************************************************ * Soul Calibur Mission Battle FAQ v2.0 * * by Professer Revolution * * This FAQ is Copyright(c) 1999 by the author * * Soul Calibur is (c)1999 Namco * ************************************************ WARNING! This FAQ is for personal use only. You may not print this FAQ in a magazine or any other publication made for profit. You may not use this document as an incentive to buy a product. You MAY distribute this document around the internet, providing it isn't changed in any way. ================ REVISION HISTORY ================ v2.0--Updated E-Mail address -Fixed some of the layout v1.5--Readied this FAQ for public consumption -Everything is done except for the last Art Gallery. *Whew!* v1.0--Rough Draft(was only on "test" at my site) ======================================================================= CONTENTS ======================================================================= 1.INTRODUCTION 2.MISSION MODE GUIDE 3.ART GALLERY INDEX 4.NEXT REVISION 5.ABOUT THE AUTHOR ======================================================================= 1. INTRODUCTION ======================================================================= Welcome to my FAQ for the Mission Battle Mode in the Dreamcast import version of Soul Calibur. The Mission Battle is one of the key additions Namco made to the DC port of this game. It's very much like the Edge Master mode in the PSX version of Soul Blade. Only this time there is alot more to open up. The Mission Battle is divided into two main parts. The actual Mission Mode and The Art Gallery. Their very closely intertwined though. You need the points you earn from winning missions in Mission Mode to open up the stuff in the Art Gallery, and you need to open up certain things in the Art Gallery to move on in the Mission Mode. Simple enough, eh? Well then let's get started! One more thing. This FAQ is written assuming you have a basic understanding of the Soul Calibur gameplay and terms, like Soul Charge, Unblockable, etc. ======================================================================= 2. MISSION MODE GUIDE ======================================================================= Here's a quick rundown of how this Guide is setup: AREA #-Name of Area(Fighter you will face) Mission #-Description of Mission Mission #-Description of next Mission Any special occurances will be listed between the area descriptions AREA #-Name of Area(Fighter you will face) Mission #-Description of Mission (Note that if there is more than one Mission for an area I list them starting from left to right.) Got it? Not too hard right? Now, the reason you are going through all of these missions is to earn points. You then use the points to unlock the goodies in the Art Gallery. I usually wait until I have enough points to buy up a whole section of the Art Gallery rather than just winning a match and buying something right away. But I do list what opens up what in the Art Index if you just want to open up the extra items. Some of the special items appear only after you've opened a certain amount of the pictures, so you may not get a special feature exactly where I list it. When this happens you should get the listed item or feature in the next couple of pics, so no hate mail please^_^ --- Select the 'Mission Battle' option from the Main menu, then pick a character(it doesn't matter which, there's no ongoing story or anything). You'll be met with a screen