========================================================================= ********************* DUNGEON KEEPER 2: FAQ/WALKTHRU ******************** ========================================================================= PC Strategy Game; released 1999 UK FAQ/WALKTHRU (Version 1.0) 24/01/2004 Author - falsehead (Sophie Cheshire). Contact me at falsehead@aol.com Copyright stuff; this is (c) Sophie Cheshire. If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, feel free to do so under the following conditions. a) You email me first and let me know where it will be appearing and b) you do not alter the content in anyway (if you need to change the formatting slightly for display purposes that's OK). This guide may NOT be used as part of a restricted Pay-to-Enter website or in print unless you are prepared to pay me for its inclusion. If I find out that any part of this FAQ has been lifted and used without credit to me, especially if you use it to earn money, then I will be annoyed. I didn't type all this up for the good of my health you know. ======================================================================== ********************************* CONTENTS ***************************** ======================================================================== 1) INTRODUCTION/REVISION HISTORY 2) GETTING YOUR REIGN OF TERROR STARTED a) Installation and Patch versions b) The Controls c) The Mentor 3) THE BASICS OF BEING EVIL... a) Excavation and Building b) Cash, Mana, (Marvellous) c) Using the Hand of Evil d) First Person Mode e) Combat 4) BUILD A BETTER DUNGEON a) Room List b) Planning Dungeon Layouts c) Room configurations for Elite Creatures (ver 1.61 - 1.7) 5) THE UNGRATEFUL DENIZENS a) Creature List b) Creature Comparison table 6) THE WEEDY FORCES OF GOOD a) Hero (pah!) List b) Hero Comparison Table 7) MAGIC and MANA a) Researching Spells and Accumulating Mana b) Spell List c) Magic Items 8) PRACTICAL DUNGEON SECURITY a) Doors b) Traps 9) CAMPAIGN MODE WALKTHROUGH a) Warcry b) Enchantments c) Greed d) Snipers e) Fear f) Besieged g) Rout h) Caverns i) Aftermath j) Ambush k) Smashing l) Carnage m) Scavenge n) Conversion o) Reap p) Storm q) Crusade r) Creep s) Angelic t) Brotherhood u) Interception v) Regicide 10) SECRET LEVELS a) Golf b) Duckshoot c) Maze d) Bowling 11) MY PET DUNGEONS a) Liberty b) Discovery c) Bottleneck d) Recruits e) Furnace f) Masterpiece g) Torment 11) PATCH HISTORY a) Ver 1.51 b) Ver 1.61 c) Ver 1.70 ========================================================================= *************************** 1) INTRODUCTION ***************************** ========================================================================= INTRODUCTION - Well I am doing it and no one can stop me, ahahahah!!! Yes Dungeon Keeper 2 is one of my favourite games of all time and I have decided to write the definitive FAQ. Within this document you will find pretty much all the information you will need to play the game and play it well. I have included the list of controls and guide to the interface for those who may have lost manuals and also a guide at the end to the various patches available for the game. The rest is my guide to the various rooms and creatures, building strategy and a walkthrough of the main single player campaign mode. Dungeon Keeper 2 is the sequel to the original Dungeon Keeper game that was created by the same people who brought us such strategy classics as Theme Park and Populous. Although Dungeon Keeper was a great game in it's own right, it was criticised by some for lacking focus. Missions were simply a case of building a big dungeon and overpowering the enemy. Dungeon Keeper 2 is everything you could ask for in an update, adding a coherent and challenging Mission based campaign mode as well as large "Pet Dungeons" to play around in. With its array of great characters, wicked sense of humour and extreme flexibility, it really is the best strategy game ever made! This guide was written using both the original unpatched version of the game and also the patched version 1.7. Anyone with any version of the game shouldn't have difficulty following this; any new items are labelled as such to avoid confusion. So please enjoy this FAQ and this fabulous game! ****************************************************************************** REVISIONS - (24/01/2004). I sweated blood over this! The ultimate Dungeon Keeper 2 guide and I am damn proud of it. There are a few little extras I plan to add, but this is as it stands everything you need to know to play the game and more. Just to keep in with the humour of the game, I've written it in the style of the in-game mentor. I think it works! ========================================================================= *************** 2) GETTING YOUR REIGN OF TERROR STARTED ***************** ========================================================================= Welcome Keeper, we have heard great things about you and are eager to see how you will measure up to the challenge of enforcing the rule of evil. But before we begin you must face perhaps your greatest challenge, getting the game to run on your PC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) INSTALLATION and PATCHES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only the Dark Lord himself could have come up with such infernal architecture as exists within the modern Personal Computer. You may find yourself with a computer that far outstrips the requirements and yet.. refuses to run the game stably. Ah well, the devil works in mysterious ways. To run the game effectively your computer requires the following minimum specifications. Windows 95 or 98 Pentium 166 MHz (or equivalent) 32MB free system RAM 285MB Hard Drive Space 4 x CD ROM 2MB Video Card It is recommended for efficient running that you actually have the following or better. Pentium II - 266 MHz (or equivalent) 64MB free hardware system RAM 660 hard drive space 8 x CD ROM Drive Supported 16MB 3D Accelerator Once the game is installed, graphics and sound options can be toggled in-game. However before you begin, it is a good idea to install any patches you want to the game first. Why? Well because installing the patches at a later date can sometimes affect your save game data. It is recommended that you periodically back-up your save game directory as this can sometimes be affected if you have to Uninstall then Re-Install the game for any reason. There are several patches available for the game with the final one being Patch 1.7. If you check your version of the game CD you may find the patches included with some of the budget re-release versions (for example one EA compilation version has patch 1.51 included). It is recommended that you install patch 1.7 if you can get it, this can be downloaded off the ea-Europe site. This contains all the tweaks and additions added in prior patches and also offers the following major changes: - New character, the Maiden of the Nest - Improved Elite Creatures - New traps and levels - Better support for 3D accelerated graphics Download from: http://dk2.ea-europe.com/ A full patch history is included at the end of this guide. The main things you must bear in mind is that to successfully install patch 1.7 after you have begun a game, you should uninstall then reinstall the game. If you have save data that uses an older patch version then it is likely that your save data will become unusable, so it is better to install the patch before you begin a game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) THE CONTROLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Keeper you have the game up and running, but now you face another problem. You have no manual. Maybe you lost it, maybe you purchased the game second-hand and it was not present, perhaps you have the budget version and cannot get hold of Adobe Acrobat to read the manual off the CD (which you probably lost anyway). I am sure that evil though you are you didn't download this game using a P2P file-sharing service... Whatever the reason, here is the full list of controls. GOD (!) MODE Scroll Up - Arrow Key UP Scroll Down - Arrow Key DOWN Scroll Left - Arrow Key LEFT Scroll Right - Arrow Key RIGHT Zoom In - HOME or CTRL+ Arrow Key UP Zoom Out - END or CTRL+ Arrow Key DOWN Speed Scroll - Key and SHIFT Rotate View Left - DELETE or CTRL+ Arrow Key LEFT Rotate View Right - PG DN or CTRL+ Arrow Key RIGHT Pause + Options - ESC Take Screen Shot - PRINT SCREEN Pick up Objects (Not creatures) - PAGE UP Send Multiplayer messages - TAB Increase Ambient Light = Decrease Ambient Light - Camera Isometric - F1 Camera Top Down - F2 Camera Oblique - F3 User Camera 1 - F4 User Camera 2 - F5 User Camera 3 - F6 Ally Window - A Zoom to next fight - F Toggle GUI - G Zoom To Dungeon Heart - H Toggle Player Information - I Map - M Zoom To Portal - P Camera Mouse Rotate - X + MOUSE LEFT/ RIGHT Camera Mouse Zoom - Z + MOUSE UP/ DOWN Increase Gamma - SHIFT + . Decrease Gamma - SHIFT + , Roll Right (Free Camera / Set User Camera) - CTRL + DELETE Pitch Down (Free Camera / Set User Camera) - CTRL + END Pitch Up (Free Camera / Set User Camera) - CTRL + HOME Roll Left (Free Camera / Set User Camera) - CTRL + INSERT Yaw Right (Free Camera / Set User Camera) - CTRL + PG DN Yaw Left (Free Camera / Set User Camera) - CTRL + PG UP Pick High Level Creature - CTRL + . + Click on Creature portrait Pick Low Level Creature - CTRL + , + Click on Creature portrait Quick Load - CTRL + L Restart Level - CTRL + R Quick Save - CTRL + S POSSESSED (1ST PERSON MODE) TOGGLE SNIPER MODE - Insert Pick Lock/ Disarm/ Jailbreak - NUM 0 Fire - SPACE Creep - CTRL Run - SHIFT Possessed Melee Select - 1 Possessed Spell Select 1 - 2 Possessed Spell Select 2 - 3 Possessed Spell Select 3 - 4 Possessed Primary Ability - 5 Possessed Secondary Ability - 6 Possessed Group Select - 7 Remove From Group - CTRL + G In Possessed mode you actually need to hold down the relevant key then left click the mouse to make your selection in some cases. For example, making up a group of possessed creatures, you must hold down 7 to get a highlight on the creature you wish to add then left click to get it to follow you. The screen layout seems complex, but soon becomes easy to understand. Across the top of the screen you will find your Dungeon Heart health icon, your current Mana reserves, the $ payday metre, your stored gold and a scrolling information panel. In the bottom right left corner is the map of the dungeon, as you excavate more lands it turns red. Lava is marked in dark red, unclaimed and enemy land as grey. Rival Keepers territory is blue/green/purple/yellow. Portals are a flashing dot and the various circles marked on the map are the radius of influence from certain rooms. You can click on the map to move quickly to another area. Around the map are four icons: ? is the query icon, $ allows you to select areas of rooms to sell off, the PC icon takes you to the Option Menu and the Magnifying Glass zooms in and out of your dungeon. Next to this are your room, spell and creature management panels. The Imps panel stays permanently displayed. From top to bottom it shows, total number of imps, number of imps idle, number of imps busy, number of imps fighting. Left click on the imps panel to pick up imps quickly. The creature symbol allows you to view the creature panel. This shows how many and what type of creatures you have in your dungeon. Left click on them to quickly pick them up, right click to just move the dungeon view to where they are. Click on the Jobs icon to quickly see who is engaged in what activities. Click the Fighting Panel to see who is engaged in combat or guarding the Dungeon. Click on moods to quickly find out who is unhappy and restore their good mood. The Rooms Panel gives you the rooms currently available to build. Select the room then drag out the blueprint in an excavated and claimed area of land. If the frame turns red, it means it costs to much to build right now, so go get more gold! The Workshop Panel gives you the current selection of Doors and Traps you can build. Once you have selected an item and dropped to blueprint onto the dungeon, you need to get workers into the workshop to build them. Once the panel is closed you can track the building of items as a sort of clock hand moves around the Workshop icon, to find out which item, open the workshop panel and see which has the clockhand moving around it. Spells, like the Workshop icon this can be used to monitor the progress of spell research and upgrades. Here you also select spells to cast as long s you have the Mana available to do so. Next to these panel icons and above the panel they open is the message panel. Here information and alerts from your Mentor will appear in written form. Right click to get rid of them quickly. If you are attacked by an enemy then a battle icon will appear at the far right of the bottom area. Right click on it to quickly zoom to the battle. Finally in Campaign Mode only there is the HORNY icon. Horny is the demon who appears to collect Portal Gems at the end of each campaign level. If you find a bonus level then at the end of the current level a quarter of the Horny Talisman will fill in. Finding a piece gives you the ability to summon Horny in the next realm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) THE MENTOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you play the game Keeper, the stentorian tones of the Mentor will guide you on your way. He is my brother and is just as keen as I to see you succeed in your endeavours. As your dungeons become bigger and more complex he will be most helpful in alerting you to any problems that occur. He will notify you if a creature has become angry or unhappy. He will tell you if you require bigger rooms, he will let you know when spells have been researched and when items have been finished in the workshop. He will let you know if you are under attack, or if your creatures are rebelling. Although these notifications also appear on the message panels, its saves valuable time hearing them from him rather than clicking on the panels. Sometimes you need to use your judgement as to how you follow his advice. He may tell you a room is too small, but if you have multiple rooms of that type, you can ignore his advice. Just make sure access to the rooms is easy. If he tells you a creature is unhappy because it hasn't been paid, check the payday timer at the top. If it is past halfway you can leave the creature alone, it will be paid soon. If payday is just gone and creatures are still unhappy, check the locations of your treasuries, in larger dungeons your imps maybe dumping gold in far-flung treasuries while the ones near your main areas are empty. Listening to your Mentor is a useful way of finding these things out. (And sometimes he likes to have a little joke with you to. He'll even suggest you get some sleep if you play too late into the night and if you pause the game for a while, prepare for sarcasm!) It is of course up to you what actions you take, but ignoring his advice and warnings can result in problems as you become overwhelmed with demands, fights and forget to check on things like training, spell research and workshop activity. Your Mentor is an important part of your micro-management, not just a tutorial function! ========================================================================= ******************* 3) THE BASICS OF BEING EVIL ************************* ========================================================================= Now Keeper, its time to familiarise yourself with the basics of the game. The first Campaign Mode levels introduce rooms, creatures and spells to you slowly and your mentor will give you pointers on control and combat. If you combine this with playing around in My Pet Dungeon Mode as you progress through campaign mode, you can experiment with different styled maps and practise combat in a safe environment, as it becomes progressively harder in Campaign Mode. This is just a basic overview, more detailed information of the various Creatures, Hero's, Security, Gold, Mana and Rooms are found in the in-depth sections. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) EXCAVATION AND BUILDING -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You begin most dungeons with just your dungeon heart and four Imps. Imps are your magical servants, they need no food, or rest. But they do require Mana to keep them going. Imps excavate rock, reinforce walls and most importantly claim land for you. Once a tile of land is claimed as yours, you can build on it and it will also generate 1 point of mana for your mana reserves every turn. Your Dungeon Heart is your most important area. It acts as a treasury, storing a maximum of 16,000 Gold and if it is destroyed, then that is the end of your dungeon. You should make your dungeon heart well fortified with doors and traps. Using the Hand of Evil you can select areas to excavate. If rock has a gold or gem seam imps will prioritise the collection of that over anything else. You should start by excavating fairly small room shapes connected by tunnels ready to start laying down your network of rooms. No creatures will appear until you claim a Portal, these are often buried in nearby rock, but you can tell where they are usually by a black square shadow marked in the rock. If you wish to spend sometime storing gold and building rooms wait and do so before you break into that area and claim the portal. Once the first portal is claimed it will support a maximum of 15 creatures, further portals will allow another five each. So if you have three portals you can have 25 creatures through. If one dies, another creature will come to replace it, but will never rise above 25. This obviously excludes skeletons, vampires and captured Heroes, who do not arrive via a Portal. You should also watch for Hero Portals, if you are in campaign mode these are used for attacks against you. When you excavate you will find various kinds of terrain to cope with. - Soft Rock, easily dug through by your imps - Bedrock, thick rock you cannot dig through and nor can enemies, use it to make natural borders to your dungeon. - Gold Seam, shiny gold running through the rock. Your imps will collect the gold and run back to put it in the treasury. - Gem Seam, usually just once square marked with multicoloured blobs. These can be mined infinitely for cash. However, your imps prioritise the collection of wealth over everything except defending the dungeon heart. If your imps aren't doing their other jobs, make sure you deselect the gem seam for a while! - Water, will slow your creatures down a bit, but only vampires cannot cross it. Build wooden bridges across it to make traversing easier. - Lava, only passable by Salamanders and Giants. Use Stone Bridges to cross permanently or wooden bridges for a quick crossing (they burn up). - Enemy Territory, usually marked in grey. Disarm any traps nearby so the Imps can claim the land safely for you. Each map will present a different dungeon building approach but a general rule is you should keep lairs fairly small and spread out across the dungeon so creatures can bed down near where they want to work. Place plenty of hatcheries about the places so they don't get unhappy and have to walk too far for food. The same with treasuries, if your dungeon is going to sprawl, make sure you keep the central treasuries well stocked to prevent creatures not being able to get their wages. If the level is not a timed one and Gold isn't to tight to mention, always add a casino to keep them very happy. Also try and keep your rooms enclosed within rock walls with doorways, rather than on open ground. Install doors in the doorways as soon as you can, even a lowly wooden door increases your creature's sense of security and makes them happier. Don't be too eager to excavate and claim territory over and above building rooms. You may runs into a Hero Gate and find yourself dreadfully unprepared. Create more Imps right from the start. Add at least one more straightaway and another five when you have the mana. Keep them out of danger and they will level up and become mega-efficient. If you are nearing the end of the level and don't need as many imps anymore drop them into the dungeon heart to reclaim half their original mana cost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) CASH, MANA (MARVELLOUS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaking of mana, Keeper, Let me now tell you about this and the other thing you need to keep your dungeon running well. Gold. Mana is your source of power for all magical things. In the top left corner of the screen is your current Mana levels (number in blue). Each square of land you claim will generate 1 Mana point per turn. If you claim a Mana Vault (looks like green smoking tiles), these will add 100 Mana each turn. If you have built a Temple, you can get your creatures to pray there to add more mana. Casting spells and maintaining Imps drain mana. Some powerful spells can take off 50,000 mana, and as you can only store 200,000 maximum its pays not to get too trigger-happy with spells. If you decided you don't need as many imps anymore, drop any superfluous ones into the Dungeon Heart. You'll save mana by not having to keep them alive and also get a mana boost of half the Imps mana cost. Gold can be acquired through mining the finite seams of yellow or the permanent Gem seams. You can hold as much gold as you have treasury space to keep it in. If you run out of space the gold will be left lying there, you can collect it later when you have space though, it won't disappear. As you get creatures into your dungeon, they will need paying. The payday timer is located at the top of the screen and the gold moving round its rim is the countdown to the next payment date. The amount that you will lose will flash briefly in blue, make sure it doesn't take you into the red, or your creatures will get angry. It also costs money to train creatures in the Training Room, but you really can't get around that. Casino's can be used to recycle your gold through, if you "rig" the casino, you will make money back off your creatures, but they won't be as happy. If a creature wins the casino Jackpot but is unable to collect, they will also get mad. If money is running low, collect up all your Imps and drop them in a treasury, they may have gold they haven't deposited yet. As an emergency measure you can sacrifice Mana to make gold with the handy "Create Gold" spell, or sell off rooms using the $ option in the bottom left of the screen near the aerial map. If you become bankrupted, your creatures will leave your dungeon rather quickly; so effective cash management is vital, not every level has an infinite Gem seam to mine in it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) USING THE HAND OF EVIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hand of evil is YOUR hand Keeper. This is you way of keeping control of your dungeon and its minions. As well as acting like a normal mouse pointer, it has several modes and actions that can be discerned visually: - If the hand is not engaged in anything, it will be open and will restlessly move its fingers. - If you pass it over something and left click it will pick that creature or gold up. If it has a creature you will see it dangling from your finger. You can pick up more than one at a time. If it holds gold, it will cup itself. Left click to drop the gold/creature again. - If you pass the hand over a creature you can right click to slap them. - If a pickaxe appears in the hand this is an area you can tag blue for your imps to excavate. - If you have selected something from the control panel, like a spell, or room, or trap etc the finger will point. Drag and/or drop then left click to activate or right click to deselect. The action icon appears by the hand, if there is a red line through it, the action cannot be performed in that place. With the hand you interact with your creatures in two ways. Picking them up is useful for quickly moving them to Lairs, Hatcheries and Treasuries if they are moaning about lack or sleep/food/cash. You can also drop them into an area to do work, e.g. Research in the Library or Training in the Training Room (there is no guarantee they will always do it then though!). You can also drop creatures near to enemies, but be warned, there is a "stun" effect when they land and they make take damage if dropped too close to a foe. You can also use the hand to pick up imprisoned enemies and drop them in the torture devices or in the combat pit. Slapping is the other way to interact with them. This is best reserved for your imps, as your other denizens may get angry from your abuse and leave. Imps however will squeak and work harder with the odd slap. The exception is the Dark Mistress; she positively loves a damn good "right clicking". Be careful as well with your imps, too much sadistic slapping may kill them. Take it out on a chicken instead; they explode in a bloody mess of feathers when slapped (mwahahaha). Creatures normally work at 80% efficiency. Slapping (once) will add 10% to that as will dropping the creature where you wish it to be working. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- d) FIRST PERSON MODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once your Warlocks have researched the Possession Spell you can cast this upon a creature to see through their eyes. Using the mouse to look around and the cursor keys to move about you can stroll through your dungeon and admire your handiwork close up. It also has a more important function, possessing certain creatures can be tactically useful, some have special abilities you can use while in control of them. Dark Elves have the ability to snipe enemies from long distances; you can use this to quickly take out enemies from far away. A Rogue can cloak himself and you can use him to infiltrate enemy dungeons, he can then pick the locks of enemy prisons and release any captured creatures inside. You can also use the Rogue to scout out land unseen and you can use the Troll to spot and disarm those invisible enemy traps. Possessing a Vampire gives you access to a wider range of spells to cast, even possessing a Dark Mistress while you interrogate a prisoner will make them capitulate faster. While in Possession Mode you can also group together a gang of creatures and lead them into battle. This is useful if you have only low-level creatures at your disposal. Under your direct command they become much braver and will not flee battle. Battle can become chaotic though, and takes some getting used to. It is recommended that you spend time practising with Possession Mode in My Pet Dungeon; this will make life much easier for you when it comes time to use it in your evil Campaign! Possessing is a great way of getting the most out of your dungeon. If you are in a quiet period, it's nice to wander around watching your creatures having fun in the Casino or cheering on a fight in the combat pit. They may be disgusting hell-spawn, but Keeper, they are YOUR disgusting hell-spawn. Be proud of them! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- e) COMBAT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat can be a pretty chaotic affair. As you have no direct control over your forces (unless you have someone under possession) you need to put some planning into how you approach your fights. Each creature has a different fighting type and functions better or worse in certain situations. You also cannot expect creatures to fight against overwhelming odds; most of them (except for the Dark Mistress and skeleton) will flee if they are outnumbered. The four types are: - BLITZER. These are your shock troops, these are the ones who charge the enemy and fight quickly and viciously. Dark Angels and Dark Mistresses fall into this category as do the mindless skeletons and the tough Vampires. - BLOCKER. These are creatures that provide the next line of attack if enemies get through the Blitzers and also provide a wall of defence. These include the slow but strong Bile Demons and Trolls, and the powerful Dark Knights. - FLANKERS. These are weaker creatures that function better in groups. They will attack from the sides supporting the Blitzers, and overwhelming the enemy through their numbers. Goblins and Salamanders fall into this category. - SUPPORT. These are the physically weak creatures that should be kept out of close combat. They specialise in distance attacks, Warlocks with their spells and Dark Elves with their arrows make the best support. The Rogue and the Firefly are categorised as Flankers but really should be kept out of combat. Their specialities lie elsewhere. So when planning combat first make sure your creatures have trained and levelled up as much as you can afford or have time to do. Try and send as many in as you can, force of numbers gives your creatures more confidence and more fearful creatures such as Goblins will be less likely to flee when the Lord of the Land appears. Use common sense and don't drop a load of Warlocks on the front line and then be surprised when they are hacked to pieces. Pay attention to training, when you can access a combat pit, do use it, as many creatures effectiveness rises dramatically with the jump to level 5. For example the Dark Mistress will acquire more spells making her even more awesome! Use your spells to support your creatures, Lightning Bolt is weak but can drop armoured foes to the ground allowing your weaker Flankers to pile in and attack them. Healing also helps tip the scales in your favour, but don't get to click happy, it can drain your mana reserves quickly. You can see how injured a creature is by the petals left on their mood/health flower, if they get knocked down to two petals, heal them NOW! Once they are at one petal they will be incapacitated and if an Imp doesn't take them away to rest up, they will die. So then most importantly make sure you drop Imps into the combat field regularly, they will rush in and drag any injured foes into the Prison, and also will take away the fallen bodies of your creatures, if they get them back to their lair quickly enough, it will recover to fight another day. Creatures level up to four maximum in the Training room, then they can go up to level eight in the Combat Pit. They can only attain level nine and ten via level up items and combat with enemies. To check up on their progress zoom in so you can see a "clock-hand" moving round their health flower. This shows you how much further they have to go until they attain the next level. Once a creature is level eight it will not fight anymore in the Combat Pit nor will others attack it. Spells like Call to Arms allow you to quickly muster your forces in one place, and if you have fortified your dungeon with traps these can provide extra support. Once again Keeper, it is recommended to experiment in My Pet Dungeon Mode, here you can trigger Hero invasions whenever you wish and plan tactics around a variety of terrain and situations. With practice and some thought you can build a truly terrifying combat force out of even the lowliest collection of Goblins, Skeletons and Warlocks, the Lord of the land will stand no chance when Dark Knights and Mistresses start flocking to your cause! ========================================================================= *********************** 4) BUILD A BETTER DUNGEON *********************** ========================================================================= Now Keeper, we have quickly covered the basics of the game, now it is time to go into depth. First we shall look at the various rooms you can build and how to get the best from each of them, including in the final section the layouts you must follow to attract the Elite Creatures to your dungeon (for those of you with versions 1.61 and 1.7). In this and following sections I have listed for your convenience a shortened three-letter code for each room, which is then used in the layout grids. Onward! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) ROOM LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) DUNGEON HEART Your Dungeon Heart is the lynchpin of every nefarious kingdom you construct. It's health is depicted by the small heart icon at the top of the screen, if it should come under attack its health will drop until it is destroyed, which means you have failed the level. So you must keep it well protected, even your Imps will battle to protect your Dungeon Heart sacrificing themselves to keep it safe, ah such loyalty Keeper, it makes your rotten heart glow... Your Dungeon Heart also acts a treasury and will store up to 16,000 Gold Pieces. It also gives your surrounding creatures a boost in confidence, the threat factor of attacking enemies will be reduced once they enter your Dungeon Hearts sphere of influence that is marked on the map by a circle radiating outwards. If you need a quick Mana boost you can also pick up and drop Imps back inside and you'll get half their original Mana cost back. As soon as you can do so, fortify your Heart with heavy doors and traps, it is recommended you DON'T excavate out the walls around it, but leave access via doorways only so you can defend it more effectively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) LAIR (Code: LAI) Cost: 300 per tile Attracts: Firefly Goblin (minimum 5 tiles) Bile Demon (minimum 9 tiles) Minimum recommended size: 1x1 Tile Every creature that wanders into your Dungeon and into your service needs a place to sleep, a place where they can call home... ahhh. Creatures only require one tile to make a lair upon, although to make keeping track of your creatures easier it is better to build larger lairs and group them together. Because Lairs can be any size it is better to place them in strips next to other rooms rather than excavate specific squares. For example when you build a library a strip down one side of three - four lairs can provide a nice resting place for your Warlocks close to their preferred workplace. Or you can build small Lair and hatchery rooms just "off" a larger room if you wish to maximise wall space; e.g. LIB LIB LIB LIB LAI LAI LAI LAI LIB LIB LIB LIB HTY HTY HTY LAI LIB LIB LIB LIB DOR HTY HTY HTY LAI LIB LIB LIB LIB HTY HTY HTY LAI Keeping Lairs close to Hatcheries is generally recommended, as creatures often want to sleep after they have eaten. Creatures will tend to head for the Lair closest to the Portal the arrive in, so if you wish to have certain creatures bed down in certain places, grab them and drop them onto the Lair tile and they will happily make a new home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) HATCHERY (Code: HTY) Cost: 300 per tile Attracts: Bile Demon (minimum 3x3 tiles) Min recommended size: 3x3 tiles Hatcheries can be as small as one tile and will still generate chickens for your hungry minions to eat, but it is recommended you make them at least 3x3 tiles. This will make a coop appear in the middle and chickens will be replenished much faster. You should make hatcheries small, but plentiful if your dungeon starts to grow to a large size. You will find getting hungry and not being able to get to a hatchery fast enough is a sure way to put a creature in a bad mood. You can also use chickens to heal dungeon denizens either before you get the Heal Spell or to save on Mana. Drop an injured creature in the Hatchery and it will eat and recover some health before retiring to its Lair to lick its wounds and recover fully. You can also use chickens to keep your captured enemies alive in Prison and in the Torture Chamber. Simply left-click to pick up as many chickens as you wish and then hold them over the pathetic Hero in question, right click to keep dropping them down and they will hungrily eat them until they crack. (There is also the mystery of the coop, if you possess a creature and wander into a Hatchery with a Coop, watch it closely. It will begin to rock from side to side, then feathers will fly, then a door will open and an egg will be fired out of it... but what is inside? It is a mystery O Keeper!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) TREASURY (Code: TRE) Cost: 200 per tile Attracts: Nothing Min recommended size: 1x1 tile Now your creatures have a place to rest and food to eat, but they also need paying, and you need moolah to build more rooms and defences. There are all those lovely seams of gold to be mined, so you need to build a treasury to store it in. It tends to be a good idea to keep Treasuries easy to access and in the middle of large groups of rooms. Multiple doorways are recommended. Basically your creatures hate to be kept waiting when they have to get their pay, it may seem insecure, but it is better than having your minions become angry due to lack of cash. Because Imps prioritise the collection of money above everything except protecting the Dungeon Heart it's a good idea not to make your treasuries too far out of the way, as they will waste a lot of time then running back and forth to store gold. A good idea is to make one fairly large treasury near to your Dungeon heart, and then if your Dungeon begins to extend a long way, add smaller, outlying treasuries to make sure your more far-flung creatures can reach payment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) TRAINING ROOM (Code: TRR) Cost: 500 per tile Attracts: Salamander Min recommended size: 3x 3 tiles So we now have cash, food and rest covered. Time to stop pampering those fiends and get them working, right Keeper?! So we need to train them, and for this we require, a Training Room. To maximise the efficiency of your Training Room, ensure it has walls. For every three tiles of wall-space you have, you will add another training target, thus increasing the amount of creatures that can train at once. Creatures can train up to a maximum of level 4 in the Training Room, after that they can only gain levels in actual combat, via battles or the Combat Pit. It costs 20 Gold per turn to train a creature up, but it is recommended you do so as much as you can afford. Level 4 creatures make far more formidable combatants than Level 1 ones. Some creatures will train themselves happily without you having to give them friendly encouragement (like dropping them in and locking the door!). Salamanders and Dark Knights will train themselves up without being coerced. Other creatures will concentrate on priorities first, for example, Warlocks prefer to be researching spells, Dark Mistresses prefer to be interrogating prisoners, Trolls prefer to be toiling in the Workshop and Rogues prefer to be off exploring or gambling. However a bit of slapping and dropping in the room should get it through to them that you require them to level up, NOW! But use your sense, the more Warlocks you have researching, the faster you get your spells. If you have traps and doors under construction, then you really should leave the Trolls working at that. Interrogations and conversion don't require a Dark Mistress, but they happen a lot faster with her "personal" touch, and do you really want your Rogue in battle? He may be better left scouting new territory. So you see Keeper, you need trained minions, but plan access wisely. Let the Salamanders, Dark Elves, Goblins and Skeletons train up first, then when they are done, it should be time to let some Warlocks, Bile Demons and Mistresses loose in there. Once everyone has reached level 4 and if you have no plans to extend your forces with new skeletons or captured Heroes, then sell the Training Room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) LIBRARY (Code: LIB) Cost: 600 per tile Attracts: Warlock Min recommended size: 3x3 tiles Your magic spells need to be researched Keeper and a Library is vital to the operation of your Dungeon. It will quickly attract the Warlock into your realm and his preference is for research so you will not need to coerce him into it. Like the Training Room, it is best if you can have the room surrounded by walls. Wallspace generates more shelves and you can store more researched spells in there. A nice size for a Library is 4x5 tile. This is pretty big but the more Warlocks you can cram in researching, the faster you get your spells! Its best to keep your Library to the back of your Dungeon, this is because any magical items discovered by your Imps will be stored there and you don't want enemies capturing those. Warlocks will most likely be your primary researchers. If you can capture an enemy wizard early on you can add him, but give him a small library of his own as he and the Warlocks will hate working together. Dark Angels, Vampires and The Maiden also like to research and are the best at it, but you will probably have done all your spell research by the time they deign to enter your Dungeon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) WORKSHOP (Code: WOR) Cost: 600 per tile Attracts: Troll Bile Demon (minimum 3x3 tiles) Min recommended size: 5x5 tiles As your Dungeons expand, they will need protection. For this a Workshop will be yours to create Traps and Doors in. A Workshop should be at least 4x5 or 5x5 and again it should be walled to increase worker capacity and storage space. Once a workshop is available the Workshop Icon appears on the panel. Click on it to open up the range of items you can build. Bile Demons and Trolls are your best manufacturers. Both will happily work away creating traps and doors, other creatures like Goblins can be induced to help out, but it's best to leave the Trolls as your major workers, giving the Bile Demons time off to train up for battle. Building and running and effective Workshop is a complex business and is covered in more depth in the section on Dungeon Design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) GUARD ROOM (Code: GAR) Cost: 600 per tile Attracts: Dark Elf Min recommended size: 1x1 tile An important room in some dungeons and not in others. If your dungeon has sprawled along way out from its centre it's a good idea to put a Guard Room or two along the further reaches. Each tile supports one guard, so create it as big or as small as you need. A 3x3 guardroom is good idea and it has a decent sphere of "alertness", this is a ring of influence that if enemies stumble into will raise an alarm and bring nearby guards running. A nice way to set up a Guard Room is to place a few lairs and a Hatchery next to it and even a few treasury tiles with cash on them. This way your Guards can stay focused on patrolling and won't need to go all the way back to the central dungeon area. If you add doors, you can use this to lock down creatures until they are ready for battle then use possession to lead them on a raid into enemy territory. If you are playing My Pet Dungeon then this room becomes less important, but experiment with building them and seeing how the Guards react to invasions. Any creature can be dropped on a Guard Room and most will then perform Guard duties. Dark Elves perform this as their preferred duty. Salamanders can also be useful guards once they are done in the Training Room and you have no Combat Pit to level them up further. Skeletons also make good guards as they don't require food, sleep or pay. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) PRISON (Code: PRI) Cost: 750 per tile Attracts: Skeletons Min recommended size: 5x5 tiles Well Keeper, your minions are fed, rested, paid and have work to occupy themselves. But sometimes those sickeningly righteous forces of good want to spoil your smooth running of things. Once you have smited them, you need to give them your best accommodation. So what better than a dank prison full of rats and bones? You may not require such a big prison as a 5x5 one, a 5x4 one is often big enough. Once an enemy has had its health reduced to one petal on its health metre your imps will drag it away and place it in the dungeon. What happens next depends on what you want out of the following. Do you want more skeletons? Then let them die quickly and they will rise again as Skeleton fighters on your side. Do you have a Graveyard and need a Vampire? Take them straight to the Torture Room and quickly have them tortured to death, then the imps will dump them in the graveyard and mulch them down for Vampire fodder. Finally if you wish to convert them to your side, heal them first in prison either with a spell or a chicken, then take them to the torture room until their puny will breaks. If you want to prevent Imps putting prisoners in a particular prison, click on the door bar to lock it down. This makes no difference to the security of the prison, it's just to keep Imps out if you want them to take enemies to another prison, or let them die and become Graveyard fodder. You can manually drop more creatures in the prison until it reaches over capacity, but you may suffer a jailbreak, so it's not recommended. When a creature dies and rises as a skeleton you may have to remove it manually if you are playing the original unpatched version of the game. Later patches improved the skeletons ability to walk out of the prison, with 1.7 they will leave straight away. They need no lairs either, just keep them away from Bile Demons! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) TORTURE CHAMBER (Code: TOR) Cost: 1500 Attracts: Dark Mistress Min recommended size: 3x3 tiles If you don't leave your enemies to rot in prison then you can leave them in the loving clawed hands of the Dark Mistress. It is here you can either torture enemies to death to gain map information and corpses for the graveyard or you can convert enemies to join your dark cause. When you build a torture chamber maximize its capacity by keeping it walled. This will give you extra torture devices on the walls. You'll get an electric chair and some wall wheels in a small chamber, make it larger and a horizontal wheel is added as well. To begin torture pick up the unfortunate from the prison and make sure the torture device is highlighted when you drop him down. If they miss they will be free to start attacking again and your creatures will swiftly crush him and send him back to prison. Now once they are in a device, they will wail and scream. Place a Mistress nearby to speed the process up. If your Mistresses "client" is weak and unhealed they will die quickly and reveal map information. If you have a graveyard the Imps will take their pathetic corpses away to rot down for Vampire life force. If you want an enemy to join your side, then heal them either before you place them in the chamber or as soon as they are strapped down. Keep an eye on their health and if it drops to two petals heal them again with spells or chickens. The weedier the enemy the quicker it will convert. Dwarfs and Wizards break the fastest; Giants, Knights and Royal Guards take the longest. But they will break, everyone breaks... eventually. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) COMBAT PIT (Code: COM) Cost: 750 Attracts: Black Knight Min recommended size: 5x5 tiles Now its time to let your creatures get their hands and claws bloody with some one-on-one combat. This allows them to rise up to level 8. To get to levels 9 and 10 you must engage in battles with the enemy. If you keep heroes or enemy creatures alive in your prison you can use them as fodder for your minions in the pit. Drop an enemy in with one of yours and they will fight until one is knocked out. You can also pit your own creatures against each other. If you drop multiple creatures in they will only fight in pairs. As they knock out one foe they turn on the next until only one is left standing. It is a good idea to keep an eye on group fights in the pit. As creatures are knocked out they are left near dead by the side of the pit, if an Imp doesn't rush in and drag them to their lair they may die. The same goes for enemy fighters used, they need rushing off back to prison. If you are trying to level up one particular creature, keep healing them so they can keep fighting. Once they reach level 8 and above a creature will not engage in battle within the pit. Take time out to possess a nearby creature and watch the fight up close, make the Imps fetch popcorn now! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) CASINO (Code: CAS) Cost: 750 per tile Attracts: Rogue Min recommended size: 3x 3 You've been working those dungeon denizens hard Keeper. After a hard day toiling, researching, patrolling and training everyone needs to kick back for a drink and a gamble. So if your dungeon is flourishing and you have gold to spare, install a Casino. Make it a decent size as your creatures will want to use it a lot if they have no work or training left to do and they get narked if they can't get a table space. You can make the Casino generous or rigged by clicking on the payout lever in the middle of the room. Rigged Casinos can make you more money, but your creatures will be unhappier. Keep it generous if you can, happy creatures are loyal creatures. Occasionally someone will hit the jackpot, I suggest Keeper you rush over there and possess a creature to enjoy the party! If you want to retrieve some of the winnings pick up the lucky creature, take him/her somewhere private and slap it about until it drops some of the cash. Cruel, but at least no one else saw you. Only do this if you are strapped for gold though, otherwise let them enjoy their winnings, the Lord of the Land may kill them soon and they can't take it with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) GRAVEYARD (Code: GRV) Cost: 2000 per tile Attracts: Vampire Min recommended size: 3x3 tiles A pricey room and one you may not always want to have, this depends on how much use you find Vampires in your battle strategy. One 3x3 graveyard will create and support one Vampire, make it bigger and more graves will appear, creating and sustaining more of these Undead fighters. Each time an enemy dies your Imps should drag the corpse to the graveyard. The more threatening and powerful the enemy was, the more lifeforce it will generate and the faster a Vampire will rise. So a dead dwarf will contribute little, but a dead Knight or Giant will create a large amount. Once a dead body has been placed in the Graveyard it cannot be resurrected with the "Raise Dead" spell or a Special Item. It is gone for good. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) TEMPLE (Code: TEM) Cost: 3000 per tile Attracts: Dark Angel Min recommended size: 5x5 tiles A hugely expensive room, especially when you factor in that it must be at least 25 tiles in size. But once you have access to it, build one, you will attract the most awesome fighter in the game, second only to Horny in sheer naked power, the terror it causes and incredible coolness. Temples = Dark Angels and you can't skimp on construction. Making it 5x5 means a large hand will appear in the middle, here you can drop in creatures as sacrifices to your Dark Gods. Certain combinations create the following gifts back from them (sacrifices must be done in the listed order, remember when you select creatures to drop, the last you clicked on will be the first dropped, so to sacrifice the Bile Demon, Dark Elf and Mistress, pick them up in reverse order). GIFT 1st SACRIFICE 2nd SACRIFICE 3rd SACRIFICE Imp Black Knight Warlock Firefly Goblin Warlock Warlock N/A Troll Dark Elf Dark Elf N/A Warlock Troll Troll N/A Salamander Rogue Rogue N/A Dark Elf Skeleton Skeleton Firefly Bile Demon Vampire Vampire N/A Mistress Salamander Salamander N/A Skeleton Mistress Mistress N/A Rogue Bile Demon Bile Demon N/A Black Knight Guard Mistress N/A Vampire Black Knight Black Knight N/A Receive Imps Bile Demon Dark Elf Mistress Make Safe Dwarf Dwarf Mistress Increase Mana Monk Monk Monk Increase Gold Thief Thief Thief Once a Temple is built, your creatures will go and pray at it. Warlocks and converted Wizards seem especially keen to pledge their unholy piety in this way. Don't discourage them, praying quickly adds nice amounts of mana to your mana reserves and quickly gets you back up to a full tank of it.. (do you store Mana in a tank Keeper? Perhaps I am not as all knowing as I think I am). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) WOODEN BRIDGE Cost: 200 per tile This is a useful and cheap way of extending your dungeons influence. Although most of your creatures will cross water, they prefer a bridge to speed things up, so if water is featuring heavily in the level, make sure you build plenty of access ways. Also if a magical item is floating in water your Imps won't go and collect it unless you build a bridgeway to it. And although imps will mine out land and gold on islands, you need to connect them to your nearest claimed land to get them to carry on and claim the island land. If friends or foe die in the water, Imps won't collect them there either, if you can, quickly build a bride pathway under their bodies so they can be retrieved. You can also use Wooden Bridges for temporary access over lava, although they will begin to burn up. If you need to build quick emergency causeways for retrieving bodies or magic items, sell the bridges straight afterwards if you wish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) STONE BRIDGE Cost: 500 per tile More expensive that the Wooden Bridge, so it should only be used to cross Lava. You can use the Stone Bridge tactically against the enemies in Campaign Mode. If they cross a Stone Bridge you built over Lava you can quickly sell the bridge from under their feet sending them tumbling into the lava for extra damage, ho ho ho! Just beware of Rival Keepers, they will claim the Bridge first with their Imps so that tactic won't work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) PLANNING DUNGEON LAYOUTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you progress through campaign mode, rooms will be made available to you gradually. So in won't be until the final missions that you will have to worry about making space for large Temples and Combat Pits. The most important rooms of any Dungeon are the three you get quickly. The Lair, Hatchery and Treasure Room. Keeping your creatures happy means keeping them fed, rested and paid, these rooms rank above all other and dungeons should be constructed with easy access to these places. Each creature only needs one square to make a Lair upon. So unlike other rooms which require square or rectangular construction to be most effective, you can strip Lairs anywhere. It is often a good idea to place a few lairs nearby to a room where you wish creatures to work to make them happiest. For example stripping some lairs down the side of a Library and having all your Warlocks bed down there. Another nice idea is exacting a hatchery sized room, creating the hatchery and laying down some lairs and some treasury strips. With all their favourite things together you will find your creatures becoming less grumbly. The Workshop can also be designed to be more efficient. First excavate a nice sized square or rectangle of ground, make sure it has room for a 3x3 hatchery and some lairs. E.g. WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY HTY TRE WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY HTY TRE WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY HTY TRE WOR WOR WOR LAI LAI LAI LAI Now make sure it has only one doorway and create a door, then lock it. Now your any Trolls and Bile Demons you place inside can be locked in to create traps and doors at speed. With food, sleeping quarters and cash on hand, they won't get angry. Just make sure when you have finished needed traps and doors, you let them out, or they will get angry. Also you'll have to quickly unlock it to allow the Imps to get in and take the created items away. You can do something similar with Warlocks and the Library, but Warlocks are better at applying themselves to their chosen speciality and will usually research your spells quickly and without coercion. When excavating rooms, the thing you need to bear in mind is that certain rooms like the Training Room, Library, Torture Chamber and Casino will have more spaces available in them if you reinforce the walls. This allows more items to be installed in the room, useful if you can only construct small rooms. You should always try and keep you Dungeons compact. Clump your rooms around the Dungeon Heart and connect them with long passageways full of traps and doors. You will need to sprawl out in some areas. Just create Guardroom Outposts to defend your borders. To keep your far-flung guards happy, make sure you give them lairs, a hatchery and some cash in store to make them most effective. When you begin to acquire converted creatures, it's a good idea to give them as much of a "mini" dungeon as you can. If you have space, create lairs, a hatchery, a training room and keep this locked off and stocked with cash for pay-day. This minimizes contact between the fallen heroes and your evil minions and stops bad feeling arising. If space is at a premium, at the very least clump your converted troops into their own block of lairs, but don't be surprised to hear the Mentor informing you that creatures are becoming unhappy in the company of creatures they hate. The best way to practice designing Dungeons is in the My Pet Dungeon Mode. It is worth playing through to unlock all the Dungeons as they take place across a variety of terrain and you can experience building a dungeon in a larva filled level or one full of twisting seams of undiggable rock. Taking time out here to see how best to layout rooms and how best to defend against attack will reap dividends as you progress through your Campaign to unlock the Portal to Overworld. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) ROOM CONFIGURATIONS FOR ELITE CREATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are playing patched versions 1.6 or 1.7 you can attract Elite versions of each creature into your dungeon by building a specific configuration of rooms. There is only one Elite per species and if they are killed in battle they are lost for the rest of that level. They are stronger, more efficient and better in battle than their normal counterparts and some have a slightly different physical appearance. However, these creatures don't show up in Campaign mode. Whereas building the relevant room in My Pet Dungeon or Skirmish mode brings the Elite in right away, in Campaign Mode they are not available. Some Elites can be found as neutral creatures such as Knud in "Fluttershine" and Zachariah in "Regicide". But otherwise they are for My Pet Dungeon, Skirmish and Multiplayer modes only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Goblin: GRUBB 3x3 lair with 1 hatchery in each corner HTY LAI HTY LAI LAI LAI HTY LAI HTY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Firefly: BZZZT 3x3 hatchery with 1 lair in each corner LAI HTY LAI HTY HTY HTY LAI HTY LAI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Troll: KNUD 5x5 workshop with 1 lair in each corner LAI WOR WOR WOR LAI WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR LAI WOR WOR WOR LAI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Salamander: FURNACE 5x5 training room with 1 lair in each corner LAI TRR TRR TRR LAI TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR LAI TRR TRR TRR LAI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Warlock: ALMERIC 5x5 library with 1 lair in each corner LAI LIB LIB LIB LAI LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LAI LIB LIB LIB LAI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Dark Elf: ZENOBIA 3x3 guard room surrounded by 5x5 training room TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR GAR GAR GAR TRR TRR GAR GAR GAR TRR TRR GAR GAR GAR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Bile Demon: BLOZ 5x5 hatchery surrounded by 7x7 workshop. HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY WOR WOR WOR WOR WOR HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Rogue: GERVAISE 5x5 casino with 1 treasury in each corner TRE CAS CAS CAS TER CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS TRE CAS CAS CAS TER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Dark Mistress: DOMINIQUE 3x3 prison surrounded by 5x5 torture chamber TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR PRI PRI PRI TOR TOR PRI PRI PRI TOR TOR PRI PRI PRI TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Skeleton: BANE 5x5 prison with 1 treasury in each corner TRE PRI PRI PRI TRE PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI TRE PRI PRI PRI TRE (Bane seems to have some brains; he will set up a Lair and will collect wages on payday!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Black Knight: KALEB 5x5 combat pit surrounded by 7x7 training room TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR COM COM COM COM COM TRR TRR COM COM COM COM COM TRR TRR COM COM COM COM COM TRR TRR COM COM COM COM COM TRR TRR COM COM COM COM COM TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR TRR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Vampire: KESSLER VAN DOOM Two 3x3 graveyards with northeast/southwest corners overlapping, surrounded by 7x7 library LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB GRV GRV GRV LIB LIB LIB LIB GRV GRV GRV LIB LIB GRV GRV GRV GRV GRV LIB LIB GRV GRV GRV LIB LIB LIB LIB GRV GRV GRV LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Dark Angel: ZACHARIAH 5x5 Temple with a strip of 7 squares of Treasury down the East side, 7 squares of Training Room down the West side. Strip of 5 Lair on the North edge and 5 Torture Chamber on the South Edge TRE LAI LAI LAI LAI LAI TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR TRR ========================================================================= ********************* 5) THE UNGRATEFUL DENIZENS ************************ ========================================================================= Well we have talked long enough about constructing your Dungeon, time I think Keeper to find out all there is to know in detail about the various creatures we have mentioned. Here then is a list of each creature, for each one you will find information on what attracts them to your dungeon, how they fight and what they use, what skills they learn, their preferred job in your Dungeon and how to get the best from them in Possession Mode. Onward!! (Note: Special Skills are those only available when you possess that creature, they will not use them in the normal course of battle etc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) CREATURE LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) IMP Your Imp is the poor oppressed, down trodden cog that keeps the machinery of your dungeon running. They only need mana to exist and never need food, sleep or paying (now if only all creatures were like that). They level up by working rather than fighting. Level 8 and above Imps are a precious commodity as they can caste Haste on themselves and quickly teleport around your dungeon to new jobs. For that reason, keep them safe from enemy traps and ambushes, as they will fall in a few strikes from an enemy. Slap them to increase their work speed and don't be afraid to keep picking them up and dropping them into new areas to get on with territory claiming or into battle to collect injured bodies. They don't suffer from drop stun and can move at an incredible rate making it tough for enemies to hurt them if they are battling your main forces. You create more Imps with the Create Imp spell and the upgraded version of the spell creates a faster, smarter level 4 Imp. Depending on the dungeon size you'll need to create more than the four you begin with. Ten is a good number for a medium dungeon; fifteen - twenty maximum for a sprawling one if you can afford the Mana drain. Only in My Pet Dungeon Mode will you get to play with hordes above twenty-five, where mana is plentiful and enemies are not. Drop an Imp back into the Dungeon Heart if you need to downsize your workforce and you'll get a Mana boost back as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) FIREFLY Attracted by: Lair Job Class: Scout Combat Style: Flanker Likes: Scouting through the Fog of war Dislikes: Combat Hates: Nothing Firefly's are useful in some dungeons and not in others. They only ever seem to turn up one at a time, and like to spend their time cruising around exploring. How useful this is depends on the territory you are in. In some places you don't want the firefly drawing attention to you too soon, in others you may welcome the quick uncovering of territory. They aren't much use in battle, but it may be worth training them up so enemy traps don't instantly kill them. They can obviously pass over lava and water so can make useful scouts to possess for forays across difficult territory. As residents of the dungeon they don't seem to get unhappy or angry very often so you can bed them down anywhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) GOBLIN Attracted by: Lair (minimum 5 tiles) Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Flanker Likes: Training and Gambling Dislikes: Research and Manufacturing Hates: Nothing The humble goblin will be a useful fighter in your early campaigns, but later on you will want to attract the more powerful Salamanders and Trolls in their places. They are cowardly on their own, but in groups can overwhelm a knight and their great speed means they can rain blows down upon a foe with great ferocity. They tend to be easy to keep happy, as long as they have somewhere to eat and sleep nearby they won't grumble. They will train without too much fuss and once trained up like to hang about in the Casino. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) WARLOCK Attracted by: Library Job Class: Thinker Combat Style: Support Spells: Fireball, Firebomb, Heal Creature Likes: Research Dislikes: Manufacturing Hates: Converted Wizards Warlocks are a great asset early in the game. These diabolical wizards research all your spells for you, so as soon as the Library becomes available you will start attracting them to your dungeon. They are physically quite weak and will flee if outnumbered, they should be kept to the back of your fighting forces using their ranged fire spells and healing support magic. Once they have finished researching, get them in the training room to level them up. Their ability to heal in battle is very useful. They can get tetchy and unhappy if they have no work to do and have no Casino to take their mind off things. However they seem to like a few gold pieces being dropped their way if they begin to get unhappy, just make sure they always get paid on pay day, or they will mutiny. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) TROLL Attracted by: Workshop Job Class: Worker Combat Style: Blocker Special Skill: Spot and Disarm Trap Likes: Manufacturing Dislikes: Research Hates: Converted Giants Once the workshop becomes available, the Troll will arrive to join your ranks. If you are planning on having a dungeon fitted out with many traps and doors, then build a large workshop and try and attract at least three. This will greatly speed up production times. Trolls are fairly easy going, as long as they have work to do, and don't have to walk too far for food and sleep you will have no problems with them. In battle they are rather slow, but their hammer packs quite a punch. You should line them up with the Bile Demons to create a solid defensive wall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) SALAMANDER Attracted by: Training Room Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Flanker Spells: Fireball Immunity: Lava Likes: Training and Gambling, Lairs near to Lava Dislikes: Research and Manufacturing Hates: Nothing The Salamander is a useful beast right up to the end of the game. Tougher than goblins, they can walk on lava and have a ranged projectile attack. Build a training room, preferable near some lava and scatter some lairs about for the best Salamander conditions. They will happily train up to level 4 without needing prompting to do so. Once they have done so, they tend to go off and perform guard duties or even help out your Imps with mining. If you have a Casino they tend to gravitate towards that. They have no particular antipathies towards other creatures; however, they get unhappy quickly if they are not paid on time. In battle, a group of them can be quite formidable as they have good speed and can bring down tough enemies with the right back-up. Exploit their ability to traverse lava safely by using them to take out enemy gun-emplacements and traps. Once they reach about level 7 their bravery seems to shoot through the roof and I have personally witnessed one Salamander destroy most of the cannons protecting King Reginald's fortress, with just some support healing from the Keepers hand of Evil to help him out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) DARK ELF Attracted by: Guard Room Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Support Spells: Knives, Guided Bolt Special Skill: Sniper Likes: Patrolling/Guarding Dislikes: Research and Manufacturing Hates: Converted Eleven Archers and Dwarves Dark Elves are creatures that again can be of more use in some dungeons than others. If you have a large sprawling dungeon then it is useful to create guard outposts at the edges and have Dark Elves patrolling your boundaries. With their long-range bow attacks they can injure any invading force and raise the alarm before you are overwhelmed. Their sniper skills are also useful in some campaign missions when you possess them. If you are planning a small dungeon with a powerful offensive rather than defensive force, the Dark Elf may not be as much use to you. As long as you have no converted Elves or Dwarves about they are usually fine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) DARK MISTRESS Attracted by: Torture Chamber Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Blitzer Spells: Lightening, Freeze, Hailstorm Immunity: Fear Likes: Pain, Torturing "clients", more pain, Training/Combat and er.. pain Dislikes: Anything that doesn't involve pain Hates: Converted Fairies and lack of pain Aah, a vision of loveliness to liven up your fetid environs. The Dark Mistress is a woman of many skills. Once a torture chamber becomes available, she will arrive. If she has no clients to service, she and any other Mistresses will spend time enjoying the equipment themselves. The Mistress has very little fear and will charge enemies even if outnumbered. So be careful as sometimes her enthusiasm for pain may end up getting her killed. Once you have them, train them up as their formidable close combat skills are complemented by a useful array of ranged spells. Mistresses also strike fear into weaker enemy hearts and two or three make a potent attack force on any groups of lowly thieves, elves or dwarves. Mistresses hate Fairies with a passion and seem to take great delight carving them up first. Never put a converted fairy near a Mistress.. you'll quickly make her unhappy and you don't want that do you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) BILE DEMON Attracted by: Lair, Hatchery (minimum 5x5 tiles), Workshop (minimum 3x3 tiles) Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Blocker Spells: Gas Cloud, Gas Missile Special Skill: Dwarf Chucking Immunity: Poison Likes: Eating, Training, Manufacturing Dislikes: Research, being hungry Hates: Skeletons Attract one of these stinking lumps into your Dungeon and expect to hear the words "A Bile Demon has become unhappy because he has no food" a lot. The Bile Demon is the toughest creature in the game, with the ability to take more damage than even a Black Knight or Dark Angel. He is however a slow beast, but packs quite a punch with his horny clubs. They are a very valuable resource so they should be quickly bedded down by the 5x5 hatchery and Workshop you built to attract them. They work efficiently alongside Trolls manufacturing traps and doors, but are not quite as reliable as they often wander off to eat.. all the time. Make sure they spend time training up in the training room and combat pit, they are very lazy when it comes levelling up and need a bit of a slap every now and then to get them out of the Hatchery and out of bed. However, they provide an awesome defensive wall. If you are assembling a strike force, the Bile Demons should stay at the back and any enemies who break through the front will suddenly find a wall of red blubber blocking their path. At higher levels, their Gas based attacks can also cause panic and confusion amongst weaker creatures. Just keep them away from skeletons, they HATE them and will often lash out at them if nearby. He may have a face not even a mother could love, but Keeper, he will be one of your strongest and most useful fighters right up until you get the Black Knights and Dark Angels, so put up with his moaning. He is worth the trouble. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) ROGUE Attracted by: Lair, Casino (minimum 3x3 tiles) Job Class: Scout Combat Style: Flanker Spells: Make Invisible Special Skill: Cloak, Pick Lock Likes: Exploring, Gold and Gambling Dislikes: Research and Manufacturing Hates: Nothing The Rogue is an intriguing character. Like the Firefly its unlikely more than one will turn up into your dungeon at any one time. He can be very useful in some instances and less in others. His major use is his ability to cloak himself on enemy terrain (that's rival keepers rather than Hero territory). If you possess him you can explore rival dungeons with almost impunity and pick the locks of the Prisons to release any captured comrades. This can make him a hugely tactical choice and can spice up skirmish and multiplayer mode no end. In Campaign Mode he becomes less useful as his skill do not seem to work on Hero's land, but there are a few levels such as the Keeper melee at Sparklydell or Asmodeous at Woodsong that can use his talents. He is also reasonably fast and strong and if he needs to fight he will and is far superior to his counterpart the Thief. He will spend most of his time exploring the outer reaches of your realm and gambling in the Casino, he appears to have no special antipathies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) SKELETON Attracted by: Prison Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Blitzer Immunity: Fear Likes: Patrolling/Guarding Dislikes: Nothing (but unsuited to anything else but training and guarding) Hates: Nothing Skeletons have many great strengths but also great weaknesses. You create skeletons by allowing enemies to die in your dungeon. Some weaker ones like Dwarves and Thieves don't always resurrect as skeletons, but those that do provide you with a valuable soldier. Skeletons have no fear whatsoever. They are not put off by fear traps, nor by overwhelming odds. If they see a distant enemy they will charge at them screaming in delight, making them great for instigating battles and drawing out enemy forces. They are fast and reasonably strong and also cause fear en masse in weaker enemies. However, they are fragile and can't take a lot of hits. If their health flower is depleted to nothing they shatter and cannot be dragged off to a Lair to recover. They are gone for good. They cannot rest up or eat to regain health, they must be cured using the Heal Spell. They cannot be placed in the Combat Pit without great care as they will be lost if they are allowed to shatter. But, on the upside Keeper, they cost nothing to create, don't need lairs, don't need food and don't need paying! They make ideal guards as they will stick at their posts and not leave to sleep or collect wages. Just keep them away from Bile Demons, they hate skeletons and will attack them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) VAMPIRE Attracted by: Graveyard Job Class: Thinker Combat Style: Blitzer Spells: Slow, Drain, Raise Dead Special Skills: a) Turn into Bat, b) Hypnotise Enemy Weakness: Cannot go through water Likes: Research Dislikes: Manufacturing Hates: Converted Monks Creating a Vampire requires one of the more expensive rooms in the Dungeon and lots of enemy corpses to feed them with. To let an enemy turn into a corpse, either lock the Prison so your Imps cannot store people inside, or just torture enemies to death and the bodies will go "squish" and your Imps will drag them off and leave them in the Graveyard. Soon, vampires will begin to rise. Train up vampires quickly as if they are killed they will resurrect back in the graveyard minus a level. If a Vampire is at level one and dies he is gone for good. Vampires like to research and are better at it than your Warlocks. Once they have nothing to research, they will get grumpy so make sure you put a casino in for them. They are also fanatical about praying, if you have a Temple in your Dungeon your Vampires will spend most of the time praying to the Dark Gods (and generating lots of mana in the process!). Vampires are great in battle, they are very fast and though not incredibly strong have a range of useful magic including he ability to raise any dead bodies nearby up into skeletons. These skeletons only have a limited time though and if not destroyed before it runs out, collapse back into bones. Hypnotise enemy can be used in Possession mode and works like the Turncoat spell, temporarily confusing an enemy. Drain takes away enemy health and gives it to the vampire, Slow.. well slows enemies down or nullifies someone with Haste cast on them. Monks are the worst threat to a Vampire. Monks can exorcise Vampires and prevent them from resurrecting whatever level they are at. It goes without saying that any converted Monks you have will make your vampires unhappy in the extreme. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) DARK KNIGHT Attracted by: Combat Pit Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Blitzer Likes: Training, Combat Dislikes: Anything not to do with fighting Hates: Converted Knights and Royal Guards These bruisers need to be thought of as big babies. Thick, needy, petulant, but worth the hassle in the long run. These Knights have superb strength and their heavy armour gives them sizable resistance to enemy blows. However, they get bored and irritable without combat to keep them occupied so make sure they are regularly fed and always paid on time as they can rebel at the drop of a helmet. Keep them away from converted Goodly Knights or they'll start a punch-up and that means having to sling one or both in prison for a while to sort them out. Train them up to level four then drop them in the Combat Pit to get them to level 8 as soon as you can. Then make sure you have a large casino they can go and get drunk in while you finish preparations for battle. They have no special skills or magic attacks, they are pure brawler. But they can also be quite cowardly. Don't expect a couple of them to take on a large group of enemies, they'll run like girls. They work best charging forward with Mistresses and Skeletons ahead, and Bile Demons, Warlocks and Salamanders behind. Then you'll see them carve a bloody swathe to the Lord of the Land. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) THE MAIDEN Attracted by: Temple and Library Job Class: Thinker Combat Style: Blocker Spells: Web shooter Likes: Research Dislikes: Manufacturing Hates: Nothing The Maiden is only available in version 1.7 and is not in the Campaign Mode. This terrifying creature is a mixture of woman and spider and although not hugely strong, strikes incredible fear into almost all enemies. She likes to research in the Library if it hasn't all been done. Otherwise she will hang out in the Casino. She seems to have no particular antipathies. The Mentor will not announce her arrival in your Dungeon, but her distinctive sneeze and laugh will alert you to her appearance. In battle she should be back with the Bile Demons, her mid-range spells provide useful support and if people do break through your Blitzers, she will give them pause for thought with her frightening appearance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) DARK ANGEL Attracted by: Temple (minimum 5x5 tiles) Job Class: Fighter Combat Style: Blitzer Spells: Disruption, Hailstorm, Raise Skeleton Army Immunity: Fear Likes: Research, Training and Combat Dislikes: Manufacturing Hates: Converted Monks and Fairies The most powerful creature you can attract, the Dark Angel is worth the expense of building a 5x5 temple. The temple must be that big to produce a Hand. Each Hand supports two Dark Angels. If you wish to attract more, then you must build more 5x5 temples. Although they have only a medium amount of endurance, they are insanely strong and reasonably fast. They will be at the forefront of any attack party you make and their strong presence strikes fear into enemies and boost morale of your own creatures fighting alongside. Their powerful spells of Disruption, Hailstorm and raise Skeleton Army (raises 3 level 1 skeletons) add to their awesomeness even further. Once attracted to your Dungeon they settle in relatively well. Lairs near the Temple make them feel comfortable and a nice big hatchery close by is advised. They like to research in the Library and are the best researchers in the game, but if this has been done they like to train and fight in the Combat Pit, before going to the Casino for a drink and a flutter. They are also excellent to possess as a group leader, weak creatures flee from you and you can kill most with a couple of sword thrusts. If ever you needed to feel the power, getting inside one of these beings heads is the way to do it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) THE HORNED REAPER (aka Horny) Horny can be summoned early in the game in any level after one in which you found a part of the Horny talisman (which is a special box unlocking a secret level). He doesn't cost Mana to summon in that instance but has a 75 second time limit. Horny will try and take the shortest route to either the Lord of the Land or the Dungeon Heart so try and summon him as close as possible otherwise he may march off on a long time wasting detour. With his scythe and stun projectile he is pretty much unstoppable and cannot be killed just slowed down. Once you have the power to summon him at any time later in the game, it requires 100,000 mana to summon him, and then your mana will deplete to keep him sustained until you run out or dismiss him. He can be dismissed with one slap from the Hand of Evil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) CREATURE COMPARISON TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This table just gives a quick overview of the creatures at your disposal; it also includes Speed and Threat. Threat covers how effective that creature is in striking fear into the hearts of opponents. Dark Angels naturally being the highest and Imps the lowest. Speed covers how quickly a creature can move about and how quickly it can attack. These attributes are rated out of ten. CREATURE JOB HEALTH SPEED THREAT FIGHT-STYLE SPELLS/SKILLS Imp Scout Low 8-10 1 Non-Combat Haste Self, Teleport Firefly Scout Low 8 1 Flanker None Goblin Fighter Low 6 2 Flanker None Warlock Thinker Low 5 2 Support Fireball, Firebomb Heal Self Dark Elf Fighter Low 5 2 Support knives, Guided Bolt Salamander Fighter Low 5 3 Flanker Spit Fire Troll Worker Low 4 2 Blocker Spot/Disarm Trap Skeleton Fighter Low 5 3 Blitzer None Rogue Scout Medium 6 4 Flanker Invisible, Cloak Pick Lock Mistress Fighter Medium 6 5 Blitzer Lighting, Freeze Hailstorm Vampire Thinker Medium 8 6 Blitzer Slow, Drain, Raise Dead, Turn into Bat Hypnotise Enemy Bile Demon Fighter V.High 2 7 Blocker Gas Cloud, Gas Missile, Dwarf Chucking Dark Knight Fighter High 4 8 Blocker None Maiden* Thinker Medium 5 8 Blocker Web Shooter Dark Angel Fighter Medium 7 9 Blitzer Firebomb, Hailstorm Disruption, Raise Skeleton Army *The Maiden of the Nest is only available in the 1.7 patched version of Dungeon Keeper 2 and does not appear in Campaign Mode. Also each creature (except the Maiden) has an Elite member, these are stronger, faster, braver and more threatening than their normal counterparts, these are also found only in patch versions 1.61 and 1.7. Use the speed and threat ratings to plan your best attack strategies. If you check a Hero's speed and threat you can judge who is best to take them on. Remember that bravery AND threat increases with numbers. A single Goblin is not frightening, but many will intimidate lesser Heroes such as Elven Archers. A single Goblin will be scared of a Knight or Guard with a high threat rating, but backed up by superior numbers and with allies such as Dark knights and Dark Angels nearby they will not flee the fight. ========================================================================= ******************* 6) THE WEEDY FORCES OF GOOD ************************* ========================================================================= So we have covered your potential minions and what a fine body of men, women, demi-humans and foul gassing lumps they are. Now it's time to turn to the more distasteful subject of the Goodly Heroes. Yes with their brightly polished armour and smug self-righteousness these so-called heroes will storm into your beautifully constructed dungeon and try and destroy you. There are three ways to deal with these pathetic beings. You can imprison them and let them rot and die, they will then rise as skeletons ready to do your bidding. You can imprison them, then torture them until they die, then sling them in a graveyard to make life-force compost to raise a Vampire. Finally and perhaps most evilly you can torture them until they join you and become part of your underworld army (this is covered in the Torture Chamber section in Room Types). So in the following list you will find out how best to attack each type, whether you should recruit them or mulch them and I have listed their skills, likes, dislikes etc so you can compare them easily to their darker counterparts. Hold your nose Keeper; it's time to check out the forces ranged against you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) HERO LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) DWARF Job Class: Scout Fighting Style: Flanker Likes: Digging Rock Dislikes: All your evil minions, Research, Combat Hates: Dark Elves, Bile Demons Pathetic little creatures. The Heroes equivalent of Imps. Weak, annoying and they hardly ever rise as skeletons when imprisoned. They are no challenge for any of your creatures in a fight and should tortured for information and left to feed vampires in the graveyard. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) ELVEN ARCHER Job Class: Fighter Fighting Style: Support Special Skills: Sniper Likes: Patrolling/Guarding Dislikes: All your evil minions, Research, Manufacturing Hates: Dark Elves These creatures offer nothing over your Dark Elves. They are weaker, slower and have fewer skills. They are easily crushed in battle and are best off used to create skeletons or feed Vampires. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) WIZARD Job Class: Thinker Fighting Style: Support Spells: Heal, Fireball, Firebomb Likes: Research Dislikes: All your evil minions, Manufacturing Hates: Warlocks Wizards are about equal to Warlocks and indeed are a little more efficient when it comes to researching and upgrading spells. In some realms you may acquire a converted Wizard before a Warlock turns up so use them to research quickly. If you have Warlocks around, its best to not recruit a Wizard as they rile each other up very quickly and you may have a rebellion on your hands. If you decided not to convert them, let them become skeletons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) FAIRY Job Class: Scout Fighting Style: Flanker Spells: Lightning Likes: Scouting Dislikes: All your evil minions, Manufacturing Hates: Dark Mistresses, Vampires, Dark Angels Swift and armed with a long-range lightning spell the fairy is not a recommended addition. Although she can fly, her presence in your Dungeon aggravates too many much better creatures. She has little endurance and falls quickly in battle. She doesn't always rise as a skeleton, but makes a good source of vampire food. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) THIEF Job Class: Scout Fighting Style: Flanker Special Skills: Cloak Likes: Stealing Gold, Gambling Dislikes: All your evil minions, working Hates: Nothing The Thief is another character who offers much less than your evil equivalent the Rogue. Although you can acquire the Thief earlier, he is very weak and cowardly. He cannot take the punishment the Rogue can while out spying. He best left to become a skeleton though sometimes he will not rise as one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) MONK Job Class: Thinker Fighting Style: Flanker Spells: Haste, Armour, Heal Self Special Skills: Pray (Heals nearby friendly groups) Likes: Research Dislikes: All your evil minions Hates: Vampires and Dark Angels The Monk can be a powerful addition to your Ranks. Although he is very slow, he can heal a lot of surrounding creatures, raise their defence and even kill Vampires so they cannot resurrect. He can take a lot of punishment, although he doesn't inflict too much in return, his real value lies in his support magic and how skilled you are in exploiting that fact. They can take a long time to convert in the Torture Chamber so keep an eye on them, they may need healing more than once. Once they join up, keep them away from Dark Angels and Vampires. If there is no research to be done they will gravitate the Casino for a bout of debauchery (when they fall, they fall hard). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) GUARD Job Class: Fighting Style: Blocker Likes: Training/Combat, Guard Duty Dislikes: All your evil minions, Research, Manufacturing Hates: Dark Mistresses These bog standard soldiers can add valuable muscle to your often weak forces early in the game. Slow, but well armoured they help bulk out your defensive line in the early stages of campaign mode. They can be intimidating to a few Goblins and Warlocks so you need to overpower them with force of numbers. They don't take too long to convert, and generally seem to be easy going. Only the Dark Mistress seems to bring back bad memories so keep them apart. Otherwise they train up and perform guard duty without too much coercion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) GIANT Job Class: Fighter Fighting Style: Blocker Special Skills: Dwarf chucking Likes: Training/Combat Dislikes: All your evil minions, Research, Manufacturing Hates: Trolls Giants feel like creatures who SHOULD be on your side, but have been duped against you by those sickening Lords of the Land. They are slow, but very intimidating, so once again early on you will need to overpower these beefy beasts with force of numbers, and try and ambush them one at a time. They seem to take special pleasure in squishing your Imps so be careful. They take some time to convert to your side, but once again provide valuable defensive services early on when you lack the Bile Demon's fragrant charms. They don't really like to do anything other than train up and raid the hatchery's. They seem to get on with pretty much all your evil minions, but Trolls seem to be the only ones to rub them up the wrong way. They remain useful recruits right up to the end of Campaign Mode. (Dwarf Chucking is a hilarious, if rather useless possession skill and its worth keeping a Dwarf around to see it once). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) KNIGHT Job Class: Fighter Fighting Style: Blocker Likes: Training/Combat Dislikes: All your evil minions, Research, Manufacturing Hates: Dark Knights, Goblins, Trolls Knights appear quite early on in Campaign Mode and then don't reappear until later in the game. They tend to appear in the levels where you need to do a bit of converting to beef up your army. Although strong and well armoured they are very slow. A gang of Salamanders and Goblins raining quick blows upon one can weaken him quickly. Use your Lighting Spell as well to drop them to the floor, this reduces their threat and makes your creatures bolder. They take ages to convert, but once onside are almost as good as the Black Knights you don't get for ages. However they are very grumbly and seem to get testy about being around any of your creatures with a special hatred of Dark Knights. They tend to rebel if left angry for more than a minute or so, so tend to their complaints quickly. They may seem more trouble than they are worth, but in the early campaigns, they are invaluable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) ROYAL GUARD Job Class: Fighter Fighting Style: Blocker Likes: Training/Combat Dislikes: All your evil minions, Research, Manufacturing Hates: Dark Knights These super-knights only appear at the very end of Campaign Mode. Like normal Knights they are slow but tough, so need to be ambushed and taken out by groups of faster creatures if possible. They take the longest time to convert and you may need to heal them several times in the chamber. However once onside they are a good as Black Knights (maybe slightly better), but as with normal Knights they don't settle well in your Dungeon and so try and tie up the Campaign level before they start rebelling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) HERO COMPARISON TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a quick look up table collating the various information on each type of Goodly Hero (yuk). If you use this in conjunction with the creature comparison table you can see who can be intimidated easily by the forces you have at your disposal and those whom you need to watch out for and plan strategy against. Their threat effectiveness seems to stay the same once they come over to your side. HERO JOB HEALTH SPEED THREAT FIGHT-STYLE SPELLS/SKILLS Dwarf Scout Low 7 1 Flanker None Elven Archer Fighter Low 5 2 Support Sniper Wizard Thinker Low 4 2 Support Fireball, Firebomb Fairy Scout Low 7 3 Flanker Fireburst Thief Scout Medium 4 3 Flanker Cloak Monk Thinker High 4 3 Flanker Heal Self, Armour, Haste, Pray Guard Fighter Medium 3 6 Blocker None Giant Fighter High 3 6 Blocker Dwarf Chucking Knight Fighter High 3 7 Blocker None Royal Guard Fighter High 3 8 Blocker None You'll notice Keeper that although many of the forces of good have lots of health they are in fact very slow. You can maximise the effectiveness of your weaker, but faster troops against them by using the Thunderbolt spell to drop them to the ground. Royal Guards make superb recruits, fit to stand alongside your Dark Knights and Angels. Goodly Knights, Guards and Giants make useful additions to your defensive line as well, the rest don't offer anything better than what your own creatures have. So they are best off mulched or skeletonfied. The exception is the Monk, he is unique and you may want to play around with him to see if his excellent support magic offers you an edge you can't get from your own troops. Just remember, converted heroes annoy your evil denizens and these fallen heroes are unhappy to be rubbing shoulders with the scum of the underworld. Check out the Dungeon design section for more detailed stuff on making areas to keep converted Heroes happy in. ========================================================================= ************************ 7) MAGIC and MANA ****************************** ========================================================================= Using your hand of evil you can cast spells upon friend or foe. A maximum of 200,000 points of mana can be stored in your Dungeon Heart and it is upon this that you draw your magical energy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) RESEARCHING SPELLS AND ACCUMULATING MANA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana is the driving force behind your nefarious schemes. Without Mana you cannot maintain your Imp workforce, you cannot supply power to your traps and you cannot cast spells. With a maximum of 200, 000 to be stored, and some spells taking 25-50,000 to be cast you cannot afford to rely on magic to get you out of every tight spot. But efficiently managed, you can keep generating a steady supply from the following resources: 1) CLAIMED LAND - Every tile of land your Imps claim generates a small amount of mana per turn. The more tiles you claim, the bigger the cumulative effect. Room tiles do not generate any more Mana than normal floor tiles, so if you can safely excavate a large area, but do not need to build more rooms, do so simply to generate more mana for your hungry Dungeon Heart. 2) MANA VAULTS - Scattered about many levels are mysterious Mana Vaults. These are small craters that give of a blue smoke and will generate 100 Mana per turn for each one you claim. You MUST get your Imps to claim the Vault, simply excavating around it is not enough. If a Vault lies in water, build a bridge to it to allow you Imps to do their thing. 3) INCREASE MANA - You may be lucky enough to excavate a magical item that can give you an instant Mana Boost of several thousand. Keep them stashed in your library until you need to use them. 4) PRAYER - In the final levels you can build Temples and your creatures will pray at them to generate nice quantities of Mana per turn. The amount depends on the creature, but Thinking types such as Warlocks generate more than Fighters, such as Black Knights. A converted creature will also generate twice as much Mana, with converted Monks being one of the richest sources of Mana via prayer. So long as you don't get too trigger-happy with your spell-casting finger, you shouldn't have too much trouble managing your reserves. If you are idle and your Mana is dropping rather than rising, then you have more imps and traps than your dungeons size can sustain. So either get rid of some Imps or quickly expand your territory. You need to have Mana reserves that fill steadily after every bout of spell casting to be able to mount any kind of effective offence or defence. There are two types of Spell in the game. Keeper spells are the ones that require research to learn and Mana from your reserves to cast. Creature spells are ones that are known and unique to the various creatures in the game. These will be used once the creature in question attains the level needed to use them, with a few skills only accessible when you take possession of their puny minds. During Campaign Mode you will carry over any new spells you researched in the previous realm to the next realm. So make sure you hang about until you have discovered all you can in that realm. Once all available spells have been researched in the Realm, your creatures will start researching upgrades. Once a spell is upgraded, it cost no more mana to cast and has a more profound effect, so its worth keeping some Warlocks constantly researching to get the best spells as quickly as possible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) KEEPERS SPELL LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) CREATE IMP Mana Cost: 1500 for the first time then +1500 each time its cast (eg: cast first time for 1500 mana, then again for 3000, again for 4500 and so on) Your most valuable spell. This can be cast on any square of land your other Imps have claimed. A squad of magical helpers are created at the wave of your evil hand, and once this spell has been upgraded you will create Imps at level 4. They do however consume Mana per turn to stay alive and if your mana drops to zero, they will disappear. If you need a quick mana boost, drop one in your dungeon heart for half the original mana cost back into your reserves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) THUNDERBOLT Mana Cost: 6000 A very useful spell early on in the game. If enemies come onto your claimed land you can strike them down with a Thunderbolt. Although it does not do a lot of damage, it can knock powerful enemies to the ground allowing your weaker hordes to swarm on top of them before they can strike. This is very useful against invading armoured foes such as Knights and the Lord of the Land, with judicious use of the Thunderbolt you can provide valuable support to your troops and prevent the tin-clad fools form getting any hits in at all. The upgraded version hits a little harder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) POSSESSION Mana Cost: 500 Using this spell you can get inside the head of one of your minions. If you wish to scout out new areas you can do by taking control of any of your creatures. You will get a different view depending on whose head you are inside, for example the Firefly looks through a pair or compound eyes, the Salamander sees things with a red tinge. You can activate special attacks which are displayed at the top of the screen, and by pressing 7 then clicking on creatures highlighted in pink you can have them join a group and lead them in an attack. Be warned though that being killed while inside the body of a creature costs mana (and is quite disorientating to). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) HEAL Mana Cost: 5000 Another very handy spell to support your creatures in a melee. If you see a health flower depleting rapidly, cast heal to restore health to that particular creature. This can keep your creatures in battle much longer and it makes them braver to, knowing their all-seeing Keeper is looking after them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) SIGHT OF EVIL Mana Cost: 5000 Sight of Evil, reveals a temporary area of land through the Fog of War. Keep casting it around to check out which might be the best places to start mining through. The enhanced version reveals a much wider area. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) CALL TO ARMS Mana Cost: 10,000 As soon as you want to make an attack or respond to an invasion the best way to martial your forces is to cast the Call to Arms spell. This plants a banner on the ground which all your minions will flock around, if you plant it correctly, they should be ready grouped to take on invading forces. Once you have no need of the Banner, either slap it to get rid of it or right click on it on the toolbar. You can also left-click to pick the Banner up and move it, which will save mana as you do not need to keep recasting it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) TREMOR Mana Cost: 30,000 This spell is superb for speedily breaching enemy dungeons. By casting this you will weaken claimed enemy tiles and walls, destabilize doors and damage traps. You can even reduce some areas to dirt rock so your Imps can quickly dig through and bust open an enemy fortress. The upgraded version is more destructive. Although your Imps ignore it, it can frighten your own creatures so it's best to cast it and wait for the effects to end before dropping your creatures into attack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) TURNCOAT Mana Cost: 20,000 A spell that some may find more useful than others. When cast on an invading enemy it confuses them into attacking their own side. Cast on a knight this can lead them to cutting a bloody swathe through their dwarf and elven foes before they come to their senses and in the confusion you and your evil hordes can mop up the rest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) CREATE GOLD Mana Cost: 15,000 This lets you sacrifice mana for gold, useful in some levels where gold can be tight. Level 1 drops 1500 gold, Level 2 drops 2000 gold ones. It can only be cast on your own land. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) INFERNO Mana Cost: 50,000 The biggest and best of all your offensive spells. This casts a large boiling mass of flame that boils outwards trapping the unfortunates within its sphere of influence and burning them as they try and flee. Devastatingly damaging, it can kill several weaker enemies at once. The upgrade boils out even further. Be aware though that fire resistant creatures, Giants and Salamanders are immune to this spell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) SUMMON HORNY Mana Cost: 100,000 In the first ten or so Campaign Levels you can only draw on Horny's power by collecting a part of the Horny Talisman. Once you have the whole Talisman he can be summoned when your Mana reserves reach 100,000. He costs 100,000 mana to summon, then after about 30 second he will begin to drain about 2000 mana per turn. How long you can sustain him depends on how much Mana your dungeon generates per turn. Give him a slap to dismiss him before all your Mana is gone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) CREATURE SPELL LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FIREBALL Used by: Warlock/Wizard/Salamander A long distance attack that fire a ball of burning flames at an enemy. Warlocks have access to this attack early on. The Salamanders fireball is more powerful, and learned at a higher level. They also gain a more powerful, firey spit attack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) LIGHTNING Used by: Dark Mistress/Fairy A long range lightning bolt attack that can stun an enemy and damage them severaly if they are standing in water. One of the first ranged attacks the Mistress learns and one that makes a charging group of them wonderful for breaking up enemy attack formations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) FREEZE Used by: Maiden, Mistress -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) HEAL/PRAY Used by: Warlock/Monk After he has gained a few levels, the Warlock can heal himself. As he gets stronger he can also heal other wounded creatures in the middle of battle. They will tend to back off first to recover at a safe distance so it is best to let them do so if you are bogged down managing the battle elsewhere. The Monks Pray is also a powerful healing skill as he will use it in the midst of a melee and heal creatures across a larger radius. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) GUIDED BOLT/KNIVES Used by: Dark Elf The Dark Elf can shoot from a distance with the powerful and very accurate Guided Bolt. As they get more experience, they can unleash a barrage of knives which cause multiple wounds in the unfortunate recipient. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) GAS CLOUD/MISSILE Used by: Bile Demon At close range the Bile Demon lets out a vast green fart cloud of noxious fumes which repel attackers and cause them damage. As they get stronger, they can unleash their fart as a guided missile of stench damaging and disabling all those in the vicinity when it explodes! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) ARMOUR Used by: Monk This skill raises the defence of a creature and allows it to take more punishment in battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) SLOW Used by: Vampire Cumbersome heroes can be rendered almost immobile by the judicious use of the Slow spell. Used by the vampire it can be very handy even just for cancelling out the effects of Haste and enemy may have cast upon themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) DRAIN Used by: Vampire health is sucked out of a target with this skill and used to replenish that of the Vampire by a similar amount. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) WHIRLWIND Used by: Firefly The Firefly doesn't have a lot to offer offensively, but trained up it can hold its won if attacked while scouting if a blast of wind that stuns and opponent giving the Firefly a chance to escape and report back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) HASTE SELF Used by: Imp It's a good idea to keep your Imps alive, as they reach level 4 and beyond they learn better skills such as Haste, which allow them to perform their duties much more efficiently. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) INVISIBLE Used by: Rogue By cloaking himself, the Rogue can slip into enemy territories for a spot of Scouting and Thieving. But beware, cross an enemy Guardrooms sphere of detection and he will be spotted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) HAILSTORM Used by: Dark Mistress, Dark Angel A powerful shower of Ice is rained down upon target, which if weak or weakened, can be ripped into shreds by the assault. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) RAISE DEAD Used by: Vampire If there are dead bodies lying about the place that have not been taken to a Graveyard, then the nearest vampire with this skill can temporarily raise them back up as skeletons. Their lifespan is only limited and will crumble to dust after a short time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) SKELETON ARMY Used by: Dark Angel Three level 1 Skeletons can be raised by the Dark Angel as many times as he likes. Although they are only level 1, they are enough to strike fear into the hearts of lesser mortals, especially in the company of the ultimate Dark Angel warrior. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) DISRUPTION Used by: Dark Angel A flesh peeling, skin-flaying blast of pure plasmatic energy, learned by top-level Dark Angels. The effect on enemies is much like having a Fireburst trap set of in your face. Nasty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17) TELEPORT Used by: Imps If you Imps have survived to levels 9-10 they can teleport about your Dungeon, making them the ultimate in helpers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- d) MAGIC ITEMS (SPECIALS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While excavating new areas, you may be lucky enough to find special magic items. These are the secrets listed on the score table at the end of each successfully completed level. These tend to be found in far corners, often in nooks and crannies of soft rook going into the bedrock. If you have a library, your Imps will drag the item back there for safe storage. If you do not have a library they will leave the item where it is. As long as the imps have actually claimed the item, you do not actually need to click on it to activate it, the spell will be logged in your spell panel where you can quickly cast it for an extra bonus amount of something useful. 1) INCREASE MANA 2) INCREASE GOLD 3) FORTIFY WALLS 4) UNFORTIFY WALLS 5) MAKE HAPPY 6) MAKE UNHAPPY 7) INCREASE LEVEL 8) CREATE IMPS 9) HIDDEN LAND ========================================================================= ****************** 8) PRACTICAL DUNGEON SECURITY ************************ ========================================================================= Running an efficient Workshop is covered in the Build a Better Dungeon section of this guide. Many traps and door types become available to you as you play. The mark of a good keeper is how well you exploit these often overlooked elements of your Dungeon campaign. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) DOORS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) WOODEN DOOR Gold Cost: 500 A weak door that doesn't offer much protection against enemy blows, but is handy for controlling the movements of your own creatures, especially Imps. It can also be amusingly combined with the Boulder Trap for a devastating surprise (the enemy will aim for the weakest door, so plonk some fake doorways with lethal traps behind them!). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) BRACED DOOR Gold Cost: 1000 A tougher door which is a good cheap way of providing inner dungeon security. It provides moderate defence and securing your outer rooms with this will make your creatures feel happier and more secure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) STEEL DOOR Gold Cost: 1500 A very tough door, and one you should be using all around the entrance to your Dungeon Heart and the doorways leading out of the dungeon. Enemies have to batter on this for a while to break it down, so combine it with Alarm Traps and Guardposts to alert your defences. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) MAGIC DOOR Gold Cost: 6000 A door as tough as the steel one with the added bonus of spitting fireballs at any attackers. This of course comes at a price; they are very expensive. They are extremely useful though in dungeons where you have to fend off enemy Imps. They will repel low-level creatures and prevent them from trying to claim your outlying territory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) SECRET DOOR Gold Cost: 3000 This door is cloaked to the enemy and is valuable in levels where you are sneakily constructing a dungeon under the very nose of your rivals or enemies. It must be used sensibly though, if you are going through it and it opens in front of an enemy, they will see it and be able to attack it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) BARRICADE Gold Cost: 400 Cheap and cheerful and brutally effective used correctly, the barricade slows down enemy assaults and is excellent for blocking off those portals you cannot disable. Be aware that your own creatures cannot pass though it once it is erected. Fly creatures and projectile attacks can pass over. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) TRAPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SENTRY TRAP Gold Cost: 1000 Mana Cost: 5 per turn, 250 to fire A small cannon that fires a ball of energy at approaching enemies. This is useful when placed on the outer reaches of a dungeon as it will repel enemy Imps and annoying dwarves trying to breach your dungeon. It won't really scare off anything bigger, so it is best combined with Alarm Traps etc. That way you have time to muster a defence while the enemy deals with the sentry traps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) FEAR TRAP Gold Cost: 750 Mana Cost: 5 per turn, 125 to fire An extremely useful trap. This strikes fear into the hearts of all but the toughest of Knights or largest groups of enemies. Scattering a few of these around your dungeon borders will massively slow up raiding parties as they try and attack it from a distance, or wait until there are enough of them to overcome its effects. Its a good idea to place some Sentry, or Lightning Traps behind a couple of these. While the enemy vacillate about trying to pluck up the courage to advance, you can zap them with the other traps! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) ALARM TRAP Gold Cost: 500 Mana Cost: 5 per turn, 0 to fire Alarm Traps work well placed outside outlying Hero Portals you can't disable. They save having to waste a Guardroom in an otherwise useless area and give you a bit of a wake-up call to boot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) GUARD POST Gold Cost: 300 Mana Cost: N/A If you have a large dungeon and limited resources you may not be able to support lots of Guard rooms, so a Guardpost gives you some security for a fraction of the cost. If you check the map you'll see a circle radiating out from the post. That's the "sphere of detection" similar to the ones Guardrooms have. If intruders come within the circle, any nearby creatures will be alerted and rush to fend them off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) SPIKE TRAP Gold Cost: 750 Mana Cost: 5 per turn, 0 to fire A superbly nasty trap. When walked over by an enemy, a mass of spikes pops up and causes quite a bit of damage. Best placed in front of and just behind doors for maximum effect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) TRIGGER TRAP Gold Cost: 300 Mana Cost: N/A This is used to set up multiple trap activation. It can only trigger a trap on the next tile, so if you wish to set off a trap a distance away you need to set up a line of trigger traps. But by doing this you can link traps together and have them all fire at once, for example laying several trigger traps in a cross shape could allow you to have three lightning traps and a boulder trap all fire together. How useful you find the Trigger Trap depends on how fiendishly you like to set your traps up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) BOULDER TRAP Gold Cost: 1500 Mana Cost: 5 per turn, 0 to fire If you have mined out long thin corridors leading into your dungeon, what better way to great an intruder than with a giant boulder? Once activated, the Boulder will roll over the hapless enemy and carry on crushing all in its path until it runs out of steam. Beware, once activated, it will crush indiscriminately, so pull any creature of yours out of the way quickly. Best placed behind a weak wooden door. Knock Knock, "Who's there?" SPLAT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) FREEZE TRAP Gold Cost: 1500 Mana Cost: 10 per turn, 250 to fire Another trap that can seriously hamper enemy progress. Crossing this trap will result in the enemy being frozen to the spot for about 30 seconds. During this time your minions can merrily kick the crap out of them until they shatter into a zillion icy shards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) LIGHTNING TRAP Gold Cost: 3000 Mana Cost: 125 per turn, 375 to fire These can be a serious annoyance and should be at the forefront of your dungeon defences. When an enemy get reasonably close, it sends out a long bolt of lighting which will briefly stun them and do damage. If the enemy is standing in water at the time, the damaging effect will be much greater. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) FIREBURST Gold Cost: 6000 Mana Cost: 10 per turn, 250 to fire The super-dooper trap of all traps, this is actually better laid inside your dungeon as part of your Dungeon Heart defences, as its trigger and effect range can be small. Once activated though it sends out a circle of flame make crispy meat of enemy invaders. Placing a lot of these in your Dungeon Heart room can make last ditch defence all the more likely to succeed. ========================================================================= ******************** 9) CAMPAIGN MODE WALKTHROUGH *********************** ========================================================================= So now Keeper you are finally ready to embark on your quest to bring your evil to the land above. Your mission is to collect one portal gem from each of the 20 Lords of the Land you must face. Once all twenty are collected, you, your hordes and Horny can break into the upper world and spread terror wherever you tread, hurrah! One thing Keeper to bear in mind as you progress, if a new spell to research appears in your spell panel as a "?", stay in the realm until it has been fully researched and added to your spell list. If you defeat the Lord of the Land and move on to the next realm before your Warlocks uncover its secrets it will need to be fully researched again in the next realm thus wasting precious time. You will also encounter Hero Portals while excavating your lands. If you wish to disable a Hero Portal, simply have your Imps claim all the land around it. If the portal is surrounded by water, just surround it with a bridge. This is something you may want to spend time doing if you have Hero Portals to the rear of your dungeon and are suffering niggling attack from the rear as you try and concentrate on the front line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) "WARCRY" - Smilesville ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Assault and Kill Lord Antonius Sub Objectives: Build a 5x3 Lair Build a 3x3 Hatchery Secrets: 1 New Creatures: Goblins New Spells: N/A New Rooms: Lair, Hatchery New Traps/Doors: N/A A small dungeon Keeper, and it is here you can begin to learn the basics of Dungeon craft. Your only minions will be the Goblin. Weak on its own, but once a few have arrived they find safety in numbers. Being thick-headed creatures they can be dropped near an enemy and suffer little stun effect. Build a Lair and a Hatchery, claim the Portal and wait until a decent amount of Goblins have turned up. Some Dwarves may break into your dungeon, you can see them off easily and your Goblins will gain some valuable experience. Once the Dwarves have been destroyed, dig a little further North and to the West (a thin tunnel of soft rock in the Bedrock), there you will find a Magical Item which will give all your minions enough experience to rise to the next level. Soon Antonious will try and wipe your foul stain off the land, your Goblins will swarm over him and soon he will lie defeated. Horney will rise up and claim his Portal Gem and so begins the reign of terror! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ b) "ENCHANTMENTS" - Sing Song ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Invade Lord Darius's Keep and Slay him Sub Objectives: Build a Library and use Warlocks to research new spells. Train up creatures in the training room Secrets: 1 New Creatures: Warlocks New Spells: Create Imp, Lighting Bolt New Rooms: Library, Training Room New Traps/Doors: N/A Now Keeper after your first triumph its time to start using the magical powers at your disposal. Time to entice in some of those corrupt magical users, the Warlock. You can now build a Library and a Training Room, so do so. Make the Library big enough to hold 5-6 researchers and your two spells will be discovered and upgraded quickly. Remember don't finish the level until any spells in the spell panel marked "?" have been discovered, or you will have to waste time researching them again in the next realm. Make sure your Training Room is walled so you create more wall targets. Create a couple of 3x3 hatcheries and strip Lairs. Claim the Portal when you are ready and soon Goblins and Warlocks will enter your Dungeon. The Warlocks should quickly gravitate to the Library and your spells should be acquired and upgraded quickly. While they research, have the Goblins train up to level 4, then put the Warlocks to train up. Use your new spell to create some more Imps to excavate faster. If you mine Northwards, you'll encounter some Dwarves, your tough little Goblins should see them off fast. You will be shown which tiles need to be broken through to break into Lord Darius Keep. Wait until you have a nicely trained force of level 4 Goblins and Warlocks then break through. Drop your minions nearby and the Goblins will swarm the Lord, while the Warlocks fire off their fireballs. Use your new Lighting Spell to attack the Lord. He won't be hurt but the Lighting stuns him for a second or two allowing your Goblins to kick his head in. Now when Darius lies broken and crushed, Horny will rise and strip him of his Portal Gem and that is another Goodly Fool wiped out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c) "GREED" - Ramshackle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Send greedy Lord Avaricious to his grave. Sub Objectives: Mine out all the gold in the land to entice the Lord out of his Keep. Build Sentry Traps and Wooden Doors to defend your dungeon Secrets: 1 New Creatures: Firefly, Troll New Spells: N/A New Rooms: Treasury, Workshop New Traps/Doors: Sentry Trap, Wooden Door Now Keeper, the next Lord of the land is a greedy fool. You must lure him out by excavating all the gold near to his land. First though build some Lairs and Hatcheries, a Library for spell upgrades, and Training Room and a new room, the Workshop. This will bring the strong troll into your Dungeon. They are keen workers and once one is built you can begin to fortify your dungeon from attack. Excavate the nearby Gold and store it in a small treasury. Claim the Portal when you are ready. Don't be tempted to go for the gold seams running to close to Avaricious Keep, he will burst out and attack, so wait until you have some well trained creatures first. You are shown a good place to set a Sentry Trap so follow the advice. Watch how the timer counts down until construction is finished. If you are lucky to get two Trolls building should be fast indeed. You may want to try adding some Wooden Doors, these are weak but make your creatures feel more secure. As you tunnel further North experiment with adding a few more sentry traps, they can provide useful back-up. Once your Troll is done, make sure it has got itself trained up as well as everyone else. A Firefly may decide to enter your dungeon at this point. They make useful scouts and it will uncover land for you as it cruises about. Train it if you like, at this point it can offer some threat against lowly Dwarves. When you feel ready, tag all the gold around the enemy area. Soon Avaricious will come running out to stop you. If you placed some Sentry Cannon near by they should give him a nasty surprise. Now just amass your force and overwhelm him, using the Lighting Bolt to help out. The love of Gold proves this Lords downfall; you can't take it with you Lord Avaricious, especially not after Horny has tap-danced on your throat. Congratulations Keeper, another Portal Gem is yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ d) "SNIPERS" - Shadygrove ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Traverse the Moat of Lord Ludwig's Fort and wrestle the Portal Gem from him. Sub Objectives: Find and claim the Guard Rooms Lead a charge of grouped creatures into Lord Ludwig's Fort Secrets: 4 New Creatures: Dark Elf New Spells: Possession New Rooms: Guard Room New Traps/Doors: N/A Now Keeper a larger area for you to play around in and one with some danger from all sides. If you dig North, West and East you will uncover Guard Rooms. The East and West one's face Hero Gates. The North one faces an enemy door behind which lies a second portal. You best plan is to first as usual set up some Lairs and Hatcheries. Keep mining Gold so you can afford to build a Library, Training Room and Workshop. Once you have a nice snug little set of these rooms set up, create some treasuries and claim the first Portal. Dig East, West and North to uncover and claim the Guard Rooms there. This will quickly attract the Dark Elves into your Dungeon. They like to patrol, but make sure they get some time in the training room. Your Warlocks will soon research the new spell, Possession. Practice possessing a creature and using the number keys to select different attacks and group creatures with you (hold 7 then left click when the creature you want is highlighted). Breaking though to the North Guard Room also exposes a lot of water and two Hero Portals to the East and West. If you excavate the rock to the East and West of these Portals you will find two Magical Items that raise all your minions by one level. Don't use them now; wait until everyone has trained to level 4. Break through the door in front of the North Guard Room (drop creatures in front and they will batter it down). Inside are a few paltry foes, crush them and claim the Portal. There will be a few enemy incursions, but you should fight them off easily, put Wooden Doors and Sentry Traps around your Dungeon Heart to make life harder for them. Once things have calmed down, spend time training up. Now excavate North and your Imps will break into the area with the entrance to Lord Ludwig's Fort. The Mentor will suggest you kill him from long-range with a Dark Elf. Before this however, your will see your Imps will keep trying to claim land and getting shot at by the cannons. Lock your Imps safely in a room for now so they don't accidentally raise the alarm. Now drop a Dark Elf on the nearest piece of claimed land and possess her. Press the INSERT key to go into Sniper Mode. Walk forward slowly until the Dwarf is highlighted as a target. Now look at the top of the screen you will see a Bow and an Arrow icon. Press 2 to move to the Arrow. Now left click to send an arrow flying into the Dwarf and knock him dead. From here you can also knock out the Cannons, or you may prefer to possess a Troll and go in close and smash them to pieces quickly. Now if you managed to kill the sentry and not raise the alarm, gather a force together using the group possession (make sure you use the two level up items displayed on the spell panel) and either beat down the door or barge right in. Ludwig has few left to protect him, so within minutes he should be crushed under a barrage of hammerblows, arrows and fireballs. Horny rises up and takes the Portal Gem from his lifeless body. Shivering behind a moat couldn't keep this Lord safe. I hope not all Lords of the Land are this cowardly Keeper, don't you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ e) "FEAR" - Elmshadow ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Force your way into the Keep of cowardly Lord Constantine and destroy him. Sub Objectives: Find and Claim the Prison Create Skeletons Secrets: 6 (including part 1 of the Horny Talisman) New Creatures: Skeleton New Spells: None New Rooms: Wooden Bridge, Prison New Traps/Doors: None Ah Keeper, it looks like we have yet another coward content to sit behind defences. He uses the dastardly fear trap to keep enemies away and you will find your creatures unable to go further until they are disabled. But how can this be done, well in this realm we will discover a creature unaffected by fear.. Elmshadow is a large and sprawling land, and I would encourage you to excavate as much as you can, for many magical items can be found tucked away in corners, including the ability to access a secret level and summon Horny in the next realm. Set up your dungeon with Lairs, Hatcheries, a Library, Workshop and Training Room and swiftly claim the Portal. The Forces of good make regular forays into your dungeon and you need to be prepared for them. Soon your Imps will uncover and claim a Prison a little to the south. You should expect a raiding party soon of puny Thieves and Dwarves. Crush them and now you will see the Imps drop their bodies off into the Prison to rot. If a creature falls into the water, build a wooden bridge underneath to allow the Imps to reach them. When the feeble Heroes have died, they will become skeletons. They have no fear which is good.. and bad. As soon as they leave the Dungeon they will try and destroy the two cannons nearby, and being only level one they will shatter and be lost. Possess a troll or Warlock and lead a few creatures over the water to take out these annoyances and now your skeletons will be fine. Drop them in the training room to level up, then assign them Guard duty. Excavate as much of your Dungeon as you like to collect the secret items then, when you are ready to take on Lord Constantine, excavate the area nearby the prison until you uncover a Fear Trap. If your imps manage to claim tiles near to it then you can drop the skeletons nearby and they will attack automatically. If not, possess the skeleton (other creatures will reject your possession if you make them go near the trap), and hack the trap down. Carry on and this should entice out Constantine. Muster all your Trolls, Goblins, Dark Elves and Warlocks and attack him full on. He has a large force, but if you kill him, you do not need to worry about the rest. Let him get onto your territory and you can drop him with the Thunderbolt, allowing plenty of battering to his armour-plated bonce to take place. Soon Constantine will be rusting in the water and Horny will arrive to take his Gem. The only thing to fear around here Keeper is you and your cohorts! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ f) "BESEIGED" - Sweetwater (a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Assault the castle in which Lord Iron Helm resides and crush him utterly. Sub Objectives: Capture and convert Lord Iron Helm's minions Try to locate the hidden passageways leading to Lord Iron Helm Secrets: 5 New Creatures: Dark Mistress New Spells: Heal New Rooms: Torture Chamber New Traps/Doors: Barricade, Fear Trap Your forces have been laying siege to Lord Iron Helm for a while now, time to end this. Yet he is well defended and shows no sign of budging and your forces are not strong enough to take him head on. Some tactics and cunning are required Keeper to enlarge your forces as you have no portals to draw extra troops from the netherworld. So you will be pleased to hear that in this Realm you are now blessed with the services of the Dark Mistress and her Torture Chamber. Not only can you build up and army of Undead skeletons, but also convert whimpering Heroes on your racks and chairs of pain. After a small amount of excavation south you'll see all the various entrances to Lord Iron Helms castle, they are well guarded and you don't want to be attacking them. But place guards nearby and sentry traps as there will be persistent incursions from his forces almost straight away. You want to uncover some Map information so the first few thieves and wizards you capture, interrogate them for info. You should quickly reveal to the far southwest and east some guard rooms and single cell prisons holding neutral creatures. These are what you need to be heading for. To do this, excavate northeast and northwest. To the NE you will uncover a Hero gate. Claim the area around it and you'll see a thin tunnel of soft rock snaking south round the edge of the map. You can find something similar to the west as well. Excavate them as far as you feel safe. Wait until you have built up a nice force of converted Knights and Guards. To convert, strap them into the torture devices and heal them, then leave them there until they join you. You may need to heal the Knights up as they are quite resistant to your ministrations. If you can convert around five knights and five guards and add about 6-7 skeletons that is an awesome boost to your fighting forces. Now excavate down those tunnels and break into the guardrooms and prisons at the back of Iron Helms fort. Claim the rooms and this gets you into the heart of his territory. Soon you break into the main area and its fight time. Quickly drop in as many forces as you can muster and if you want to totally crush him, summon Horny (if you got the talisman secret last level). If you have plenty of Knights, skeletons and Mistresses at your disposal he will fall in seconds. Horny arrives for his next Gem and the land of Sweetwater is now minus its Lord. Very good Keeper, very good indeed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ g) "ROUT" - Sweetwater (b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Intercept and kill Lord Iron Helm before he escapes through the Hero Gate Sub Objectives: Capture wandering Heroes Interrogate the prisoners in the Torture Chamber to find Lord Iron Helm's Hero Gate. Secrets: 11 New Creatures: None New Spells: Heal New Rooms: Torture Chamber New Traps/Doors: Barricade, Fear Trap Your forces have been laying siege to Lord Iron Helm for a while now, time to end this. The coward has decided to make a break for it and it will be your job to catch and kill him before he makes it to his Hero Portal. Your first task is to interrogate the Wizard languishing in your Prison. he will quickly reveal that Lord Iron Helm's base lies to the far north. Our next task is to build a dungeon and fighting forces as well as finding out where he will try and escape to. As you build up your dungeon you will find some more trolls and skeletons in hidden rooms. You'll also come across low-level guards and wizards in your southern end. Torture them to find out that the Portal is not very far to the east of Iron Helms stronghold. So you must dig your way up to the northeast fairly quickly as a timer will begin to count down. Once it hits zero he will make a run for it. There is no Portal here so the Dark Mistress will join you in the next level. As time is short you may not want to spend time converting captured heroes, either torture them to locate some of the many specials on the map, or let them become a nice big skeleton army. As you make your way up you'll find the Portal protected by two cannons and two fear traps. Use your skeletons to destroy them, then block off the portal with lots of barricades and sentry traps. Claim all the land up to the side door of Iron Helm's place as you can then cast your magic on him. Once the timer is up he will try and flee. Summon Horny to make quick work of him; you may need his help as Iron Helm has a lot of level 3 knights accompanying him. The barricades should hold him if he managed to make a break for it and the rest of your forces can pummel him while you floor him with Thunderbolts. Horny arrives for his next Gem and the land of Sweetwater is now minus its Lord. Very good Keeper, very good indeed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ h) "CAVERNS" - Emberglow ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Dispose of fiery tempered Lord Sigmund and his retinue of of Giants. Sub Objectives: Traverse the Giants Caverns Be wary of the molten lava that course through this land Secrets: 6 (including part 2 of Horny talisman) New Creatures: Salamander New Spells: Sight of Evil, Call to Arms New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: None Well Keeper, things are going well and now we have new terrain to deal with. Lord Sigmund resides within Caverns of lava, and your first task within this unforgiving place is to fend of a marauding giant and begin taking over the remains of your predecessor's dungeon. Start excavating the nearby gold and lay a couple of Lairs as soon as you can. A Giant will soon come and attack your Dungeon Heart, some Goblins and your Imps should be able to take him down, though some may die in the process. Nearby are a Workshop, Lair, Hatchery, Torture Chamber, Library, Training Room and Treasury. There are a few Giants roaming about, you may end up playing a bit of cat and mouse with them as your Imps gradually claim the rooms. Excavate the rock near the workshop to create a larger library and when you have claimed the Lair, sell it and build a prison. You want to start converting Giants as soon as possible. The fiery Salamander will also join you in this Realm. Like the Giant he can cross Lava and will train himself happily up to level four without prompting from you. When trained, they sometimes join your Imps in mining and collecting Gold. Truly a useful creature to have around. Work your way North and capture and convert Giants as you meet them. At least 5 or 6 will prove ample for your needs. Also torture some to death to gain the locations on the map of Sigmund's Fort; this is represented by two Hero Portals which you should uncover via torture. As usual excavate areas of long thin soft rock in bedrock to uncover secrets. There are a couple of cash injection magic items and a level up lying about. To locate the Horny talisman secret (A New Land) you should build a wooden bridge going east from the small treasury you claim and excavate the Rock going around and down from there. You can also use your new "Sight of Evil" spell to uncover areas for a short time. Soon you'll stumble across a solitary wizard and the larger guardroom as you head north. Kill the wizard and storm the three doors of the guardroom. Capture all the guards and convert them, they will make more valuable muscle. Let the wizard become a skeleton. Post some of your own creatures in the room and begin to excavate east. As you excavate you will need to keep building wooden bridges for your imps to cross over. When you need to batter down doors, use your Salamanders and Giants as they can cross the lava when they need to return to your main dungeon and won't get trapped and irritable. You'll keep running into wizards, capture them and make sure your imps can get them back to the prison. Let them rot into skeletons. At some point you'll trigger a mini attack. You'll hear Sigmund call out and a force will pile out of a door and attack. Quickly summon your troops by clicking on the creature panel. Although you have the "Call to Arms" spell, too many of them cannot traverse lava. If you have been converting Giants and Guards and have a few trained up Salamanders you should have no problems crushing this small force. Capture and convert any you need, and let the rest become your Undead cohorts. When you reach those Hero Portals, have your Imps excavate all the way around. You'll see the Fort lies in the middle of a Lava Pool, with a door at the front and back. The back door has one tile in front of it, so build a bridge and have an imp claim it, this is very useful as you can drop your minions straight into the fort now. Make sure all your creatures are as trained as you need them to be and use any level up specials you found. Now build two bridges either end of the fort and have a couple of giants batter the doors down simultaneously. Now as they crash the doors, drop as many as you can at the back and front to assault Sigmund from both sides. Despite all his cannons, he is not well defended and he will quickly fall, sweet irony that it should be at the hands of his own converted Giants. Horny will rise up and collect the Gem and unlock the second secret land for you. You can summon him to in the next realm, as your Horny Talisman reaches half completion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i) "AFTERMATH" - Snapdragon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Take over Keeper Dante's abandoned dungeon and massacre Lord Titus Sub Objectives: Find and claim all the scattered rooms Defeat the Guardian Wizards Secrets: 10 New Creatures: Rogue New Spells: None New Rooms: Stone Bridge, Casino New Traps/Doors: Gas Trap You have impressed us so far Keeper, now let us see how you cope with a more challenging task. Keeper Dante allowed his Dungeon to be taken over by the sickening Lord Titus. How shameful. Your task Keeper is to take three Salamanders, two Mistresses and a Troll and uses this as a basis to build a large army to smear that goodly fool into the ground. Your first job is to methodically reclaim every abandoned room in the dungeon, neutralise the Hero Portals and destroy or capture those left standing guard. Take a moment to move your hand around. You will see to the left of your Dungeon Heart are many rooms, a Hatchery, Training Room, Casino, Prison, Guard Room and Torture Chamber. To the right there is a Workshop and a Library. There is also a Portal. But do not claim the Portal just yet for you will set off an alarm and the wizards and guards lurking behind it will destroy your meagre, untrained forces. First mine the small gold seam and claim the hatchery. Kill the enemies and now you have enough gold to build a bridge to the Lair. Claim the Lair and ensure your six creatures have bedded down. Carry on left and grab the Treasury. Hopefully your six creatures have gained a level or two, so now you should claim the Portal and destroy the Wizard in the water. There is a fear trap blocking your access to the Library and Workshop. If you have both Mistresses still you may be able to get them to disable it, if not you will have to wait until you have claimed the Prison and got some skeletons. Fear not, you do not really require the help of Warlocks in this realm. Concentrate on excavating towards the Prison and Torture Chamber. Once you have claimed the Casino a Rogue may join you. His stealthy nature is more suited to exploration than battle, but he is effective at attacking and disabling traps and tends not to need encouraging to do so. As you excavate make sure you destroy all enemy traps and doors. You disable a Hero Portal by claiming the land around it. If the Portal is in water, simply build a bridge around it. It will collapse in a smoking heap of rubble when neutralised. As soon as you get the prison, start building a skeleton army. Excavate to the Torture Chamber and you will find three neutral mistresses enjoying themselves. Just click on them to pick them up and pop them in your main dungeon, once they contact one of your creatures they automatically join you. Start capturing the Giants that make regular attacks on you via your Casino. If you can convert enough of them and a few Guards as well, the Lord of the Land will stand no chance. If you can, convert around six giants for an awesome strike force. You will soon notice that you can approach Lord Titus from three ways, the front, and both sides. Do not excavate near the area until you are ready to attack. You can see the sphere of alertness as a white circle on the map. Once you are ready, the left side seems the best way to attack him, break down the nearby door and have the imps claim land as far up to the Fort as they can. Then drop your attack force down or cast "Call to Arms". He should have few guards left now after all his attacks on you and should fall quickly. If you got the Horny Talisman in the previous realm, cast it on the closest piece of claimed land, Horny will finish him spectacularly if your other minions haven't already. Well done Keeper, Horny has the next Gem and you have atoned for Dante's pathetic defeat. Even the other Keepers in the land are watching you now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ j) "AMBUSH" - Silverstream ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Ambush Lord Voss as he traverse the Realm, gem in hand. Sub Objectives: Attempt to capture the Heroes outposts on the river Secrets: 5 New Creatures: Bile Demon New Spells: None New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: None A different kind of challenge here Keeper, and one that sees you up against the clock. You have twenty minutes before the Lord Voss arrives from west and traverses your land to the exit to the east. There are three enemy guardrooms along the river, one to the east and two to the west. You begin will a small dungeon in place, with lairs, hatcheries, treasury and a workshop. Almost immediately a new creature will join you, the foul gassing Bile Demon. This blubbery lump is slow, but one of the toughest in the game. Muster several and you can create an impenetrable line of defence. Juts make sure he is kept well fed, and if he is not making items in your workshop have him train