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Introduction 2. Controls 3. Orbs 4. Strategies 5. Difficulty Mode 6. Move List 7. Dante Mission Walkthrough (Disc 1) 8. Lucia Mission Walkthrough (Disc 2) 9. Bosses 10. Monsters 11. Ranking 12. Story 13. Characters 14. Version History 15. Review 16. Conclusion ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Welcome back. Devil May Cry 2 is an action adventure game for the PlayStation 2. Sequel to the smash hit Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2 offers a completely new character (Lucia), and a handful of new moves to destroy monsters. However, the author of this guide agrees that it comes nowhere near the quality of the first game and some of the other Capcom action games like Resident Evil Zero in quite a few aspects. However, I'm writing a FAQ for it anyway. Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 2 are Capcom properties. Neither of the authors of this guide own any of the rights to Devil May Cry or Devil May Cry 2, or any other Capcom properties. This FAQ/Walkthrough for Devil May Cry 2 is copyright 2003 by CVXFREAK. Do not use this guide at all as a premise for your own work. Original, hard work was put into this writing. Please honor that wish. The only sites that may host this guide are: www.gamefaqs.com faqs.ign.com www.neoseeker.com www.a2zcheats.com www.psxcodez.com www.meristation.com Now, onward to the guide. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Here are the controls for Devil May Cry 2 for both Lucia and Dante. They are similar to the controls detailed in the instruction booklet for Devil May Cry 2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BASIC CONTROLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X Button - Accept Menu Option Jump Square Button - Use Gun O Button - Examine Evade Triangle Button - Cancel Menu Option Use Sword Start Button - Pause Display Subscreen Select Button - Display Status Screen L3 Button - Switch Targeted Enemy Left Control Stick - Highlight Menu Option Move Player R1 Button - Fixed-Target Tracking R2 Button - Override Target Lock-On L1 Button - Use Devil Trigger L2 Button - Switch Weapon (long range/short range) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DANTE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ULTIMATE DEVIL HUNTER This trash-talking, cool-as-ice demon slayer attacks using both his long sword and his trusty revolvers. Possessing noth street smarts and the strength of even the strongest demons, Dante can jump long distances, perform acrobatic double jumps and bound off walls to get where he needs to go. - Devil May Cry 2 Instruction Booklet SPECIAL ATTACKS: ---------------- HIGH TIME - R1 Button + UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT + Triangle Button -|- Press the left analog stick or directional button "back" (toward Dante's back). -|- Knock enemies into the sky with this power slice. STINGER - R1 Button + UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT + Triangle Button -|- Press the left analog stick or directional button "forward" (toward Dante's front). -|- Dash forward with sword extended and stab the enemy. RAIN STORM - X Button, then R1 Button + Square Button -|- Fire off this attack during a jump. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LUCIA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BEARS A TERRIBLE SECRET Lithe, quick and angile, this mysterious, sexy demon fighter will prove that she is a formidable foe. Her first weapons of choice are two ornately crafted curved daggers for attacks of the up-close and personal nature. She moves like a cat and uses throwing knives for long-range attacks. When cornered, Lucia will execute her stunning triple wall jump. - Devil May Cry 2 Instruction Booklet SPECIAL ATTACKS: ---------------- SKY HIGH - R1 Button + UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT + Triangle Button -|- Press the left analog stick or directional button "back" (toward Lucia's back). -|- Power kick enemies into the stratosphere. _ RAPID FIRE - R1 Button + UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT, then |_| Button in midair -|- Fire a jump kick in midair. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Orbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Orbs are vital to Lucia and Dante on their adventures. In Onimusha, we had to manually bring them to the character, but in Devil May Cry 2, we can simply walk to them and they'll be taken automatically. The amount of orbs Dante or Lucia currently have will be displayed as they grab any of the orbs. There are a variety of orbs which can be used to gather new items, heal, resurrect a character should they die, increase the various power bars throughout the game, etc. Try to collect as many as you can, since the game gets easier with stronger weapons and more items. RED - These orbs come in 5 different sizes. They are traded for other items. Enemies drop these once they're dead. GREEN - These come in 3 different sizes. They heal Dante or Lucia. GOLD - These are similar to the resurrectors in Onimusha 2. If you have one, you'll be given a second chance in life from where you're standing. BLUE - 4 pieces are required of this item so Dante or Lucia's vitality can be returned to its fullest. WHITE - This will refill your Devil Trigger guage by 3 levels. PURPLE - This will increase your Devil Trigger guage to its fullest. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Strategies ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= More coming soon! ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Difficulty Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= More coming soon! ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Move List ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= More coming soon! ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Dante Mission Walkthrough (Disc 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** MISSION 1 *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVE: Toward the north, the hunter of dark blood will realize his destiny. (Goldpost for the Hunter's Chapter 1 Clause 3) CITY AREA --------- From where Dante is at right now, turn the corner to his right, and run close to the RED ORB and collect it. Return to where Dante was at first, and destroy 2 statues for more RED ORBS. Go to the right of the building, destroy the statue, and grab another RED ORB. Run down the stairs and jump down the big steps. You'll see a circular tower, and go inside, drop down and run Dante to the right to collect yet another RED ORB. Get back up and continue to the rubble. To get by it, jump with the X BUTTON and press it again in the air for Dante to maneuver over it. Then grab the RED ORB and proceed forward. Run passed the cannons until you get to the arch. Double jump to get the BLUE ORB FRAGMENT. When you get to the fork, turn left and watch a cut-scene. You'll be battling an easy enemy called "Agonofinis." The sword and a combination of EBONY AND IVORY (Dante's guns) will kill all of them quickly. Grab their RED ORBS. Continuing down the road will prompt Dante to battle "Puia," a bird like enemy seen in the cut-scenes before. You'll need to use EBONY AND IVORY primarily, and perhaps a few jump and slash tactics. After killing them, grab the RED ORBS from the top of that stone statue. Then, down back a little bit, are a set of steps leading to a watery area. Get down there, then look under the arch for more RED ORBS. Get back up, and head left to a set of doors. However, double jump over them and continue down a turning road. You'll run into more Agonofinis as you go, so either kill or ignore them. To the left of the path is another waterway, with RED ORBS. Continue on the path and turn right. Run forward and turn left, and you'll see the first GOLD ORB. More Agonofinis will attack, and this time, you must fight them. Throughout the battle, you'll probably get a GREEN ORB. With all the enemies gone, you can proceed. Run down two sets of steps to an POWER UP center. Here, you can update your swords or guns, or purchase items. You probably cannot upgrade your EBONY AND IVORY or your sword yet, or purchase anything for that matter. So move on. You'll see a small cut- scene showing a RED ORB, so jump up and grab it. You'll then have to fight a new enemy called "Msira." Kill them all. The best tactic is to double jump and then shoot continuously. Eventually, the battle will end, and a KEY will drop to the ground. Pick it up. CITY AREA 2 ----------- You can now unlock the door with the RED ORB behind it. So unlock the door with the KEY. Run down, grab the RED ORB and then turn right through a set of doors. Run down and follow the RED ORBS. You'll encounter more Agonofinis so kill them all, and then take on the of the small alleys that branch from the circular area. They lead to the same place so it doesn't matter which path you take. Run down and you'll eventually meet Lucia again. Watch the cut-scene. Then the mission finally ends! *********************************************************************** MISSION 2 *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVE: The aerial hear will give the hunter the chance to reach the skies. (Guidepost for the Hunter's Chapter 1 Clause 8) TOMB ENTRANCE ------------- Run down the stairs and then see a big face, which is really a door. Stay to the right of the fact, double jump and then slash it to destroy it and reveal a tunnel. Go down the tunnel. TOMB CAVERN ----------- Run down the stairs, jump down, and run passed all the faces like the one you just destroyed until you reach a dead end (another face). Run back, and the floor should cave in. Jump down. Destroy more Agonofinis. Jump back up and run back and you'll see another face. Destroy it and go through, grab the RED ORBS and kill even more Agonofinis. Go back to the hole in the ground and destroy the face right passed it. You'll see a RED ORB STONE. Keep slashing it to get a lot of RED ORBS. Run to the final face you saw, destroy it, and the wall next to Dante will be destroyed. Destroy all those little fireflies (called "Flambats") and then go through the double doors. BLUE TILE ROOM -------------- This is