of a map. On this screen you'll see the character's name that you are using in the upper left corner, a menu in the middle, the 1st Mission Area with a pointer on it, some japanese text near the button, and your total number of points(which should be at zero) at the very bottom right. The Menu reads: MOVE-let's you move the pointer around the map screen MISSION-Pick to view to Missions for the Area you are currently at ART GALLERY-Choose this to go to the Art Gallery section SELECT CHR-If you want to change your current character SAVE DATA-Hmmm? Hit start on the save screen to actually save RESET-Back to the Title Screen Well, you're in the Mission Battle so you might as well select "Mission" and get going. Once you select Mission, you'll be greeted with the Mission Box. It has a picture of the Mission Area at the very top in the center, a little box to the right with stars, and a bunch of Japanese in the middle. The stars in the little box represent the difficulty of the mission, the more stars the harder the Mission will be to accomplish. Scroll down to the bottom of the text by holding down and you'll get a sign prompting you to hit A to start the mission. All the writing in the box is a desription of the Mission and sometime it has commands and whatnot. The seperated red and orange yellow text at the bottom is the main point of what the white text is saying. Here's what the Area Description would look like right now: AREA 1-The Pure Training Spot(Edge Master) MISSION 1-Guard Enemy Attacks From this you can tell that you're fighting in the Stage called "The Pure Training Spot" and that you'll be fighting Edge Master. You can also see that your first Mission will be to block Edge Master's attacks. You don;t have to block them all, just survive until the clock runs out. So give it a shot! Hit A to start the Mission. Alright! Fun huh? When you are victorius in a Mission a sign will pop up as your fighter is doing his/her winning pose. The first number tells you how many points you've won for completing the mission, and the second number is your total points. You'll notice that the Mission Area is now blinking on the map screen and the word "NEW" is above it. This means you've opened up new missions for this area, hooray! When a new Mission Area is opened(through the Art Gallery) it will look like this until you've attempted a Mission there. Ready for another? The Guide is going to get a bit more straight forward from here on out, and less wordy. Here's your first taste: AREA 1-The Pure Training Spot(Edge Master) MISSION 1-Guard Enemy Attacks MISSION 2-Perform an 8-Way run completely around opponent MISSION 3-Soul Charge and attack to win MISSION 4-Throw CPU from Front,Back,Left,and Right to win MISSION 5-Perform an Unblockable Attack to win MISSION 6-Perform a Guard Impact to win ==See Soul Calibur Prolouge(i)== So, know what you need to do? Keep going through these missions until you have enough points, 220, to buy the Collection called "Soul Calibur Prolouge" in the Art Gallery, or just get enough to buy the ones that open up the new stuff. It's your call^_^ I list the subsequent Mission Areas in the order they are opened up in the Art Galleries. Anytime you want to get back to the Menu hit B. You'll also notice some numbers popping up in the little box with the stars. The first one is your completions and the 2nd one is your attempts. So, if the number was 2/3 that means that you tried this Mission 