Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits: FAQ/Walkthrough by Kain Stryder CM0 PM6 MM5 MMC SMS ;MM tM#t #MM P00 8tM Kj8 t: B M0 M 6 P 2 Mh M .MM: 5MSS50KM; M M# Mt M M M .t.. MCKM MMEMMM; 6M Mt :# K jM M :P M Et M M vv v M M h0 hC55C M. B E Mt M M M: M 6M M 0 vM jM vhBE v#ME M. B M M0 M;8M .6MMj M M. #MMP 0MM ;M M j0. M M ;v5tM 8M M B M M 0K M KhCjtM M M: Mvvj K M PB t;5 M M P M M jCBt:; M ; E M M M. M M K 5Sv M M. vCP.v6 SE # Pj M KM6 # jM M tP M h;P Mv M .M M M M MCh M M E8 MS Bt8 5E M M BM6 2P M M M M :# M 8 M K M M M M M K:tvt M M M# E M 5M M; M 0v 80 M M M M tE tCC M2M M M M M M M M B; M M #C8 P 8 8M M Mt P2 2h M S 6j# M M M;t. t; M M M M B 5C.M M M;P M M M6 M . MSCv Bv h ;M # vC ;S t :6 8vCv h .v.: C2 C h :. j.jj hj t M E M ;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK CS M M Mhv 0MM M M M E KS t M E M #M B M MM T W I L I G H T O F T H E S P I R I T S MS .h; M# M# vE 2M Mt Mv vM *************************************************************************** Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits - FAQ/Walkthrough. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: Walkthrough Version: 0.5. Last Updated: 11/25/03. System(s): PlayStation 2. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. Tips And Suggestions ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TIASU4 ] | | | | [ V. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP5 ] | | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME5.1 ] | | B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR5.2 ]| | C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS5.3 ]| | D. Status Ailments/Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAAICO5.4 ]| | | | [ VI. The Playable Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . [ TPCOTS6 ]| | A. Kharg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KHAR6.1 ] | | B. Paulette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PAULE6.2 ] | | C. Maru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARU6.3 ]| | D. Ganz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GANZ6.4 ]| | E. Tatjana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TATJA6.5 ]| | F. Samson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAMS6.6 ]| | G. Diekbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DIEKB6.7 ] | | H. Darc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARC6.8 ]| | I. Delma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DELMA6.9 ]| | J. Densimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DENSI6.10 ] | | K. Volk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VOLK6.11 ] | | L. Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAMEL6.12 ]| | M. Bebedora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEBED6.13 ]| | N. Choco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHOCO6.14 ] | | | | [ VII. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWAL7 ]| | A. The Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEBE7.1 ]| | B. Chapter 1 - Kharg: The First Battle . . . . . . . . [ CH1KTF7.2 ] | | C. Chapter 1 - Darc: Awakening . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH1DA7.3 ]| | D. Chapter 2 - Kharg: Setting Out . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH2KSO7.4 ]| | E. Chapter 2 - Darc: Ambition . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH2DA7.5 ] | | F. Chapter 3 - Kharg: Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH3KC7.6 ]| | | | [ VIII. The Arenas ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THARE8 ] | | A. Cathena Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CATAR8.1 ]| | B. Lamda Training Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LATRTE8.2 ] | | C. Orcoth Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ORCAR8.3 ] | | D. Rueloon Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RUEAR8.4 ]| | | | [ IX. Enemies/Bosses ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENEBO9 ] | | | | [ X. Skills/Magic ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SKIMAG10 ]| | A. Kharg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KHA10.1 ] | | B. Paulette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PAU10.2 ]| | C. Maru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAR10.3 ]| | D. Ganz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAN10.4 ]| | E. Tatjana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TAT10.5 ] | | F. Samson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAM10.6 ]| | G. Diekbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DIEK10.7 ] | | H. Darc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DAR10.8 ]| | I. Delma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEL10.9 ] | | J. Densimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEN10.10 ]| | K. Volk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VOL10.11 ] | | L. Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAME10.12 ]| | M. Bebedora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEB10.13 ] | | N. Choco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHO10.14 ]| | | | [ XI. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI11 ] | | A. Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITE11.1 ] | | B. Story Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STOIT11.2 ] | | C. Big Owl Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BIOWE11.3 ] | | D. Pyron Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PYFO11.4 ]| | | | [ XII. Weapon Parts ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAPA12 ] | | | | [ XIII. Accessories ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ACCES13 ] | | | | [ XIV. Shop Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOGUI14 ]| | A. Yewbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ YEWB14.1 ]| | B. Orcoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ORC14.2 ]| | C. The Republic Of Cathena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRFC14.3 ]| | D. Rueloon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RUEL14.4 ]| | | | [ XV. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR15 ]| | | | [ XVI. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED16 ] | | | | [ XVII. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO17 ] | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hello and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits. This is my first IGN Exclusive FAQ and it's meant to ONLY be on I have agreed to their terms, so before you go about asking me to put this on your site, the answer is a firm and solid no. Sorry. Anyway, since this is my first FAQ for IGN, let's see if I can do a good job, shall we? Heh. Anyway, I've written many FAQ/Walkthroughs before this one, so you can rest easy about my ability to get people through games. So, for now, just sit back, relax, turn your PS2 on and enjoy the game and use my FAQ/Walkthrough if you need help. Enjoy! Note: This walkthrough is now available at GameFAQs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11/25/03 - I added the new layout to this walkthrough. How's it look? 10/14/03 - Completed The Walkthrough up to Chapter 3 with Kharg and have added more info to other sections, but they are incomplete at the moment. I will continue to update this walkthrough, but in the meantime, enjoy. 8/7/03 - The first version of the walkthrough is completed. Everything is almost about done, but the walkthrough has been rushed after Chapter 3, but it will be redone in due time in EXTREME detail, so please bear with me. For now, it'll get you through the game, for the most part. Some other things that are still not 100% completed are the Item List, Weapon Parts List, Accessories List, Enemies/Dropped Items, etc. They will be completed VERY soon, so just sit tight. Until then, enjoy everything for now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are none...yet. If I get any, I'll add some up, so start E-Mailing me so I can add to this area! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IV. Tips And Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TIASU4 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - ALWAYS carry a good supply of Spirit Stones. It never hurts to have 999 of them in stock and you never know when you'll run into a bind where you need every single one of them. - Don't bother training in this game. It's not necessary at all. The only time you'll ever need to gain Levels is during the Areana/Colloseaum challenges, which when you do those you'll gain TONS of Levels, so don't worry. That and you'll need to train before the final Boss. Other than that, just head through the story and you'll be fine. - Make sure you always have the newest and best Weapon Parts/Accessories for each new area you come into and make sure to save your Gold, since you never want to waste it on things you don't need. - Save often. You never know what lurks around the next corner. It'd suck if you didn't save and lost 6 hours of gameplay and had to do something over again, eh? - Sell any useless Equipment you no longer need for Gold. Gold is always scarce in this game and you'll never have enough. - Don't bother exploring towns or areas looking for Treasure Chests or hidden Items. They are none. If there's ANYTHING to get in some area, I will mention it and tell you how to get it. If I miss something, feel free to let me know and I'll give you credit on it, as well as adding it to my walkthrough to help others. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP5 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME5.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alrighty, well, this is really simple, so let's get it done and out of the way, shall we? D-Pad/Left Analog Stick - While in Battle, use it to move around and to highlight options on the Battle Menu. While in the Menu, use it to highlight Menu Options. When on the World Map/Globe, it allows you to use the cursor to move around and to highlight destinations. Use it to move in any direction while in a Dungeon/Town/Field, etc. (Move the Left Analog Stick a little to walk and all the way to run.) Right Analog Stick - Does nothing. Select - Does nothing. Start - Does nothing. Square Button - In Battle, allows you to move a cursor around to analyze enemies and to check out objects. While in the Menu, it does nothing. On the World Map/Globe or in a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc, it does nothing. Triangle Button - In Battle, it allows you to finish selecting your characters and to bring up the Menu to begin the Battle and it also opens the Battle Menu while in Battle. While in the Menu, it does nothing. On the World Map/Globe or in a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc, it opens the Menu. X Button - In Battle, confirms your character to use their regular attack on a enemy, picks up a Item if they're near it and confirms options on the Battle Menu. While in the Menu, it confirms an option. While on the World Map/Globe, it confirms an option/location. Talk to a person, examine something or confirm an option while in a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc. Circle Button - In Battle, it cancels an option and/or backtracks a screen. While in the Menu, it cancels an option or selection and also backtracks a screen. On the World Map/Globe, it does nothing. While in a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc, when held with the D-Pad, allows you to walk instead of running. R1 Button - In Battle, hold it down to bring up the character's Attack Circle, then use the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick to move the Aiming Circle to aim your attack on the enemy. Also, while using the Square Button to analyze enemies, use this to quickly shuffle through each enemy/object in the Battle. While in the Menu, it lets you shuffle through your characters, either it being in their Skills, Items, Status, etc. (It shuffles to the right.) On the World Map/Globe, it does nothing. While in a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc, it does nothing. R2 Button - Does nothing. L1 Button - In Battle, when using the Square Button to analyze enemies, use this to quickly shuffle through each enemy/object in the Battle. While in the Menu, it lets you shuffle through your characters, either it being in their Skills, Items, Status, etc. (It shuffles to the left.) On the World Map/Globe, it does nothing. While in a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc, it does nothing. L2 Button - Does nothing. Now, as you load up your game, you'll come to the first screen of the game, which is the Main Menu. Here are the choices you'll see when you first start the game: New Game - If you've never played this game before, you'll have to start here to begin your game. If you're returning to play this game, select this option to start from the very beginning. Continue - Allows you to continue your game, only if you've saved it on a Memory Card. One save file for Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits costs 166 KB, so make sure you have enough room for it. Once you select this option, select which Memory Card Slot your Memory Card is in with the data on it and then find it and load it, use the X Button. Options - Lets you change some various options for the main game. They are: Sound - Select either Stereo or Mono, depending on which you have. Vibration - Turn the vibration on your Analog Controller either on or off. Message Speed - Lets you change the Message Speed from either Slow, Normal or Fast. Battle Voices - Turn the Battle Voices either on or off. Now, next up is the Menu screen, where information on your characters, as well as all your possesions, current status, Levels, etc are held. Here's the run down on what's there: List - At the very top of the screen, you'll see List, which shows you the current party members in your party at the moment. Party Items - Split up into five different parts, this is the area where all your Items are stored, that your party members aren't carrying on them at the moment. They are: Items - Your regular Items. Healing Items, Stat Increasing Items, Battle Items, etc. While here, by using the X Button, you can select an item and do one of two things: Use the Item or Give the Item to a Party Member. Do whichever you want, as it's up to you. Spirit Stones - Your over all supply of Spirit Stones. You can hold 999 of them and this is where you go when you wish to resupply your party members with Spirit Stones. Weapon Parts - Your supply of various Weapon Parts. Lets you see your current Weapon Parts that you own. Accessories - Your supply of various Accessories. Lets you see your current Accessories that you own. Story - The important Items that are used for the Story of the game. More or less the important/rare things you'll find throughout your travels. Airship - The Big Owl. Once your party acquires this, you can select this option, which lets you do the following: Charge - Use Spirit Stones to resupply the Big Owl with power for its Beam Cannon attack. Use Energy - The current amount of Energy the Big Owl is supplied with, from the Equipment it has. Weapon Energy - The current amount of Weapon Energy the Big Owl has, through how many Spirit Stones it has. Equip - The Big Owl can Equip four different pieces of Equipment. Three of them are Lense Items, which boost the energy of the Big Owl, while the final slot is for certain add ons, which increase the Attack and Power of the Big Owl over all. Pyron - The rare Pyron. Once your party acquires this, you can select this option, which lets you do the following: Energy - The current amount of Energy the Pyron is supplied with, from how many Spirit Stones it has. Feed - Give your Pyron various Pyron Foods, which are bought in stores and let you increase it's Condition (It's current mood, really.) and it's Inspiration. When it is fed food and if it's Inspiration goes to full, it'll learn a new skill, based on the food it was fed and the color of its Inspiration. There's three different foods it can have to learn attacks and four different kinds of grasses it can have to help it's Condition and Inspiration. They are: Green, Blue And Red Foods - Feed them this to get it's Energy the color you want it to be. Droopy Grass - Decreases Condition by 3 Levels. Soft Grass - Increases Condition by 3 Levels. Tumble Grass - Decreases Inspiration. Shiny Grass - Increases Inspiration. Now, the kind of attacks the Pyron can learn from the foods it eats, based on the color of it's Energy when the Inspiration level is full, are the following: Aqua Ball - Learned when Inspiration is blue. Blast Ball - Learned when Inspiration is red. Cyclone Ball - Learned when Inspiration is green. Demon Ball - Learned when Inspiration is grey. Quake Ball - Learned when Inspiration is yellow. Sleep Ball - Learned when Inspiration is teal. Venom Ball - Learned when Inspiration is purple. To explain next how the color is changed for the Energy Level, look at the following list of examples: (Note: The first color is the current color of the Energy meter and the + color is the color of the food you feed it and the = color is the outcome afterwards.) Blue + Red = Purple. Blue + Green = Teal. Blue + Blue = Blue. Green + Red = Yellow. Green + Green = Green. Green + Blue = Teal. Grey + Red = Red. Grey + Green = Green. Grey + Blue = Blue. Purple + Red = Red. Purple + Green = Grey. Purple + Blue = Blue. Red + Red = Red. Red + Green = Yellow. Red + Blue = Purple. Teal + Red = Grey. Teal + Green = Green. Teal + Blue = Blue. Yellow + Red = Red. Yellow + Green = Green. Yellow + Blue = Grey. As for it's Condition or Mood, it can go from anywhere from VERY angry to VERY happy, depending on what foods you give it. Now, depending on it's Condition, various things can happen, which can play to your advantage/disadvantage. The following are the Levels you can obtain and the color of the faces that you'll see, helping to tell you what Level you're currently at, as well as how much Energy it'll cost you for each attack. So if you're at Level 7, you'll be using 100 Energy every attack. If you want to use 15 Energy, feed it some food and knock it's Condition back down to Level 1. Anyway, here's the list of the Conditions. They are: Level 1 - Grey. Energy Cost - 15. Level 2 - Purple. Energy Cost - 25. Level 3 - Blue. Energy Cost - 35. Level 4 - Teal. Energy Cost - 50. Level 5 - Green. Energy Cost - 65. Level 6 - Yellow. Energy Cost - 85. Level 7 - Red. Energy Cost - 100. Recover - Use Spirit Stones to resupply your Pyron with energy for attacking. View Skills - Lets you view your Pyron's current Skills. It can only have three at a time and if it learns a new one, one of the old ones will get bumped. For example, if you have: Quake Ball Aqua Ball Cyclone Ball And you learn Blast Ball, your new list will look like this: Aqua Ball Cyclone Ball Blast Ball Simple, huh? Options - No need to explain this one, as it's the same thing from the Main menu when you start the game. If you need to ever change something throughout the game, you can do it here, instead of going to the Main Menu to do it. Now, these are the basics of the Menu. Once you it the X Button, another part of the Menu will pop up. The options under this Menu are: Skills - Let's you view a character's Skills, either learned or unlearned. The amount of Skills a character has are determined by their Class, seen at the top of the screen. The Classes can go from 1 to 8 Stars and are gained by acquiring a cerrtain amount of SP or Spell Casting Points. When a character gains enough of them from Battles, they'll raise in rank of their Class and learn new Skills. Though, they don't fully learn them. You will need to use the SP you win from Battles to buy the Skills. If a Skill is marked in red, you don't have enough SP for it. But if it's in green, you can acquire it. Your total amount of SP you have at the time is shown below the Class area, as well as your current amount of remaining Spirit Stones and your maximum amount of Spirit Stones. (Think of this as Magic Points, really.) Now, Skills are divided up into two groups. They are: Special Moves - Regular Skills that the character can use in Battle, with the help of Spirit Stones. Magic - Only certain characters have this, but by using Magic, they can use powerful spells, with the help of Spirit Stones. Now, some characters can have one of these or both of these. Depends on the character. Now, in the Skills Menu, you'll see these various things. They are: SP - Shows you the amount of SP needed in order to learn a Skill. After you learn a Skill, the number of SP it requires to learn it will disappear and Learned will appear in it's place. Spirit Stone Symbol - Shows you how many Spirit Stones it takes to use that Skill. If a Skill costs, say, 6 Spirit Stones and the character only has 80 total Spirit Stones to use, then they'll have 74 afterwards, until you refill their total amount. If a character uses up all their Spirit Stones or doesn't have enough Spirit Stones to use a Skill, then they won't be able to use it. Class - Shows you at what Class Level you gained this Skill. Pretty useless, in my opinion, because you only see this when you hit that Class Level. Items - Each character has their own personal bag that they hold with Items inside that only they can use. Each character can only hold a certain amount of Items; some can hold more or less than some. Depends on the character, really. Anyway, the Items here are either Items you've given the characters or the Items they've found in Battles and picked up. You can do three things here: Use an Item, give someone an Item or return the Item to the Party Items, incase you wish to give them something else. Choose wisely to what you want them to have, as you never know when you may need something. Spirit Stones - Each character has these. Think of them as Magic Points in most RPGs. Like with the Items, each character has a certain amount of Spirit Stones they can carry. Some have more, some have less. The options you can do here are to either divide the Spirit Stones between your party, which is you use a character's own Spirit Stones to resupply others or you can return all of their Spirit Stones to the Party Items, which gives them nothing left. You only want to do this if you need some serious cash, like you're in a bind or if you wish to total everything up and give them to characters that really need them. Anyway, this is your supply and this total can only ever be increased with certain Accessories and there's no other way to do so without them. Equip - Brings up a character's Equipment screen, which has two parts to it. They are: Weapon Parts - Lets you Equip the character with three Weapon Parts. Using this option not only makes your character's stronger in attacking, but also raises their chances of winning in a Battle. Accessories - Lets you Equip the character with three Accessories. Using this option not only makes the character stronger in defense, but also raises their chances of surviving in a Battle. Now, on either of these, when you hit the X Button, a Menu will come up, asking one of two things: Either to replace or remove a piece of Equipment. Choose your option and outfit your character with whatever you want. If nothing is there, then you won't see those options and you'll go straight to outfitting your character. Status - Ah, the Status area. This shows you a character's status, like a current read out on them and how strong they are in certain areas. Here's what you'll see and what each thing means: LV - Means Level. The higher Level a character is, the stronger they are. They can reach a maximum of Level 99. When a character gains a Level, numerous stats will go up. Spirit Stones - The current remaining total and the total over all amount of Spirit Stones a character has. (Again, think Magic Points.) Item Bag - Shows the current amount of Items the character is holding and the maximum amount of Items that character can hold. HP - Hit Points. It's a measurement of your character's health and how much damage they can take before they pass out in Battle. The first number is their remaining amount of Hit Points and the second number is their maximum amount. When you gain a Level, this will go up. If a character reaches 0 Hit Points in a Battle, they'll disappear from the Battle and will not be able to fight until they are revived by some means, either by a Item or Skill. EXP/Next Level - Shows that characters total amount of Experience they've gained in Battles. The Next Level shows how much Experience that character needs in order to reach the next Level and when that number hits 0, they go up 1 Level and then the process repeats again, as they must get another certain amount of Experience before going up another Level. You gain Experience by fighting in Battles and performing actions successfully. Class/Next Class - Shows that character's current Class Level, from 1-8 Stars. The higher the Class Level, the more Skills that character knows and can possibly learn. The Next Class shows how much SP is needed to reach the next Class Level and you gain SP from Battles, exactly how you gain Experience. When you gain Experience, you also gain SP, so don't worry. SP - It works in conjunction with the Next Class thing. It shows you how much SP you need for the next Class. When this amount hits 0, you'll gain a Class and be given a new amount of SP to gain to get to the next Class. ATT - Attack. It determines how strong a character's normal attack is. The higher this number is, the more damage that character will deal to a enemy. SPD - Speed. It determines the order in which characters and enemies attack in Battle. The higher the number, the better chance that character has of going first in Battle and even how frequently that character's turn comes up. CNT - Counterattack. It determines the chance of a character counterattacking an enemy who attacks them with a normal attack in Battle. Though, the enemy MUST be in their range of attack for this to work. If the enemy attacks from a long range and the character who's hit has a short range Weapon, they can't counterattack. MOV - Movement. It determines the radius area to how far the character may move in a Battle in the Blue Movement Area. The higher this number is, the farther that character is able to move during their turn. Though, this radius can become smaller, if the character is blocked by an enemy or surrounded. DEF - Defense. It determines how strong a character is to taking physical damage. The higher this number is, the less damage that character will take from an enemy's attack. HIT - Hit Percentage. It determines the chance of your character's physical attack hitting the enemy without it missing. The higher this number is, the better chance of your character hitting his target. GRD - Guard. It determines the chance of a character Guarding an enemy's physical attack. If a character Guards an attack, they'll take less damage than normal. So if an enemy deals 45 damage, but that character Guards from it, they may take something like 8 instead. TNS - (Quick note: It says TRO in the Status menu, but the Instruction Manual lists it as TNS. I'm going with TNS, here.) Tension Meter. It determines how fast your Tension Meter goes up in Battle. When a character takes damage, their meter fills up. Think Final Fantasy's Limit or Overdrive functions. When a character goes into the Tension state, where they look like they're on fire, a character's normal attack becomes stronger and if an ally is nearby and can hit the same target the character in Tension can it, both characters will team up fro a Dual Attack, dealing MASSIVE damage. (Note: The character that helps out the character in Tension does NOT lose their turn for the next round.) MNT - Mental. It determines the strength of a character's Special Skills and/or Magic. The higher this number, the stronger their Special Skills and/or Magic is. AVO - Avoidance. It determines how well a character can dodge physical attacks. The higher this number is, the better that character can dodge attacks and take no damage. CRI - Critical Hit Percentage. It determines the chance your character has of performing a critical hit with your standard physical attack. If you pull it off, your character will perform a different attack movement, resulting in higher damage than normal. Elemental Defenses - There are six of them and the higher the number is each area, the better that character can protect themselves from that Element. For example, if a character has high Fire Elemental Defense, then Fire attacks won't harm them too much. Now, as for what Elemental Defenses there are, they are the following: Fire - Represented by a red flame. Water - Represented by a blue water drop. Wind - Represented by a green Tornado. Earth - Represented by a darker green Tree. Light - Represented by a yellow blast of light. Dark - Represented by a purple spinning thing. (Looks like a swastika, only warped.) Whew, well, that takes care of the Controls and the basic Menus. I hope that was simple enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR5.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement and getting from place to place in Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits is very, very simple. There are three 3 ways you can travel around in the game and explore places. They are: Dungeons/Towns/Fields - Ah, the basic areas to explore in any RPG. Whenever you're in one of these three things, there's always things to do. If you're in a Dungeon, exploring it and solving puzzles and gathering Treasure is your priority and main objective, while exploring Fields is just you trudging through to get to the next area. Now, the things with Towns is that you can not only explore them, but you can pick up on the latest gossip going around, find out information, either helpful or just for fun, as well as shop around to increase your party's strength and durability or even continue the story to get to the next area. You never know what'll happen, really, so always be ready. Also, whenever you head to the exit of a Dungeon, Town, Field, etc, it'll prompt you and ask if you wish to go outside. Select yes and you'll be brough to the World Map. Select no and you'll stay where you are. Now, quick thing. Save Points in this game are green and are very noticable, so you can't miss them. Just walk up to them and examine them and you'll be able to save. Also, Treasure Chests are not small and look like HUGE storage chests, so if you ever see one, you'll know it's a Treasure Chest. World Map - Whenever you're on the World Map, certain areas will be open to you and others won't be. Anything that's open to you will be shown by means of pathways. Whenever you drag your cursor over an area and it gives you the name of a location, you can visit that location. Just select it and your character will rush to the location you have selected. Also, when you're choosing your path, to make sure you're going to where you want to, you'll see the path highlighted in white instead of orange. This marks which path you'll take to your destination. The game will always try to get you to where you need to go on the fastest route possible, so if you try any REALLY tricky paths, the game fixes it for you automatically and decides for you. When you're satisfied, just confirm it and you'll be on your way. Be warned, though, some areas you can't enter and they are there for Battles only. Also, at anytime, if you wish to, when you're on a area where you know is a random Battle, highlight the area with the cursor and confirm it and you'll automatically enter a Battle. Helps if you want to fight in one area over and over again. So if you're heading to a Town and you enter a Battle on the way, more than likely you've encountered a random Battle, but whenever you're in a new area with pathways, you will ALWAYS fight a Battle in a new area you get to, no matter what, so be prepared. Don't expect a walk in the park to your next destination. Always be ready. This is pretty useful, as you can never really get lost, since where you have to go is pretty straight forward and if you become confused on what you have to do, all you need to do is talk to people and you'll more than likely find out what you need to do. (Or you could just follow my walkthrough and you'll be fine. ^_^) Also, remember, whenever you land on an area you can enter, you'll be asked if you wish to enter it. Select Yes or No to make your choice. Big Owl/Pyron - The main ways of flying around in this game. Depending on your party you're controlling and when you gain the means to fly either of these, you'll be able to fly to any part of the World you wish. When you either use the Big Owl or Pyron, you can do a few things. When you talk to the Pyron or if you bring up the Big Owl, you'll see the following options: (IF you're on the Pyron. If you're on the Big Owl, you'll only see Move and Quit, since the Rest option is that door and the Save Point is near the Control Panel.) Move - Select this to bring up a list of areas you can travel to, mainly different continents. Select the continent you wish to go to and confirm it and you'll fly there and land. Simple, huh? Rest - Acts like a Inn, but it's free, so it's great. Your party is fully healed, but this does NOT replenish your Spirit Stones, so remember that. (For the Big Owl, you have to go through the door near the Control Panel and for the Pyron, just talk to it and select the option.) Save - Let's you Save your game, which is always good. (On the Big Owl, it's very obvious to where it is and for the Pyron, it's another option, so just select it and Save.) Quit - Select this option if you wish to not fly around and you wish to stay where you are for the moment. And that does it for moving around and the basic grasp of the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS5.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles in Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits are not as complex as they may look. They're rather easy to grasp, actually. The Battle System is very, very similar to Parasite Eve's, almost down to the detail. There's a touch of Final Fantasy Tactics and Ogre Battle mixed into it as well, with the Conditions Of Battle and such. Any player of any strategy game or RPG will easy understand this system of fighting. So, let's delve into what this Battle System is exactly, shall we? Every Battle has it's rules and these are the basics of any Battle in any RPG. The rules are pretty simple. They are: - Each Battle is turned based. Your party and the enemy party each take turns fighting each other, with every character's turn based on their speed. - An enemy is defeated when they lose all their Hit Points. This is the only way to dispatch of enemies. - Each member of your party fights inside a Blue Movement Area to get closer to the enemy and to attack them or to travel around the area. - Red Boundry Areas limit the range of both types of attacks, regular and Skills, so unless an enemy or object is in that field, you won't be able to target them. The Yellow Boundry Area is the range of the character's attack to where you wish to aim it, since unless the character is performing a complete 360 turn every attack, they can't hit everything around them. Each character has a different range. Some are short, some are long. Same goes for Skills. - A Battle is won when the Conditions Of Battle are met. A Battle is over when the Conditions Of Battle are not completed or all the members of your party are killed. Well, those are the basic rules, so if you follow them and learn them, you'll be fine. Next up, we have the actual Battle itself. When you first enter a Battle, a screen will come up. This is unique to any RPG I've seen, as you are given a chance to prepare for the Battle, either by healing, distributing Items or Spirit Stones to someone or Equiping party members. Virtually anything you could do on the Menu when not in Battle, you can do here. So, let's analyze the first Menu that comes up. First, you are given at the top of the screen a certain amount of slots, for example, say, 5 slots. If the game presents you with this, you can put in up to 5 of your party members into Battle. The maximum amount you can have is 6, but you won't have that number for most of the game, so everyone in your party will always get to come into Battle. Now, if you don't wish to have all 5 of your party members in the Battle, select how many you want and when you're ready, hit the Triangle Button and a Menu will come up with the following options: Start - Select this if you're ready to enter the Battle and all preperations have been made. Select this and then select "Ok" to begin the Battle. Sit Out/Participate - Using this lets you put someone out of the Battle and/or add someone in, incase you changed your mind. Skills - Brings up the Skills Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Items - Brings up the Items Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Equip - Brings up the Equip Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Status - Brings up the Status Menu for you to see, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Those are the things on the Menu that come up. Now, there's three other things here, which can only be accessed before you choose your members and they're at the bottom of the screen. They are: Party Items - Brings up the Party Items Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Pyron - Brings up the Pyron Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Options - Brings up the Options Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Now, since this is all covered now, we'll start the real thing. Once you have familiarized yourself with the Menu here and the options, made any preperations you may have needed, select Start and the Battle will begin. Now, let's take a look at the Battle itself and how it works. As the Battle begins, the first thing you'll see is something called Victory Conditions. These are the terms to which you must obey by to beat the Battle. If for example you must defeat all the enemies, then it's simple: Defeat all the enemies and you win. Now, next up is the Battle itself. First, either the enemy(s) will attack or one of your characters, whoever has the highest speed, will be able to attack. You'll know when you're able to attack, when a Status bar at the bottom of the screen appears for that character. When you see this, whoever's Status bar that is means it's their turn. Now, there's some options you have, but they're the same for ever character. First off, if you hit the Square Button, a small circle cursor will appear and allow you to move around and when you put it on a character or object, you'll get the read out of that character or object and learn it's name, Level and Hit Points. Though, some characters can't be read and all you'll get is their name, same with the objects. If you wish to cycle through everything, incase you missed something in the area, use the R1 and L1 Buttons while the small circle cursor is out and you'll shuffle through everything easily. Now, for the Status bar at the bottom, you'll see familiar things, such as with what you saw in the Menu out of Battle, so I shouldn't need to explain that stuff again. Just take notice that your Hit Points are both represented by a bar and by numbers and that your TNS or Tension Meter is also here, so if you're familiar with Final Fantasy, you'll yet again know what this is. Also the EXP bar there is your count of Experience. Once that fills up, you'll gain a Level. When you gain a Level, you'll gain it in Battle, allowing you to continue gaining Experience and it may even save you, because with a extra small boost of power, you never know when it'll save your hide. Next, since you're in control of one character right now, another thing to do is to look at the Battle Menu. Hit the Triangle Button and it'll pop up. Here's the following things that you'll see on there: Note: Anything that's faded out and not highlighted means you can't perform the action. Either you're not at a spot where you can do this action or for some reason, it's disabled. Attack - Once you're near an enemy and the word "Target" appears over their head, that means you're able to attack them. If you select this option, you can just quickly attack instead of aiming strategically. If this option is faded out, it means you aren't lined up to the hit the target and you must do so before you can attack. Pick Up - Whenever there's an Item on the Battlefield, if you select this option, you'll pick up that Item. Though, you must be near the Item, so that "Item" appears on the screen. Only then can you pick it up. Otherwise, this option will be faded out. Special Moves - This option allows you to use a character's Special Moves that they've learned. As long as they have enough Spirit Stones, you can use any Special Move they have. Each Special Move has it's own radius, which is shown with the Red Boundry Area around the character. Make sure whatever you're targeting is in that area, or else you won't be able to pull the Special Move off. To know if your Special Move is targeting an enemy or ally, make sure they're in the Red Boundry Area, then, if you're allowed to, move the small circle cursor over to an enemy to see the "blast range" for the attack, as you may be able to target multiple enemies at once. If you don't get the option with the small circle cursor and instead you just automatically get Targets, then if you're satisfied with the selection, confirm it. Magic - This option allows you to use a character's Magic that they've learned. As long as they have enough Spirit Stones, you can use any Special Move they have. Each Magic spell has it's own radius, which is shown with the Red Boundry Area around the character. Make sure whatever you're targeting is in that area, or else you won't be able to pull the Magic spell off. To know if your Magic spell is targeting an enemy or ally, make sure they're in the Red Boundry Area, then, if you're allowed to, move the small circle cursor over to an enemy to see the "blast range" for the attack, as you may be able to target multiple enemies at once. If you don't get the option with the small circle cursor and instead you just automatically get Targets, then if you're satisfied with the selection, confirm it. Note: For both Kharg and Darc, when they get the Big Owl/Pyron, the option to use them will appear in the Magic area. To select it, head to the bottom of the list and select the option and you'll be able to use it. Just note, though, you may not be able to use it all the time. Items - This brings up the character you're currently using's Item List. This is NOT the Party List, but the character's own personal Items they are carrying, so make sure whenever you go into Battle, you're happy with what everyone has on them, as you never know when you made to heal or use something. End - If you wish to do nothing, such as not have your character attack or you picked up an Item and can't attack an enemy or object, just select this to end the character's turn. Simple as that. Now, if you hit the Left or Right Direction Button, another Menu will appear. Here's what's on this one: Equip - Ah, a nice feature to many RPGs, but this goes the whole nine yards. You can fully Equip your character with anything you wish, unlike in most games, which was just either a Weapon or Shield. Anyway, if you ever need to Equip something, do it here, as strategy is the key to this game and the better prepared you are, the better chances you have of winning and you never know when you may need a piece of Equipment on a character to protect them from something, so always have this option in mind. Status - Brings up the Status Menu for you to use, just like in the Menu out of Battle. Conditions - In this option, you're able to view two things. They are: Conditions - Tells you what you must do to win the Battle. Loss - Tells you how you'll lose the Battle if the below happens. Retreat - If you select this option while you're in a Battle that's not a Story Battle, you'll exit the Battle. Only do this if you either don't wish to fight or you are too weak to fight. You can't run away from Story Battles, so be warned. Now, since that's out of the way, the next thing is analyze the actual Battle itself. Now, once you control your character, instead of using the Menus to do everything, you can use shortcuts to make things go faster and more to your liking. Now, lets look at how you move. When your character is selected for their turn, you'll notice a blue field that they can move around in. This is the area they can can go anywhere in for that turn. This area can become bigger or smaller, depending on the terrain and the enemies around. If the enemies totally surround a character or just are in front of him, movement will be lowered, as you can't pass through them, right? Now, if you want to use a Special Move or Magic, you'll have to use the Menu, but if you want to do a better type of attack, simply walk up to a enemy and get in range. Hold down the R1 Button and use the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick to move the Yellow Boundry Area around and use it to aim at the enemy you're targeting. If you see "Target" appear, you'll know you'll be able to hit that enemy. What's more, is by doing this, you can possibly target two or more enemies. If you aim your attack right, you can do this. So if two enemies are next to each other and your Yellow Boundry Area is wide enough, see if you can line it up PERFECTLY to hit both. Trust me, ALOT of times, you can just BARELY hit both, but it's possible. Nudge the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick along and you'll see if you have a chance. If not, reline yourself up in a different position and try again. You never know. Also, when you're aiming at enemies, you ALWAYS deal more damage to them if you attack from the side or behind. So whenever you can, attack them like that and avoid attacking them from the front at all costs. So, you know now how to attack, use the Battle Menu, etc. What's left to do? Well, if you ever have a character who's in Tension, if they and another character are nearby and both characters can Target and hit the same enemy, then when the character in Tension attacks, that character nearby will assist them in a Dual Attack, which will cause MASSIVE damage to the enemy. Cool, huh? Now, as for the types of things all around in the Battle. There's two types, really. They are characters and objects. Sometimes, in a Battle, you'll see a Tree Stump, a Metal Drum, a Wooden Box, etc. These are objects, which when broken, may produce Items for you to get. Though, watch out, some Drums are booby trapped and can explode from time to time, so be careful. Their can be other objects, which may be vital for you to destroy or something, so be on the lookout for these during some Battles. As for the rest, they are characters, which are organisms or machines of some type, that are enemies and a threat to your party and this is also the catigory your team falls into. Now, as for the various things enemies or objects drop in Battle that can be picked up, to know what is what, look at this key here. Their are three different objects to pick up. They are: Blue Star - Various amounts of Spirit Stones. Pick these up to either replenish that character's own supply of Spirit Stones or if they are full, to resupply the Party Item's Supply. Yellow Star - Various amounts of Gold. This is the ONLY way to get Gold in this game, except for finding it in the VERY scarce Treasure Chests or gaining it from selling things you have. Be sure to ALWAYS grab this. White Star - A various Item that can be picked up. Take it, as you never know what it could be. Might just help you immensly... Quick note, though. If you do NOT pick up a Item on the ground before the Battle ends, you'll lose it. You do NOT get the Items you missed after the Battle, so be sure to get it before it ends. Now, as for the various things that can happen in a Battle. If you ever see a message, such as "Defense Down" appear over a character or enemy, this is usually a happening in Battle, that can, as for this example, lower their character/enemy's Defense for some time. This is not permenant and only lasts for the Battle, so don't worry. There are many other Status inflictions. Many are obvious and the ones that are will tell you with messages like the above. Though, some aren't, such as Poison, Paralyze, Sleep, etc. They will appear only in Battle and will be removed afterwards, so don't worry. Though, you may want to cure the ailment as soon as possible in Battle, as it could be your downfall. As for weaknesses of enemies, each enemy has a certain ailignment with a Element, so they're strong to one Element, but weak to another. So if you're fighting a Fire Element, use Water Attacks or Equip Weapon Parts that have Water Elements on them to add to the damage, as well as Equip Accessories that guard from Fire Attacks and watch how easily you'll win. Hehehe. Now, here's the chart for the Elements and their weaknesses. If one is weak to another, it's vice versa. So if Fire is weak to Water, Water is weak to Fire. Here's the list: Fire - Water. Wind - Earth. Dark - Light. Simple, huh? Now, at the end of the Battle, once you win, you'll be shown a chart of all the characters that participated in the Battle and how much EXP and SP they gained and if they gained a Level in Class, you'll see their Class Level and how many Stars they now have. Now, if a character was killed in Battle and not revived by some means before the Battle ended, they still keep the EXP/SP they won prior to dying, so that's good. They also will be revived at the end of the Battle, but they'll only have 1 Hit Point, so heal them as soon as you can. And, with that, that covers as much about Battling as possible. I hope that helped you at least. All that's left is for you try a Battle yourself and get use to how the game works, as you'll need to Experience the Battle System to fully understand it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Status Ailments/Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAAICO5.