The King of Fighters EX Neo Blood Origin Mini FAQ ver 0.9 11/02/2002 Unpiblished work by Toxic (also know as Toxic Avanger) What is different from version 0.8: -Added a "THANKS" that was deserved and stupidly forgotten. -Added a few combos (Ryo; Robert; King). * Organization is messed up; I will see to it later. * Note that this Mini FAQ can be found on: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Issues: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is meant for the Game Boy Advance KoF release; by all means, no person may use this information without giving any credit to the autor(s) and/or use any profitable business without the concentiment of the writter... This guide is mainly to instruct about the the differences and similarities of the game if we put it along any other MVS KoF title... note that this game has been developed by Artoon and produced by MMV (Marvelous Entertainment Inc.), licensed by SNK; now -out of the record- can't they do better??... it would appear that is their first game... I will be more toughtful because of that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What can you find in this Guide?: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I mostly construct my FAQs under the "Perfect Guide" title... they are not quite perfect, but I put much effort on them... the reason of why this FAQ will not or will not currently be called Perfect Guide is because it pretends to cover all the basics assets of the game and give a some raws impresion about gameplay and the game itself... and that is not what a perfect guide is about. In this Mini FAQ you will discover: - Small review of KoF EX NBO for the GBA. - Basic game play features. - Explanaton of the Handicap system present on the game. - Character's basic move list and background. - Notes on moves changed and Striker descriptions. - Game history and any other info available on this game web page. - How to unlock secrets on the game. - Some of options available on the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Game System and FAQ features: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This game incorporates a game system very much symilar to the one of the KoF 2000; so veteran KoF players may not have to look at this; the only few changes are on the striker system "propierties" and in the fact that counter mode and armor mode have different secuences. As usual; moving the pad foward or back will make your character walk foward or back; moving the pad down will make you crouch and up makes you jump; as in any other KoF; you can use back or down back to block high or low. Far: Far Standing cls: Close Standing cr: Crouching fwd: Foward dn: Down bk: Back A: Weak Kick (WK) B: Weak Punch (WP) LS: Strong Kick (SK) RS: Strong Punch (SP) Select: Taunt Start: Menu Run: Press the pad foward twice quickly. Back Hop: Press the pad Backwards twice quickly. Jump: Pressing the pad up makes you jump; if you press up fwd or up bk the jump will be directed towards the direction you pressed. Pressing the pad briefly makes a short jump; holding the pad makes a high jump; pressing down and up quickly makes your character give a quicker jump; this quicker jump may be high or short... Note that short jumps are way shorter than any other KoF game. Throw: Press foward or back plus SP or SK near the enemy. Throw Escape: Press foward or back plus SP or SK as you are being throw... note that are some throws that are unescapable; they are usually the ones that requires taping the pad and the buttons to recover (like Choi's C throw) Roll: Press WK + WP... rolling will make your character evade non throw attacks, as always rolling may be performed foward or backwards; you can also use the roll to make a "safe landing" from being knocked down. Heavy Attack: Press SP + SK... this attack knocks down the enemy and can be performed on air. Striker Summon: Press LS + A sumultaneosly... this action calls another character to help you; but it uses a "striker bomb" when you are using your first character you have 3 striker bombs, when you are using your second you have 4 striker bombs and your last character have 5 striker bombs. Defense Cancel 1 = Roll: While blocking; press Foward or Back + WK + WK; using this; you may cancel your guard with a front roll or a back roll; this action wastes a power bar. Defense Cancel 2 = Heavy Attack: Using this will make you knock down the enemy canceling your defense; this action wastes a power bar and does no damage. Power Bar: Whenever your character attacks or recieve hits a small bar with the "POW" word under your character life bar fills; once it filled it becomes a stock; you can store up to 3 stocks, note that there are moves that use one power stock (Striker Recovery, Desperation Moves) and moves that use 3 power stocks (Max Desperation Moves). Counter Mode: Activate while MAX; press WP; SP; SK... using this you may be able to cancel some of your special moves into desperation moves. This mode last while the word "counter mode" is replacing your power bar; in this mode Desperation Moves will have different speeds; ones being faster; other being slower... in this move you have no access to the Defense Cancel moves; in this mode your character deals more damage... you can identify this mode because the character flashs red during this mode. Armor Mode: Activate while MAX; press WK; SP; SK... in this mode your character deals more damage; also, you have partial inmunity to some normal attacks -you still endure the damage-; like standar fireballs; some multi - hitting moves can knock you out of this; also note that you recieve no tick damage by blocking special moves or DMs; these properties are not valid while you are jumping... your character flashes yellow during this mode; that last as long as the "armor mode" words are under your life bar. Striker Recovery: Perform a taunt when your character has spent one or more striker bombs, note that this use a power stock and, such as KoF 2000; you may not cancel the taunt. Active Striker System: Such as KoF 2000; you may call strikers on any time; but unlike 2000; they have not the posibility of juggling the enemy or hitting them on the floor, striker may only hit from some special attacks that leave the enemy vulnerable (Such as Ryo's Upc + A) the "Bonus Striker Action" (that happened when you throw a enemy or you escape a throw and then call a striker) have been abolished. Guard Crush: Blocking too much or blocking certain attacks will break your guard for a moment. Handicap System: when you attack a enemy, handicap is engaged; note that are some attacks that are inmune to Handicap; such has Terry's High Angle Geyser, and other attacks that are useless due to handicap (Ryo's MAX Haoh Sho Ko Ken). Qcf: Quarter Circle Foward, that's down, down foward, foward or 236 as you may prefer. Qcb: Quarter Circle Back, that's down, down back, back or 214. Hcf: Half Circle Foward, that's back, down back, down, down foward, foward or 41236. Hcb: Half Circle Back, that's down, down back, back or 63214. Upc: Standar uppercut motion; that's foward, down, down foward or 623. Rup: Reverse standar uppercut motion; that's back, down, down back or 421. . : Means hold the direction. ; : Means that the moves is a different move from the precious ones. , : Means that the moves are follow ups from the previous one. § : Means Striker hits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The COMMENT boxes are my own comments about the history. * Main History: Months have now passed since the battle with Orochi, a fearsome power of Gaia which seeks to eliminate the pestilence known as humankind from the face of the earth. Once more, invitations to the King of Fighters Tournament have been sent to the legendary fighters of the day by an unknown host. Despite their suspicions of an evil scheme brewing behind the event, the fighters are ready to enter the arena… prepared to determine who the true King of Fighters will be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero Team Prologue "The Hero Team is led by Kyo Kusanagi, heir to the Kusanagi style of ancient martial arts and bane of humankind’s enemy, Orochi. Along with Kyo’s friend and rival, the stylish super-shooter, Benimaru Nikaido, and the young Moe Habana, consummate master of the Way of the Slicing Fist, the reborn Hero Team stands ready for new battles!" A cloudy sky draped an ailing and grubby city. Sitting before a broken window frame, Kyo Kusanagi looked vacantly at the streets below. Suddenly, energetic footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. "Hey! You alive in there?" called a female voice through the door. Into