3 times and passed it twice. I'll start the whole Guide over now in case you just want to print the needed info or something, and cut out all my babbling^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1-The Pure Training Spot(Edge Master) MISSION 1-Guard Enemy Attacks MISSION 2-Perform 8 Way Run completely around opponent MISSION 3-Soul Charge and attack opponent MISSION 4-Throw Opponent from Front,Back,Left, and Right MISSION 5-Perform and Unblockable attack on opponent MISSION 6-Perform a Guard Impact ==See "Soul Calibur Prolouge"(i)== AREA 2-Remain in the Desert(Hwang) MISSION 1-Quicksand in ring slows you down, Normal Battle AREA 3-Indian Port(Random) MISSION 1-Handicapped Match(2 to 1) AREA 4-Turkish Labrynth(Random) MISSION 1-Soul Charge to Speed Up/Handicapped Match(2 to 1) ==See "Passed Up(?) CG"(ii)== AREA 5-The Colluseum(Random) MISSION 1-Endurance Match, you must win 6 rounds, the enemy only needs to win 1. After every round you can choose to go for more points(left option), or take the points you have and quit(right option). AREA 6-Corridor to the Sanctuary(Random) MISSION 1-Windy Battle, you are constantly being blown towards the edge of the ring. Handicapped Match (2 to 1) AREA 7-The Edge of Chaos(Random) MISSION 1-Explosive Ring, the edges of the ring "explode" when a fighter steps onto them. Handicapped Match(3 to 1) AREA 8-The Edge of Chaos(Dark)(Lizard Man) Mission 1-Poisoned Battle, you constantly lose energy during the battle. Handicapped Match(2 to 1) ==See "Passed up CG 2"(iii)== AREA 9-The Chinese Temple(Random) MISSION 1-Battle of 16 Hits, you must hit the enemy 16 times before they hit you 16 times. Handicapped Match(2 to 1) AREA 10-The Money Pit(Random) MISSION 1-Deadly Rat Battle, as you fight rats crawl across the floor and hurt you if you step on them. Handicapped Match(2 on 1) AREA 11-The Inundated Castle(Random) MISSION 1-Knock Down Battle, you must knock down the enemy Handicapped Match(4 to 1) ==See "Special CG"(iv)== AREA 12-The Hoko-ji Temple(1st always Taki, 2nd Random) MISSION 1-Super Float Battle, any lifting attack causes fighter's to float super high. Handicapped Match(2 to 1) AREA 13-Odalisque and Adrian(Cervantes) MISSION 1-Windy Battle, you are constantly being pulled towards the edge of the arena you are closest to. AREA 14-City of Water(Random) MISSION 1-Random Battle, you are given a random fighter and and you battle 2 random CPU fighters. Your 2nd fighter is the one you are using regularly. ==See "Character CG"(v)== AREA 15-The Ruins of Ostrheinburg's Castle(Nightmare) MISSION 1-Counter Battle, every attack hits as a counter. AREA 16-The Valentine Mansion(RANDOM) MISSION 1-Speed Battle, CPU fighters start out sped up but whenever they block or are knocked down they become sped down. Handicapped Match(2 to 1) AREA 17-The Water Vein(Yoshimitsu) MISSION 1-Poison Tag Battle, you start out Poisoned and Sped Up but when you hit the enemy, HE becomes Poison/Sped Up. After you complete this mission a new Mission Area shows up on the map, right in the center at the bottom. It is burning. Description: AREA 18-The Gap of the World(1st enemy is your mirror,2nd is Inferno) MISSION 1-Damage is Life Battle, each hit gives the fighters some Life back. Handicapped Match (2 to 1) After you complete this mission there will be a burning area on each screen, the mission will always be the same unless noted. ==See "Character Art"(vi)== AREA 3 REVISITED-Indian Port MISSION 