ORIGINAL FAQ DATE: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000 _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | |_ __ _ __ ___ __ _| | | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | | | |__| | | | | | | __/ (_| | | \____/|_| |_|_| \___|\__,_|_| _______ _ |__ __| | | | | ___ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ | |/ _ \| | | | '__| '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| | | (_) | |_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ |_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| [-----------------] [ FAQ/Walkthrough ] [-----------------] Author : JPaterson Platform : Windows PC Last Updated : September 7th, 2004 Version : Final E-Mail : == See "[A] Contact Information" == Website : http://www.jpatworld.com/ GameFAQS CRP : http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8939.html For more of my FAQs, as well as full HTML strategy guides with screenshots, check out CHEAT HAPPENS at: http://www.cheathappens.com/ =============================================================================== UPDATE & REVISION HISTORY Jul. 13th, 2005 - Removed contact information, due to a lack of interest not only in this game, but gaming in general. Sorry, but support for this game, in all forms, has been stopped. Please check other FAQs or websites for info on the game. Sep. 7th, 2004 - Finally updated my copyright information. Websites are now free to use this, and other guides of mine, without asking for permission beforehand, just as long as the content isn't changed and it's not passed off as your own work. Jul. 5th, 2004 (Final) - Registered a new domain name, so I wanted to change my FAQs so people know where to find them (outside of GameFAQs, of course). Added new section to "Other FAQs Written". Apr. 10th, 2004 (v1.02) - Needed to update my contact information, so I did this for all of my FAQs. I ran a spellcheck, and went through the guide by hand so I could try to find any errors and fix them. Yes, I'm anal that way. Mar. 18th, 2004 (v1.01) - Added new website to "Where This FAQ May Be Found" section. Mar. 17th, 2004 - Added new section; "Game Vitals". If you are a parent, or just someone who is concerned about the game content, check this section. It can be found at the end of the guide. Mar. 15th, 2004 - Changed the look of the "Other FAQs Written" section again, because the last changed I made look terrible. One of these days I'll find one that makes me happy! Shaved off a bit of excess text. Mar. 14th, 2004 - Changed the order of the FAQ vitals at the top of FAQ; altered the look of the "Contact Information" section. Mar. 11th, 2004 - Changed the layout of the "Other FAQs Written" section. Mar. 9th, 2004 - Changed ASCII to something more readable. Mar. 5th, 2004 - Updated contact information; added ASCII art. Re-did the layout, again, so that all the copyright, contact and miscellaneous stuff is at the bottom of the FAQ. Feb. 24th, 2004 - Minor corrections. Feb. 3rd, 2004 - Corrected some errors regarding the maps. Ran Word spell check, and found more errors that are now fixed. Jan. 31, 2004 (Final) - Changed layout, again, to match the one I'm using now, which I like. Ran a spellcheck, fixed some grammatical errors. Version 2.0 (13th Aug 2000): - slowly adjusting layout to match my other, newer FAQ's - slowly making it look nicer - slowly rearranging it Version 1.9 (26th Jan 2000): Big update for 1.9 =) - fixed Domination game info - changed some Game Preferences options - added info for Rocket Launcher - added info for GES BioRifle - changed wording for the Invisibility powerup - corrected the spelling of "boots" to "bots". Boots. Hehe - added an example map where an environmental hazard can be found under [6.1] Environments - changed some Basic Strategies around and made some of them easier to understand to newbies - added specific number statistics to the Health items to make it easier for newbies - added a fourth attack for the Rocket Launcher - added info for the third attack for the ASMD Shock Rifle - fixed a grammar error in Basic Strategies Version 1.8 (20th Jan 2000): - corrected a few spelling errors - changed definition of HPB (High Ping Bastard) to HPW (High Ping Whiner) - added "iamtheone" (to activate the cheats) to the cheat section (thanks to MeltDown) - corrected some Domination info Version 1.7 (19th Jan 2000): - changed spelling from "altar" to "alter" in a few areas (thanks to PsOmA for pointing this out) - changed information for Damage Amplifier (thanks to DFire for the correct info) - changed information for Lifts - fixed some grammar errors Version 1.6 (17th Jan 2000): - incorrect info for Big Keg 'O Health (thanks to Pii314159 for pointing it out) - misspelled "unlike" with "unlock" in [6.1.6] - fixed (thanks to Pii314159 for pointing it out) Version 1.5 (7th Jan 2000): - removed a few nonsense things Version 1.4 (6th Jan 2000): - fixed the indexing of 6.1 - 7.4 and 7.5 index didn't match with 7.4 and 7.5 content - fixed - fixed the spelling of Translocator Version 1.3 (4th Jan 2000): - added more contact info up top - fixed more spelling errors - added the cheat to get the boss armor without beating the game Version 1.2 (3rd Jan 2000): - added the "Third Attack" for the Rocket Launcher - added [13] Console Commands - fixed some spelling errors =============================================================================== Table of Contents [1] The Basics [1.1] Game Modes [1.2] Game Types [1.3] Control Setup [1.4] Player Setup [1.5] Game Preferences [1.6] Practice Mode Settings [1.7] Multiplayer Gaming [1.7.1] Hosting a Game [1.7.2] Hosting Options [1.7.3] Joining an Existing Game [1.8] Moving Around [1.9] Jump Jump Jump [1.10] Strafing is your Friend [1.11] Circle Strafing is a Closer Friend [2] Weaponry [2.1] Impact Hammer [2.2] Chainsaw [2.3] Enforcer(s) [2.4] Pulse Gun [2.5] ASMD Shock Rifle [2.6] Rocket Launcher [2.7] Flak Cannon [2.8] GES BioRifle [2.9] Ripper [2.10] Sniper Rifle [2.11] Minigun [2.12] Redeemer [3] Items [3.1] Translocator [3.2] Body Armor [3.3] Thigh Pads [3.4] Shieldbelt [3.5] Health Vile [3.6] Health Pack [3.7] Big Keg 'O Health [3.8] Scuba Gear [3.9] Damage Amplifier [3.10] Invisibility [3.11] Antigrav Boots [4] Bots [4.1] What are "bots"? [4.2] Configuring Bots [4.3] Tips for Beating Bots [4.4] Order Your Bots [5] The World [5.1] Environments [5.1.1] Lava [5.1.2] Toxic Waste [5.1.3] Water [5.1.4] Heights [5.1.5] Teleporters [5.1.6] Doors, Levers and Buttons [5.1.7] Lifts [5.1.8] Air Currents [5.1.9] Traps [5.1.10] Turrets [5.1.11] Low Gravity Areas [5.2] Communication [5.2.1] General Communication Tips [5.2.2] Communication Rules [6] Deathmatch [6.1] Rules [6.2] Teamplay Deathmatch [6.2.1] Teamplay Deathmatch Rules [6.3] Last Man Standing [6.3.1] Last Man Standing Rules [6.4] Basic Strategies [6.5] Advanced Strategies [7] Domination [7.1] Rules [7.2] Basic Strategies [7.3] Advanced Strategies [8] Capture the Flag [8.1] Rules [8.2] Basic Strategies [8.3] Advanced Strategies [9] Assault [9.1] Rules [9.2] Basic Strategies [9.3] Advanced Strategies [10] Special Moves [10.1] Hammer Jump [11] Gaming Glossary [12] Console Commands [13] Cheat Codes [14] Minimum Requirements [15] Recommended Requirements [A] Contact Information [B] Webmaster Information [C] Where This FAQ May be Found [D] Other FAQs Written [E] Unreal Tournament Copyright Information =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1] The Basics | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| The following section covers the basics, and will get you acquainted with the game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.1] Game Modes | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| There are three game modes in Unreal Tournament: Single player Tournament, Practice and Multiplayer. Single player takes you through Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag and Assault, working your way up to Unreal Tournament Grand Master by defeating the current champion Xan. Practice mode is basically the same as multiplayer, except you fight "bots" instead of human opponents. You control everything in a practice match. Multiplayer is the bread and butter of Unreal Tournament. Here is where you see if you've got what it takes. You'll fight human opponents. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.2] Game Types | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| There are six game types in Unreal Tournament. Deathmatch : The classic style deathmatch, it's every man for himself, a shoot-everything-that-moves game. Team Deathmatch : Same as deathmatch above, except there are two to four teams made up of a number of players, trying to outkill the other teams. Last Man Standing : A variation on deathmatch, every one starts with a certain amount of lives, and once they are gone, you are out until the next match. Domination : Two to four teams are split up on a map that holds "control points". To secure a control point, a member from one team must run over it. You get 1 point every four seconds you own a control point. Capture the Flag : The good 'ol game. Two teams fight against each other, trying to bring the others flag back to theirs to score their team a point. Assault : An interesting game, people are split into two teams, the Attackers and Defenders. The Attackers must complete certain objectives while the Defenders have to stop them. Then the roles get reverses, and the Attackers become defenders. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.3] Control Setup | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| When setting up your controls, make sure you have what you need in a general area, so you don't have to search for it. My controls are: Move Forward W Move Backwards S Strafe Left A Strafe Right D Primary Fire Mouse Button 1 Secondary Fire Mouse Button 2 Jump Mouse Button 3 Use Item Q Next Weapon Mouse Wheel Up Previous Weapon Mouse Wheel Down Next Item Small Thumb Button Translocator Large Thumb Button This setup is made with the IntelliEye Explorer mouse. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.4] Player Setup | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| The Player Setup menu will let you customize your online persona. To access this menu, go to Options, then select Player Setup. You can alter many different features. These are explained below: Name : Your character's name. Team : What team you want to join when you connect to a game (this can be overridden by the server settings). Class : It doesn't matter what class you choose; they each have the same abilities. It all depends on what you like best. Skins : You can also choose your skin. Like the Class, they're all the same and depend entirely on what you like. Face : Choose a face. Voice : Choose the voice you want to hear when you die, and when you taunt people. There is also a hidden model and voice, Xan. To unlock it, you need to complete the Single Player Tournament by defeating Xan. Once he's dead, you can select his voice and model. There is also a way to unlock him without having to beat the game; check the cheats section to find out how. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.5] Game Preferences | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| To access the Preferences menu, go to Options and select Preferences. There are seven tabs under this menu: Video : Set you screen resolution, color depth, texture and skin detail, brightness and GUI attributes. Audio : Set your message preferences, sound quality and the music/sound volume. Game : Set your weapon hand, view bob, game speed, dodging attributes, weapon flash and gore level. Controls : Customize your controls. Input : Configure preferences for your joystick, configure your mouse characteristics, autoaim and lookspring. HUD : Configure your Heads Up Display (HUD) settings. Network : Set your connection speed and stat logging. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.6] Practice Mode Settings | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Match Type This tab allows you to change the following settings: Tournament Deathmatch : Deathmatch with Tournament rules Tournament Team Game : Deathmatch with teams Assault : Team game with Attackers and Defenders Domination : Two teams who compete to control the control points Capture the Flag : Team game where each team tries to capture the others flag. Last Man Standing : Deathmatch where you have to try even harder to stay alive as you have limited lives. *** Click the "Mutators" button to go to a box where you can activate special game functions. Each has it's own description when you click on it. *** Game Rules This tab allows you to change the following settings: Score Limit : Sets the maximum score that will end when one person/team reaches it. Time Limit : Sets the number of minutes before the match switches if the Score Limit hasn't been reached. Max. Connections : Sets the maximum amount of people you want to have connected to your server. This option is only available if you're hosting a multiplayer game. Weapons Stay : If you check this, weapons will stay after someone picks one up. Tournament : Set whether players have to confirm their readiness before the match will start. *** Game Settings This tab allows you to change the following settings: Game Style : Choose from three different choices: Normal (like the original Unreal), Hardcore (default, with more damage) and Turbo (fast movement). Death Messages : Choose between "Classic" or weapon-based death messages. Game Speed : Turn up or slow down the game speed. Air Control : Configure how much control you have when you're airborne. Translocator : Choose whether or not players can use the Translocator *** Bot Settings This tab allows you to change the following options: Skill : Choose the skill level of the bots'. Number : Choose how many bots you want in the game. The max is 32. Configure : Customize the different bots' name and appearances. Auto Adjust Skill : If this is checked, the bots' will adjust to how well you are playing. If you are seriously killing them, they will get better. If they are seriously killing you, they'll get easier. Random Order : If this is checked, Unreal Tournament will automatically choose different bots' from the list. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.7] Multiplayer Gaming | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is what you've come for. The main thing behind Unreal Tournament. Below you'll find the information you need to connect to a game, or to host a game of your own. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.7.1] Hosting a Game | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| To host a game, click on Multiplayer, then select Start New Internet Game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.7.2] Hosting Options | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| All the options are the same for single with the exception of these: Force Team Balance : If the teams become uneven, the server will change players around to even them up. Force Respawn : After someone dies, you can force them to respawn instead of allowing them to do so themselves. *** Server This is a tab exclusive to multiplayer, and lets you change the following: Server Name : The name you want other people to see when connecting to your server. Admin Name : Your name here. Leave blank if you want. Admin E-Mail : Your e-mail address here. Leave blank if you want. MOTD Line 1 : The first line of the Message of the Day. Leave blank if you want. MOTD Line 2 : The second line of the Message of the Day. Leave blank if you want. MOTD Line 3 : The third line of the Message of the Day. Leave blank if you want. MOTD Line 4 : The fourth line of the Message of the Day. Leave blank if you want. Advertise Server : Allow your server to be shown when people refresh their list. ngWorldStats Logging : Enable the statistical logging. Optimize for LAN : If you want your server to be made especially for people who have a LAN, then check this box. Game Password : Setting a password will only allow people who know the password to enter your server. Admin Password : Set the Administrator password, so when a person who knows the password joins the game, they will have access to the Administrator options, such as kick and ban. WWW Remote Admin : Check this box if you want to be able to connect to your server with administrative features through TelNet or something similar. WWW Username : Select a Username that you will enter in TelNet or something similar when connecting to your server. WWW Password : Select a Password that you will enter in TelNet or something similar when connecting to your server. Webserver Port # : Leave this set to the default setting of 80. Click "Start" to begin the game. If you want to start the server, but not play in the game yourself, choose "Dedicated". This will quit Unreal Tournament and launch the server. This is good if you don't have a fast connection, but promised a server to someone, or if you're hosting a clan game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.7.3] Joining an Existing Game | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| To join a game, click Multiplayer and select Find Internet Game. This will launch the Unreal Tournament game browser. From here, you can choose a different tab to choose a different type of game. The different tabs are: News : This is where important information will come up when needed. UT Servers : This will display a list of all the UT servers running. LAN Servers : This tab will display LAN only servers. Populated Servers : This tab will only display those games that have players in them, and all empty ones will not be shown. There are also game specific tabs which will display only servers running that game. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.8] Moving Around | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| When playing, keep moving. Don't stop for anything. A still target is an easy, not to mention stupid, target. Moving around will give the enemy a much harder chance of hitting you. If an enemy is chasing you, never run away with your back toward him. Fight him, even if it means your life. You'll hurt him if you attack, but if you run directly away from him, he'll get you and he'll have perfect health. If you must run from him, turn around and run backwards, so you can take shots at him while your running. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.9] Jump Jump Jump | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jump all the time. If your moving and jumping from side to side, your enemies will have a tough time targeting you. Jumping forward and backward is much better then standing and jumping straight up. But what are you doing standing still, anyway? |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.10] Strafing is your Friend | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Learn to strafe, and you'll soon be a great player. Strafing around corners is a lot better then turning around, because if there is danger right behind a corner, you will be able to easily target the danger instead of having to turn and line yourself up, which can give the enemy the time he needs to kill you. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [1.11] Circle Strafing is a Closer Friend | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This can be a hard technique to learn, but it will pay dividends in the end. What circle strafing is, you are strafing around in a circle, with your crosshairs on the target at the whole time. So basically your traveling in a complete circle, but your not losing track of the target. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2] Weaponry | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This section will list all the weapons in the game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.1] Impact Hammer | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Charged long enough, this will kill with one shot. SECONDARY ATTACK : This is less powerful, but it has the advantage of splash damage. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.2] Chainsaw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Somewhat damaging attack. SECONDARY ATTACK : A move that will attack in a decapitating motion. Connecting with a headshot will immediately kill your opponent. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.3] Enforcer(s) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Fires bullets and is pretty accurate. SECONDARY ATTACK : Fires bullets more faster, but isn't as accurate. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.4] Pulse Gun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Shoots out energy pulses rapidly. SECONDARY ATTACK : Fires a constant stream of energy. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.5] ASMD Shock Rifle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Bolt of energy that fires instantaneously. SECONDARY ATTACK : Fires a slower, bigger bolt that has splash damage. SPECIAL ATTACK : Fire the SECONDARY attack, then fire the PRIMARY attack. The second time you fire, make sure you hit the bolt. This causes more damage. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.6] Rocket Launcher | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Fires rockets, up to six (while holding the FIRE button). SECONDARY ATTACK : Fires grenades that bounce, up to six. (while holding the FIRE button). THIRD ATTACK : Queue rockets with the PRIMARY fire, and just before you launch them, hold down the SECONDARY fire, and the rockets will come out in a tight group, rather than a spread.* FOURTH ATTACK : Keep the Rocket Launcher crosshairs on an enemy for long enough, and they will turn red. Now fire, and the rockets will track the enemy. * Thanks to MJ_MASTER for the Third Attack. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.7] Flak Cannon | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Scatter shot of shrapnel. SECONDARY ATTACK : Explosive ball that will kill with one shot if the target is not wearing armor. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.8] GES BioRifle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Fires globs of radioactive waste. SECONDARY ATTACK : Hold down the fire button to release a huge globs of radioactive waste. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.9] Ripper | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Disks that bounce around before finally exploding. SECONDARY ATTACK : An explosive disk that explodes on contact of anything. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.10] Sniper Rifle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Fires an instantaneous bullet. SECONDARY ATTACK : Adjusts the zoom view. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.11] Minigun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Rapid fire spray of bullets. SECONDARY ATTACK : Even faster firing rate, with less accuracy. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [2.12] Redeemer | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| PRIMARY ATTACK : Fire a nuclear warhead. SECONDARY ATTACK : Fire and guide a nuclear warhead. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3] Items | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This section will list all the items available in the game. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.1] Translocator | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This item will drop a beacon that you can leave for any amount of time. When you use the secondary fire, you will teleport to that location. If an enemy destroys it and you teleport to it, you will be killed, giving the enemy who destroyed it a point. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.2] Body Armor | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Your armor decreases when you take hits from other players, the environment or yourself. Your armor starts at 0. The maximum armor you can have is 150. The Thigh Pads (below) add 50 to your armor, the body armor adds 100 to your armor count, and the Shieldbelt adds 150 to your armor count. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.3] Thigh Pads | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| These will give you added protection against enemy attacks for the time it lasts, but not as much protection as the Body Armor. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.4] Shieldbelt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is the most powerful item in the game. It will provide you with protection from all attacks and environmental hazards. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.5] Health Vile | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This will add +5 to your health, taking you over the regular 100. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.6] Health Pack | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| You start the game with 100 health. The maximum allowable health limit is 199. If your health is at 0, you're dead. The Health Vile (see above), will add +5 to your health, which will take you over 100 health if needbe. The Health Packs add 20 to your health, up to your regular 100. The Big Keg 'O Health will instantly add 100 health, past the normal 100. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.7] Big Keg 'O Health | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This will take your health up 100, even past the regular. So if you're at 100 health, this will boost it to 199. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.8] Scuba Gear | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is automatically activated when you go underwater. It will provide 60 more seconds breathing time while your under. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.9] Damage Amplifier | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This item will kill with one shot with most weapons (except the Enforcer and other low powered weapons). This lasts for 25 seconds. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.10] Invisibility | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This powerful powerup will make you virtually invisible, and the only people that can see you will be the ones right next to you, and even that's hard. It lasts for 45 seconds. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [3.11] Antigrav Boots | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| These will allow you to jump much higher then usual and reduce the amount of damage you take on falls. It can only be used for three jumps, and it can't be turned on or off, so don't jump after getting them unless you need to jump high. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4] Bots | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This section will cover everything you need to know about bots. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.1] What are "bots"? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| "Bots" are robots in a game that have AI, or Artificial Intelligence. They are programmed to mimic the human brain and to fight as a human would. They pick up weapons, fire at you, retreat, capture flags, capture control points, attack, defend, cover, etc. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.2] Configuring Bots | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| You can configure the bots to your liking, using a wide range of options. The options are: Class : Same as what you did for the Player Setup. Skin : Same as what you did for the Player Setup. Face : Same as what you did for the Player Setup. Name : Choose a name for this bot. You can also define the bots' behavior: Favorite Weapon : Bot will use this weapon and search for it whenever he can. Accuracy : Can the bot hit a moving target at 1000FT away, dead center in the head during heavy winds, or can he not hit the broad side of a barn? Alertness : Is the bot paranoid and very alert, or would he not know if a gun was held to the back of his head? Camping : Will the bot hide by a weapon or spot and take shots as people pass by, or will he throw himself into the middle of a firefight? Combat Style : Is the bot an "in your face" fighter, a sniper, a coward, or a "run in, shoot, run away, run in, shoot, run away" fighter? Jumping : Is the bot on steroids and jumps around the whole arena or is he scared of heights and remains on the ground? |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.3] Tips for Beating Bots | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bots don't always look behind them when they're running. Use this opportunity to gun them down. Usually, bots only stand still when they're waiting for an elevator. This is a good moment to kill them. Most bots run a pattern for each level. Figure out this pattern and you'll be able to kill them before you know it. In team games, the bots will sometimes give you useful information. Listen to them. Bots will sometimes camp out by a powerup, such as a shield belt. They won't expect you, so sneak up behind them. Don't try to fight a bot one on one, in the face. At higher skill levels, they will destroy you. Some arenas have traps. Try to catch the bots in them, as they almost always run into traps. When you run around corners or obstacles, the bots sometime lose track of you. Don't play God. Unless you're the ultimate player, you won't stand a chance at defeating them on the Godlike difficulty. Turn it down and don't play hero. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [4.4] Order Your Bots | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| You can give bots orders, and they'll do what you tell them too. In a Capture the Flag game, lead one or more bots to your flag and order it "hold this position". Send some other bots to capture the flag and the rest to whatever they want. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5] The World | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This section will cover everything you need about the Unreal Tournament world. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1] Environments | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Here you can read about everything you'll find in the UT maps. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.1] Lava | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Lava is dangerous to you, and your enemies, so use this to your advantage. If you see an enemy running by a lava pool, use the Rocket Launcher or Shock Rifle to knock him in. This counts as suicide and the enemy will loose 1 point. If you happen to fall in, you'll be able to survive for 3 or so seconds before you melt. Example map: LavaGiant (CTF-LavaGiant) |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.2] Toxic Waste | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Exactly the same as Lava, but green instead of orangey red. Knock enemies into here and laugh to yourself heartily. Example map: Gearbolt (DOM-Gearbolt). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.3] Water | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Water, unlike Lava and Toxic Waste, is safe to go in. You'll sometimes find powerups and weapons hidden underwater, so don't be afraid to go searching. Just remember to come up for air. Example map: November (CTF-November). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.4] Heights | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Heights is another danger all combatants must face. You'd be wise to try and knock opponents off of huge heights with the Rocket Launcher or Shock Rifle, as this will count as suicide and subtract 1 point from them. Example map: Almost every map has a dangerous level height. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.5] Teleporters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Teleporters are spread throughout certain levels and usually transport you to predetermined areas of the arena. After teleporting, be sure not to stand on the teleporter, as someone can come through and telefrag you. Example map: Hyperblast (DM-Hyperblast). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.6] Doors, Levers and Buttons | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Unlike other first person shooters where you press a key to activate a door, button or lever, in Unreal Tournament, you just walk up to it to activate it. Example map: Almost every map has doors, levers and/or buttons. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.7] Lifts | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Lifts can be a dangerous tool, as standing waiting for them can leave you open to attack. They transport you between different levels. Standing under lifts will cause damage, but not too much. Example map: Quite a few maps have a lift of some sort. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.8] Air Currents | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Only available on certain arenas, they let you float up or down. Be careful, though, as too far a fall can kill you. Example map: Floating Pyramid (DM-Pyramid). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.9] Traps | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Some arenas contain traps, such as "The Pressure Chamber". Be sure to watch these areas, and catch opponents off-guard. Example map: The Pressure Chamber (DM-Pressure). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.10] Turrets | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Some Assault arenas have guns and turrets that belong to the defending team, which attack the attackers as they near objectives. Example map: Mazon Fortress (AS-Mazon). |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.1.11] Low Gravity Areas | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Some arenas have areas that are low gravity. You'll be able to jump to extreme heights, but you won't have near as much control while in the air. It's also easy to float into outer space and die, so be careful. Example map: Morpheous (DM-Morpheous). =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.2] Communication | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Find out what communication is all about? |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.2.1] General Communication Tips | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Listen to your teammates, because they usually have something of importance to say. If you want to say something only your team should know, be sure to hit the team chat key, R by default. If you're about to do something, such as go for the flag, tell your team so they can stay on defense. If you see something happen that everyone should know about, tell your team. If you need health or ammo, let your team know so they don't hog all the equipment. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [5.2.2] Communication Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| If someone gets a good shot on you, don't insult them. Congratulate them on pulling off such a great shot. You may join a server and see that all the names resemble each other. This could be a clan game. If someone asks you to leave, don't bitch; leave and find another server. Some people who are new to the game, called "newbies", may ask questions. Take the time and answer them. Just think... you're giving help to a future fragger. DON'T SPAM! This is the most annoying thing you can do. Don't complain about campers. Just because they camp doesn't mean they suck. If you are getting tired of campers, just leave and find another server. Don't complain about other players. Just because they have a faster connection than you, doesn't mean they deserve being bitched at. If someone is lagged out, you can tell. They will be standing still, and won't react if you move around them or fire. It's not fair to these people if you frag them in their state, so leave them and come back to fight later. If the person left to get a drink or do something, then feel free to kill them, as it is their own damn fault for walking away. If you join a game and notice that the teams are completely unbalanced, join the team with the lowest players. Hey, after reading this, you should be good enough to go against all those others and win, right? =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6] Deathmatch | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Everything you need to know about the Deathmatch game mode. Deathmatch is the most common type of game, and in Unreal Tournament, there are three versions of it; Classic, Teamplay and Last Man Standing. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.1] Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBJECTIVE : Kill everyone. Pretty straightforward, eh? SCORING : One point per kill. One point is deducted for killing yourself or by dying by the environment (lava, toxic waste, drowning, etc.). ENDING : When a player reaches the Frag Limit set by the server, or when the Time Limit is reached, the arena changes. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.2] Teamplay Deathmatch | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Same as Classic Deathmatch, but two to four teams must kill the members of the opposing teams, without killing their own. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.2.] Teamplay Deathmatch Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBJECTIVE : Have a higher score than the other teams by killing them off. SCORING : One point per kill. One point is deducted for killing yourself or by dying by the environment (lava, toxic waste, drowning, etc.). ENDING : When a team reaches the Frag Limit, that team wins. The team with the highest score when the Time Limit reaches wins. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.3] Last Man Standing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| In LMS, each person has a limited amount of lives, and they lose one every time they die. After you've used all your lives, you must wait until the next arena to play again. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.3.1] Last Man Standing Deathmatch Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBJECTIVE : Kill as many players as possible while dying as little as possible. SCORING : You lose a point after each death. Killing others deducts one point from their score. ENDING : Be the last one with any points left to win. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.4] Basic Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Know the level - Use the mouse to look and aim - Develop a pattern that will take you through weapons, health and powerups - Learn from better players by watching them in spectator mode - Grab everything you can, even if you don't need it, so your enemies can't have it - Control powerups, especially the Big Keg 'O Health and the Shieldbelt. - Set your weapon priority - Use the right weapon for the right occasion - If you have lag, work through it. It will make you a better player if you can snipe a moving target with 1000+ ping - Look behind you at times to see if anyone is following you - Keep away from walls, as the splash damage from explosive weapons can kill you - Try to avoid water, or at least go in when no one is around. You move slower and are easier to hit - Never stop moving. A still target is an easy target. - Strafe as much as you can - Listen closely to sounds. Footsteps and gunshots can tell you where something is happening - Attack from above, if possible. Players usually have a much harder time hitting targets above them |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [6.5] Advanced Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Most powerups respawn from 60-90 seconds, so count down and make your way to them when they're about to respawn - When using an explosive weapon, aim for the feet so the splash damage will harm them no matter what - Aim for the head with certain weapons, as head shots are more rewarding than body shots - Aim where you think the player will be in a second, as this will guarantee a it. This is especially important in heavy lag conditions - Knock your opponents around using the Rocket Launcher or the Shock Rifle. This will keep your opponents confused - Use the Translocator to get yourself out of trouble fast - Strafe around corners, so you can immediately see people and will be able to attack them faster - Learn to circle strafe, as it will pay dividends in the end =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7] Domination | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Everything you need to know about the Domination game mode. Domination is a game in which teams must fight to control "control points" throughout the arena. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.1] Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBJECTIVE : To score the most points by holding "control points". SCORING : Run through the Control Points to capture them for your team. For every four seconds you hold one, you gain one point. Most arenas have three control points; holding all three for five seconds will score your team three points. ENDING : Once the score limit is reached. If the Time Limit is reached, the team with the highest score wins. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.2] Basic Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Guard the Control Points - If an enemy is heading toward a control point, shoot at the floor of the control point to knock the enemy away - If someone is guarding a control point, save some supplies for him/her - Communicate, communicate, communicate! - Attack in groups. Some of you may die, but you stand a better chance of grabbing the Control Point |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [7.3] Advanced Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Set the Translocator beacon on a Control Point, and as the enemy comes to grab it, teleport and telefrag him - Set the bots (in single or practice mode) to "freelance" so they will try to gain control - Spread out, so not all of you will die by an explosive - Use powerups wisely =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8] Capture the Flag | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Everything you need to know about the Capture the Flag game mode. Players split up into teams and attempt to get the others flag and return it to their flag to score a point. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.1] Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBJECTIVE : To capture the other teams flag more times then they can. SCORING : One point per capture. The team who reaches the Frag Limit wins. When the Time Limit is reached, the team with the highest score wins. ENDING : The team with the most captures wins the match. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.2] Basic Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Know the map. Knowing where the flag is gives you a distinct advantage - Defense is key to winning - Communicate, communicate, communicate! - Attack in groups. Some of you will die, but there's a better chance of getting the flag - Provide cover fire if you see your flag carrier being attacked - Don't block the way of the flag carrier; give him a clear path - Avoid water at all costs when carrying the flag, unless you are 105% sure no defenders are near you - Follow your flag carrier. If you see him/her, follow him and protect him from people who attack - If you have the enemies flag, and yours is gone, hide. - Cover all the entrances to your flag |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [8.3] Advanced Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Use a "minefield" defense. Keep littering the floor by the flag with toxic waste from the GES BioRifle if it's available. Be careful; if Friendly Fire is enabled, this can be bad for your team - If you see the flag carrier being attacked by more than one person, jump in front of him and die for him - Let players with a low ping be on defense so there's a better chance of your flag staying where it is - If you die near the flag, stay dead. You can tell your teammates about what is happening - When running with the flag, turn around and lay down some toxic waste from the BioRifle to discourage people following you =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9] Assault | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Everything you need to know about the Assault game mode. Assault is a game where a team of attackers must complete certain objectives, and the Defending team must prevent them from doing that. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.1] Rules | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OBJECTIVE : Attackers must complete the objectives (review them by F3) and the Defenders must prevent them. After the Attackers complete or fail their objectives, the roles switch. SCORING : There is no scoring in Assault. Just complete the objectives. ENDING : Once the Attackers complete the objectives, the game restarts, with the Attackers on defense. The new Attackers must complete the objectives in the time it took the old attackers too. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.2] Basic Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Attack in groups. You stand a much better chance of accomplishing the objectives with a group of people - Stock up on ammo - Don't hog ammo, as everyone will need the firepower - If your near the objective, focus on that, and forget about the defenders - If someone picked up a Big Keg 'O Health, send them first. They'll have a much better chance |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [9.3] Advanced Strategies | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| - Spread out - Control the powerups - Use the Sniper Rifle if you're on defense, because most attackers will come from the same way, and you can easily pick them off =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [10] Special Moves | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| These are "special" moves you can do with certain weapons. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [10.1] Hammer Jump | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Charge the PRIMARY attack of the Impact Hammer, then aim at the ground. Jump, and at the top of the jump, release the fire button. You will lose a bit of health, but you'll jump much farther and higher. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [11] Gaming Glossary | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| "Did you see that LPB telefrag me? I respawned right in front of him and he fragged me like I was a HPB newbie!" Do you understand that? Well, I've compiled a list of online gaming terms, so you'll soon learn to talk the "gaming lingo". TERM DEFINITION EXAMPLE AI Shortform for Artificial "The bot AI in Unreal Intelligence. Refers to Tournament is sweet" the bots means of thinking Camper A person who stays in one "Damnit I hate campers" spot and shoots at people as they pass Cap it Shortform for "Capture the "Hey man, cap it flag" already!" Clan A group of players who "I belong to a clan of play together. Usually elite players" fight other clans for fun CTF Shortform for Capture the "I want to play a game Flag of CTF" DM Shortform for Deathmatch "I had this sweet DM game last night" FPS Shortform for First Person "Unreal Tournament is a Shooter good FPS" Frag 1 To kill someone "I need to frag that guy!" Frag 2 A player's score "YES! I have 20 frags!" GG Shortform for Good Game "That was a GG" Gibs 1 Blown up body parts "There's nothing but gibs" Gibs 2 To kill someone so "The Rocket Launcher gibs violently, that there people good" is nothing left HPW Shortform for High Ping "I feel sorry for that HPW" Whiner. Someone who has a slow connection to the Internet IP Address The Internet address for a "My IP address is" server Lag 1 Packet delays sent from your "Ouch. This server has bad computer to the host lag" Lag 2 To experience lag "I have bad lag" LAN Shortform for Local Area "I love playing LAN games" Network. A network of computers connected together for a lag free game LPB Shortform for Low Ping "That LPB is cleaning up!" Bastard. Someone who has a fast connection to the Internet MODS A modification of a game, "The new MOD for UT looks usually user made. A MOD good" adds new features. Newbie Someone who is new to the "Look at the newbie trying game and doesn't know much to shoot the flag!" Ping How fast your computer is "My ping is great!" connected to the server. A low ping is good; a high ping is bad Respawn Coming back to life after "I'm respawning way too being killed much today" Server The computer hosting a game "This server is really fast" Spam Flooding the chat with "Damnit stop spamming!" repeated, nonsense messages. Also referred to as "flooding" Telefrag 1 When you teleport onto a space "Don't stand in teleports occupied by another player or you'll get telefragged" Telefrag 2 Scoring a telefrag "I telefragged that guy!" =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [12] Console Commands | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bring up the console with the ~ (tilde) key and enter any of the following commands: COMMAND EFFECT ------- ------ -changevideo Brings up the video card selection menu -conflicts Show objects of different classes whose names conflict -log Runs with the log window visible -noddraw Disable DirectDraw support -nodsound Disable DirectSound support -nogc Disable garbage collection -nohard Disable 3D Hardware support -nok6 Disable AMD K6-3D support -nolog Don't show log window -nokni Disable KNI (PIII) support -nommx Disable MMX support -nosound Disable sound -nowarn Disable warning message boxes on screen -safe Run in "safe mode"; same as if UT crashes -server Run as a dedicated server -silent Run with no log window and no error messages displayed; if there is a critical error, UT will just quit INI=inifilename Specify the .ini file to use; normally UnrealTournament.ini USER=userinifilename Specify the .ini file for user- specific configurations; normally User.ini LOG=logfilename Change the specified log file; default is UnrealTournament.log MULTIHOME= Sets the "home" IP address PORT=num Sets the UDP port for the Internet server READINI=inifilename Sets the .ini file for reading only GENERAL CONSOLE COMMANDS: COMMAND EFFECT ------- ------ MENUCMD Brings up an Unreal Tournament menu item SAY Broadcast a message SETNAME Change your name SETTEAM Change your team; = team color SUICIDE Kill yourself TEAMSAY Broadcast a message to teammates PRACTICE MODE COMMANDS: COMMAND EFFECT ------- ------ ADDBOTS Add more bots to the game KILLALL Kill all actors of a certain class KILLPAWNS Kill all bots SLOMO Sets game speed; 1.0 is normal SUMMON Spawns an actor of the specified class VIEWCLASS Cycle through the positions of the specified class ADMIN COMMANDS: * COMMAND EFFECT ------- ------ ADMIN Perform a console command ADMIN SERVERTRAVEL Switch to a different level ADMIN SET UWeb. Webserver bEnabled True Enable remote admin webserver ADMIN SET UWeb. Webserver bEnabled False Disable a remote admin webserver ADMINLOGIN Login as an administrator ADMINLOGOUT Logout of administrator mode KICK Kick the specified player KICKBAN Ban a player by IP address; you must edit your .ini file to unban this player * = Thanks to DarkStriker for these commands. COMMANDS THAT WORK ONLY ON THE LOCAL MACHINE: COMMAND EFFECT ------- ------ BRIGHTNESS Cycle through brightness values CANCEL Cancel an "open" command that is trying to connect to a network server CDTRACK Plays the specified CD track CPUSPEED=# Identify your CPU speed DEMOPLAY Plays a recorded demo DEMOREC Record a demo to DISCONNECT Disconnect from the game server ENDFULLSCREEN Play in Windowed mode EXEC Execute the commands in the EXIT Quit the game to Desktop FLUSH Refresh lighting, 3D hardware, etc. FOV Sets your field of view GETCOLORDEPTHS Shows a list of color depths supported by your 3D hardware GETCURRENTCOLORDEPTH Shows the current color depth GETCURRENTRES Shows the current resolution HIDEACTORS Hide actors during the game MUSICORDER Change to a certain track; 0=ambient, 1=action, 2=suspense NETSPEED Change your network data rate; 2600=modem, 5000=ISDN, 20000=cable/adsl/LAN OPEN Opens a local map or an Internet server s_occfactor A3D 2.0 occlusion factor s_maxnodedist A3D 2.0 maximum node distance s_reflect 0 or 1 A3D 2.0 reflections s_occlude 0 or 1 A3D 2.0 occlusions s_wavetracing 0 or 1 A3D 2.0 wavetracing s_refgain A3D 2.0 reflection gain s_refdelay A3D 2.0 reflection delay s_maxpoly A3D 2.0 max. number of polygons s_maxreflectpoly A3D 2.0 max. number of reflection polygons s_polysmall A3D 2.0 smallest polygon size s_polylarge A3D 2.0 large polygon size s_a3dsources A3D 2.0 sources SETRES WxHxD Sets resolution and color depth; W=width, H=height, D=depth STOPDEMO Stop recording or playing a demo PREFERENCES Opens "Advanced Options" window RECONNECT Reconnect to the Game server SHOT Take a screenshot; will be saved in the System directory with a name of Shot0001.bmp, Shot0002.bmp, Shot0003.bmp, etc. TOGGLEFULLSCREEN Toggle fullscreen mode on/off TYPE Types text on the console =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [13] Cheat Codes | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Please don't use Cheat Codes if you can help it. It seriously ruins the game. To activate these cheats, press the ~ (tilde key) to bring down the console. You will first need to type "iamtheone" (without quotations) to activate the cheats. Enter a code, press ENTER and close the console by pressing the tilde key again. These codes only work in single player and practice mode. CODE EFFECT ---------------------------- god God Mode ghost Walk and fly through walls loaded All weapons (except Redeemer) and ammo allammo 999 ammo for all weapons you have fly Lets you fly walk Turn off ghost and/or fly mode playersonly Toggle time freeze on/off suicide Kill yourself To enable the boss skin without having to beat the single player tournament, browse to your Unreal Tournament directory, and open the "user.ini" file with Notepad, WordPad or some other text editor. Backup this file before editing it. Add the two lines: [Botpack.Ladder] HasBeatenGame=True This will give you access to the Xan skin in Player Setup. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [14] Minimum Requirements | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| CPU : P200MHz Memory : 32MB RAM HD Space : 120MB Audio : Windows 9X Compatible Sound Card Video : PCI Local Bus Video Card OS : Windows 9X, Windows 2000, Windows NT4 =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [15] Recommended Requirements | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| CPU : P266MHz Memory : 64MB RAM HD Space : 605MB Audio : Windows 9X Compatible Sound Card Video : 3D Accelerator OS : Windows 9X, Windows 2000, Windows NT4 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [A] Contact Information | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| I'm sorry, but all contact for this FAQ will no longer be accepted due to a lack of interest in the game. For more information on this game, check out the game's official website, other FAQs, or one of many quality gaming sites, like Cheat Happens (cheathappens.com) or GameSpot (gamespot.com). Chances are you can also find at least one other FAQ for this game right at GameFAQs. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [B] Webmaster Information | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Attention webmasters: You are allowed to host this document and display it without asking for prior permission. All you have to do is the following: - Do not charge people to see it or otherwise make a profit from it. - Do not alter it. - Give proper credit to the author. - You may not sell, rent or lease the document. If you want to use one of my guides _IN_ a guide of yours, like an item guide of mine in a general guide you're writing, feel free to do so, as long as you still follow the above. All I ask in addition to that is that you let me know when your guide is online so I can check it out. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [C] Where This FAQ May be Found | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| JPatWorld http://www.jpatworld.com/ GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Cheat Happens http://www.cheathappens.com/ All other websites have permission to use this document, but they may be out of date or incorrect versions. The latest, newest versions can always be found at the above websites. =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [D] Other FAQs Written | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This section may not always be up-to-date, as I'm not going to update every single one of my FAQs after making a new one. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8939.html ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== GAME GUIDE TYPE ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Clock Tower 3 || File List Deus Ex: Invisible War || Walkthrough/FAQ ESPN NFL 2K5 || Milestones/Crib Unlockables ESPN NFL 2K5 || Strategy Guide/FAQ ESPN NHL 2K5 || Challenges & Unlockables Grand Theft Auto III || Walkthrough/FAQ Grand Theft Auto III || Song Guide James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing || Walkthrough/FAQ Madden NFL 2004 || Challenge Checklist MVP Baseball 2004 || Strategy Guide/FAQ MVP Baseball 2004 || Unlockables Guide Nocturne || Walkthrough/FAQ Red Faction || Walkthrough/FAQ RoadKill || Walkthrough/FAQ RoadKill || Song Guide Serious Sam || Walkthrough/FAQ SimCity 4: Rush Hour || Object Guide Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow || Demo Walkthrough Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic || Walkthrough/FAQ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic || Item List The Sims (PC) || Item List The Sims (CONSOLE) || Item List The Sims: House Party || Strategy Guide/FAQ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X || Song Guide Tropico || Walkthrough/FAQ Unreal Tournament || Walkthrough/FAQ WWE RAW 2 || Move List/FAQ ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Total FAQs: 27 I have also written several strategy guides, in HTML format with screenshots, for the website Cheat Happens (www.cheathappens.com). ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Hitman: Contracts Spider-Man 2 The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Unreal Tournament 2004 ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=== Total Guides: 4 =============================================================================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [E] Unreal Tournament Copyright Information | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Unreal Tournament Copyright 1999 Epic Games Inc. All Rights Reserved. GT is a trademark and the GT logo is a registered trademark of GT Interactive Software Corp. Unreal and the Unreal logo are trademarks of Epic Games Inc. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. =============================================================================== This document is copyright by US and Canadian copyright laws. This FAQ is for personal use only. This FAQ may not be altered or used for commercial use. Websites may use this document without permission, but they must give proper credit to the author and musn't alter it any way, shape or form. All websites, excluding GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com), are prohibited from renting, selling or leasing this document, whether it's for personal or commercial gain. Thank you. =============================================================================== End of Unreal Tournament FAQ/Walkthrough. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Epic Games, GT Interactive, or any member of the Unreal Tournament development team.