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this a pretty short list, as there's not that much Status Ailments/Conditions in this game, I'm afraid. I'll make a list of what I DO know. Though, these ONLY last for as long as you're in a Battle and are cured as soon as the Battle is over. And with that said, here's the list: Confusion - The character will have two stars appear over their head and they'll attack ANYONE near them, friend or foe, until they're either healed with an Item that cures Confusion or a Special Move or Magic spell is used on them or the Battle ends. Either way, you want to be sure to heal this state as soon as possible, since your character that's confused can pretty much be a threat to you. K.O. - The character is dead. When a character collapses in Battle and disappears, they are dead. The only way to bring them back is to use either a Item that can revive a person or a Special Move or Magic spell can that do Ressurection/Revive. Either way, you don't really have to bring that character back to life, as they'll be alive after the Battle again, but if you need or want them back, you must use one of the above methods. When revived, a character is FULLY healed, except for their Spirit Stones. The total they died with is the total that remains, even when they come back. If you're in a sticky situation and half of your party members are dead, it'd be good to try and revive them. ALWAYS keep a healthly supply of reviving Items on hand and/or make sure at least ONE character can perform Ressurection/Revive on a fallen character in your party in Battle. Poison - Purple fumes/bubbles appear over the character's head and during their every turn, they take a fair amount of damage, until they're either healed with an Item that cures Poison or a Special Move or Magic spell is used on them or the Battle ends. Either way, be sure to heal this state as soon as possible, as your character can die VERY fast if they're not cured. Also, it'll end after a few rounds, but it's best to cure it, since it can mean life or death for you. Paralysis - The character has electricity surrounding them and they can not attack or perform any actions for a certain amount of time or the Battle ends. While the character is paralyzed, they can't Dodge attacks and are forced to take the full impact of everything. Be sure to cure this as soon as possible with a Item that cures Paralyzed characters or a Special Move or Magic spell. Either way, be sure to heal them or else they'll be in for one rough ride and if you have multiple characters like this or only one character left alive like this, PRAY you get out of it soon. Silence - The character has a bubble appear over their head, with a "..." inside it, followed by a "X" over the bubble, showing they can't speak, thus they can't use any Special Skills or Magic. This can be cured either by using an Item that cures Silence or a Special Move or Magic spell or until the Battle ends. Either way, this can effect the Battle, if you really need someone to use their Special Moves and/or Magic, so if you need it, cure this fast. Sleep - The character falls asleep, with "Z's" appearing around their head. Just like being Paralyzed, except the effect doesn't last as long. After a while, they'll wake up on their own, but if you use a Item that cures Sleep or a Special Move or Magic spell, it'll go faster. It's not as bad as you think it would be, but it can still be fatal, as the character is open to all attacks and can't Guard or Dodge or anything, so be careful. Sloth - A rare condition, but it doesn't last long. Actually, it lasts one turn and it's not as bad as you think. When fighting Sloth enemies, they may hit you with a gas that turns you into a Sloth like them. You can still move around and such and attack, but you can't use your Skills. Again, it lasts one turn, so it's not really that bad. You can cure it, though, if you wish, with an Item that cures Sloth or a Special Move or Magic spell or end the Battle, but it's not neccessary, and totally up to you. Stickiness - The character becomes sticky and can't move as fast, as well as their MOV is lowered, so moving around is harder for them now. Either use a Item that cures Stickiness or a Special Move or Magic spell or end the Battle to make this Status Ailment/Condition end faster. It's quite a nuisance to have your character be slow and not be able to move as fast, so cure this as soon as possible. And of course, I don't have to explain the Attack Up/Down, Defense Up/Down, etc, things, as those all explain themselves. So, with that, that takes care of the Status Ailments/Condtions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. The Playable Characters Of The Story . . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOTS6 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: This section contains MAJOR spoilers to the game. If you do NOT wish to read any of this, skip this section and ignore it. If you don't care, read on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Kharg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KHAR6.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 17-19. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Long Sword. Job - Commander of Nidellia's Defense Corps. Special Moves Or Magic?: Both. (Learns Magic later.) Description - One of the two main characters of the game, Kharg is of "royal" blood, being the son of Lady Nafia, a woman of amazing strength, who is well respected by everyone in Yewbell. Though Kharg is of royalty, he hates being called "Lord Kharg" by everyone in his hometown of Yewbell and perfers to be called Kharg, but Lloyd, the Commander of Nidellia's Defense Corps, makes him know his place and forces him to take his proper title. He wishes to destroy all Deimos in the World, a evolved race of monsters that can talk, act, etc. (Humans and Deimos fight all the time. Think racism, seriously. You aren't too far off.) A rising Commander in Nidellia's Defense Corps, Kharg only wishes to protect his country and take care of others, though, it seems others want to take care of him and he dislikes that. Though, he'll get his wish soon enough, as the story unravels. Never knowing his father and since his mother always avoids the subject, he'll soon find out not only about who his father was, but who he is and why he has been chosen to save the World from a rising evil... Overview - Kharg is your well rounded main character. He has no faults and he has no special airs to him, but he is a solid fighter and he has some good Magic, not to mention good Special Moves. His forte is mainly in close range combat and that's where you should keep him. He's not one for long range and since he can take heavy punishment before he falls, it's wise to keep him in the front lines, slamming the enemies with no mercy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Paulette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PAULE6.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 17-19. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Sling. (That's my guess, anyway...) Job - Soldier of Nidellia's Defense Corps. Special Moves Or Magic?: Special Moves. Descrption - The daughter of Commander Lloyd of Nidellia's Defense Corps, Paulette is also in Nidellia's Defense Corps and she's Kharg's childhood friend. As a close friend of Kharg's, she has strong feelings for him and follows his wishes of calling him Kharg and not Lord Kharg all the time, unless she's near her father. Her role in the story doesn't come about, until a certain time in the game and during that time, she helps Kharg with his mission, as well as for her own reasons, too. As she and Kharg set out for the unknown, she'll soon be sent into a adventure that will forever change her. Heck, she might even become jealous here and there over some other girls that Kharg goes after ;). Overview - Paulette is a pretty good character, but her strength mainly lies in attacking multiple targets with her Special Moves. She's a below average attacker and the same goes for her defense. As for her attack, she can do well in the front lines, but she can also do a semi long range assault, but not too far long range. Over all, you'd be best to use her for her Special Moves and for her long range attack. Just don't put her on the front lines unless you need to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Maru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARU6.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 13-15. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Bow And Arrow Job - Thief/Prince. Special Moves Or Magic?: Special Moves. Description - The Thief of Chaos Forest that's been terrorizing Yewbell and stealing resisdents's food. After Kharg meets up with him and after an event, he joins Kharg to help him and to be his friend. His story doesn't come into play until MUCH later in the game, but it's a surprise that I won't ruin for you. Once he learns where he really comes from, he makes a decision that's for the best of the World and does infact decide to stay with Kharg until the end, as there are more important things at hand that must be delt with before he can do what he has to do himself. Overview - Probably one of your best long range attackers, Maru is a solid fighter, both in attack and defense. He's not to be used in the front lines at all and is to always be in the back, sniping at enemies when he can. He's probably the best long range character, next to Diekbeck and all his Special Moves deal with long range attacks. An over all great fighter, Maru is one to always help you when you're in a bind, so be sure to use him to the best of his abilities, as he'll prove to be a great assest to your team. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Ganz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GANZ6.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 30-40. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Axe. Job - Ex-Mercenary. Special Moves Or Magic?: Special Moves. Description - An ex-Mercenary turned environmentalist, Ganz has seen alot of devestation in his time and has seen alot of comrades fall. Due to the final words of one of his companions, he wishes to start protecting something and that something is Isulo Forest. He doesn't let any harm come to it and he's become a bit of a loner as of late. After helping Kharg and everyone escape the Dilzweld Army, he makes a decision to go with him, but only so he can see his friend and then he's leaving them. Though, after some events, he chooses to stick it out with Kharg and to fight for a bigger cause: the World. If he can't help protect that, he'll lose his Isulo Forest, so he decides why not? Overview - A VERY STRONG fighter, both in attack and defense. He's probably your best front lines attacker you'll have in your party, as that's where he belongs, is on the front lines. Even though his range for attack is really pathetic, his Special Moves and over all attack and defense more than make up for it. An over all solid and strong fighter, you'll never go wrong with Ganz and when you need massive damage fast, he's your man to get you buy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Tatjana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TATJA6.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 20-30. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Scientific Gun. Job - Scientist and Lieutenant of the Dizweld Army. Special Moves Or Magic?: Special Moves. Description - As Lieutenant Colonal Tatjana of the Dizweld Army, she's a bit of a tight ass, showing great pride and loyalty to her country and ruler, Lord Darkham. She specializes in the Science department, with her massive research of the Deimos and other things, always impressing Lord Darkham with her work. She's also an incredible fighter and knows how to survive, but she'll get on your nerves quick. Just how she ties in and joins Kharg...heh, I'll let you see for yourself, but it gets interesting. Once she does join you, it takes awhile for her to act normal, but she proves to be a powerful ally quite quickly and learns her place in the World, after everything is shattered for her...again... Overview - Tatjana is a pretty average character, but her Special Moves are amazing. Not only can she fully heal party members, but her attacks that harm enemies can cause MASSIVE damage. I guess that really IS the power of Science, eh? Anyway, she's good for both front line and long range attacks, so it's up to you where you want her to fight, as she's good in both areas. Her gun has some decent range to it and she can hit multiple enemies, so where can you go wrong? Her attack and defense are average and she makes for a great character to always on your team. Can't go wrong with her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Samson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAMS6.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 40-50. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Twin Double-Barreled Guns. Job - Thief Leader of the Moon Stone Gang. Special Moves Or Magic?: Special Moves. Description - A very colorful character, (No pun intended.) Samson is a gun-slinging sharp-shooter, who leads the Moon Stone Gang, a group of Thieves who steal from the Dizweld Army and only them, for unknown motives, which are later made clear. Not your typical Thief by far, as his clothes represent more of, but it's not suited for a Thief. He's a lady's man and a smooth talker, but lets his guns do the talking when words aren't enough. His reasons for helping Kharg and everyone are unknown, but everything comes together near the end. It's just too bad to what happenes, though... Overview - Samson's a top fighter. Definitely good at long range fighting with his guns, he can fight on the front lines, but it's prefered you fight from afar to be safe. His attack and defense are both good and he's a great person on your team, for as long as you have him. His Special Moves, though are also great, but he doesn't learn a whole lot. Ah well...he's still good to have. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Diekbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DIEKB6.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - ???. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Guns. Job - Ultra-Mech Squad Leader. Special Moves Or Magic?: Both. Description - One of the hidden characters in the game, Diekbeck is a weird little robot, who packs a POWERFUL punch. From what I gather, he was in Arc The Lad II, so I guess he's returning now. Anyway, he's the Ultra-Mech Squad Leader (The REAL one this time. You'll see what I mean during the game.) and he joins Kharg after you unlock him through some means and after he joins you, he's pretty much done, because since he's a secret character, the game never bothered to add him into any of the scenes, so you'll never see him do anything after he joins you. He's useable in Battles, but in Story Battles, he has to sit out, except for the final Boss, so remember that. Overview - He's a secret character, so he has to be powerful, right? Right. Diekbeck is VERY powerful and he shows it. He's a powerhouse in both attack and defense and he's great for attacking in either the front lines or from long range. His Special Moves and Magic are also very good and using him whenever you can will only benefit you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Darc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DARC6.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 17-19. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Fists/Long Sword. Job - Slave. (Later becomes "Ruler Of Deimos", if you wish to call it that...) Special Moves Or Magic?: Both. (Learns Special Moves later.) Description - The other main character to the game, Darc is a lowly Deimos Slave, working for a weird Mermaid creature named Geedo. (Think of those enemies from Castlevania that pop out of the water and attack with fireballs.) She's a VERY harsh woman and treats Darc like trash and it's not until who he learns who he is and what his destiny is, that his entire personality changed ten fold and even becomes...scary. After he sees his true purpose and mission, he starts his journey to not only rid the World of Humans, but to lead the entire race of Deimos and be their ruler. Though, he's about to meet Kharg and they have alot more in comman than they think they do, even though both of them are literally the exact opposite... Overview - Just like Kharg, Darc is a great well rounded character and has no highs or lows and is just a good character to always use in your party. His attack and defense are normal and his Special Moves and Magic spells are all very good, so be sure to use him in the front lines, as he's not a long range fighter by any means. You'll do good always using him in your party and with him leading your team, you'll never go wrong with Darc. Never. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Delma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DELMA6.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 17-19. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Feet/Claw. Job - None. Special Moves Or Magic?: Magic. Description - The sister of Densimo, the leader of the Orcons, Delma's one tough cookie and bit of, you get the idea. She acts tough constantly, always trying to flaunt her power, but she's really just a shy girl, not knowing how to show her feelings. Think of a boy who likes a girl, but he acts mean to her, because he doesn't know how to act. That's what Delma is like. After she meets Darc, she, through some events, teams up with him, along with her brother, Densimo, to help Darc in his quest, but things soon happen that change her outlook on Darc and not only that, but can she really be trusted by Darc? Her motives for going with him later on are a bit of a mystery and you'll find out why she chooses to follow him, as the game goes on. Overview - Delma's a pretty good fighter, who's great on the front lines, with dealing up some decent damage. She's not very good at long range and does the best fighting close and using her Magic to attack the enemies. She'll be one of your greatest fighters near the end of the game and that'll be good, because you need all the power you can get and having someone good with slaughtering enemies fast is something you can never go wrong with. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Densimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DENSI6.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 20-25. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Head. Job - Ruler of the Orcons. Special Moves Or Magic?: Magic. Description - A bit of a thick skulled brute, Densimo is the ruler of the Orcans, well, their new leader, after he booted the old one out with his strength. He only cares about getting stronger and he's not very bright and is pretty gullible, as you'll see soon enough. After Delma tricks him into helping her and Darc, he joins them to fight the Humans and Drakyr, but he's not with you long, as after an event, something changes his mind and you'll see why he never stays with you and exactly what happens with him... Overview - Man, this guy is a powerhouse. While you have him, he's probably the best front lines attacker you'll have for quite awhile, as he can dish out damage fast and heavy. He's not by any means good with long range attacks and his Magic is quite pathetic, to say the least. His attack and defense are up there and with him around for the time he is, you'll be a force to be reckoned with. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Volk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VOLK6.11 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 30-35. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Axe. Job - None. Special Moves Or Magic?: Magic. Description - Volk is a either a Wolf or Dog or a mix Deimos, who lost his family at the hands of Lloyd, Paulette's Father. After barely surviving a fight that's never given any background to why it was started, other than he was a Deimos and must die, Volk swears revenge on the Human Race and wishes to kill ANY Human he comes across and to gain more power while doing so. After he meets up with Darc, he's reluctant to join him, but after Darc bests him in a Battle, Volk agrees to follow him, since he needs his help and he'll follow anyone stronger than he is, since he believes in the Alpha Male thing. That's the only reason he has for following Darc, but he proves to be a powerful and very loyal ally. Overview - A good replacement front lines for Densimo. Volk uses a huge Axe and can slice and dice an enemy into nothing very quickly. He's fast and swift in attacking and he has a fairly good range of attacking, for someone with an Axe. He's best suited for upclose fighting, but he can do a tad of long range, but not much, once you get him some certain pieces of Equipment. His attack and defense are fairly high, but his Magic is pretty much nothing to be amazed at, but it is still useful, if you're every in desperation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAMEL6.12 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 20-25. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Blow Gun. Job - None. Special Moves Or Magic?: Magic. Description - Camellia is a Deimos, who was one of the Dizweld Army's Experiments, used to be studied for various reasons, but probably for their DNA make up and later using Deimos to fuse with each other, to make stronger breeds of Deimos fighters. She was tortured heavily, main;y by Tatjana and due to the experiments, has been transformed into a very old, withered flower, who is just one giant old lady looking head, with small arms and legs coming out of it. Though, further into the game, she gets her old form back and it's a FAR CRY better than the first form you see her in. She has her own reasons to going with Darc, but she's not too trust worthy...not one bit... Overview - Well, Camellia is not really a fighter. She's more of a healer and user of Magic and that really shows. Her attack and defense are good, but not the best and she's a long range attacker, as she uses a Blow Gun to attack her the enemies. Using her in the front lines is NOT a good idea, as she can be shot down and killed easily in no time. So, just keep her back and use her to heal anyone and don't bother using her attack Magic, as it's not worth it. Just save her Spirit Stones and use them to heal, as you'll always need it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Bebedora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEBED6.13 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - ???. (Anyone's guess. She looks like 8-10, but could be older.) Weapon - Stuffed Animal Toy Rabbit. Job - None. Special Moves Or Magic?: Magic. Description - A bit of a loony, as you'll constantly see with her, Bebedora 95% of the time will speak as she describes the current colors of people's souls, like a mood ring and tells them what they're feeling, what she sees, etc. It doesn't really bother anyone, but she does it ALOT. She also barely ever talks straight and she's always speaking of "darkness" and how everything will return to it and she's the strongest Monster ever. Just very, very weird. She joins Darc after the Dizweld Army wakes her up from her sleep. Darc beats her guards and she goes with him, because he now "controls" her "strings" and she is his "puppet". Weird, huh? Well, you'll have to see for yourself. She doesn't really turn normal until near the end of the game when she learns what she herself really wants with life and it's through someone's words to her she begins to change and see things for how she wants them and to not be controlled by anyone, even though she's made for destruction and she does NOT forget her purpose... Overview - Bebedora, even though she's the strongest Monster, as she claims, is actually pretty weak. Her attack and defense aren't that great and even though she fights on the front lines, she really should fight long range, even though her Weapon is made for close attacks. The reason to using her for long range is because of her Magic. It's INSANELY strong and she also can manipulate enemies and control them to your will, which is a kick ASS feature. She's great to have on your team, but use her Magic to get the most out of her and never have her attack, unless you really need to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Choco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHOCO6.14 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age - 10-12. (Anyone's guess.) Weapon - Fists and Feet. Job - None. Special Moves Or Magic?: Both. Description - A very energetic girl, I'm not sure if Choco's been in the Arc The Lad series before, but she acts like she has. Anyway, she's some sort of Demon creature, who looks like a 10-12 year old girl and for someone as young and cute as her, just remember, looks can be decieving. She's a very powerful fighter and joins Darc's Team after you unlock her, as she's 100% Deimos as she claims, but looks totally Human to the naked eye. After she joins you, due to her being nothing more than a secret character, she doesn't have any scenes in the Story, so you won't see her again, unless you use her in a non Story Battle, besides the final Boss one. Overview - Just like Diekbeck, she's strong. She's mainly best suited for attacking up close and on the front lines and isn't to be used in a long range attack at all, as her Weapon is nothing more than her body and since she has very good attack and defense, she can handle any pain handed to her and also pay it back in spades. Her Special Moves and Magic are decent and she's a great welcome to your team, even if it takes forever to get her unlocked, she's well worth it. Though, she's only useful in normal Battles, but, eh, what can you do? She's not apart of the story, which sucks, so there's nothing you can do, really. Just use her when you can and you won't be let down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VII. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWAL7 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Be sure to talk to the townspeople in any town after ANY event. They ALWAYS have something new to say and you never know what kind of information or secrets you'll unlock. Also, again, you NEVER have to train in this game and when you do, it's near the end of the game only, so don't worry. If you wish to do any training, it's up to you, but it's not required. You'll get by just fine, trust me. Also, throughout the game, you'll be switching between two parties: One lead by Kharg, the other lead by Darc. Kharg leads a party of Humans and Darc leads a party of Deimos. Both will eventually meet up and you'll be surprised as to who has what in common with one another and you just MAY join forces. Though, I can't guarantee that... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. The Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEBE7.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the game begins, we see a peaceful, sunny day, as a unknown girl plays music on a instrument that looks alot like a Harp. As she plays, she suddenly sees warships heading her way and becomes scared, as she glances at a glowing stone, mentions something about Spirits guiding her and runs off. We then are taken to a village, with daily life going on for everyone, as people shop, talk and go about their business, in the lively, small town. We then see two men, a boy and a older fellow, about to challenge each other to a duel, as a girl cheers the boy on. Both begin and swordfight, as the boy shows he's skilled and the man comments on how well he's improved. They continue and the boy disarms the man and the fight ends, with the man congratulating him, as the scene fades out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Chapter 1 - Kharg: The First Battle . . . . . . . . . . [ CH1KTF7.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yewbell - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 3. Items To Get: 200 Gold and Knuckle Guard. The scene opens after the fight between the boy and man, which the boy is named Kharg and the man is named Lloyd, with the girl being named Paulette. They all conversate over the Battle, with Lloyd mentioning Kharg's Skills improving greatly, as they joke around with talk. They get to talking about Kharg becoming Commander soon and that's why Lloyd taught him how to use a Sword, with Paulette mentioning Lloyd trained harder once he knew Kharg was training, so he wouldn't be outdone. Again, more joking around. Heh heh. Anyway, you learn Kharg is of royalty and should be addressed as Lord Kharg and not just Kharg, due to being too familiar while on the Battlefield. (Could become a problem if the enemy knew that.) Even though there's no more monarchy, they still must protect Kharg, even though he hates this. Lloyd begins to scold Paulette about being weaker than Kharg, since she needs to protect him and the such, as a man named Banjo enters. He tells Lloyd he is needed, as Kharg and Paulette talk and decide to investage. You'll be in control now. Go and talk to Banjo and he tells Kharg about a suspcious old man at Scrappe Plateau who was looking around for something. He couldn't talk to him, as he just mumbled about things and he's concerned. Kharg offers to handle it, since it's not a big issue and Lloyd thanks him and orders Paulette to help him. He'll give you 200 Gold, saying it's not much. (And trust me, it isn't.) After words, Paulette mentions she can call him Lord Kharg if he wants, but he tells her not to, even though he appreciates everyone doing so, he wants to be treated normal and she agrees. She mentions that they should go tell Lady Nafia, Kharg's Mother, about what they're doing and Kharg will reluctantly agree. So, go ahead and head to the house you were near just moments ago and enter. Inside, a scene will take place, as Lady Nafia isn't around. Though, Kharg will hear a voice calling from his mother's room. Kharg and Paulette discuss the voice and decide it was coming from Lady Nafia's Room. Kharg will decide to go check out her room, but Paulette says behind. Anyway, head to Lady Nafia's Room and inside. Once there, you'll see another scene and a glowing object on the bookshelf. Kharg will see his mother isn't here and notice the shiny object nearby. Go to it and examine it, as another scene happens. He sees it glow and becomes surprised, as a creature appears before him, claiming to be the Wind Spirit. Kharg is further surprised, as the Wind Spirit will explain to Kharg about some type of union and to listen to him, as he disappears. Kharg wonders what it was and remembers Spirits were in the stories his mother told him. You'll then get some background information about the Arc The Lad series, I believe and how the Divine Ruler was sealed away after trying to use Science for evil. The Heroes put him inside a ark and the Divine Ruler returned, only to be locked away again by the Great Hero and Holy Mother. Then, afterwards, the world was badly hurt and Spirits disappeared and Deimos, evolutions of Monsters, appeared. They were so great, seems they rivaled Humans and took up as much territory as they did. They clashed all the time and soon it was forbidden to even talk or be near a Deimos, unless you were killing it. (This is just the beginning of the racism thing revolving around Humans and Deimos.) The flashback ends and Kharg wonders why he remembered that now and also if that was a Spirit. Once in control again, head back and talk to Paulette. They'll talk about how Lady Nafia must be out, as Paulette confirms it was just their imagination about the voice then, but Kharg mentions it was a Spirit, more specifically, the Wind Spirit, as Paulette becomes surprised and asks like in the fairty tales and legends and Kharg confirms it. Though, Paulette thinks he's not feeling good and was dreaming, since Spirits have been gone for ages and they only appeared to the chosen people. Kharg becomes shocked, but guesses it really was a dream, but wants to think more about it, as Paulette reminds him of their mission to head to Scrappe Plateau, since Lady Nafia isn't around. Back in control, feel free to talk to the villagers, but you don't need to, unless I tell you to, because if I do, it's to get an Item. Otherwise, do so on your own, because everyone just talks and provides information if you need it. (Sometimes, it can be humorous.) Anyway, the only thing you can really do around town is to either shop for Equipment and Items or talk to the townspeople. For now, there is one thing you can get around here, since this game has NO hidden items in areas AT ALL, but there are things you can acquire. First, head to the Refinery near the bottom of the town. (You'll know it when you see it. A man is blocking the door.) Talk to the man named Butch and he tells Kharg Banjo was supposed to open the Refinery today, but he's late and thinks he's goofing off. He'll ask you to find Banjo for him, so agree to it. Then, head to the Parts Shop/Item Shop and inside you'll find Banjo. Talk to him and he'll learn he has to go to the Refinery and apoligizes to Kharg for having to come and find him, even though he's late and all and how he shouldn't have had to come and get him. He decides Bitch shouldn't have sent you and he'll show him and shop around a little longer and then decides to give Kharg something he found on Scrappe Plateau, since he has no use for it and you'll get the Knuckle Guard. Give it to Kharg immediately. Then, after this, you're free to shop around. Stock up on any Items you may want and/or buy some Weapon Parts or Accessories, if you can afford it. There's no wrong thing to buy, so don't worry. Any Weapon Part/Accessory is fitted to your fighting style, so I won't tell you what to Equip, as I'll leave that up to you. Some people like brute strength, some may like speed over all or others may like having a good counterattack. Totally up to you. Just make sure you're ALWAYS making your characters better, though. Anyway, nothing else is happening here, except if you talk to the townspeople, you'll learn about a Green Monkey stealing food. Hmm...not of importance and if you tell the Defense Corps. about it after promising a kid you would, they'll disregard it and tell Kharg the Castle Ruins are off limits, so don't worry about it for now. Also, the bar in the town is the Inn, incase you need to save. Upstars in the bar is a Save Point, so if you need to Save, use that. Also, to use the Inn in this game, talk to the girl in the Maid's outfit, named Hela. She'll heal your Hit Points but NOT your Spirit Stones, so be careful. (Also, rather funny how the Defense Corps. is stationed in the bar, isn't it?) Anyway, whenever you're ready, head out of Yewbell and go outside onto the World Map and head to Scrappe Plateau. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scrappe Plateau - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 3. Items To Get: None. As you enter Scrappe Plateau, a scene takes place and you'll see an old man surrounded by monsters, as they attack him and he screams for help and curses at them. Just then, Kharg and Paulette will come in and notice the situation. Paulette will ask Kharg what to do, since there's so many Suskle Squirrels. Kharg nites that they must help him, as they can't just let him die. They rush in and tell him they'll handle the Monsters and for him to hide and stay safe. The old man thanks them, as you'll enter the first Story Battle. Prepare yourself and then begin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #1 - Get Rid Of The Suskle Squirrels! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Suskle Squirrel x4. Objects - None. Strategy - Too simple. Just duke it out and slaughter them with no mercy. This is just a taste of what's to come in the real Battles later. Just get use to the feel of the Battle and learn how to fight and get comfortable to the controls and everything. Remember, if any enemy drops something, be sure to pick it up. After the Battle, the old man will comment on how well you can fight and thanks them. Kharg introduces himself and then asks the old man why he's lurking around here, as the old man tells him these are the ruins of an ancient civilization and he's exploring for Treasure. Kharg asks what his profession is, as the old man can't believe he doesn't know him, but sees he doesn't otherwise he'd be amazed. Anyway, he gives a huge egotistical introduction, as he is called Zev. Kharg never heard of him, as Zev sees around here, he probably hasn't. Though, he asks Kharg what the mark on his arm is and Kharg tells him it's not from the fight just now and he's had it since birth. Zev comments on what he said and Kharg tells him it's strange, but it's a birthmark. Paulette comments on him always touching it when he's under pressure or worried and he was touching it during the Battle just now. Kharg gets a little embarassed and then asks Zev what he's going to do and he tells him he's going to look around more. Though, Kharg sees there's nothing really to find, as Zev tells him there's got to be something around this country to find. Kharg understands and then tells him to take care, as Zev leaves. Kharg will then tell Paulette they should go report back to Lloyd. Anyway, just head back to Yewbell now, since there's nothing else to do here. Also, ignore the path leading to the south of Yewbell for now. Just head to Yewbell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yewbell - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 4. Items To Get: Gate Key. Once you're back at Yewbell, if you got any Gold from your Battle, be sure to buy anything you may need and heal up if you need to. Also, for this part, return all of Paulette's Spirit Stones to the Party Items. Trust me, you'll see why in a minute. When you're ready, head to the Defense Corps and talk to Duncan, the man behind the desk and ask him where Lloyd is. He'll tell you he was called by Lady Nafia and is at Kharg's House. So, head there now. As you enter Kharg's House, you'll see Lady Nafia and Lloyd talking about Deimos apparently appearing in a mining sight near Yewbell. Lady Nafia is REALLY shocked by hearing Deimos and Lloyd tells her men are investagating the scene right now. Kharg comments on the Deimos and afterwards, go and talk to Lady Nafia and Lloyd asks for the report on Scrappe Plateau and Kharg fills him in and then Lloyd thanks him. Kharg asks what was it they were speaking about and he learns that workers at Plumb Canyon aren't back yet and Deimos have been sighted in the area. Kharg mentions the Deimos are just overgrown Monsters and they can handle them, but Lloyd mentions the constant rivalry between the two races on Ragnoth, their continent. He'll then leave to handle the situation personally and Kharg gloats to his mother about beating Lloyd earlier, as well as beating the Suskle Squirrels and if need be, he can protect the country now, as he believes he's good enough and he'll fight against anyone disturbing the peace, Human or Deimos. Though, Lady Nafia shows something is wrong and tells Kharg she's just sick and he tells her to take care of herself and she reassures him she'll be fine. Kharg decided to go and see Banjo about the Spirit Stone situation at the Refinery, since they're one short supply of Spirit Stones. So, go ahead and head to the Refinery and a scene will take place. Banjo asks what brings them here and Kharg fills him in on the situation and asks if they have enough Spirit Stones. Banjo tells him they're fine, as their reserve is huge. Kharg mentions that's great, but Banjo tells him the worry he has about the natural resources at hand and how they'll eventually run out some day and they'll have to find another resource to use. Paulette sees he's right and comments on how the country was just starting to get better and they talk about how the country can't go back to being poor now. Though, Kharg tells them to think positive and to make sure they use what they have wisely and Banjo agrees, seeing they have to focus on the country and they'll probably find more deposits eventually and Kharg only butters this up. He then decides to leave, so your next step is to head to the Town Square, as a scene takes place and Lloyd comes in, carrying a wounded Defense Corps. man. Paulette comments that it's her father and Morth and Kharg decides to help. Lloyd tells him he found in near the forest and the Deimos have attacked Plumb Canyon, as they feared. Morth tries to apoligize, but Kharg dismisses it and they decide to get him patched up. Lloyd orders Paulette to assemble the Defense Corps., as they have to go and help the miners. The scene switches to Kharg's House, as Kharg waits outside his mother's room, wondering what's taking so long. Paulette comes in, asking how Morth is doing and Kharg tells her he's being treated now. They talk about how Morth's strong and he'll make it and Kharg's surprised the Deimos beat a Defense Corp. man and Paulette agrees. Just then, Lloyd and Lady Nafia will appear and after asking, Kharg's filled in and told Morth's ok and he's resting. Lloyd asks if the Defense Corps. are ready and Paulette tells him they are and awaiting his command. Kharg gets hyped up to fight, but Lady Nafia reminds Lloyd of something and he tells Paulette to come along and then leaves. Kharg tells her he's going, but she tells him he's not. He's shocked and tells her they must stop the Deimos or they lose their energy source. Though, she tells him to leave it to Lloyd and the others, as he'd be fighting on anger and hatred, which isn't good. She goes on about how hatred leads to misery, darkness, etc, but Kharg asks if she intends to let everything happen and to just do nothing about it and reminds her she taught him to be brave and to always protect the people and remember his responsibility. And with that, he tells her he is going and leaves. Back in control, head to the Town Square and you'll see Lloyd give the orders of attacking the Deimos at Plumb Canyon and saving the miners. After reminding them to do their best, they head out, but Kharg tells them to wait. Kharg asks what kind of Deimos are they dealing with them, but Lloyd tells him he is to stay here, as they've plenty of power to stop the Deimos and they don't need him. Kharg's shocked and tells him he should fight, too, but Lloyd tells him he must protect the city, since no one else will be here. Though, Kharg realizes his mother told him to not let him come and Lloyd only tells him he'll one day carry all the responsibility of the country and he can't take risks now. (Think of them protecting their King from trouble, really.) Kharg is pissed and asks what leader doesn't protect the country, but Lloyd dismisses it and tells the others to move out and leaves. After a quick goodbye from Paulette, Kharg desides to go to Plumb Canyon, too and not be left behind. Though, you can't leave town, because a Defense Corps. man will block you. So, since you can't leave, go see Lady Nafia. Talk to her and Kharg asks why she told Lloyd to not let him go and she just tells him she doesn't want him to fight in anger or hatred, which is bullshit. She thinks he just wants to test his strength and he only wants to do it to help people and if he doesn't, the Deimos will get more victums. Though, Lady Nafia mentions not all Deimos fight and Kharg asks why was Morth attacked then and tells her her way of thinking will only lead to more deaths of people and tells her that's why he must fight to protect them and he will go. Now, back in control, enter Lady Nafia's Room and talk to Morth. Kharg sees he's awake and tells him he should be resting, but Morth tells him he came back to get help, really and he can't sleep, thinking he did the wrong thing by leaving. He asks if Lloyd left and Kharg tells him yes and left him here. Morth understands and Kharg questions him, but he plays stupid. Kharg gets upset and Morth mentions Lady Nafia's reaction and Kharg asks about it and promises he won't get in trouble. Morth tells him that when he was getting bandaged, he described the Deimos to Lloyd and Lady Nafia became really scared and told him to not bring Kharg. Kharg asks why, but Morth doesn't know and mentions that Lloyd said they sound like Drakyr. Kharg thinks about it and Morth tells him to not tell Lady Nafia and he agrees and thanks him. After this, leave Kharg's House, you'll see someone is knocking on the gate nearby, asking to be let in. Kharg investigates and the voice asks again and Kharg sees it's Zev, as Zev sees he's known and asks them to open up. Kharg tells him who he is and Zev recalls the help earlier he got and asks to thank him again and to open the gate. Kharg tells him he will and asks what's he doing here. Zev tells him he wanted to relax at the town, but there was a blockade and instead went through the Castle Ruins. Though, that gives Kharg an idea to escape through the Castle Ruins and can pass through Chaos Forest and get to Plumb Canyon. Zev continues to whine and Kharg tells him he doesn't have the key, but Zev tells him to go and get it. Kharg agrees, seeing he's getting moody and mentions it. Anyway, back in control now, you must talk to the Young Gang Leader near the Bar in town, so you can ask Duncan about the Castle Ruins. Tell the Young Gang Leader you'll mention the Castle Ruins to him and then go see Duncan. Ask him about the Castle Ruins and after the same conversation from last time, a scene will take place and Kharg will tell him he'll handle the Wild Monkey Monster and asks for the Gate Key. Though, he gets worried about something happening to Kharg, but he butters him up about how he must protect the town when Lloyd isn't around, but he's not too sure. But, Kharg mentions his winning duel to him and asks if the Wild Monkey Monster would stand a chance now and he seems to be giving in and Kharg only seals the deal by asking for the Gate Key and getting rid of the Wild Monkey Monster as well, but Duncan catches him and asks what else he has to do, as Kharg disregards it and mentions he'll kill the Monster. Duncan gives in and Kharg thanks him, but he tells him to be careful, as you get the Gate Key. Now, head back to the gate and use the Gate Key on it and it'll open and Zev will breathe a sigh of relief. Kharg thanks him, but he's a bit confused and tells him he should thank him. Kharg tells him he's in a hurry and to just relax here for now, as there's a Bar nearby. Zev becomes happy and tells him if he needs him, he'll know where to find him and he'll be here for awhile. Kharg sees he can finally go to Plumb Canyon and mentions to his mother in his mind that he is going and leave everything to the Defense Corps. So, once back in control, head into the Castle Ruins and follow the path outside. On the World Map, head to Chaos Forest and you'll enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chaos Forest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 5. Items To Get: None. As you come into Chaos Forest, a scene takes place, as Kharg notes he's lost, as you see someone in the trees with a green mask on. (Guess who? It's that "Monster".) Kharg sees him just as he hides and runs forward with his Sword, asking who's there and he knows where they are, as the person fires a arrow at him. He sees it and the person tells him this is no place for Humans and if he loves life, he should leave now. He thinks it's a Deimos and picks up the arrow and throws it with accuracy at him, knocking him out of the tree, as he curses Kharg. Kharg sees his green face is a mask and notes what the Monster really is, but the kid gets mad at the title of "Wild Monkey Monster" and tells him he's the King Of Chaos Forest and starts throwing his authority around and acting high and mighty. Though, Kharg ignores this and sees he's the one stealing food from Yewbell, as the kid becomes scared. Kharg can't believe they thought it was a Monster and the kid gets pissed, calling Kharg an underling and tells him before he dies, to give him his name. Kharg does so and the boy tells him he's heard of him, as he's the former Prince. Though, Kharg tells him he's in a hurry to get to Plumb Canyon and if they're going to fight, they should do it, otherwise, he's leaving. Though, the kid tells him to wait, as he can't pass without giving an offering and he likes Bananas and Apples. But, just then, a Slothian and some Suskle Squirrels appear and the kid comments on them, as he gets scared, asking what to do. Kharg's surprised he lives here, yet he's afraid of Monsters, but the kid tells him he's not, as the Slothians are totally different. The Slothian shows his power and the kid tells him they're strong and always steal his food he stole. Though, Kharg suggests fighting together and the kid's shocked, as Kharg says they both can win by teaming up. The kid agrees and tells him to get ready and he becomes cocky towards the Monsters, as it's payback for taking his food. Kharg asks his name, as the kid tells him it's Maru, King Of Chaos Forest and removes his green mask. Kharg gets ready to fight, as you enter your second Story Battle. Gear up and get ready, then begin the fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #2 - Defeat The Monsters! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Suskle Squirrel x5 and Wild Slothian. Objects - Damp Tree. This Battle is probably one of your first challenges you'll have in this game. First, the Wild Slothian is pretty hard at this point, so focus on attacking him and getting him killed. Then, work on the Suskle Squirrels. Also, there's your first object here, a Damp Tree. Break it open and you'll find an Item inside, which is a Good Herb. Just keep your assault up and you'll do fine. After the Battle, Maru becomes happy about beating the Wild Slothian, as Kharg asks why he doesn't live in a town, as he tells him he hates towns and people are annoying. He hates having to wear shoes and paying for things, too and he mentions he's actually a Prince and they're so rude. Kharg becomes surprised by the Prince statement. Maru tells him it's true and shows him his crown on his neck and he bets Kharg's surprised, thought Kharg just asks where he took it from, as Marui gets mad and states he didn't take it. He mentions it's a valuable treasure, handed down through the generations in the country he was born. Though, Kharg asks about the shoes and the mask, as he admits about taking them, as Kharg laughs. Maru gets mad again and tells him he really is a Prince and Kharg asks of what country, but Maru can't remember, due to alot of things happening and he was taken away by one of his relatives and always told him he was a Prince, but he died a long time ago. But, Maru has hope and tells him he'll find his country someday and he wishes to be King there and until then, he's the King Of Chaos Forest. Kharg decided to let Maru off the hook this time, but tells him not to do it again. Maru thanks him and Kharg tells him he's in a hurry and starts to leave, as Maru stops him and mentions he was going to Plumb Canyon and asks why. Kharg explains the situation and Maru says he'll come and help, as Kharg becomes shocked. He asks Kharg to be one of his followers and if he does, he'll help, as Kharg tells him this is no game, but Maru protests and tells him he'll show him the way to Plumb Canyon if he does. Though, he mentions the Deimos to him and he can't take him to fight them and he gets mad, saying to take him, as his parents both died when he was young and he's alone and that's easy, but he loved the feeling when they teamed up to fight and liked having a companion. He decided to not let him become a follower, but at least to take him with him. Kharg thinks and tells him they won't be fighting puny Monsters this time and Maru gets happy that he'll fight Deimos and get stronger now. He points out the direction to Plumb Canyon and they agree to go, as Maru acts big again about being his superior, which is a joke scene. Heh heh. Anyway, you'll control Kharg again, as you're on the World Map. Head to Plumb Canyon, but you'll first pass through The Edge Of A Sea Of Trees, but it's a random Battle here and not a Story Battle, so just fight it out, since ANY area that you don't go to for the Story, you MUST fight there ONCE to move on. Afterwards, it's random if you'll fight there if you pass by it again. Just fight the Battle there and conserve your Spirit Stones at all cost. After the Battle, if you need healing, head back to Yewbell and see Hela and use 10 Gold to heal yourself. Don't waste your precious Herbs right now. Anyway, when you're ready, head to Plumb Canyon finally and enter it when you can. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Plumb Canyon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 6. Items To Get: None. Once inside Plumb Canyon, Maru mentions this is the place, as he notices two bodies nearby, as Kharg curses to himself and checks the two Defense Corps. men and sees they're still alive. Just then, Maru mentions a girl nearby who's in trouble and it turns out to be Paulette, as she surrounded by some Monsters and a Deimos is nearby, laughing, telling the Monsters to kill all the Humans. Paulette calls him a coward for using Monsters to do his dirty work and to fight her himself, but the Drakyr just laughs and tells her the Deimos don't care about being cowardly and the Monsters are enough to handle them and those that survive, they'll handle personally. Kharg sees it's Paulette and she's in danger, as Maru mentions there's more people over there, as he sees Lloyd and two Defense Corps. men with him, about to fight two Drakyr. One of the Drakyr asks if they thought they could escape and that this is it for them. Kharg sees they've been cut off and curses at them and then confirms it if Maru's with him. Maru tells him he's sure and Kharg calls to Paulette, telling her he's coming. She's shocked to see him, as the Battle begins. Make any preperations and then start the Battle. (Also, notice how Paulette's Spirits Stones are completely replenished? Heh, that's why you took them away before. You got extra Spirit Stones, because the game fully healed her after she left you. It saves on money. Neat trick, huh?) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #3 - Defeat All Enemies! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Drakyr x3 and Wyvern x2. Objects - Wooden Box x2. Well, this Battle may give you some trouble, but it depends. The Drakyr are tough, as are the Wyverns, but you have three party members now. It shouldn't be too difficult. Feel free, through, to use as much Skills as you want. Trust me, go for it. Also, be sure to break open both Wooden Boxes, as there's a Revival Medicine in one and 110 Gold, 8 Spirit Stone and a Leather Armband in another. Anyway, just watch out for the Drakyr and Wyvern's Magic that they cast, as it can REALLY cause some damage to you. Fight one enemy at a time and you should be fine. Not too difficult, but it can become hard if you don't play this right. Heal up if you need to and if you die, try again. After the Battle, Paulette thanks Kharg and he asks if she's hurt, but she's not and she asks him how he got here, as he tells her it's a long story, as Lloyd walks in. He scolds Kharg, as he wasn't to come here and Paulette tells him if it wasn't for Kharg, they might've been killed, but he tells her to be quiet, as he continues to tell Kharg if they die, they did it to protect him, but if he's in danger, how can they do that? Kharg gets upset about them protecting him and asks why he even bothered learning to fight then and Lloyd tells him so he could protect himself, but Kharg tells him he did it to protect others. Lloyd doesn't reply, but tells him that's enough and he's going to scout the area and some Deimos footprins have been found in Garagne Hills. He tells the soldiers to take the wounded back to Yewbell and tells Kharg to stay out of danger and orders Paulette to go with him. She agrees and walks off with him, as Maru asks who the scary guy was. Kharg says he's like his father, as Maru becomes confused and sees he has no real father either and Kharg admits it, with Maru seeing he's like him and Kharg agrees, as they both laugh. Anyway, back in control of Kharg now, talk to Maru and he'll mention that it's good none of the Defense Corps. were hurt that bad and then asks if you're going back. Tell him that and he asks a favor of you, which is to come to Yewbell. Kharg tells him he can and he becomes happy, as Kharg says they're friends after all and they talk, as Maru asks if friends give each other food, as Kharg becomes silent and Maru just mentions he hasn't eaten since his last raid on Yewbell. He just laughs and tells him he'll have his mother make him something. He becomes happy and joins you. Now, put both Kharg and Maru's remaining Spirit Stones that they have back to the Party Items now. Once you're done, you can't leave until you talk to one of the Defense Corps. Members, so talk to the guy near the exit who speaks about Lloyd. You'll learn Lloyd was actually happy you showed up and they weren't doing so good until he did. He mentions they should head back to Yewbell and they can handle the rest here and for him to go home and Kharg agrees. So, then go ahead and go home. You'll have to treck through Garagne Hills first though, as you have no choice. Once there, as Kharg and Maru are walking, Maru mentions the Deimos are really different than Monsters, as they can speak and use Weapons and that makes for a pretty tough enemy. Kharg agrees and comments that they're cunning and cruel and to not let his guard down with them and Maru mentions he won't be beaten by them, just as two Deimos walk in, a mother and child and collapse and die. Kharg's surprised, as Maru sees they're dead and they both see Lloyd and Paulette fighting a Deimos, who tells them they'll pay, as that was his wife and child, with Lloyd telling him he can't get any closer to Yewbell than this and Paulette agrees and tells him to leave or die. Kharg and Maru run in and he asks if they're both alright, as Paulette sees Kharg and he announces the Deimos will now fight him. But, the Deimos sees he's outmatched and tells them they'll pay, as he runs off. Kharg starts talking about how there's more Deimos now and he thought it was only the Drakyr around, with Maru commenting on them looking brutal. Paulette then asks who Maru is, as he becomes offended and tells her he's a Prince and he introduces him, as Maru states he won't let her be his follower. Though, Kharg asks about the Deimos just now, as it looked strong, but Paulette didn't fight, Lloyd did, as she explains and only got there after he found the Deimos first by his footprints and she came to help afterwards, as Kharg asks Lloyd how strong it was compared to a Drakyr, but he gives no response and collapses dead on the ground, as Paulette begins to sob over his corpse. The scene then cuts back to Yewbell, with everyone in the Town Square and Paulette sobbing in Lady Nafia's Arms, claiming she'll never forgive the Deimos and Lady Nafia only conforts her, as Kharg remembers the first time he ever fought Lloyd and got his ass handed to him. He curses the Deimos and states the there will be no more victums to the Deimos and he'll protect his country to the end, as the screen fades out. You'll be asked to Save your game at this point, so do so. Afterwards, you'll be finished with Kharg's first chapter and you'll move onto part 2 of Chapter 1, which is Darc's Chapter now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Chapter 1 - Darc: Awakening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH1DA7.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As this part of Chapter 1 opens, we see a cutscene, like in the beginning of the game, where a Human girl and a Deimos man are running away from some Drakyr. Both are carrying a child and look like thy're eascaping from someone. You see the girl fall and her necklace shine (Look familiar?) as the Deimos man helps her up, but they reach a dead end on a cliff and can't go anywhere else. We learn the girl is Lady Nafia, as the Deimos tells her to go on, as he stalls the Drakyr. A Drakyr comes in and casts Magic on them, but the Deimos man blocks it, as Lady Nafia falls down the cliff, with the child she was holding. The scene then shows the Deimos man and his son, crossing a wasteland, as the Deimos man tells the kid, named Darc, to leave him, but he won't and wants to take him somewhere to rest. They arrive at a Church, but in his dying words, he gives Darc his blue stone (Again, look familiar?) and he tells him to let the Spirits guide him, as he dies. Darc screams in pain over the loss of his father, it cuts to the present day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Geedo's House - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 3. Items To Get: 100 Gold. As the scene begins, we hear Darc screams in pain from a lashing from his owner, since he's a Slave to some unknown woman we don't see yet and we don't know why he's getting beaten and called names. (You'll learn how and why later.) As the scene comes in, you see a voice call to Darc and it tells him to save the Deimos. Darc wakes up cursing, as the woman who was just beating him, named Geedo, (Ugly, huh?) asks how long he was planning to sleep. She wants Darc to run an errand for her, with is you must go to Orcoth and buy her some Phoenix Blood and warns him if he spends the money on ANYTHING but the Phoenix Blood or loses the Gold, he knows what'll happen. He understands and she tells him to hurry up and get going. You'll recieve 100 Gold after this and then you'll gain control of Darc. (Also, if you take notice, Darc can't Equip anything. You can later, but at this point, you can't. Sorry.) Anyway, when you're ready, head out of Geedo's House. On your way out, you'll see a Treasure Chest. You can't open it, so don't bother. Just take note that this is what Treasure Chests look like in this game. Now, once you're on the World Map, head to Orcoth. You CAN head to The Church Ruins, but it's optional and not necessary. Though, you MUST fight a Battle at Sabnak Forest, so when you enter a Battle there, win it and move on. Just be careful, because Darc's only Level 1 and I actually suggest you train him to Level 3 to be on the safe side. (Also, this is like one of the FEW times I'll suggest that you train. Besides this, if you do go to The Church Ruins, just examine the rock pile nearby and Darc will begin talking to his dead father and just says he's sorry for not coming as often and he'd probably be sad to see how he turned out, so that's one reason he didn't want to visit as much. He mentions his dad wanted him to save the Deimos, but sees he's not as strong as he was. He says he's sorry, as he knows he doesn't want to hear him complain and that'll be it. Afterwards, go ahead and leave.) Anyway, once you reach Orcoth, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 4. Items To Get: Phoenix Blood. Once inside Orcoth, follow the path until a scene happens, where a Deimos girl sees Darc and mentions something about having fun and leaps down infront of him, asking if he's Geedo's Slave and asks why he's here. Darc ignores her, but she gets pissed and asks if he recognizes the "Red Devil" if the Orcon tribe or not and tells him this is no place for him and to go home. She comments on his wings and then runs off, as Darc wonders what her problem is. Anyway, the people here are NOT friendly to you, but talk to them if you wish. You'll notice the store owner isn't around, so you can't buy the Phoenix Blood yet. For now, you must head into the Orcoth Arena, which is easily found here in Orcoth. Inside, you'll see a seen where a Deimos named Gorma is talking to what looks like a leader figure about eating something that gives one more strength, but they aren't sure how sure this is and if they raised the Animal properly, the could use it to fly and he presents him with the idea of the Orcon being able to fly now, a life long dream. Though, he gets mad and starts telling the leader he only cares about strength and he's ashamed to think he holds their future in his hands. The ruler, Densimo tells him to shut up, as he doesn't need to listen to any old fools and cares nothing about what he use to be. He doesn't care to listen to him anymore and asks if he should smash his horns for him, as Gorma becomes scared and Densimo jumps over to him and starts to ruffle him up and throws him away, as he boosts his ego, telling him he's the strongest Orcon around, he leads the Orcon and no one gives him orders. He states he'll do what he wants and kill anyone in his way, as the scene fades out. Back in control of Darc, head back to the shop you passed earlier and the Quorup is now there. He welcomes Darc, but then sees who he is and asks if he's Geedo's Slave and a Deimos wannabe, as he has nothing to sell him and asks if he wishes to buy some Human Equipment instead. Darc declines and states he is proudly a Deimos and asks for the Phoenix Blood. The Quorup sees Geedo wants more of the stuff and comments on how it's bad for your health (Think any kind of drug, really.) and he mentions even though that's true, she'll probably never die. You'll then be able to shop, so buy the Phoenix Blood and if you have any Gold left from your Battles, use it to buy some Items, since Darc only has a Rotting Herb to use. Anyway, as you get done shopping, the Quorup tells you that's the last of the Phoenix Blood and to make sure it doesn't get stolen on your back, as he laughs. You're done in Orcoth for now, so go ahead and leave, but as you do, Zoram and Zugalo, two Orcons, stop Darc. They see Darc's part Human and start harassing him, as they see it's Geedo's Slave, Darc. They blast him for being a Deimos wannabe and actually coming to Orcoth, but he tells them he's a Deimos and to get out of his way. They laugh about this, since he's giving them orders and they tell him they'll leave, but they want what he bought from the Quorup. He declines and they get upity, asking if he wants to fight and prove he's a Deimos. So, Darc will have to fight them. You're lead back to the Orcoth Arena to fight infront of Densimo, as his two men see they're about to fight, but it seems Densimo's asleep right now. They want to be quiet, so they can avoid waking him to watch the fight. They ask if Darc's ready and if he just gives them what they want, he won't die, as the Battle begins. Get Darc ready and then enter the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #4 - Crush Zugalo And Zoram! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - Darc is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Zoram And Zugalo. Objects - None. Strategy - Even though this is sort of a Boss Battle, it really isn't. It's actually pretty easy, if you got up to Level 3 or so. Anyway, focus on attacking one of them at a time and go ahead and use Darc's Wind Slasher to get a boost on the situation. About two attacks on each of them with it will knock them out. You don't have to use it, but it helps if you're in a bind. If you become weak, use Darc's Cure or use a Herb to heal you. Just keep up your assault and they'll both go down easily. After the Battle is over, both will be laying on the ground, heavily hurt. Darc asks if they now have nothing to say, as Delma comes in and tells him he's not a bad fighter and asks if he'd like to join up with her brother, Densimo and she points to him. Darc makes the connection between the two and she explains he needs strong fighters to drive away the Humans, but Darc declines. Delma asks why and if he hates Humans, because they're taking their Spirit Stones. Darc doesn't know what they are, but Delma explains it to him and tells him without them, they can't go on living. She tries to stir him up to go after the Humans and stop them, but he declines again and states he has to go back to Geedo. Delma laughs and mocks him, seeing she was wrong after all and runs off. Darc states he isn't a wannabe, but a real Deimos and you regain control of him. Go ahead and exit Orcoth now and head back to Geedo's House. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Geedo's House - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 4. Items To Get: None. Back at Geedo's House, go inside and talk to Geedo, as she bad mouths Darc as usual and asks if he got the Phoenix Blood. He tells her yes and relays the warning about the addiction and bad health it causes that the Quorup mentioned to him, as she takes the words seriously and he tells her she should lay off, but she tells him to mind his own business and he doesn't have to say everything he hears. But, she does think about not drinking anymore and she wonders what the world would do if she, a "peerlees beauty" would die. (Has she ever looked in a mirror before?) Anyway, she puts her Phoenix Blood in her Treasure Chest and asks Darc if he's ever heard about Firbles. Tell her "Not Yet", because you have, but you haven't Gorma mentioned them, but you don't know them by name. She scolds him for not paying attention and tells him he must know about them from the Orcon and she begins to explain that they're rare Monsters, since the Orcon eat them and begins to explain to him the money involved in getting one and selling it to them. Darc asks what they do with them and Geedo doesn't know and tells him he should focus on getting them before they do. Tell her you understand and she then orders you to go find one. (Sigh.) Anyway, there's no new places to look outside, so why not head back to Orcoth and ask Gorma about them? He seemed to have some knowledge, didn't he? So, head to Orcoth now and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 4. Items To Get: None. Once you're in Orcoth, go and see Gorma, who's inside the wrecked train near the edge of town. Inside, he'll be cursing himself for making a huge mistake about giving his title to Densimo and wonders why he won't see what the Firbles can really do. You'll control Darc after this, so go ahead and talk to him and he sees you're Geedo's Slave and Darc introduces himself, as Gorma asks how he can help him. Ask him about anything you want, but mainly ask about Firbles. He'll be surprised you know about them and he explains they are simple a earlier form of Pyrons, incredible flying Monsters know as the "Heroes Of The Skies", but Darc doesn't know what a Pyron is, but Gorma tells him they're Monsters with fire inside them and they can fly anywhere in the World and explains they can go 1,000 miles in one night. (He knows alot due to his reseach.) He explains what Firbles look like, as they can be found here on Aldrow and look like white Lizards and he knows a way to raise them into Pyrons, but he sees Darc has wings and thinks he doesn't care about being able to fly, because he can, but the Orcons can't, who wish to fly. Though, seems Densimo just wants to eat them. Darc asks why and Gorma tells him something about a rumor if you eat one, you become stronger and he's not sure how true that is and believes it's better to make them into Pyrons, instead. Darc asks where on Aldrow Firbles are, but he doesn't know. He does know that they need plenty of water and water plants to survive and the Ocean isn't a place to find them and that's all he knows. Darc understands and thinks about a place with water and thanks him. Gorma just nods and says he can only offer him his knowledge and that's it. Now, after you're done talking with him, go ahead and leave Orcoth and on the World Map, some new areas are opened to you. Now, there's two paths to take. You can either go back to Geedo's House and then head southwest to Haystir Marsh, which is where you need to go, or you can go from Sabnak Forest through The Varam Barrens and Tindalos Woods, but it's up to you. Personally, I suggest The Varam Barrens and Tindalos Woods, so you can get Experience and Gold, but it's your choice, either way. Regardless, fight out any Battles you come across and make your way to Haystir Marsh and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Haystir Marsh - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 6. Items To Get: None. Inside Haystir Marsh, Darc has a look around and sees water and water plants and believes if Gorma was correct, Firbles should be here. Just then, one appears and he sees it, as he goes after it. He confirms it's a Firble, as it looks like a white Lizard, so now you must catch it. I know this part is hard and some of you may have problems with it, but the best strategy I can give is do NOT spend too much time creeping up on the thing. It'll sense you and run off. Also, don't step on anything that makes loud sound, like rocks or anything. Grass and dirt are fine. Just WALK up to it at a moderate pace and grab it from behind. Rather simple. If it sees you, it'll appear at another water hole, so find it, sneak up on it and grab it. After you get it, Darc knows if he takes it to Geedo, she'll sell it to the Orcon and Densimo will eat him and he doesn't want that to happen. Just then, Delma, Zorma and Zugalo appear and it seems they're hunting for Firbles as well. They seem to have gotten Gorma to tell them where to go as well and Darc notices them and figures they're looking for Firbles and decides to take care of them, telling the Firble to stay put. Delma sees it's Darc and asks why he's here, as he just tells her he's out for a walk, but she finds it odd he came all the way here for a walk. Zoram and Zugalo talk about how odd that seems, but Delma dismisses it and doesn't care. Though, she asks if he's seen any weird Monsters around and he states a few of them. They ask him what they looked like and Darc makes a joke about it being them. They get pissed and want Delma to help fight him, but Delma just tells him he's got guts to speak when he's outnumbered, but he states he did it because he's not to be treated like a freak. Delma's silent, but then tells them they're leaving, but they can't see why, as Delma tells them to shut up and follow orders. They get worried about Densimo, but Delma doesn't care. After this, they all leave, as Darc is happy they're gone. He wonders where he can put the Firble and decides on hiding him at The Church Ruins, in a old Monster's Nest. He tells the Firble to live here, as it's where his father died and he calls it his secret place, but he has no idea what he's doing and it can never understand him. Just then, Delma appears, telling him he really is weird, as he sees she followed him and he gets mad. She asks if that's a Firble and asks why he's hiding it, as Darc explains about the Pyrons and what Gorma said and doesn't want Densimo eating it. Delma mentions how mad Densimo would be if he heard that and she points out how he doesn't act like a Deimos at all, but he tries to correct her and she tells him they don't save Monsters. She goes on about how Densimo has everyone looking for these things and Darc asks if she's doing what he asks, but she tells him no and only went with Zoram and Zugalo because they wanted her to go and was killing some time. He tells her to go away, then and not say a word about it, but she's surprised at this and tells him she doesn't take his orders and asks her if she'll tell. Delma's not sure, because it depends and Darc gets pissed and she asks what he'll do and he tells her he'll kill her, but she thinks he's bluffing, acting like a real Deimos and all now and she mocks him, as he gets even madder. She'll run off, so chase her over to the area to the east and you'll find her. He asks her again to not tell anyone about the Firble or this place and she sees he's serious about it and tells him ok. He's shocked and she tells him she always wanted to fly and if he could make that come true, she'd keep the secret. He agrees and picks her up, as he flies her around the area, as she cheers on about how great it is. As Darc finishes the little trip, a Drakyr appears and sees it's Darc and swoops in after him. The scene shows Delma gleeming over what just happened and Darc agrees, as the Drakyr appears. He sees this is where he is, as he's the son of Windalf, the traitor. Darc's shocked and Delma doesn't see when Drakyr appeared on Aldrow and knows they live on Ragnoth, but he tells her to shut up and he tells Darc they've looked long and hard for him and he asks what they want, since his father died because of them. The Drakyr just states he betrayed them and fell in love with a Human, so he deserved it. That and he stole their Treasure, the Wind Stone and tells him how they looked for it, but never found it and the only one who could have it now is Darc. He tells him to hand it over and no one will get hurt, but Darc declines, as the Drakyr threatens him. Delma teams up with Darc to help, as the Battle begins. I suggest you take all of Delma's Spirit Stones and put them in your Party Items, since you won't need her Magic at all and so you can get a good stock on Spirit Stones, because hey, she'll be fully healed later and you aren't keeping her for now and also, take her two Healing Herbs as well. Anyway, make any preperations and then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #5 - Do Away With The Drakyr! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Drakyr x4. Objects - None. Strategy - This is pretty easy, but since there's four Drakyr, don't get cocky. Just fight them one at a time and be warned, they WILL be using Magic, so watch it, as they can really hurt you with it. Just team up on one at a time and you'll easily win this. Heal up if you need to and make sure you let Delma gain a Level at least. After the Battle, Delma tells them to never come back and Darc thanks her for helping him. But, she does a poor job of acting tough, telling him she did it to beat the Drakyr and it wasn't to help him, that's all. She then asks about the Wind Stone and wonders if he really does have their most precious Treasure. Darc's not sure, but he knows he has a memento from his father and he didn't want Geedo to have it, so it's hidden in his father's grave. Suddenly, Darc feels pain and can't breathe, as Delma becomes concerned. He tells her it's ok, it's just Geedo's Warning of him to come home and he tells her about her witchcraft and how she controls him with that eve since he was a child and he could neer remove it, as long as Geedo's alive. He tells her why he was sent out and she sees he was gonna give the Firble to Geedo, but he tells her he'd never do it and he'd never give it to Densimo, either or anyone. She tells him if he doesn't, but he knows the punishment he'll take, as Delma tells him to kill Geedo and he can't, because she's always expecting it, that and he can't do it to someone who took him in, even though he's been treated like trash. Even after all that, she raised him. Delma thinks he's nuts and not a real Deimos, saying she'd have killed her a long time ago, if she was in his place. She calls him a weirdo again and then leaves. He admits he's strange and afterwards, you're in control again. So, go ahead and head back to Geedo's House, since there's nothing left to do now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Geedo's House - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 6-7. Items To Get: None. Once you're back home, you'll see Geedo pacing about, as she bad mouths Darc as usual and thinks he's starting to disobey her, with running around, making her wait and all, as she asks if he caught any Firbles, but he just lowers his head and she can't believe he came back empty handed. She insists he tell her where they are, but he tells her there weren't any and she asks him to repeat that, as she's shocked and he repeats himself, as she becomes pissed and calls him names again and thinks he didn't even look and just had fun instead and continues with the names. She gets mad that he hasn't learned his lesson yet and she'll have to teach him again and he will learn what happens when he doesn't do as he's told and she'll make him remember it, as she begins to whip him again and continues to insult him and his failure. After she's done, a voice tells him again to save the Deimos, as he begins to wake up and call for his father. Just then, Windalf appears in a vision and he tells Darc to listen up, as a crisis is coming near, as all the Deimos will die if things continue as is. He tells him he's the child of a Deimos and a Human and he can surely escape that fate and he has the power to change the Deimos's Fate and tells him to save them and he can do it. He repeats himself again, as Darc wakes up and thinks it was a dream. He thinks about what he heard and just laughs, as he can't do anything, he's just a slave to Geedo and if Delma wasn't helping him earlier, he may have been killed. He finds the whole thing ridiculous and states he can do nothing, as you gain control of him. Save if you wish, then head upstairs. Darc will see Geedo isn't here and he finds it odd, because she RARELY leaves by herself and he decides he'll go check on the Firble and thinks Delma might've told Densimo about it. As you leave Geedo's House, Delma appears and sees she did a number on Darc, but he tells her it's nothing and asks what she wants. She has no reason and just came to see him, thinking he was killed and that's all. (Yeah, right, we're not blind, you know.) He mentions he didn't mean to worry her, but she disregards it and asks where he's going, but he want to tell her, but she tells him it's dangerous traveling alone and the Drakyr may still be after him. Though, he's more worried about her telling Densimo about the Firble. She asks where he's going again and he tells her to mind her own business, as she tells him she didn't tell him and kept her promise and he states Deimos don't keep promises, but she tells him to shut up, because she felt like it. She insists on going, because she wants to fight some Drakyr, since they must pay for coming into their territory and if she's with him, they may come. He agrees and she joins you again. (Notice how she's fully healed? Hehe, more Spirit Stones, see? Told you.) Anyway, exit Geedo's House and head to The Church Ruins. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 6-7. Items To Get: None. Once inside, go see the Firble, as Delma stops you and sees why you came here, as she states how wiedrd he is again. He tells her it's not that, as a voice calls out to him, telling him it's the Wind Spirit and a new era of something, as Darc wonders what it was just now. Delma heard it to and Darc wonders if it was the Wind Stone. Darc goes over to his father's grave and Delma asks about the rocks and he tells her what it is, as his father died here. She states yet again he's not acting like a Deimos, but he tells her again, only to be interuppted about how Deimos don't make tombs, as it is sad when people die, but the only ones who do make tombs and cry regrets over them are Humans. Though, he mentions the Drakyr doing it, but she only tells him if he had time for that, he has time for revenge, as it's common sense. But, she doesn't care, really, as it doesn't bother her if he wants to make a tomb. She tells him she's going to check on the Firble and Darc ponders about revenge. He disregards it and wonders about that voice he heard, as you regain control. Go and see Delma and the Firble and you'll see the Firble laid six eggs! Delma mentions they look good, as Darc is alarmed, but she was only kidding. Though, she starts to feel weird, like she's having a feeling she never had before and she doesn't know what it is. Darc mentions it's happiness and she doesn't know what that is and Darc mentions all Deimos should be feeling that way, as he wants a peaceful world like that and he wishes to save them all. Delma thinks he's weird again and she never heard someone say it, but she has faith in him. Just then, she notices something, as someone's coming. They hide and income four Humans, as the one named Ludhi mentions a Church really was here after all and mentions of finding some Treasure. He tells Rapier, another soldier there, that he's lucky to be with them and he'll get some good stuff. Though, he asks what Ludhi's doing, since the regiment isn't over this way, but he tells him it's fine, as they're near a place called Prodias and asks if he knows about it, since it was Eastern Aldia, before the disaster and they'll find tons of relics. Though, Rapier reminds him they're looking for Deimos and if they don't report back to Zedora Abyss and join up with the regiment there, but gets cut off and Ludhi tells him to stop, as they're mercenaries and deserve some good pay now and then for their hard work, as Rapier asks if he plans to loot, but Ludhi just gets fustrated and tells him it's taking from Deimos territory and it belongs to no one. So, it's not looting and he reminds Rapier of the Deimos looting his homeland and with some money, he can retire, and live the Cathenian high life. He declines the offer and tells him he joined to fight Deimos, not become rich and he tells them he's going back, as Ludhi agrees and tells him to not expect his cut, but he never wanted anything. He then leaves, as Rapier tells the other two to split up and look for Items, as they'll split everything. Delma comments on them wanting to loot the place and thinks they're scum for wanting everything for themselves. She suggests fighting them, as if they don't, they'll find the Firbles and trash his father's grave. Darc agrees, as they rush out and stop them. He tells them to stop and Delma asks if they know this is Deimos land and if they know what happens to Humans on their turf, as she gets ready to fight. Ludhi sees it's Deimos, as Rapier rushes back in and asks if Ludhi's ok. He sees Rapier's back, but tells him to go away, but Rapier tells him he'd never leave comrades, as Ludhi tells him he's sorry. Delma tells them to stop talking and states the odds, but she doesn't care, as she'll still win. Darc tells them to prepare themselves, as you enter a Battle. Prepare for the Battle and then start it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #6 - Defeat Every Last Human - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Ludhi, Rapier and Shotgun Hunter x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Now this is a tough Battle. First off, Ludhi and Rapier are no pushovers and neither are the two Shotgun Fighters, either. You may want to use Magic for this Battle, as you need to end it fast or else you'll be the ones to go down and not the Humans. The Shotgun Fighters can use a special bomb attack, which can REALLY hurt you and Ludhi and Rapier can dig deep into you easily with a normal attack. Just be sure to beat Ludhi and Rapier first, as they drop a Confusion Firecracker and a Revival Medicine. Then, focus on the two Shotgun Hunters. Just heal if you need to and focus on using your Magic to beat the enemy. You should come through. After the Battle, Darc comments on what a Human is, as they only wish to come into Deimos land and steal what they want. He sees this blood flows in his mother, too and Delma calls to him, as she now has Ludhi's Claw and is using it. She asks what it is and Darc tells her it's a Weapon that a Human was using. She comments on how much sharper it is than a Deimos's natural Weapons and she tells him to take the Sword and Breastplate, as Human Weapons suit his hands better. She tells him it's a good idea, but he comments on how he can't fight without using one of these and asks if that's what she means. She says no and explains it's better to use Weapons that make you stronger. Darc dismisses the idea, as he's a Deimos and won't use such Weapons made by Humans and he never will, as he walks off. She tells him to not sulk about it and that she won't use the Weapon either, then. She asks what he's going to do, since the Drakyr are still after him and the Humans are already around now and he can't win without getting stronger. He knows, but he doesn't care to use Human Weapons. She sees he won't give in and tells him there's only one thing to do and he needs to get more allies and stand up to the Drakyr, as that's it's only option. He understands, but asks who and implies if she means Zoram and Zugalo, but she tells him they're morons and she means her brother, Densimo. He's shocked and doesn't see why he'd join him, that and the fact that he's hiding Firbles from him. Delma tells him to let her handle it, as you regain control of Darc. You'll want to head back to Orcoth now, since you have to go and talk to Densimo, so go ahead and head there now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 8. Items To Get: 10 Healing Herbs. Once you're in Orcoth, go ahead and use the Quorup to heal yourself, since you don't want to waste Spirit Stones doing so. Then, if you want, shop around for any Items you may want and when you're ready, go and see Densimo. Talk to Zoram and Zugalo first to gain entry and Darc tells them to move, as he needs to see Densimo. They get upity about him throwing his name around and ask why someone like him wants to see Densimo, as Delma comes out and tells them. They agree with no problem and they lead you to him, so go ahead and enter. Anyway, go up and talk to Densimo and Delma will say hi to him. He sees it's her and he tells her he learned about her hanging with the Deimos wannabe, but she stands up for him and says he's strong and she asks what's wrong with joining up with strong comrades. He laughs about the idea of a strong Deimos wannabe, but she says she can hang out with whoever she wishes. After asking what she wants, she tells him about the Drakyr and asks for his help, but he laughs and doesn't care to help a wannabe. She tries to sucker him in with the "I'm your sister" rutine, but he tells her to shut up, as he's busy with the Humans right now and he doesn't have time for the Drakyr. Though, Delma sees he won't fold and calls him names and then goes to Darc and tells him even though he's busy, he's just afraid of Drakyr. He hears this and asks her what she said, as she says nothing, but he asks her again and she said she told Darc that he may be all important and strong, but he's scared of Drakyr. He tells her they're nothing to him and she starts to trick him by getting him angry and it works. She tells him actions speak louder than words and asks what she's implying or else he'll beat it out of her. She says this is why they make fun of him and he asks about what they say and she starts making things up, saying how the Drakyr called the Orcons weak, a bunch of cowards, called them "Porkons", stupid pigs, etc. He gets pissed at this and to seal the deal, she says they said Densimo was a big, yellow Chicken. That does it and he goes nuts, wanting to rip them apart limb by limb. Delma gets excited that that's the spirit and all, but he wish he had time and has to fight the Humans before the Drakyr. She asks if they help him, will they help them and he's surprised and she tells him they beat some on the way here. He's shocked that they alone won, because even his men can't win. He agrees and tells Darc that if he helps take care of the Humans at Zedora Abyss, he'll help with the Drakyr and asks if that's good and if he has a problem. Darc agrees and thanks him and Densimo joins forces with him. Delma tells him it went well and Darc just says he couldn't get a word in, anyway, as Densimo asks what she said and tells him they have to get going, as they join you. Anyway, take Densimo's Attack Bottle from him and make sure you give him and Delma nothing, unless you feel like it. Just give stuff to Darc, as you'll see why in a little bit. (Though, if you want to play it safe, give them each a Good Herb.) Now, go ahead and leave the Orcoth Arena, but before leaving Orcoth, talk to the Orcon near that pillar of light. (The pink one, not the blue one.) Listen to what she has to say and at the very end, she'll ask you a question about how many letters were in all the words she's said to you right now. Tell her the answer "Between 600 and 800." and you'll recieve 10 Healing Herbs! Nice, huh? You can only do this once, so don't bother doing it again. Anyway, stock up on anything you may need, then go ahead and leave Orcoth. On the World Map, head to Zedora Abyss now, which is to the southwest of Haystir Marsh. You'll encounter a Battle at Haystir Marsh, so just duke it out there and fight your way through. Then, go ahead and enter Zedora Abyss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Zedora Abyss - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 8-9. Items To Get: None. Once you enter Zedora Abyss, follow the path and you'll see a scene, as Darc stops and hides behind a hill. Densimo asks what is he doing and he tells him to be quiet and look, as you'll see Human Soldiers marching around and some others mining Spirit Stones. Densimo asks what are they doing, walking around like that and Delma notices the miners working. A Cathenian Soldier makes a remark about it almost being time for a break and Darc wonders if they're after Spirit Stones. Delma shows her anger and wonders how they can just walk around like that and take their precious Magic powers. Densimo mentions they should go and waste them, but Darc tells him to wait, because each has a role and they're working on a system and they need a strategy. Though, Densimo doesn't do those and he won't copy a Human's pattern, as he just walks right in, as Delma tells Darc that they can't let them get away with this and runs forward, as he just curses to himself and runs in to help, as the Battle begins. Prepare yourself and make sure you're ready, then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #7 - Defeat Every Last Human - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Cathena Soldier x3 and Spear Hunter x2. Objects - Damp Tree and Wooden Box x2. Strategy - This is pretty easy, especially since Densimo is with you. There's not a real threat her, per se, but if they gang up on one character, it could mean trouble. Remember, take it one person at a time if possible and also, go after the Damp Tree and two Wooden Boxes here, as they all hold items. There's a Reiki Leaf in the Damp Tree, a First-aid Kit, 110 Gold, a Bomb and 10 Spirit Stones in the Wooden Boxes, so be sure to grab them. Anyway, if you need to, heal and use Magic if you wish, but you don't need it to win. After the Battle, Densimo comments on how easy that was, as Delma tells Darc they did it and Densimo tells Darc he's pretty strong and if he joins him and becomes his aide, they could expand the Orcon territory and to crush their enemies. Though, Delma tells him Darc has a bigger goal in mind and it's not use asking. He dimisses this and tells her to stay out of it. He asks him what he thinks about it, but Darc doesn't reply and he tells him it's fine and to take time to think about it and to give him the reply after they crush the Drakyr. They decide to head back to Orcoth and Darc comments to himself about the Humans joing forces before coming here and that they know you canbecome stronger if you join forces and the more there is, the stronger they are and if that's so, the Deimos will lose. He wonders if that's what his father was talking about when he mentioned the Crisis. Though, Delma comes in and tells him to hurry up and to return to Orcoth, as you regain control of him. Just go and find Delma and Densimo and Densimo gets mad about you making him wait, as they join your party. For now, just head back to Orcoth, since that's where you need to go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 8-9. Items To Get: None. Once you're back at Orcoth, Delma asks Densimo that now that the Humans are gone, what's next, as Densimo mentions they can't fight the Drakyr that are after Darc if they never show up and Delma asks if they'd go looking for them instead. Densimo dismisses this idea, since they can't get to Ragnoth. Darc could make it, but not them. Delma agrees and Densimo tells them there's no need to rush in, anyway. Delma asks what to do and Densimo mentions he's not hungry and he's not tired, so for them to look for Firbles (Ugh. One track mind...) and she asks him why and he tells her to gain more strength, but she mentons it's just a old wive's tale and asks Darc to confirm it. He agrees and Densimo leaves it at that, as Darc wonders why he hasn't seen Geedo since morning and his collar hasn't been squeezed. Though, Delma asks if he really cares about her more than himself, but he's not worried and she asks how long he planned on staying her slave. Densimo hears this and asks him if he's still being used by her and he can't have a slave as a chief aide, so he decides to go have a word with Geedo. Darc's surprised and Delma's happy, because he'll be free once he does. He thanks them and then Densimo wants to go find her, as you regain control of Darc. Stock up on anything you may need or want and heal yourself, then talk to Zugalo near the Quorup and he tells you he saw a weird Horse faced Deimos that came flying from The Varam Barrens and he mentions Zoram said it was just a Drakyr and asks if you believe him. Say yes and he thanks you. (Heh, but he catches himself in what he calls Darc.) Hmm...Drakyr, huh? Well, since Geedo isn't home and she isn't calling Darc, let's head to The Varam Barrens and see what's up. Go ahead and leave Orcoth and head there now. If you get caught in any Battles, just fight them out and then head to The Varam Barrens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Varam Barrens - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 8-9. Items To Get: None. Once you come into The Varam Barrens, you'll see Geedo hanging from a tree by her hands and she's tied up. Darc sees who it is and Densimo's surprised himself and asks if she did that herself, but Delma calls him an idiot and asks how couldshe have done that. Darc doesn't see why she did it and rushes forward with everyone, as he asks her if sh'e alright and wonders who did this. Just then, two Drakyr fly in, as Darc sees it was a trap. One of the Drakyr tells him to give him the Wind Stone or else Geedo dies. Geedo begs Darc to save her, as the Drakyr asks him again. He remains silent, as Geedo again begs him and the Drakyr comments on how she raised him and that he owes her and asks if he doesn't care what happens to her. Darc just throws that out the window and mentions how badly she treated him and tells them to kill her, as it'll be doing him a favor. Geedo gets pissed and starts calling him names again, as she reminds him who saved him and gave him a place to live and fed him and asks if he'd like to have rather died. Darc just ignores this and mentions she used him and nothing more. They see it's no use and curse that it won't work and they switch to Plan B and decide to call the Monsters, as they appear. They decide to sit and watch, as you fight and Battle begins. Prepare yourself and also, remove all of Densimo and Delma's Spirit Stones and Items now and put them in your party Items. Only focus on Darc at the moment, you'll see why after. When you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #8 - Rout The Wyvern! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Wyvern x4. Objects - Dry Tree x2. Strategy - Too easy. First off, don't bother breaking the two Dry Trees down. Nothing's in them. Attack them if you want Experience and SP, but that's it. The Wyverns pose little threat to you and you've had worse before. Just slam them with your normal attacks, don't even bother with Magic unless you absolutely need it. Just keep it up and they'll fall. After the Battle, you'll see a scene where Densimo gloats over the Battle, as does Delma. Though, they Drakyr disappear, but attack Darc from behind, knocking him down and they take care of Densimo as well with a whirlwind. Delma curses them, but they tell her to stay back and ask for the Wind Stone and if he doesn't give it up, they'll rip his wings off. He refuses and they rip one of them off. Delma calls to him and they ask again, but he refuses, as the Drakyr curses and rips his other wing off. Delma tells them to stop, because he'll die and they tell her if they don't get it, he'll die anyway. Though, she tells them where it is to save him, as they become shocked that's where it is, but Darc tells her not to, as she says she's sorry and he continues, but they tell him to shut up. They ask again and she confirms it, telling them exactly where to find it, as the Drakyr realizes it's true, as they laugh and she tells them to leave, but they knock her out as well. Darc tries to get up, but faints, as he passes out. He hears voices, beginning with Greedo's, as she laughs, showing you the whole thing was a setup. She was working with the Drakyr for money. She and the Drakyr talk about what happend and she then asks for the money and they tell her after they get the Wind Stone. Though, Densimo gets up tells them he'll attack when they least expect it and then make his escape, as the Drakyr see he's alive still. They leave him alone, as they have better things to do, but he chases after them. He grabs Geedo and she tells him this has nothing to do with her and she promises to show him, but he has to calm down. Darc will then wake up, missing his wings now and he wonders where he is. He remembers quickly and sees Delma passed out nearby and recalls everything. He sees Geedo gone and wonders if she tricked him and wonders why turn him in to the Drakyr and what the point of that is. Though, he remembers about the Wind Stone and decides he must go and protect it, as you regain control of him. You can't get Delma to go with you, because she's still out cold, so leave her for now. Exit The Varam Barrens and head to The Church Ruins. But, make sure you're fully healed and ready, because you're about to fight one TOUGH Battle. Fight any Battles you may come across and then enter The Church Ruins when you're ready. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Items To Get: None. AS you enter The Church Ruins, you'll see the two Drakyr and Geedo working on the rocks and Densimo is nearby, but he's found the Firble! Also, do NOT expect help from him, just because he's'll see in a second why. Anyway, Geedo can't believe they haven't found it yet and asks for her money again, but they tell her to shut up, just as the Drakyr finds the Wind Stone. They declare it's the real Treasure of their country and decide they're done here and that they must tell Droguza. Though, Geedo asks about her money yet again, just as Darc runs in. He asks her what she's doing and they see he's here and she mentions how hard it is to kill him. He tells her to not play around with him and she admits what she did and she also admits she'd take money over any no good slave any day. He becomes shocked and she's not the only one, because no one is stupid enough to join forces with him, as Densimo comes in. Darc asks him what he's doing here, as he asks why does it matter and that they had a deal and asks him what kind of deal, as Geedo tells him he's really dense and explains the Drakyr want the Wind Stone, she wants money and Densimo wants Firbles and there's no reason to fight and if they cut him out, they can get along fine. Densimo agrees and mentions the Drakyr won't attack the Orcons if they have the Wind Stone and he found a Firble, so he's happy. He asks what he did to the Firble, as Densimo gives the hint that he ate it and mentions his new strength, as he spits on the ground. Darc sees he ate it, as he calls him a traitor and asks how he could do this to a friend. Densimo laughs about that and picks up him, telling him to wake up, since Deimos aren't friendly and do have relationships like that. They have power and nothing more and he mentons the strong live and the spoils go to them. The Drakyr comment on that Magic is controlled by the strong as well, as Geedo tells him it's a bonus to stab people in the back when the time is right and Densimo asks if he understands now, since they don't care if a wannabe lives or dies. He's then thrown down near the Human Equipment earlier, as Densimo asks if he thinks he can beat them, as Darc wonders if these are the people he must protect that his father told him to and if so, forget it, because if they only like power and listen to power, then he'll become the strongest there is and change them through force, since that's all they understand. He gets up, as a Battle begins. Prepare Darc as much as possible and take note that he's now using the Human Equipment and he has just learn new Skills, mainly Special Moves. Go ahead and use your SP to get you some new stuff, perferably, get Steal by all means necessary and then whatever you wish between the other two. When you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #9 - Defeat The Traitorious Deimos! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Densimo, Geedo and Drakyr x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Ok, this calls for some strategy. First, you'll definitely be dealing with Densimo, so focus on him first. I suggest you Steal from him, because you'll get the Blood Anklet, a Accessory for Delma and it's VERY good. After you do so, just focus on him AND if the Drakyr near by decides to move and attack you, take care of him first, then defeat Densimo. After you know either both Densimo and one of the Drakyr down or just Densimo, if you're hruting heal yourself and don't worry, Geedo and the other Drakyr (Or both, depending on if both stayed.) won't do a thing, so just heal. When you're ready, rush them. Be sure to Steal from Geedo, because you'll get a Life Tree Berry from here. After you do this, just focus on Geedo first, then wipe out the remaining Drakyr. If both Drakyr are around, kill them both first, then Geedo. Test out your new Special Moves, because it doesn't matter, you'll get your Spirit Stones refilled for free after the Battle, so have fun. Just keep it up and you should win this Battle. After the Battle, everyone's now dead and Darc realizes all this came to be, because of the Wind Stone. Just then, the Wind Spirit appears before him and calls him the Chosen One, telling he must awake and search out power in a dark abyss and that the time of destruction is approaching. He tells him to find the one that shines in the endless night of despair and tells him they have returned and tells the Chosen One to call forth his own power (Man, this whole "Chosen One" thing reminds me Kung Pow: Enter The Fist. Funny movie, eh?) and to save the world from ruin, as he disappears. Darc starts laughing, as he realizes the Spirits are with him now and he sees all he needs now is power and he will use the power to save the Deimos, as Delma comes in and she sees he's alive, but he only looks at Densimo and she asks him what's wrong and asks if he's Darc, since he looks different, as she notices Densimo. She asks if the Drakyr did this, but Darc claims he did and she dismisses it, saying he'd never do this, but Darc tells her again, as she goes off on him, but he doesn't care what he did, as he just talks about saving the Deimos and he'll control them and fight the Humans, as he declares death to all who oppose him and he mentions he'll become King Of The Deimos, as Delma gets scared and backs away, as the scene fades out. (Man, he's REALLY changed, hasn't he?) Well, after this, you'll be asked to Save your game. You just beat Chapter 1 completely and it's now time to head to Chapter 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Chapter 2 - Kharg: Setting Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH2KSO7.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're now back to Kharg's Story, as we see a scene in Yewbell, as a boy and girl yell for each other to hurry up, since they'll miss Kharg's Inaguration Ceremony. We then see that the entire town is gathered at the Castle Ruins, even Zev's there. The children from before continue to argue over being late and not getting a good spot, as Zev tells them to pipe down. With this, the ceremony begins, as Duncan steps forward and asks for silence and then starts Kharg's Ceremony of becoming Commander of the Defense Corps and casually starts his speech. He talks of Lloyd's Death and Kharg winning the Battle at Plumb Canyon, as he gets ready to introduce them their new Commander in a formal way. Kharg thanks him and Duncan continues, explaining Lady Nafia first though Kharg wasn't ready for this, but no one matches Kharg, so they had to go with him and he was more than honored to take the title. To make this official, he asks Lady Nafia to give her few words and she Knights Kharg, after some kind words to him and he thanks her. Kharg then speaks about Nidellia, as well as Spirit Stones and goes on about how they will bring greed and evil, like with Drakyr. He goes on to say they must defend their country, if they ever want peace and prosperity and mentions if Lloyd were still alive, he'd probably agree. He continues about how young he is and unexperienced, but his love for the country is unmatched by anyone and he promises to do everything he can to make sure they all live in peace without fear. After this, the Ceremony ends and you gain control of Kharg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yewbell - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 6. Items To Get: Wind Stone. First, talk to Duncan and Lady Nafia, as Duncan asks to excuse himself and she thanks him for today, as he leaves. Lady Nafia then tells Kharg she wishes to give him something and asks him to stop by the house later and then she leaves. He wonders what it is, as you regain control of him again. Head down the steps and you'll meet up with Paulette and Maru, as Maru comments on the "coolness" of being a Commander, but Kharg reminds him he's a Prince and why would he want to be a Commander, since that's below a Prince. Maru agrees and Paulette pleges her alligance to Kharg and mentions her new armor she's wearing that was Lloyd's. Kharg is happy they're with him and Paulette mentions they should get down to business and check Yewbell out for any problems, but Kharg has to go see his mother first and Paulette understands and decides to check things for herself and he agrees that's good and she tells Maru to come along, but he gets mad that she's ordering him around and just because she has red shoulder pads doesn't make her special and he runs off to see things himself. Paulette just mumbles about him and then leaves. Now, controlling Kharg again, go ahead and head to your house and go to Lady Nafia's Room and talk to her. He tells her he needs to start patroling, because Drakyr may still be around, but she tells him Deimos aren't the only threat and he knows this, but he comments on how little they know about the Drakyr and that they need to be extra careful and she mentions to him to not go out and fight with anger in his heart again. (Man, what is this crap she's talking about?) He comments on how she said that before and how he's testing his strength and all and tells her he learned he doesn't have to fight to prove his strength and his mission in life is to protect the weak who wish to leave in peace. She agrees and makes him promise her he'll never forget that and he reminds her about the thing she wanted to give him. She remembers and hands him a stone, called the Wind Stone. (Seems he has half of it and Darc has the other. Is the connection clear enough yet to how these two tie in? You'd have to be slow if the cutscene in Darc's previous Chapter didn't tip it off.) She mentions how it's been kept safe for years and it's a good luck charm to her and gives him it. He takes it and comments on how it's been broken in half and she tells him he's right, the other half his father has. (Really, connection obvious yet?) He's surprised to hear about his father and she confirms it and tells how it kept her safe and she wants him to have it, as he works to bring peace and keep the country safe. She tells him to take it and be safe and he mentions how this is the first time she's been the one to bring up his father and he starts playing 20 Questions with her, but she ignores him again and tells him the Wind Stone has his love inside it and she knows it'll keep him safe. He mentions how she ignored his questions, but she ignores that and hopes the Wind Stone will protect him, as she leaves. He talks to himself about the Wind Stone, just as the Wind Spirit appears. Kharg sees it's him again and the Wind Spirit calls him Chosen One, just like Darc and tells him to awaken. He talks about how the darkness seeks power and that yet again, the world faces annihilation and they have returned to help stop it and to find the one that shines the light into the unending darkness. He tells him to awaken his power and to save the world from destruction and then disappears. Kharg relays the message to himself, as he tries to understand it and he finds it ridiculous that he must save the world and wonders how he would even do that. Back in control of him again, head into the Town Square and talk to Maru by the Bar. He tells you they have a job and Duncan wishes to see him. So, head inside and talk to Duncan. He tells Kharg he's been waiting for him and Kharg asks what's the problem. He explains the woman here was just robbed, as he becomes surprised and asks the woman what happened. She explains she was just engaged a few days and her fiance gave her a beautiful engagement ring, but some Thieves stole it and he asks where she can into them. She sounds confused, as she states south of here and he asks if it was near Garagne Hills, but she corrects herself and states it was north. Kharg asks if it was the Scrappe Plateau and she confirms it and asks what kind of Thieves they were, but she can't remember, as it was too scary and she starts crying and tells him to take care of it, as she can't face her fiance without that ring and tells him he must do it. So, tell her you'll handle the situation and she thanks you deeply. Duncan tells Kharg once he gets the ring, just bring it back here and he'll make sure she gets it and Kharg agrees. Now, back in control, head upstairs in the Bar and enter the room and talk to the man here. He sees you're the new Commander of the Defense Corps. and tells him he's not from around here, but he has a favor to ask of you. Hear him out and he tells you about his childhood when he came here with some relatives and he loved the scenery here and spent all day exploring. He found something odd one day and never showed an adult, but he should've, so he could've learned what it was, but he wanted to keep it to himself and hit it somewhere. He remembered where he hid it and went to get it, but there were Monsters around and he had to retreat and he has no idea what to do and that's why he needs his help. He asks if you mind going and getting it for him. Agree to and he becomes happy and tells you the hiding place is The Edge Of A Sea Of Trees and he put the strange thing into a Old Pot and hid it under a rock, but he doesn't remember which rock and he didn't think of leaving a marker before, but he knows it's under a rock and pleads with you to find it. After you accept this mission, exit the Bar and head to the Refinery and talk to Paulette. She tells you they have their first assignment and Banjo wants to talk to you, as she joins your party, so go ahead and enter the Refinery and talk to Banjo. He tells Kharg there's something he's worried about and Kharg asks about it. Banjo tells him how Butch went to Plumb Canyon to check on some things, but he hasn't come back. Kharg asks to investigate what and he explains Dancing Shell Monsters have been gathering alot lately there and no matter how many times they chase them off, they keep coming back and it's hard to get work done and that's what he's doing, but again, he's not back. Kharg sees why he's concerned and the Dancing Shells are one thing, but Drakyr have been around there, too and Banjo asks if you can check up on him for him, so tell him yes. He thanks Kharg and hopes to hear from him soon. After this, you're back in control. Well, you have three missions to handle right now, so let's get to them, shall we? First, before leaving Yewbell, buy anything you may need or want, outfit your party with any new Weapon Parts or Accessories and when you're ready, head out onto the World Map. First, let's head to Scrappe Plateau, since that's the closet to Yewbell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scrappe Plateau - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 7. Items To Get: Stone-carved Bracelet. Once you arrive at Scrappe Plateau, you'll see the Thieves wondering if they can takes the parts from an old Airship and sell them, but their leader tells them they can't sell junk and calls the one henchmen an idiot and tells him to keep an eye out for the next person to come along, so they can steal from them. The one henchmen asks if it'd be easier to just raid Yewbell instead of waiting, but their leader tells them he knows what he's doing and you can't rush things like this and they ask what he means by this. He goes on about how he heard a new Commander is in charge of the Defense Corps. and he's good with a Sword and the henchmen sees that's bad for them and the leader explains that's why they can't rush in like idiots and instead, just stay here and watch things for a bit. He mentions even if he does come here for them, they can easily escape, just as Kharg and the others arrive and comment on how they must be the Thieves causing trouble on Scrappe Plateau. The leader asks Kharg who he is and Kharg introduces himself, as the leader just laughs at how a kid is the Commander, but Kharg just asks if they were the ones that stole the ring from the woman, but he's not sure and suggests maybe they did and admits they do steal from people. Kharg tells him to hand over everything they've stolen and to get out of the country or they'll regret it, but the leader just continues to laugh and mock him and tells him if he wants it, he can try and take it from them. Kharg sees he doesn't get it and decides to teach him a lesson, as you enter a Battle. Prepare your team and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #10 - Crush The Gang Of Thieves! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Bandit and Pugnacious x3. Objects - Metal Drum. Strategy - First off, this is really easy, except for Bandit. His defense is HIGH and it's hard to hurt him at this time, so watch out. Just be sure to break the Metal Drum, which holds a Bomb inside for you to collect. After this, pick off everyone one by one, but kill Bandit first to get Gunpowder, but if you can Steal from him, which I doubt you may have at this point in the game, you can get a Gale Headband from him. Up to you which Item you want, but either way, kill them, then focus on the three Pugnaciouses. Just keep up your assault and you'll easily beat these Thieves. After the Battle, Bandit will give you the bracelet (Huh?) and Kharg asks him how long he plans on messing around and asks for the ring again, but Bandit just tells him he doesn't have it and he told him already and that's all they had was the Stone-carved Bracelet and tells him he has to believe him. Maru tells Kharg that he may be serious and Paulette backs this up. Kharg notes that's strange and the Bandits decide to leave, as Kharg tells them he'd better not catch them stealing again. Bandit tells him they won't be caught again and plan to live honest lives and they're sorry for the trouble they caused, as they all walk away. Maru asks what to do now, since if they didn't take it, who did, as Paulette mentions asking the woman again, but with more detail this time. Kharg agrees about how she wasn't sure most of the time and they wish to go back to the Bar and you regain control of him. Though, don't go to the Bar just yet. Instead, let's head to Plumb Canyon and find Butch. So when you're ready, leave Scrappe Plateau and head to Plumb Canyon, fighting any Battles you may encounter along the way. Once you're there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Plumb Canyon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 7. Items To Get: None. Once you arrive at Plumb Canyon, talk to Butch and he'll see Kharg really came for him and Kharg is just glad he's safe, as he asks what the problem is here. Butch explains the place is packed with Dancing Shells and there must be a reason to why they're here, but it's too dangerous for him to check and he wonders what's going on, as you'll see the scene below, with a TON of Dancing Shells. Kharg tells him they'll handle the Dancing Shells and for him to just stay back and safe and Butch agrees. Then, back in control, go ahead and confront the Dancing Shells, as you enter a Battle. Remember, prepare your party and when you're ready, start it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #11 - Eliminate All Dancing Shells! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Dancing Shells x11. Objects - Gunpowder Can x2 and Wooden Box. Strategy - Ok, first thing's first. See the two Gunpowder Cans? Yeah, these things explode, so don't attack them while you're close to them. Have Maru hit them from afare and make sure a Dancing Shell is near it for it to take damage. Also, be sure to go after the Wooden Box to get 100 Gold, 12 Spirit Stones and a Anti-Poison Cologne. Then, go ahead and focus on killing the Dancing Shells. Even though there's 11 of them, this is NOT a hard Battle. They're easily killed in 1-2 hits, so just finish them off fast. After the Battle, Butch examines the area and realizes the problem. He explains all the machines here are really old and mentions the oil leaking out near one of them. Kharg asks what oil is and Butch explains it to him and that it must've attracted the Dancing Shells here. He tells Kharg if he could tighten the handle, it should stop leaking and the Dancing Shells won't come around anymore. Kharg tells him he'll handle it and that he should go back and report to Banjo. Butch agrees and thanks him, as he leaves. Maru comments on the oil attracting the Dancing Shells and Paulette comments on how the oil must've been here for hundreds of years and it might've been like a well aged wine to them. Kharg tells them it doesn't matter and they need to take care of the problem, as you gain control of him. Just head over to the blue tank and examine it and turn the handle, then just watch the oil drain away. Kharg comments on it draining and that things will be ok now. After this, go ahead and leave Plumb Canyon and make your way to The Edge Of A Sea Of Trees and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Edge Of A Sea Of Trees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 8. Items To Get: Old Pot. Once you arrive here, examine the small rock to the southeast (The one near the big rock to the north in the corner of this area.) and you'll find something is buried there and choose to check it out. You'll find the Old Pot, just as a bunch of Monsters come in and attack you, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself for the Battle and then go ahead and start it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #12 - Defeat All Enemies! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Kuskle x4 and Suskle Squirrel x2. Objects - None. Strategy - This Battle's a joke. You'd had harder. Just slash and dice the enemies here, collect anything they drop and move on. This isn't hard at all. After the Battle, leave The Edge Of A Sea Of Trees and head back to Yewbell, fighting any Battles you have along the way. Once back at Yewbell, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yewbell - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 8. Items To Get: Stone Holder. Once you're back home, go to the Bar and talk to Duncan and as you do, he tells you he's sorry, but it seems he sent him on a wild Goose chase. Kharg asks what does he mean and he tells him the whole story about the ring was a sham and she had dropped the ring into the river and made the story up. He understands, as she cries and tells him she's sorry, because she was afraid if she told her fiance, he'd call the whole thing off and if she said some Thieves took it, he wouldn't be as mad. He then asks who's Bracelet he brought back then, just as a man enters and tells him not to blame Faora and that this all his fault, as Faora sees it's her fiance, Mutch. He apoligizes for lying, since the ring he gave her was just a cheap imitation and she becomes shocked. He tells her he didn't really want to purpose with a fake ring, but he had nothing else to give and it was better than nothing and he knew she'd turn him down if he didn't have anything to prove his love for her and that he feels stupid right now. She tells him not to worry, as she's to blame, even if it was a imitation, she should've taken care of it better. He tells her he actually already had a present for her and since he had no money, he made something, with all his love in and thought it'd be enough, since he found some pretty stone at Scrappe Plateau and made it into a Bracelet, but it was stolen by Thieves and she's surprised. Kharg asks if it was stolen by Thieves and wonders if this is his Bracelet, as Mutch tells her he's sorry for not being honest with her and should've done so from the start, but she forgives him and they tell each other that they love one another, as Kharg asks if this is the Bracelet he was talking about, as Mutch becomes happy and tells Kharg he got it back for him and thanks him. He then purposes again to her and she accepts, promising they'll be happy together, as Kharg mentions here they go again, as Mutch thanks him deeply and then excuses him and Faora, as they leave. Kharg asks if it was more tiring giving the Bracelet back than getting it in the first place and Duncan just tells him good job. Anyway, that's taken care of. Now, go upstairs and give that man his Old Pot now. Talk to him and the man sees you found it for him and tells you there should be a Dictionary inside of it, as Kharg asks about it and the man decides to show him and takes it out and starts reading it, as he declares this is indeed the Spirit Dictionary Volume 1 that he hid. He's happy that he remembered where it was after all, but excuses himself for acting so excited and introduces himself as Span, a Scholar from Peisus to the east. He remembered about this Spirit Dictionary a few days ago and came looking for it, but he didn't remember where it was, exactly. He explains that this Spirit Dictionary gives information about the Junior Spirits and gives the idea of reading it to you. Kharg thinks about it and it's up to you if you wish to hear about it, but it's not necessary. Either listen to it or not, either way, after you're done, he decides to head to Peisus and start studying right away and says if you ever come that way to stop by, since you've helped him so much. Kharg agrees to and he tells Kharg that there's four other Spirit Dictionaries out there and asks if he finds him, can he have them and Kharg tells him yes, if he finds them. He becomes happy and then excuses himself to get back to Peisus, but Kharg asks about the Old Pot and Span tells him to keep it as thanks and then leaves. Kharg wonders what he'd want an Old Pot for, but notices something inside, as he gets a Stone Holder. Bleh. Use it if you wish, as it's pretty good for now, but it's up to you. He decides to hold onto it and gains a Stone Holder, as you regain control of him. Now, go ahead and go back downstairs and talk to Zev. He tells Kharg he's been waiting for him and Kharg asks if anything's worng, as Zev tells him about a big mess, since a big Airship he just saw crashed. Kharg asks where and Zev mentions it's at Dragon Bone Valley, as Kharg confirms the location, but asks where the Airship was from, though, Zev doesn't know, but it's definitely some other country, since Ragnoth has no Airships at all. He believes it was heading this way from the east and Kharg thinks people may be hurt and that they should go check it out, but Paulette mentions they violated their air space and there's a chance they were going to invade them and Maru mentions the "Dizblah" country has started wars with others around the world, trying to get more Spirit Stones and Paulette thinks maybe they should check it out now. Though, Kharg doesn't care, because if someone's hurt, they have to get help and they can't let them die and states they'll save them first, then find out what they're doing. Paulette agrees, as it may have been an accident and Maru mentions Dragon Bone Valley is Deimos territory and it's probably dangerous and Kharg tells him that's why they must hurry. He tells Zev they'll check it out and to let everyone know what they're doing and Zev agrees to. Kharg tells them to head out, as you regain control. Now, go ahead and shop if you need to and make sure you're prepared and healed up, then go ahead and exit Yewbell. On the World Map, follow the new path that leads out north of Scrappe Plateau and head all the way to Dragon Bone Valley. Just fight the Battles in Isulo Forest and Punoir Ravine and then once you're at Dragon Bone Valley, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dragon Bone Valley - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Items To Get: None. As you enter Dragon Bone Valley, Kharg mentions this is the place and Maru comments how cold it is, with Paulette commenting on his clothes. Though, Maru asks if something smells like it's burning and Paulette notices something, and Kharg sees someone who might be hurt. Once you regain control, head over to the girl and talk to her, as Kharg tells her to wake up and asks if she's ok. A scene takes place, as she wakes up, but she mumbles about not giving something to anyone and that they should hurry and get out of here, but Kharg just tells she's still alive, as she fully wakes up and Maru comments on this. Kharg tells Paulette and Maru to look for other survivors and Maru runs off, as Kharg asks Paulette what's wrong, but she says nothing and runs off. Kharg speaks to the girl and asks if she can hear him and to wake up, as she stands up and asks where she is. Kharg tells her and she comments on being on Ragnoth and tells herself she's still here or something, as she asks Kharg who he is. Kharg tells her and she thanks him, as he asks if she's hurt. She tells him no, she just inhaled smoke, that's all and she tells him her name is Lilia. He tells her she'll be fine, as Maru comes back and tells him that there's no one else inside the Airship, as Paulette comes back and also reports that there's signs of enemy fire from the outside and she's not sure what country, but she asks where Lilia came from. She tells Paulette from the east and she came on the Airship, the Big Owl. Paulette's amazed she came by herself and Lilia confirms it, telling her she was heading for the World Alliance in the Republic of Cathena, but the Dizweld Army was chasing her. Kharg becomes shocked to hear about Dizweld and she tells him she was hit by fire from their flying battleship and knocked out the Auto-Pilot mechanism, but Kharg doesn't see why they're after just one girl, as Paulette asks her what she's heading to Cathena for. She tries to explain, but remains silent, as Paulette asks why she was being chased, but she only remains silent. Paulette tells her if they're dealing with Dizweld, then they need to know what's going on or they are put in danger as well. Though, Kharg tells her it's ok, as they can talk later and for now, they just need to get out of here and he mentions who knows when Deimos will show up. Paulette apoligizes and speak of the devil, Deimos show up right then. It's the Drakyr. Maru comments on Kharg speaking too soon, as everyone notices the Drakyr that're around. Paulette mentions them, as one of the Drakyr tell them they're trespasing on their territory and destroying their land like this, they won't walk away untouched. Paulette just throws it back at them, telling them they think they know punishment and to bring it on, but Kharg tells her to stay calm and they don't want to fight if they don't have to. He tells her to just keep Lilia safe and get out of Dragon Bone Valley as soon as possible, as you enter a Battle. Make sure you heal up and prepare and TRUST ME, give everyone some Herbs, because Lilia is in this Battle and the Drakyr can kill her in almost one attack, so protect her AT ALL COSTS. Anyway, when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #13 - Protect Lilia From The Deimos! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Lilia escapes to the exit or you kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - Lilia is disabled or the entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Drakyr x6. Objects - None. Strategy - Ok, this Battle is TOUGH, only for one reason: Lilia. Like I just said, she can be killed in like, one hit almost. Just TRY and protect her and wipe out the Drakyr as soon as possible. Anyway, target ANY Drakyr that are even remotely near Lilia and if she's even hit ONCE, heal her or she may die. One Magic attack nearly kills her and one regular attack can weaken her to half health, so heal her and just clear a path for her. You'll probably end up killing all the Drakyr, but try to Steal, if you have it, from one of them, as one of the Drakyr has a Life Tree Berry. Anyway, just keep your assault up, as besides protecting Lilia, this Battle is pretty straight forward. If you lose, retry, because you may lose and it'll probably be because of Lilia. After the Battle, you'll be on the World Map, as Kharg mentions they made it out alive and should head back to Yewbell. Do so, but on the way, you'll may fight a Battle and when you get to Isulo Forest, you'll enter it automatically. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Isulo Forest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Items To Get: None. Once you're in Isulo Forest, Kharg mentions how far they've made it and that they're out of Drakyr territory now, as Maru mocks the Drakyr. Kharg tells Lilia they're almost to Yewbell and she just tells him she doesn't mind the walk, as Paulette asks what that sound is, as a rumbling is felt and heard, as a Airship passes over head. Lilia mentions that's the Dizweld Army and Kharg asks if they're after her and she tells him yes. He sees they're still after her and that they must get out of the forest as soon as possible, so everyone rushes across the bridge, as Kharg curses the Dizweld Army and wonder what their plan is. You'll control Kharg again, so go across the Bridge and asks what's wrong, as Paulette notes someone's coming, as a large man comes out of the trees. He tells them the forest is crying and if they injure the forest, they deal with him. Kharg wonders if he's an enemy and Maru comments on him having one hell of a mug. Just then, we see the Dizweld Army on the other side of the bride, as an Officer gives one of his men the orders to shoot Lilia, but not to kill her and to aim for the legs. He aims and hits her, as everyone becomes shocked, even the big guy. The Officer mentions that should put her down and she'll stay put and Maru asks what to do, as they're surrounded. The big guy mentions how cowardly that was and he didn't like it, as the Officer relays to Base the location to where Lilia is, mainly to the Lieutenant Colonel and asks for orders, but he gets no response, due to the radio. After cursing it out, he tells his men to capture Lilia and to kill anyone in their way, as they rush across to fight. Though, the big guy comes up to them and Kharg's surprised, as he asks if they need help, as he's further surprised, but he tells him with the bridge here, they'll just keep coming and if they handle the Soldiers, he'll cut the bridge. Kharg agrees and he tells Lilia to get somewhere safe and she agrees, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself and your new party member, Ganz and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #14 - Defeat Enemies And Destroy Bridge! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Destroy the bridge's rotted posts and kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Attack Dog x3, Commander, Foot Soldier x2 and Rifleman x2. Objects - Damp Tree x2 and Rotted Post. Strategy - Ok, this Battle's pretty easy, but you MUST go and destroy the bridge as soon as possible, because if you take to long, you'll lose and reinforcements will arrive and you'll repeat the Battle. If you kill everyone, but the bridge is intact, you'll fight another Battle. Pretty much you'll repeat this Battle over and over until you destroy the bridge. This is great for Experience, but it's up to you what you wish to do. Anyway, once the bridge is gone, focus on the enemies, which aren't too much of a threat and you have a new ally to help you, so this is good. I suggest you steal or beat the Commander first, because he has either a Amethyst Coating or Broken Sword that he'll drop, which are great Items. The Broken Sword can be sold for 1,600 Gold, because it does nothing and is only meant to be sold, so that's good. Also, ignore the two Damp Trees. They have nothing inside them and unless you want extra Experience and SP, don't bother. Anyway, just keep your assault up and defeat each enemy and you'll win. After the Battle, Kharg asks Lilia if she's ok and she tells him she's fine, the bullet just grazed her, but she's in pain. Though, Ganz starts to walk away, but Kharg stops him and thanks him, but he tells him it wasn't to help him, but instead to protect the forest and if they're done, he wants them to leave. He tells him they have an injured person here and they need to get her fixed up as soon as possible and asks him for help, as he remains silent. Though, she insists she'll be fine and thanks them and should be able to walk, as Ganz comes over and looks the wound over and he tells Kharg he has a shack nearby and he doesn't have much medical supplies, but he'll do what he can. Kharg thanks him and he introduces himself and asks who he is, which he tells them Ganz. You'll then be in control of Kharg, as everyone splits up and just hangs out, while Ganz fixes Lilia up. Just talk to Ganz and he tells you to wait there and not touch anything, as he should be done soon. To kill time, Kharg asks him questions, which start with his dog tags on his neck and assumes he's been in the Military, but Ganz is silent. He goes on, saying he must've been one hell of a Soldier and he can tell how he handles himself and asks if he'd like to join the Defense Corps., as he tells him they haven't had much experience themselves and he could use his help from someone like him and asks what he thinks, but Ganz declines the offer. Maru asks why and Ganz admits he was in the Military, but he was a Mercenary, not a Soldier and he's always been a Freelancer and away from Battle, he can do as he wishes, since there's no one to give him orders. Though, Kharg asks why he was in Battle and Ganz explains to live, but Kharg doesn't understand, as he asks if you wish to hear his story. Go ahead and listen and he tells him he was a war orphan and living in a land of war, all you could do was fight from day to day to survive and when he learned he was almost unbeatable, he realizes he could only fight and that's all he could do and he started to take on jobs that required fighting and for enough money, he'd fight anyone. Kharg sees he fought for money, but he tells him that was until three years ago, when he was working in a war on the continent of Adenade and he was hurt really bad and thought he was going die, but he didn't care, as it'd end his miserable life and just as he was about to let go, a rookie Soldier in his squad saved him, saying he joined up to protect the country and he told him some kind words, which were even though he fought like this, even he deserved to be protected. Kharg's silent, as Ganz tells him after that, he quit and became a Mercenary and he needed to find something to protect and finally, ended up here and he admits there are Monsters here, but it's peaceful and quiet. Though, he finishes with Lilia's Leg and she's good to go, as she thanks him and walks around. Kharg asks Ganz if Nidellia is something he wants to protect and he tells him he's not from around here and he has no relation to anyone around here anyway, but Paulette tells him the forest is part of Nidellia, as he tells her he'll protect the forest. Paulette gets mad that he just wants to protect a forest and can't believe how selfish he is and acts like nothing in the world matters except anything around him. Kharg tells her that's enough and tells her at least he lives her without bothering anyone and he doesn't plan to either in the future and that's how he lives. Paulette knows, but Kharg tells her they have to let it go, but he tells Ganz they'll protect him, too and fight to protect what's important, as he remains silent, but Kharg just decides to leave and asks if Lilia can walk. She can and you regain control of Kharg, so go ahead and exit Isulo Forest now. On the World Map, head to Scrappe Plateau, as you'll enter a scene there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scrappe Plateau - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. Once you've entered Scrappe Plateau, Lilia will stop and Kharg will ask what's up. Lilia tells him she doesn't think she can go with him and she appreciates it, but she's sorry. She tells him if he hides her in his town, the Dizweld Army will just attack, but Kharg tells her this isn't her problem anymore and they've already invaded the country's territory and she doesn't have to worry about what will happen to anyone and asks if she understands, but she remains silent. Though, Kharg then tells her to just call him Kharg from now on, as she doesn't have to call him "Mister" or "Sir" or anything. She understands and thanks him and he tells her they're almost at Yewbell and to keep going, as Maru tells him he's disappointed, how if Ganz joined them, they'd be unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with and how it's a shame. Though, Paulette tells Maru he doesn't get it and someone like Ganz just hates people and he'd never be of any help anyway, but Lilia tells her that's not true, as Paulette's confused. Kharg asks what does she mean and Lilia tells him if he hated people, with the way she was hurt, he would've never helped and would've let her die, but he didn't and he was kind to her and helped as much as he could. Paulette's silent, as Lilia tells them that his heart is closed, because he's seen so much death and it's too much to handle and he's just looking for a way to connect to people. Maru agrees wth her, as he likes being alone and how easy it is, but it's not enough on the inside and he just wants to be with someone, but when he thinks about going back to being alone, he thinks he shouldn't have gotten close, so he wouldn't get hurt again. Kharg tries to say something to him, but suddenly, the Dizweld Army shows up in vehicles and land, as Maru announces this and wonders why they want Lilia. The Officer tells them they need that girl and tells him to hand her over, but Kharg tells him they are invading an independent nation and asks if they know this, but they don't care and tells him if they don't want to get hurt, leave the girl here and leave, as Lilia becomes mad and tries to tell Kharg something, but he tells them never and he won't hand her over to them, as the Officer calls Kharg a brat and orders his men to attack everyone, but keep the girl alive and you enter a Battle. Again, prepare yourself, heal up and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #15 - Defeat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Attack Dog x2, Commander, Foot Soldier x2 and Rifleman x2. Objects - Metal Drum x2. Strategy - A pretty easily Battle. It's just like the last one, only one less Attack Dog. Also, there's two Metal Drums here. Break them both open to get a Sleep Firecracker and a Super Bomb. After this, just go ahead and assault the enemies. Try and steal from the Commander, as he has a Bountiful Fruit on him, which are REALLY good Items. Either way, just attack and destroy everything, as this isn't that hard. Heal up if necessary and move on. After the Battle, Maru mentions how weird it is, that all the Soldiers seem the same to them, no matter how many they send in and Kharg thinks so, too and he comments on how they were the same in Isulo Forest and it doesn't matter, since they can't do anything, anyway. Maru agrees and says they're nothing, as they can't do anything but talk. Though, just then, Paulette notices something, as reinforcements come in and Kharg cruses and sees it was a trap. Just then, a woman walks in, as she talks into her headset, telling whoever's on the other line she found Lilia and she's about to surround the area. She mocks Kharg's Group, asking if they're playing war and are satisfied yet and tells them to leave the girl and head home, Kharg introduces himself to the woman and sees she's in charge and he asks for her name and the reason they're invading his country and tells her it's normal procedure and if he's wrong. She laughs, telling him he talks tough, for having such a puny country, but she admires that and agrees to it. She tells him she's Lieutenant Colonel Tatjana of the Dizweld Army Special Forces Division and tells him they're not interested in useless fighting, either and they'll withdraw as soon as they get what they want. She asks for the girl, but Kharg asks why she needs the girl that badly that they resort to invading other countries, as Tatjana mentions that they haven't heard yet and how smart Lilia is and that there's no need to bring other countries in on this mess and asks Lilia if that's right and tells Kharg not to ask too many questions for his own good, but Kharg gets mad and asks what she said, as she just tells him to wake up and they are not negotiating, but ordering him and he doesn't care how small a country they are, because they're part of the World Alliance and any further action will constitue a hostile action against all other Alliance countries. Though, Tatjana just laughs and tells him they've been against everyone for a while now and the World Alliance is nothing and they don't frighten them at all, but Kharg tells her she's the clueless one, as they shouldn't be fighting each other right now, since the Deimos are spreading into Human territory now. But, Tatjana explains that's why everyone should follow Dizweld's Rule and then they could fight the Deimos together and Kharg tells her that'll never happen, as Tatjana asks Lilia if she's sure about all this and if she resists, they'll kill her friends and begin a full scale invasion on Nidellia and asks what she thinks, as Kharg tells her not to worry, as they can handle them. Maru agrees and disses Dizweld, saying he's a Prince, but Lilia tells them to wait, as she walks forward and surrenders. Kharg's shocked, as she tells Tatjana that she has to promise not to harm Kharg or his friends, but Kharg tells her she doesn't have to do this, as Tatjana agrees, since once they have her, they don't have to bother with them anymore. She thanks Kharg for everything and tells him she'll be fine, as he tells her not to do this, as Tatjana talks into her headset, telling whoever that she has secured Lilia and confirms something, but seems surprised and confirms an order. She tells them she has orders from Lord Darkham that she is to kill all those that helped Lilia escape, but Lilia gets pissed and tells her that's not the deal and begs her not to do this, as she'll give her anything she wants. Tatjana agrees, because she will take anything she gives, after the execution, as she gives the order to fire. The Soldiers get ready, as Paulette calls to Kharg, as he curses them and Maru asks him what do they do, when suddenly, Kharg starts glowing. Paulette calls to him and Tatjana orders them to fire, as Kharg releases a huge whirlwind, killing all the Soldiers, as a surprised Tajana asks what the hell was that. Lilia runs to him, as Tatjana curses and then runs off. Maru tells Kharg that was amazing what he just did, but Kharg's in shock and Maru asks how he did it, with Kharg not sure. Paulette wonders if that was Spirit Magic and Maru asks what it is and she tells him that according to legend, a small amount of people could borrow the power of the Spirits and use powerful Magic. She mentions the legend of the Hero and the Holy Mother, since they could use Magic and asks if he heard of it, but he hasn't. Paulette continues, telling him after the Spirits disappeared from the Earth, the people who could use Magic did, too and the only ones who can use Magic now are Monsters and Deimos, but now Kharg can. Maru's impressed, as Kharg wonders about Spirit Magic and how he can use it, because he's Human, as Maru mentions maybe Kharg's the reincarnation of the Hero, as Kharg remembers the Spirit's Voice from before, saying something about awaken and wonders if this is what he meant. Maru tells him a Hero is cooler than a Prince and Paulette's happy for him and she knew he was special and she mentions that's why the Spirit appeared before him and he is having a hard time believing it, but he now has this power and he's going to make good use of it and turns to Lilia, telling her they'll get out of here and head to Yewbell, as they're really close now. You'll regain control of Kharg, so exit Scrappe Plateau and then head to Yewbell. (Also, Kharg will now know Magic, so he now has Special Moves and Magic Skills. Cool, huh?) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yewbell - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. Once you arrive in Yewbell, Kharg tells them they made it and this is Yewbell. Lilia looks around and sees it's a quiet and peaceful town and Kharg tells her this is all they have to offer, really, but they do have nice windmills and he starts showing her around, but Paulette tells him it's no time for a tour and they should report to Lady Nafia, as he wonders what's wrong with her. Back in control now, go ahead and go see Lady Nafia. Talk to her and she tells Kharg she heard some of the story from Paulette, but wants the rest from him. He explains it to her and she understands now what the Dizweld Empire is up to now. She knew of what was going on, but didn't think it was to this extreme and Kharg mentions they're not afraid of the World Alliance, either. Lilia apologizes for the trouble she's caused, but Lady Nafia tells her that now they know where the Dizweld Empire stands with the World Alliance, she's sure this would've happened to Nidellia anyway and she doesn't have to blame herself. Kharg agrees and tells her they didn't have any information about them before and at least now they know what they're dealing with and they're grateful. Lady Nafia mentions how she hasn't healed properly yet and she needs to rest, as she's welcome to stay for as long as she likes and wants her to get better. She tells her she's kind and thanks her and tells her if she doesn't mind, she'd like to hear more of her story and asks how she got into all this, but Lilia remains silent, as Lady Nafia tells her it's ok, she shouldn't have asked. Though, Lilia wants to talk about it and tells them the Dizweld Army is after an object she has and Kharg asks about it, saying Tatajana mentioned something about it earlier. She tells them that Darkham Ekid na Bard, the Emperor of Dizweld is trying to bring every country in the world under his control and he's gathering things to do this. Kharg's shocked by this and sees he wants to rule the world, but what a fine time, with all the Deimos being a threat now. He doesn't see how he'll do it with the short energy supply and he won't be able to rely on technological Weapons to make everyone surrender. Lilia isn't sure how he'll do it, but that's his plan and they're on the move. Kharg asks if he could carry out his plans if he had her object she has, but she says no, it doesn't have that much power by itself, but Darkham needs it for the over all plan and she needs to go to Cathena to tell the World Alliance about this, as they might be able to stop him. Maru asks what the object is and she can't tell them anymore and she's afraid something terrible will happen to the country if any of them knew. Kharg's silent, as Lady Nafia tells her to nevermind and tells her she takes back what she said and that she should leave here as soon as possible. Kharg tells his mother that's terrible and she's sending her off alone with all she's up against and they can't let Dizweld get her, but she tells Kharg she meant him to go with her, but he's a little surprised. She wants him to escort her to Cathena and make sure she sees the World Alliance safely and wants Paulette and Maru to go as well. Maru thinks it's fun, but Lilia tells them to wait a minute and she can't let them do this, as if they go, the country will be in danger, but Lady Nafia tells her it's not for their sake, but if they kept her safe, it may lead to stopping the Dizweld Empire's Plans, it'd help the country and the peace of the world. Kharg agrees and tells her that Yewbell has the Defense Corps. and they can handle any problem. Maru mentions Cathena across the sea and how to get there and Kharg sees that's a good question. Though, Lady Nafia tells them to get some rest for now and it's getting late and they'll discuss it tomorrow and so much happened, she bets they're tired. Kharg agrees and decides to continue tomorrow. Though, during that night, Lady Nafia wakes Kharg up and tells him that Lilia disappeared, as he becomes shocked. She tells him to get dressed and he hopes she didn't leave Yewbell, but Lady Nafia doesn't think she did, not without a note and she's not the type to leave without a goodbye or anything. He agrees and she tells him she must be around Yewbell and it's too dangerous out there and he tells her not to worry and he'll look for her. She thanks him and leaves, as he comments on how sleepy he is and you gain control of Kharg. Head outside and head into the Castle Ruins. (If you bothered to ask around town, they just mention music coming from there, so that's a clue, but I'm telling you directly.) Once you're at the Castle Ruins, Kharg hears the sound and sees Lilia playing an instrument. She stops after a moment and looks sad, as you regain control of Kharg. Go near her and Kharg will tell her it was beautiful and asks what she was playing, as he's never seen an instrument like that before. She tells him it's an Ortena and she's not surprised, since they're only in the village she was born in and it helps her remember her mother. He understands and she tells him her father gave it to her mother as a wedding gift and he asks where her father is, but she doesn't know and she asks if he came out looking for her and she's sorry and she meant to come right back. Though, Kharg tells her it's fine, as his mother was just worried, that's all. He asks if she's cold, but she tells him she's fine. She tells him his mother's a great woman and he laughs, asking if she thinks so, becasue she's just his mother to him and she tells him it takes a special person to take in a person being chased by the Dizweld Army like that and it took some courage, since she never told her her story, she even asked him and his friends to take her to Cathena. She wants to apologize, as he's confused and she tells him she should've told him and Lady Nafia everything and what she's hiding from the Dizweld. She asks if you've heard of the Great Spirit Stones. Tell her no and she tells him they're stronger than normal Spirit Stones and their power lasts forever and just one can supply a whole country with energy, as they're something every country would love to have, not just Dizweld and nations that were once at peace are now at war for them and the Great Spirit Stones can turn people against one another. She tells him she has one of them and he's shocked, as she holds out the Light Stone and tells him what it is. He sees this and tells her he has one, too, as his mother gave it to him for protection, but it's broken in half and it's the Wind Stone. Lilia's shocked and suddenly, both of the stones glow, as Kharg sees it's happening again and this time, the Light Spirit appears. He tells them when all five Great Spirit Stones are gathered together, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Light, an infinite power source will be born and they must protect him from the evil darkness, as he disappears. Kharg mentions it's gone and they both put their stones away. Lilia mentions she's heard the voice before and Kharg's shocked, telling her he has, too and she wonders why this happens to them and he thinks it's reincarnation and maybe they're the Hero and Holy Mother or something. Though, she can't believe it, because he may have magical powers, but she doesn't. Though, he wonders what the five Great Spirit Stones are all about and there's three more, the Earth, Water and Fire Stones and he relays the message the Light Spirit said abou the infinite power source and he believes that's why Darkham is after her Light Stone; so he can get the infinite power and he wished he knew more about it. Lilia tells him she doesn't know anymore, either, but she knows Darkham already has the Earth Stone and Kharg's shocked by this and he sees how they got so powerful. He tells her not to worry, as he'll protect her and he won't let Darkham have his way and he'll get her to Cathena safely. She thanks Kharg, as we see Paulette hiding nearby, eavesdropping and Kharg mentions they'd better get home, as his mother is probably worried. She agrees and Paulette leaves. Back in control, head back to Kharg's House and talk to Lady Nafia. Kharg tells her they're back and she's happy, asking if Lilia's ok. She says she's sorry and didn't mean to make her worry, but she forgives her and tells her she gets overanxious sometimes and it's her motherly instinct. Though, Kharg tells his mother that Darkham is after the Light Stone Lilia has and Lady Nafia is surprised she has the Light Stone and she tells her she's sorry about not telling her, but she tells her it's ok and she knows she couldn't risk it and the Great Spirit Stones have been known to cause evil and greed in the hearts of many and she agrees. Kharg mentions if Darkham is after the Great Spirit Stones, he'll come after his Wind Stone someday and he asks his mother since his father split it between them, how did she get it in the first place, but she tells him she doesn't know much about it and it was passed down through the generations in his father's country. Kharg asks what country, but Lady Nafia just tells him a land far, far away, but Kharg asks the name, but she can't remember, as Kharg tells her everytime he asks her about his father, she never says a thing and wonders if she's hiding something. She tells him she can't remember and it's getting late and no more talking and they'll continue later and to get some rest now. After you regain control of Kharg, head to the front of the house and talk to Paulette and Maru. Paulette says good morning, as Maru tells him it took him long enough and they've been ready for hours. Paulette tells him she's been thinking on how to get to Cathena and she had an idea to repair the Airship Lilia used, since it looked like it'd fly if they repaired it. Kharg tells her that's a good idea and it may work and decided to go see if they can fix it. Back in control yet again, head to the Bar and talk to Zev. Zev sees it's Kharg and asks if he wants a drink, but Kharg isn't old enough and Maru asks and sees Zev drinks in the morning, too, but Kharg tells him to nevermind that and he has a few questions to ask, but Zev wants a drink, as Paulette declines and he tells her that was cold. He asks what you want to ask him about, so ask about how to repair the Airship and he sees you want to fix the Airship that crashed and he took a look at it already, actually and aside from the Control Parts for the Auto-Pilot mechanism, it didn't look too bad and all they need is to get some new Control Parts and it'll be fixed. After this, ask him about the Control Parts and he tells you they're the main parts of the Airship's Auto-Pilot mechanism and without them, you can't control the Airship's takeoff or landing. He remembers seeing an old, rotting Airship at Scrappe Plateau and it's a piece of junk, nothing can fix that, but with any luck, the Control Parts will be usable. After this, you're done talking and he asks Paulette since she doesn't want to drink, if she'd like to pour his drinks, but she declines and Kharg playfully asks why not and she yells at him, as Zev laughs. Once you regain control, go ahead and leave Yewbell and head to Scrappe Plateau and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scrappe Plateau - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. Once you're inside Scrappe Plateau, examine the machine near the Airship and you'll see this control panel operates the hanger for the Airship and if you want to try the level. Do so, but it won't work, as there's no battery. Hmm...where's a battery, though? Wait...we saw one at Plumb Canyon, didn't we? Well, let's head there now and get it. So, exit Scrappe Plateau and head to Plumb Canyon, fighting any Battles along the way and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Plumb Canyon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: Battery. Once you arrive at Plumb Canyon, head back to that valve you worked on earlier and near it is a battery. Examine it and take it, since it says it may work for the control panel at Scrappe Plateau. After you get the Battery, exit Plumb Canyon and head back to Scrappe Plateau, fighting any Battles along the way and once you're there, go ahead and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scrappe Plateau - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: Control Parts. Again, once you arrive back at Scrappe Plateau, insert the battery into the slot, as the control panel looks like it'll work now. Head over to it and try the lever now and it'll work, as the hanger rises up, but the control panel short circuits, just as it reaches high enough for you to get the Control Parts. Go over and grab the Control Parts and afterwards, Kharg tells Paulette and Maru they can fix the Airship now and Paulette asks if they should go straight to Dragon Bone Valley, but Kharg tells her no and they should check on Lilia first, since maybe she'd doing better and can walk now and if so, they can head off to Cathena. Maru agrees and you regain control of Kharg. Exit Scrappe Plateau now and head back to Yewbell now. Once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yewbell - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. Back at Yewbell, go and see Lilia at Kharg's House. Once you enter, you'll see Lady Nafia asking Lilia if something is true, as she tells her that yes, Kharg really did learn to use Spirit Magic and explains when the Dizweld Army showed up at Scrappe Plateau, he summoned a great wind and blew them all away. Lady Nafia seems confused about him using Magic and Lilia asks what's wrong, but she says nothing, as Kharg tells her he knows what she's thinking, which is Magic should be used for the weak, not for showing off one's power, but she asks if he feels any pain at all and if he's ok and he tells her he's fine, asking why. She tells him to nevermind, as he asks Lilia if she's ok and she tells him she's fine, just the more time they spend here, the Dizweld Army's looking for the Great Spirit Stones and she can't rest knowing this. Kharg tells her she's tough and that they found a way to Cathena and that they may get the Big Owl to fly. She's happy and if she's up to it, they should get going to Dragon Bone Valley and she tells him she can and they'll go, as she thanks Lady Nafia, but she remains silent, as Lilia is confused. Kharg tells her they're off and for Lilia to come along. Back in control, go ahead and leave Kharg's House and make any preperations you may need. Buy any Equipment or Items, heal up, whatever. Just make sure you're ready, as you won't be coming back here for a while. Whenver you're ready, leave Yewbell and then head to Dragon Bone Valley, fighting any Battles along the way and as you reach Isulo Forest, you'll automatically enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Isulo Forest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. Once you're inside, head over to the bridge and Kharg sees it's now fixed and wonders if Ganz fixed it. If you bother heading to his shack, Ganz isn't there, so just head across the bridge and exit Isulo Forest. Back on the World Map, continue to Dragon Bone Valley, fighting any Battles along the way and once you're there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dragon Bone Valley - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. When you enter the place, Maru mentions how cold it is again and then asks Kharg since they got the Control Parts, who will put them in and he tells him he'll give it a try and they have no other choice, as Maru mentions this is Deimos territory and if they don't hurry, the Drakyr may appear again. Just then, Maru notices someone's here and Paulette sees it's Ganz and wonders what he's doing and Kharg decides to find out. Once you control Kharg again, go and talk to Ganz and Kharg will ask him what he's doing here. (Also, before you do, put ALL your Spirit Stones into the Party Items. In a minute, they'll all be replenished anyway, so hey, free Spirit Stones.) He tells him he heard he wanted to fix the Auto-Pilot mechanism and asks if he got the Control Parts he needed. Kharg tells him yes, but asks him why and Ganz tells him when he was a Mercenary, he use to do alot of Airship repair and Kharg becomes happy, because Ganz could repair it for them. He asks for the Control Parts, since it's too difficult for a beginner. Kharg asks him if this means he'll join them, but Ganz tells him to not to get excited, because he wanted to make a deal, as Kharg asks what. He tells him he found out a Soldier who saved his life once is on Aldrow and wanted to go see him and he's going to Cathena and Kharg tells him yes. Ganz says the deal is he'll fix the Airship and they take him with them and Kharg agrees, saying he'd rather have him in the party, but fixing the Airship is would really help and he agrees to the deal. Ganz tells him he'll stay with them until Cathena and Maru becomes happy, telling him he'll whip him into shape, but Ganz just tells him to go away and the two just stare at each other and Maru desides not to let him become his Retainer and Paulette jokes with Maru, telling him he almost got to play Prince with him, as Kharg laughs. Maru tells them not to laugh and Lilia's silent, as Kharg asks what the matter is. She tells him nothing, as you appear in the Airship, with Ganz getting to work. Talk to Ganz and he'll ask if you're ready. If you wish to go back to Yewbell, now is the time to stock up, otherwise, tell him you're ready. He'll tell you it'll be just a little while longer, as it's a bit more complex than expected, but he'll have it flying in no time. Just then, Lilia asks if that's Lady Nafia coming this way and Kharg's surprised and sees it is his mother. She tells him she probably came to see him off and he tells her he'll go and see her, asking if she wishes to come, but she's silent and tells him no, she probably wants to say goodbye to him alone. He agrees and then back in control, go ahead and exit the Big Owl. Kharg sees his mother and the two call each other and he asks why she came all this way, since this place is dangerous, but she asures him she's fine, because she took a path not even the Drakyr know about. Kharg's kind of surprised, but she just tells him she knew this area since she was young, but she dismisses this and asks if he's leaving and he tells her yes, but she didn't have to come this far to say goodbye. She tells him to be extremely careful, but he tells her he has some good friends with him and he hopes the Deimos are quiet while he's gone. Though, she tells him she told him before, she doesn't want him fighting them, just because they're Deimos and he knows this, saying if he fights, it's to protect or rescue someone and he tells her after they get Lilia to Cathena safely, he'll return. Lady Nafia tells him that no matter what happens, she and his father, Windalf, love him very much and they're proud of him and to take care of himself and the Earth as well and for the Wind Stone to guide him. He laughs, making it sound like they'll never see each other again and he tells her they'll put a stop to Darkham's Plot and for her to get ready to give a big welcome party when they get home, as he tells her he's off and leaves. She tells him to be safe, as you control Kharg once again on the Airship. Talk to Ganz and he tells you he just finished the repairs, as the Airship comes to life. He tells him to just enter the destination on the control panel and he's all set to take off. So, go up and examine the control panel and enter your destination, which is Aldrow. Once you select it, the Big Owl will spring to life and fly off, as Lady Nafia watches. Once you regain control of Kharg again, talk to Lilia and he asks her how she came to get the Light Stone and Lilia tells him it's best he should know. She tells him in the village she was born, the Light Stone was handed down secretly through the generations. They never thought of it as a energy source, but as something that brought good fortune and they worshipped it, but twelve years ago, Darkham heard about it and he attacked their village and they had no Weapons to fight back and they were taken over easily. Her parents were given the Light Stone and escaped somehow, but nearly every villager was killed and the village was destroyed in one day. Kharg mentions how terrible that is, as she tells him they ran from place to place, always outrunning Darkham and how they finally managed to get someplace where they couldn't be found, but one day, her father gave her mother the Light Stone and disappeared and he asks why, but she's not sure, as her mother got sick after some time for doing all that she did. They had to struggle to survive, but they had found peace, but her mother kept getting worse and three years ago, she died and that's how she got the Light Stone. Kharg understands and tells her Yewbell's always been peaceful and can't imagine what she went through and she only wants peace, but she causes chaos where ever she goes and she's now dragged Ganz into this and she thinks she's carrying some seed of evil around with her. Kharg tells her it's not her fault, as she's been protecting the Light Stone the whole time and it's thanks to her Dizweld hasn't taken over the world yet and he tells her not to doubt herself. She thanks him, as Maru joks about Paulette having a rival now and she tells him to shut up, just as another Airship appears out of nowhere and starts firing at the Big Owl, as it goes down. Kharg asks what was that, as they crash. The scene comes back in, with Kharg coming to and Paulette asking if he's ok and he gets up, asking if everyone's ok, as Paulette tells him they managed an emergency landing, but Lilia is missing. Kharg's shocked, as Ganz tells him she left a note, saying she doesn't want them in anymore danger and she'll be ok now on her own. Kharg's worried, because there's no telling what place they're in and they have to go after her, as you gain control of everyone. Just take note, since you now have the Big Owl, but even though it's broken again, you can use this place to not only Save your game, but you can heal for free with the room near the control panel. Nice, huh? Anyway, when you're ready, since you're fully healed completely now anyway, and since Ganz is on your team now, outfit him with whatever you can, give him some Items and then exit the Big Owl and you'll come into Asheeda Forest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Asheeda Forest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. As you head outside, Maru mentions how much different this place is than Ragnoth and Paulette thinks it's creepy, as Kharg darts forward and looks around and sees Lilia isn't here and he decides to go find her, as Ganz and Maru noticing something is coming. Just then, Deimos appear and Ganz mentions they're Orcon and Kharg asks about them, as Ganz tells him if Orcon are here, they're definitely on Aldrow now. The Orcon see they've found Humans and comment on this and Kharg tells them they don't want trouble and only are looking for their friend, but the Orcon don't care and tell him they'll kill their friend after they do so with them and Kharg sees this won't end peacefully, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself and then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #16 - Defeat The Deimos! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Orcon x4. Objects - None. Strategy - Eh, you've had worse. This is a pretty straight forward Battle and it shouldn't give you any problems, I hope. There's only four Orcon and dispatching them isn't difficult. Try and steal from them, though, as you may get a Bone Armband, a better Accessory than the Leather Armband. Just keep your assault up and eventually, you'll win. After the Battle, Maru mentions they didn't come here to fight and Paulette mentions the Deimos are the same where ever you go and are nothing but savage beasts. Kharg tells them they should find Lilia and she hopes she didn't run into anyone. Back in control of Kharg, follow the path southwest and then southeast into the next screen. Kharg will see a group of the Dizweld Army here, as one of the Dizweld Soldiers relays on his headset they've found the group and Kharg wonders if they can ever leave them alone. One of the Dizweld Soldiers asks for Lilia, but Kharg sees they haven't found her yet and he tells them they'll never hand her over and they'll never get the Light Stone, either, as they tell them to die and you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself again and then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #17 - Defeat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Foot Soldier x4 and Rifleman x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Too easy. Really, just dispatch of these idiots as fast as possible. They prove no threat to you. Just send Kharg and Paulette in a group one way and Maru and Ganz in another group the other way and you'll destroy the enemy within minutes. Heal if you need to and just beat this Battle. After the Battle, Kharg notes that the Dizweld Army hasn't found Lilia yet and he hopes they find her before anyone else does. Maru mentions how she's in a land with Deimos and Dizweld after her and how worried he is for her, as Paulette tells him she'll be fine, as luck's on her side and she asks Kharg if she's right. Kharg agrees and you then get control of him again. Now, head northeast and follow the path, as it twists to the northwest and you'll enter the next screen. If you enter a Battle here, which is random, fight it and if not, just backtrack to the last screen and head south a bit and you'll be attacked by the Dizweld Army again, as you enter a Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #18 - Defeat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Commander, Foot Soldier x2 and Rifleman x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Yet again, too easy. Just do what you did for the last Battle and you'll come out victorious here as well. Just remember to either kill the Commander first or steal from him to get a Broken Sword or Amethyst Coating. Just keep up your assault on the enemy and you'll win. After the Battle, Kharg asks how everyone's doing and Paulette tells him they'll be ok, as Ganz mentions fighting in a strange country can take alot out of you, as Maru wonders where Lilia is, just as Tatjana appears. She tells them she suspected correctly, as Lilia has become seperated from them and Kharg sees Tatjana is here, as well as Maru. Following Tatjana, reinforcement appear and she tells them that since Lilia isn't with them, she doesn't have to waste time with them and she doesn't want them getting in the way, so her Soldiers will handle them. Kharg curses her, just as a mysterious man appears, asking if they're fighting the Dizweld and to count him in. He introduces himself as Samson, the double barreled gun slinging leader of the Moon Stone Gang Of Thieves. After some interesting gun moves, he plays the swooning good guy, hitting on Tatjana and then tells them to get out before they find themselves with a hole in their gut. Tatjana sees it's Samson and that he's the leader of the Thieves that are always stealing their supplies. She comments on his bright clothes, totally standing out from a Thief and that he looks more like a Circus Ringleader. Though, Samson just throws a comment back at her, telling her she has alot to work with, but she should dress up a little more, with some makeup and jewelry, but he wonders if she's given up being a woman, but she gets pissed, telling him that's enough and she'll get rid of him, along with the others. He asks if she's sure about that, as his men come in and surround her party and she gets mad and he asks her what she was saying, as Tatjana tells her men they aren't the target and they're wasting time and to withdraw. Maru mentions that was close, as Samson and his men come down to meet Kharg and the others, as Kharg thanks him and introduces himself, but Samson tells him not to thank him, as she just hates Dizweld and nothing more and Maru asks if they're really Thieves, but Paulette tells him to watch his mouth, as Samson just laughs and tells them he only steals from the Dizweld Army and Kharg asks if that's dangerous. Samson tells him the first rule of being a Thief is to steal from someone who has plenty and he mentions that Tatjana said that they weren't the target and asks what she meant by that. Kharg tells him they're looking for a certain girl and they were traveling with her, but they got seperated when they got here and Samson mentions he saw the Airship go down earlier and asks if that was them. Kharg tells him it was and Maru tells him it was actually Lilia's Airship, as asks if that was the girl they were traveling with and Kharg confirms it. Samson tells them to come back to his lair for a while and tells them they never know when the Orcon will show up and Kharg tells him they must find Lilia, but Samson tells him they can't run around aimlessly, otherwise they'll never find her. He decides that he'll have his men look for her and introduces two of his men, as Boomer and Buster and he mentions Kharg and the others look tired, as Kharg remains silent. He agrees on the invitation, as you appear on the World Map. Samson tells you they'll meet him at Wilbur Shore, as it's to the southwest part of Asheeda Forest and they'll go on ahead. Just head to Wilbur Shore and ignore going to Crossell Springs, as there's nothing even remotely there to see. Once you're at Wilbur Shore, you'll enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wilbur Shore - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. Once you're in Wilbur Shore, head up onto the dock and talk to Samson's Underling and he'll ask what the password is. Doesn't matter which choice you choose, since there is no password, but whichever you choose, you'll get a response for it. Samson's Underling heard about you and tells you to go on ahead and once you're on the Airship, head below deck. Save if you wish and then talk to Samson. He sees Kharg's here and tells him he's having his men check right now on if they can get anything about Lilia's whereabouts and they should be back any minute. Kharg thanks him, as he comments on Samson's Airship and Samson just laughs and asks if he likes it and that if he could see what this thing could do, he'd be really impressed. He then asks why the Dizweld Army is looking for Lilia and Kharg tries to explain, but Samson mentions if they're after her, she must have something valuable, but Kharg tells him he's not sure and that they just came to make sure she got here safely, but Samson tells him not to play dumb with, as she has the Light Stone and that's why they're after her. Kharg's surprised he knows and asks how he knew, as Samson tells him he's been gathering information on Dizweld for a long time now and kharg thinks he could help them and he wants to get Lilia safely to the World Alliance. Samson comments on it and Kharg tells him that's correct and they can't let Dizweld have her, but he decides to pass. Kharg asks why, as Samson says he'd do anything to get in Dizweld's Way, but he has his own methods and besides that, a gang of Thieves isn't on the favorite's list of the World Alliance. Just then, Boomer comes in and asks to speak with Samson and wonders if he found out something. He gathers the information and then tells Kharg that they got some information on Lilia. Kharg asks what and Samson tells him she got through Asheeda Forest and someone saw her going into the Republic Of Cathena, as Kharg sees she's in Cathena already, but Samson tells him not to relax just yet, as the Dizweld Army was close on her trail. Kharg understands and decides they must hurry and get to her and he thanks Samson and tells him they'll be leaving, as Samson tells them to take care. Back in control of Kharg, exit Wilbur Shore now and on the World Map, head to The Republic Of Cathena and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Republic Of Cathena - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. Wow, what a nice town, huh? Well, once you're here, go ahead and explore and be sure to check the shops out, as they have some very nice things, especially some new Equipment for your party members. Buy anything you may want and explore the town if you wish. One thing of interest here is the Cathena Arena, but I HIGHLY suggest you do NOT enter it right now, as you are FAR too weak to even begin to win in it. Wait until later and when you're much better prepared. Besides that, it costs Gold to enter, so you'd just be wasting hard earned money at the moment, when you could be buying stuff. When you're ready, take ALL your Spirit Stones that your party has and return them to the Party Items. You'll see why in a minute. Then, go ahead and head to the north part of town, where you see the Cathena Soldier. Talk to him and he tells you to stop where you are and tells you you're not from The Republic Of Cathena and that the World Alliance is in session now in the Assembly Hall and no one goes in that doesn't belong. Kharg tells him they're looking for a girl named Lilia and that she should be here, as the guy thinks of the name and recalls he heard something about her and she's supposed to testify today, as Kharg introduces himself and that they all came with Lilia from Nidellia and they were seperated in Asheeda Forest and they're looking for her and got word she came here on her own and he understands and decides since they came with a witness, they can't send them away and he guesses it's ok to let them in and gives them permission. Ganz tells Kharg he's going back to Asheeda Forest and Kharg asks why, as he tells him this is where he'd leave him, but he's worried about the Big Owl and with Orcon everywhere, it's too dangerous to leave it there any longer and they worked hard getting it to fly and it'd be a waste to see it get destroyed, so he'll try and move it closer to Cathena and get it fixed up and ready to go for him. Kharg's happy and thanks him, as the Cathena Soldier allows him to enter. Go ahead and explore more if you wish, as you can take the elevator up, but when you're ready, head through the middle door, the one that's not being blocked and you'll see a scene, where you'll see a scene of some sponsers of other countries talking, as the Epistian Delegate talks about the Dizweld Empire and how they're evil and only want to slaughter everyone and when you're fighting Demons, you have to be prepared to rush in and fight to the death and he says they dispatch the entire Alliance Army to Epistia right away, as the Cathenian Delegate And Chairman asks if he means war, with the Milmarnan Delegate telling them if they resort to that, there'll be nothing left of Epistia and they'll end up with countless dead innocent victims and she suggests they find out what the intentions are of Dizweld first. The Cathenian Delegate And Chairman agrees, as the Palkian Delegate mentions that they'd think Dizweld would want to avoid war, what with the world energy crisis and that they should come up with mutual concessions, something that would keep Emperor Darkham from losing face and give him every incentive possible to stop what he's doing. Again, the Cathenian Delegate And Chairman agrees, but the Epistian Delegate disagrees, as they can't make deals with Demons and it's war or nothing, but the Lamda Temple Delegate tells him they haven't even proved that the Dizweld Empire is evil yet and they have no grounds to claim that it would be open to mutual concessions and they must examine the foundation of these opinions, as the Lamda Warrior Monks won't act unless they have proof of their validity. Just then, Kharg walks in with the others, as the Cathenian Delegate And Chairman tells him he sees his point and starts thinking, as he asks the Delegate Of Milmarna that she said a witness was coming here to testify about secret information concerning Dizweld and asks if he's right and she tells him yes, but they haven't had word of her arrival yet and that her name is Lilia, a 17 year old girl. Kharg sees Lilia isn't here and walks forward, as the Cathenian Delegate And Chairman asks who Kharg is, since only the countries' ambassadors are allowed in during deliberations, as Kharg introduces himself and tells them he and his friends came with Lilia from Nidellia, but they got seperated in Asheeda Forest and followed her trail here, as the Milmarnan Delegate tells them she hasn't shown up yet and asks what made them think she was here, as Maru tells her that Samson told them that somebody saw her coming into Cathena, as the Palkian Delegate asks if they mean the Moon Stone Gang Thief and the Milmarnan Delegate tells them that no one told her about her arrival here and Paulette tells him she's afraid, as Kharg finishes for her and sees Samson tricked them and he was a fool to believe a Thief. The Milmarnan Delegate asks if they learned anything about Dizweld from Lilia and asks if they know anything, to please share it with them. Though, the Palian Delegate tells them to wait and mentions that they showed up unexpectedly and if they can really trust them and if they really can take measures on Dizweld from what they say, since they admitted to having connections with Thieves. Though, the Cathenian Delegate And Chairman states that they should have a discussion then if they should be able to trust them or not and opens the floor for discussion about it and they can only testify if they all agree and after that, they'll hold a discussion of if their testimony should be accepted. Though, Kharg gets annoyed that they'll never get anywhere with them and decides to go look for Lilia, as Maru tells him to wait and both him and Paulette chase after him. After this, you'll be asked to Save your game. Do so and you've just beaten half of Chapter 2. Now we go back to what's going on with Darc at the moment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Chapter 2 - Darc: Ambition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH2DA7.