2-Short Time Battle(Maxi), you only have 20 seconds AREA 2 REVISITED-Remain in the Desert(Hwang) MISSION 2-Poison Battle, you start out Poisoned but can tag it off to the enemy and vice versa. Whoever is poisoned also continually sinks into the sand. AREA 4 REVISITED-Turkish Labrynth MISSION 2-Poison Battle, you are poisoned but using a Soul Charge gives you some life back. Handicapped Battle(2 to 1) ==See "Colorless Art"(vii)== AREA 6 REVISITED-Corridor to the Sanctuary(Sophitia) MISSION 2-Ring Out Battle, you must Ring Out Sophitia in the time alotted. AREA 7 REVISITED-The Edge of Chaos(Random) MISSION 2-Explosive Ring Battle,the edges of the ring explode if you step or land on them, and you are constantly being pulled towards the closest edge. Handicapped Match(2 to 1) AREA 8 REVISITED-The Edge of Chaos(Dark)(Lizard Man) MISSION 2-Endurance Battle, you must knock down 5 Lizard Men while fighting on a thin strip of ring. After you meet the requirement of 5 you can knock down more until the time runs out for bonus points. ==See "Character Sketches"(viii)== AREA 11 REVISITED-The Inundated Castle(Winter) MISSION 2-Low Life Battle, You start the battle with a mere smidgen of life and slowly gain more during the fight. Handicapped Match(3 to 1) AREA 10 REVISITED-The Money Pit(Random) MISSION 2-Invisible Battle, the CPU fighter is invisible except for their weapon. Handicaped Match(3 to 1) AREA 9 REVISITED-The Chinese Temple(Xianghua) MISSION 2-Unblockable Battle, You can only hurt the CPU fighter with Unblockable attacks. AREA 5 REVISITED-The Colluseum(Random) MISSION 2-Endurance Battle 2, you must win 8 rounds while the enemy only needs to win 1. You can take the points you win after each battle and quit or fight for double ==See "Anime Art"(ix)== AREA 12 REVISITED-The Hoko-Ji Temple(Taki) MISSION 2-Life Up Battle, The CPU fighter constantly regains life during the battle. AREA 16 REVISITED-The Valentine Mansion MISSION 2-Invisible Weapon Battle, both your fighter's and the CPU fighters' weapons are invisible during the fight. Handicapped Match(3 to 1) AREA 13 REVISITED-Odalisque and Adrian(Cervantes) MISSION 2-Bouncy Battle, the fighters "bounce" when they are knocked down. AREA 14 REVISITED-City of Water(Random) MISSION 2-Random Battle, you are given 2 random fighters and your selected character at the end. You must win 3 rounds ==See "Anime Art 2"(x)== AREA 17 REVISITED-The Water Vein(Random) MISSION 2-Poision Battle, you constantly lose energy at a high rate during the fight. Handicapped Match(2 to 1) AREA 1 REVISITED-The Pure Training Spot(Random) MISSION 6-Endurance Battle, you must win 5 rounds while the CPU only needs to win 1. Each round is very short. AREA 15 REVISITED-The Ruins of Ostrheinburg's Castle(Random) MISSION 2-Counter Battle, every hit lands as a counter. Handicapped Match(3 to 1) After you open up all of the "Anime Art 2" Collection, and a few pics in the "Endings" section, a new mission opens up in the Inferno Area(the burning spots on the map). Here's the skinny: AREA 18 REVISITED-The Gap of the World(Random) MISSION 2-Poison Battle, both fighters are poisoned but gain Life back when they damage the opponent. Handicapped Match(4 to 1) When you beat Complete this Mission you'll get an ending for your the character you're using, and you'll also get what is called "Mission Battle 2." I would hold of on completing this mission just yet, until you get all the other items in the Art