the apartment walked a young girl who looked like Kyo. She was wearing a big smile and dyed hair. Glancing at her, Kyo gave a chiding remark. "Don't you knock before entering a person's house? Huh?" "Don't cop an attitude with me, eh?" the girl fumed. "I went to the trouble to bring you some food. And I'm the one who got this room for you, aren't I?" Kyo screwed up his face as if smelling something bad and closed his mouth. "Surly as ever, I see," she frowned. Sighing and shrugging her shoulders, the girl noticed a white envelope on the table next to the groceries and picked it up casually. "What's this?" "Hey! Wait. Stop it!" ordered Kyo. Ignoring his request, the girl ripped open the envelope without permission and began reading through the message. Shortly after, she looked up, appearing excited. "This isn't an invitation to KOF is it?" she asked. "Well, yeah," Kyo nodded grudgingly. "How do they always find out where I am anyway? Time after time these accursed envelopes always reach me." "Whatever. Stop whining. This'll get us in, won't it? Woohoo! Lucky!" The girl began to dance around the room, ignoring Kyo's grim face. He sighed heavily and brushed up his bangs. "You said that stuff before," he complained, "but this time are you really intending on entering KOF?" "Of course!" she squealed. "The ultimate tournament of fighting styles, King of Fighters! I've always wanted to enter. And since this invitation has come to you, I have no intention to let this opportunity go by!" "KOF is not the picnic you envision it to be, you know." "I know that," she said, stomping her foot in defiance. "You want to see what I'm really capable of, don't you?" "No, I don't. But I'm sure you can handle yourself." "Don't hide your feelings. Anyway, we need one or two more members, so let's blow this popsicle stand!" "Who put you in charge?" Kyo mixed his sigh with a painful smirk on his face. He knew he wouldn't be able to turn down her request. Earning money through street fighting, this girl—Moe Habana—had managed to find this apartment for him to live in and looked after his every need. Even though she had the petulance of a young girl, Kyo was obligated to honor her wishes. "Kyo, I guess I can't leave you alone," she smiled demurely. "What do you mean by that? Can't resist me, eh? I'll say this, though, as far as Japan's…" "Get serious, jerk." A hot dog from the lunch Moe had bought was suddenly headed for Kyo's face. Kyo caught it, took a hungry bite, and then stared at the tame expression on Moe's face. "True. The first time I met you, I did feel a shock of excitement," she admitted. "But not anymore." "Not anymore... Hmm." Kyo had that same feeling. At the time, he'd thought it had resulted from meeting a kindred soul in a foreign land. If he had met Moe before, he would not have been able to forget this slightly self-centered, cheerful young woman. In a brief instant, after the two fell silent, a voice of a young man came from the door. "Well, well. Look's like I'm intruding, am I?" the visitor called out. "Benimaru!" cried Kyo. "Looking good, Kyo," Benimaru grinned. Leaning against the opened door, Benimaru Nikaido, the genius shooter who had fought his way through many a KOF tournament with Kyo on the same team, gave his old teammate a friendly wink. "Benimaru. Your timing's impeccable as always," replied Kyo. "Timing, shmiming. It's one thing to summon a person, but you should have at least picked me up at the train station. Thanks to you, I had to mix things up with an irate taxi driver." "Sounds right. You can't expect to meet a friendly taxi driver in this part of town." As if assessing each other's abilities, Kyo and Benimaru lightly butted their fists together in place of a handshake. Staring at the two out of the corner of her eyes, Moe cleared her throat loudly to call attention to herself. "Kyo, aren't you going to introduce me?" she inquired. "We are teammates, after all." "Teammates?" asked Benimaru. Hearing this, Benimaru casually pushed his long lost pal Kyo aside and flashed his most handsome smile while making his way toward Moe. "I've heard our third team member was not decided on yet, but... you intent to join us? Really?" "Do you doubt my abilities?" asked Moe. "Quite the contrary. Only a fool would assume a woman to be weak on account of her sex. I welcome all beautiful women. And if you're strong, too, well, welcome to the team. Benimaru Nikaido, at your service." "I'm Moe Habana. I'm Japanese, by birth. The pleasure's all yours." "Moe, eh? I'm looking forward to KOF this year," smiled Benimaru. "You never change, do you?" sighed Kyo. Watching the ladykiller do his dirty work, Kyo felt disgust for Benimaru. But with Benimaru by his side, the realization that KOF was about to begin was becoming more concrete. His period of avoiding his real battle was drawing to a close. This brought about a slight feeling of tension… and an even more palpable feeling of elation. Along with this, Kyo knew that his nemesis would most certainly be waiting for him at KOF. Regardless of proof, Kyo felt it for sure in his gut. "If I'm alive here, he, too, will not have died so easily," mumbled Kyo under his breath. As Moe and Benimaru continued talking together as if they were old acquaintances, Kyo stared vacantly at the cheerful couple and felt very alone. "When I first met her, I knew I felt it," he thought. "Something was there. I knew we've met before." COMMENT: NESTS seems not to exist; Moe was the one who "captured" Kyo after '97. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Fury Team Prologue Terry Bogard arrived at Southtown International Airport to meet his younger brother, Andy. He was surprised to see Mai Shiranui happily clinging to his exhausted brother's arm. "What gives, Andy?" asked Terry "Well, uh...," Andy stammered. "What's Mai doing here? Where's Joe? Didn't you say you'd meet up with him in Thailand before coming here?" Terry seemed upset. The opening of King of Fighters (nothing new for Terry and the gang, but still a reason to get pumped up) was rapidly approaching. The white envelopes had already been delivered to Terry, Andy, Joe, and the world's most fearsome fighters. Because Terry intended not only to enter, but to win this tournament, he planned to team up with Andy and Joe to ensure victory. But the backbone of the team, or, as he might say, the leader of the team, Joe, was no where to be found. "Joe's not coming," announced Andy. "He had to participate in a special match at the sudden behest of the king of Thailand, so he can't join KOF this year." "What?! R-really, Andy?" Terry asked, completely confused. "I'm afraid so. I went to Thailand to link up with Joe and that's what happened," explained Andy. "And then I met Mai there, who just happened to be traveling on a guided tour." That explained the extremely tired look on Andy's face—having been dragged around in the relentless sun of the southern land by Mai. Surmising such, Terry pushed down the brim of his cap and let out a long sigh. "Geez. So now whatta we do? We can't enter KOF without Joe," Terry said. "Hey, what am I, Terry? Chopped liver?" complained Mai. "I'm here, aren't I? Me! Mai, the mighty pinch hitter!" Mai slapped her chest and looked up at the dazed Terry. "I'm here to take Joe's place. You're lucky I showed up!" "Are you joking?" Terry asked angrily. "I bet you planned this all out!" "Just what are you implying? You gotta problem with my showing up with Andy. Andy, don't you have something to say? You should get rid of this wandering weenie!" howled Mai. "Hold on there, Mai," warned Terry. "How can you be so fickle?! You belong with King and Yuri, don't you?" "Well, Yuri's got the mumps and can't compete. And King's, well, King. Because she's joined the Kyokugen Team, I'm out of luck. So why don't I link up with you guys?" Mai shrugged her shoulders dramatically and sighed. But her mouth deceived her supposed dejectedness with a small smile. Whatever the circumstances, the prospect of fighting on the same team as her beloved Andy gladdened her to no end. "Come on. Que sera, sera. With me on the same tag team as Andy, there's nothing to fear! You can count on me 100%, Terry." Patting the shoulders of the overconfident and rashly boastful Mai, Andy let out a sigh. "The King of Fighters is not a tag-team match. It's a team effort," Andy explained. "Same difference, isn't it?" asked Mai. "Anyway, what we should do first is drop by the Pao Pao Café and celebrate!" Mai quickly foisted her luggage onto Terry, dragging the resigned guy from the airport lobby. "Well, she's got the ability, but when Joe hears what we've done, he's going to go nuts!" thought Terry. He couldn't help laughing wryly at Joe's previous complaint: "You Bogard's steal all the glory. How about giving me, the kick-boxing genius, a shot at the limelight!" "Terry! If you don't get it in gear, we'll leave without you!" called Mai. Chasing after the two, Terry left the lobby and squinted in the sunshine of Southtown at the rising buildings of the Southtown skyline on the horizon. Lest he forget, King of Fighters originally began because of the efforts of the resident of one of the tallest towers in that skyline. "Big bro. Something the matter?" Andy asked in a low voice, as if reading the unease in his brother's chest. For all KOF fighters, King of Fighters is a special tournament, but for these two brothers, it had a particular significance. "Perhaps this KOF, too... " mused Terry. "We'll find out soon enough… if we win," answered Andy. Pulling the brim of his cap up, a smile as warm as sunshine crossed Terry's face. A smile warm enough to chase away anyone's chill of unease. COMMENT: Nothing weird; I should say. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art of Fighting Team Prologue "Well, what do we do now, Ryo?" asked Robert. "How should I know?" Ryo replied. Sitting cross-legged in the center of a deserted karate gym, Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia, the so-called "Invincible Dragon" and the "Mighty Tiger" of Kyokugen Karate, looked perplexed and exchanged groans. "Who'd have thought Yuri'd collapse right before the King of Fighters?" Robert sighed. Takuma Sakazaki, leader of Kyokugen Karate, had left the States to inspect his karate gym in Mexico. During his absence, invitations to the King of Fighters tournament were delivered. Unfortunately, since their team member Yuri had fallen ill suddenly, the Kyokugen's prospects for entering the tournament were grim. Incidentally, Yuri's illness was known as an acute contagious infection of the paratid gland—in layman's terms, "the mumps." "I know it's unkind to Yuri, but getting the mumps at her age! Isn't that a kid's disease?" asked Ryo. "At any rate, we can't enter KOF by ourselves. We don't have much time until the deadline comes. All we can do is wait for Pop to return." "But whenever you, me, and the Master enter, we get zapped, right? I don't like this," said Robert. "But we can't expect to enter Yuri, can we? She thinks she can do it, but it's impossible. When I saw her all feverish for the first time, I thought she was pigging out on something. Her cheeks were out to here!" Actually, when Yuri was feverish and groaning in her room, Ryo wasn't even aware of it. However, even Robert, who'd prefer Yuri to Takuma anytime, was well aware that Yuri was in no position to enter KOF. "Well, what can we do? I guess we'll have to settle for the Master," said Robert. "Hey. I'd can the 'settle' talk if I were you. My father would flatten you if he heard that." "If you keep quiet, he won't know. Anyway, shouldn't we get in touch with your father?" "Yeah. I guess so. We'll have to have him fix his itinerary and get back in time for KOF." As Ryo got up, a figure appeared in the entrance of the gym. "Well, what's up? Both disciples of Kyokugen Karate standing together with such droopy faces?" the visitor asked. "Oh, hi, King. To what do we owe the pleasure?" inquired Robert. There aren't many women who look more womanly in men's clothes than King. Robert, seeing King in her gallant ensemble, also noticed the bouquet of flowers in her hand and giggled. "What's that? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Ryo should be handing flowers to you, shouldn't he?" "Your powers of deduction depress me," smirked King. "These aren't for Ryo, pinhead. I heard Yuri was sick in bed and I came to check in on her." In gratitude, Ryo bowed politely to King. As he did so, Robert got a flash of inspiration and slapped Ryo on the shoulder. "That's it, Ryo!" hollered Robert. "Huh? What're you talking about?" Ryo asked. "This! It's the answer to our prayers! Right when Yuri's sick and can't enter KOF, here comes King, right? Talk about timing! Even a fool like you can put two and two together!" "Who are you calling a fool? I oughta... oh! Yeah! I get it!" screamed Ryo. "What? What are you two getting all worked up about?" King asked. Unable to contain their glee, Ryo and Robert tried to broach the subject diplomatically. King heard them out. "You want me to join your team in KOF? You two and me?" King queried. Her eyes almost popped out of her head in surprise. "Yup," said Ryo. "As the team in the top rank of KOF up till now, we'd like to keep up the Kyokugen tradition in the tournament. Yuri's sick. My father's in Mexico inspecting his gym there, and probably won't be able to make it back in time." "So, King," began Robert, "if you could help us out, we'd be in your debt. How about it? Yuri even said you're the only one who could take her place." The delirious rantings of Yuri were Robert's idea of a joke, but, certainly, if Yuri's replacement was to possess the same ability as Ryo and Robert, a second-rate replacement wouldn't do. In this respect, King was the only choice. But if King refused... King sighed deeply and a pained smile appeared on her face,"Very well. If that's the situation, then I'll be happy to serve as Yuri's replacement." "R-really, King?" the Tiger and Dragon pleaded. "Yes. I was going to enter KOF with Yuri anyway. If she can't get out of bed, then I guess I'd be in a pickle, right? But you'll pay big when we split the prize money. Agreed?" With this condition set, King gave the two a knee-buckling wink. COMMENT: Always recall that Ryo is the Tiger and Robert is the Dragon; it does not matter what SNK says... they are messed up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ikari Team Prologue When I thought of what to do while "on leave" the next day, I became as excited as a little kid and realized it was one in the morning. I hummed while polishing my gun. Suddenly, an emergency summons arrived from my C.O. It looked like I would have to put off my leave. I didn't ask for details. I pretty much knew what was coming. Twenty minutes passed. Putting my affairs in order, I appeared at the briefing room. Seeing my comrades in arms all gathered as I predicted, I almost burst out laughing. "What's so funny, Clark?" one of them asked. "Get off my case! And who are you calling a kid, huh?!" I snapped back. "Just complimenting you on getting in touch with your inner child," replied my colonel, Ralf Jones. Ralf often chides me for being a middle-aged man trapped in a young man's body, but after years with this man-child, I've had to become the adult even if I don't want to. It's the only way to strike any harmony. Regardless, in combat, Ralf's the best of the best. That I can confidently say. This ultimate partner must have been really P.O.'d about having his long-awaited leave canceled. The way he was angrily grinding his teeth gave that away. Watching him out of the corner of my eye, I put on my trademark sunglasses. "Having your leave canceled is nothing special. Leona's never complained about her leave being canceled, so don't you think you're overreacting a bit?" I asked. Even though I intended the comment to be for Ralf, Leona glanced briefly over at us. Of course, Leona's one who rarely opens her mouth. Even when the Colonel and I are jabbering away—or arguing together—Leona keeps wearing her mask of indifference. That's just Leona. The Colonel placed his hand on Leona's head playfully, and while frizzing up her blue hair, he bellowed: "Don't compare me with this chick whose idea of a holiday is touring munition factories!" "And I suppose your time off is spent so much more significantly, eh, Colonel?" quipped Leona. Timed almost perfectly to Leona's outburst, Heidern strode into the briefing room. Ralf's mouth snapped shut. Even a colonel wouldn't take on an instructing officer. And as for me, Heidern's one man I don't want to cross. "Sorry for canceling your leaves," Heidern growled. "A sudden duty has arisen that I cannot entrust to anyone else. If you want something to be upset about, direct your anger at your own inflated sense of superiority." "Enough of the sarcasm, my captain. What's the mission?" Heidern, sitting down at his mahogany desk, tossed an envelope in our direction. Even the stone-faced Leona raised her eyebrows in astonishment. "Not King of Fighters?!" exclaimed Ralf. "Well, looks like a few ne'er-do-wells are planning some festivities again, eh?" Heidern mused. "So you're telling us to join the tournament again?" Leona queried. "Sad to say it, but we haven't been invited this time. It