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Final Fantasy Origins was released in early 2003, as Square's final Playstation One game (at least in America). Combining two of their earliest Final Fantasy games onto one disk, the game retailed for 29.99 and became a minor hit for those who didn't get to grow up with the series, as well as those that played the original game, loved it, but never got a chance to play the 2nd game. There are numerous changes to both versions. Some you may notice right away, and some will take you a while to figure out. First, both games are perfectly ported onto the Playstation. Even the glitches found in the original versions remain intact. They're basically the same games, but with refined graphics, new challenge levels, and a memo file to save all the treasure and enemies you have collected and defeated during your journey. Final Fantasy definitely has a ton of changes, also. Auto-targeting is now available, so you don't have to worry about aiming your attacks like you did in the original. You have the option to turn auto aim on or off, depending on if you liked it in the original, so all you veterans don't have to worry about a cheesed down game. Also, much to my delight, you can now buy 99 of items at one time, without having to push the A button over and over. These changes definitely worked for the better, and added a lot to the game, and made it a pretty successful port. Too bad the increased amount of random battles really hampered what could have been a really special port, and Final Fantasy 2 sucks ass no matter how polished they try to make it. Regardless, it's definitely worth the price of admission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= / INTRO TO GUIDE / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, I was originally going to do this guide way back in April when this game first dropped in stores (the "first update" on my guide when I decided to finally do it said 4/11/03, so that gives you an idea of how long I held off on it.), but I got caught up in other projects. However, right now I don't really have TOO much to do (FFTA and FF X-2 are really going to annoy the hell out of me, and I might as well get another Final Fantasy game out of the way first.), so I decided I might as well try to finish this project. The guide is split into two sections. The top section represents Final Fantasy. Now, those of you who are followers of my work or notice my CRP may find that I already did a Final Fantasy guide. After sitting down and debating whether or not I should write the guide from scratch, or just copy and paste my FF1 guide onto FFO and make necessary changes, I decided to go ahead and do an all-new version of the guide exclusively for this guide. Why? Well, I figured the guide I wrote for Final Fantasy 1 (NES) is pretty good, but I was still kind of new to the writing community back then, and I didn't exactly take my time writing it. I rushed it, as I completed the walkthrough in about 16 hours. In one day. Therefore, I decided to take my time this time and write in more detail, as well as updating all the town names, etc. So, you won't see any of my NES guide in this one. For Final Fantasy 2, well, what can I say. I hated the game. This will definitely be the most frustrating project I've probably had yet (except for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance), but I plan to get through it the best I can. I can't really imagine writing for a game I already wrote for, as well as a game I hate, but I will try to get through it as best as possible. Let me know how you like the final outcome. _____ _____ | ___| | ___| =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= | |_ | |_ | 1.0 | | _| | _| | INTRODUCTION | |_| |_| =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Ah, the infamous Final Fantasy. The game so good, I wrote for it twice. Haha. It is a good game, but I wouldn't really consider it to be one of the all-time greats. The original was way too boring and had a lot of flaws. Thankfully, Square noticed these flaws, listened to the fans, and corrected most of them to provide an excellent remake, although the easy mode does suck ass and is WAY too easy. I know everyone is used to easy RPGs now, but come on Square.. Fortunately, normal mode is just as hard as ever, as it takes way too long to level up, and most enemies will kick your ass if you're underleveled. Dungeons are large, and enemies come in large amounts. Yes, random battles were actually INCREASED in this game, so you can't walk about 10 steps without getting into a battle or two. Oh, well, it's not too bad, and battling is fun.. The classic nuances that made Final Fantasy such a unique game are included, as well. Monks still do more damage if you take weapons off, there's still a glitch where you can fight high leveled enemies half an hour into the game, and you can still talk to a broom to get a hint on finding a world map. It's such a weird game, but it's really good, too, if you can get used to the challenge and level ups, and I hope my guide helps you. Twice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= / 2.0 GAME BASICS / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is a rundown of all the game basics in Final Fantasy, from character classes to the rather simple battle system. I usually suck at game basics, but I'm going to try to do a good job this time. No guarantees, though.. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 2.1 ] GAME CHANGES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- - The biggest change, in my opinion, is not graphically, but the addition of an auto target system. You can choose to turn it off, but I prefer to have it on, because ineffective attacks in the original Final Fantasy got annoying quickly. - There is an added dash feature, which allows you to dash through dungeons instead of having a slow walking speed. It's very helpful. - The menu system got a facelift and now looks like the other games in the series. - You can choose to buy 99 of items instead of pushing X 99 times. That definitely helps! - Square added an easy mode, which makes leveling up easier and gives you ton more magic. Only do this if you really want an easy time and hate leveling up. - You get a couple of files which show you how many monsters you have killed (as well as the statistics of the monsters you killed), and how much treasure you've gotten from each dungeon. Very helpful when writing this guide. ;D - Graphically, the game got a huge facelift. It looks really different, but a whole lot better in my opinion. It looks a lot like Final Fantasy 4, which is not a bad thing at all. There is also a new FMV. - The music has been upgraded to 16-bit quality, and there's new boss music, as well as new music for churches. I love the final boss theme, and am glad Square added boss themes this time. :) =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 2.2 ] STORYLINE =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Well, the original Final Fantasy isn't really known for storyline (Square didn't even include a recap of it in the FFO manual), but it's basically about rescuing a princess, followed by needing to capture 4 Orbs from 4 Evil Fiends to save the world from a big bad guy named Chaos, who has the power of time travel. Not too bad, but eh, it's not a story driven game at all. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 2.3 ] BASICS/TIPS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Here is just a basic rundown of the two modes in the game, followed by paragraphs on the battle system, magic system, and equipment, followed by a complete character rundown. Enjoy! Easy Mode: The advantages to the easy mode are mainly the insane amount of magic you get at your disposal, and the fact it takes less time to level up. You can also get to level 99 in easy mode, but not in hard mode. I recommend this only if you already beat normal mode, and are sick of it taking forever to level up. It may take a while, but dammit it's the way it's meant to be played! Normal Mode: It takes longer to level up, you get a level cap (50) and magic cap (10 for each level), and equipment costs more, but damn man, this is the way the game was meant to be played! Battle System: You get five options during battle: Attack, Magic, Items, Equip, and Flee. They all are pretty basic, as is the battle system itself. No ATB here, as everything is turn based. Characters and enemies go based off the speed rating alone. Use attack for normal attacks, magic for magic, items for items, etc. It's really simple stuff, people! Magic System: Even if you are a Final Fantasy veteran, you will not recognize this magic system. You get magic levels, and each spell goes in a magic level. You get a certain amount of casts based on the level of the spell. The more you raise levels, the more your magic levels go up. For instance, a Cure at level 1 will have 3 casts on Level 11, but on Level 50, you'll get to cast it 10 times. (In normal mode, anyways). Leveling Up: It takes forever to level up in this game for some reason, as in every NES RPG ever it seems. Experience is divided amongst surviving characters. If an enemy gives 800 experience, and there's 4 surviving members, each member gets 200 experience. Really simple stuff, right? Good. Menu Screen: Everything here is pretty basic also. This entire game is simple! You can manage items, rearrange them, use them, etc. by going to the item screen. Magic screen lets you sort and use magic. Status shows you current statistics and how much you need to level up. Formation lets you rearrange the battle order of your party, memo lets you memo save, and config lets you change gameplay settings. Memo Saving: New to this game is an option to memo save. This lets you save wherever you want, whenever you want (unless you're in a battle), and will restart the game from this memo save when you die. The bad news is it is erased when you turn the game off, so make sure to do a regular save before turning the system off, otherwise you'll lose the save forever! Equipment: Just a few notes on equipment. Some equipment can be used as items, casting spells during battle. Very useful. Also, the optimize screen gives you the best equipment for a character (another useful addition to this version!), but it does not factor in the enemies you are facing. An Ice Sword may be your best weapon, but it won't do anything in the Ice Cave. Make sure to keep an eye on that, and you'll be fine. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 2.4 ] CONTROLS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Note you can change the controls in the config menu, these are just the basic controls. Directional Buttons - Move the character around the screen, move the cursor. X - Select an option, inspect an item, open a chest, or talk to a person. Circle - Cancel an option, or hold down to dash through overworld or dungeons. Triangle - Open the main menu. Square - Open the Items menu. L1 - Open the equipment menu. L2 - Open the config menu. R1 - Open the magic menu. R2 - Open the memo file menu. Start - Finish naming characters at the opening, pause during battle. Circle + Start - Display the world map. Start + Select + L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 = Soft reset, takes you back to title screen. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 2.5 ] CHARACTER CLASSES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- The most talked about and worried about feature of the original Final Fantasy was the fact you can choose four job classes, and be stuck with them for the entire game (with only a slight upgrade). There are six jobs, and you get a choice of four characters. There's over a thousand different party combinations, so let me tell you my three favorite, and why I like them. Warrior/Monk/White Mage/Red Mage: Ah, the classic combination that I always recommend most. You get a powerful ally in the Warrior, an ass-kicking Monk (who barely costs any money to maintain and can really do monster damage), a great curer in the White Mage, and a Red Mage who can attack and do basic white AND black magic. There's no real weaknesses here, and is the best overall party. Warrior/Warrior/Monk/White Mage: This party is more expensive than the above one, but is the way to go in easy mode. The only weakness is the total lack of black magic, but your top 3 characters will be doing so much ass kicking that it will rarely ever matter. You can switch the Monk out for a Red Mage if the lack of black magic really concerns you, but it shouldn't. Warrior/Red Mage/Black Mage/White Mage: This is the normal "magic party" of the game, as the Warrior and Red Mage have good attack (and the Red Mage can do basic magic), while you got two magic casters in the party. However, this party is weaker physically than the other 2, and you'll run out of magic quickly. I don't like using magic-based parties, but if you do, it's the way to go. Now, here is an overview of each job, and why they kick ass. I don't like one party in the game, but I'll still be nice to them, but I will point out their flaws (and everyone else's, to be fair.) Warrior: The warrior is the strongest character in the game, as it has the ability to use any of the best weapons and armor, as well as the best attack and defense statistics in the entire game. Plus, when they upgrade, they get stronger and have the ability to cast basic white magic, including cure. It helps in dungeons when you run out of healing items and stuff. The only problem? They cost a lot of money to maintain. Otherwise I'd recommend using 3 of them! Thief: The thief is a weak character, and the one job class I never really use. Their only advantage is their high speed and agility, which helps you to run from battles easily. However, they have weak strength and defense, and aren't really a good class. They get better on upgrade (Ninjas can cast basic black magic), but for the most part, I don't recommend using them much at all. Monk: Monks are an awesome class that has always been an enigma in the original Final Fantasy. They are actually stronger when you DON'T equip them. Weapons and armor just hold them down, as monks have always been martial artists, not weapon users. Therefore, once they get to about level 10, de- equip them and watch them start doing big time combos for lots of damage. The only weaknesses are the lack of magic and their weak ass defense (which definitely hurts, but not too bad.) Red Mage: I advise using a Red Mage instead of a Black mage, actually. The reason for this is the fact they can actually get off decent physical attacks, as they can equip swords. Plus, they can use most magic up to level 5, and most of the level 6-8 spells are just overkill or aren't really that important. Therefore, they are the best magic caster, and a definite for any party. White Mage: The white mage has no real attacking powers whatsoever, but Dia spells work well against the undead, and her healing magic makes her an easy choice to be an ally for the party. Cure works well and is the main advantage to bringing along a white mage. She is definitely an important asset and you best be considering bringing in one for your party. Her weak strength and defense won't really matter when you get your ass saved by her in a boss battle. Black Mage: The problem with the Black Mage is not necessarily that he's bad, it's just that the Red Mage gets to cast most of his spells, and the White Mage is way more important. Therefore, the Black Mage is the odd man out, unless you cannot live without casting Flare or something. Most of the higher level black magic spells aren't really that important, so I rarely ever bring along a black mage. I hope this helped you, but just remember, you can win with any party. I've heard stories of people winning with a single white mage for the entire game, so just choose the party that best suits your style. I always recommend at least one Warrior and White Mage, but you can really win with any party. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= / 3.0 WALKTHROUGH / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here comes the fun part of the game, the walkthrough. Now, as I stated above in my introduction to the guide, this is an all-new and exclusive walkthrough. I did not take any part of my Final Fantasy 1 (NES) guide and put it here. I hope you enjoy my hard work and appreciate it, too. Enjoy. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CORNELIA CITY AND TEMPLE OF CHAOS | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Cornelia): Sanctuary, Inn, Black Magic, White Magic, Items, Armor, | | Weapons | | Treasure (Temple of Chaos): Leather Cap, Lute, Potion, Tent | | Enemies (Overworld): Black Widow, Crazy Horse, Gigas Worm, Goblin, Goblin | | Guard, Skeleton, Wolf | | Enemies (Temple of Chaos): Black Widow, Ghoul, Gigas Worm, Goblin, Goblin | | Guard, Skeleton, Warg Wolf, Werewolf, Wolf, | | Zombie | | Bosses (Temple of Chaos): Garland | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- You start off outside the town of Corneria. The first objective is to go into the castle and talk to the king. He's located if you just walk north from the entrance, up the stairs, and keep walking north. He will explain that his daughter, Princess Sarah, has been kidnapped by an evil warlock named Garland, and your job is to go northwest to the Temple of Chaos and rescue her. Now, I have some basic problems with this. Wasn't the point of every Nintendo game ever back then to rescue the princess? You're getting that objective out of the way right now, and the rest of the game is going to focus on collecting four crystals? Man, even Dragon Warrior let you run around for the princess for at least 3/4 of the game. And why would Garland kidnap her and only bring her a few steps north of the place she was kidnapped from? Doesn't the castle have soldiers to go get her? Why are they telling me to help her? So many questions.. got to love Nintendo logic. I'm sure EPoetker would have a field day asking some of these same questions. Now, time to head into town. There's six town icons outside of the castle, and they all go to the same town. Okay. That makes sense. Anyways, go in, and you will be in a big city. To the northwest of you is the Inn. North of there are the Armor and Weapon shops, so go there now, as you need to buy these first if you're going to stand a chance out there in the overworld. You only start with 400 Gil, so your choices are a bit limited. Fortunately, the weapons and armor are pretty inexpensive here. In the weapon shop, buy a Rapier for your Warrior, Thief, and/or Red Mage. White Mages get hammers, Black Mages get staffs, and Monks get Nunchakus. In the armor shop, buy Chain Mail for your Warrior, Leather Armor for your Monk or Red Mage, and Shirts for everyone else. Now, you won't really have too much money left to spare, so go outside and fight enemies for a while. You will mostly face Goblins and other weak enemies that can be easily killed. If you need to rest, go into the Inn. Once you get to Level 3, you should have enough money. Go to the magic shop, and buy Cure 1, Dia 1, and Shield 1 for your White Mages. Cure 1 is very important, and Dia 1 will help with the undead enemies in the Temple of Chaos. For your Black Mages, you get a selection of four spells as well, but you only get to hold three of them. Fire 1 is the must-have spell for this group, as it's the Black Mage's first attack spell, and a pretty good one at that. It will definitely help for the upcoming boss battle. Sleep 1 is good to have too, since it puts an entire group of enemies to sleep. Finally, Bolt 1 is the other attack spell the Black Mage gets here, and it will help take out water- based enemies later on. Once you get all the magic bought, go to the Inn, rest, and save the game. It's time to head to the Temple of Chaos, which is located northwest of this castle. You will notice that the enemies start to get a little bit tougher as you near the Temple, but there's nothing really challenging here, and it's not a terribly long trip. Once inside, the cool Temple of Chaos music will play. Most of the enemies you face in here are undead, so use the White Mage's Dia 1 spell for large groups of these enemies. For the smaller groups, you can just do normal attacks. Gigas Worms and Black Widows are weak against the Black Mage's Fire 1 spell, but try to save that for the boss. The only things to really pick up here right now are the LEATHER CAP, POTION, and TENT. They are located in the southwest and northwest corners of the Temple. There are treasure chests on the other side of the temple, as well, but you can't get them right now, so don't even try to, unless you want to waste your time. :-P Enter the center room when you are done, and Garland will NOT threaten to knock you all down. *sigh* I miss the old days. Boss time! *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | GARLAND | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 106 | EXP: 130 | GIL: 250 | ATT: 15 | DEF: 10 | MDEF: 64 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Holy hell, there's boss music now. Somebody call my momma. Anyways, | | Garland is not exactly the toughest boss in the game. Have your physical | | attackers attack, Black Mage cast Fire 1, and White Mage should cast Cure | | 1 on whoever Garland decides to attack. It's not a long or tough battle at | | all. Garland only has 106 HP, so he will go down in about two or three | | turns at the most. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Thank you warriors, but the princess is in another temple! Haha, just kidding. Talk to the princess, and you'll be back in the castle. She gives you a worthless LUTE, which won't come into play for about twelve hours, and the king orders the bridge to be rebuilt to the north so you can continue your journey. So, I saved his daughter, and he STILL won't let me rest and let the soldiers kick ass? Bleh, this game SUCKS! ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | MATOYA'S CAVE AND PROVOCA | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Provoca): Sanctuary, Inn, White Magic, Black Magic, Weapon, Armor, | | Item | | Treasure (Matoyas Cave): Potion x2, Antidote | | Enemies (Overworld): Crazy Horse, Gigas Worm, Goblin Guard, Lizard, Ogre, | | Scorpion, Tarantula, Warg Wolf, Werewolf | | Bosses (Provoca): Pirates x9 | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Now it's time to head to Matoya's Cave, which is located north of where you are currently located. Along the way, you'll meet up with a few new enemies. Ogres aren't that challenging, but they have a high attack power and 100 HP. It's not weak against magic, so just use your Fighters and Monks to take them out. Lizards are tough as well, and Tarantulas have an annoying poison attack which always pisses me off, since you probably don't have many Antidotes right now. Make the trip north, fighting through several battles in the lush forest, until you finally get to Matoya's Cave. Here, you can get 2 POTIONS and an ANTIDOTE. Talk to Matoya for random crap, and then talk to the Brooms. You can flip what the brooms say to get a secret. Go out to the world map, and hold circle. Press Start while holding down circle and then you will get a world map come up. Sweet. Provoca is the next area you have to go to, and it's located southeast of the entrance to this area. Go back to the bridge, then head east and southeast, fighting more hoardes of enemies, until you finally reach your destination. Provoca is a pretty big town, with an Inn directly to the north, then shops to the left and right. It's time to go shopping, but first heal yourselves at the Inn. If you have any Black or Red Mages, go to the Black Magic shop. The three spells to get here are Ice 1, Sleep 1, and Steel. Steel increases someone's attack power, and it makes your physical attackers VERY good. Ice 1 is very important against fire-based enemies, and it's always good to have attacking magic. White Magic isn't really useful right now, but Silence, Nul Bolt, and Invis 1 are the best way to go. Weapons and armor wise, the most costly weapons are the Broad Sword and Battle Axe. They both cost the same amount, but Broad Swords are more effective. They are a little weaker, but you'll appreciate the higher accuracy when compared to the Battle Axe. Get Leather Gloves for everyone at the Armor Shop, and a Leather Shield for your Warrior. Now, talk to the pirate located in the northwestern corner of Provoca. He will be all YO YOU CANT HAVE MY SHIP, and if you want it, you'll have to fight NINE of his crew in order to get it. Fortunately, they're easy as hell. Let's take a look see, shall we? *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | PIRATES X9 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 6 | EXP: 40 | GIL: 40 | ATT: 8 | DEF: 0 | MDEF: 15 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | There's nine of them, but like I've already said, they're all pretty easy. | | They each have only 6 hit points, so even your weaker physical attackers | | can take them down in 1 hit. Just kill them all and move on. It will take | | three turns at most. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Time to pick up your ship! It's located in the dock just south of the town. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO THE MARSH CAVE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Elfheim): Sanctuary, Inn, White Magic, Black Magic, Weapon, Armor, | | Item | | Treasure: N/A | | Enemies (Boat): Goggler, Privateer, Sahagin, Sahagin Chief, Shark | | Enemies (Overworld): Cobra, Ghast, Gigas Worm, Goblin Guard, Ogre, Ogre | | Chieftain, Tarantula, Warg Wolf, Werewolf, Wolf | | Bosses: N/A | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Make sure to pick up Bolt 1 before you head out on the boat, because the enemies in the water are weak against electric spells. Sharks are the hardest enemies to kill on the ship, as they have a high amount of HP. Fortunately, their attacks are not that strong, and you can defeat them in a round or two. I would advise saving the bolt spells for the larger groups of enemies, as the spell affects every enemy in the battle. Gogglers are the enemies you will have to worry about, as well. They have a Gaze attack which paralyze one party member for a few rounds. If you face a bunch of them, have the Black Mage or Red Mage immediately cast a Bolt 1 spell, or have the other party members focus on them immediately. Even if the Gogglers come with a Shark, kill the Gogglers first. They will paralyze you, and then the Shark will devour you. Your next destination to go is Elfheim, which is located southwest of the town. Just follow the shoreline, and eventually you will get there. Dock at the port, and you will be at the town. Ogres are a lot more prevalent here, which is good for your levels and gold. Make sure to level up here for a little while, so you can afford a few things in town. Enter the town, and you will notice that there is a ton of things to buy. There is a secret to picking up a large amount of gold in a short amount of time, however, so just buy the things you will need to make this an easier task. NulIce and Fire 2 cost 8,000 Gil total, but you need those. That's really it. Once you buy them, head back to Corneria. Once back in Corneria, head east, and then all the way north until you get to a pennisula at top. Walk around the top 3 squares of this area, and you will get into battles with powerful enemies. Cast NulIce and Fire 2 when you encounter a large amount of Frost Wolves, and make sure to head back to Corneria a lot to heal. Soon, you will have a ton of Gold and your levels will be a lot higher. Head back to Elfheim now, and you will be ready to go. Buy Cure 2, Dia 2, Heal 1, Esuna, and Fear for your White Mage. Black Mages should get Bolt 2, Focus 2, Haste, Ice 2, and Sleep 2. Weapons wise, buy a Mythril Sword for your Warrior and Red Mage, Saber for a Thief, and for your Monk, de-equip him, as his attacks will now be doing more damage barehanded. Armor wise, it is important to buy helmets, so buy Helmet for a Warrior, and a Leather Cap for everyone else. Get Copper Armlets for everyone in your party that needs one, and a Steel Plate and Iron Shield for your Warrior. And with your increased levels, your party will now be a major contender going into one of the tougher dungeons in the entire game, the Marsh Cave. Save and heal at the Inn, then head north to the castle. Here, go into the prince's room, and you will discover that he has been poisoned by a dark elf named Astos. Matoya has the cure, but she won't help you out until she gets back her Crystal Eye, which may be located in the Marsh Cave. So, it looks like we have to go help the old hag get her eye back. Yay. Head northwest until you get to a spooky castle, which has a king in here. He will also plead with you to get something in the Marsh Cave, his Crown. Well, all these people want us to go to the Marsh Cave, so we might as well head there now. Make sure to pick up some Antidotes and other healing items, and then head southwest to the Marsh Cave. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | MARSH CAVE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: N/A | | Treasure: Broadsword, Copper Armlet, 680 Gil, 620 Gil, Dagger, Steel Plate,| | 295 Gil, Cottage, 385 Gil, Crown | | Enemies: Anaconda, Black Widow, Bloodbones, Crawler, Gargoyle, Ghoul, Gray | | Ooze, Green Slime, Scorpion, Skeleton, Shadow, Tarantula, Warg | | Wolf, Werewolf, Zombie | | Bosses: Piscodemons x4, Astos | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The Marsh Cave is the toughest dungeon yet, and one of the tougher dungeons in the entire game, due to the challenge the enemies present. Fortunately, due to the fact you leveled up at the secret location I told you about, you will have an easier time. Don't think that the enemies aren't dangerous, though, because they still have the ability to really kick your ass if you are not 100 percent careful. Green Slimes require you to use magic on them to kill them, as they have an extremely high physical defense. Gray Oozes are the exact opposite, as they have a strong physical attack power, but very weak against physical attacks. Crawlers have paralyzing attacks, so make sure to always try to eliminate them first. If they come with skeletons and other undead enemies, cast Dia 1 or Fire 2 first for an easier time. When you enter here, you have a choice of going north or south. Go north to pick up four treasure chests, containing 680 GIL, DAGGER, BROADSWORD, and 620 GIL. Now, head back down the path, fighting off lots of random battles, and go south. Enter the staircase and you will now be in B2F. To get to the 3rd floor, go south, then east along the bottom wall. Go in the door, then out the next one, then go southeast to the staircase taking you to 3F. Here, you will be in this huge area containing 16 rooms. A lot of these are empty, and the bottom 4 rooms all contain doors that require the Mystic Key to unlock. So, avoid those for now and focus on the top 3 rows of rooms. In the top row, head to the room to the far left to pick up a STEEL PLATE. The room to the far right has 295 GIL. The next row down contains a COPPER ARMLET and COTTAGE, and the third row contains 385 GIL. The 2nd room in the 4th row hosts the CROWN, but you have to face a boss, so heal before taking the chest. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | PISCODEMONS X9 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 84 | EXP: 276 | GIL: 300 | ATT: 30 | DEF: 16 | MDEF: 98 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Ah, the infamous Magicians who don't know magic return with a new name. | | They don't know any magic spells, but their physical attacks hit pretty | | hard. It's best to have your physical attackers focus on one, while your | | black magic users focus on using spells on another one. The White Mage | | should heal, because I don't think Dia works too well. Once you're rid of | | the first two, use the same strategy to eliminate the next two. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- The CROWN is now yours. I just played the Dragon Warrior level up music in my head when I said that for some reason. Oh well. Head back to Elfheim to rest and save, because a boss fight is awaiting you up at the Western Keep. Once you are rested and saved, go to the Western Keep, and talk to the King. It turns out he is actually Astos! *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ASTOS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 168 | EXP: 2,250 | GIL: 2,000 | ATT: 26 | DEF: 40 | MDEF: 170 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Astos is a pain in the ass for one reason, his Reaper spell. It will | | automatically kill one of your party members, and it really makes the | | battle a whole lot tougher than normal. Have your physical attackers | | attack him, while Black Mages and Red Mages cast Steel and Haste on the | | best physical attacker. The White Mage should cure, and then your magic | | mages should use Fire 2 and Bolt 2. You may still lose, though, especially | | if he casts Reaper on your healer. I hate that spell. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- You now receive the CRYSTAL EYE from him, which is what that old witch up in the cave needs to help you out. So, return to the port near the bridge that the king built you, and head to Matoya's Cave. Matoya will give you the JOLT TONIC in exchange for the Crystal Eye. Now, take that to Elfheim, and the Elf will give you the Mystic Key, which helps you unlock all those locked doors. Yay, time to do some treasure hunting! ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO THE TERRA CAVERN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Melmond): Sanctuary, Inn, White Magic, Black Magic, Weapon, Armor | | Treasure (Elfheim Castle): Mythril Hammer, Bronze Gloves, 730 Gil | | Treasure (Western Keep): Power Staff, Falchion, Steel Gloves | | Treasure (Marsh Cave): Silver Armlet, Mythril Knife, 1,080 Gil | | Treasure (Corneria Castle): Steel Plate, Iron Shield, Nitro Powder, | | Crosier, Saber, Mythril Knife | | Treasure (Temple of Chaos): Werebane, Gold Needle, Rune Blade | | Treasure (Mt. Duergar): Cottage, Grand Helm, Helmet, Mythril Knife, | | Mythril Mail, Tent, Wyrmkiller, 575 Gil, 450 Gil, | | 575 Gil | | Enemies (Temple of Chaos): Gargoyles | | Enemies (Western Keep): Mummy, Wraith | | Enemies (Overworld): Cobra, Gigas Worm, Ghast, Ghoul, Hyenadon, Lesser | | Tiger, Ogre, Ogre Chieftain, Shadow, Tarantula, Warg | | Wolf, Wolf | | Bosses: N/A | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Now that you have the Key, there's several places you can go to. Since you're closest to Corneria and Temple of Chaos, go there first. In Corneria, go to the back of the castle, and you will find two rooms, each containing three treasure chests. One room contains a STEEL PLATE, IRON SHIELD, and NITRO POWDER, and the other room has a SABER, CROSIER, and MYTHRIL KNIFE. Now, go north to the Temple of Chaos. You may remember earlier that I told you to avoid the rooms in the northeast and southeast, but now you can get to them. However, as you enter both rooms, you'll be thrust into battle with a pair of Gargoyles. They are not terribly challenging, and will go down pretty easily. The southeast room has a RUNE BLADE, and the northeast room has a WEREBANE and GOLD NEEDLE. Time to go to Elfheim castle. In this castle, go through the door in the southeast, and loop around the path until you get to the treasure room in the northeastern corner. Don't move more than one space away from the wall, just follow the path while hugging the wall the entire time. You will eventually get to the treasure room, which contains a MYTHRIL HAMMER, BRONZE GLOVES, and 730 GIL. To the Western Keep we go! There's enemies in here, namely Mummies and Wraiths. Mummies put you to sleep, Wraiths like to paralyze you. I hate them all. To effectively demolish them, just have a White Mage cast Dia 1. You won't be long here anyways. They're guarding the chests in the southeast corner of the center room. You can get a POWER STAFF, FALCHION, and STEEL GLOVES here. Well, I know you probably hated the Marsh Cave, but it's time to make the trek all the way back there. Go all the way back to the room with all the little rooms in it, and unlock the doors at the bottom. The southwest corner is guarded by Piscodemons and contains a SILVER ARMLET. The room to the right hosts a MYTHRIL KNIFE and is guarded by Anacondas. The room to the southeast contains 1,080 Gil and is guarded by Piscodemons. Yay, we have finally collected all that freaking treasure. About damn time. Take the boat from Corneria's coastline, and go northwest to find a small port just south of the Temple of Chaos. Dock at the port. Go southwest along the coast until you reach a cave surrounded by a ring of mountains. This is your next destination, so enter there now. In this little section, go north into the treasure room, and raid the chests like the little thief you are. Pick up 575 GIL and 450 GIL, then go to the huge room at the south end of the cave. Here, unlock the room using the Mystic Key, and pick up a ton of treasure chests. A TENT, GRAND HELM, WYRMKILLER, MYTHRIL KNIFE, HELMET, MYTHRIL MAIL, 575 GIL, and COTTAGE are all waiting for you. Give the Nitro Powder to the Dwarf at the entrance of the far south tunnel. He will use it to blow up the bridge of land south of the cave, which opens up a canal big enough for your ship to pass through. Time to head to Melmond, which is just west of the canal that opened up for you. Once in Melmond, speak to everyone and they will tell you about a cave filled with vampires and golems. Time to do some shopping before heading to the next town. First, head into the white magic store, and pick up Life 1, Cure 3, and Dia 3. It's hard to let go of Heal 2 here, but Dia 3 is much more effective, and you'll end up using it more. Black Magic wise, Fire 3, Warp 1, and Slow 2 work best. Warp 1 will prove to be effective, and you can never have enough attack magic spells. Slow 2 is just something to round out the list, and you'll rarely find yourself needing to use it. Time to pick up some new weapons and armor. The weapons and armor in this town are not that great, as you already picked up better ones in the treasure chests before. Pick up some Silver Armlets for everyone, and that's about it. Your shopping here has now completed, and there's nothing to really do now, so rest and save at the Inn, and head to Terra Cavern. The enemies in the overworld are not that bad. Most of the enemies will be familiar to you, and the only new additions are Hyenadons and Lesser Tigers. Don't waste any magic on them, as you'll need it for the long and tough roads ahead, but kill these creatures with physical attacks. They're tougher than the Wolves you are used to facing, but you can overcome them pretty easily. The Terra Cavern is located southwest of Melmond. To get there, walk a little west, then south. Once you see a thin strip of land, which connects to a triangular island, go between the two mountain ranges and you will see a cave. That cave is none other than the Terra Cavern. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TERRA CAVERN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: N/A | | Treasure (Terra Cavern): 1,975 Gil, 880 Gil, Poison, Antidote, 795 Gil, | | Coral Sword, Tent, 330 Gil, 5,575 Gil, Leather | | Shield, Sleeping Bag, Potion, 3,400 Gil, 1,020 | | Gil, Star Ruby, 11,825 Gil, Staff, 1,250 Gil, | | Tent, Mythril Shield | | Treasure (Titan's Cave): Mythril Helm, 1,070 Gil, Great Axe | | Treasure (Sage's Cave): Earth Rod | | Enemies: Anaconda, Black Widow, Cobra, Cockatrice, Gargoyle, Ghast, Gnoma, | | Goblin Guard, Hill Gigas, Lizard, Minotaur, Mummy, Ochre Jelly, | | Ogre, Ogre Chieftain, Ogre Mage, Piscodemon, Sphinx, Tarantula, | | Troll, Warg Wolf, Werewolf, Wight, Wraith | | Bosses: Vampire, Lich | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in Terra Cavern are numerous and some are pretty powerful. Cockatrices are the perfect example. They are weak, and only have 50 HP, but they have a devastating Glance attack, which turns one of your party members into stone. Make sure to bring along some Gold Needles to have reverse the effect of this devastating attack. In addition to those, Wights are the new undead creatures here. They work the way the other undead enemies in the game do, as they have a Paralyze attack. Fortunately, they come with other undead enemies, Mummies, who have a Sleep attack. Have your Red Mage or White Mage cast Dia 2 or Dia 3 to quickly rid yourself of these annoying enemies. Enemies like the Piscodemons and Gargoyles are in here as random battles, but you should be used to those by now. The new power-based enemies in here include Gnomas, Trolls, Minotaurs, and Hill Gigas. These are all powerful enemies, but they all have elemental weaknesses. Cast Fire on the first 2, and Ice on the last 2. They have strong physical attacks, so watch out for them. When you enter here, you are immediately thrust into an area with six different directions to go in. If you go west, you will enter the infamous "Hall of Giants" that gained fame back in the days of the NES. Every step leads into an encounter with Hill Gigas and Lizards. Only go that way if you need experience and Gold. Otherwise, I'd advise avoiding it. The enemies here are powerful and will wear you out over time. Go north from the entrance if you choose to ignore the Hall of Giants, which leads you to a chest containing 1,975 GIL. Now, go back to the entrance and take the southeast route. Here, you will run into a split path, which each leads to chests. You can get 880 GIL, ANTIDOTE, POISON, and 795 GIL here. Now, go back to the entrance and head east to get to the next room. In this room, go southeast around the boulders, and then go east into a treasure room. In here, you can pick up a CORAL SWORD, TENT, and 330 GIL. Now, head back to the boulders, and go south now. Go east at the fork, then down again. There's three chests here, one containing 2,750 GIL, one containing 2,825 GIL, and one contains a LEATHER SHIELD. Go around the wall to the northeast, and this will lead you into the next room. You can see where you need to go as you enter this room, but sadly you will have to take the long way around instead of just smashing the wall down. That would be wrong, and we are good people. Go east, at the end of this passage you will find a SLEEPING BAG. Now, go north and pick up a POTION after fighting off a Gnoma. Go west, and the door in the middle contains a 3,400 GIL treasure chest, after another Gnoma. Go back out, then west and south. Go east at the path, and pick up 1,020 GIL. Go a bit further east to encounter a boss. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | VAMPIRE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 156 | EXP: 1,200 | GIL: 2,000 | ATT: 76 | DEF: 24 | MDEF: 75 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | This boss is nothing special. He has a strong physical attack power, but | | you should be able to kill him before he even gets off an attack. Just | | cast Fire 1 and Dia 1, while your physical attackers attack him. That will | | be enough to take him down. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- After winning this easy battle, you will pick up a STAR RUBY. Further progress is blocked, so return to Melmond and rest and save at the Inn. Go west of the Terra Cavern now, to get to the Titan's Cave. Feed the Golem the Star Ruby, and he'll allow you to pass. Head south at the path, to pick up a MYTHRIL HELM, 1,070 GIL, and GREAT AXE. Now, head north and in the stairs. Now you will be in a new area of the overworld map. Go south to the Sage's Cave. He will hook you up with the EARTH ROD, which allows you to pass through the blocked area in Terra Cavern. Now, return to the Cavern and go all the way back to the blocked area (it doesn't take as long now that you got all the treasure, trust me). Use the Earth Rod at the stone block near where you fought the Vampire. This opens up a path to the new room. Once you get in here, you will start to notice the enemies are getting even tougher. Sphinxes have 228 HP, but weak attack power. Just kill them with normal physical attacks. Wizard Ogres are like the other Ogres, but they know magic spells like Sleep and Ice. Wow. Just take those out with physical attacks or Fire magic. Make sure to encounter an Ochre Jelly in here to fill out your encounter log, as they're rarely found in here. Kill them with fire or ice magic. In this room, go northwest to a room, which holds several treasure chests. 11,825 GIL and a STAFF are your rewards here. Now, go to the southeast corner of the room, and you can pick up a TENT, MYTHRIL SHIELD, and 1,250 GIL. Take the northwest corner staircase to the next room. Go north, west, south, and west. Heal here, memo save if you want, and approach the boss. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | LICH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 800 | EXP: 2,200 | GIL: 3,000 | ATT: 40 | DEF: 40 | MDEF: 120 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Lich's main weakness is Fire, so make sure to expose that at all times. | | Have your white mage first cast Null-Ice, because Lich likes to cast Ice | | spells a lot. Have your Black Mage first cast Steel on your Warrior, to | | make his attacks even stronger. If your White Mage doesn't need to cure, | | have them cast Dia 3 (or Dia 2 if you can't spare the level 5 spells), | | and Red Mages/Black Mages should always cast Fire. Lich's physical attacks | | are nothing special, but they can stun the person it connects with. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- After you defeat Lich, you will activate the Earth Crystal, and then a portal will appear, taking you back to the overworld. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CRESCENT LAKE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: Sanctuary, Inn, White Magic, Black Magic, Weapon, Armor, Item | | Treasure: N/A | | Enemies (Overworld): Anaconda, Centipede, Hill Gigas, Minotaur, Ogre | | Chieftain, Ogre Mage, Scorpion, Troll | | Enemies (River): Crocodile, Hydra, Neochu, Ochu, Piranha, Red Piranha, | | White Croc | | Bosses: N/A | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Your next destination is Crescent Lake, so hop back on your boat, and then sail southwest from Melmond, past the peninsula with the Terra Cavern located on it, and sail due west until you end up on the east shore of another continent. Dock at the southern port, and then head southwest until you get to Crescent Lake. Older enemies like Ogres, Trolls, and Scorpions return in the overworld here, but they come in larger doses now, so beware. Keep healed up between battles, as not only due to have to deal with those creatures, but new enemies like Anacondas and Centipedes appear. Anacondas have a nasty poison based attack, so beware of that. Centipedes are strong against magic attacks, so use physical attacks to take them out. Once into the town, rest at the Inn, and save your game here. Head to the magic shops here, where you will notice that every spell costs 20,000 Gil. That's a lot of money per spell, but the spells are definitely worth it. Each spell has its own advantages, but you will see that some spells are definitely worth picking up, but others should be avoided, as there are better spells out there. White magic wise, you should definitely pick up Warp 2, Shield 2, and Stona. Warp 2 is a very effective spell, and Shield 2 will help your weaker defense characters later on in the game, especially during those tough boss battles. Black Mages should definitely pick up Bolt 3, but then the other 3 spells are pretty weird. Quake and Stun are probably the best way to go here, as Stun is stronger than Reaper (for some reason). Weapons wise, pick up any Mythril stuff your people may need. I already had everyone decked out in Mythril weaponry at this point, but here's a place to buy any of it if you need it. Pick up Mythril Gloves for every character that needs them, and a Buckler is the first shield for your Thief or Red Mage, and it proves to be a very effective shield. Now, go to the northeast corner of the town, and cross the bridge. Follow the path until you meet up with a circle of people, named the Twelve Sages. They will inform you about the remaining Fiends, and then will hook you up with a CANOE, which allows you to go to the next destination. You can either go to Mt. Gulg or Ice Cavern. I choose to go to Mt Gulg first, so let's go. Now, you can travel on the rivers using the canoes. The enemies here are pretty challenging. Yep, you even get to face random battles on a freaking CANOE. I'm just as happy as you are. Crocodiles and White Crocs are powerful, but they have a weakness to Bolt 3. However, due to their relatively low Hit Points amount, I think you should use physical attacks on them, and save your magic for tougher enemies. Piranhas usually come with them, but they're weak, and should be focused on last. Ochus and Neochus are strong physical attackers who also use poison based attacks, which is a definite concern. Ochus are weak against Bolt, but Neochus are not. Neochus can be defeated with a few physical attacks, however. The rest of the enemies in the rivers are not that strong, and will be defeated in a physical attack or two. Just beware of the Crocodiles and Ochu classes and you will be fine. Now, you may be wondering where the hell you're supposed to go. I advise going to Mt. Gulg first, so get in the canoe, go west, and turn up at the second split in the path. At the second split coming up here, go north. At the next path split, head west to get to Mt. Gulg. I have no idea how anyone ever found this place as a kid. :-P You know, before guides were available. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | MT. GULG | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: N/A | | Treasure (Mt. Gulg): 1,445 Gil, 1,760 Gil, 155 Gil, 2,000 Gil, 1,250 Gil, | | Antidote x2, Claymore, Cottage, Flame Mail, Flame | | Shield, Gold Needle, Ice Brand, Mythril Axe, Mythril | | Glove, Mythril Helm x2, Mythril Shield, Potion x2, | | Staff, Tent | | Enemies (Mt. Gulg): Centipede, Fire Gigas, Fire Hydra, Fire Lizard, Gray | | Ooze, Hell Hound, Hill Gigas, Horned Devil, Hyenadon, | | Lava Worm, Lizard, Minotaur, Ogre Chieftain, Ogre Mage,| | Pyrolisk, Pyros, Red Dragon, Scorpion, Sphinx, Wraith | | Bosses (Mt. Gulg): Marilith | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- As all of the enemies in here are fire based, ice magic definitely works well. Let's take a quick look at the enemies in here. Horned Devils are not weak against magic, so you'll have to use physical attacks to take them out. They're not that challenging, though. Fire Gigas are a lot tougher, however. They have a really high attack power, and the most hit points of any enemy in Mt. Gulg. Therefore, these are the enemies you should definitely focus your Ice magic on. Red Dragons are the strongest creatures, as their attack power is really high. Plus, they have no magical weaknesses, so you'll have to use physical attacks to take them out as well. Pyrolisks have a Squint attack, which can automatically kill one of your characters, but due to their low HP, you can usually be able to take them out before they get a chance to get the attack off. Fire Lizards and Hellhounds are weak against Ice magic, and they also use Fire magic. Their attack power is weak, so they will almost always use the Fire spells. I wouldn't worry too much about them, though. Lava Worms always appear alone, and they're not that challenging. Pyros always come in groups of two, and they are a little less challenging. Both can be defeated with simple physical attacks. When you enter the mountain, you will notice that there is lava. This lava takes off 1 HP with each step, but you can't really avoid it. Fortunately, you don't get into any random battles while you are in the lava, so it's actually SAFER to step in it, as you don't have to worry about getting seriously hurt by the dangerous enemies in here. Just go northwest, until you get to the stairs, where you will be in a new area. The quick way to get out of here is just to go west, going into the stairs to the next level. However, there is a TON of treasure waiting for you if you go north. Therefore, the choice is up to you, but I recommend getting the treasure, unless you're on easy mode and don't really need it. Most of the treasure here is guarded by 2 Pyros, but they are easy. Here's a list of all the treasure you can get here. MYTHRIL HELM, 4,150 GIL, CLAYMORE, MYTHRIL SHIELD, 1,520 GIL, 750 GIL, 795 GIL, POTION, MYTHRIL GLOVES, MYTHRIL HELM, 1,520 GIL, 1,750 GIL, 1,455 GIL, MYTHRIL AXE, 1,975 GIL, ANTIDOTE, and POTION. That's a lot of crap, eh? It's definitely worth the trip. Now, head down and west until you get to the next area. This is just a huge area with a lot of lava in it. The exit is to the east, so walk in the lava, keeping an eye on your hit points, until you get to the stairs taking you to the next room. Go into the southwest corner here, and you'll be greeted by another set of stairs. Now, you will be in jackpot city once again. There's a TON of items in here again, as well. Start here, then go north to get a GOLD NEEDLE and 2,750 GIL. Go down, and follow the path west. At the split, go west, and pick up 1,760 GIL from the chest to the north. The room at the west end of the room has a ICE BRAND and FLAME SHIELD. You also can get an ANTIDOTE, 7,340 GIL, and 880 GIL. Not bad at all, eh? All the chests in here are guarded by Lava Worms, but they are pretty easy to kill all in all. Go back to the split in the path, and go south this time. At the next split, go north in the room to get 2 chests, each containing a small amount of Gil. Go into the northeast section now to pick up a COTTAGE, 2,000 GIL, and ICE BRAND. Go back to the room with the Gil and head south now, then east at the path split. Go into the room for 1,250 GIL, a STAFF, and an encounter with a Fire Lizard enemy that will definitely look pretty well in your collection, as it's hard to find them in this game. Go south, and the stairs to the next room await you. The only chest to get in this room is located to the west, as it contains a nice FLAME MAIL armor. You have to fight a Fire Lizard and Red Dragon to get to it, but they're not too tough. Just make sure to heal, and the Red Dragon is NOT weak against Ice, as I mentioned earlier. Go to the southwest part of the room, and try to touch the crystal. A boss will challenge you! *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | MARILITH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,200 | EXP: 2,475 | GIL: 3,000 | ATT: 40 | DEF: 50 | MDEF: 183 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | As you may expect, all her attacks are fire-based, so make sure to have a | | White Mage cast NulFire so the amount of damage is reduced. She's not weak | | against Ice, so have the Black Mages cast spells like Haste and Steel on | | your physical attackers, to give them an easier time. Her fire attacks | | will be manageable thanks to the NulFire spell cast, so just have the | | White Mage cast heal as needed (once in a while), while physical attackers | | focus on slicing through her 1,200 HP. She's not too hard. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Once she is defeated, you will be warped back into the overworld. Now, it's time to go to the Ice Cavern! To get there, return to Crescent Lake to heal and stuff, then sail to the north until you get to another port. Go onto the canoe at the river now. Follow the wall of the mountains and head north. Go to the lower section at the intersection, and you will end up at the Ice Cavern. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | ICE CAVERN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: N/A | | Treasure (Ice Cavern): 9,500 Gil, Sleeping Bag, Ice Shield, 10,000 Gil, | | Potion, Flame Sword, Shirt, Levistone, Mythril | | Gloves, Ice Armor, 7,900 Gil, 5,454 Gil, 180 Gil, | | 12,330 Gil, 5,000 Gil, 9,900 Gil | | Enemies (Ice Cavern): Bloodbones, Cockatrice, Dark Wizard, Ghast, Ice | | Gigas, Mummy, Piscodemon, Remora, Specter, White | | Dragon, Wight, Winter Wolf, Wraith | | Bosses (Ice Cavern): Evil Eye | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The Ice Cavern comes with a bunch of enemies, but fortunately most of them have weaknesses, which can be exploited fairly easily. The Ice enemies, White Dragon, Ice Gigas, and Winter Wolves, are, of course, weak to fire, so bring out those fire spells when you face them. Make sure to use lower level fire magic, though. The Winter Wolves should go down with one fire attack, but you may need to use physical attacks in addition to fire magic to bring down the Ice Gigas and White Dragon. When you face an undead enemy (Bloodbones, Cockatrice, Ghast, Mummy, Specter, Wight), the standard drills apply. Have your white mage cast Dia 2 on all the enemies except Specters and Bloodbones, and use Dia 3 to take out those tougher enemies. Fire magic also works on them to a certain extent, but I advise saving those spells for the Ice enemies in here, since those are numerous. Finally, the magicians in here (Dark Wizard, Piscodemon, Mindflayer) are tough to beat. You should be used to Piscodemons by now, so no need to worry about those really. Mindflayers are a real problem, as they have physical attacks which can kill a party member in one hit if landed properly. Ouch. In addition, them and the Dark Wizards can do several magic attacks, including Trance, Reaper, Fire 3, and Bolt 3. Just use physical attacks to take these enemies out. When you enter here, you will see a lot of treasure, but you can't get all of it just yet. Go down the staircase, then go east in the next room to get to the next staircase. This will take you to B3F, which is the start of the true Ice Cavern, and will lead to lots of treasures, but dangerous battles as well. Take the staircase in this room to get to an interesting part of B2F-B. Go around the circle until you locate a door, and you will see little sections on the floor, which drop you into BF4. You need to go there, but to get the FLAME SWORD and SHIRT from the two treasure chests, you need to walk around the little cracks. You can't get the treasure chest in the middle now, so don't worry about that. When you get both, fall down one of the cracks. When you fall down here, you are immediately thrust into a battle with several undead enemies. Use the reliable Dia 2 to take down these enemies, then move out of this room. You will see little blue ice all over the floor, which works just like the fire in Gurgu Volcano. They do 1 damage point to all characters, but you can avoid tough random battles that way. Go west, and enter the room to pick up a MYTHRIL GLOVES and ICE ARMOR. These chests are guarded by a single White Dragon. He doesn't like physical attacks and Fire 2, so use them for an easy time. Leave this room, head south, and then head east, while still in the ice, and soon you will come into a treasure room containing 6 chests, each with a lot of money in them. Score! Go south from here, then east, to get to the next room. Pick up the 10,000 GIL and POTION from the chests here, then head into the room to the west to pick up 9,300 GIL, a SLEEPING BAG, and an ICE SHIELD. Step on the crack, and you will end up right in front of the Levistone. Heal as best as you can, then take a step forward to get into a tough boss battle. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | EVIL EYE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 162 | EXP: 3,225 | GIL: 3,225 | ATT: 30 | DEF: 30 | MDEF: 92 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Evil Eye became infamous in the original version of this game, because | | he has the ability to kill one of your party members instantly with the | | Doom spell. Fortunately, he only has 162 hit points, and will go down in a | | few turns if you pound away on him using strong magic and physical attacks.| | Just hope he doesn't use the Doom attack, and you'll be fine. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Pick up the LEVISTONE, and your journey here is complete. To leave, jump down the crack to either side, then work your way in reverse out of here. Go back to Crescent Lake and heal/save at the inn. Hop back on the canoe, and go south as soon as you enter the mountains. You will be in a desert, so walk to the center of it and use the Levistone. The Airship is now yours. Your first objective is to get some class changes, so let's go. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CLASS CHANGING | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: N/A | | Treasure (Citadel of Trials): Cottage, Gauntlets, Healing Staff, Ice Brand,| | Rat's Tail, Ruby Armlet, Steel Glove | | Treasure (Dragon Caves): Tent, Gold Needle, 575 Gil, 10 Gil, 500 Gil, | | Cottage, 160 Gil, 9,500 Gil, 2,750 Gil, 1,520 Gil,| | 2,750 Gil, 2,000 Gil, 1,455 Gil | | Enemies (Overworld): Basilisk, Hydra, Lesser Tiger, Ochu, Sabretooth, Sand | | Worm, Sphinx, Weretiger, Wyrm | | Enemies (Citadel of Trials): Clay Golem, Dragon Zombie, Horned Devil, King | | Mummy, Medusa, Mindflayer, Mummy, Necrotaur, | | Nightmare, Rakshasha | | Bosses (Citadel of Trials): Dragon Zombie | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- To get these mythical class changes, which is completely optional, but totally recommended because of the fact that it makes you much stronger and much more complete as characters, you have to go to the Citadel of Trials. It's in the northeastern part of the map, on the western part of the bird-shaped continent. Fly your airship up to the tip of pennisula to the north of the castle, then walk south. You will encounter new enemies on your way to the Citadel of Trials. Basilisks are nasty creatures who like to turn your characters to stone, so make sure to bring along some Gold Needles. Sand Worms have a devastating magic attack, Quake, so make sure to dispose of these creatures before they have the chance to pull the attack off. And finally, Wyrms have high attack power and more HP than any enemy here. Once you are inside of the citadel, talk to the old man, who will tell you of your quest. Enter the northwest door, and it has begun. King Mummies, Zombie Dragons, and Necrotaurs are the new undead enemies here, but as you may know by now (hopefully), Fire and Dia spells will mess them up in a hurry. They won't provide too much of a challenge. However, the other newer enemies in here are a little tougher. Rakshashas and Clay Golems are resistant to magic, so use physical attacks to take care of them. They're not too powerful, so I wouldn't worry too much about them. Nightmares are even less dangerous, as all they really do is weak Darkness attacks, and they don't have much HP, so you should be able to take care of them easily. Medusas are the most dangerous creatures here, so make sure to use high powered magic on them before they turn your party to stone. Okay, now we're in the confusing second room, with tons of warps. I will do my best to try to explain how to get out of this room. Go out of the room and take the warp. Then, take the next warp. Take the warp to the south, then the lone warp. Take the warp to the south again, then the lone warp again. Take the warp to the east, then the lone warp. Make sure to pick up the GAUNTLETS, then head to 3F. 3F involves simply running around the room, fighting battles and collecting treasure chests. When you pick up a HEALING STAFF, make sure to equip it with the White mage. It casts Cure every round. Before you get to the last chest, memo save and equip Flame Brands on everyone who can. Okay, here we go. Boss time. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | DRAGON ZOMBIE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 268 | EXP: 2,331 | GIL: 999 | ATT: 56 | DEF: 30 | MDEF: 135 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Haha, these guys are easy. They're weak against Fire, so your fire spells | | and weapons, as well as White Mage's Dia spells, will quickly dispose of | | these losers. If you want, you can keep fighting them over and over for | | the easy experience points. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Now, you have the Rat's Tail! Go back to the airship. Go to the small chain of islands southwest of the Citadel. There's no random encounters in the Dragon's Cave, so take your time, going through all six caves and picking up all the loot. Finally, in the last cave, you will get to meet Bahamut, who upgrades your job classes because of your courage in getting the Rat's Tail. Knights are now able to use white magic up to level 3. Ninjas can use black magic up to level 4. Ninjas, as well as Red Wizards, can now use stronger weapons and armor. All Wizards can now buy new spells, so make sure to pick them up, especially Warp 1 and Warp 2. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | GAIA | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Gaia) : White Magic Level 7, White Magic Level 8, Black Magic Level | | 7, Black Magic Level 8, Sanctuary, Inn, Weapon, Armor, Item | | Shops (Onlak): Sanctuary, Inn, White Magic, Black Magic, Item | | Treasure (Gaia): Bottled Fairie, Oxyale | | Treasure (Onlak): Defender, Ribbon, Spellbinder, Warp Cube | Enemies (Overworld): Baretta, Desert Baretta, Hellhound, Ice Gigas, Lesser | | Tiger, Ochu, Ogre Mage, Remora, Sabertooth, Sphinx, | | Wyrm, Wyvern | | Bosses: N/A | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Now, it's time to take your airship to the bird-shaped continent in the northeast part of the world. Once you get there, you will see a town, and this town is Gaia. The new foes in the overworld here are not too bad, except the two Baretta enemies. Just use physical attacks and some magic to take them down, but watch out, as they are quite strong, and have a ton of HP. There's a few shops in this town, and now that your party has upgraded their classes, you can now buy all of the things available in this town. The Cat Claws is a good buy for your Black Wizards (as it's the strongest weapon in the game for them), but it's very expensive, so only consider buying it if you have an extra load of money that you can't seem to spend. Buy Protect Rings (as they prevent Instant Death attacks), and maybe some Ruby Armlets for the characters in your party that aren't Warriors. Magic wise, Red Wizards have the power to buy only one spell, Ice 3, and it's the last spell in the entire game they can learn. Aw. For White Wizards, definitely pick up both the Cure 4 and Dia 4 spells found here. They are VERY useful, as you may expect by now. Black Wizards should also pick up both Level 7 spells. Level 8 wise, get Holy and NulAll for White Wizards, and Stop and Banish for Black Wizards. Oh yeah, but you still need 50,000 in order to do the next objective. Sorry about that. If you really need a lot of money quickly, go back to the Ice Cave and keep fighting the Evil Eye over and over. 3,225 Gil each time you win, and it's not like the enemy is hard any more, due to the fact your Protect Rings invalidate his instant death attack, which was the only thing he really had going for him. Once you have 50,000 Gil, talk to the people in the town, and they will talk about this fairy in a bottle. Now, take the airship to the northwest continent, and park it near the patch of grass in the southeast corner of the desert. The Caravan will sell the Bottled Faerie to you. Yay. Take it back to Gaia, and use it in front of the pond. It will fill the bottle up with Oxyale, allowing you to breathe underwater. Back on the northwest continent, you can make a pit stop to the town of Onlak. It's south of the place where you got the Bottled Faerie, just take the canoe south. The magic here is not too great, however, and is only used to complete your list. Poor Onlak really got shafted here. No weapons to buy, just weak magic. White Mages can live with Heal 3, and Black Mages can pick up Saber. Hooray. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | WATERFALL CAVERN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Waterfall Cavern): N/A | | Treasure (Waterfall Cavern): 13,450 Gil, 6,400 Gil, 5,000 Gil, Defender, | | Ribbon, Spellbinder | | Enemies (Waterfall Cavern): Clay Golem, Cockatrice, Green Dragon, King | | Mummy, Mummy, Nightmare, Pyrolisk | | Bosses (Waterfall Cavern): N/A | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Your next stop on the journey is a quick pit stop over to the Waterfall Cavern. From Onlak, take the canoe into the waterfall northwest. That's all. It's really not that hard to get here at all. =) Most of the enemies you will encounter in the Waterfall Cavern are enemies you have faced before in previous dungeons, so I will not give a recap on how to defeat them. You should know how to by now. ;) The only new enemy you will face in here is the rare Green Dragon, who has a super high magic defense, and has 352 HP. Fortunately, physical attacks work pretty well, so just pound away on it. It is hard hitting though, so make sure to have some healing items around just in case. This is also the easiest "dungeon" in the entire game, as almost every path leads to nowhere, except for one. Just move along the left wall when you enter, and you will eventually get to a place with six chests and a robot. 3 of the chests contain Gil, and the other 3 contain valuable items, including a RIBBON, which you should equip immediately! Don't forget to talk to the robot to pick up a WARP CUBE. Now you can leave. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | SUNKEN SHRINE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Sunken Shrine): N/A | | Treasure (Sunken Shrine): Lots of Gil!, Antidote, Diamond Armlet, Diamond | | Armor, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Diamond | | Shield, Giant's Gloves, Light Axe x2, Mage's | | Staff, Ribbon, Rosetta Stone | | Enemies (Sunken Shrine): Aquos, Cockatrice, Deepeyes, Ghost, King Mummy, | | Mummy, Pyrolisk, Sahagin Chief, Sahagin Prince, | | Sea Scorpion, Sea Snake, Sea Troll, Shark, Water | | Naga, White Shark | | Bosses (Sunken Shrine): Kraken | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Time to head to the Sunken Shrine, which is the next major dungeon in Final Fantasy, and hosts one of the four elemental fiends. Make sure to come prepared! When you are ready, go to the southeast corner of Onlak and hook the mermaid up with the Oxyale. She lends you her submarine, which takes you directly to the Sea Shrine. See, that wasn't so hard to get to, either, now was it? The enemies in the Sunken Shrine are, as you may expect, mostly water based. So, bolt magic ends up working very effectively in this dungeon. The only exceptions to this rule are Mummies and Ghosts (which Dia and Fire can take care of easily enough), and Aquos (which Ice can take care of.) The enemies in here are not that tough, but they come in large packs, so make sure to have that magic ready. The toughest enemies in here are the White Sharks and Sahagin Princes. You know how tough these enemies were in early in the game when you first got the ship, and their upgraded counterparts are just as tough. The White Sharks hit hard and have a lot of HP, and the Sahagin Princes almost always accompany them. Have the Fighters focus on the Shark while the mages take care of every enemy on screen with Bolt magic. You start off in the middle of the shrine, and you have a choice to make. There are two things you have to do here: Go to the top and collect the Rosetta Stone, and go to the bottom and defeat Kraken. Now, it is common sense that you will want the extra EXP for the battle with Kraken, but you will also end up needing to use lots of healing items and magic, and you may be weak vs Kraken. The choice is yours, but I choose to go up first. Take the stairs up to the northeast, and you will be on the 3rd floor. The two chests in here contain a total of 11,900 GIL, so pick them up before moving down the staircase to the next floor. Now that you are on the 4th floor, the treasure starts to get better. Every room except for the first has a chest, so make sure to pick up all of them. There's a DIAMOND ARMOR in the northern part of the room, a 20 GIL chest in the middle, and 3 chests (LIGHT AXE, MAGE'S STAFF, 12,350 GIL) in the lower portions of the room. The stairs are in the southeastern part of the room. The next room contains no enemies, and has lots of treasure. Score! I wish every room was this easy. ;) There is a ton of Gil in this room, as well as a quadruplet of Diamond armor (DIAMOND HELM, DIAMOND GLOVES, DIAMOND ARMLET, DIAMOND SHIELD) But where is the Rosetta Stone? Go to the northwestern corner and take the path that goes off-screen. This path leads you across the room, to the famed ROSETTA STONE. Awesome. Now, you can warp out of here, and go back to Onlak to heal. When you return, it's time to go down. Take the staircase to the northwest, then go north to another staircase. Take a few more staircases to pick up 550 GIL, then go back down the 2 staircases and go through the door to the south. Take the stairs, which will lead you to the west side of the 2nd floor. We're getting closer to Kraken... But we're not there just yet. The room south of this staircase contain 15,000 GIL, but are guarded by a pair of dangerous Aquos. Make sure to use Ice magic to take them out. The room to the west has GIANT'S GLOVES and over 5,800 GIL. Go north and pick up the LIGHT AXE. You'll have to face several Aquos along the way, but Ice magic will definitely terminate them, as I said. Go west here, beat the Sahagin Princes, and pick up 20,000 GIL and a RIBBON! (Score! Put that on someone immediately.) Go northwest to exit the room. This is the final floor of the dungeon, thankfully. Head west, then turn north where you will see a rock. Take the bridge to the left, then enter the huge chamber. Take the door through the southwest, then head north through the chamber. Once you pass 3 puddles, go left and exit the room by heading through the south door. You will now be back outside of the chamber, so go north, then east, and enter the 1st door. Heal up, because it's boss time. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | KRAKEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,600 | EXP: 4,245 | GIL: 5,000 | ATT: 50 | DEF: 60 | MDEF: 160 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Kraken has an extraordinary physical defense, so you'll have to power up | | those Fighters ASAP. Use Giant's Gloves on them, as well as Haste. Black | | Mages should, of course, use Bolt to take care of his HP little by little. | | Once the Fighters are powered up, the battle should be easier. White Mages | | should just heal or cast stuff like Invis, as well as continuing to use | | Giant's Gloves on the physical attackers. | | | | Kraken has no magic attacks, but his physical attacks are powerful and make| | up for his lack of magical prowess. This is why Shield and Invis work so | | well, so have your mages cast that, while Fighters attack and Black Mages | | cast Bolt. He will go down quicker than your mom last night in no time. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Once you are done here, teleport out and return to Melmond. Show the Rosetta Stone to Dr. Unne, and he will teach you how to speak Lufenian fluently. If only Japanese was that easy! Now, you might as well go to the town since you learned the language, right? Let me tell you how to get there.. go northwest from Melmond and land at the top of the peninsula in the west side of the northeast continent. Okay, now what are you supposed to do here? It's not very complex, as it's not a large town and most of it is pretty boring. You only get to buy some level 8 spells (which will definitely come in handy, don't get me wrong), and then the main objective. You have to talk tom the man in the southwest corner of the area to the east of the entrance. Take the BELL and go to the strip southeast of the desert, and proceed into the tower. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TOWER OF MIRAGE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Tower of Mirage): N/A | | Treasure (Tower of Mirage): Lots of Gil!, Aegis Shield, Cottage, Dragon | | Mail, Healing Helm, Sunblade, Tent, Thor's | | Hammer, Vorpal Sword | | Enemies (Tower of Mirage): Black Knight, Blue Dragon, Chimera, Cockatrice, | | Guardian, Hellhound, King Mummy, Medusa, Mummy, | | Nightmare, Pyrolisk, Sabretooth, Vampire, | | Weretiger, Wyrm, Wyvern | | Bosses (Tower of Mirage): None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The Tower of Mirage combines old enemies along with new ones. The new enemies you face include Chimera, who are weak against Ice but are otherwise strong attackers with good magic. Take care of them quickly. Vampires make their return from the Terra Cavern, but the usual weaknesses of Dia and Fire are evident, so take care of them by casting those spells. Blue Dragons are a pain in the ass, however. Elemental spells are basically worthless, so have your mages be healers and cast Haste on your fighters. The Blue Dragon's lightning attack is just nasty, so make sure to watch out for that. They have no main weaknesses, and with 454 HP, you may need to heal several times. Be very wary of these high-powered creatures. Guardians only have 200 HP, but have high defense and magic defense, so they sometimes take a while to kill. Their tendency to travel in packs is most annoying, so cut through them one by one until you eventually win. The Black Knights are the last new enemies, and while they are not too tough, they don't have any real weaknesses and will be a pest to your party. Once you enter the Tower of Mirage, go through the door, and then take a few steps to the east. Go through the other door, and pick up the three chests in here (VORPAL SWORD, HEALING HELM, and AEGIS SHIELD) before making your way to the staircase, which takes you to the second floor. This dungeon is not terribly long, as we are already progressing through it. Hey, makes my job as a walkthrough writer easier. ;) Once on the second floor, walk along the side of the wall, and turn west once you get to a crack in the wall. Turn at the following break to move deeper into the room, and then go south to find access to the center room. You'll pick up lots of chests here, including a lot of Gil, a COTTAGE, SUN SWORD, THOR'S HAMMER, and DRAGON ARMOR. Woah woah woah woah woah! The third floor has a boss-type creature named the Blue Dragon, who you may have already faced as a random enemy (and prolly gotten your ass handed to you as a result), so make sure to heal up and stuff. Once you beat the boss, you may choose to warp out and use a cottage, as you got another dungeon to do directly after this and can't save or use cottages inside the dungeons. When you're ready, use the Warp Cube on the center teleportation spot. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | FLYING FORTRESS | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops (Flying Fortress): N/A | | Treasure (Flying Fortress): Adamantite, Black Robe, Cottage, Diamond | | Gloves, Diamond Shield, Gold Needle x2, Heal | | Helm, Mythril Helm, Potion x2, Protect Cloak, | | Protect Ring x2, Ribbon, Sasuke, Shirt, Venom | | Blade, White Robe | | Enemies (Flying Fortress): Aeros, Black Knight, Chimera, Clay Golem, Dark | | Flan, Dark Warrior, Earth Medusa, Evil Eye, | | Fire Hydra, Manticore, Medusa, Mindflayer, | | Neochu, Nightmare, Rakshasha, Soldier, Spirit | | Naga, Stone Golem, Vampire Lord | | Bosses (Flying Fortress): Tiamat | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in the Flying Fortress are tough, really tough. The Warmech is the nastiest enemy in the entire game, tougher than Chaos, and it will be beneficial not to run into him. Manticores and Neochus are kind of weak, but have a deadly poison attack that cannot be taken lightly. Stone Golems have high defense but low HP, so they're just like normal enemies, only they hit for slightly more damage than normal. Rakshasas are immune to magic and have a poison attack as well, so use physical attacks to deal with them. Dark Warriors can cast Doom and Flare, so watch out for those bad asses. Mindflayers use an instant kill attack, as do Evil Eyes, who you might remember as being a boss in the Ice Cave. Earth Medusas and Spirit Nagas have tough magic but weak defense, making them easy targets. Finally, Soldiers have high amounts of hit points, but he is weak against Bolt, so bring out the Red Mage or Black Mage and go to work for an easy time. Aeros is weak against physical attacks, and Vampire is a tough dude who must be disposed of right away. Good luck in here, the enemies are definitely not easy. Get all the treasure from this room before leaving. The west one has Gil, the northeast one has DIAMOND GLOVES, the east one has RIBBON and DIAMOND SHIELD, the southeast has BLACK ROBE and WHITE ROBE, the northwest one has MYTHRIL HELM and COTTAGE, and the southwest one has the infamous ADAMANTITE that will come in handy for sure. Make sure to get all these useful items before taking the exit to the south. The warp to the next floor is to the east and a bit south. But there are treasure to get first.. go north for a POTION and PROTECT RING, then east for a SASUKE and SHIRT and west for a PROTECT CLOAK and PROTECT RING. That's it for treasures, so warp out, heal, bring the Adamantite to the dwarves to get the Excalibur, and return to this room and go to the warp. Go north past two pits, and then west two pits to get to the boss here. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | TIAMAT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | EXP: 5,496 | GIL: 6,000 | ATT: 49 | DEF: 80 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Yikes. Have Flare? Use it. It does a lot of damage. If you don't have it | | turn the game off. Heh, just kidding. Use whatever strong magic you have. | | Have everyone attack as normal if they can't use strong magic, and of | | course, keep cured as needed. You may want to cast Blink on everyone to | | soften his physical attacks, which hurt a lot. He is pretty tough, but he | | only needs like 3 Flares to die, so just have the Black Wizard keep on | | nuking and he will die soon enough. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TEMPLE OF CHAOS | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Items: Excalibur, Masamune, Protect Cloak, Protect Ring, Sasuke | | Bosses: Lich, Marilith, Kraken, Tiamat, Chaos | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Different format this time due to all the enemies in this bloody place. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Enemies: Black Knight, Chimera, Dark Flan, Dark Warrior, Dark Wizard, | | Death Eye, Dragon Zombie, Green Dragon, Ice Gigas, Purple Worm, | | Rhyos, Vampire Lord, White Dragon, Winter Wolf | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Here we go, the final dungeon, and home to some of the nastiest enemies and bosses in the entire game. It's in the Temple of Chaos, the game's first dungeon. The warp in there will take you here. Take the southeast staircase to get to the next floor, where all you have to do is head east a little bit, which leads you to the third floor. Head south past the second room, then turn to the east and follow the pillars when they turn north. At the dead end, play that worthless Lute the princess gave you twenty hours ago and play it in front of that stone block, revealing a ladder. Wow, it came in handy after all! It takes you to the middle of 2F, so go south, west, and north, to go to the stairs. Go to the northwest corner to encounter the first boss. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | LICH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,000 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 50 | DEF: 50 | MDEF: 140 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | He casts Flare on the 1st turn, so watch out for that. Other than that, as | | long as you stay healed, you can win. I just used physical attacks, as you | | need to save your strong attacks for later on in the dungeon. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Enemies: Fire Gigas, Fire Lizard, Lava Worm, Pyros, Red Dragon | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- On the next floor, go west, then north to find a door. Go east along the bottom wall until you find another door, and go up the stairs. On the next floor, instead of going down the stairs, go south to get the four chests (PROTECT RING, SASUKE, 26000 GIL, PROTECT CLOAK) before taking the stairs, which house another boss so heal up. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | MARILITH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,400 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 60 | DEF: 60 | MDEF: 183 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Marilith has stronger statistics than Lich does, but she's easier because | | Fire 3 is way weaker than Flare. Just cast mid level Ice spells to take | | her down, or just use NulFire and attack her normally. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Enemies: Aquos, Deepeyes, Sahagin Prince, Sea Scrorpion, Sea Snake, Sea | | Troll, Water Naga, Water Shark | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The next floor is short and sweet. Go west and then go as far south as you can go. Go into the courtyard, then pass through the door to the north. Go one room to the east, and then south to the bottom. Go east, heal up, and approach the stairs. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | KRAKEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,800 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 70 | DEF: 70 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Again, he has stronger stats now, and in addition to that, he no longer is | | weak against Bolt. Grr. Cast Shield 2 right away to cut down on his strong | | attacks, then Haste and Saber a Fighter up and go to work, using physical | | attacks. Heal when needed to get the win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Enemies: Aeros, Doom Knight, Dragon Zombie, Iron Golem, Mindflayer, | | Nightmare, Purple Worm, Stone Golem, Vampire, Vampire Lord | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Almost done. You can get the Masamune here if you want, I recommend it strongly. To get it, follow the western wall south, then east. Go back to the beginning of this floor and then cross the bridge, healing up before you do so. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | TIAMAT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,200 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 75 | DEF: 90 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The second to last boss in the game, and he is a little challenging to say | | the least. Just use physical attacks more, as magic no longer is effective.| | Cast NulAll on your healer for an easier time, as Tiamat focuses mostly on | | magic attacks. Haste and Saber your physical attackers, keep healed, and | | you should be able to win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Heal and save, because you're ready to face the final boss. Go into the room, and make sure someone has the Excalibur and someone else has the Masamune. It will help. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | CHAOS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 4,000 | EXP: 0 | GIL: 0 | ATT: 100 | DEF: 100 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Here we go, the last boss battle in the game. And he actually has music | | this time too, sweet. This battle is pretty simple but can be challenging | | due to his annoying Cure 4 spell. If he casts it, it drags the battle out | | even longer. Thankfully, you should have saved some high level magic, so | | it is time to use it. Cast NulAll on the healer, then have the healer keep | | casting Nul spells on everyone, while healing of course. | | | | While the healer does that, have your physical attackers have Haste and | | Saber on them, then start the physical attack assault. Using Giant's | | Gloves wouldn't be a bad idea, either. With physical attacks, strong magic,| | and Nul spells on everyone, you will win this battle if you keep healed. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Congratulation, a winner is you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ / 4.0 LISTS / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 4.1 ] WEAPONS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Weapon: Name of the weapon Type of Weapon: What type it is. Attack: The attack power of the weapon Accuracy: The hit percentage of the weapon. Equip: What job classes can equip it. Price: Buying/selling price. Description: In-game description of the weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BATTLE AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +16 Accuracy: +5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 550/450 Description: An axe made for combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BROADSWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +15 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 550/450 Description: Sword with a wide, double-edged blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CAT CLAWS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +22 Accuracy: +25 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard, Black Wizard Price: 65,000/52,000 Description: Very sharp knife. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CLAYMORE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +21 Accuracy: +20 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword effective against giants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CORAL SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +19 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword effective against aquatics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CROSIER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Staff Attack: +14 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Monk, Master Price: 200/160 Description: Staff topped with iron rings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DAGGER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +7 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 175/140 Description: Large battle knife. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEFENDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +30 Accuracy: +35 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword with Blink effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EXCALIBUR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +45 Accuracy: +35 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: A sword of phenomenal strength. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FALCHION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +15 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 450/360 Description: Sword with a wide blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +26 Accuracy: +20 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword forged with the essence of fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GREAT AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +22 Accuracy: +5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Large battle axe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HAMMER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Hammer Attack: +9 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard Price: 10/8 Description: A hammer made for combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEALING STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Staff Attack: +6 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard Price: N/A Description: Staff with Heal effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE BRAND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +29 Accuracy: +25 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword forged with the essence of ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / IRON NUNCHAKU / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Nunchaku Attack: +16 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Ninja, Monk, Master Price: 200/160 Description: Nunchaku made of iron. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KNIFE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +5 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 5/4 Description: A small knife. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LIGHT AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +28 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Axe with Dia 2 effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LONG SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +20 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 1,500/1,200 Description: Large, double-edged sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MAGE'S STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Staff Attack: +12 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Ninja, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: N/A Description: Staff with Fire 2 effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MASAMUNE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +56 Accuracy: +50 Equip: All Price: N/A Description: The mightiest sword of all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +25 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 4,500/3,600 Description: Axe made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL HAMMER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Hammer Attack: +12 Accuracy: +5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard Price: 2,500/2,000 Description: Hammer made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL KNIFE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +10 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 800/640 Description: Knife made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +23 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 4,000/3,200 Description: Sword made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NUNCHAKU / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Nunchaku Attack: +12 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Ninja, Monk, Master Price: 10/8 Description: Wooden nunchaku. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POWER STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Staff Attack: +12 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Monk, Master, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: N/A Description: A heavy staff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RAPIER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +9 Accuracy: +5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 10/8 Description: Sword with a slender blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RUNE BLADE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +18 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword effective against spell-casting foes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SABER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +13 Accuracy: +5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 450/360 Description: Long-bladed sword made for piercing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SASUKE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +33 Accuracy: +35 Equip: Ninja Price: N/A Description: A light ninja blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCIMITAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +10 Accuracy: +10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 200/160 Description: Sword with a curved blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPELLBINDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Staff Attack: +15 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Black Wizard Price: N/A Description: Staff with Muddle effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Staff Attack: +6 Accuracy: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 5/4 Description: A wooden staff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SUNBLADE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +32 Accuracy: +30 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword effective against the undead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THOR'S HAMMER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Hammer Attack: +18 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Knight, Ninja, White Wizard Price: N/A Description: Hammer with Bolt 2 effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VENOM BLADE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +22 Accuracy: +20 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Saber with Poison effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VORPAL SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +24 Accuracy: +25 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sharp-edged crescent sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WEREBANE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +18 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword effective against werebanes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WYRMKILLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +19 Accuracy: +15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sword effective against dragons. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 4.2 ] ARMOR =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Armor: Name of the armor. Type of Armor: What type it is. Defense: The defense power of the armor. Evade: The evade percentage of the armor. Equip: What job classes can equip it. Price: Buying/selling price. Description: In-game description of the weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / AEGIS SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +16 Evade: +0 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: Sometimes protects from special attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLACK ROBE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Cloth Defense: +24 Evade: -2 Equip: Black Wizard Price: N/A Description: Robe with Ice 2 effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BRONZE GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +2 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 200/160 Description: Gloves made of bronze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BUCKLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +2 Evade: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Thief, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 2,500/2,000 Description: Small shield that is easy to handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CHAIN MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +15 Evade: -15 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 80/65 Description: Mail made with steel rings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COPPER ARMLET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armlet Defense: +4 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 1,000/800 Description: Armlet made of hammered copper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND ARMLET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armlet Defense: +34 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: N/A Description: Decorative armlet with a diamond inset. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +42 Evade: -10 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: Brilliant armor made of diamond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +8 Evade: -3 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: Gloves made of diamond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +8 Evade: -3 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: Helmet made of diamond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +16 Evade: +0 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: Shield made of diamond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DRAGON MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +42 Evade: -10 Equip: Knight Price: N/A Description: Armor made of dragon scales. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +34 Evade: -10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Armor forged with the essence of fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +12 Evade: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Shield forged with the essence of fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GAUNTLETS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +6 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Gloves with Bolt 2 effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GIANT'S GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +6 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Gloves with Saber effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GRAND HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +5 Evade: -5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 450/360 Description: Helmet that protects entire head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEALING HELMET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +6 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Helmet with Heal effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HELMET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +3 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 100/80 Description: Small helmet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +34 Evade: -10 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Armor forged with the essence of ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +12 Evade: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Shield forged with the essence of ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / IRON SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +4 Evade: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 100/80 Description: Shield made of iron. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KNIGHT'S ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +34 Evade: -33 Equip: Warrior, Knight Price: 45,000/36,000 Description: Strong armor made of steel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +4 Evade: -8 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 50/40 Description: Plain armor made of leather. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER CAP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +1 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Thief, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 80/85 Description: Cap made of leather. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +1 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 60/50 Description: Gloves made of leather. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +2 Evade: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 15/12 Description: Shield made of leather. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +18 Evade: -8 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Price: 7,500/6,000 Description: Gleaming armor made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +6 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 2,500/2,000 Description: Gloves made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +6 Evade: -3 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 2,500/2,000 Description: Helmet made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Defense: +8 Evade: +0 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 2,500/2,000 Description: Shield made of mythril silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PROTECT RING / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +8 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: N/A Description: Ring that guards against instant death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RIBBON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +1 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: N/A Description: Sometimes protects from special attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RUBY ARMLET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armlet Defense: +24 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 50,000/40,000 Description: Decorative armlet with a ruby inset. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHIRT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Cloth Defense: +1 Evade: -2 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 10/8 Description: A shirt made of cotton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SILVER ARMLET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armlet Defense: +15 Evade: -1 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Monk, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Price: 5,000/4,000 Description: Armlet made of silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STEEL GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +4 Evade: -5 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 750/600 Description: Gloves made of bronze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STEEL PLATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +24 Evade: -23 Equip: Warrior, Knight, Ninja Price: 800/640 Description: Armor made of steel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WHITE ROBE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Cloth Defense: +24 Evade: -2 Equip: White Wizard Price: N/A Description: Robe with Invis2 effect. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 4.3 ] ITEMS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Here's just a listing of all the items in the game and what they do. Simple and effective. --------------------- | - REGULAR ITEMS - | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Antidote | Cures the Poison status effect. | | Cottage | Restores party's HP and MP, also saves game. | | Gold Needle | Cures the Stone status effect. | | Potion | Restores a character's HP a little. | | Sleeping Bag | Restores a little of party's HP and MP, also saves game| | Tent | Restores a lot of party's HP and MP, also saves game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- | - KEY ITEMS - | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Adamantite | Legendary metal renowned for its strength. | | Bell | Sky People's treasured bell. | | Bottled Faerie | Bottle containing a faerie. | | Canoe | Light boat food for traversing lakes and rivers. | | Crown | Crown that shimmers mysteriously. | | Crystal Eye | Mystical orb made of crystal. | | Earth Rod | Staff blessed by the spirits. | | Jolt Tonic | Awakens one from deepest slumber. | | Levistone | Mysterious rock that floats in the air. | | Lute | Most melodious musical instrument. | | Mystic Key | Opens magically sealed doors. | | Nitro Powder | Powder packed with explosive power. | | Oxyale | Mysterious liquid that creates air. | | Rat's Tail | Proof of valor and strength. | | Rosetta Stone | Stone tablet etched with ancient transcriptions. | | Star Ruby | Huge, sparkling, red gem. | | Warp Cube | Prismatic cube that glitters with color. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 4.4 ] MAGIC =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Spell: Name of the spell. Type: Whether it's black or white magic. Price: Cost/sell price. Class: Classes that can learn it. Description: What the spell does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BANISH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: Black Wizard Description: Chance of instantly killing one or all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLIND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Stuns an enemy, paralyzing them for several rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLINK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 100/50 Class: Knight, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Raises the caster's evasion by 80 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BREAK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 45,000/30,000 Class: Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Instantly blinds an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOLT 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 100/50 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with lightning for 10-40 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOLT 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with lightning for 30-120 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOLT 3 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with lightning for 60-240 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CURE 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 100/50 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Restores 16-32 Hit Points to one character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CURE 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Restores 33-66 Hit Points to one character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CURE 3 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Restores 66-132 Hit Points to one character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CURE 4 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 45,000/30,000 Class: White Wizard Description: Fully restores a character's Hit Points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIA 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 100/50 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Harms undead enemies for 20-80 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIA 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Harms undead enemies for 40-160 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIA 3 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Harms undead enemies for 60-240 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIA 4 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 45,000/30,000 Class: White Wizard Description: Harms undead enemies for 80-320 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DISPEL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: White Wizard Description: All spells cast on the character/enemy are removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DOOM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: Black Wizard Description: Instantly kills one enemy, guaranteed to work on any non-boss creatures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ESUNA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Cures the Poison status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FEAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Makes the enemies run away from battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 100/50 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with fire for 10-40 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with fire for 30-120 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE 3 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with fire for 50-200 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FOCUS 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 100/50 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Lowers an enemy's evasion by 10 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FOCUS 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Lowers all enemies' evasion by 10 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLARE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: Black Wizard Description: Major damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FOG / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 400/250 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Blinds the enemies with a heavy fog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HASTE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Doubles the attack power of one character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEAL 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Restores 12-24 Hit Points to all characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEAL 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Restores 24-48 Hit Points to all characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEAL 3 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 45,000/30,000 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Restores 48-96 Hit Points to all characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HOLY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: White Wizard Description: Damages foes for large amounts of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 400/250 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with ice for 20-80 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with ice for 40-160 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE 3 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 45,000/30,000 Class: Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Damages an enemy with ice for 70-280 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / INVIS 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 400/250 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Raises a character's evasion by 40 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / INVIS 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Raises the party's evasion by 40 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LAMP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 400/250 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Cures the Darkness status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LIFE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Brings a character back to life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LIFE 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: White Wizard Description: Restores all of an ally's HP and brings them back to life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MUDDLE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Casts the Confusion status effect on all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NULALL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: White Wizard Description: Reduces all spell damage by 50 percent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NULBOLT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 400/250 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Reduces lightning damage by 50 percent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NULFIRE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 1,500/1,000 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Reduces fire damage by 50 percent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NULICE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Reduces ice damage by 50 percent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NULMAGC / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 45,000/30,000 Class: Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Protects the party from all instant death attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POISON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Instantly kills all foes. Barely works.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / QUAKE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Major earth damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / REAPER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Instantly kills one foe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHLD 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 100/50 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Raises a character's defense by 8 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHLD 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Raises the party's defense by 12 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SILENCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 400/250 Class: Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Prevents the enemy from casting a spell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLEEP 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 100/50 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Puts foes to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLEEP 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 4,000/2,050 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Guaranteed to put one non-boss enemy to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 400/250 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Slows down an enemy, reducing their speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLOW 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Slows down an enemy, reducing its attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STEEL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 400/250 Class: Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Raises the caster's attack power by 14 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STONA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: White Mage, White Wizard Description: Cures the Stone status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STOP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 60,000/40,000 Class: Black Wizard Description: Causes all enemies to stop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STUN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Black Mage, Black Wizard Description: Instantly paralyzes a foe for several rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VOX / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 4,000/2,500 Class: Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard Description: Cures the Mute status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WARP 1 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Black Price: 8,000/5,000 Class: Red Wizard, Black Wizard Description: Warps the party back to the previous floor of the dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WARP 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: White Price: 20,000/13,000 Class: Red Wizard, White Wizard Description: It warps you out of dungeons. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 4.5 ] ENEMIES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Enemy: Name of the enemy Hit Points: Amount of hit points the enemy has Experience: Experience Points gained for defeating the enemy Gil: Gil received for defeating the enemy Attack: Attack power of the enemy Defense: Defensive power of the enemy Magic Defense: Magic Defense of the enemy Nullified: Enemy is resistant to these attacks Weakness: Enemy is weak against these attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / AEROS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 358 EXP: 1,614 GIL: 807 ATTACK: 53 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 130 NULL: Quake, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ALLOSAURUS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 480 EXP: 3,387 GIL: 502 ATTACK: 65 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 200 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ANACONDA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 80 EXP: 165 GIL: 50 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 56 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / AQUOS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 EXP: 1,962 GIL: 800 ATTACK: 69 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 130 NULL: Quake, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ALLOSAURUS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 480 EXP: 3,387 GIL: 502 ATTACK: 65 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 200 NULL: None WEAK: None *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / ASTOS / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 168 EXP: 2,250 GIL: 2,000 ATTACK: 26 DEFENSE: 40 MD: 170 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BARETTA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 256 EXP: 1,428 GIL: 300 ATTACK: 60 DEFENSE: 38 MD: 130 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BASILISK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 196 EXP: 1,977 GIL: 658 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 91 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLACK KNIGHT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 260 EXP: 1,263 GIL: 658 ATTACK: 44 DEFENSE: 38 MD: 135 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLACK WIDOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 28 EXP: 30 GIL: 8 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 28 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLOODBONES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 144 EXP: 378 GIL: 378 ATTACK: 26 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 76 NULL: Confusion, Ice, Death, Paralysis WEAK: Dia, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLUE DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 454 EXP: 3,274 GIL: 2,000 ATTACK: 92 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 200 NULL: Quake, Bolt WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CENTIPEDE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 222 EXP: 1,194 GIL: 300 ATTACK: 39 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 116 NULL: None WEAK: None *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / CHAOS / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 4,000 EXP: N/A GIL: N/A ATTACK: 100 DEFENSE: 100 MD: 200 NULL: Everything WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CHIMERA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 EXP: 2,064 GIL: 2,500 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 130 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CLAY GOLEM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 176 EXP: 1,257 GIL: 800 ATTACK: 9 DEFENSE: 73 MD: 93 NULL: Confusion, Ice, Fire, Quake, Paralysis, Death WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COBRA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 56 EXP: 123 GIL: 50 ATTACK: 6 DEFENSE: 6 MD: 46 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COCKATRICE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 50 EXP: 186 GIL: 200 ATTACK: 1 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 47 NULL: Quake WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CRAWLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 84 EXP: 186 GIL: 200 ATTACK: 1 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 51 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CRAZY HORSE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 64 EXP: 63 GIL: 15 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 2 MD: 40 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CROCODILE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 184 EXP: 816 GIL: 900 ATTACK: 42 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 103 NULL: Fire, Quake WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DARK FLAN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 156 EXP: 1,101 GIL: 900 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 255 MD: 85 NULL: Quake, Bolt, ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DARK WARRIOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 3,420 GIL: 3,420 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 38 MD: 186 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEATH EYE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 360 EXP: 1 GIL: 1 ATTACK: 120 DEFENSE: 60 MD: 160 NULL: Quake, ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEEP EYES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 304 EXP: 3,591 GIL: 3,591 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 156 NULL: Fire, Quake WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DESERT BARETTA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 352 EXP: 2,610 GIL: 1 ATTACK: 98 DEFENSE: 48 MD: 156 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DOOM KNIGHT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 190 EXP: 2,700 GIL: 3,000 ATTACK: 55 DEFENSE: 32 MD: 173 NULL: Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DRAGON ZOMBIE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 268 EXP: 2,331 GIL: 999 ATTACK: 56 DEFENSE: 30 MD: 135 NULL: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EARTH MEDUSA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 96 EXP: 1,218 GIL: 1,218 ATTACK: 11 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 70 NULL: Quake, Ice WEAK: Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EVIL EYE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 162 EXP: 3,225 GIL: 3,225 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 30 MD: 92 NULL: Quake WEAK: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 EXP: 1,506 GIL: 1,506 ATTACK: 73 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 135 NULL: Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE HYDRA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 182 EXP: 1,215 GIL: 400 ATTACK: 31 DEFENSE: 18 MD: 103 NULL: Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE LIZARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 296 EXP: 2,472 GIL: 1,200 ATTACK: 31 DEFENSE: 18 MD: 143 NULL: Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GARGOYLE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 80 EXP: 132 GIL: 80 ATTACK: 12 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 53 NULL: Quake WEAK: None *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / GARLAND / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 106 EXP: 130 GIL: 250 ATTACK: 15 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 64 NULL: N/A WEAK: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GHAST / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 56 EXP: 117 GIL: 117 ATTACK: 8 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 40 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GHOST / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 180 EXP: 990 GIL: 990 ATTACK: 93 DEFENSE: 30 MD: 85 NULL: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GHOUL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 48 EXP: 93 GIL: 50 ATTACK: 8 DEFENSE: 6 MD: 36 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GIGAS WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 56 EXP: 63 GIL: 15 ATTACK: 17 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 40 NULL: None WEAK: Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GNOMA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 288 EXP: 1,536 GIL: 768 ATTACK: 66 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 130 NULL: Quake, Bolt, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOBLIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 8 EXP: 6 GIL: 6 ATTACK: 4 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 16 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOBLIN GUARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 16 EXP: 18 GIL: 18 ATTACK: 8 DEFENSE: 6 MD: 23 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOGGLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 10 EXP: 42 GIL: 10 ATTACK: 4 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 14 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GRAY OOZE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 76 EXP: 255 GIL: 70 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 7 MD: 55 NULL: Quake, Ice, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GREEN DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 352 EXP: 4,068 GIL: 5,000 ATTACK: 72 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 200 NULL: Quake WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GREEN SLIME / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 24 EXP: 80 GIL: 20 ATTACK: 1 DEFENSE: 255 MD: 36 NULL: Quake, Bolt, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Ice, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GUARDIAN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 1,224 GIL: 400 ATTACK: 25 DEFENSE: 40 MD: 110 NULL: Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HELLHOUND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 192 EXP: 1,182 GIL: 600 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 103 NULL: None WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HILL GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 240 EXP: 879 GIL: 879 ATTACK: 38 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 120 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HORNED DEVIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 94 EXP: 387 GIL: 387 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 32 MD: 127 NULL: Quake, Ice, Fire WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HYDRA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 212 EXP: 915 GIL: 150 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 14 MD: 116 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HYENADON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 120 EXP: 288 GIL: 72 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 76 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 336 EXP: 1,752 GIL: 1,752 ATTACK: 60 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 150 NULL: Ice WEAK: Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / IRON GOLEM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 304 EXP: 6,717 GIL: 3,000 ATTACK: 43 DEFENSE: 24 MD: 142 NULL: Quake, Ice, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KING MUMMY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 188 EXP: 984 GIL: 1,000 ATTACK: 43 DEFENSE: 24 MD: 95 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / KRAKEN / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 1,600 EXP: 4,245 GIL: 5,000 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 60 MD: 160 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Bolt *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / KRAKEN 2 / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 1,800 EXP: 2,000 GIL: 1 ATTACK: 70 DEFENSE: 70 MD: 200 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: None] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LAVA WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 280 EXP: 1,671 GIL: 400 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 31 MD: 143 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LESSER TIGER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 132 EXP: 438 GIL: 108 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 85 NULL: None WEAK: None *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / LICH / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 800 EXP: 2,200 GIL: 3,000 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 40 MD: 120 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / LICH 2 / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 1,000 EXP: 2,000 GIL: 1 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 50 MD: 140 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LIZARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 92 EXP: 153 GIL: 50 ATTACK: 18 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 55 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MANTICORE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 164 EXP: 1,317 GIL: 650 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 95 NULL: Quake WEAK: None *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / MARILITH / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 1,200 EXP: 2,475 GIL: 3,000 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 50 MD: 183 NULL: Bolt, Ice, Fire WEAK: Paralysis *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / MARILITH 2 / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 1,400 EXP: 2,000 GIL: 1 ATTACK: 60 DEFENSE: 60 MD: 183 NULL: Bolt, Ice, Fire WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MEDUSA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 68 EXP: 699 GIL: 699 ATTACK: 20 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 55 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MINDFLAYER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 112 EXP: 822 GIL: 999 ATTACK: 20 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 187 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MINOTAUR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 164 EXP: 489 GIL: 489 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 95 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MUMMY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 80 EXP: 300 GIL: 300 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 60 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NECROTAUR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 164 EXP: 489 GIL: 489 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 14 MD: 116 NULL: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Fire, Dia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NEOCHU / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 344 EXP: 3,189 GIL: 500 ATTACK: 35 DEFENSE: 32 MD: 170 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NIGHTMARE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 1,272 GIL: 700 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 24 MD: 100 NULL: Quake, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OCHRE JELLY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 76 EXP: 252 GIL: 70 ATTACK: 32 DEFENSE: 6 MD: 55 NULL: Quake, Bolt, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Ice, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OCHU / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 208 EXP: 1,224 GIL: 102 ATTACK: 20 DEFENSE: 24 MD: 116 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGRE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 100 EXP: 195 GIL: 195 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 65 MD: 65 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGRE CHIEFTAIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 132 EXP: 282 GIL: 300 ATTACK: 23 DEFENSE: 14 MD: 71 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGRE MAGE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 144 EXP: 723 GIL: 723 ATTACK: 23 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 80 NULL: Quake WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PIRAHNA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 92 EXP: 240 GIL: 20 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 68 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PIRATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 6 EXP: 40 GIL: 40 ATTACK: 8 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 15 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PISCODEMON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 84 EXP: 276 GIL: 300 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 98 NULL: Ice, Fire, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PRIVATEER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 50 EXP: 60 GIL: 120 ATTACK: 14 DEFENSE: 6 MD: 37 NULL: Quake WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PURPLE WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 448 EXP: 4,344 GIL: 1,000 ATTACK: 65 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 200 NULL: Quake WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PYROLISK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 44 EXP: 423 GIL: 500 ATTACK: 20 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 45 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PYROS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 276 EXP: 1,620 GIL: 800 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 130 NULL: Quake, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RAKSHASHA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 110 EXP: 603 GIL: 800 ATTACK: 75 DEFENSE: 30 MD: 62 NULL: Quake, Bolt, Fire, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RED DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 248 EXP: 2,904 GIL: 4,000 ATTACK: 75 DEFENSE: 30 MD: 200 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RED PIRAHNA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 172 EXP: 546 GIL: 46 ATTACK: 37 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 83 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / REMORA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 320 EXP: 2,244 GIL: 1,000 ATTACK: 73 DEFENSE: 24 MD: 185 NULL: Ice, Fire WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RHYOS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 350 EXP: 4,584 GIL: 5,000 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 18 MD: 143 NULL: Quake, Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SABERTOOTH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 853 GIL: 5,000 ATTACK: 24 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 106 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAHAGIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 28 EXP: 30 GIL: 30 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 28 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAHAGIN CHIEF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 64 EXP: 105 GIL: 105 ATTACK: 15 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 46 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAHAGIN PRINCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 204 EXP: 822 GIL: 882 ATTACK: 24 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 101 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAND WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 2,683 GIL: 900 ATTACK: 46 DEFENSE: 14 MD: 103 NULL: None WEAK: Quake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCORPION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 84 EXP: 225 GIL: 70 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 55 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SEA SCORPION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 148 EXP: 639 GIL: 300 ATTACK: 35 DEFENSE: 18 MD: 85 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SEA SNAKE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 224 EXP: 957 GIL: 600 ATTACK: 35 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 116 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SEA TROLL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 216 EXP: 852 GIL: 852 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 110 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHADOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 50 EXP: 90 GIL: 45 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 37 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHARK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 120 EXP: 267 GIL: 66 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 70 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SKELETON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 10 EXP: 3 GIL: 9 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 17 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SOLDIER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 400 EXP: 4,000 GIL: 2,000 ATTACK: 102 DEFENSE: 48 MD: 160 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Ice, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPECTER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 114 EXP: 432 GIL: 432 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 67 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPHINX / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 228 EXP: 1,160 GIL: 1,160 ATTACK: 23 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 115 NULL: None WEAK: Quake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPIRIT NAGA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 420 EXP: 3,489 GIL: 4,000 ATTACK: 7 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 143 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STONE GOLEM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 2,385 GIL: 1,000 ATTACK: 70 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 110 NULL: None WEAK: Quake, Bolt, Ice, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TARANTULA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 64 EXP: 141 GIL: 50 ATTACK: 5 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 46 NULL: None WEAK: Ice *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / TIAMAT / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 2,000 EXP: 5,496 GIL: 6,000 ATTACK: 49 DEFENSE: 80 MD: 200 NULL: Quake, Bolt, Ice, Fire WEAK: Stone *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- / TIAMAT 2 / *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- HP: 2,200 EXP: 2,000 GIL: 1 ATTACK: 75 DEFENSE: 90 MD: 200 NULL: Quake, Bolt, Ice, Fire WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TROLL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 184 EXP: 621 GIL: 100 ATTACK: 24 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 100 NULL: Fire WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TYRANNOSAUR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 600 EXP: 7,200 GIL: 600 ATTACK: 115 DEFENSE: 10 MD: 200 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VAMPIRE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 156 EXP: 1,200 GIL: 2,000 ATTACK: 76 DEFENSE: 24 MD: 75 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VAMPIRE LORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 EXP: 2,385 GIL: 3,000 ATTACK: 90 DEFENSE: 28 MD: 84 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WARG WOLF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 72 EXP: 93 GIL: 22 ATTACK: 14 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 46 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WARMECH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,000 EXP: 32,000 GIL: 32,000 ATTACK: 128 DEFENSE: 80 MD: 200 NULL: None WEAK: Quake, Bolt, Ice, Fire, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WATER NAGA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 356 EXP: 2,355 GIL: 2,355 ATTACK: 9 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 116 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WERETIGER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 160 EXP: 780 GIL: 780 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 16 MD: 93 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WEREWOLF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 68 EXP: 135 GIL: 67 ATTACK: 14 DEFENSE: 6 MD: 45 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WHITE CROC / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 288 EXP: 1,890 GIL: 2,000 ATTACK: 56 DEFENSE: 20 MD: 143 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WHITE DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 200 EXP: 1,701 GIL: 2,000 ATTACK: 53 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 196 NULL: Fire, Bolt WEAK: Quake, Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WHITE SHARK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 344 EXP: 2,361 GIL: 600 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 8 MD: 170 NULL: Bolt WEAK: Quake, Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WIGHT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 52 EXP: 150 GIL: 150 ATTACK: 20 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 45 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WINTER WOLF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 92 EXP: 402 GIL: 200 ATTACK: 25 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 55 NULL: Fire WEAK: Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WOLF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 20 EXP: 24 GIL: 6 ATTACK: 8 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 26 NULL: None WEAK: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WRAITH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 86 EXP: 231 GIL: 231 ATTACK: 22 DEFENSE: 4 MD: 52 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WYRM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 260 EXP: 1,218 GIL: 502 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 22 MD: 131 NULL: None WEAK: Quake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WYVERN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 212 EXP: 1,173 GIL: 50 ATTACK: 30 DEFENSE: 12 MD: 115 NULL: None WEAK: Quake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ZOMBIE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 20 EXP: 25 GIL: 12 ATTACK: 10 DEFENSE: 0 MD: 25 NULL: Fire, Dia WEAK: Quake, Ice, Death, Confusion, Paralysis =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 4.6 ] BOSSES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Just a boss section to help you with a boss quickly if you don't want to find it in the walkthrough. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | GARLAND | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 106 | EXP: 130 | GIL: 250 | ATT: 15 | DEF: 10 | MDEF: 64 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Holy hell, there's boss music now. Somebody call my momma. Anyways, | | Garland is not exactly the toughest boss in the game. Have your physical | | attackers attack, Black Mage cast Fire 1, and White Mage should cast Cure | | 1 on whoever Garland decides to attack. It's not a long or tough battle at | | all. Garland only has 106 HP, so he will go down in about two or three | | turns at the most. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | PIRATES X9 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 6 | EXP: 40 | GIL: 40 | ATT: 8 | DEF: 0 | MDEF: 15 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | There's nine of them, but like I've already said, they're all pretty easy. | | They each have only 6 hit points, so even your weaker physical attackers | | can take them down in 1 hit. Just kill them all and move on. It will take | | three turns at most. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | PISCODEMONS X9 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 84 | EXP: 276 | GIL: 300 | ATT: 30 | DEF: 16 | MDEF: 98 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Ah, the infamous Magicians who don't know magic return with a new name. | | They don't know any magic spells, but their physical attacks hit pretty | | hard. It's best to have your physical attackers focus on one, while your | | black magic users focus on using spells on another one. The White Mage | | should heal, because I don't think Dia works too well. Once you're rid of | | the first two, use the same strategy to eliminate the next two. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ASTOS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 168 | EXP: 2,250 | GIL: 2,000 | ATT: 26 | DEF: 40 | MDEF: 170 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Astos is a pain in the ass for one reason, his Reaper spell. It will | | automatically kill one of your party members, and it really makes the | | battle a whole lot tougher than normal. Have your physical attackers | | attack him, while Black Mages and Red Mages cast Steel and Haste on the | | best physical attacker. The White Mage should cure, and then your magic | | mages should use Fire 2 and Bolt 2. You may still lose, though, especially | | if he casts Reaper on your healer. I hate that spell. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | VAMPIRE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 156 | EXP: 1,200 | GIL: 2,000 | ATT: 76 | DEF: 24 | MDEF: 75 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | This boss is nothing special. He has a strong physical attack power, but | | you should be able to kill him before he even gets off an attack. Just | | cast Fire 1 and Dia 1, while your physical attackers attack him. That will | | be enough to take him down. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | LICH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 800 | EXP: 2,200 | GIL: 3,000 | ATT: 40 | DEF: 40 | MDEF: 120 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Lich's main weakness is Fire, so make sure to expose that at all times. | | Have your white mage first cast Null-Ice, because Lich likes to cast Ice | | spells a lot. Have your Black Mage first cast Steel on your Warrior, to | | make his attacks even stronger. If your White Mage doesn't need to cure, | | have them cast Dia 3 (or Dia 2 if you can't spare the level 5 spells), | | and Red Mages/Black Mages should always cast Fire. Lich's physical attacks | | are nothing special, but they can stun the person it connects with. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | MARILITH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,200 | EXP: 2,475 | GIL: 3,000 | ATT: 40 | DEF: 50 | MDEF: 183 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | As you may expect, all her attacks are fire-based, so make sure to have a | | White Mage cast NulFire so the amount of damage is reduced. She's not weak | | against Ice, so have the Black Mages cast spells like Haste and Steel on | | your physical attackers, to give them an easier time. Her fire attacks | | will be manageable thanks to the NulFire spell cast, so just have the | | White Mage cast heal as needed (once in a while), while physical attackers | | focus on slicing through her 1,200 HP. She's not too hard. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | EVIL EYE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 162 | EXP: 3,225 | GIL: 3,225 | ATT: 30 | DEF: 30 | MDEF: 92 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Evil Eye became infamous in the original version of this game, because | | he has the ability to kill one of your party members instantly with the | | Doom spell. Fortunately, he only has 162 hit points, and will go down in a | | few turns if you pound away on him using strong magic and physical attacks.| | Just hope he doesn't use the Doom attack, and you'll be fine. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | DRAGON ZOMBIE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 268 | EXP: 2,331 | GIL: 999 | ATT: 56 | DEF: 30 | MDEF: 135 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Haha, these guys are easy. They're weak against Fire, so your fire spells | | and weapons, as well as White Mage's Dia spells, will quickly dispose of | | these losers. If you want, you can keep fighting them over and over for | | the easy experience points. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | KRAKEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,600 | EXP: 4,245 | GIL: 5,000 | ATT: 50 | DEF: 60 | MDEF: 160 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Kraken has an extraordinary physical defense, so you'll have to power up | | those Fighters ASAP. Use Giant's Gloves on them, as well as Haste. Black | | Mages should, of course, use Bolt to take care of his HP little by little. | | Once the Fighters are powered up, the battle should be easier. White Mages | | should just heal or cast stuff like Invis, as well as continuing to use | | Giant's Gloves on the physical attackers. | | | | Kraken has no magic attacks, but his physical attacks are powerful and make| | up for his lack of magical prowess. This is why Shield and Invis work so | | well, so have your mages cast that, while Fighters attack and Black Mages | | cast Bolt. He will go down quicker than your mom last night in no time. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | TIAMAT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | EXP: 5,496 | GIL: 6,000 | ATT: 49 | DEF: 80 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Yikes. Have Flare? Use it. It does a lot of damage. If you don't have it | | turn the game off. Heh, just kidding. Use whatever strong magic you have. | | Have everyone attack as normal if they can't use strong magic, and of | | course, keep cured as needed. You may want to cast Blink on everyone to | | soften his physical attacks, which hurt a lot. He is pretty tough, but he | | only needs like 3 Flares to die, so just have the Black Wizard keep on | | nuking and he will die soon enough. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | LICH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,000 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 50 | DEF: 50 | MDEF: 140 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | He casts Flare on the 1st turn, so watch out for that. Other than that, as | | long as you stay healed, you can win. I just used physical attacks, as you | | need to save your strong attacks for later on in the dungeon. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | MARILITH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,400 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 60 | DEF: 60 | MDEF: 183 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Marilith has stronger statistics than Lich does, but she's easier because | | Fire 3 is way weaker than Flare. Just cast mid level Ice spells to take | | her down, or just use NulFire and attack her normally. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | KRAKEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,800 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 70 | DEF: 70 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Again, he has stronger stats now, and in addition to that, he no longer is | | weak against Bolt. Grr. Cast Shield 2 right away to cut down on his strong | | attacks, then Haste and Saber a Fighter up and go to work, using physical | | attacks. Heal when needed to get the win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | TIAMAT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,200 | EXP: 2,000 | GIL: 1 | ATT: 75 | DEF: 90 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The second to last boss in the game, and he is a little challenging to say | | the least. Just use physical attacks more, as magic no longer is effective.| | Cast NulAll on your healer for an easier time, as Tiamat focuses mostly on | | magic attacks. Haste and Saber your physical attackers, keep healed, and | | you should be able to win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | CHAOS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 4,000 | EXP: 0 | GIL: 0 | ATT: 100 | DEF: 100 | MDEF: 200 | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Here we go, the last boss battle in the game. And he actually has music | | this time too, sweet. This battle is pretty simple but can be challenging | | due to his annoying Cure 4 spell. If he casts it, it drags the battle out | | even longer. Thankfully, you should have saved some high level magic, so | | it is time to use it. Cast NulAll on the healer, then have the healer keep | | casting Nul spells on everyone, while healing of course. | | | | While the healer does that, have your physical attackers have Haste and | | Saber on them, then start the physical attack assault. Using Giant's | | Gloves wouldn't be a bad idea, either. With physical attacks, strong magic,| | and Nul spells on everyone, you will win this battle if you keep healed. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ / 5.0 SECRETS AND OTHER RANDOM CRAP / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is only one secret in Final Fantasy. That's right, ONE. When you're on the ship, press circle 55 times while holding X to bring up a sliding puzzle game. You get rewards for completing it: Under 6 minutes: Potion Under 4 minutes: Potion and Antidote Under 2 minutes: Potion, Antidote, and Gold Needle 1st Place: 10,000 Gil 2nd Place: 5,000 Gil 3rd Place: 2,000 Gil As you can see, it's a good way to build up gil early in the game. _____ _____ |_ _| |_ _| =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= | | | | | 6.0 | | | | | | INTRODUCTION | |___| |___| =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Hello, and welcome to my walkthrough for Final Fantasy 2. Unlike FF1, I never wrote for this game before. :) SO IT COUNTS TOWARDS MY GOAL OF WRITING FOR ALL OF THEM, WHOO. This is also the one I disliked the least (game, that is), because it's so boring and tedious to level up, unless you abuse the glitch, which just makes it pointless. That's too bad, because the storyline totally kicks the hell out of FF1's shit ass storyline. It took me forever to finish this part of the guide, because I kept getting sidetracked. I spent many hours in dungeons and in overworld writing up walkthrough directions and stuff, so hope you find this useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ / 7.0 GAME BASICS / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yay, my favorite part of the guide.. not. Here, I get to tell you all about the basics of the game. I won't go totally in depth, but you'll get a good idea of what the game is about by reading this section. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 7.1 ] GAME CHANGES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- There's not as many changes in the PSX version as there was for FF1, mainly because the game never came out here before. There are some repeated differences as well. - Graphics and music upgraded to 16 bit quality, duh. - The game is easier. You won't miss as much, and boss spells don't do as much. - They changed the somewhat cool boss theme. - New FMV, nothing really major. - A much needed dash feature has been added, no more putt putt speed, thank god! - The Auto Target system is here too. - Item space has doubled, from 32 to 64. - The new unlock lists lets you keep track of treasure collected and enemies killed. - Items, spells, weapons, and armor are cleaned up name wise and have icons next to them. - Translated! - The battle system has been cleaned up a lot, it's far smoother. - They did NOT remove the glitches, so you can still abuse the system. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 7.2 ] STORYLINE =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- (From the manual) In a distant land.. The peace long enjoyed by the people is coming to a crashing end. The emperor of Palamecia summoned fiends from another dimension. And the empire launched its campaign for world conquest. In response, a rebel force arose in the kingdom of Fynn. In the ensuing clash between rebel and empire, Castle Fynn was taken. The rebels were forced to retreat to the remote town of Fynn. Amidst the chaos, four youths also fled the occupied Fynn. They were childhood friends, now orphaned and homeless. And they suddenly found themselves running for their lives. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 7.3 ] BASICS/TIPS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- MENU SYSTEM: The menu system is fairly easy to figure out. Items brings up the Items menu.. from there you can sort items, use them, etc. Magic does the same thing. Equipment lets you sort equipment as well as equip new stuff. Status displays the party members' current statuses, Formation lets you align them in a new order on the battle field, Keywords brings up a list of words you've memorized, and Config is a basic options menu. BATTLE SYSTEM: The battle system is the same as it always is. You can attack, use items, use magic, run, defend, etc. It's turn based. LEVELING UP: This is where the game gets interesting. You level up statistics by using them, basically. The more you use magic, the more your MP and Intelligence goes up. Individual weapons and spells go up too. The more you use each weapon and spell, the stronger they become. For every 100 times you use a weapon or spell, the level goes up by 1. For stats, if you fufill a certain obligation for enough battles, your statistics will go up. Attack - Higher attack accuracy. Lose HP - Higher Max HP Use white magic - White magic increases Use black magic - Black magic increases Lose MP - Higher Max MP Attack with weapons - Higher attack power and accuracy Targeted by physical attacks - Higher evasion Targeted by spells - Higher evasion of magic BASIC TIPS: - Use the cheat early. Level up weapons and spells insanely high. Cheat, because the game sucks and it's best to beat it as quickly as possible. - Sell off all excess inventory. With only 64 spots on your inventory, it will fill up quickly, and you could always use the extra gold. - Heal as much as possible. You never know when you'll run into a tough enemy. - Memo saves are your friend. It's a really valuable addition to the game, I assure you. - Check your inventory. Make sure to keep weapons on your characters that they have leveled up.. if they are level 7 with sword, don't give them a Bow. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 7.4 ] CONTROLS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- (From the manual) Directional buttons: Move character/move cursor in menus X Button: Confirm/talk/examine/get on and off vehicles Circle button: cancel/hold down to run/press with select for world map Triangle Button: Open the main menu Square Button: Shortcut to magic menu from field map L1 Button: Shortcut to Items menu from field map L2 Button: Shortcut to Equipment menu from field map R1 Button: Shortcut to Status menu from field map R2 Button: Shortcut to Formation menu from field map START Button: Open the main menu/confirm selections SELECT Button: Press with circle for world map. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 7.5 ] CHARACTERS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Since Final Fantasy 2 uses a "everyone is the same" kind of system, the characters are usually only separated by story, so I'll include that here. You get nine characters in your journey, but only four at a time max. Firion: The main character of your party. He was orphaned at a young age and now considers Maria and Leon to be his family members. Maria: Leon's sister, and a pretty good party member. I recommend giving her a sword. Gus: One of Firion's childhood friends, he also knows Mariia and Leon. He is very brawny but not very brainy. He is slow but kind hearted. Leon: He mysteriously disappears from his sister and childhood friends shortly into the game. Where did he go? Josef: He is willing to fight against the Empire for the sake of his beloved daughter. He is an old but tough man who lives in Salamand. Gordon: The prince of Kas'ion may be royal, but can be a royal ass kicker too if need be. He fled Fynn and now needs to learn to forgive himself. Leila: At first an enemy, she soon realizes that the party is on her side and joins you guys for a short while. Gareth: Since he is looking for the Ultima Scroll as well, he decides to join you in the Leviathan. I think he was looking for an easy way out myself. ;) Mindu: Princess Hilda's advis87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ / 8.0 WALKTHROUGH / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Even though I really hate Final Fantasy 2, that won't stop me from providing an accurate and detailed walkthrough for it. I have somehow managed to beat it not once, but two times, though. Once on NES and once on PSX.. so while I am no expert, I know what I am doing here. :P ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | ALTAIR | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Armor, Weapon, Item, Magic | | Items: | Potion | | Keywords: | Wild Rose | | Enemies: | *OVERWORLD* Goblin, Hornet, Strangler | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Ah, the start of the most hated Final Fantasy game. Hopefully you'll like it better than I do. The game actually has a story, though, as you open up by watching a scene of four people fleeing the soldiers of an evil empire after their hometown is destroyed. Kind of sad when you stop to think about it. You will eventually get into a fight with the soldiers, but there's no way you can really win, so let them just kill you and that will be over and done with. Firion wakes up to find himself rescued by the rebellion's king and princess. Maria and Gus were also rescued, but Leon was nowhere to be found. The group will reunite then automatically go to the throne room to meet up with the princess. Speak to Hilda once you get control of the party. The characters get to learn a keyword, Wild Rose, which is the special keyword of the town. Make sure to select Memorize and Wild Rose in order to learn it. You can then use it by talking to her again and selecting Ask. When you do so, she will tell you that Leon may be held up somewhere in Finn. So, Finn is your next destination, but we're not done here just yet. Speak to everyone in town to learn important information, and repeat Wild Rose back to people. It won't do much now, but later on it will definitely come in handy to repeat keywords to people. There's a POTION on the west side of the rebel headquarters, but that is all the items you can pick up in this town. It is now time to get some items and armor and stuff, so head on over to the shops. Your characters already come equipped with weapons, so it's time to buy them some armor. Buy a Buckler for Gus, and Leather Gloves and Leather Caps for everyone in the party. That's all you should be able to afford for now, so let's go into the overworld. You don't have cure magic right now, so be careful when facing the relatively weak enemies. The Hornet is the biggest concern, as it has the ability to poison your party. Goblins and Stranglers are weak enemies who won't pose too much threat to your weak, but still better, party. Make sure to heal at the Inn when needed. When you have about 2,500 Gil, go back into town. This time, stop at the weapons shop and buy new weapons for everyone. Despite the fact they have good weapons now, anyone can use any weapon, which helps develop their various weapon skills. Which, in turn, increases their statistics. So, it is very important you get different weapons for each person. Next up, magic. Cure, Fire, Bolt, and Ice are all worthwhile spells and will help your party out tremendously in your quest to rescue Leon. When you are ready, head north to Gatrea. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | GATREA | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Armor, Weapon, Item | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | *OVERWORLD* Goblin, Hornet, Strangler | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- There is not much to do here in Gatrea. Pick up some Leather Armor for your characters if you wish, then ask around the town to find out that Fynn is located across the small lake to the north. Rest up at the Inn, then head west across the bridge to reach the land of Fynn, but we still need to get to the castle. Follow the edge of the lake to the left, up, then right, and soon you'll be in the castle. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | FYNN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Potion x3, Ring | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Captain, Goblin, Hornet, Loper, Strangler | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Make sure not to speak to anybody in this town! Almost all of them will lead to random fights with powerful Captains, and they will murder you and force a game over. I was so pissed when I forgot to save, entered this town, and got my ass kicked by one of them. I had to start all over. Make sure not to make the same mistake! There are random battles in the town, but they're not too bad. It's time to go to that pub you were told about in Gatrea. Head north, through an opening in the fence and trees, then go right until you get to the outside of the town, then go south to get to the pub. Go behind the bar and speak to the bartender. Tell him the keyword Wild Rose, then he will suddenly get into a much better mood and be more cooperative with you. Hooray. He tells you that he is currently hiding away an injured soldier, who he is also helping out by tending to his injuries. Could it be Leon? After he moves, go through the secret passage, and you will meet the injured man.. Prince Scott. Oh, darn. He is dying, which is sad news on its own, but he will hook you up with your first event item, the RING. This allows you to open up the world map by pushing X in the overworld. Now, you have to go back to Altair to spread the sad news of the prince's passing. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | ALTAIR | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Potion x3, Ring | | Keywords: | Mythril, Dreadnought, Airship | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Once you are back in Altair, you have the sad task of reporting the prince's death to the townspeople. Your main objective is to report the death to the princess, so return to Hilda's throne room immediately. When you get there and the keyword option comes up, use the Ring. She will instantly recognize it, and you will report the news to her. She will then realize your importance to the rebellion, and instructs you to get a precious metal, Mythril, which will make strong weapons and armor, and this shall prove beneficial in the war against the empire. Make sure to learn the keyword MYTHRIL from the Princess, and then ask her about it. She tells you about a man in the town of Salamand, named Josef, who may know something about making mythril equipment. Speak with Mindu, who then joins your party with a canoe, which makes river traveling possible. Hey, it took a lot longer to get the canoe in the original Final Fantasy, this is pretty neat. ;) Once Mindu has joined your party, talk to the princess again, and she will give you another keyword, DREADNOUGHT. Wow, slow down. ^_^ The Dreadnought is a powerful airship being built by the empire. Ask her about the keyword, and she will give you the AIRSHIP keyword. My lord! Ask her about the airship, and she will bring up the infamous Cid. Yes, to all of you that were probably wondering, Cid managed to sneak his way into this game, as well. Stop by the king's room, and he is suddenly more willing to talk to you. Ask him about some of the keywords to learn more of the backstory. It's not really important, but it provides you with good information. The old man inside the throne room has information about where you should go next. You must find a ship to take you from Paloom, which cannot be reached by foot itself. Fortunately, you got a canoe now, so cross the lake to reach Paloom. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | PALOOM | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Armor, Weapon, Item, Magic | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Bloodsucker, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Loper, Strangler | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Mindu is now in your party for a limited time, and he is a pretty effective party member. He is a very beneficial ally because of his high HP, as well as his ability to cast white magic. He is hard to kill due to the high HP, and he can cure weaker party members. This definitely makes the game easier at this point. The only problems with him right now are the fact that he is not equipped with too much, but a quick trip to Paloom should fix that. Around the town are enemies that aren't really much of a hassle, but they do give decent Gil, and they add to your collection, so make sure to fight one of each. Some of them you may have already seen, like the Hornet, but newer enemies, such as the Bloodsucker, are new. They're just as easy, though, as physical attacks can take down pretty much any enemy in this area. Mindu's high HP and cure magic definitely make the battles easier, too. Getting to Paloom is very easy. Once you cross the lake, just head east until you get into the town. The ship you have to take is right when you enter the town, but let's stock up on some equipment first. The armor shop has a shield, a helmet, armor, and gloves. Make sure to buy Copper Plates for everyone, and then use the rest to fortify your healers. It really depends on how much money you have, but make sure to save some money for magic. Magic wise, the 3 new magic spells you can purchase are Blink, Shield, and Scroll. Blink makes you harder to hit and is a good option. Shield increases your physical defense, and Shell increases your magic defense. It's up to you, just make sure to save 32 Gil, because you're about to take a trip on the ship. When you're ready to go, talk to the man at the dock's entrance. Pay him the 32 Gil I asked you to save, exit the town, walk to the boat, and prepare to set sail for Poft. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | POFT | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Armor, Weapon, Item, Magic | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Captain, Goblin, Hornet, Loper, Strangler | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Poft has the same exact shops as Paloom, and the enemies outside are largely the same as well. Make sure to check out the pub, though. You will meet up with Cid for the first time. Hooray! He has set up an airship service, but you really shouldn't need to use it right now. You can take the airship to Bafsk if you want, but I recommend waiting a little while to do that. You don't really need the extra equipment right now. I recommend making the trip to Salamand via foot, because you can rest at the Inn once you get there, and your party can use the strength you will undoubtedly get from the enemies you face along the way. As you get closer to Salamand, you will start to come into battle with the Queen Bee, who inflicts poison. Watch out for that. To get to Salamand, go north to the mountain range, then west around the mountains. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | SALAMAND | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Armor, Weapon, Item, Magic | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Bloodsucker, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Loper, Queen Bee, | | | Strangler | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Once you arrive in the town, you will learn of the Mythril being mined above Semmit Falls. You will also learn that the male population of Salamand is being used as slaves to mine the mythril. Well, that's not good. Hurry up to the house in the northwest part of town to speak to Josef. Ask about mythril when the keyword menu comes up, and he says he will tell you about the mythril, but under one condition. He wants you to save the people of the town! Before you go, let's get some equipment. Weapon wise, you can upgrade for each person, assuming you kept the default weapon types. There's no new armor really worth picking up, so head over to the magic shop. Life is a must have, and Warp is pretty useful. If you only have enough money for one, make sure to pick up Life. It is a VERY important spell, as you probably could have guessed. :) Time to head to Semmit Falls! To get there, head west from Salamand between the two mountain ranges. Follow the brown mountains west until you can go south, then use the canoe to go east. Guide the canoe into the small space between the lake and mountains, then enter the small opening in the mountains. The first dungeon of the game now awaits. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | SEMMIT FALLS | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Eye Drops, Mythril, Potion x2, Fire Scroll, Warp Scroll | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Balloon, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Green Slime, Loper, Sasquatch, | | | Soldier, Zombie | | Bosses: | Sergeant, Spiketoise | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Most of the enemies you face in the Semmit Falls are the usual batch of idiots you have faced all game, but there are some new adversaries that are tough to beat. Balloons are fortunately easy enough, as they only have 20 HP and can be taken out by fire and physical attacks. Goblin Guards and Soldiers have a back row attack, which can prove to be dangerous to your mages. Green Slimes are rare and have a strong physical defense, so use magic. Zombies only show up in special rooms, and can be defeated via the Garlic item (which Soldiers drop). When you enter the falls, you will immediately see a shiny rock, but it turns out to not be mythril. Oh well. Go past this room, then at the intersection, go west to eventually get to a chest with 10 GIL. Go back to the intersection and go right this time. Then go down, then east to pick up 200 GIL this time. Hey, it's an improvement. Go west to get to the 2nd floor staircase. On the 2nd floor, go through the tunnels to the northwest to pick up some EYE DROPS, which comes in handy because some enemies in here cast Blind attacks. Leave here, then go through the northeast tunnel to get a POTION. Soon, you will get to four rooms. The one to the left is the one you want to go to, the three to the right have just lots of enemies and is only good to go if you want to battle a lot. You will now be on the 3rd floor. Go south to reach a chest containing 1 GIL. Oh my lord, what a great treasure. Go north, then west, then north again, to get to an intersection. Turn right at this intersection if you want another special encounter room, otherwise go left for a chest containing 50 GIL. Lots of money chests in here. Continue going west to get to 3 rooms. The two to the right are special encounter rooms. However, the door to the left is where the slaves are being kept! Speak to Pavel, who is in the right corner. Standing next to him is Josef's daughter, Molly, who is being held as a hostage. Josef must be on good behavior, if he isn't, she is killed. Ouch. What meanies. Pavel suggests you distract the guards by trying to take the mythril, while he leads the slaves out of the falls. Sounds like a good plan to me. Head down the staircase in the southeast corner of the room, and you will be on the fourth floor now. Go north to pick up a FIRE SCROLL. Go east and you will soon be in an intersection with four bridges. Take the one up, which leads you across a twisting tunnel. Eventually, you will get to a staircase, which leads you to the fifth and final floor. Once here, you can fight the boss now, but I recommend waiting a little while. Go west across the bridge, then follow the path to get a WARP SCROLL eventually. This does contain a boss, however, so it's time to get into a pretty tough battle. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | SPIKETOISE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 140 | ATTACK: 35 | DEFENSE: 35 | MAG DEF: 2 | WEAKNESS: Ice | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Spiketoise has a high physical defense, so be prepared to use lots of | | magic to take down this tough, but not impossible, boss. Blink and Shield | | work well, so have Mindu and another person who has the spell cast them | | for the first couple of rounds. Spiketoise is weak against Ice, so make | | sure to use that as well. If you run out of Ice, and still have other | | spells, use them. Magic works a lot better than physical attacks do. | | | | If you start to run low on MP, or completely run out, your last hope is to | | just keep attacking him while Mindu casts cure and life magic as needed. | | Since Mindu has a lot of HP, you will have a tough time losing this battle.| | It took me about 4 rounds of casting magic to knock Spiketoise out, so | | just stay patient and eventually it will be defeated. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Your troubles aren't done yet, however. The Mythril ore is guarded by the Sergeant, and you need to defeat him. Go north from the entrance of the room, then enter the left doorway. You will find an enemy blocking the chest in the room behind him. Make sure every party member has a potion to use in battle, Move a white mage into back row, save to your memo file, then speak to the enemy. Boss time! *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | SERGEANT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 140 | ATTACK: 35 | DEFENSE: 25 | MAG DEF: 3 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Sergeant is a very tough physical attacker, but fortunately his | | physical defense is not quite as strong as Spiketoise's was. As usual, | | open the battle by casting Blink and Shield on everyone. This will help | | protect against his hard hitting attacks. Follow this up by just having | | the white mages casting cure and life, while the others use physical | | attacks to try to slowly remove his HP. Black magic still works better | | than physical attacks, though, so if you have any remaining MP, use it! | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- You can now pick up the MYTHRIL once you defeat the Sergeant! Yay! Take it from the chest, then cast the Warp spell to leave you off at the entrance. Stop back at Salamand to rest, check up on Josef, and then go back to Altair. To get there, go to Poft, by ship back to Paloom, then by canoe back to Altair. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | ALTAIR | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Weapon, Armor | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Once you are back in Altair, bring the Mythril to Tobul, who is in the weapons shop. Make sure to use the Mythril as an Item, not a Keyword. He will be very happy, and will run off to forge some equipment from the metal. Now, you can buy mythril armor and weapons, so make sure to do so before you leave. Don't worry if you can't afford everything, just buy as much as you can for now. Your next objective is to go to Bafsk and destroy the Airship the Empire is creating. Talk to the Princess to get word of this objective. The town of Bafsk is to the east of Poft, so head there now. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | BAFSK | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Weapon, Armor, Item, Magic | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- You are free to roam around this town and talk to anyone, as the soldiers do not recognize you as outsiders yet. There's no armor or weapons worth buying here, as the mythril stuff you bought earlier in Altair is stronger. So, head to the magic shop and pick up the valuable Esuna Scroll. Esuna lets you heal status ailments and will prove to be quite useful. When you are all done shopping and talking to people, proceed to the southwestern part of the town. Speak to the knight that is standing all by himself, and the WMS will pop up. Ask him about the Dreadnought, and he will tell you he is part of the rebellion. He says there is a secret passage, then leaves. Follow this path until you get to the cave. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | BAFSK CAVE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Long Sword, Longbow, Pass | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Balloon, Bloodsucker, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Soldier, Strangler,| | | Zombie | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in here are largely the same you have been fighting for the whole game, so I wouldn't worry too much. The only addition is the Zombie, which can be defeated with fire and physical attacks pretty easily. You will have a pretty easy trek through the dungeon due to the weak enemies you will face. Once you are in, proceed to the first intersection. Keep moving along to get a LONG SWORD, then return to the intersection and head east this time, then go down at the next intersection. Follow the path, picking up a LONGBOW along the way, then go up the stairs, which takes you back to the original floor you were on, but in a different area this time. Head east along a path, eventually coming to the shocking arrival of the Black Knight, who announces that the Dreadnought is now complete. Oh, darn. Follow them, and you will soon see the airship take off. Uh oh. There's not much you can do about it, however, so just follow the path that the knight blocked off before, then enter the doorway to pick up a PASS. The portal in this room takes you to the outskirts of Bafsk. Rest at the Inn, and now your next objective is to return to Altair and let the princess know what just happened. I'm sure she won't be too pleased about these developments... ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO THE SNOW CAVERN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Snowcraft | | Keywords: | Goddess's Bell, Sunfire | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Going back to the towns you visited previously reveal that the Dreadnought left a path of destruction that spread everywhere. While some people were fortunate to survive, others did not get so lucky. Once you are in Poft, you will see that Cid somehow managed to survive the attack, so talk to him and he will tell you about a mystic flame called the Sunfire, which is what the airship runs on. He will then let you learn the keyword SUNFIRE. Now, head on back to Altair. Many of the townspeople were able to survive, fortunately. Mindu decides to leave your party to help out with the town. Go find the Princess and ask her about the SUNFIRE. She explains that it is the national treasure of Kas'ion, and that it is kept in the castle's ground floor. She wants you to go get the Flame, but since there is no ordinary torch that can hold it, you need to ask around about a torch first. Stop in to see the king, and ask him about the Sunfire. He will tell you about a torch that can carry the flame. It's located in Kas'ion Castle, but Prince Scott decided to seal the castle up. The only way to open it is by getting the Goddess's Bell, and you will then learn the keyword GODDESS'S BELL. Ask both the king and Mindu about the Bell, and they will inform you that both Scott and Gordon are dead, and they were the two which knew the whereabouts of the bell. Talk to Hilda to learn that the bell is in the snowfields. Once you are done here, shop around and stock up on things if you need to. Now, return to Salamand, and head into Josef's house. Ask him about the Goddess's Bell, and he will inform you that you need a snowcraft to traverse the snowy fields of the Snow Cavern. He then joins your party. He has no weapons, and you should keep him that way. He is much stronger without a weapon or shield. Make sure to put armor on him, though. Back to the Semmit Falls we go. Step into the room containing the blue rock, then move up to the top of the right hand wall and push X. Josef will open the passageway for you, and at the end of this room is a chest containing the SNOWCRAFT. Wow, you can fit one of those in a small chest? Take it, and then leave the area. To reach the snowfield, head up the river, then keep going north until you see the entrance. Once there, go east, the Snow Cavern is located within a group of rocks to the northern part of the snowfield. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | SNOW CAVERN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Ancient Sword, Antidote, Battle Axe, Goddess's Bell, Ice | | | Scroll, Mythril Shield, Mythril Spear, Mythril Mace, Potion x2 | | | Notus, Silver Plate | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Balloon, Deadringer, Floating Skull, Ghoul, Goblin, Goblin | | | Guard, Grenade, Icicle, Shadow, Yeti, Zombie | | Bosses: | Adamantoise, Borghen | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in here are tougher than the ones you are used to. The Deadringers are the main problems, as they have 80 HP and high attack power. If you encounter one or more, make sure to focus your attacks on them first, as they can quickly eliminate your party. The rest of the enemies won't be much of a picnic, either. Shadows cast Darkness, which make them a real pain in the ass to fight against, and Grenades self destruct when you are about to beat them sometimes. Yetis are a little tough, but can be defeated easily via fire magic. Balloons are like Grenades, and Floating Skulls have decent statistics but are easier than Deadringers. In the first room, just climb the stairs and follow the path, making sure to stop in side rooms to pick up treasure chests along the way, before moving down the stairs to B2. In this floor, just go north and then around the passageway, then south, to the stairs to B3. Here, then go west, then take the watery section up, left, and down to get a NOTUS. Now, go back to the stairs, and head south this time. Go north at the intersection, and you will be back in B2. Here, go to the intersection, and then go east to get a BATTLE AXE from the treasure chest. Go west at the intersection now to get an ANTIDOTE and MYTHRIL MACE from the treasure chests, fending off a group of Grenades (self destruct attack - watch out for it) in the process. Now, go back down to B3 and follow the path until you get back to the intersection you were at before. Go down at the intersection this time, following the path along until you get to B4. Here, go northwest to get POTION and ICE SCROLL from the treasure chests, then go south to get another POTION, and finally east for a MYTHRIL SPEAR. Awesome, baby! Go north to the stairs to enter B5. Go west to get a MYTHRIL SHIELD in the northwest corner, then an ANCIENT SWORD in the southwest corner. Now, go to the room in the southeast corner of the room. There are no monsters in this room, just peaceful little creatures. Well, that's a relief. It's like going from FSU's locker room to the peace corps. The beaver in the northwest corner of the room is the one you need to talk to, but the party can't understand what he is trying to say. Fortunately, Gus knows what he is trying to say, so he translates. You can now bring up the WMS to speak to the beaver. Have Gus ask the beaver about the Goddess's Bell. Move over to the wall on the right and walk through the section at the very top to reach B6. Just follow the path along, eventually you will get to a section with a turtle and a chest. Open the chest and you will receive a SILVER PLATE, so equip it, as it's quite a useful piece of armor. Equip the Notus, Ice Scroll, and anything else you might have that's Ice based, as well. Talk to the turtle and your first boss fight in the Snow Cavern will commence. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ADAMANTOISE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 450 | ATTACK: 50 | DEFENSE: 60 | MAG DEF: 1 | WEAKNESS: Ice | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Ah, the tricky "boss who's weak against the spell that every other enemy | | in the cavern is strong against." I guess he's just hiding in here because | | he thinks it will be easier to get away with it, than say, hiding in the | | volcano. Fortunately, we know better. Cast Blink and Shield right away, | | then start casting Ice spells and using Ice-based attacks. Have someone | | heal as needed, and the Ice attacks should be enough for you to overcome | | this enemy. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Go to the wall where it had been standing and push X. The wall will give way, revealing the GODDESS'S BELL. Whoo hoo. *Hypello Dance* A staircase will now be revealed, letting you go easily from B6 to B1. I always liked games which had common courtesy like this. Go to B1, then heal up, as another tough battle is coming along soon. Follow the pathway north, then go right and try to go up the stairs.. but Borghen won't let you. It's battle time. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BORGHEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 240 | ATTACK: 25 | DEFENSE: 17 | MAG DEF: 3 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | As long as you healed up before this battle, you won't have too many | | problems. As you can see, he has even less HP and statistics than the | | previous boss! Just attack him several times, heal once in a while, and | | Borghen, who may be the easiest boss in the game to this point, will be | | defeated just like that. Why do I have a feeling that's not his true power?| | We'll find out, I guess. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- He may have been an easy opponent, but it turns out that he who laughs last, laughs hardest, as he summons a boulder to fall down, trapping someone and leading to the first emotional death in FF history (yes, people died in FF games before Aeris, get over it.). Once this sad scene is over, go back to Salamand, heal, stock, etc. The journey is far from over. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO CASTLE KAS'ION | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Now is the time to heal and buy new equipment, so go to Poft and buy more magic and Mythril weapons, as much as you can. When you are ready, it's time to go to Castle Kas'ion. It is located to the southeast of Poft, it's inside a double area of mountains and a little small gap allows you to reach it. The enemies here are your basic overworld blend and won't pose much of a threat at all to your beefed up party at this point. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CASTLE KAS'ION | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Antidote, Cure Scroll, Eye Drops, Golden Mail, Gold Shield, | | | Egil's Torch, Mythril Axe, Mythril Sword, Mallet, Sunfire, | | | Werebane | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Adamantoise, Balloon, Bloodsucker, Floating Skull, Ghast, | | | Ghoul, Goblin Guard, Goblin Prince, Hornet, Mine, Ogre, Ogre | | | Mage, Queen Bee, Shadow, Soldier, Spiketoise, Strangler, | | | Werebat, Wraith, Zombie | | Bosses: | Shrieker | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The new additions to the enemy crew are a real pain in the ass to deal with. A good example of this is the addition of the Adamantoise, who was a boss in the snow cavern for christs sake. Ice attacks still are most effective. Ogres have loads of HP, use Fire and physical attacks on them. Wraith are pretty mundane, but Ogre Mages are even tougher than Ogres, make sure to take care of them before they get to cast too many high level spells on your party! Inside the castle, go to the main passageway and encounter the flame. Press X, and it will say that it is indeed the Sunfire that you have been looking for. In order to take some of its flame, you need to get Egil's Torch first. Well okay, let's go find that damn torch then. Something tells me it won't be that easy, though. Go up to the door, bring up the WMS, select Goddess's Bell, and the door will open and you will be allowed access to inside the castle. In the next room, Gordon will join your party. Make sure to beef him up with a helmet, new armor, and maybe some magic spells. You should have a Mythril Spear from the last dungeon as well, give that to him as he could definitely use it. Now, go along the passageway to get to a staircase, go down it and go down to get a CURE SCROLL from the treasure chest, and give it to Gordon. Go north to the staircase, then go west and south, going up the stairs at the end. This maze-like area is when things start to get rough, as the enemies get stronger. Stay patient. Go down, following the path, and you will eventually end up at a chest that contains 300 GIL. Keep following the path until you get to a staircase, it leads you to the next floor. Now you will be in 3F. Go left and down, then go right into a larger pathway. Take the 2nd path downward, then go left to get to a room containing a GOLD SHIELD, then go back to the hallway and go right this time, taking the 3rd room to the south. Follow the pathway to get to tne next floor. In 4F, go west and then go south at the first southern intersection. The first room has three treasure chests inside (WEREBANE, MYTHRIL AXE, MYTHRIL SWORD), so make sure to raid it before continuing to the southwest part of the floor.. the staircase here leads directly to 5F. In 5F, go east and then go north and east again, then enter the doorway in the northeast corner. The three chests in here (MALLET, ANTIDOTE, and GOLDEN MAIL) are pretty good, so make sure to pick them up. If you face Mines, cast Shell and watch out for their Self Destruct attack. Go south out of this room after collecting the three chests, then go left. Go down the staircase, and enter the doorway in the next room. You will see a strange flame on the doorway, which turns out to be a boss guarding the Egil's Torch. Make sure to heal up, as this boss is tough. Approach it when you are ready. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | SHRIEKER | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 540 | ATTACK: 35 | DEFENSE: 40 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | This boss can prove to be pretty tough, but patience is the key to winning.| | In the 1st round, have Shell be casted on everyone, while everyone else | | attacks. Make sure to have one healer dedicated to healing everyone every | | round. The Shrieker does high level magic spells to EVERYONE in the party, | | meaning it is imperative to have someone healing everyone each round. | | After four rounds, the Shrieker runs out of MP, and has to resort to weak | | physical attacks. Keep up the attacks and healing and the battle will be | | yours to win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Go inside the room to collect the EGIL'S TORCH at last. Whoo hoo. Use a warp spell to go back down to the first floor of the castle, then go back to the flame and push X. Select the Egil's Torch, and the Torch will be lit. You now have the SUNFIRE, so let's return to Altair. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO THE DREADNOUGHT | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | (North of Flynn) Deadringers, Ogre, Ogre Mage, Phorusracos, | | | Soldier, Spiketoise, Warlock, Werebat | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Disaster strikes as you leave the Castle, as a pursuit occurs in the sky nearby, Cid trying to escape from the Dreadnought. The pursuit doesn't look like it will end well, sadly. Go back to Altair, rest at the inn, and then speak to some of the villagers to learn some messed up crap - Princess Hilda took the airship to meet you at the castle. Well, poo poo. Asking Mindu about the Dreadnought gives you a hint: it's a ship, so it needs to stop for supplies. Talk to the old man in the headquarters and he'll say that there is a supplies station to the north of Flynn, which may be useful as the Dreadnought may stop there to get more supplies. Sweet. Go to Flynn, then head north and west along the overworld, pulling up the world map to find the location of the yellow dot. That is where you need to go. When you see it, just walk into it. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | DREADNOUGHT | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Crescent, Ice Shield, Main Gauche, Potion x2, Shade Bow, | | | Thief's Glove, Titan's Helm, Trident | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Balloon, Captain, Ghast, Ghoul, Helldriver, Mine, Sergeant, | | | Shadow, Soldier, Stunner, Warlock, Werepanther, Wererat, | | | Wraith | | Bosses: | Hill Gigas | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Many of your old "favorite" enemies return, including Mines and Ghouls, but new additions include the Helldriver, who is weak against Fire, and the Werepanther, which has no main weaknesses and lots of HP. Focus on them first if you encounter them in a battle. Captains are the toughest enemies here, but you only have to face them if you talk to them, so don't. When you enter here, a guard will ask you for identification. The WMS system comes up, so choose Pass from the Item list. They will allow you through, so go right until you get to a staircase. On the next floor, go east again to the center of the entry room's east wall, and through the wall to get to the cell, the hidden opening here contains a CRESCENT, a great sword, so make sure to equip it as soon as you get it. Take the stairs back to the 1st floor, then go west and north and go up the stairs. Go west to get 400 GIL from the treasure chest, then go all the way right, turning south as the path does. Go right at the intersection, then follow the path as it turns, go up the stairs, through the doorway, and finally take the stairway up to the 2nd floor. Here in 2F, follow the path and go right at the intersection to get to a room with two treasure chests (POTION X2), then go west at the intersection to get the SHADE BOW. Go south to get the THIEF'S GLOVES, then go right until you get to the prison cell. You will see the princess and Cid captured, so push X at the bars to force them open. Talk to the princess, then Cid. They have now been rescued, so time to destroy the airship. Go back to the stairway and return to the 1st floor. Follow the two stairways down until you get back to the intersection, then go down it this time. The path eventually leads to the stairway that takes you to 3F. Whoo hoo. Go down, left, and up along the path to get to the fourth floor. Go all the way right, then up and collect the four chests (TRIDENT, MAIN GAUCHE, TITAN'S HELM, and ICE SHIELD).. one has a Hill Gigas who is considered a boss and is quite tough. Make sure to be fully healed and have the Crescent sword equipped before opening the chests. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | HILL GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 750 | ATTACK: 100 | DEFENSE: 60 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | 100 attack power for this tough boss, so make sure to cast Blink and | | Shield spells on everyone right away, to reduce the physical attack power | | of this hard hitter. Fortunately, if you have the Crescent equipped, it | | will put him to sleep within the 1st few rounds and make this battle way | | easier. If not, fire magic seems to work well, as does physical attacking. | | Try to cast various status effects on him as you heal everyone. You | | should be able to win as long as you keep healing and using magic. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Go back to the center of the room, then head north, going down the stairs back to the 3rd floor, but a new section of it this time. Enter the doorway near the stairs, then go up the stairs to the 5th floor. This is the tricky part. Go east two steps, then go north to the wall and west to the corner of the floor, then go down along the wall until the next to last passage, go east. Go south, then go east at the wall, following it until you can go north at the last passageway. Go north, then east, then all the way north. At the northeast corner, go left then take the 2nd intersection down. Go east, then south, then west at the 1st intersection. Enter the doorway. Now you will finally be in the engine room. Go north and push X at the engine. Select the Sunfire from the WMS's item menu, which will set the motion to destroy the ship. ENTER THE BLACK KNIGHT, but he can't reach you. Maria recognizes his voice, but it's no matter, time to get out of here. Automatic scenes follow, as the party escapes the destruction of the airship. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO DEIST CASTLE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | Dragoons, Wind Drake | | Enemies: | (Sea) Buccaneer, Helldiver, Killer Fish, Pirate, Sea Serpent | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- You'll be back in Altair now. Rest up at the inn, sell some stuff, then buy some stuff. Typical RPG town crap. When you're done that exciting activity, go to the headquarters. The villagers all are worried about the king, so head into his room. You'll find out that he is dying, and he will give you his final requests as you approach him. Gordon and Mindu have new objectives, and the rest of us are to get help from the Dragoons to recover an Ultima Scroll. Go over to the throne room, and speak to Gordon. The Emperor tried to destroy the Dragoons, so it should be no problem to recruit them over to our side. The keyword DRAGOONS shows up, repeat it back to Gordon once you learn it. Once you are done, speak with the man in the throne room to find out that Mindu has already left, and Hilda is acting strange. Let's move on out to Paloom now to find us a ship. Once you return to Paloom, you will spot someone new. Her name is Leila, and she is heading to Deist as well, and she's willing to take us along. What an awesome combination. Maria is weary of the offer, but Frion decides to take her up on it, as there's really no other options to choose from. When she leaves, exit the city and board her ship. When the ship automatically goes out to sea, it will suddenly be attacked by a band of not so merry pirates. Yar, me mateys, Square must have something against pirates, because just like the classic battle from the original FF, this one is SIMPLE AS HELL. Seriously. Once you yawn your way through that epic, Leila is willing to accept her punishment, but Frion accepts the fact she is a friend. Now, you can use her ship. You will get into random battles on the ship, but at this point they are all pretty easy. Pull up the world map and find a small and curvy river in between two land masses to the southeast of where you currently are. Go here and then navigate your way through it to reach the other ocean. Go way south and then east.. it's the two dots to the east of Bafsk. You'll need to park on the eastern or southern coast of the island, then walk your way to the castle. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | DEIST CASTLE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Antidote, Cottage, Cross, Curse Scroll, Eye Drops, Gold Needle,| | | Mallet, Phoenix Down, Sage's Wisdom, Saint's Spirit, Stop | | | Scroll, Stun Scroll, Unicorn Horn, Wing Blade | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | (Overworld) Ghast, Ghoul, Hill Gigas, Ogre, Ogre Mage, Shadow | | | Sliver, Wraith | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- When you enter here, you will see a little boy, who is scared for his poor little life at the sight of a bunch of big ass people entering his deserted castle. Speak with him to trigger his running off (gee, didn't see that coming). Go to the next room, where you will see him again. This time he'll be standing next to some stairs. Speak with him again, and again, he runs off. Head up the stairs, then go west to pick up a COTTAGE from the treasure chest. Go all the way east now, then go down the stairs. Go west and get to a room containing eight treasure chests. When you get them all, go back to the previous staircase, then go down. Go left for three chests, then go left and down again for a UNICORN HORN. Return to the 2nd floor, then go all the way south and west. Go down the stairs to pick up a PHOENIX DOWN from the treasure chest before returning to the 2nd floor. Go to the center of the room to find the woman and her child that kept running away. Speak with the woman and she will say she is the widow of a Dragoon. The last Wind Drake is in the room, but he is dying from a poison. She cannot make out what he is saying, as she is not a Dragoon, and only Dragoons can listen to what Wind Drakes say. There is a special Pendant inside Deist Cave to the north that allows humans to speak to Wind Drakes, so time to go get it. Go outside the castle, then enter the cave. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | DEIST CAVE (1ST VISIT) | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Dragon Egg, Pendant | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Adamantoise, Deadringers, Ghast, Ghoul, Gigantoad, Hill Gigas, | | | Howler, Ogre, Ogre Chieftain, Ogre Mage, Revenant, Screamer, | | | Shadow, Sliver, Spiketoise, Wraith | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The objective right now is to retreive the Pendant.. the place is pretty big, and you'll be coming back soon anyways. For now, go slightly east to pick up 30 GIL from the chest, then go northwest and go down the stairs. The room here has the pendant in a helmet, so pick it up and return to Deist Castle. Go to where the Wind Drake is poisoned. He will tell you that the village is poisoned. Use the keywords Dragoon and Wind Drake to get a DRAGON EGG. You have to place the egg inside the cave's Sacred Spring to give the egg a chance to hatch. Time to head back inside the cave. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | DEIST CAVE (2ND VISIT) | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Acid Bottle, Flame Bow, Knight's Armor, Mythril Helm, Mythril | | | Gloves, Myhtril Mail, Mytrhril Mirror, Mythril Shield, Mythril | | | Shield, Potion, Sage's Wisdom, Saint's Spirit | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Adamantoise, Deadringers, Ghast, Ghoul, Gigantoad, Hill Gigas, | | | Howler, Ogre, Ogre Chieftain, Ogre Mage, Revenant, Screamer, | | | Shadow, Sliver, Spiketoise, Wraith | | Bosses: | Chimera | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Some old enemies await you here, including the always tough Adamantoises and Hill Gigas, which were bosses in previous dungeons. New additions to the enemy crew include the Revenant, a undead monster with a drain spell, and the Howler, which has high physical attack power and a bad ass fire spell. Take these enemies out quickly if you encounter them, as they can give you major problems. Go southeast here to take the stairs down to B2. Go north, then west. At the intersections, go southwest for a MYTHRIL HELM, then north for a MYTHRIL MAIL, before going west. At the next intersection, go south to battle with some easy Screamers who guard a chest containing a MAGE'S STAFF. Return to the center and go south to go down to B4. Go north to get a pair of MYTHRIL GLOVES from the treasure chest, then go east and get the MYTHRIL MIRROR from the treasure chest. Go back up the stairs you took to get down here now. Back on the previous floor, go west and at the intersection, go all the way north. Keep following the path as it swings in several different directions, then go down the stairs. Go east to get a MYTHRIL SHIELD from the treasure chest. Go north alongside the western part of the room, and take the bridge that goes up and down. Go along this path until you can go down the stairs to the next floor. Go northwest here to get an ACID BOTTLE from the treasure chest, then go south and keep going down until you get to the next floor. The end of the path gives you four choices.. heal up, and equip stuff that helps protect against magic spells, as you're about to face a tough boss. You may want to create a quick save. When you are ready, take the second door from the right, then speak to the boss who is guarding the spring that you need to lay the egg on. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | CHIMERA | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 640 | ATTACK: 60 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 3 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The main problem with this battle is that you can face upwards of 1 to 4 | | of these tough creatures. If you encounter 4, you may want to restart from | | your quick save to give you a better chance of winning. If you are facing | | multiple Chimeras, focus your energy on one at a time. Immediately upon | | entering the battle, cast Shell on the party, as the Chimera has a nasty | | attack called Blaze which does some serious damage to all members of your | | party. After that, you have to do the usual strategy of healing and | | attacking. The Chimera is not particuarly weak against any particular | | attack, so just stay focused and chisel away at its HP while you remain | | healed, and you should be able to win easily. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Once you have laid the smackdown on their candy asses, walk up to the spring and choose Dragon Egg from the items list. Go all the way east, then south, and take the stairs back up. Cross the path here to get back to the upper floor, then follow the ledge across and take the bridge going from left to right. Take a few steps and you will fall down. Go northwest from here, and go down the stairs. Go south and then east. The four chests here are FLAME BOW, KNIGHT'S ARMOR, SAGE'S WISDOM, and SAINT'S SPIRIT, so make sure to pick up all these useful items. When you have done so, you can now cast Warp, or if you're going for item completion, head back up the stairs to B4, then go east to the stairs up to B3. Follow the path to B2, then go in the western room to get the POTION. Now you can cast Warp. Go to Castle Deist to find out some horrible news, then return to Altair. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | BACK TO ALTAIR | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | Lamia Queen | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- When you return to Altair, head back to headquarters where you will see a scene. The princess is acting odd, which concerns the villagers. Talk to Gordon in the throne room and he will ask you to check up on her. Go to her room now, and Firion will talk to her alone per her request. The screen will suddenly get all weird and the princess will try to seduce Frion.. but it turns out to be a boss. The rest of the party comes to help him, boss time. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | LAMIA QUEEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,290 | ATTACK: 50 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 7 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Lamia Queen is a little bit of a pain, mainly due simply to her sleep | | and muddle attacks. Muddle will make someone confused, and sleep will put | | them to sleep. She does these spells once in a while, so make sure to keep | | that in mind when you enter your commands. Sometimes someone will cure | | and then she follows up by putting that character to sleep. She can also | | cast Blink on herself, so don't waste too much time on attacking her. Just | | use your strongest magical attacks, and do some physical attacks as well. | | Dedicate two to attacking and two to healing (just in case) and you should | | be able to win just fine. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- The battle is now over, but the group is concerned that they no longer know where the real Princess is. Someone will come running in and inform you: you rescued a body double on the Dreadnought, and the real Princess is about to become a prize in the upcoming tournament. Gordon will rejoin your party now, replacing Leila for the time being. Heal up and then ask around the headquarters - turns out the Arena is in Palamecia, which is south of Kas'ion, but a large desert stands in the way. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | PALAMECIA DESERT | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Adamantoise, Antlion, Chimera, Gigan Toad, Poison Toad, Sand | | | Ray, Wild Horn | | Bosses: | Behemoth | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Kas'ion is east from Altair, once you get there, then all the way south. You'll see the desert, so park there and make your journey through. The enemies here are tough, so watch out for them. The castle is in the middle, but you can't get in it. The arena is south of it slightly, so go in it. Walk in and up to the top of the stairs, where you will see the Emperor. He'll lock you between two sets of bars and then call on Behemoth to fight you! *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BEHEMOTH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,620 | ATTACK: 85 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | He's not really all that tough, as he only hits one character at a time. | | He has no magic attacks, so just cast Shield and then begin the assault, | | healing the person that got attacked. His attack power is pretty brutal, | | but due to the fact he can only hit one person, he's not hard at all. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Ooh, face to face with the Emperor, and since you won the tournament, you'll get the Princess back.. turns out this is too good to be true, of course, as he knows who you are and locks you up. Time to do the obligatory RPG Prison Escape, yay. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | OBLIGATORY RPG PRISON ESCAPE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Antidote, Ether, Elixir, Cottage | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Captain, Chimera, Deadhands, Deadringers, Doom Petals, | | | Parasite, Revenant, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Specter, Splinter, | | | Warlock, Wizard | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Once you are in prison, walk up to the bars and push X. You can't escape, but Pavel comes to return the favor. You can now walk around. The enemies in here are pretty bitchy, especially the Captains and Wizards. Fortunately, those two bastards don't show up terribly often. Specters, however, do, and they have a nasty Sleep attack which affects everyone. Most of the other enemies are either easily beaten (Doom Petals) or ones you've seen before. Go east and then north to get an ANTIDOTE from the treasure chest, then go back to the prison and go north and east this time. Go all the way east and enter the last door to get three chests (ETHER, ELIXIR, COTTAGE). Now, go north to the north wall, then east again. Take the stairs in the northwest corner, then go north, east, and south. When the path splits to the west, go north. Follow it until you get to the cell containing the Princess. Push X to open the bars, and Gordon will protect her from here on out. You have to make it out of here with just three characters now. Go back to the main intersection and head west this time, to the stairs, which lead you to a room with a passageway. The path takes you to the throne room, and then freely out of here. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO CASTLE FYNN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Return to Altair. Here, you will find a single solider, so talk to him and he will say that the rebels are ready to take back the castle. The Princess, Prince, and others are awaiting you in a camp outside the city, so it's time to go there. It's north, towards Fynn, take the path where the lake and river cross each other to get to the camp site. Talk to Hilda, who will be grateful for you saving her, then talk to Gordon, who wants us to go into the castle and defeat the commander. Well, okay then. Go to Fynn Castle now. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CASTLE FYNN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Aura Scroll, Break Scroll, Doom Scroll, Potion, Titan's Gloves,| | | Werebane | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Captain, Chimera, Deadheads, Deadringers, Doom Petals, Ghast, | | | Revenant, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Specter, Splinter, Stunner, | | | Warlock, Wizard, Wraith | | Bosses: | Gottos | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Leila will be awaiting you upon entering, and she will rejoin the party. Sweet. Go to the east now, and follow the path to the northwest to get to a room containing two treasure chests (2,000 GIL and 1,000 GIL). Now go back to where you originally were and head west this time, and take the first path to the north to get to another chest, this one containing 1,000 GIL. Go back to the previous intersection and continue west this time, then take the southern path and follow it to a staircase. Take the staircase on the next floor as well, then go east and follow the path to get three valuable magic spell scrolls: BREAK SCROLL, DOOM SCROLL, and AURA SCROLL. Now, return to the staircase, and go all the way back to the beginning of the castle. Take the stairs up now, and once on the second floor, go west to get an AURA SCROLL from the treasure chest. Walk onto the raised area slightly south to where you are now, then take the hidden path in the western wall. Follow this path to get a WEREBANE from the treasure chest, before returning to the main part of this floor. Once there, go east to get a chest containing a POTION. Just east of here is another hidden path in the eastern wall, this one will lead you to a TITAN'S GLOVES. Return to the main part of the floor, then go up the stairs to the next floor above. Here, take the stairs up to the next floor, then heal and prepare for a tough boss battle. Approach him in the throne room. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | GOTTOS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | ATTACK: 70 | DEFENSE: 60 | MAG DEF: 5 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Wow, an undead commander. How... original. Cast Blink and Shield on your | | party right away, then make sure to keep healing. He's not particuarly | | weak against any one specific attack, but I noticed that physical attacks | | alone worked pretty well. Now might be a good time to use the new spells | | you picked up in the castle, too. He has the ability to increase his | | attack power. However, just like the Bahamut battle, he only hits one | | person at a time, making the battle pretty easy overall, as long as you | | stay patient and keep healed. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- The town will be saved and there are no more battles in the town or castle. Talk to Hilda, who will inform you that Mindu went to somewhere called Mysidia and has yet to return. Memorize some keywords and ask about them. You'll find out you need to go to Castle Fynn's hidden areas to get an item called the White Mask, and Ekmet Teloez is the spell that opens the door to the hidden areas. Now, talk to Gordon. Ask him about Mysidia, and he will talk more about the tower and the spell inside of it. Learn the Ultima Scroll keyword from him. Ask him about Ekmet Teloez, and he will say that while he does not know much about it, our good friend Pavel might. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | FYNN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Weapon, Armor, Item, Magic | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Ekmet Teloez, Mask, Mysidia, Ultima Scroll | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Return to Fynn now. Rest at the inn, then buy some new stuff. I just went ahead and bought some decent armor for my party, as Mysidia has some awesome magic spells and good weapons. When you are done buying stuff, go to the southwestern house. Pavel is here, so ask him about the Ekmet Teloez password, and he will tell you that the hidden door is in the upper right hand corner of the castle's grand hall. Return to the castle now and go to the throne room. Go to the northeast corner of the room and press X, then select Ekmet Teloez. Go down the path and you will be in the hidden areas now. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CASTLE FYNN (HIDDEN DUNGEON) | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Backstabber, Blood Sword, Eye Drops, Flame Mail, Flame Shield, | | | Golden Mail, Golden Plate, Golden Shield, Knife, Maiden's Kiss,| | | Orichaladagger, Potion x3, Silk Web, White Mask | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Adamantoise, Brain, Ghast, Killer Mantis, Ogre Chieftain, Ogre | | | Mage, Parasite, Revenant, Rhyos, Screamer, Specter, Splinter, | | | Stunner, Swapper, Wraith | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies here are not the toughest in the world to deal with, especially Screamers, who actually HEAL your party. Lol. Go to the center of the room and take the hidden exit to the east. Go south, then west, through another hidden passage, to get to a room with three chests: GOLDEN MAIL, GOLDEN SHIELD, and GOLDEN PLATE. Take all three items from their respective chests before returning to the beginning of this floor. Take the stairs down. Go south and then east to get a KNIFE from the treasure chest, then return to the beginning and go north and then west for a EYE DROPS. Go right, then south and east to get a SHIRT from the treasure chest. Return to the intersection and go right, take the stairs down. Here, go east and north to get a POTION from the chest, then go west and pick up another POTION from the chest. Go north and east, then go north to get a MAIDEN'S KISS from the chest. Leave and then go east, following the path until you get to the next floor. Go south to pick up the final POTION found in this dungeon from the chest, then go back up and then follow the southern wall to get a FLAME SHIELD from the treasure chest. Go to the northwest corner of the room to get a SILK WEB, and the stairs to the next floor. Follow the passageway, taking the east intersections to get to a chest containing the BLOOD SWORD. Go back and then south, then go east when you can. Go north and then west to get a FLAME MAIL and BACKSTABBER from the two treasure chests. Go south to take the stairs down. Go all the way right, then north, and then west to get a ORICHALDAGGER from the chest. The second door from the right has the WHITE MASK, so take it and then take the portal back to Fynn. Sell some stuff in Fynn, and then speak to Hilda in the castle. She'll tell you the location of Mysidia. It is located south of Fynn, and to get there, you simply have to take the boat south of Fynn, and then dock it somewhere. You can also take the bridge by foot. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | MYSIDIA | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Weapon, Armor, Magic, Item | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | (Overworld) Bomb, Cockatrice, Dark Flan, Gigan Rhino, Killer | | | Mantis, Mine, Red Mousse, Revenant, Soldier, Specter, | | | Vampirette, Warlock, Werewolf, Winged Ray, Wraith | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- You will find out from the villagers in this town that two masks are needed to enter the Mysidian Cave, and the Black Mask is located on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Time to go shopping. Magic is the best part of this town, as there's tons of awesome spells to learn, including the almighty Holy. Buy some, upgrade your weapons and armor, sell some stuff, rest, yadda yadda. When you are done doing the thrilling basics of RPGs, go to the library. It's in the southwest part of town. When in here, the bookcase to the north is the key, so go there and push X to ask about keywords. Make sure to ask about Mask, it will tell you how to use the Masks you have and will earn. Leave here and go east to a underground staircase. Go west to reach a statue, and select White Mask to give the statue the mask. One down, one to go. Time to go to the island to get the Black Mask. Take the ship between continents to the east of Altair, then go to the center of this ocean to reach the tropical island. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TROPICAL ISLAND | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Weapon | | Items: | Black Mask, Blind Scroll x2, Ether, Eye Drops, Garlic, Gaia | | | Drum, Hi Potion x2, Phoenix Down, Poison Scroll x2, Silk Web, | | | Sleep Scroll, Slumber Stalks x2, Thanatos | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Deadheads, Deadringers, Ghast, Ghoul, Poison Toad, Red Mousse, | | | Shadow, Stunner, Wererat, Wild Horn, Wraith, Yellow Jelly | | Bosses: | Gigan Rhino | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Most of the enemies in here are ones you've seen before. They're all pretty easy, just remember that Red Mousses and Yellow Jellys need magic attacks to be defeated, otherwise you really should have no problems. Once inside the dungeon, go down to get some EYE DROPS from the treasure chest, then go left and take the northern intersection, then go west for a HI POTION from the chest. Another one is also found in this room, so make sure to collect it as well. Go back to the intersection and head left this time, until you get an ETHER from the treasure chest. This game is sooo exciting. Moving left some more will net you a SILK WEB from the treasure chest. Yay. Go north, and go north again at the intersection. This path will lead you the stairs, which take you down to the next floor. We're going down down baby.. Go down, and then go right to get a POISON SCROLL from the treasure chest. Then, head down to get a SLEEP SCROLL from the chest. Go back to the beginning and go left to get a SLUMBER STALK from the chest from the treasure chest before taking the stairs down. The room here has a SILK WEB in a chest, followed by the stairs down to the next floor. Go north here to get to the village part of the island. Talk to the guy in red, as the others are freaks or idiots who make fun of you or question why you are here. The guy in red is the shopkeeper, so buy and sell some stuff. Now, go back to the room which had the two scrolls and slumber stalk in them, and take the southeastern stairs this time. Go down to get some GARLIC from the treasure chest, then go up some, following the path until you get to the stairs going down to the next floor. Take the stairs to the south, pick up a PHOENIX DOWN from the chest, then take the stairs back. Head to the southeast corner of the room to get to a stairs, so take them, and then take the stairs in the next floor to get to B5 for the first time. Take the long path and then pick up the GAIA DRUM and two SLUMBER STALKS from the three treasure chests. Return to the room with four sets of stairs (B4) and take the northwestern stairs now. Get the THANANTOS from B5 here, then return to the four stairs room and head east along the north wall. Pick up the 1,000 GIL from the chest, then follow the path to get to the stairs. Here, get the SLEEP SCROLL, then cross the water to the left to get to the doorway. The boss is in here. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | GIGAN RHINO | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,140 | ATTACK: 50 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 6 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Snoooore. Oh, I'm sorry, I just slept through this battle while holding | | down the X button. Physical attacks work best, and you should only need to | | heal very infrequently in this easy boss battle. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Your reward is the BLACK MASK, so take it, take the portal out, and return to Fynn. Insert the Black Mask into the statue, and you will get the Crystal Rod. Woooord. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | INSIDE LEVIATHAN | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Diamond Shield, Headband, Power Armlet, Power Sash, Terra Sword| | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Boltfish, Manta Ray, Sea Dragon, Shrieker | | Bosses: | Barrel Worm | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- There is a small little river located to the west of Altair. It's north of Mysidia as well. As you head through this river, the ground will shake and you will be swallowed up by a dragon. You are now inside the dragon. There's three new enemies to worry about in here, and all of them are quite tough. Boltfish has a powerful Lightning spell, while Sea Dragon has a super explosive Water attack. Use the opposite elements to take care of them easier. The area here has trap floors which reduce HP with each step, so be careful as to where you're walking in here. I have lost mucho energy in here. Follow the path as you enter, picking up two chests (POWER SASH, HEADBAND) along the way. Walk through the weird light in the wall to advance to the next floor. Here, go north to speak with another person trapped in here. He says we are in Leviathan, the mystical water beast. Wow. Go west here to get a POWER ARMLET from the treasure chest, then try to go further west. This armored man won't let you pass, however. Talk to him and he will ask you for proof of who you are. Ask him about the Dragoons, then show him the Crystal Rod. This will let him know that you are after the Ultima Scroll. He's been looking for it, too, so he decides to join your party in order to get it. Leave through the northwest here. Go left along this pathway, then north through the teeth to get a TETRA SWORD from the treasure chest, then go south to get a DIAMOND SHIELD from the treasure chest. The western end of this room has the boss and your path back to freedom. Heal before facing the boss. Make sure to equip the Blood Sword on Gareth if you want an easier battle. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BARREL WORM | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | ATTACK: 120 | DEFENSE: 100 | MAG DEF: 6 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Since you have Gareth equipped with the Blood Sword, this battle will be | | easier. Cast Shield on your party right away, as Barrel Worm deals solely | | with physical attacks. It has no real elemental weaknesses, so I advise | | just attacks. Cast Berserk on Gareth, and combined with his Blood Sword, | | the boss's HP will be depleted quickly. Keep everyone healed at all times, | | and the battle will be yours. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- That wasn't so tough, was it? Hopefully now we can get to the tower at long last. Board the ship and you will be out in the outside world. Don't ask me how it works exactly, it's a video game. Return to Mysidia to sell off stuff, and heal, then return to the Tower. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | MYSIDIAN TOWER | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Black Robe, Cross, Flame Bow, Flame Helm, Flame Lance, Flame | | | Shield, Flame Sword, Flare Scroll, Hermes, Hourglass, Ice | | | Brand, Ice Gloves, Ice Lance, Ice Mail, Ice Shield, Potion, | | | Silk Web, Spellbinder, Staff x3, Ultima Scroll, Unicorn Horn | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Basilisk, Bomb, Chimera, Dark Flan, Doom Petals, Evil Bud, | | | Frost Lizard, Ghast, Gigan Rhino, Gottos, Hill Gigas, Imp, | | | Killer Mantis, Mezzo Malboro, Revenant, Shreiker, Specter, | | | Vampirette, Werewolf, Winged Ray, Wraith | | Bosses: | Fire Gigas, Ice Gigas, Thunder Gigas | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Once you are in the Tower, it's time to get to looting. The enemies in here are of varied difficulty. Some, like Specters and Basilisks, are quite challenging at this part of the game. They have the ability to turn characters to stone, so keep an eye out for that. Some of the enemies here are repeats from previous dungeons, and others are found solely in special encounter rooms, usually guarding chests. The Frost Dragon is a good example of this. The Tower is super long and comes with four bosses and tons of treasure chests, so it may be best to just come in a little bit at a time. You need patience, a decent amount of time, and a strong party to survive this tedious and long tower. Go east from the entrance to get a STAFF from the treasure chest, then back to the left and then up. Go left to a room with pillars, then head northeast to get another STAFF from the treasure chest. Go west through the hidden opening to enter another area, this one contains a WHITE ROBE from the treasure chest. Return to the main area, and go west through the opening and up to get another STAFF from the treasure chest, then go back east to the center of the tower and up the staircase to the second floor. Once on the second floor, go north and then east to get to two treasure chests (FLAME LANCE and FLAME BOW). Once you get them, go back toward the center of the room, and go west, following it and then step through the center of the westernmost intersection. Go north to get a FLAME SHIELD from the treasure chest, then follow the path along south and then east to get to a staircase to the third floor. This is where the trap floors start to come into play, so be careful. Thankfully, it's easy to see where to avoid. Go through the lava to the west, down the first intersection. Go through the last door to the west. Follow the southern most wall to the right to get a FLAME SWORD from the treasure chest, then return south and west to climb up to the flat path. Go west to get a FLAME HELM, then east for a FLAME MAIL. Now, return to the path and head north through the door. Here, you will meet up with a mysterious black figure. This is a boss, so let's prepare first. Heal up, and equip characters with the OgreKiller and Blood Sword weapons, those work well. When you're ready, talk to him and the first of four bosses will challenge you. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | FIRE GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,800 | ATTACK: 100 | DEFENSE: 100 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: Ice | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Fire Gigas hits extremely hard, so have one character (one not equipped| | with the Ogre Killer or Blood Sword weapons) act as the primary healer. | | First, do the usual Shield/Blink casting to get some protection from his | | strong attacks. Have the healer heal, someone else cast Ice, and the other | | two attack. The battle should only last two rounds at most. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Whoo hoo, we beat that tool, but sadly this isn't the worst of it. In the next room, get the ICE SHIELD from the treasure chest just to the left of the stairs. Looks like we're on the Ice portion of the tower now. Just a hunch. Go up the stairs, then go south to get the ICE LANCE from the treasure chest. The ice here works just like the lava on the previous floor, by the way. Return to the fourth floor via the stairs now. Go south along the wall to the left, then go right to get the ICE GLOVES from the treasure chest. Keep going east, then north at the intersection, and then go right for a ICE MAIL from the treasure chest. Go to the northeastern part of this room now, this will lead you to the stairs that take you up to the fifth floor. Follow this long path, picking up a ICE BRAND along the way. At the end, go up the stairs, and then head through the door to get to another boss. Equip all the Flame weapons you got from the previous floor, heal up, and begin. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ICE GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | ATTACK: 120 | DEFENSE: 120 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: Fire | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Same as the previous boss, have your healers heal, spell caster cast Fire, | | and other two characters attack with their Ogre Killer and Blood Sword | | weapons. The Ice Gigas has slightly more HP, more attack and defense, and | | tends to go a little quicker, so this battle is harder than the one before,| | but you should be able to survive just fine. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- On the next floor, go east to get the POTION from the treasure chest, then go back west and step south at the intersection. At the following intersection, keep going east, then go down at the next intersection. Follow the path, and then go north at the intersection to get the SPELLBINDER from the treasure chest. Go back south to the walkway and then go west, moving up through the door at the end to get to the stairs, which take you to the next floor. Go east to get a SILK WEB from the treasure chest, then go to the northeast corner of the room to get the HERMES from the treasure chest. Go west to get a UNICORN HORN from the treasure chest, then follow the path west to get to the last boss. Equip the Spellbinder to a 3rd character, then bring out items that let you poison the enemy. Heal up, then approach the tough boss. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | THUNDER GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,500 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 150 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: Bio | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | This is by far the toughest of the three Gigas Guardians. For one, the HP | | is up by 500. Also, the attack and defense is 20 percent more than it was | | for the Ice Gigas. The magic defense is lower, but its only weakness is | | Poison for christs sake! Cast Haste, Shell, Blink, whatever you can right | | away, then follow the same strategy as ever, only having the spell caster | | use the Spellbinder weapon this time. This is a tough battle, so make sure | | to keep healing. Don't be afraid to devote multiple characters to healing | | if you have to, saving yourself is more important than inflicting damage | | sometimes, so be smart and stay patient and you should win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- You'd think you were done by now, but things aren't always as they seem. There's still more dungeon to go. The battles are starting to get tougher too now, which sucks. Go east, then north, then east at the very end to get a FLARE SCROLL from the treasure chest. Go west, then south, and then east at the first intersection, and follow it to get to the stairs leading to the next floor. The water here is non harmful, so feel free to step in it as you wish. Go north and then east to get an HOURGLASS from the treasure chest, then get the cross from the southwest corner. Go northwest, climbing the stairs, then go east to get a BLACK ROBE from the treasure chest. The White Dragon here is tough, but can be defeated via healing and fire magic. Use the Fire weapons for an easier time. Make sure to hook your main black magic user up with the Black Robe you just received, then walk to the southeast. Take the second door from the left to get to the final floor. AT LAST. Go north across the floor to find Mindu, who will use the last of his strength to break the seal. In this room, check the four silver spheres to get stat bonuses (awesome!) before checking the gold sphere. You will get the ULTIMA SCROLL at last. A portal will appear, so take it to return to the outside world. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO THE CYCLONE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Blood Sword, Elixir, Gold Hairpin, Gold Plate, Ninja Suit, | | | Ruby Plate, Silver Plate, Thief's Gloves, Wind Drake | | Keywords: | Cyclone | | Enemies: | (Overworld) Bomb, Captain, Hill Gigas, Sergeant, Sorcerer, | | | Werepanther | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Let's head back to Altair now to sell off some of that excess.. wait a second. When you get there, you will shockingly find out that the entire city has been destroyed. The monsters in the overworld are tougher, and Galatea is destroyed too. What is going on here? Let's return to Castle Fynn now.. when you get there, you will see a Cyclone in the background. Head inside and talk to Gordon and Hilda. Everyone who used to be happy is suddenly very upset, and rightfully so. The Cyclone you saw outside destroyed all the towns nearby and sent forth powerful enemies to the overworld. The Emperor is actually inside the Cyclone and is controlling it! Wow. Leila will make her surprising return now, and then you will learn the Cyclone keyword. Memorize it and repeat it back to Hilda. Ask her about the keyword Wind Drake and you will find out you may be able to get into the Cyclone by using the pendant at the castle's mirror. Go to the first floor of the castle and take the stairs in the southwest up to the third floor. Go through the northwestern section to get to the mirror. Approach the mirror and select the Pendant, and then the Wind Drake will fly by. You now have access to the last remaining Wind Drake in your inventory. Awesome! Go back to the first floor of the castle now, and exit the building. Head back into town and head over to Pavel's house. Ask him about the Cyclone and he will tell you to search the wall next to his bed. Do so (it's in the southeastern part of the house in the small bedroom), and get all the treasure (NINJA SUIT, THIEF'S GLOVES, ELIXIR, SILVER PLATE, RUBY PLATE, GOLD PLATE, GOLD HAIRPIN, BLOOD SWORD). What a nice guy that Pavel is, eh? Make sure to hold onto the Blood Sword, and equip the armor as it's good stuff. Leave town and walk to the northeast now, towards the Cyclone. Walk into it normally, and the Wind Drake will then carry you into it. The next dungeon awaits.. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | THE CYCLONE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Defender, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Diamond Mail, Ripper, | | | Venom Axe, Zephyr's Flute | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Bomb, Captain, Cockatrice, Evil Bud, General, Gottos, Hecteye, | | | Hill Gigas, Lamia, Mezzo Malboro, Royal Guard, Succubus, | | | Wizard, Wood Golem | | Bosses: | Emperor | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in here are of mixed challenge. Some of them are retreads from previous spots, and others are new. The Wood Golem is a challenging new enemy, as it hits hard and has lots of hit points. Fortunately, it has a weakness for Fire. Succubus is also weak against Fire. Other than that, just use the normal physical attacks to take care of the rest of the enemies, and make sure to keep healed, as some of the enemies take off lots of damage in a short period of time. When you enter, go east and go up the stairs. Go up to get a RIPPER from the treasure chest, then go down and follow the path to get to the stairs leading to the next floor. Here, watch out for the floors, but walk through them at first to get a VENOM AXE from the treasure chest. Go all the way back down to the first floor now, then go left to get to the stairs leading up to the next floor. Here, just follow the path until you get to the next floor. Once on the third floor again, just go west and then take the stairs up to the next floor. Go north, and then west at the intersection to get DIAMOND GLOVES and DIAMOND HELM from the treasure chests. Return to the third floor and follow the passageway to get to the fourth floor. Go east, then take the western stairs. Go all the way south to get a DEFENDER from the treasure chest, then keep going south and then west to get a DIAMOND MAIL from the treasure chest. The enemies that guard this chest hit hard, so cast Blink and Shield right away. Go back to the fourth floor, and then take the eastern stairs. Follow the path to get to the next floor. Go east, and then follow the path until you get to a treasure chest. The enemy guarding it is hard, so equip two Blood Swords, cast Berserk on the two that have them, have the 3rd cast Bolt, and the 4th heal everyone. You should be able to win with that strategy. The reward from the chest is a valuable ZEPHYR'S FLUTE. Head up the stairs, and be prepared for a tough boss fight. Heal everyone up, and make sure you have those Blood Swords still equipped. The party will approach him automatically. He will send two waves of Royal Guards at you, but you can take care of them easily. Once you do, he will attack you. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | EMPEROR | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,290 | ATTACK: 70 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Actually, I lied, he is surprisingly easy. Take care of the Wood Golem | | with Fire, and dispatch the two Royal Guards before focusing your attacks | | on the Emperor. Then, just heal and attack with the Blood Swords to take | | care of him. Simple, yet effective. Just the way I like it. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Celebration, the Emperor is dead! The party automatically returns to Castle Fynn, where a big party ensues. Bad news happens in the night time though, as Maria's brother, Leon, the guy that was your party member at the beginning of the game, has revealed himself to be the Dark Knight, and now you must defeat him as well. Man oh man, I knew that boss fight was too easy to be the last one. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO CASTLE PALAMECIA | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | None | | Keywords: | Palamecia | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Wow, that was quite a plot twist, especially back in the day. Almost as good as my all time favorite, end of disk 3 of Legend of Dragoon. Anyways, you will now be alone in the throne room with Leila, Hilda, and Gordon. Speak to Hilda, and Maria will say she can turn Leon back into one of the good guys. Hilda says that he can be found in Palamecia. Learn that keyword and say it back to her. Speak to Gordon, and ask him about Palamecia. He will say that Pavel has boasted about previously entering the castle, so it might be a good idea to talk to him and see what he has to say about it. Head outside the castle and enter Fynn. Heal up and then enter Pavel's house. He won't give much information, but maybe Cid can. You can find him in the doorway to Pavel's bedroom. Cid is sadly very ill, but he gives you his airship. Speak to Pavel once more, and ask him about Palamecia. He will tell you that you can use the airship to land on the roof of the castle. Sounds like a good idea, so let's do that now, shall we? Head back to where you rescued the princess at the arena, it's to the northeast of there. Head directly over the castle and push X to land in it, ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | CASTLE PALAMECIA | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Buckler, Diamond Plate, Elixir, Healing Staff, Hourglass, | | | Garlic, Knife, Mage's Staff, Saint's Spirit, Slumber Stalk, | | | Spellbinder, Sun Blade, Zephyr's Flute | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Black Knight, Captain, Cockatrice, Coeurl, Deathmask, Doom | | | Petals, Fallen Emperor, General, Gottos, Hecteyes, Killer | | | Mantis, Lamia, Lamia Queen, Stone Golem, Vampirette, Winged | | | Ray, Wizard, Wood Golem | | Bosses: | None (!) | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in here are quite challenging, possibly the toughest in the game to this point. Be prepared. Lamia and Lamia Queens have the ability to confuse characters, so make sure you are able to heal that nasty status effect, or you could be in some serious trouble. Fallen Emperors have loads of HP and no real weakness, and Stone Golems are hard hitters with high defense. Good luck. ;) When you enter, go north and enter the room at the end. The floor will open and the party will fall down. Go south to get a DIAMOND PLATE from the treasure chest, then return to where you started and go east now. Go south along the eastern wall, then go west to follow the southern wall to the southwest corner. A GARLIC is your reward from this treasure chest. Return to the center of the eastern wall and go west now, taking the stairs to the next floor. Here, walk to the end to get a HOURGLASS from the treasure chest, then return to the previous floor and head down then left. Take the northern intersection, then climb the stairs to the next floor. Here, go south to get a KNIFE from the treasure chest, then go to the northeast corner of this room to get a BUCKLER from this treasure chest. Go west across the pathway, then south and east to get to the stairs leading to the next floor. Once on the third floor, go north and then west at the intersection. Go south to get a THUNDER SPEAR from the treasure chest, then go all the way north, then east and south to get to stairs. Go north and then west, taking the first intersection south to get a SAINT'S SPIRIT from the treasure chest. Go back up to the main pathway and keep walking west, getting the SLUMBER STALK from the treasure chest at the end of the pathway. Go east, and then north at the intersection, then turn west and follow the path along the north and west walls. You will get three chests in this room: MAGE'S STAFF, HEALING STAFF, and SPELLBINDER. Whoo hoo! Now, go along the west and northern walls, then follow the path east to get to the next set of stairs taking you to the next floor. Slowly getting done, folks. Go west to get to the next set of stairs. Big floor. Here, follow the path and go south at the intersection to get a SUNBLADE from the treasure chest. Go east and north along the pathway to get to the following stairs. Go west and south to get ELIXIRS from all three chests. Go all the way back to the fifth floor now, and then go east and south at the intersection. Follow the east, south, and west walls to get back to the sixth floor. Follow the path to get to the next floor. Climb to the eighth floor via the stairs, then follow the path south and west. Go west along the path and follow it north to get a HELLFIRE and ZEPHYR'S FLUTE from the two treasure chests. Now, remove Gareth's equipment and return to the center of the throne room. Speak to Leon to challenge him, and Maria will plead for him to change his mind. Leon wants world domination however. Suddenly, a violent flash occurs and a ghost appears in the throne. The Emperor has suddenly come back. He has returned from hell to retake his throne! He simply wishes to destroy the entire world now. He surrounds everyone, but Gareth rushes into him, allowing the party time to escape. The Castle will then rise from the mountains, and Leon will replace Gareth in the party. Back to Castle Fynn to report the news to Hilda.. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | TO JADE PASSAGE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Excalibur | | Keywords: | Jade Passage | | Enemies: | None | | Bosses: | None | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Wow, we're getting close to the end of the game now. AT LAST! Back in Fynn, report the sad news to Hilda. She will be concerned that Leon is back in the party, but Maria reassures her that Leon seems like his old self, and then Leon says that he is back in the party because he wants to destroy the Emperor too. Well, I guess that's a good enough reason. Now, try to get to Pandaemonium, but it won't let you. Return to Hilda once again, and she will say that when the demons flooded the world before, they entered through the Jade Passage. Memorize the Jade Passage keyword and repeat it back to Hilda. She will say that there is a place in Mysidia by that name. Ask Gordon and Leila, and they will also say that it is in the Jade Sea, near Mysidia. Well, let's get going to Mysidia then, shall we? Before going there, head to Deist first. They will be upset to hear of the Dragoons demise. Land in the grassy area north of the castle. Go to the second floor to break the sad news of Gareth's death to his family. They will be devastated, but they will give you one last memento of the Dragoons, the powerful Excalibur sword. This is a really awesome weapon, and it will definitely come in handy. Since you are approaching the end of the game, make sure your party is strong enough. Fight in the overworld, as new enemies have appeared and will make good additions to your collection. When you are ready, go to the northeast peninsula of Mysidia. Approach the lake and you will be warped down into the Jade Passage. Very interesting way to get there, I guess.. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | JADE PASSAGE | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | Magic | | Items: | Aegis Shield, Backstabber, Cat Claws, Diamond Mace, Dragon | | | Mail, Hellfire x2, Hi Potion x2, Holy Lance, Notus, Protect | | | Ring, Rune Axe, Yoichi's Bow | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Abyss Worm, Frost Lizard, Gazer, Great Malboro, Green Dragon, | | | Lifesucker, Maximus, Pit Fiend, Salamander, Scissorjaws, | | | Succubus, White Dragon | | Bosses: | None (!) | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- The enemies in the Jade Passage are expectedly really tough. Most of them have the ability to inflict major status effects on you, so bring along those items that help cure them. Also, Abyss Worms and Salamanders have lots of hit points and hit hard. The key is to focus on always using physical attacks, and healing with items as much as you can. If you have to use magic, use items for the most part. Another dungeon without a boss, amazing. It is important to note that you really shouldn't waste any magic here. Just conserve it for healing, but don't use attack magic when you don't have to. The reason for this is that you cannot warp out of Pandamonieum without doing this all over again, and this is a pretty decently sized dungeon. So, just save your magic for when you need it. When you enter, go south. Go east and then south to get a DIAMOND MAIL from the treasure chest. Go west and then south at the intersection, then go west to get a HELLFIRE from the treasure chest. Go all the way east to get to the stairs. On the next floor, go north to get another HELLFIRE from the chest, then go back south and then east to get a NOTUS from the treasure chest. Now, go south and then west to get a CATS CLAW from the treasure chest. Before getting this, equip the Blood Swords, Rune Axe, and Diamond Mace before getting this chest, as you have to face a tough enemy. Keep healing while attacking with those weapons, and you should be able to win. Head all the way east, and when you get to the wall, go north to get to the stairs, which take you to the next floor. Here, go down along the stairs, pass the door, and go east to go under a waterfall. These waterfalls act like the lava and previous trap floors. At the end of the path, go up the stairs up to the highest level, then walk east and take two sets of stairs down. Go west and climb up the stairs to get to a RUNE AXE, which is also guarded by a guardian. Blood Sword, Blood Sword, Rune Axe, and Excalibur are the weapons of choice here. Go back down the stairs, and continue walking across the path west. Walk across the waterfall again, then take the stairs down to the lowest level of the floor. When you cross under the waterfall, walk as far north as you can, and push X when you can't walk any further. It turns out to be a shopkeeper, who sells you one of four magic spells: Doom, Berserk, Haste, Flare. Awesome spells, make sure to pick up all of them. Once you are done buying them, go east to a path with three doors. Take the last doors to the right, this leads you to stairs which take you down to B4. Once there, go north and then a few steps east to get a BACKSTABBER from the treasure chest. Head north, and get the HOLY LANCE, AEGIS SHIELD, and DRAGON MAIL from the treasure chest. Or as I always say, cha-cha-ching, Jackpot baby! Once you are done collecting the chests, exit the room and go to the northeast room. The chest here is guarded by another guardian. Equip armor that protects against fire, and equip two Blood Swords, Rune Axe, and Excalibur. They do more damage than even ice attacks at this point, so just worry about healing magic and not attack magic. Once you have him defeated, take the YOICHI'S BOW from the treasure chest, and then go south to the southeastern corner of the room. Take the stairs down to B5. Here, follow the path as it winds around, picking up two HI POTIONS and a PROTECT RING from three treasure chests along the way. The path eventually leads you to the stairs down to B5. On B6, you can walk along the pathway some more, and this leads you to the first floor of Panademonium. Sadly, if you want to warp out to heal, you have to do the Jade Passage again, so you'll just have to make due with what you got. ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | PANDAEMONIUM | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- | Shops: | None | | Items: | Acid Bottle, Ether, Eye Drops, Genji Armor, Genji Gloves, | | | Genji Helm, Hellfire, Masamune, Ribbon, Sage's Wisdom | | Keywords: | None | | Enemies: | Barrel Worm, Blood Fiend, Blue Dragon, Bomb, Coeurl, Death | | | Rider, Evil Bud, Fenrir, Fire Gigas, Frost Lizard, Great | | | Malboro, Ice Gigas, King Behemoth, Lamia, Lamia Queen, Mantis | | | Devil, Mythril Golem, Red Dragon, Thunder Gigas | | Bosses: | Zombie Borghen, Tiamat, Beezlebub, Astaroth, Emperor | ^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^- Here we go, we're finally in the last dungeon. And as expected, the enemies are increasingly tough, although they don't start off too bad and only get really hard on the last few floors. Since you have strong weapons and armor, and hopefully really good stats (cheat if you have to ;) you should be fine. Just watch out and keep healed at all times. Go south along the pathway, and then follow the pathway east and climb the stairs up to the top part of this floor. Follow this pathway along and you will eventually get to the stairs which take you to 2F. On 2F, go south and west, then climb the stairs up. Go north to get an ETHER from the treasure chest, then go south and now west to a set of stairs leading down. Follow this path, then go up the stairs and take the warp gate up to 3F. In 3F, go south and then east to get the EYE DROPS from the treasure chest. Go back the way you came, and go up the flight of stairs to reach a wall. Go east and then take the stairs south, then go east and take the following stairs south as well. Go east and south, then go west and step onto the warp gate. This takes you to 4F. On 4F, walk north and head through the door farthest west. This takes you to a new pathway, so follow it north and west. Walk south, and then east to take a third archway into a new path. Go east and then step north through the archway. Take the next archway north as well, and follow the path. Walk to the lower right corner of the room, then walk east through the wall. Take the MASAMUNE from the treasure chest, whoo hoo. Now, you should have two Blood Swords, Excalibur, and Masamune equipped. Follow the pathway back to the archway and then take the stairs just to the west. Climb them north, and then head west and take the stairs leading up. This room has a chest, but it's being guarded by one of the four guardians. Remove the Blood Swords (the boss is undead) and equip the Healing Staff and Sun Blade instead. Cure, then open the chest to get the GENJI GLOVES. Boss time. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ZOMBIE BORGHEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,500 | ATTACK: 120 | DEFENSE: 120 | MAG DEF: 10 | WEAKNESS: Fire | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Just attack and use Fire spells to take care of him quickest. Don't waste | | time and valuable magic points on casting Blink and stuff like that, you | | won't need it and you will need it later. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- He's pretty easy, but your journey is far from over. Equip the Genji Gloves you just got, and cast Banish to return to the doorway. Walk over to the second door and enter to move into the fifth floor. Go west and through the archway, then go north and up the stairs. Go west and south through this archway, then west and south to reach another archway. Go west and north and you will see another chest. Equip the Blood Swords and your best armor, heal, and open the chest to get a GENJI HELM and another boss. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | TIAMAT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 5,000 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 180 | MAG DEF: 8 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Tiamat is way harder than the Zombie Borghen, but with some patience you | | will be able to win. First, cast Shell and Wall on your party members. | | Don't waste time and magic on Blink and Shield, as he mostly does magic | | attacks. Have someone devoted to healing, while 2 of them attack, and the | | 3rd does attacks like Stun and Slow. Tiamat is surprisingly weak against | | those. He has 5,000 hit points, which is a LOT, so you might be here a | | few minutes, but you should be able to win if you stay patient. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- The Genji Helm is beyond awesome, so make sure to equip it right away as well. Go back to the fourth floor (Banish again if you want) and head into the eastern most doorway. Follow the path north along the east wall. Heal up, memo save if you want, and then get the GENJI ARMOR from the treasure chest, followed by yet another boss fight. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BEEZELBUB | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 5,000 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 150 | MAG DEF: 8 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Just like Tiamat, he has 5,000 hit points and no real weaknesses to | | exploit, but he also brings forth nasty status effects, which is the real | | cause for concern in this battle. Muddle and Stun are the big killers, so | | heal whoever is affected by those right away. Cast Shell and Wall right | | away then do the usual strategy of attacks mixed with healing. Remember | | to keep healing status effects, as he has the ability to cast them on | | people quickly, and you don't want the battle getting out of hand. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Three guardians down, one to go. Equip the Genji Armor and head back to the fourth floor. Head through the doorway to the left now. Go north through the archway and then go east. Walk south through another archway, then east and north through another one. Go all the way to the north wall, then head west and south through two arches. Heal and memo save, then open the chest to get a RIBBON and fight the last of the four guardians. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ASTAROTH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 7,000 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 180 | MAG DEF: 8 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Wow, look at that HP and defense. Well, he is the second to last boss in | | the game. Cast Shell and Wall right away, then head to work with the | | same strategy as always: physical attacks and healing. In addition to his | | high level spells, he has the ability to absorb your hit points when he | | physically attacks you, which drags the battle out even longer. Have the | | Blood Sword users get enhanced attack power and speed, then have them | | attack while the third character uses high level magic and the fourth uses | | healing magic to heal harmed characters. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Don't cast Banish this time. Equip the Ribbon, then go west and north through the room's west archway, and walk through another archway. Keep going west, then all the way south to another warp gate. Here, go all the way north and east to get to a warp gate. Walk west past the archways, then go north to get a SAGE'S WISDOM from the treasure chest. Go west and then climb the stairs to the top. Go east to the wall, then follow it south down to the wall, and then head west. Climb the stairs and head west to get to the next warp gate. Go east and climb the stairs. Go west until you reach the wall, then follow the western stairs north to get the ACID BOTTLE from the treasure chest. Go east, then south down the stairs, and east. Head south down the stairs, then go west and go along to the next stairs. Go east and climb down the stairs to get the HELLFIRE from the treasure chest, then return to the warp gate and take it up. Head south and west to get to the final warp gate. This leads you to the room with the final boss encounter of the entire game. It goes without saying that you should prepare yourself now. Equip Masamune, Excalibur, the two Blood Swords, strongest armor, and magic, then heal and memo save. Approach the Emperor to start the final battle. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | EMPEROR | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 10,000 | ATTACK: 180 | DEFENSE: 210 | MAG DEF: 16 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The sucky part about this battle, besides his high HP and other stats, is | | the fact he casts Dispel 16 on you when you protect yourself, so you'll | | just have to gut out his strong attacks. If you need to, have two people | | devoted to healing, while the other two attack. Since everyone has strong | | weapons, it won't be too hard. You also now have everything at your | | disposal, since you won't need anything after this. Elixirs, Ethers, use | | whatever it takes to win. He has a Life Absorb ability, but you should do | | way more damage than he heals, so after five or ten minutes, you will win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- Sit back and enjoy the ending, and remember not to turn the game off until after you save at the credits. You can go back and finish collecting stuff, or you can start a new game on normal mode.. not that you would want to, hopefully. Well, hopefully you did like the game better than me. It has a decent ending, so enjoy it. You earned it. FIN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ / 9.0 LISTS / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 9.1 ] WEAPONS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Weapon: Name of the weapon. Type: Type of weapon. Attack/Accuracy: Additions to basic attack and accuracy. Price: Buy/sell price Description: Description of the weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ANCIENT SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +25 Accuracy: 10% Price: -/1,250 Description: A sword that can inflict Curse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +10 Accuracy: 55% Price: 500/250 Description: A basic, everyday axe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BATTLE AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +15 Accuracy: 45% Price: 800/400 Description: A more advanced axe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLOOD SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +0 Accuracy: 0% Price: 0-/4,000 Description: Absorb's enemy's HP to give to character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BROAD SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +8 Accuracy: 60% Price: 400/200 Description: A basic, everyday sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +1 Accuracy: 50% Price: 150/75 Description: A basic, everyday bow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CAT CLAWS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +86 Accuracy: 80% Price: -/6,000 Description: The most powerful knife of them all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CRESCENT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +30 Accuracy: 10% Price: -/2,000 Description: A sword that can inflict Sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DAGGER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +7 Accuracy: 65% Price: 400/200 Description: A decent, but unspectacular, knife. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEFENDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +78 Accuracy: 64% Price: -/10,000 Description: A sword made for defense. Evasion increases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEMON AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +27 Accuracy: 45% Price: 10,000/5,000 Description: An axe with demonized powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEMON SPEAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +42 Accuracy: 60% Price: 10,000/5,000 Description: A spear with demonized powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND MACE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +90 Accuracy: 75% Price: -/7,500 Description: The most powerful stave of them all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EXCALIBUR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +100 Accuracy: 75% Price: -/65,000 Description: The second strongest sword in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +42 Accuracy: 47% Price: 5,000/2,500 Description: A bow that can cast Fire damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME LANCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +54 Accuracy: 62% Price: 15,000/7,500 Description: A spear that can cast Fire damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +63 Accuracy: 60% Price: -/5,000 Description: A sword that can cast Fire damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEALING STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +78 Accuracy: 70% Price: -/6,000 Description: Heals instead of doing damage. Attack own party with this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HOLY LANCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +90 Accuracy: 70% Price: -/20,000 Description: A spear that can cast Holy damage. The most powerful spear of them all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +56 Accuracy: 50% Price: 5,000/2,500 Description: A bow that can cast Ice damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE BRAND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +72 Accuracy: 62% Price: -/7,500 Description: A sword that can cast Ice damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE LANCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +66 Accuracy: 65% Price: -/10,000 Description: A spear that can cast Ice damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / JAVELIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +6 Accuracy: 65% Price: 300/150 Description: A basic, everyday spear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KNIFE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +3 Accuracy: 75% Price: 150/75 Description: A basic, everyday knife. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LONG BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +5 Accuracy: 40% Price: 200/125 Description: A decent bow, nothing spectacular. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LONG SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +13 Accuracy: 50% Price: 600/300 Description: A basic, everyday sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MACE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +9 Accuracy: 60% Price: 500/250 Description: A basic, everyday stave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MAGE'S STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +40 Accuracy: 64% Price: -/2,500 Description: A stave that can cast thunder damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MAIN GAUCHE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +32 Accuracy: 70% Price: -/750 Description: Boosts evasion when equipped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MASAMUNE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +150 Accuracy: 90% Price: -/40,000 Description: The strongest sword in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +22 Accuracy: 45% Price: 2,000/1,000 Description: An axe infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +13 Accuracy: 40% Price: 1,000/500 Description: A bow infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL KNIFE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +14 Accuracy: 67% Price: 800/400 Description: A knife infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL MACE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +16 Accuracy: 60% Price: 1,500/750 Description: A stave infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL SPEAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +18 Accuracy: 55% Price: 1,500/750 Description: A spear infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +20 Accuracy: 50% Price: 1,800/900 Description: A sword infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGREKILLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +58 Accuracy: 50% Price: 15,000/7,500 Description: Works better against ogres. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ORICHALDAGGER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +50 Accuracy: 72% Price: -/1,500 Description: Water based dagger that does decent damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POWER STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +53 Accuracy: 68% Price: 8,000/4,000 Description: A powerful stave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RIPPER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Knife Attack: +69 Accuracy: 75% Price: -/4,000 Description: Does double damage randomly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RUNE AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +95 Accuracy: 60% Price: -/25,000 Description: The most powerful axe of them all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHADE BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +25 Accuracy: 0% Price: -/1,500 Description: A bow that can inflict Blind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPEAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +11 Accuracy: 55% Price: 500/250 Description: A basic, everyday spear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPELLBINDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +64 Accuracy: 68% Price: -/5,000 Description: A stave infused with the power of poison. Randomly poisons target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STAFF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +4 Accuracy: 70% Price: 250/125 Description: A basic, everyday stave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SUNBLADE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +83 Accuracy: 65% Price: -/12,500 Description: Works especially well against undead creatures. Infused with the power of light. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TERRA SWORD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +52 Accuracy: 58% Price: -/5,000 Description: A decent overall sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THUNDER SPEAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +78 Accuracy: 67% Price: -/15,000 Description: A spear that can cast thunder damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TRIDENT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spear Attack: +30 Accuracy: 57% Price: 5,000/2,500 Description: A pretty good overall spear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VENOM AXE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Axe Attack: +76 Accuracy: 55% Price: -/10,000 Description: Axe that can inflict Poison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WEREBANE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Stave Attack: +28 Accuracy: 62% Price: 3,000/1,500 Description: A stave that is very effective against werebeasts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WING BLADE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Sword Attack: +42 Accuracy: 56% Price: 5,000/2,500 Description: A sword with decent attack power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / YOICHI'S BOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bow Attack: +90 Accuracy: 75% Price: -/12,500 Description: Used to vast Berserk 3. Best bow in the game. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 9.2 ] ARMOR =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Item: Name of Armor Type: Type of Armor Block Attack: Increased chance of blocking an attack. Defense Rate: Addition to Defense Rate. Price: Buy/Sell Price Description: Description of the armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / AEGIS SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 6 Defense Rate: 10% Price: -/20,000 Description: A shield that defends well against all special attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLACK ROBE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +35 Weight: 5 Price: -/2,500 Description: Also increases intelligence by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BRONZE GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +3 Weight: 8 Price: 300/150 Description: Your basic, everyday gloves. Made of pure bronze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BRONZE HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +2 Weight: 5 Price: 200/100 Description: Your basic, everyday helmet. Made of pure bronze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BRONZE MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +5 Weight: 14 Price: 400/200 Description: Your basic, everyday armor. Made of pure bronze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BRONZE SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 2 Defense Rate: 5% Price: 200/100 Description: Your basic, everyday shield. Made of pure bronze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BUCKLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 1 Defense Rate: 4% Price: 50/25 Description: Your basic, everyday shield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COPPER PLATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +5 Weight: 5 Price: 200/100 Description: Your basic, everyday armor. Made of pure copper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +25 Weight: 27 Price: -/4,000 Description: Gloves that are resistant to Bolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +12 Weight: 18 Price: -/2,500 Description: A helmet that is resistant to Bolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +43 Weight: 47 Price: -/10,000 Description: Armor that is resistant to Bolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND PLATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +43 Weight: 5 Price: -/1,000 Description: Armor that is forged with the diamond metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DIAMOND SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 4 Defense Rate: 7% Price: -/4,000 Description: A shield that is resistant to Bolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DRAGON MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +50 Weight: 54 Price: -/32,500 Description: Armor that is resistant to all elemental magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DRAGON SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 5 Defense Rate: 9% Price: -/7,500 Description: A shield that protects well against all elemental magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +13 Weight: 14 Price: -/500 Description: A helmet that is resistant to Ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +29 Weight: 33 Price: -/5,000 Description: Armor that is forged with the essence of fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLAME SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 4 Defense Rate: 7% Price: -/2,500 Description: A shield that is resistant to Ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GENJI ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +75 Weight: 79 Price: -/15,000 Description: The best armor in the game, it's also quite heavy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GENJI GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +45 Weight: 39 Price: -/10,000 Description: The best gloves in the game, they're also quite heavy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GENJI HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +30 Weight: 31 Price: -/10,000 Description: The best helmet in the game, it's also quite heavy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOLDEN MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +15 Weight: 19 Price: 2,500/1,250 Description: Armor that is resistant to Poison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOLD HAIRPIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +11 Weight: 2 Price: -/300 Description: A helmet that protects against Poison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOLD PLATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +22 Weight: 5 Price: 1,000/500 Description: Armor that is resistant to Poison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOLD SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 4 Defense Rate: 7% Price: 1,000/500 Description: A shield that protects against Poison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HEADBAND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +12 Weight: 2 Price: -/25 Description: Also adds +2 to attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +20 Weight: 22 Price: -/2,500 Description: Gloves that are resistant to Fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +36 Weight: 40 Price: -/5,000 Description: Armor that is forged with the essence of Ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 4 Defense Rate: 7% Price: 5,000/2,500 Description: A shield that is resistant to Fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KNIGHT'S ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +22 Weight: 26 Price: 5,000/2,500 Description: Best armor money can buy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER ARMOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +2 Weight: 6 Price: 100/50 Description: Your basic, everyday armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER CAP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +1 Weight: 2 Price: 100/50 Description: Your basic, everyday helmet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LEATHER GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +1 Weight: 3 Price: 50/25 Description: Your basic, everyday gloves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +6 Weight: 8 Price: 800/400 Description: Your basic, everyday gloves. Infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +4 Weight: 5 Price: 300/150 Description: Your basic, everyday helmet. Infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL MAIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +10 Weight: 14 Price: 1,000/500 Description: Your basic, everyday armor. Infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTRHIL SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Shield Block Attack: 3 Defense Rate: 6% Price: 500/250 Description: Your basic, everyday shield. Infused with the mythril metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NINJA SUIT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +40 Weight: 0 Price: -/1,250 Description: Also increases agility by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POWER ARMLET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +19 Weight: 3 Price: -/2,500 Description: Also increases strength by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POWER SASH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +25 Weight: 5 Price: -/25 Description: Also increases strength by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PROTECT RING / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +18 Weight: 3 Price: -/2,500 Description: Protects against instant death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RIBBON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +10 Weight: 0 Price: -/5,000 Description: Helps protect against status effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RUBY PLATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +15 Weight: 5 Price: 800/400 Description: Decent but unspectacular armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHIRT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +1 Weight: 5 Price: 20/10 Description: Your basic, everyday armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SILVER PLATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +10 Weight: 5 Price: 400/200 Description: Armor made of pure silver, offers decent protection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THIEF'S GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +15 Weight: 3 Price: 1,000/500 Description: Also increases agility by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TITAN'S GLOVES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Gloves Defense: +15 Weight: 17 Price: 2,000/1,000 Description: Also increases strength by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TITAN'S HELM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Helmet Defense: +6 Weight: 13 Price: 600/300 Description: Also increases strength by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WHITE ROBE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Armor Defense: +30 Weight: 5 Price: -/2,500 Description: Also increases spirit by 10. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 9.3 ] ITEMS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Item: Name of item. Type: Recovery, combat, other. Price: Buy price of item. Sell: Sell price of item. Description: What the item does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ACID BOTTLE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 300 Description: Bottle of acid with poison effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ANTIDOTE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 200 Sell: 100 Description: Cures the poison status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BACCHUS'S WINE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 300 Description: Wine that boosts attack and lowers evasion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BACKSTABBER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 500 Description: Fiend fang with muddle effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COTTAGE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 5,000 Sell: 2,500 Description: Fully restores all member hit points, must be used at save point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CROSS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 1,000 Sell: 500 Description: Curses the curse status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ELIXIR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 50,000 Sell: 25,000 Description: Restores all of one character's hit points and magic points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ETHER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 2,500 Sell: 1,250 Description: Restores some magic points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EYE DROPS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 100 Sell: 50 Description: Cures the darkness status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GAIA DRUM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: 8,000 Sell: 4,000 Description: A drum that summons an earthquake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GARLIC / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 50 Description: Inflicts damage on the undead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOLD NEEDLE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 2,500 Sell: 1,250 Description: Cures the stone status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HELLFIRE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 150 Description: Deals decent fire damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HERMES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 400 Description: Shoes with the Haste effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HI POTION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 500 Sell: 250 Description: Restores some hit points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HOURGLASS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 300 Description: An hourglass with the stop effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MAGICONCH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 250 Description: Boosts magic defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MAIDEN'S KISS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 2,500 Sell: 1,250 Description: Cures the toad status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MALLET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 2,000 Sell: 1,000 Description: Cures the amnesia status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MUTE BELL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 1,500 Description: A bell with the silence effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL MIRROR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 500 Description: Mirror with a wall effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / NOTUS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 500 Description: A gem that calls forth an icestorm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PHOENIX DOWN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 5,000 Sell: 2,500 Description: Revives an ally from KO status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POTION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Recovery Price: 50 Sell: 25 Description: Restores some hit points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAGE'S WISDOM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 5,000 Description: A gem that maximizes spirit in one battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAINT'S SPIRIT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 5,000 Description: A crystal that maximizes intelligence in one battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SILK WEB / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 250 Description: Silken strands with the slow effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLUMBER STALK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 400 Description: Herbs with sleep effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THANATOS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 4,000 Description: A figurine with the fear effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / UNICORN HORN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 500 Description: A horn with the esuna effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ZEPHYR'S FLUTE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Combat Price: - Sell: 4,000 Description: A flute that calls forth a twister. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 9.4 ] MAGIC =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Spell: Name of the magic spell. Type: Type of spell it is. Scroll Price: Price you can buy the spell for. Effect: What the spell does. Level Up Effect: How leveling up effects the spell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / AURA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: None Effect: Boosts attack against various foes. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, more attack added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BANISH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: 1,500 Effect: Removes target from battle, warps party to previous dungeon. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working during battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BARRIER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 8,000 Effect: Protects against special attacks. Level Up Effect: Accuracy and protection increases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BASUNA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 800 Effect: Removes temporary status effects. Level Up Effect: More likely to succeed, different effects removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BERSERK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 10,000 Effect: Attack power of target goes way up, character can't be controlled. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, more attack added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLIND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Paralyze Price: None Effect: Blinds the target, lowering their accuracy. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, accuracy lowered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLINK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 400 Effect: Clones a character's image to raise evasion. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOLT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Bolt Price: 400 Effect: Does bolt damage to the target. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of damage inflicted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BREAK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: None Effect: Petrifies the target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CURE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 200 Effect: Restores some of one character's hit points. Level Up Effect: More hit points restored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CURSE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spirit Price: None Effect: Lowers target's odds for success of completing various actions. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of spell working, increased decrease of odds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DISPEL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 3,000 Effect: Removes an enemy's good status effects. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DOOM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Doom Price: 10,000 Effect: Instantly KO's a target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DRAIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: None Effect: Absorbs target's HP, damaging target and healing caster. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of damage inflicted and HP received. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ESUNA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 800 Effect: Removes permanent status effects. Level Up Effect: More likely to succeed, different effects removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FAZE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spirit Price: 1,500 Effect: Reduces a little bit of the target's MP. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, more MP taken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FEAR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Paralyze Price: 800 Effect: Causes the target to run away. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Fire Price: 400 Effect: Does fire damage to the target. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of damage inflicted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLARE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 40,000 Effect: Severe non elemental damage to all targets. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of damage inflicted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FOG / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spirit Price: 3,000 Effect: Inflicts the amnesia status effect on the target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HASTE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 20,000 Effect: Speeds up the target, making them act faster and more frequently. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, increased speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HOLY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 20,000 Effect: Major non elemental damage to all enemies. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of damage done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Ice Price: 400 Effect: Inflicts Ice damage to the target. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of Ice damage inflicted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LIFE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 1,500 Effect: Revives a character from KO status. Level Up Effect: Character will be revived with more hit points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MINI / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: 3,000 Effect: Reduces the size of the target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MUDDLE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spirit Price: None Effect: Inflicts target with the muddle status effect. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OSMOSE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: None Effect: Absorbs the target's MP and gives it to the caster. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of MP inflicted and received. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POISON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Poison Price: None Effect: Inflicts poison damage to the target. Level Up Effect: Greater amount of damage per casting, greater amount of damage the poison does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHELL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 400 Effect: Boosts the target's magic defense. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, more defense added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHIELD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 400 Effect: Boosts defense of the target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, more defense added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SILENCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Paralyze Price: 800 Effect: Casts the silence status effect on the target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLEEP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Spirit Price: None Effect: Puts the target to sleep. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SLOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Paralyze Price: 3,000 Effect: Slows target, reducing their rate of attack. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, decrease in speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STOP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: None Effect: Stops the target's time, completely freezing them. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STUN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Paralyze Price: None Effect: Inflicts the target with the Paralysis status effect. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SWAP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: 8,000 Effect: Switches hit points and magic points with the target. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TOAD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: None Effect: Turns the target into a toad, meaning they can't cast magic. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ULTIMA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: None Effect: The most powerful spell in the game. Level Up Effect: More damage. Very useful. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WALL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: None Price: 8,000 Effect: Boosts defense against black magic. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working, more magic defense added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WARP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Metamorph Price: 1,500 Effect: Warps party out of dungeon, warp target out of battle. Level Up Effect: Greater chance of the spell working during battle. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 9.5 ] ENEMIES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- --- KEY --- Name of Enemy: Name of the enemy. HP/MP/GIL: Hit Points/Magic Points/Gil received from defeating the enemy. ATK/ACC/DEF: Attack, accuracy, and defensive power of the enemy. EVA/MDEF/MRES: Evasion rate, magic defense, and status defense of the enemy. ITEMS/ABILITIES: Items and abilities you receive from the enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ABYSS WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 150 EVA: 70% MP: 370 ACC: 90% MDEF: 5 GIL: 1,000-2,000 DEF: 85 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Twister 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ADAMANTOISE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 450 ATK: 50 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 1 GIL: 200-500 DEF: 60 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Diamond Shield ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ANTLION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 370 ATK: 50 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 250-500 DEF: 40 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ASTAROTH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 7,000 ATK: 150 EVA: 80% MP: 540 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 10,000 DEF: 180 MRES: 70% ITEMS: White Robe ABILITIES: Doom 16, Drain 16, Fire 16, Life Absorb 16, Poison 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BALLOON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 20 ATK: 9 EVA: 0% MP: 10 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-25 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BARREL WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,000 ATK: 120 EVA: 10% MP: 0 ACC: 95% MDEF: 4 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 100 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BASILISK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 70 EVA: 65% MP: 140 ACC: 80% MDEF: 6 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Gaze 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BEEZELBUB / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 5,000 ATK: 150 EVA: 80% MP: 450 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 10,000 DEF: 180 MRES: 70% ITEMS: Backstabber ABILITIES: Dispel 16, Flare 16, Muddle 16, Stun 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BEHEMOTH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,620 ATK: 85 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 95% MDEF: 4 GIL: 0 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLACK KNIGHT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 85 EVA: 70% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 5 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 85 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLOOD FIEND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,000 ATK: 70 EVA: 75% MP: 140 ACC: 80% MDEF: 6 GIL: 2,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 60% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Dispel 8, Fog 8, Stop 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLOODSUCKER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 20 ATK: 4 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-12 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Poison, Antidote ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BLUE DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 3,500 ATK: 180 EVA: 75% MP: 240 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 150 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Backstabber, Dragon Mail, Dragon Shield, Holy Lance ABILITIES: Thunderbolt 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOLTFISH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 60 EVA: 50% MP: 80 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Thunderbolt 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BOMB / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 640 ATK: 60 EVA: 0% MP: 140 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Self-Destruct 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BORGHEN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 240 ATK: 25 EVA: 40% MP: 20 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 400 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BRAIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 240 ATK: 40 EVA: 60% MP: 100 ACC: 80% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 35 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Fog 6, Swap 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BUCCANEER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 80 ATK: 25 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 200-500 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CAPTAIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 60 EVA: 60% MP: 30 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 200-300 DEF: 50 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Flame Bow, Golden Mail ABILITIES: Arrows 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / CHIMERA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 640 ATK: 60 EVA: 50% MP: 80 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 50 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blaze 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COCKATRICE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 370 ATK: 35 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 40 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / COEURL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,000 ATK: 60 EVA: 70% MP: 300 ACC: 75% MDEF: 5 GIL: 1,000-2,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blaster 1, KO Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DARK FLAN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 370 ATK: 40 EVA: 0% MP: 80 ACC: 80% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 210 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEADHEADS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 40 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 3 GIL: 200-500 DEF: 25 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEADRINGERS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 80 ATK: 25 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 50% MDEF: 2 GIL: 12-200 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Battle Axe, Mace ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEATHMASK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 640 ATK: 50 EVA: 65% MP: 300 ACC: 75% MDEF: 4 GIL: 1,000-2,000 DEF: 40 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Ice 12, Stun 16, Toad 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DEATH RIDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 120 EVA: 70% MP: 0 ACC: 85% MDEF: 5 GIL: 10,000 DEF: 120 MRES: 70% ITEMS: Ether, Thunder Spear ABILITIES: Life Absorb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / DOOM PETALS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 40 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 3 GIL: 200-500 DEF: 40 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Antidote, Eye Drops, Potion, Slumber Stalk ABILITIES: Muddle Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EMPEROR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 70 EVA: 65% MP: 190 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 10,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blink 8, Bolt 10, Elixir 1, Haste 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EMPEROR 2 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 10,000 ATK: 180 EVA: 80% MP: 540 ACC: 100% MDEF: 16 GIL: 0 DEF: 210 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blind 16, Curse 16, Dispel 16, Flare 16, Life Absorb 16, Slow 16, Starfall 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / EVIL BUD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 70 EVA: 65% MP: 0 ACC: 85% MDEF: 5 GIL: 600-1,500 DEF: 70 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Muddle Attack, Venom Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FALLEN EMPEROR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 3,000 ATK: 120 EVA: 80% MP: 120 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 0 DEF: 120 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Curse Attack, Curse 8, Doom 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FENRIR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 870 ATK: 180 EVA: 75% MP: 300 ACC: 80% MDEF: 6 GIL: 2,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 60% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Banish 9, Curse 8, Fire 11, Muddle 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FIRE GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,800 ATK: 100 EVA: 40% MP: 240 ACC: 95% MDEF: 4 GIL: 600-1,000 DEF: 100 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Flame Mail, Flame Sword, Muddle Scroll ABILITIES: Boulders 9, Fire 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FLOATING SKULL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45 ATK: 17 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 9 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / FROST LIZARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,000 ATK: 85 EVA: 65% MP: 190 ACC: 85% MDEF: 3 GIL: 600-1,500 DEF: 70 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Icestorm 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GAZER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 85 EVA: 70% MP: 300 ACC: 90% MDEF: 5 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 70 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Banish 9, Dispel 16, Drain 16, Gaze 9, Muddle 16, Osmose 10, Slow 16, Stun 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GENERAL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,800 ATK: 120 EVA: 75% MP: 0 ACC: 95% MDEF: 4 GIL: 1,500 DEF: 100 MRES: 60% ITEMS: Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Dragon Mail, Rune Axe, Silk Web ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GHAST / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 100 ATK: 25 EVA: 30% MP: 30 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 50-300 DEF: 9 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blind 4, Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GHOST / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 35 EVA: 60% MP: 140 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 35 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Curse 8, Life Absorb 8, Mini 7, Poison 16, Stun 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GHOUL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 60 ATK: 17 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 4 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GIGAN RHINO / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 50 EVA: 60% MP: 0 ACC: 85% MDEF: 6 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GIGANTOAD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 450 ATK: 40 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 200-500 DEF: 40 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOBLIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 6 ATK: 4 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOBLIN GUARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 10 ATK: 4 EVA: 10% MP: 6 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Arrows 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOBLIN PRINCE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 30 ATK: 9 EVA: 10% MP: 10 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 12-50 DEF: 4 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Bronze Shield, Longbow, Long Sword, Potion ABILITIES: Arrows 3, Sleep 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GOTTOS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,000 ATK: 70 EVA: 65% MP: 80 ACC: 90% MDEF: 5 GIL: 800-2,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Bacchus's Wine, Haste Scroll, Ripper ABILITIES: Belch 6, Haste 