up. Now, quickly excavate out space for a small prison, torture chamber, training room and a few more lairs and treasury spaces and a library if you feel you need the services of Warlocks. You will find a gem seam that you can mine if cash runs low in the gold seam near to the treasury you begin with. Within five minutes or so you should have attracted a good number of trolls, mistresses and salamanders. Observe the Guard Rooms to the east and west. Have your imps tunnel through the bedrock and come out at the sides of the rooms. Now capture the eastern one first by building a wooden bridge to the side of the room and have the imps breach the wall. Now drop down your creatures and they should very quickly overpower the guards. Let some become skeletons and start converting others. If you can add four or five guards to your forces you will have no problems. Quickly do the same for the western guardroom. Now start your trolls and Bile Demons working on traps and doors. Fill the Guardrooms either side and your dungeon with doors, sentry traps, barricades and anything else you feel you need. Lord Voss will try and break through your rooms rather than go around them, what a fool he is. Now depending on how fast you worked, you may wish to take the final and furthest flung Guardroom as well. If you decide to do so, build a bridge to it and breach it with your Imps, or lead a possessed group and break down the doors. You may want to concentrate on training your troops up and laying traps with your final few minutes. If you have two Guardrooms under control it is unlikely Lord Voss will make it past your Dungeon. Once the twenty minutes is up, Lord Voss will appear with a small fighting force. If you did not capture the last guardroom, he will pause there to collect the guards patrolling there. As he moves towards your guardroom, drop as many creatures as you have into there and when he sets foot upon your land, cast Thunderbolt upon him. There will be a short but (very) bloody battle and he should fall without getting further than the guardroom. If you didn't capture the western guardroom, the same tactics go for fighting in your Dungeon. It may be tougher as he will have more soldiers under his command, but if you placed plenty of traps and recruited some skeletons that should help thin things out. As a last resort if all his minions are dead, he will start to run very fast towards the exit. For this reason it is a good idea to fill the eastern guardroom with barricades and traps to bring him to a halt. Whatever your tactics, he will find it hard to run with broken legs. Once he lies bleeding on the ground, Horny will appear and the ninth gem is yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ k) "SMASH" - Woodsong ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Defeat Keeper Asmodeous and take the Gem from him. Sub Objectives: Smash your way through Lord Ronin's lines to attack Keeper Asmodeous Seek out the weak spot in Asmodeous's defences Secrets: 9 (including part 3 of the Horny Talisman) New Creatures: None New Spells: Tremor, Turncoat New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: Braced Door, Spike Trap Keeper, you are halfway there, but trouble is brewing. Rival Keepers also vie for the Portal Gems and the tenth has fallen into the hands of Keeper Asmodeous. To make matters worse between his dungeon and yours lie the forces of Lord Ronin. Ronin is mustering for an attack against you and Asmodeous, an attack you will not survive, so it is imperative you defeat Asmodeous before Ronin moves against you. You have 45 minutes before Ronin will strike. But do not panic, it may seem impossible but the secret is knowing what to prioritise and what to leave alone. Before you begin, quickly check the lay of the land. You will see that to the North lies Asmodeous's Keep. Between you and he lies a large body of water with Ronin's forces to the east and west, joined by a bridge and patrolled by elven archers and dwarves. You will see to the southeast and west of you are two hero portals and to the east and west two enemy occupied treasuries. You will be assaulted from all sides, almost from the start. Now quickly excavate some gold and build the following before claiming the portal. A library, a Workshop big enough to hold at least five workers, a training room with at least nine spaces, a prison and torture chamber big enough to cater for around eight prisoners and four or five "clients". Lay lairs and Treasuries in strips where you have space, but build at least one 5x5 Hatchery to attract the Bile Demon. Try and build as much of this as you can afford before breaking through and claiming the portal. Two Mistresses will join you immediately, and having a large Hatchery and workshop set up means trolls and Bile Demons will be through first and not lots of goblins. You'll begin to suffer attacks from the southern hero portals almost straight away. Plus your dungeon will be breached from the north. Capture and convert as many giants and guards as you can, you need as much muscle as you can muster. Let the dwarves, elves and wizards become skeletons and keep them training and defending. Fill those long tunnel areas that the heroes are using to invade your dungeon from with Braced doors and spike/gas traps. Fear Traps also slow down those pesky dwarves and thieves. If you have five workers in your Workshop, you should be turning out items in around 20-30 seconds apiece. Once your dungeon has all the rooms you need and you have started to torture captured enemies, excavate north, you will find a gem seam nearby and also another Portal. Claim the Portal, but don't excavate through into the main body of water yet. Make sure your dungeon is secure with plenty of traps placed in the tunnels from the northern portal and make sure your Warlocks have researched the Tremor spell. Once the timer hits fifteen minutes left it's time to make your move. The key here is to basically ignore Ronin's forces; you have not the time to defeat them nor to spend destroying his defences before heroes come pouring into the realm. You must bypass him utterly. To do this, build a bridge west from where you broke through by the northern portal, then build the bridge north until you hit Ronin's bridge. Now drop some Imps on the end of the bridge and they will claim the bridge, you may need to drop a Mistress or two there to kill of any patrolling Elves. Now carry on building the bridge north until you hit a patch of unclaimed land by Asmodeous's Keep. Start excavating the rock and also very importantly claim the nearby bridge and collect the secret item to get the third part of the Horny Talisman. Excavate the rock as far as the enemies Lair, this allows the quickest access to the enemies Dungeon Heart. Use the Tremor spell to destroy the fortifications and your imps can break through the now soft rock quickly. Now as they break into the lair, be ready to drop down your Mistresses and skeletons, they will charge into the enemy dungeon and frighten away enemy imps so you can quickly claim the lair. Start dropping down Giants and Bile Demons and Warlocks and hopefully they will charge the dungeon heart and destroy it. If you have a force of at least four Bile Demons, four Giants, four Guards, six Mistresses and assorted back-up Elves and Warlocks (at level 3-4 at least) you should have the Dungeon Heart destroyed in seconds. You may hear the Mentor tell you that your own dungeon is under attack; it's a gamble you have to take. Storm Asmodeous's Keep before yours is destroyed, as long as you do it before the 45 minutes are up, your doors and traps should keep those pesky Hero incursions away from your Dungeon heart. Once Asmodeous's Dungeon Heart lies smoking in rubble and the blood of his pathetic minions seeps into the ground, Horny will rise up and claim back the tenth Portal Gem that is rightfully ours. Halfway there Keeper! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ l) "CARNAGE" - Sparklydell (a, b and c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Kill all your rival Keepers Sub Objectives: a) Build up a strong force quickly b) Hold of strong rivals while you deal with weaker ones c) Attack your neighbour before he can build up a fighting force Secrets: New Creatures: None New Spells: None New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: Trigger Trap, Boulder Trap, Steel Door Now Keeper, we have already seen off several rival Keepers for the privilege of collecting the Portal Gems. Now you will be pitched against five others Keepers in competition for the eleventh. Whoever comes out on top will be deemed worthy of carrying on the quest. Kronos, Belial, Raksha, Morgana and Draco stand against you here. But fear not, they are not just in competition with you, but also each other and whichever approach you take, this should be used as part of your tactics. There is some unpredictability in how the other Keepers will react and the shape their dungeons will take, and this should be born in mind when following the strategies below. a) This starts you off in the strongest possible position. You start with a Portal nearby and gold to set up a small but efficient dungeon. If you check the map you will see Portals marked across it, each Portal represents the locations on enemy dungeons so don't start expanding yet. Once you have a decent force ready, you should excavate southeast and you will soon breach an enemy dungeon. If you took your time amassing a force, you may discover this Dungeon Heart already under attack from another's forces, try and destroy it first and then keep excavating anti-clockwise. As you take over dungeon rooms and claim their Portals your forces will grow. You may encounter stiffest opposition in the northeast dungeon amongst the lava. This Keeper will often cast Thunderbolt upon your creatures and will capture and torture them. However usually once you destroy this Keeper, you should have won the Gem and Horny will arrive to declare you champion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Decide to start from this position Keeper and you will face two weak opponents on either side and one tricky one. There is already land excavated for you so quickly build the rooms you require, I advise a large workshop as you will need to do some serious Dungeon Fortification and a decent sized Prison and Torture Chamber as you will have much opportunity to expand your forces via conversion. Once you have some creatures in your dungeon trained up its time to take pout the Keepers either side. To the east and west are weak Keepers whose Dungeons you should conquer easily. You will hear that the Keeper to the North has defeated a rival Keeper be careful you do not excavate too far and breach their walls too soon. Make great use of the Sight of Evil spell to scout out where Dungeon Hearts are located and the layout of the dungeons. As you defeat the smaller Keepers, convert as many good creatures as you can and create some skeletons to. Fortify your Dungeon Heart with many traps and metal doors. As soon as the other Keeper feels its time they will launch an attack on you. You can use the Sight of Evil to locate the Dungeon Heart and start using the Call to Arms spell to have you troops gradually invade the others Dungeon. Hopefully the traps and doors will hold off attack from other sides enough for you to get to the final Heart to crush. Life can be made easier if you found the Horny Talisman piece in the previous realm. Summoning him within sight of the final Heart will speed victory and see you awarded that precious Portal Gem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) The trickiest position to defend and attack from Keeper and a sizable challenge. You begin with two Mistresses and three Salamaders. Quickly dig Northeast and you will find a Dungeon heart will little protection, just a couple of Warlocks and some Imps. Your Salamanders and Mistresses should destroy the Heart while your Imps claim the hatchery and Lair. Once this is done you can claim the nearby portal and things are not as desperate as they seemed. You'll find a small Library, with lots of space southeast to excavate. Quickly build up some gold reserves and excavate this area to build rooms. Workshops for traps and doors, and Prison and Torture chamber for adding to your numbers. Don't excavate too far North or West until you have attracted as many creatures as you can and done some Dungeon fortification. There is a powerful Keeper to the North who may try and breach your Dungeon, so make sure you put some nasty traps in his way. If you can, quickly take on the Keeper to the West, he is weaker and you can claim his rooms and Portal fairly easily. You are likely though in this area to be under constant attack, keep calm and remember to place Fear traps as you expand to keep those pesky rival Imps from claiming your land to soon and make use of spike traps and heavy iron doors to slow up incursions. Keep healing creatures as they fight the incursions, if you take care of them, they will level up and you may find that after a while you have a handful of tough warriors who have made it to level 8 and over. You should end up with just one tough opponent left, usually the Keeper to the North. If you can summon Horny to smash his Dungeon Heart life will be much simpler. If not just use your Sight of Evil or interrogate captured creatures to find the final Dungeon heart and be prepared for a large battle to take it down. Use the Call to Arms spell to keep your creatures grouped and forging forward. If you have managed to get some creatures to level 8 - 10 it should be a lot more straightforward. Once the final Rival is crushed, Horny rises to award you the prized Portal Gem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ m) "SCAVENGER" - Goldenglade ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Finish of Lord Brambles remaining forces and take the Portal Gem from Keeper Malachi Sub Objectives: Amass an Army of Undead through exploration and resurrection Secrets: 7 New Creatures: Vampire New Spells: None New Rooms: Graveyard New Traps/Doors: None A challenging level indeed Keeper as no Portal is available to you. It is time to make use of the newest addition to your hordes, the Vampire. To get him you need a graveyard, but do not build one. If you excavate West you will soon find a large one, one that can support 8 vampires. First though take a look at the lie of the level. Directly North of you is what remains of Lord Brambles Keep. To the North of that is Malachi's Dungeon. We will ignore the Keep for now, the regular incursions of dwarves will provide food to raise vampires from and a little later on there will be guards you can convert. To start with dig and excavate east, this releases some trapped skeletons who join you, keep excavating the areas right to the bedrock until you have made enough spaced to set up a training room. As soon as you uncover and claim the graveyard, incursions by dwarves will become frequent, they are at low levels and your skeletons will kill them easily. Without a prison, the Imps will wait until their bodies die and then drag them to the graveyard. Soon vampires will start to rise. If you have the cash, excavate the wall at the bottom of the Graveyard and add another row, it will increase the number of vampires supported to eleven. As they like to research, build them a small library, where you can also store the magical items you will find. Vampires do need Lairs so strip them near the library and training room, slaughter enough dwarves and you should get your full eight+ soon. When a Vampire is killed it reincarnates back in the graveyard minus a level, so do make sure they train as well, a level one Vampire is destroyed when killed. Vampires also get bored and like to gamble, a small casino should be built to stop them sulking. You should build a prison and Torture Chamber. Dwarves die in prison, but capture and torture enemy guards to get them converted, you should be able to get around five in attacks from the Keep and they provide valuable muscle. Now to acquire cash build bridges to get your imps to start excavating the land East and West. You want them to move up, excavating every nook and cranny for gold. Join the land up with bridges so they claim it and add more mana per turn. You should find all sorts of useful magical items, such as Stun Enemy Imps, Make Enemies Unhappy, Restore Health x2 and Cash. Once they reach the walls of Malachi's keep, stop and don't breach them. Once you have all the gold lying around in the rock, its time to storm Brambles Keep. It's a pretty easy job, you may lose some imps to the spike traps, but once they are sprung your Vampires can take them out quickly, and the cannons as well. Break down all the doors and claim all the rooms. Sell them off to generate some more cash, you don't need them. Now can you attack Malachi from the front, or side. Through the side is slightly faster as it takes you in nearer from his dungeon heart. When you do decide to attack, either bash down the door (front) or breach the walls, (side). Send your skeletons in first, they will frighten the weaker creatures. Use your Make Unhappy and Stun Imps specials if you have them. Drop all your imps in with the skeletons then add the Vampires, if you have all eight vampires at level 4 then you have nothing to fear. If they die, just click on the creature panels to bring them back into the fray quickly. You should start claiming rooms and be close to the Dungeon Heart. Drop any guards you converted in as well and to keep their minds on the job cast "Call to Arms" right by the enemy heart. Although his forces seem larger, your Vampires terrify them and as they back off, your Guards and Skeletons can start finishing them off and your imps carry on claiming the rooms. Vampires are strong too and soon the Dungeon Heart will fall under their blows. Another challenger to you has been crushed and Horny rises up to claim the next gem. It's always good to see him enjoying himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ n) "CONVERSION" - Cherish ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Crush Keeper Malleus's Vampire Hordes and take the Gem from him Sub Objectives: Capture and convert the Monks of St. Cuthbert Use your converted Monks against Malleus's Undead Hordes Secrets: 9 New Creatures: None New Spells: Turncoat New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: Freeze Trap Now Keeper, a substantial challenge awaits you in this realm. You begin with a sizable area already excavated, some gold in your reserves and six goblins at your disposal. If you check the land you will see that to the east is a cross shaped area, which houses the Abbey of St. Cuthbert the Thrice Martyred and a collection of Monks. Beyond that furthest to the east lies Malleus's Dungeon. Use your "Sight of Evil" spell to confirm its location. However it is not just that small section of the Abbey that lies between you. More or less the entire land between you and Malleus is filled with rooms and Hero Portals. Time will have to be expended neutralising those Portals and taking over rooms, but this can work to your advantage. Although it might be tempting to amass a force and storm Malleus' Dungeon, you will find your forces over stretched and demoralised by the time you reach his Dungeon. No the key tactic in this realm is patience... First of all lay down some Lairs for your Goblins and create a Training Room. Start training your goblins quickly, and excavating gold. You will see a Portal and a Hero Portal to the North and you should try and claim it as soon as possible. If you are unlucky an incursion may be sent through the Hero Portal before you can neutralise it. So excavate and claim it quickly and if you can build a prison and torture chamber quickly to capture and convert the Monk who lurks nearby. If you cannot afford to yet, do not worry, many more inhabit this realm. Now build a large 5x5 hatchery, and a large Workshop, you will want to have many Trolls and Bile Demons working away. Add a big prison and torture chamber if you haven't already and as soon as you can afford to, create a Graveyard big enough to support at least eight Vampires. If you keep excavating Northeast along the line of bedrock from the Portal, you will stumble across a Gem seam, so do not worry too much about cash. Create a Library and Casino and you should have a thriving dungeon up and running in no time. Now Hero's will keep attacking so capture and covert the Monks, if you can get around 5 or 6 that should be more than enough. Add any giants and guards and let the rest rot into skeletons or become food for vampires. Put the converted Heroes together in their own Lairs, they will mingle with your evil minions reluctantly, but only sharing sleeping areas makes them really angry. As you begin to excavate east you will start coming across heroes occupying dungeon rooms. One tactic you should use is once you have taken over the wooden bridges and claimed land on the other side, SELL THE BRIDGES. Vampires cannot cross water and when Malleus sends his Vampire Hordes to invade, you will reduce his options to get at your dungeon to one thin tunnel area. You will see the bedrock just west of the Prison you uncover forms a thin tunnel, which at one point widens with a column of bedrock in the middle. Place two Iron doors either side of the column then basically fill the area with spike and freeze traps and the ever popular, Boulder Trap (behind a door for maximum hilarity). As you excavate and claim rooms, build small Guard posts and set Fear traps. When Malleus sends his forces to come for you he will attempt to claim your land, removing the wooden bridges and laying Fear and Sentry traps will scupper those plans. Disable the two Hero Portals to the south of where you uncover a Prison and Torture Chamber. Now the enemy incursions will be less annoying. About now, Malleus should send his Vampires after you. They will first take over the cross shaped area with the Monks in. I would suggest you don't try and take over land that far along yet. Time to bed down in your Dungeon and defend. Once the Vampires and their converted Monks break through they should be slaughtered by your fiendish array of traps. The Monks will die quickly, the Vampires are at level 8, and if you don't set your converted Monks on them, they will return after being killed at level 7, then 6, then 5 etc. Your troops should make mincemeat of them, and keep crushing them as they return until you have turned his mighty Undead army into dust. Now you can methodically excavate Eastwards, keep laying Fear and Sentry traps to repel those enemy Imps. Once you have claimed the treasury, you should find the fourth part of the Horny Talisman. Soon you will breach the walls of Malleus's Dungeon. More Vampires will attack, but a handful of them should be no match for your large army. Set your skeletons and Mistresses to charge in and take out the cannons around the Dungeon Heart and then as many of your army as you wish to crush his pathetic heart. Soon it will be rubble, like his hopes of becoming the most powerful Keeper in the land. Horny arrives to claim the gem and now you have the ability to call upon him when your Mana is sufficient. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o) "REAP" - Peachtree ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Summon Horny and kill Lord Tiberius Sub Objectives: Claim all the Mana Vaults Secrets: 8 New Creatures: None New Spells: None New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: Magic Door Horny is impressed with your work Keeper, but requires that you prove yourself further to him. Here is a land with only the barest minimum of resources and a steady stream of enemies to combat. To storm Lord Tiberius Keep, you will not prevail without Horny's help, but you must first amass the mana to summon him. Speed is of the essence in this realm Keeper, you will need to train your creatures and storm the Keep before your reserves of gold run dry. You will need to make some hard choices when you begin, you must build some Lairs, a hatchery, a Prison and a Training Room, but what other rooms should you build? A workshop will allow you to create traps to slow the assaults upon your Dungeon Heart, but a Torture Chamber will attract the powerful Dark Mistress. You may wish to create a Library so your healing spells become more effective the choice is yours. I recommend a small Workshop, a Training Room and a Prison. Once you have created initial fortifications you can sell the Workshop for emergency cash. The most important thing is to train your small army and keep your numbers up with skeletons. Also most enemies in this level have a lot of cash on them, when they die in prison it is easier for your Imps to retrieve and add to your store. Build what you can afford, and create bridges to quickly excavate the gold around the Portal. Do not dig to the East; you will only attract unwanted attention. You should quickly acquire some Salamanders and whatever other creatures you built rooms for. There is gold to the west but do not excavate the last segment right away, it will attract attention. Give your creatures a few minutes to train up in the Training Room then excavate the last gold segment. You should expect an assault by level one archers, giants and monks. You should kill them and support your creatures by healing and casting Lighting Bolt. Let them become skeletons as you have neither the time to spend torturing them, nor the gold to pay their wages. This will expose a long pathway that leads to a Magic Door, assaulting this straight on will attract unwanted attention from the guards, so cunning is required. Build a bridge through the narrow gap in the rock and breach the room from the side; if you are lucky, your imps may be fast enough to claim the tiles around the portal before the next wave of Heroes comes through. Once this is done, kill the guards and claim the guardroom and two mana vaults and disable the magic door. If you have the cash, build another room here of whatever you are lacking to attract more creatures. Now quickly mine the gold down the passageway and if you wish, excavate the area around it to find secrets and lay more tiles to generate mana. Build bridges to reach the single gold seams dotted about and sell the bridges when you are done. Soon you should reach an area defended by cannons. You now have a choice. If you break down the door and go east you can claim two more Mana vaults and disable another Hero Portal. If money is running very low and your creatures are getting tetchy, try summoning Horny now. He will wade into the Keep northwards and slaughter most of the guards. If your mana runs out before he reaches Lord Tiberius, you shouldn't have to long to wait before it reaches 100,000 again. With most of the Keep guards' dead, you can take out the cannons and build a bridge over to the Keep. Once your Imps have claimed a tile or two, drop all your creatures into the Keep. There will be deaths, but they should buy you time until you can summon Horny again. Now there is nothing stopping him and he will quickly reach Tiberius. A few swipes of the scythe and Tiberius lies dead, his gem in Horny's scaly hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ p) "CRUSADE" - Fluttershine (a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Kill Lord Volstang who resides in the Fairy Fortress Sub Objectives: Rescued imprisoned Black Knights Storm Fairy Fortress Secrets: 9 New Creatures: Black Knight New Spells: None New Rooms: Combat Pit New Traps/Doors: None Lord Volstang has crushed the rebellious Knights and is garrisoned in the fairy Fortress. There are no portals to hand, and you begin with the ten Black Knights stuck in enemy prisons. However things are not as desperate as they seem. Check out the prisons and you will see that only the closest one is guarded heavily. The rest have patrols going past, so excavate close by and break through when a patrol has passed, this will give you time to claim the Prisons and free the Black Knights inside. Quickly lay down some lairs, hatcheries, a training room and a torture chamber. You can only add to your forces by conversion here so you need to get busy as soon as you claim the first prison. Don't take too long freeing the Black Knights, the weaker ones may die in prison and the longer you take the angrier they are when they come out. You may have to crush a rebellion or two and teach them a lesson in the Torture Chamber. So as quickly as you can claim the outermost prisons and the Combat Pit, you should have at least six Black Knights and a couple of converted guards fairly quickly. Once they are settled, free the final three Knights. Make sure they are all happy by making sure they are fed and paid. A Casino is a useful addition if you feel you can afford it as it helps the bad mood of the Black Knights lift. Money can be tight here so start training up in the Combat Pit. Excavate North to uncover a Mana vault. Excavate South and you'll find a workshop with the Elite Troll Knud lurking inside. With him in your dungeon you can now add some fortifications. You'll quickly hit bedrock to the South and North, with only one way forward, a long bridge leading East into the Fairy Fortress. Inside are two Hero Portals and behind them waits Lord Volstang. If you have the ability to summon Horny this level can be made much easier. Simply send Horny in with your troops to slay most of the enemies around the Hero Portals, then have your Imps disable them. Wait until your mana has accumulated again and keep sending Horny in until the Lord of the Land lies dead at his hooves. If you wish to prevail without Horny, then make sure you have trained all your Black Knights, Knights, Guards, and Giants up to level eight and your skeletons to level four. If money is running short, build a bridge around the fortress, hugging the bedrock either north or south and you'll find a gem seam around the other side along with a nice large area to excavate for mana vaults and specials. However you defeat Volstang is immaterial as long as his Portal Gem is yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ q) "STORM" - Fluttershine (b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Storm the Fairy Fortress and kill Lord Volstang Sub Objectives: Build a Combat Pit to train your creatures Secrets: 9 New Creatures: None New Spells: None New Rooms: Combat Pit New Traps/Doors: None After having resources so limited in the previous realm, you have plenty of gold, gems and portals at your disposal in the fairy realm of Fluttershine. It's time to use your new room, the Combat Pit to train your minions to level 8. Be aware that although you have access to the Combat Pit, you will not attract Black Knights until the next realm, alas. Start by building a nice large Dungeon with plenty of Lairs and Hatcheries. Install a large Combat Pit as well a big Prison and Torture Chamber. You may be laying siege to Volstang for sometime, so add a Casino. There will be plenty of hero incursions for you to crush so build a Graveyard to nurture vampires in. Excavating West will soon reveal the main entrance to Volstangs fortress. You can tell it is the main entrance as there is a Gem seam located there. Disable the sentry cannons to avoided your Imps being killed while mining gems, but don't break down the door yet. You will find a second portal close to your first, but also excavate north and south as far as you can to locate a third and fourth portal. Turn the fairies into skeletons or torture them for map information then use them as wormfood. You should reveal some prisons with skeletons inside located behind the Fairy Fortress. Now you tactics depend on your confidence and the strength of your troops. Once you have a good-sized army of minions you can storm the front of the castle and summon Horny to help. But you will be facing around 20 or 30 level 6-8 Knights, Monks and Fairies. You may prevail, but you may want to tip the odds more in your favour with some cunning. It is up to you. If you decide to take it slowly then build a wooden bridge around the side of the fortress until you get to the back. You can now take over the prisons and release the skeletons. Be careful though they will rush out and try and get into the back of the fortress so make sure you send them to the Dungeon via your Hand of Evil. Now if you excavate northwards of the Prison/Combat pit area you will uncover several mana wells and find several useful specials such as Level Up and Increase Mana. If you then head south you will find Elite Troll Knud and his workshop! Now to deplete the forces in the stronghold, peck away at them. Breach the south-western corner and you can take out several rooms of guards without springing a full alert. You can also capture Knights and take over rooms inside giving you a base to work from. When you feel ready, muster your forces out front, and drop some in the back. Attack him from two fronts and there should be a horrible bloody melee (which is what we like). Summon Horny to boost your minions spirits and watch him carve a bloody path through fairies, knights and monks.. Soon Lord Volstang lies dead and the next Gem is yours... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r) "CREEP" - Stonekeep ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Kill the unsuspecting Lord Pureheart Sub Objectives: Stealthily build up your dungeon within Lord Purehearts walls Secrets: 4 New Creatures: None New Spells: Create Gold New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: Lighting Trap, Secret Door Another taxing mission Keeper, and another that is not for the impatient amongst you. You begin with limited resources and your task is to excavate and take over the Keep room by room. The most important thing on this level is to keep your imps under control. It is advisable to create a small locked room to drop them in, then have just one excavate into a new area to avoid them all rushing out and taking over tiles in front of the patrolling heroes. The second thing is to make use of your Sight of Evil spell to watch for the patrols and check which rooms are coming next. First things first, you should take over the two workshops and create a couple of laird and hatcheries. Create a secret door just beyond the workshop doorways and lock it. You should carefully breakdown the other doors in the workshops and claim the tiles, before placing Secret Doors and locking them. This should be your strategy with each room, once you have claimed it, remove the wooden doors and replace them with locked Secret doors. To lock a door simply click on it. Click again to unlock, this way you can prevent your imps and creatures wandering into the corridors and attracting attention. Fortunately for you Lord Purehearts forces are quite stupid, if you pull your forces out quickly with your hand of evil, they will often wander off and not pursue you. Now you need to expand your fighting forces. So excavate as far east as you can, you will come across some gold seams and three Salamanders lurking in-front of the lava. Now you have a decent strike force, it's time to claim your first guarded rooms. To the right is a prison with a goblin in it and next to that one with a Dark Mistress in it. Claim these rooms first. If a guard spots you, pull your imps out with your hand of evil. Once you have these rooms, enlarge the prison by excavating the room out a bit more and sell the next one and place a small torture chamber inside. Now you will probably be running low on funds so, next go to the left and claim the library. Try and capture and convert the Wizard inside. Once you have him he will research the new spell "Create Gold", as you are taking things slowly here, you can sacrifice mana for gold and keep your denizens happy. You will find a Black Knight and a Warlock in the two other prisons. Claim these and then you should begin making incursions into the main body of the Keep. Take over the central rooms, but sell them off. You want to keep your rooms in a rim around the centre, selling the middle rooms means more cash and fewer areas needing defending. If you work your way east again from the last two prisons you will come across a graveyard. Sell the outside edges but obviously keep the one in the centre of the bedrock. You will gain Vampire here. Sell off you prisons you don't need and make space for a Casino and Combat pit. You will probably tangle with various patrols as you replace the outer doors of your dungeon and claim the interior rooms. As per usual, keep the Knights and Giants and use the rest for Vampire food and skeleton fodder. This way you should add bulk to your rather small forces. Disable alarm traps as quickly as you can, if you can destroy them before the patrol arrives you will be OK. You will see two small guardrooms northwards, each one of these lies before two hero portals. Work your way through and disable all four portals. You'll see some water. Use Sight of Evil to show Lord Pureheart lurking in the central area. Once your forces are as trained up as much as you need, break through and let your imps claim as far as they can. Now, drop all your minions into the area and take Pureheart out. If you have Horny with you the fight will be over in seconds. But as long as you disabled the Hero Portals and killed his main patrolling force, he should be a walkover without the Horned Reaper at your side. Not noticing his Keep was shrinking and his forces were disappearing under his nose, Pureheart is truly a fine example of the stupid royal nitwit. Horny claims the gem and we pass the three quarters mark. So near Keeper! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ s) "ANGELIC" - Moonshrine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Use Dark Angels to crush your rivals Harkon and Garrion Sub Objectives: Kill 20 heroes on the Dark Angels Temple to gain their favour Capture if you can, the Temple and use its Unholy Power Secrets: New Creatures: Dark Angels New Spells: None New Rooms: Temple New Traps/Doors: None This is what we have been waiting for Keeper. The Dark Gods now think you are the one to complete the mission and gain the Portal to the land above. But they require one final demonstration of power before they will release their feared Dark Angels into your service. You must kill 20 Hero's in this realm. So no prison should be built. If a hero dies in prison or in the torture chamber they will not count. You can however build a graveyard, once the heroes are dead, you can use them to make new Vampires. You are also up against the sons of your only rival Keeper left, Nemesis. You begin in the southern part of the realm. The Dark Temple is to the north, surrounded by four Hero guardrooms. To the northwest and northeast are Dungeons run keepers loyal to Nemesis, Garrion and Harkon. They are weak and foolish. They send their troops at pathetic low levels to attack the heroes right away and claim land up to your doorstep. Never fear, they get slaughtered, but it does mean the heroes will have attained level 8-10 by the time you launch an offensive. Worry not about that. First of all we have plenty of resources. Nearby are two portals. Excavate left of the western Portal to locate two gem seams. Excavate North of the east portal to collect a very useful special item - Reveal Map. Use this to dispel all the fog of war. Now you will see the progress of the other dungeons and how dismally they have failed. So build up a nice big dungeon. A big Combat pit is recommended as you want all trained up to level 8. Build every room you think you need bar a prison. If you wish to take captives later on, do so after you have filled the Dark Angels requirements. Don't excavate much further north than your Dungeon heart in case you accidentally break through right in front of the Heroes area which is fortified with Magic doors and cannons. Also imps from the other keepers will try and get inside. When you want to break through it is a good idea to dig a long tunnel through the softrock near the eastern portal. Fill it with Magic doors and Fear traps to repel enemy imps and your dungeon is safe. If you come out near the gold seam, you can claim another special. Spend time overlooking the Combat pit, you should have around four Black knights to train up, plus Dark Mistresses, Trolls, Salamanders. All creatures should be taken up to level 8 then use any level up specials you have. Once your fighting force is ready to go, have your imps break through and start quickly claiming tiles up to the heroes areas. You can then send it your troops, or if you wish to even things up even more, send Horny in first. He will take out the first guardroom, them stomp up taking out cannons and doors and any attackers before crashing into the Temple area and chasing down the guards. This should add about ten at least to your Hero killed total. Then send your own troops in; it shouldn't be long before 20 heroes are killed. Although they are at high levels, they are only thieves, archers and dwarves mainly. Your Black Knights, Vampires, Mistresses and Salamanders should make short work of them if you levelled them up enough. You may need to go back and heal up before making a second foray if you didn't use Horny. Once 20 are dead, you will be rewarded with ten Dark Angels at level 10. Make sure you have a nice set of lairs and a nice big hatchery ready for them! Now you should claim the temple. Once claimed, claim all the bridges around it, then sell the bridges to prevent those enemy imps claiming it back. Now taking out the two Dungeons will be easy. You can have your imps fight running battles with the other imps to claim tiles up the dungeon. But by far the best way is to drop about five dark angels as near as you can then possess one, group possess the other four and then simply stroll into the Keepers dungeons and smash down the doors to their dungeons hearts. Then, crush the Heart. There are creatures in the dungeons but they flee from you. Traps may be an annoyance, but nothing can really hurt you. Once both Hearts are rubble, Horny arrives and the seventeenth gem is ours. And now in the final missions, you can draw on the awesome power of the dark angel to help you out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ t) "BROTHERHOOD" - Cherry Blossom ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Defeat Keeper Nemesis and his despicable cohorts Sub Objectives: The lesser Keepers Faust and Fabius support Nemesis. Defeat Them first and use their resources. Secrets: 5 New Creatures: None New Spells: Firestorm New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: Fireburst Trap Patience is the key to success in this realm Keeper. You must build and train your forces to a high level before moving against the three Keepers ranged against you. Luckily for you, none of the three will make pre-emptive attacks against you, so, as long as you do not breach their dungeons before you are ready to fight, you can build and train at your leisure. You begin with a couple of Dark Mistresses so excavate some Lairs and a nice big hatchery. There is a Portal very close by, but before you open it, spend time accumulating wealth and placing rooms. If you excavate to the East you will find some water and Lava. DO NO EXCAVATE down past the Lava yet. This will open a Hero Gate and you will be overwhelmed by level 6 and above heroes. So excavate down past the water to uncover three gem seams for infinite wealth, lovely stuff. Now you can go mad building a Combat Pit, Graveyard and Temple. Although you may not get a Dark Angel or Dark Knight these rooms are still incredibly useful as you can train your minions to level 8 and also generate much Mana per turn making creatures pray in the Temple. Once you are ready, open the first Portal and begin training creatures and researching the powerful Firestorm spell. You should also fortify the path by the lava eastwards with traps and door to make life easier when you breach the Hero's lair there (use sight of evil to check it out). There is another Portal to the West, and another Hero gate. This only lets few some low level creatures. I would recommend not imprisoning but allowing the killed Heroes to feed vampires. A force of 5 or 6 Vampires is highly recommended. Train up as many creatures as you can to level 8 (take care with vampires in the combat pit, keep healing them or they lose a level when K'OD). When you have a strong force, breach the Hero gate area and let them mangle themselves on the traps. Feed as many as you wish to make Vampires, let others become skeletons, I wouldn't waste time with conversions. If you claim the area them build a bridge back around the top of the area you'll find another Temple. Claim it and sell it, it's in an awkward place. You need to take out the two Keepers either side of Nemesis first. It doesn't matter which you take out first, but you will need to build a long, long wooden bridge snaking through the Hard Rock going East to get to the top wall of the East Dungeon. Once you are at the top of the Dungeon, excavate and claim the land the other side of the wall. Then drop all your creatures on that claimed area and cast call to arms by the enemies Dungeon Heart. Now use Tremor to help your Imps quickly breach the walls and your amassed army should charge through and attack the Dungeon Heart. Once its dead, your Imps will claim the rest of the Dungeon and you'll own another Portal as well. Do this with both the side dungeons, taking some time to training new recruits and heal up between attacks. When you are ready to take on Nemesis your tactics will be pretty much the same. If you build a bridge out from one of the Guard Rooms in the West Dungeon you will see an area by the wall of Nemesis's Dungeon with sentry cannons and barricades on. Destroy the cannons and barricades and build a one or two square Guard room there and post a skeleton or Dark Elf to prevent the enemy Imps reclaiming the squares. When ready, as before, summon your creatures and breach the wall. Summoning Horny will make life extremely easy and you should have the mana for it if you claimed all the enemy Mana Vaults and have a Temple. Nemesis's Dungeon Heart will soon be a pile of smoking rubble if you took your time, trained and planned ahead. Now only Royalty stand between you can the final Portal Gems. Keeper, we are in the End Game, don't lose your nerve now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r) "INTERCEPTION" - Butterscotch ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Capture and Convert the three Princes Sub Objectives: Prevent any of the Princes escaping, or the Gem will be lost None of the Princes must die before Conversion or the Gem will be lost Secrets: 6 New Creatures: None New Spells: None New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: None This can be a very tough level as you must capture the three Princes, Felix, Balder and Tristram before they flee through one of the four Hero gates. To begin with you should build all the rooms you think you'll need and make sure you get training up your creatures. Excavate all the way around the circular area to collect all the gold and also several level up items out on islands. To the North there are some Giants patrolling and the very handy Reveal Map special. You really must get and use this or the level is almost impossible. You should also be aware that to the West is a neutral Black Knight and a Combat Pit, just contact him to have him join you. Once your Dungeon is up and running you should have revealed the Heroes area and the four portals. With some cunning you can make life much easier for yourself. The bottom Portal is only connected to the main area via a stone bridge. This also connects to another island area with a Guard in it. First of all build a stone bridge down to the area with the portal. Very quickly claim the bridge and then sell it. Voila Keeper, that is one Portal not accessible. Now. Build a stone bridge around the Guard post island. Wait for the Prince to pass through and quickly sell the bridge that connects that island to the main area. That's one Hero trapped and ready to be picked off when you are ready. DON'T get him yet though as he will alert his brothers and they will escape. Now you need to cut off the top two portals (one looks like steps going into a cliff-face). Do you remember the "Creep" mission? Well this is much the same. Gradually claim land until you are passed the second Portal room. Put in some Secret doors and don't let the enemy see them opening. This should cut the top Princes patrol route right down and keep him much closer to his middle brother. Now if you look at the middle Portal you'll see there is some soft rock just to the right of it. If you extend a stone bridge from the second Portal you claimed and go around then break through at that side, you can send your troops in to ambush the two brothers as they try and escape through it. You should have a well-trained force of around 20 level 8 monsters at least, plus any Vampires or skeletons you raised. Now when the two Princes fall make sure you pluck them out of prison and strap them down on the rack. While they are being tortured, defeat the last Prince and add him. Now keep healing them until they convert to your side. This can take a long time so get the Mistresses to help out. Once their puny spirits are broken they will hand over the penultimate Gem and we are one step away from facing the King and spreading misrule throughout the land! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ s) "REGICIDE" - Heartland ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Objective: Kill King Reginald and open the gateway to the Sunlit Land of the Heroes Sub Objectives: Cot off the Heroes attack routes or you will be overwhelmed Secrets: 1 New Creatures: None New Spells: None New Rooms: None New Traps/Doors: None This is it Keeper, the final showdown against King Reginald, and he will not be an easy fight. With an army of level ten wizards and knights at his command you will need to do some serious training and trap setting to avoid being overwhelmed by his superior strength. But, I have faith in you and although having made it this far you are probably not in need of my advice anymore, I am nothing if not thorough and shall endeavour to give you the advice you need to emerge triumphant in this realm. This level can be split into two distinct experiences. The first half of the level sees you struggling to amass a fighting force while under constant attack from low level heroes. The second half will have you training your forces for the final assault. I would suggest Keeper that you very quickly build some lairs, a hatchery and a Workshop while also collecting gold. As you acquire cash, spend it immediately, adding in a Prison, torture chamber and library as soon as you can. Then place a Training room and some treasuries and you should have a few creatures setting up home already. You'll very quickly be attacked by heroes, support your creatures with thunderbolt and heal and you should have a few skeletons quite quickly. Also if you dig just to the southwest, you'll find a couple of neutral Salamanders. You'll have to keep excavating for gold and you'll quickly see that there are four hero portals which you are being attacked from, plus one Hero gate by the mana vault to the northwest. You must disable these Portals, your Dungeon won't be able to stand the repeated incursions while you try and build for the big push. Each Portal has a Treasury and Guardroom by it, as you claim the land around the Portal you'll collapse them. The Hero gate cannot be disabled, but incursions through it are rare. If any Giants appear, convert them, they be very useful later on. At this point you should also be building a Graveyard, Temple and Combat Pit. Although this seems like a lot of cash, the Temple will replenish your Mana quickly and you can fill your treasuries using the "Create Gold" spell. There is also a Gem seam found over the lava right in the northeast corner which you can go looking for as soon s you feel it is safe to do so. You are likely to find that even with the relevant rooms, Black Knights and Dark Angels will not appear. There isn't much you can do about the Dark Angel, but you can get Black Knights easily by sacrificing a Dark Mistress and a captured Guard (see Temple recipes in the room section). Mistresses will replace themselves via the Portals (you can claim two more, one to the North west and the other to the east) and Guards are plentiful, so you should do this early on to get a nice Horde of tough, mean Knights. Once the four Portals have been neutralised you can relax a bit. Your Imps have most likely opened up the area with Reginald's Castle and are probably being gunned down by cannons. There is a sort of double-layer to the defences. A U-shaped defensive wall packed with cannons, traps and two Hero Portals. Beyond that is the Castle proper. You can actually bypass the first line of defence by digging around to the northeast and west, but its best to neutralise and claim that whole area as it will allow your Imps to quickly drag the wounded back to your dungeon and stop them constantly being shot at by cannons. So use Stone Bridges and Salamanders to destroy the outside cannons and break through using Tremor. Kill or capture everyone and destroy the portals. You now have a whole claimed area right on Reginald's doorstep! Your Imps can now access the Gem seam that is located right up in the Northeast corner more safely, and limitless wealth is yours! Now take time out to train, train, train! Try and get everyone to level 8 its worth it. Reginalds castle consists of a Main room with four Hero Portals and two Hero gates with some guardrooms guarded by level 10 guards either side. If you are feeling sneaky you can try and take out the guards either side to cut his fighting force down even more. Then once you are ready amass your forces and attack. They are all very tough so Summon Horny, he will swing the odd in your favour and Reginald will quickly be dead. Mop up the remainders then allow your creatures to rest and recuperate as in a few minutes time there will an incursion of about ten level 10 heroes, and for there on they will keep coming until you defeat the two Stone Lords in the corridor to the Surface. Use the Heal All now if you need to speed things up and dump as many people as you can into the Temple to get as much Mana as you can. If you have a lot of trolls, you may have time to sprinkle some spike traps etc round the Hero gates before the incursion begins. If you are careful you should have enough Mana to summon Horny as soon as the Heroes appear, if not your creatures are hopefully well trained enough to defeat the first wave and hold the two Lords at bay until you can Summon Horny to kill them. ONLY HORNY CAN FINISH THEM OFF! Once Horny has struck down the final obstacle between you and the Portal, you can sit back, relax and watch Horny walk out into the light... Well done Keeper, you have proven your mastery of the Underworld with flair and style. The Dark Gods are pleased with you and we hope that you will continue your reign of terror in similar style across the Overworld. For now, I must leave you, but I will return when needed to offer guidance and information. Until then, farewell... ========================================================================= ************************** 10) SECRET LEVELS **************************** ========================================================================= There are four secret levels which are unlocked each time you find a piece of the Horny Talisman. You can then play them by clicking on the relevant area on the map. They are basically mini-games to give your a breather from your campaign of terror, but be warned they are actually more difficult and frustrating than anything else in the game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) GOLF Secret found in: Fear Aim of the Game: Play a three round game of Golf for relaxation You have three Boulders which you slap into the Portals. You only have ten slaps and three minutes to do it in. If the Boulder hits the walls to many times, it crumbles. The only way to do it is practice and move the angle you view from around to change the direction you slap in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) DUCK SHOOT Secret found in: Caverns Aim of the Game' Shoot the Heroes in a Fairground Duckshoot Simply roll up your Warlock sleeves and shoot as many of the Heroes as you can. Just watch out for Elves and Wizards, they'll shoot back at you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) MAZE Secret found in: Smashing Aim of the Game: Make you way through the Booby-trapped Maze You get to possess a Dark Angel for this little trip, sounds good right? Unfortunately the maze twists across lava, sections drop away and you are harassed by Wizards blasting you from a far. Once you get to the end of the maze there are six doors. Open the correct one and you make it "home". Open one of the incorrect ones and you get crushed by a Boulder Trap. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) BOWLING Secret found in: Conversion Aim of the Game: Kill the Dwarves with Boulders You get to have some fun here with live skittles. Once again you have to slap the Boulders along thing pathways. Before they crumble you should try and crush as many Dwarves as possible. As with the Golf game, keep twisting the perspective to get your slaps aimed in the right directions. ========================================================================= ************************ 11) MY PET DUNGEONS **************************** ========================================================================= My Pet Dungeon allows you work your way through a variety of Dungeons, fulfilling sub-objectives to score points and move onto the next level. Unlike the Campaign levels, every room is available to you, but they are time released, so you have to wait a while before you can build some of the later rooms. My Pet Dungeon Mode should be played as you begin campaign mode as it helps immensely in mastering the controls and things like group possession, creature conversion, combat and resource management. If you have spent some time away from your Campaign, a quick blast through one of the Pet Dungeons will bring it all flooding back! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) "LIBERTY" - Dragos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amass 10,000 points Sub Objectives: Administer 50 slaps to your creatures Research all of your spells Portals: 5 Ah, this is a Keeper's heaven (or should that be Hell?). Five portals supporting 40 creatures, lots of soft bedrock to tunnel into and two seams of gems offering an infinite supply of wealth. Keeper you will never have it so good anywhere else, so use this opportunity to experiment with room layout, battle and spell casting, in a gentle environment. The gem seams are found beyond the northern and southern portals and will require bridges to reach them. There are also several rooms to claim in the Northwest, southeast and south-eastern corners. Nine mana vaults are also claimable in the northeast corner. Your sub-objectives are easy to achieve, you only have to research the spells once, you are not required to research the upgrades as well. Administering 50 slaps is also straightforward, and ones aimed at your Imps also count towards the score. If your Warlocks are being tardy in researching, lock them in the library to speed things up. Once you have achieved the required score you can move on or stay in the realm. If you choose to stay on, you will need to exit to the debriefing screen to carry on to the next Pet Dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ b) "DISCOVERY" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amass 15,000 points Sub Objective: House 15 happy creatures Build 10 rooms Portals: 1 This land offers you a rather complex network of water and lava, threaded with islands of land you can claim and build on. You need to work your way around clockwise, excavating gold and building lairs and hatcheries as well as your other rooms. If you mine quickly you should start uncovering other rooms which you can claim, rooms that also house neutral creatures. These will join you as soon as your imps make contact with them and you should have 15 happy creatures fairly quickly, especially if you dig all the way around, past the Hero Portal and uncover the Graveyard with three vampires in the southwest corner. If you start running shirt of gold, relax, there are several gem seams behind where the Hero Portal is which you can mine for infinite wealth. This levels objectives can be completed fairly quickly if you imps mine quickly around the level. But its may be worth staying on and expanding your dungeon, and experimenting with defending areas that are not enclosed by walls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c) "BOTTLENECK" - Djocasta ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amass 20,000 points Sub Objective: Get one creature to level 8 While in possession of a creature, group 5 others Number of Portals: 2 This land Keeper, is bereft of infinite gem seams and some strange force has disabled your "Create Gold" spell. So although there is gold aplenty in seams to the east and west, it is not infinite so perhaps a little care should be taken. Your best approach is to construct a great deal of your dungeon before you decide to break open the first portal. Excavate plenty of gold and amass a good stock in your treasuries. Build lairs, hatcheries, a training room and any other rooms your think you'll need. Once the game has started offering you the guardroom or wooden bridge, it's a good time to claim the first portal. This way your creatures won't be spending too much time hanging about waiting to be paid as you wait for the Combat Pit to present itself. The level shape is more egg-timer than Bottleneck. Once you have excavated all around the southern end, you can break through and build a bridge past the hero gate to the next area. There is another portal here and more gold seams, so you really shouldn't start running short. It's probably best not to build a Casino though, jackpots can take an awful lot of cash from your reserves and rigged casinos mostly just make your creatures grumpy. The group possession can be done quickly, as soon as your Warlocks have researched the spell. Once in possession of a creature, press the 7 key and then left click when a creature is in your line of sight and highlighted in pink. Once you have five in a group you'll get your bonus points! While you await the combat pit, you can also get experience for your creatures by triggering a few Hero incursions. This builds experience quickly, but of course ensure high level creatures don't die. Once you have the combat pit available, drop your highest level creatures in. You can keep healing them as they fight, which allows them to fight on until they level up to 8. Once done so, you will get your bonus points and be able to access the next Pet Dungeon when you choose to exit this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ d) "RECRUITS" - Nasreem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amass 25,000 points Sub Objective: Get 24 Creatures Get 20 creatures to at least level 4 Portals: 0 A nice easy level this one. Although you have no portals the creatures you require are all nearby. Break into the first set of rock you can access to release the first two creatures. Quickly build a lair in that area to house your first recruits then build up a bit of cash by mining the gem seam nearby. There are many gem seams about the level, with four places at each corner of the circle of rooms about your dungeon heart. In fact once you have the treasury, I recommended you turn every strip of path around the dungeon heart into one to store a whopping 180,000 gold in a very easy place for all your creatures to access. With some money in the bank work your way around mining out the small rooms. As room become available, build them, including the Prison and torture chamber. If you excavate in the southern area you'll quickly uncover a cannons in the south east and south west. Build wooden bridges over and have your creatures destroy them, excavate behind them to find Level Up specials. If you excavate directly east and west you'll find two Level UP specials sitting in the water, build wooden bridges to collect them as well and save them for when you have 20 creatures to level up. There are also some Fear Traps to the south so use the skeletons you uncovered to disable them for access to another special. You can also excavate and claim two massive treasure rooms, which I would sell off and turn into a Graveyard and a larger Library or Training room. If you excavate North around the Hero gate there are no more rooms, but a couple more Specials to find. To get the last few creatures to take your total to 24, trigger a hero invasion or just pick up a few from the Hero pit and drop them into your dungeon to be quickly crushed. Then either imprisoned and turned to skeletons or used to make new Vampires. You should have 24 creatures at level 4 or above without any major headaches and the next Pet Dungeon is now accessible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ e) "FURNACE" - Frimley ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amasss 30,000 points Sub Objective: Build 10 Doors of any type Build 10 Traps of any type Portals: 3 Another easy level here Keeper. Although the terrain is full of lava and tricky to negotiate, you have been blessed from the start with the Stone Bridge. Your main task here is to ensure you carefully excavate the areas, while leaving places to build doors. Even two columns on their own can be used to hang a door between, you do not have to make square room shapes. So begin to build bridges and excavate rooms leaving plenty of places to fit doorways in. There is only one room that is vital here, the Workshop of course. Build any other rooms as you see fit. Once the workshop is available, begin constructing doors and traps. They do not have to be ten different doors. You can create ten wooden doors if you like as long as the are put up and not destroyed. The same with the traps, as long as ten are placed and not destroyed you will accrue your Bonus points. There is a gem seam in the middle of the level for infinite wealth, you may also want to experiment with trap and door combinations against enemy incursions here to make things more interesting. Once you are ready to move on, the final Pet Dungeon awaits... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ f) "MASTERPIECE" - Sanddar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amass 25,000 points Sub Objective: Build a Temple of at least 25 tiles in size Attract two Dark Angels Portals: 3 Here Keeper you begin with all rooms available and all spells at level 1. But before you break one those portals, you may wish to accrue some wealth and build some rooms in advance. I suggest to take you Imps and excavate south until you hit the large gem seam there. Then you build up a massive treasury and then start building rooms to attract the best creatures as soon as possible. Attracting the Dark Angels is the hardest part of this level, as they are reluctant to come through even with a Temple erected in their honour. You can 100% guarantee getting one straight away if you construct the room needed to attract the Elite dark Angel - Zachariah. TRE LAI LAI LAI LAI LAI TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TEM TEM TEM TEM TEM TRR TRE TOR TOR TOR TOR TOR TRR Build that room and he will come through as soon as you open the portal. Then it's a matter of potluck if the second one will arrive. Even though a Temple should support and attract two Dark Angels, it seems to help to build another 5x5 temple. You may find that you have attracted all the creatures you can and still no second angel. Well in that case Keeper, you have to make the hard decision to get rid of some lesser denizens. You can sacrifice them in the Temple for the speediest removal. Keep doing it and hopefully the second Dark Angel will arrive to fill the new gap. Other than that, enjoy the freedom of lots of cash and big rooms to build. See if you can get everyone up to level 10 by triggering Hero invasions regularly. When everything is up and running, possess a creature and take a stroll, kick back and smell the Brimstone. After learning your trade here Keeper, your campaigns and skirmishes should become much easier! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ g) "TORMENT" - Omelas (Patched Version Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Amass 25,000 points Sub Objective: Claim the neutral Salamander Claim the neutral Dark Angel Portals: 3 Although it sounds difficult Torment merely has a lot of hard bedrock to be worked around. You can quickly claim several prisons, with trolls, Bile Demons, vampires, Fireflies and Mistresses inside. As you excavate around across the water you'll need to curve back around and up into the Northwest corner to access the Lava where the Neutral Salamander is and also several gem seams. The Dark Angel is locked up in a room in the northwest corner. As you work your way around beware enemy traps on small island areas. There are lighting traps by the mana vault and two Fireburst traps on the small islands near the Hero Gate. The only Tormenting thing about this map is that completing the sub-objectives will not give you the full amount of points to beat the level. Accumulate the last 5000 or so points by killing Hero's and claiming as much land as you can. ========================================================================= ************************** 12) PATCH HISTORY **************************** ========================================================================= This is included you so as you can confirm which patch you may be using and whether or not you think it worth updating the patch. Most versions of DK2 come with patch 1.51 included on the CD. Patches 1.6 and 1.7 add new creatures but have little in the way of bug fixes or tweaks. All patches can be downloaded from: http://dk2.ea-europe.com/ If you have a game started in an early version it will usually not play in the updated version, or it may restart you from the beginning of whichever level you had got to. However it is a good idea to back your various saves up separately from the DK2 main files, if you need to reinstall the game to patch or even unpatch it you can copy the save files back in and as long as they match the version you saved in, they will be fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) VER 1.51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS UPDATE WILL AFFECT YOUR SAVED GAMES. This update does not fix all of the hardware configuration problems that we've seen as addressing them is out of our control. We have found that memory resident programs, overclocking and bad or outdated drivers account for 90% of the problems we've seen. For more info, read the TroubleShooting guide in the Support section of http://www.dungeonkeeper.com/ Gameplay tweaks and additions in Update 1.51 ============================================ * 1024x768 resolution supported. * Added 'No Mans Land' map. 2 player. Multiplayer and Skirmish. * Added 'Circlet' map. 3 Player. Multiplayer and Skirmish. * Added 'Patrol' map. 4 player. Multiplayer and Skirmish. * Added 'Pressure' map. 3 player. Skirmish only. * Added 'Torment' My Pet Dungeon level. * Added 'Olympia' map. 4 player. Multiplayer and Skirmish. Also in Bonus Pack 1. * "The battle in the Combat Pit is over" is played when only one creature remains. * Selecting "Quit" from the main menu now requests confirmation before quitting. * "Your Library does not have enough storage" now played when there are more spells to research but no more space. * Added "Press Space to go to Debriefing Screen or Escape to continue" at end of levels. * Added a bunch more Temple Recipes. * Added a check for 150MB disk space (necessary for swap files). * Added a flower icon to the Hero Alarm Trap. * Added a multi-line chat message window to MP. * Added a multiplayer option that makes reinforced walls impenetrable to enemy Imps. * Added a new cheat for gaining mana. * Added a warning box if player is timing out in multiplayer lobby. * Added a warning for when all players in MP don't have the map chosen. * Added A3D audio support. * Added better confirmation that a game has been saved. * Added better lava balls. * Added clearer alliance notification in the Allies window in MP. * Added current values on slider bars. * Added functionality in MP to let you chat once you have died. * Added functionality that lets you play on in Single Player with the GUI available. * Added 'Message To' functionality in the Allies window in MP. * Added Mistress whip effect for Torture Chamber. * Added notification of player's defeats in MP. * Added the ability to have an allied end in multiplayer. * Added the ability to wander the realm as a lost soul once after a multiplayer defeat. * Added tooltip for MPD Level Selector. * Added Torture flower icon. * Added Total Evil Rating calculations and names. * Adjusted Freeze Trap mana costs. * All players can now see a thumbnail pic of the level in the MP lobby. * Alliance information can now be heard by all players. * Ally window in MP now shows who is allied to whom. * Altered terrain slightly in Hopping. * Altered the amount of damage Boulder now takes when hitting a creature. * Altered the Knight's melee sounds. * Attacking sleeping creatures in first person now wakes them up. * Boulders now take damage when slapped. * Campaign progress now not saved with MPD or Skirmish. * Certain creatures now use the Temple when idle. * Changed "New Campaign - Are You Sure?" to only display if a Campaign has already started. * Changed Combat Pit tooltip. * Changed CPU player so that it uses the Combat Pit. * Changed MPD Level Selector tooltip. * Changed Library tooltip. * Changed Monk's heal usage. * Changed the eye-height of some creatures. * Changed the highlight on the Hero Portcullis. * Changed the highlight on the Fear Trap. * Changed the Horny melee timing. * Changed the 'Imps moving spellbook' tooltip. * Coloured MP messages to differentiate between private, public and server messages. * Computer player can now be set in multiplayer games. Will not work properly with all maps. * Computer player now deals with neutral rooms better. * Computer player stats revised to make some attack earlier. * CRC checking of .exes to ensure that in multiplayer the .exes match for all players. * Creatures show how much mana they are generating from prayer. * Dark Elves now eat and sleep if they need to when patrolling. * De-activated game functions when in chat e.g. Zoom/Rotate. * Debriefing stats revised. * Disallow Full-screen map while game is paused. * Each Mana Vault now provides an increase to the maximum amount of Mana. * Efficiency tooltips now rounded up. * Ensured that creatures cannot get stuck in doors which are opening or closing. * Ensured that creatures killed in the Torture Chamber contribute to debriefing stats. * Ensured that Imps only drag back unconscious bodies when there is one spare floor tile. * Environmental effects default to 'off' (for EAX environment compatible soundcards). * Creatures will no longer be targeted in First Person mode. * Game settings now saved between games. * Given creatures the ability to cast Heal/Armour/Invisibility on themselves, if they have that spell. * Hand now taken out of possession spell mode when coming out of possession. * 'Heal' Creature Spells now slightly more powerful. * Hero Lair texture is now easier on the eyes. * Host quitting out of lobby will now automatically kick other players out of that lobby. * Imp priorities adjusted slightly. * Imps now have their correct death effect in the Temple pool. * Imps stats altered so that it's easier for them to reach level 10. * Increased the health of MPD Hero Invasion Parties for higher levels. * Increased the update rate of the full-screen map. * Some Keeper Spells can now be cast into the Temple pool to contribute to Temple Recipes. * Lobby chat text now more legible against the background. * Made Casino jackpot music only play for one player. * Made chat textbox more responsive. * Made Hi-Score Table easier to enter. * Made Horny immune to freezing. * Made it easier to distinguish between separate sub-objectives. * Made rewarded creature from Temple Recipe appear at average level of creatures dropped in pool. * Magic Doors now only damaged by magic attacks. * Mana from Prayer values tweaked for all creatures. * More feedback when door is locked/unlocked. * More silly speech implemented. * MPD quicksave no longer writes over Campaign quicksave. * Multiplayer lobby now shows IP Address of all machines. * Now easier to get around traps in 1st person. * Pay-day timer now starts when first creature joins your side. * Player names now shown instead of Player 1, Player 2 etc. * Players are now informed of players that have dropped out of a MP game. * Reduced frequency of "There is nothing left to research" message. * Reduced frequency of "Your Portals have attracted as many creatures as they can". * Removed cheats in MP. * Rooms, doors and traps cannot be set to researchable in MP game options. * Some creatures now use the Casino when idle. * Subtitles on Level 5 appear in a better place. * The F3 camera option is not as zoomed in. * The Mistress now trains more and is less obsessed with the Torture Chamber. * Tidied up 2D Front End map sections. * Tidied up Control Options in Front End Menu. * Tidied up text in the chat window. * Tweaked music scripting. * When trying to join a game in Internet Dungeon Watch you now also get a message. * Winner's name now at the top of a MP debriefing. * You can now assign ESC key in game and Front End. Fixes in Update 1.51 ==================== * After joining someone else's MP lobby, you no longer inherit their game settings. * After loading a saved game, correct debriefing speech now plays. * Fixed a Multiplayer problem related to items dangling in the hand. * Fixed a problem in MPD Level 3 involving Continual Invasion. * Fixed a problem related to decomposing in the Graveyard. * Fixed a problem where "Locate Hidden Land" special was appearing at the end of a Skirmish game. * Fixed a problem where creatures sometimes cannot get picked up in MPD mode. * Fixed a problem where creatures sometimes could not be dropped in MPD mode. * Fixed a problem where flowers of creatures in Toolbox flash for no apparent reason. * Fixed a problem where movies don't show video on some CD drives. * Fixed a problem where players were forced to replay completed missions. * Fixed a problem where the first chicken to be picked up would be black. * Fixed a problem where you could lose the spells you started with when taking over an enemy Library. * Fixed a problem where you couldn't view the "Cut 1" movie. * Fixed a problem with MPD Levels 2-6 so that creatures can be dropped back into the Toolbox. * Fixed a problem with news update speech on map screen. * Fixed a stalemate bug on Level 10. * Fixed an Alt+Tab crash * Fixed an out of sync problem between German and non-German versions involving Elven Archer torture anim. * Fixed an out of sync problem related to jailbreaks. * Fixed an "invisible Imp" problem. * Fixed Level 20 so that Hero Gates can be collapsed. * Fixed problem in multiplayer where loading screen was not shown at some stages. * Fixed problem related to experience gained through destroying traps and Dungeon Heart. * Fixed problem that caused framerate drop when exposing the map in MP. * Fixed problem where "Player Not Responding - Kick Player" message wasn't clearing the thumbnail from the screen. * Fixed problem where "Teach your prisoners a lesson - build them a Torture Chamber" got played incorrectly. * Fixed problem where "There is nothing more to research" got played incorrectly. * Fixed problem where "You have my allegiance, Keeper" got played incorrectly. * Fixed problem where being kicked from a lobby was taking a long time before timing out. * Fixed problem where creature spell 'Knives' were coming out in the wrong direction. * Fixed problem where creatures were shown in the full-screen map at the point they were picked up from. * Fixed problem where debriefing wouldn't show after continuing a MPD game. * Fixed problem where fire sound would play indefinitely. * Fixed problem where frozen creatures in possession won't animate when coming out of possession mode. * Fixed problem where Horny would sometimes get stuck on the way to the Portal Gem. * Fixed problem where Imps weren't taking crates to blueprints. * Fixed problem where it was possible to get idle CPU Keepers in Skirmish. * Fixed problem where it was possible to get overlapping GUI windows. * Fixed problem where Portal Gem was created in an incorrect place after a game had been loaded. * Fixed problem where rebelling creatures leaving the dungeon were getting stuck. * Fixed problem where some walls weren't getting rendered when exiting possession mode. * Fixed problem with duplicated level objectives screenshots in mission briefings. * Fixed problem with sound in movie player on Aureal cards. * Fixed Voodoo and non-MMX machine config problem. * Game installed to a path without spaces in now runs from the Autorun menu. * High Score Table no longer displays "Level 20" after completing a Secret Level. * Temple created creatures now never get stuck in the pool. * Valid video mode now set up for Matrox Millenium video card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ b) VER 1.61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dungeon Keeper 2 Update 1.51 to 1.61 ==================================== THIS UPDATE WILL AFFECT YOUR SAVED GAMES. SAVED GAMES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS WILL START AT THE BEGINNING OF THAT LEVEL. Elite creatures in Dungeon Keeper 2! This version adds Elite creatures to Dungeon Keeper 2. Elite creatures are tougher, faster, stronger versions of their ordinary creature counterparts, and add a deadly twist to any Multiplayer, Skirmish or My Pet Dungeon game. However, attracting them in will not be easy, and you will need to discover their particular preferences to draw them in. As a clue, to attract the Elite Mistress, build a 3x3 Prison surrounded by a Torture Chamber. Good luck attracting in the others! Other Changes in Version 1.61 In this version we have added the much requested functionality to replay completed levels, as well as play levels that were not played when a choice was given in the Campaign game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c) VER 1.70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT SAVEGAMES FROM EARLIER VERSIONS OF DKK2 WILL WORK WITH THIS VERSIO OF DUNGEON KEEPER 2. This version adds the Maiden and the Jack-In-The-Box Trap to Dungeon Keeper 2. The Maiden is an awesome creature that spits webs and slays enemies. The Maiden can be used in Skirmish and Multiplayer levels. The Jack-In-The-Box Trap literally scares the life out of Imps and also damages enemy Dungeon Hearts. This version has a fix for users of Environment Mapped Bump Mapping 'EMBM' - please do not confuse this with other types of bump mapping that are not supported. Currently, the Matrox G400 is the only card we are aware of that fully supports 'EMBM'. Please ensure you are using the latest Matrox drivers (Point your browser to 'www.matrox.com') if you wish to try this feature. Use the following commandlines '-enablebumpmapping' and '-enablebumpluminance' to activate bump mapping on your G400. Please note 'EMBM' Bump Mapping is an unsupported feature and, as such, cannot be discussed by our technical support staff. USERS OF OTHER CARDS PLEASE NOTE YOU MAY EXPERIENCE CRASHES IF YOU TRY TO RUN 'EMBM' BUMPMAPPING ON YOUR MACHINE. (For further information on commandlines please consult the ReadMe.txt) Installing this update on top of an earlier version of Dungeon Keeper 2 will mean that the Uninstall function will not clear out all DK2 files. After using the Uninstall option, you can safely delete the remaining DK2 files manually. If you have installed to the default path these files will be located at "C:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper 2\" Gameplay tweaks and additions in this Update ============================================ * Added a new creature - 'The Maiden'. * Added the 'Jack-In-The-Box' Trap. * Added 'Frosty's Realm' a new 2 player map. Multiplayer and Skirmish 4 player map. * Added 'Frosty's Lair' a new 3 player map. Multiplayer and Skirmish. * Added 'Frosty's Castle' a new four player map. Multiplayer and Skirmish. * Added 'Mercenary Portals' these Portals allow you to get hero creatures in the levels that support them (Frosty's Castle, Frosty's Lair and Frosty's Castle). * Added 'EMBM' Bump Mapping for G400's. This effect has been added onto Lava and Water in the game. * Added 'My Pet Dungeon 7' to the update. * Added Windows 2000 support to DK2. * Altered Balance of Elite Creatures so that the Elites are now much tougher. * Altered AI on some skirmish maps to improve Keepers abilities. * Fixed - Elite creatures are now not turned into their normal counterparts after saving/loading. * Fixed - You now do not become stuck if you press ESCAPE in first person. * Fixed - Wizards do not fall into the Temple. * Imps now disappear when their Mana reaches zero. * Imps now perform better on Skirmish maps. * Shrinking Princes problem on Level 19 fixed. * Creatures in the combat pit now get hungry. * Sniveller is not the only rating in multiplayer. * It is now possible to have spaces in a savename when saving at the end of a level. * You can now slap Horny again to cancel him once cast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to email me about any aspect of this guide, any contributions you would like to make will be fully credited if used and are more than welcome. Please inform me of any errors, typos etc so I can rectify them immediately My email is falsehead@aol.com (Blatant plug: check out my games website at www.kungfuhamster.cjb.net for loads of info on Martial Arts, Beat 'em Ups, Kung Fu Movies and Pokemon!) Also check out another site I write for http://www.thunderbolt.be Big Thanks to CjayC, the cool bloke who runs GameFAQs. You've given me the opportunity to reach more people with my stuff than I ever could have alone! Special thanks go out to: BillyKane, Magus747, Andy787, totalstuff and Pat Uhler for being such a laugh, and giving me the push to actually start contributing my own work back in the good old days of the DC board. Thanks also to my homies in the Review and FAQ boards for continuing support and being all round awesome dudes! asherdeus, Djskits, bloomer, sashanan, ASchultz, MaxH, Vegita, Marc and Bobo The Clown Love yah all guys! ======================================================================= ***************************** THE END ********************************* =======================================================================