Galleries. The next two Art Collections are given to you, but the last on is filled with items that are 2000, 2500, or 3000 points each! The easiet way to get a large amount of points quickly is to keep playing the AREA 8: MISSION 2 mission where you must defeat a certain number of Lizard Men. It's an easy mission and you can rack up the points rather quickly if you keep getting 8 or so Bonus kills. ======================================================================= 3. ART GALLERY INDEX ======================================================================= i.Soul Calibur Prolouge ii.Passed Up(?) CG iii.Passed Up(?) CG 2 iv.Special CG v.Character CG vi.Character Art vii.Colorless Art viii.Character Sketches ix.Anime Art x.Anime Art 2 xi.Endings xii.Endings 2 xiii.Misc Art(everything is already open here) xiv.Misc Art 2(ditto) xv.Poster Art xvi.Slide Show xvii.Collection Data i.Soul Calibur Prolouge(001-012) 220 points 001(10pts)-Cervantes 002(30pts)-Soul Edge Mural *opens up "Passed Up(?) CG" Collection* 003(30pts)-Cervantes over ? *opens up "Remain in the Desert" Area* 004(10pts)-Sophitia 005(30pts)-Taki vs Cervantes *opens up "Indian Port" Area * 006(30pts)-Taki vs Cervantes *opens up "Passed Up(?) CG 2" Collection* 007(10pts)-Taki and Sophitia 008(10pts)-Sigfried 009(10pts)-Cervantes dying 010(30pts)-Sigfreid stabbing *opens up "Turkish Labrynth" Area* 011(10pts)-Soul Edge taking over Sigfreid 012(10pts)-Spain ii.Passed Up(?) CG(013-032) 640 points 013(20pts)-Kilik 014(50pts)-Kilik *opens up "Special CG" Collection" 015(20pts)-Xianghua *opens up "Character Profiles" in Muesum* 016(20pts)-Xianghua 017(20pts)-Maxi 018(50pts)-Maxi *opens up "Character CG" Collection* 019(50pts)-Mitsurugi *opens up "The Colluseum" Area* 020(20pts)-Mitsurugi 021(50pts)-Taki *opens up "Remain in the Desert" as a playable Stage* 022(20pts)-Taki 023(20pts)-Voldo 024(20pts)-Voldo 025(20pts)-Sophitia 026(50pts)-Sophitia *opens up "Corridor to the Sanctuary" Area* 027(50pts)-Asteroth +opens up "The Edge of Chaos" Area 028(20pts)-Asteroth 029(20pts)-Nightmare 030(20pts)-Nightmare 031(50pts)-Ivy *opens up "The Edge of Chaos(Dark)" Area* 032(50pts)-Ivy *opens up "The Inundated Castle" as a playable Stage" iii.Passed Up CG 2(033-050) 570 points 033(20pts)-Hwang 034(50pts)-Hwang *opens up "The Chinese Temple" Area* 035(20pts)-Yoshimitsu 036(50pts)-Yoshimitsu *opens up "Odalisque and Adrian" Stage* 037(50pts)-Lizard Man *opens up "Money Pit" Area* 038(20pts)-Lizard Man 039(50pts)-Sigfreid *Opens up Xianghua's 3rd costume* 040(50pts)-Sigfreid *opens up "The Inundated Castle" Area* 041(20pts)-Rock 042(20pts)-Rock 043(20pts)-SuengMina 044(50pts)-SuengMina *opens up a a secret page on the Soul Calibur site* 045(50pts)-Cervantes +opens up "Character Art" Collection* 046(20pts)-Cervantes 047(20pts)-Edge Master 048(20pts)-Edge Master 049(20pts)-Inferno 050(20pts)-Inferno iv.Special CG(051-068) 570 points 051(20pts)-Mural 1 052(20pts)-Necklace 053(20pts)-Xanghua 054(50pts)-Maxi *opens up "Exhibition Theater" Feature* 055(50pts)-Mitsurugi *opens up "Colorless Art" Collection* 056(50pts)-Taki *opens up "Hoko-ji Temple" Area* 057(20pts)-Voldo 058(20pts)-Sophitia *opens up Sophitia's 3rd outfit* 059(20pts)-Asteroth 060(50pts)-Nightmare *opens up "Odalisque and Adrian" Area* 061(20pts)-Ivy 062(20pts)-Hwang 063(20pts)-Yoshimitsu's Equipment 064(20pts)-Lizard Men 065(50pts)-Sigfreid *opens up "City of Water" Area* 066(20pts)-Rock's masks 067(20pts)-Seungmina 