=============================================================================== Spoiler-Free Walkthrough for FINAL FANTASY I & II: DAWN OF SOULS =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: guidewriter(at)gmail(dot)com System: Game Boy Advance Updated: 5th February, 2005 Version: 2.0 CONTENTS 1. Final Fantasy I 2. Final Fantasy II 3. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY 2.0: 5th Feb, 2005 (Format update) 1.0: 28th Jan, 2005 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Final Fantasy I =============================================================================== EARTH CRYSTAL 1. Select and name the chosen characters for the adventure. 2. Enter the town of Cornelia and talk to the guard at the entrance to be taken to the king in the castle. The king wants the party to defeat Garland. 3. Walk south twice to exit the castle, and return to the town of Cornelia to buy and equip weapons, armor and magic for the party. Exit the town. 4. Travel north-west to the Chaos Temple. 5. Chaos Temple: Walk north through the doors and talk to Garland. Defeat him to rescue Princess Sarah. The party will return to the castle. 6. Exit the castle to see the bridge being built by the workers. 7. Travel north over the bridge to Pravoka and watch the title sequence. 8. Travel north-east past the mountains to the second forest and then walk south-east to enter the town of Pravoka. 9. Buy optimal equipment from the shops. Talk to the pirates at the top-left corner of town and defeat all nine of them to receive the ship. 10. Exit the town and walk south to board the ship. Sail south-west to the port and walk south to see the town of Elfheim. 11. Travel north-west past the mountains and walk south to the marsh cave. 12. Marsh Cave B1: Walk south and enter the room at the bottom of the floor. Climb down the ladder. 13. Marsh Cave B2: Exit through the right door and continue south to the bottom of the floor. Walk east and go through both doors. Go down the steps. 14. Marsh Cave B3: Enter the room that is second from the left, third from the top. Approach the chest and defeat the Piscodemons. Open the chest to find the crown. Walk up the steps at the top-left corner of the floor. 15. Marsh Cave B2: Walk back through both doors and return to the room at the top-left corner of the floor. Climb up the ladder. 16. Marsh Cave B1: Walk through the door and go north. Take the north-west path at the junction and walk up the steps to exit the cave. 17. Travel north from the Marsh Cave to the Western Keep. 18. Walk north-west from the entrance and enter the room with the king. 19. Talk to the king and defeat Astos to receive the crystal eye. 20. Exit the Western Keep and travel south-east past the mountains to return to Elfheim. Go north to the ship and sail north to the port at Cornelia. 21. Cross the bridge and walk north to enter Matoya's Cave. 22. Go through the door and give Matoya the crystal eye to receive the jolt tonic. Exit the cave. 23. Travel south to the ship and sail south to return to the port near Elfheim. Continue south and enter the Elven Castle. 24. Enter the room at the top-left corner of the castle and talk to the healer to give him the jolt tonic. The prince wakes and gives the mystic key to the party. Exit the castle. 25. Travel north to the ship and sail north to the port at Cornelia. Walk north and enter Cornelia castle. 26. Follow the white path around to the top of the castle. Follow the blue path east and around, and open the door to the left room. Open the right chest to find the nitro powder. Exit the castle. 27. Board the boat and sail north-west to the port at Mount Duergar. Travel south-west and enter the dwarf cave. 28. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the cave and talk to Nerrick the dwarf to give him the nitro powder. Exit the cave. 29. Travel north-east to return to the ship. Sail south-west through the newly opened canal. Sail west to the port at Melmond. Travel south-west to the mountains, and then south to the Cavern of Earth. 30. Cavern of Earth B1: Walk east from the entrance steps and follow the second path south-east. Go down the steps. 31. Cavern of Earth B2: Walk south as far as possible. Walk east and go north, east and second south at the junctions. Go down the steps. 32. Cavern of Earth B3: Enter the room at the bottom-left corner of the floor. Go south-east and talk to the blue bat. Defeat the vampire and open the chest to find the star ruby. Follow the path back to the steps. 33. Cavern of Earth B2: Walk north up the path and go west, north, north-west and south-west at the junctions. Walk up the steps. 34. Cavern of Earth B1: Follow the path north-west and walk west to the steps. 