definitely a weird room. Examine the door at the end, then step on the middle of the floor set of tiles. Then the tiles will rise with little fans near them, so destroy two, and a new set will be revealed. Repeat the process until the door is magically unlocked. Go through the door. TOMB CAVERN 2 ------------- Run down, and turn right. Examine the end of the small area and run back for the floor to cave in. You'll see a new enemy called "Pyromancer." As the name suggests, it's a fire-based creature. So kill them, and jump back atop the hole. Now go to the face ahead, and destroy it to get a BLUE ORB FRAGMENT ahead. A "Savage Golem" will attack, so kill it. Now go back passed the hole passed a doorway with a haunted door to yet another face. Destroy it and a wall will slide away revealing a new passage. But first, go back to the staircase which lead you to this room and to the left of it is a another face. Destroy it for another wall to move. Now go to the left of the staircase and you'll see a new face to destroy. Destroy it. Run forward and slash the orb so the haunted door in the other room opens up. Nearby the door is a POWER UP center. If you have enough ORBs, go buy some items. Go through the door. TOMB CHAMBER ------------ The doors will lock Dante in. Agonofinis will also appear, but Dante can easily take care of them. Pyromancer will then appear, so kill them with Dante's guns. Then "Goatlings" will appear, but Dante should be able to have his sword and gun easily take care of them. Afterwards, Dante will be able to claim an item from the display case. Have Dante walk to it to see a cut-scene. Dante will acquire the AERIELHEART. Now, have Dante go to his item screen, go to the EQUIP option, then to AMULET and then have him equip the AERIELHEART. Then go back to gameplay, press L1 and have Dante fly to the doorway above by constantly pressing X. Grab the RED ORBS above, too. The mission ends. *********************************************************************** MISSION 3 *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVE: The key to the next journey begins and ends with dead. (Guidepost for the Hunters' Chapter 2 Clause 4) CITY STREETS ------------ Somehow, we're back in the city. So run forward, take a left and go until you reach a fork in the road. Take the right fork and grab some RED ORBS. A cut-scene will occur, and you'll be battling hoardes of demons. Run passed them all until you see a powerful Goatling. Kill it and a door will unlock, so go through it after grabbing more RED ORBS. TRAIN STATION ------------- Your first boss battle will be fought here. ....................................................................... BOSS # 1: Oranggurera DIFFICULTY: Easy This boss is incredibly easy. Keep your distance and start shooting at it. To knock off a chunk of its health, go into Devil Trigger mode and start shooting powerful beams at it. If you get hurt, run to the corners and grab small GREEN ORBS. When it jumps in the air, jump away so it doesn't hurt Dante. It also has a mouthball attack. Avoid that. The most effective sword attack is jumping high and then slash downward. You can also try the HIGH TIME attack. It's pretty easy for a boss battle; even your basic tricks will be able to defeat this guy in no time, even on the harder modes. ....................................................................... Pick up the KEY the boss drops, and exit the room. CITY STREETS ------------ Run back down the street. You'll be attacked by Agonofinis and Puia but you can either fight them or ignore them. Do a little of both. You'll see a big, ominous door on the way, so use the KEY on that to end the mission. *********************************************************************** MISSION 4 *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVE: She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the hunter deep in the water. (Guidepost for Hunters' Chapter 4 Clause 5) HARBOR ROAD ----------- Run down the road. Above the ledges are RED ORBS, and a BLUE ORB further down. Kill the Msira that run after Dante. At the end is a wooden barricade, so have Dante continuously slash at them until they're gone. Keep going. At the end is a giant door. Go through. HARBOR WAREHOUSE ---------------- Kill all the Agonofinis in this room, and a door will unlock. Go up the stairs and through the door. HARBOR WAREHOUSE ROOM --------------------- Walk up to the weird little AMULET and grab the QUICKHEART. Now equip the QUICKHEART. Then return to the HARBOR ROAD. HARBOR ROAD ----------- In front of the road is this weird spherical thing. Slash it and a gate will begin lower. Press L1 and then start using the QUICKHEART AMULET's ability to have Dante run fast. Run under the gate. If it's too low for Dante to reach, have him press the O BUTTON to dive underneath it. With him behind the gate, he won't be able to get back for awhile. have him go through the door ahead (to the right is a GREEN ORB). HARBOR WAREHOUSE 2 ------------------ Oh, great, another boss. ....................................................................... BOSS # 2: Jokatgulm