068(50pts)-Weapons Mural *opens up "Evening" for Pur Training Spot Stage* v.Character CG(069-090) 960 points 069(30pts)-Kilik 070(30pts)-Xanghua *opens up Maxi's 3rd outfit* 071(30pts)-Maxi *opens up "Power of Darkness" secret web page* 072(30pts)-Mitsurugi 073(30pts)-Mitsurugi 074(30pts)-Taki 075(30pts)-Taki 076(30pts)-Voldo 077(30pts)-Voldo 078(30pts)-Sophitia 079(80pts)-Asteroth *opens up "Turkish Labrynth" as a playable Stage* 080(30pts)-Nightmare 081(80pts)-Nightmare *opens up "Ruins of Ostrheinburg's Castle" Area* 082(80pts)-Ivy *opens up "The Valentine Mansion" Area* 083(80pts)-Hwang *opens up "Winter" for Inundated Castle Stage* 084(80pts)-Yoshimitsu *opens up "The Water Vein" Area 085(30pts)-Lizard Man 086(30pts)-Sigfreid 087(30pts)-Rock 088(30pts)-Seungmina 089(30pts)-Edge Master 090(80pts)-Inferno *opens up "Character Raffle(?)" Collection vi.Character Art(091-109) 820 points 091(30pts)-Kilik 092(30pts)-Xanghua 093(80pts)-Maxi *opens up a new mission at "Indian Port" Area 094(30pts)-Misturugi *opens up Voldo's 3rd costume 095(30pts)-Taki 096(30pts)-Voldo 097(30pts)-Sophitia 098(30pts)-Asteroth 099(30pts)-Nightmare 100(30pts)-Ivy 101(80pts)-Hwang *opens up new Mission at "Remains in the Desert" Area* 102(30pts)-Yoshimitsu 103(80pts)-Lizard Man *opens up "Anime Art" Collection 104(80pts)-Sigfreid *opens up "Dark" for Edge Of Chaos Stage* 105(30pts)-Rock 106(80pts)-Seungmina *opens up new Mission in "Turkish Labrynth" Area* 107(30pts)-Cervantes 108(30pts)-Edge Master 109(30pts)-Inferno vii.Colorless Art(110-126) 730 points <126 opens"Anime Art 2"> 110(30pts)-Kilik *opens up "Age of Apocalypse" secret web page* 111(30pts)-Xianghua 112(30pts)-Maxi 113(30pts)-Mitsurugi 114(30pts)-Taki 115(30pts)-Voldo 116(80pts)-Sophitia *opens up new mission in "Corridor to the Sanctuary"* 117(80pts)-Asteroth *opens up new mission in "Edge of Chaos" Area* 118(30pts)-Nightmare 119(30pts)-Ivy 120(30pts)-Hwang 121(30pts)-Yoshimitsu 122(80pts)-Lizard Man *opens up new mission in"Edge of Chaos(Dark) Area* 123(80pts)-Sigfreid *opens up "Dark" option for Remain in the Desert Stage* 124(30pts)-Rock 125(30pts)-Seungmina 126(80pts)-EdgeMaster *opens up "Anime Art 2" Collection* viii.Character Sketches(127-156) 2060 points 127(50pts)-Kilik 128(50pts)-Kilik 129(50pts)-Xianghua 130(120pts)-Xianghua *opens up "Gap of the World" as a playable Stage* 131(50pts)-Maxi 132(120pts)-Mitsurugi *opens up new mission in"The Inundated Castle"* 133(50pts)-Taki 134(120pts)-Voldo *opens up new mission in "Money Pit" Area* 135(50pts)-Sophitia 136(50pts)-Sophitia 137(120pts)-Asteroth *opens up Taki in Exhibition Theater* 138(50pts)-Asteroth 139(50pts)-Nightmare 140(50pts)-Nightmare 141(50pts)-Ivy 142(50pts)-Ivy 143(120pts)-Hwang *opens up new mission in"The Chinese Temple" Area* 144(50pts)-Hwang 145(50pts)-Yoshimitsu 146(50pts)-Lizard Man 147(50pts)-Sigfreid 148(120pts)-Rock *opens up new mission in "The Colusseum" Area* 149(120pts)-Seungmina *opens up "Endings" Collection* 150(50pts)-Cervantes 151(50pts)-Cervantes 152(50pts)-Edge Master 153(50pts)-Inferno 154(50pts)-Xianghua *opens up "Eye of Evil" page on Namco site* 155(120pts)-Maxi *opens up Voldo in Exhibition Theater* 156(50pts)-Sigfreid ix.Anime Art(157-185) 1870 points 157(50pts)-Kilik 158(50pts)-Kilik Training 159(120pts)-Kilik is upset *opens up "Endings 2" Collection* 160(50pts)-Kilik beats people up 161(50pts)-Xianghua 162(50pts)-Xianghua 163(50pts)-Xianghua..again 164(50pts)-Guess