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the scene comes in, we see two Orcons fighting each other in a tournament, as others cheer them on. Once falls down from an attack and states he's done for, as Zoram asks Darc, the new leader of the Orcons what he thinks and if any of their fighting styles caught his eye, but he tells him that it's more of the same and if that's all they have to choose from, they'd be better of with Monsters. He wonders if there's no Deimos left on Aldrow that's stronger than him, as Zoram laughs, telling him he killed Densimo and became the leader of the Orcons and he's in charge of Orcoth, as all Deimos for miles bow before him. Though, Darc mentions there's many Deimos that bow to the strong, but when faced with a stronger enemy, they'd retreat in a second and asks Zoram if he's right, but Zoram tells him never and he'd remain loyal to him until death and he tells him that's enough and it's only natural, as it's the Deimos way and he understands far too well and that's why he needs Deimos who are strong willed enough to defy him. Though, Zoram asks what Deimos is strong enough to go up against him, but he remembers the one they have in the Dungeon, as Darc remembers and Zoram laughs. Just then, Zugalo comes in and tells Darc that Delma went berserk and is completely uncontrollable, as he tells him he'll be right there and tells Zoram to continue with the sparring and to single out a single strong Deimos for him, as he has no need for weaklings and infact, to banish them from Orcoth. He agrees, as you gain control of Darc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Items To Get: None. You'll want to head to the Dungeon now, which is near the entrance to the town and down those stairs you see. Before you do, check out what the Quorup has now, since he has stock in on Weapon Parts and Accessories. Buy whatever you wish for Darc, since he needs Equipment and any Items you need, then head to the Dungeon. Once inside the Dungeon, Darc hears Delma tell someone not to mess with her and tells Zugalo to let her out and asks where Darc is and wants Darc. Back in control of Darc, head down the stairs and talk to Delma, as she asks him to let her out of here and tells him to do it now, as he tells her she doesn't have to shout and asks if she still won't change her mind and lets her know if she served him, he'd let her out in a second. He tells her he needs power to unify the Deimos and asks for her to lend him her power, but she refuses, asking who would ever want to work for him, as she states he hired Densimo's Servants as his own and that doesn't strike him as wrong and he killed Densimo and took his tile. Though, he gets pissed and tells her Densimo betrayed him, siding with the Drakyr and killed his Firble, but Delma doesn't believe it, as she can't believe what he says and he's her brother's rival and she'll kill him, as she asks how he thinks she feels trapped in a place like this and asks him to kill her now and to do it fast, just like he did to Densimo, as Zugalo asks what should they do, as Darc tells him to let her be and she'll see the light soon. Zugalo agrees and tells him to make sure she doesn't go anywhere and he agrees again, as Delma calls Darc and tells him he's changed, as he's not the Darc she knew and asks why would she serve him, as he remains silent. Once you're back in control of Darc, exit the Dungeon and go see Gorma and if he's found any Firble. Talk to the Orcon outside his house and tell him you'd like to speak with him, after you're flattered about being the best leader and he tells you Gorma left thig morning for Haystir Marsh to look for Firbles, as the Orcon makes a joke and laughs about Gorma not acting his age. Anyway, exit Orcoth and once on the World Map, head to The Church Ruins and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Items To Get: None. Once you're here, check the old nest of the Firble that Densimo ate and Darc will find that one of the eggs is still there, as it survived and he's releaved, but he thinks some Animal or Monster will eat it and desides to have someone guard it, as he brings a guard here and explains to him what to do and not to let his eyes off the egg for one minute and the Orcon understands, as Darc tells him not for one minute and he again understands. Darc tells him not to tell anyone about the egg and he asks what kind of egg is it and Darc tells him he could tell him, but he couldn't guarantee his life and he tells him then he doesn't want to know and Darc tells him that's good and if he eats it, he'll die, as the Orcon again understands. Back in control of Darc again, let's go check up on Gorma, since we now have a Firble again. Exit The Church Ruins and head to Haystir Marsh, fighting any Battles along the way. Once you're there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Haystir Marsh - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 10. Items To Get: None. When you arrive at Haystir Marsh, find Gorma and speak to him and he asks if he's looking for something in a place like this. Ask him what he's doing and he tells you he's ashamed, but he never could give up his dream of flying and wanted to raise a Pyron if he could find a Firble, so he came here to look for one, but he hasn't found any and he's disappointed, since he found a good way of raising one, too. After this, ask how to raise Pyrons and he'll tell Darc he found a method while reading some old texts and you need three kinds of food to make them evolve and he didn't know what food they needed and couldn't wait to find one, so he came here and began looking for Firbles. After this, you'll be in control of Darc again, so exit Haystir Marsh and on the World Map, head back to Orcoth, fighting any Battles along the way and once you're there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 11. Items To Get: None. Once you're back in Orcoth, head back to the Orcoth Arena and Zoram will inform you that something awful has happened and Darc asks what and he tells him tha a incredibly strong Diemos showed up and Darc's interested, asking for more information and Zoram tells him that he's a Lupine from Ragnoth and he was hunting Humans in Asheeda Forest and he's really powerful. He goes on to tell him that he took out all the fighters in the Arena and Darc's surprised and tells him he must meet him right away and for him not to leave the arena and Zoram understands. Darc mentions to himself that if he's usable, they'll be one step closer to reuniting the Deimos and one step closer to realizing his father's dream. Back in control of Darc, head into the arena, as you'll see a scene where the Lupine comments on the arena fighters being weak and that this is what the Orcan really are like and he wants a real opponent, as he howls. Darc walks in and you have control of him, so head to the Lupine, who guess what? He's that Deimos we saw in Chapter 1 with Kharg that Lloyd and Paulette fight! Darc will ask if he's the Lupine who did this and was hunting Humans and the Lupine sees the great leader has shown himself and the rumors are correct about the Orcon being lead by a unsightly Human and that explains the smell, as Darc asks if that's all he can do is sniff around, as he gets pissed. Darc intaginizes him and tells him that if he's a Dog, to go wag his tail for his Human masters, as he gets mad and tells him he'll show him how he wags his tail and Darc tells him he's no Human, but the Lupine thinks he's joking and he's not a Deimos, just by looking at him and he tells him he's not a Human or a Deimos, but the ruler who will surpass the Deimos and bring them all together as one and he'll become the Deimos King and asks the Lupine to come work for him. Though, the Lupine just asks who does he think he's talking to and Darc asks him what's so hard to understand, as he insults him and he's telling him to come serve him, as he thinks he's joking and refuses, as he tells him what a Lupine is and that they don't bow down to weaklings and no Deimos alive would work for a Deimos wannabe and only the alpha can lead the pack and Darc tells him he'll use force then and make him serve him, as empty words are meant for the Humans and Deimos use power, as the Lupine agrees and Darc asks for his name, before he defeats him and he tells him it's Volk, which means "Avenger Of Kin" in their language, as it's a name that hunts, kills and seeks out born enemies and that's his name, as he tells him to get ready, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #19 - Make Volk Surrender! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Defeat Volk. You'll Lose If - Darc is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Volk. Objects - None. Strategy - This is a joke. Darc's alone for this, but you're only fighting Volk and no one else. Just be sure to steal from him to get a Balo Nut. After this, just assault him with whatever attacks you want. If he increases his attack, watch out, as he can start to deal some decent damage and heal if neccessary. Either way, this is not a tough Battle, so end it quickly. After the Battle, as Volk's shocked that he lost and sees he, a Lupine Warrior lost to a Deimos wannabe, which is a Human and can't understand this. Though, Darc tells him that anger makes his attacks monotonous and such arrogance will only bring victory over weaker opponets and asks why he hates Humans so much and what is it that they did to him. Volk tells him they took something that was precious to him, which was his wife, Yrena and son, Nazaal and his Lupine pack and even his pride as a Deimos and he lost everything and tells him the scar on his eye is from them and curses the Humans. He tells him he must win back his pride and his honor and rid himself of the disgrace and made an oath that he'd wipe out the Human race and can't forget what they've done. He hoped and prayed that all the Humans would atone for their sins in blood, which would make up for their murders with their lives and why he was hunting for them, he found himself here. Darc tells him he can't wipe out a race just by killing any Humans he happens to run into, but he tells him if he can have a companion or two, the better and that's his quest, but Darc tells him he'll die and what will it be for. Though, Volk doesn't care and he doesn't care if he dies, as long as he can kill one more Human, as Darc calls him a self satisfied fool and he gets pissed and he asks him when he dies, what about the Humans, as if he can bring back his dead family, though he gets mad again. Darc tells him that Humans won't change, even after he's gone and they can't rescue anything and he's the same as the other Deimos, since he can't combine his power with others and he's fated to be killed by the Humans. Volk asks what he should do then and Darc tells him to lend him his power, so they can unify the Deimos and wipe out the Humans and he needs his strength. He agrees, since he won the Battle and a Lupine obeys the alpha that leads the pack and he swears an oath, that even though the world may fall into ruin and his body decay away, that his master and leader, Darc, the Deimos King, that he'll obey him and he's the Sword and Shield in a sense (Though fitted for Deimos words.) that will protect him and Darc tells him they shall go then and they must bind the Deimos together and crush the Humans and this is the road they are destined to. He joins Darc, as you regain control of him. Now, head back to the Dungeon now and you'll see Zugalo outside. Talk to him and he sees it's Darc and tells him that Delma is asking for him and Darc's surprised. Zugalo tells him she's been acting a little strange and for him to see her as soon as he can. Volk asks Darc if he's the leader of the Orcon and who is this Delma that dares to summon him and he tells him that it's someone he'd like to have them join and Volk understands, asking if she's stronger than him and he tells him no and Volk comments on how she's a fool to be a weakling and to turn against the strong and Darc agrees. Back in control, go and see Delma, as Darc calls to her and Volk sees who Delma is. He asks to speak with her alone and for him to wait outside and he agrees and leaves. Darc calls her again and she tells him she's been thinking alot and ever since she was a kid, they've been broken and Darc asks what was broken and what she's talking about and she tells him her horns, that Densimo broke him, because he was in a bad mood and asks if that wants to make him laugh and she continues, telling him that Densimo always lost his temper if things didn't go his way and she constantly lived in fear of his temper and Darc tells her to forget the past and he's going to change the Deimos race and asks her to help him make a world with no strife and a world of peaceful Deimos, as they can save them all. She calls to him, as he opens the door and she comes out and tells him she was wrong and that she's with him from now one. Volk comes back in, telling him he's had his talk and Delma asks who Volk is and Darc introduces him to her and she sees there are others besides herself, others he can trust and Volk asks what do they do now and asks if they sneak into Human territory and attack, but Darc tells him no and that they need stronger Deimos to go up against the Humans and Delma asks if he wants to look for more allies and he tells her yes and that there aren't any more strong Deimos left on Aldrow and they'll have to travel to another continent. Delma tells him they'll need a way off Aldrow, as they join him. Now that Delma's back in your party, go ahead and go shopping for both her and Volk. Buy them anything you want, but make sure to Equip them with anything that'll help them. When you're all done shopping and you've healed up, head to the entrance of town and talk to the Orcon there and he'll tell Darc he just saw a strange light. Ask him about the strange light and he tells you it was trailing smoke as it landed in Asheeda Forest, as Volk mentions it's Humans and tells him it's a Human thing, which is a vehicle that brings disaster, a ship that carries death, flying across the sky, ready to kill all Deimos. Darc's surprised by this and Delma mentions they're probably looking for Spirit Stones again and what are they waiting for, since they should head to Asheeda Forest and get the Humans out of there. Once you're back in control, go ahead and leave Orcoth and on the World Map, follow the new path heading northwest from Orcoth and go to Asheeda Forest. The Befron Mountain Pass and Mulmoth Meadows are both random Battles now, so deal with them and once you reach Asheeda Forest, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Asheeda Forest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. As you enter Asheeda Forest, Delma points out Humans are here, as you see it's the Dizweld Army. One of the Soldiers curses, asking where someone is and the Officer tells him they're definitely in this forest and they have to find them, as Volk curses them for having the nerve to be on Deimos land and Darc tells him to wait, as they appear to be looking for something and he wants to know what they're trying to do, but Volk doesn't care and wants death to all Humans, as one of the Soldiers comes in and sees them and he tells the others that the Deimos are here and Darc sees they've been spotted and they have no other choice, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #20 - Beat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Commander, Foot Soldier and Rifleman x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Man, this is too easy. Just remember to take out the Commander first or steal from him to get a good Item from him and then dispatch the rest of the Dizweld Army with ease. You've had harder, so don't get worried over this Battle. Tough it out and you'll come through victorious. After the Battle, Darc wonders what the Humans are looking for and Delma tells him Spirit Stones of course, but Darc doesn't think that's it and Volk tells him it doesn't matter, as this is Deimos territory and they can't do what they want here. Delma mentions there must be more Humans and for them to go get them and Darc agrees and Delma asks if he's nervous and he asks her about that and where it came from and she tells him the habit he has of touching his arm whenever things get dangerous, but he asks why he should be nervous and he's just excited about being able to attack some Humans and Volk laughs and tells him that's the Darc he knows and that they could count on him and he's an alpha alright. Darc tells them they can't waste anymore time and they have Humans to find, as you regain control. You'll want to head to the Big Owl, which you know where that is, so go ahead and head there now. Once you arrive there, Darc will see more Humans and a Soldier will mention how the entire Airship is empty and the Officer understands and he thought they'd leave Lilia in the Airship for Kharg, like a diversionary tactic, but Lilia isn't around. Darc wonders about Lilia, as the Officer sees him and orders them to attack, as you enter another Battle. Again, prepare yourself and then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #21 - Beat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Commander, Foot Soldier and Rifleman x2. Objects - None. Strategy - This is the same exact Battle you just fought. Again, same strategy applies here and make sure you steal from the Commander or kill him first to get a good Item and then focus on the other enemies and take them out as soon as possible. (You can get a Bountiful Fruit from the Commander if you can steal it from him, so do try to do so. I believe you could've gotten one from the one Commander in the last Battle, but I'm not sure.) After the Battle, Darc tells the others that the Humans are looking for something called Lilia, but Delma asks who cares about Lilia and who do they think they are, bringing this huge thing onto their own turf. (She means the Airship.) Though, Volk tells her not to touch it and he tells her that if she touches the work of Human hands, disaster will follow her, but she asks what he's talking about, as she's using a Human Weapon and so is Darc and for him to stop whining about stupid stuff like that. He becomes surprised that Darc's using Human Weapons and he tells him that if it makes him more powerful, why should he care about foolish Deimos pride. Darc gets back to the point and brings up Lilia again and tells them they're looking frantically and what it could be and it might give them an advantage in their fight against them and they must find this Lilia before they do, as you gain control of Darc again. Now, head south and follow the path and you'll come across Tatjana, as the Officer asks a Soldier for a report, but the Soldier tells him there's nothing and Tatjana asks him why is he having problems finding one measly girl and Lilia must be hiding around here somewhere and for them to find her on the double. Just then, a Soldier walks up and gives Tatjana a report from the field and tells her that Kharg and his crew are headed for the Thieves' Hideout. She tells him welldone and that that takes care of the interruption and for them to now find Lilia. Darc realizes that Lilia's a girl, a Human girl to boot and wonders why they're looking for her, as a Soldier sees him and tells everyone the enemy is here, as Tatjana curses and sees there's another roadblock to get through and tells them all to put finding Lilia on hold for now and to take care of the Deimos for now. Darc asks if she thinks they really can and they must be joking, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourselfs and then start the Battle. (Also, remove Volk and Delma's Spirit Stones and return them to the Party Items. You'll see why later.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #22 - Beat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Commander, Foot Soldier x2, Rifleman x2 and Tatjana. Objects - None. Strategy - This Battle would be a breeze, but Tatjana is here this time and she adds to a challenge. Either steal from her or kill her first, but depending on what you do will get you a different Item. If you kill her without stealing from her, she'll drop the Gorgeous Ring, a REALLY kick ass Accessory that lets you get double the Gold when you pick it up or if you steal from her, you'll get the High Heels, a Accessory for a character you won't get for a VERY long time and the Accessory itself isn't that great, but it's up to you which you want. Also, take out the Commander as well or steal from him to also get something good from him, then waste the other enemies. After the Battle, Tatjana curses them and tells them to enjoy their victory now, as they'll eliminate them all soon enough, but Volk tells her he doesn't think so and this is where she dies, but she asks why's that and Delma asks if she's nuts and what did she expect, as if she thought she could escape, but she uses her gun and becomes invisible and Darc's shocked, along with everyone else, as she runs off and Delma comments on how she disappeared. Volk comments on how clever she was and curses her and mentions her body's gone, but her stink's still there, as he chases after her and Darc tries to top him, but it doesn't work. Delma asks Darc if the Humans can make Weapons that disappear as well and he's not sure, but he knows if they're invisible when they attack, Orcoth's done for and they have to get the Deimos united and fast and as they stand, the Deimos will be killed by the Humans. Just then, they hear something, as you see Lilia run by and Delma tells him something's there and thinks it's an ambush, as he tells her to follow it and they both rush after her, as they arrive at Crossell Springs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Crossell Springs - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. Once you arrive here, Darc asks where did it go and Delma mentions that might have been Lilia that they saw and to split up and find her. You're in control of Darc now, so follow the path and you'll find her, as she prays that she isn't found to the Spirits, as Darc finds her and sees she is a human girl after all and she sees he's a Deimos. He thinks she's Lilia and she him to stay away, as Delma sneaks up behind Darc and attacks him, telling him she's been waiting for this chance, to get her revenge and he asks her why she did this. She tells him Densimo was a coward, a jerk and totally hateful, but he was her brother and he special to her, as he collapses. Delma tells him she told him before that she'd rip him to shreds and she'd never forget what he did and runs off. Lilia's left alone and doesn't know what to do, as she can't leave Darc like this and she assumes he'll be fine now, since she tended to his injuries and she wonders what to do now. Darc wakes up, moaning in pain and asks where he is, as Lilia is thankful he's ok and tells him she sees he's awake now. He asks if she healed his wounds and she tells him yes and asks her why and she tells him because he was hurt, but he doesn't buy it and asks why she really helped him and he tells her he's a Deimos and all. She asks what's it matter if you're a Human or Deimos if you're hurt and he's surprised she doesn't hate Deimos and asks if she's afraid of him and she tells him she is, but she can't overlook someone who's suffering, as it's only Humn and he thinks it's ridiculous, since she's the only Human who would do that. He asks her name and she tells him when you ask someone's name, you give yours first and he asks if that's the Human way and she tells him yes. He agrees to this and tells her he's Darc and she tells him she's Lilia and he thinks about the name, as it has a ring to it and then he remembers and sees she's the Lilia he was looking for and he asks why the Humans are looking for her and she tries to explain to her, as the Light Spirit appears and tells them who he is and explains in this world there are five Great Spirit Stones: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Light and these stones are the will of the Spirits and sources of tremendous might and when they're all brought together, an infinite power will be born and asks them to guard him from the sinister darkness and then he disappears. Darc wonders what's going on here and wonders why the Light Spirit and not the Wind Spirit and she's surprised that he knows about the Spirits and he tells her they've shown up once before, mainly the Wind Spirit has and she's shocked and asks if he has the Wind Stone with him and asks if she has a problem if he did have it, but she tells him no and he tells her it doesn't matter and this settles it, as he didn't understand what the Spirit was saying the last time it appeared, but hearing the Spirit this time made everything come into cofus. She asks what does he mean and he tells her the Spirits' infinite power comes to anyone who gathers the five Great Spirit Stones and he sees why the Drakyr have been after his Wind Stone and why the Humans are after her, as they want her Light Stone and she asks what makes him think she has it and he tells her he knows he's right, because when he got the Wind Stone, he heard the Spirit's Voice and now another Spirit appeared, the Light Spirit and why would it have appeared if he didn't have the Light Stone, because she's the one with it, that's why. He asks if he's right and she tells him this happened before when she was with a certain someone, just like now and she wonders if he could possibly be, but gets cut off, as he tells her enough talking and tells her to get out of here and to leave the Light Stone behind and it's the least he can do for someone who helped him and if she gives him the Light Stone, she can live, but she refuses and he asks if she perfers he just take it from her, maybe even after he kills her. She tells him she can't give it up, even if he kills her and tells him her mother entrusted it to her on her deathbed and he's surprised by this and sees she's just like him, but that can't be. He tells her he won't take it from her and she asks if he means it and asks if she'll come along instead, as he has questions to ask her about the Great Spirit Stones and she could probably answer them and she'll come in handy as he collects all five of them. She doesn't want to, but he tells her if she wants, he can always kill her and take the Light Stone, as she's silent and wonders since he has the Wind Stone, if the Spirits are guiding them and agrees to go with him, but she won't obey him. He tells her we'll see, as she joins you and you regain control of Darc. Go ahead and leave Crossell Springs now and on the World Map, head back to Asheeda Forest and you'll enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Asheeda Forest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. Once you enter Asheeda Forest, you'll meet up with Volk again. He tells you he's been looking for him and Darc sees him and Volk sees a Human girl and asks what's he doing and why he hasn't killed her and tells him to wait, but he tells him if he won't do it, he will, but Darc tells him he told him to back off and he asks if he menans to let a Human live and he tells him she could prove to be very valuable to them and he sees this and Darc tells him he has an idea and to shut up and do as he says. Volk's silent and Darc asks if he disapproves and tells him he can kill her whenever he likes and asks if he's afraid of her, but he tells him he's not and why would he be afraid of a Human. He tells her to leave her alone then and he agrees and he washes his hands of her and that he's her problem now and he tells her if she ever gets in his way, he'll kill her and asks if he makes himself clear and Lilia agrees. Volk asks what happend to Delma and he tells him that Delma attacked him and ran and Volk's shocked and sees she betrayed him and she said it was revenge for killing her brother and he sees how it is and asks him if he should handle the traitor and he'll gladly hunt her down if he wants, but he tells him no, as he'll handle it himself and he knows where she is and decides to head to Orcoth. Once you're on the World Map again, head back to Orcoth, fighting any Battles you enter and once you're back at Orcoth, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. As you enter Orcoth, Volk asks Darc if Delma really came back here and asks if she didn't just run off or something and he tells him he knows what she's thinking and he can practically feel it and tells them to look at that, as Delma's giving a speech to everyone, saying she killed Darc and what's so hard to understand, since she's the new Orcon leader. Zoram can't believe it and Zugalo thinks there's some kind of mistake and Gorma doesn't think Darc could've been killed so easily and Zoram tells her it's not nice to lie. Volk gets pissed at what she's doing and curses her out and tells them she'll regret what she did Darc tells him to leave her to him and for him not to take his eyes off Lilia. Back in control of Darc, go and see Delma. As you get near, she tells them she's not lying and how many times does she have to tell them this. She was in Asheeda Forest, she crept up behind Darc and got him in the back and if they don't believe her, to head to the forest and see for themselves, as his body's still there. Just then, Darc walks foward and Zoram sees him, as does Gorma, as Delma starts laughing and she thinks they realize her greatness now, as Zugalo and Gorma mention it's Darc and Delma's confused and asks what they're talking about, as she just told them she killed Darc and left his body in the forest, as Zoram welcomes Darc home and Delma gets scared, asking who they're talking to and thinks it's a joke, as she starts stuttering and Darc asks her what exactly did she do to him again and turns around, seeing him, as she becomes VERY surprised. She can't believe he's still alive and continues to stutter, saying she did it with her own two hands and he tells her to come here for a minute, as they both walk off to the Orcoth Arena. She asks why he was so quiet back there and asks if he was planning to kill her and he asks if she really wants him dead that badly, but she doesn't say much and he asks her again, as she tells him he killed her brother, murdered him and that's why. He just tells her to get it right the next time and she's confused and he tells her if she wants to hate him, then hate him and if she wants to betray him, to betray him, but he needs power to unite the Deimos and he needs strong Deimos to help him and he needs her. She asks why won't he kill her, as he doesn't make any sense and tells him he's lost his mind and asks him what should she do and he tells her if she wants to kill him, she should stay pretty close to him and when she sees her chance, he suggests she takes it and if he could be killed by the likes of her, he could never unite the Deimos, anyway and for saving them, that's just impossible then. He tells her for Deimos, power is everything and she understands and she tells him she will kill him one day, just as he wishes, as she rejoins Darc. Back in control, head back to the town, as the Orcon are surrounding Lilia, as Zoram asks if she thinks it's right for a Human to go about Orcoth like this and Zugalo asks if they should smack her around a bit before throwing her out, as Lilia becomes scared and Zoram tells her they'll have a chat, as Darc comes in and asks what are they doing, as Zugalo sees him and Zoram relays his question to him and tells him they're about to handle the Human who came into their area and he tells him to mind his own business, as he brought Lilia here. Zoram's surprised and he tells them all to listen carefully, as harming Lilia in any way, shape or form is strictly forbidden and violators will be punished and asks if they got it and to tell all the Deimos in Orcoth, but Zugalo tells him to let a Human girl run free like this, but he gets cut off by Darc and reminded what he just said and Zoram agrees to this. He tells them he has something to ask her and to put her in the Dungeon for now. Zoram agrees and tells her to move, as he and Zugalo move her to the Dungeon. Darc then tells Volk he told him to keep his eye on her and he tells him he did watch her very carefully and Darc asks if he's back talking him, as Volk asks if he took care of Delma and he tells him yes. Volk sees she paid for her sins with her life and how foolish Delma was, as she appears, surprising Volk and she asks who the foolish girl is, as Volk asks why he let her live and if he forgave her, even though she tried to kill him, but Darc tells him he needs strong Deimos on his side and that's all. Volk tells him he exposes his throat too much and it may get torn out one day, as you're given control again of Darc. Head to the Dungeon now and as you do, Volk and Delma will wait outside and state this. After this, head down to the Dungeon and Zoram will tell Darc he locked the Human up as instructed and he tells them good and that they are dismissed and they both leave. After they leave, talk to Lilia and she asks what happend to the Orcon girl and asks if he killed her, but he tells her not to worry, as she's not dead and she's thankful and tells him she knew he was different from other Deimos and he has a kind heart and no wonder he heard the Spirit. He just disregards this, telling her what a simple, Human way to think that is and he tells her that's not why he let Delma live, as the reason was he needs strong Deimos to serve him, in order to destroy the Humans and that's why she's still alive. He tells her to nevermind that and that he wishes to talk to her. Lilia asks about what and he tells her not to play dumb and asks her to tell him everything she knows about the Great Spirit Stones, but she doesn't know the details, as her mother gave her hers just before she died and she was dead before she could ask about it. Darc sees the relation he has towards her story and she asks how so and he tells her about how his father gave him the Wind Stone on his deathbed and he never got the chance to ask about it, either. Though, Lilia asks if his mother happened to be Human by chance and he gets mad and asks if she'll start taunting him for being a Deimos wannabe, too, but she tells him to just calm down and listen, as she tells him about meeting Kharg on Ragnoth and he had a Wind Stone, just like his and Darc becomes shocked and she asks if his Wind Stone is broken in two and Kharg's was and he might be Kharg's, but she gets cut off and he tells her to shut up and stop and for her not to continue, as he didn't keep her alive to hear nonsense from her and he only wants to know where the other three Great Spirit Stones are. She tells him she doesn't know and even if she did, she wouldn't be able to tell him, as he's planning to use the Spirit's Power for his own gain and he asks her what's wrong with that and if she doesn't want to tell him where the Great Spirit Stones are, that's fine and he'll just leave her here for as long as it takes. She gets mad and tells him there's someplace she needs to go and he sees that's a problem and asks here where they are, as she's silent and then tells him that the Dizweld Army has the Earth Stone. He asks about them and she tells him that's who was looking for her, as they want her Light Stone. He asks about the other two Great Spirit Stones, but she only knows about the Earth Stone and tells him she's sorry. He asks if this is true and she tells him yes and he believes her and tells her one thing is for certain and that's if the Humans want the power of the Great Spirit Stones, that they'll have to work faster and get them before they do, but she tells him not to be a fool and he knows what the Spirit said, telling about the time of destruction is near and the Dizweld Army is collecting the Great Spirit Stones, aiming for world domination and she asks to be let out of there, as she wants to tell the World Alliance about their plans and he tells her they'll do this together, as he'll collect the Great Spirit Stones and defeat Dizweld himself. She tells him that all the world's people have to come together and stop Dizweld from what they're doing and he sees it's just all the world's Human people and he sees now all too clearly and there aren't any Deimos in the world worth protecting to her, but she didn't mean it like that and he tells her he gets it, as the Humans only think of themselves and she has no reason to even consider what may happen to the Deimos and defending the Deimos world is his responsibility and he needs no help from weakling Humans and tells her to stay here for now, as he'll find some use for her in his struggle with Humankind. She tries to talk, but you get control of Darc again. Go ahead and leave the Dungeon now and as you do, Volk tells him he meets with he Human quite alot and he tells him that she's already proven herself useful and thanks to her, he knows what the Humans are after, as Volk asks what and Darc tells him that the Humans are gathering the Great Spirit Stones for infinite power and Delma asks about the Great Spirit Stones, like his Wind Stone and he tells her yes and there's five in the World and he has two. Delma's surprised and he tells her that Lilia has the Light Stone and he has the Wind Stone, as she sees there's only three left and it'll be easy to get them. Volk asks if they aim to get them all and Darc tells him yes, as they'll need the infinite power if they wish to wipe out the Humans. Volk understands and Delma likes the idea and decides to get going, but Darc tells her they need some information first, as Volk mentions they need a way to get off Aldrow and Darc tells them to get going, as you regain control of Darc. First, go and see Gorma and talk to him. He sees you've forgiven Delma and he expected nothing less from him and his big heart is sure to save Orcoth and even though that's so, he mentions how there's no more Firbles in Haystir Marsh anymore and he didn't find any and he got a windfall. He managed to get that Quorup to tell him the three kinds of food you needed to raise Pyron from Firbles and he tells you the first one is Rebound Fruit, the second is Phoenix Blood and the third is a Fire Fragment and if you feed them these three things, it'll turn into a Pyron. After this, ask him about the Rebound Fruit, Phoenix Blood and Fire Fragment. First, he tells you the Rebound Fruit is said to release from the world's bonds whoever eats it, making them float in midair and it's the Crimson Rhoke's favorite fruit and you might get one if you defeat one of them and he tells you that sometimes, you can find them in Tindalos Woods. Next ask about the Phoenix Blood and he tells you you could buy it here in Orcoth until recently, but it's out of stock now and the Phoenixes are on the verge of extinction and it's hard to come by. Finally, ask him about the Fire Fragment and he tells you you can make one if you have a Spirit Stone and he tells you once you find a Firble, he'll make one for you. After this, stop talking to him and he tells you to be careful and you regain control of Darc. Well, if you've finished shopping here and you've healed up and done what you wished, (Also, if you take notice, the Orcoth Arena is open now and you can fight there, just like the one in Cathena, but I advise AGAINST this right now, as you're far too weak and probably a bit low on cash. You can do this later, so for now, forget about it.) go ahead and leave Orcoth. Seems