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CAPCOM FAQ for the PSX by Joseph Christopher version 1.1 Dec. 2, 1999 this faq is copyright 1999-2000 Joseph Christopher I didn't believe there will come a time when I'll have to write something like this just to remind some people of what they all should be knowing by heart :( Anyway, here goes... By gaining access to this faq you agree to the following terms: ___________________________________________________________________________________ =================================================================================== || || || 1) I, Joseph Christopher, the author of this faq, is not in any way || || liable for any harm that anybody thinks came from reading this faq. || || Examples of this harm include physical ones, such as getting mauled || || by someone who lost to you via a technique found in this faq, and || || emotional ones, such as experiencing humiliation upon the use or || || most likely misuse of yet another technique found in this faq. || || || || 2) If this faq was accessed from a source other than gamefaqs.com, nine || || out of ten chances are it is not in its latest update. You must || || therefore read the latest version of this faq first at the said web || || site before sending in any comments, suggestions, and/or corrections. || || As for webmasters, web page contibutors, and all similar personnel, || || posting this faq on any other website requires every last sentence, || || phrase, word, and character contained within this file included and || || unaltered. Keeping this faq as updated as it is on gamefaqs.com is || || preferable, though not required. || || || || 3) This faq is not to be profited from---directly, indirectly, or in || || whatever other way possible. By directly I mean earning less than, || || equal to, or greater than a cent's worth in cash, items, or services || || in exchange for part of or all the contents of this faq. On the || || other hand, by indirectly I mean using a part of or all the contents || || of this faq as a convincing factor for the purchase of another product || || thus directly or again indirectly yielding profit. || || || || 4) You will not use even a single phrase, sentence, or concept found || || anywhere in this faq on your own work, even if you expressed it in || || your own words, without at the very least giving me, Joseph Christopher, || || the author of this faq, full credit for it. If you in any way || || incorporated even a very minute part of the strategies found in this || || faq with your own in your work, then you must at the very least give || || me partial credit for it. || || || || 5) Ignorance of the law excuses no one, therefore if ever anything || || unlawful is done to this faq and/or to me, its author, the appropriate || || legal actions will be taken. If at any point you disagree to this || || or any of the above statements, delete this faq immediately and discard || || any help it has done for you. || || || =================================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This society does not care if you're the dumbest vegetable on earth, if you do something wrong, someone will make you pay the price! ;) * Following the tradition started by Mech Zangief, Mephisto, US Agent, and the rest of the Marvel vs. Streetfighter secret character cast, this version of the Venom doesn't have a solid or even ANY history to back him up! Capcom just included him here, period. Maybe just for the fun of it, but I really can't tell. The thing is, I don't want Red Venom to go on like this, (nameless, I mean) and he simply isn't Carnage so I prefer to, sometimes, call him....."Venom's Carnage Mode" (much like Ryu and his ability to switch into Akuma or Ken Mode) There are just about as many people who think Venom's Carnage Mode is totally cool and those who think the opposite. The latter's opinion is always based on the fact that Venom's Carnage Mode "takes a jab like some people take a Shinkuu Hadouken!" (as stated by Sir "O") BUT, naturally, I wrote this faq to concentrate on why he's so cool, namely, 1. Venom's Carnage Mode is sheer speed (walk forward and he actually dashes) 2. Venom's Carnage Mode relies on berseker rage (imagine a muscle-bound Wolverine) 3. Venom's Carnage Mode has great comboability. 