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GREAT MALBORO / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 85 EVA: 70% MP: 0 ACC: 85% MDEF: 5 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 85 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Mini Attack, Muddle Attack, Silence Attack, Sleep Attack, Venom Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GREEN DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 3,000 ATK: 150 EVA: 75% MP: 190 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 2,000-10,000 DEF: 150 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Diamond Helm, Gaia Drum, Healing Staff ABILITIES: Toxin 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GREEN SLIME / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 10 ATK: 4 EVA: 0% MP: 6 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-25 DEF: 210 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Venom Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GRENADE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 60 ATK: 25 EVA: 0% MP: 10 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Self Destruct 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HECTEYES / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 100 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 6 GIL: 800-2,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HELLDIVER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 35 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 50-300 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HILL GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 25 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 200-400 DEF: 60 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Titan's Gloves, Titan's Helm ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HORNET / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 6 ATK: 4 EVA: 10% MP: 0 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-25 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Venom Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / HOWLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 20 ATK: 35 EVA: 40% MP: 80 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 100-400 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Fire 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICE GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,000 ATK: 120 EVA: 50% MP: 140 ACC: 95% MDEF: 4 GIL: 600-1,000 DEF: 120 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Ice Brand, Notus, Stop Scroll ABILITIES: Boulders 9, Ice 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ICICLE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 60 ATK: 17 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 12-100 DEF: 17 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / IMP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 35 EVA: 50% MP: 100 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 35 MRES: 100% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blink 8, Muddle 16, Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / IRON GIANT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 3,500 ATK: 180 EVA: 0% MP: 240 ACC: 100% MDEF: 14 GIL: 2,000-10,000 DEF: 180 MRES: 100% ITEMS: Genji Helm ABILITIES: Fire 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KILLER FISH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 100 ATK: 25 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KILLER MANTIS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 60 EVA: 60% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 4 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KING BEHEMOTH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 5,000 ATK: 150 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 100-400 DEF: 20 MRES: 30% ITEMS: Yoichi's Bow ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LAMIA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,000 ATK: 70 EVA: 65% MP: 60 ACC: 85% MDEF: 6 GIL: 800-2,000 DEF: 70 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Entice 6, Sleep Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LAMIA QUEEN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 50 EVA: 75% MP: 370 ACC: 95% MDEF: 7 GIL: 2,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Diamond Plate, Gold Hairpin, Protect Ring ABILITIES: Blink 16, Entice 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LIFESUCKER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 40 EVA: 65% MP: 300 ACC: 75% MDEF: 4 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Drain 16, Osmose 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / LOPER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 30 ATK: 9 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-25 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MALBORO / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 50 EVA: 60% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Ether, Hi-Potion ABILITIES: Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MANTA RAY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 870 ATK: 70 EVA: 60% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 60 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MANTIS DEVIL / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 85 EVA: 75% MP: 370 ACC: 85% MDEF: 5 GIL: 2,000 DEF: 85 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Fire 16, Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MANTIS KING / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 85 EVA: 65% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 5 GIL: 2,000-10,000 DEF: 70 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MAXIMUS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 85 EVA: 70% MP: 370 ACC: 90% MDEF: 5 GIL: 2,000 DEF: 70 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Bad Breath 1, Blaze 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MEEZO MALBORO / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,000 ATK: 60 EVA: 65% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 6 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MINE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 190 ATK: 35 EVA: 0% MP: 30 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Self-Destruct 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / MYTHRIL GOLEM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,000 ATK: 150 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 95% MDEF: 14 GIL: 1,000-2,000 DEF: 180 MRES: 100% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGRE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 100 ATK: 25 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 50-200 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Mythril Helm, Mythril Mace ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGRE CHIEFTAIN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 40 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-500 DEF: 15 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Ice Shield ABILITIES: Wing Blade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / OGRE MAGE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 25 EVA: 40% MP: 30 ACC: 65% MDEF: 3 GIL: 50 DEF: 17 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Banish Scroll, Blind Scroll, Blink Scroll, Hellfire, Ice Scroll, Sleep Scroll ABILITIES: Blind 4, Blink 3, Ice 5, Sleep 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PARASITE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 35 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 40 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: MP Absorb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PHORUSRACOS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 35 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 0 DEF: 25 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PIRATE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45 ATK: 17 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 50 DEF: 4 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / PIT FIEND / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 60 EVA: 65% MP: 300 ACC: 80% MDEF: 6 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 60% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Fire 16, Stun 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / POISON TOAD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 35 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 50-100 DEF: 35 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Antidote, Maiden's Kiss, Potion, Thanatos ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / QUEEN BEE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 30 ATK: 9 EVA: 10% MP: 0 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-6 DEF: 4 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Potion ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RED DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 5,000 ATK: 180 EVA: 75% MP: 450 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 10,000 DEF: 180 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Ninja Suit ABILITIES: Blaze 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RED MOUSSE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 100 ATK: 25 EVA: 0% MP: 45 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 50-300 DEF: 210 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / REVENANT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 240 ATK: 40 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Life Absorb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / RHYOS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 60 EVA: 60% MP: 140 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Bad Breath, Blaze 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ROYAL GUARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 870 ATK: 60 EVA: 65% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 6 GIL: 800-1,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 30% ITEMS: Banish Scroll, Stun Scroll, Unicorn Horn, Venom Axe ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SALAMANDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 100 EVA: 70% MP: 300 ACC: 90% MDEF: 5 GIL: 1,500-2,000 DEF: 85 MRES: 70% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Blaze 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAND RAY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 450 ATK: 40 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 300-600 DEF: 40 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SAND WORM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,290 ATK: 100 EVA: 70% MP: 190 ACC: 85% MDEF: 6 GIL: 800-2,000 DEF: 40 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Earthquake 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SASQUATCH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 20 ATK: 4 EVA: 10% MP: 0 ACC: 50% MDEF: 1 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCISSORJAWS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 870 ATK: 70 EVA: 70% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 1,000-2,000 DEF: 60 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCREAMER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 6 ATK: 25 EVA: 40% MP: 60 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 100-400 DEF: 17 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Cure 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SEA DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 870 ATK: 70 EVA: 60% MP: 80 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 60 MRES: 40% ITEMS: Magiconch ABILITIES: Tsunami 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SEA SERPENT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 40 EVA: 40% MP: 0 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 50-300 DEF: 40 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SERGEANT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 35 EVA: 30% MP: 10 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 100-200 DEF: 25 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Mythril Axe, Mythril Bow, Mythril Helm, Mythril Mail ABILITIES: Arrows 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHADOW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45 ATK: 17 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 12-100 DEF: 9 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Darkness Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHRIEKER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 35 EVA: 60% MP: 30 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 12-100 DEF: 40 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Bolt 8, Ice 8, Fire 8, Poison 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SILVER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 240 ATK: 25 EVA: 30% MP: 100 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SOLDIER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45 ATK: 17 EVA: 10% MP: 10 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 9 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Potion, Garlic, Antidote ABILITIES: Arrows 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SORCERER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 25 EVA: 50% MP: 60 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 400 DEF: 17 MRES: 60% ITEMS: Aura Scroll, Doom Scroll, Drain Scroll, Haste Scroll, Toad Scroll ABILITIES: Fire 8, Doom 6, Drain 8, Haste 6, Ice 8, Muddle 6, Stun 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPECTER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 25 EVA: 40% MP: 100 ACC: 75% MDEF: 3 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 25 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Break 6, Ice 8, Life Absorb, Sleep 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPIKETOISE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 35 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 35 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Mythril Shield ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SPLINTER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 240 ATK: 40 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 40 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STONE GOLEM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,800 ATK: 120 EVA: 50% MP: 240 ACC: 95% MDEF: 14 GIL: 600-1,500 DEF: 150 MRES: 100% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Stop 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STRANGLER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 6 ATK: 4 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 1 GIL: 3-25 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / STUNNER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 100 ATK: 17 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 50-300 DEF: 17 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Paralysis Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SUCCUBUS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,140 ATK: 85 EVA: 70% MP: 140 ACC: 85% MDEF: 6 GIL: 1,500-10,000 DEF: 85 MRES: 30% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Ice 12, Sleep 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SWAPPER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 140 ATK: 35 EVA: 50% MP: 80 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 100-400 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Swap 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THUNDER GIGAS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 190 ATK: 35 EVA: 0% MP: 30 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Self-Destruct 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TIAMAT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 5,000 ATK: 150 EVA: 80% MP: 450 ACC: 100% MDEF: 8 GIL: 10,000 DEF: 180 MRES: 70% ITEMS: Elixir ABILITIES: Blaze 16, Icestorm 16, Thunderbolt 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / VAMPIRETTE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 40 EVA: 60% MP: 100 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Entice 6, Self Absorb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WARLOCK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 80 ATK: 17 EVA: 40% MP: 30 ACC: 65% MDEF: 3 GIL: 50 DEF: 9 MRES: 60% ITEMS: Berserk Scroll, Bolt Scroll, Fire Scroll, Mage's Staff, Poison Scroll, Stun Scroll ABILITIES: Berserk 3, Blind 4, Bolt 5, Fire 5, Ice 5, Poison 5, Sleep 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WEREPANTHER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 190 ATK: 35 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 70% MDEF: 3 GIL: 50-300 DEF: 25 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WERERAT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 60 ATK: 17 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 4 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WEREWOLF / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 50 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 500-1,000 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Poison Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WHITE DRAGON / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,500 ATK: 150 EVA: 75% MP: 140 ACC: 95% MDEF: 5 GIL: 2,000-10,000 DEF: 120 MRES: 50% ITEMS: Backstabber, Ice Bow, Notus ABILITIES: Icestorm 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WILD HORN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 300 ATK: 40 EVA: 30% MP: 0 ACC: 85% MDEF: 3 GIL: 100-400 DEF: 35 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WINGED RAY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 750 ATK: 60 EVA: 65% MP: 0 ACC: 80% MDEF: 4 GIL: 400-800 DEF: 50 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WIZARD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 540 ATK: 40 EVA: 70% MP: 190 ACC: 75% MDEF: 4 GIL: 1,000-1,500 DEF: 35 MRES: 60% ITEMS: Banish Scroll, Drain Scroll ABILITIES: Banish 7, Break 6, Drain 8, Fire 11, Flare 10, Osmose 8, Stop 8, Toad 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WOOD GOLEM / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,620 ATK: 100 EVA: 50% MP: 0 ACC: 95% MDEF: 14 GIL: 600-1,500 DEF: 120 MRES: 100% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Sleep Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / WRAITH / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 60 ATK: 9 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 65% MDEF: 2 GIL: 25-200 DEF: 9 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: Life Absorb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / YELLOW JELLY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45 ATK: 17 EVA: 0% MP: 6 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 3-25 DEF: 210 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / YETI / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45 ATK: 9 EVA: 20% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 2 GIL: 12-100 DEF: 4 MRES: 40% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ZOMBIE / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 30 ATK: 17 EVA: 0% MP: 0 ACC: 60% MDEF: 1 GIL: 6-50 DEF: 0 MRES: 50% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ZOMBIE BORGHEN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 2,500 ATK: 120 EVA: 60% MP: 370 ACC: 95% MDEF: 10 GIL: 2,000 DEF: 120 MRES: 100% ITEMS: None ABILITIES: None =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 9.6 ] BOSSES =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- Just a boss section to help you with a boss quickly if you don't want to find it in the walkthrough. *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | SPIKETOISE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 140 | ATTACK: 35 | DEFENSE: 35 | MAG DEF: 2 | WEAKNESS: Ice | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Spiketoise has a high physical defense, so be prepared to use lots of | | magic to take down this tough, but not impossible, boss. Blink and Shield | | work well, so have Mindu and another person who has the spell cast them | | for the first couple of rounds. Spiketoise is weak against Ice, so make | | sure to use that as well. If you run out of Ice, and still have other | | spells, use them. Magic works a lot better than physical attacks do. | | | | If you start to run low on MP, or completely run out, your last hope is to | | just keep attacking him while Mindu casts cure and life magic as needed. | | Since Mindu has a lot of HP, you will have a tough time losing this battle.| | It took me about 4 rounds of casting magic to knock Spiketoise out, so | | just stay patient and eventually it will be defeated. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | SERGEANT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 140 | ATTACK: 35 | DEFENSE: 25 | MAG DEF: 3 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Sergeant is a very tough physical attacker, but fortunately his | | physical defense is not quite as strong as Spiketoise's was. As usual, | | open the battle by casting Blink and Shield on everyone. This will help | | protect against his hard hitting attacks. Follow this up by just having | | the white mages casting cure and life, while the others use physical | | attacks to try to slowly remove his HP. Black magic still works better | | than physical attacks, though, so if you have any remaining MP, use it! | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ADAMANTOISE | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 450 | ATTACK: 50 | DEFENSE: 60 | MAG DEF: 1 | WEAKNESS: Ice | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Ah, the tricky "boss who's weak against the spell that every other enemy | | in the cavern is strong against." I guess he's just hiding in here because | | he thinks it will be easier to get away with it, than say, hiding in the | | volcano. Fortunately, we know better. Cast Blink and Shield right away, | | then start casting Ice spells and using Ice-based attacks. Have someone | | heal as needed, and the Ice attacks should be enough for you to overcome | | this enemy. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BORGHEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 240 | ATTACK: 25 | DEFENSE: 17 | MAG DEF: 3 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | As long as you healed up before this battle, you won't have too many | | problems. As you can see, he has even less HP and statistics than the | | previous boss! Just attack him several times, heal once in a while, and | | Borghen, who may be the easiest boss in the game to this point, will be | | defeated just like that. Why do I have a feeling that's not his true power?| | We'll find out, I guess. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | SHRIEKER | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 540 | ATTACK: 35 | DEFENSE: 40 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | This boss can prove to be pretty tough, but patience is the key to winning.| | In the 1st round, have Shell be casted on everyone, while everyone else | | attacks. Make sure to have one healer dedicated to healing everyone every | | round. The Shrieker does high level magic spells to EVERYONE in the party, | | meaning it is imperative to have someone healing everyone each round. | | After four rounds, the Shrieker runs out of MP, and has to resort to weak | | physical attacks. Keep up the attacks and healing and the battle will be | | yours to win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | HILL GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 750 | ATTACK: 100 | DEFENSE: 60 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | 100 attack power for this tough boss, so make sure to cast Blink and | | Shield spells on everyone right away, to reduce the physical attack power | | of this hard hitter. Fortunately, if you have the Crescent equipped, it | | will put him to sleep within the 1st few rounds and make this battle way | | easier. If not, fire magic seems to work well, as does physical attacking. | | Try to cast various status effects on him as you heal everyone. You | | should be able to win as long as you keep healing and using magic. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | CHIMERA | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 640 | ATTACK: 60 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 3 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The main problem with this battle is that you can face upwards of 1 to 4 | | of these tough creatures. If you encounter 4, you may want to restart from | | your quick save to give you a better chance of winning. If you are facing | | multiple Chimeras, focus your energy on one at a time. Immediately upon | | entering the battle, cast Shell on the party, as the Chimera has a nasty | | attack called Blaze which does some serious damage to all members of your | | party. After that, you have to do the usual strategy of healing and | | attacking. The Chimera is not particuarly weak against any particular | | attack, so just stay focused and chisel away at its HP while you remain | | healed, and you should be able to win easily. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | LAMIA QUEEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,290 | ATTACK: 50 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 7 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Lamia Queen is a little bit of a pain, mainly due simply to her sleep | | and muddle attacks. Muddle will make someone confused, and sleep will put | | them to sleep. She does these spells once in a while, so make sure to keep | | that in mind when you enter your commands. Sometimes someone will cure | | and then she follows up by putting that character to sleep. She can also | | cast Blink on herself, so don't waste too much time on attacking her. Just | | use your strongest magical attacks, and do some physical attacks as well. | | Dedicate two to attacking and two to healing (just in case) and you should | | be able to win just fine. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BEHEMOTH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,620 | ATTACK: 85 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | He's not really all that tough, as he only hits one character at a time. | | He has no magic attacks, so just cast Shield and then begin the assault, | | healing the person that got attacked. His attack power is pretty brutal, | | but due to the fact he can only hit one person, he's not hard at all. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | GOTTOS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | ATTACK: 70 | DEFENSE: 60 | MAG DEF: 5 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Wow, an undead commander. How... original. Cast Blink and Shield on your | | party right away, then make sure to keep healing. He's not particuarly | | weak against any one specific attack, but I noticed that physical attacks | | alone worked pretty well. Now might be a good time to use the new spells | | you picked up in the castle, too. He has the ability to increase his | | attack power. However, just like the Bahamut battle, he only hits one | | person at a time, making the battle pretty easy overall, as long as you | | stay patient and keep healed. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | GIGAN RHINO | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,140 | ATTACK: 50 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 6 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Snoooore. Oh, I'm sorry, I just slept through this battle while holding | | down the X button. Physical attacks work best, and you should only need to | | heal very infrequently in this easy boss battle. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BARREL WORM | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | ATTACK: 120 | DEFENSE: 100 | MAG DEF: 6 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Since you have Gareth equipped with the Blood Sword, this battle will be | | easier. Cast Shield on your party right away, as Barrel Worm deals solely | | with physical attacks. It has no real elemental weaknesses, so I advise | | just attacks. Cast Berserk on Gareth, and combined with his Blood Sword, | | the boss's HP will be depleted quickly. Keep everyone healed at all times, | | and the battle will be yours. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | FIRE GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,800 | ATTACK: 100 | DEFENSE: 100 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: Ice | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The Fire Gigas hits extremely hard, so have one character (one not equipped| | with the Ogre Killer or Blood Sword weapons) act as the primary healer. | | First, do the usual Shield/Blink casting to get some protection from his | | strong attacks. Have the healer heal, someone else cast Ice, and the other | | two attack. The battle should only last two rounds at most. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ICE GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,000 | ATTACK: 120 | DEFENSE: 120 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: Fire | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Same as the previous boss, have your healers heal, spell caster cast Fire, | | and other two characters attack with their Ogre Killer and Blood Sword | | weapons. The Ice Gigas has slightly more HP, more attack and defense, and | | tends to go a little quicker, so this battle is harder than the one before,| | but you should be able to survive just fine. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | THUNDER GIGAS | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,500 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 150 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: Bio | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | This is by far the toughest of the three Gigas Guardians. For one, the HP | | is up by 500. Also, the attack and defense is 20 percent more than it was | | for the Ice Gigas. The magic defense is lower, but its only weakness is | | Poison for christs sake! Cast Haste, Shell, Blink, whatever you can right | | away, then follow the same strategy as ever, only having the spell caster | | use the Spellbinder weapon this time. This is a tough battle, so make sure | | to keep healing. Don't be afraid to devote multiple characters to healing | | if you have to, saving yourself is more important than inflicting damage | | sometimes, so be smart and stay patient and you should win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | EMPEROR | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 1,290 | ATTACK: 70 | DEFENSE: 50 | MAG DEF: 4 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Actually, I lied, he is surprisingly easy. Take care of the Wood Golem | | with Fire, and dispatch the two Royal Guards before focusing your attacks | | on the Emperor. Then, just heal and attack with the Blood Swords to take | | care of him. Simple, yet effective. Just the way I like it. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ZOMBIE BORGHEN | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 2,500 | ATTACK: 120 | DEFENSE: 120 | MAG DEF: 10 | WEAKNESS: Fire | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Just attack and use Fire spells to take care of him quickest. Don't waste | | time and valuable magic points on casting Blink and stuff like that, you | | won't need it and you will need it later. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | TIAMAT | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 5,000 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 180 | MAG DEF: 8 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Tiamat is way harder than the Zombie Borghen, but with some patience you | | will be able to win. First, cast Shell and Wall on your party members. | | Don't waste time and magic on Blink and Shield, as he mostly does magic | | attacks. Have someone devoted to healing, while 2 of them attack, and the | | 3rd does attacks like Stun and Slow. Tiamat is surprisingly weak against | | those. He has 5,000 hit points, which is a LOT, so you might be here a | | few minutes, but you should be able to win if you stay patient. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | BEEZELBUB | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 5,000 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 150 | MAG DEF: 8 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Just like Tiamat, he has 5,000 hit points and no real weaknesses to | | exploit, but he also brings forth nasty status effects, which is the real | | cause for concern in this battle. Muddle and Stun are the big killers, so | | heal whoever is affected by those right away. Cast Shell and Wall right | | away then do the usual strategy of attacks mixed with healing. Remember | | to keep healing status effects, as he has the ability to cast them on | | people quickly, and you don't want the battle getting out of hand. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | ASTAROTH | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 7,000 | ATTACK: 150 | DEFENSE: 180 | MAG DEF: 8 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | Wow, look at that HP and defense. Well, he is the second to last boss in | | the game. Cast Shell and Wall right away, then head to work with the | | same strategy as always: physical attacks and healing. In addition to his | | high level spells, he has the ability to absorb your hit points when he | | physically attacks you, which drags the battle out even longer. Have the | | Blood Sword users get enhanced attack power and speed, then have them | | attack while the third character uses high level magic and the fourth uses | | healing magic to heal harmed characters. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | BOSS TIME! | EMPEROR | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | HP: 10,000 | ATTACK: 180 | DEFENSE: 210 | MAG DEF: 16 | WEAKNESS: None | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- | The sucky part about this battle, besides his high HP and other stats, is | | the fact he casts Dispel 16 on you when you protect yourself, so you'll | | just have to gut out his strong attacks. If you need to, have two people | | devoted to healing, while the other two attack. Since everyone has strong | | weapons, it won't be too hard. You also now have everything at your | | disposal, since you won't need anything after this. Elixirs, Ethers, use | | whatever it takes to win. He has a Life Absorb ability, but you should do | | way more damage than he heals, so after five or ten minutes, you will win. | *-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= / 10.0 SECRETS AND OTHER RANDOM CRAP / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thankfully, Final Fantasy 2 has 2 more secrets than the original, bringing it to a grand total of 3. Concentration: Sort of like FF1's infamous secret. When you are on the Snowcraft, hold X and push circle 20 times to bring up the game. Chocobo Forest: The forest is south of Castle Kas'ion. Approach a chocobo and push X to capture it, and then you can ride it. It's useful to get to hard to get to areas, but watch out, it disappears back to the forest when you get off it. After the ending: Did you know that after the ending, you can save your game? When you load that save game, you start off right before the final boss, you can explore and finish collection datas. This also lets you start a new game on normal mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= / 11.0 OTHER INFORMATION / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is just me rambling about unimportant crap. Ignore. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=-* [ 11.1 ] CONTACT INFORMATION =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=-* You can check out all of my other guides on GameFAQs, which will hopefully include a very sexy Tales of Symphonia guide soon. I can't wait to finish that thing. I am most proud of this guide and Legend of Legaia, but I did guides for a lot of Final Fantasies, as well as some random Castlevania and wrestling games, and both Tales of Destiny games. Check them out! In addition on my quest to write for all the Final Fantasy games, I will try to finish my Aria of Sorrow and NCAA 2004 guides, as well as some random NES games (Predator, NOES, Jeopardy Jr., and Puss and Boots, anyone?) and guides for the other 2 Castlevania games that employ the new style. Oh, and I might do a Wild Arms 3 guide. And I still have to finish my FFX-2 and FF8 guides with my beautiful girlfriend.. And there's always Final Fantasy 12 and Star Ocean 3 to look forward to... I appreciate any information you can contribute, especially to game basics, and team ratings. Also, feel free to email any questions that would be good for a FAQ section, as I plan to add one to a future update. Any errors and omissions that you may see can be corrected if you inform me of them. I'll also credit you, if your error or omission is actually correct and worth an update for me to fix. I am somewhat busy, you know. That's about it. If anyone would like me to add anything, you can always email me. AIM: JuanDixonFor3 MSN: mcfa4834@bellsouth.net YIM: nicklacheysnightmare If you contact me on one of the instant messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails about the game, however. You can contact me by emailing me at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com One last note: Only email me about the game at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com, all emails about Alias sent to my other e-mail addresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it! 1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while before you get a response. 2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails. 3. Please read my guide before asking questions, that's why I have a FAQ section. 4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not been answered in this guide. Also, I have AIM and Yahoo. My AIM name is JuanDixonFor3, but PLEASE do not harass me with annoying questions or I'll block you. I only wish to chat with people. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- [ 11.2 ] REVISION HISTORY =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*- v1.1 - July 6, 2005 - 523.7K I am on a roll updating guides lately so I figured I'd update this one, as well. Boss guides added and TONS of mistakes/corrections/additions made. 2 hours worth! v1.0 - September 1, 2004 - 487.3K YES! The entire guide is done! Finished! I did it. :) Added a section of walkthrough, then did the magic list, then finished the walkthrough. The final bosses were easier than I remembered.. oh well. This will hopefully be posted tonight. :) I'm so happy!! After nearly 10 months, the guide is finally done! v0.17 - September 1, 2004 - 452.5K A monster update. Huge. Gigantic. I am so happy with myself. I added two sections to the walkthrough of FF2, now it is complete through when Leon rejoins you towards the end of the game. Also, I finished Final Fantasy completely.. did the last two sections of the walkthrough, then added the secrets list. I then did the items list for FF2, added in its secrets section, then added on the rest of the guide I didn't do, like credits, author info, etc. I now only need to do the magic list for FF2 and finish its walkthrough! Yay! v0.16 - August 31, 2004 - 410.0K Hey all, I got super sick for days on end and then I had to catch up on life, but I am back now to update. Got the walkthrough updated through the completion of the Mysidia Tower (getting there..), did the entire game basics section (thank god!), and finished the armor list. Tomorrow I'm going to try to knock out the items list and add on a section in the walkthrough. Good update today, I am proud of myself. v0.15 - August 19, 2004 - 375.1K I am getting it done, whoo.. walkthrough updated through the Tropical Island, started the armor list. I'm going to try to finish this by September 19th, wish me luck there. v0.14 - August 18, 2004 - 355.3K To be fair, I updated this a few days ago and forgot to post progress. Walkthrough is now updated through the Obligatory RPG Prison Escape. Damn NCAA 2005 for being so addictive online, but when I get bored of it this guide will definitely be finished. v0.13 - August 12, 2004 - 336.7K LOL, how about this for a quick update? After my last update, I called my girlfriend and then went right back to the guide.. added in the weapons list for FF2, as well as updated the walkthrough through destroying the Dreadnought. Keep on rolling, baby. v0.12 - August 12, 2004 - 303.4K This guide will be done by 2023, or the year that Maryland finally goes more than 3 games into a year without losing. I actually got done what I wanted to do on March 1st though, lol.. enemies list for FF2 finished, walkthrough through Snow Cavern done. That was fun. See you.. whenever. I'm getting the network adapter back tomorrow, so we'll see. v0.11 - February 28, 2004 - 268.3K No holding me back now, heh. Enemies list updated some more, walkthrough updated through the Bafsk Cave. Tomorrow, I hope to get the walkthrough done through the Snow Cavern, and then work on the enemies list more. 300K is still the goal. v0.10 - February 27, 2004 - 255.5K Yay, finally back on the updating warpath. Got the walkthrough updated through Semmit Falls. Going to work on more of that tomorrow, as well as more FF2 enemies listings hopefully. Shooting for 300K by the end of the weekend.. v0.09 - February 26, 2004 - 239.8K Sorry for the late update, I went away on vacation for a week or so. Back now, started FF2 and got the walkthrough updated through Fynn. Also started the enemies list and got it done through H. Added more section headers to make the guide look nicer, and decided to remove boss guides and shopping guides from this guide. Next update, I plan to have more FF2 walkthrough done. That's my main concern right now. v0.08 - February 15, 2004 - 200.3K Well, maybe not by Sunday night, but it's a start.. everything is done in FF1 except for the final parts of walkthrough and shopping list. Doing the game basics was a drag, but it's all done. ;D v0.07 - February 14, 2004 - 163.6K My plan to get FF1 done by Sunday night is well under way. I finished all the lists except magic. Time to do magic lists, game basics, and finish the walkthrough.. v0.06 - February 13, 2004 - 133.7K Well, that was certainly a long break. I'm back now, though, in an attempt to finish this before I move to Australia. FF1 walkthrough updated through Sunken Shrine, started the armor list, and updated the enemy list through R. Also, got cool section headers for the starts of the FF1 and FF2 guides, since my girl didn't like the old ones much. v0.05 - December 27, 2003 - 110.2K Yep, I'm really addicted now. :( Oh well, I'm back now with an update. Worked on the enemies list a little more, and updated the walkthrough through Dragon Caves. v0.04 - December 2, 2003 - 99.1K Heh, I got a network adapter for PS2 so I am hooked on playing NCAA 2004 online. I found time to update, though. :) Walkthrough is updated through Mt. Gulg, and enemies list is updated through M. I am happy with this update. v0.03 - November 30, 2003 - 75.7K Big update. Still just working on FF1, I might finish that before going to FF2. Updated the walkthrough through Terra Cavern, updated the enemy list through F, and added all the weapons. Big time update, I am very pleased with my progress today. v0.02 - November 29, 2003 - 30.8K Updated the FF1 walkthrough through Provoca and updated the FF1 enemy list as well. v0.01 - November 26, 2003 - 20.3K Got the guide started. Finished the game and guide introductions, then started the FF1 walkthrough and enemy list. =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=-* [ 11.3 ] CREDITS =+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=+-*-=-* - My soulmate and love of my life, Rebecca Skinner, AKA the fabulous and awesome writer Karpah on GameFAQs, for always believing in me and supporting me, even when it seemed like this guide would never get done. I love you baby. :) - Brady's awesome FFO guide, probably the best one they've done yet besides FF11, I got some minor information from them. - winnie the poop 2's guide, I used it to help me through FF2 the first time I played, although it didn't influence the guide. - That's it. No one else helped me or motivated me at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= / 12.0 CONCLUSION / =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This was a very interesting guide to write, as I lost motivation at least thirty eight times throughout the process, as I always found other things to do. I am so glad I finally got this guide done and hope you are happy with the effort I put forth in writing it. Copyright: DO NOT STEAL MY GUIDE, FUCKER. See you soon. - Psycho Penguin