's toward the edge. Just go to the edge and run all the way around. There's a little step missing where the exit is and where you would be walking, so keep your eyes peeled for it. You can get some treasure by stepping on the switches scattered around near the torches so you can light your way around. (There's two "Purple Lanterns" and one "Blue Lantern." By this point in the game, you'll find them useless...:P) After you get to the exit, you'll get a scene and you'll have to control Mar. Put the blocks into the holes and you'll call out the boss. The last boss in Mar's storyline is erm...giant blocks? You'll find that you can't hurt it. After a short while (use this time to figure out its pattern), Mar will help you out. When he does, hit the block with the eyeball on it. This boss usually makes it obvious when it's going to attack, so don't forget to block. Mar might collapse in the middle of the fight, but if you wait a while, he'll get back up. You CAN'T hit it when Mar's not playing his music. When the boss is almost dead, you'll hear Mar's music in the background and the eyeball will separate from the blocks. After this not-so-very-hard battle, Orphen'll learn the "Hammer of Evil." You'll get a scene (of course, another sad one) and they're back on the ship yet again. Orphen'll see the mysterious girl along with Sephy, Zeus, and Mar. Now he can "unlock the truth." You'll get another scene...and now everything makes sense! SAVE. ***End of Mar's Quest*** * The Ending * You'll get a horribly long scene and then the last boss fight of the entire game. It's a robot that looks a little like the Hellfires you fought before. Unfortunately, it has the same annoying habit of blocking everything you do to it. This boss has five parts...I advise not bothering to take care of anything but the head. The other parts may get a little annoying after a while, but unless you have good luck (which I don't), it'll take a long time to get rid of them, and you won't have much health left in the long run. Another problem is that you don't get to see its health crystals. So, you don't know when it's almost dead. You'll know when you hit it when it turns red, though. Again, this darn monster loves to block. The only way I was able to hit it was by charging up a projectile and shooting at the blocking arm. If you're lucky enough, the arm will go down and the projectile will (barely) hit the monster. If you continue to do this, it will start sending some (it starts with 3, then gradually increases) littler monsters to attack you. Use your elemental attack to hit more than one. They only take two hits, but they get annoying after a while, especially when there's a billion of them...it's like they know when you put down your guard and they shoot then. Make sure that you block when they shoot at you, it only hurts a little, but they add up quickly. When it's almost finished, you'll be able to attack the head without it guarding. It will probably counter attack every time after this with its missile (?) type attack that hurts around as much as the arms did. Don't forget to block. (Okay, so I wasn't able to, because I have slow timing, but maybe you all will have better luck than me.) After you're done with this final boss, you'll see the final scene. Enjoy the ending and congratulate yourself for finishing. ^.- Thanks: :) Thanks to everyone who actually bothered to read my walkthrough, and thanks to Ifrit (okay, fine, Nicole) for letting me borrow the game. :) No Thanks: To people who try and copy my walkthrough without giving me credit, and no thanks to myself because I could have done a better job at this...*j/k* **Feel free to e-mail me with questions/comments and I'll get back to you ASAP.