4. Venom's Carnage Mode has all these at once: range, speed, priority, and damage. * how to access - just finish the game once with Venom and Venom's Carnage Mode will appear above Chunli. Why read this guide: I. Legend II. General Moves III. Normal Moves IV. Supers V. Combos VI. Vs. Computer VII. Vs. Human VIII. Ending IX. Credits X. Revision History XI. Final Words %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ __ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ (_ _) ( ) ( ___) / __)( ___)( \( )( _ \ _)(_ )(__ )__) ( (_-. )__) ) ( )(_) ) (____)() (____)(____) \___/(____)(_)\_)(____/ U - up D - down B - back F - forward + - at the same time P - any punch K - any kick L - low M - medium H - high / - or %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ____ __ __ (_ _)(_ _) / __)( ___)( \( )( ___)( _ \ /__\ ( ) _)(_ _)(_ ( (_-. )__) ) ( )__) ) / /(__)\ )(__ (____)(____)() \___/(____)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____) __ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___ ( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __) ) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \ (_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/ dash - F,F / B,B (goes in direction you choose) super jump - D,U / D,UF / D,UB (goes in direction you choose) guard push - LP+MP+HP (while blocking) taunt - press select call helper- MP+MK tag super - D,DF,F+HP+HK team work - D,DB,B+HP+HK * let me explain a few things about some of the general moves: * first of all, in the PSX version, you'll have to choose only ONE partner, either one of the conventional characters ("partner heroes") or one of the helpers ("special heroes"). call helper - your helper is the character you choose after you have chosen the special heroes option. He/she basically, when called, just enters the screen, does an attack, and leaves. Fighters available in the character select screen are not available as helpers and vice versa. In the PSX version, choosing a helper does not require much effort since the cursor is at your command. Beware of the time limit though, and be sure of who you'll choose before you enter that menu. Oh, and even the secret helpers are no secret no more---just press down on Iceman to select Shadow and down on Colossus to select Sentinel. One last reminder, helpers in the PSX version are no longer limited to a certain number of strikes so, in my opinion, rammers will RULE. tag super - common to crossover fans, this move needs at least two levels of super charged up. It will allow both fighters to execute their respective supers at the same time, though the resting one, in the PSX version, will no longer be left behind as if they already "tagged" team work - a clone of your opponent enters the screen, and after that you can control both your fighters at the same time! (they'll both respond to your controls.) What's more, your super gauge is set to infinite. Yeah! This state is timed though, so use it wisely. The length of time you stay in this state is determined by the amount of super you have charged up when you did it. Oh and I did say you can choose a helper as a partner right? Well if you do, and use this move, he/she'll just enter the screen, do his/her thing, exit, and repeat the whole process over and over while you do YOUR thing and until the time runs out---again one of the reasons why rammers would RULE. (cause they'll be the ones repeating their entrances most before time runs out). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ ____ ____ _ _ _____ ____ __ __ __ __ (_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \( )( _ )( _ \( \/ ) /__\ ( ) _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ ) ( )(_)( ) / ) ( /(__)\ )(__ (____)(____)(____)() (_)\_)(_____)(_)\_)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(____) __ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___ ( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __) ) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \ (_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/ 1. LP - Venom's Carnage Mode is not one of the normal-sized players in the game, so his jab won't be quite the same. This jab reaches further, is just a little faster, and combining both properties, it becomes superior in priority. a) standing - the animation for this is identical to that of his Web Throw(see special moves section) but of course no web comes out. Quite a normal jab if you ask me so this is an exception to what I've said above. b) crouching - from a squatting position, he delivers something that's not quite a jab since he actually holds back before doing it and utilizes the full length of his arm (which is quite lenghty) And since it's just about as fast as any other, can be unexpectedly used as a counter for dash-ins, especially those that end in low attacks. c) jumping - well, he just jumps and does basically the same attack as his crouching LP. You can use it to start an air combo, but other than that I don't see any reason to do it. 2. MP - at par with the HP in being Venom's Carnage Mode's most useful move, these come with range and pack a moderately large damage as well. Combo filler, combo starter, anything that has to do with combos! That's the MPs' main uses. a) standing - well, he just stands erect and does basically the same attack as his crouching LP. You can use it to fill ground combos, but other than that, and the advantages listed under the crouching LP, I don't see any reason to do it. b) crouching - yuck. If