DIFFICULTY: Medium Well, this certainly is an interesting boss. What you have to do is eliminate a tentacle temporarily and then start slashing or shooting at the monster's main head. The monster spews purple gas which can hurt Dante. Another attack is the tentacles which slap Dante around- literally. A recommended tactic is to go into Devil Trigger mode and literally jump and shoot the main head which will knock off large chunks of energy from the creature. When you run out, keep your distance and try the tactic again when Dante's energy is regained. Be warned that a whole lot of Devil Trigger is needed to kill this boss. If you have a DEVIL STAR, things will be much faster and easier. The boss will eventually die. ....................................................................... Run to where the motorcycle is. Dante will acquire the SHOTGUN, a major improvement over EBONY AND IVORY. Watch the cut-scene and the mission ends! *********************************************************************** MISSION 5 *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVE: Close your eyes, but far-off in your mind, the hunter must learn to the value of options. (Guidepost for Hunters' Chapter 5 Clause 4) LONG TUNNEL ----------- Run forward, grab the RED ORB and attempt to press on. A new enemy called "Geri" and "Freki" will attack you, so watch out. Move forward, and you'll have to fight "Blood Goat." They're very easy to defeat, however. Once they're all defeated, look for the RED ORB and go down another tunnel. LONG STREET ----------- Head to the right from the tunnel entrance. You'll end up fighting a reincarnation of the first monster so Devil Trigger its ass. You'll end up fighting a new monster called "Homromsira." Kill them. Go passed the wrecked truck and watch the cut-scene. And you have yet another boss. ....................................................................... BOSS # 3: Infested Tank DIFFICULTY: Medium Just start jumping and shooting all three tanks with the SHOTGUN so that none of their missiles hit Dante. Keep jumping so that nothing hits you. After all three are destroyed (quick, huh?), you're safe again. ....................................................................... On they're dead, follow the high road. Keep going, grab the RED ORB and BLUE ORB FRAGMENT. Then fall down, and go through the wire gate to the left. Go until you see another AMULET. Grab it. It is the OFFENCEHEART. Equip it. Now, go back to where you jump from. ....................................................................... BOSS # 4.1: Infested Chopper DIFFICULTY: Medium Grab the SHOTGUN and just shoot under it continuously. It'll barely, if at all, scratch Dante. Devil Trigger will knock off chunks. ....................................................................... When the chopper flies away, go through the gap between the fires. STAIRCASE ROOM -------------- Get to the very top of the room by jumping on various platforms. Then you'll reface the INFESTED CHOPPER. ....................................................................... BOSS # 4.2: Infested Chopper DIFFICULTY: Medium Same as before. Grab the SHOTGUN and just shoot under it continuously. It'll barely, if at all, scratch Dante. Devil Trigger will knock off chunks. This time, when you get to higher platforms, you'll need to jump and shoot it with the SHOTGUN. When it runs out of energy, it will run away again. ....................................................................... Keep jumping up as the first below continues to rise. You'll reacch the staircase to the roof. ROOF ---- Fight the chopper again. ....................................................................... BOSS # 4.3: Infested Chopper DIFFICULTY: Medium Same as before. Again. Grab the SHOTGUN and just shoot under it continuously. It'll barely, if at all, scratch Dante. Devil Trigger will knock off chunks. ....................................................................... MORE COMING SOON! ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Lucia Mission Walkthrough (Disc 2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** MISSION 1 *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVE: Toward the south, mthe protector will find the time. (Goldpost for the Protector's Chapter 1 Clause 3) CITY AREA 2 ----------- (This is called CITY AREA 2 because it's that name in Dante's game) Run down, and destroy any posts atop any roof to gain RED ORBS. Search around for a door that requires 45 RED ORBS to break. Break them and go through. CITY AREA --------- Run forward, turn left, and battle Agonofinis. Kill them all. The best strategy to use is double jumping and then having Lucia throw some swords at them. Run around until you see some RED ORBS and a GOLD ORB in the air. Jump toward them. By them is a little opening, so have Lucia jump through them. Have her down the path, passed the POWER UP center. Run down the road, kill more Agonofinis and then keep going. You'll see Puia on the way, too. When you reach a dead end, jump over and continue going. Kill more Agonofinis on the way, and you might even collect a GREEN ORB. You'll see a cut-scene where you have to fight the "Savage Golem." So kill it using distant knife attacks. Once they're dead, you can move forward. Jump over a wall with a door on it, and run passed a set of canons. Jump down a well to the corner and grab a RED ORB. Then jump up a giant set of steps, and to the right, destroy a statue for the RED ORB. Continue until you're in a biger area with a big door. Destroy the statues for more RED ORBS, and then go through the big door to end the mission. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Bosses ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= -------------- DANTE'S BOSSES -------------- ....................................................................... BOSS # 1: Oranggurera DIFFICULTY: Easy This boss is incredibly easy. Keep your distance and start shooting at it. To knock off a chunk of its health, go into Devil Trigger mode and start shooting powerful beams at it. If you get hurt, run to the corners and grab small GREEN ORBS. When it jumps in the air, jump away so it doesn't hurt Dante. It also has a mouthball attack. Avoid that. The most effective sword attack is jumping high and then slash downward. You can also try the HIGH TIME attack. It's pretty easy for a boss battle; even your basic tricks will be able to defeat this guy in no time, even on the harder modes. ....................................................................... ....................................................................... BOSS # 2: Jokatgulm DIFFICULTY: Medium Well, this certainly is an interesting boss. What you have to do is eliminate a tentacle temporarily and then start slashing or shooting at the monster's main head. The monster spews purple gas which can hurt Dante. Another attack is the tentacles which slap Dante around- literally. A recommended tactic is to go into Devil Trigger mode and literally jump and shoot the main head which will knock off large chunks of energy from the creature. When you run out, keep your distance and try the tactic again when Dante's energy is regained. Be warned that a whole lot of Devil Trigger is needed to kill this boss. If you have a DEVIL STAR, things will be much faster and easier. The boss will eventually die. ....................................................................... ....................................................................... BOSS # 3: Infested Tank DIFFICULTY: Medium Just start jumping and shooting all three tanks with the SHOTGUN so that none of their missiles hit Dante. Keep jumping so that nothing hits you. After all three are destroyed (quick, huh?), you're safe again. ....................................................................... ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Monsters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= 1. Msira -------- Description: Looks timid, but do not forget they are the avatar of savagery and greed. 5. Agonofinis ------------- Description: Iron cage, which had been used to bind and starve criminals, has come to attack living people. 8. Pyromancer ------------- Description: A soul of the dead who had been condemned as a heretic, has turned into this evil entity. 11. Goatling ------------ Description: Fluent in human languages, they have powerful magic at thheir disposal. 12. Blood Goat -------------- Description: A high ranking demon among the "Goat Clan", its body is blood-crimson as if rflecting spurting blood. 14. Savage Golem ---------------- Description: An artificial creature magically created, mixed by flesh, bones and the intestines of various animals. 15. Puia -------- Description: They dive from above with lighting speed to assault the target. Sometimes they shoot their feathers at the enemies like arrows. 17. Flambat ----------- Description: A bat-shaped spirit that emits fire by sucking the soul from a living being. They are dangerous to fight when in groups. 23. Infested Tank ----------------- Description: A tank possessed by an infestant. The body coated by the demon armor is invulnerable to any attack. 25. Orangguerra --------------- A giant and hostile monster that possesses prodigious strength and agility. 28. Jokatgulm ------------- A giant and might demon who dwells in water. 33. Freki&Geri -------------- This wolf-like servant-demon serves Bolverk. It may be a reincarnated figure of a warrior whom Bolverk has foguth alongside. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Ranking ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= The ranking system of Devil May Cry 2 is similar to the ranking system in Devil May Cry. Follow these guidelines for the best possible ranking you can. The possibilities include S (Superior), B (Excellent), C (Average) and D (Lacking). A ranking is given to either Lucia or Dante at the end of all their missions. 1. Beat Missions Quickly ------------------------ One of the best ways to get a high ranking is to speed through missions. Try not to spend too much time looking around when you can be ending the mission quickly. It gets you a higher grade overall. 