35. Travel north-west to Melmond and west to the Giant's Cave. 36. Giant's Cave: Talk to the giant to give him the star ruby. Walk north-west and go up the steps to exit the cave. 37. Travel south from the Giant's Cave and enter the Sage's Cave. 38. Sage's Cave: Talk to the sage in the room at the top-left corner of the cave to receive the staff. Exit the cave. 39. Walk back through the Giant's Cave. Travel north-east to Melmond and walk south-east to return to the Cavern of Earth. 40. Cavern of Earth B1: Walk east from the entrance steps and follow the second path south-east. Go down the steps. 41. Cavern of Earth B2: Walk south as far as possible. Walk east and go north, east and second south at the junctions. Go down the steps. 42. Cavern of Earth B3: Enter the room where the vampire used to be at the bottom-left corner of the floor and continue through the next door. Follow the path and use the tile. Go down the steps. 43. Cavern of Earth B4: Keep moving west on this big floor and go down the steps at the top-left corner. 44. Cavern of Earth B5: Continue north to the top of the path. Go south down the path on the left and walk through the door and defeat Lich. Approach the glowing light to exit the Cavern of Earth. FIRE CRYSTAL 45. Return to the ship and sail south to the open sea and west to the port at Crescent Lake. Travel south-west to the forest and north-west to the town. 46. Walk to the forest at the top-right corner of town and talk to the red sage at the right side of the blue sage to receive the canoe. Exit the town. 47. Travel south to the river to board the canoe and and follow the river west. Go west, north, east, west and west at the junctions. Walk east at the end of the river and enter Mount Gulg. 48. Moung Gulg B1: Walk north-west across the lava and go down the steps at the top-left corner of the floor. 49. Moung Gulg B2: Walk west to the bottom-left corner and go down the steps. 50. Moung Gulg B3: Walk east to the bottom-right corner and go down the steps. 51. Mount Gulg B4: Walk south to the bottom-right corner and go up the steps. 52. Moung Gulg B3: Walk west and go south and second west at the junctions. Go down the steps at the bottom-left corner. 53. Mount Gulg B4: Walk west and go south at both junctions. Go down the steps at the bottom-right corner. 54. Mount Gulg B5: Walk south-west to the room at the bottom-left corner of the floor. Defeat Marilith and approach the glowing light to exit Mount Gulg. WATER CRYSTAL 55. Return to the river and go south, south, south and east at the junctions. Walk north-east from Crescent Lake town to return to the port. 56. Board the ship and sail north-west through the small gap in the land to arrive at the port of Pravoka. Travel south-west to the river. 57. Row the canoe west and go north, north and west at the junctions. Row to the end of the river and walk east to the Cavern of Ice. 58. Cavern of Ice B1: Follow the path east and around to the steps. 59. Cavern of Ice B2: Walk around to the steps at the bottom-left corner. 60. Cavern of Ice B3: Walk south-east and go up the steps. 61. Cavern of Ice B2: Follow the path around to the room at the bottom-left corner. Enter the room and approach the levistone to fall through the ice. 62. Cavern of Ice B3: Walk through the door and go south, south-east, south and south-east at the junctions. Follow the path and go up the steps. 63. Cavern of Ice B1: Exit the room and walk south through the next door. Walk south-east to the next room and approach the cracked ice near the chests. 64. Cavern of Ice B2: Approach the levistone and defeat the Evil Eye. Get the levistone and walk onto the cracked ice. 65. Cavern of Ice B3: Walk through the door and go south, south-east, south and south-east at the junctions. Follow the path and go up the steps. 66. Cavern of Ice B1: Exit the room and walk south through the next door. Go up the steps at the top-right corner to exit the Cavern of Ice. 67. Walk to the river and row the canoe north. Go north, east, south and east at the junctions. Board the ship and sail south to the river south-west of Crescent Lake port. Row the canoe south and walk west to Ryukahn Desert. 68. Board the airship and fly north-west to the Chaos Shrine and north to see the Citadel of Trials. Fly east and land the airship near the forest which is south-east of the desert. Walk west and enter the Citadel of Trials. 69. Citadel of Trials 1F: Walk north and talk to the man. Enter the room at the top-left corner of the floor and walk onto the throne. 70. Citadel of Trials 2F: Touch the correct pillars on the floor. Room 3: Bottom pillar. Room 5: Bottom pillar. Room 7: Right pillar. Room 8: Third pillar from the top. Room 9: Go up the steps. 