you're disgusted by the way his tongue hangs from his mouth all the time, then don't do this move. Most of you probably wouldn't care, and this is a very useful pure-ground combo starter so I really advise using it. Oh, and in this move, he licks(!) his opponent by sticking his tongue out to its full length. c) jumping - absolutely identical to his jumping LP and will also come with similar uses---strictly for air combos only. 3. HP - at par with the HP in being Venom's Carnage Mode's most useful move, these come with much variety in the way they should be used so I'd better describe them individually, not as a whole. a) standing - this is what every MVC character has---a launcher. In this move, Venom's Carnage Mode delivers an uppercut, but not with a closed fist. Instead he claws his opponent so hard they actually rise. b) crouching - Venom's whole upper body BECOMES his mouth, complete with razor sharp teeth, and bites the opponent. Definitely High on damage, comes out a little slower but is still considered quick, and reaches, like I said, three-fourths the screen! Nice to exchange hits with. c) jumping - well, he just jumps and does basically the same attack as his crouching MP. You can use it to fill an air combo, or counter a close air to air enconter but other than those I don't see more reasons to use it. 4. LK - nothing his LKs can do that his LPs can't do better so I won't be including strategies on this but I'll describe them... a) standing - everybody's short, forward kick, very common, very useless b) crouching - everybody's crouching short, forward kick, very common, very useless (yup, the kick still looks the same even if he's crouching) c) jumping - your basic combo filler, but nothing else. Looks much like the other LKs, so won't be packing much use with it either 5. MK - looks the coolest, but is the most awkward to use. I recommend their use only as a combo filler or a super meter charger. a) standing - absolutely identical to his jumping LP and will also come with similar uses---strictly for ground combo filling only. b) crouching - again, a whole lotta little sharp beaked shapes morph from Venom's own skin this time in his back area and hit the opponent all at once. May be linked from a crouching MP and to a Death Bite but nothing more than that. c) jumping - Venom turns to YOU, compresses himself, and out comes a multitude of "spike" skins that hit the opponent wherever he is, that is, within a very short radius. Only for filling air combos. 6. HK - the multi-hitting ones. Makes use of multi-fanged mouths that take shape from his legs. These fanged mouths sort of jumps from Venom's body, hits the opponent, and goes back. a) standing - a whole lotta little sharp beaked shapes morph from Venom's own skin in his leg area and hit the opponent almost all at once. Gives two hits, may be linked to any special and to the Death Bite, but nothing more than that. b) crouching - this is an execption. Hits only once but the method by which Venom attacks in this move is very similar to the one he used in his other HKs---the fanged mouths! c) jumping - well, he just jumps and does basically the same attack as his crouching HP. Just as high on damage, as quick on execution time, but a little less on the reach factor. Use it occasionally and always link, if you're aligned horizontally with the opponent, to a Venom Fang. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ __ (_ _)( \/ ) / __)( _ \( ___) / __)(_ _) /__\ ( ) _)(_ \ / \__ \ )___/ )__) ( (__ _)(_ /(__)\ )(__ (____) \/ () (___/(__) (____) \___)(____)(__)(__)(____) __ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___ ( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __) ) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \ (_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/ 1. Lunge Bite - D,DF,F+P If you thought his crouching HP, in which half his body becomes a mouth, was cool, you'll think this is wacky. In this move Venom's Carnage Mode stands up, and does the same thing as his crouching HP, but does it up to NINE times(!), depending on which P you used and how good are you at mashing buttons. That's as far as I can get, I'm not sure if you can do more bites with this move. Use it to surprise, and to scare! ooooh... 2. Dive Bite - UB/U/UF,D,DF,F+P Looking at its code, you'd think it's just an air version of his Lunge Bite, but it's far from that. It's a lot weaker, covers a lot less range, comes out slower and only useful as an air combo ender. In this move, a whole lotta little sharp beaked shapes morph from Venom's own skin this time in his back area and hit the opponent all at once. Oh, and he dives almost vertically downwads while in this move. 3. Venom Bite - D,DF,F+K Dammit, more bites! Doesn't he know anything else to do? Anyway, if the Lunge Bite copied while greatly improving his crouching HP, this one does the same with his jumping HK. This time he does it up to SIX times(!), depending on which K you used and how good are you at mashing buttons. That's as far as I can get, I'm not sure if you can do more bites with this move. Use it to surprise, and to scare! ooooh...