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Developed by Game Arts and released in Japan on August 3, 2000, the game made a large splash into the Japanese market, a splash that is expected to be duplicated when the game is released in the North America late in 2000, and again in Europe in 2001. While not a direct sequel story-wise to the classic Sega Saturn game (later released on the Sony Playstation), Grandia II contains all of the elements that made the first game a classic. Of course, having all of the elements that made the first a classic are of little use if you don't understand what is going on it the game. That is where this document comes in. The second translation/walkthrough/faq by the team of Ben Judd & J.T.Kauffman, this document should do everything from get you started gameplay-wise to letting you know what the characters are saying. Be warned that this is a translation faq, and thus contains many unmarked spoilers. While you won't find them in the basics, item, etc. sections, the walkthrough does not attempt to mark any story information, so read at your own risk. Finally, this faq contains Shift-JIS Japanese encoding, and lots of it. To view this properly, Windows users are suggested to download NJStar Japanese Word Processor from www.njstar.com, or download the Microsoft Japanese IME from www.microsoft.com (the latter being an Internet Explorer/Netscape 6 plugin). Solutions aren't known for users of other operating systems. If you cannot view Japanese characters on your computer, you'll merely see random gibberish characters, so don't worry if you see something of the sort. Note: This release is somewhat of a beta; it still needs a heavy amount of proofreading, smoothing, and a bit of formatting. Read at your own risk. Note 2: It seems that the Japanese encoding disappeared from the last release. It should be back now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Basics -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Battle System-- Grandia II, as with the original Grandia, uses a blend of psuedo-real time and turn based systems to create a unique battle system. I can't say whether it is better than the Active Time Battle used in the Final Fantasy series but one thing is for sure, once you see all four of your party members running this way and that trying to attack 6 enemies on the screen at once you are sure to find the Final Fantasy battle system as slightly bland. Let's start with the basics of the system. While fighting, you have several options to choose from, all of which are on the 'attack wheel'. On the top are your standard, most commonly-used options. The underside holds commands like 'run' and 'dodge' that are rarely used. Top Side of the Attack Wheel: Combo コンボ This is your basic, run-of-the-mill attack. You character attacks twice and you usually deal the most straight out damage this way. Critical クリティカル Unlike 'Combo' this is a one-shot deal. It takes longer than Combo and does less damage, but if performed at the right time you can 'Cancel' the enemy's attack, making them lose their turn. Item 道具 Pretty straight forward. Use an item. Skill/Magic 技/魔法 This command is for using your magic or skills. After selecting it you can toggle between Skill, Magic Screen 1, Magic Screen 2, and Magic Screen 3 using the L/R triggers. Skills differ from Magic in a couple of key ways. First of all, you use 'skill points' (SP) in order to perform them. On the main screen, your skill points are indicated by the green bar located to the right of your characters portait on the bottom. The amount of skill points you have is also displayed in number on the attack screen (the screen that appears when it is each individual characters turn to attack) next to the letters SP. The second way that magic and skills differ is that you can regain skill points by either sleeping at inn, choosing heal at a save cone, OR by attacking/blocking an enemy. Magic Points can only be cured by sleeping at an inn or by healing at a save cone. So, basically you can use your skills often but still gain back your skill points just by continuing to fight monsters. Magics are elementally based spells that are broken down into 8 categories: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Forest, Lightning, Explosion, and Snowstorm. As per standard RPG fare, if you use a fire spell on an ice-based creature it will take major damage. Underside of the Attack Wheel: Retreat 逃走 If you are in a battle that you know you can not win then use this command to attempt to get away. However, Grandia's difficulty level is not too terribly high, so you shouldn't have to rely too much on this option. Block 防御 Blocking is good for weaker, low HP level characters. If you think they can't take a big hit then have them block. It should reduce the damage to about 1/4. However, blocking is good in one other way. When you block you gain back more SP than you do when you dodge, and therefore if you need just a little bit more to perform a skill but don't want to take any big hits then blocking might be the way to go. Dodge 回避 Dodging is for moving your characters away from the heat of battle to a safer, more distant location. When you 'dodge' you regain less SP than you do when you block. Also you still might not be able to get far enough away from the enemy that he can't hit you. However, dodging is not without any pluses-while dodging your evade percentage also raises, so you stand a better chance of 'swaying' out of the way. Also, if you do manage to get far enough away from the enemy, the enemy could lose his turn trying to get to you. Battle Plan 作戦 This is basically like the AI command found in most Game Arts games, allowing you to have the computer automatically control your characters. You can either have the computer try to choose what it thinks is the best plan of battle、 or you can choose between one of many set 'battle plans'. Unfortunately, you can't set up your battle plan during battle. You must choose a battle plan on the status screen menu and after choosing it you can use the 'Battle Plan' command to choose either computer AI or the battle plan you selected on the status screen. Upon first glance, the Grandia battle system doesn't seem like anything special, but turns out to be quite nice once you get used to it. It's based on distance between the enemy and you, and the amount of time it takes to perform the attack you selected. The Time Bar: During battles you will notice a large blue bar on the bottom right side of your screen. This is the battle bar and it is used in determining fight order. On the lower left side of the bar you should see the word 'wait' written in small blue letters. To the right of that you will see the word 'Com' writtin in slightly larger letters. Finally at the far right of the bar is the word 'Act'. Attached to the bar you will see icons of all your characters as well as all the enemies you are fighting. When a battle begins you should check the initial order. In most cases you will have at least one person going before the enemy. However if you get surprised then all of the enemies will get to attack before you do. If you icon is in the area between the word 'wait' and the word 'com' then you must wait until your character's icon slides over to the 'com' spot. How quickly your character's icon reaches the 'com' spot is largely determined by a characters 'action score'. So even if your character does start behind an enemy on the time bar if his 'action parameter' is high enough he can pass the enemy up and go first. The next area to note is the 'Com' spot. This is where you enter your command. There really isn't much to this part. However, you should note that which ever command you choose also plays a big part in determining move order. The final spot on the time bar is the 'act' spot. Once your characters reach this area then they perform the attack that you selected at the 'com' spot. The red, flashing area inbetween the 'com' spot and the 'act' spot is where you character gears up to do the command you selected for him at the 'com' spot. How long it takes your character to perform an attack is widely determined by what action you took. In general, 'combo' is the fastest attack in the game. If you choose 'combo' at the 'com' spot then your icon will almost immediately slide all the way over to the 'act' area and perform a combo attack. 'Critical' is slightly slower than attack but since it can cancel, if you time it right then it can be more useful than combo sometimes. Finally, there are 'skills' and 'magics'. These, in general, take the longest amount of time to perform. However, if you power these up using SC and MC then they can become just as fast as a combo attack. Basically this game is all about timing. For example let's say that you are fighting a 'rock snake' with Ryudo and Elena. The Rock Snake plans on attacking Elena and since it started further down the time bar it will probably get to attack Elena first. However, you can still prevent Elena from getting hit if you time it right and are a little lucky. First you should decide whether to go for the cancel by using the critical attack or you might try to counter using the combo attack. First you must think about the speed. In general if your character and the enemy are just about in the red 'act' area but your character is about half an inch ahead of then enemy then you can probably use a critical to cancel the enemy's turn. If successful then Elena probably will end up getting to go before the enemy and if her kills it then she can probably escape getting hit. However, if the enemy is only about a milimeter from you by the time you get to the 'com' spot then your best bet would be to hope for a counter by using a combo attack. If you do successfully counter then Elena could once again end up going before the monster. As a general rule, canceling an enemy pushes his icon back the most, whereas counter pushes the enemy back a slight bit. Also another strategy that you can use is to look at the enemy attack data that appears when you choose which enemy to attack. First select either combo or critical. The a target arrow should appear. Also in the lower left corner a large blue box should appear. It will list the enemies remaining HP as well as what that enemy plans to do for his turn. Basically there are three different words to watch out for. In that box under the word action you will see one of three words: Wait 待機 This means that the enemy still hasn't decided what to do for his turn. Attack 攻撃 This means the enemy has opted for to do a standard attack. Magic Attack --varies-- Anything besides 'wait' or 'attack' means the computer will use magic. The computer rarely defends (if ever) so if you don't see either of the chinese characters listed below the 'action' word then it probably means the enemy is cooking up some sort of magic attack. Magic is slower in general than an attack so even if orderwise Elena is behind the Rock Snake, if it uses magic then there is a chance that Elena could pass the Rock Snake while inside the red 'act' area. Also another good thing to note is that at the bottom of the enemy attack data box below the word 'action' will be a picture of which ever character that the monster is currently aiming for. If the monster is targetting someone with dangerously low HP then you might try to use other characters to mainly attack that monster or cancel/counter it. One other note is that everything can be countered. For example, let's say that Ryudo is about half an inch ahead of a Rock snake. You could simply have Ryudo combo the Rock Snake since Ryudo's attack will come first. However, let's say that a simple combo attack won't be enough to kill the Rock Snake. One option you could try is to counter the Rock Snake with a 'skill attack' right as it is charging to attack you. After selecting a skill attack like the 'Heaven's Wrath Slash' (天征剣) then Ryudo will probably be passed up by the Rock Snake since it is merely doing a normal attack and that is much, much faster than Ryudo's Heaven's Wrath Slash. However if you timed it just right then just as the Rock Snake is about attack, you will go into your Heaven's Wrath Slash and do serious damage that could counter the Rock Snake and give you an extra turn. Also it is important to know that while countering can be an effective tool of battle, it's a two way street, and if you miss the timing by just a little then you could be the one getting countered. All characters have different standard attack speeds. In general Tio and Mileenia have the fastest attack speed in general, whereas Malegg and Elena have the slowest standard attack speeds. If you want fight effectively then it wouldn't harm to try to remember the average attack speeds of your characters and the amount of time it takes to pull off their individual special moves. Now on to defensive strategies. Deciding how to defend is quite simple. You have four choices: Attack: Use any of your skills, magics, or attacks to keep the enemy from attacking you. Fight fire with fire. Block: Block the enemies attacks. Good for lessening damage and regaining SP quickly. Dodge: Run far away from the enemy. If you use the 'attack data window' you can see which monsters are going to attack who. One strategy is to use the dodge command to move a character as far away from whichever monster has targeted them. The monster will give chase but if you have moved the character far enough away then the monster will end up losing it's turn. Retreat:For those lacking the fortitude to hang in there 'til the end. --Field Screens-- In Grandia 2, unlike the Final Fantasy series, you will see your enemies walking around in the overworld. When you make contact with an enemy the game will automatically switch to battle mode. One of Grandia 2's coolest features is that whether you get surprised or not is dependant on what part of the enemy you touch, and on who touched who first. If you touch the enemy from behind then you get a free shot at the enemy. However, if the enemy touches you from behind then you get surprised, and the enemy will get the first attack. This makes walking around on the overworld a little more fun than most games since you have to always keep on your toes, lest you will take a bad beating in the beginning. As a matter of fact, towards the end of the game at the "special stage," there are some enemies that can defeat you immediately if you don't get the first attack. Some key Japanese phrases to note: surprises enemy 先制攻撃 is surprised by the enemy 不意を突かれた If neither of these words appears on the screen then neither you nor the enemy is surprised and your speed and action rating determine which of you gets to go first. Also, it probably won't come in too handy, but you can use the compass in the upper left hand of your screen to determine which direction you are currently headed in. (toward the exit/boss) 進む (go back to where you came from) 戻る -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Walkthrough ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- N O T E: THIS WALKTHROUGH DOES CONTAIN AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF UNMARKED SPOILERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I. Shurisen Continent ~ Western Side シュリーセン大陸 西部 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Introduction-- As the game begins, young Elena is saying goodbye to her family. She joins a procession of four other priestesses when suddenly, Skye, Ryudo's pet hawk, flies by. Skye drops three bombs, distracting the lizardmen so that he can easily defeat the single remaining Lizardman so that he can obtain the object that he was requested to find. ------------------------ Skye "Ryudo, I don't think that I'll be able to make it!" Ryudo "Quit complaining and just fly, dammit!" Ryudo "This was that white thing that you wanted me to find, right?" Man "Yes, this is it, no doubt about it. Here's your cash." Girl "Father, that's too much!" Man "Quit being insolent, and let's get going." Skye "Stop acting like such a stuck up bastard, Ryudo." Ryudo "Hey, I can't help it - it's work. I wouldn't even be talking to those people if it wasn't for my job." Skye "Yeah, but actually, that girl was pretty damn cute, wasn't she?" Ryudo "Yeah, whatever. I don't really even have much of an interest in girls..." Skye "Well, it looks like another request has just come in..." Ryudo "Man, we just got done with the last one. We have money to spare..." Skye (pulls Ryudo's hair) Ryudo "I got it, I got it... Having work to do is a good thing..." Ryudo (checks the paper) "The Granas religious sect has requested a bodyguard. Heh - it looks like this time, it's God himself that wants to hire me... Man, this work is getting more and more tedious at the days go on..." ------------------------ You'll now find yourself in control of Ryudo in the first open area. Explore and get a feel for the game. You'll also find the first of many save/heal spots in the game. Select the first option to heal your party all the way, just as in the first game. The second option lets you save the game. The first enemies, Madra Spiders, are here, though they shouldn't prove to be that much of a challenge. Just as in the first game, you'll be able to see, and avoid, them. Once you've found everything and explored as much as you want, head on into the next area, Cabo Town. Items to find: - Antidote - Healing Potion x2 - Revival Medicine - Snowstorm Amulet (accessory; level 5 protection vs. snowstorm magic) - Hand Grenade + Save/Heal spot Enemies: - Madra Spider --Cabo Town-- カーボの村 Here, you'll see Elena saying goodbye to Tessa, and wonders why she won't accompany her in her journey. Tessa replies that Elena's mission is too important, and that Tessa must prepare for an important ceremony. Tessa needs to prepare, and excuses herself and suggesting that Elena and her friend get back to work. Tessa mentions that they have prepared a bodyguard for Elena, and the priestesses say so long. Ryudo begins to talk to one of the townspeople, and enquires about what the priestesses are up to. It turns out that there is a demon on the edge of town that they are going to try to exorcise. At night, all of the monsters come out, but in the day, everything is fine. It is revealed that Elena is the singing priestess of the religious sect. After the work is done, Elena will head to the tower. The townsperson says that he doesn't recommend leaving town at night. Ryudo isn't quite sure what to make of the fact that they are exorcising spirits, and just knows that he is supposed to protect someone. Skye suggests that they head to the church so that they can take up the job. Ryudo is now free to explore the town. There is an inn, as well as a general store. The man in this store with the funky hat above his head with the question marks will teach you about the game using a series of tutorials. The first one is about combo, critical, and cancel commands. After talking to you, he gives you a chance to test out your new knowledge. Choose the following commands, in this order: Combo, Critical, Critical, Combo. Talking to the clerk will give you the chance to buy quite a few things, including weapons, armor, accessories, and items. More exploration of the town reveals that the Granas sect does all sorts of things for the town, and they do it merely because they like it. It also comes up for the first time that Ryudo is a member of the Geohounds, a group of adventurers. Also, the monsters from the Black Forest have been coming closer and closer to town. That happens to be where the priestesses have gone, to boot. Eventually, you'll need to head to the Granas church, where you'll see a cutscene with Elena. ------------------------ Elena "If I had known that I would have to do exorcisms, I would have studied more." Ryudo "Why'd you stop singing? Aren't you going to continue?" Elena "Oh! Who's there?" Ryudo "I've come here for you." Elena "Who are you? Who told you to come here?" Ryudo "You did." Elena "What are you talking about? If you don't get out of here soon, I'll have someone come and show you out!" Ryudo "You still don't know who I am, do you? No one has told you yet, right?" Calius (entering) "You're the man from GeoHound, right?" Elena "You're from GeoHound?" Ryudo "Yes, I am. You guys sure rolled out the welcome mat for me..." Elena "I was just being like that because you were acting all suspicious..." Calius "That's enough Elena. You have much to do before you leave for your trip. You should be preparing." Elena "I'm sorry for not acting my place, father..." (leaves) Calius "We have more to prepare, so you must excuse us. Please wait at the inn." ------------------------ Afterward, head to the Inn, where you'll have four choices awaiting you. The top choice is to say that "The priest told me to wait here". The second is to heal, the third to quit, and the fourth to save. Choose the first, and continue on. The priest will come in and ask to talk to the GeoHound member. The innkeeper is a bit surprised that Ryudo is from GeoHound, but points him out anyway. Ryudo wants to know what the Granas church wants with a low-life bounty hunter like him. Calius simply wants what was written on the paper: protection. This is a special night, with a ceremony that can only be performed on this particular day at Garumia Tower on the outskirts of town. Ryudo is supposed to take the priestess to the tower, just the two of them, and right after the ceremony, they must return to town. Ryudo mentions how much the world must be screwed up if the high-and-might Granas Church must ask a little peon like him for help. Calius says that they do not think lowly of him, and that the priestess that he is supposed to protect is waiting in front of the church. At this point, head back to the church, where you'll find Elena outside waiting. Of course, it is her that you are supposed to guard. Elena sees who is going to protect her, and begins to refuse to go. The father makes her go, and Ryudo and she set out, Elena becoming your second party member. At this point, do anything that needs to be done, and head out of the town. Cabo Town Places: - Cabo Inn カーボ 宿屋 - Cabo General Store カーボ 雑貨屋 - Granas Church グラナス 教会 - Cabo House (1-4) カーボ 民家 (1-4) Cabo General Store: Weapons 武器 Falks 500G ファルクス +22 Att. Shamseal 620G シャンシール +26 Att. Armor 防具 Kilpoaru 500G キルポアール +12 Def. Leather Armor 750G レザーアーマー +17 Def. Moutaineer Shoes 200G 登山靴 +6 Move, +2 Def. Accessories 装飾品 Attachable Stone 120G つけもの石 +5 Def., -5 Move Items 道具 Herb 10G 薬草 Heals 200 HP; 1 ally Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Eyedrops 14G 点眼薬 Cures Blindness Special Items 特産品 Exploding Mushrooms 20G 爆弾キノコ "Tengu" Mushrooms 30G テングタケ 250 poison dmg; 1 enemy Quit やめる --Black Forest-- 黒き森 Head into the forest, and start exploring. Partway through, Elena will get scared; apparently it is her first time in a forest like this at night. Ryudo tells her to just keep her mind to it, and to stay aware. At that point, the small part gets attacked by a Dodo Bird; Ryudo will fight them himself, and warn Elena once more before heading out agaain. A bit after this, you'll reach the second part of the forest. Continuing on, you'll encounter a few more Dodos, but nothing too hard at all. After a bit more, you'll find yourself back on the main map. Items to find (both sections): - Herb - 50G - Strength of 10,000 Men Fruit Enemies: - Dodo Birds --Galumia Tower-- ガルミアの塔 Upon arriving at the tower, you'll see the five other priestesses. They'll rip on Ryudo some, which you should be used to by now. The priestesses ask you to wait until the ceremony is over, and then escort Elena home. They also warn him not to enter the tower under any circumstances. Once they are away a bit, Tessa asks Elena if Ryudo... tried anything. Elena retorts, saying that Ryudo is a nice man, and wouldn't try anything like that. You'll now get to enjoy Ryudo's slightly... small fire that he has built. He complains about having to wait, but Skye says that it is just part of his job, and that he should just grin and bear it. Ryudo has a bad feeling about things, and thinks more about why they are having such a holy ceremonyat such a strange tower. The carvings on the wall appear to be almost demonic, though Skye says that they are just old relics from the 'Silver Age of the White Light' period. Most people know this, however, as the Holy Magic War. Just then, a scream is heard, and Ryudo jumps into action. Even though he was warned not to, he says that he has to get Elena back safely, as that is part of his job. Entering the tower, you'll see that there are lots of monsters inside. Ryudo isn't quite sure where they have come from, but knows that he has to hurry and save Elena. Inside the tower, you'll encounter your first real dungeon. Like the forest, you'll not find much hard here; just play through, killing enemies and exploring for treasure. If you're getting lost or confused here, you might be better off to just stop here, and not continue ;) After heading up to the top (fourth) floor, you'll see a pair of Gargoyles standing in front of a fallen priestess. Approach them, and they will attack. After defeating them, the priestess on the ground will say that the ritual was a failure, and that Ryudo should go and save Elena. Upon trying the door, you'll find that it is stuck; Skye, however, finds another way in - the window. Walk up to it, and you'll be able to enter as the familiar exclamation point appears over Ryudo's head (familiar if you've played the first game, that is...). Enter the window, and you'll see what has happened to Elena. Elena is trapped insode some sort of 'darkness'. She warns Ryudo not to come any closer, and that she is free of darkness within herself. Ryudo helps her anyway, and the two escape together as the tower begins to go haywire. After escaping, Skye examines Elena, and determines that she will be all right, and that they just need to return to town. Surprise of surprises, they do so, with Elena exclaming that she needs to find Tessa. Ryudo drags her away screaming, saying that he needs to take her back to the town to get his money; he was hired to get her back to town, and that is what he is going to do. Items to find: - Healing Potion x2 - Hand Grenade - Wind Amulet - 50G - 150G + Save/Heal spot (level 1) + Save/Heal spot (level 3) Enemies: - Madra Spider - Gargoyle --Cabo Town-- カーボの村 After heading back to town, Ryudo will need to deposit Elena at the church. When you get there, Father Calius will be waiting. Elena will start talking about how the ceremony went awry, upset. Father Calius will then offer to take Ryudo inside and make him something warm to drink. Inside, Ryudo will start to talk about what he saw, and Elena will get upset. Father Calius will tell her to go to bed, and will then start to explain the ceremony to Ryudo. The ceremony was to seal the wings of the evil god, Valmar, to keep the world safe. The wing was the result of a war between Valmar and the good god, Granas. Valmar kept getting stronger, breaking through Granas' seals, but Granas was able to stop the advance. Now, 1000 years later, Valmar is pressing forward once again, and is trying to seal the blessed light of Granas, and destroy this world. The followers of Granas have promised to protect the world, and stop anything that tries to bring evil back into the world. He goes on to say that because the wings did appear on Elena, she was in fact possessed, even if it was only by a piece of Valmar. That part of Valmar that possessed her will continue to eat away at Elena's heart, and it will continue to eat away until all of the seals are broken, and Valmar has risen again. Calius asks Ryudo for one more task: to escort Elena to Granas Temple, so that Cardinal Zera can try to vanquish the evil from Elena's heart. Of course, the followers of Valmar will try to stop them, but they must try anyway. Calius says that he will pay Ryudo, and pay him well: with the golden god statue. At that point, there is a crash outside and the two go to see what the commotion is about. ------------------------ Millenia "Aaahhh. It feels so good to be free!" Calius "It's a messenger of the darkness!" Milln. "Hey! What are you talking about! What part of me is evil?!" (flies down) Calius "I'm going to blast you with this burst of goodness!" Ryudo "That wasn't bad - you're pretty cute..." Milln. "You think that I'm cute? I _know_ that I'm cute." Ryudo (approaches) Calius "Be careful Ryudo!" (blasts Millenia) Ryudo "Hey - are you really a messenger of the darkness? Milln. "This pisses me off, seeing all of this; the church, the people living here... " (fires lightning at the town, blows up the church) "There. I feel muuuuch better now. In fact, I should probably just obliterate the