Warioland 4 hard mode Walkthrough (version 0.42) Wario's Guide to Greed by Vienticus Prime This is basically step by step what I'm doing as I go through hard mode. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Entry Passage .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Entry Passage Stage 1: Hall of Hieroglyphs .............................................................................. The stage is pretty straightforward. From the start, go up one screen, go right one screen, then go down through the tube. Change the the dudes to red by doing the smash attack (but not on them), then just hip check 'em and grab the cash. When you're done, go up the right pipe, then go right one screen. Change the spear guys' color to red for all 3 before you kill them. Get all the gems, the large gem piece, then go right. Dash through the blocks then go right again. Don't do anything in this room yet, you'll see why soon. Go right one screen, dash through the blocks, collect the coins, and go right. Smash through the blocks, change the guys to red, then finish off the blocks (not forgetting the large gem) and go right again. Grab the rock, chuck it through, and go right (making sure to grab the 2 small coins). Smash through the block on the right, ignoring the 3 spear guys for now. Get the heart box to give you full life, then go back and kill all 6 spear guys you haven't after changing them red. It is essential that you don't get hit for the rest of the stage, since having full life and full red meter makes all enemies drop an extra 100 coins when you kill them. After backtracking, head up the ladder. Chuck the rock up to smash the large rock then truck to get the coin. Crawl through to the left, chuck another rock, and go left one screen. Change the guys to red and maul them, grab the large gem fragment and go left. Squat and roll til you stop, then quickly get the 2 tiny coins that just popped out, jump up and grab the flying key and roll left. Clean house, change the guys red and mug them again. Grab the gem fragment and go left. Smash through the rock and climb up the ladder. Once you reach the top, smash through the left wall, change the guys red, then mug them. Grab the large diamond, go back to the top of the ladder, then jump and grab the large diamond, and smash attack straight down from where it is. Keep in the center as you fall so that you get all the gems on the way down. Smash through the boulders, grab the rock, and jump on the froggie thing. Chuck the rock through the small blocks (grabbing the coins they drop), and exit the stage by jumping through the vortex. If you didn't get hit and did this stage just how I told you, you'll have 10830. .............................................................................. Mini Game Hints .............................................................................. There are 3 possible minigames you can play to earn special coins. These coins you can use to buy weapons to help kill the bosses faster. Wario's Homerun Derby: Rotate your Game Boy 90 degrees clockwise or you'll have a really hard time with this game. You have to hit the balls anywhere but the foul zone to get a home run. When you get 3 home runs, you get a special coin. Now, normally something like this wouldn't require any hinting, but there's something special about this game. You can tell what kind of pitch that the pitcher will throw you by watching his head movements. They are as follows: nod, nod: fast ball, be careful because sometimes the computer will stop the ball midway then continue at the same speed shake, shake, nod: slow ball, be careful because sometimes the ball will dramatically increase in speed near the end nod, shake, nod: disappearing ball, the ball will dissapear midway and appear in front of home plate anywhere from half a second to 1.5 seconds later shake, nod: curve ball, there's only one spot you can hit this at, so time it right, swing so you whack the ball when it touches the plate The Wario Hop: In this minigame, you roll along on the ball and have to hop over various items in your path. You get a special coin for every 15 hops you make, and the speed increases after about 35. The only problem is that you don't jump longer for going faster, so you have to be precise in your timing no matter what your speed is. Wario's Roulette: Here, it'll show you a face and you have to match the parts. At the beginning it'll only give you 3 of each part to choose from (eyes, nose, mouth), but as you get further and further, the number of choices increases for about every 10 matches you get, and you get a special coin for every 3. Keep your eyes glued to the screen after you make a match, because the time you have that it'll show you the proper face varies. .............................................................................. *NOTE: If you want the bosses to be easy, keep redoing the first stage and raking in hyper cash, keep doing the minigames until you have like 60 coins (because the prices inflate later).* Entry Passage Boss: Spoiled Rotten .............................................................................. He's pretty easy, buy the most expensive thing you can (if you want to make him easier) then go hang out with him. Bum rush him until he turns gruesome, making sure you don't get nailed by the little knife head guys. When he bears his teeth, just jump over him and nail him from behind. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Emerald Passage .