(just like the Lunge Bite...) 4. Web Throw - F,DF,D,DB,B+P Shows that Venom's Carnage Mode still has some Spidey moves left, but also shows he has more than double the checkered bug's strength. Hits higher because of his height, but otherwise comes out the same, with the angle of the shot also depending on the P used (the stronger P, the higher angle) However, if it connects, Venom's Carnage Mode won't rely on circular (centripetal and centrifugal) force, but rather on his own weight-lifting strength! In other words, he doesn't whirl the opponent round his head like Spidey does, but instead slams the opponent on one side, pulls and slams him again on the other, repeats, and repeats again for a number of times depending on the buttons you mashed. A good strategy would be to air combo your opponent in a corner, end it with an HK only, and pull off this move as he tries to fall and do a jump-in on you. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ___ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ___ ( \/ ) / __)( )( )( _ \( ___)( _ \/ __) \ / \__ \ )(__)( )___/ )__) ) /\__ \ \/ () (___/(______)(__) (____)(_)\_)(___/ 1) Venom Web - D,DF,F+2P This is what a true human spider should be doing, not some off-the- screen flying kicks. Venom's Carnage Mode jumps forward a little, prepares to do what looks like a jumping MK, but then flashes and out comes a screenfull of...WEB! Anyone open at that moment, unless he's at the peak of a super jump, will fall prey to this great super move. THE best super to use in a team work super because it allows your partner to pour out his/her own super while Venom's at it. Other useful reasons to do this move would be to finish what a helper started, punish a missed super, and trick a raging super-jumper. 2) Death Bite - D,DF,F+2K First, there was the crouching HK, then there was the Venom Bite. Now, this? Capcom has really overused the animation for Venom's Carnage Mode's crouching HK cause, as you can see, it has both a special and a super version! *Sigh*,...at least it's a good ground combo ender, specifically after a crouching HK, and it also is a good chipper, compared to the Venom Web, which does ZERO chip. Use it mainly to counter slow ground attacks. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ____ ___ _____ __ __ ____ _____ ___ ( \/ )(_ _) / __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( _ )/ __) \ / _)(_ ( (__ )(_)( ) ( ) _ < )(_)( \__ \ \/ (____)() \___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(____/(_____)(___/ Universal Jump-in: HK - yes, that's all you should do to start a jump-in combo. You may want to do a LK-> HK combo to start a jump-in but, can the LK really hit the opponent before he does something else? * a jump-in you MAY add while a dash-in you MUST add to any of these combos: 1. LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> Lunge Bite 2. D+LP-> D+LK-> D+MP-> D+MK-> D+HP-> Lunge Bite 3. LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> HP-> UF-> LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> HK-> Dive Bite 4. LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> Death Bite 5. D+LP-> D+LK-> D+MP-> D+MK-> D+HK-> Death Bite 6. (in corner) Wenom Web-> D+LP-> D+MP-> D+MK-> D+HP-> D+MP-> D+HP-> Venom Bite %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __) \ / _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \ \/ (____)(____)() \/ (___/() ___ _____ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____ / __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( )( )(_ _)( ___)( _ \ ( (__ )(_)( ) ( )___/ )(__)( )( )__) ) / \___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(__) (______) (__) (____)(_)\_) Well, pull off all the combos I just taught you! If you block all day, computer opponents will most likely do a dumb attack that'd leave them open for a combo that ends in a super! If, however, they walk forward for no reason, they're planning to throw you so do what you want to counter that! Simple enough? Oh, yeah, how to beat Onslaught: First, cool-looking form: all you have to do is block low and lick his... well, let's just say reapetedly do a D+MP whenever he's finished doing a special move. You can also try diving for him via Venom Fang. Second, cheap@$$ form: jump and HK his face until you're all charged up for a super then Death Bite his face and make his neck crack! Block right after your every move to avoid his eye beams. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ ( \/ )(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __) ( )_( )( )( )( \/ ) /__\ ( \( ) \ / _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \ ) _ ( )(__)( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( \/ (____)(____)(____)() \/ (___/() (_) (_)(______)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) *Well, there won't be any universal rules for fighting against humans cause no two humans think identically. There are, however, general rules that could apply to at most 80% of your encounters with human challengers. 1. Use Psylocke as a helper - You may replace her, but make sure the replacement pretty much does the same thing--- RAM the opponent! You can always do a Venom Web for major damage afterwards. 2. Follow Venom's(or in this case, Carnage's) well-known personality As you might have already known, Venom as well as his "son" Carnage is well-equated with the word, "savagery" Whether you saw them on TV or read about them in the comic world, their the aggressive, come-what-may type. And that's just how you should play Venom's Carnage Mode in MVC. He takes so much more damage than usual therefore should not block but instead counter every attack delivered by an opponent. Combo a lot, throw a little, Lunge Bite a lot, Venom Bite a little, and never worry of being supered if you miss cause there's just no other way than to re-attack when the previous ones are blocked. To sum up, DON'T PLAN, ACT! 3. Don't abuse his MP/HP throw If you chose Venom mainly because of his mighty throw, then you're just about as desperate as a cheap@$$ Strider user! Almost ANYONE nowadays can easily win whenever they abuse the potential in this cheap throw. Not only does it have one of the highest ranks in terms of priority, it also does some nice damage and stuns the opponent long enough for you to hit him with a standing LP and continue with a ground to air combo. You can always use the MK/HK, and if you really want to use the stunning version, do at least only when necessary. (e.g. you "sense" a throw coming your way but it's too late to do anyhing else) 4. Know which super to use Venom only has two supers(whereas most have three or more) and the least you could do is know their differences in terms of use. The Venom Web is easier to connect when the opponent is wide open so use it only when you think you have confused the opponent on what you'll do next. The Death Bite, on the other hand, is best used as part of a combo simply because you can't do that with the Venom Web. Once you hit the opponent on the ground, follow-up with a D+HK which is the best normal move from which a Death Bite should come from. People who have less life generally deserve a Death Bite more than a Venom Web because the latter does ZERO chip damage. Finally, if you're doing a team work super, The Venom Web is the only super you should use(unless your opponent has very little life left) because it allows your teammate to do HIS super while Venom's busy comboing the opponent! 5. Abuse your high-hitting(and damaging) Jumping HK Whenever you just don't know what to do, or whenever every attack of yours ends up being countered, pull yourself together while buying time using a ton of HKs while repeatedly super jumping. Not only will your supers get charged up in no time, you'll also be quite sure it'll take some time before he could think of a way to stop you, and by that time you've already thought of a way to stop HIM! 6. Character-specific strategies: Captain America - if there's anyone who could counter your air HKing strategy, it's him. His jumping HP does a lot more damage, reaches further, and all that without having to sacrifice execution time. Don't be the first one to super jump, as he would most likely meet you in the air with the accursed HP. Stay on the ground, dash forward and back and lure him to miss a standing HP cause that's when you spread out your Venom Web. Use a confuser's throwing strategy(only to counter HIS throw attempts), guard push his supers, and retaliate with a Death Bite Captain Commando - ahh...this captain must be dealt with in a rather opposite manner than the first one. With this captain, ALWAYS super jump and air block to avoid getting hit by the heavily damaging Captain Corridor or the Captain Sword super. Being able to block these would mean a free Venom Web for you. DON'T use a confuser's game with this captain because he'll just Captain Corridor you out of it. Chunli - two problems: avoiding her launcher when you're air-borne and avoiding her low combo to Lightning K super when you're on dry land. Two solutions: never be the first to super jump and if you ever will, hit the HK button rapidly during the whole air trip. Second, dash to low combo to special and make use of my comboing strategies, but with extra care. Missing would prove fatal... Gambit - just avoid his cheappy infinite (which would probably work exceptionally well on you) and you'll be fine. That's the only thing he can do to beat you so if you've mastered the art of avoiding it, and everything he can do set you up for it, (like a launcher, a ramming helper, or a throw in the corner) then you'll be fine. He can be a good confuser but has his options limited to low attacks and throws so show-off YOUR confusing skills and win! (well, actually your confusing skills will also have the same limits as his but your throws will have higher priority) He may use a rain of Kinetic Cards as a chip away strategy but that can easily be countered: Just dash right below him, and what else but Venom Web! Hulk - Block, block, block! Eventually he'll grow impatient and hit you. Then attack, attack, attack! He'll be wide open after just about ANYTHING he does so it's time to dash-in, throw him, and proceed with air combos which will also work on him fine. Just remember to hit him at least once and at most four times before launching otherwise he won't budge.. Hulk is big, yet he'd easily be able to block your Venom Web so use Death Bites instead. Don't use the Lunge Bite on a standing Hulk cause more often than not you'll get punished by a Gamma Charge. Jin - obviously cannot even dream of having Hulk's reach, but would definitely be faster. Other than that, Jin would have all of Hulk's advantages and disadvantages as well. He'll pack power with his attacks, especially if he's all yellow! That doesn't give him much of an upperhand, though, as his attacks have a lame recovery time and could easily be punished by an aerial combo. Just use the same strategies you would on a Hulk user and watch out for that hurricane super whenever you jump! Megaman - two words: Keep Away. Yep, that's the NES freak's cheapy strategy! Let him use his X buster all he wants, while you constantly super jump and HK all the way. There'll be four kinds of Megaman users, and only two will you find challenging. The first one just hammers away with a stream of X busters that's easy to jump over and punish with a combo. The second one will always charge up his X buster and use it as part of an air combo. Just dash back and forth to confuse him into giving up that hold then welcome his fireball with a mid-air Venom Fang. The third Megaman user would be using a rammer as a helper, slide kick you, and hope that you'll retaliate with a combo as he summons his helper afterwards. He'll surely get hit, but you'll be punished by his helper as well, giving him enough time for a Hyper Megaman super. Just don't counter the slide kick and wait for him to run out of helpers, THEN attack! The fourth, most challenging one would be a Megaman that X busters low, then X busters high, then low, then high, then you lose your sanity---WRONG!! Fight on! Block his low X busters and dash forward when he does the high one. Eventually you'd be near him. Time to use your confusing skills. If he manages to escape, which would only be possible via super jump, catch him off guard with an MP or HP Web Throw (not LP cause it aims horizontally) By the way, don't worry bout his supers, just block and do either super of yours afterwards. Morrigan - will fight like you do, being a good confuser and all that. She will, however, have her options limited to low attacks and throws so show-off YOUR confusing throw skills and win! (well, actually your confusing skills will also have the same limits as hers but your throws will have higher priority) If she does something you won't, namely raining you with air fireballs, Dash in and punish her with your Venom Web or catch her off guard with an HP Web Throw if you don't have the extra charged super bar. Ryu - If he's using strategies found in my Ryu faq, then may the best confuser win! If he's not, you're in for a cheapy fireball game. Again, you'd be needing your invaluable jumping HK to chrage up your super, Lunge Bites to counter his ground fireballs and dash-in to Venom Web his air fireballs wherever he may be! (except at the peaks of high jumps, of course) Spiderman - Even his Maximum Spider has a high chance of getting countered by a Venom Web in progress so abuse that fact to your advantage. Master the art of rolling and you'll be avoiding his Crawler Assaults forever! His Ultimate Web Throw will be his only super that could counter all of yours but you can easily detect that. If he uses an air combo that knocks you down and falls right behind you as you get up, Venom Bite him! Strider Hiryu - I don't believe I'm hearing myself say this, but I advise you to STAY in the corner when pitted against this teleport master. That way he wouldn't be able to use an Ouroboros- and-teleport-behind-you strategy. But with you in the corner, he'll try two things: combo you like crazy, wherein the guard push feature would prove most useful, and chip away some nice damage with his robo dog, which you should super jump to avoid and charge up your super meter. Use your helper whenever he jumps for you then launch him and air combo to Dive Bite. If he doesn't have a single super charged up yet, hell, forget all I've just said about him and engage in a