who? Xianghua 165(50pts)-Maxi 166(50pts)-Mitsurugi 167(120pts)-Mitsurugi sees Nightmare *opens up "Extra Survival" Mode* 168(50pts)-Mitsurugi rushes at some soldiers 169(120pts)-Taki *opens up new mission in"The Hoko-Ji Temple" Area* 170(50pts)-Taki on the statue 171(50pts)-Voldo vs Ivy 172(50pts)-Sophitia and her cleavage 173(50pts)-Sophitia 174(50pts)-Sophitia near a balcony 175(50pts)-Asteroth 176(50pts)-Some statues or something 177(50pts)-Nightmare *opens up Sophitia in Exhibition Theater* 178(120pts)-Ivy *opens up new mission in "The Valentine Mansion Area* 179(50pts)-Ivy *opens up "Opening Direction" Feature* 180(120pts)-Ivy *opens up new mission in "Odalisque and Adrian" Area* 181(50pts)-Maxi 182(120pts)-Nightmare *opens up new mission in "City of Water" Area* 183(50pts)-Nightmare *opens up Nightmare in Exhibition Theater* 184(50pts)-Xianghua 185(50pts)-Mural x.Anime Art 2(186-215) 3000 points 186(80pts)-Hwang 187(80pts)-Hwang and Seungmina 188(200pts)-Yoshimitsu *opens up new mission in"The Water Vein" Area 189(80pts)-Yoshimitsu *opens up Asteroth in the Exhibition Theater* 190(80pts)-Lizard Men 191(80pts)-Sigfreid 192(80pts)-Sigfreid 193(80pts)-Sigfreid 194(80pts)-Rock 195(80pts)-Seungmina 196(80pts)-Seungmina 197(80pts)-Seungmina vs Ivy 198(200pts)-Seungmina *opens up Hwang in the Exhibition Theater* 199(200pts)-Edge Master *opens up new mission in"Pure Training Spot" Area* 200(80pts)-Inferno 201(80pts)-Mural 202(80pts)-Mural 2 203(200pts)-Maxi/Kilik/Xianhua *opens up "Misc Art" Collection* 204(80pts)-Kilik and Xianghua 205(80pts)-Maxi and Kilik 206(80pts)-Xianghua and Sophitia 207(80pts)-SC Babes *opens up Yoshimitsu in Exhibition Theater* 208(80pts)-Ivy and Sigfreid 209(80pts)-Asteroth vs Kilik 210(80pts)-Xianghua and Seungmina 211(80pts)-Beam of Light 212(80pts)-Soul Calibur 213(80pts)-Mural 3 214(80pts)-Mural 4 *opens up "Soul of Hero" secret web page* 215(200pts)-Mural 5 *opens up new mission in "Ostrheinsburg Castle" Area* xi.Endings(216-245) 2520 points 216(80pts)-Kilik 217(200pts)-Kilik 2 *opens up "Misc Art 2" Collection 218(80pts)-Kilik 3 219(80pts)-Xianghua 220(80pts)-Xianghua 2 221(80pts)-Xianghua 3 222(80pts)-Maxi 223(80pts)-Maxi 2 224(80pts)-Maxi 3 *opens up "Weapon Select" Feature* 225(80pts)-Mitsurugi *opens up Lizard Man in Exhibition Theater* 226(80pts)-Mitsurugi 2 227(80pts)-Mitsurugi 3 228(80pts)-Taki 229(80pts)-Taki 2 *opens up Sigfreid in Exhibition Theater* 230(80pts)-Taki 3 *opens up Maxi in Exhibition Theater* 231(80pts)-Voldo 232(80pts)-Voldo 2 233(80pts)-Voldo 3 *opens up Rock in Exhibition Theater* 234(80pts)-Sophitia 235(80pts)-Sophitia 2 236(80pts)-Sophitia 3 237(80pts)-Asteroth 238(80pts)-Asteroth 2 239(80pts)-Asteroth 3 *opens up Seungmina in Exhibition Theater* 240(80pts)-Nightmare 241(80pts)-Nightmare 2 242(80pts)-Nightmare 3 243(80pts)-Ivy 244(80pts)-Ivy 2 245(80pts)-Ivy 3 xii.Endings 2(246-265) 1720 points 246(80pts)-Hwang 247(80pts)-Hwang 2 *opens up "Terror of Nightmare" secret web page* 248(80pts)-Yoshimitsu 249(80pts)-Yoshimitsu 2 250(80pts)-Lizard Man 251(80pts)-Lizard Man 2 *opens up Cervantes in Exhibition Theater* 252(80pts)-Sigfreid 253(80pts)-Sigfreid 2 254(80pts)-Sigfreid 3 255(80pts)-Rock 256(80pts)-Rock 2 *opens up Edge Master in Exhibition Theater* 257(80pts)-Seungmina 258(80pts)-Seungmina 2 259(80pts)-Cervantes 260(80pts)-Cervantes 2 261(80pts)-Cervantes 3 262(80pts)-Edge Master 263(200pts)-Edge Master 2 264(80pts)-Inferno 265(80pts)-Inferno 