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Emerald Passage Stage 1: Palm Tree Paradise .............................................................................. First thing, go right. In this area there's plenty of blocks for smashing. Go ahead and grab everything you can, don't forget to change everyone's color before giving them the smack down, when you clean up, go right. The bald guys are already red, but the spear dudes aren't, so you should know what to do by now. Grab the gem fragment above the exit to the right before you move on. Again, have a blast here. After going through the underpass, you can hop into the wall to the left of the wooden platorm to get the next gem fragment. After you grab the gem fragment and clean house, go into the recently revealed door (from smashing all the blocks). Climb up the ladder and smash attack the ground, then the now turned over guy. Climb up the next ladder and get the next spikeback, climb up the next ladder and jump up the pipe after grabbing the gem fragment. Grab Paul (my name for the little guy there just so you know for the rest of this walkthrough) and power chuck him up to the box. Hop up the steps, grab the big diamond and go back down the pipe. Fall down on the right side getting all the gems along the way, then go back out the door. Go right grab some gems, and maul baldy. Instead of going up all the way, hop on the first platform and walk through the wall to the right to get the CD. After doing so, continue up fulfilling Wario's greed along the way. Walk through the left wall when you reach the top to get the last gem fragment. Clean out the spear mooks and head to the right. Maim baldy and eat the monkey's apple, there's a block in the center of the raised part where the monkey's at that is fake, use your fatness to open a secret area and fall down into it. You should still have lard mode on, walk off the edge and fall all the way down to another big wiggly gem. Grab it and the small gems and go up the pipe. When you come up, activate the red (or orange?) block, grab the coins and key guy, then go left and up the pipe. Hop up the ladder, grab Paul, power chuck him to the right and beat him to the bottom. Catch him, power chuck him to the left, climb up the ladder, and crouch-wlak off a higher platform to the diamond. Go down the pipe, go right to the next screen, clean house and get the heart box. Go right, smash toady, then truck for the vortex, remembering to get gems you couldn't before because of the missing blocks. My Score: 10460 .............................................................................. Emerald Passage Stage 2: Wildflower Fields .............................................................................. First thing to remember if you want to grab every coin you can is to get the bees to stab EVERY open flower, then smash them when the bulb is red to get coins. First thing you do is go to allergy mode and float up the center, then the top left to the next screen. Move all the way right, then all the way left and get the CD, then go back down. Get the gems, fall down, and go right. Clear out the flowers then get inflated right over the dark block, go up, then super smash through it and fall down. Go left (avoiding the drill guys' attacks) and down all the way. Go right, climb, powerchuck the rock up, the go left go collect the rest of the gems and the gem fragment you just made available. Hop back up when and go right. Climb up (mugging the spear guys after making them red) and super smash down the right side. Go down, and supersmash down the right side again and go down the pipe. Chuck Paul over the blocks, then climb down, run and grab him. Toss him over the blocks to the right again, and go down the ladder. Bounce off his head to get up to the large diamond, then go back up the pipe. When going up the left, don't kill the drill guy if you need a heart, cause you can bounce off him to get up to it. Go through the door when you're done. Go for a swim. Go up the upward streaming path, collecting gems along the way. Go up at the first juncture, then left at the next. Go up and hop out of the water, recieving for your trouble a gem fragment. Super smash your way down to reveal a diamond for as well. Go back up the stream, but go right at the second juncture this time. If you miss all the coins the first time, don't worry, because once you reach the top, jump off the right for coins then go through it all again. When you're done with the room, get the gem fragment and go throught the door. Hop in the water, and try and get all your coins on the way up (not easy, but doable). When up top, kill all the caterpillar guys and the spear dudes then fall down. Go right, take care of the plants, then get stung on the left side, go up and a little to the right, to eventually come to a gem fragment you may have spotted on the way. After getting it, go back down and get stung again (but this time more to the right) to get a heart piece (if needed) and to kill a couple fin headed guys. Grab the gem fragment and go right. Eat and apple and slam through the greyish block, get all the gems and go down the pipe. Grab Paul, and powerchuck him up to activate the green blocks. Climb up, grab him, hop on the switch, and powerchuck him up to activate the next switch. Grab him again, hop on the switch, powerchuck him left, then crouch jump to get the diamond. Go back up the pipe, climb all the way up and eat another apple, fall left, smash the block, and hit toady. Truck your way 2 screens left and get the now available key, then go left again. Kill fin head dudes and roll out. Go back after you smash the small block to the right side of it. Smash the ground under where the red gems are, then fall through and get inflated. Float up to where the red gems are, and work your way up to the diamond. Get it, then fall down the left side for another diamond. Go left, then into the vortex. My Score: 15310 .............................................................................. Emerald Passage Stage 3: Mystic Lake .............................................................................. >From the start, go right through the door and down the ladder. Don't kill the spear guy, just knock him over and carry him to the