looks like this year's organizer doesn't want us to around." "Huh? Then what's this invitation?" Ralf asked, bemused. "Let's just say it's something that came into our hands." I have to point out, the agents in our organization are excellent. A feat like coming back with a KOF invite from one of the teams—regardless of the methods—is a walk in the park for us. At any rate, I sure wonder who'd want to exclude the team who keeps breaking the records for attendance. "Another group holding a large-scale gambling pool scam, maybe?" I asked. "We're not sure yet," replied Heidern. "We've seen no indication that any crime syndicate is involved in such activity. But trouble is KOF's middle name. It won't be easy, but I want you to enter KOF as contestants and determine what this is all about. We'll back you up from here as much as possible, but I can't guarantee that something won't go wrong. If anything happens, you're to act on your own. Dismissed." In short, nothing new. Something foul is bound to happen. We'll get through it, I'm sure. After receiving the indifferent orders from our C.O., we saluted as always and left the briefing room. Walking down the cool, sterile halls, the Colonel abruptly looked into Leona's face and confronted her. "What is it, Leona? Something nagging at you?" Ralf asked. "It's nothing. I just have a bad feeling about this," she answered. "Bad feeling? About the mission?" "No. It's just a feeling. But it's okay. It's our mission." Leona then saluted us and entered her quarters. "Wow. That was... unusual." I offered. "Yup. I used to think I was always talking to a robot, or something," Ralf replied. "Looks like Leona's trying to get in touch with her inner child, too. And she owes it all to you. It seems that you're going to have to mentor Leona more than ever." "Who are you calling a mentor?" Ralf inquired. "You always start that sad third-wheel act when I have any interaction with Leona." "Well, Colonel. Gotta get ready. Sir!" I chirped. Ralf's reaction was just as I imagined it would be. I managed to deflect his rage with my usual skill. The disappointment of my canceled leave was still fresh, but I looked forward to battling it out with my compatriots again. In fact, this was becoming second nature to me. COMMENT: Unusual... Clark is the soldier of more range in the Ikari team... more mistakes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psycho Soldier Team Prologue Sitting in front of scenery that looked as if it was taken from a Chinese landscape painting, Kensu let out a heavy sigh. "Why has this happened to me?" Recently, Kensu had been spending more time alone. Gone was the cheerful smile he used to show to Athena and the others. Now he was no more than a brooding youth. Those who knew the light-hearted Kensu would be shocked to see the troubled soul he had become. But because he was Kensu, his self-imposed exile made sense—especially to Athena. Is that the reason that when he was alone, Kensu was able to let out his sighs that were so unlike him? What was to be done? He once had the same power as Athena. He once continued his training, believing that he alone was the real reason that Athena and he could fight together. But the one thing he believed in, his psychic powers, for some unknown reason, had begun to fade away day by day. No, perhaps it was best to say that they had disappeared. "What'll I do? If my powers don't come back, how will I protect Athena?" he asked himself. The tiny voice of a little boy wafted up from seemingly nowhere into Kensu's ears: "Kensu…" "Yah?!" Kensu called out. How many times had this boy heard his sighs? Emerging from his Zen position on top of a rock and looking behind him, Kensu saw a boy wearing a big hat gazing up at him. "How long have you been there, Bao?" inquired Kensu. "You scared me!" "I'm sorry. I called you more than once, you know." "Huh? Really? Sorry about that." Smiling with embarassment and scratching his head, ashamed that his mutterings had been overheard, Kensu dismounted from the giant rock. Regardless of his loss of psychic powers, Kensu still had the moves. "So, what's up, Bao? You need me for something?" "Yup. I wanted you to do me the honor of training with me." And with that, Bao assumed a one-legged stance, taking a position he had just learned. Although not exactly a novice, his stance seemed unsteady and unreliable. Kensu took Bao's hand and righted the boy while grumbling. "Hmm. Since my psychic powers have been in a slump, I haven't been able to teach you some things... but I can still teach you a thing or two about balance. OK. I'll help you out." The beaming and bowing Bao had no doubt alighted on this scheme as a childish way to cheer up Kensu. Realizing this himself, Kensu patted Bao on the head and laughed a little more cheerfully. Athena, too, witnessed this exchange from the shadows. Athena understood Kensu's agony. And that was exactly why she had kept quiet about it. If she were to try to cheer him up awkwardly, Kensu may have become even more dejected. Suddenly, from behind Athena came the kind call of a familiar voice. "Athena," the voice beckoned. "Master!" she answered. Until Athena heard his voice, there would have been no way to detect the presence of the Master. In spite of being well over 80, Chin Genzai was Athena's and the others' martial arts instructor. Although he appeared to be nonchalant, no one could match him in power. "I've come to give you this," he announced. Opening the white envelope given to her by the Master, a look of surprise seized Athena's face. "It's being held again. The King of Fighters," she whispered. "Are we going to enter again?" "As for this year, I'm going to sit this one out. So you, Kensu and Bao must go it alone." "Huh? Us three? Alone?" "Exactly. You should try it once in a while. KOF is for the young, you know," smiled Chin. "Why this all of a sudden?" Chin refused to answer Athena's question and fixed his gaze on the sparring Kensu and Bao. Chin's expression was masked by his white eyebrows and beard, giving no indication of what he was thinking. Athena remained clueless as to the Master's intentions. "Recently I've come to believe that if Kensu's power doesn't return, then so be it," Chin said. "Of course, I know that Kensu is devastated by the loss of his psychic powers, but Kensu is still able to hold is own in battle, right?" "Yes," she nodded. "Kensu is trying to compensate for the loss of his psychic powers by making up for it in other ways. He's recently become more serious in facing his training. He's trying to develop himself further mentally. Thinking about that, his current condition may not be a negative." Chin turned to Athena with a look of confidence. "KOF will show us just what our little Kensu's capable of. Things as they are, you, of course, will have to keep the team together. Your burden will be great. How about it? Are you up to the challenge?" "I am prepared, Master." Seeing the look of resolve in her master's eyes, Athena bowed to acknowledge his expectations. "I will not let you down, Master. I, too, have loved ones to protect. In that, Kensu and I are equally determined." Looking at Kensu and Bao, glistening with the sweat of determination, Athena's eyes brightened with hope for an instant. COMMENT: Note that Kensu is actually KENSOU... it was so difficult at first to memorize the name of the characters; now they are change it... *sight*. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Korea Team Prologue "I'm starving," I mumbled, looking up at a heartbreakingly clear blue sky while polishing my favorite iron ball. I don't get all this complicated nonsense about whether my meal is good for me or how many calories it has. All I know is that after having a crummy breakfast like I had today, I'm famished by the time I begin my training. I'm a growing boy, for crying out loud. But I can't tell that to Kim. He'd kick me senseless with that Phoenix Flail of his. Today, before we began training, Kim brought a white envelope to Choi. "Hey, Choi. This envelope addressed to you was delivered to me by mistake," said Kim. "A letter? For me?" asked Choi. "It's from your wife." Rumor had it that Choi had originally run a butcher shop with his wife. Butcher by day, mad slasher by night... and now imprisoned for his crimes. At any rate, one fateful night Choi's intended victim turned out to be Kim, and there Choi's luck ended. Of course I'm not exactly blessed by fortune either. Since then, we've been going through these days of strict training, never knowing when it will end. But I guess that's that. Choi's married, after all. I'm the only guy who's single. "I'm so ashamed. A letter from my wife. Haven't gotten one since before I got married." Yeah, right. A love letter from his wife. No way! Or so I thought. I guess I know nothing. I shouldn't take the wind out of Choi's sails. I peeked at the letter over Choi's back. "So, what does it say?" "My wife says she's doing okay. I bet she's paying for my crimes, too, but she doesn't complain. I've been a bad husband." As he said that, I noticed a little sparkle under Choi's sunglasses. Even a single guy like me knew what that meant. I knew what Choi felt then, so then I dared to give Kim a piece of my mind. "Master Kim!" I called. "Just how long must we continue this training? We've done our time. Are we not ready to contribute to society?" "You seem to have mended your ways," responded Kim, "but you've shown time and time again that you lack moral cultivation. I cannot take your rehabilitation so lightly. However, if you win this year's KOF, I may conclude that your training has been a benefit." "Huh? So what are you saying?" I demanded. "Well, if you win KOF this year, I'll allow you to go back home temporarily. I'll put in a request to the authorities." Choi beamed while clutching his wife's letter. I guess he was really happy at the prospect of reuniting with his wife. But in my case, I had no family awaiting my return home, even if it was temporary. I never gave it any thought years ago, but now for some reason I feel so lonely. Then Choi spoke to me: "Chan, if you feel like it, why don't you come home with me? Since I own a butcher shop, you'll be able to sink your teeth into lamb roasted whole on a spit! My wife's cooking is superb, you know!" That guy... he really knows which button to press. "OK, then," I accepted. "If you're offering, I'd be happy to join you. Roasted lamb, eh. It's been ages!" "Hey, KOF hasn't even begun and you guys talk as if you've won?" scolded Kim. "Kinda jumping the gun there, eh?" "We've always done our best, but this time we're going to go all out and win. Right, Choi?" I asked. "You said it!" cheered Choi. "Come on, Kim! Stop standing around let's get training!" "Geez, what a pair of mercenaries!" Kim groaned and smiled wryly as he rolled up the sleeves of his training clothes. Whatever, I don't care if I'm a mercenary. To get Choi back to his wife and my teeth into a rack of lamb… I'm gonna win KOF if it kills me! COMMENT: Psychotic little funny slicer mad man's can also have sex appeal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Movelist: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- King of Fighters have now hit the streets on the portable format... a good thing is that you can practice while in the train, traveling, bathroom; any where... that is of you can surpass the faults of the game... any way; here is some features on this section: * You can combo throws after jumping attacks do that if you are feeling tired and want to make easy damage ¬_¬ * * Combo section has been growing... this is thanks to the efforts of nIwSe; so worship him has much as you like. * * There it may be some A, B, C or D included over there.... these are only mistakes produced by tiredness * * The names of the moves are taken from the other KoF '99 and KoF 2000 FAQs available, such as Kao Megura's KoF 2000 mini faq, so credits are given to the people who has indirrectly helpe me. * * All characters have been given "titles" along their names, those are just the product of my imagination. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Hero Team: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyo Kusanagi: (The Sword of Fate) Grappling Techniques: Hatsugane When close, b / f + SP Issetsu Seoi Nage When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Ge Shiki: Naraku Otoshi In air, d + SP Ge Shiki: Goufu You f + WK 88 Shiki df + WK Special Moves: 114 Shiki: Aragami Qcf + WP 128 Shiki: Kono Kizu Qcf + P from Aragami 127 Shiki: Yano Sabi Hcb + P from Aragami Ge Shiki: Migiri Ugachi Press P from Kono Kizu / Yano Sabi 125 Shiki: Nanase Press K from Kono Kizu / Yano Sabi 115 Shiki: Dokugami Qcf + SP 401 Shiki: Tsumi Yomi Hcb + P from Dokugami 402 Shiki: Batsu Yomi f + P from Tsumi Yomi 100 Shiki: Oniyaki Upc + P R.E.D. KicK Rup + K 75 Shiki: Kai Qcf + K, K 212 Shiki Kototuki You: Hcb + K 910 Shiki: Nue Tsumi Qcb + P Ryuu Iri Use Nue Tsumi as a high reversal Tora Fuse Use Nue Tsumi as a low reversal Desperation Moves: 182 Shiki Qcf, Qcf + P, hold P to power-up Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi Qcb, Hcf + P, hold P to delay MAX Desperation Move: SDM Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi Qcb, Hcf + WP + HP (Hold buttons to delay) Striker Action: ??? Kyo will rush from the corner for about half screen; then he will perform his Hcb + WK attack; sending the enemy to air allowing you to attack. Notes: His Hcb + Kick are his 99 moves, but now he rushes foward on both versions; I don't know of the autoguard has been kept; the weak version can still combo. On His Qcf + Kick, Kick you must delay the second kick in order for you to juggle. His MAX DM only hit once on the fire; but when delayed the fire on Kyo's body can hit up to tree times. **Combos** Independent low combos: - cr WP; cr WP; Qcf + SK, SK; Upc + SP. Independent combos: - cls SP; Qcf + WK, WK; Qcb, Hcf + SP + WP. * This combo has several endings; like Upc + SP; Qcb, Hcf + SP... - Qcf + WK, WK; Qcf + WK; WK; Qcf + WK; WK; Qcf + WK; WK. nIwSe has pointed that this combo may be an infinite; but that he has manged to land it 4 times; if you get tired; naturally use other posible endings. Striker combos: - cls SP; Qcf + WK, call K', WK; Qcb, Hcf + SP. - cls SP, call Clark; Qcf + WK, WK; Upc + SP. Tricky timming. - cls SP; Qcf + WK, call K', WK; Qcf + WK, WK; Qcb, Hcf + SP + WP. This combo works when you are cornered; and for some character; works every where. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Benimaru Nikaido: (The Blond Japanese Lightning) Grappling Techniques: Catch and Shoot When close, b / f + SP Front Suplex When close, b / f + SK Spinning Knee Drop When close, d + SP in air Command Moves: Flying Drill In air, d + WK Jackknife Kick f + WF Special Moves: Raijin Ken Qcf + P (air) Iai Geri Qcf + K Handou Sandan Geri Dn, Up + K from Iai Geri Super Inazuma Kick Upc + K Shinkuu Katate-goma Qcb + P Desperation Moves: Gen'ei Hurricane Qcb, Qcb + K Raikou Ken Qcf, Qcf + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Raikou Ken Qcf, Qcf + WP + SP Striker Action: Elect Trigger: Benimaru jumps next to the enemy and then holds them for a while, this action can be blocked; despesing being a throw. Notes: His Qcb x 2 DM can be blocked even if it hits; that is because the second attack is to slow to come out. You can not interrupt his Foward + WK, no matter if you combo it. His Qcf + WP or SP does leave you vulnerable even if its connects; same for the air version. **Combos** - cr WK; cr WK; Qcb + SP, call Shingo; short jump SK; cd SP; Qcf x 2 + WP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Moe Habana: (Cherry Blosoom Girls Are Not Always Nice) * Her move names are temporal; born from my imagiantion until I can obtain her official move list on English. * Grappling Techniques: Shoulder Stomp When close, b / f + SP Happy New Year When close, b / f + SK Command Move: Deep Punch While jumping; d + WP Turn Kick f + WK Special Moves: Advancing Turn Qcf + P (up to three times) Turn Swing Rup + P Flower Swing Upc + K Turn Rush Qcb + K Desperation Moves: Cherry Bloosom Tree Upc Qcb, Qcf + P Andvanced Turn Swing Qcf x 2 + K MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Cherry Bloosom Tree Upc Qcb, Hcf + WP + SP Striker Action: Advanced Turn She comes from the corner for about half screen kicking ending up in a hienzan. Notes: Despise being a follow up move; Qcf + P will never combo all the hits; what is worst; you can be hit between the follow ups; even if they hit. Her Upc + D jugles the enemy enoug for you to hit them again. Not counting her Qcf + P; she can not combo ANYTHING. Her Qcb + K hit twice; but the second hit can be blocked even if the first hit. For some odd reason; her jumping CD can only be done from a neutral jump. At least this character can take BIG DAMAGE from the enemy with the movements all by theirselves... ** Combos ** Independent combos: - Upc + SK; cls SP. Striker combos: - Upc + SK; call Kyo; Upc + SK; cls SP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero Team Default striker: Shingo: ??? He rushes from the corner and upon attacking he will hold the enemy briefly for you to attack them... despising being a throw; this action can be blocked either standing or low -remark that because the second hit appears to be low attack-. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Fatal Fury Team: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry Bogard: (The Hungry Wolf) Grappling Techniques Grasping Upper When close, b / f + SP Buster Throw When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Rising Upper df + WP Hammer Punch f + WP Special Moves: Power Wave Qcf + WP Round Wave Qcf + WK Rising Tackle Charge Dn, Up + P Power Dunk Upc + K Burn Knuckle Qcb + P Crack Shoot Qcb + K Desperation Moves: High Angle Geyser Qcf, Qcf + K Power Geyser Qcb, db,f + P MAX Desperation Move: SDM Power Geyser Qcb, db,f + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? Terry Rushes from the corner; then he does a uppecut (Qcf x 2 + K) that ends in the Power Dunk finisher. Notes: His Qcb + K now only hits on the last frames; similar to GMOW. His Foward + WP advances A LOT if you combo it. The command List of the game uses an incorrect motion for the Power Dunk (Rup) His Power Geyser does not combo; not as DM or as MAX DM; and the Power Geyser may not be perform as Qcb, Fwd + Punch, as it could in previous KoFs. Sometimes; the Rising Tackle can go up hitting and go down hitting. - cr WK; WP; Fwd + WP; Qcf x 2 + SK. - cls SP; Fwd + WP, call Chang; Qcb + WK; §; Qcb, db fwd + WP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy Bogard: (The New Heir of The Shiranui Ninjitsu Style) Grappling Techniques: Gourin: Kai When close, b / f + SP Kakaekomi Nage When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Age Men df + WP Uwa Agito f + WK Special Moves Hishou Ken Qcb + WP Geki Hishou Ken Qcb + SP Zan'ei Ken dn bk, fwd + P Shippuu Ouken Qcf + P from Zan'ei Ken Shouryuu Dan Upc + P Kuuha Dan Hcf + K Gen'ei Shiranui In air, Qcf + K Gen'ei Shiranui: Shimo Agito Press P upon landing from Gen'ei Shiranui Gen'ei Shiranui: Uwa Agito Press K upon landing from Gen'ei Shiranui Gekiheki Haisui Shou When close, Hcf + P Desperation Moves: Zan'ei Ryuusei Ken Qcb, Hcf + P Choureppa Dan Qcb, db,f + K MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Choureppa Dan Qcb, db,f + WK + SK Striker Action: ??? He jumps from the corner and then attack with a Zan'ei Ken; unlike '99 or 2k; he will not send the enemy up on the air; but if you are quick; you can still hit them. Notes: I have not been able to attack after his Hcf + P unblockable. **Combos** - cr C; df + WP (1 hit); db Fwd + WP; Qcf + SP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mai Shiranui: (The Last Gal of an Ancestral Ninja Tradition) Grappling Techniques: Shiranui Gourin When close, b / f + SP Fuusha Kuzushi When close, b / f + SK Yume Zakura When close, dn + SP in air Command Moves: Sankaku Tobi Jump ub against a wall, then press uf Dairin Fuusha Otoshi In air, d + WP Ukihane In air, d + WK (or d + K from Chijou) Yusura Ume In air, d + SK (or d + P from Chijou) Benitsuru no Mai df + WK Koku'en no Mai f + WK Special Moves: Kachou Sen Qcf + P Ryuu Enbu Qcb + P (can use during Sachiyo Dori) Sachiyo Dori Qcb + K Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi Hcf + K Musasabi no Mai (Chijou) Charge d, ub + P (hold P to attack) Musasabi no Mai (Kuuchuu) In air, Qcb + P (or from Chijou) Toki Tsubute When close, Qcb + K from Chijou in air Desperation Moves: Mizudori no Mai Qcf, Qcf + P Hou'ou no Mai Qcb, Qcb + P Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi Qcb, Hcf + K MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi Qcb, Hcf + WK + SK Striker Action: ??? Mai Rushes from the corner; if the rush does not hit (she goes half screen) she will cheer for you; if the rush hits she will perform her Qcb x 2 + P DM. Notes: I could not get the "Toki Tsubute", but I listed it becuse it was on '99. Her MAX DM can not combo; either can her Qcb, Hcf + D (B version can combo). **Combos** - cls SP; df + WK (1 hit); Qcf, Hcf + WK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Fury Team Default Striker: Joe Higashi: ??? He laps next to you with a kick and perform a multi - hitting punch; if the punch miss he will leave inmediatly; but if the punch connect he will perform several hits ending on a uppercut. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Art of Fighting Team: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryo Sakazaki: (The enbodyment of an Invincible Tiger) Grappling Techniques: Tani Otoshi When close, b / f + SP Tomoe Nage When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Hyouchuu Wari f + WP Joudan Uke f + WK Gedan Uke df + WK Special Moves: Ko'ou Ken Qcf + P Zanretsu Ken f,b,f + P Kohou Upc + P Ko Hou Senpuu Ken Qcb + P Hien Shippuu Kyaku Hcb + K Mouko: Raijin Setsu Rup + K Desperation Moves Tenchi Haou Ken Qcf, Qcf + P Haou Shoukou Ken f, Hcf + P Ryuuko Ranbu Qcf, Hcb + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Haou Shoukou Ken f, Hcf + WP + SP SDM Ryuuko Ranbu Qcf + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? Ryo jumps from the corner and throws an air fireball. Notes: His MAX Haoh Sho Ko Ken is worthless; the DM version deals more damage. His Ryuuko Ranbu are way faster than before; for example you can do Crouching WK x 4 and then Ryuuko Ranbu; either normal or MAX version. His Qcb + P seems to be invincible at the beginning, it also produces Guard Crush when blocked. Zanretsu Ken is Quick enough to combo from Weak attacks. His Ko'ou Ken does not combo. His High Defense (Fwd + WK) can only be canceled if it succesfully blocks an attack. **Combos** - cr WK x 4; Far WP; Qcf, Hcb + WP. - cr WK x 2; Far WP; Fwd, Bk; Fwd + SP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Garcia: (A Man With The Soul of a Raging Dragon) Grappling Techniques: Ryuuchou Kyaku When close, b / f + SP Kubikiri Nage When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Kouryuu Koukyaku Geri b / f + WP Ryuu Hanshuu b / f + WK Nidan Sokutou Geri df + WK Special Moves: Hien Ryuujin Kyaku In air, Qcf + K Ryuugeki Ken Charge b,f + P Hien Senpuu Kyaku Charge b,f + K Ryuu Zanshou Charge d,u + K Sen'en Renbu Kyaku When close, charge d,u + P Desperation Moves: Haou Shoukou Ken f, Hcf + P Kuzuryuu Sen Qcf, Qcf + K Ryuuko Ranbu Qcf, Hcb + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Ryuuko Ranbu Qcf, Hcb + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? Roberts comes from the corner and perform his Ryuuko Ranbu (DM version) Notes: You can put his Ryuuko Ranbu after his Dn, Up + P. His crouching B is no longer cancelable. **Combos** - cls SK; Qcf, Hcb + WP. - cls SP; cr + WK; cr cp; df + WK (1 hit); Qcf, Hcb + WP. * * For some reason, the cls SP can be chained with weak attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- King: (Brave Gal Raised to be as strong as a Man) Grappling Techniques: Hold Rush When close, b / f + SP Hook Buster When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Trap Kick f + WK Sliding Kick df + WK Special Moves: Venom Strike Qcf + WK Double Strike Qcf + SK Surprise Rose Rup + P Trap Shot Upc + K Tornado Kick '95 Hcb + K Mirage Kick Hcf + P Mirage Dance When close, Hcf + P Desperation Moves: Silent Flash Qcb, Qcb + K Illusion Dance Qcf, Hcb + K MAX Desperation Move: SDM Illusion Dance Qcf, Hcb + WK + SK Striker Action: ??? she rushes from the corner with a slide and if she hits the enemy she does a uppercut that juggles the enemy hitting them many times, despising being a low attack; this striker can be blocked standing. Notes: Her Trap Shot leave the enemy vulnerable to attacks; if you are on the corner you can get good profit from this. Her Double Strike is not as effective a it used to. Her Surprise Rose is the same as it was in AoF 2. **Combos** - cls WK; cls SK (1 hit); Hcb + SK. - cls SK (1 hit); Qcb x 2 + SK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Art of Fighting Team Default Striker: Yuri Sakazaki: ??? Yuri rushes from the corner using 3 Uppercuts that leaves the enemy on the air. If the rush misses (goes like half screen); she will cheer for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ikari Team: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Leona Heidern: (The Lonely Lion) Grappling Techniques: Leona Crush When close, b / f + SP Ordeal Buckler When close, b / f + SK Heidern Inferno When close, dn + SP in air Command Moves: Strike Arch f + WK Special Moves: Moon Slasher Charge d,u + P Baltic Launcher Charge b,f + P Ground Saber Hcf + K Gliding Buster f + SK from (SK) Ground Saber X Calibur In air, Qcb + P Earring Bakudan 1 Qcb + K Earring Bakudan 2 (Heart Attack) Rup + K Kibaku Rup + K after Heart Attack Desperation Moves: Grateful Dead Qcf, Qcf + P Rebel Spark Qcb, Hcf + K V Slasher In air, Qcf, Hcb + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM V Slasher In air, Qcf, Hcb + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? She will run at the enemy and then there it will be an explosion that will juggle them... note that the run does not hit. Notes: If you perform the Fwd + SK after the Hcf + SK to quickly, Leona will not perform the Hcf, she will only do the follow up. You can only interrupt the first hit of her close standing D. Her jumping D is not cancelable; her Jumping B is. The close standing SP; Fwd + WK, Qcb + WP can combo anywhere. **Combos** - cls SP; Fwd + WK; Qcb + WP. - cls SK; cls SK; cls SK (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + SK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralf Jones: (Man of War from the Past) Grappling Techniques: Dynamite Headbutt When close, b / f + SP Northern Light Bomb When close, b / f + SK Special Moves: Vulcan Punch Tap P rapidly, move f Gatling Attack Charge b,f + P Kyuukouka Bakudan Punch (Chijou) Charge d,u + P Kyuukouka Bakudan Punch (Kuuchuu) In air, Qcf + P Ralf Kick Hold K for a while, then release Ralf Tackle Hcb + K Super Argentine Backbreaker When close, Hcf + K Desperation Moves: Baribari Vulcan Punch Qcf, Hcb + P Umanori Vulcan Punch Qcb, Hcf + K MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Baribari Vulcan Punch Qcf, Hcb + WP + SP SDM Galactica Phantom Qcf, Qcf + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? He comes from the corner and then he does a really slow Galactica Phantom. Notes: His Super Agentine Backbreaker has very little range; even less than normal throws (Similar to Maxima's Hcf + K). Galactica Phantom takes years to come out. **Combos** - cr WK x 3; cr SK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Clark Steel: (Restless Military Warrior) Grappling Techniques: Nageppanashi German When close, b / f + SP Fisherman Buster When close, b / f + SK Death Lake Drive When close, dn + C in air Command Moves: Stomping f + WK Special Moves: Gatling Attack Charge b,f + P Napalm Stretch Upc + P Frankensteiner When close, Upc + K Super Argentine Backbreaker When close, Hcf + K Mount Tackle Hcf + P Clark Lift d,d + WP from Mount Tackle Sleeper Lift (D.D.T.) d,d + SP from Mount Tackle Rolling Cradle d,d + K from Mount Tackle Flashing Elbow Qcf + P from any special move throw Desperaton Moves: Running Three Hcf, Hcf + K Ultra Argentine Backbreaker When close, Hcb, Hcb + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Ultra Argentine Backbreaker When close, Hcb, Hcb + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? He will come from the corner with a kick and then then he will grab the enemy and throw them; the sucky part is that the grab can be blocked and you may not hit after the grab. Notes: You can not combo any hit of his close standing C. His Upc + K grabs inmediatly; it is not a delayed throw as it was in other KoFs. His Super Argentine grabs have less range, either normal; DM or MAX DM (Similar to Maxima's Hcf + K). **Combos** - cr WK x 3; Hcf + SP; dn dn + SP, Qcf + SP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ikari Team Default Striker: Whip: ??? She falls from the corner and whips the enemy three times; if the fall hits she will juggle the enemy with her Boomerang Shot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Psycho Soldier Team: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Athena Asamiya: (The Pheonix Hero Singer School Girl) Grappling Techniques: Bit Throw When close, b / f + SP Psychic Throw When close, b / f + SK Psychic Shoot When close, dn + SK in air Command Moves: Sankaku Tobi Jump ub against a wall, then press uf Phoenix Bomb In air, d + WK Renkantai f + WK Special Moves: Psycho Ball Attack Qcb + P Psycho Sword Upc + P (may be perfomed on air) Phoenix Arrow In air, Qcb + K Psychic Teleport Qcf + K Psycho Shoot Hcf + P Psycho Reflector Hcb + B Nu Psycho Reflector Hcb + D Desperation Moves: Phoenix Fang Arrow In air, Qcf, Qcf + K Shining Crystal Bit Hcb, Hcb + P (may be perfomed on air) Crystal Shoot Qcb + P from Shining Crystal Bit MAX desperation Moves: SDM Shining Crystal Bit Hcb, Hcb + AC (may be perfomed on air) SDM Crystal Shoot Qcb + P from Shining Crystal Bit Striker Action: ??? She will come from the corner and restore some energy to the summoner. Notes: Her Psycho Shoot takes forever to come out, same goes for Pshyco Ball. Her Phoenix Fang Arrow does leaves the enemy standing. If I am not mistaken; her SDM crystal shoot can only go fowards; but in this game it shares the same properties of the DM Crystal Shoot (WP goes straight foward; C version may be aimed to the sky). **Combos** - cls SP; Fwd + WK; Qcb + SK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sie Kensou: (The once Psychic Kung Fu Dragon) Grappling Techniques: Sunda When close, b / f + SP Tomoe Nage When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Kobokushu f + WP Kousentai f + WK Special Moves: Sen Shippo Qcb + P Senkyuutai Qcf + K Ryuu Renga: Chiryuu Hcf + WP Ryuu Renga: Tenryuu Hcf + WK Ryuu Renda Upc + P, tap P rapidly Ryuu Gakusai Rup + K Ryuu Sougeki In air, Qcb + P Desperation Moves: Chouryuu Renken Qcf, Qcf + P Shinryuu Seiou Rekkyaku Qcf, Hcb + B Shinryuu Tenbu Kyaku Qcf, Hcb + D MAX Deseration Moves: SDM Shinryuu Tenbu Kyaku Qcf, Hcb + WK + SK Striker Action: ??? He jumps from the corner and then stands; he does eats a meat bum to -ramdomly- recover some player; this striker action seem to be triggered by some special circunstances; I will later inquire. Notes: his Upc + P has autoguard and the last hit can be blocked; mattering not if the previous ones hit. **Combos** - cr WK; cr WK; cr WP; Qcf, Hcb + WK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bao: (The Cursed Child) Grappling Techniques: Gen'ei Tougi When close, b / f + SP Critical Throw When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Sankaku Tobi Jump ub against a wall, then press uf Soushou In air, d + WP Hikida In air, d + WK Kawasaki f + WP Senheki Shuu f + WK Senshou Shuu df + WK Rikatsu Shuu df + WP Special Moves: Psycho Ball Attack: Raise Qcf + WP Psycho Ball Attack: Front Qcb + WP Psycho Ball Attack: Bound Qcf + WK Psycho Ball Attack: Reflect Qcb + WK Psycho Ball Attack: Air Front In air, Qcb + WK Psycho Ball Attack: Air Bound In air, Qcf + WK Psycho Ball Crash: Raise Upc + SP Psycho Ball Crash: Front Rup + WP Psycho Ball Crash: Bound Upc + WK Psycho Ball Crash: Reflect Rup + SK Psycho Ball Crash: Air Front In air, Qcb + SP Psycho Ball Crash: Air Bound In air, Qcf + SK Desperation Moves: Psycho Ball Attack: MAX Qcb, Qcb + P Psycho Ball Crash: SP b, Hcb + K MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Psycho Ball Attack: MAX Qcb, Qcb + WP + SP SDM Psycho Ball Crash: Ore DX f, Hcf + WK + SK Striker Action: ??? He rushes from the corner and then he shoots his Qcb x 2 + Punch DM Notes: Major Motion Changes **Combos** - cr WP; cr SP; df + WP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Psycho Soldier Team Default Striker: Chin Gentsai: ??? He comes from the corner and then he taunts; if the enemy is near during the taunt Chin will use his DP + Upc; if the enemy is out of range; Chin will taunt a few times and then he will do his Upc anyway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Korean Team: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kim Kaphwan: (The Man With a Heart of Justice ) Grappling Techniques: Kubikime Otoshi When close, b / f + SP Sakkyaku Nage When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Kuuren Geki f + WP Neri Chagi f + WK Special Moves: Hangetsu Zan Qcb + K Haki Kyaku dn, dn + K Hien Zan Charge d,u + K Ryuusei Raku Charge b,f + K Hishou Kyaku In air, Qcf + K Desperation Moves: Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku Qcf, Qcf + K Hou'ou Kyaku Qcb,db,f + K (possible on air) MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Hou'ou Kyaku Qcb,db,f + WK + SK (possible on air) Striker Action: ??? Kim falls with an air Qcf + K and then he changes it with a Kuu sajin finisher, juggling the enemy. Notes: His f + WK can combo. You can combo from his air Qcf + K; just like old times. His Far standing WK has a new stand He has a few "new" standing frames. **Combos** - cr WK, call Chang; cr wk; Qcb + SK; Chang hits; Qcf, db Fwd + SK. - cr SP; Fwd + WP (1 hit); Qcf + SK; cls SP (1 hit); Fwd + WP (1 hit); Qcb, db fwd + SK. - cls SK (1 hit); Fwd + WP (1 hit); Qcf + SK, call Chang; cls SP (1 hit); Qcb + SK; §; Qcf x 2 + SK; Qcb, db fwd + SK. - air Qcf + SK, call Iori; cls WK; Qcb + SK; §; Qcf x 2 + SK; Qcf x 2 + SK; Qcb, db fwd + SK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chang Koehan: (The Funny Military Leader) Grappling Techniques: Hagan Geki When close, b / f + SP Kusari Jime When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Hiki Nige df + WP Special Moves: Tekkyuu Dai Kaiten Tap P rapidly, move b / f Tekkyuu Funsai Geki Charge b,f + P Tekkyuu Taiko Uchi Hcf + K Dai Hakai Nage When close, Hcb,f + P Desperation Moves: Tekkyuu Dai Bousou Qcf, Hcb + P Tekkyuu Dai Bokusatsu Hcb, f + K Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu Qcf, Qcf + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu Qcf, Qcf + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? He rolls from the corner all a cross the screen. Notes: His Kick DM has a new secuence. **Combos** - cls SK; Hcb, Fwd + SP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Choi Bounge: (A Small Not So Serial Killer) Grappling Techniques: Zujou Sashi When close, b / f + SP Geketsu Tsuki When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Sankaku Tobi Jump ub against a wall, press uf Mukuro Zuki f + WP Toorima Geri b / f + WK Special Moves: Senpuu Hien Sashi Charge b,f + P Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan Charge d,u + P Hishou Kuuretsu Zan Charge d,up, ub or uf + K (can hold K) Houkou Tenkan Any dir. + P / K from SHS / HKZ Hishou Kyaku In air, Qcf + K Hien Zan Upc + K Kaiten Hien Zan Qcb + P Kishuu Hien Zuki Press P from Kaiten Hien Zan Desperation Moves: Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan Hcb, Hcb + P, move b / f Shin! Chouzetsu Rin-kaiten Toppa In air, Qcf, Qcf + P Hou'ou Kyaku Qcf, Hcb + K MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Hou'ou Kyaku Qcf, Hcb + WK + SK Striker Action: ??? He comes from the corner and taunts; then, if the enemy gets close he will use his charge dn, up + A and will go out of the screen; if the enemy does not come cloes; Choi will do nothing. Notes: His Qcb + P will always send you behind the enemy; you can cancel -when it hits- with with Air Qcf + K. His Air Qcf x 2 + P DM will leave you open even if it hits. His dn, up + P can hit over 10 times; just like old times. **Combos** - cls SP; Fwd + WK; cls SK; Qcb, Hcf + WK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Korean Team Default Striker: Jhun Foon: ??? He will run from the corner for about half screen; if the enemy is in range; he will do his Kuu sajin; if the enemy is out of range; he will use his dn, dn, + B, up + C overhead move. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Iori Yagami: (The Power of the Moon Necklage) Grappling Techniques: Sakahagi When close, b / f + SP Saka Sakahagi When close, b / f + SK Command Moves: Ge Shiki: Yumebiki f + WP, f + WP Ge Shiki: Goufu In "Shinigame" f + WK Ge Shiki: Yuri Ori In air, b + WK Special Moves: 108 Shiki: Yami Barai Qcf + P 100 Shiki: Oniyaki Upc + P 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana Qcb + P (perform 3 up to times) 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In Hcb + K Kuzukaze When close, Hcb,f + P Desperation Moves: Ura 301 Shiki: Saku Tsumagushi Qcf, Qcf + P Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome Qcf, Hcb + P MAX Desperation Moves: SDM Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome Qcf, Hcb + WP + SP Striker Action: ??? He will come from the corner and fire a Yamibarai; if the projectile hits; the enemy will be left on air. Notes: His f + WK WK second attack CAN NOT be canceled. His Hcb + K does recover pretty quickly now; if it is blocked he will not give the second hit. His f + WK can combo... but may not be interrupted. **Combos** - cr WK; cr WK; cr SP; Qcf, Hcb + WP. - cr WP; cr WP; Fwd + WP; far SP (?); Qcb + SP x 3. I did not get this one; and since it has a ?; nIwSe may not get this one too often, neither do I. - Qcf + WP; Qcf x 2 + SP. When enemy is half screen away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Geese Howard: (The Owner of South Town) Grappling Techniques: Tate Katate Nage when close, f / b + SP Shinkuu Nage when close, f / b + SK Command Moves: High Point Heel f + WK Special Moves: Reppuken Qcf + WP Double Reppuken Qcf + SP Ja ei ken Hcb + P Shippu Ken while jumping, Qcb + P Joudan Atemi Nage Hcf + WK (counter high - mid attacks) Chuudan Atemi Nage Hcf + SK (counter low - mid attacks) Hishou Nichirin Zan Upc + P Desperation Moves: Raising Storm db, Hcb, df + P MAX Desperation Moves: Raising Storm db, Hcb, df + WP + SP Deadly Rave Hcb, f + WK + SK (starter) WP, WP, WK, WK, SP, SP, SK, SK, Qcb + SP (follow up) Striker Action: ??? Geese will come in with a Ja ei ken; this attack will cover half screen; if the attacks miss Geese will Taunt and if the enemy comes close he will perform his Shinkuu Nage throw. Notes: Shippu Ken has a different frame. His Close standing D causes Guard Crush. His Deadly Rave can be performed by taping silly the buttons one after another (WP WP WP WP, WK WK WK WK); unlike Fatal Fury Versions in wich you needed to press the buttons with the correct timming. His Jumping C can still hit many times. His fwd + B "high point heel" can not combo; note that this name have been borrowed from AoF 3 Karman Cole; he not only has this move; also is because their fighting styles are so extrangely familiar. **Combos** - cr WK; cr WK; cr WK; cr WK; Hcb, Fwd + WK + SK; follow up. - cls SK; Hcb, Fwd + WK + SK; cls SK; Hcb + SP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden Striker List: K': Narrow He will jump from the corner with a jump attack; if the Spike enemy is on the ground he will do a Sweep attack with the Black out sprite (juggles the enemy); if the enemy is on air he will do his C crow bites. Maxima: Maxima He will jump next to the enemy and then he will attack Gallows (system 1); if the attack hits he will grab the enemy for you to hit them; if it miss he will do nothing. Vanessa: Hard She will rush from the corner; if the enemy is hit Puncher by her dash she will deliver 6 hard punchs; if the enemy is not on her path she will punch the air 2 times; and if the enemy is hit but they are taken outside Vanessa's punches range she will punch 2 times; if she did have given more than 2 punches by the time the enemy is off her range she will stop instantanely. Yamazaki: Unkown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocking Secrets: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unlock Geese Howard: Beat the game with the Fatal Fury Team To unlock Iori Yagami: Beat the game with the Hero Team To unlock Extra Strikers -K', Maxima, Vanessa-: Beat team play once with any team. To unlock Extra Strikers -Yamazaki-: I have not unlocked this striker; a contributor has managed this. -he has provided very especific on what he has done with the cartridige- Play in "Single Play". I used Benimaru and Shingo (for striker). Play it all the way to the end, with no continue. I got 81579 for the score after I bet the game. When I sign my name, it is the 1st place. And I signed "K' ". I press K, then ', then start button. It will appear K' (with an empty space at the end, cause you can sign up to 3 letters) (It is unknow if you must not continue the game to achive the unlocking the secrets) * I tried this but failed to obtain the score; I will later try; obtaining over 82000 with other couple or team and other initials to see if it is an score related trick. * * It is unknow if you must not continue the game to achive the unlocking the secrets * * Extra Strikers will be available under the Korean Team * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overall: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well; KoF EX Neo Blood can surelly give a bite on the mean side; the hit detection and the animation are inferior to Fatal Fury 1; but at least they did what they could to provide a decent combo system. Once I am with enough strenght I will list the combos that are less affected by handicap; I mean, the ones that make decent damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KoF EX Neo Blood Official Site: Original histories. Kao Megura, GunSmith & Joe Palanca: All the move names are taken from their FAQs. Mad Man's cafe and it's people: I can be usually be found here, BTW, fice folks. Sushiguy: Unlocking Yamazaki and help in the future combo section for this guide. nIwSe: For doing and EXTENSINVE, huge and very complete research on combos (he has discovered for about 40% of the combos on this release); research that has hurried my project on at least 5 weaks... everybody wins. James: For adding Leona and Kim's infinites (well; I did not put them as infinites but thanks are giving and deserved). Juan Ramirez: Being Insane, Cat Tuna eater and My dodge ball Disciple!!! Lin: For being able to say WHEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! "Hey! You are not up to Dodge Ball!!"