confuser's throwing game instead. Venom - Just super jump and HK all the way and as you land, choose from two landing sites: as far away from him as possible to be able to continue super jumping and charging up your meter, or a little behind him so your HK could out prioritize he whips up and give you an opportunity to do a ground-> Death Bite combo whether he blocks it or not. If he's able to block all of it, engage in a confuser's throwing game but beware, he may not have an overhead but his throw allows him to combo you afterwards so get ready for that. War Machine - Just block his ground combos, D+LP to combo his throw attemps, and do a dash in to Venom Web if he abuses his mid-air smart bombs. If he's dumb enough not to include his War Destroyer super in a combo, dash to Death Bite him one moment after all his missiles are launched from his armor. I guarantee you the missiles will drop where you WERE before you dashed but you have to time it right, though. The Proton Cannon, if not done as an ender to a helper attack, would be easily detected and therefore super jumped from and punished with what else but a Venom Web. If your opponent doesn't make flaws like this, then you better stick to your good 'ol jumping HK to mid-air Venom Fangs to do the trick. Wolverine - until recently have I thought that Wolvie users (including me, once) were just plain good at it but now I know Wolvie was just too advantaged to be defeated by a mere above average player. I hate to be called cheap, so now I have stopped using Wolverine, and started taking him as a challenge to defeat with my players. There'll be two things any "challenging" Wolvie user would do: stomp you like crazy until you open up for a combo to super, or dash in like crazy also until you open up for a combo to super! With the first strategy you'll again have to utilize your Venom Web and your helper and mix them up so you wouldn't get too predictable. For the second strategy, you'll have to assess yourself. If you think you can pretty much predict what he's doing, then combo him if he tries to throw and use the guard push otherwise. If he doesn't give up and still dashes in like crazy, smile and surprise him with a risky but rewarding D+HK to Death Bite turn his healing factor off for good! Zangief - Just charge up the way I've been telling you since the beginning of this section and guard push all his attacks so that he couldn't link them to a grapple or worse, SUPER grapple! He'll be using blocks much, so you'll just have to play a risky confuser's game with him. Remember that in a confuser's throwing game, you'll have to be extra careful since his throws are part of the few that can out prioritize yours! Whenever you're charged up and can't land a combo, just chip away with my helper to Lunge Bite strategy. 6. Strategies on secret characters: Golden War Machine - Just block his ground combos, super jump from his throw attemps, and do a sudden dash in to jump up and air throw if he abuses his mid-air smart bombs. If he's dumb enough not to include his War Destroyer super in a combo, dash and give him a Death Bite one moment after all his missiles are launched from his armor. I guarantee you the missiles will drop where you WERE before you dashed but you have to time it right, though. The Proton Cannon, if not done as an ender to a helper attack, would be easily detected and therefore super jumped from and punished with what else but a Death Bite. If your opponent doesn't make flaws like this, then you better stick to your good 'ol jumping HKs to do the trick. Morrigan's Lilith Mode - as with her "older" counterpart, she'll be best dealt with a confuser's strategy. This time she can't use a rain of fireballs to annoy you because she'll only have short range ones but still beware her confusing skills and counter as you see fit. Orange Hulk - Block, block, block! Eventually he'll grow impatient and hit you. Then attack, attack, attack! He'll be wide open after just about ANYTHING he does so it's time to dash-in, deliver an HP, and proceed with air combos which will also work on him fine. Orange Hulk is big, yet he'd easily be able to block your Venom Web so use Death Bites instead. Don't use the Lunge Bite on a standing Hulk cause more often than not you'll get punished by a Gamma Charge. Roll - She's so cute, I wouldn't dare land a jab on her face, but, sadly, MVC is survival of the fittest and Roll, as many would say, is not "fit". I'd choose her over Megaman anytime but I must admit I find the always-give-you-a-stupid-look boy much harder to defeat. Refer to my Megaman strategies for dealing with her and adjust them according to these added notes: One, Roll's X buster CAN chip some block damage but it would need a down to forward motion so it'll come out slow. Two, you can low block against her Hyper Roll and you wouldn't get a bruise. And three, all her other supers are easy to block