71. Citadel of Trials 3F: Follow the path around to the room at the bottom-left corner of the floor. Open the chest to get the rat's tail. Approach the throne and defeat the two Dragon Zombies. Walk onto the throne. 72. Citadel of Trials 1F: Exit the room and walk south-east. Go through the gap in the pillars and continue south to exit the Citadel of Trials. 73. Return to the airship near the south-east corner of the desert and fly west to the Dragon Caves. Land on the island with two dragon caves and a small forest. Enter the bottom cave. 74. Dragon Caves B1: Walk south down the long hall and go down the steps. 75. Dragon Caves B2: Go through the door and walk north. Talk to Bahamut and he will upgrade the classes of the characters. Walk south and go up the steps. 76. Dragon Caves B1: Walk south up the long hall and go up the steps. 77. Board the airship and fly west to the right side of the top-left continent to see the town of Onrac. Land the airship south-west of the forest and paddle the canoe north up the river to the waterfall. 78. Waterfall Cavern: Go west, north, west, north-west, south-west, south-west and south-west at the junctions. Follow the path to the room and talk to the robot to receive the cube. Exit the Waterfall Cavern. 79. Sail south down the river and return to the area with the airship. Walk north to the middle of the small desert to arrive at the caravan. 80. Enter the caravan and buy the bottled faerie. Exit the caravan. 81. Travel south and board the airship. Fly to Gaia at the top-right corner of the top-right contintent and land the airship. Enter the town of Gaia. 82. Walk up the path at the top-left corner of town and go east to the pond. Talk to the fairy to receive oxyale. Exit the town. 83. Board the airship and fly west to the right side of the top-left continent. Land the airship south-west of the forest and travel north-east to Onrac. 84. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the town and talk to the woman near the barrel. Select yes to travel down to the Sunken Shrine. 85. Sunken Shrine 3F: Walk north to the top of the floor. Walk north-east and go up the steps at the top-right corner. 86. Sunken Shrine 4F: Walk south and go south, west, south and east at the junctions. Go down the steps at the bottom-right corner. 87. Sunken Shrine 5F: Walk to the path at the top-left corner of the floor and go west. Enter the first room on the left and open the right chest for the Rosetta Stone. Walk back along the path and go south to the steps. 88. Sunken Shrine 4F: Walk north and go north, second east and east at the junctions. Go up the steps at the top-right corner. 89. Sunken Shrine 3F: Walk west and go down the steps at the top-left corner. 90. Sunken Shrine 2F: Walk west and go north at all three junctions. Follow the path and go down the steps at the top-right corner. 91. Sunken Shrine 3F: Walk north-east and go up the steps. 92. Sunken Shrine 4F: Go down the steps at the bottom-right corner. 93. Sunken Shrine 3F: Go through the door and walk south through the door at the bottom of the room. Go down the steps at the bottom-left corner. 94. Sunken Shrine 2F: Walk west and go north, second-west, north and west at the junctions. Go down the steps at the top-left corner. 95. Sunken Shrine 1F: Walk north and go west, north and west at the junctions. Go through the room and continue north to the room at the top-left corner. Defeat Kraken and approach the glowing light to exit the Sunken Shrine. AIR CRYSTAL 96. Board to the airship and fly south-east to Melmond. Enter the town. 97. Walk to the top-right corner of town and talk to him to learn the Lufenian language. Exit the town. 98. Board the airship and fly to the bottom-right corner of the top-right continent to see the town of Lufein. Land the airship at the top of the forest north of the town, and then walk south to enter the town. 99. Talk to the Lufenian near the bottom-right corner of town to receive the chime. Exit the town. 100. Board the airship and fly west over the mountains to the big desert. Land at the bottom-right corner of the desert and go west to the Mirage Tower. 101. Mirage Tower 1F: Walk north through the door and go through the next door on the left. Go up the steps. 102. Mirage Tower 2F: Walk east and go north-west, south-east and north-east at the junctions. Follow the path east and go up the steps. 103. Mirage Tower 3F: Walk around to the bottom of the floor and go through the door. Defeat the Blue Dragon and approach the warp pad. 104. Flying Fortress 1F: Walk through the door and go north to the warp pad at the top of the floor. 