we need to find Rebound Fruit and Phoenix Blood. First, you need to go check on your Firble and report back to Gorma before you do anything, so go ahead and exit Orcoth and on the World Map, head to The Church Ruins and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level to Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. As you arrive here, you'll hear a sound and Darc will comment on it and Delma thinks it's a Firble and doesn't see how and Darc tells her he never told her before, but there was a single Firble egg left. She's surprised to hear this and asks why he never told her and he tells her he didn't want to be betrayed again. See understands and he tells them to get going and you regain control of Darc. Go and see how the Firble is doing and you'll see it hatched. Darc's happy and says hi to the Firble, as Delma comment on how she thought they'd never see another one again and asks Darc if he's going to make it into a Pyron. Though, Volk mentions it's just been born and if that's ok to do that and Darc thinks they should ask Gorma. Back in control, exit The Church Ruins and back on the World Map, head to Orcoth and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. Back at Orcoth, go and see Gorma and once there, talk to him. He sees Darc's happy and something wonderful must've happened. Tell him you found a Firble and he becomes estatic about you finding one and after Darc explains to him what happened, he understands that one of the eggs Densimo left behind survived and Darc tells him they're glad they have a Firble, but asks if they can raise it into a Firble, even if it's a newborn. Gorma thinks about it and sees no reason why it shouldn't and Delma asks how he can be so sure and he tells her it's his intuation and she gets pissed, calling him a name and asking what is it that he's thinking and to now make up answers just to say something and he asks her what did she expect, since no one's ever raised a Firble into a Pyron before. Delma tells Darc he's no good and to ask someone else and he asks them if that means they won't raise it into a Pyron then and Delma is left without a word to say, as Gorma asks if they can really hold off on waiting for the Firble to be old enough to make it into a Pyron and it takes patience for this and they don't know how long it'll take to make it into a Pyron. Delma mentions if they mess up and it dies, but she gets cut off by Darc, who tells her he's right and she just calls him, as he mentions they don't have time to sit around and wait for it to mature and they have to get the Great Spirit Stones before the Humans do or the Deimos are history, meaning they have to get started on their journey sooner, too. Gorma agrees with him, as Delma mentions that's fine and all and asks what will happen if they mess up and it dies and tells him it's not another tool just for him to use and Darc thinks of it as that. He tells her they need plent of preparation to save the Deimos and she stays silent, as Gorma gives you information for you to hear out to help you. Since you already talked to him about all this, just ask him about the Fire Fragment again and he'll tell you again how to get one from a Spirit Stone and he'll just make one for you and he'll let you know when it's done. Well after this, just stop talking to him and Darc will mention they'll get started on turning the Firble into a Pyron. Now since you have the Fire Fragment taken care of, only two other foods remain and the Phoenix Blood is easy to get. Geedo had hers at her house and since she's dead, it's yours now, so on the World Map, head to her house now and fight any Battles along the way. Once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Geedo's House - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: Ancient Tablet 1 and Phoenix Blood. Once you arrive at Geedo's House, go and open the Treasure Chest and you'll find the Phoenix Blood inside and Darc sees something else in there and sees it has writing on it. He reads it, as it says something about over the Oceans from long, long ago, comes a voice in the wind from an ancient soul and Darc thinks about this and wonders what it means, as a voice asks if he's the one who has the Ancient Tablet, as Darc asks the voice to show himself, as he does and Darc asks who he is, as he tells him he's Kirjath, The Fallen. He angered the Gods and they cursed his body with immortality and even though he grows old and rots away, he can never truly die and he's a wandering shade, looking for salvation and asks who Darc is and he tells him who he is and that he'll be the Deimos King. Kirjath sees this and tells him to listen and asks for the Ancient Tablet that he has and begs for it and he tells him he doesn't care either way, but asks why he wants it and asks if there's some magical power in it and he tells him it has no magical power, only salvation and engraved on the Ancient Tablets are the words of the the first to encounter the Spirits and it's sad the words bring comfort, healing and salvation to those who suffer. Darc thinks about what he just said, but he tells him it's nothing but nonsense and Kirjath tells him they'll make sense as they go on, as this is just one fragment and Darc's surprised this isn't the whole thing and Kirjath tells him this was sealed in a holy ark long ago, but when it was broken, the peices were scattered throughout the world and when they're gathered once more, even he who has tasted the God's Wrath can be saved. Darc asks if the words on the Ancient Tablet can really save him, but he doesn't believe it, as Kirjath begs him to seek out the other Ancient Tablets, as it's beyond a task for him, as he's just a Ghost of his wordly self and begs him to save him. Darc asks why he should help him and he tells him he has his own mission, which is to save the Deimos and he again begs him to not forsake him, as he's waited many millennia and his cursed body is unable to die and he's waited for the one who couldhear the voices of the Spirits and for the one who could seek out the Ancient Tables and the one to save him from misery and he yet again begs him and to gather the Ancient Stones around the world and cursed by the Gods, he has no one to turn but him and that's all he asks of him. Darc sees he has no choice and he doesn't have a need for the Ancient Tablet, anyway and he tells him he'll get them for him, as Kirjath thanks him and tells him he'll appear before him again and disappears. Darc will get the Ancient Tablet 1 and you'll regain control of him. Well, that's two of the foods down now. All that's left is the Rebound Fruit, so after this, go ahead and leave Geedo's House now and back on the World Map, head to Tindalos Woods, fighting any Battles along the way and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tindalos Woods - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12. Items To Get: None. The second you enter Tindalos Woods, you'll be attacked and you'll enter a Battle. Prepare yourself and when you're ready, star the Battle. I won't count this as a Story Battle, though, since it is, but then again, it isn't. So, just fight this one out and don't worry, it's a really easy Battle. The Crimson Rhokes don't drop the Rebound Fruit in Battle, so don't worry. You win it after the Battle. If you don't get a message about it, then just keep fighting here until you do get one. Once you get one, head back to The Church Ruins, fighting any Battles along the way and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12-13. Items To Get: None. Once you enter The Church Ruins, go and see your Firble and give it the Rebound Fruit and Volk mentions it seems fine and Delma tells him that maybe it's because they only gave it one kind of food and Darc agrees, so give it the Phoenix Blood. Delma mentions nothing's happening and Volk tells her that it won't transform without all three types of foods and you'll regain control of Darc. Exit The Church Ruins and head back to Orcoth and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12-13. Items To Get: Fire Fragment. Back in Orcoth, you'll quickly see Gorma is missing and everyone seems really nervous, like they're hiding something. Go and check out the Dungeon, but again, Volk and Delma will stay behind. Go into the Dungeon and you'll see a scene where Lilia is playing a song on her Ortena. (By the way, doesn't the first part of the song sound familiar?) Also, seems this is where all the Orcon are, as well as Gorma. When the song's almost done, Darc tells her to stop and she does, seeing him and he walks in, mentioning how fun this looks and asks them all about it, as Zoram stutters and tells him it was a nice song and they never get to hear them very often and they couldn't help it. Gorma agrees, telling him she's playing such a strange instrument and it's a good song, it just sparked their interest, that's all, but Darc tells him to shut up. Zugalo asks if he didn't like the music, as he stays silent, as he tells everyone to get out of here, but he stops Gorma and asks about the Fire Fragment. He tells him he did and he left it at the Quorup's Market. Darc sees and Gorma excuses himself and you'll regain control of Darc. Exit the Dungeon and Volk will tell him that the Human girl is dangerous and she's breaking down their Battle defenses and making them lose their will to fight. Though, he calls that an exaggeration, but Delma agrees with Volk, mentioning her songs, her kindness and her face and how she doesn't like it. Volk states that all Humans should either be punished or banished and Delma agrees. Though, Darc asks when they started ordering him around, as Delma aplogizes, but he tells her to shut up and do as he says and she just tells him fine and you regain control of Darc. Go and talk to the Quorup and he sees it's Darc, as Darc asks if he has Gorma's Fire Fragment and he tells him yes and asks for 500 Gold. Darc's shocked that he has to pay for it and he tells him he said he needed money for materials and it came to 500 Gold. Darc curses Gorma for doing this and how he toyed with him and the Quorup will asl him if he still wants it or not. If you don't have 500 Gold, either sell some stuff to get it or go out and fight some Battles. He'll hold it for you until you have enough. Whenever you have enough, buy it from him and anything else you may need, then heal up and leave Orcoth. Once on the World Map, head to The Church Ruins and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12-13. Items To Get: None. Back at The Church Ruins, go and give your Firble the Fire Fragment and as you do, it collapses. Delma's surprised by the reaction it just gave and comments on what just happened, as Darc's silent, as Volk says if they gave it the three foods, it'd turn into a Pyron and states Gorma said that. Though, Delma thinks it may be sleeping and Volk asks if Gorma gave it enough, but Delma tells him what Gorma makes is never decent, such as boiled Herbs and crushed eggshells and made her drink it whenever she was sick, but it never worked. Though, Darc gets pissed at Gorma for making him waste all that money and decides to go back to Orcoth and go after Gorma, as you regain control of Darc. Exit The Church Ruins and back on the World Map, head to Orcoth and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12-13. Items To Get: None. As you enter Orcoth, you'll see Lilia's Ortena on the ground, as Delma mentions something's strange, as it's really quiet around here and Darc agrees, as he sees Lilia's Ortena. He sees it's Lilia's and Volk mentions he smells blood and tells them to watch out, as something happened and Darc wonders what happened to Lilia. Volk asks Darc if he's listening to him and Darc tells him yes, as he takes Lilia's Ortena. Delma tells them both to look, as Orcon lay dead everywhere. Darc's in shock, wondering why everyone's dead and what the hell happened while they were gone and Volk comments that they should check it out, as this is one hell of a turn of events. You'll regain control of Darc, so first, go check on Lilia in the Dungeon. You'll find her gone and a wounded Zugalo in her place. Talk to him and he tells Darc that the Humans took Lilia and they tried to fight, but they couldn't keep her safe and asks him to forgive him. Darc tells him not to speak and they have to focus on his injuries, but he tells him he's happy to hear such kind words from him for the first time, as Darc asks if he's ok, but he tells him he's a goner, as he collapses and dies. Darc calls to him and tells him not to die and that's an order, but it's too late, he's dead. Leave the Dungeon and check the town. Everyone but the Quorup is dead here and if you talk to him, he gets scared, but sees it's Darc and sees it's all clear now and what a mess things are. He tells him that the Humans attacked them out of nowhere and he was hiding all along and Darc sees he's not hurt. He tells him he's not the only one and some Orcon managed to escape and are hiding in the Orcoth Arena. If you want, buy some stuff, other wise, head to the Orcoth Arena. Once there, head to the group of Orcon and they see him and call to him, as Darc asks Gorma what happened here. He tells him that the Humans came for Lilia, as Darc's shocked and Gorma confirms it and they were terribly efficient, killing a ton of Orcon in seconds and once they had Lilia, they ran away. Darc believes it to be Dizweld Army and he's probably right, as Delma curses the Humans, stating she'll never forgive them and Volk tells him they must get revenge, as they need to be punished. He asks Gorma where the Humans went and he tells him that everyone says they came from The Varam Barrens and Darc understands. He tells Delma and Volk to get moving, as they're going to follow the Dizweld Army, as Volk tells the Humans to say goodbye and Delma comments on ripping them to shreds. Though, Darc tells Gorma he'll talk to him later and it's about the Firble, as Gorma becomes happy and asks if it's a Pyron yet, but Darc asks what did they have them do, as it looks dead now. Gorma wonders why and asks if they gave it all three foods, but Darc tells him the Humans are their first priority and they'll deal with the Firble when they get back and he asks if he understands and Gorma tells him he does, as he turns to the others and tells them Darc's back, so there's nothing to be afraid of and they can't go on hiding like this, as you regain control of your party. Save your game if you wish, stock up on anything you may need, heal up and when you're ready, leave Orcoth. On the World Map, head to The Varam Barrens, fighting any Battles along the way and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Varam Barrens - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 12-13. Items To Get: None. Once you arrive here, you'll see a MASSIVE Airship, with the Dizweld Army nearby and a whole bunch of Equipment as well. A Soldier tells his Officer good work and he in turn mentions what a pain that was, as the girl actually bit his hand and the Soldier mentions how awful that is and asks if he was able to load her onto the Megist without any problems and the Officer tells him they had to drug her, but yes, she's in a cell on board, sleeping like a baby. He then asks some other Soldiers if the Argewalt installed properly and the Soldiers tell him it has, just now. With this, the Officer tells them to withdraw then, as the Soldier asks the Officer why set up the Argewalt in a place like this and he tells him it's because of the Deimos and they'll be coming out here to get revenge, no mistake about that and he just got word from Lieutenant Colonel Tatjana that she wanted some Argewalt date to use in their battles against the Deimos, so he's putting one here and the Soldier sees. Just then, Darc and everyone come in and see the Dizweld Army and Volk tells them to get ready, as they won't be going home alive. Though, the Officer tells his men it's just like he said it would be, as Darc asks where Lilia is and the Officer asks if he thinks he'd tell a miserable Deimos and he has no time to waste on such creatures, as Delma asks them who said they could leave, as the Officer tells them to relax, since he has something for them and for them to enjoy themselves. Darc tells him to wait and goes after him, as the Argewalt becomes activated and Darc sees something inside it, asking what the thing is, as you enter a Battle. Prepare yourself and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #23 - Destroy The Argewalt! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Destroy the Argewalt. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Argewalt and countless Monsters that it spawns. Objects - Dry Tree x3, Metal Drum and Steel Box x6. Strategy - Well, it may look like there's only one enemy here, but Argewalkt is constantly throwing out enemies to attack you with. Ignore them, since they aren't the target, unless you want some easy Experience, SP and some Items. Though, do break the Steel Boxes only, as the Dry Tree and Metal Drum hold nothing. The Metal Boxes hold 200 Gold, 13 Spirit Stones, a First-aid Kit, 250 Gold, a Bone Armband, 200 Gold, Memory Cologne, 200 Gold, Catfish Whiskers and a Memory Cologne. Anyway, Argewalt looks like it only has one attack, which is to send out Monsters, but if all your party members get close to it, it'll attack you. Just take it out as soon as possible and you'll win, since defeating the Monsters is not neccessary, so ignore them if you wish. Heal up if you need to, but just end this, as it's not that hard. After the Battle, Darc sees the Megist flying away and Delma mentions they got away, as Volk comments on how Humans always resort to makeshift measures. He calls Lilia and wonders what this feeling he has is, like a pressure deep within his chest, making it hard to breathe and asks again what he's feeling. Just then, the Deimos inside the Argewalt, starts wondering if it'll die, giving off poetry of how flowers wither away, etc. Darc asks what that thing is and Delma asks if it's still alive, as it comes near them and introduces itself as the Pianta Sage, Camellia and asks if they're the ones who helped her and thanks them. Delma's confused by what she meant by them helping her and Volk tells her not to think they'll make an exception for her, just because she's a Deimos, since she serves Humans, as she's confused by this and tells him how rude he is and that she was captured by the Dizweld Army and used her to their benefit. Darc asks how she was used and she tells him to forgive her, but she doesn't want to remember the horrible experience, as Delma asks her if she won't tell them, how can they believe her, as Camellia tells her to shut up and that she's talking to Darc and that nasty Orcon Devil girls should learn when to keep their mouth's shut and to mind her own business, but Delma tells her to hang on a minute, calling her names, as Darc tells her to calm down, with Delma trying to explain to him that she's suspicious and he tells her they're just going to hear her story and if they don't learn more about Humans, they'll have a disadvantage in the Battles to come. Camellia's happy that Darc's listening to her and confirms his name and asks if he intends to fight the Humans and he tells her yes and that they're getting in the way of the peace among Deimos. Camellia tells him that's good and she likes how he thinks and tells him to listen to her story, as she tells him what happened. She explains that they Pianta lived quitely in the woods, until one day when the Dizweld Army showed up and they were taken against their will as captives. There's thena flashback, as Dizweld Soldiers call them names and torture them in some sort of testing area, as we then see Tatjana appear, asking if they have said anything about the Miracle Stone, as the Officer tells her no, they're all stubborn and Tatjana tells him that this one is the Pianta Sage and she should know and for him to resume the experiments, but the Officer's unsure and tells her if they irradiate them any more with the Earth Stone's Energy, he can't guarantee the Deimos will survive, but Tatjana tells him she doesn't care and for him to do it and if they tell them anything, all they have to do is load the data into the Argewalt and use it against the Deimos. The Officer understands and tells his men to prepare the charge, as Tatjana comments on the Deimos and wonders when and where they were born and wonders if they were put here for a reason, as well as how are they connected to the Spirit Stones, as she laughs, stating there's so much she wishes to know, as the flashback ends. Darc asks what this Miracle Stone is that the Humans are looking for and Camellia tells him that the Miracle Stone is a magical Item that appears in Pianta Legend and they say it emits a miraculous power that grants a Deimos strength and cleverness, as Darc thinks about what she just said and Delma asks why would the Humans want something like that, saying it doesn't make any sense. Volk states if the Dizweld Army is looking for it, as Darc finishes for him, saying it could be one of the Great Spirit Stones, as he asks Camellia where this Miracle Stone is now and she tells him it's in the middle of the continent of Adenade, in The Throne Room within the Coleopt Shrine. Darc talks with his team and decides to go there, but Camellia tells him to wait and asks to go along, as Darc's surprised by this and she tells him she'd like to help him, but Delma tells her no and that they have no use for a weak Deimos like her and Volk agrees, commenting on how her Battle Skills are totally unreliable and he says in all honesty, that she'd just be holding him back. Though, she starts laughing, telling them that the Coleopt Shrine is a ancient labyrinth and without her know how, they can't even begin to find their way to The Throne Room (Psh, yeah right. You'll see how "hard" it is. I guess the Pianta Deimos have no sense of direction.) and asks if that's alright with them. Volk's surprised, as Delma just dismisses it, telling her she doesn't have to act all high and mighty and they can handle it by themselves. Though, Darc tells Delma to wait and accepts Camellia to come along, as Delma's surprised by this and asks if he's kidding and tells him it's not funny, as she doesn't want to go anywhere with this old thing, as Camellia mentions that to count on Darc to really understand the reasoning behind matters such as this and guesses this is what seperates Demon girls and pups like them. Delma gets pissed and tells her to say one more word and she'll kill her, as Volk tells her she disgusts him, but Camellia doesn't care what they think of her, since she has no rason to bow her head to Deimos like them, since they're below her, as Delma tells her to listen to herself, as she's just a head, but Darc stops the fighting, telling them she's going with them and that's that and he wants no complatins and asks if they hear him. Delma sees she has no choice and Volk sees it can't be helped, as Camellia tells him she'll never forget this, as you regain control of Darc. Go ahead and outfit Camellia with any extra Equipment you may have and then exit The Varam Barrens and back on the World Map, head to Orcoth now, so you can talk to Gorma about the Firble. Fight any Battles you come across and once you're back at Orcoth, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Orcoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 13-14. Items To Get: None. Once you arrive back at Orcoth, go and see Gorma and speak with him. He tells Darc he's glad to see him safe and he asks about the Humans as The Varam Barrens. Darc tells him they almost had them, but they escaped, as Gorma understands and then asks Darc if he wanted to talk to him about the Firble. Darc tells him yes and that they gave it the three kinds of food like he told them to do, but nothing happened and he tricked them. Though, Gorma tells him to wait a minute and asks if he's sure the Firble hasn't changed at all and if it sleeps, but never wakes up and Darc's shocked that he knows this. Gorma tells him that he forgot to tell him, but during their evolution into Pyrons, the Firbles go into a deep sleep and Darc's even more surprised now and sees that their Firble, as Gorma finishes for him and states will become a Pyron. Darc understands, but asks him how he could've forgotten to tell them something so important and Gorma tells him he didn't mean anything and he's been forgetful lately and asks him to forgive him. Darc forgives him and tells him that once they have their Pyron, they can head for Adenade and thanks him for everything and Gorma tells him it's no trouble and he's happy to serve him, but asks if he could ride the Pyron once someday and Darc tells him once they kill the Humans, he'll be the first to ride it and he becomes happy. You'll now be back in control of Darc. Go ahead and heal up, but don't bother buying any new Equipment here for any of your party members, even Camellia, because you'll soon be able to buy better things and it'd be a waste to spend money on things that'll be obsolete in just a little while. When you're ready, leave Orcoth and back on the Word Map, head to The Church Ruins now and once there, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Church Ruins - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 13-14. Items To Get: None. As you arrive here, the Orcon Darc hired earlier to guard the Firble tells him something terrible happened to the Firble and Darc asks him what happened to it and he tells him it suddenly went up in flames and turned into a huge Monster and Darc understands and sees the day has come finally, but the Orcon tells him he didn't do anything and for him to believe him and Darc tells him he knows and it's not his fault and that he did a good job of defending the Firble the whole time and he can go back to Orcoth now, as the Orcon is surprised. Darc tells him that Orcoth is in trouble and if he can go and help and he tells him yes and walks off, as Darc notes that they finally have their Pyron. Well, if you go and check the nest, it's not there, so head up to where Darc and Delma flew around earlier and you'll see your Pyron waiting. Darc sees he's a Pyron and Camellia comments on how she can't believe she's seeing a legendary Pyron in a place like this. Volk asks if she knows about Pyrons and she tells him of course, as she asks if he knows who she is and restates who she is, as Volk mentions for a tiny Firble to grow into something so big, seems Gorma was right after all and Darc agrees. Delma asks how do they ride it, since it's so big and if they all got on, they'd fall off, as Camellia tells them not to worry, as they can change their size at will and it looks like it trusts them and she tells Darc to talk to it and it should take him where ever he wants to go, right then and there. So, Darc talks to it and asks it to take them to Adenade, as it flies off and Delma asks what's going on, as it just flew away by itself and Camellia tells her not to worry, it's just flying into the air to get bigger and it'll be back and so it does come back, much, MUCH bigger. Darc tells them to get on, as they all fly off to Adenade. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Pyron - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 13-14. Items To Get: None. Once you arrive there, Delma comments on how flying is amazing and asks if they loved it, but Volk hated it and he's still queasy from it. Though, Darc asks Camellia asks why the Pyron landed here and not at the shrine and if she knows, as she explains that it's said Pyrons will die if they're far from waterlands like these and their diet relies heavily on water plants and they're rather strange Monsters. Darc sees this and makes a comment on how they're similar to Firbles and then Camellia tells him they've got to get to the Coleopt Shrine quickly or the Humans will get there before them and he agrees, telling everyone to get going. Well, back in control now, you'll notice you can now use the Pyron in Battle with Darc and you can even view his stats, give him new moves, etc on the Menu, so check that out and be sure to read the section I have here in this walkthrough about the Pyrons, so you know how to use it properly in the game and that can be found under Section V. How To Play, A. Controls And Menus. If you want to go back to Aldrow or perhaps Rest or Save, talk to your Pyron and select what you want to do, other wise, leave the Pyron and once on the World Map, I suggest you head to Rueloon to get some new Equipment for now, so to do so, cross over the Ngai Plains, which is a random Battle, so deal with it and then once you arrive at Rueloon, enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rueloon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 13-14. Items To Get: Ancient Tablet 5. Once you arrive at Rueloon, there's a few things to check out here, mainly the Quorup Shops and what they're selling, as well as the Rueloon Arena, but I'd ignore that for a good while, as you're nowhere even close to beginning to be able to win that. Just wait a while and I'll tell you when to head back here to fight in the Rueloon Arena. For now, talk to the Quorup and buy anything you may want, but notice now that they sell Pyron Foods, which, you'll know what these do if you read the Pyron section that I mentioned just a little while ago, so if you wish to power your Pyron up, buy whatever foods you need and do what you need to do. I've explained how, you just need to make it happen. Now, once you've finished stocking up on whatever you bought and explore Rueloon, there's one more thing to get and that is the Ancient Tablet 5. Right near the staircase leading up to the Rueloon Arena and Inn, head west near it and you'll enter a hidden little area and in the grass is the Ancient Tablet 5. Pick it up, as you read it and it talks about carrying a torch now with love, I'll light the way from where you stand. Darc's silent, then completely confused by this, wondering if they're trying to make fun of him, mentioning of course you start your quest from where you stand, where else and goes on about how Kirjath thinks this'll save him. Anyway, back in control now, go ahead and follow the rest of the path into this alley and you'll see a woman back here. Talk to her and she's crying and ask her why and she tells you about how she tried to set up shop here, but the Quorup are very territorial and she was forced to sell her Coleopt Froth from here. Tell her you'll buy some and she'll sell you it. I suggest if you have the money you buy at least four, one for every party member, because trust me, you'll thank me later in the upcoming Battles. Anyway, whenever you're done with your business here, go ahead and exit Rueloon and back on the World Map, you'll want to head to The Coleopt Shrine now, so go ahead and cross through the Ngai Plains and Tsatuga Plateau, fighting the random Battles there and ignore the path that leads to Sara Woods and The Elzark Grasslands, since they're random Battles and nothing is there, so don't bother unless you want Experience and Gold. Anyway, once you're at The Coleopt Shrine, go ahead and enter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Coleopt Shrine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Level To Train To: 14-15. Items To Get: 100 Spirit Stones, 160 Spirit Stones, 480 Gold, 960 Gold, Ancient Tablet 4, Aquamarine, Black Rose Thorn, King-Size Soap, Life Tree Berry, Water Balm x3 and Water Shy. As you enter The Coleopt Shrine, Darc and his party come in walking, as Darc comments on if this is the entrance to the shrine and Camellia tells him to be on guard, as the Coleopt who guard this place are warriors who are totally unafraid to die, but Delma gets cocky and asks where the big, strong Soldiers all are, since everyone seems to be laid back and tells Darc not to trust Camellia, since she's never had Battle Experience and she's just scared. Though, Camellia asks if she's being called a liar and Delma asks where the strong Deimos are then and calls them out, but Volk calls Delma and she tells him to shut up, as he tells her she's to talk, since it's getting hard to work with her. Darc ges fed up and tells them to just get going. You'll be back in control now, so just go ahead and follow the path here, talking to anyone if you want, but once you get near The Coleopt Shrine, you'll be stopped by a Coleopt. He'll tell you who he and everyone else is, but Darc cuts him short and tells him he's here for the Miracle Stone and to not get in their way. The Coleopt tells him anyone who passes by this point is deemed an intruder and to leave immediately. Volk will come out and ask what to do, so go ahead and choose to force your way in if you're ready. Once you do, Darc tells him they're going in and asks him if he'd ever retreat, as Volk agrees, stating there's no point if they don't go in and if they don't, the Humans wills. Darc agrees and the Coleopt attacks. Prepare your party as much as you can and then go ahead and start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #24 - Beat The Coleopt Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Coleopt x6. Objects - None. Strategy - This Battle can go either of two ways. 1. Either really, really, easy like a normal Battle or 2. Hard as HELL. Usually, it goes with number 1, but my first time through, it went with number 2. The only thing to watch for in this Battle is the Coleopt using their Coleopt Liquid Sphere, as Camellia will warn Darc about here. If you're hit by it, everything pretty much is lowered and your attacks deal 1 damage and you take more damage yourself. It's a real pain in the ass, trust me. Skills still work, so that's a plus. But, the best thing you can do is to destroy these things as fast as possible. They do, however drop Coleopt Froth, the ONLY cure to their status ailment they inflict. (Or you can wait till the Battle ends. Either way works.) The Battle itself isn't hard at all and it's that minor inconvience that'll set you back. After the Battle, Camellia tells Darc he may have to reconsider and Darc asks her about what, as she tells him if he acts harshly, he'll just upset the Coleopt Army and that she doesn't want them to think she's part of some vulgar, rude group and hopes he understands. Though, Delma gets fed up as usual and tells her to get over herself and that they probably already think she's just like them, but Darc tells them they're going in, as the discussion ends. Back in control, go ahead and enter The Coleopt Shrine. Once inside, follow the path and you'll be stopped as you hear a rumbling. Darc asks what it is, as a section of the wall breaks open, revealing a worm type creature. Darc wonders if it's a Monster, as the worm, or rather, "Mysterious Tentacle" speaks to them, addressing them by intruders dedefiling the shrine and tells them to leave. Darc's surprised it can talk, as the ground shakes again and Camellia wonders if there's more troops, but the Mysterious Tentacle disappears. Darc asks what the hell that was and that it left, as Delma mentions it must've been afraid of them, but Darc disagrees. Just then, Volk tells them he hears something and it's a Human voice. Darc's suprirsed again and Volk tells him he hears Human voices below. Though, Delma doesn't believe it, since this is the only entrance to the shrine, but how could they have gotten in, she wonders. Darc tells her they'll find out soon and to hurry. Back in control again, step over the debre and head down the stairs. (Also, if you have Coleopt Froth now, be sure to give at least one to each party member, so they can be prepared for attacks in the future.) As you arrive in the next room, Darc sees Dizweld Soldiers come rushing in, as the Officer tells his men that the Miracle Stone is nearby and to hurry. Darc calls to them, mentioning they snuck in and a Soldier sees it's a Deimos and that Deimos are here, as Darc tells them to move, since the Miracle Stone will be his, as you enter a Battle. Gear up and prepare and when you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #25 - Beat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Commander, Foot Soldier x6 and Rifleman x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Feh. Too simple. Don't worry, yet again, another easy Battle. Just make sure you Steal from the Commander or kill him first to get a Broken Sword from him possibly, which sells for a decent price. After this, just slaughter everyone else, as this is not a real challenge to you at all. After the Battle, the Officer sees it's come down to this, as a great army has been defeated by a few Deimos, but he orders his one remaining Soldier to follow him, as they have to get to the Miracle Stone before the Deimos do and they run off. Delma comments on how easy the Humans were, but Volk mentions how something's off and their alpha isn't anywhere near here, as Camellia realizes they were just a distraction and the Commander's gone inside. Darc asks if they think they can beat them and orders everyone to get moving, as you regain control of Darc. Follow the path and go after the Dizweld Soldiers and in the next area, you'll see a scene of the Dizweld Soldiers rushing in and seeing they found a Treasure Chest on a alter and the Miracle Stone must be in there. The Officer tells him to go ahead, as they head to the Treasure Chest, with Darc and the others coming in. Darc asks Camellia what she's doing, because the Humans will get the Miracle Stone if they don't hurry, but she starts wimpering. Darc asks what's wrong and what could she be doing now and she tells him that her ulcers are acting up and he calls her useless and to wait there. Back in control, head after the Dizweld Soldiers. Once you reach them, Darc tells them to wait, as he's not giving them the Miracle Stone. The Officer tells him to shut up and they'll be happy to fight them, after they get the Miracle Stone, but Volk tells them either way, this is where they die, as the Officer walks over to the Treasure Chest, but steps on a floor grid and wonders what it is. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking and Darc asks what it is and what's happening, as parts of the floor change areas and they're trapped on this other side. Camellia walks up and laughs, telling them the Miracle Stone isn't there and it's not the Throne Room, but the Sealed Chamber and The Coleopt Shrine has been a labyrinth from time immemorial and without her knowledge, they'll never make it. She tells them that inside that Treasure Chest is the strongest, most evil Monster ever made, created by the Divine Ruler who betrayed the Gods, the ancient Monster, Bebedora and no one can oppose her and she tells them the Miracle Stone is now hers, as she runs off. Darc curses her, as suddenly, a voice tells them an ancient seal and curse is here and death to all those who go against it, as Bebedora wakes up and asks if it's time to get up already. Delma's in disbelief that that's the strongest Monster of all time and how disappointing it is. Though, Volk mentions even Camellia can't be right all the time. Bebedora introduces herself and asks the Dizweld Soldiers who they are, but they tell her even if she is a little girl, they'll do anything they have to get the Miracle Stone and get rid of anything in their way, as she asks if they're enemies and if so, she must destroy them and laughs. Suddenly, the Officer starts acting weird and asks what's going on, as she starts moving and mentions he can't move his body. Bebedora tells him he's her puppet, his servent, as the Soldier asks if he's alright, but the same happens to him and can't understand what it is. They then turn around and draw their weapons, ready to attack Darc and the others, as Darc comments on how they're acting and tells everyone to be careful, as you enter a Battle. Prepare your party members and then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #26 - Beat The Dizweld Army! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Commander and Rifleman. Objects - None. Strategy - HA! What a joke! Two enemies? Please, end this quickly. Steal from the Commander or kill him first to get a Super Bomb possibly, then go ahead and kill the other enemy. Too simple. After the Battle, Bebedora comments on how her puppets "broke" and that people break easily. She tells them her next puppets will be sturdier, as she brings two Skull Warriors to live and you enter another Battle. Again, prepare your party and then start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #27 - Defeat All Enemies! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Kill all enemies. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Skull Warrior x2. Objects - None. Strategy - Well, this is certainly alot harder than the last fight. Even though yet again there's only two enemies, they aren't pushovers. Forget trying to Steal from the Skull Warriors and just kill them instead, FAST. They can dish out a VERY high amount of damage easily and they can lower your ATT, so word of the wise, fight them and kill them as soon as possible. Just don't die and heal if you need to. They aren't too hard, but just kill them before they get to you and don't wait around. After the Battle, Bebedora sees her puppets broke again, as Delma comments on how Bebedora's the only one left and Volk tells them he'll handle her, but Darc warns him not to get too close. Volk asks what's there to be afraid of and tells him she just gives orders, that's all and can't be that strong and Darc tells him if he messes this up, she'll be controlling him as well, just like those Humans. Volk understands and Darc desides to talk to her and approaches her, confirming her name for himself and tells her they aren't the Humans that disturbed her rest and they're Deimos, like her. She seems a bit surprised that they're like her and Deimos, but she doesn't know what a Deimos is and tells him she's Bebedora, a Monster made by the Divine Ruler and wonders if they aren't enemies. Darc tells her they just came for the Miracle Stone and they have no intention of fighting her and asks her to let them leave. She's silent, but then comments on his soul being the color of a clear blue sky and he isn't lying. She tells him to push a switch nearby if he wants to leave and he understands and thanks her. Again, she's silent, but starts reading him again, telling him he's mysterious and his colors and shades are always changing, many lights and he's different from other Monsters and Humans as well and she tries to make sense of it, as Monsters don't speak, but Humans do, but he's not Human and wonders if he's really a Deimos and if all Deimos are like him. Darc asks what does she mean, because he's just Darc, he who will be the Deimos King and it doesn't matter if he's Human or Deimos, but Bebedora tells him that's not what he thinks at all. Delma then calls to Darc and tells him they should leave, since Bebedora gives her the creeps, as Bebedora reads Delma, asking if she's a Deimos and tells her the fire of Battle burns in her soul and they are vivid and bright, nothing like Darc's and only he's different and she finds it strange and starts wondering again about the not being Human or Deimos and wonders what he is and isn't sure. (Trust me, she's like this for the WHOLE game. Deal with it. She's VERY weird.) Though, Volk tells Darc not to worry about it and to just push the switch over there so they can leave. After agreeing, you're back in control of only Darc now. Go ahead and head to where Bebedora pointed and hit the switch, as all the water drains away. After this, Delma gets surprised, as Bebedora comes out from her Treasure Chest and she tells Darc about it, as he comes back to them and she tells him that she's decided she going with him and she wants to see more of his soul. Darc's a bit shocked by this and she tells him that the great power wihin her commands her and she is his puppet and he asks if she'll follow him, but Delma tells him they should leave her behind and they have no idea what's going on in her head, as Volk tells him she'll be far better in Battle than Camellia and they can use her Manipulation Skills and asks what he thinks. Darc comments on how she can control people and he agrees she can come if she wants to, but she serves him and she makes a weird comments that she's his puppet, but they are both controlled and control and joins you. Delma gets mad that another weirdo is with them and Volk just tells her not to talk, as she gets mad and asks what did he say and he just walks to Darc and rejoins him, asking if she wanted to kill Darc or not and he doesn't understand her. She tells him to shut up and who understands anyone and she's not like Bebedora and actually has a goal and Darc tells her to stop mumbling and to hurry up, as she gets mad and joins him. Well, you now have Bebedora in your party. If you have anything extra, Equip her now and then when you're ready, head down the stairs near the switch you just pushed and open the Treasure Chest here to get 960 Gold, 100 Spirit Stones and a Black Rose Thorn. Then, head back to Bebedora's Treasure Chest and follow the path around and down the stairs, following the path and head east, ignoring the door and Save Point for a minute. Open the next Treasure Chest you come to to get 160 Spirit Stones, a Aquamarine and Water Balm x3. Then, continue to follow the path and you'll find the Ancient Tablet 4, as Darc reads it and sees it says something about wondering if the wind strong enough to fly and carry them and if there will be a wave from across the Sea to cool them, as the eyes of hope shine before them across the fire. Darc wonders if the wind, water and fire have to do with the Five Great Spirit Stones or if they mean something else, but he swears he heard this somewhere before. (Hint, hint: Lilia.) After this, follow the path to where you came into this room and now head down the steps to the west and open the final Treasure Chest to get 480 Gold, a King-Size Soap, a Life Tree Berry and a Water Shy. After this, head back to the Save point, Save your game, heal up, whatever and when you're ready, head through the door. As you enter, you'll see Camellia running around the room, begging for forgiviness and to have them stop this, as Selkis, a giant Coleopt, calls her a foolish Deimos and tells her the crime of ignoring her warnings and intruding into her lair is a huge one and for her not to think she'll leave alive. Just then, Darc and the others come in and he asks what this place is and Delma mentions it's full of eggs. Selkis sees Darc and his group and comments on another Deimos wanting evolution, as Volk mentions she must be the alpha and Delma asks him if he's sure and she sees now that that huge bug is the boss. Though, Camellia comes running up to Darc, telling him he came just in time and she was about to be killed and she has the Miracle Stone and for everyone to go and kill her. Volk calls her a traitor and asks how could she ask something like that, as Delma tells her she's better off dead, but Darc tells them something's wrong, as four Coleopts appear from the eggs. Darc realizes that this is where she lays her eggs and they just walked out of the frying pan and into the fire and Delma realizes this too, as all the eggs are enemies. Selkis laughs and tells her it's too late to realize that now and that her children, her servents, her Coleopt are to defeat the intruders now, as you enter a Battle. Again, prepare your party, since Camellia's back with you and once you're ready, start the Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Story Battle #28 - Defeat Queen Selkis! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions To Win - Defeat Selkis. You'll Lose If - The entire party is disabled. Enemies In This Battle - Coleopt x4, Selkis and Tentacle x4. (There's other Monsters that come in, but they are random.) Objects - None. Strategy - Heh, get ready for a REAL fight here. Even though this looks like a joke, it's not. The Tentacles may be Level 1, but they can take alot of damage AND they can create Monsters to send at you, either being Coleopt or Coleopt Larva, which can be a constant pain to you. For the most part, focus on destroying the four Tentacles first and don't worry about Selkis or her four Coleopt. They don't move or do anything until you get near them, so focus all you have on the Tentacles. Also, feel free to use your Spirit Stones as much as you want in this Battle. It doesn't matter and you'll see why afterwards. Make sure you have at least one Coleopt Froth per person or someone who has multiple ones they can use on others if need be. After you destroy the Tentactles and any Monsters it creates, direct your assault on the four Coleopts and then Selkis. If you just go and rush Selkis, you can win, but it'll be hard with all the monsters in the way. I'm not sure if Selkis has anything to Steal, because I couldn't grab anything from her and I was getting too weak to even begin to continue. When you get to her, KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. She likes to attack multiple people at close range, so attack her with your Skills or if possible, rush in and attack with two people if one of them has their TNS Meter filled. Two good Tension hits and she'll go down for the count. Just be sure to use Camellia's Healing Rain on everyone, since you WILL need it after Selkis starts attacking you constantly. Just keep your assault up, make sure everyone has enough Hit Points and hit her with everything you got and heal yourself if you're hit with the Coleopt Liquid Sphere and you'll come through fine. After the Battle, Camellia tells them they have nothing to worry about, if they work together, as Delma gets pissed and asks what does she mean by that, since they haven't forgiven her yet and Volk tells her traitors must be punished. Camellia tells them to wait and tells them she scouted this room out mainly to help Darc, as Bebedora sees she's lying and tells her she's just talking lies, as they're tan colored desperation, filled with black despair and mentions how everything returns to darkness. Though, Camellia tells her to stay out of it, but then asks who she is and she introduces herself, as Camellia's shocked and asks if she isn't the strongest, most evil Monster and Delma confirms it, telling her at least she fights with them, as Volk asks Camellia if she's ready, as she screams and rushes to Darc and asks him to forgive her, as Darc stands looking at the Miracle Stone. Just then, he talks, mentioning that the Miracle Stone is actually one of the Great Spirit Stones, as Camellia calls to him again and Delma asks him if he's going to kill Camellia or not. Just then, the Water Spirit appears, telling Darc to listen to the voice of the Spirits, calling him the Chosen One again. He introduces himself and then tells him he must not fight, as violence solves nothing and neither does hatred. He goes on to tell him he shouldn't fill the world with negative intentions or emotions and to save the world from the darkness, as he disappears. Volk asks if that was a Spirit, as Delma's a bit confused, but Camellia asks if she's never heard of them and tells her about the Five Great Spirits and how everyone is blessed by them and their power protecting everything in the world and how they put their power into the Spirit Stones before leaving this world and that's how they can use Magic and is totally shocked she didn't know this. Delma snaps back at her, telling Camellia she knew that, as does everyone, but she never saw a real Spirit and was just making sure. Bebedora wonders if the Spirits are her enemies, as Darc wonders about what the Water Spirit said about fighting and hatred and how nothing comes from them and mentions that's something Lilia would say. He comments on how he won't fall for the nonsense the Water Spirit said, as he mentions how if you're relaxed, you're betrayed and if you let your guard down, you're backstabbed and that's what being a Deimos is all about and he needs nothing but power, as he'll use it to save the Deimos with strife and hatred as well and that's all he wants. After this, you're prompted to Save your game. Do so and then continue on, as we are brought back to Kharg and his party. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chapter 3 - Kharg: Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CH3KC7.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VIII. The Arenas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THARE8 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= During certain parts of the game, you'll be able to head to a total of four different Arenas in the game, two for Kharg and two for Darc. Each Arena has three different sets of matches, each with their own rewards and Consolation Prizes. If you're able to beat the toughest matches each Arena has to offer, you may be rewarded VERY well for your efforts. You never know...anyway, here's a complete list of each Arena's List of matches and each prize you can win, if you quit at anytime or if you win the match completely. Also, I've listed my recommendations for Levels for when you should attempt each of the matches. Remember, these are my opinions. If you feel you can handle them earlier or you want to wait, that's fine, but it's just an idea. Here's the list: Note: Remember, this is a list for the Items you'll recieve IF you quit at a certain point and do not finish the entire Match. The item at the end of the Match that you see is the Item you'll win for beating at Match. Simple, right? Also, the Consolation Prize is the prize you get if you die in that Match. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Cathena Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CATAR8.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available ONLY to Kharg's Team. Matches - 5 Rounds, 15 Rounds and 20 Rounds. Number Of Fighters Allowed - Two. Skills? - Yes. Cathena Arena Prizes 5 Rounds - Road Of Wisdom Consolation Prize - Rotting Herb. 1. First-aid Kit x2. 2. Bomb x3. 3. Amethyst Coating x2. 4. Elixir x2. 5. Stone Bag. (Bitter Leaf x5 After You Win Stone Bag.) 15 Rounds - Road Of Valor Consolation Prize - Energy Snack. 1. First-aid Kit x3. 2. Super Bomb x2. 3. Sleep Firecracker x2. 4. Jade Beads x3. 5. Aiming Device. 6. Attack Leaf x2. 7. Bone Armband x3. 8. Revival Medicine x2. 9. Stone Holder. 10. Bitter Leaf x3. 11. Elixir x4. 12. Paralysis Firecracker x2. 13. Evasion Leaf x4. 14. Pitcher's Tale. 15. Angel Earrings. (Super-Duper Bomb x5 After You Win Angel Earrings.) 20 Rounds - Road Of Bravery Consolation Prize - Soap. 1. Aiming Device x2. 2. Stone Holder x2. 3. Guard Support x2. 4. Steel Armband x2. 5. Diamond Coating x2. 6. Critical Hit Support x3 7. Dilz Bomb x3. 8. Stone Bag x2. 9. Gale Headband. 10. Paralysis Firecracker x5. 11. Mute Stone x3. 12. Bewitching Beads x3. 13. Stone Bag x4. 14. Bountiful Fruit. 15. Dynamo. 16. Assassin Firecracker x5. 17. Titanium Armband x2. 18. Satan's Beads x2. 19. Skeleton Sticker x2. 20. Ancient Curiosity. (Secret Character Diekbeck.) (Romantic Earrings After You Win Ancient Curiosity.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Lamda Training Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LATRTE8.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available ONLY to Kharg's Team. Matches - 5 Rounds, 15 Rounds and 30 Rounds. Number Of Fighters Allowed - One. Skills? - No. Lamda Training Temple Prizes 5 Rounds - Salvation's Path Consolation Prize - Rotting Herb. 1. Good Herb x3. 2. Accuracy Leaf x2. 3. Elixir x2. 4. Great Herb x2. 5. Attack Bottle x5. 15 Rounds - Awakening's Path Consolation Prize - Energy Snack. 1. Healing Herb x3. 2. Lamda's Wonder Cure. 3. Revival Medicine. 4. Good Herb x4. 5. Guard Leaf x2. 6. Lamda's Wonder Cure x3. 7. Napping Bell. 8. Great Herb x4. 9. Putrefied Beans. 10. Revival Medicine x2. 11. Full Sails Tonic. 12. Balo Nut. 13. Bewitching Beads. 14. Reiki Leaf x2. 15. Lamda's Wonder Cure x5. 30 Rounds - Enlightenment's Path Consolation Prize - Soap. 1. Good Herb x4. 2. Heart Seed x2. 3. Revival Medicine x2. 4. Attack Bottle x2. 5. Traitor's Soul. 6. Iron Arm x2. 7. Reiki Leaf. 8. Steel Armband. 9. Diamond Coating. 10. Critical Hit Support. 11. Gale Headband. 12. Attack Bottle x5. 13. Scroll of Evasion. 14. Assassin Firecracker x2. 15. Steel Turtle Armband. 16. Balo Nut x2. 17. Full Sails Tonic x3. 18. Bewitching Beads. 19. Revival Medicine x4. 20. Power Berry x3. 21. Green Charm. 22. Angel Statuette. 23. Diamond Coating x2. 24. Napping Bell. 25. Bountiful Fruit x3. 26. Black Charm. 27. Stone Bag. 28. Skeleton Sticker x2. 29. Titanium Armband x3. 30. Bountiful Fruit x5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Orcoth Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ORCAR8.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available ONLY to Darc's Team. Matches - 5 Rounds, 15 Rounds and 30 Rounds. Number Of Fighters Allowed - One. Skills? - Yes. Orcoth Arena Prizes 5 Rounds - Mark Of Demons Consolation Prize - Rotting Herb. 1. Healing Herb x2. 2. Bomb x2. 3. Iron Skewer. 4. Thorn of Revenge. 5. Guard Fang. (Agility Bottle x5 After You Win Guard Fang.) 15 Rounds - Mark Of Carnage Consolation Prize - Energy Snack. 1. Healing Herb x4. 2. Leather Armband. 3. Good Herb x3. 4. Crystal Beads. 5. Poison Firecracker x2. 6. Aiming Device. 7. Attack Leaf x3. 8. Stone Holder. 9. Thorn of Revenge x3. 10. Magefoil. 11. Evasion Leaf x2. 12. Jade Beads x3. 13. Attack Bottle x3. 14. Napping Bell. 15. Leila's Mirror. (Blood Tears Earrings After You Win Leila's Mirror.) 30 Rounds - Mark Of Devils Consolation Prize - Soap. 1. Great Herb. 2. Elixirs x2. 3. Bone Armband x2. 4. Jade Beads x2. 5. Revival Medecine x2. 6. Gunpowder x2. 7. Nervy Cologne x2. 8. Bitter Leaf x3. 9. Ancient Herb. 10. Traitor's Soul x2. 11. Strength Drain x3. 12. Substitute Johnny. 13. Confusion Firecracker. 14. Power Berry. 15. Steel Turtle Armband x2. 16. Putrefied Beans x2. 17. Attack Bottle x5. 18. Poison Apple Essence x2. 19. Magefoil x3. 20. Bewitching Beads x3. 21. Stone Bag x2. 22. Red Charm x3. 23. Power Berry x3. 24. Strongest Herb x5. 25. Ancient Herb x5. 26. Cursed Doll. 27. Satan's Beads x2. 28. Titanium Armband x2. 29. Bountiful Fruit x3. 30. King Statuette. (Bountiful Fruit x5 After You Win The King Statuette.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Rueloon Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RUEAR8.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available ONLY to Darc's Team. Matches - 5 Rounds, 15 Rounds and 30 Rounds. Number Of Fighters Allowed - Two. Skills? - No. 5 Rounds - Title Of Warriors Consolation Prize - Rotting Herb. 1. Good Herb x2. 2. Attack Bottle x2 3. Thorn of Revenge x2. 4. Revival Medicine x2. 5. Anti-Poison Ring. (Heart Seed x5 After You Win Anti-Poison Ring.) 15 Rounds - Title Of Conquerors Consolation Prize - Energy Snack. 1. Elixir x2. 2. Super Bomb x2. 3. Shiny Grass x2. 4. Steel Spike. 5. Accuracy Leaf x3. 6. Aiming Device. 7. Aquamarine. 8. Stone Holder. 9. Anti-Poison Cologne. 10. Thorn of Revenge x3. 11. Blabbermouth Cologne x4. 12. Armored Swallowtail. 13. Poison Apple Essence. 14. Super-Duper Bomb x3. 15. Rainbow Charm. (Monster Medal After You Win Rainbow Charm.) 30 Rounds - Title Of Demons Consolation Prize - Soap. 1. Nervy Cologne. 2. Amethyst Coating x2. 3. Jade Beads x3. 4. Bone Armband x2. 5. Sleep Firecracker x3. 6. Thorn of Revenge x5. 7. Guard Support. 8. Aiming Device x3. 9. Super-Duper Bomb. 10. Armored Swallowtail x2. 11. Spirit Windmill x3. 12. Catfish Whiskers x3. 13. Steel Armband x3. 14. Full Sails Tonic x5. 15. Critical Hit Support x3. 16. Moonlight Bug. 17. Bountiful Fruit x2. 18. Mute Stone x2. 19. Bewitching Beads x2. 20. Reiki Leaf x3. 21. Diamond Coating x2. 22. Gale Headband. 23. Cursed Doll x2. 24. Assassin Firecracker x5. 25. Titanium Armband x4. 26. Skeleton Sticker x2. 27. Traitor's Soul x5. 28. Satan's Beads x4. 29. Bountiful Fruit x4. 30. Ancient Treasure. (Secret Character Choco.) (Deimos Medal After You Win Ancient Treasure.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IX. Enemies/Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENEBO9 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: If I am missing ANY dropped Items from any enemy, please let me know. Also, ANY item that is dropped, can also be stolen from the enemy, so don't think an enemy has anything different if you steal from it. That and there's NO guarantee that an enemy will drop an item after they die, so if you're fighting a Boss, be sure to Steal from them, as they will not always drop what they may have. Also, I've seen where sometimes, an enemy will drop a completely different Item instead of the one you could Steal from them. Though, if you Steal from them, they will NOT drop an Item. Just be warned. Also, the reason why there's no real stats for each enemy, is because just like in Final Fantasy Tactics or some other games, each enemy gets stronger as you go along and their Levels and Hit Points all vary, so it's really impossible to map out their stats and give you a fair read out on each one. Just be aware that as you go through the game, enemies will increase in Level as you do, but it's not the EXACT Level you are. It can either be a little lower or higher. Depends, really. By the way, if I'm missing any enemies? Let me know and I'll give you credit. Argewalt Description - A robotic machine with a Deimos inside. Items Dropped - Life Tree Berry. Armored Insect Description - A giant, Beetle looking Monster. Items Dropped - Attack Dog Description - A trained Dog, used by the Dizweld Army. Items Dropped - Bandit Description - A Human Theif, who wears a ski mask and Mexican style clothes. Items Dropped - Gale Headband and Gunpowder. Bomber Fly Description - A purplish pink, giant Wasp like Monster. Items Dropped - Cathena Soldier Description - A Human Soldier dressed in yellow, representing the Cathena Arma and armed with a Rifle. Items Dropped - Coleopt Description - A giant, Insect like Humanoid Deimos. Items Dropped - Coleopt Froth. Coleopt Larva Description - A Insect like larva that flies around. Items Dropped - Coleopt Froth. Commander Description - A Human Soldier dressed in green, representing the Dizweld Army and armed with a Sword. Items Dropped - Amethyst Coating, Bomb, Bountiful Fruit, Broken Sword, First-aid Kit and Super Bomb. Crimson Rhoke Description - A pink Bird. Items Dropped - Dancing Shell Description - A Snail looking Monster. Items Dropped - Antitoxic Nut and Poison Drug. Dandelion Description - A Dandelion Monster. Items Dropped - Dragon Fly Description - A gold, giant Wasp like Monster. Items Dropped - Red Berry. Drakyr Description - Green, Humanoid creatures with wings that use Swords as Weapons. Items Dropped - Crystal Beads, Good Herb, Life Tree Berry and Wind Balm. Foot Soldier Description - A Human Soldier dressed in green, representing the Dizweld Army and armed with a Handgun. Items Dropped - First-aid Kit. Fungus Description - A green mushroom looking monster that can fight. Items Dropped - Hunter Fly Description - A green, giant Wasp like Monster. Items Dropped - Accuracy Leaf, Green Fruit and Poison Drug. Kuskle Description - A purple, rabid Squirrel creature. Items Dropped - Ancient Herb. Laughroom Description - A yellow mushroom looking monster that can fight. Items Dropped - Ludhi Description - A Human Mercenary who's dressed in blue and uses a Claw to fight. Items Dropped - Confusion Firecracker. Mandrake Description - A flower like creature that's white. Items Dropped - Orcon Description - A green Deimos with a tail hanging off it's back. Items Dropped - Bone Armband and Good Herb. Poison Slime Description - A purple blob with an eye in the middle. Items Dropped - Antitoxic Nut. Pugnacious Description - A Human Martial Artist who's dressed in blue. Items Dropped - Rapier Description - A Human Mercenary who's dressed in red and uses a Sword to fight. Items Dropped - Revival Medicine. Rhoke Description - A blue Bird. Items Dropped - Rifleman Description - A Human Soldier dressed in green, representing the Dizweld Army and armed with a Rifle. Items Dropped - Bomb. Scorpion Description - A orange Scorpion. Items Dropped - Selkis Description - A giant, Dragonfly like Monster. Items Dropped - Shotgun Fighter Description - Human fighter dressed in grey and uses a Shotgun. Items Dropped - Bomb. Sidewinder Description - A green Snake. Items Dropped - Strength Drain. Skull Warrior Description - A Skeleton wearing a ragged Warrior's Clothing and Weapons. Items Dropped - Jade Beads. Slime Description - A green blob with an eye in the middle. Items Dropped - Soap. Spear Hunter Description - A Human fighter dressed in green and weilding a Spear. Items Dropped - Stone Tortoise Description - A stone colored Tortoise made out stone. Items Dropped - Guard Drain. Suskle Squirrel Description - A brown, rabid Squirrel creature. Items Dropped - Broken Sword and Healing Herb. Tatjana Description - A Human woman dressed in a white longcoat and using a Scientific Gun. Items Dropped - Gorgeous Ring and High Heels. Tentacle Description - A giant, worm like tentacle. Items Dropped - Viper Description - A red Snake. Items Dropped - Volk Description - A blue Lupine who uses a huge Axe. Items Dropped - Balo Nut. Wild Dog Description - A grey and purple Dog. Items Dropped - Attack Bottle. Wild Slothian Description - A white, Yeti looking creature, but MUCH smaller and weilds a hammer. Items Dropped - Energy Snack. Witch Plant Description - A green, Venus Fly Trap like Plant. Items Dripped - Antitoxic Nut. Wyvern Description - A small, green Dragon like creatre. Items Dropped - Good Herb and Healing Herb. Zoram Description - A blue Orcon warrior. Items Dropped - Zugalo Description - A pink Orcon warrior. Items Dropped - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = X. Skills/Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SKIMAG10 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Kharg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KHA10.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Special Moves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fang-Breaker Blade SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned at the start of the game. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 1 Star. Description - Damages the enemy and has a chance of lowering their ATT. Mind Scan SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Raises critical hit of your regular attack. One Last Chance SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - Raises Kharg's ATT, but lowers his DEF in return. Power Shot SP Cost - 120. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Fires a blast of Wind energy forward, causing damage. Whirlwind Crusher SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 18. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Damages the enemy and has a chance of lowering their DEF. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Magic - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 8. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Restores 25% of an ally's Hit Points. Wind Slasher SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 2 Stars. Description - A raging whirlwind slashes the enemy for damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Paulette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PAU10.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote Treatment SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Cures almost all abnormal statuses. First Aid SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned at the start of the game. Spirit Stone Cost - 6. Class - 1 Star. Description - Restores Hit Points. Hypnotize SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Puts a single enemy to Sleep. Mental Focus SP Cost - 400. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Temporaroily increases MNT. Sign Of Silence SP Cost - 160. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Silences a single enemy. Stinging Rain SP Cost - 300. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Knives rain down from above and onto the enemy, causing damage. Sling Knife SP Cost - 60. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 1 Star. Description - Throws a Knife at the enemy for some damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Maru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAR10.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote Treatment SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 8. Class - 1 Star. Description - Cures almost all abnormal statuses. First Aid SP Cost - 280. Spirit Stone Cost - 6. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Restores Hit Points. Maru's Story Time SP Cost - 180. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Maru tells a great story. Silent Arrow SP Cost - 420. Spirit Stone Cost - 20. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Silencing Arrows rain down onto the enemy, causing damage. Steal SP Cost - 220. Spirit Stone Cost - 3. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Steal the enemy's Items. Venom Arrow SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 1 Star. Description - Poisonous Arrows rain down on the enemy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Ganz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAN10.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone Crush SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 20. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Decreases the enemy's ATT and causes damage. Interceptor Stance SP Cost - 40. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - Raises counterattack rate. Rolling Axe SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - Swings Axe aroun for damage in a area. Steel Wall Guard SP Cost - 150. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Temporarily increases DEF. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Tatjana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TAT10.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Samson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAM10.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Diekbeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DIEK10.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Darc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DAR10.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Special Moves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claws Of Rage SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned whn you get the Human Equipment. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - Ferocious slicing attack that causes damage. Intimidation SP Cost - 400. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 4 Stars. Description - Sharply decreases a single enemy's SPD. Raise Spirits SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 20. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Raises moral of the party. (Read: It raises your TNS Meter.) Steal SP Cost - 120. Spirit Stone Cost - 3. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Steal the enemy's Items. Sword Of Awakening SP Cost - 270. Spirit Stone Cost - 24. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Short range slashing attack that causes damage. Vampire Fang SP Cost - 600. Spirit Stone Cost - 26. Class - 5 Stars. Description - Absorbs Hit Points from the enemy and deals damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Magic - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 8. Class - 1 Star. Description - Restores 25% of an ally's Hit Points. Refresh SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Cures almost all abnormal statuses. Slow Enemy SP Cost - 600. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 5 Stars. Description - Lowers enemy's SPD. Tornado SP Cost - 400. Spirit Stone Cost - 20. Class - 4 Stars. Description - A Tornado sucks in enemies in range and causes damage. Wind Slasher SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 1 Star. Description - A raging whirlwind that slashes the enemy for damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Delma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEL10.9 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure SP Cost - 150. Spirit Stone Cost - 8. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Restores 25% of an ally's Hit Points. Fire Storm SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Raging flames spread over a wide area, causing damage. Flaming Arrow SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 1 Star. Description - Engulfs the enemy in flames. Magic Shield SP Cost - 300. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Raises tolerance to Elemental attacks. Raging Soul SP Cost - 550. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 4 Stars. Description - Raises ally's ATT. Refresh SP Cost - 50. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Cures almost all abnormal statuses. Speed Up SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - Raises ally's SPD. Wind Slasher SP Cost - 400. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 4 Stars. Description - A raging whirlwind that slashes the enemy for damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Densimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEN10.10 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flaming Arrow SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 1 Star. Description - Engulfs the enemy in flames. Divide SP Cost - 200. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Absorbs the enemy's Hit Points. Guard Field SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 1 Star. Description - Raises ally's DEF. Raging Soul SP Cost - 50. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Raises ally's ATT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Volk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VOL10.11 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard SP Cost - 320. Spirit Stone Cost - 18. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Blows a freezing blizzard at the enemy, causing damage. Guard Field SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Raises ally's DEF. Heated Soul SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 1 Star. Description -Raises ally's ATT. Power Loss SP Cost - 120. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Lowers enemy's ATT. Pure Silence SP Cost - 680. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 4 Stars. Description - Silences the enemy. Slow Enemy SP Cost - 400. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 4 Stars. Description - Lowers the enemy's SPD. System Shock SP Cost - 260. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 3 Stars. Description - Lowers Enemy's DEF. Water Crush SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get him. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - A water column rises up to swallow the enemy, causing damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CAME10.12 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 8. Class - 1 Star. Description - Restores 25% of an ally's Hit Points. Healing Rain SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 12. Class - 1 Star. Description - Restores 50% of an ally's Hit Points. Pure Silence SP Cost - 100. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Silences enemy. Sleepy Wind SP Cost - 80. Spirit Stone Cost - 16. Class - 2 Stars. Description - Puts the enemy to Sleep. Stone Rush SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 14. Class - 1 Star. Description - A hail of rocks rains down on the enemy, causing damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Bebedora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEB10.13 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Out SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 18. Class - 1 Star. Description - Damage from something lurking in the dark. Mind Control SP Cost - 0. Automatically learned when you get her. Spirit Stone Cost - 10. Class - 1 Star. Description - Can control some, but not all enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Choco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHO10.14 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XI. Item List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI11 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITE11.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accuracy Leaf Description - Temporarily raises hit rate of standard attack. Ancient Herb Description - Restores a little Hit Points to allies. Anti-Poison Drug Description - Raises resistance to Poison. Antitoxic Nut Description - Cures Poison. Attack Bottle Description - Raises ATT temporarily. Balo Nut Description - Raises SPD. (This is permenant.) Bomb Description - Explodes to cause small damage. Bountiful Fruit Description - Mysterious fruit that raises Level up one. Coleopt Froth Description - Eliminates all abnormal statuses. Confusion Firecracker Description - Confuses enemies. Has a long range. Elixer Description - Cures almost all abnormal statuses. Energy Cologne Description - Raises resistance to Sloth. Energy Snack Description - Cures Sloth. First-aid Kit Description - Restores 80 Hit Points to allies. Full Sails Tonic Description - Temorarily increases MOV. Good Herb Description - Restores 100 Hit Points. Great Herb Description - Restores 200 Hit Points. Green Memory Grass Description - Cures Confusion. Guard Drain Description - Lowers the enemy's DEF. Healing Herb Description - Restores 50 Hit Points. Iron Arm Description - Temporarily throw things farther. Lamda's Wonder Cure Description - Raises morale (TNS Meter fills up.) Life Tree Berry Description - Raises Max Hit Points. (This is permenant.) Memory Cologne Description - Raises resistance to confusion. Mint Description - Cures Sleep. Nerve Stimulant Description - Cures Paralysis. Numbness Apple Description - Paralyzes enemy. Painful Needle Description - Cures Silence. Poison Firecracker Description - Poisons enemies in a wide range. Poison Drug Description - Poisons enemy. Reiki Leaf Description - Raises DEF. (This is perminant.) Revival Medicine Description - Revives a fallen character. Rotting Herb Description - Restores 10 Hit Points. Silence Firecracker Description - Makes enemies in a wide range Silent. Sleep Firecracker Description - Puts enemies in a wide range to Sleep. Sleeping Pill Description - Puts enemy to Sleep. Soap Description - Cures Stickiness. Sticky Beans Description - Makes enemy Sticky. Sticky Firecracker Description - Makes enemies in a wide range Sticky. Steel Ball Description - Throw this for extensive damage to the enemy. Stone Description - Throw it to cause small damage to the enemy. Strength Drain Description - Lowers the enemy's ATT. Super Bomb Description - Explodes to damage enemies in a wide range. Water Balm Description - Temporarily raises tolerance to Water attacks. Water Shy Description - Lowers enemy's tolerance to Water attacks. Wind Balm Description - Temporarily raises tolerance to Wind attacks. Yellow Powder Description - Makes enemy Silent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Story Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STOIT11.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Tablet 1 Description - Words of the first person to encounter the Spirits. Ancient Tablet 4 Description - Words of the first person to encounter the Spirits. Ancient Tablet 5 Description - Words of the first person to encounter the Spirits. Battery Description - Use to start up the control panel? Control Parts Description - Important parts for the Auto-Pilot mechanism. Fire Fragment Description - A crystal of refined Fire Spirit Stones. Gate Key Description - A key that opens the gate to the Castle Ruins. Old Pot Description - An old pot found under a rock. Ortena Description - A musical instrument of sweet nostalgia. Phoenix Blood Description - Blood of the legendary, immortal Phoenix. Rebound Fruit Description - Counteracts gravity to allow floating. Stone-carved Bracelet Description - Bracelet carved out of a beautiful stone. Wind Stone Description - Holds the power of the Wind Spirit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Big Owl Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BIOWE11.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Pyron Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PYFO11.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Green Creeper Description - A stinky, dark green creeping vine. Green Fruit Description - A sweet smelling, bright green fruit. Red Berry Description - Red berry that smells of Sunshine. Tumble Grass Description - A fragrant grass that dulls the senses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XII. Weapon Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAPA12 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aiming Device Stats - SPD -1, MNT -1 and HIT +12. Description - Raises the hit rate of your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Amethyst Coating Stats - ATT +4 and SPD -1. Description - A amethyst coating that strengthens the Weapon well. Who Can Equip It - Aquamarine Stats - None. Description - Adds the Water Element to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Black Rose Thorn Stats - ATT +3 and HIT -1. Description - Adds Poison to standard attack. Who Can Equip It - Blue Wolf Blade Stats - GRD +10 and MNT +2. Description - An extremely sharp Water Element blade. Who Can Equip It - Broken Sword Stats - None. Description - You can get a good price for the steel scrap. Who Can Equip It - Catfish Whiskers Stats - None. Description - Adds the Earth Element to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Earth Blade Stats - ATT +12, AVO -4, GRD +10, MNT +1 and HIT +4. Description - An Earth Elemental Axe blade. Who Can Equip It - Guard Support Stats - GRD +20. Description - Raises GRD. Who Can Equip It - Gunpowder Stats - None. Description - Adds the Fire Element to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Hawk Eyes Stats - MNT +5 and HIT +4. Description - Raises the hit rate of your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Heavy Blade Stats - ATT +4, SPD -1, AVO -2 and CRI +3. Description - Adds to the Weapon's Weight to raise ATT. Who Can Equip It - Iron Skewer Stats - ATT +3. Description - A long, thin metal stick. Who Can Equip It - Knuckle Guard Stats - GRD + 10 and CNT +10. Description - Increases DEF and Counterattack. Who Can Equip It - Mute Stone Stats - MNT -3 and HIT -3. Description - Adds Silence to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Napping Bell Stats - MNT -3 and HIT -3. Description - Adds Sleep to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Poison Apple Essence Stats - MNT -3 and HIT -3. Description - Adds Poison to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Putrefied Beans Stats - MNT -3 and HIT -3. Description - Adds Stickiness to your regular attack. Who Can Equip It - Spirit Windmill Stats - None. Description - Adds the Wind Element to your regular attack Who Can Equip It - Steel Spike Stats - ATT +5. Description - A very sharp, pointed spike. Who Can Equip It - Stone Coating Stats - ATT +2 and SPD -1. Description - A stone coating that slightly strengthens the Weapon. Who Can Equip It - Thorn Of Revenge Stats - ATT +2, AVO -4 and CNT +20. Description - Raises the rate of Counterattack. Who Can Equip It - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIII. Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ACCES13 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Armored Swallowtail Stats - DEF +8, SPD -1 and AVO -3. Description - A Butterfly with metal wings. Who Can Equip It - Blood Anklet Stats - DEF +8, SPD -1 and GRD +15. Description - Proof of an Orcon's Mettle. Who Can Equip It - Bone Armband Stats - DEF +5 and SPD -2. Description - A defensive armband made of a Monster's Bone. Who Can Equip It - Crystal Beads Stats - SPD -4 and MNT +5. Description - Small, translucent Crystal Beads. Who Can Equip It - Gogeous Ring Stats - SPD -9. Description - Enemies drop twice as much money. Who Can Equip It - Green Charm Stats - SPD -1. Description - Raises tolerance to Wind attacks. Who Can Equip It - Jade Beads Stats - SPD -3 and MNT +8. Description - Jade beads on a string. Who Can Equip It - King-Size Soap Stats - None. Description - Renders Stickiness ineffectual. Who Can Equip It - Leather Armband Stats - DEF +3 and SPD -1. Description - A defensive band made from a beast's hide. Who Can Equip It - Yellow Charm Stats - SPD -1. Description - Raises tolerance to Earth attacks. Who Can Equip It - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIV. Shop Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOGUI14 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Yewbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ YEWB14.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Part Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Parts Stone Coating - 120 Gold. Amethyst Coating - 320 Gold. Thorn Of Revenge - 240 Gold. Aiming Device - 240 Gold. Gunpowder - 240 Gold. Accessories Leather Armband - 120 Gold. Stone Holder - 240 Gold. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Herb - 20 Gold. Good Herb - 50 Gold. Revival Medicine - 160 Gold. Antitoxic Nut - 30 Gold. Mint - 30 Gold. Soap - 40 Gold. Painful Needle - 40 Gold. Green Memory Grass - 50 Gold. Nerve Stimulant - 50 Gold. Energy Snack - 40 Gold. Energy Cologne - 320 Gold. Stone - 20 Gold. Bomb - 120 Gold. Spirit Stones - 2 Gold per Spirit Stone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hela - 10 Gold. (Acts as a Inn.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Orcoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ORC14.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Quorup Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items Phoenix Blood - 100 Gold. (There's only one in stock.) Healing Herb - 20 Gold. Good Herb - 50 Gold. Revival Medicine - 160 Gold. Antitoxic Nut - 30 Gold. Mint - 30 Gold. Soap - 40 Gold. Attack Bottle - 220 Gold. (Note: The below are available after Darc and his team acquire Human Equipment.) Weapon Parts Stone Coating - 120 Gold. Iron Skewer - 240 Gold. Gunpowder - 240 Gold. Aquamarine - 240 Gold. Accessories Leather Armband - 120 Gold. Stone Holder - 240 Gold. Spirit Stones - 2 Gold per Spirit Stone. Quorup - 10 Gold. (Acts as a Inn.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. The Republic Of Cathena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRFC14.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Part Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Parts Stone Coating - 120 Gold. Amethyst Coating - 320 Gold. Guard Support - 260 Gold. Spirit Windmill - 240 Gold. Catfish Whiskers - 240 Gold. Poison Apple Essence - 1,200 Gold. Napping Bell - 1,000 Gold. Putrefied Beans - 1,000 Gold. Mute Stone - 1,600 Gold. Accessories Leather Armband - 120 Gold. Bone Armband - 320 Gold. Crystal Beads - 200 Gold. Jade Beads - 420 Gold. Yellow Charm - 480 Gold. Green Charm - 480 Gold. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Equipment (Item) Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Herb - 20 Gold. Good Herb - 50 Gold. Great Herb - 100 Gold. Revival Medicine - 160 Gold. Antitoxic Nut - 30 Gold. Mint - 30 Gold. Soap - 40 Gold. Painful Needle - 40 Gold. Green Memory Grass - 50 Gold. Nerve Stimulant - 50 Gold. Elixer - 120 Gold Lamda's Wonder Cure - 200 Gold. Poison Drug - 80 Gold Sleeping Pill - 80 Gold. Sticky Beans - 60 Gold Yellow Powder - 100 Gold. Poison Firecracker - 360 Gold. Sleep Firecracker - 360 Gold. Sticky Firecracker - 360 Gold. Silence Firecracker - 360 Gold. Steel Ball - 120 Gold. Bomb - 120 Gold. Super Bomb - 320 Gold. Iron Arm - 240 Gold. Full Sails Tonic - 260 Gold. Spirit Stones - 2 Gold per Spirit Stone. Hela - 20 Gold. (Acts as a Inn.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Rueloon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RUEL14.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Part Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Parts Stone Coating - 120 Gold. Amethyst Coating - 320 Gold. Heavy Blade - 520 Gold. Steel Spike - 460 Gold. Thorn Of Revenge - 240 Gold. Aiming Device - 240 Gold. Aquamarine - 240 Gold. Catfish Whiskers - 240 Gold. Accessories Bone Armband - 320 Gold. Leather Armband - 120 Gold. Crystal Beads - 200 Gold. Jade Beads - 420 Gold. Armored Swallowtail - 520 Gold. Stone Holder - 240 Gold. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Item Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Herb - 20 Gold. Good Herb - 50 Gold. Revival Medicine - 160 Gold. Antitoxic Nut - 30 Gold. Mint - 30 Gold. Green Memory Grass - 50 Gold. Nerve Stimulant - 50 Gold. Elixer - 120 Gold Poison Drug - 80 Gold Sleeping Pill - 80 Gold. Sticky Beans - 60 Gold Yellow Powder - 100 Gold. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Pyron Foods - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Berry - 12 Gold. Green Fruit - 16 Gold. Deep Green Creeper - 45 Gold. Tumble Grass - 120 Gold. Spirit Stones - 2 Gold per Spirit Stone. Quorup - 40 Gold. (Acts as a Inn.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Coleopt Woman's Shop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coleopt Froth - 160 Gold. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XV. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR15 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New Game+ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you complete the game, let the Credits role and you'll be prompted to Save your game and then to start over. In New Game+, you can start with Kharg having a King Statuette, 3 Diamond Coatings, 100,000 Gold and 999 Spirit Stones and you can start with Darc having a Romantic Stone, 3 Diamond Coatings, 10 Bountiful Fruit, 50 Dilzweld Bombs, 100,000 Gold and 999 Spirit Stones. It's up to you, but it's a very nice addition to the replay value. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Unlock Choco - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unlock Choco, Darc's secret party member, beat the 30 Round Arena Trial in Rueloon and she'll join you. Just be sure you're strong enough to beat the 30 Round Arena Tirla, as it'll prove VERY difficult if you're not at least Level 25 or so. Note: Choco isn't allowed to participate in any Story Battles, except against the final Boss. This is due to her not having any part in the main story at all and you'll notice she is not in ANY scenes, besides her introduction scene. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Unlock Diekbeck - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unlock Diekbeck, Kharg's secret party member, beat the 30 Round Arena Trial in Cathena and he'll join you. Just be sure you're strong enough to beat the 30 Round Arena Trial, as it'll prove VERY difficult if you're not at least Level 25 or so. Note: Diekbeck isn't allowed to participate in any Story Battles, except against the final Boss. This is due to him not having any part in the main story at all and you'll notice he is not in ANY scenes, besides his introduction scene. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XVI. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED16 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this walkthrough possible. Here's the following people I'd like to thank: Cattle Call - For making this game, of course. Without them, this game wouldn't be here, now would it? Also, you guys did a WONDERFUL job on this game. I haven't played the other games before this one, but I'll be sure to now at least give them a shot! Thanks! Myself - For actually sitting down and doing this walkthrough. I hope you enjoyed it and it helped you while playing the game. ^_^ Stephen Ng - For allowing me to write this for IGN. Without him, this whole thing wouldn't be here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XVII. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO17 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to and label the subject as "Submit-Twilight" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Twilight" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides IGN and is not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits. I am not affiliated with Cattle Call, nor the people who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits. Copyright © 2003 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.