right so that you can powerchuck him through the rocks to get through. Grab the rock and powerchuck it over the ledge to smash the other rock and get the heart box. Go back out through the left and kill our little spear friend. Go through the water to the right, go past the breakable block and smash your way up where 2 gems are right below the cieling. Go to the right to get a gem fragment, then go all the way left and smash attack down. Clean up and go down the pipe. You'll come to an area with Paul, water, and a block keeping you from a diamond. Powerchuck Paul to the left side of the water, then just normal toss him into the water so that he cracks the block. Then swim down and get your diamond. Go back up the pipe and continue, grabbing the diamond before you go to the right. Grab the gems, avoiding the things that pop out of the back caves. You can go left and smash some blocks for some coins, and there's a diamond along the right side. When you get up to the top, jump off the right side, get some running room and dash left, jumping over the water, and smashing through the wall to get a gem fragment. Go right, get hammered, then jump up through the cieling where there are 4 gems. Make some cash then fall back down, get the gem fragment and go right agian. Jump in the water and swim right, try to avoid the bubbles until you come to the 4th bubble spout. When you get to the top, grab the gem fragment, and go back down. Go up once you swim around to the right and make your way past the fish. Go right, then up the pipe, then jump up and powerchuck Paul into the water. Beat him down to the bottom, go left and grab onto the ladder until the switch is activated. Grab the diamond, go back down the pipe, and hit the toad. Go down to the bottom of the lake, to the right, and work your way up to the key. Get it and go back down and to the left, swim up to the surface and head left. Make your way up the hillside and get the gem fragment and go left. Work left again, avoiding the monkey's apples to save time. Grab the last gem piece and go left. Dash all the way left and smash open the block next to the door, this'll take you to the CD. Go through the door and exit the stage. My Score: 11430 .............................................................................. Emerald Passage Stage 4: Monsoon Jungle .............................................................................. Right off the bat, go up the pipe. Immediately start dashing right and hit the block on your way. Grab the rock before it goes into the water and powerchuck it right to get the diamond. Go back down the pipe and to the left. In the next few sections there's alligators in the water that you can't kill, but they'll hop out and try to bite you. Go to the left of the second screen, and swim under the left side to find the heart box. Go back and take the top passage left. Eat the monkey's apple, and smash your way down. The gems as you fall are: middle, 1 space left, middle, left 2 spaces, middle, right 2 spaces, middle. Before you hit the bottom, go all the way right and smash through the floor for a gem fragment. Go up and crawl left. Once all the way left, start smashing the ground to bring up the hammer guy. Get hammered, and shoot up getting the gems. Spring up straight so that you go all the way up into a secret area for the CD. Do a roll to flip the guys over, then go back down. Work your way up to the top right and go up the pipe. Go all the way left and get the guy to shoot an arrow toward you. As soon as you see him ready to aim, just start walking all the way right. When you reach the wall, get hit by the arrow to float up and get the diamond. Go back down, clean house, then go out the top left. Go down the ladder to get the spikebacks out of the way now, then go across the top to the left. Clear all the blocks on your way down, but don't hit the toad yet. Dash through the left, and drag an arrow out to get inflated. Once up, clear out the spear guys, then dash along the leaves to get to the ledge and a gem fragment. Go back down, nail the toad, and go right. Smash all the blocks and go into the door. Hop up to the top and over, then smash through the left wall while jumping. Grab the rock and powerchuck it through the right. Go to the door, grab the rock, and hop up the platforms, power chuck it through the large rock to reveal a gem fragment. Go back out and to the right, go down and work your way to get the last gem fragment. Climb up the right ladder and go up and to the right. From here, it's a straight path to the first screen. When you get there, blocks will now be there so you can get the key. Swim to the right side and go out the vortex. My Score: 14440 .............................................................................. Emerald Passage Boss: Cractus .............................................................................. Weakness: Dragon The way to kill him is by climbing up on the ladders, jumping off, and smash him from above. It's a little difficult to do when he's tall. Watch out for him stabbing with the leaves and dropping the goo. When he's not on the screen, wait on the ground, don't hop up until he first drops down. After you hit him the first time, he'll keep going back and forth stabbing with his leaves while standing all the way up. Climb on the ladder and smash his head. He doesn't stop going back and forth until he hits you and you have to start the process over. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Ruby Passage .