105. Flying Fortress 2F: Walk south to the warp pad. 106. Flying Fortress 3F: Walk west to the warp pad. 107. Flying Fortress 4F: Walk in a horizontal direction for two rooms, and a vertical direction for two rooms. Walk on the warp pad. 108. Flying Fortress 5F: Walk north to the top of the floor and defeat Tiamat. Approach the glowing light to exit the Flying Fortress. 109. Board the airship and fly south-west to the Chaos Shrine. Land the airship and enter the Chaos Shrine. 110. Walk north through the door and approach the black crystal. Walk north to travel two thousand years into the past. 111. Chaos Shrine 1F: Go up the steps at the bottom-right corner. 112. Chaos Shrine 2F: Walk east and go up the steps. 113. Chaos Shrine 3F: Walk south to the bottom of the floor and north between the pillars to the room in the middle of the floor. Defeat the Death Eye and walk north to the tile to play the lute. Go down the ladder. 114. Chaos Shrine 2F: Go down the steps at the top-left corner. 115. Chaos Shrine 1F: Go down the steps at the top-left corner. 116. Chaos Shrine B1: Walk north to the top-left corner, east to the top-right corner and south to the bottom-right corner. Approach the steps and defeat Lich. Go down the steps. 117. Chaos Shrine B2: Walk west to the pillars and north through the door. Go east and exit south through the next door. Walk west at the pillars. Approach the steps and defeat Marilith. Go down the steps. 118. Chaos Shrine B3: Walk through both doors and go south through the room on the left. Go north to the next room and open the first door on the right. Walk to the bottom-right corner and defeat Kraken. Go down the steps. 119. Chaos Shrine B4: Walk south and go east and east at the junctions. Defeat Tiamat and continue east to the top-right corner. Go down the steps. 120. Chaos Shrine B5: Walk south to the room at the bottom of the floor and open the door. Talk to Garland and defeat Chaos to complete the game. =============================================================================== 2. Final Fantasy II =============================================================================== 1. Battle the four Black Knights at the start of the game and lose. 2. Talk to Hilda and learn the word Wild Rose. Exit the conversation and walk south twice to enter the town of Altair. 3. Buy and equip weapons, armor and magic for the party. Exit the town. 4. Travel north-west from Altair and cross east over the bridge. Continue north to Gatrea and cross west over the bridge. Travel north-west to the forest, north-east to the mountains and south to the town of Fynn. 5. Walk north through the gap in the fence at to the top of town, east to the top-right corner and south to enter the pub. 6. Talk to the bartender at the top-right corner of the pub and ask about Wild Rose. He has heard of the password and moves out of the way. 7. Walk east into the secret tunnel and talk to the soldier in the bed. Ask him about Wild Rose to receive the ring from Scott. Exit the town. 8. Travel north to the mountains, south-west through the first forest and east through the next forest. Cross east over the first bridge, travel south-east and cross south over the next bridge. Enter the town of Altair. 9. Go through the door at the right side of the pub to return to the hideout. 10. Go north to the throne room and show Hilda the ring. Learn the word Mythril and ask Hilda about Mythril. Talk to Minwu and he will join the party. 11. Talk to Hilda and learn the word Dreadnought. Ask about Dreadnought and learn the word Airship. Go south twice to exit the hideout. Exit the town. 12. Travel north across the bridge and sail north-east over the lake to Paloom. 13. Talk to the man near the entrance of the village and select Yes to pay for a journey to Poft. Exit the town and board the ship. Enter Poft. 14. Enter the pub at the bottom-left corner of town and talk to Cid's assistant at the right side of the pub. Select yes and then select Semitt Falls. Exit the town and board the airship. Enter Semitt Falls. 15. Semitt Falls B1: Walk south and go west, south-east, south and west at the junctions. Go down the steps. 16. Semitt Falls B2: Go east and south-east at the junctions. Walk through the left door and go down the steps. 17. Semitt Falls B3: Go west at both junctions. Walk through the left door and talk to Paul. Walk east and go down the steps. 18. Semitt Falls B4: Cross the bridge and go east to the four bridges. Cross the north bridge and follow the path. Go down the steps. 19. Semitt Falls B5: Walk north and open the left door. Defeat the Sergeant and open the chest to get the mythril. Exit the room and cross over the bridge. 20. Semitt Falls B5: Walk north and go north-east at the junction. Open the chest for the teleport tome. Equip the tome and use it to exit the cave. 21. Travel south-west to the forest, south-east to the river and north-east through the gap between the mountains. Travel east to the next forest and walk south to return to the town of Poft. 22. Enter the pub at the bottom-left corner of town and talk to Cid's assistant at the right side of the pub. Select yes and then select Altair. Exit the town and board the airship. Enter Altair. 23. Enter the weapon shop and show Tobul the mythril. Buy new weapons and armor from the shops in the town. Exit the town. 24. Travel north-east to return to Poft and talk to Cid's assistant in the pub. Select Bafsk. Board the airship and enter the town of Bafsk. 25. Talk to the knight at the bottom-left corner of town and ask about the Dreadnought. Walk south-west and go down the steps. 26. Bafsk Cave B1: Go east and south at the junctions. Go down the steps. 27. Bafsk Cave 1F: Walk east and go second north at the junction. Talk to the knight and the ship will leave. Walk east and go through the door. Open the chest to get the pass. Walk east onto the pad to return to Bafsk. 28. Travel north-west to pass the mountains and south-west to return to Poft. 29. Ask Cid about the Airship and learn about Sunfire. Talk to Cid's assistant and select Altair. Exit the town and board the airship. Enter Altair. 30. Go through the door at the right side of the pub to return to the hideout. 31. Go north to the throne room and talk to Hilda. Minwu leaves the party. 32. Exit the throne room and enter the top-right room. Ask the king about Sunfire and learn the word Goddess's Bell. Exit the town. 33. Travel north-east to return to Poft and talk to Cid's assistant in the pub. Select Salamand. Board the airship and enter the town of Salamand. 34. Enter the house at the top-right corner of town and talk to Josef. Ask about Goddess's Bell and he will join the party. Exit the town. 35. Travel west to pass the mountains and then walk south-east to Semitt Falls. 36. Semitt Falls B1: Go north at the first junction and look at the wall north-east of the blue crystal. Walk east into the secret passage and open the chest for the snowcraft. Exit the cave. 37. Row west along the river to pass the mountains, then travel north through the forest to see an entrance to the snow plains on the right. Using the snowcraft, travel east through the snow and enter the Snow Cavern. 38. Snow Cavern B1: Walk up the long steps and walk west. Go south-west and south-east at the junctions. Go down the steps. 39. Snow Cavern B2: Follow the path and go down the steps. 40. Snow Cavern B3: Walk south and go south-east at the junction. Walk west to the other side of the water and go down the steps. 41. Snow Cavern B4: Go south-east and north-east at the junctions. Follow the path down the door and go down the steps. 42. Snow Cavern B5: Open the door at the bottom-right corner to enter the room with the beavers. Enter the secret passage at the right side of the room. 43. Snow Cavern B6: Walk along the path and defeat the adamantoise. Get the Goddess's Bell and enter the door at the top of the steps. 44. Snow Cavern B1: Walk north and go north-west and north-east at the junctions. Defeat Borghen at the top of the steps and exit the cave. 45. Ride west to exit the snow plains and travel south-east to return to Poft. Talk to Cid's assistant in the pub and select Kashuan. Board the airship and enter Kashuan Keep. 46. Kashuan Keep 1F: Walk north and use the Goddess's Bell on the door. Go through the door. 47. Kashuan Keep 2F: Walk north and talk to Gordon. He will join the party. Follow the path east to the top-right corner and south to the steps. 48. Kashuan Keep 1F: Walk west and go south at the top-left corner. Go up the steps at the bottom-left corner. 49. Kashuan Keep 2F: Go south, east at the junctions. Continue following the path and go up the steps. 50. Kashuan Keep 3F: Follow the path to the area with the statues and go down the bottom-right path. Go up the steps at the end of the path. 51. Kashuan Keep 4F: Go west and south at the second junction. Go up the steps. 52. Kashuan Keep 5F: Go east, south, west and east at the junctions. Go down the steps. 53. Kashuan Keep 4F: Go through the door. Defeat the Red Soul and open the chest for Egil's Torch. Teleport out of Kashuan Keep. Enter Kashuan Keep. 54. Kashuan Keep 1F: Walk north and use Egil's Torch on the Sunfire. Exit Kashuan Keep and walk south to the Chocobo Forest. 55. Catch the chocobo in the forest. Climb on the chocobo and travel south through the huge desert. Travel south-east at the bottom of the desert to arrive at Palamecia. Leave the chocobo and enter the dreadnought. 