rest of the town while I'm at it..." Ryudo "What in the hell are you thinking? What are you, all breasts and no brains?" Milln. "Huh? You're so meeeeeean. Before you said that I was cute, and now you're saying mean stuff like that. I'm gonna make you pay... Prepare to meet your maker!" (At this point, you'll fight Millenia. This is a fight that you can't win, so just sit back and enjoy the scenery.) Ryudo "Damn, you're strong!" Milln. "It sure was nice beating you up! You're a pretty good match." Ryudo "Don't take me so lightly!" Milln. "But I like you. My name's Millenia. Next time we meet, I'm going to make you mine. Oh well... Until then..." Calius "Will you accept the mission?" Ryudo "Yeah. Now I too want to know what in the hell is going on." ------------------------ After Ryudo accepts, he and Skye have a short chat. Skye is worried about Ryudo's lack of religion, and how that will affect the mission. Ryudo thinks that the Cardinal might give him a large paying job, so it will all be good. After that, Calius comes in and gives Ryudo the golden god statue, and Elena wants to be off. Ryudo wants to make sure that Elena is up for the trip, since it is her first big one. Elena replies that she has to go, and that she doesn't want her friends' deaths to be in vien. Ryudo just doesn't want her to be a burden; in response, she replies that she can fight too. At this point, the two of them are off to find the temple. --Ainool Mountains-- アイノール山地 Nothing too hard here - basic exploration, with quite a bit of items to find. Just make your way through the two levels, and exit out onto the world map. Items to find: - "Tengu" Mushroom - Muscle Mushroom - Exploding Mushrooms - Antidote x2 - Resurrection Potion - Iron Ore Brooch - Moutaineering Hat - 50G x5 - 150G x3 Enemies: - Madra Spider - Dodo Bird - Rock Snake --Agiil Traveler's Town-- 宿場町アギール Ryudo and Elena arrive at Agiil, which until recently was a decent sized, prosperous town. Now the town is quite different, as you'll see. The town is located between two major roads, so it is in a prime location for lots of travelers. Heading into the 'watchmen's tent', which is actually the weapons/armor store, you'll find your friendly little Mr. Tutorial Hat, this time with some mid-level tips (the middle choice when you first talk to him). The first batch of tips covers special attacks, while the second is regarding magic. If you choose to do these, it shouldn't be too hard; there are fingers pointing to the commands that you need to select. After you're done shopping, you can talk to the guard near the town entrance, who will reveal that the town was attacked by monsters from the cave within the town. Of course, they had no chance to defend themselves. After you finish your chat with him, head to the inn and talk to the innkeeper, who will present you with four options: Offer a greeting to the innkeeper Heal Quit **Save** Of course, you'll need to choose the top option to continue with the story. It turns out that he is a old friend of Ryudo's named Pikes. He confirms the story that you were told earlier; the monsters came from the cave, and are now living throughout the town. They're trying to get enough people around to fight the monsters and take back the town. After a quick comment about Elena, you'll see a small scuffle in the corner. A small boy has had a keepsake from his mother, a medal, taken away from him by some monsters. ------------------------ Roan "Isn't there something that we can do about it!?" Gonzeera "There's no way. Those monsters are just too strong. Your life is the important thing." Rizetto "I'm an idiot, so I don't really understand, but I think what Gonzeera is saying is right; it's not worth risking your life." Paeria (giggle, giggle, giggle) "Life's the most important thing!" Carupaccho "Yeah, what Paeria says. Life is more important than some keepsake." Roan "But it's so very important to me... Isn't there _something_ that we can do?" Gonzeera "It's not like we're a band of soldiers or something... If you're really that worried about it, why don't you ask that GeoHound guy over there." Roan "Ex...excuse me. I was attacked by monsters on the way here, and I lost something precious... um... I lost a keepsake from my mother... and... money really isn't an object... So... please, could you get it back for me?" Ryudo "Sorry, but right now I'm in the middle of a job, and I can't take on two jobs at the same time." Elena "I don't really mi..." Ryudo "Weren't we supposed to be in a big hurry to get to the main temple? Sorry kid, but you're just gonna have to forget about your keepsake." Roan "Oh... I see... I... I guess you're right..." (goes and sits in the corner) ------------------------ After talking to Roan, Ryudo begins to tell Elena about this town's speciality - the Kukko nut. Eating a few of them makes you feel rather good, but even though Ryudo tells Elena not to eat too many, she goes a bit overboard. The effect? Elena ends up just a tad tipsy, and does a face-first dive into the bar. After depositing her in her room, Ryudo realises that this is his chance to clear out all of the monsters without her to get in the way. Just as he is getting ready to go, however, he is greeted by Millenia. She tells him that she has come back as promised, and that this time she's going to finish what she started (ie. making Ryudo hers), along with threatening to make Skye into fried chicken if he doesn't shut up. Just as she is about to have her way with Ryudo, there is a knock at the door. One of the party members that Roan was travelling with says that he has disappeared, and has probably gone off to find his keepsake. Heading downstairs with Millenia, you'll find the rest of the part around the table talking about Roan. They start to head off to find Roan, but Ryudo says that since he is going anyway to kill off the monsters that he'll find Roan for them. Millenia, after a bit of arguement, joins him, and the two go off together. Agiil Town places: - Agiil Inn アギール宿屋 - Agiil Watchmen's Tent アギール護衛団テント (Weapons/Armor Store) Agiil Watchmen's Tent: Weapons 武器 Falks 500G ファルクス +22 Att. Shamseal 620G シャンシール +26 Att. Army Sabre 750G アーミーセーブル +32 Att. Iron Rod 720G アイアンロッド +30 Att. Armor 防具 Leather Jacket 650G レサージャケット +14 Def. Quilted Silk 800G キルテッドシルク +18 Def. Leather Armor 750G レザーアーマー +17 Def. Chain Mail 950G チェインメイル +20 Def. Traveler's Cap 300G 旅人の帽子 +6 Def. Thick Lthr. Bandanna 350G 厚革のバンダナ +8 Def. Accessories 装飾品 Attachable Stone 120G つけもの石 +5 Def., -5 Move Insomnia Amulet 250G 睡眠の護符 Protect against sleep Items 道具 Herb 10G 薬草 Heals 200 HP; 1 ally Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Eyedrops 14G 点眼薬 Cures Blindness Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Special Items 特産品 Exploding Mushrooms 20G 爆弾キノコ 400 fire dmg; 1 enemy Hand Grenades 60G 手榴弾 300 damage; range Quit やめる --Duram Cave-- デュラムの洞窟 Once you're done arguing with Millenia, you'll be able to head into the abandoned town. At the center of the town, you'll find the entrance to the Duram Cave. Head inside, where you'll get a nice overview of the cave. Immediately after, you'll notice that a few stagtites fall in such a convenient spot... Continue into the cave, saving at the save/heal spot if necessary, and you'll soon see Kyaro, the oh-so-cute mascot of the game. In order to get him to come near, you'll need to feed him a Poff Nut. Of course, you won't have one yet, so you'll need to keep an eye out for some. You'll actually not find enough to get him the first time through (you need three, but the cave only contains two). A bit deeper into the cave, you'll need to do some typical Grandia things, such as use a boulder to break open a wall of the cave, but again, it's nothing all that difficult. You'll also find that you'll need to throw a switch to continue on in the cave; the switch will raise the water level in part of the cave, allowing you to cross on the planks of wood that rise after you do so. Once you have crossed, you'll need to drop a wedge-shaped rock down to the level below that. Next, head back to the switch and throw it; this allows you to access the other bridge/wood plank, opening up another section of the cave. After exploring a bit more, you'll find the entrance to the second level. Upon getting to the second level of the cave, you'll find Roan being assaulted by three fish men. Battle them, and you'll get a good deal of experience, gold, and a new Mana Egg, the Mist Egg, in return. Afterward, you'll talk to Roan a bit, and he'll convince you that he should join. He explains that he can't go home yet, that he has to get his mother's keepsake before he can. Millenia takes quite a liking to Roan, and ends up smothering him in her chest (which I'm sure that little Roan enjoys quite a bit). After that, Roan joins up, though Ryudo threatens to leave him behind if he becomes a burden. Continuing on in the second level, you'll find some more simple puzzles to do. One requires you to push a block over a button, holding it down. This, along with stepping the switch right next to it, allows you to get to a switch that you need to throw to drain the small lake that is blocking your way. As you go into the third level of the dungeon, you'll want to prepare; there is a boss coming up in just a bit. You're actually able to walk around the boss, and see him from behind. There isn't much to actually do behind him, so when you're ready to, jump on in and attack. Boss Fight: Duramataurus This shouldn't prove to be too hard. First, concentrate on group spells so that you can knock out the two Fishmen that are flanking him. Spells and special moves are the way to go here - with spells like Millenia's Fallen Heaven Wings taking off up to 800 HP each, the Duramataurus' 4200 hit points should go down pretty quickly. Just keep at least one eye on your HP and heal when necessary, and you should be quite fine. After he is no more, you'll recieve the Adventurer's Book, a skill book. After making your way back out of the dungeon, you'll be treated to an odd sequence. Millenia says that she is a bit tired, and that it has been a long day. She then says to 'say goodbye to Elena for her', and after saying that, promptly turns into Elena! As it turns out, the curse that Elena was put under means that she lives as Millenia during the night, and Elena during the day... Items to find: - Herb x3 - Resurrection Potion - Harp of Healing - Poff Nut x2 - Torte's Grass Whistle - Insomnia Amulet - Stone Head - 100G x2 - 300G + Save/Heal spot (level 1) + Save/Heal spot (level 2) Enemies: - Frost Frogs - Fish Men - Rock Snakes --Agiil Traveler's Town-- 宿場町アギール Back at the Inn at Agiil, the party sits down Elena and tells her what is going on. Some of the other members in Roan's party come up, and a short discussion goes on. Roan knows that Ryudo and company are traversing over the Beik Plains, and asks if he can tag along. Ryudo agrees, and they set off. Before you go, though, you can visit Mr. Tutorial Hat in the weapon shop for the high level tutorial (third selection from the top). This one covers Skills, Counters/Defense/Dodge, and the Treasure Icon. Again, you'll get a couple of simple fights, but just follow the magic floating hand, and you'll be fine. As you're passing through the ruins of the old town, you'll find a man who will give you the third Poff Nut; save it for now - Kyaro acts as a light, so you'll want to use him when you really need to --Beik Plains-- ベイク原野 Upon reaching the top of the Beik Plains the "Grana Cliff" comes into view. The Grana Cliff is one of this worlds ancient mysteries. Formed during the "Ancient Magic War of the Gods", this canyon seperates the two main continents of this planet. The only problems is that the Main Grana Church Shrine located in the Saint Heim Holy Land lies on the other side of the canyon. Fortunately, you can use the "Aeroport" to cross to the other side. However, before riding on the airport the party decides to camp out for the night. ------------------------ Ryudo "Somebody's outside!" Strange Man "I've finally found you. Evil, feel my wrath." (At this point, the strange man attacks.) Boss Fight: Beast Man Again, there is nothing particularly hard about this fight. Simply pummel him with magic/special attacks, watch out for his special attacks (which can rob you of up to 350 HP), and you should be fine. Malegg "You are not the man I am seeking." Ryudo "Why did you attack us? We didn't do anything!" Malegg "Your scent set me off... It was the same as that man... The man who destroyed my village. When I smell that scent... the scent of Melphis... I go crazy." Skye "Ryudo!" Ryudo "Did you say Melphis? That's impossible! He should be dea.." Malegg "Do you know of Melphis? Do you know of the man who commands enough destructive magic power to destroy an entire city?" Ryudo "I killed him... at least... I thought I did" Malegg "Well, it looks as though I attacked an innocent person. For that I am sorry. I have to go now." Ryudo "Wait! Tell me about Melphis!" Elena "He left. But who is Melphis, anyways?" Ryudo "He's my brother..." ------------------------ After Malegg runs off, you'll have a chance to explore the rest of the plains, grabbing the bits of treasure that are there. Once you're done with that, head off to the area map, and on to the next town. Items to find: - Speed Fruit - Seed of Speed - Seed of Wisdom - Seed of Protection - Seed of Power - Seed of Magic Power - Healing Herb - North Wind Mantle - Anti-Poison Amulet - Dash Shoes - Shell Armor - Poff Nut - 200G x5 - 600G x3 + Save/Heal spot Enemies: - Wind-slasher Bugs - Dodo Birds - Sandmen --Rilig Trading Town-- 交易都市リリグ The Rilig Trading Town is one of the most technologically advanced towns in the Grandia world. Home to the "Aeroport the only way to cross the giant canyon that seperates the two main continents of Grandia, Ryudo and friends arrive at town hoping to find a quick ride to the other side but instead smacking head-first into another mystery. For some strange reason all of the townspeople say that they are "stuck" eating the awful tasting "stink-potato". Upon digging deeper into the mystery, you find out that the reason the townspeople continue to eat the stink-potato is that it seems they have lost their ability to taste other foods. Therefore the only option is to continue eating the dreaded stink-potato. Some would rather stave than eat so all around town people are passing out from hunger left and right. You soon learn that if people leave the town their taste buds will eventually heal and they can taste again. However, the money that most people are making in Rilig far outweighs their desire to "taste" foods and so they continue to stay. Next the party proceeds to the manager of the town, Gadan's house. Almost pig-like in manner, Gadan is gobbling down on some food when you arrive. For some strange reason, even though others can eat a single bite Gadan says he really can't stop eating. He even suggests that Elena looks mighty tasty and that he wouldn't mind trying a bite or two. Elena, although repulsed by the pigman, asks why no one eats anything besides stink-potatoes. Gadan explains that while a long time ago this town was known as the "Town blessed by Granas", it must have lost Granas's blessing since it is now cursed. Gadan says that the party can use the aeroport to get to the other side of the canyon for the low price of 10000 gold. However, the aeroport is closed for the day and so since they have to wait until tomorrow anyways they should talk to the Granas preacher at the edge of the town. The crew go to the church and make their introductions to the preacher. After a while he takes them upstairs to show them why the town is known as the "Town blessed by Granas". The 2nd floor of the Granas church looks out over the whole town. However the main thing that catches the eye are the large stone pillars sticking out of the ground. The preacher explains that these are ancient ruins from the "Ancient Magic War of the Gods". Elena asks if anyone has ever tried to dig down and see what is inside them. Appearantly, one of the towns has been moving slightly from it's place in the grounds so their has been a mining expedition to see if they could uncover what was going on but no one has found anything so far. Suddenly, an idea occurs to Ryudo--the shape of the ancient pillar in town is the same shape of Galumia tower. It must be that another part of Valmar's body is trying to escape from its confinement just like how Valmar's wing escaped from Galumia. The party guesses that the tower is the key to the towns problems and so they must explore the ruins and see who or what is behind this. After exiting the town they bump into an old friend - Malegg. Malegg says that he smells evil like before. Ryudo guesses that it might be that Melphis is behind all of this. Perhaps Melphis could be inside the ruins right now as they speak. Malegg, devoted to destroying all evil, joins the party and they head for the entrance to the ruins. The entrance to the ruins is a grey covered hatch inbetween Gadan's House and townperson #2's house. Head in there, and prepare yourself for the next dungeon. Rilig Places: - Rilig General Store リリグ 雑貨屋 - Rilig Inn リリグ 宿屋 - Rilig Engineer's House リリグ 技術者の家 - Gadan's House ガダンの家 - Rilig House (1-4) リリグ 民家 (1-4) Rilig General Store: Weapons 武器 Army Sabre 750G アーミーセーブル +32 Att. Samurai Blade 900G サムライブレード +38 Att. Iron Rod 720G アイアンロッド +30 Att. Fire Cane 1250G 火炎の杖 +40 Att., Fire Battle Rod 960G バトルロッド +45 Att. Multiple Knives 650G マルチプルナイフ +28 Att. Hunter's Knife 880G ハンターナイフ +36 Att., eff.vs. animals Armor 防具 Quilted Silk 800G キルテッドシルク +18 Def. Protector's Robe 1200G 看護のローブ +22 Def., poison no eff. Chain Mail 950G チェインメイル +20 Def. Plate Mail 1400G プレートメイル +25 Def. Protector's Hat 450G 監護の帽子 +10 Def., resist sleep Steel Plated Bandana 480G 鉄板付きバンダナ +12 Def. Iron Helm 600G アイアンヘルム +15 Def. Hunter's Boots 400G ハンターブーツ +8 Move, +4 Def. Accessories 装飾品 Gauntlet 800G ガントレット +15 Def. Fire Amulet 400G 火の御符 Lv5 Fire Resist Wind Amulet 400G 風の御符 Lv5 Wind Resist Earth Amulet 400G 土の御符 Lv5 Earth Resist Lightning Amulet 400G 稲妻の御符 Lv5 Lightning Resist Snowstorm Amulet 400G 吹雪の護符 Lv5 Snowstorm Resist Items 道具 Herb 10G 薬草 Heals 200 HP; 1 ally Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Healing Herb 50G 癒しのハーブ Heals 250 HP; party Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Eyedrops 14G 点眼薬 Cures Blindness Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Hand Grenades 60G 手榴弾 300 dmg; range Debugger Bomb 60G 殺虫弾 650 dmg; fire; eff.vs. bugs; 1 enemy Fireball Scroll 50G 火の球の巻き物 400 dmg; fire; 1 enemy Whirlwind Scroll 60G つむじ風の巻き物 300 dmg; wind; range Resistance Fruit 20G 忍耐の果実 def.lev. +1; range Speed Fruit 20G 早駆けの果実 speed +1; range Kuko Nut 10G クコの実 Confusion; 1 enemy Quit やめる --Rilig Underground Cave-- リリグ地下洞穴 Heading into the cave, you'll find some twisting and turning corridors. You can light torches along the way so that you can keep track of where you've been. After a bit of exploration, you'll come across a platform with green, red, and blue stones on top of pillars. The trick here is to activate the pillars in the correct order, as stated by the sign that is there. It reads: "If you want to open the door, you should open it in the order: red, blue, green." Getting to them should be simple enough; just make sure that you hit them in the right order. After activating the pillars in the right order, head back to the initial platform where you found the pillars, and activate the middle pillar, which will cause some huge metal doors in front of you to open. Heading inside, you'll find a large beast, who will promptly eat Elena! She emerges as Millenia, and the beast begins to talk to you. It turns out that this is actually Gadam, the piggish character that you met earlier. He has been possessed by Valmar's tongue. He crashes through a wall and into the next room. Before following him, take a look around; you'll be able to grab some treasure, including two items for Millenia. After you've done so, head into the next room, where you'll get to face Valma's Tongue, one on one (or, one on four, more precisely). Boss Fight: Valmar's Tongue Though Valmar's Tongue is large, has four parts, and has a extremely high amount of HP, he shouldn't prove to be that hard if you've been spending your SC and MC wisely. Just pummel him with special attacks and magic (fire spells should work the best here) and watch your HP. Concentrate on the main body, though taking out his extreneous parts will help as well. Once the fight is over, you'll find your party back in Gadan's house. It is confirmed that Valmar had exploited his weakness, his love of food, and had possessed him. That, of course, was why the town was in turmoil. A combination of Gadan's love of food, and the townspeople's love of money proved to be the undoing of the town. After talking a bit and doing a bit of exploration of the town, they head to the Aeroport to head across the great gash. The journey goes all right until suddenly, something begins to go awry... Items to Find: - Healing Herb - Sacred Healing Potion - Purification Herb - Stablizer - Moge Bomb x2 - Poff Nut - Stablizer Amulet - Flambage - Burning Bow - Flare Dress - Fire Resist Pendant - Bonds of Trust - 400G x2 - 1200G x2 Enemies: - Rock Snake - Frost Frog - Wind-slasher Bugs - Angry Spirits -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part II. Shurisen Continent ~ Eastern Side シュリーセン大陸 東部 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Rumial's Forest-- ルミルの森 (as the cords break) Elena "The darkness is coming. The darkness is coming. The darkness is... it's calling me..." Ryudo "Elena!" Ryudo (as they tumble down) "Shit! (the party wakes up, and wonders where Elena is) (as Elena is lying on the ground) Voice "Elena. Elena! Wake up!" Elena "Who... who are you? Where are you?" Voice "Well... where is really kind of hard to say. Over to your left there is a big mirror. Go over to it." Elena (goes to the mirror and looks in it) Millenia (appearing in the mirror) "Hello. My name is Millenia. Nice to meet you." Elena "You're Millenia?! You're Valmar's Wing!" Milln. "Bingo." Elena "You're dirty! You... you suck away people's souls!" Milln. "Now, now... Is that any way to treat someone who saved your life?" Elena "You saved my life? What?" Milln. "That's right. So you should really thank me, because I'm part of you, and you're part of me. We'll always be together.. wherever we go... forever and ever. Well, I've got to go! See you later!" Elena "Millenia! Millenia! Wait!" Milln. (disappears) ------------------------ It is revealed that whenever Valmar's moon shines red, it is signalling that Valmar's resurrection is close. Beside that point, it turns out that they have landed north of their intended destination, so they set out to the St. Heim's Holy Land. You'll now need to navigate through the forest, and the connected areas. The hard part about this section is the fact that there are occasionally small doors hidden in the sides of the corridors. In order to find these, you'll just need to rotate the camera a bit more than normal. Most of these somply lead to treasure, so you shouldn't be missing all that much if you can't find a few. Past that, there shouldn't be anything all that hard if you just do a bit of exploring. After traversing through a few areas, you'll come to a strange place called the "Dream Flower Garden". There is a young girl there who says that it was her secret place, and to truly appreciate it your heart must be pure. The little girl thinks that Elena might be able to see it, but that she should ask the 'black winged girl inside her about it'. Then she tells Elena not to 'eat her' and when Elena asks what she means she says not to tell anyone about the dream flower garden, the girl leaves. Explore a bit, and eventually, you'll be put back out into the snowy woods, wondering if it was a dream or not. A bit more adventuring will put you out on the area map once more, where you can continue on to the next area. Items to find: - Rumial's Flowers x2 - Debugger Bomb x2 - Blueberry - Poff Nut - Ice Fang Magic Stone - Strange Treeshoes - Cold-Protect Mantle - Icepick - Staff of Tales - 400G x5 - 1200G x4 Enemies: - Bigfoot - Giant Snow Crab --Mirum Town-- ミルムの村 Upon reaching the town, Elena remarks that the town looks rather sad. Two boys overhear her, and fetch the town's chief. He sees that Elena is a priestess and is elated that they have come to save the town. Ryudo explains that they aren't there to save the town, and the chief is a bit disappointed, though tells him to come to his house so that he can explain more... The chief says that people have been randomly falling asleep as they walk around. At this point, the people have been asleep for five days, and they can't be roused. The chief thinks that it might be some sort of curse, but can't say for sure. He says that everyone in the town has been having the same dream, and that they are all fairly scared. They want the party to stay there for just one night, so that the town can be calm until the priestess from the main temple arrives the next day. After going to the inn, the innkeeper's mother asks Elena to look at her poor son Nikol. Nikol has appearantly been sleeping for 5 days. However, upon examining Nikol it looks as if he is peacefully sleeping. Every now and then Nikol talks in his sleep about a 'beautiful guarden full of flowers and fairies'. The adventurers then tell about their run in with a little girl in the mountains. After describing how the girl appeared in a flower field full of flowers and fairies the Nikol's mother begins to get suspicious. When the she hears that the little girl had a scar over her right eye and that even though her eye was bad she could still see extremely well, the Nikol's mother realizes that the girl that Ryudo and friends saw was probably the daughter of Sandra. Sandra is the town witch and Nikol's mother says that Sandra's daughter Ira should be blind but she since her eyes are getting better is probably the work of a curse that Sandra cast against the town people. One where the more townspeople fall in the sleeping sickness, the more Ira's eyes will heal. Of course, the next place that you'll need to go is Sandra's house, just over the bridge in town... Upon arriving at Sandra's house, you'll find Ira playing outside. At first, the party questions Ira about whether the flower guarden was a dream or not. Of course, she says that it wasn't. Strangely, next she asks Elena not to eat her. Elena asks what she means by that, and she says that it means just that - not to eat her. At that point, Sandra comes out of the house and starts to yell at Ryudo and company to get away from Ira. After explaining that they aren't there to hurt her, Sandra calms down and asks them inside. Inside, Sandra will begin to explain about why she overreacted when she saw the party. Everyone is blaming Ira for the curse that has fallen over the town. Sandra only wants the best for Ira, only wants her to see once more. As the party gets up to leave, Ira begins yelling about the scary people that have just arrived. She can't explain more than that, but just keeps saying that they are scary. Without her saying more, the party can't really do anything but go outside and see what is going on. ------------------------ Elena "Wh, who...? Oh wow, those are the holy knights..." Selena "Oh, my, that's really terrible... But don't worry. I have cleansed many a town in the past, and have lots of experience in these sorts of matters. Have no fear, I'll soon be able to purify this town as well. " Chief "That's very reassuring." Selena "But this is the work of Valmar. This town has fallen under his curse, and it shall be no easy task..." Chief "Is it really that bad?" Selena "I am here from the Granas Main Shrine. I have come to purify all of the evil and all of those who stand against me! No evil can hide from me! I will not stop until I have cleansed everyone of this evil!" Selena (pauses, turning) "Holy Knights! Unsheath your holy swords and guard the gates. Let no one out!" Selena (turns once more) "By the way... My name is Selena, head of the Holy Knights and Grand Priestess of Granas." Ryudo "Hey Elena. Do you know who that person that is pretending to be a god is?" Elena "Yes, she is the priestess Selena. She is the head of the Royal Knights. She's very strong, and she's also the head of the Grand Inquisition. This town could be in for some deep trouble..." Ryudo "Really? Is that all she is? She doesn't seem to big to me..." (the party approaches Selena) Selena "Hey. You're a Granas Priestess aren't you? I heard that there was no priestess in this town." Elena "No, i'm just a singing priestess. I've simply come to deliver a message to Pope Zera." Selena "You plan to talk to Pope Zera? It will no doubt be news that will make him happy, I'm sure. But since you're here anyway, why don't we work together to cleanse this place of its foul evilness." Elena "Um... OK. Thank you very much." ------------------------ Once the dialogue is over, you'll find that the Royal Knights have strengthened their guard, and will no longer let you leave the town. Approach Selena once more, and speak with her. She'll say that she simply isn't able to let them leave, even though she wants them to go about their job. She goes on to gloat that she has recieved the blessings of the god Granas, and that she _will_ find those who have been possessed. Of course, Roan spots her for what she really is; she intends not to 'purify' the town, but to kill those who are possessed. Roan has heard that when the Holy Knights come to a town, it is quickly reduced to a pile of burning rubble. She clarifies: they do not kill people, but instead they cleanse them with holy burning fire. Ryudo yells at her, not understanding the difference between that and killing. She goes on to say that if they don't find the impure aspects of the town, they will simply have to set the entire town aflame with holy fire. She says that those who are without sin do not need to worry about the fire. The chief isn't thrilled about the aspect of his entire town being set on fire. Selena says not to worry, and they go off to start to find the causes of the curse. Ryudo sees that the gate is fairly securely guarded, and suggests that they spend the night in the inn. Head in, and select the top option to sit down for a meal... As they eat, they discuss the situation, and the fact that so many innocent people are at risk. The figure that there isn't a lot that they can do except for wait... After dinner, Ryudo approaches Elena, who is staring out at the moons. Ryudo tries to make Elena feel better, tries to cheer her up. Elena has finally lost part of what kept her cheerful. Ryudo finally says that if she can't stay positive about things then he should just slice her open right there and then. Elena drops to the floor, saying that he is right, and that he should just kill her... Ryudo was only saying it to try to shock some sense into her, though, and tells her that they just need to concentrate on getting to the main Granas temple, and that they will just go from there. He tells her to get some sleep, and does the same. While sleeping, Ryudo has a strange dream. He doesn't want his heart to be looked into during it, and just wants to forget... He wakes up saying these words... After a short conversation with Skye, he thinks that this dream might have been that everyone is having. He gets up and goes to the window, where he sees what he believes to be the source of the problems. The rest of the party shows up, and he fills them in on the fact that the source of the problems is a huge eyeball. They all join up, and go to see if the Ilenia, the mother of the innkeeper Nikol, is all right. As they enter the room, you'll see the floating eyeball, confirming that it is the source of the problems. They decide to follow the eyes, and head outside. Of course, the eyes head into a cave at the edge of town, and the party has no choice but to follow. Before doing so, you might want to take advantage of the save/heal point that is nearby; afterward, head behind Sandra's house and enter the cave. Mirum Places: - Mirum General Store ミルム 雑貨屋 - Mirum Inn ミルム 宿屋 - Mirum Community Center ミルム 公民館 - Village Chief's House 村長の家 - Sandra's House サンドラの家 - Mirum House (1-3) ミルム 民家 (1-3) + Save/Heal spot Mirum General Store: Weapons 武器 Swordfish Blade 2200G 剣魚の刀 +52 Att. Staff of Tales 1800G 語り部の杖 +50 Att., Cures Confuse Flying Fish Bow 2400G 飛魚の弓 +55 Att.; eff.vs. birds Flint Knife 2000G フリントナイフ +48 Att. Hammer Axe 2200G ハンマーアックス +52 Att. Armor 防具 Fairy Robe 2600G 妖精のローブ +26 Def., Sleep/Confuse resist Swordfish Armor 2800G 剣魚の鎧 +30 Def. Seagull Feather Cap 1120G 水鳥の羽根帽子 +18 Def. Lotus Tree Hairband 1080G 木蓮のヘアバンド +16 Def., Lv1 Earth resist Swordfish Helmet 1250G 剣魚の兜 +20 Def. Snowshoes 420G かんじき +4 Move, Lv2 Snowstorm resist Accessories 装飾品 Cold-Protect Mantle 800G 防寒のマント +10 Def., Lv3 Snowstorm resist Earth Amulet 400G 土の御符 Lv5 Earth Resist Anti-Poison Amulet 250G 毒の護符 Poison Resist Anti-Paralyze Amulet 250G 麻痺の護符 Paralyze Resist Items 道具 Herb 10G 薬草 Heals 200 HP; 1 ally Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Healing Herb 50G 癒しのハーブ Heals 250 HP; party Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Special Items 特産品 Hand Grenades 60G 手榴弾 300 dmg; range Rumial's Flowers 40G ルミルの花 Restores 25 MP Blueberry 40G ブルーベリー Restores 25 SP Moge Bomb 250G モゲ爆弾 500 dmg; range; raise enemy's IP usage Debugger Bomb 60G 殺虫弾 650 dmg; fire; eff.vs. bugs; 1 enemy Enchanting Sleep Harp 250G 誘眠の竪琴 Sleep; breaks after many uses Quit やめる --The Dubious Hole in the Mountain-- 怪しき裂け目 地下道 Entering the cave, you'll find a nicely easy dungeon to explore, for a nice change. With only one level and just a handful of items to find, it will be no time at all until you find another sealed part of Valmar: his Eyes. Of course, you'll need to prepare for a battle... Boss Fight: Eyeball Bats Like all of the bosses to this point in Grandia II, the Eyeball Bats are nothing incredibly hard, especially if you've been keeping up on magic and special moves. Try to concentrate on single bats, taking them out one at a time. Moves like Hellburner (found in the Chaos Magic Egg, the highest level Flame magic) are great, as they attack a range and do upwards of 1000 damage, which is a full third of what the Eyeball Bats have. Of course, keep an eye on your life level and don't be afraid to take a round out to heal. Overall, you shouldn't have much of a hard time at all, and before you know it they'll be dead, and you'll have recieved the Warrior's Book. After you've defeated the eyes, Ryudo notices that they didn't feel as strong as the enemy that possessed Gadam, and that there must be a more powerful enemy out there somewhere. Getting back to town, they find out that many more people were attacked and have fallen asleep throughout the night. At that point, a townsperson tells them that Selena wants them to meet at the community center. Going there, you'll find that the amount of victims have actually doubled, and Ryudo informs Selena that she should be looking for flying eyeballs. Selena says that they are just the minions, and that she wants to continue looking for the real threat, and leaves. The party decides to explore the Dubious Hole in the Mountain again, but before they get there, Ira shows up and says that she wants them to come and play with her in a happy place where there are no painful memories or thoughts. The party, curious, follows her into the shed behind her house (Ed. Note: I _knew_ that there was something in that damn shed... -Ben). As you enter the shed, Ira talks about how hard her mother worked every day to buy her medicine, and how much she appreciates it. She'll then drop down a hole in the shed floor, and you'll find yourself in another familiar place... You'll find Ira in the center of the room, where she goes on to say that she doesn't like fighting, and she just wants everyone to get along. She then takes them all to the happy flower garden. Ira continues on to say that she was so happy when she was healed, but she also got to see things that she didn't want to see, like lying and fighting. She simply wanted people to be happy, and wants them all to come to the happy flower garden, where they forget all of their pain and all becomes fairies. At this point, Elena comes up and says that she should stop hurting all of the people that she is keeping there. It is at this point that Elena sees Ira's right eye, which Ira calls the "eye that god gave her." She is just trying to help the people, but doesn't realise that she is actually hurting them. She thinks that the party has betrayed her for thinking that way... At that point, she thinks that something has happened to her mother, and runs away, disappearing. You'll now need to make your way back to town as well, heading out through the forest again. Getting back to town, you'll find that Sandra is being questioned by Selena, that she thinks that Sandra and Ira are the reason that evil has come to town. Selena sucessfully turns the townspeople against Sandra, and says that she is going to liberate Ira. It is at this point that Ira comes out, saying that she just wants everyone to be friends. Selena sees Ira's eye, and is thus convinced that Ira is in fact using Valmar's power. You'll now find yourself at the town gate, and will need to go to the front of Sandra's house. Ryudo will ask Roan and Malegg to take care of Sandra, who is lying unconscious in front of the house, and will run off to see what is happening to Ira. Ryudo comes up and starts to protect Ira, asking them why they are picking on such a small child. Selena tells him to get out of the way unless he intends on defending a minion of pure evil. Ryudo retorts that she doesn't even know what is going on around her, and that this is the time that god should help the most. Selena just wants to purify Ira, and asks Elena to hand her over. Selena says that it is impossible to save her, as anyone that has been possessed by Valmar can never be returned to normal. Ryudo says to Elena that it isn't wrong to want to try to save people, that people who don't want to save people are wrong. Ryudo asks the Holy Knights if they feel any remorse on wanting to hurt a poor little child. At this point, Sandra wakes up and sees Ira's eye, and says that she sees now that it was Ira all along. Ira gets upset and vanishes in a flash of light, and Selena sends the knights off to find Ira. When Ryudo goes to help Elena up, Millenia appears in another flash of light. Sandra begins talking right after that, and says that it is all her fault, and that she never realised that when Ira said that she would take Nikol to the flower garden that she would do so like that. She never considered other people, she simply wanted to save her own child. Sandra never thought that evil would listen to her prayers. Roan says that it is only natural for a mother to worry about her child, and to pray for her. Malegg adds that he agrees, and that Valmar is the one to blame. Sandra pleas for Ryudo to simply kill Ira, to stop her before she hurts anyone else. Ryudo explodes at this, wanting to know why she is giving up so easily. He says that he will save Ira, that he will do his best to let her live. Millenia gets the idea of trying to extract the eye from Ira, and says that she can to that herself. Once she does that, though, her heart will break, and she will become like a vegetable. Sandra says that it is all her fault, that all of the pain that Ira feels is her fault. She wants it to be as painless as possible if there is no way to save Ira... Millenia agrees that there really is no other way... Ryudo explodes again, telling Millenia to shut up, that she doesn't care at all about people's hearts. Millenia isn't quite sure why Ryudo cares anyway, as they really don't have anything to do with the situation. The only person that really does matter in the situation, Sandra, has already given up, so there really isn't anything more that they can do. Millenia just wants Ryudo to give up as well. He can't, as he knows that little Ira is suffering all by herself somewhere. He doesn't care about himself, but just wants to help Ira. He knows that Ira just wanted everyone to be friends and to get along. He doesn't know how Sandra can ignore Ira's thoughts and wishes so easily. Ryudo's train of thought is broken as more eyeballs fly by, showing that Ira is feeling pain. The four set off, trying to find her and see what they can to to help... At this point, you should head back to the flower garden. Ira doesn't seem to be there, but Millenia says otherwise, and opens a portal to where Ira is hiding. You'll appear back in the place that the part of Valmar was sealed. You'll see a glowing purple portal, which Millenia says is a portal to Ira's own heart. Prepare yourself, and head inside of Ira's heart. Items to Find: - Purification Herb - Raincoat - Wing Boots - Bone Harp - 500G - 1500G Enemies: - Hammerhead - Twin Ogre - Giant Snow Crab --Ira's Heart-- アイラの空間 The party enters into Ira's pained heart. Somewhere deep within the recesses of this strange world lies Ira agonizing at the fact that even her mother has begun to believe that she is a monster. You have the hard job of finding her and then perhaps sealing her all to sad fate... After making their way through Ira's Heart the party arrives at the core - a giant eyeball. Inside the find Ira hiding. She tells Ryudo that she knows that her mother asked him to kill her. She also tells Ryudo that she thinks Mileena just want so 'eat her'. After that the battle versus Valmar's Eye begins. Boss Fight: Valmar's Eye This is by far the most difficult fight that you've had so far. Not only are you facing the Eye of Valmar, but four more Eyeball Bats. Start out with range spells and special attacks, which should help you rid the playfield of the Eyeball Bats and the two Tentacles quickly. Finish them off with regular combo attacks if need be, and then focus on the core with powerful single enemy spells. Again, if you've kept up on your magics and special attacks using SC and MC, you shouldn't have an incredibly hard time with this battle... Following the battle, you'll be transported back to the happy flower field. Ira will be lying on the ground, and Sandra will come up to her and tell her that she never thought that Ira was a monster. Following a small amount of discussion, Millenia goes ahead and takes Valmar's Eye from Ira, leaving her in the previously mentioned vegetable state. Sandra, of course, is upset, and Millenia says that if she really tries, maybe Ira will eventually return to normal. As she is walking away, Ryudo confronts her and asks whether or not she was telling the truth. Millenia doesn't really answer. Ryudo finishes the conversation by saying that they really aren't that different, and show sides of themselves that aren't necessarily what they are really like or thinking... As you go to leave town, you'll have one last conversation with Selena, where she threatens to keep an eye out on Sandra, then runs off to talk to Pope Zera. Grab any last bits of equipment that you might need, and then it's off to the Saint Heim Mountains. Items to Find: - Silver Feather - Red Shoes - Resurrection Potion - 500G x4 - 1500G x2 - Fighter's Manicure - Mirage Earing - Bonds of Trust - Illusion Clothes - Mebius Ring Enemies: - Star Mirage - Hammerhead - Twin Ogre - Giant Potato Bug - Hellhound --Saint Heim Mountains-- セントハイム山地 In order to get to the Granus Main Temple, you must first pass through the Saint Heim Mountains. Like so much of the game, nothing is very difficult here, just long. You'll spend not one, but two nights in the mountains, and have the ability to collect quite a bit of treasure if you like. This is also a decent place to work on SC and MC, as well as levels. Items to Find: - Resurrection Potion - Sacred Healing Potion - Seed of Life - Guard Mushroom - Fighter's Manicure - Seed of Magic - Mogu Bomb - Mikeroma Scroll - Silver Feather - Lion's Mail - Mach Boots - Dragonkiller Axe - Ring of Godly Speed - Shrapnel Magic Stone - 500G x5 - 1500G x3 Enemies: - Hammerheads - Bigfoot - Chameleon - Twin Ogres - Giant Snow Crabs --Saint Heim Holy City-- セントハイム法国 At the gate to the holy city, the party is met by a man at the gate. He enquires about why they are there, and Elena informs them that she is there to talk to Pope Zera. The man says that he will take her to see Zera, but she says that she would rather go by herself. She asks what Ryudo and company are going to do, and he replies that since he is looking for Melphis, he might be able to dig up some clues around the area. Roan wants to stick around with Ryudo, and he agrees, and since Malegg is looking for Melphis as well, he goes along with Ryudo. They also decide that it might be best if Elena gets a good night's sleep before she heads to see Pope Zera. She agrees, and the party sets out to explore the town. After sitting down at the table at the inn, an assistant to the pope says that he would like to talk to Elena immediately. Everyone says their goodbyes, and she goes off. Ryudo says that he somehow feels empty inside after she goes, and both Roan and Malegg both feel a bit sad as well. Elena goes to see Pope Zera, and he tells her that he can tell that the darkness is upon us, that it is trying to revive itself. He wants Elena to seek out the Granas Sable, a very powerful weapon. She says that she will try her best... The scene cuts to the next morning, where the party is sitting around after waking up, talking about how strange it feels to not have Elena there with them. At that point, the same assistant comes into the room, saying that the Pope has asked Ryudo to come to see him immediately, and that he would like his Ryudo's companions to go as well. Upon reaching the Grand Church and heading for the doors, Ryudo is stopped, saying that the Pope would like to speak with him alone. After a bit of discussion, Roan and Malegg agree to do so, and Ryudo enters the main chamber by himself. When he does, he begins to hear Pope Zera speaking... ------------------------ Zera "Bring light, peace, and harmony to this world." Man "Please tell us how to cure this land of the darkness Zera "You must make your heart strong. As long as it is strong, the darkness will disappear on its own." Various People (at the same time) "What should we do? Please save us!" Zera "Silence! You must think about how to bring peace to your own lives. You must not rely upon others..." Oro "But if the rumors are true about the resurrection of Valmar, we cannot sit around idly! If we do, the world will surely come to an end! We simply cannot let that happen..." Zera "Granas always teaches us that the fight against Valmar is up to each and every one of us; it is not simply up to the church. If we interfere, then people cannot make their own choices, and that goes against our beliefs, and people must decide for themselves." Oro "But if we do nothing, there will be no world for our church to help. What should we do? Please tell us what we should do!" Zera "My dear, beautiful Selena, so strong in her belief. So very passionate. Yet, you must realize that to have so much passion, you frighten people, and make them feel uneasy. That is not the road of Granas. And Oro, do not worry. To have faith in Granas... that is all you need. Things will be fine. Now please, return to your rooms, all of you." ------------------------ Soon after the discussion ends, Ryudo will find himself in Zera's chamber. Just as he told Elena, he would like Ryudo to find the Granas Sable, the God Sword. He says that there will be plenty of reward money upon the completion of the quest, though it will not be an easy task. He would also like Ryudo to take Elena with him; even though she is possessed by Valmar, there is nothing that he can do for her here. The only clue that he can give Ryudo is that it sleeps together with the army of darkness. As Ryudo leaves the Pope's chamber, Elena comes out and begs him to take the job, then runs back inside, slightly upset. Ryudo kind of shakes her off, and continues out to the main part of the church, where he is met by Oro and the other priests. They are shocked to find that he has been asked to find the god sword, and that Zera didn't ask someone with a more holy lineage. After leaving the Grand Hall you can have the person standing in front of the doorway guide you to either the Library, your quarters for the night, or the balcony. The balcony is closed for the time being so you should head off to see how Roan and Malegg are making out. You reach the library and explain to your friends about how you have been asked to find the Holy Sword Granas Sable. Seeing as the only clue you have is that it is with the 'army of darkness,' you ask your friends if they have any ideas. Roan suggests that you take a look at the book on the table since it is about the Ancient Magic War of the Gods, The Day of Darkness, and the Holy Sword Grana Sable. Perhaps you might be able to find some clues within... Following that, the party goes to eat dinner. Elena, though, is not with them. Instead, you'll see Millenia break into Oro's room and attack him. The scene then switches to the dinner table, when one of the priests breaks in, asking if anyone has seen one of Valmar's minions: one possesed by Valmar's wings. The party answers 'no,' but they get up and start to search as well. Your next stop should be the balcony on the left hand side of the lobby; Millenia is there, and happy, since she knows that Ryudo will go looking for the sword. Ryudo reminds her that when they find it, it will mean the end of her, since she will be exorcised. Soon after, the party goes to sleep, and the morning after, they are met by Pope Zera and Elena. After saying that he'll take the job to find the Granas Sable, Zera gives him the Pope's Book. He also warns him that he had a dream last night, and the god Granas spoke to him, saying that throughout the coming journeys Ryudo must fight against his past in order to in order to help solve this conflict between Valmar and Granas. The party then leaves the Great Church, and at the exit they put their heads together and try to figure out what the 'army of darkness' clue means. Roan suggests that they try his home, the Sairam Kingdom. He thinks that someone there might understand what that means. Places: - Saint Heim General Store セントハイム法国 雑貨屋 - Saint Heim Inn セントハイム法国 宿屋 - Saint Heim Bakery セントハイム法国 パン屋 - Saint Heim Library セントハイム法国 図書館 - Saint Heim Houses (1-4) セントハイム法国 民家 (1-4) - Saint Heim Ranch セントハイム法国 放牧場 Saint Heim General Store: Weapons 武器 Claymore 3600G クレイモア +60 Att. Priestess' Rod 3500G 神官の杖 +55 Att., casts Cure Halberd 4400G ハルベルト +68 Att. Armor 防具 Priestess' Garb 4500G 神官の法衣 +35 Def., Poison resist Priestess' Cap 1750G 神官の冒子 +20 Def., Paralyse resist Heavy Boots 800G ヘビィブーツ +10 Move, +6 Def., Knockback no effect Accessories 装飾品 Healing Ring 500G 癒しの指輪 +5 Def., casts Keroma Anti-Poison Amulet 250G 毒の護符 Poison Resist Insomnia Amulet 250G 睡眠の護符 Protect against sleep Stabilizer Amulet 250G 混乱の護符 Protect against confuse Anti-Paralyze Amulet 250G 麻痺の護符 Paralyze Resist Anti-Skill Seal Amulet400G 技封じの護符 Protect agnst. skill seal Anti-Magic Seal Amulet400G 魔封じの護符 Protect agnst. magic seal Items 道具 Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Herb 50G 癒しのハーブ Heals 250 HP; party Mikeroma Scroll 120G ミケロマの巻き物 Heals 500 HP; party Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill Unsealer 50G 秘技の解呪 Unseals sealed skills Magic Unsealer 50G 魔法の解呪 Unseals sealed magic Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Butter Roll 120G バターロール Heals 50 SP; 1 ally Fresh Sandwich 100G フレッシュサンド Heals 600 HP; cures Poison, Para.; 1 ally Moge Bomb 250G モゲ爆弾 500 dmg; range; raise enemy's IP usage Sacred Ash 200G 聖灰 700 dmg; strong against undead Strength of 10,000 20G 万人力の果実 +1 Att. level; range Men Fruit Resistance Fruit 20G 忍耐の果実 def.lev. +1; range Adrenaline Fruit 20G 感応の果実 act.lev. +1; range Speed Fruit 早駆けの果実 speed +1 Quit やめる --Saint Heim Mountain Shrine Path-- セントハイム山地 参道 The Saint Heim Mountain Shrine leads up to the Grand Shrine. It is a pretty straight forward stretch. However there are a few good items that you can only get if you descend down the ladders on the sides of the road. Try going down and at least pick up the Poison Knife and Seed of Skill. Items to Find: - Magic Unsealer - Sacred Healing Potion - Seed of Skill - Poff Nut - Poison Knife - 500G x3 - 1500G Enemies: - Bigfoots - Twin Ogres - Chameleons --Raul Hills-- ラウル丘陵 Just beyond the Saint Heim Mountain Shrine Path lie the Raul Hills. Here you will fight a few new enemies, as well as, get some pretty good items. As far as the enemies go, the only thing that you really need to worry about it stopping the 'Land Cougar' from using 'Runner' too much. If they use it 3 times then they will have a +5 to Move and be extremely hard to hit. The smart way to do it is to try and cancel which ever Cougar is trying to cast Runner. In the middle of the area there is an ancient ruins. The ruins are shaped like a small maze. If you are looking for the fast way out just follow the 'white bricked road'. However, there are a few good pieces of armor in here so it might be a good idea to explore it carefully before moving on. After you get to section 2 you will begin seeing large pink balloon-like things. Walk over to them and press the action button. When you slash them open an item will sometimes appear. However, if you bump into them you will take some minor damage so be careful. Also, somewhere in the middle of the 2nd area you will see a big treasure chest on top of a huge stone. In order to get to it you must slash the smaller stones next to it to create stairs up to it. Items to Find: - Thunder Ring - Buster Flail - Earth Breastplate - Black Crystal Helmet - Golden Nuts x4 - Quake Magic Stone - Mikeroma Scroll - Rage Ring - Seed of Power - Revival Stone - Seed of Protection - Seed of Wisdom - Flabby Fruit - Seed of Life x2 - Seed of Magic Power - Strength of 10,000 Men Fruit - Escape Fruit - Resistance Fruit - 500G x2 - 1500G x2 + Save/Heal spot Enemies: - Twin Ogre - Chameleons - Land Cougar - Dragonoid --Sairam Kingdom-- サイラム王国 Upon reaching the town, Elena remarks about how nice the town looks. Roan disagrees; he says that right now they are happy, but when bad times come, they show their true side. The people of the town are known as the Decendants of the People of the Dark. No one remembers their true heritage very often, but Roan and his family have made sure not to forget. They then say that they should go take a rest at the inn before exploring the town more tomorrow. Once you reach the inn, the innkeeper says that he doesn't have any more rooms. Roan talks the keeper into letting them stay, though he says that it won't be in a proper room. Roan then takes off, saying that he is going to stay at his house for the evening. The rest of the party wonders why he didn't even offer to show them his house, but they figure that it was because they are such a ragtag group of grifters. They sit down and try to figure out what they should do now. As they are discussing it, the innkeeper comes up and lets them know that if they are looking for something, then they should try the bazaar that will be going on tomorrow. The innkeeper makes an off comment about how nice Elena looks, and how Ryudo must be falling in love with her. Elena blows up, saying that she just hired him and that she doesn't love him at all. The scene then changes to Elena in her room, trying to figure out what is going on, and how she feels. After a short scene, she lays down to go to bed, and but she doesn't exactly get the sleep that she would have liked... After that, the scene changes to the king who is talking to a man shrouded in darkness. The king says that he is very greatful all that the man has done for him because in 2 days the "people of darkness" will finally be able to live without fear and be truely free. And they the best part is that they won't need the damn key that the prince has run off with... In the morning, Elena wakes up feeling horrible. Ryudo finally drags her out of bed, and they begin to set off for the Bazaar. Before they do, Malegg says that Hemple, the guy that might know something about the holy sword, will only talk to couples, so that Elena and Ryudo should go together. Elena isn't happy about it, but Malegg takes off for the harbour before she can say anything more. The two set off for Hemple's tent, which is very near the fountain. Talking to Hemple reveals that he really won't talk to anyone unless they are a couple, so Ryudo tells Elena to hold his hand so that they look like they are. She says that she can't, since she is a priestess, but Ryudo reminds her that it was the Pope that asked them to find the holy sword, and she agrees to play along. Hemple notices them holding hands, and invites them inside. He then says that he won't tell them anything unless Ryudo proves that he is a real man and arm-wrestles Hemple. If Ryudo wins, then Elena gets to 'keep' him; if not, Hemple gets Ryudo as a lover! You'll now get to start the arm-wrestling mini-game. Hold R to try to power Hemple down; as you hold R, your energy will go down. Press A repeatedly to fill your energy back up. You can't, however, do both at the same time. Don't worry about losing, though; if you are close to losing, Elena points out a hair that is sticking out of Hemple's nose, and he freaks, allowing Ryudo to win. Even after winning, Hemple says that he doesn't have any information about the sword, so the two heroes take off. Elena is feeling pretty tired at this point, and wants to sit down. Ryudo offers to go and get her a drink, but she wants normal juice. In order to do this, you need to go to the orange-roofed drinks stand near the fountain. The owner says that she has four choices, but you'll only see three: "Fall in Love Juice" "Burny Ouch Juice" "Nose Juice" There is a space for a fourth, though, and you'll find that you'll be able to select it (even though there isn't any writing). Choose this fourth selection, and head back to Elena, where you'll find Millenia waiting for you instead. She says that Elena was boring, and that she wanted to spend some time with Ryudo. He agrees, though not that happily, and the two should now approach the dancers. Millenia watches for a bit, and eventually Malegg and Roan come running up, saying that something big is happening at the castle, and that Roan knows a secret way in: via a boat. Head to the boat that Roan points out and get on. You'll soon arrive at a section of the castle, and after talking to the Pollack the guard on the left-hand, he'll warn Prince Roan that the passage that he is about to use hasn't been used in a while. Ryudo's jaw drops open at this. "Prince?" Roan says that he'll explain a bit later, and the party heads on into the passage, the Sairam Castle Secret Route. Polluck (Guard) Mainori Places: - Sairam General Store サイラム王国 雑貨屋 - Sairam Inn サイラム王国 宿屋 - Sairam Houses (1-4) サイラム王国 民家 (1-4) - Sairam Harbor サイラム王国 港 Sairam General Store: Weapons 武器 Shadow Blade 4000G シャドウブレード +44 Att., -4 Move, Death Red Lotus Cane 4200G 紅蓮の杖 +60 Att., Fire, casts Burnflame Whirlwind Cane 4200G 旋風の杖 +60 Att., Wind, casts Hueslash Hard Rock Cane 4200G 土石の杖 +60 Att., Earth, casts Gragin Arberlest 4500G アルバレスト +70 Att. Man Gorsh 4600G マン ゴーシュ +62 Att., +10 Def. Halberd 4400G ハルベルト +68 Att. Armor 防具 Fushia Robe 4500G 紫紺のローブ +35 Def., resist para. Black Crystal Armor 5500G 黒水晶の鎧 +38 Def. Master Mage's Hat 2000G 魔導師の帽子 +22 Def., resist mag.seal Black Crystal Helmet 黒水晶の兜 +25 Def. Magic High Heels 1100G 魔法のハイヒール +12 Move, +8 Def. Accessories 装飾品 Magic Armlet 1500G 魔法の腕輪 +20 Def. Anklet 1000G アンクレット +40 Move Fire Amulet 400G 火の御符 Lv5 Fire Resist Wind Amulet 400G 風の御符 Lv5 Wind Resist Earth Amulet 400G 土の御符 Lv5 Earth Resist Lightning Amulet 400G 稲妻の御符 Lv5 Lightning Resist Snowstorm Amulet 400G 吹雪の護符 Lv5 Snowstorm Resist Items 道具 Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Herb 50G 癒しのハーブ Heals 250 HP; party Mikeroma Scroll 120G ミケロマの巻き物 Heals 500 HP; party Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill Unsealer 50G 秘技の解呪 Unseals sealed skills Magic Unsealer 50G 魔法の解呪 Unseals sealed magic Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Fire Magic Stone 200G 火炎の魔石 650 dmg; fire; range Wind Magic Stone 200G 疾風の魔石 700 dmg; wind; 1 line Quake Magic Stone 200G 地震の魔石 650 dmg; earth; range Electric Magic Stone 250G 電雷の魔石 750 dmg; lightning; resist para.; range Ice Fang Magic Stone 150G 氷牙の魔石 1200 dmg; snowstorm; 1 enemy Weakling Fruit 50G 非力の果実 att.lev. -1; range Flabby Fruit 50G な弱の果実 Lowers def. level; range Escape Fruit 50G 脱力の種 act.lev. -1 Slowpoke Fruit 50G ドン足の果実 lowers move. level; range Quit やめる --Sairam Castle Secret Passage-- サイラム城 抜け道 As you enter the Secret Passage to the Castle you once again run into Kyaro, the cutsy Pikachu wannabe you met in Duram cave. He will help light the way for his usual fee of 3 Poff nuts. The secret passage consists of moving boxes and pulling levers to make bridges so that you can cross to the other side. Towards the end you will come across two large steel doors that you must open. Inside there is an 'action icon' near the wall. Press it and you can enter the castle through A REVOLVING SECRET DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After you enter the castle there is a staircase and a passage to the left. first go to the left where you will meet Mainori - a guardian of the darkness seal. Here you finally get to hear about why everyone is calling Roan prince. The fact is that he actually is the prince. You find out that Roan has been handed down the only key that is capable of opening the sacred door which keeps the darkness from getting out. The key is actually Roan's keepsake that he got from his mother, which of course explains why he wanted to get that keepsake back so badly. After talking to Mainori a little while longer you learn some disturbing news... Appearantly, Roan's father, the king, says that in 2 days time there will be no need for the key or the door which seals in the darkness. Worried, Roan and the others go to talk to the king and see what he is planning. Heading into the large double doors in the castle, you'll find a smaller door to the left; head in there, and speak with the king. Roan begins to talk to his father, and queries him as to why he is planning on opening the door that seals the darkness. It appears that one of his servants has told him of the glory and promise that lies behind the door. It turns out that the king no longer needs Roan's medal to open the door, and that everything in ready for the door to be opened. At this point, the king leaves, and Ryudo finally asks why they are called the people of darkness. Roan walks over to the country's crest, and reveals the real one: the one that contains the seal of Valmar. It turns out that Roan's countrypeople were on Valmar's side during the Great War. While no one supports or prays to Valmar now, their dark heritage still exists. It is at this point that they hear a rumble, and Roan senses that the door containing the darkness has been opened, though he still has his medal. The party runs off to the same room where Mainori was to investigate. When they get there, sure enough, the door is standing wide open, with Mainori laying on the ground. Mainori says that the king has been tricked, that the man who was advising the king was not one that could be trusted. While they are talking to Mainori, Malegg says that he smells evil. Ryudo asks if Valmar is around, and Malegg says no... that it is Melphis that he smells! The party enters the room to see what they can do... Items to Find: - Skill Unsealer - Magic Armlet - Electrolyte Tiara - Electric Magic Stone - Silver Feather - 700G - 2100G + Save/Heal spot Enemies: - Dragonoid - Chameleon - Skull Snail - Winged Brain --Underground Plant-- 地下プラント The door that was holding the darkness turns out to be a large, cavernous area. Large is quite the correct description, too - there are three separate areas, plus the final room, and lots of overlapping pipes that lead to different parts of the dungeon. The entire dungeon is pretty straightfoward, though, so you shouldn't have much trouble at all. Upon reaching the final room of the plant, the party is surprised to find that it is just that - a huge underground plant used to make weapons of distruction. Roan is disgusted at the fact, and gets quite upset that this is what he has been guarding is nothing more than a plant of distruction. The party looks around a bit, and is soon attacked by Valmar's Nail. Boss Fight: Valmar's Nail Like all of the boss fights in the game, this is nothing hard. Pummel the Nail with magics and special attacks, and you'll be fine. After defeating Valmar's Nail, you find out that it was not a human that was possessed by the nail at all, but a sort of doll-looking robot called an AutoMatter. Roan says that the AutoMatters used to work as soldiers during the Great War. Roan never thought that what was being sealed in the door was actually a factory to create weapons of distruction. He becomes very upset, and begins to punch one of the control panels. Suddenly, the place begins to shake, and the party is forced to escape. Before they do so, however, Malegg grabs the doll... ------------------------ Ryudo "Hey. Why did you take the time to go and rescue a damn doll?" Malegg "She is a victim of Valmar, just like me. I couldn't stand by and do nothing." Millenia "She really looks like a doll, doesn't she?" Ryudo "She moved!" Tio "Light... It is so... bright." Malegg "Don't worry. There's no danger. There's nothing holding you prisoner anymore." Tio "Please tell me what to do." Malegg "There's no reason to worry about fighting." Roan "It's alright. She's merely a doll. Unless you give her an order, she can't do anything. I'm just like her. I was just a doll being bound by tradition." Ryudo "There's no time to sit here and be depressed! The important thing is to figure out the cause of all of this." Roan "That's right. Why did my father want to do something so stupid? We've got to find out. Tio "Give me an order... please..." Malegg "You're free." Ryudo "Just do whatever you feel like doing." (the party leaves) Tio "Free? I do not understand." (Now that you have control of the party again, run up to where you spoke with the king earlier; you'll overhear a mysterious man talking to the king, and the king asking what he is doing. The party will then barge in, and...) Melphis "Ha ha ha!" Malegg "Mage Melphis, I've finally found you!" Ryudo "Wait a second Malegg. My dear brother Melphis! Are you really the mage Melphis that everyone is talking about? What's happened?" Melphis "Ah, how touching. I finally get to meet my long lost little brother. What's the matter? Did you miss me? You're always relying on me, aren't you? Or maybe you came..." (throws out the king) "looking for him?" Roan "Father! Millenia "It's too late - he's already possessed by Valmar." Malegg "I've searched the land far and wide for you. I will never let you leave here alive!" Melphis "How amusing. Then I will give to you the most fantastic death one could ever hope for! Come now! Your end is nigh!" (Melphis attacks. This is a fight that you cannot win, so don't bother trying...) (after the fight) Melphis "You plan on interrupting me? Stupid robot!" Ryudo "Brother! What are you doing?" Melphis "Why do you fight against me? Why don't you just die... Now you see that your dreams are foolish." Ryudo "Foolish? You're the one that destroyed all of my dreams! I can't believe that you're actually Melphis!" Melphis "It is despair that causes us to appreciate true hope. I wanted to show you that. I'll see you back home, at our fated place where we always used to meet." Tio (approaches) "Master. Are you ok?" Malegg "Oh, it's you. Thanks for saving us. I appreciate it." Tio "What should I do?" Malegg "You're the one that must decide that. You're quite strong - you should be alright wherever you go. Well, you should go now." (A short discussion ensues about how Roan wanted to bring back pride to the kingdom. He knows that they must live with the fact that they sided with the darkness from now on. He doesn't want them to be the people of darkness any more... Ryudo doesn't know why Roan is talking like this, and talks about how strong he was. Roan is inspired by this, and decides that he will try to go about changing the country, putting the wrong decisions behind him. He says that he is going to stay and try to put the country right, and goes out onto the balcony to tell the people what they have forgotten, or tried to forget, about their past and the past of the city...) Crowd "What's he saying right now? I can't believe that such a thing happened. What are we going to do?" Roan "But... we are humans. We're not a part of Valmar's pawns, or his tools. Valmar is trying to revive. But he's not after humans. He's after weak little pawns with no will of their own that he can control. We were embarassed of our past, so we hid it in order to achieve our dreams. But instead, all that it did was create more problems and misunderstandings. We're no longer going to hide our past. Let us forget out ancestors' mistakes. Let us do it together. Once again, I will raise the royal flag. Let us find a new meaning for this flag. Let us find a new path! Let us find a new way to live!" Ryudo "Wow. He's pretty cool. He's not losing to his past, either. Are you sure that it's all right, Elena? I mean, you are a priestess of Granas after all..." Elena "I think that I have to acknowledge the darkness. Before, I was afraid of the darkness, and tried to hide. But now, I want to show people the way that the world really is. I want to accept it just as it is, a world of darkness and light." ------------------------ As the party goes to leave, Roan comes out to bid them goodbye. He can't believe that they are actually going to leave, to go to the Warrior's Island to find Melphis. He offers them troops, but Ryudo says no, that this is his own battle. Roan has, however, prepared a ship for them, though. The party says goodbye, and goes to leave. On the way out of the castle, they see Tio, standing there slightly confused. After talking to her, they find out that she simply doesn't understand freedom. Malegg suggests that she come along with them, that maybe she will remember what freedom is after being with them a bit. She agrees, and your party is back up to four members once more. Do any last minute preparations that you might need to do, and head to the harbor, and find the bearded Captain Bakara, who is standing near the ship. He'll ask if you're prepared, since you can't return. If you are ready, choose the second of the two options that he presents you. WHen you are ready, you'll board the boat Fifty-Fifty (when you get on, there's a 50/50 chance that you'll get back off!), and will be off to the Warrior's Island. Items to Find: - Ice Fang Magic Stone - Anti-Paralyze Potion x2 - Skill Unsealer - Dynamite - Mana Harp - Revival Stone - Resistance Necklace - Weaponsmith's Finest - Fire Magic Stone - Miracle Revival Potion - Sacred Healing Potion - Time Warp Shoes - 700G x6 - 2100G x4 + Save/Heal Point + Save/Heal Point Enemies: - Dragonoid - Skull Snail - Warriors from Another Dimension - Winged Brain -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part III. Warrior's Island Region 剣士の島周辺 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Cecil Reef-- シシール岩礁 After you leave the dock you begin you long journey to 'Warrior's Island'. During the boat ride you get to make some chit-chat with you friends and to talk with the captain. In the boat's quarters Malegg is pumping some sort of device. The captain tells that crew that it is some gimmick that they will use to get of the ocean version of the Grana Cliff. Appearantly there were two large crack created during the Ancient War of the Gods. The one that you crossed before was seperated two continents. However the one you must cross now is a giant ditch that seperates two oceans. The captain informs Malegg that it should probably only take 5 more days of pumping the gimmick before it is ready. The captain says that he will glady take turns pumping but Malegg declines. A few days later as you approach the Ocean Grana Cliff Elena says that she doesn't think she can take another day on board the boat which is furiously rocking back and forth. When you go to tell the captain about this, he tells you that unfortunately the wind has died down too much and it will be impossible to cross the cliff for the day so he doesn't mind docking the boat for the night on some nearby island. The crew ends up stoping at Cecil Reef-a lush tropical paradise which has hugh pearl-shaped rocks on it. Before going to bed the party makes the usual small talk. Ryudo explains that he was orphaned at a very young age when his parents died. Both he and Melphis were raised at the town mayor's house. The rest of the party asks Ryudo if it isn't hard to fight against your only living relative. Ryudo barks that Melphis isn't human much less his brother. To Ryudo Melphis is simply the evil Valmar incarnate. The party then goes to sleep. ------------------------ (During the night Ryudo goes to see where Elena went. He finds her staring out over the ocean...) Ryudo "Elena! What's wrong! Do you still not feel well?" Elena "It's Valmar's moon. It looks like its watching us all the time. It's staring down with its cold eyes." Ryudo "Hey! Why don't I just get rid of that moon for you?" (throws a rock) Elena "Thank you. Something so little like that... It's like that moon isn't even there anymore" Ryudo "True... But the real moon doesn't disappear so easily." Elena "The world seems like such a beautiful wide-open, peaceful place. I never realized that everyone is feeling pain, separated by the great Granas Cliff and feeling so lonely." Ryudo "Anybody can do that... anyone can not see the pain." Elena "But I didn't even think of your pain. I didn't understand anything." Ryudo "You just thought that you didn't undertand anything." Elena "But now, I just want to forget everything. I want to forget about this important mission I'm on. I want to forget about how scary Valmar is... And about my duty as a priestess. I just want to forget, just for a while. Because, when tomorrow comes everything will be back to the way it was before." Ryudo "Elena, you sure are trying your best, aren't you? I always give up and run away from the things that hurt me. I always thought that forgetting the past was the best." Elena "Are you talking about Melphis?" Ryudo "I always thought that forgetting would make me happy. But you can't always run from a painful past. Sometime you simply have to accept it." Elena "It looks like I never really did understand you, Ryudo..." Ryudo "But seeing you try so hard changed me. That's right, I understand now. If I never would have been on this trip with you, I never would have understood." Elena "No, Ryudo, thank you. When I'm with you, I can be myself. I love being here right now. I love being in this place. I love living in this world, where everyone is trying their best to overcome their pain and problems. Thank you for cheering me up, Ryudo." Ryudo "Heh. How can I describe you, Elena? You're... you're just you. You're Elena. Tomorrow, we're going to get over the Granas Cliff." ------------------------ The night ends but the party is awakened by a strange noise. The pearl-shaped rocks were not rocks at all: they were the eggs of 6 gigantic 'Crimson Claws'. To make matters worse the tide has risen the party can't escape the way they came. They must find another way out... Once again, the island shouldn't prove to be very hard in terms of confusing dungeon-ness, and before long, you'll find yourself back at the ship, and soon after that, back on the sea, sailing away. As the boat approaches the Granas Cliff, the party asks one final time how the captain thinks that he's going to get them across. He tells them that there is an upcurrent coming from the Granas Cliff, and that they will use that, as well as the built up air pressure, to get across. The captain activates it, and ducks inside, suggesting that the party follows him. Now that they are finally on their way to Warrior's Island, Ryudo and Elena have a talk. It turns out that he is finally going home, but that he doesn't even want to. His town protects something called the Godly Body, and Ryudo and Melphis trained to become the perfect knight, the one that would be able to protect the Godly Body. He then mumbles something about how he can't believe that Melphis went that far, but before he can continue, Skye flies down and tells him that he can finally see it. The ship lands at Warrior's Island, and the party thanks Captain Bakara before setting off. Items to Find: - Dragonfly Cutter - Wind Magic Stone - Flame Shoes - Flame Bandanna - Flame Armor - Lullaby Cane - Coral Necklace - Electric Magic Stone - Fishman's Harp - 1000G x3 - 3000G Enemies: - Crimson Claw - Flame Toad - Scaled Fish Warrior --Garlan Village-- 剣士の村ガーラン Ryudo recieves a very warm homecoming, consisting mainly of "Get the hell out!" The townspeople are still very bitter about what happened between Ryudp and Melphis on 'that fateful day.' Ryudo tells them that he will leave as soon as he finishes his business and defeats Melphis, and the Village Chief agrees, saying that he must leave as soon as he can. After the welcoming, Ryudo says that they can stay at his house (the boarded up one) for the evening. Head there, and Malegg and Tio will run off to search for Melphis. Ryudo then explains to Elena that Melphis was the best knight in the town, not because he was possessed by Melphis, but because he was so very skilled. Gatta, one of Ryudo's old friends, then approaches, upset that he ran off that one day. He says that if Ryudo would have stayed and fought by his side, then the town would not be as bad as it is now. Ryudo counters with the fact that he doesn't know that, and walks off. Gatta tells Elena that Melphis was the town's ideal knight, and that when he turned evil, he destroyed the town's image of justice. Elena tries to console him, but Gatta just tells her to leave, that Ryudo is waiting for her. Following that, head back to the village inn, where the party can rest for the night. Choosing the top option will let you try to convince the innkeeper to stay for the evening. The innkeeper tells Ryudo that he is a virus, and that he should just get the hell out. At this point, Malegg and Tio return, and after a short discussion, the innkeeper says that he'll let them stay the night, but that they must leave tomorrow or else. The party retires to their rooms... ------------------------ Elena "I wonder what happened to Ryudo here. I wonder if this really is his hometown..." Voice "Princess -do you want to know what really happened to Ryudo? Elena "Who's there? Voice "It doesn't matter. And don't look outside or I won't tell you a thing. You also must not tell anyone about this... Understand?" Elena "OK. I understand... What happened?" Voice "This is the warrior's land - sword practice and becoming a good warrior was very important to the people. Melphis and Ryudo lost their parents, so they lived with the chief of the village. Every day they practiced. Melphis had a great deal of talent, the most ever seen at this town." Gatta (jumping at Ryudo) "I'm coming Ryudo!" Ryudo "You wuss!" Voice "Ryudo practiced with his best friend Gatta day in and day out, until the sun set on them. But it was Melphis, the sword master, that everyone looked up to." (woman approaches Ryudo and Melphis) "It was not long until Melphis pledged to marry the village chief's daughter, Leena. She was like a sister to Ryudo." (standing, looking into the sunset) Melphis "Just like this sword, we will cut, strong and true. Ryudo "Just like my blade, we will shine pure and true!" Melphis & Ryudo "We will both become remarkable swordsmen with strong wills and good hearts!" Voice "But one day, a heavy storm decended on the town, coupled with a sudden rumbling coming from the God's Body. The God's Body was the name of the sword that protects the town, a sword of unmatched power, a symbol for knights to strive for. Leena went to the shrine to calm the god and try to stop the rumblings in the ground. Everyone waited for Leena to come back safely, but she never returned, and the strange rumbling continued. No one knows what happened to her... During that time, though, a great tragedy occurred. The mayor sent all of the young people to follow Melphis to find out what happened to Leena. But the rain and the quakes just got worse and worse..." Voice "Ryudo went to follow Melphis by himself. But then, he saw it..." Ryudo "Melphis! Leena! (sees Melphis) Melphis! What?!" Melphis (pulling out sword) "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ryudo "Gah!" (after the earthquake) Ryudo "I can't believe it! Why! Why did you do it brother, why?!" Voice "Ryudo cried next to Leena's side. Leena lay dead, pinned to the ground by Melphis' sword. The villagers searched the entire island for Melphis, but never found him. 'Killer', 'The person who destroyed the God's Body temple' - those were Melphis' new names. So, Ryudo had to leave the town, and became a Geohound to support himself. That was three years ago... Elena "Ryudo has been trying to bear the pain of that every day since then" Voice "Ryudo was the one that believed in Melphis more than anyone else, and was betrayed by his brother, he lost all trust in people." Elena "It must be so hard to be thrown out of your town, and so hard to live by yourself..." Voice "As long as you understand that, it will probably be better for him." ------------------------ The next day, Ryudo wakes up, suddenly knowing where Melphis is. He knows that Melphis is at Grail Mountain, the same mountain where the God's Body altar was located. He knows that the next part of Valmar is sealed there: Valmar's Horn. Places: - Garlan General Store ガーラン 雑貨屋 - Garlan Inn ガーラン 宿屋 - Garlan Houses (1-4) ガーラン 民家 (1-4) - Village Chief's House ガーラン 村長の家 - Ryudo's House (no Japanese - boarded up house) Garlan General Store: Weapons 武器 Weaponsmith's Finest 4500G 業物の太刀 +70 Att. Great Sword Mikage 6900G 銘刀 ミカゲ +77 Att. Silver Flail 6800G シルバーフレイル +82 Att., -5 Move Wise Man's Bow 7400G ドキュウ +85 Att Armor 防具 Silver Dress 8000G 銀糸のドレス +40 Def. Warrior's Mail 8500G ウォーリアメイル +45 Def. FeatherFoot Bandanna 3200G イダテンバンダナ +26 Def., +10 Move Battle Helm 3400G バトルヘルム +30 Def. Warrior's Shinguard 1400G 戦士の具足 +10 Def., +10 Def. Accessories 装飾品 Talisman 1500G タリスマン +15 Att., resist poison, para Bead Ring 1500G まが玉 +15 Def., resist sleep, conf. Items 道具 Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Fruit 100G 癒しの果実 Heals 1200 HP; 1 ally Mikeroma Scroll 120G ミケロマの巻き物 Heals 500 HP; party Healing Aroma Herb 400G 癒しの香木 Heals 1000 HP; party Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill Unsealer 50G 秘技の解呪 Unseals sealed skills Magic Unsealer 50G 魔法の解呪 Unseals sealed magic Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Grail Nut 120G グレイルの実 Heals 50 MP; 1 ally Makibishi 150G マキビシ 600 dmg; -1 move; range Dynamite 240G ダイナマイト 1000 dmg; range Lute of Silence 250G 静寂のリュート Seals Magic; range; breaks after many uses Quit やめる --Grail Mountain-- グレイル山 As the party approaches the base of Grail Mountain, Malegg notes that the area looks exactly like what his town looked like after Melphis destroyed it. Before they get much further, Gatta runs up to the party with a note that was pinned to Ryudo's house. It is from Melphis, reminding Ryudo once more that he will be at their childhood plateau, and to meet him there. This is one of the more confusing 'dungeons' in the game, but still, it is nothing that you shouldn't be able to handle. There are some excellent items to seek out, so it is suggested that you do so. After heading through the two areas of the Grail Mountain, you'll reach the third: the ruined temple. Ryudo never thought that he would see this place again. Heading inside, you'll of course find that the temple contains one of Granas' Seal, broken. Ryudo didn't really understand what happened, but he knows that Melphis wanted power so badly that he killed Leena, the woman that he loved. Elena doesn't understand how someone could do that... With nothing else to do inside the chamber, the party will go outside. Melphis will be waiting there, wanting to teach Ryudo a lesson. He runs off, telling Ryudo to follow him... Ryudo and party find that they have one more area to go through before they reach Melphis. When they do, though, he is definitely waiting for them... ------------------------ Melphis "So you've came. I've waited a long time, Ryudo." Ryudo "Melphis! Let's settle this!" Malegg "The time has finally come. I'm going to use my life to take care of you!" Melphis "Ah, your parting words. I'll show you how powerful the God Body is. This power... This is the power that the villagers believed in, the power of justice." Ryudo "What is justice? True justice and power are in people's hearts. It's not some imposter like yourself!" Elena "Are you all right Ryudo?" Ryudo "I'm not going to be tricked by you any more. You're not my brother! You're Valmar!" Melphis "Ah, I see. Anything that I say... We've come to the point where words are simply useless." (Melphis attacks. Once again, this is nothing terribly hard - just pummel with magic and specials, and heal when necessary. Melphis does pack quite a punch, though, so be a bit careful...) Malegg "I'm going to finish you!" Ryudo "Malegg!" Melphis "Ryudo... I... I became Valmar... No... I lost to my desire... I was just a weak little boy... Laugh at me... Ryudo "Brother! Did you return back to normal?" Melphis "Why did I want to be so strong? What have I done until now. It's all.... just emptiness... that's all... that I feel..." Ryudo "Brother! Cheer up! You're back to normal, right?" Melphis "Ryudo... I'm so glad... that I got to see you again... before I died... I know where the thing that you're looking for is... The Holy Sword... Follow Granas Cliff to the east... What a terrible curse... Thank you for saving me... from.. it... Ryudo "Brother! Don't die, brother! Don't die!" Ryudo (gets possessed by Valmar's Horn... draws sword) Malegg "Ryudo!" Ryudo "Gaaaah!" (falls) Elena "No! Ryudo!" Ryudo (collapses) ------------------------ The scene changes to a melancholy one at the village graveyard. The village chief is happy to have put an end to this chapter, and knows that at some point, Melphis did turn back to how he used to be. Gatta speaks up about how much they relied on Melphis, and how they forgot the power to fight and never tried to fight for themselves. He speaks about how it was him that ran away from the fight, not Ryudo. Gatta gets upset that the village has relied on just one warrior, as per the God's Body legend. He says that they need to learn not to rely on a single person, and that they all need to learn to fight. You next see a scene between Tio and Malegg. It turns out that Ryudo is possessed by Valmar's Horn, and Tio says that if it continues, Ryudo might need to be killed. Malegg says that he cannot do that, since he respects Ryudo, but Melphis, who Malegg did not respect, he wanted dead... ------------------------ (Ryudo, lying on the bed, possessed by Valmar's Horn) Elena "Ryudo! Wake up! Please! Even if I am able to take the horn from you, then your heart will die! And if your heart die, then everything that I've believed up to now... Everything I've done up to now... The world... It all means... nothing... I'd do anything to get you back... I'd pray to Valmar if he could save you... no... No! Millenia! Millenia, you can see my heart now. Please, come out and help me!" (pulls out a mirror and talks to Millenia) Millenia "Ah, Ryudo. He was stupid in the end. He let himself be possessed by Valmar. I guess that was the two brother's fate..." Elena "Please, just save Ryudo! I don't care what you have to do! You can take my body! I don't care!" Milln. "You idiot. I am Valmar's Wing! And you're supposed to not let me be complete! If I take this from Ryudo, then I will be one step closer to becoming the complete Valmar." (appears) "Well, it was fun travelling with you Ryudo..." (tries to take the horn) "I can't... I just can't do it. No one else worried about me... No one else but you... If you die, no one would be left to worry about me. You are \ everything. I want you to come back... I want you to be just as you were..." (summons Elena) "Elena! Elena! I'm going to let the horn eat me, but as I am, you have to come in and save Ryudo." Elena "What should I do?" Milln. "You idiot! Call for Ryudo! Get him to come back! There's not much time! Hurry!" Elena "Ryudo! Come back! Come back! ------------------------ You'll now be transported into Ryudo's head, which is filled with flashbacks. During these flashbacks, you'll see his 'friends' and 'family' try to trick him into believing that power is the most important thing. Melphis even goes on to sas that he had to kill Leena because she was possessed by Valmar, and that the only way to beat her was with raw power. Then, Millenia appears and tells Ryudo that true power comes from having a pure heart. It's about having a reason to fight, not just wanting to be strong. Ryudo agrees, and one by one says no to the dark images that Valmar has created to trick him. Power is for protecting people, he thinks. After this, Elena appears, and Ryudo finally has enough strength to break the lies, along with slashing the dark image of Melphis, freeing him from Valmar's Horn. Next, the scene changes to the external of Ryudo, where Elena is kneeling beside him, praying. She is apologising for relying on Millenia, and thus Valmar, to help Ryudo. At this point, Ryudo wakes, and in the end, we find that Millenia sealed the power of Valmar's Horn inside of Ryudo. As long as Ryudo doesn't get greedy, or try to become more powerful than he needs, he'll be fine. However, the moment that he begins to lust after power, he'll become possessed once more by Valmar's Horn, just like his brother was. The next morning, before leaving, Gatta and Ryudo have a discussion by Melphis' grave. Gatta vows to Ryudo that he will become stronger, but with a pure heart and not just for the sake of being strong. He hands Ryudo a Friendship Necklace, and tells Ryudo to come back after everything is finished so that he can show Ryudo how strong he has become. After finishing their discussion, Ryudo and his party head back to the Fifty Fifty, which is still docked at the island. Upon arriving at the boat, Ryudo tells the captain that he wants to go east, just like Melphis said. The captain is a bit surprised, and says that it is a decent ways away, but also says that he isn't one to complain about distance. He said that he would take Ryudo wherever he wanted, and he is a man of his word (and a MAN... of the SEA!)). Before getting on the boat, though, Elena looks a bit down. She doesn't want to tell the captain what is wrong, though he says that any problems of love are ones that he could help her with. After all, he's left many a heartstriken woman behind at port... On the boat, it turns out that Elena is upset because she relied on Millenia, and Valmar, to save Ryudo. She is confused about what exactly Millenia is, and why she wants to help save Ryudo. If she is really Valmar, then she shouldn't be saving him... Ryudo interrupts her thoughts, though, and talks to her a bit. He thanks her for helping save him. Elena wonders, though, why Millenia stopped at just sealing the power, and didn't banish it totally from his body. Ryudo remembers that he should be thanking Millenia as well. Ryudo comments that with a night as beautiful as this, he wouldn't even mind if Millenia comes out. Elena gets upset at this, since Millenia is Valmar, and runs off, very confused... Items to Find: - Makibishi - Grail Nut x2 - Healing Fruit - Blueish-Green Secret Concoction - Facepaint - War God's Protection - Twin Moons - Dynamite - Dark Armor - Skill Unsealer - Bonds of Trust - Earth Axe - 1000G x3 - 3000G x2 + Save/Heal spot Items to Find (after seeing Melphis): - Fairy Ribbon - Grail Nut - Gold Feather - 1000G + Save/Heal spot Enemies: - Crimson Claw - Flame Toads - Clay Birds - Vampire Trees - Magic Stun Snake -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part IV. Arachna Islands アラクナ大裂島 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --West Gorse Forest-- ゴースの森 西 The captain drops you off on the far off, exotic land of the Arachna Islands. When you arrive you must first venture through the jungle. There are many strange plants there, and you should especially be careful of the flowers that shoot out white mist; if you get hit by this mist, the entire party will be poisoned. Before long, you'll come to an area with large black rocks. These are some of the remenents of when Melphis destroyed Malegg's village. A short conversation will ensue where Malegg will describe a bit more about the attack, and then the party will move on, the next destination being Malegg's village. Items to Find: - Healing Aroma Herb - Earthquake Magic Stone - Super Moge Bomb - Paopabu Nut - Sylph Wing Clothes - Aroma Tree Root Cane - 1000G - 3000G Enemies: - Flame Toads - Scaled Fish Warriors --Na-Nan Village-- ナナンの村 When you arrive at Na-nah village you are greeted by one of the townspeople. Malegg tells the man that the Magic Mage of Destruction is no more. He then introduces you as his friends. The townsperson says that any friend of Malegg is a friend of the entire town. After you should go and see the village elder. His house is almost a straight shot from the enterance. After telling the village elder of all that has happened, the elder tells Malegg to continue traveling with you so that he can help stop the evil. The elder then requests Ryudo and Elena's help in setting up the town for a banquet they will have in honor of Malegg's return home. After talking to the village elder you will find yourself in the Na-nan training shed. There is a small, quite easy mini-game in which you must gather as many 'light nuts' for the Kyaro that live in the shed. After doing so you will get the 'Sacred Light Nut'-a very, very useful item. However, on the way out of the shed you fall in some stinky, slime-like stuff. Upon exiting the shed, you find out that the chief sent you into the shed to get some of that stinky slime ooze stuff. Appearantly, most of the Na-nah people love it so much that if they ever go into the shed to get some they never want to come out. After that the banquet begins. The elder tells Ryudo and Elena that since it's a banquet the two should at least contibute something. Elena, being as she is a singing priestess for the Granas church, decides to sing a song for her contribution to the night's activities. After that the Na-nah tribe will sing a song as well. Elena then says that she wants to see the spring at night with Ryudo. Ryudo and Elena go to the spring where Ryudo tries to confess his feelings for Elena. However, the embaressed Elena runs away to the spring saying that she is thirsty and wants some water. When she gets to the spring Mileena appears again, this time saying that she deserves Ryudo not Elena. The two argue over who deserves Ryudo, but in the end Mileena pops out again. After that you will have very brief control over Ryudo. Go look around the spring for Elena. You won't find her but as you leave Mileena will appear and confess her love for you. Ryudo says that he cares deeply for both Mileena and Elena so he can't decide. Mileena being the out-going, go-getter sort of female that she is grabs Ryudo and kisses him. However, that makes Elena pop out again. She sees that Ryudo has kissed Mileena, although not of his own accord, and runs off in a jealous fit. Elena then comes to the conclusion that she never should have focused so much of her energy on her feelings for Ryudo. She has a mission and she must focus on that, not silly feelings of love. After that the party will leave town heading for 'purple tower' where they believe the Holy Sword is. Places: - Na-Nan General Store ナナン 雑貨屋 - Na-Nan Inn ナナン 宿屋 - Na-Nan Houses (1-3) ナナン 民家 (1-3) - Wise Man's House ナナン 長老の家 - Malegg's House ナナン マレッグの家 - Knitting Shack ナナン 機織り小屋 - Training Shed 試練の小屋 Nah-Nahn General Store: Weapons 武器 Silence Sword 8500G サイレンスソード +85 Att., magic sealer Gold Flail 8200G ゴールドフレイル +92 Att., -5 Move Parudish 8000G パルディッシュ +86 Att. Armor 防具 Flying Dragon Vest 9500G 飛竜のベスト +48 Def., +5 Move Red Fur Coat 9200G 赤いファーコート +46 Def., Lv2 Snowstorm resist Dragon Scale Armor 9800G 竜鱗の鎧 +50 Def. Lapis Lazuli Baret 3400G 瑠璃のバレッタ +30 Def. Dragonbone Helmet 4000G 竜骨の兜 +36 Def. Battle Boots 1800G バトルブーツ +12 Move, +12 Def. Accessories 装飾品 Vaccination Amulet 600G 病気の護符 Resist sickness Titan Ring 1800G タイタンリング +20 Att. Items 道具 Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Fruit 100G 癒しの果実 Heals 1200 HP; 1 ally Mikeroma Scroll 120G ミケロマの巻き物 Heals 500 HP; party Healing Aroma Herb 400G 癒しの香木 Heals 1000 HP; party Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill/Magic Unsealer 150G 解呪の巻き物 Heals Magic & Skill Seal Vaccine 100G ワクチン Cures Sickness Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Paopabu Nut 360G パオポフの実 Heals 100 SP Dynamite 240G ダイナマイト 1000 dmg; range Red "Tengu" Mushroom 120G ベニテングタケ 900 dmg; poison; 1 enemy Muscle Mushroom 50G マッスルキノコ +2 Att. level; range Guard Mushroom 50G ガードキノコ def.lev. +2; range Speed Mushroom 50G スピードキノコ act.lev. +2; range Runner Mushroom 50G ランナーキノコ move lev. +2; range Quit やめる --East Gorse Forest-- ゴースの森 東 This is nothing more than another 'dungeon', though a very long and confusing one. Watch out for the short, squat palm trees - occasionally enemies will rush out of them, so be prepared. You'll also find many good items in the forest (some of them hidden in mushrooms), so you'll find that it will be a good thing to explore thouroughly. After passing through both areas, you'll find yourself on the area map again. It might be a decent idea to grab a bunch of SC and MC here if you are lacking - this is a good place to do so, and you'll find that you'll probably need them in the coming areas... Items to Find: - Resurrection Magic Stone - Stablizer - Paopabu Nut - Seed of Magic Power - Red "Tengu" Mushroom - God Dragon Scale - Seed of Speed - Speed Mushroom - Runner Mushroom - Black Belt - Resurrection Potion - Wolf Boots - Vaccine - 1000G x3 - 3000G Enemies: - Fenni Bird - Giga Mantis - Magic Stun Snake - Vampire Trees --Valley of Earth-- 大地の狭間 The Valley of Earth dungeon is almost a straight climb down a windy mountain road. Quite a few good items lie here and there so take your time. Also while walking down the path it's best to stick to the inside because the rock beneath you sometimes breaks away causing some minor damage. Before long you arrive at the huge 'wind wall'. The Holy Sword is on the other side but when Ryudo tried to get in he was knocked back by the strength of the wind. Tio notices the broken remains of some of her compatriots near the wall. They appearantly began charged straight at the wall even though they knew they would die, but as Tio puts "an order is an order". After that you will wind to the left a little bit and come across a robot base dug into the cliff wall... Items to Find: - Healing Fruit - Seed of Skill - Energy Ring - Magic Unsealer - Vaccine - Seed of Attack Speed - Skill/Magic Unsealer - Fire Bomb Arrow - Demon's Tear - Healing Aroma Herb x2 - 'Man' Steel Geta Shoes - Discus - The 'MAN' Headband - 1200G x3 - 3600G x2 Enemies: - Giga Mantis - Fenni Bird - Desert Divers --Demon's Row-- デモンズロウ When you arrive at Demon's Row, Tio tells you that if you are able to destory the core reactor then the wind wall will disappear. There is not much to this dungeon. Matter of fact, it consists merely of 3 bosses. As per usual, they aren't very difficult to defeat. The final boss is one of the robot commanders. It attempts to shut down Tio manually, but by now she was traveled with the party so long that she resists the manual override and challenges the commander saying that "I am my own master". WreckGuarder Naga Queen Tio Commander After destroying the generator the crew heads outside. To their amazement the Holy Sword lies right in front of them. All 100 feet of it. Nobody ever expected the Holy Sword to have been built to god scale but nonetheless they go to check it out. As they approach the sword, Selena approaches from behind accompanied by a holy knight. ------------------------ Selena "Elena. Good job!" Elena "Selena! Why are you here?" Selena "You did a really good job. I'm sure that Pope Zera will be very happy. I came to help you. Wake up Valmar! (cuts wrist) I give my very blood to you so that you may have life! The time for you to rise again is now!" Elena "What? What's going on!?" Elena "Selena! What are you doing?" Selena "This is Valmar's body! I give this to you, great Valmar!" (knight falls in) "Please accomplish your mission with flying colors." Malegg "That crazy bitch. Oh no... That smell..." Ryudo "Is she crazy or something? Oh no! Look out!" Ryudo "Oh shit! We have to stop that thing somehow!" Malegg "How should we get near it?" Elena "This is my duty. I understand now." Ryudo "Elena? What's the matter?" Elena "Millenia! You're free to do what you will!" Millenia (after coming out) "It's just like they planned all along. Oh well. Let's do it." Ryudo "Millenia? What in the hell is going on?" Milln. "I'll tell you about it later. Right now we have to stop this bastard. I'll help you do it. Let's go!" ------------------------ The party hitches a right with Millenia piggy-back style. She takes them into the center of Valmar's body. From there you start another dungeon. This dungeon is choc full of buttons to press and blocks to push. Also, while traversing the arteries, about midway you will come across a revolving chamber. Press the button in the center and the floors will flip. On the way to the chamber you should have seen several treasure chests under the floor. You will now be able to get those. Also there is a switch in a room right before the revolving chamber. You may have to go back and press the switch before going into the revolving chamber or else the door you need to go through my be sealed. Items to Find: - Phoenix Hat - Hero Revival Potion - Red Sparrow Magic Stone - Exorcism Bow - Cure All - 3600G + Save/Heal spot --Valmar's Body-- ヴァルマーの体 After defeating the core of Valmar's body, the remains will begin to crumble and fall apart. The party will soon find themselves on the ground, back outside, watching as Millenia takes Valmar's Body into her as well. Once the party fully wakes up, Ryudo will ask what is to become of Elena. Millenia falls to her knees, confused, having simply wanted her own body. She then disappears in the usual ball of light, Elena sitting in her place when it dims. The party then takes a look at the huge Granas Sable, now toppled and lying on the ground. Of course, Ryudo still has no clue how he is going to transport it... Tio walks up to Ryudo and says that she will deal with it, promptly transporting them inside the Sable, to what turns out to be the central control center. Tio walks over to part of the control center and activates it, causing the Sable to begin to move. You'll next be treated to a nice FMV as the Sable takes off. The party pauses for a moment, enjoying the view from the Sable. Tio then comes over, telling them that she has set the Sable to land at Saint Heim. Ryudo congradulates the party on a job well done, but Elena isn't so sure. Ryudo pauses for a moment, trying to figure out why Selena did what she did with Valmar's Body. As Elena obviously has not heard from Zera, they decide that they will just have to wait and talk to the Pope when they get to Saint Heim. It is at this point that Elena says that she is tired, and Tio shows her to a place that she can rest. As she stands in her room on the Sable, Elena ponders quietly about taking Ryudo to see the Pope because of Valmar's Horn still being inside him. Before she can get much further, though, a mirror pops up bearing Millenia's reflection. She is upset, having just wanted a body when Zera does nothing but imprison her. The two get into an argument about what they really want, and why they are doing the things that they are. Elena begins to tell Millenia to disappear, that she never wants to see her again. The scene changes once more to the main control room, where Ryudo is wondering why Elena isn't happy. Suddenly, the room darkens, and the camera shifts to Elena, who begins to babble about the Day of Darkness, and how it cannot really be happening. Items to Find: - Resist Dress - Blueish-Green Secret Concoction - Golden Secret Concoction - Cure-All - God Lightning Stone - Pretty Armlet x3 - Ninja Clothes - Lute of Silence - Pretty Necklace - Thick Gold Helmet - Fire Amulet - Seed of Magic Power - Gold Feather - Rainbow High Heels - Bonds of Trust - 1500G x2 - 4500G + Save/Heal spot + Save/Heal spot + Save/Heal spot Enemies: - Venomous Rapper - Immune Cell - Brain Bat - Tarantula - Dino Freezer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part V. The Endgame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Saint Heim Holy City-- セントハイム法国 You'll now see a scene with some very bothered Saint Heim townspeople. They run to Pope Zera to see what he can do. They wonder, though, how this actually happened, and why the priests appeared to have lied. It is now that the party lands. Townspeople run up them, telling Ryudo and his friends that the Granas Knights are on a rampage, killing any and all that try to approach the temple. Ryudo cannot believe this, and heads to the temple to check it out (though taking a quick time-out at the inn to heal and save, as well as shopping for new weapons at the general store). Heading through the gates, you'll see the maruading Granas Knights. They attack almost immediately. Compared to the bosses that you have been fighting, they prove to be a piece of cake. After defeating them (which can be done in a single spell), you'll find that they are not actually people, but something more along the lines of what Tio is, a sort of robot or marionette. At this point there is no time to lose; quickly head to the temple, there you'll find more knights, along with Selena... ------------------------ Selena "Ha ha ha ha. Wait a second. Stop being so stupid." (knights stop, and retreat) Ryudo "Selena! Why did you order them to kill the townspeople?" Selena "Unfortunately, I'm sorry, but I didn't order them to do that." Ryudo "Is this what the teachings of Granas are all about? Why do you do such things? When you revieved Valmar's body, what were you thinking?" Elena "Selena..." Selena "You don't understand, right? You don't understand anything... Ignorance is such bliss..." Ryudo "What do you mean?" Selena "Don't you think that this world is strange? Why is it so painful, so ugly? Everything is caused by the sin in people's hearts. Weak people have no power, and only rely on the Gods. Yet when the darkness comes, they say that they cannot believe the Gods..." Ryudo "So you would decide to kill everyone?" Selena "Stupid humans... the only true salvation for them is death. I was merely saving them. " Elena "But why do you have to go this far?" Selena "Elena... Elena, you aren't forgetting your duty, are you? Ryudo "Elena... what is she talking about? Selena "What do you believe in right now? Do you believe that boy? I'm different. I will accomplish Pope Zera's wishes. That is my only dream." (knights assemble) "Why did you make me suffer so much? Why didn't you wrap me with your love? Watch me! Watch my true feelings, Pope Zera!" ------------------------ At this point, you'll be attacked by yet another body part... Granas' Heart. You'll find that the fight is another simple one. After it, Elena will do something surprising - she herself will suck in Valmar's Heart, not Millenia. It turns out that she was told by the Pope to absorb all of Valmar's parts, and then kill herself to seal off Valmar forever. However, she is still missing one part: the Horn that is sealed in Ryudo. She runs off, thinking that she needs to sacrifice herself to save Ryudo. Ryudo follows her, knowing that he needs to save her. Inside the church you'll find Oro laying on the ground, dying, and babbling about Zera and a holy door. He dies before saying much more, and the party heads up the stairs into the holy door... The scene now changes to Zera and Elena, speaking at the top of the church. Ryudo runs up, asking what Zera plans on doing with Elena. Elena gets upset, as she told him not to follow her. She then begs Zera to kill Valmar, and he says that the preparations have already been made. The Pope pauses, saying that he never paid Ryudo for his work, and offers to show him the true form of this world instead if he merely follows him. The party heads into the nearby room... ------------------------ Zera "Light and darkness are eternal opposites. If there is darkness in people's hearts, there is also light. It gives birth to both good and bad. But this world is shrouded in darkness... And soon it will be destroyed." Elena "What are you saying? Why did you make us find the Granas Sable? Haven't you already prepared to seal Valmar? If that is so, all we need to do is pray to Granas." Zera "You would think that. But the darkness is strong, and the light is weak. Why do you think that is?" (pauses) "On a faraway star, darkness and light had continually fought a grueling battle. There are people that believe in the light, as well as those that believe in the dark. That is why the Great War occurred. The war showed which was actually stronger. Look, and see the truth..." (FMV starts) Zera "On a faraway star, there was a world of light and happiness blessed by Granas. The people were happy under the light of Granas. But then Valmar came. He ruined all the light and darkened people down to their very hearts. Thus, darkness and light must fight; that is their destiny. The fight continued over and over again without reaching a real end. But then, the time finally came. The darkness and the light clashed, and..." Ryudo "What? Is this the truth?" Zeda "Yes. The true ending was that Granas died, a long time ago. The fight ended with darkness winning." (end FMV) Elena "Granas... died?" Zera "Yes. That's why there is no reason to believe that people have light in their hearts. There is no way to protect against the darkness. The world will soon be destroyed." Malegg "Then why did you make us look for the Granas Sable?" Zera "There's no reason to think that you can destroy Valmar with the sword of a dead god. Don't you agree?" Elena "What are you talking about?" Zera "That idiot Melphis... If he had just found the Granas Sable sooner, I wouldn't have had to use you. I needed to find Valmar's Body and since it lie sleeping with Granas Sable, I needed to find that sword." Ryudo "What are you saying?" Zera "That's right. Selena accomplished her final mission. I put the heart of Valmar in her. My goal... is the revival of Valmar! Darkness is strong, and light is weak..." Ryudo "If you revive the evil dark god, do you think that he'll just let you live?" Zera "Perhaps not. But the only way to save this planet is to use Valmar's dark power..." (glyphs change) Elena "Why are the dark glyphs here?" Zera "Granas' singing priestess. In you is the evil power of Valmar, and I shall call it out of you! The time has come, Elena." Elena "NO! Zera "I will do of what you have always wanted - I will rid you of Millenia. Come this way, my child..." Elena "Ryudo!" Zera "Ha ha ha ha ha! Valmar will soon be revived! Watch the dark moon in awe!" (Zera and Elena disappear) ------------------------ After Elena and Zera disappear, on their way to the moon, Tio remarks that they can use the Granas Sable to get to the moon. However, there is a chance that they will not have the energy to get back, as well as the possibility that Valmar's Horn may revive. Ryudo is determined to get Elena back, though, and heads back to the hill near the Granas Sable to try to do so... ------------------------ Ryudo "So that's Valmar's moon." Malegg "It really is a frightening sight. That's the source of all the destruction... Ryudo "Tio! Full speed ahead!" Tio "Ok! ------------------------ Places: - Saint Heim General Store セントハイム法国 雑貨屋 - Saint Heim Inn セントハイム法国 宿屋 - Saint Heim Bakery セントハイム法国 パン屋 - Saint Heim Library セントハイム法国 図書館 - Saint Heim Houses (1-4) セントハイム法国 民家 (1-4) - Saint Heim Ranch セントハイム法国 放牧場 Saint Heim General Store: Weapons 武器 Holy Sword Soulblade14000G 聖剣ソルブレード +112 Att., lowers opp. def.lev. with attack Priest's Mace 12000G 司祭のしゃく杖 +99 Att., casts Harbell Rune Axe 13500G ルーナックス +107 Att., lowers IP Armor 防具 Priest's Holy Garb 16000G 司祭の法衣 +54 Def., resist poison, para, sickness Priest's Cap 5800G 司祭の帽子 +36 Def., resist magic & skill seal Accessories 装飾品 Herakles Belt 6200G ヘラクレスの帯 +40 Att. General's Armlet 5000G 将軍の腕輪 +40 Def. Savior's Token 4000G 救護の礼 Slowly refills HP Healing Ring 500G 癒しの指輪 +5 Def., casts Keroma Anti-Poison Amulet 250G 毒の護符 Poison Resist Insomnia Amulet 250G 睡眠の護符 Protect against sleep Anti-Paralyze Amulet 250G 麻痺の護符 Paralyze Resist Anti-Skill Seal Amulet400G 技封じの護符 Protect agnst. skill seal Anti-Magic Seal Amulet400G 魔封じの護符 Protect agnst. magic seal Items 道具 Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Fruit 100G 癒しの果実 Heals 1200 HP; 1 ally Redrum 250G 真紅の秘薬 Heals 1600 HP; 1 ally Healing Aroma Herb 400G 癒しの香木 Heals 1000 HP; party Blueish-Green 750G 紺碧の秘薬 Heals 1500 HP; party Secret Concoction Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill/Magic Unsealer 150G 解呪の巻き物 Heals Magic & Skill Seal Vaccine 100G ワクチン Cures Sickness Cure-All 500G 万能薬 Heals all status Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Butter Roll 120G バターロール Heals 50 SP; 1 ally Fresh Sandwich 100G フレッシュサンド Heals 600 HP; cures Poison, Para.; 1 ally Super Moge Bomb スーパーモゲ爆弾 1000 dmg; strong IP dmg.; range Sacred Ash 200G 聖灰 700 dmg; strong against undead Holy Electric Mag.St. 750G 電神の秘石 1500 dmg; eff.vs. evil; electricity; all Strength of 10,000 20G 万人力の果実 +1 Att. level; range Men Fruit Resistance Fruit 20G 忍耐の果実 def.lev. +1; range Adrenaline Fruit 20G 感応の果実 act.lev. +1; range Speed Fruit 20G 早駆けの果実 speed +1 Quit やめる --Valmar's Moon-- ヴァルマーの月 Upon arriving on Valmar's moon you'll find yourself directly in front of a dungeon. Being as the "Ancient Magic War of the Gods" was a long, long time ago, there are no cities on the moon. Thus, Valmar's moon isn't too terribly confusing. You will have to press a few buttons and move a few stones in order to reach the inner chamber where Zera has taken Elena captive. Unfortunately, when you finally find Zera he is on the level below where you are. The see-through glass that encases the inner-chamber is impenetrable Ryudo