SIMPLE 1500 SERIES Vol.52 THE PURORESU 2 for the SONY PLAYSTATION Developed by Yukes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple 1500 Series Vol.52 The Puroresu 2 ENGLISH SCREEN TRANSLATIONS Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved. v1.0d Written By Frank James Chan Based on a format designed by The Mysterious Kagura The latest revision of this document can always be found at Last Updated 12/18/2000 This file may be posted on Web sites or be distributed in any other electronic medium so long as proper credit is given and the original source of the file is acknowledged. It cannot be sold without prior consent from the author. This document is best viewed with a monospaced font such as Courier, without word wrap, for the text to be aligned as intended. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S I. Menu Controls II. Mode Select III. Exhibition IV. Champion Road V. Wrestler Edit VI. Option VII. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I. M E N U C O N T R O L S Directions Move Cursor O Button Choose X Button Cancel When a menu has more than one page, the page number is shown on the bottom-right corner (ie. "01/02" is page 1 of 2). The menu items are listed accordingly in the translations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. M O D E S E L E C T Exhibition Champion Road Wrestler Edit Option ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. E X H I B I T I O N -Initial Screen Single Match Battle Royal Death Match -SINGLE MATCH 1st Screen: 1P vs CP 1P vs 2P CP vs CP 2nd Screen: WRESTLER SELECT 3rd Screen: RULE screen 1 -- Finishes 1) Fall & Give Up (Pinfalls and Submissions count) 2) Fall Only (Pinfalls Only) 3) Give Up Only (Submissions only) 4th Screen: RULE screen 2 -- Count Outs 1) 10 Count 2) No Count 5th Screen: Begin Match (for confirmation; no options) -BATTLE ROYAL 1st Screen: 1P vs CP vs CP vs CP 1P vs 2P vs CP vs CP CP vs CP vs CP vs CP (Watch) 2nd Screen: WRESTLER SELECT 3rd Screen: RULE screen -- Finishes 1) Fall & Give Up (Pinfalls and Submissions count) 2) Fall Only (Pinfalls Only) 3) Give Up Only (Submissions only) 4th Screen: Begin Match (for confirmation; no options) -DEATH MATCH 1st Screen: 1P vs CP 1P vs 2P CP vs CP 2nd Screen: WRESTLER SELECT 3rd Screen: Normal (Standard canvas) Tatami (Straw Mat; soft, less damage) Concrete (more damage) 4th Screen: Normal No Ropes Barbedwire Cage Electrified Exploding Barbedwire If Electrified Exploding Barbedwire was chosen on 4th screen 5th Screen: Normal Switch Timer If any other option was chosen on 4th screen 5th Screen: Normal Fire Match (Inferno) 6th Screen: Confirm OK 7th Screen: RULE screen -- Finishes 1) Fall & Give Up (Pinfalls and Submissions count) 2) Fall Only (Pinfalls Only) 3) Give Up Only (Submissions only) If Electrified Exploding Barbedwire was chosen on 4th screen 8th Screen: KO stops the match No KO If any other option was chosen on 4th screen, go directly to 9th 9th Screen: Begin Match (for confirmation; no options) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. C H A M P I O N R O A D -Initial Screen New Game Continue Game -VS Screen Begin Match Quit Game ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. W R E S T L E R E D I T -Initial Screen The first screen that appears in the Edit mode is a listing of all the wrestlers in the game. Choose his/her name to edit the settings, including appearances, names, attributes, etc. -Wrestler Edit [01/02] 1) Change Appearance -Head Parts -Torso Parts -Leg Parts -Build 2) Change Attributes (01/02) -Power Attack -Technical Attack -Speed Attack -Rough Attack (02/02) -Power Defense -Technical Defense -Speed Defense -Rough Defense 3) Change Moves (01/02) -Standing -Facing Opponent -Normal Striking -Normal Grapple -Groggy Grapple -Behind Opponent -Running -Facing Opponent -Behind Opponent -Counter Attack -Ground -Upper Body -Lower Body -Grounded Strikes -Flying -Corner Moves -Diving Over Ropes (02/02) -Corner Skill -Facing Opponent -Behind Opponent -Appeal (Taunts) -Fighting Pose (Stance) -Kill Without Fail Move (Finisher) 4) Thought Pattern (CPU Logic) -Paransu? Style -Striking Style -Throwing Style -Grounded Style -Flying Style 5) Change Name -Wrestler's Name -Nickname [02/02] 6) Default (Reset to fake defaults) -Yes -No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. O P T I O N -Initial Screen (01/02) Time Limit 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 60 Minutes (Default) No Time Limit Sound Stereo (Default) Monaural Difficulty Pro (Default) Rookie Background Music ON (Default) OFF Entrance Music Entrance Level 1 Entrance Level 2 Entrance Level 3 (Default) (02/02) Data Load Data Load Back to Options Data Save Data Save Back to Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. C R E D I T S Translations file written by "The IceMaster" Frank James Chan. Based on format originally designed by The Mysterious Kagura for "Fire Pro Wrestling S: 6Men Scramble" (Sega Saturn). Used with permission. Special Thanks DAN/Crippler19 Kilroy BTFight ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMPLE 1500 SERIES Vol.52 THE PURORESU 2 ENGLISH SCREEN TRANSLATIONS Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved.