SPACE QUEST ][ HINTS You'll start out on Xenon Orbital Station 4, where you are sweeping up space debris. All of a sudden, your wristwatch will emanate a beep. Look wristwatch. Press the H and T buttons for fun, press C for the point of the beep. Once you finish reading what the commander has to say, go and walk on the wall to the circle in the ceiling. Once inside, wait for decontamination to finish, then go to the lockers. Open locker. Take all. Close locker. Go to suits. Change clothes. go through door. listen to commander talk, then, for fun, talk to one of the men at a control panel. if you're being serious, just get on the yellow and black striped square on the west side of the room. wait till elevator comes to a complete stop, or sudden movement is extremely fatal. go into the hole in the tube. wait till you're in the other room. go down stairs and into ship. you don't have anything to do until the oafs and you fall to the ground on Labion. once you get up, search guard. go to ship and press button. go up a screen, (around the bushes), and watch out for the trap door(faintly outlined). once on this screen, wait for a "twang" and a "shriek". go to the lower right of the screen and head east. you should see a little pink alien hanging upside down from a rope. go to the creature and untie the alien. go back to the other screen and go up the trail. go to the left. put order form in mailbox. take object. walk off little cliff. get a spore. go up. if you are in the right place, you should see a bluish creature with many bodily extensions taking up the mass of the screen. you need to get some berries from the back of the screen. set game speed on slow or normal and make way through maze of the infamous root monster. pick berries when/if you make it through. now you need to leave this screen. you'll find out very quickly. go to screen with trail. go to right. (NOTE: IF YOU EVER GET A MESSAGE ABOUT A SOUND THAT IS NOT UNLIKE THAT OF A HOVERCRAFT, HIDE SOMEWHERE WHERE YOU CAN'T SEE YOURSELF ON THE SCREEN, PREFERRABLY BEHIND ONE OF THE BUSHES AT THE TOP OF THE SCREEN.) now you have a new goal. make it across the swamp. the best and the only way to do it is to rub berries on self. now walk about midway up the screen and go east until you start swimming. hold breath. go down and to the left. be careful because you have a limited supply of oxygen. once you make it to the new screen, go to the left and up. once you've surfaced, go to the rock and get the gem. hold breath again and go back through the passage and surface. walk east until you're on dry land. go east to the next screen and be careful, a chasm is just pixels away. climb tree in the middle of the screen. keep going to the east. believe it or not, all you've got to do is get caught by a trap. you'll awake in a cage, with an oaf by a fire. call hunter twice and throw spore at hunter once he gets over to you. once he collapses, get key. unlock cage. open cage. go to rock and get rope. go up to next screen and walk west as soon as you get to the next screen. walk west to next screen and stop at chasm. get on log. tie rope on log. get on rope. get very far down the rope and swing rope. don't hit F6 until you are just at the ledge on the left and the beast has grabbed at you three times. walk into tunnel. once in tunnel, get into dark part and use gem. walk around rocks to left. once you have fallen out of tunnel, got gem as you'll need it badly later. follow the nice pink aliens. once chief is done talking, type "say the word" and go down ladder. once in the DARK tunnels, hold gem in mouth. climb ladders and walk across floors to get out. i can't remember exactly how to get out, but it goes something like this: two screens east, one screen down, one screen left, one screen down, and two or three screens right. legend has it that when you soil your underclothes and you hear an inhuman gutteral sound there is a creature roaming about that eats friendly janitors, like one named roger wilco. once you're out though, you will see nice pretty, glowing water. walk east and go through right tunnel on screen. once out of fountain, go one screen east. blow whistle. when you see awesome beast stop moving, throw puzzle to beast. pick up a rock at doorway. go north. once on screen, sling rock at guard. when he drops like a lead parakeet, go to elevator. insert keycard. go to back of ship. get in. press power. turn attitude dial. turn thrusters on. move ship up. computer control for a while, so save the game, only if you want to be safe rather than sorry. once you are out of the ship, walk on one of the platforms, to the right would be the best. when you get in elevator, press button 3, 4, or 5, and go to middle of hallways and press buttons at doors and get everything out of rooms that you are allowed to. THE FOLLOWING ARE THINGS THAT YOU MIGHT/WILL ENCOUNTER. TO AVOID THE FLOOR WAXER, GO BACK INTO THE ELEVATOR AND WAIT FOR WAXER TO PASS YOU AND LEAVE SCREEN. NOW YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU NEED. ON FLOOR FOUR OR FIVE, ENTER IT FROM THE LEFT ELEVATOR SO YOU DON'T RUN INTO THE ALIEN THAT WILL KISS YOU AND PUT YOU INTO LABOR, KILLING YOU NEAR THE END OF THE GAME. once you are done with the halls, you should have the following:plunger, toilet paper, trash can, lighter, and a glass cutter. now go back to floor one. go to platform ship is on and go down center path. walk to right. walk to left. get as far left as you can go. when floor has opened about three quarters of the way, stick plunger on wall. when floor closes back up, release plunger. center yourself. put trash can on floor. put paper in can. light paper. wait till water stops spraying. walk to right and through door. when vohaul stops yakking, go up stairs. once you've been miniaturized, use glass cutter. go to vent on left of screen. climb in vent. press button in back of room. climb back out. walk on ledge to left. go to lever on keyboard and pull it. type enlarge. go back to right and in jar. go to computer. look screen. type SRSH or SHSR or something to foil vohaul's plans. go up stairs on right of screen. go to red box on left of new screen. open box. get mask. follow glass tunnel. once you are in new tunnel, walk to left and get biped to follow you. keep on walk until you get to doors with buttons. press button and get in pod. press power. once you get the warning of running low on oxygen, go to right and back of escape pod. open chamber. get in chamber. YOU HAVE SOLVED SPACE QUEST ][: VOHAUL'S REVENGE