can't get in no matter how hard he beats on the glass. Fortunately, after a boss monster comes up to attack, you are able to sneak down to the level where Zera is, but he is once again encased in an unbreakable see-through shield. Zera throws typical garden variety amount of "you are pathetic" and "I am unstoppable"-type taunts in your way. ------------------------ Zera (laughs) "The resurrection of Valmar has begun. Who gives a damn about you anymore? I will rid myself of this restrictive body which binds me, and then I shall become Valmar's will and control him in order to make a complete and perfect world. Now the time has finally come!" Millenia "Whatever! There's no way I could lose to some buster like you! What! I... I can't move. My power is... fading. I'm... I'm being eaten!" Zera (laughs again) "Everything is for the new world: the world as I will it!" Milln. "Ryudo, I'm fading!" Ryudo "Zera! Stop it! Elena... Millenia... Zera, stop saying such things. A perfect world?! That's total bullshit!" Zera "Yes, a world with one single complete god to rule over it. A world with no life or death. The day of darkness will come and go and after that the only thing remaining will be my will. How utterly perfect!!" Ryudo "No!! Stop it!! Elena... Millenia... Give them back!!" Zera "Scream! Louder and louder! Your screams will ring out all over the world and soon they will become the voice that awakens Valmar!" (Millenia regains consciousness) Zera "What!? That's impossible!" Milln. "Zera, I'll never let you have your way. Ryudo, take Elena and get out of here. Uhhh." Malegg "Hold on, Millenia!" Tio "Mileenia..." Zera (laughs) "Did you really think you could do anything to stop me? Now it's time for you to give me all of your power." Milln. "I'm glad I met you and got to love you Ryudo. Elena is... me. Ryudo! No matter what happens you and Elena must live!" Ryudo "Millenia!!" Milln. "I will protect you... so live!" (Mileenia teleports the party away) "...Ryudo...don't ever forget me." Zera "How trifling. What!? You say your horn is missing? Where is it? Well, it doesn't really matter. The resurrection of Valmar has begun. I shall be the controlling will of Valmar." (Millenia uses her last remaining amount of energy to free Elena and teleport the party to the surface of the moon. While attempting to escape you will fight 3 mid-level battles against some of Valmar's new minions. However, before you get into the first battle you should resurrect Elena or she will start the battles unconscious. After the third battle you'll reach the Granas Sable. However, the group seems to be in a tough spot due to their lack of power. Malegg holds off the enemies while your party thinks of what to do.) Malegg "Do whatever you have to. Just make sure you escape from here. We don't have a chance of surviving at this rate." Tio "But there's not enough power left in Granas Sable." Malegg "Do something...anything...just find a way to get out of here." Tio "Granas Sable, lend me your power. Please...Fly!" Ryudo "Malegg, we gotta go now. Come on." Malegg "Don't move from that spot." (Malegg is impaled by a Valmar fly). Argghhhh! All "Malegg!!!" Malegg "You must not move..." (Malegg takes a massive swing at the enemies clearing them out) "Raaah!! Tio... It'll be all right. I'll come soon." Tio "I can't leave you here." Malegg "Go Tio! Don't worry. You already understand. Just don't think about it. Got it?" (FMV begins) Malegg "Granas! This is my life's only wish. If there is any power left in this body of mine, use it to make this ship fly!" (Malegg is now overrun by Valmar's minions and his life force merges into the Granas Sable) Ryudo & Tio "Malegg!" ------------------------ In the end The Granas Sable has just enough power to outrun the exploding moon in Return of the Jedi fashion, and crash-lands on the main planet near the Kingdom of Sairam. Items to find: - Lion's Harp - Lion Boots - King of the Jungle War Axe - Blueish-green Secret Concoction - God Lightning Magic Stone - Silver Feather x2 - Demon Ash - Mysterious Veil - Miraculous Resurrection Potion - Cure-All - Indigo Secret Concoction - Moonlight Stone Armor - Reflect Helm - Crimson Secret Concoction - Gold Secret Concoction - Lunar Shadow Tiara - Meteo Scroll - Scatter Magic Stone - 2000G x3 - 6000G x2 + Save/Heal Spot x3 Enemies: - Nyarumott - Evil Manuver - Salamandail - Dragon Knight --The Kingdom of Sairam: South--           サイラム王国―南 When you crash land, you'll find your party surround by rubble. Be sure to search around the rubble for the "Misanga"(ミサンガ)because you use it to add all of Malegg's stored up SC points back to your SC total. As you begin to leave this area you will be treated to another complimentary FMV sequence in which Valmar's minions begin attacking Sairam. --The Kingdom of Sairam: North-- サイラム王国―北 When you get to Sairam, you'll bump into King Roan just in time to help him fight off some Valmar Wangs. After the battle you'll start back to the Sairam castle where Ryudo and Elena discuss how they weren't able to stop Zera and how they lost a valuable friend. Following that the king calls for you in his executive room. Before arriving Roan has a talk with Tio about "the human heart". Tio says that she finally felt what it is to have a heart when Malegg died. However, she said she never knew having a heart would cause her so much emotional pain. Roan explains how having a heart makes humans "human". When Ryudo and Elena arrive Roan reports the bad news: there isn't any known way to stop Valmar. Ryudo, still angered about losing Malegg and Millenia, says that he wants to use Valmar's Horn to fight back at Valmar since he isn't complete yet. However, Roan tells Ryudo that the best thing for them to do is to run away so that the horn will not fall into Valmar's hands. Ryudo argues for a while, but then realizes that the others are right and that they should run away from Sairam if possible. On the way out of Sairam, Valmar gives you the "evil eye" in full motion glory which symbolizes that he knows where you are and that you cannot run. You'll also have to fight one more battle against the Valmar Yangs before leaving. Following this, Ryudo takes a swing another warp porthole that a Yang is about to enter. Unfortunately the porthole appears over the body of a child's wounded and presumably dead mother. The child, seeing that Ryudo has sliced her mother, runs off crying. Ryudo then says that he is the same as Melphis. The others tell him it wasn't the same thing and the party leaves Sairam, but one can easily sense that with no way to stop Valmar and Ryudo becoming more and more negative, things look grim for the party. A final note before you leave: be sure and check out the weapon shop as soon as you enter town because you can get some new, albeit expensive, weapons there. Once you're finished there, you have a quick choice to make: either continue on with the plot and head back to Kingdom of Sairam: South, or take a quick side trek to the Bonus Area (which is completely optional), Raul Hills. If you choose to skip the Raul Hills, skip the next section; if not, read on. Enemies: - Valmar Yang Places: - Sairam General Store サイラム王国 雑貨屋 - Sairam Inn サイラム王国 宿屋 - Sairam Houses (1-4) サイラム王国 民家 (1-4) - Sairam Harbor サイラム王国 港 Sairam General Store: Weapons 武器 Red Lotus Sword 17000G 紅蓮の剣 +120 att. Fire Ice Fang Sword 18000G 氷牙の剣 +122 att. Snowstorm Thunder Sword 19000G 雷鳴の剣 +125 att. Lightning Caution Staff 11800G 戒の杖 +108 att. Seals magic/skill Shrine Staff 15500G 鎮守の杖 +118 att. Earth Huge Flail 17000G ヒュージフレイル +128 att. -5 move Sword Breaker 14500G ソードブレイカー +110 att. Lowers att.lev. Wind Cutter 18000G ウィンドカッター +122 att. Wind Magic God Shuriken 19800G 魔神手 剣 +128 att. +5 action Armor 防具 Aura Armor 19800G オーラアーマー +64 def. Skill power dmg. up Charisma Helm 8000G カリスマヘルム +38 def. +5 action Magic High Heels 1100G 魔法ハイヒール +12 Move +8 def. Battle Boots 1800G バトルブーツ +12 Move +12 def. Accessories 装飾品 General's Armlet 5000G Godly Speed Ring 2500G Anklet 1000G アンクレット +40 Move Fire Amulet 400G 火の御符 Lv5 Fire Resist Wind Amulet 400G 風の御符 Lv5 Wind Resist Earth Amulet 400G 土の御符 Lv5 Earth Resist Lightning Amulet 400G 稲妻の御符 Lv5 Lightning Resist Snowstorm Amulet 400G 吹雪の護符 Lv5 Snowstorm Resist Items 道具 Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Fruit 100G Crimson Secret Conc. 250G Healing Aroma Fruit 400G Blueish-Green ScrtCon 750G Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill & Magic Unsealer Vaccine Cure-all 500G Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Biobabu Nut 360G Magic Power Potion 360G 魔力の薬 Silver Feather 500G シルバーフェザー Super Moge Bomb 1000G スーパーモゲ爆弾 Fire Magic Stone 200G 火炎の魔石 650 dmg; fire; range Wind Magic Stone 200G 疾風の魔石 700 dmg; wind; 1 line Quake Magic Stone 200G 地震の魔石 650 dmg; earth; range Electric Magic Stone 250G 電雷の魔石 750 dmg; lightning; resist para.; range Ice Fang Magic Stone 150G 氷牙の魔石 1200 dmg; snowstorm; God Lightning MgcStn 750G Red Sparrow MgcStn 250G 朱雀の秘石 Fire Bomb Arrow 500G 石火矢 Quit やめる --Bonus Dungeon: Raul Hills-- スペシャルステージーラウル丘陵 This stage has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot of the story; it can be totally skipped if the player wishes do so. That said, however, it does have some fantastic items that should not be missed. While the inside of this dungeon haven't changed a fraction since the last time you came here, the enemies that now lurk there are extremely dangerous. As a matter of fact, there is one kind of enemy that is guarding the main treasure of this stage that has a magic so strong it can wipe your whole party out in one shot - that's something not even the last boss can do! Called "Big Devils," they appear in groups of 4, have a good speed rating, and like to cast Dezun, a magic that does about 4500 damage to all party members. When fighting them, the best strategy is to always get the first move. Then check to see which, if any, of them are planning on using Dezun. If any of them are, make sure that you either Cancel or Kill them; if not, you'll find that it will be Game Over. Continue to clean out all of the Big Devil groups one by one until none are left, then go and get all of that good booty. Make sure you get the Fairy Egg, Astral Miracle, and Dead Soldier's Spirit. The Astral Miracle doubles the SC you get for winning a battle (just by merely having the item in your item list, you don't have to equip it) and the Dead Soldier's Spirit doubles the amount of experience points that you receive after a battle (you don't need to equip this one either). After clearing out the dungeon, head back out, take a well deserved rest, and continue on to the Kingdom of Sairam: South knowing that the hardest part of the game is behind you. Enemies: - Chameleon - Nyarumott - Dragon Knight - Snow Leopard - Big Devil Items to find: - Golden Nuts - Energy Charm - Sonic Belt - Mage King's Necklace - Fairy Egg - Astral Miracle - Platinum Feather - Dead Soldier's Spirit - Magic Technique --The Birthplace of the Gods-- 神々生地 Right as you re-enter the Kingdom of Sairam: South, you'll see yet another FMV cut-scene. Valmar's power is growing, and with it, a black muck-like substance is also advancing across the land. (during FMV sequence) Zera "Sinful humans, witness the rebirth of your god... and with it, judgement shall be passed." After the FMV is over, the party sees the huge mass oozing toward them and realize there is nowhere to run or hide where Valmar won't find them. Ryudo once again suggests facing Valmar instead of running. However, while discussing the best way of handling Valmar, Ryudo says the word "grave" which reminds Roan of something - the tomb of the gods that he visited as a young child. The tomb is located in the "Kingdom of Sairam - South" nearby where you crash landed the Granas Sable. You have one more chance to tackle the bonus dungeon, Raul Hills, or you can procede on to the "Birthplace of the Gods" Tomb. The party enters the "God's Tomb," but although Roan has the key (his mother's keepsake again), he can't find the lock. Fortunately, seeing as this installation is not all that different from the one Tio was at, she knows right where it is. The party prepares themselves, and enters the dungeon. This dungeon is probably the most confusing dungeon in the game. When you enter it, if you walk straight you will immediately come to a stone pillar. The inscription says: Those who pray to the light should struggle to find your way under the blue earth, red sun, and yellow moon. Those who merely pretend to pray to the light but really oppose it should hide the moon and gather at the dark side of it. This is a pretty decent puzzle and it is fairly easily solved. Those of you wanting a crack at it skip the rest of the paragraph, as it holds the answer. That said, there are three different colored orbs in this dungeon: blue, red, and yellow. You should first activate the blue orb by pressing your action button behind it. Next, you'll need to descend to the third floor where you will activate the yellow orb in the same fashion. After that, head back up to the second floor; you should now be able to activate the red orb. However, this installation is in the land of "the people of the dark," so you'll want to follow the last part of the instructions as well. In order to hide the moon you must de-activate the yellow orb, but only after you have activated every orb. Simply put, this is the correct order: blue on -> yellow on -> red on -> yellow off. Now you should be able to get to the lower level of the third floor by using the elevator. This dungeon holds some items that you are not going to want to miss, including the Dragon Egg and the Wiseman's Book. Try different combinations of turning of certain orbs and leaving others on. Once again, those of you wanting to find these two items on your own need not read the hints section at the end of this FAQ. Throughout the course of the dungeon you'll have to fight a couple of mini-bosses that appear on the way to the final part of the dungeon, but there isn't a final boss in the stage so you can use special skill moves or magic attacks without having to worry a larger enemy at the end. Eventually, if you solve the major puzzle of this dungeon, you'll find yourself on the bottom level of the third floor. Upon entering the room you will meet Elmo, the commander of this facility. ------------------------ Elmo "Granas visited this world a long time ago. His light covered the world and that light gave the people power. People prayed to Granas and those prayers changed into physical energy. The people used prayers to power their world and Granas continued to give power to the people. He never forced anyone to do anything; he let people freely decide and live for themselves. But, before long, the desire for power eventually led the people to make praying a mandatory thing. In search of the ultimate path of god, the people spread limitlessly outward into space, further and further. Eventually the people began to stop thinking for themselves. Perhaps this was Granas' goal all along. "A few groups of people felt that to worship Granas blindly was too dangerous, so they searched for and found a power with which they \ could stand up against Granas with. The power was called Valmar. Valmar had the power to disrupt the lifeforce of living things. As a result, people eventually came to have the power to destroy their entire planet. The followers of Valmar used the long-wished for power of Valmar against the worshippers of Granas. In the end, Granas was destroyed and Valmar's main, central body was shattered. However, Valmar continued to grow by using man's desire for power and for destroying things. Even now his power continues to expand. "Valmar's core is powered by the wills of men. The thing which you call a 'seal' is really a device that controls Valmar by using the ideas, dreams, drives, and prayers of men. Those dreams, ideas, drives, and prayers are what are maintaining Valmar's core." Ryudo "So, if you can control your emotions and not get carried away then Valmar can't steal your soul." Elmo "Yes. There is good enough reason to believe that to be so." Tio "Well we cannot be 100% sure, but it seems possible to use the powers of Valmar's horn in some other way motivated that is not motivated by evil, like the Granas Sable does." Roan "But can we really believe that to be true?" Elena "If Ryudo isn't able to protect and preserve the pureness and righteousness in his heart then he would become Valmar." Roan "It would mean the rebirth of a new Valmar! A complete Valmar!" Ryudo "Elmo, fire up the system." All "WHAT!!" Tio "I don't think that man is capable of controlling his emotion, however much you want to save this planet. If you lose to the anger inside yourself then you will meet the same fate as Melphis did." Roan "Yeah! If that happens then what will you do?" Elena "No. Don't do it. I don't want to see you become Valmar." Ryudo "It'll be all right, Elena. I won't lose to him. Whatever happens to me, I will not lose! I think that my want to protect you will be the thing that saves me from becoming Valmar. I believe in that." Elena "Ryudo..." Ryudo "Elena, there's no other way. If I don't go, then everyone will die." Elmo "The system is now active and ready to go." Ryudo "Tio, there's something I want to apologize about." Tio "What is it?" Ryudo "When I saw you struggling to understand what a person's heart is, I remembered how I treated you like some non-living doll or something. I feel very bad about that. I'm sorry." Tio "Ryudo, don't worry about it. Your trip is probably destined to fail... but... I believe in you. I want to see what will be in store for the future of the human race. I like humans. Ryudo, please make my dream come true." Ryudo "Roan, whatever happens to me, however terrible, you take shelter with the others as far away from here as possible. Good luck, your Majesty." Roan "I have been able find something so special while traveling with you. And it's all thanks to you." Ryudo "No, it's thanks to you Roan." Roan "Come back safe! No matter what, come back safely!" (Elena runs to the corner crying) Elena "Why does it have to be like this? I wanted to save everyone. I did everything that I could but why then can't we be together? Where did I go wrong?" Ryudo "You didn't do anything wrong. Everything you tried to do until now has been right... and that's why I am able to go - because I know that we are right in doing this. Even if there's the chance that I might die, I want to protect you. I want you to keep on living and sharing your kindness with others." Elena "Ryudo..." Ryudo "Live, Elena!" Elmo "I will now unseal Valmar's horn. Please move to the system's central platform." (Ryudo gets on the platform and Elena jumps on after him) Elena "I want to believe in you... but... but... Please give me some of your strength." (pillar raises) Elena "Thank you, Ryudo. I don't care whatever shape you change into. Come back safely!" Ryudo "I promise I will. I will make it out all right." ------------------------ After hearing the story about what really happened during the Ancient Magic War of the Gods, Ryudo decides to enter the hologram-type chamber and have the Horn unsealed. Basically Ryudo is going within his own soul to battle against the horn... Enemies: - Hibagon - Death Dobberman - Emerald Haniwa - Ancient Warrior Items to find: - Hero's Breastplate - Fire Magic Stone - Quake Magic Stone - Red Rum - Wind Magic Stone - Valkyrie Dress - Angel Ring - Indigo Secret Concoction - Cure all - Hero Revival Potion - Hyper Moge bomb x2 - Gold Feather - Holy Crown - Sun Dress - Mysterious Secret Concoction - Ether Miracle - Dragon Egg - Super Moge bomb - Wild God's amulet - 2500G - 7500G + Save/heal spot x3 --Inside Ryudo's Soul-- 理念開放部 Ryudo will start on several narrow platforms that are surrounded by a lava-like substance. There are three main areas in which he will be asked questions. If you successfully answer a question that path you took to that part will be incinerated by a huge column of lava. Here are the questions: 1. Do you wish to become a god, or hope that some miracle happens to save you? - Yes, I want to be a god! - No, that's not what I want. 2. Do you want the strength of a god? The power to assert your version of justice onto the people? - Yes, I want the power of a god! - No. 3. What is love to you? Is it having others help you and depending on them so that you can cure the loneliness in your heart? Do you want to have a warm and happy heart by stealing the hearts of others? - Actually I have been quite lonely and sad, lately. - No. You're wrong. It's probably pretty obvious but you will want to choose "no" for all three questions. However, after you do Valmar's voice rings out telling you that if you don't have a need for any power then there is no reason for you to be here. Since you have failed the test the platform you are on breaks away and you fall into the lava. At this time back outside, the party, after being summoned by one of Roan's men to help fight against the Valmar Yangs, have exited the tomb. After exiting, the group sees Valmar, who is extremely close to the party. The people below run away screaming. Roan tells the people not to be afraid because that will just make Valmar stronger. Elena then begins to sing in order to calm the people. The scene now switches back to Ryudo. Ryudo has been transformed into a Valmar Yang for his failure. Ryudo begins to falter when he thinks he has failed, but he regains his confidence. He knows that he has not failed. He says that he believes in people and that he wants to save them. Before long Ryudo begins to hear Elena's sing. This gives empowers his conviction and he begins to have even more confidence. The scene switches back to where the party is, only this time instead of running the people are holding candles and singing. The camera pans over a few different locations where all the people are getting together and singing against their fears and Valmar. You'll regain control of the party for a moment here, giving you the chance to wander throughout the crowd and talk to the people. As it will turn out, one is a shopkeeper who stocks some very nice items - you'll definitely want to take the time to check him out. Eventually a Ryudo appears next to the party via warp porthole... ------------------------ Elena "Welcome back, Ryudo!" Ryudo "Thanks. I heard your song." Roan "Ryudo! You won, right?!" Elena "Ryudo can't lose... ever." Tio "The power of believing in someone is very strong, isn't it? A human's heart is connected to the hearts of the people that he cares for." Roan "Does that sword contain the power to defeat Valmar?" Ryudo "Yes, this is our power! Valmar, here I am. This is the power that will destroy you - the power of the human heart!" ------------------------ He explains that he has conquered his fears and that he has received the Holy Sword - the weapon they can use to defeat Valmar. Ryudo raises the sword above his head and then releases a huge energy blast. The blast destroys all of the black ooze that Valmar had spread across the land. After that, Ryudo and party use the power of the sword to fly into Valmar's body where the final dungeon will begin. Wandering Salesman: Weapons 武器 Red Lotus Sword 17000G 紅蓮の剣 +120 att. Fire Ice Fang Sword 18000G 氷牙の剣 +122 att. Snowstorm Thunder Sword 19000G 雷鳴の剣 +125 att. Lightning Caution Staff 11800G 戒の杖 +108 att. Seals magic/skill Shrine Staff 15500G 鎮守の杖 +118 att. Earth Huge Flail 17000G ヒュージフレイル +128 att. -5 move Sword Breaker 14500G ソードブレイカー +110 att. Lowers att.lev. Wind Cutter 18000G ウィンドカッター +122 att. Wind Magic God Shuriken 19800G 魔神手 剣 +128 att. +5 action Armor 防具 Aura Armor 19800G オーラアーマー +64 def. Skill power dmg. up Charisma Helm 8000G カリスマヘルム +38 def. +5 action Magic High Heels 1100G 魔法ハイヒール +12 Move +8 def. Battle Boots 1800G バトルブーツ +12 Move +12 def. Accessories 装飾品 Heavenly Tree's 6000G 神木の護り Protection Black Belt 2000G ブラックベルト Rune Ring 750G ルーンリング Lively Energizing 5000G 復活の秘石 Stone Heracles's Belt 6200G ヘラクレスの帯 General's Ring 5000G 将軍の指輪 Godly Speed Ring 2500G 神速の指輪 Anklet 1000G アンクレット Items 道具 Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Healing Fruit 100G Crimson Secret Conc. 250G Healing Aroma Fruit 400G Blueish-Green ScrtCon 750G Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion Skill & Magic Unsealer Vaccine Cure-all 500G Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Special Items 特産品 Silver Feather 500G シルバーフェザー Seed of Life 10000G 生命の種 Seed of Magic 10000G 魔術の種 Seed of Skill 10000G 秘技の種 Seed of Strength 10000G 力の種 Seed of Protection 10000G 守りの種 Seed of Attack Speed 10000G 速攻の種 Seed of Speed 10000G 走りの種 Seed of Magic Power 10000G 魔力の種 Seed of Wisdom 10000G 精神の種 Skill Transference 10000G 技の伝承 Magic Transference 10000G 魔法の伝承 Quit やめる --Inside the Brand New Valmar-- 新生ヴァルマー This is the final dungeon of the game so it goes without saying that it is quite long and slightly confusing. Perhaps the most confusing part is the long purple and red tubes that are near the end of the dungeon, but if you just keep trying different places out, you will eventually come to the end. First you will have to fight Valmar's Core. Valmar's Core has a lot of hit points so it's basically a 'see who can last longer game.' Make sure you have someone who can use Mikeromamu to heal the whole party, and you might also want to equip accessories that either lessen the amount of magic points you have to use or increase the damage that your special skills or magic do. After beating Valmar's core, Millenia will appear. The party will then be split up. Roan and Tio are stuck on the ground while you and Elena are above on the floating platform. Millenia fires a shot at Ryudo, but he easily blocks it with the holy sword. Elena argues that this is not the real Millenia because the real Millenia IS Elena. ------------------------ Elena "That was just an illusion made to look like Millenia." Ryudo "Elena, where is Millenia?" Elena "I'm not afraid anymore. I don't care even if there is pain because there is something that I believe in. Millenia is me. I am not complete without her. Millenia wake up!" (Millenia comes out of Elena's body) Ryudo "Millenia!" Tio/Roan "Millenia!" Millenia "You stupid broad. Next time try to get the hint a little sooner. You should have been able to tell that thing wasn't me just by looking at it.But then again, ah well, who cares..." Elena (laughs) "Yeah from now on we'll be together." Milln. "Yep." (walks over to Roan). "Hey kiddo, how ya been?" Roan "Fine." Milln. (walking over to Tio) "And you, dollie, you've come a long way haven't ya?" Tio "Yes, because I believe in People's hearts, just like you." Zera "Ridiculous! How the hell can you still be alive?! God's will is absolute! A human doesn't have the power to surpass a god!" Milln. "What do ya mean by absolute?! Are you crazy or something? I'm right in front of your eyes, are't I?" Elena "If you are strong of heart there is no way you can lose. It's just like you taught me before, Zera." Ryudo "You finally got it now, Valmar... I mean Zera!" Zera "Why did the day of darkness come? Why did Granas die?... Because there is darkness in people's hearts. Granas is dead. If Valmar is also destroyed then no one will be around to lead and guide the people. Is that what you want. If you say that you don't need a god then there's no need for people or this world either." (2 Valmar Yangs appear behind the party next to Tio and Roan) Ryudo/Elena "What the..." Elena "Roan. Tio." Roan "We'll be all right. What is important is that you guys get Zera." Milln. "Ryudo - Zera plans on destroying the whole planet. We've gotta stop him!" Tio "I believe in you. Get him for me." Ryudo "All right. Leave it to me. Just hang in there a little while, guys..." ------------------------ The fake Millenia says that if she's heard enough and attacks the party. This Millenia really is a cake-walk, and you should be able to beat her without any problems. Finally, the real final battle begins. You must traverse 5 different platforms while fighting 3 old Valmar body parts before you finally come across Zera. Fortunately, you can go back to the save spot after any one of the battles to save using the "bubble elevators". None of the bosses are especially hard. The hardest one is probably Valmar's eye, simply because there are 7 different parts to attack. Following that, you must face Zera... ------------------------ Zera "Stupid, pathetic human... Accept your destruction. Accept the mercy of the complete god. Return to the dust from whence you came." Millenia "You really are dim aren't you? I don't think there's anyone quite as clueless as you, is there?" Elena "Why don't you try to understand people's hearts? The reason your heart is in so much pain is because you don't understand