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Ruby Passage Stage 1: The Curious Factory .............................................................................. Have a field day with the blocks but watch out for the spike guy, they're annoying to kill but line your pockets nicely. Just wait for their head to start rolling toward you, hop over it, and smash attack them. Go right, kill the next spiked bot, then ride the wheel to the right by jumping on the platform that's in the direction you want to go. Climb down the ladder, kill spike, then climb up and go right. Get flattened by the pistons and walk back to the left, at the very edge jump and float left, keep jumping left making sure you don't fall or you'll have to go in the machines to normalize yourself then get flattened again. Get the gem fragment and go back to the right. Instead of going down the ladder, crash the blocks and fall collecting gems. Get some running room and dash through the left wall and go down the pipe. Grab Paul, hop up, and powerchuck him to get the switch. Then roll along to get the diamond. Go back up the pipe and to the right. Smash some blocks and ride the hampster wheels up, (avoiding the drill nosed flies along the way) then go out the top left door. Smash the block on the left wall, and go down into the pipe. Grab the rock and powerchuck it right, then get flat and just walk off the right. Go through the hole, fall in the water, then get the rock and powerchuck it to the diamond, crouch walk off to get the diamond then go back up the pipe. Make your way up, handling the spear guys and go left where the heart is. Smash through the left wall for some guys to mutate and kill. Grab the gem fragment, then go to the right and fall down. Get flame-on to get the heart, then dash your way right to smash through a wall and fall down. Work your way back up and get the gem fragment. Go back up where you came from, take out the fin heads and grab the gems and key. Fall down the 3rd pit from the left to nail the toad. Go back up the ladder and go right. Fall down, then go left and get flattened, then go left agian. Fall all the way down, and when you fall down to the next screen, go to the right to get the CD. Work your way along the wheels to a gem fragment and there's spike on the bottom for some more $$$. After killing him, climb up the ladder and get the last gem fragment. After going up the pipe, just truck left to the exit. My Score: 12890 .............................................................................. Ruby Passage Stage 2: The Toxic Landfill .............................................................................. Fall down getting the gems along the way, then smash through the staircased junk and go right. Go to the right monkey first and savor his goodies. Now that you're big and tall, crash through the block and get nailed by an arrow to show your puffy cheeks. Make your way up to the diamond then go up the pipe. Powerchuck rocks at the first two switches (first on the right, second on the left), then bring the 2 remaining rocks up to the orange blocks. Then hit the next two switches and jump up to get the diamond. Go back down and savor the left monkey's goodies. Crash down, walk right and crash down again. Dash through the left wall to get a gem fragment then go through the door. Kill the first monkey you see then eat the 2nd monkey's apple. then hop down through the third set of blocks to reveal the way to a diamond. Get it, then go up and across the blocks. Once you cross, go through the door. Since we're going for coins, when you get spring mode, go all the way left before jumping up, then crash through the blocks under the passages that go up. After you're done lining your pockets, go up to the left passageway and go through the door. Jump off the right and super smash all the way down. Go left (you can kill the clam after it hops up), and then all the way up to the gem fragment. On your way back, go through the jet streams to get the gems and then back through the door. Become a spring and go up the right passage and go right. Kill the drill guy and smash through the wall on the right of him. Keep going until you reach the end. Get the heart box, then smash the tires to get to the door underneath you and go in. First thing you do in this room is bounce off the monkey to smash the 4 blocks, then eat his yummy treat, walk around a second, then jump and land to make the dude fall down. Get hammered by him to go up and get the gem fragment. After this, exit and go right back in (cause you probably killed the monkey by now), grab the monkey and get him over by the door. Eat his apple again, then walk off the right to get to another diamond. Go out the door and back to wear the drill guy was, then start dashing your way through the bottom path. When you come to the 2nd tv underneath you (which is almost right away) stop and smash through it and to the left to get the CD. Start working your way right again, and stop at the 3rd tire you come to and smash through it to get to a pipe. Go down the pipe and go right to the monkey. Eat the apple, then have fun with the spiked guys underneath. Don't forget to smash all the blocks for the little coins before going back up. When you come out of the pipe, go left again and smash through the wall to get to a diamond. Go all the way right now and through the door. Hit the toad, get fat and smash through the dark block near the door. Get hammered and go up the center to get the key, then you can smash your way down the left blocks to get more money. When you're done, supersmash your way down the platform opening, but go right if you need hearts. This section is straightforward, just dash all the way through. Sometimes the last needle guy doesn't show until just before you go up the ladder. Get hit, and you can go all the way up for the las gem fragment, but the only way you can reach the exit is while your cheeks are puffy. So once you get it, quickly fall down and go through the vortex. My Score: 20190 .............................................................................. Ruby Passage Stage 3: 40 Below Fridge .............................................................................. Go right, and up