2. Stay Healthy During Boss Fights! ----------------------------------- Staying healthy will always make the game think you're a skilled player, so try not to get hit by bosses too much (or weaker enemies for that matter). 3. Try To Kill Many Enemies! ---------------------------- It might take time to kill enemies but your score racks up. Try to make a good dividing line between killing enemies and speeding through the missions. 4. Collect Many Items/Orbs. --------------------------- They'll somewhat help you ranking. So collect anything in your path. To keep time to a minimum, don't go out of your way for a RED ORB unless you have to. 5. Use Weaker Weapons to Show Skill. ------------------------------------ If you use powerful weapons, the game will think you have less skill. So prove the game wrong by using basic weapons to kill off bigger bosses if you really want that high score. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Story ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Devil May Cry 2 is pretty much a sequel without so much as a past, as hinted by the game. Beyond here is a basic synopsis for the first game, but if you haven't played Devil May Cry, play it first before reading this (or read it anyway). Devil May Cry: Chapter 1 ------------------------ In AD 2000, Dante met a mysterious woman named Trish who looked a lot like his dead mother, who was killed by an evil demon named Mundus. This surprises Dante (son of the great Sparda). Trish sends Dante on a mission to an island called Mallet. There, Dante is attacked by Demons. He spends time on the island, occasionally running into Trish. Dante is also threatened by Mundus' thugs. Dante eventually discovers that a warrior with equal strength to him, Nelo Angelo, is his own brother, turned evil by Mundus. Dante sadly destroys his brother. Next, Dante officially discovers that Trish was created by Mundus to destroy Dante. Dante destroys Mundus and discovers that Trish does indeed have a true heart. Trish and Dante destroy Mundus and send him back to his realm, and they both escape Mallet Island before it is engulfed in flames. Dante and Trish vow to work together from now on, as a team (of course, that doesn't exactly pan out in the sequel). Devil May Cry: Chapter 2 ------------------------ (taken from the Devil May Cry 2 Instruction Booklet) In ancient times, a religion arising somewhere in the Mediterranean Ocean split into many different fractions. Its disciples carried it quickly to western Asia, Europe and North Africa. As time passed, some gods from the various sects were forgotten, others were assimilated into other religions, and others were still shunned as evil. For one reason or another, the gods all but disappeared. What few people continued worshipping them were branded as heretics. The dissenters were forced to turn their backs on their own homelands in order to continue their beliefs. Venturing farther and farther away, the outcasts eventually found themselves adrift in an unknown land floating on the outskirts of the New World. This was Dumary Island. Hordes of refugees of different races, beliefs and languages crossed over to the island. The first to arrive followed the seas routes of the old Viking explorers, around the North Pole and through the Pacific Ocean. Following them came runaway slaves seeking sanctuary. The newcomers all had a single common point- belief in a pagan religion. Tribes that had historically skirmished over old differences running deep in their cultures now lived together peacefully on the same island. As the generations passed, the former strangers blended together into a single people. Their mix of different languages, ethnic customs and various gods gave birth to totally unique religions. The gods worshipped by the new blend of people were an ancient family of beings inhabiting a different dimension. They wielded strange powers and existed outside the concepts of right and wrong. Deities that were considered evil or pagan in the old world were, on Dumary Island, simply thought of as "other gods"- there were far too many of them to count. Rites performed in honor of these idols often resembled exorcisms and demon sealing ceremonies. The priests of these cults were known as "guardians" and were sometimes called upon to protect the gods and their worshippers. Many were the legends of guardians who had borrowed the power of their own gods to defeat enemy gods. One recent tale, only a few hundred years old, told of a great swordsman appearing from "the outside" to aid in exorcizing the most evil gods of all time. Over the centuries, Dumary Island's success in supporting the worship of unique religions while maintaining its existence out of the mainstream has been nothing short of miraculous. Lately, however, agents of international corporations begun infiltrating the island. Their purpose is to acquire the "special ores" discovered in the island's interior. On Dumary Island, the people's simple religious piety, as well as the fabulous artifacts buried in the inner mountains, are now in great danger... ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Characters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Version History ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= February 1, 2003 ---------------- Version 0.1 CVXFREAK here. I started up the guide and got 1 mission for Dante and Lucia completed, plus part of Dante's fifth mission. All work done this far is by CVXFREAK. Anyway, the character actions were also completed. Some of the monsters were documented already. Work continues. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Review ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= REVIEW BY CVXFREAK: ------------------- In late 2001, Capcom's ultimate horror duo, Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya, released Devil May Cry for the PlayStation 2. It was a truly revolutionary game filled with tons of action, a decent story and simple fast paced sword slashing, with a mix of a few Resident Evil elements like keys and puzzles, etc. It was truly a game worth the test of time today. However, that is not the case with Devil May Cry 2. Devil May Cry 2 is not only a slower-paced game, but it offers little improvements in graphics, and very unattractive additions to the fighting style. It's a decent title, but not one that keeps me playing on and on. Perhaps they should have stuck with Shinji Mikami's team instead of opting for a newer, and obviously less experienced team. Graphics 8 The worlds of Devil May Cry 2 are HUGE. However, they are very bland looking, empty and devoid of any realistic life. The character models look decent, but aren't much improved over the first Devil May Cry, and definitely pale in comparison to what Onimusha 2 or Resident Evil Zero offered. The textures are also pretty bland and don't really match up to textures seen in many other games such as StarFox Adventures. They get the job done, but don't win many awards at all. Overall, it looks decent, but definitely more work should have been put into it and should have been polished a bit more. GamePlay 7 Yep, the gameplay in Devil May Cry was addictive. How, the game just feels very slow and awkward, and very repetitive. Whereas Devil May Cry revolutionized the gameplay, it now seems very old and unactionpacked. Sword slinging with Dante, or kicking with Lucia feel very slow and ancient when compared to even the first game, or the fantastic action that was seen in Onimusha 2. It's really a surprise that the game just doesn't feel very fun anymore. The gameplay involves, well, traveling around, killing enemies, unlocking pathways etc. It's just not that fu anymore. Sound 8 The sound is perfectly fine and suits the game pretty well. Whenever there is sound. However, the action soundtrack really doesn't sound that catchy anymore, and doesn't fit the definition of ''cool'' like the tunes from the first game. Music in this game is now pretty rare, surprisingly. All I hear are Dante and Lucia's footsteps and weapon use. It's pretty bland, repetitive and uninteresting as a whole. Controls 10 The controls are fine. Each button is assigned a specific role in the game (whether it's to fire a gun, throw a knife, kick an enemy, or jump), all actions are performed flawlessly. The 3D controls from Devil May Cry return in DMC 2, where Dante or Lucia move in the direction the stick is turned. It's probably the best aspect in this game overall. Replay Value 8 The game replays somewhat well, since there's 2 discs worth of characters. However, it may be a little hard to play the other disc since the first part is really a bore. You can start with either Dante or Lucia (like in Resident Evil 2 and Alone in the Dark 4. They go through some of the same areas, but they're games are somewhat varied. Dante's game is definitely the easier game, so newbies will want to go with him first. Story 7 Umm... what's going on? Well, basically, leaving off from the first Devil May Cry, Dante seems to have gone a city somewhere, and meets Lucia and after journeying, they both must save the world. Again. There are many knacks between here and there, but ultimately the story's very dull and uninteresting. Overall 7 Devil May Cry 2 is a nice try by the new Capcom team, but I wish the game was as good as the first. Usually, sequels from Capcom end up being way better (RE2 is better than RE; Onimusha 2 is better than Onimusha, Street Fighter II is better than Street Fighter) but DMC is better than DMC2, pretty much. If you are undecided on this game, rent it and then see how you'll like it. Some may like this game, but others might not. Rent first before buying. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Well, this Devil May Cry 2 guide is horribly incomplete right now. However, both of us will be working to complete the guide and make it as in depth and specific as it can be. Stay tuned! CVXFREAK thanks: - CJayC at for hosting this guide at GameFAQs. - Stephen Ng and Jon Robinson at IGN FAQs for hosting this guide and selecting me as IGN FAQ Writer of the Week. - Peter Judson for posting this guide at NeoSeeker. - Capcom, for trying to make a good game. CVXFREAK FireEmblemPride@hotmail.com