the hearts of humans." Zera "I don't want to even try to understand the tiny, insignificant feelings in people's hearts." Ryudo "You are a human with a heart as well, Zera. I think you're just afraid. There's no way someone like that could ever be a god. I'll show you the real power inside of people's hearts." Zera "I am not some man named Zera, I am a god! I am the one and only absolute supreme god Valmar! You foolish humans, I'll show you how strong the power of a true god is!" ------------------------ Zera turns out to be not difficult at all. Though you may be expecting a final boss to appear after him, you can rest easy knowing that he is the last enemy in the games. After teaching Zera that he is not a god the ending will begin. ------------------------ Roan "Am I dead?" Tio "No. You are alive and well." Roan "You saved me." Tio "Yes." Roan "Sorry. It hurt didn't it. It hurt a lot, right?" Tio "No, it doesn't hurt at all. Having my heartache is much worse. I don't want to be lonely anymore. I want to be near humans I care for." Roan "Uh, Tio... you're squeezing a little too tight." Tio "Sorry." Roan "Don't worry. You won't be alone. I'll always be nearby. I have the feeling I've done this before. It feels so warm here. What's the matter?" Tio "I feel very strange... Is this what "being connected to someone" means? It feels very peaceful. Why am I crying even though I am happy? Tears are only supposed to come out when you are sad, right?" Roan "Tio, let's go back home... where everyone is." Tio "Yes. Let's go home... to the place where we were born." Elena "Ryudo. In order for people to be happy, they need some kind of goal. It's necessary for people to pray, think, and live law-abiding lives. People have too much free time." Millenia "Quit being such a holy roller! I'm tired of hearing that junk. Saying someone is right or wrong just gives birth to prejudice. People need to live freely just as they feel. You can be so annoying at times, Elena." Elena "I guess you and I will never see eye to eye, will we? Hey, Ryudo. What do you think?" Milln. "Yeah Ryudo. Whose side are you on, anyways?" Ryudo "Thanks, you guys. Well, you already know my answer. I believe in people. Not the light nor the dark. Let's give the world back to the people." Elena "That's just like you, Ryudo. Oh well, I guess it's 50/50 right?" Milln. "At least for right now it is. Well, let's get going." Elena "Hey, Millenia, how am I going to be able to get home?" Milln. "You already know don't you? Even you can..." Elena "Oh yeah, that's right." (wings sprout from Elena's back) Ryudo "Well, let's do it!" ------------------------ As per usual Game Arts games the world returns back to the way it was. A river begins flowing inbetween the two Granas cliffs. Now the world is no longer separated and humans are once again free to make their own mistakes, this time without having to rely on gods and the like. The are their own gods, masters of their own destiny. During the ending you will get to take control of prince Roan who wants to see how Ryudo is doing one year after their big adventure. You start in the Kingdom of Sairam. On your way out Tio stops you. She is appearantly helping some doctor or teacher near the entrance of town. She says that she is having a great time living with humans and that she wishes she could go with you but right now she is busy. From there you will go to the Rilig Trading Town. You can talk to the townspeople and see how they are doing but in the end your ultimate goal is the church on the cliff. There you will see Millenia and Skye. Millenia says that she wanted to help teach kids about life and the like. Skye says he's just there to make sure Millenia doesn't do anything bad. Roan asks Millenia where Ryudo is. She tells him Ryudo said he "had to do something." Roan asks Millenia if she isn't worried about Ryudo, but Millenia says that no man would ever leave someone as perfect as she is, so she isn't really worried too much about it. Next, you'll find yourself in Malegg's hometown. Roan goes to pay his respects to Malegg's grave. When he goes to lay Tio's pendant on Malegg's grave he sees that Ryudo's pendant is already there, meaning that Ryudo has already passed through here. Finally, the last place you will go is to Ira's town. When you begin to cross the bridge that leads to Ira's house you will be greated by Ira and her mother. Appearantly, Ira is doing fine, although she is making mischief with the innkeeper's son. Ira's mother tells you that Elena has become a gypsy and is living inside of a tent near the entrance of town. Speaking with her, you find out that she feels that it is the best way for her to help mankind now that the Granas church is no more. She says that she is making people feel happy through her songs and that brings her joy. Roan asks her the same question that he asked Millenia. Elena says that she trusts Ryudo so she doesn't need to worry about him. She then begins to sing. The scene pans over the town and eventually shows Gatta who is waiting for Ryudo. Gatta says that it's taking Ryudo a long enough damn time. After that the camera goes to Ryudo who is visiting his brother's grave Ryudo says that he hopes his brother is doing all righ,t and he thanks Melphis for always watching over him. Finally the credits roll. Congratulations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic & Skills Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Skills 必殺技-- This is a set of lists, translations, and so on of the skills that each character possesses in the game. Characters are presented in the order that you acquire them. Ryudo English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Heaven's Wrath Slash 天征剣 1 enemy, cancels action 24 SC Arial Heaven's 飛翔天征剣 1 enemy 40 SC Wrath Slash Sword Dance: 剣舞・紫電 1 enemy  32 SC Violet Lightning Heaven's Gate   天魔竜陣剣 all enemies 99 SC Magi-Dragon Sword (receives after mysterious man dies) Elena English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Impact Bomb インパクトボム 1 enemy, cancels action 25 SC Nightmare Ball ナイトメアボール puts enemies to sleep,  18 SC range Droplets of Life 生命の雫 heal HP & status,   90 SC all allies White Revelation 白の黙示禄 all enemies  80 SC Millenia English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Arrow Shot アローショット 1 enemy, cancels action 25 SC Heel Crush ヒールクラッシュ 1 enemy 20 SC Wing of Falling Heavens 堕天の翼 all enemies 75 SC Tongue of Starvation 餓食の舌 all enemies, drain HP 55 SC Evil Eye 呪縛の瞳 1 enemy, stuns enemy 60 SC Nail of Hate 怨痕の爪 1 enemy 42 SC Roan English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Yellow Hammer Crash 黄金の衝撃 1 enemy, cancels action 22 SC Rising Dragon Sword 昇竜剣 1 enemy 38 SC Special Skill: 必殺!−雪玉弾 range of enemies 40 SC Giant Snowball   The Lively Energy March 活力の行進曲 cures all status, 20 SC all allies Malegg English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Beast Tooth Slash 獣牙断 1 enemy, cancels action 26 SC Beast King's  獣王金剛 1 enemy 44 SC Herculean Attack Beast King's Fiery 獣王爆炎陣 all enemies in 52 SC Explosion Barrier Malegg's circumfrence Lion's Heroic War Cry 獅子の雄叫び raises attack power, 18 SC all allies  Tio English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Lotus Flower 蓮華 1 enemy, cancels action 28 SC Wild Dance - Destruction 乱舞・滅 1 enemy 38 SC Divine Wind 絶風 all enemies 48 SC Whisper to the Stars 星々へのささやき raises all battle stats; 36 SC all allies (receives after death of close friend) Roan (end of game) English Name Japanese Name Description SC Cost Yellow Hammer Crash 黄金の衝撃 1 enemy, cancels action 22 SC True Rising Dragon Sword 真・昇竜剣 1 enemy 42 SC Ice Crystal Cut 氷翔斬 1 enemy 30 SC The Lively Energy March 活力の行進曲 cures all status, 20 SC all allies --Magic List (by egg)-- Magic in Grandia II is contained in eggs that can be equipped onto each character. There are 8 different eggs spread throughout Grandia 2, each with both unique spells and common spells. You can get most eggs by defeating bosses, though some located in chests and other various places. The following is a list of each of the 8 eggs and what magics are contained within it. Holy Egg ホーリーエッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Keromamu 12 ケロマム   Heals an ave. amount of HP, 1 ally Kero Maximum 24 ケロマキシマム Completely heals all HP, 1 ally Mikeromamu 18 メケロマム Heals an ave. amount of HP, party Gragin 15 グラギン Earth attack, range Grand Geo 40 グランジオ Earth attack, all enemies Page 2 Syakia 16 シャキア Snow attack, 1 enemy Syakido 52 シャキド Snow attack, all enemies Munya 5 ムーニャ Casts sleep, all enemies Shin 10 シン Seals Magic, 1 enemy Fiora 12 フィオラ Seals Skill, 1 enemy Magneid 8 マグネイド Draws enemy around target, range Page 3 Cure 4 クュール Cures poison and stun, 1 ally Refresh 12 リフレス Cure magic/skill seal, 1 ally Wao 5 ワオ Raise attack level, 1 ally Deigan 4 ディガン Raise defense level, whole party Byune 7 ビューネ    Raise action level, 1 ally Runner 3 ランナ Raise movement level, whole party Chaos Egg カオスエッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Keromamu 12 ケロマム   Heals an ave. amount of HP, 1 ally Burn 6 ヴァーン Fire attack, 1 enemy Burn Flame 16 ヴァーンフレイム Fire attack, range Burn Strike 20 ヴァーンストライク Fire attack, 1 enemy Hell Burner 42 ヘルヴァーナ Fire attack, all enemies Page 2 Huey 9 ヒューイ Wind attack, range Hue Slash 14 ヒュースラッシュ Wind attack, one line of enemies Huenneloon 45 ヒューネルン Wind attack, all enemies Raiga 24   ライガ Electric attack, range Raiden 36 ライデン Electric attack, all enemies Ryuurai 58 リュウライ Electric attack, line of enemies Page 3 Munya 5 ムーニャ Casts sleep, all enemies Fiora 12 フィオラ Seals Skill, 1 enemy Runner 3 ランナ Raise movement level, whole party Stram 6 ストラム Lower attack level, 1 enemy Colde 7 コルデ Lower action level, 1 enemy Bikin 5 ビキン Lower movement level, all enemies Mist Egg ミストエッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Keromamu 12 ケロマム   Heals an ave. amount of HP, 1 ally Kero Maximum 24 ケロマキシマム Completely heals all HP, 1 ally Huey 9 ヒューイ Wind attack, range Hue Slash 14 ヒュースラッシュ Wind attack, one line of enemies Huenneloon 45 ヒューネルン Wind attack, all enemies Page 2 Syakia 16 シャキア Snow attack, 1 enemy Syakido 52 シャキド Snow attack, all enemies Pozu 15 ポズ Cause Poison, range Shin 10 シン Seals Magic, 1 enemy Magneid 8 マグネイド Draws enemy around target, range Cure 4 クュール Cures poison and stun, 1 ally Page 3 Refresh 12 リフレス Cure magic/skill seal, 1 ally Yomi 40 ヨミ Revives a dead player, 1 ally Deigan 4 ディガン Raise defense level, whole party Byune 7 ビューネ    Raise action level, 1 ally Runner 3 ランナ Raise movement level, whole party Defros 5 デフロス Lower defense level, all enemy Gravity Egg グラビティエッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Mikeromamu 18 メケロマム Heals an ave. amount of HP, party Burn 6 ヴァーン Fire attack, 1 enemy Burn Flame 16 ヴァーンフレイム Fire attack, range Hell Burner 42 ヘルヴァーナ Fire attack, all enemies Gragin 15 グラギン Earth attack, range Page 2 Grand Geo 40 グランジオ Earth attack, all enemies Zunga 22 ズンガ Explosion attack, range Dezun 75 デズン Explosion attack, all enemies Munya 5 ムーニャ Casts sleep, all enemies Pozu 15 ポズ Cause Poison, range Kururu 10 クルル Cause Confuse, Range Page 3 Fiora 12 フィオラ Seals Skill, 1 enemy Herbal 24 ハルベール Cures all status defects, 1 ally Wao 5 ワオ Raise attack level, 1 ally Defros 5 デフロス Lower defense level, all enemy Colde 7 コルデ Lower action level, 1 enemy Bikin 5 ビキン Lower movement level, all enemies Soul Egg ソウルエッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Keromamu 12 ケロマム   Heals an ave. amount of HP, 1 ally Mikeromamu 18 メケロマム Heals an ave. amount of HP, party Huey 9 ヒューイ Wind attack, range Hue Slash 14 ヒュースラッシュ Wind attack, one line of enemies Huenneloon 45 ヒューネルン Wind attack, all enemies Page 2 Raiga 24   ライガ Electric attack, range Raiden 36 ライデン Electric attack, all enemies Tenrai 55 テンライ Electric attack, 1 enemy Pozu 15 ポズ Cause Poison, range Kururu 10 クルル Cause Confuse, Range Shin 10 シン Seals Magic, 1 enemy Page 3 Herbal 24 ハルベール Cures all status defects, 1 ally Yomi 40 ヨミ Revives a dead player, 1 ally Stram 6 ストラム Lower attack level, 1 enemy Defros 5 デフロス Lower defense level, all enemy Colde 7 コルデ Lower action level, 1 enemy Bikin 5 ビキン Lower movement level, all enemies Star Egg スターエッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Burn 6 ヴァーン Fire attack, 1 enemy Burn Flame 16 ヴァーンフレイム Fire attack, range Burn Strike 20 ヴァーンストライク Fire attack, 1 enemy Hell Burner 42 ヘルヴァーナ Fire attack, all enemies Gragin 15 グラギン Earth attack, range Grand Geo 40 グランジオ Earth attack, all enemies Page 2 Zunga 22 ズンガ Explosion attack, range Meteo Strike 50 メテオストライク Explosion attack, 1 enemy Raiga 24   ライガ Electric attack, range Raiden 36 ライデン Electric attack, all enemies Munya 5 ムーニャ Casts sleep, all enemies Kururu 10 クルル Cause Confuse, Range Page 3 Cure 4 クュール Cures poison and stun, 1 ally Yomi 40 ヨミ Revives a dead player, 1 ally Wao 5 ワオ Raise attack level, 1 ally Deigan 4 ディガン Raise defense level, whole party Byune 7 ビューネ    Raise action level, 1 ally Stram 6 ストラム Lower attack level, 1 enemy Fairy Egg Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Keromamu 12 ケロマム   Heals an ave. amount of HP, 1 ally Kero Maximum 24 ケロマキシマム Completely heals all HP, 1 ally Mikeromamu 18 メケロマム Heals an ave. amount of HP, party Kururu 10 クルル Cause Confuse, Range Magneid 8 マグネイド Draws enemy around target, range Page 2 Cure 4 クュール Cures poison and stun, 1 ally Refresh 12 リフレス Cure magic/skill seal, 1 ally Herbal 24 ハルベール Cures all status defects, 1 ally Yomi 40 ヨミ Revives a dead player, 1 ally Wao 5 ワオ Raise attack level, 1 ally Deigan 4 ディガン Raise defense level, whole party Page 3 Byune 7 ビューネ    Raise action level, 1 ally Runner 3 ランナ Raise movement level, whole party Stram 6 ストラム Lower attack level, 1 enemy Defros 5 デフロス Lower defense level, all enemy Colde 7 コルデ Lower action level, 1 enemy Bikin 5 ビキン Lower movement level, all enemies Dragon Egg ドラゴネッグ Page 1 English Name MP Japanese Name Description Burn 6 ヴァーン Fire attack, 1 enemy Burn Flame 16 ヴァーンフレイム Fire attack, range Burn Strike 20 ヴァーンストライク Fire attack, 1 enemy Hell Burner 42 ヘルヴァーナ Fire attack, all enemies Gragin 15 グラギン Earth attack, range Grand Geo 40 グランジオ Earth attack, all enemies Page 2 Huey 9 ヒューイ Wind attack, range Hue Slash 14 ヒュースラッシュ Wind attack, one line of enemies Huenneloon 45 ヒューネルン Wind attack, all enemies Zunga 22 ズンガ Explosion attack, range Dezun 75 デズン Explosion attack, all enemies Meteo Strike 50 メテオストライク Explosion attack, 1 enemy Page 3 Raiga 24   ライガ Electric attack, range Raiden 36 ライデン Electric attack, all enemies Tenrai 55 テンライ Electric attack, 1 enemy Ryuurai 58 リュウライ Electric attack, line of enemies Syakia 16 シャキア Snow attack, 1 enemy Syakido 52 シャキド Snow attack, all enemies --Magic List (by type)-- As opposed to an egg-by-egg list of magics and their descriptions (see above), the below is a mere list of every type of magic in Grandia II, with both English & Japanese names, as well as cost and descriptions. Healing Magic English Name MP Japanese Name Description Keroma 6 ケロマ    Heals a little HP, 1 ally Keromamu 12 ケロマム   Heals an ave. amount of HP, 1 ally Kero Maximum 24 ケロマキシマム Completely heals all HP, 1 ally Mikeromamu 18 メケロマム Heals an ave. amount of HP, party Cure 4 クュール Cures poison and stun, 1 ally Yomi 40 ヨミ Revives a dead player, 1 ally Herbal 24 ハルベール Cures all status defects, 1 ally Refresh 12 リフレス Cure magic/skill seal, 1 ally Support Magic English Name MP Japanese Name Description Munya 5 ムーニャ Casts sleep, all enemies Shin 10 シン Seals Magic, 1 enemy Fiora 12 フィオラ Seals Skill, 1 enemy Magneid 8 マグネイド Draws enemy around target, range Wao 5 ワオ Raise attack level, 1 ally Deigan 4 ディガン Raise defense level, whole party Byune 7 ビューネ    Raise action level, 1 ally Runner 3 ランナ Raise movement level, whole party Stram 6 ストラム Lower attack level, 1 enemy Colde 7 コルデ Lower action level, 1 enemy Bikin 5 ビキン Lower movement level, all enemies Defros 5 デフロス Lower defense level, all enemy Kururu 10 クルル Cause Confuse, Range Pozu 15 ポズ Cause Poison, range Attack Magic English Name MP Japanese Name Description Gragin 15 グラギン Earth attack, range Grand Geo 40 グランジオ Earth attack, all enemies Syakia 16 シャキア Snow attack, 1 enemy Syakido 52 シャキド Snow attack, all enemies Huey 9 ヒューイ Wind attack, range Hue Slash 14 ヒュースラッシュ Wind attack, one line of enemies Hueneloon 45 ヒューネルン Wind attack, all enemies Raiga 24   ライガ Electric attack, range Raiden 36 ライデン Electric attack, all enemies Ryuurai 58 リュウライ Electric attack, line of enemies Tenrai 55 テンライ Electric attack, 1 enemy Burn 6 ヴァーン Fire attack, 1 enemy Burn Flame 16 ヴァーンフレイム Fire attack, range Burn Strike 20 ヴァーンストライク Fire attack, 1 enemy Hell Burner 42 ヘルヴァーナ Fire attack, all enemies Zunga 22 ズンガ Explosion attack, range Dezun 75 デズン Explosion attack, all enemies Meteo Strike 50 メテオストライク Explosion attack, 1 enemy --Skill Books-- Like the Magic Eggs, there are a total of 8 different skill books hidden in various different locations throughout the world. Each contains a different set of equippable skills. Below are the details of each book. Adventurer's Book 冒険の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Life Up ライフアップ HP Max + 50-800 Strength ストレングス Strength + 10-50 Toughness タフネス + 10-50 End up Dash ダッシュ Speed + 10-50 Quick Use 道具使いの腕前 Faster item use time Feather Fingers 盗賊の指 Raises percentage to receive an item Magician's Book 魔道の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Magic Power マジックパワー MP Max + 10-50 Intelligence インテリジェンス Intelligence + 10-50 Electric Fire Chant 電炎の呪法 Raise Fire, Lightning Damage 10%-50% Exploding Fire Chant 爆炎の呪法 Raise Explosion, Fire Damage 10%-50% Exploding Earth Chant 裂霊の呪法 Raise Explosion, Earth Damage 10%-50% Magic Recover 魔法リカバー Recover time after magic use quickened Warrior's Book 戦士の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Life Up ライフアップ HP Max + 50-800 Toughness タフネス + 10-50 End up Speed スピード Speed + 10-50 Dodge 見切り Increases dodge percentage Take One For the Team 受身 IP gauge takes longer to decrease Item Recover 道具リカバー Recover time after item use quickened Priest's Book 司祭の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Life Up ライフアップ HP Max + 50-800 Mentality メンタリティ Mag.Def. + 10-50 Forest Water Chant 葉水の呪法 Raise Forest, Water dmg by 10%-50% Flowing Ice Chant 氷流の呪法 Raise Snowstorm, Water dmg by 10%-50% Green Earth Chant 緑土の呪法 Raise Earth, Forest dmg by 10%-50% Magic Suck 魔力呼収 Absorb MP when hit by a magic attack Violent Wind Book 疾風の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Dash ダッシュ Speed + 10-50 Thunder Cloud 雷雲の呪法 Raise Lightning, Wind dmg by 10%-50% Icy Wind 冷風の呪法 Raise Wind, Snowstorm dmg by 10%-50% Sting Like A Bee 反撃ねらい Sometimes counterattack after a dodge Bait おとり Enemies mainly target this character Swordman's Book 剣豪の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Special Power スペシャルパワー SP Max + 10-50 Strength ストレングス Strength + 10-50 Dodge 見切り Increases dodge percentage Take One For the Team 受身 IP gauge takes longer to decrease Fighting Spirit 戦魂 Gain more SP back per attack Skill Recover 技リカバー Recover time after skill use quickened Wiseman's Book 賢者の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Magic Power マジックパワー MP Max + 10-50 Intelligence インテリジェンス Intelligence + 10-50 Mentality メンタリティ Mag.Def. + 10-50 Mage's Chant 魔道の呪法 Raises dmg of Fire, Wind, Lightning Explosion Magics God Skill Chant 神秘の呪法 Raises dmg of Water, Earth, Forest Snowstorm Magics Ancient Chinese  魔道の奥義 Single target magic attacks now cancel Magic Secret Fighter's Book 武術の書 English Name Japanese Name Description Life Up ライフアップ HP Max + 50-800 Special Power スペシャルパワー SP Max + 10-50 Speed スピード Speed + 10-50 Sting Like A Bee 反撃ねらい Sometimes counterattack after a dodge Fighting Spirit 戦魂 Gain more SP back per attack One Shot Buster   渾身の一撃 Increases Critical Hit Damage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons, Armor, & Item Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Weapons 武器-- Angel Circle エンゼルサークル +116 att., eff.vs.undead Arberlest 4500G アルバレスト +70 Att. Army Sabre 750G アーミーセーブル +32 Att. Army Smasher 破軍 +108 att., lower SP Aroma Tree Root Herb 香木の根っこ +75 Att., casts Refresh Bardeissh バルディッシュ +86 att. Battle Rod 960G バトルロッド +45 Att. Bladeless Knife 無刃のナイフ +0 att. Buster Flail バスターフレイル +70 Att., -5 Move Claymore 3600G クレイモア +60 Att. Crossbow クロスボウ +35 Att. Dark Angel Bow 黒天使の弓 +135 att., MP healed 10% of the dmg. you do Dimension Knife 次元のナイフ +55 Att., Warp while att. Discus ???? ???? Dragonfly Cutter トンボ斬り +60 Att., eff.vs. bugs Dragonkiller Axe 竜殺しの斧 +58 Att., eff.vs. reptile Earth Axe 大地の斧 +78 Att., +10 Def, Earth Exorcism Bow   破魔の弓 +105 att. Eff.vs.undead Falks 500G ファルクス +22 Att. Fire Cane 1250G 火炎の杖 +40 Att., Fire Flint Knife 2000G フリントナイフ +48 Att. Flying Fish Bow 2400G 飛魚の弓 +55 Att., eff.vs. birds Gold Flail 8200G ゴールドフレイル +92 Att., -5 Move Gradius グラディウス +125 att. Granas Sable グラナサーベル +150 att., lower SP consumption 15% Great Sword Mikage 6900G 銘刀 ミカゲ +77 Att. Halberd 4400G ハルベルト +68 Att. Hammer Axe 2200G ハンマーアックス +52 Att. Hard Rock Cane 4200G 土石の杖 +60 Att., Earth, casts Gragin Holy Spirit Rod 聖霊の杖 +138 att., lower MP consumption 10% Holy Sword Soulblade14000G 聖剣ソルブレード +112 Att., lowers opp. def.lev. with attack Huge Flail ヒュージフレイル +128 att., -5 move Hunter's Knife 880G ハンターナイフ +36 Att., eff.vs. animals Ice Pick アイスピック +44 Att., Snowstorm Iron Rod 720G アイアンロッド +30 Att. Lullabye Cane 子守歌の杖 +65 Att., Sleep Magic God Shuriken 魔神手 剣 +128 att., +5 action usage by 5% Magic Sword Valbork 魔剣ヴァルボルク +100 Att., heals HP 10% of damage dealt Man Gorsh 4600G マン ゴーシュ +62 Att., +10 Def. Multiple Knives 650G マルチプルナイフ +28 Att. Napalm War Axe 爆炎の戦斧 +98 att., casts Burn Strike Parudish 8000G パルディッシュ +86 Att. Phoenix Rings 鳳凰輪 +142 att., attack recovers SP +1 Poison Knife ポイソンナイフ +50 Att. Prayer Cane 祈りの杖 +22 Att. Priest's Mace 12000G 司祭のしゃく杖 +99 Att., casts Herbal Priestess' Rod 3500G 神官の杖 +55 Att., casts Cure Red Lotus Cane 4200G 紅蓮の杖 +60 Att., Fire, casts Burnflame Rune Axe 13500G ルーナックス +107 Att., lowers IP Rusted Hoop 錆たフープ +0 att. Samurai Blade 900G サムライブレード +38 Att. Shadow Blade 4000G シャドウブレード +44 Att., -4 Move, Death Shamseal 620G シャンシール +26 Att. Silence Sword 8500G サイレンスソード +85 Att., magic sealer Silver Flail 6800G シルバーフレイル +82 Att., -5 Move Staff of Tales 1800G 語り部の杖 +50 Att., Cures Confuse Sword Breaker ソードブレイカー +110 att., lowers enemy att. level Swordfish Blade 2200G 剣魚の刀 +52 Att. Thunder Cry Sword 雷鳴の剣 +125 att., lightning Twin Moons 双月 +77 Att. Useless Cane 無用の杖     +0 att. Weaponsmith's Finest 4500G 業物の太刀 +70 Att. Whirlwind Cane 4200G 旋風の杖 +60 Att., Wind, casts Hueslash Wise Man's Bow 7400G ドキュウ +85 Att Zero Sword ゼロの太刀 +0 att. --Armor 防具-- Adventurer's Clothes 冒険の服 +16 Def. Ancient Breastplate 古代の胸当て +32 Def., Low IP usage Angel Robe 天使のローブ +62 def., regen HP during battle Aura Armor オーラアーマー +64 def., skill att. damage raises Auto Matter Suit 古代のスーツ +40 def. Black Crystal Armor 5500G 黒水晶の鎧 +38 Def. Chain Mail 950G チェインメイル +20 Def. Dark Armor ダールアーマー +52 Def., SP +1 upon dmg. Deep Crimson Bolero 深紅のボレロ +22 Def. Dragon Scale Armor 9800G 竜鱗の鎧 +50 Def. Earth Breastplate 大地の胸当て +42 Def., Lv2 Earth resist Fairy Robe 2600G 妖精のローブ +26 Def., Sleep/Confuse resist Flame Armor フレイムアーマー +46 Def., Lv2 Fire resist Flare Dress フレアドレス +30 Def. Lv2 Fire resist Flying Dragon Vest 9500G 飛竜のベスト +48 Def., +5 Move Fushia Robe 4500G 紫紺のローブ +35 Def., resist para. Illusion Clothes 幻影の服 +32 Def., +5% Evade Hero Breastplate 英雄の胸甲 +72 def., regen HP during battle Holy Cross   ホーリークロース +58 def., resist sick Holy Knight Armor 聖騎士の鎧 +60 def., resist poison. Holy Mother's Divine Robe 聖女の法衣 +68 def., resist all Kensei Armor 剣聖の鎧 +75 def., raise skill att. dmg. Kilpoaru 500G キルポアール +12 Def. King's Garb 帝王のガーブ +60 def. Leather Armor 750G レザーアーマー +17 Def. Leather Jacket 650G レサージャケット +14 Def. Light Ring Armor 光輪の鎧 +55 def., Lv2 Lightning resist Lion's Mail 獅子の陣羽織 +35 Def., +5 Att. Magic Angel Dress 天魔のドレス +72 def., Lv2 resist all stun, & sick Moonlight Stone Armor 月光石の鎧 +65 def., resist magic seal Ninja Clothes 忍びの服   +54 def., evade up 10% Plate Mail 1400G プレートメイル +25 Def. Priest's Holy Garb 16000G 司祭の法衣 +54 Def., resist poison, para, sickness Priestess' Garb 4500G 神官の法衣 +35 Def., Poison resist Protector's Robe 1200G 看護のローブ +22 Def., poison no eff. Raincoat レインコート +10 Def., Sleep resist Red Fur Coat 9200G 赤いファーコート +46 Def., Lv2 Snowstorm resist Reflect Mail リフレクトメイル +68 def., reflect dmg. occasionally Resist Dress   レジストドレス +56 def., Lv1 resist all Shell Armor シェルアーマー +26 Def. Silver Dress 8000G 銀糸のドレス +40 Def. Sun Suit 太陽の衣 +70 def., lower IP time Swordfish Armor 2800G 剣魚の鎧 +30 Def. Sylph Wing Clothes シルフの羽衣 +48 Def., Lv1 Wind resist Warrior's Mail 8500G ウォーリアメイル +45 Def. Valkyrie Dress   バルキリードレス +74 def., +5 action --Headgear 帽子-- Battle Helm 3400G バトルヘルム +30 Def. Beast Leather Turban 獣皮のターバン +14 Def. Black Band ブラックバンド +24 def., resist sleep Black Crystal Helmet 黒水晶の兜 +25 Def. Bravery Bandana 勇気のバンダナ +22 Def., +5 Act. Charisma Helm   カリスマヘルム +38 def., + 5 action Dragonbone Helmet 4000G 竜骨の兜 +36 Def. Electrolyte Tiara 雷光のティアラ +26 Def., Lv1 Lightning resist Fairy Ribbon フェアリーリボン +32 Def., resist conf. FeatherFoot Bandanna 3200G イダテンバンダナ +26 Def., +10 Move Flame Bandanna フレイムバンダナ +30 Def., Lv1 Fire resist Hairband 髪結いバンド +2 Def. Hercules Helmet 金剛の兜 +42 def., lower IP time Holy Crown ホーリークラウン +48 def., lower IP Holy Knight Helm 聖騎士の兜 +44 def., resist skill seal Iron Helm 600G アイアンヘルム +15 Def. Lapis Lazuli Baret 3400G 瑠璃のバレッタ +30 Def. Lotus Tree Hairband 1080G 木蓮のヘアバンド +16 Def., Lv1 Earth resist Lunar Shadow Tiara 月影のティアラ +42 def., resist confu., Lv1 snow resist Master Mage's Hat 2000G 魔導師の帽子 +22 Def., resist mag.seal Mercy Ribbon 慈愛のリボン +46 def., regen HP during battle Ogre Helm オーガヘルム +25 Def., -5 Move Phoenix Hat 鳳凰の帽子 +34 def., lower IP time Priest's Cap 5800G 司祭の帽子 +36 Def., resist magic & skill seal Priestess' Cap 1750G 神官の冒子 +20 Def., Paralyse resist Protector's Hat 450G 監護の帽子 +10 Def., resist sleep Quilted Silk 800G キルテッドシルク +18 Def. Red Beaded Hairpin 紅玉の髪飾り +8 Def., Lv1 Fire resist Reflect Helm リフレクトヘルム +34 def., lower IP time Seagull Feather Cap 1120G 水鳥の羽根帽子 +18 Def. Starlight Tiara 星光のティアラ +45 def., lower MP consumption 25% Steel Plated Bandana 480G 鉄板付きバンダナ +12 Def. Stone Head ストーンヘッド +11 Def., Def. Knockback Swordfish Helmet 1250G 剣魚の兜 +20 Def. The "Man" Bandana 漢のハチマキ +36 def., +10 att., lower IP time Thick Gold Helmet ????? ????? Thick Lthr. Bandanna 350G 厚革のバンダナ +8 Def. Traveler's Cap 300G 旅人の帽子 +6 Def. War God's Helm 武神の兜 +50 def., lower IP White Silk Hairband 白絹のヘアバンド +2 Def. --Shoes クツ-- Battle Boots 1800G バトルブーツ +12 Move, +12 Def. Charm Low Tops 魅惑の厚低靴 +0 move, +25% evade Children's Shoes こども靴 +8 Move Dash Shoes ダッシュシューズ +10 Move, +4 Def. Flame Shoes フレイムシューズ +5 Move, +5 Def. Lv2 Fire resist Giant Shoes 巨漢の靴 +5 Move, +5 Def. God Mage Shoes 魔神の靴 +50 move, +10 def. Goddess High Heel 女神のハイヒール +5 move, +10 def., Lv 1 resist all Heavy Boots 800G ヘビィブーツ +10 Move, +6 Def., Knockback no effect High Heels ハイヒール +2 Move Hunter's Boots 400G ハンターブーツ +8 Move, +4 Def. Leather Footguards 革のすね当て +0 Move, +4 Def. Lion Boots ライオンブーツ +20 move, +20 def. Mach Boots マッハブーツ +20 Move, +6 Def. Magic High Heels 1100G 魔法のハイヒール +12 Move, +8 Def. Moutaineer Shoes 200G 登山靴 +6 Move, +2 Def. Queen Heel クィーンヒール +10 move, +10 action, lower IP Rainbow High Heel 虹のハイヒール +14 move, +14 def., warp when dodge Royal Boots ロイヤルブーツ +18 move, +18 def. Shadow Shoes シャドウシューズ +15 move, +10 def., +10% evade Snowshoes 420G かんじき +4 Move, Lv2 Snowstorm resist Spirit King's War Boots 精霊王の戦靴 +5 move, +20 def., Lv2 resist all Strange Wooden Shoes 奇妙な木靴 +5 move, +5 def., warp when dodging The "Man" Steel Geta 漢の鉄ゲタ -5 move, +10 att. Time Warp Shoes 次元の靴 +0 Move, +10 Def., warp when attacking War God's Helm 武神の兜 +50 def., lower IP Warrior's Shinguard 1400G 戦士の具足 +10 Def., +10 Def. Wing Boots ウィングブーツ +15 Move, +5 Def. Lv2 Earth resist Wolf Boots ウルフブーツ +15 move, +15 def., +5% evade --Accessories アクセサリー-- Angel Ring 天使の指輪 +10 def., Regen during battle Anger Ring 怒りの指輪 +10 att., raise SP recov during battle 3 Anklet 1000G アンクレット +40 Move Anti-Magic Seal Amulet400G 魔封じの護符 Protect agnst. magic seal Anti-Paralyze Amulet 250G 麻痺の護符 Paralyze Resist Anti-Poison Amulet 250G 毒の護符 Poison Resist Anti-Skill Seal Amulet400G 技封じの護符 Protect agnst. skill seal Attachable Stone 120G つけもの石 +5 Def., -5 Move Bead Ring 1500G まが玉 +15 Def., resist sleep, conf. Black Belt ブラックベルト +15 att., raise skill att.dmg. power Bonds of Trust 信頼のきずな +5 Move, Raises IP Cold-Protect Mantle 800G 防寒のマント +10 Def., Lv3 Snowstorm resist Coral Necklace サンゴの首飾り +10 Def., resist poison, sleep, confusion Counter-Attack ring 反射の指輪 +10 def., reflect dmg Dark Ring ダークリング nullifies attacks under 100 dmg Demon's Tear 鬼神の涙 +1 Combo Attack Earth Amulet 400G 土の御符 Lv5 Earth Resist Energy Charm エナジーチャーム lowers SP consumption 25% Energy Ring エナジーリング +15 def., raise SP recov during battle 5 Falling Star Earring 流星ピアス +? move, +25% dodge Fire Amulet 400G 火の御符 Lv5 Fire Resist Fire