and retaliate with your Venom Web afterwards. Shadow Lady - Chunli minus the ability to combo a super but plus the ability to chip away with her butt missiles. Keep an eye out for your life bar cause these farts can cut it down to half without even you noticing. Don't super jump, as that would mean a free chip from those accursed butt bombs. If she's stupid enough to do it while you're on the ground, and up close then it's throwing time! The missiles won't connect if you time your throw right. She'll also be using a ramming helper to easily connect with her Big Bang Laser so you'll have to predict when she'll use it. Knowing all these, engage in a confuser's game and she'll definitely short-circuit. Venom's Carnage Mode - I really am not very observant on who takes more damage than who but I definitely noticed the Carnage Mode's belief in the quote, "The best defense is a strong offense." (did I say it right?) Anyway, Carnage Mode concentrates on speed and power, but gives up stamina in return. You're the only one who could try a confuser's game for him cause you're both already confused!(heh) Seriously though, may the most berserk Red Venom win and make him feel he(and not you) is just another big sucker for the Death Bite! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___ (_ _)( \/ ) ( ___)( \( )( _ \ (_ _)( \( ) / __) _)(_ ) ( )__) ) ( )(_) ) _)(_ ) ( ( (_-. (____)(_/\_)() (____)(_)\_)(____/ (____)(_)\_) \___/ NONE! Just a "Congratulations!" remark and that's supposed to be enough to keep you inspired to play him next time! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ( \/ ) / __)( _ \( ___)( _ \ (_ _)(_ _)/ __) ) ( ( (__ ) / )__) )(_) ) _)(_ )( \__ \ (_/\_)() \___)(_)\_)(____)(____/ (____) (__) (___/ Jim Chamberlin (jjchamber4@aol.com) for info on the whats and hows of ASCII arts Tim Youn (krazeekorean@hotmail.com) for the backbone principles of Venom's Carnage Mode's infinite combo Gamefaqs.com for paying attention to this faq Capcom and all its affiliates for creating such a great game Ms. AsianCuteness for inspiring me in just about everything I do! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _ ( \/ )(_ _) ( _ \( ___)( \/ )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( \( ) ) ( _)(_ ) / )__) \ / _)(_ \__ \ _)(_ )(_)( ) ( (_/\_)(____)() (_)\_)(____) \/ (____)(___/(____)(_____)(_)\_) _ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _ _ ( )_( )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( _ \( \/ ) ) _ ( _)(_ \__ \ )( )(_)( ) / \ / (_) (_)(____)(___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__) v1.1 - added Venom's Carnage Mode's infinite combo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ __ __ ( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( ___)(_ _)( \( ) /__\ ( ) ) ( _)(_ _)(_ )__) _)(_ ) ( /(__)\ )(__ (_/\_)(____)(____)() (__) (____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____) _ _ _____ ____ ____ ___ ( \/\/ )( _ )( _ \( _ \ / __) ) ( )(_)( ) / )(_) )\__ \ (__/\__)(_____)(_)\_)(____/ (___/ Please feel free to email me if there's something about Venom's Carnage Mode I left out or if you just want to comment on my work. Thank you. If ever I revise this faq and add something you feel came from one of your emails to me, email me again and remind me bout it so I can give you credit. Thanks again. Venom's Carnage Mode's infinite combo (I don't approve of this, but I'll include it due to persistent requests by a lot of people) (in corner) HP Throw-> LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> HP-> U-> LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> HP-> (land) D+LP-> D+MP-> D+MK-> D+HP-> D+MP-> D+HP [repeat until (><) ] * the mid-air LP and LK must be done slowly while the MP,MK, and HP must be done very quickly * the infinite part must be done in a similar but faster way to the beat of your heart (you know, 1,2...1,2...1,2...) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% And just in case you read the last part of this faq before the first, allow me restate my legal notice... By gaining access to this faq you agree to the following terms: ___________________________________________________________________________________ =================================================================================== || || || 1) I, Joseph Christopher, the author of this faq, is not in any way || || liable for any harm that anybody thinks came from reading this faq. || || Examples of this harm include physical ones, such as getting mauled || || by someone who lost to you via a technique found in this faq, and || || emotional ones, such as experiencing humiliation upon the use or || || most likely misuse of yet another technique found in this faq. || || || || 2) If this faq was accessed from a source other than gamefaqs.com, nine || || out of ten chances are it is not in its latest update. 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