the ladder. Kill the fin head guys, get the diamond at the top left, and go up to the top right. Super smash your way down (you can also smash a regular block here for 50 coins) and fall through. Become a snowball, then roll towards the right through a block. Take the bottom passage and go into the door. Walk off and supersmash your way down to get to a pipe. In here, you have to hit the two switches, hitting the second might seem hard at first but it's really not. Just get a walking start, jump and throw the ball at the apex of your jump while pressed against the ledge. Then hit the one in front, get the diamond, and go all the way back up. The paths from this section from top to bottom are: dead end, diamond, gem fragment (you have to crouchwalk off the ledge to get it), return from gem fragment, exit area, key, dead end, heart. Don't forget to turn the spear guys red before mugging them. Once you exit through the door, climb up to get changed into a snowball, then roll towards the right til you crash. This area just repeats itself in each direction, so just go up the ladder. Walk to the top of the ramp, then press down to roll, taking you to a gem fragment. Go back to the main path and climb all the way to the top. To kill the iceman, move past him when his back is turned, then smash the ground above him to topple him, leaving him open for a much needed beating). Once you reach the top, become a snowball, and make your way back down. Walk to the area you had to roll through to change into a snowball, and you'll roll all the way to the door out. Go through, get changed into a snowball, then walk back to roll to the left. Then go back to where you came from and become a snowball again. This time, walk left, and jump left onto the next ledge, then jump left again, then a third time to land on a ramp and begin to roll toward a gem fragment. Once you get it, go to the top, and the left side. Don't become a snowman yet, just get to the top of the ramp, and normal roll down, jumping once you reach the bottom of the ramp. This will take you to a diamond, but instead of jumping up, go back left and roll yet again. This will take you to a gem fragment guarded by 2 icemen. To kill them, just smash right above them, then hop down and mug them. Once you reach the top, get changed into a snowball, and walk off the right to roll you way to a pipe. In the pipe, GRAB (don't kill) the iceman, and toss him up to the middle platform. Then get on his left side on the very edge of the platform and get changed into ice to acquire the diamond. Once getting it, feel free to mug him for his lunch money and then exit the pipe. Go to the bottom left to get the last gem fragment, then to the door you origionally came in to get turned into a snowball again. This time just keep walking left until you roll out of the area. Walk left and hit the toad. Climb the ladder, become a snowball again, and roll left. You'll fall all the way down, start smashing your way left (you can see which blocks have coins in them, one has a diamond). Work your way back up and eventually to the vortex, but don't go through it yet. Instead go right again, up the ladder, crawl through, drop down, and you'll now be able to smash the block keeping you from the CD case. Fall back down, and work your way to the vortex again, then get the CD and exit the stage. My Score: 13900 .............................................................................. Ruby Passage Stage 4: Pinball Zone .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Ruby Passage Boss: Cucko Condor .............................................................................. Weakness: Fist .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Sapphire Passage .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Sapphire Passage Stage 1: Crescent Moon Village .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Sapphire Passage Stage 2: Arabian Night .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Sapphire Passage Stage 4: Hotel Horror .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Sapphire Passage Boss: Catbat .............................................................................. Weakness: Dog .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Topaz Passage .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Topaz Passage Stage 1: Toy Block Tower .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Topaz Passage Stage 2: The Big Board .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Topaz Passage Stage 3: Doodle Woods .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Topaz Passage Stage 4: Domino Row .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Topaz Passage Boss: Aerodent .............................................................................. Weakness: Kiss .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Golden Pyramid .............................................................................. .............................................................................. After doing the dance of joy for defeating the 5th boss, the Golden Pyramid shall rise, and the final path awaits you. Golden Pyramid Stage 1: Golden Passage .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Golden Pyramid Boss: Golden Diva .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Don't copy anything from this without crediting me for having too much free time and making this or Wario will eat your game. Permission is not necessary as long as the text is not altered in any way other than my updates. If you wish to post an altered version or an excerpt of this walkthrough, you must first request permission. -Thanks to Chozen1 for informing me about how to get the diamond in Mystic Lake. If you have any questions or info I've left out, email me at: upyourlink@aol.com or post at: http://pub79.ezboard.com/fvienticusfrm12.showAddTopicScreenFromWeb