Maniac Mansion-Step by step to win 1) Pick Bernard and Micheal a) Bernard 1) Is afraid of the green tentacle 2) Is the only one able to pick up the radio tube and fix the phone b) Micheal 1) Is the only one who can develop the film 2) Have Dave or Mike open the front door with the KEY from under the doormat. 3) Send the character that opened the door walk to the mailbox and stand guard. 4) Send the other two in. DO NOT GO IN THE FIRST DOOR FOR AT LEAST 5 MINUTES! Loot the house. 5) SAVE! Send the kid other then Bernard to clear out the kitchen. Go thru the next door, clear out the meat. Go to the next room, clear out all but the DEVELOPER. Go back to the kitchen, fill the JAR with water. 6) Go to the piano room, and park the CASSETTE TAPE (in the sliding panel in the library, last panel) in the recorder for now. 7) Open the security door now and whenever needed. 8) Go into the first room, second floor, beyond security door, and open the desk, taking the MANUSCRIPT. The next one holds nothing of value. 9) Send the character besides Bernard up the stairs. Walk up to the Green Tentacle, and give him the WAX FRUIT and the JAR OF WATER. You'll get the jar back, don't worry. Open the door to the developing room and go up the stairs. 10) Open the first door and go in, picking up the DIME on the floor. Go up the ladder at the far left. 11) Ignore the Tentacle. Pick up the RECORD next to the stereo, and pick up the YELLOW KEY next to the right speaker. Go back thru the hatch in the floor. 12) Go to the forth door and clean it out (actually, the only thing takeable is the SPONGE in the bathroom). Use the Hunk-A-Matic. 13) Swap to Bernard. Send Bernard to the room with the radio and plug in the RADIO TUBE. Send him after the other kid to work out. 14) AT THIS TIME THE DOORBELL SHOULD BE RINGING. If any kids remain in the hall, send them into a room ASAP. Swap to the kid outside, and target and pick up: the STAMPS, and the PACKAGE. When Ed closes the door, reopen it, and go to the right most Gargoyle. Send the kid with the YELLOW KEY and SPONGE downstairs to the kid pushing the Gargoyle. 15) Go thru the door (the one with the SPONGE, NOT the one pushing the statue. Turn on the light and get the SILVER KEY, and go upstairs. 16) Send both the downstairs characters all the way thru the dining hall to the supply room. Unlock the silver door with the SILVER KEY, and give the SILVER KEY to the kid who was stationed next to the mailbox. It is now valueless. Send the guy with the SPONGE thru the door. 17) Open and go thru the gate. 18) Open the garage door. (NOTE: You MUST have worked out on the Hunk- A-Matic to do this!) Take the SHOWER HANDLE. Open the trunk with the YELLOW KEY. Take the TOOLS. Go back to the supply room. 19) "Pick up" the DEVELOPER. Yes, it always does that. Send the kid who pushed on the gargoyle to the ladder on the swimming pool wall. No, he won't go in. 20) Send the kid with the SPONGE outside of the house. PULL the bushes on the right. Use the TOOLS on the Grating. Go into the grating. 21) Walk until you find the green puddle of developer. Use SPONGE in the puddle. Keep walking until you see a valve. SAVE! THIS IS HARD! Open or Turn On Water Valve. Swap to the kid next to the pool. Have him go down the ladder. Watch or cut the cut scene, it is meaningless. Pick up the RADIO. Pick up the small, GLOWING KEY. Retreat up the ladder. DO NOT MUCK WITH THE BUTTON OR NUCLEAR PUMP! Go up the ladder. 22) As soon as the guy is off the ladder and on to terra firma, Close or Turn Off Water Valve. Everything should be peachy. 23) Send the character with the RECORD, not the OLD RECORD mind you, to the piano room. Put the RECORD on the Victrola. Turn on the recorder. Turn on the Victrola. Wait until the vase shatters. Turn off the Victrola. Turn off the recorder. Pick up the CASSETTE TAPE. Go to the room where the chandelier hangs. 24) Open the cabinet door if you haven't already done so. Use the CASSETTE TAPE in the Cassette player. Turn on the player. Wait until the chandelier shatters. Turn off the player. Take the tape if you want, it's useless now. Take the OLD RUSTY KEY. 25) Go outside and look at the left bushes. You should see a small canister of UNDEVELOPED FILM. In not, skip to step 27 for now, and check back later. 