56. Dreadnought 1F: Show the pass to the guard and walk up the steps at the top of the floor. Walk east, go down the steps and then go up the steps at the top-right corner. Go through the green door and go down the steps. 57. Dreadnought 2F: Go west, south and east at the junctions. Open the gate and talk to Cid. Exit the room and walk west. Walk north at all three junctions and go down the steps. 58. Dreadnought 1F: Walk through the green door and go down both sets of steps. Go south at the junction and follow the path to the steps. 59. Dreadnought 3F: Follow the path to the top-left corner and walk through the green door. Go up the steps. 60. Dreadnought 4F: Walk up both sets of steps at the middle of the floor. 61. Dreadnought 3F: Walk through the green door and go up the steps. 62. Dreadnought 5F: Walk east and go north and west to the top-left corner, second east, south, east, fourth north and north to the top-right corner, second south, south, west and go through the green door to the engine room. 63. Dreadnought 5F Engine Room: Use the Sunfire on the engine. The party exit the dreadnought and fly back to Altair. Enter the town of Altair. 64. Go through the door at the right side of the pub to return to the hideout. 65. Enter the top-right room and talk to the king. Exit the king's room. 66. Enter the throne room and talk to Gordon. Learn the word Dragoons. Ask about Dragoons and learn the word Wyverns. Exit the town. 67. Travel north-east to the town of Paloom and talk to the sailor to arrange a trip to Deist. Exit the town and board the ship. 68. Defeat the eight pirates on the ship and Leila will join the party. 69. Sail south-east through the gap to the open sea and continue south to appear at the top of the map. Sail south-east from the snow plains and dock the ship at the left side of Deist island. 70. Travel north-east to the castle and north to enter Deist Cavern. 71. Deist Cavern B1: Walk east and go down the steps at the top-right corner. 72. Deist Cavern B2: Get the pendant in front of the remains of the dragoon. Go up the steps. 73. Deist Cavern B1: Walk west and go up the steps at the top-left corner. 74. Travel south from Deist Cavern and enter the castle. 75. Castle Deist 1F: Walk north and talk to the boy. Continue north and talk to him again. Go up the steps. 76. Castle Deist 2F: Walk east and go south down the path. Enter the room and ask the wyvern about the word Wyvern to receive an egg. Go down the steps. 77. Castle Deist 1F: Walk south to exit the castle. 78. Travel north from the castle to return to the Deist Cavern. 79. Deist Cavern B1: Go down the steps at the bottom-right corner. 80. Deist Cavern B2: Go west and north-west at the junctions. Follow the path to the bottom-left corner and go down the steps. 81. Deist Cavern B3: Walk north over the small bridge and follow the path east to the top-right corner. Walk south and go down the steps. 82. Deist Cavern B4: Walk west and go down the steps. 83. Deist Cavern B5: Walk north-east and enter the third door from the left. Walk west and defeat the Chimera. Use the Wyvern Egg with the Life Spring. Teleport out of the cave. 84. Travel south-west to return to the ship. Sail north through the gap and then west to dock the ship near Altair. Enter Altair. 85. Go through the door at the right side of the pub to return to the hideout. 86. Enter the bottom-right room and talk to Hilda. Defeat the Lamia Queen. Gordon will join the party. Exit the town. 87. Travel north-east to return to Poft. Talk to Cid's assistant in the pub and select Kashuan. Board the airship and fly to Kashuan. Travel south-east to the coliseum at the right side of the desert. 88. Colsieum 1F: Walk north and go up the steps. Defeat Behemoth. 89. Coliseum B2: Open the gate and enter the top-right room. Go up the steps. 90. Colisuem B1: Follow the path and go through the gap at the bottom-right corner. Open the right gate to rescue Hilda. Walk back through the gap and go west to the bottom-left corner. Go up the steps. 91. Coliseum 1F: Follow the path and continue south to exit the coliseum. 92. Travel north-west to return to Poft. Talk to Cid's assistant in the pub and select Fynn. Enter Fynn Castle. 93. Castle Fynn 1F: Walk north and talk to Leila. Go up the steps. 94. Castle Fynn 2F: Walk north and go up the steps. 95. Castle Fynn 3F: Walk north and go up the steps. 96. Castle Fynn 4F: Walk north and defeat Gottos. Talk to Hilda and learn the word Mysidia. Ask about Mysidia and learn the word Masks. Ask about Masks and learn the words Ekmet Teloess. 97. Castle Fynn 4F: Ask Gordon about Mysidia and learn the word Ultima Tome. Approach the right wall at the top-right corner of the floor and ask about Ekmet Teloess. Walk east through the gap and go down the steps. 98. Castle Fynn 3F: Walk east and go down the steps. 