Lizard's Tail 火トカゲのしっぽ +20 att., Lv10 Fire resist Fire Resist Pendant 耐火のペンダン +10 Def., Lv3 Fire Resist Friendship Necklace 友情のネックレス +25 Def. Gauntlet 800G ガントレット +15 Def. General's Armlet 5000G 将軍の腕輪 +40 Def. Godly Speed Armlet  神速の指輪 +15 action Healing Ring 500G 癒しの指輪 +5 Def., casts Keroma Herakles Belt 6200G ヘラクレスの帯 +40 Att. Holy Dragon Scale 天竜の鱗 take no dmg. for hits under 200 dmg. Iron Ore Brooch 鉱石のブローチ +10 Def., Lv3 Earth Resist Insomnia Amulet 250G 睡眠の護符 Protect against sleep Jade Charm ひすいのチャーム +2 Def. & Att. King's Pride 王者のほこり +25 att., raise skill att.dmg. power Leather Bracelet 革の腕輪 +4 Def. Lightning Amulet 400G 稲妻の御符 Lv5 Lightning Resist Mage King's Necklace 魔王の首飾り lower MP consumption 25% Magic Armlet 1500G 魔法の腕輪 +20 Def. Mana Crest マナの紋章 lower MP consumption 15% Mebius Ring メビウスリング +2 Att., Def., Action, & Move Mirage Earring ミラージュピアス +10 Move, +15% Evade Mysterious Veil 神秘のヴェール resist all North Wind Mantle 北風のマント +10 Move, Lv3 Wind Resist Pretty Armlet きれいな腕輪 Sell for lots of money Pretty Necklace きれいな首飾り Sell for big bucks Protect Ring 守りの指輪 ??? Rage Ring 怒りの指輪 +10 Att., hit enemy and SP recovers +3 Raincoat レインコート +10 def., resist sleep Resistance Necklace 忍耐のネックレス +10 Act., Lessens IP Revival Stone 復活の秘石 +5 Def., auto-revive one time Ring of Godly Speed 神速の指輪 +15 Act. Rune Ring ルーンの指輪 +5 Act., Lessens IP Savior's Token 4000G 救護の礼 Slowly refills HP Shura's Soul 修羅の魂 +2 Combo Silver Bracelet 銀のブレスレット +8 Def. Snake Earring スネークピアス +10 Def., Poison Resist Snowstorm Amulet 400G 吹雪の護符 Lv5 Snowstorm Resist Sonic Belt ソニックベルト +40 action Stabilizer Amulet 250G 混乱の護符 Protect against confuse Strange Armlet 怪力の腕輪 Att. +5 Talisman 1500G タリスマン +15 Att., resist poison, para Thunder Ring サンダーリング +10 Def., Para. Resist Lv3 Lightning Resist Titan Ring 1800G タイタンリング +20 Att. Tree Spirit's Protection 神木の護り lowers SP consumption 15% Vaccination Amulet 600G 病気の護符 Resist sickness Wild God's Protection 荒神の護り Lv3 resist all Wind Amulet 400G 風の御符 Lv5 Wind Resist --Mana Eggs マナエッグ-- Chaos Egg カオスエッグ Fire, Wind, Lightning; for magicians Dragon Egg ドラゴンエッグ all attack magics Fairy Egg フェアリーエッグ Water, Earth, Forest Gravity Egg グラビティエッグ Fire, Earth, Explosion; shaker of continents Mist Egg ミストエッグ Wind, Water, Snowstorm; atmosphere egg Holy Egg ホーリーエッグ Water, Earth, Forest; for priestesses Soul Egg ソウルエッグ Wind, Water, Lightning; power of the wisemen Star Egg スターエッグ    Lightning, Explosion --Healing Items 回復アイテム-- Anti-Paralyze Potion 14G マヒなんこう Cures Paralyze Antidote 14G 毒消し草 Cures Poison Blueberry 40G ブルーベリー Restores 25 SP Blueish-Green 750G 紺碧の秘薬 Heals 1500 HP; party Secret Concoction Butter Roll 120G バターロール Heals 50 SP; 1 ally Cure-All 500G 万能薬 Heals all status Eyedrops 14G 点眼薬 Cures Blindness Fresh Sandwich 100G フレッシュサンド Heals 600 HP; cures Poison, Para.; 1 ally Gold Secret Concoction 黄金の秘薬 heals all SP, 1 ally Golden God Statue 黄金の神像 Heals 5 MP; 1 ally Golden Nuts ゴールデンナッツ Heals 72 HP; 1 ally Grail Nut 120G グレイルの実 Heals 50 MP; 1 ally Harp of Healing やすらぎの竪琴 Heals 200 HP; range; breaks after many uses Healing Aroma Herb 400G 癒しの香木 Heals 1000 HP; party Healing Fruit 100G 癒しの果実 Heals 1200 HP; 1 ally Healing Herb 50G 癒しのハーブ Heals 250 HP; party Healing Potion 24G 傷ぐすり Heals 400 HP; 1 ally Herb 10G 薬草 Heals 200 HP; 1 ally Hero's Revival Potion 英雄の薬 revive 1 ally, raise all stats +5 Indigo Secret Concoction 青藍の秘薬 heal all MP, 1 ally Lion Harp 獅子の竪琴 heals 25 SP; breaks after several uses Magic Power Potion 魔力の薬 heal 100 MP, 1 ally Magic Unsealer 50G 魔法の解呪 Unseals sealed magic Mana Harp マナの竪琴 Heals 25 MP; 1 ally Mikeroma Scroll 120G ミケロマの巻き物 Heals 500 HP; party Miracle Revive Potion 奇跡の復活薬 revive a person before they die (Araise) Mysterious Secret Concoction 神秘の秘薬 heals 800 HP, 1 ally Paopabu Nut 360G パオポフの実 Heals 100 SP Potato Bug Fry イモ虫つくだ煮 heals 1000 HP, range, cures sick Purefication Herb 40G 清めのハーブ Cures Paralyze, Poison Red Rum 250G 真紅の秘薬 Heals 1600 HP; 1 ally Resurrection Potion 500G ヨミの復活薬 Resurrects 1 ally Rumial's Flowers 40G ルミルの花 Restores 25 MP Sacred Healing Potion 60G 聖なる傷ぐすり Heals 800 HP; 1 ally Skill Unsealer 50G 秘技の解呪 Unseals sealed skills Skill/Magic Unsealer 150G 解呪の巻き物 Heals Magic & Skill Seal Stablizer 20G 気付け薬 Cures Confusion The Light Tree Nut 光の木の実 heals all SP, whole party Toad Oil がまの油 Heals 300 HP; 1 ally; Def. level +2 Torte's Grass Whistle 30G トルテの草笛 Cures Sleep Vaccine 100G ワクチン Cures Sickness --Battle Items 攻撃アイテム-- Adrenaline Fruit 20G 感応の果実 act.lev. +1; range Bone Harp 骨の竪琴 def.lev. -2; breaks after many uses Debugger Bomb 60G 殺虫弾 650 dmg; fire; eff.vs. bugs; 1 enemy Demon Ash デーモンアッシュ lowers all stats -1, 1 enemy Dynamite 240G ダイナマイト 1000 dmg; range Electric Magic Stone 150G 電雷の魔石 750 dmg; lightning; resist para.; range Enchanting Sleep Harp 250G 誘眠の竪琴 Sleep; breaks after many uses Escape Fruit 50G 脱力の種 act.lev. -1 Exploding Mushrooms 20G 爆弾キノコ 400 fire dmg; 1 enemy Facepaint フェイスッペイント act.lev +5; 1 ally Flabby Fruit 50G な弱の果実 Lowers def. level; range Fighter's Manicure 戦いのマニキュア att.lev. +5 Fire Bomb Arrows 石火弾    1500 dmg., all enemies Fire Bullet 火炎弾 300 dmg., range, Fire Fire Magic Stone 200G 火炎の魔石 650 dmg; fire; range Fireball Scroll 50G 火の球の巻き物 400 dmg; fire; 1 enemy Fishman's Harp 人魚の竪琴 casts confuse, range Gold Feather ゴールドフェザー Increases IP; range Guard Mushroom 50G ガードキノコ def.lev. +2; range Hand Grenades 60G 手榴弾 300 dmg; range Holy Electric Mag.St. 750G 電神の秘石 1500 dmg; eff.vs. evil; electricity; all Hyper "Moge" Bomb ハイパーモ爆弾 2000 dmg., all enemies, cancels actions Ice Fang Magic Stone 150G 氷牙の魔石 1200 dmg; snowstorm; 1 enemy Kuko Nut 10G クコの実 Confusion; 1 enemy Lute of Silence 250G 静寂のリュート Seals Magic; range; breaks after many uses Makibishi 150G マキビシ 600 dmg; -1 move; range Meteo Scroll メテオの巻物 2500 dmg., 1 enemy, casts Meteo Stk. Moge Bomb 250G モゲ爆弾 500 dmg; range; raise enemy's IP usage Muscle Mushroom 50G マッスルキノコ +2 Att. level; range Quake Magic Stone 200G 地震の魔石 650 dmg; earth; range Platinum Feather プラチナフェザー heals all, greatly speeds up IP Red Sparrow Magic Stone 朱雀の秘石 1200 dmg., 1 enemy, Fire Red "Tengu" Mushroom 120G ベニテングタケ 900 dmg; poison; 1 enemy Resistance Fruit 20G 忍耐の果実 def.lev. +1; range Resurrection Magic Stone ????? ????? Runner Mushroom 50G ランナーキノコ move lev. +2; range Sacred Ash 200G 聖灰 700 dmg; strong against undead Sandman's Beard サンドマンのビゲ 500 dmg; 1 enemy def.lev. -1 Scatter Magic Stone 飛散の秘石 spreads out the party Shrapnel Magic Stone 飛散の秘石 knocks ally away fm. user Silence Lute 静寂のリュート seals magic, range Silver Feather シルバーフェサー increases IP; 1 ally Slowpoke Fruit 50G ドン足の果実 lowers move. level; range Speed Fruit 20G 早駆けの果実 speed +1 Speed Mushroom 50G スピードキノコ act.lev. +2; range Spider Web クモの糸 1200 dmg, range, -1 action Strength of 10,000 20G 万人力の果実 +1 Att. level; range Men Fruit Super Moge Bomb スーパーモゲ爆弾 1000 dmg; strong IP dmg.; range "Tengu" Mushrooms 30G テングタケ 250 poison dmg; 1 enemy Tree God's Charm 神木の護り lowers SP usage 15% War God's Charm 武神の護り skill & magic seal resist casts Refresh Weakling Fruit 50G 非力の果実 att.lev. -1; range Whirlwind Scroll 60G つむじ風の巻き物 300 dmg; wind; range Wind Magic Stone 200G 疾風の魔石 700 dmg; wind; 1 line --Valuable Items 貴重品-- Adventurer's Book 冒険の書 Skill book Astral Miracle アストラルの奇跡 SC are doubled (just by having this item) Ether Miracle エーテルの奇跡    MC are doubled (just by having this item) Fighter's Book    武術の書 Skill book Hero's Spirit 英霊の御魂 Exp.pts. doubled (just by having this item) Magic Transference 魔法の伝承 adds 1000 MC to your total Magician's Book 魔道の書 Skill book Misanga ミサンガ adds all of Malegg's SP back to your total Poff Nut ポフの実 Use 3 to acquire Kyaro Priest's Book 司祭の書 Skill book Roan's Medal ロアンのメダル Keepsake from his mother Seed of Life 生命の種 Max HP +5 Seed of Magic 魔術の種 Map MP +10 Seed of Magic Power 魔力の種 Magic Power +3 Seed of Power 力の種 Strength +3 Seed of Protection 守りの種 Endurance +3 Seed of Quick Attack 速攻の種 attack speed is raised permanently Seed of Skill 秘技の種 Max SP +10 Seed of Speed 走りの種 Speed +3 Seed of Wisdom 精神の種 Intelligence +3 Skill Transference 技の伝承 adds 1000 SC to your total Swordsman's Book 剣豪の書 Skill book Warrior's Book 戦士の書 Skill book Whirlwind Book 疾風の書 Skill book Wiseman's Book    賢者の書 Skill book -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beastiary -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Normal Enemies-- (alphebetical order) Ancient Warrior 古代の戦士 2040 HP 172 SC 14 MC 194 Exp. 196 G Special Att.: Hyper Blaster (1040 dmg, 1 person), Heat Spiral (500 dmg, range) Angry Spirits 怨霊 670 HP 19 SC 30 MC 15 Exp. 34 G Special Att.: Power Drain (~100 dmg), Ice Prickle (~70 dmg; range) Magneid (draws party around target; range) Big Devil 大悪魔 5800 HP 270 SC 320 MC 20 Exp. 240 G Special Att.: Dezun (4500 dmg, all party), Burn Flame, Burn Stroke, Zunga Bigfoot ビッグフート 780 HP 47 SC 35 MC 29 Exp. 46 G Brain Bat ブレインバット 1480 HP 32 SC 135 MC 60 Exp. 103 G Chameleon カメレオン 780 HP 27 SC 13 MC 14 Exp. 50 G Clay Birds ハニワ鳥 1800 HP 89 SC 127 MC 72 Exp. 119 G Special Att.: Defros (-1 def.; party), Feather Needle (~500 dmg; line) Crimson Claw クリムソンクロー 1230 HP 41 SC 28 MC 31 Exp. 65 G Special Att.: Skill Seal Step (~100 dmg., seals skills; 1 char) Death Doberman デスドーベルマン 1790 HP 26 SC 115 MC 166 Exp. 106 G Speical Att.: Hues Rush, Shin Desert Diver デザートダイバー 1300 HP 58 SC 44 MC 56 Exp. 126 G Special Att.: Acid Spray (~160 dmg), Terra Break (~540 dmg) Dino Freezer ダイノフリーザー 1830 HP 122 SC 48 MC 78 Exp. 134 G Dodo Bird ドードー 230 HP 10 SC 8 MC 6 Exp. 7 G Dragon Knight 竜騎士 2130 HP 98 SC 73 MC 92 Exp. 171 G Special Att.: Stram, Electricity Ball (750 dmg) Dragonoid ドラゴノイド 960 HP 31 SC 42 MC 32 Exp. 63 G Special Att.: Flame Shot (~150 dmg) Emerald "Haniwa" エメラルドハニワ 1860 HP 192 SC 156 MC 216 Exp 271 G Special Att.: Shakia, Snowflakes (700 dmg, range), Fiora, Colde Fenni Bird フェニーバード 1570 HP 14 SC 76 MC 49 Exp. 26 G Fish Man 魚人 980 HP 40 SC 10 MC 24 Exp. 160 G Special Item: Mist Egg (Duram Cave) Flame Toad フレイムトード 940 HP 20 SC 32 MC 35 Exp. 18 G Frost Frog フロストフロッグ 400 HP 26 SC 17 MC 11 Exp. 37 G Gargoyle ガーゴイル 380 HP 54 SC 21 MC 18 Exp. 12 G Special Att.: Hues Rush (~125 dmg), Huey (wind dmg; range) Giant Potato Bug 大芋虫 630 HP 33 SC 36 MC 21 Exp. 5 G Giant Snow Crab おおやしがに 560 HP 37 SC 37 MC 36 Exp. 12 G Special Item: Earthquake Magic Stone Giga Mantis ギガマンティス 1460 HP 49 SC 16 MC 42 Exp. 53 G Hammerhead ハンマーヘッド 830 HP 48 SC 38 MC 33 Exp. 48 G Special Att.: Gigas Blade (~125 dmg) Hellhound ヘルハウンド 580 HP 22 SC 53 MC 19 Exp. 54 G Hibagon ヒバゴン 2130 HP 18 SC 4 MC 148 Exp. 117 G Immune Cell イミューンセル 1540 HP 84 SC 41 MC 64 Exp. 64 G Killer Tree キラーツリー 2310 HP 68 SC 12 MC 234 Exp. 186 G Special Att.: Napalm Fruit (810 dmg) Land Cougar ランドクーガー 1000 HP 17 SC 49 MC 25 Exp. 22 G Special Att.: Runner (move +2), Hue Slash (~170 dmg) Madra Spider マドラグモ 250 HP 15 SC 5 MC 8 Exp. 1 G Magic Stun Snake シビレマムシ 1080 HP 45 SC 47 MC 52 Exp. 47 G Mind Eater マインドイーター 2200 HP 138 SC 113 MC 361 Exp. 142 G Special Att.: Mana Capture (sucks 25 MP from single player), Raiden, Spark Spine (1000 dmg, range). Rock Snake 280 HP 24 SC 20 MC 12 Exp. 27 G Sandman サンドマン 340 HP 16 SC 15 MC 13 Exp. 25 G Special Att.: Sand Spray (~50 dmg) Scaled Fish Warrior 魚鱗の戦士 1160 HP 51 SC 33 MC 45 Exp. 93 G Special Att.: Illusion Mist Egg (~65 dmg) Skull Snail スカルスネイル 920 HP 25 SC 46 MC 30 Exp. 15 G Special Att.: Fiora (seals magic) Snow Leopard スノーレパード 4600 HP 175 SC 160 MC 150 Exp. 150 G Special Att.: Colde, Pikin, Syakia Star Mirage スターミラージュ 720 HP 39 SC 19 MC 16 Exp. 73 G Special Att.: Power Press (~110 dmg) Special Att.: Blood Sucker Pin (~270 dmg) Tarantula タランテラ 1270 HP 94 SC 43 MC 53 Exp. 45 G Special Att.: Break Net (~dmg 250, causes Sickness) Twin Ogre ツインオーガ 680 HP 52 SC 29 MC 27 Exp. 38 G Special Item: Ogre Helm Valmar Moth ヴァルマーモス 3200 HP 120 SC 100 MC 200 Exp. 80 G Vampire Tree 奪命樹 1340 HP 63 SC 51 MC 54 Exp. 70 G Special Att.: Apple Throw (~675 dmg) Venomous Rapper ベノマスラーパ 1620 HP 72 SC 52 MC 57 Exp. 56 G Warriors fm Another Dimension 異次元戦士 850 HP 59 SC 3 MC 28 Exp. 41 G Special Att.: Power Crush (~300 dmg), Air Slash (~70 dmg) Special Item: Dark Ring Wind-slasher Bugs 風きり虫 420 HP 11 SC 18 MC 5 Exp. 23 G Winged Brain ヴェインブレイン 800 HP 8 SC 65 MC 17 Exp. 72 G Special Att.: Stram (pow.lev. -2) Raiga (~100 dmg) --Bosses-- (in order of appearance) Millenia ???? HP 0 SC 0 MC 0 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: Burn, Storm (cannot be defeated) Duramataurus デュラムタウロス 4200 HP 720 SC 0 MC 210 Exp. 0 G Special Item: Adventurer's Book Beast Man 獣人 4800 HP 100 SC 0 MC 150 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: Beast Fang Slash (~300 dmg) Valmar's Tongue 8000 HP ヴァルマーの舌 Head 5000 HP 頭部 Left Hand 4000 HP 左手 Right Hand 4000 HP 右手 1200 SC 800 MC 500 Exp. 800 G Special Att.: Giant Stomp (~50 dmg), Starving Tongue (~150 dmg; party), Moonya (sleep; party) Special Item: Magician's Book Eyeball Bats 目玉コウモリ 3000 HP 225 SC 225 MC 50 Exp. 195 G Special Item: Warrior's Book Valmar's Eye 12000 HP ヴァルマーの目 Right Tentacle 6000 HP 右 Left Tentacle 6000 HP 左 1800 SC 1800 MC 800 Exp. 1200 G (SC, MC, Exp., G are for the entire battle, including the 4 Eyeball Bats) Special Att.: Shakia (~500 dmg) Special Item: Gravity Egg, Dimesion Knife, Demon Tear Valmar's Nail 14000 HP ヴァルマーの爪 Right Arm 8000 HP 右腕 Left Arm 9000 HP 左腕 2400 SC 1200 MC 1000 Exp. 2100 G Special Att.: Magneid (draws party around target; range) Tail Piercer (~450 dmg), Fiora (seals magic), Nail of Hate (~775 dmg), Hellfire Breath (~200 dmg; range) Special Item: Whirlwind Book, Mana Crest Melphis ???? HP メルフィス Sword ???? HP 剣 Multiplying Area ???? HP 増殖部位 0 SC 0 MC 0 Exp. 0 G (cannot be damaged/defeated) Special Att.: Magic Dimensional Sword (~400 dmg) Crimson Tail クリムゾンテイル 9800 HP 2400 SC 600 MC 500 Exp. 1000 G Special Att.: Phantom Echo (~470 dmg) Special Item: Soul Egg Melphis 19000 HP メルフィス Magic Sword 11000 HP 魔剣 Multiplying Area 13000 HP 増殖部位 3600 SC 1800 MC 1500 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: Magic Dimensional Sword (~1200 dmg), Magneid (draws party around target; range), Stram (pow.lev. -2), Defros (-1 def.; party), Buene, Rock Nail Slash (~1000 dmg), Wow (+1 attack), Shin (seals magic), Gragin Special Item: Magic Sword Valbork, Sword Master's Book, Shura's Soul Note: Ryudo's sword attacks are ineffective agains Magic Sword WreckGuarder 16000 HP レックガーダー Snow Leopard 4600G スノーレッパード 1600 SC 320 MC 700 Exp. 150 G Special Att.: Buster Horn (~1000 dmg) Special Item: Fusion War Axe, Pretty Necklace Naga Queen ナーガクィーン 12500 HP 0 SC 640 MC 375 Exp. 800 G Special Att.: Freeze Sight (~800 dmg, -2 speed & move) Special Item: Star Egg Tio Commander テイオ 30000 HP 4000 SC 4000 MC 900 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: Absolute Wind (~800 dmg; party), Silence (seals magic) Special Item: Army Smasher Ring Valmar's Body 28,000 HP ヴァルマーの身体 Left Tenticle 14,000 HP 左触手 Right Tenticle 14,000 HP 右触手 6000 SC 6000 MC 1600 Exp. 4000 G Special Att.: Inhale (draws the party around a target and sucks them toward boss) Poosu (~350 dmg, poison) Special Item: Angel Circle, Savior's Token Granas Holy Knights グラナス騎士 2430 HP 150 SC 0 MC 90 Exp. 200 G Valmar's Heart 20000 HP ヴァルマーの心臓 Right Eye 13000 HP 右目 Left Eye 13000 HP 左目 8000 SC 8000 SC 1800 Exp. 4500 G Special Att.: Defros, Burn (~225 dmg), Korude (move -2), Blood-Sucking Crazy Smash (~575 dmg) Special Item: Goddess High Heel, Holy Cross Egg Guardian 28000 HP 卵のカーディアン Dead Wasp 4800 HP デッドワスプ 10000 SC 10000 MC 2000 Exp. 3600 G Special Att.: Runner, Magneid, Huey, Wasp Creation (creates 4 new Dead Wasps) Special Item: Angel's Robe Valmar Fly ヴァルマーフライ 3600 HP 350 SC 0 MC 75 Exp. 125 G Special Item: Red Rum Valmar Yang ヴァルマーヤング 7200 HP 700 SC 0 MC 300 Exp. 425 G Dual Fist デュアルフィスト 19000 HP 3200 SC 0 MC 900 Exp. 1200 G Special Att.: Blizzard Rise (500 dmg) Special Item: Spirit King's War Boots Guardian ガーディアン 16000 HP 0 SC 2000 MC 1000 Exp. 1600 G Special Att.: Sparks Slice Special Item: Phoenix Rings Valmar Magna ヴァルマーマグナ 20000 HP 100 SC 600 MC 1200 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: Magna Boreing (860 dmg), Magna Ripper (750 dmg) Valmar's Core 48000 HP ヴァルマーコア Center Face 41950 HP 中顔 Left Face 34000 HP 左顔 Right Face 28000 HP 右顔 0 SC 0 MC 0 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: (Valmar's Core): Judgement Time (1700 dmg, all), Dead Claw (820 dmg), Hammer Throw (610 dmg), Banish (eliminates all bonus stats you have added to your characters) (Center Face): Light of Destruction (1400 dmg) (Left Face): Huey, Shakia, Nail of Hate (1350 dmg), Burn Strike, Grand Geo (Right Face): Mikeromamu, Pozu Millenia ミレーニア 23000 HP 6000 SC 0 MC 0 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: All the special attacks that Normal Millenia has. Special Item: Dark Angel Bow Valmar's Tongue 27000 HP ヴァルマーの舌 Head Area 9000 HP 頭部 Right Hand 18000 HP 右手 Left Hand 18000 HP 左手 8000 SC 2000 MC 6000 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: (Valmar's Tongue): Gobble (1100 dmg), Giant Bound (850 dmg, range) (Head Area): Air Bite (1000 dmg, 1 person) (Right Hand): Venom Swipe (450 dmg, poisons) (Left Hand): Burn Swipe (600 dmg) Special Item: Starlight Tiara, Indigo Secret Concoction, Blueish-Green Secret Concoction, Gold Secret Concoction Valmar's Eye 20000 HP ヴァルマーの目 Left Tentacle 20000 HP 左 Right Tentacle 20000 HP 右 Eyeball Bats 20000 HP 目玉のコウモリ 8000 SC 2000 MC 6000 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: (Valmar's Eye): Runner, Pollen Dispersment (700 dmg), Huey (Left Tentacle): Sweet Sleep Spores (540 dmg, causes sleep) (Right Tentacle): Poison Mist Spores (560 dmg) (Eyeball Bats): Delta Burst (1150 dmg) Special Item: Queen Heel, Red Rum, Bluish-green Secret Concoction, Indigo Secret Concoction Valmar's Heart 25000 HP ヴァルマーの心臓 Right Eye 16000 HP 右目 Left Eye 16000 HP 左目 8000 SC 2000 MC 6000 Exp. 0 G Note: Strong versus Electricity Special Att.: (Valmar's Heart): Blood Vessel Crazy Swipe (Right Eye): Stram, Byune (Left Eye): Stram, Pikin, Colde, Defros Special Item: Magic Angel Dress, Bluish-green Secret Concoction, Mysterious Secret Concoction Zera Valmar ゼラヴァルマー 36000 HP 0 SC 0 MC 0 Exp. 0 G Special Att.: Syakia, Dezun, Pozu, Tenrai, God's Breath (plus 1 to all battle stats) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Common Questions-- 1. Where in the hell is the drink that I have to buy Elena? - Buy from the small orange roofed vendor. There will be a blank selection (no words) at the bottom of the list. Choose it. 2. What happens during the part where you are in Ryudo's mind if you choose the wrong answer? - Nothing. The game won't let you choose the right answer. Ryudo can't proceed until he chooses no. 3. How many eggs and books are there? - There are 8 books and 8 eggs. The 7th book (Fighter's Book) is received by winning the mini-game in Malegg's town (nut collection game). You get it on the 5th time you play if you get 16 or more nuts. The 8th book (Wiseman's Book) is located in the birthplace of the gods. The 7th egg (Fairy Egg) is located in the Special Stage (Raul Hills 2nd time) next to Sairam Kingdom. The 8th egg (Dragon Egg) is located in the birthplace of the gods (same treasure chest as the Wiseman's book). 4. What is the strongest egg in the game? - The Dragon Egg has all the attack magics in it, so would be the strongest. 5. Where exactly is the chest with the Dragon Egg and Wiseman's Book? - It's in the Birthplace of the Gods dungeon on the first floor. First activate all the orbs (blue, yellow, and red) then go back up to the 1st floor and de-activate the red orb. Now you will be able to go through a door you couldn't before (in the room with the red orb, after you de-activate the orb 2 doors will close and 2 will now be open. You have to go through the door on the left if you were facing away from the entrance). Once inside the room you will see another one of the tiny light-shooting statues. You must position the mirrors so that the shot you fire bounce in to the main red orb. To do this move the mirror stand in the middle of room to it's middle setting. Move the mirror stand on the side wall to it's far position. Now fire and you should get the chest. 6. What is the best way to get SC, XP, and MC? - Wait until the end of the game and then go to the special stage. You can find an item that doubles your MC and XP. Get that and then come back and kill all the 'big devils' that you can. You probably don't have to worry about SC since you will get all of Malegg's back. Also you can buy MC and SC at the traveling merchant who is outside of the birthplace of the gods, but only after Ryudo comes out (right before you enter Valmar's body). 7. Do you get anything for playing through the game a second time? - According to rumor there are a few new items that appear in certain places. For example, rumor has it that there is a new sword on the 3rd floor of the tower with the gargoyles. There are supposed to be other items as well, but nothing that is really all that great. 8. Is Game Arts planning on releasing a Digital Museum disc like the did for Grandia 1 on the Saturn? - I haven't heard of any such plans so far but we can always hope. 9. Is Grandia II coming out on the PlayStation2? - While it might be ported over in the future (as was the case with Grandia I), expect Sega to do all that they can to keep it a Dreamcast exclusive for as long as possible --Songs-- Composed by Tokuyuki Iwadare Translated from the Japanese translation of the original Portuguese (Portuguese) (English) Cancao do povo The Song of the People Louvem! madrugada Praise! The sunrise, alma bela danca de terra The beautiful spirits, the earth dance. o sintam ! o vendaval da coragem Feel! The valiant courage of the huge wind. Transbordem! leite da terra Overflow! The milk of Mother Earth, beijo do ceu chuva do rejubilo Kiss from heaven, joyful rain. uma semete peguena desejo A tiny seed, that is grande grande grande... a large, large wish... Cultivemm, um caminho novo caminho Cultivate, the single road, the new road Festejem, Ceifem um milhao Celebrate, clear the land, de espigas as espigas do destino A million stalks of grain, the wheat of life Cantem, a nossa cancao Sing, our song Transmitam, cancao do povo Convey, the song of the people forca cordial porta da esperanca... That is the sword of warmth, the door of hope... (Portuguese) (English) A Deus God nascer do sol palavras milagre Along with the sunrise, words overflow, miracles occur. agua pura uma lagrima That is, the purest of water, a meaningful tear, peace, light, love. paz luz amor... The fruit of the field, inhale the freedom with each breath. fruto agreste respiracao liberdade The world is in harmony, the blessed wind blows. harmonia vento da bencao Everything is appreciated agradecimento... And there, before long, the storms, the doubt, and the darkness... tempestade inquietacao escuridao Change to a warm, bright day in which to celebrate. luz do sol alegria gracas a deus... God, thank you. I appreciate all of your servants. --Cast-- Ryudo Shotaro Morikubo 森久保 洋太郎 Skye Yuki Horino 堀之  紀 Elena Hiroko Konishi 小西 寛子 Millenia Miwa Yanagihara 柳原 みわ Roan Kyoko Tsuruno 恭子 鶴野 Malegg Daisuke Kyori 郷里 大輔 Tio Junko Iwao 岩男 潤子 Melphis Kazunobu Chiba 千葉 一伸 Zera Yu Saka 阪   侑 Selene Misa Watanabe 渡辺 美佐 Karupacho Tomohisa Aso 麻生 智久 Gatta Tamotsu Nishiwaki 西脇  保 Elmo Rika Komatu 小松 里賀 --Melodia Tracklist-- Those who purchased the Limited Edition Grandia II Special Package (Japanese version) got the bonus music CD/art book, Grandia II ~Melodia~. What follows is the tracklist for the audio CD, including the translated names. Note that some of the songs are from the two previous Grandia releases, Grandia (SS/PSX) and Grandia Digital Museum (SS). Composer: Tokuyuki Iwadare 1. Cancao do povo - Little Shelter MIX 6:55 2. A Deus - Challenge to the Gods MIX 4:52 3. Digital Museum RadioDrama Opening 0:19 4. Gadwin's Technique of Love 1:41 5. Gadwin's PAD 1:17 6. Baal's Diary 2:16 7. Sample the Taste 4:45 --Releases-- Title: Grandia II Special Package System: Sega Dreamcast Company: Game Arts Region: Japan Release: 08.03.2000 Format: 1 NTSC/J GD-ROM, 1 audio CD Players: 1 player Supports: Visual Memory (save; 9 blocks) Prod.Id#: T-4502M Includes: Grandia II Game (62 page full color instruction book, warrantee card, point sheet [360 points], game disc, all in an oversized jewel case), Grandia II ~Melodia~ (16 page full color art/lyric book attached to a digipak, audio CD), slipcover Audio CD: 7 tracks, 22:05 Title: Grandia II System: Sega Dreamcast Company: Ubi Soft Region: Japan Release: 08.03.2000 Format: 1 NTSC/J GD-ROM Players: 1 player Supports: Visual Memory (save; 9 blocks) Prod.Id#: T-4503M Includes: 62 page full color instruction book, spine card, warrantee card, point sheet [360 points], game disc, all in an oversized jewel case Title: Grandia II System: Sega Dreamcast Company: Game Arts Region: North America Release: Dec. 2000 Format: 1 NTSC/U/C GD-ROM Players: 1 player Supports: Visual Memory (save; 9 blocks) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outro -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Versions-- ver.0.98, September 11, 2000: Weapon, Armor, Headgear, Shoes lists completed. Japanese encoding fixed. ver.0.97, August 27, 2000: Walkthrough finished. Format slightly re-arranged. Skill list, skill book, magic lists completed. Bestiary completed. A great deal of proofreading/formatting to do yet. ver.0.90, August 10, 2000: Initial release. Still needs proofread, format checked. Skill list only covers Millenia, Magic list is in non-existance. Walkthrough up to the start of Valmar's Moon. --Legal-- This document is copyright J.T.Kauffman & Ben Judd 2000 and cannot be reproduced for profit in any form. It can be freely distributed over the internet as long it is unaltered and is only distributed on free (i.e. non-subscription) sites. If you do choose to post this document on your site, please email us to let us know. --Acknowledgments-- Thanks so much to David Crislip at Toyama University. He saved us an extra 30 hours of back-tracking by writing down key information that we needed at the time. He also has about 3 or 4 years Japanese experience and could also answer any Japanese questions that you might have. His e-mail address is: davidcrislip@hotmail.com Thanks to Weekly Famitsu and Dreamcast Magazine (Japan) for various info to check ours against. Thanks to Game Arts for making such and excellent game. Thanks to you, the import player for facing adversity and refusing to say "I can't do it" even when faced with the huge English/Japanese language barrier. Special Thanks - Ben: Thanks to my brother Jeff Judd who has offered me the calm, peaceful guidance that has kept me on the right track. --Author's Notes-- Ben Judd: First of all, let me say that I really appreciate all of you that have read this FAQ. J.T. and I worked very hard on to finish it as quickly as possible, and it helps to know that there are a couple of people out there who find it useful. I was responsible for most of the translation for the FAQ so any suggestions, beefs, or comments about the translation of some names of certain items should be addressed to me. However, please understand that I am of the "do not directly translate; translate for meaning" school of thought. Actually, the desire to play Japanese video games was one of the main reasons I began studying Japanese. I'm now at my 4th year of studying Japanese and I am so glad that I put the work and time in that I did. The original Grandia on the Saturn was the first real import RPG that I played through all the way to the end, so I was anxiously waiting for Grandia 2 to come out. At the time G1 came out I understood about 85% of the plot, but with Grandia 2 I got about 99.5%. Japanese is not an easy language but if you do, then in the end you will not only get to play games faster but you will get to play them in the way that they were meant to be played. I mean after all... I really don't envy the G2 translation team when they have to try their hand at "Hue Hue tte kanji" and "Yuki Yuki Fure Fure". No matter how good they are this game will definitely have a different feeling to it than the original Japanese version does. Thanks again for taking the time to read this FAQ, and if you get a chance e-mail me and let me know what you think about this FAQ. J.T.Kauffman: Quite possibly the most intense faq that I've ever worked on, this document represents more hours of work than I'd like to admit ;) While Ben did the majority of the playing, and all of the translation, I wrote a good deal of the actual document itself, as well as serving as the editor/formatter of the entire work. I'm very glad that Ben and I had the chance to work on this together; it really was an absolute blast. --Contact-- J.T.Kauffman Ben Judd stormwalker@hotmail.com jbill@mint.or.jp Stinger: Millenia (to Skye) "Shut up or I'll make you into fried chicken!" Since August 3, 2000 Shibata, Miyagi, Japan. ------------------------