::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon ............................ ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. Best viewed - Font: Courier New / Size: 10 / Desktop Resolution: 800x600 NJStar Japanese WP - Font: Courier New / Size: 7 / Zoom: 150% / Desktop Resolution: 800x600 =============================================================================================== FAQ (Shift-JIS) - Version 1.00 by Simon (thiagosimoes84@hotmail.com) - April/2002 =============================================================================================== Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 - About this FAQ 2.0 - Main Translations 3.0 - Credits =============================================================================================== 1.0 - About this FAQ =============================================================================================== Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon, released for GBC only in Japan, though apparently simple, is a very complex game for Game Boy Color. There are several things to translate, and several things to explain. Besides, identifying and translating Hiragana is a very painful job, plus some menus are mixed in Katakana and Hiragana, and there are also some Kanjis, so I'll need all the help that people can give to me, and I'll be thankful for each bit. Now, enjoy reading. =============================================================================================== 2.0 - Main Translations =============================================================================================== Start Menu ~~~~~~~~~~ さいしぉからはじめる - Reconsideration from the beginning (?) [Game Start] ちゅうだんしたところからはじめる - Break under the place from the beginning (?) [Continue Game] [Note] - Both translations seems very weird, and they may be wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character Names (Default) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meru (メル) - Thirteen years old girl, sister of Deio. Deio (ディオ) - Thirteen years old boy, brother of Meru. Kuru-ru (クルール) - Some kind of... pet... that will help you on your journey. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Menu ~~~~~~~~~ This menu is accessible when you push 'B' button, during in game. +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | とくぎ (Special Skills) | [Character's Picture] [Character Name] [Character Level] | | そうび (Equipment) | と (Ato) XX (Value) | | どうぐ (Tools) [Items] | HP Current / Total MP Current / Total | | たいれつ (Group Arrangement) |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | さくせん (Tactics) | [Second Character] The same as above | | つよさ (Strength) |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | ちゅうだん (Break) | [Third Character] The same as above | +------------------------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | フード (Food) XX (Value)| ガルド (Garudo/Gald) [Money] XX (Value) | +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ Special Skills - You will have to assign the Special Skills you already aqcuired to a position on the D-Pad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipments - You will have to choose to そうび (Equip) or はずす (Remove) a バッジ (Badge) and an アクセサリケ (Accessory) on your character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools - You will have to choose to つかう (Donate) or すてる (Discard) an item. The 'kind' of items are: コスチュ (Costume/Clothe) くすり (Medicine) バッジ (Badge) どうぐ (Tool/Equipment) アクセサリケ (Accessory) たべもの (Food) しゅうしゅうひん (Collection Articles) シナリオアイテム (Scenario Item) Some items have letters from A to F after its names. This works as a 'grade' for each item. So, an item that name is [Name of the Item]A is better than [Name of the item]D (A-Best / F-Worst). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Arrangement - You have to select the たいれつ (Group Arrangement) or you can just choose the リーダー (Leader). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tactics - Select the tactic you will want for each Character. The tactics are: 伎をつかいまくれ - Use Skills - Use all varieties of Skills. 伎はてきどに - Moderated Skills - Just use some varieties of Skills. 伎をつかうな - Not use Skills (?) - Simple attacks (?). じぶんをまもれ - Self-Omission (?) - Defend or Heal (Heal only with healer clothes). とおくをねらえ - Distant Aim (?) - Surprise attacks enemies (?). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strength - Works like a status screen. If you press 'A' once, you will be noticed the current values for the attributes of the characters. The attributes are: ちから (Vigor) こうげき (Attack) たいかく(Physique) ぼうぎょ (Defense) ちれょく (Intelligence) こううん (Luck) すばやさ (Agility) If you press 'A' twice, you will be presented to a screen with some bars, indicating values for すなお (Obedience), ひょうきん (Funny) and おもいやれ (Sympathy). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break - Quit and auto-save your current game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changing Clothes Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes you'll have to change your clothes, and you'll be presented to a screen like this: +---------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | きがえ (Changing Clothes) | | きる (Wear) ぬぐ (Take off) ずかん (Picture Book) | +---------------------------+---------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Specific name for each character | Character Name < Choose a Character > | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | | Clothe Name.......................................................... と (Ato) XX (Value) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ By choosing to wear a clothe, and after actually selecting one, you'll be presented to these options: きる (Wear) やめる (Retire) 為技 (Strength Changes) / パラメーター (Parameter) Note that every clothe has an Ato value. This is the number of Clothe Points (CP) you will have to earn to master that specific clothe and get its skills. You earn CPs after a battle, such as experience points for the clothe you are wearing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the menu you will see if you press 'B' button while in a battle. You will be presented to these options: とくぎ (Special Skill) どうぐ (Tool/Item) こうげき (Attack) さくせん (Tactics) ぼうぎょ (Defense) にげる (Run) After the battle, you will earn extra Gald (Money), Experience and CP (Clothe Points). =============================================================================================== 3.0 - Credits =============================================================================================== This FAQ is a Copyright of Simon (Thiago Simoes), and you are NOT allowed to translate, post it in your site or any other media-vehicle without my consent, as well as rewrite this FAQ and/or sell this to ANYBODY. The only site allowed to post this FAQ is: -http://www.gamefaqs.com Contact me through my: E-mail - thiagosimoes84@hotmail.com thiagosimoes84@ig.com.br ICQ - 117643160 Thanks goes to: -GOD, for All. -Mom, for listening all my my stuff :) -You, for reading this FAQ. I hope you enjoyed! See you! =============================================================================================== ------------------------------------------ The End? ------------------------------------------- ===============================================================================================