99. Castle Fynn 2F: Walk east and go down the steps. 100. Castle Fynn 1F: Walk south and go up the steps. 101. Castle Fynn B1: Go west, north and east at the junctions. Go down the steps at the top-right corner. 102. Castle Fynn B2: Walk west and go west, north and east at the junctions. Go down the steps at the top-right corner. 103. Castle Fynn B3: Go south, west and north at the junctions. Go down the steps at the top-left corner. 104. Castle Fynn B4: Follow the path to the top-left corner and go south and south-east at the junctions. Go down the steps at the bottom-right corner. 105. Castle Fynn B5: Go east, north, east and go through the second door from the right. Open the chest to get the White Mask. Walk north onto the warp pad to exit Castle Fynn. 106. Travel south to the ship, which should be south of Altair. 107. Sail west through the gap, south through the next gap and dock the ship at Mysidia. Travel south to the town of Mysidia. 108. Go down the steps near the bottom-right corner of town and use the white mask on the statue in the passage. Exit the town. 109. Travel north to the ship. Sail east through the gap and south through the next gap. Sail south and slightly west to arrive at a tiny island. Dock the ship at the south side of the island and enter the cave. 110. Tropical Island B1: Walk south and go west, north-west and north at the junctions. Go down the steps. 111. Tropical Island B2: Walk north and go east at the junction. Follow the path south from the top-right corner and go west, second west and north at the junctions. Go down the steps. 112. Tropical Island B3: Walk east and follow the path to the steps. 113. Tropical Island B4: Go down the steps at the top-right corner. 114. Tropical Island B5: Walk south-west and walk through the door. Defeat the Big Horn and open the chest to get the black mask. Walk north and use the warp pad to exit the tropical island. 115. Board the ship and sail north-west to Mysidia. Travel north-west through the gap in the mountains and continue north-west to the forest. Travel south-west and enter the cave. 116. Cave of Mysidia B1: Walk west and go up the steps. Walk west and go south and west at the junctions. Follow the path south and use the black mask on the doppleganger. Walk through the door and go down the steps. 117. Cave of Mysidia B2: Walk up the steps. Walk west and go south and west at the junctions. Walk through the door and go down the steps. 118. Cave of Mysidia B3: Walk west and go up the steps. Go east and east at the junctions. Go down the steps and follow the path west to the bottom-left corner. Walk north through the door and go down the steps. 119. Cave of Mysidia B4: Follow the path to the bottom-left corner and go up the steps. Walk west and go down the steps. Walk through the door at the bottom-right corner and go down the steps. 120. Cave of Mysidia B5: Follow the path south and go up the steps. Go south at the junction. Go down the steps and walk through the door. Open the middle chest to get the crystal rod. Teleport to exit the cave. 121. Travel north-east to the forest and south-east to the ship. 122. Sail north-east through the gap. Sail west through the gap south of Altair and continue west through the gap at the bottom-right corner of the rock circle to enter the Leviathan. 123. Leviathan 1F: Follow the path and go up the steps at the top-left corner. 124. Leviathan 2F: Walk north and go west at the junction. Show the Crystal Rod to Ricard the dragoon. Go up the steps at the top-left corner. 125. Leviathan 3F: Defeat the Roundworm at the left side of the floor and walk west up the steps to exit the Leviathan. 126. Sail north to the island and enter the tower. 127. Mysidian Tower 1F: Walk west and go east at the junction. Go up the steps. 128. Mysidian Tower 2F: Walk south-west to the bottom-left corner of the floor. Walk east and go up the steps. 129. Mysidian Tower 3F: Walk west through the lava and walk through the left door. Walk south and go east at the junction. Walk north and enter the room at the top of the steps to defeat the Fire Gigas. Go up the steps. 130. Mysidian Tower 4F: Walk south-west to the bottom-left corner, east to the bottom-right corner and north to the steps at the top-right corner. 131. Mysidian Tower 5F: Follow the path and walk through the door at the top of the steps. Defeat the ice gigas and walk up the steps. 132. Mysidian Tower 6F: Walk east and go second south at both junctions. Walk west at the bottom-right corner and go second north at the junction. Walk through the door and go up the steps. 133. Mysidian Tower 7F: Walk through the door at the top-left corner and defeat the thunder gigas. Go up the steps. 