2 *opens up "Metal Model" Feature xiii.Misc Art(266-294) Free 266(free)-Kilik 267(free)-Kilik 268(free)-Xianghua Cards 269(free)-Xianghua 270(free)-Xianghua with a hot dog 271(free)-Xianghua Legend 272(free)-Maxi 273(free)-Maxi 274(free)-Mitsurugi 275(free)-Mitsurugi 276(free)-Taki 277(free)-Taki 278(free)-Voldo 279(free)-Voldo 280(free)-Sophitia 281(free)-Sophitia 282(free)-Sophitia 283(free)-Sophitia 284(free)-Asteroth 285(free)-Asteroth 286(free)-Asteroth 287(free)-Asteroth 288(free)-Uhhh 289(free)-Nightmare 290(free)-Nightmare 291(free)-Ivy 292(free)-Ivy 293(free)-Ivy 294(free)-Ivy xiv. Misc Art 2 295(free)-Hwang 296(free)-Yoshimitsu 297(free)-Yoshimitsu 298(free)-Lizard Man 299(free)-Sigfreid 300(free)-??? 301(free)-Rock 302(free)-Mitsurugi and daughter 303(free)-Seungmina 304(free)-Seungmina 305(free)-Cervantes 306(free)-Edge Master 307(free)-Edge Master 308(free)-Kilik and Xianghua 309(free)-Asteroth vs Xianghua 310(free)-Mitsurugi and Yoshimitsu 311(free)-Taki, Ivy, and Nightmare 312(free)-Sophitia and Lizard Man 313(free)-Sophitia and Lizard Man 314(free)-Ivy, Nightmare, and Voldo 315(free)-Hwang and Seungmina 316(free)-Sophitia and Sigfreid 317(free)-Asteroth vs Maxi 318(free)-Yoshimitsu and Lizard Man 319(free)-Rock and Asteroth 320(free)-Soul Calibur on the beach 321(free)-Anime Mural 322(free)-Mural xv.Poster Art(323-338) 35,900 points 323(2000pts)-Light Poster 324(2000pts)-Dark Poster 325(2000pts)-Kilik Poster <> xvi.Slide Show Choose this option to get some random slides from all the Art Collections xvii.Collection Data <> ======================================================================= 4. NEXT REVISION ======================================================================= I haven't looked at this guide forever, and in fact I forgot it was still incomplete. I'll be fixing that shortly as part of my "go through all my old stuff and finish/update it" campaign. Since there's not a huge demand, I'll be doing it at a leisurely pace. ======================================================================= 5. ABOUT THE AUTHOR ======================================================================= This is just one of a few FAQs I've written, all of which are available at GameFAQS. A few my FAQs are on various other websites (usually with proper creditO_o) as well. I hope this or any of the other FAQs I've written help you in some way, or allow you to enjoy a game more than before, or maybe just get a good read out of it. If you have any questions about this game, or any other I've written a FAQ for, feel free to drop me an E-Mail. BUT keep in mind a few things: 1. Please don't ask when the next revision will be out, or if I can send it to you. I don't really have a set schedule for these things,and you can pick up the FAQ(s) at GameFAQs. 2. Please don't ask about something already covered in the FAQ. Usually once a FAQ comes out I'm swamped with E-Mails and skip ones that are covered in the FAQ. If it's really desperate I may answer, but otherwise everything I know is in the FAQ. 3. Don't mail asking for codes, I don't have a Gameshark or keep track of cheat codes or anything. Other than that, I try to answer every single E-Mail I get and am usually pretty good at getting back to people quickly, but sometimes I lose letters in my computer or forget to keep them as new. If I don't answer in a week or so it's safe to say I screwed up somehow^_^ My E-Mail address: ProfRev@cox.net === END ===