26) Have everybody meet on the fourth level of Maniac Mansion inside a room somewhere. Give the SPONGE WITH DEVELOPER and the UNDEVELOPED FILM to Micheal. Send Micheal to the third floor room. Close the door if you want, Mike will do it anyway. Use SPONGE WITH DEVELOPER in the developing tray. Use the UNDEVELOPED FILM in the tray. Stop or watch the cut scene if you want. You should now have Wierd Ed's Plans in the form of PRINTS. Hold onto that for a sec. Open the door and meet up with the other two. 27) Give one of the characters the OLD RUSTY KEY. Give the PACKAGE to another kid. Give the dime to the kid without the OLD RUSTY KEY, but with the PACKAGE. Send both of them to the third door. Open the third door, and send the kid with the OLD RUSTY KEY thru the door. Walk to the piggy bank and OPEN it. It will shatter. You may be able to out- run Ed, but don't bother. Pass the scene and swap to the guy outside. Send him into Ed's room. Pick up the HAMSTER. Pick up the PURPLE CARD KEY. Pick up another DIME. Ed should be coming back soon. Give him the package. Go outside. SAVE. 28) The infamous dream sequence. Bring the kid in the clink back upstairs to meet with the other two. Give the hamster to that kid, and send him into Ed's room to give him the hamster and make friends. SAVE again. Now- Send the kid into the room with the man eating plant. Hit "F". Move the cursor to the hatch. DO NOT SAVE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, OR YOU WILL PERMANENTLY ENTRAP THAT CHARACTER! Put the two dimes in the coin slot, and push the RIGHT button twice. Yes, you can't see anything of interest. Now, swap to the other two characters. Put them in Ed's room. Send one into Edna's room (the second door from the stairs. You should be able to dodge Edna and make it up the ladder, if not, don't worry about it, just send the last kid in and up the ladder. Open the painting. Swap to the character staring out the telescope. Use the Really Powerful Telescope and record the numbers you see. 29) RELOAD THE GAME. Do everything you just did save sending the kid to the telescope. Unless you think you can pick up the SAMLL KEY AND make it up the ladder, just let Edna catch you and send in the last character. Pick up the key and head up to the painting room. Open the wall safe with the code you just got. Pick up the SEALED ENVELOPE and go downstairs. Yes, Edna will catch you. 30) The confusing part: There is one last puzzle before the fun begins, and its not so hard. Reveal the door in the room with the man eating plant with the PAINT REMOVER. Wow. It is a useless room, isn't it? Except for the window, and you don't have the right tool to open it. The CHAINSAW? No gas. The Wierd Edsel? Maybe. If you get the gas out of that, let me know. The SPONGE should help. Now, put the shower handle on the shower and turn it on and off, recording the number you see. That is Nurse Edna's number. Is it useless? Give the PRINTS to Ed. He will meet you in the clink in ten minutes. Clock five and call the alien on the CB (read the wanted poster). Let Edna get you and meet the other two. Unlock the padlocks with the GLOWING KEY. Open the outside door. What? Another? The code is... Keys What they open Key The front door* Old Rusty Key The prison door* Silver Key The silver door Yellow Key Opens and turns on the Wierd Edsel Small Key The coin boxes in the video games Glowing Key The padlocks on the outer door Purple Card Key ??? * More then one need for Items What are they good for Undeveloped Film Wierd Ed needs them Flashlight To see in the dark Old Batteries For the flashlight Chainsaw Very Dull Knives Cassette Tape To record songs Demo Tape The Green Tentacle's demo tape Radio Tube To use the CB Lettuce To feed the man-eating plant Pepsi To stop the plant from eating you Cheese To feed the man-eating plant Ketchup ditto Old Rotting Turkey ditto Week old roast ditto Canned Goods ditto Glass Jar To hold water in Tentacle Chow Bottle of Developer To develop the film Radio To get new batteries Batteries Extended flashlight life Faucet Handle To turn on the shower Tools To fix the phone; open the grate Wax Fruit Paint Remover Paintbrush Old Record Manuscript Dime Record