134. Mysidian Tower 8F: Walk east and go north up the path. Take the third path on the right and walk through the door. Go up the steps. 135. Mysidian Tower 9F: Walk west and go up the steps at the left side of the floor. Go south-east to the area with the four doors and walk through the second door from the left. Go up the steps. 136. Mysidian Tower 10F: Walk north and talk to Minwu. Walk through the door and talk to the gold crystal in the middle of the room to get the Ultima tome. Walk onto the warp pad to exit the tower. 137. Board the ship and sail north to Fynn. Travel north and enter the castle. 138. Castle Fynn 1F: Walk to the bottom-left corner and go up the steps. 139. Castle Fynn 2F: Walk east and go up the steps. 140. Castle Fynn 3F: Walk north to the room with the mirror and use the pendant with the mirror. Walk south to exit the room and go down the steps. 141. Castle Fynn 2F: Walk west and go down the steps. 142. Castle Fynn 1F: Exit the castle and walk into the cyclone. 143. Cyclone 1F: Follow the path and go up the steps at the top-left corner. 144. Cyclone 2F: Walk south-west and go up the steps. 145. Cyclone 3F: Go up the steps at the bottom-left corner. 146. Cyclone 4F: Go up the right steps at the bottom-right corner. 147. Cyclone 5F: Walk north and go up the steps. 148. Cyclone 6F: Go up the steps at the right side of the floor. 149. Cyclone 7F: Walk north and defeat the two sets of royal guard and the emperor. The party return to Fynn. 150. Castle Fynn 4F: Exit the castle and enter the town of Fynn. 151. Enter the bottom-left house and talk to Cid, who will give his airship to the party. Exit the town. 152. Travel south-east to pass the mountains and north-east to Poft. 153. Board the airship. Fly south-east and land the airship on top of the castle near the coliseum. 154. Castle Palamecia 7F: Walk north and go through the door. Continue north to drop to the first floor of the castle. 155. Castle Palamecia 1F: Walk east and go second south, second west and north at the junctions. Go up the steps. 156. Castle Palamecia 2F: Walk east and go north at the junction. Follow the path to the bottom-left corner and go up the steps. 157. Castle Palamecia 3F: Walk north to the top of the room and go east. Follow the path to the bottom-right corner and go up the steps. 158. Castle Palamecia 4F: Walk north and go north at the junction. Walk east and go up the steps at the top-right corner. 159. Castle Palamecia 5F: Walk south to the bottom-right corner and follow the path to the top-left corner. Go up the steps. 160. Castle Palamecia 6F: Go up the steps at the bottom-right corner. 161. Castle Palamecia 7F: Walk north and go up the steps. 162. Castle Palamecia 8F: Follow the path to the bottom of the room and walk north to the throne to talk to Leon. The party will return to castle Fynn. 163. Castle Fynn 3F: Exit the castle. 164. Board the airship and fly south-east to the east side of Mysidia. Land the airship and enter the jade passage. Walk south. 165. Jade Passage B1: Walk south to the bottom-left corner and go east through the water. Walk through the door and go down the steps. 166. Jade Passage B2: Go north-east, south and south-west at the junctions. Walk through the door at the top-right corner and go down the steps. 167. Jade Passage B3: Follow the path to the bottom-right corner and go through the right door. Go down the steps. 168. Jade Passage B4: Walk east and go through the door at the bottom-right corner. Go down the steps. 169. Jade Passage B5: Walk east and follow the path to the bottom-right corner. Walk through the door and go down the steps. 170. Jade Passage B6: Follow the path and walk onto the warp pad. 171. Pandaemonium 1F: Ignore the doorways and follow the path. Go up the steps. 172. Pandaemonium 2F: Follow the path to the warp pad at the top-left corner. 173. Pandaemonium 3F: Walk north and go east, east, south and south at the junctions. Walk onto the warp pad. 174. Pandaemonium 4F: Walk north and go through the second doorway from the right. Continue north and go through the door. 175. Pandaemonium 6F: Walk north and follow the path to the warp pad at the bottom-left corner. 176. Pandaemonium 4F: Follow the path to the warp pad at the top-right corner. 177. Pandaemonium 7F: Walk up the steps at the top-left corner and go east to the top-right corner. Walk south and follow the path to the warp pad. 178. Pandaemonium 8F: Go east at both junctions and walk onto the warp pad at the top-right corner. 179. Pandaemonium 9F: Walk onto the warp pad at the bottom-left corner. 180. Pandaemonium 10F: Walk north and defeat the emperor to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2005 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.